Charging for the eyes of a sniper. Combat psychophysiology of a sniper (some tips). Abdominal Exercises

Exercises for the eyes with astigmatism cannot correct the defect of the visual apparatus and are intended to prevent subsequent complications. The essence of gymnastics with astigmatism is to relax overstrained visual muscles, which occurs as a result of the body's compensation for visual impairment. In the presence of any defects and pathologies, the visual apparatus tries to compensate for the deficiency on its own, and the load is redistributed. Thus, without correcting astigmatism with glasses or surgery, strabismus can develop. This happens because between the muscles antagonists of the eyeball (medial and lateral rectus, upper and lower rectus, oblique muscles) the load is uneven. Accordingly, one of them moves the eyeball more than the opposite.

Vision with astigmatism and the norm

Thus, exercises for astigmatism for the eyes are an additional component of treatment with a preventive purpose. Also, eye gymnastics, both in pathologies and defects of the visual apparatus, and in healthy people, can relieve tension in the muscles of the eyeball, reduce fatigue, as well as headaches caused by overstrain of the visual organs. May improve vision with continued use.


Before you start exercising for the eyes, you must first prepare. Sit comfortably in a sitting position, you can even lie down. Take care that you are not disturbed or interrupted from exercising. It is recommended to choose a well-lit place. Start the lesson in a relaxed and calm state. It is highly desirable to exercise regularly (it is better to give yourself a constant time, for example, 10 minutes of a lunch break.). Perform the workout following the instructions and recommendations.

Palming is a preliminary exercise that promotes relaxation of the muscles of the visual apparatus, proposed by William Bates. The exercise is based on closing the eyes with open palms. When the eyes are closed, the muscles are in a state of rest. And the palms on top allow you to give additional heat, which allows you to expand blood vessels, more blood enters the muscles of the eyes, and oxygen access increases.

Palming technique: sit (you can lie down) in a comfortable position. Rub your palms together, when you feel warm, you should attach your open palms with the inside to your closed eyes. In this state, sit for several minutes.

Exercise complexes

The complex for astigmatism is based on a number of exercises for the eyes: eye movement in different directions, circular movements. Also, to work with the internal eye muscles, exercises to defocus the gaze are recommended. They are pretty easy to perform. The task is to first look at a distant object, then at a nearby one. Do a few reps. If there are few objects around, then you can look at the finger that you bring closer to the nose, and then take it away as much as possible.

It is also worth paying a little attention to the muscles of the eyelids. To do this, it is recommended to close your eyes with maximum effort, and then open them. Do a few reps.

Each exercise should be done with a multiplicity of 5 to 10 times, between each approach it is recommended to blink quickly several dozen times.

Bates method

It can be used not only in cases of astigmatism. Thanks to the research of the famous scientist and ophthalmologist William Bates, a unique training system was created to restore vision. Thanks to visual training, operations and glasses can be excluded. The key to improving vision is regular exercise. William Bates suggested that vision loss occurs against a background of stress.

  1. First up is Palming. The relaxing effects are aided by the darkness as well as the warmth from the hands.
  2. After that, you can proceed to "solarization". For this exercise, you can take any light source (a candle, flashlight, light bulb or sunlight will do). It is best to exercise outdoors. It is necessary to find such a position that when turning the head in one direction, the eyes are in the light, when turning in the other direction, in the shade.
  3. You can start “blinking”, the essence lies in fast blinking. Next, we proceed to the "rotation". This movement can be performed with both open and closed eyelids, but be sure to move your eyes slowly and smoothly.
  4. Also use the exercises "triangle", "eight", "snake" vertical and horizontal, vertical and horizontal movements.

The essence of the complex remains the same. Gymnastics for the eyes is carried out in order to relax all the oculomotor muscles. Exercises are required to be performed by removing glasses. Eye movements during training should be done smoothly without sudden movements and jerks. Zhdanov recommends repeating each exercise 3-5 times, after each blink several dozen times.

Gymnastics according to Avetisov

The complex is used quite often. Based on three main groups. They are effective for adults, but especially useful for children.

