Does chess improve memory? "What does playing chess give a child?"

Chess is a game with an ancient history. It is a popular sport that millions of people all over the world are fond of, and it is also a brain simulator that increases intellectual abilities.

The benefits of playing chess are multifaceted - this has been noted by prominent figures for many centuries. Politicians, philosophers and scientists played chess, writers, artists and musicians were fond of them. In the process of playing chess, the right and left hemispheres of the brain simultaneously work, and the main benefit of chess lies in the harmonious development of which.

During the game, there is an active development of both logical and abstract thinking. The work includes the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the logical component, the construction of sequential chains. No less significant is the work of the right hemisphere, which is responsible for modeling and creating possible situations. Mnemic processes are heavily used in chess: the player uses long-term and working memory using visual, digital and color information.

The ability to predict and predict events, the desire to calculate the possible options and outcomes of the game, the ability to make prompt decisions and make decisive moves are the main skills that a chess player acquires.

Impact on children

The benefits of playing chess for children are undeniable. Starting to get involved at an early age, the child receives a powerful impetus for development, both intellectually and personally. The child actively develops thinking, the ability to concentrate and memory improves, emotional stability, strong will, determination and the desire to win are formed. Defeats teach him to endure a loss, to be self-critical and to analyze his actions, extracting the necessary experience.

Harm of chess

Being carried away by the game, a person begins to lead a sedentary lifestyle, because the game sometimes lasts several hours. It requires concentration, perseverance and extremely accurate calculation of each step. People with a weak nervous system have a hard time losing, without demonstrating it outwardly, they become discouraged. Lesions can lead to the development of apathy and depression. Children who are fond of chess focus on the game, spending their free time reading chess books, tournaments and training, and forget about physical development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system. No wonder there is a stereotype that a chess player is a thin bespectacled man with a chessboard under his arm, unable to respond to physical attacks and defend himself.

In 1798, Benjamin Franklin said, "Just as the cutting of a diamond turns it into a diamond, the practice of chess opens up the brain." This fascinating game with an ancient history, which today is considered a sport, is addicted to millions of people in all corners of the planet. We decided to remind parents about how learning this game affects the intelligence and character of children.

A way to distract from the computer (TV)

Recently, doctors, teachers, and parents have been sounding the alarm. Children stop playing in the yard - they don’t play catch-up or “Cossack robbers”, girls don’t jump rope or the recently popular rubber bands. Why are so many games and entertainments forgotten, because of which earlier children could not be called home, even to have dinner? Today, all their free time is taken away by computer games or "communication" in social networks.

Smart parents, in an effort to raise an independent and successful person from their child, try to limit the time spent by the child at the computer. And for this, they try to fill their free time with classes in sports sections, they take them to a music or art school. Another great way to avoid Internet addiction is to teach a child to play chess. This game gives children a lot of joy, at the same time it has a huge impact on their mental and mental development.

Development of logic and spatial imagination

First of all, chess is an excellent simulator for the brain, significantly increasing its intellectual abilities. During the game, simultaneous and synchronous work of two hemispheres of the brain takes place at once, due to which there is an active development of both logical and abstract thinking.

Thanks to chess, the left hemisphere of the brain is included in the work, which is responsible for the logical component, the construction of competent and consistent chains. Please note: there are no logic lessons in schools, and playing chess from the very first days of acquaintance with them teaches children to think and reason logically.

No less significant is the work of the right hemisphere, which is responsible for modeling and creating possible situations, which affects the development of spatial imagination. The ability to foresee and predict events, the desire to calculate all possible options and outcomes of the game, the ability to make prompt decisions and make significant decisive moves - these are the main skills that a chess player acquires.

Memory and concentration training

While playing chess, the child develops perseverance, as he focuses on one process. It is especially important to teach chess to hyperactive children who can hardly sit still for five minutes. They become calmer, more balanced.

Mnemic processes are also heavily used in chess, since the player uses both long-term and working memory, while using visual, digital, color stimulus information. It has been experimentally confirmed that in children playing chess, the speed of intellectual reaction becomes higher. They improve school performance, especially in the exact sciences.

These facts are taken into account by educators around the world. In some countries, chess is even a compulsory school subject (Spain, Germany, China, Mexico, Lima, Japan), and somewhere they are just beginning to be actively introduced in the field of children's education and upbringing (USA, Canada, Hungary and some other European powers) .

