Signs of postpartum depression. Depression after childbirth: causes. Postpartum depression in women: symptoms

The completed procreation - the birth of an heir, is undoubtedly one of the most significant, long-awaited and natural events in the life of every woman. However, childbirth is a significant test, coupled with colossal stressaffecting all spheres of life of a woman in labor. After childbirth, many mothers experience a feeling of sadness, emptiness, fear, they feel predestined and hopeless.

Depression after childbirth, also referred to as postnatal depression, is an independent type of affective disorder, considered within the pathologies of the depressive spectrum. postpartum depression in women occurs immediately after a short period of time after childbirth. Typically, the symptoms of this type of clinical depression develop and worsen within three months of the birth of the child.

The studies carried out have established that the prevalence of postnatal depression ranges from 10 to 15% of the total number of young mothers. At the same time, experts argue that these figures do not reflect the real situation with the prevalence of postpartum depression. The impossibility to determine the actual number of women who experience symptoms of the depressive triad after childbirth is due to the fact that the vast majority of contemporaries prefer not to seek medical help, trying to overcome the blues on their own.

It is also not possible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how long depression lasts after childbirth. The duration of a depressive episode has different meanings for different people. The timing of the disease state depends on a combination of various endogenous factors, such as: the general state of human health, the characteristics of the personal constitution, the degree of satisfaction of basic needs. Of considerable importance in the duration of postpartum depression is external circumstances, such as: a favorable or inappropriate social environment, the quality of a woman's interaction with close relatives.

Types of changes in the psycho-emotional status after childbirth

Psychologists distinguish three types of emotional and mental disorders that can occur in any woman in the postpartum period:

  • melancholy;

Postpartum melancholy

Melancholia is a common condition that most women (about 50-60%) experience after a childbirth. According to experts, a change in the emotional background associated with hormonal surges and experienced colossal stresses on the body is a natural phenomenon.

Symptoms of the blues after childbirth are manifested in causeless tearfulness, inexplicable sadness, inability to have full-fledged social contacts, fatigue, sleep problems, decreased appetite. The peak of negative sensations, according to doctors, falls on days 3-5 and is referred to in psychiatric circles as “despondency of the third day.” However, negative experiences and painful signs in most women disappear on their own within one week to one month after childbirth.

How to get rid of apathy and blues after childbirth? The best recommendation for getting over a period of melancholy more quickly is love, care, support from those close to you, and switching your attention to positive activities. Psychologists recommend to all newly-made mothers not to limit their field of activity only to caring for the baby. To feel the fullness of life, a woman needs to be in contact with friends, take time for hobbies, not give up studying, and pay attention to maintaining good physical shape. The monotony and routine that are observed in the lives of many women who have recently become mothers naturally worsens their mood and provokes painful thoughts.

postpartum depression

Symptoms of the disorder appear a few days or weeks after childbirth. At the same time, postnatal depression occurs not only in primiparous women. Excruciating depressive symptoms can also overcome mature women who already have the experience of motherhood.

A new mother experiences similar symptoms as with melancholia, but their manifestations are more intense, constant, obsessive and painful. Depressive experiences force certain adjustments in the life of the patient.

Unpleasant symptoms join a bad mood: pathological uncontrollable anxiety, irrational fears, anticipation of an imminent tragedy. A woman is overcome by causeless tearfulness, not related to a real-life situation. She is seized by an inexplicable confusion, depriving her of peace, illogical and useless thoughts are haunting her, from which she cannot get rid of the efforts of her will. There is an oppressive feeling of one's own guilt, thoughts about the uselessness and meaninglessness of existence.

Often, with postpartum depression, a woman is unable to perform daily duties and cannot cope with the functions that arise during motherhood. Some women note the addition of a sense of personality change: they feel that they cannot control internal processes.

There is an increased sensitivity to minimal stimuli that were previously ignored. The new mother begins to languish from the depressing feeling that "life will never be the same." She loses interest in various previously pleasant aspects. She refuses intimate relationships, because they do not bring her pleasure.

postpartum psychosis

Postpartum psychosis is a collective term for serious and severe psychotic disorders that occur in the first months after childbirth. Psychosis after childbirth is recorded relatively rarely: in one or two women out of 1000. Symptoms of the disease appear unexpectedly and develop rapidly. Most often, signs of psychosis are noticeable already in the first days after childbirth.

A woman loses the ability to distinguish real events from fictional situations. She may experience true auditory hallucinations: the patient begins to hear "voices" ordering to perform some action. Under the influx of imperative hallucinations, a person can commit dangerous actions: harm himself or his own child.

In postpartum psychosis, disorientation and depersonalization may occur. A woman ceases to navigate correctly in time, space, her own personality. Typical symptoms of psychosis after childbirth: unbalanced, excited state, increased motor activity - catatonic arousal. In isolated situations, the opposite phenomenon is observed - a catatonic stupor, manifested by a slowdown or complete inhibition of motor activity. A woman is often distinguished by senseless, strange, unnatural aggressive behavior.

If symptoms of postpartum psychosis occur, immediate hospitalization is required for complex therapy, as there is a significant threat of harm to yourself or strangers. Treatment of such psychotic conditions is carried out exclusively in the stationary conditions of a psychiatric clinic.

Causes of postpartum depression

Postpartum depression is directly linked by scientists to the significant biological and psychological changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy and childbirth. Against the background of intense chemical processes caused by a sharp jump in production, concentration and subsequent decrease in the level of hormones: estrogen and progesterone, there are changes in the work of neurotransmitters responsible for the emotional sphere.