  1. A group of exercises aimed at improving blood circulation and intraocular fluid circulation. These are “closing and opening of the eyelids”, “moving in a circle with closed eyelids”, “pressing on the eyeballs”.
  2. Strengthening and relaxation of muscles. Movement of the gaze “from top to bottom and from bottom to top”, “diagonally”, “circular movements”, “vertical and horizontal eight”.
  3. For accommodation. You can perform with the help of objects, one is far away, and the second is close, and look from one to another. You can use the index finger instead of a nearby object, placing it at a palm's distance from the nose. You can also put two fingers, one maximum on the outstretched hand of the other at a distance of the palm from the nose and look from one finger to the other.

Norbekov method

You must first prepare as described above. First you have to blink.

  • Next, draw the number eight with our eyes in one direction, then in the other.
  • After similarly draw the recumbent figure eight with the eyes.
  • After we visually draw a circle clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • We bring the index finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from the face. We close one eye, focus the second on the finger, then on a distant object. Then repeat the same with the other eye.

All exercises are performed five times. After the whole complex, it is recommended to sit (or lie down) with your eyes closed for five minutes and relax.

Tibetan eye exercises

It has a high popularity today.

  1. The complex begins with an exercise that is aimed at working the internal muscles of the eye. The palms are placed in front of you at a distance of 40-50 centimeters, and then they are parted and brought together. It is required to keep the palms in the field of vision as much as possible, without moving the head.
  2. The next exercise is designed to work with accommodation. Initially, the gaze focuses on the exposed hand, and then transferred to a distant object. Blink frequently for two minutes. Next, make rotational movements.
  3. All gymnastics ends with a massage of the eyelids, which is performed with gentle movements of the fingertips.

All exercises are done with a multiplicity of 5-10 repetitions.

Gymnastics for children with astigmatism

It is very important that the child likes to do gymnastics for the eyes. It is best to provide exercises in the form of a game, and print out a scheme with a training complex for the eyes with your favorite cartoon characters.

The principle of performing exercises is the same as for adults. First, preparation, after gymnastics for the eyes and relaxation. It is important to exercise regularly.

  • "Butterfly". The child is invited to blink, imagining the eyelids as butterfly wings.
  • "Funny Hours" Children need to imagine that their eyes are the hands of a clock and ask to show the time. Thus, they move up, down, right, left.
  • "Zhmurki". You need to close your eyes, this exercise can be done in the form of a game of hide and seek.
  • "Traffic light for trains". You need to play at the traffic light, closing your right eye, then your left eye.
  • "Peepers". It is necessary to look as long as possible without blinking.
  • "Far close". Look for different objects that are at different distances.
  • "Massage". It is recommended to carry out at the end of the workout. You can invite the child to stroke his eyelids, eye sockets, cheekbones and eyebrows. And say to yourself at the same time, “Thank you for a well-executed exercise.”


In case of retinal detachment, it is not recommended to do gymnastics due to the fact that with the wrong selection of exercises or their incorrect execution, the condition can worsen up to loss of vision.

It is forbidden to perform training after surgery for six months.

In case of myopia greater than -4, a set of exercises according to Zhdanov should be performed with extreme caution. In the best case, you should consult with a specialist.

About six years ago I met a man, and later we became friends. Then I had not yet studied the question "What to do when my eyes hurt."

Gymnastics for the eyes and the army, what's the connection? In the aftermath it turned out that he served as a sniper in the armies. And in one of the conversations, he shared the gymnastics for the eyes that they were taught in the armies to improve their eyesight.

Gymnastics for the eyes video!

Gymnastics is for the eyes! Gymnastics for the eyes is very simple and I think many people know it. Its benefits are very good and important for our eyes. Gymnastics helps to train the eye muscles of the eyes, thereby improving their work. It is useful for people who have farsightedness or nearsightedness, especially for those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor.

Gymnastics for the eyes is done in this way.

1. First you need to relax your eyes, do palming for 4-5 minutes.

2. Then you need to improve blood circulation in the eyes, for this we close our eyes tightly and then open our eyes wide, do 5-6 times.