Teaching independence and responsibility

The child learns to think independently and logically make decisions. Even seemingly simple decisions (which figure to make a move) teach children to be independent and responsible. They develop general action planning skills that are necessary already at preschool age so that children learn how to properly plan their time, think strategically and achieve goals.

Alas, many of us often only belatedly recall the saying "measure seven times, cut once." But chess will teach children not to make hasty decisions, because they are often erroneous. Statistical analysis proves that many outstanding specialists, scientists and leaders of a large state scale grow out of the number of people who know how to play chess.

Creative expression

One of the most important qualities of chess is that it can become a school of creativity for children, a kind of way out of loneliness and active leisure, which allows you to quench your thirst for communication and self-expression. Playing with an opponent, the child gradually begins to play with himself - and comes to the conclusion that it is much more effective to model situations and the consequences of moves in the mind than to experience them directly in practice. Thus, the brain gradually begins to work not only to memorize and reproduce information, but also to search for original ideas and non-standard solutions to achieve the desired result.

character building

Starting to get involved in chess games at an early age, the child receives a powerful impetus for development - both intellectually and personally. Chess helps to get rid of shyness: children who start playing “quiet” and are afraid to say an extra word quickly open up: they become sociable, show perseverance and purposefulness.

Thanks to its sports component, chess tempers a fighting character: a child develops such traits as emotional stability, strong will, determination, the desire to win and the desire to win. At the same time, the defeats that inevitably befall any player teach him to endure the loss steadfastly and with dignity, seeing it as a new opportunity for development, to be self-critical and analyze his own actions, extracting the necessary and valuable experience.

“The horse walks with the letter “G!” – perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to chess. But this ancient wise game can become not only an exciting pastime for long winter evenings, but also - do not be surprised - help in raising children. Enroll your child in the chess section, and he will surely surprise you. Even if he does not become an international grandmaster, there will be enough reasons for pride!

Chess: history and modernity

Chess itself is interesting because it combines elements of the game, art and sport. Chess is at least one and a half thousand years old. According to the most common version, chess, or rather the progenitor game, appeared in India, and then through the countries of Southeast Asia and the Arab East came to Europe and Africa. The standard rules of the modern game appeared in the 19th century with the beginning of systematic international tournaments.

The world has been playing chess for centuries. Among the fans of chess were the writer Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, and the chemist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, and the artist Arkhip Kuindzhi, and the musician Ray Charles. Your child will be curious to know that our contemporaries are fond of chess - for example, Arnold Schwarzenegger, a symbol of masculinity and strength.

What are the benefits of chess for child development

So, it's cold outside, the child spends much less time on the street, and does not leave the computer at home? Let's go to the chess section! Here are some problems and tasks that chess will help to solve:

