Let 17-year-old Katya badaeva speak. Let the heroine say Katya badaeva. The editors of “Let them talk” about the death of the heroine of the show: “The operation was not done by a charlatan, it was an accident. For the life of the girls fought for two and a half hours. Nick Vujicic in Let Them Talk

For the first time, viewers of Channel One saw Nick Vuychich, a world-famous motivator and author of the bestseller Life Without Borders. Yesterday, several stories were shown, the heroes of which arrived at the program's studio and talked with an American speaker. Nick Vuychich supported all the participants and wished them to achieve their goals and stay strong. See Let them talk 04/14/2016 - Hope for Nick Vuychich. Part 2.

American writer and motivator of Serbian origin was born in Australia. Already in childhood, Nick, realizing his unenviable position, experienced severe shocks, but found the strength in himself and began to learn to do what seemed almost impossible for him: he learned to write, swim, move, and today Nick Vuychich is also happy Husband and father of two sons! Recently, he travels all over the world and talks at his seminars about how to overcome difficulties and be a successful happy person.

Nick Vujicic in Let Them Talk

Upon learning of the arrival of Nick Vuychich in Moscow, many viewers decided to see the motivator and ask him for help. Hope for Nick Vuychich. Part 2! And today new heroes with their difficult stories. Next: details about each participant of the broadcast.

Katya Badaeva

Katya Badaeva from the Rostov Region (city of Azovsk) was born with a facial deformity. The mother left the girl in the orphanage when she saw her face, but Katya managed to overcome many difficulties in her life. Now she is 17 years old.

“I learned to write and draw. All these years I miss my mother and really want to see her ...

The educators of the Azov boarding school know about her cherished dream. Six years ago they found Katya's mother, Nadezhda Badaeva. She lives 400 km from her daughter and she has three sons - Katya's three brothers. For a long time, Nadezhda thought that Katya had died. Over the past six years, the woman began to visit her daughter. Soon the girl will turn 18 years old, and if her mother does not take her away, then Ekaterina will have to stay in a mental hospital until the end of her days ... However, Nadezhda states the following: “I cannot accept Katya until she has plastic surgery.”

Nick Vujicic comments on this difficult story:

- The story is very sad and touching ... I understand that she can be teased, called names, but you see her spirit and heart! She accepts herself. And if the family accepts it, then the whole village will react well. We need to love each other.

Katya, her mother Nadezhda Badaeva and siblings came to the program! Plastic surgeon Andrey Ishchenko is ready to help the girl: "We will do our best, but the most important thing is that Katya's mother and brothers support and love her."

Maxim Vostrikov

9-year-old Maxim Vostrikov from the Nizhny Novgorod region (the village of Sokolskoye) asks Nick Vuychich to help his parents recover from alcoholism.

Nick Vuychich:

“It's a pity you can't change people when they refuse help. You can pray for them and sometimes it takes a long time. If Maxim's parents are deprived of parental rights, he has a grandmother who will help him, but he should not feel guilty before his mother and father. We need to pray for them.

Maxim's mother Nadezhda Vostrikova came to the program with her husband Stas, the boy's father. They are ready to pull themselves together and stop drinking.


The following story featured in "Hope for Nick Vujicic. Part 2” is about a 20-year-old girl named Leysan. She was born with Down syndrome, but her mother did everything possible to make her daughter grow up happy and self-confident. Doctors told Leysan's mother that her child would be a "vegetable", but today the 20-year-old girl knows how to dance and often performs on the local stage. Moreover, Leysan lost 23 kilograms!

The girl's mother is Ramziya Zaripova:

Of course, nothing is easy in life. There were obstacles, difficulties ... But you need to believe and move forward. And children should be given as much attention as possible and love them!

Leysan and Ramziya Zaripov came to Let They Talk to meet Nick Vuychich and tell about themselves.

On February 17 this year, the program Let them talk about a guy who wants to meet Nick Vuychich went on the air. The release was called "". 24-year-old Alexander Solomennik lives in the Stavropol boarding school. His mother and father left him in a nursing home, as they considered it a shame to raise a handicapped child ... Sasha wants to prove to his parents that he is no worse than his healthy peers.

Today he is back in the studio Let them talk and his long-awaited dream came true - the guy met Nick Vuychich!

Nick Vuychich addresses Alexander:

“Unfortunately, we can't change your mother's attitude towards you. But it's not your fault and it's not your problem. It's just her problem. Ignore and move forward. Be the best you can be. And don't leave your friends. Move into the future...your future!

Watch the broadcast Let them say - Hope for Nick Vuychich. Part 2 (aired April 14, 2016).

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Katya Badaeva, with a congenital facial pathology, dreamed of becoming beautiful so that her mother would take her away from the orphanage

- Katya often came to the Moscow clinic. Were there any noticeable changes in her appearance?

She came periodically, it was the last - the fourth operation ... It was really noticeable how the girl had changed. During each visit to Moscow, she was accompanied by an employee of the boarding school. We have always been in touch. A tragic set of circumstances happened. Perhaps the innate features of her body played a fatal role.

We brought her to Moscow and took her back at our own expense, monitored her health, - says chief editor of "Let them talk" Natalya Galkovich.- The operations were performed not by a charlatan, but by a respected doctor with regalia. We planned to film the meeting of the mother and our heroine with a new face. She's been tested, it's just an accident.

- Who will pay for the delivery of the body to Rostov-on-Don?


The mother of the deceased girl has no claims to the plastic surgeon, whose daughter died on the operating table, " So many examinations were carried out before the operation. You won't get your child back. So, God gave so much”, she said in an interview with REN TV. Now the woman is busy organizing the funeral.


For the life of the girls fought for two and a half hours

During the first operation, prosthetics of the zygomatic region and the angle of the lower jaw were made, preparation of tissues for a complete reconstruction of the auricle on the right, removal of incorrectly located teeth, - says Irina Makarova, director of public relations at the Artimeda clinic, where Katya was operated on.

Then there was the formation of eyebrows and the preparation of the eyelids for setting up a temporary eye prosthesis. Each time the girl was accompanied by a guardian from the orphanage, the mother never came. On June 13, the girl had secondary sutures put on her eyelids - Katya clumsily inserted an eye prosthesis, some of the sutures parted.

So Katya began to look after the operation. Photo provided by the clinic "Artimeda"

At the end of the operation, she experienced a sudden and unexplained disturbance of the heart rhythm, followed by cardiac arrest. For two and a half hours, the surgeons and the anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the clinic fought to save the girl's life, carrying out resuscitation, - says Irina Makarova. - But the girl's body turned out to be unpredictable due to congenital anomalies of the internal organs, which could not be detected even with a detailed examination that Katya underwent before each operation. It was not the fault of the doctors. This was shown by preliminary autopsy data.