3. And now you need to look from a nearby object to an object that is in the distance. And we do up to 10 times.

This gymnastics for the eyes is done in any convenient place on the bus, trolleybus, in traffic, at the computer. Start to train your eyes gradually doing at the beginning several times 2-3 times. Over time, adding the number of repetitions.

It is especially important for those who have sore eyes, first of all, you need to seek help from an ophthalmologist and consult with him.

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Exercises to restore vision are a set of gymnastics that must be performed in the morning (and, if possible, in the evening). Often, nothing superfluous is required to perform such exercises, no additional preparations are needed, therefore, wherever a person is (at work, at home, on a business trip), he can always perform this exercise for the eyes.

Everyone can make up a set of exercises for the eyes for himself, but you can also easily use ready-made ones. It is advisable to check your eyesight before performing the selected complex, so that at the end of the workout you can fix the changes that have taken place and see the tendency to restore vision.

In the morning, you can devote time to:

  1. Gymnastics for the eyes.
  2. Palming.
  3. Work with a table for checking vision.

In the evening before going to bed, you can do the same thing, but adding another sniper technique.

As noted above, if a person has time during the daytime, then gymnastics for the eyes can also be performed during the day. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. The patient should be guided by his inner feelings and monitor his well-being.

The eyes should not get tired, there is no need to strain them once again, otherwise, instead of improving, you can simply get a complication. Each of the points of the complex of exercises must be considered in more detail.

Gymnastics for the eyes consists of a complex of various movements. The purpose of this gymnastics is aimed at improving blood circulation and metabolism. In addition, this exercise allows you to train the muscles of the eyes, keeping them in good shape, contributing to the best focus or relaxation if necessary. Such gymnastics for the eyes should be done without tension, lightness is important here.

  • up and down movements;
  • exercise "Butterfly" (light stroke of eyelashes);
  • movements left and right;
  • light sweep of the eyelashes;
  • movement in the corners from top to bottom, moving diagonally from left to right;
  • light sweep of the eyelashes;
  • movement in the corners from top to bottom, moving diagonally from right to left;
  • light sweep of the eyelashes;
  • movement counterclockwise along the trajectory of the square;
  • light sweep of the eyelashes;
  • clockwise movement along the trajectory of the square;
  • light sweep of the eyelashes;
  • movement counterclockwise along the trajectory of the circle;
  • light sweep of the eyelashes;
  • clockwise movement along the trajectory of the circle;
  • light sweep of the eyelashes;
  • snake movement to the right and left;
  • light flutter of eyelashes.

This set of exercises for the eyes is performed first once, then you can increase the number of repetitions. After the first time, many note an uncomfortable condition of the eyes. Doctors say that it is the muscles of the eye that hurt, there is nothing to worry about here. The technique for performing these exercises is quite simple to perform them at home.

1 exercise from the picture, after each exercise - relaxation of the muscles of the eye (normal blinking) According to the Bates system, the cause of visual impairment is an effort to see an object.

You need to blink not only often, but also very gently, easily, without straining, without squinting, as if the wings of a butterfly. It is enough to do the butterfly exercise for a few seconds. It can be done periodically throughout the day, because.


For simplicity and in order not to forget what exercise to do, it is better to draw up a schedule according to which to carry out all the procedures to improve and restore vision.

This exercise is aimed at restoring vision and relaxing the eye muscles. A butterfly is called the simplest blink. It is believed that increased effort to see this or that object leads to the fact that vision deteriorates.

A simple exercise, consisting of blinking, can improve vision. This exercise is not without reason received such a beautiful name. Blinking should not just be frequent, it should be performed with the ease of a flap of a butterfly's wing (light, gentle, soft).

During the exercise, you do not need to squint. The result can be obtained after performing the exercise in just a couple of seconds. This exercise can be done continuously. It is also important to note the fact that blinking not only allows you to relax your eyes, but also causes the process of wetting the cornea, which is a very useful property.

Using a similar set of exercises, you can achieve a good result. The main thing is not to forget about the timeliness, frequency of these exercises. You can perform such gymnastics without the recommendation and advice of a doctor.

Its implementation does not require additional equipment and materials, it does not take long to set up. They can be performed at any convenient time. They do not need to spend a lot of time, effort, patience, money.