  1. Development of perseverance and concentration. Chess is a board game and assumes that the child will devote some time to a quiet activity. He will need to learn a lot of new information: the location of the pieces on the board and the rules of the game, many options and combinations of moves. At the same time, the child will not be bored: he will at least have a playmate and a mentor. In a small company, in the process of communication, the child will more easily learn to focus on learning something new and solve specific problems without jumping up and without being distracted.
  2. “Think first, then do” attitude. Chess will teach your child to think about their move before making it. He will better understand that his act, like a move in a chess game, will lead to certain consequences. This will work much more effectively than teachings like: “Think before you act!” Realizing that wrong steps can sometimes fatally change the situation on the chessboard and the course of the game as a whole, the child will gradually begin to use this model of behavior in life. Help him - lead him to the idea that before doing something, it is necessary to analyze the situation, not to rush to act.
  3. Reaction speed training. The paradox of chess is that the situation on the board sometimes changes rapidly and requires quick and decisive action. Chess will teach a child to react faster to changing conditions and circumstances, to act more decisively.
  4. Developing the ability to deal with a situation of failure. Often in the course of a chess game, players have to sacrifice less significant pieces in order to save more significant ones. It is very important to focus the attention of a small player on this: using a visual example of the game, it will be easier for him to understand that there are main and secondary things in life, that for the sake of something big and very important, you sometimes have to give up something desirable, but not so significant. Draw analogies with chess, and the child will see the situation of a necessary refusal in a slightly different light and perceive it less painfully.
  5. The development of the "internal clock" and the ability to navigate in time. Time control has been used in chess games since the 19th century. The need to take into account the time to think about a move, make a decision and act will give the child a clearer understanding of time limits. It will become easier for him to determine how long this or that business will take him. This will greatly simplify the observance of the daily routine, make the child more organized, collected.
  6. Training memorization and use of accumulated information. Chess perfectly trains memory and develops attention. This is not only memorizing the options and schemes of the game, but also putting them into practice. Thus, chess will not only help the child learn to keep many details in his field of attention at the same time, but will also teach you how to quickly “extract” and use the knowledge gained before.
  7. Development of thinking and logic. Chess, no doubt, develops logical thinking. During the game, a little chess player will have to analyze the situation on the board more than once and draw conclusions. Over time, he will complicate the task for himself: he will try to look at the course of the game through the eyes of an opponent, to calculate his possible response moves. Such a logical analysis is doubly useful, as it is subject to immediate practical verification. In turn, this encourages the child to analyze their mistakes. Agree, such skills will be useful to him more than once both at school and in adulthood.
  8. Increase self-esteem. Children often experience self-esteem issues for a variety of reasons. Relationships with parents, teachers, peers are far from always cloudless, and academic success is fickle. Sometimes a child may think of himself worse than he deserves, overdramatize quarrels with friends, assessments and comments of teachers, criticism of parents. The kid can withdraw, or, conversely, show ostentatious aggression. Often, children with low self-esteem grow insecure, afraid to dream and make plans for the future, consider themselves unworthy of the love of their parents and the respect of friends. Without extolling or overpraising your beloved child, nevertheless let him understand that “chess is a game of smart ones”, that if he is inferior to his friends, for example, in physical strength or dexterity, then perhaps he surpasses them in the speed of analysis and assessment of the situation. Gently and in time, letting the child understand that he is better, smarter than he was inspired or he is used to thinking about himself, you will thereby give him a winning attitude: “If you play such a “smart” game as chess, then correct the three in mathematics for you a mere trifle! Victories in the game will give the child an incentive to achieve victories in school, and losses will teach him to perceive failures as indications of weaknesses that need to be “tightened up”.
  9. Improving academic performance in school subjects. Observations have shown that children who play chess improve their performance in other subjects as well. Tell your child about the great historical figures who played chess, give examples from books - feeling their involvement in them through chess, the child will certainly show an increased interest in both history and literature.
  10. New friends and acquaintances. New friends with whom the child shares common values ​​are always good. Not only in the section itself, but also at competitions, the young chess player will meet interesting people of different ages, which will greatly enrich his horizons, vocabulary and life experience.

So is it worth enrolling a child in a chess section? Of course, it is worth it, and may the quiet game bring many loud victories!

Chess is an excellent and interesting game that also belongs to the category of sports, which is not surprising. Recently, the popularity of this sport has increased dramatically. Millions of people sincerely love this strategy game. But we noticed that there are pros and cons of this entertaining game. Let's start with the good.

So the pros:
- It's great that when playing chess, two hemispheres of the brain work simultaneously. During the game, not only the rapid development of logical thinking also takes place, but also the player learns to think abstractly. Everyone knows that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the logic and construction of all kinds of algorithms. Together with the left hemisphere, the right hemisphere, which is responsible for predicting and building a picture of events as a whole, performs processes that make it possible to predict the opponent's further actions.

Chess is good for kids that you want to grow into future geniuses. Carried away by this game, the child learns to think and develop concentration. The child receives such skills as calculating all possible moves and their consequences, predicting subsequent events, and the ability to take the correct steps. Not only mental indicators are formed, but also personal qualities of character. A child playing chess is almost always calm, balanced, firm and determined.

At first, it seems as if chess brings nothing but benefits. However, this is an erroneous opinion.

Let's look at the cons of this game.
- Entirely, surrendering to this game, a person ceases to lead a mobile lifestyle. To avoid the consequences of this problem, try to be outside more often and move more.

It happens that a person with an unbalanced nervous psyche plays chess. Remember that in chess there are not only wins, but also losses. Such a person is likely to fall into a deep depression for a long time.

A chess player spends little time with friends, devoting himself to reading another manual dedicated to chess. This leads to the fact that the chess player ceases to have friends at all.

In order to get only pluses from this great game, remember that everything in the world should happen in moderation. Therefore, try not to get too hung up on the game, but instead strengthen your health with a walk or spend a pleasant evening with friends and enjoy chatting with them.