Investigators also began their check at the clinic on Michurinsky Prospekt. A criminal case has been opened for "providing services that do not meet safety requirements, which negligently caused the death of a person."

To establish the exact cause of death, a forensic medical examination will be appointed, - they told Komsomolskaya Pravda in the Investigative Committee for Moscow.

Alisa TITKO true_kpru @AlisaTitko Inna FEDOTOV true_kpru This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the site of the original source!
Only Nadezhda Badaeva never came to her daughter's clinic for six months [video] 17-year-old Katya Badaeva died in a Moscow clinic, hoping to change her appearance and move to live with her mother from the orphanage.
KP Murmansk
16.06.2017 In total, the regional authorities will allocate about 120 million rubles for these purposes in 2020. The Ministry of Construction and Territorial Development of the Murmansk Region has published a list of municipalities,
IA B-Port.Com

In one of the Moscow clinics during a complex plastic surgery.

The girl became famous thanks to the popular TV show "Let them talk." The girl was born in the small town of Azovsk in the Rostov region with a terrible disease - facial deformity. When the mother saw the face of the newborn, she decided to leave her in the orphanage. Katya lived to the age of 17, overcoming many difficulties on her own.

In the studio of the show “Let them talk”, my mother agreed to take her to her on the condition that her facial defects be corrected. The capital's plastic surgeon Andrey Ishchenko decided to take on this case, but 17-year-old Badaeva died on the operating table.


The public relations director of the clinic where the surgeon works said that Andrei Ishchenko is an experienced doctor who has all the skills necessary to carry out such operations.

Ishchenko Andrey Leonidovich is not only a great professional in the field of reconstructive maxillofacial plastic surgery, but also a person with a huge heart who worries about each of his patients, like a relative. There are many proofs of this, including children. The number of people whom he helped restore the quality of life after their injuries and injuries include those women who were trusted by the program "Let them talk." Of course, all the most complex and multi-stage operations that he performed for all these women, men and children were free of charge. Such operations are technically complex, expensive in cost, unique individual implants are made for them, consultations are held with many other doctors, the best anesthesiologists are involved, and laboratory tests are performed.

As it turned out, the tragic case was the first in the surgeon's practice: "In the entire history of such operations, Andrey Leonidovich Ishchenko had not a single death or even a complication."


The director also spoke about the operation, which was the last for the patient:

On June 13, 2017, Ekaterina underwent a short forty-minute operation to place secondary sutures on her eyelids, as Katya was clumsily inserting an eye prosthesis, and some of the sutures parted. At the end of the operation, Ekaterina Badaeva experienced a sudden heart rhythm disturbance for no apparent reason, followed by cardiac arrest. For two and a half hours, surgeons and an anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the clinic fought to save the life of Katya Badaeva, carrying out resuscitation measures. All medical workers performed indirect heart massage, replacing each other, supporting Katya's life. But the girl's body turned out to be unpredictable due to congenital anomalies of the internal organs, which could not be detected even with a detailed examination that Katya underwent before each operation. It was not the fault of the doctors - there was an accident.

Unknown details of a high-profile story

Plastic surgeon Andrey Ishchenko repeatedly saved the heroes of the “Let them talk” program - the doctor undertook complex operations. On June 13, in the clinic of Dr. Ishchenko "Artemed", the heroine of the TV project "Let them talk", 17-year-old Katya Badaeva from the Rostov region, died. The girl lived all her life in the Azov orphanage for mentally retarded children. Mom abandoned Katya at the maternity hospital when she found out that the child was born with a rare disease, Goldenhar syndrome (a pathology in which one half of the face and spine develop incorrectly). On the air “Let them talk,” Katya’s mother said that she was ready to take the girl to her family (Nadezhda alone is raising three sons) from the boarding school if the child undergoes plastic surgery. After the boarding school, Katya was waiting for life in a psycho-neurological dispensary, so the child dreamed of an operation in order to return to his mother. A well-known plastic surgeon on the air “Let them talk” volunteered to perform operations, which required several.

Katya on the program "Let them talk" in April 2016 with her mother and Nick Vuychich.

We spoke with the editors of Let Them Talk and found out how the girl got on the air of a popular talk show and why the tragedy happened. Natalya Galkovich said that now it is they who will organize the sending of the girl’s body to her homeland in Rostov-on-Don.

- Natalya, how was the doctor chosen to help Katya? "Let them talk" dealt with this story?

We brought it and took it to Moscow at our expense, we didn't leave it. They monitored her health, the operation was performed not by a charlatan, but by a respected surgeon. The mother of the girl, with whom we arranged a meeting, said that she would not be taken away like that. And she wanted to live with her mother. This doctor Ishchenko decided to help her. We have such programs very often. We had to make her meet her mother with a new face... I can't blame the doctor. He is a certified doctor with regalia. She underwent examinations before operations. All the necessary information is there. It's just an accident.

The editor of the “Let them talk” program, Elena Nekrasova, explained that the mother abandoned the girl immediately after the birth of the child, as the doctors told her that the child would not live even a month with such health problems. After 16 years, the mother of the child, Nadezhda, began to receive certificates that she had to pay alimony, so she found out that Katya was alive.

- Elena, why did you invite Katya and her mother to the program?

We received a letter with this story when we were making a program about Nick Vuychich (writer, speaker, who was born with a rare hereditary disease - ed.). We invited heroes who experienced difficulties due to problems with their appearance. So this girl with a congenital pathology became one of the heroes of the program. And then the mother said that she lives in such a remote place where few people will understand if there is such a girl in the house, since everyone will point the finger ... But if there was a doctor who made the girl a normal face, then of course she would be able to return to native home.

- Were you confident in the professionalism of the surgeon? Did he do the surgery for free?

Of course. We are shocked at what happened. Our conscience is clear, because these were doctors who work with our program not for the first time. They have already helped the heroes of our programs. Usually we tell such stories in the program with the results of the year, show how a person has changed.

The editors of "Let them talk" are sure that everything that happened was a tragic coincidence. Perhaps the innate characteristics of the child's body played a fatal role.

On June 13, Katya arrived for the fourth and last operation. The previous ones were successful, the girl was changing. But after the operation, her heart stopped. For more than two hours, the doctors fought for her life, but they failed to save Katya. The girl underwent serious examinations before each operation, but no one could foresee how the human body with such serious pathologies would behave. The cause of death of the patient will be named after a forensic medical examination. So far, it has been established that the girl needed medical intervention "in order to eliminate the consequences of intrauterine facial injuries."