Combat psychophysiology is the science of attracting unclaimed potential reserves of the human body for a sharp increase in the effectiveness of combat activity. The sniper must have sharpened vision and hearing, an increased level of observation and a kind of "animal instinct" that allows him to predict the enemy's movements, his behavior, movements and tactical plans.

Observation is the same natural psycho-physiological ability to perceive information as vision, hearing, smell. It can and should be developed, and there are no limits to the improvement of this development.

Observation training is carried out by very simple methods.

The instructor puts several items on the table: cartridges from various weapons, buttons, insignia, camouflage patches, stones, cigarettes of various varieties and, of course, a compass. The cadet is allowed to look at all this for several seconds, then the composition is covered with a tarpaulin and the cadet is offered to list everything presented on it.

An unwarned cadet lists, at best, half of what he saw. The instructor needs to be corrected. “You didn’t say what kind of weapon the cartridges were from and how many of them, how many stones, what sizes and what origin they were, how many cigarettes and what sorts they were, how many spots were on the camouflage, and you didn’t list what kind of insignia they were.” For slow-wittedness and negligence, the cadet receives an outfit out of turn. Further training progresses a little more progressively. Show times are reduced. The number of items and their range are subject to change. When the cadet begins to accurately describe everything that is shown to him, the classes are transferred to nature.

At a distance of 100 meters, the cadet is allowed to look at the landscape with the naked eye, then he turns his back and the assistant (the same cadet) makes minor changes near the target field. The cadet is turned to face the targets, and he receives a command to tell about the changes that have taken place there. Gradually, training distances increase to 300 meters. At this distance, the sniper should detect with the naked eye changes in the position of objects - broken branches, trampled grass, swaying bushes, cigarette smoke, the appearance and disappearance of small objects (the size of a tin can). It is with the naked eye, because in the process of such training, vision is noticeably sharpened. Then the cadets alternately equip camouflaged positions and, again, with the naked eye, at the same distances up to 300 meters, they train in detecting signs of these positions (compressed grass, cleared areas of fire, shaded places on the edge of the forest, etc.). Then the same thing is done in motion by car - the cadets determine at a distance places suitable for setting up sniper ambushes by the enemy according to the landscape of the area. It is difficult to overestimate the snipers trained in this way in mobile actions - in the head marching outpost, when escorting columns, in a reconnaissance sabotage or search and jaeger group. The one who equipped such positions in training will be able to predict the places of their setting in combat conditions. This is quite real - a person who is waiting for an attack on the move has a very aggravated susceptibility.

During the trainings described above, the psychophysiological method of mobilizing the reserve of a living organism, known to practical physicians, is used. In daily activities, a person needs to constantly receive some amount of vital everyday information. It is known that in deaf people who do not receive part of everyday operational information, this loss is compensated by an increased development of visual observation. Therefore, a knowledgeable instructor will force the cadet to tightly plug his ears when he is strictly required to complete the training task of identifying a target at distances of 300 meters or more. At the same time, the results are noticeably progressing, and vision is noticeably sharpened.

To develop visual observation in the old days, snipers were forced to watch ... construction workers for hours. In this case, the observer had to be at such a distance that the wind carried fragments of colloquial speech. The content of the conversation had to be guessed from the articulation of the lips of the speakers and from their gestures. This colossally developed the so-called audiovisual observation and allowed the sniper to study the patterns of human behavior and the system of his movements in a confined space. It was a kind of study of human habits. The observer himself, in a training manner, had to determine how and where this or that builder disappeared in the labyrinth of a building under construction, where, in what place, from what angle and after what period of time he should appear. As floor after floor grew, the architecture of the building appeared before the observer "in a section" and it became easier and easier for the observer to predict the movements of possible targets. Then the classes were transferred to the field, to large-scale military exercises. A camouflaged sniper, close to the positions of a mock enemy, observed the life of his trenches, dugouts, and communications. At the same time, snipers learned to intuitively “turn on” the target and sense its appearance in advance in some open and unprotected place. When approaching such a place, the enemy still did not assume anything, and the sniper already kept this place on sight with the trigger previously “squeezed out”. Trained observation allowed the sniper to determine at the slightest sign that the target was entering a dangerous place, and to squeeze the descent even before it appeared there. As a result, the fascist, who moved a little from the shelter, immediately received a bullet in the head. Such things were taught in the special courses of the NKVD before the war. During the war, snipers learned such combat foresight right on the positions. There was no need to teach such things to snipers recruited from Siberian shooters and eastern peoples - Nanais, Nivkhs, Yakuts, who felt nature and at a distance felt changes in it, there was no need to teach such things - they knew how to do it from childhood. At the front, they kept a note of all artificial depressions in the parapets of the enemy defenses, knowing that it was there that sooner or later someone would have to lean out to see what was being done on the front line. And who leaned out, received a bullet in the forehead.