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Tue, 11/02/2014 - 12:48 - Guest

Professional harm of chess

Modern chess is harmful because at the professional level it forms a HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL LACK OF SPIRITUALITY. For the most part, chess players look at their opponents as ruthless machines that get points at any cost, and who must be broken at all costs by beating them. Professional chess players practically do not go to theaters, conservatories, philharmonics, cinemas, circuses, shows, performances, ballets. All this leads to the fact that these athletes, in comparison with non-athletes, have a greatly or significantly impoverished spiritual and emotional life. Professional obsession with chess from an early age really often leads to the fact that people, becoming adults, do not have friends. Because of all this, which is very often not realized and not noticed, not only they suffer, but also their relatives and friends (if any).
Let us now take the profession of social worker. Social workers take care of pensioners, single women and others with any social difficulties. They help and teach people to solve their social problems and the lack of spirituality and poverty of their emotional life associated with them, form a much more harmonious life. This, in turn, dramatically increases the efficiency of people at work, from which the whole country as a whole only benefits. Today's professional chess players, unlike at least social workers, DO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO THE HARMONIZATION OF THE LIFE OF THE COUNTRY.
In addition, the more professional chess players there are, the greater the burden on the country's economy. Suppose almost everyone became a professional chess player. Who in this case will work at the machine tool in industry, and grow bread in agriculture?! THERE WILL BE NO ONE TO WORK AND THE COUNTRY WILL START A MASS EXTINCTION FROM HUNGER AND DISEASES.
Think about all this and you yourself will understand everything then.
Author - Golovanov VV, professional social worker and part-time International Chess Master.

Sat, 25/11/2017 - 11:24 - Guest

Professional harm of chess

- Nadezhda, how serious is the problem of gambling addiction? Is it comparable, for example, with the problems of drug addiction, alcoholism? Or is the threat, to put it mildly, exaggerated?
– First of all, I would like to say that the seriousness of this problem is growing every year. Judge for yourself - technological progress cannot be stopped. The computer, whether we like it or not, has firmly entered our lives. This means that it also includes the threats that it inevitably carries. Here are just a few facts.
189 million Internet users in the United States, according to the New York Times, suffer from computer addiction. In Finland, people with Internet addiction are not taken into the army. Smith & Jones Addiction Consultants, an alcohol and drug addiction treatment organization, is about to open a clinic in Europe to treat gambling addiction. This clinic will be the second facility of its kind. In China, a clinic for the treatment of gambling and Internet addiction opened in 2005.
I think these facts speak for themselves. Yes, of course, while the scale of gambling is not comparable with the scale of drug addiction and alcoholism, but the trend is obvious.
- Is it possible to divide computer games into more and less harmful, based on the criterion of mental health?
– Although no research has been done on this topic, it is logical to assume that games in which the player identifies himself with the hero penetrate much deeper into the psyche. On the other hand, you can just as selflessly “cut” in Tetris, but here it’s not addiction, but rather gambling passion. Recall the “penguin” phenomenon. A primitive toy, the essence of which was to throw a penguin as far as possible with a club blow. A huge number of people who work in offices at a computer or have access to a computer quit their jobs and kicked a penguin for weeks. If we translate these games into man / hours and calculate the costs, then the damage from the toy will come out more than from the most powerful sabotage.
– But can computer games, under certain conditions, be useful for the development of children and adolescents? Or are they definitely harmful, and the question is only the degree of this harm?
- They can. There are many excellent educational and developmental programs, and any toy develops certain skills. A good toy can educate, teach something. For example, there are games in which young children get acquainted with an Orthodox church, with its architecture and decoration. By the way, there was a review of one such game in “Thomas”. In fact, these are not so much games as tutorials that use game elements. So the benefits are definitely possible. Even snake venom in small doses is a medicine, and in large doses it is death. But a sense of proportion is important here.
From the point of view of medicine, all this is completely harmless as long as it does not threaten physical or mental health.
For mental health, the biggest danger of video games is addiction. Computer games are an escape from reality. Completely immersed in the game and achieving certain success in it, a person realizes in this way (virtually) most of the existing needs and ignores the rest.
Are there ways to get rid of gambling addiction?
– It is too early to talk about effective, “100%” common methods of treatment. Here, after all, everything rests on the patient's motivation, on the seriousness of his desire to get rid of his addiction - and motivation cannot be changed by purely medical methods.
Resolutely and immediately abandon the computer is not necessary, and it is impossible in our days. Computer literacy is essential in any workplace. Even the labor exchange already offers free computer courses for everyone. We must first learn to look at the computer as a tool, and not as a substitute for reality. And this is the most difficult task, and one cannot do without qualified help.
After all, the computer replaces the “gamers” with the real world, their real I - with a virtual, invented one. This is a departure from the fears and problems that surround the dependent person. Here it is necessary to understand why the person went to another reality. Whether self-doubt, inability to communicate with other people, conflicts - there are a lot of prerequisites. And the psychologist first of all needs to eliminate the cause, and then the consequence.
And, finally, I will say that in many cases of children's gambling addiction, it is necessary to work primarily with parents. Often a child is so selflessly immersed in the world of computer games because he lacks parental love, parental attention. Parents should reconsider their lifestyle and attitude towards the child. Until this happens, the psychologist will not be able to help.