A criminal case has been opened for “providing services that do not meet safety requirements, which negligently caused the death of a person.” After the forensic medical examination, the final conclusions will be made.

Only Nadezhda Badaeva has never visited her daughter at the clinic for six months [video]

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17-year-old Katya Badaeva died in a Moscow clinic, hoping to change her appearance and move to live with her mother from an orphanage. The whole country learned about the difficult fate of the girl and the illness that separated her from her mother on the air of the program “Let them talk” on Channel One. The girl has Goldenhar's syndrome (a rare congenital pathology, expressed in varying degrees of underdevelopment of facial structures).

“This is a village, they will say to her: “Look at you, you are a freak”

Back at the maternity hospital, Nadezhda Badaeva was shocked when she saw her daughter's deformed face. The woman hurried to write a refusal, and for all 17 years Katya lived in the Azov orphanage for mentally retarded children. She learned to write, draw, was surrounded by the care of teachers, but not motherly love - she did not know what it was. All her life, the girl wanted to live with her mother. And the boarding school staff knew about her dream - six years ago they helped organize the first meeting between Katya and her mother, who did not even suspect that her daughter was alive.

When she was born, I was told that such children are not viable. Such people do not live, - mother Nadezhda Badaeva will say in her defense. - There is not only a facial injury, there is an intrauterine head injury. My daughter was crushed by me in the early stages. For ten years I didn't even know she was alive. The doctors said one thing, but the Lord ordered otherwise.

Periodically, the mother began to visit the girl, leaving the household and three sons 400 km away. But Nadezhda did not want to take her own daughter to her house, explaining that she did not want to condemn her neighbors.

This is a village ... There she is among her own, but here they will say in the eyes: “Look at yourself, you are a freak,” my mother said. - Until Katya has plastic surgery, I'm not ready to take her.

The girls promised to solve the problem with the transformation on the air of a television program, where everyone came in April 2016: a mother with three sons and 17-year-old Katya. Not only the mother wanted to do plastic surgery, but the girl herself. The well-known doctor Andrey Ishchenko from the Artimeda clinic promised to help absolutely free of charge.

Understand correctly, in a girl, Goldenhar's syndrome is not an injury, but a genetic disease, - Andrey Ishchenko said. - We will make a lot of efforts to ensure that her appearance is adapted and in society she can feel more comfortable.

“Five operations were needed for the transformation”

No experienced plastic surgeon would have been able to change Katya's appearance with a single blow of a scalpel - several operations and time were required for a complete transformation. She was scheduled for the first operation in Moscow in November 2016. Previously, Katya was examined by neurosurgeons, ophthalmologists and psychiatrists from leading clinics in Moscow, many other studies were performed (the girl had never undergone such examinations before). There were no contraindications for the operation.

During the first operation, prosthetics of the zygomatic region and the angle of the lower jaw were made, preparation of tissues for a complete reconstruction of the auricle on the right, removal of incorrectly located teeth, - says Irina Makarova, director of public relations at the Artimeda clinic.

The operation went well, and the girl was released to recover. The next step was the contouring of the eye area, the formation of eyebrows and the preparation of the eyelids for the placement of a temporary eye prosthesis. For the second operation in March, the girl came again with her guardian from the orphanage, Tatyana Alekseevna. Katya's mother, according to the clinic staff, never called or visited her daughter. Although the girl herself was very inspired by what was happening to her, she waited for each new operation, hoping to become beautiful and return to her mother.

So Katya began to look after the operation. Photo courtesy of "Artimeda" clinic

“The girl’s body turned out to be unpredictable”

After the third operation in May, Katya was fitted with a prosthetic eye and was taught how to use it. The nurses who were next to the girl noticed that Katya began to smile more. She directly shone with happiness, although she knew that there were two more operations ahead. In the summer, the girl was supposed to rest for some time and come again, but on June 13, another unscheduled 40-minute operation was required. The girl had secondary sutures put on her eyelids, as Katya clumsily inserted an eye prosthesis, and some of the sutures parted. But by the end of the operation, something went wrong - she had a sudden violation of the heart rhythm with its subsequent stop.

For two and a half hours, surgeons and an anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the clinic fought to save the life of Katya Badaeva, carrying out resuscitation measures. All medical workers performed an indirect heart massage, replacing each other, supporting Katya's life, - says Irina Makarova, director of public relations at the Artimeda clinic. - But the girl's body turned out to be unpredictable due to congenital anomalies of the internal organs, which could not be detected even with a detailed examination that Katya underwent before each operation. It was not the fault of the doctors. This was shown by preliminary autopsy data.


The girl was not overloaded with operations - the interval was three months, - plastic surgeon Andrey Ishchenko from the Artimeda clinic explained to Komsomolskaya Pravda. - In addition, the duration of operations, according to the recommendations of ophthalmologists and therapists, was no more than 3 hours.


Moscow investigators will conduct their own check to find out what caused the death of Katya Badaeva. They have already examined the clinic, seized the necessary documents and interviewed doctors. A criminal case has been opened for “providing services that do not meet safety requirements, which negligently caused the death of a person.”

They explained to us in the clinic that the last and previous operations were performed in order to eliminate the consequences of intrauterine facial injuries, - they told Komsomolskaya Pravda in the Investigative Committee for Moscow. - A forensic medical examination will be ordered to determine the exact cause of death.

On Tuesday, June 13, a tragedy occurred in the capital's private clinic on Michurinsky Prospekt. During plastic surgery, the life of 17-year-old Katya Badaeva from the Rostov region suddenly ended. The mother, having learned that the girl had a rare disease - Goldenhar's syndrome - abandoned her at the maternity hospital. The woman was shocked by the appearance of the heiress. “My daughter has the face of a dog, and I don’t need her,” Nadezhda said.

All her life, Katya, who lived in a boarding school and was forced to look at the world with one eye, wanted to return to her family. Because of her non-standard face, she suffered ridicule from those around her from birth. In April last year, the girl became one of the heroines of the “Let them talk” program, after which she was offered help - plastic surgery. Medical intervention was the only hope for Badaeva to return to her family. Katya's mother said she would take the teenager home if her appearance changed.

The girl enthusiastically reacted to the proposal of the famous surgeon Andrey Ishchenko. She longed to be reunited with her mother.

“Katya was very shy about her appearance, and Moscow doctors put her appearance in order. This was already the final stage of operations, Katya was very happy. She left for Moscow at 5 am on May 28. She was supposed to return at the end of June, ”said Tatyana Samorodova, deputy director of the boarding school for educational work.