A more or less trained sniper always strives to catch the moment when the enemy, crawling like a bellows in shallow terrain, raises his head. Sooner or later he must pick it up to look around. After a sniper shot, the one who raised his head lowered it once and for all. Knowledgeable and trained snipers who have learned to feel the nature, the slightest changes in it and the slightest, even the most insignificant falseness in the landscape, will always calculate the open or closed position of the sniper. Moreover, they will figure out in their minds exactly where it is more convenient, profitable and discreet for the enemy to place an open sniper position, which does not take much time to equip or occupy. A knowledgeable sniper will always determine from what position, at what time of day, in what light and position of the sun, the enemy will shoot. And a knowledgeable sniper will expect at this time that it is at this position that the enemy will raise his head for a shot. And with the beginning of this ascent, the sniper will squeeze the descent so that the "raised forehead", a colleague from the other side, "caught" a sniper bullet. And in no case will a knowledgeable sniper be curious about the results of his shot - he bit and disappeared. So it will be more reliable. If the enemy is killed, intelligence will report about it. If not killed, then he will manifest.

After the proper level of observation has been developed, the sniper must "open his ears" and train his hearing. On the battlefield, especially in ambushes at night and in operational search, a sniper must not only see well, but also hear well.

Hearing develops very well during night work, and in extreme conditions at night it develops even faster.

From time immemorial, there has been a very simple and affordable way to train your hearing using a wrist or pocket watch. Lie on your back and put the watch at arm's length from you. Try to hear the mechanism work. Gradually move the clock away from you. Having clearly caught the sounds of a running clock, count their strokes up to a hundred - this trains operational attention. If you do not hear them when you move the clock back again, do not strain your hearing - sharpen your "auditory attention", and you will soon hear them. There is a direct physiological connection between heightened attention and hearing acuity. Remember! Hearing works with full dedication when a person is in a calm state. An angry and enraged person hears very badly.

Start training your hearing at night, when it is sharper in itself, in a physiological way, and gradually move on to daytime training.

A person hears better when the area is illuminated, even if it is weak and dim. Green color also makes hearing sharper. This is the nature of the nervous system.

Lying on the back worsen the sound orientation, and lying on the stomach, on the contrary, improve. To improve hearing, a pressing massage of the auricles is performed. It is performed as follows: clench your hands into fists and slowly press the backs of your fists on the ears and quickly release. It is important that air passes through the knuckles and there is no "smack" in the ears. Do 10-15 such pressures, and you will feel that your ears have noticeably “cleared up”.

Despite trained vision and hearing, scouts and snipers always use additional techniques to improve visual acuity and hearing. It is known that sugar and glucose are energy substances necessary for the functioning of the heart, brain and nervous system as a whole, and, consequently, the sense organs.

A piece of sugar placed under the tongue significantly increases the efficiency of night vision and hearing. Their sharpness is increased by chewing sweet and sour tablets.

Of the simple and affordable means, chewing a pinch of tea with a pinch of sugar is used in practice (but do not swallow it right away!). Theine contained in tea has a tonic effect, and sugar is an energy material for the brain. This method causes a significant increase in the sensitivity of vision at night and reduces the time of adaptation in the dark from 30-40 to 5-7 minutes. When chewing sweet tea, the energy potential of a person sharply increases compared to his usual state. The same effect is achieved by the simplest procedural technique - wiping the forehead, temples, neck with cold water.