Priest Igor FOMIN: Love is not directed into the void
– Father Igor, have you had to communicate with people who are fanatically fond of chess?
- Of course, I had to. Basically, these are young people who spent all their age-specific energy, all the strength of the soul on games. It got ridiculous. For example, one of my young relatives was so deeply involved in gaming experiences that he could dine several times in a row and not even notice it.
That is, a person is so absorbed in the illusory world of the game that it becomes an idol for him. All the forces of his soul, all his love, he directs not to reality, but, in fact, to the void. And when love is applied to emptiness, the human soul is destroyed, and emptiness arises in it. By the way, this applies not only to teenagers - I have also seen very elderly people who spend all their spiritual potential on games.
Yes, of course, from our Christian point of view, such a person is consumed by passion. But he himself often simply does not understand this, does not see it. For him, this is a departure from the disgusting reality, from the oppressive atmosphere of lack of spirituality, material gain, general mistrust. A piece of paper is more trusted than living people. And if a person does not have God in his heart, if Christ does not live there, then he needs an outlet, where he could realize himself, as it seems to him, where he could take a break from all this routine.
There are many adults who selflessly play games. I know many families in which this problem is very acute. The man, the head of the family, who has several children, comes home from work and immediately sits down to play. And it only comes off in the middle of the night. There is also this.
Of course, if a person is aware of what is happening to him, he always has a chance to escape, to overcome his gambling addiction. Alas, not everyone, even understanding what is what, is striving for this. Indeed, in the game they experience positive emotions, they win there, and if not, you can always replay everything again.

- Do you see the harm of computer games in this?
- Spiritual harm - yes, in this. A person learns to easily relate to certain situations. After all, when playing, he knows that this is not real, that defeat in a game battle is not a real bullet in a real head, that everything can be replayed. On the other hand, in the game he experiences strong emotions - delight, irritation, joy. In the game, he is fearless - but his fearlessness is based on irresponsibility.
However, this fearlessness, nurtured by games, a person transfers to real life - along with its reverse side, irresponsibility. You know, there is even such an anecdote about an avid gamer who, having got into a road accident, said in bewilderment: “So what? We reload and move on.” Of course, in life it doesn’t come to this, but, nevertheless, it’s easy to see how people whose love for computer games has grown into addiction cease to feel responsible for their loved ones, for their work, and in the case of believers, also for their own lives. soul. All this loses its significance for him, and the playing space becomes the main thing, where he is an omnipotent lord, in fact, a god.
And out of this spiritual harm grows social harm. After all, a person has one life, one mind, one soul. Getting up from the computer, he does not become a different person. Everything that arose during the game remains in it. As he behaves inside a computer game, he will behave the same way outside. His sense of self-preservation is dulled, he begins to relate to others with the same playful ease. On this basis, of course, conflicts immediately arise, because life is not a game, in life every now and then you have to give in to others, sacrifice your interests.
Often I had to see how such a "gamer" the further, the more annoyed with loved ones - with parents, children, colleagues, fellow students. He is used to the game that everything should be “according to him”, but here people refuse to conform to the desired pattern, they demand something, they force it. And a person tries to remake his loved ones, to make them “comfortable”. Of course, this cannot end with anything other than regular scandals.
But it's not just because of the games...
- Right. After all, in fact, we are now talking about such well-known human sins as lust for power, selfishness and voluptuousness. They are in one way or another inherent in everyone, they have been throughout human history. But gambling addiction provokes them. The situation in the game is fictional, but the feelings a person experiences are completely real.
Do you think games are worse than, say, bad books or bad movies?
“Yes, I believe that a bad game is worse than a bad book. Even the worst book still gives food for the mind, for the imagination, makes you empathize with the characters, build up the depicted world inside yourself. That is, it still develops creative abilities. The game is deprived of this, everything is given in its final form. This also applies to the film, but still we perceive both the book and the film from the outside, we are not participants in this fictional life. And in the game there is an almost complete identification of the player with the game character. A computer game gives a person the opportunity to indulge in one of the most terrible vices - the lust for power. It seems to me that this is much more harmful than the worst books and pictures.
– But there are also completely harmless, non-aggressive games. For example, “chess”, where the hero solves different tasks for logic and erudition...
- Of course, you can not row all the games under the same brush. Some are more harmful, some are less. But I do not know of any game that would be unconditionally useful. Any game makes a person spend a lot of time in front of the monitor, disconnected from reality. And how much can you do, read, watch during this time ... Yes, there are games that develop erudition, but I don’t think that this is the best way of self-education. Understand, I do not deny the game as such, especially in relation to children. The child learns the world in the game. Do children need to build bunnies from cubes? Of course you do. It develops. But note - from real, physical cubes that the child holds in his hands. Much more useful than manipulating pictures on the screen.
In addition, when evaluating the benefits or harms of a particular game, one should not focus on just one parameter. For example, the game develops logical thinking. But along the way, she develops vanity, irritability, and a sense of dependence. I don't know of games where the benefits outweigh the harm.