In turn, the editor of "Let them talk" Elena Nekrasova noted that the results of the operation were visible to the naked eye. “During each visit to Moscow, she was accompanied by an employee of the boarding school. We were always in touch,” says the program employee.

However, something unexpected happened during the operation. Examinations did not help to reveal the deformation of Badaeva's internal organs, due to which the tragedy occurred. Katya's heart stopped on the operating table. The teenage girl went through several interventions, and the last one was fatal.

The death of Badaeva shocked the public. The medical specialists who performed the operation began to be blamed for the tragic accident. On the fact of Katya's death, a criminal case was opened. Doctors themselves deny that there was a mistake.

“For two and a half hours we spent resuscitation. Alas, due to congenital anomalies of the internal organs, which could not be detected even with a detailed examination, the body behaved unpredictably. It was not the fault of the doctors - this was shown by a preliminary autopsy, ”said the representatives of the clinic.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Let them talk"

The plastic surgeon who volunteered to help Katya is deeply saddened by what happened. According to Andrei Ishchenko's colleagues, in the entire history of such operations, he did not have a single tragic case. “It is incredibly difficult for him to get over this loss. He really wanted the girl to finally become loved and desired in the family, so that her future life would pass without mockery from her fellow villagers, ”they say in a medical institution.

According to Channel One employee Natalya Galkovich, the program will pay for the delivery of the body of the deceased to her small homeland. “We brought her to Moscow and took her back at our own expense, monitored her health. The operations were performed not by a charlatan, but by a respected doctor with regalia. We planned to film the meeting of the mother and our heroine with a new face. She underwent examinations, it's just an accident, ”the woman believes.

Journalists also contacted the mother of the deceased. The woman said that she had no complaints against the doctors who operated on her daughter.

“You won’t return the child, that’s all. So, God gave so much. It means that so many were named by God, ”said Katya’s parent Nadezhda.

A minor inmate of the orphanage died after plastic surgery in a private clinic in Moscow. The girl was born with a serious facial deformity, because of which her mother abandoned her, reports MK.RU.

The tragedy occurred on Tuesday, June 13, in a Moscow private clinic on Michurinsky Prospekt, according to the website of the Investigative Committee of Russia. The victim turned to doctors for help to eliminate the consequences of intrauterine facial injuries, but during the next surgical intervention she died on the operating table.

“During the first operation, the prosthetics of the zygomatic region and the angle of the lower jaw were made, the tissues were prepared for the complete reconstruction of the auricle on the right, the removal of incorrectly located teeth,”- says Irina Makarova, director of public relations at the Artimeda clinic, where Katya was operated on.

Then there was the formation of eyebrows and the preparation of the eyelids for setting up a temporary eye prosthesis. Each time the girl was accompanied by a guardian from the orphanage, the mother never came. On June 13, the girl had secondary sutures put on her eyelids - Katya clumsily inserted an eye prosthesis, some of the sutures parted.

At the end of the operation, she experienced a sudden and unexplained disturbance of the heart rhythm, followed by cardiac arrest. For two and a half hours, the surgeons and the anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the clinic fought to save the girl's life, carrying out resuscitation, - says Irina Makarova. - But the girl's body turned out to be unpredictable due to congenital anomalies of the internal organs, which could not be detected even with a detailed examination that Katya underwent before each operation. It was not the fault of the doctors. This was shown by preliminary autopsy data.

To establish the exact cause of death of a 17-year-old girl, a forensic medical examination will be appointed. Currently, searches are being carried out in the clinic, a criminal case has been initiated under the article “Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of a person through negligence.”

According to the REN-TV channel, a native of the Rostov region was offered an operation on the air of the popular TV show “Let them talk.” The surgeon present at the studio volunteered to help the girl.

A pupil of the boarding school suffered from Goldenhar's syndrome, which causes severe facial deformity. The mother abandoned the baby while still in the hospital, but on the air of the TV show, the woman promised to take her own daughter back after plastic surgery.

By the way, the mother of the deceased girl has no claims against the plastic surgeon, whose daughter died on the operating table, “There were so many examinations before the operation. You won't get your child back. So, God gave so much,- she said in an interview with REN TV. Now the woman is busy organizing the funeral.

On Tuesday, June 13, a tragedy occurred in the capital's private clinic on Michurinsky Prospekt. During plastic surgery, the life of 17-year-old Katya Badaeva from the Rostov region suddenly ended. The mother, having learned that the girl had a rare disease - Goldenhar's syndrome - abandoned her at the maternity hospital. The woman was shocked by the appearance of the heiress. “My daughter has the face of a dog, and I don’t need her,” Nadezhda said.

All her life, Katya, who lived in a boarding school and was forced to look at the world with one eye, wanted to return to her family. Because of her non-standard face, she suffered ridicule from those around her from birth. In April last year, the girl became one of the heroines of the “Let them talk” program, after which she was offered help - plastic surgery. Medical intervention was the only hope for Badaeva to return to her family. Katya's mother said she would take the teenager home if her appearance changed.

The girl enthusiastically reacted to the proposal of the famous surgeon Andrey Ishchenko. She longed to be reunited with her mother.

“Katya was very shy about her appearance, and Moscow doctors put her appearance in order. This was already the final stage of operations, Katya was very happy. She left for Moscow at 5 am on May 28. She was supposed to return at the end of June, ”said Tatyana Samorodova, deputy director of the boarding school for educational work.

In turn, the editor of "Let them talk" Elena Nekrasova noted that the results of the operation were visible to the naked eye. “During each visit to Moscow, she was accompanied by an employee of the boarding school. We were always in touch,” says the program employee.

However, something unexpected happened during the operation. Examinations did not help to reveal the deformation of Badaeva's internal organs, due to which the tragedy occurred. Katya's heart stopped on the operating table. The teenage girl went through several interventions, and the last one was fatal.

The death of Badaeva shocked the public. The medical specialists who performed the operation began to be blamed for the tragic accident. On the fact of Katya's death, a criminal case was opened. Doctors themselves deny that there was a mistake.

“For two and a half hours we spent resuscitation. Alas, due to congenital anomalies of the internal organs, which could not be detected even with a detailed examination, the body behaved unpredictably. It was not the fault of the doctors - this was shown by a preliminary autopsy, ”said the representatives of the clinic.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Let them talk"

The plastic surgeon who volunteered to help Katya is deeply saddened by what happened. According to Andrei Ishchenko's colleagues, in the entire history of such operations, he did not have a single tragic case. “It is incredibly difficult for him to get over this loss. He really wanted the girl to finally become loved and desired in the family, so that her future life would pass without mockery from her fellow villagers, ”they say in a medical institution.