Night vision is enhanced when sitting. No one knows why this happens, but this method is effective and proven.

Purposeful attention increases night vision and hearing by 1.5-2 times.

The eye is the main working body of the sniper. In shooting sports, it is allowed to shoot with glasses from all types of sporting weapons. Brutal combat practice places increased demands on the shooter, and therefore the sniper's vision must be impeccable.

To sharpen his vision, a sniper needs a diet, namely, vitamin A, the source of which is carrots, but it must be eaten with something fatty - with any butter or sour cream, because carotene (provitamin A) contained in carrots, from which the vitamin itself is synthesized, fat-soluble and in a fatty environment is absorbed much better.

The author still remembers the times when special forces snipers were strictly forbidden to read while lying down and watch TV - from an hour of reading on the back and one and a half to two hours of watching TV, vision noticeably deteriorates for three days.

As already mentioned, a conventional optical sight makes it possible to see the target in poor lighting conditions, that is, at dawn, in rain, fog, dusk and even a little in the dark.

In a combat situation, a sniper often has to work in such conditions, and for the shooter's eyesight this has its own characteristics.

When visibility deteriorates (twilight, rain, etc.), one should not focus on the target in the desire to see it better, while excessive tension of the aiming eye occurs and the nervous system is depleted due to general tension. Tension of the nervous system leads to reflex uncontrolled tension of almost all the muscles of the shooter , even those that are not usually involved in the shot process. The pulse rises reflexively, and all this leads to a decrease in the stability of the weapon. If you need to shoot at dusk and the target looks like a gray, half-blurred, shapeless silhouette, there is no need to shoot it strictly at the bridge of the nose - aim somewhere in the middle of the target’s silhouette, focusing your eyesight on the aiming element - the tip of a stump or aiming square. At the same time, your eyesight is not strained and, accordingly, body is not stressed.

Remember! Usually, when working with an optical sight, the shooter does not notice a deterioration in visibility until it has decreased to a significant level. Looking into the sight, the shooter is sure that he sees normally, and involuntarily strains his eyesight with the above-described consequences, trying to see the target better After the shot, even with normal visual load, visual acuity is restored 4-5 times longer than the time spent on the shot.

In case of visual fatigue that occurs after a shot in the dark or at dusk, you need to "rest with your eyes" until visual acuity is fully restored and unpleasant sensations in the eyes disappear. Otherwise, the vision can be simply "rip off".

At night, you should not peer into the darkness for a long time, so as not to tire your eyesight. It is recommended to periodically close your eyes for 5-10 seconds. Such a short rest will help get rid of fatigue.

When working at night, it may be necessary to look at a map, at some document, or simply shine a light near you. To do this, use only red light with a narrow beam, covering the aiming eye with your hand so as not to disturb its accommodation. alt At night, do not look at the flashes of signal and lighting rockets. Look not at the rocket, but at what is under it, in the field of its illumination. One beautiful rocket that you admire while it burns will be enough to reduce your ability to see clearly for half an hour. If you need to look at something luminous, take a button and look through its holes, closing your aiming eye. Never look at a fire at night - you still won't see those who are behind it. Cover your eye from the flame with your hand and look around the periphery of the illuminated place, then you will see what will be there.

Try to “place” the target immediately, which has arisen during the flash of a rocket or under other illumination, because a competent target, after its illumination, will immediately try to disappear from the field of view.

With an optical sight, you can "see a little" in the dark, and if you develop the sharpness of the so-called "night vision", then you can see even more with the sight. Night vision is not a supernatural phenomenon, but a normal function of the body, inherited from our distant ancestors and remaining in an unclaimed state of dormant atavism. For snipers and scouts of the last war, night vision was an everyday tool for current combat work.

To awaken and develop night vision, look at the stars at night more often. After looking at them for ten minutes without stopping, you state that there seem to be more of them. This aggravated and "tuned" night vision.

Excessive "gazing" into observation devices significantly reduces visual acuity. Therefore, when working in a sniper pair, the sniper "rests with his eyes", and his partner constantly monitors the periscope or stereotube, determines the distance to the targets and performs ballistic calculations.