A big hello to all readers of the blog about the school and not only. Did you know that such a famous game as chess is already about one and a half thousand years old, and it came from India under the wonderful name "chaturanga"? It was only later that the rules of the board game changed, and it became the one where “the shah died” - this is how chess is translated from the Persian language.

Philosophers, politicians and scientists move “horses” and “pawns” around the cellular board, musicians, writers and artists are fond of chess in the evenings. Not only adults, but also very young Karpovs and Kasparovs are sitting in thought over the next move. Why is this game interesting and what is the use of chess for children?

Lesson plan:

What is the power of chess?

With non-standard rules of the game, boards and pieces of different sizes, in official tournaments, by phone, on the Internet and by correspondence - people play chess, providing a wide field of activity for the brain. Even in mathematics they solve chess problems. For example, have you ever heard of the “Knight Move Problem” or the “Eight Queens Problem”?

It is interesting! Historical facts state that Louis XIII and Charlemagne, Peter the Great and Napoleon, Lenin and Stalin dabbled in chess.

Chess is not just a hobby, it is a professional sport. There are titles and a system for passing tournaments, there are international leagues and chess congresses. Although they do not take chess to the Olympiad, the most important “chess body” called FIDE is in the International Olympic Committee.

What is the strength of this board game? According to experts on our body, especially those who study brain activity in detail, chess is a wonderful way to develop intelligence.

Fans of various experiments unanimously assure that involving a child from an early age in chess competitions ensures advanced performance in the exact sciences at school.

What can a board in a cage give?

What needs to be done so that you are not “driven into a corner” by making a chess checkmate, or something more - not left without a royal crown? It turns out, not so little!

Is the game worth the candle? I think definitely!

How to teach and what to remember about chess?

Of course, any game, including a chess competition, for a child is creativity, passion and joy. It is believed that the age of three - four years is already quite suitable to introduce the future chess player to queens, rooks, knights and bishops, to explain why small pawn warriors are needed, and also to make it clear how the king and queen can lose their crowns.

Kids master the basics of the chess game with enviable interest, and 20 minutes is enough for the heated enthusiasm to not have time to cool down.

Parents who love their child initially try to play along with him, which is highly discouraged by experienced chess players, and psychologists too. A child who is accustomed to an easy victory will receive from a sudden loss at least disappointment in the game with another player who “does not know the subtleties”, and at the maximum will cool down to chess completely, being not confident in his abilities and knowledge.

When involving a child in a board game, the duration of which sometimes reaches several hours in a row and requires composure and attention, it must be remembered that a sedentary image should be diluted with physical activity. A clogged bespectacled man with a chessboard never enjoyed success with his peers.

And finally, a video in which you will find 10 very interesting facts about chess. Take a look, you won't regret it!

Convinced you that the game of chess is a good coach for the mind? Try to give the first lesson to your child, suddenly the future great chess genius is sleeping in him. Or maybe you don’t need to convince, perhaps in your family a chess tournament is one of the ways to pass the evening pleasantly?

I wish you and your children only victories!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

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