According to Channel One employee Natalya Galkovich, the program will pay for the delivery of the body of the deceased to her small homeland. “We brought her to Moscow and took her back at our own expense, monitored her health. The operations were performed not by a charlatan, but by a respected doctor with regalia. We planned to film the meeting of the mother and our heroine with a new face. She underwent examinations, it's just an accident, ”the woman believes.

Journalists also contacted the mother of the deceased. The woman said that she had no complaints against the doctors who operated on her daughter.

“You won’t return the child, that’s all. So, God gave so much. It means that so many were named by God, ”said Katya’s parent Nadezhda.

Ekaterina Badaeva from the city of Azovsk was born with a deformity of the face and body (Goldenhar's syndrome):

· hydrocephalus;

Decreased volume of brain tissue

absence of the inner ear, resulting in 100% deafness on the one hand;

a sharp underdevelopment of the auricle;

Absence of the right eyeball and practically unformed eye socket and eyelids;

in a single eye, a decrease in visual acuity and field of vision due to damage to the optic nerve;

In the parietal region, a defect in the bones of the skull with an uncovered area of ​​the brain;

decrease in intelligence.

M Katya's father Nadezhda Badaeva left the girl in an orphanage. Katya also has three brothers. Katya always wanted to go home, but the family refused to take her until they “fixed her face”.

On the air of the “Let them talk” program, a plastic surgeon, Ph.D., Andrey Leonidovich Ishchenko, agreed to help the girl by performing a number of complex reconstructive plastic surgeries on her for free.

Six months after the broadcast, in August 2016, the Let They Speak program organized the arrival of Ekaterina, accompanied by a guardian, from an orphanage in Moscow to the Ishchenko clinic.

Ishchenko Andrey Leonidovich - not only a great professional in the field of reconstructive maxillofacial plastic surgery, but also a person with a huge heart who worries about each of his patients, like a relative.

There are many proofs of this, including children.

The number of people whom he helped restore the quality of life after their injuries and injuries include those women whom the Let Them Talk program trusted him.

Of course, all the most complex and multi-stage operations that he performed for all these women, men and children were free of charge.

Such operations are technically complex, expensive in cost, unique individual implants are made for them, consultations are held with many other doctors, the best anesthesiologists are involved, laboratory tests are performed, etc.

In the entire history of such operations, Andrey Leonidovich Ishchenko did not have a single death or even a complication.

In November last year, Andrei Leonidovich performed Katya's first operation. . Before the operation, she was examined by neurosurgeons, ophthalmologists and psychiatrists from leading clinics in Moscow. CT, MRI and many other studies were performed (the girl had never undergone such examinations before). There were no contraindications for the operation.

During the first operation, the prosthetics of the zygomatic region and the angle of the lower jaw were made, the tissues were prepared for the complete reconstruction of the auricle on the right, and the removal of incorrectly located teeth. Transplantation of adipose tissue in the area of ​​the right half of the face, reduction of the volume of the left half of the face.

The second operation took place in March 2017. . The following procedures were carried out: contouring of the supraorbital and infraorbital regions on the right with individually made silicone implants, correction of the position of the eyebrows, formation of the eyelids, palpebral fissure, and a bed for the future eye prosthesis on the right, correction of the position of the rudiment of the right auricle.

Katya after the first and after the second operation:

Third operationwas held on May 30, 2017 . Made: the formation of the auricle, the formation of a bed for setting a temporary prosthesis of the eye and its setting.

AT The entire clinic staff was very imbued with Katya's story, her unfortunate fate, and literally everyone, right down to every nurse, did everything possible to make the girl comfortable. Channel One and the program “Let They Speak” dealt with her visits, she was always accompanied by a guardian from the orphanage Tatyana Alekseevna, but Katya’s mother never called, did not come and visit her.

In the clinic of Andrey Leonidovich, everyone took turns working with Katya - they taught to count, write, read, talked with the girl for a long time, and she opened up to them, became calmer, smarter. During this time, very significant changes took place with her, not only in appearance, but also in the general level of development.

The girl was very excited about what was happening to her. She looked forward to each new operation and each new meeting as the next stage of her global rebirth. And all the doctors and nurses wanted to help her with this.

After the third operation Ekaterina stayed for some time in the clinic in a comfortable room in order to wait for her mother, who was supposed to pick her up.

June 10, 2017 Andrey Leonidovich Ishchenko turned to the Let They Speak program with a request to assist him in Katya's timely arrivals for her last two operations. He also expressed concern that none of her relatives had visited her in the clinic during all this time, although the girl often told Andrei Leonidovich that she was looking forward to this. He was worried about Katya's future in her family. Andrei Leonidovich ended his letter with a quote from Saint-Exupery: "We are responsible for those we tame."

June 13, 2017 Ekaterina underwent a short forty-minute operation to put secondary sutures on her eyelids, since Katya was clumsily inserting an eye prosthesis, and some of the sutures parted. At the end of the operation, Ekaterina Badaeva experienced a sudden heart rhythm disturbance for no apparent reason, followed by cardiac arrest.

For two and a half hours, surgeons and an anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the clinic fought to save the life of Katya Badaeva, carrying out resuscitation measures. All medical workers performed indirect heart massage, replacing each other, supporting Katya's life.

But the girl's body turned out to be unpredictable due to congenital anomalies of the internal organs, which could not be detected even with a detailed examination that Katya underwent before each operation. It was not the fault of the doctors - there was an accident.

We all mourn for Kate . Andrei Leonidovich really wanted the girl to finally become loved and desired in the family, so that her future life would pass without mockery and ridicule from the surrounding villagers, so that Katya would become happy. In the whole life of Katya Badaeva, he was the only person who made a lot of real efforts, and treated Katya like his own. Now it is incredibly difficult for him to survive this loss.

However, despite all the heartache, Andrey Leonidovich would like to cover the whole story of Ekaterina Badaeva, including his participation in it, on any of the television broadcasts, if he is given such an opportunity. He would like to do this in memory of Katya and in order to stop all the speculation and lies that have already been leaked to the media.

Ekaterina Badaeva before plastic surgery and during rehabilitation after the third operation (amateur photo)


Makarova Irina Borisovna

Director of Public Relations of the clinic "Artimeda"

The program “Let them talk” on Channel One is famous for its scandalousness. There are always a lot of trials on a variety of topics, from the intentional connection of artists who hate each other on the same air to family dramas, sometimes overshadowing and quarreling those same singers and actors.