In the dark, try to enrich the brain with oxygen and take 10-12 deep breaths per minute with your nose for 4-5 minutes. This sharpens the sharpness of night vision and hearing. For the same purpose, you can make chewing movements that increase cerebral circulation. The same effect is achieved by using a 0.1% solution of atropine. Put a piece of sugar under your tongue and let it gradually dissolve there. Keep it in your mouth longer and do not swallow immediately. Night vision and hearing are aggravated at the same time by one and a half times.

A sniper who is in a sniper ambush must listen not only to the atmosphere, but also to the ground. Sounds from steps, movement of equipment, dropping loads, trenching, and in some cases even human speech are well transmitted in the ground. A sniper, forced to be tied to a rifle and visually control the situation, can listen to the ground in two practical ways: stick a small shovel into the ground and listen with his ear pressed to the handle, or bury a bottle or flask half-filled with water into the ground, into the neck of which through insert the rubber tube into the hole in the plug. Insert the other end of the tube into your ear and listen.

Remember! Snipers can't smoke! Nicotine "clamps" blood vessels, reduces visual acuity and increases pulsation. After one cigarette smoked for 2-3 hours, the quality of sniper shooting deteriorates by 15-20%. In addition, constant smoking reduces overall sensitivity and susceptibility.

The sniper has no right to be angry. Anger is good in a direct attack, but in accurate shooting it only brings harm. Anger increases the pulsation and thus noticeably worsens the quality of shooting. The sniper has no right to negative emotions at all. Fear "de-energizes" the shooter and deprives him of nervous and physical energy, and excitement causes increased "jitters". Therefore, professional snipers gradually wean themselves to worry, get angry and worry in general, introducing themselves into a state of "combat indifference". It ends with complete immunity to stressful situations. And so the sniper shoots at a live target in the same way as at a paper target, without experiencing any emotions. The composure of snipers borders on indifference.

Cases have been repeatedly noted when snipers of reconnaissance and sabotage groups fell asleep in aircraft before parachute landing, and woke them up immediately before being thrown out.

The best sport to encourage shooting is swimming, preferably at a slow pace over long distances. Swimming very well develops the muscle groups necessary for shooting, effectively and quickly "sets shooting breathing". As already known, the quality of breathing when shooting is difficult to overestimate. Very useful are dumbbell gymnastics and training of the vestibular apparatus in any way possible.

Running, cross-country, stayer jerks, karate classes negatively affect accurate rifle shooting. And therefore, if a sniper works in a reconnaissance and sabotage group, where everything is based on the speed of movement, it is preferable for him to move with a quick athletic step, and in hand-to-hand combat, work not with his fists, but with a silent pistol, since they have done enough for the Russian army.

Women shoot better than men. It's not even that they don't drink or smoke. Psychophysiologically, women are much more adapted to work in extreme conditions than men. The threshold of patience for women is higher than for men. The physiological endurance and adaptability of the female body is not comparable in efficiency to the male one. Women have more acute perception systems, in particular, increased potential for night vision, hearing and smell. Their combat intuition, originally laid down by nature, instantly works. Women are incredibly observant.

A woman, psychologically prepared in advance for the conduct of hostilities, does not experience a feeling of confusion on the battlefield. When fulfilling the assigned combat mission, women work (namely work) in a collected, purposeful and ruthless manner. Combat work is carried out clearly, diligently and accurately. Military women are very clear about the fulfillment of official instructions, not deviating from them even a step. Women treat the process of sniper shooting very carefully and carefully, just like following a constant instruction, so they are more trained in shooting than men. The process of disguise women are creative, with incredible ingenuity, this process is very organic for them. The performance of a female sniper will always be higher than that of a male sniper. In combat practice, women are more careful, when injured, they are more tenacious.

Taking into account these features, in the middle of 1943, the Central Women's School of Snipers was formed in Moscow. In two years, more than 1,800 female snipers were trained, who by the end of the war destroyed, according to the most rough estimates, more than 18,000 Germans, that is, one German division of the full front line.