How much is true in the show, and how much is fiction, have been arguing for a long time. There are various arguments related to its specific participants. Moreover, the latter are deliberately selected as unusual and even strange as possible, with problems that, as they say, can only be discussed in public, although in fact it is not always necessary.

Katya Badaeva

Just recently, Katya Badaeva, a 17-year-old teenage girl who really wanted to live with her mother, died. The latter abandoned her immediately when she gave birth, because she was shocked by the appearance of her daughter. She turned out to have Goldenhar's syndrome - a special pathology, when the structure of the face is deformed and underdeveloped in some way. For 17 years, Katya lived on the territory of the Azov orphanage, intended for the mentally retarded.

The teachers loved her, she had good relations with her peers, but she did not see her mother and until the age of 11 she did not even suspect that she had one, but she dreamed of a family and maternal affection. Well, in the boarding school they decided to help her with this and organized the first meeting. Katya's mother was surprised that the girl survived at all, since doctors said that such children rarely live long.

After that incident, the woman sometimes went to the boarding school, but not very often: she lives in a village with a household, and also takes care of three sons. Katya's mother helped, talked with her, but refused to take her home. When this was shown in "Let them talk", the woman said that she did not want to injure the psyche of the child.

The village is actually a closed society, full of stereotypes, where they can often be insulted even for the smallest oddities in behavior that do not correspond to local orders. It is clear that Katya really did not expect anything good there. Her mother bluntly said that for such an appearance, the girl would not be called the best word.

In the spring of 2016, the whole family ended up on “Let them talk”. There, both mother and daughter spoke out in favor of giving the girl the opportunity to have an operation on her face in order to make it not so prominent. Participants of the issue supported this decision. Surgeon Andrei Ishchenko, who was present there, said that he would perform a free operation on the child to help the unfortunate woman adapt not only in a society like her. Katya had to endure several, because no one could change this with one wave of the scalpel.

The first operation took place at the end of autumn. Before this, the child was examined, determining that there were no contraindications. During the first operation, the zygomatic region and the angular part of the lower jaw were prosthetized, and the tissues were fully prepared in order to reconstruct the auricle on the right side and remove the incorrectly located teeth. Everything went well. There was also a second operation - to make a contour plastic of the eye prosthesis, to shape the eyebrows and prepare the eyelids for a temporary prosthesis. Remarkably, during all this, the mother did not think about the child, did not even call her. Katya herself was very happy, hoping that her mother would accept her when all this was over. However, when the third operation took place, it turned out that not everything was so simple. The child did not insert the eye prosthesis correctly, because of which the sutures suddenly began to diverge, and then, when a new surgical intervention was prescribed to fix it, the heart suddenly stopped. As it turned out, the girl also had congenital anomalies of the internal organs, which even a detailed examination did not reveal.

Natalya Markelova

No less loud was the issue, also associated with a fatality. True, this time it happened before the program. At the end of the summer of 2015, a tragedy took place in the Sverdlovsk region - a resident of the village of Uktus Natalya Markelova, having quarreled with her husband while drinking alcohol together, took his life with a knife. Later, according to the clarified circumstances, the suspect was temporarily released on bail.

The lady, however, did not calm down. She, now a single mother with young children, did not take care of them, but led a wild life and drank. When the guardianship authorities found out about this, the children were handed over to their grandmother, the mother of the deceased. However, after a while, Markelova remembered them and decided to take them away, and with her fists, bringing help with her.

The proceedings further went beyond the "everyday life", being shown in the fall of 2016 in "Let them talk." According to those who saw him, the mother continued to fight for the children, believing that in this way she could commute her sentence. Already in February of this year, the case was finally put to rest: Natalya Markelova was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Diana Shurygina

It is impossible not to recall another story that is also related to crime. Her main character, Diana Shurygina, is still being actively discussed by the public, although the first issue of “Let them talk” with her was on January 31st. A 17-year-old resident of Ulyanovsk stated on air that she was raped by 21-year-old Sergei Semyonov.

During the proceedings, it turned out that Shurygina was not a saint, provoking the young man to commit sexual acts with her. The story continued when it was revealed that more than one person "had suffered because of Diana." Actually, because of what was happening, the girl was hunted down, and she was forced to leave her hometown for Moscow.

Irina Letinskaya

As it became known, last Tuesday, June 13th, a tragedy happened in one of Moscow's private clinics, located on Michurinsky Prospekt. There, right in the process of plastic surgery, a 17-year-old patient, Ekaterina Badaeva, from a small town in the Rostov region, unexpectedly died. Her mother, when the girl was just born, having learned that the child had a rare disease - Goldenhar's syndrome - abandoned the baby immediately in the maternity hospital. The woman was shocked by the appearance of the child, and she decided that she did not need such an offspring. Throughout her short life, the girl who lived in the orphanage had to look at the world around her with only one eye. She really wanted to go back to her family, to her parents. Because of such a frightening appearance, Katya suffered ridicule and mockery from those around her from the cradle. But, two months ago, a pupil of the boarding school becomes the heroine of the next issue of the most popular talk show “Let them talk”, after which the girl was offered real help in the form of free plastic surgery. Surgical intervention was for Badaeva the only chance to start a new, full life, as well as the opportunity to return to her family. The mother of the teenage girl, Nadezhda, who also appeared at the studio, said she was ready to take her back home if Katya's appearance changed. For this reason, the schoolgirl reacted with great enthusiasm to the offer of help from the capital's plastic surgeon Andrey Ishchenko.

Those who knew the girl personally claim that she was very modest, quiet and incredibly shy of her appearance. The specialists from the capital helped her put her face in order, Katya was very happy and prepared for the final stage of the operation. She went to Moscow at the end of May and a month later she was supposed to return home with a new face. During such trips, the teenager was accompanied by one of the employees of the boarding school where Badaeva lived. The results of the first plasty were visible to the naked eye. However, during the last surgical intervention, something unexpected happened. Careful examinations, unfortunately, did not help to detect a deformation of the internal organs in the girl, which ultimately led to a terrible tragedy. The girl's heart could not stand it and stopped right on the operating table. The unfortunate Ekaterina went through a series of operations, but the last one turned out to be fatal for her. The death of a teenager shocked the public. The doctors who performed the operation on Badaeva were immediately accused of negligence, and a criminal case was immediately initiated into the death of a minor Katya. At the same time, the doctors themselves deny their guilt. They claim that they desperately tried to resuscitate the girl for more than two hours, however, due to severe congenital anomalies, her body reacted unpredictably. Preliminary examination, by the way, confirms the innocence of doctors. The plastic surgeon is shocked by what happened, because this is the first tragic outcome of the operation in his practice. Andrey Ishchenko really wanted Katya to finally become beautiful, beloved and be able to return to her family, and also start a new life, without the ridicule of others. Journalists also contacted the mother of the deceased girl. But, the woman only coldly stated that she had no complaints against the doctors who operated on her child.

This opinion was expressed by the President of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons" Konstantin Lipsky. Accordingly, a specialist of a different profile should have carried it out.


"Such operations are usually performed not by a plastic surgeon, they are usually performed by maxillofacial surgeons," RIA Novosti quotes the expert. “If this clinic has a license for maxillofacial surgery, we must start with this. But this operation has nothing to do with plastic surgery as such,” Lipsky added.

According to him, in the capital, such deaths are not uncommon. He stated this, referring to the statistics. "These are accidents, and there are various reasons for this. There are allergic reactions ... of course, there are such cases during the introduction and withdrawal from anesthesia," the specialist concluded.

Commented on the death of the girl and her mother. Changes in the face of her daughter, abandoned by a woman in an orphanage due to a congenital disease, became the only condition for returning to the family. “You won’t return the child, that’s all. So, God gave so much. So, God was named so much,” REN TV quotes the words of the mother.

In turn, representatives of the clinic where the operation took place stated that neurosurgeons, ophthalmologists and psychiatrists examined the girl before surgery, numerous studies were performed. At the same time, there were no contraindications for the operation.

In particular, the surgeons made the patient a prosthesis of the zygomatic region and the angle of the lower jaw, removed incorrectly located teeth and transplanted adipose tissue into the region of the right half of the face. These operations took place in 2016.

“In March 2017, they did contour plastic surgery of the supraorbital and infraorbital regions of the eyebrows, formed the eyelids. The third operation was performed on May 30 - they formed the auricle, a bed for setting a temporary prosthesis of the eye, and put the prosthesis itself,” quotes a representative of the Moskovsky Komsomolets clinic. After that, the girl remained in the medical facility, her mother was supposed to come for her to pick her up.

Also, a clinic employee said that on June 13, the patient underwent a forty-minute operation to apply secondary sutures to the eyelids, since some of the sutures parted. This happened allegedly due to the fact that the girl clumsily inserted an eye prosthesis.

"At the end of the operation, there was a sudden violation of the heart rhythm, followed by a stop," the representative of the medical institution summed up. According to him, the doctors fought for the life of the patient for 2.5 hours.

In turn, Tatyana Samorodova, deputy director for educational work of the boarding school, commented on the death of her ward. She said grief had come to their institution. The minor's guardian told her about the trouble.

“We socially adapted her to life as much as possible. She made plans for the future,” said Samorodova.

According to her, the main dream of the girl was to return to her family - to her mother and three brothers.

"Goldenhar's syndrome is a rare hereditary disease. It occurs in one in a thousand newborns," explains Andrey Orlov, maxillofacial plastic surgeon. At the same time, the causes of the development of the disease are not fully known.

He noted that the disease is possible if the mother has, for example, diabetes or overweight. The difficulty in treating the syndrome is that the patient has an underdevelopment of the lower jaw and zygomatic bone. "These operations require highly qualified surgeons. The doctor who took on this girl is a hero," the expert believes.

Recall that the story of a 17-year-old girl with a rare Goldenhar syndrome was told on the air of the program “Let them talk”. Her parents abandoned her in the maternity hospital because of her appearance, and she spent all her childhood in a boarding school.

A surgeon who was present at the TV studio offered the girl to perform all the necessary operations for free. The heroine of the program "Let them talk" died on the operating table with a doctor who promised to help her.

As the site wrote, the investigators opened a criminal case under the article "Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of a person through negligence." Law enforcement officers conducted searches in the office of the clinic and seized a number of documents. Roszdravnadzor is also checking on this fact.

For the first time, viewers of Channel One saw Nick Vuychich, a world-famous motivator and author of the bestseller Life Without Borders. Yesterday, several stories were shown, the heroes of which arrived at the program's studio and talked with an American speaker. Nick Vuychich supported all the participants and wished them to achieve their goals and stay strong. Watch Let them talk 04/14/2016 - Hope for Nick Vuychich. Part 2.

American writer and motivator of Serbian origin was born in Australia. Already in childhood, Nick, realizing his unenviable position, experienced severe shocks, but found the strength in himself and began to learn to do what seemed almost impossible for him: he learned to write, swim, move, and today Nick Vuychich is also happy Husband and father of two sons! Recently, he travels all over the world and talks at his seminars about how to overcome difficulties and be a successful happy person.

Nick Vujicic in Let Them Talk

Upon learning of the arrival of Nick Vuychich in Moscow, many viewers decided to see the motivator and ask him for help. Hope for Nick Vuychich. Part 2! And today new heroes with their difficult stories. Next: details about each participant of the broadcast.

Katya Badaeva

Katya Badaeva from the Rostov Region (city of Azovsk) was born with a facial deformity. The mother left the girl in the orphanage when she saw her face, but Katya managed to overcome many difficulties in her life. Now she is 17 years old.

I learned to write and draw. All these years I miss my mother and really want to see her ...

The educators of the Azov boarding school know about her cherished dream. Six years ago they found Katya's mother, Nadezhda Badaeva. She lives 400 km from her daughter and she has three sons - Katya's three brothers. For a long time, Nadezhda thought that Katya had died. Over the past six years, the woman began to visit her daughter. Soon the girl will turn 18 years old, and if her mother does not take her away, then Ekaterina will have to stay in a mental hospital until the end of her days ... However, Nadezhda states the following: “I cannot accept Katya until she has plastic surgery.”

Nick Vujicic comments on this difficult story:

The story is very sad and touching... I understand that she can be teased, called names, but you see her spirit and heart! She accepts herself. And if the family accepts it, then the whole village will react well. We need to love each other.

Katya, her mother Nadezhda Badaeva and siblings came to the program! Plastic surgeon Andrey Ishchenko is ready to help the girl: "We will do our best, but the most important thing is that Katya's mother and brothers support and love her."

Maxim Vostrikov

9-year-old Maxim Vostrikov from the Nizhny Novgorod region (the village of Sokolskoye) asks Nick Vuychich to help his parents recover from alcoholism.

Nick Vuychich:

Too bad you can't change people when they refuse help. You can pray for them and sometimes it takes a long time. If Maxim's parents are deprived of parental rights, he has a grandmother who will help him, but he should not feel guilty before his mother and father. We need to pray for them.