A. A. Potapov's book The Art of the Sniper.

A modern person works and "rests" behind a computer monitor, tablet or smartphone. In view of this, the number of people suffering from reduced visual acuity has increased by almost three times! And this is a big problem for the population. To improve the functionality of the visual system, it is not at all necessary to constantly wear glasses or lenses. To do this, you just need to perform simple exercises several times a day to restore vision. Which? There are just so many of them. But now we will consider only the most effective exercises that will help you quickly get your visual apparatus working.

This set of exercises to restore vision helps eliminate fatigue and normalize ocular circulation. It is very easy to perform. At first, each exercise can be repeated 1 time, then this number must be gradually increased. After each exercise, you should do a slight sweep of the eyelashes up.

  • make smooth eye movements up / down;
  • move your eyeballs to the left / right also smoothly;
  • move your eyes diagonally from left to right;
  • perform the same movement, only in the direction from right to left;
  • “draw” circles with your eyes in a clockwise direction;
  • “draw” a square in the air with your eyes in a clockwise direction;
  • the same counterclockwise;
  • “draw” a figure eight in the air with your eyes.

Such exercises for the complete restoration of vision should be performed regularly, preferably at least 2 times a day. If you have been working at a computer for a long time, then this gymnastics should be done every hour.

"Palming" - the best exercise to restore the visual apparatus

Palming is an exercise aimed at relaxing the muscles. It perfectly eliminates dryness, redness and fatigue after prolonged work at the computer. To perform it, you first need to remove glasses or optical lenses. In general, as doctors say, in order to restore vision, you should try to do without them more often. Wearing optical devices contributes to a strong tension of the eye muscles and even more disruption of the functionality of the visual system.

To do the palming exercise, you need to find a quiet and peaceful place where you can completely relax. Take a comfortable position (sit, leaning on the back of a chair, or lie down). After that, start rubbing your palms against each other so that they warm up well. Next, fold them cross over and attach to your closed eyes. They should not touch the face, but at the same time completely block the light.

In this position, you need to be at least 5 minutes. Then remove your hands from your face and slowly open your eyes. After doing this exercise, you will immediately notice relief. Your eyes will become fresh, as if you just woke up.

If we compare all the exercises performed to restore vision at home, then the most effective is the work with the table. Without it, it is difficult to restore the functionality of the visual system without surgery.

The table is a special device that allows you to track the dynamics of improving the visual apparatus. You can buy it both in finished form, and make it yourself, for example, by downloading it on the Internet and printing it out at home.

The table must be placed in a room where there is good illumination. It should be viewed from different distances. When performing this exercise, it is very important to subjectively evaluate your results.

You need to check the operation of the visual apparatus as follows: first, close, covering one eye with a thick piece of paper, then gradually moving away from the table. Do the same with the other eye. Next, remove the piece of paper and check two eyes at once. Every reading must be recorded. This will allow you to assess the dynamics of vision recovery. This exercise should be done every day.

Sniper drills

Sniper drills to restore vision help develop focus. To complete them, you do not need to use any equipment. You can easily replace it with your own finger.

So, first you need to bring your finger close to your nose. It should be fixed at a distance where your eyes can clearly see it, without distorting your vision. After that, you should gradually take your finger away from your nose, without taking your eyes off it. Then, it should be smoothly returned to its original position. As a result of performing such an exercise to restore vision, there is a complete relaxation of the eye muscles.

After the first exercise is completed, the finger is also brought to the nose, the gaze is fixed on it for 3-5 seconds, and then it is sharply taken to the side. Then again focus it on the finger.

Butterfly exercise

Almost all exercises for restoring binocular vision include ordinary blinking. They should be done smoothly and naturally, without overstraining the eye muscles. You need to blink often and for a long time.

Such an exercise will help relieve tension, eliminate pain and dryness in the eyes, normalize blood circulation and outflow of intraocular fluid. If you do it regularly, then in just a few weeks you will be able to notice improvements.

Combine these vision-recovery exercises with proper nutrition to ensure your body gets everything it needs. After all, they are needed not only to maintain the immune system, but also for the normal operation of the visual apparatus.

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