Maxim's mother Nadezhda Vostrikova came to the program with her husband Stas, the boy's father. They are ready to pull themselves together and stop drinking.


The following story featured in "Hope for Nick Vujicic. Part 2 "- about a 20-year-old girl named Leysan. She was born with Down syndrome, but her mother did everything possible to make her daughter grow up happy and self-confident. Doctors told Leysan's mother that her child would be a "vegetable", but today the 20-year-old girl knows how to dance and often performs on the local stage. Moreover, Leysan lost 23 kilograms!

The girl's mother is Ramziya Zaripova:

Of course, nothing is easy in life. There were obstacles, difficulties ... But you need to believe and move forward. And children should be given as much attention as possible and love them!

Leysan and Ramziya Zaripov came to Let They Talk to meet Nick Vuychich and tell about themselves.

On February 17 this year, the program Let them talk about a guy who wants to meet Nick Vuychich went on the air. The release was called "". 24-year-old Alexander Solomennik lives in the Stavropol boarding school. His mother and father left him in a nursing home, as they considered it a shame to raise a handicapped child ... Sasha wants to prove to his parents that he is no worse than his healthy peers.

Today he is back in the studio Let them talk and his long-awaited dream came true - the guy met with Nick Vuychich!

Nick Vuychich addresses Alexander:

Unfortunately, we can't change your mother's attitude towards you. But it's not your fault and it's not your problem. It's just her problem. Ignore and move forward. Be the best you can be. And don't leave your friends. Move into the future...your future!

Watch the broadcast Let them talk - Hope for Nick Vuychich. Part 2 (aired April 14, 2016).

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Unknown details of a high-profile story

Plastic surgeon Andrey Ishchenko repeatedly saved the heroes of the “Let them talk” program - the doctor undertook complex operations. On June 13, in the clinic of Dr. Ishchenko "Artemed", the heroine of the TV project "Let them talk", 17-year-old Katya Badaeva from the Rostov region, died. The girl lived all her life in the Azov orphanage for mentally retarded children. Mom abandoned Katya at the maternity hospital when she found out that the child was born with a rare disease, Goldenhar syndrome (a pathology in which one half of the face and spine develop incorrectly). On the air “Let them talk,” Katya’s mother said that she was ready to take the girl to her family (Nadezhda alone is raising three sons) from the boarding school if the child undergoes plastic surgery. After the boarding school, Katya was waiting for life in a psycho-neurological dispensary, so the child dreamed of an operation in order to return to his mother. A well-known plastic surgeon on the air “Let them talk” volunteered to perform operations, which required several.

Katya on the program "Let them talk" in April 2016 with her mother and Nick Vuychich.

We spoke with the editors of Let Them Talk and found out how the girl got on the air of a popular talk show and why the tragedy happened. Natalya Galkovich said that now it is they who will organize the sending of the girl’s body to her homeland in Rostov-on-Don.

- Natalya, how was the doctor chosen to help Katya? "Let them talk" dealt with this story?

We brought it and took it to Moscow at our expense, we didn't leave it. They monitored her health, the operation was performed not by a charlatan, but by a respected surgeon. The mother of the girl, with whom we arranged a meeting, said that she would not be taken away like that. And she wanted to live with her mother. This doctor Ishchenko decided to help her. We have such programs very often. We had to make her meet her mother with a new face... I can't blame the doctor. He is a certified doctor with regalia. She underwent examinations before operations. All the necessary information is there. It's just an accident.

The editor of the “Let them talk” program, Elena Nekrasova, explained that the mother abandoned the girl immediately after the birth of the child, as the doctors told her that the child would not live even a month with such health problems. After 16 years, the mother of the child, Nadezhda, began to receive certificates that she had to pay alimony, so she found out that Katya was alive.

- Elena, why did you invite Katya and her mother to the program?

We received a letter with this story when we were making a program about Nick Vuychich (writer, speaker, who was born with a rare hereditary disease - ed.). We invited heroes who experienced difficulties due to problems with their appearance. So this girl with a congenital pathology became one of the heroes of the program. And then the mother said that she lives in such a remote place where few people will understand if there is such a girl in the house, since everyone will point the finger ... But if there was a doctor who made the girl a normal face, then of course she would be able to return to native home.

- Were you confident in the professionalism of the surgeon? Did he do the surgery for free?

Of course. We are shocked at what happened. Our conscience is clear, because these were doctors who work with our program not for the first time. They have already helped the heroes of our programs. Usually we tell such stories in the program with the results of the year, show how a person has changed.

The editors of "Let them talk" are sure that everything that happened was a tragic coincidence. Perhaps the innate characteristics of the child's body played a fatal role.

On June 13, Katya arrived for the fourth and last operation. The previous ones were successful, the girl was changing. But after the operation, her heart stopped. For more than two hours, the doctors fought for her life, but they failed to save Katya. The girl underwent serious examinations before each operation, but no one could foresee how the human body with such serious pathologies would behave. The cause of death of the patient will be named after a forensic medical examination. So far, it has been established that the girl needed medical intervention "in order to eliminate the consequences of intrauterine facial injuries."

A criminal case has been opened for “providing services that do not meet safety requirements, which negligently caused the death of a person.” After the forensic medical examination, the final conclusions will be made.

The doctor's wife, Irina, who is a co-owner of the clinic, explained that her face and brain were lagging behind in development. According to her, the girl underwent several operations, but during the last one she died due to "powerful malformations," REN TV reports.


“We did a number of reconstructive operations. Before doing them, we examined her comprehensively. We got all the conclusions that it is possible to operate,” Irina said. During the last operation, the patient had to undergo a small correction, as she was found to have a slight divergence of the sutures.

“The operation was performed, but considering that she has severe malformations… The operation ended, she had a cardiac arrest,” said the wife of the surgeon. The woman stressed that after the death of the girl, the doctors did an autopsy of her body and, according to the results of the examination, "did not find any fault" of the doctors.

“We are engaged in charity work,” concluded the co-owner of the medical facility.

Recall that the story of a 17-year-old girl with a rare Goldenhar syndrome was told on the air of the program “Let them talk”. Her parents abandoned her in the maternity hospital because of her appearance, and she spent all her childhood in a boarding school. "Mother said she was born with the face of a dog," Irina added.

A surgeon who was present at the TV studio offered the girl to perform all the necessary operations for free. Later it became known that the heroine of the program "Let them talk" died on the operating table with a doctor who promised to help her. Investigators opened a criminal case under the article "Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of a person through negligence." Law enforcement officers conducted searches in the office of the clinic and seized a number of documents.

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