The body of a woman does not have time to respond quickly to the ongoing hormonal changes. The brain activates its activity, concentrating its efforts on maintaining homeostasis. Thus, the sphere of feelings and sensations remains the most defenseless, and the risk of clinical depression increases.

Although experts believe that the most significant factor in the mechanism of development of postpartum depression is the hormonal restructuring of a woman's body after childbirth, there are other hypotheses for the occurrence of an affective disorder. The reason, predisposing and provoking factors in the development of depressive states is the presence of individual aspects from the list below or a complex combination of unfavorable conditions.

The impetus for the onset of postpartum depression often gives physical exhaustion after the process of labor. Physical fatigue is accompanied by a woman's psycho-emotional stress associated with the expectation of pregnancy resolution.

The culprit of a postnatal depressive episode is often a difficult pregnancy, when the expectant mother was forced to comply with a number of restrictions in order to save the life of the unborn baby. There was a threat of miscarriage or premature birth, painful manifestations of toxicosis, forced stay in the inpatient department of the hospital undermine the woman's psyche. The trigger may be childbirth with complications, when there was a real threat to the life of the mother or child. A long rehabilitation period associated with an unfavorable course of childbirth causes severe stress, which often transforms into a depressive state.

The cause of postnatal depression may be a discrepancy between reality and the desired state. Often a woman, in anticipation of a baby, makes some unrealistic plans or has illusory desires that cannot be instantly fulfilled in reality. After childbirth, there are "imaginary" disappointments associated with the appearance of a new family member. The real picture of life after the birth of a child does not meet the expectations of a person.

A provoking factor is often the woman's dissatisfaction with her relationship with her husband. She painfully perceives the lack of proper moral, physical, material support. The new mother is faced with new difficulties and suffers especially if her husband does not want to take part in caring for his own child.

The foundation for the emergence of affective disorders is a specific personal constitution of a person. Many women suffering from postpartum depression are suspicious and impressionable persons. Patients are characterized by low stress resistance, which makes their personality vulnerable, leads to a break in personal boundaries and causes a deterioration in the psycho-emotional state. Many people who are prone to depressive experiences are accustomed to fixing their attention on the negative aspects of life. At the same time, their characteristic quality is ignoring the fact of the existence of pleasant and neutral moments of being. They see the world in dark colors, and inflate the slightest trouble to gigantic proportions.

In the anamnesis of many women who have been diagnosed with postpartum depression, there are cases of other disorders of the neurotic and psychotic spectrum. Many of them had previously suffered from other forms of depression, especially premenstrual dysphoric disorder. In the medical history of some patients, there is information about past episodes of phobic anxiety disorders.

An unfavorable heredity (genetic predisposition) should also be considered an actual risk factor. It has been established that if there was a family history of depressive episodes, then 30% of women are at risk of developing clinical symptoms of the disorder after childbirth.

According to existing criteria, the diagnosis of postpartum (postnatal) depression is established if a depressive episode with the corresponding clinical symptoms of the disorder occurred within six weeks (according to ICD-10) or one month (according to DSM) after childbirth.

Symptoms of postpartum depression

As a result of hormonal changes in the body after childbirth, the emotional background becomes labile. Women experience rapid mood swings. In one moment they can feel joy and fun, in the next moment the young ladies become sad and sad. At the same time, as the disorder worsens, their mood becomes more and more minor. Over time, the patient ceases to rejoice at objectively happy events. Not a single piece of good news can change her dreary mood.

  • A woman reacts excessively intensely to the slightest stimuli. She demonstrates excessively violent reactions to minor noises, changes in illumination. It gives special meaning to the standard actions and banal statements of others.
  • For persons suffering from a depressive disorder, a feeling of oppressive sadness, inexplicable anger, and irrational anxiety is characteristic. The patient cannot explain the origin of the illogical obsessive fear. Despite the efforts made, a woman is not able to eliminate anxiety and fear.
  • Many women experience uncertainty, timidity, confusion. The lack of self-confidence in the new role of mother contributes to excessive self-criticism and groundless self-accusation. The patient convinces herself that she is a bad mother. She is convinced that she is not taking good care of the baby. She believes that she is not capable of raising a child properly. Thus, a woman hangs a label on herself, the essence of which is: "I am a worthless and insignificant creature, not worthy of respect and love."
  • Unreasonable tearfulness is characteristic. They shed tears in situations where the normal response is to smile and laugh. Neither persuasion, nor attempts to cheer up, nor sympathy, nor logical convictions from others can stop their crying.
  • There are intrusive negative thoughts about the baby. They are haunted by the idea that by their careless actions they can harm the child. Such obsessive thoughts (obsessions) provoke the need for the patient to regularly perform some kind of protective actions (compulsions). A woman with manic persistence begins to carry out protective measures, for example: she does not allow even the closest relatives to the baby.
  • Loss of interest in communicating with the child. They not only do not pay the required attention to the baby, but sometimes they refuse to feed him at all. Patients may become convinced that their own child is or will become a source of serious problems in the future. The occurrence of such a symptom is a dangerous sign, indicating the need for emergency medical intervention.

In the case of a prolonged course of postpartum depression, the disorder manifests itself with a variety of somatic, autonomic, behavioral and emotional symptoms. The most common manifestations:

  • feeling of constant fatigue, loss of strength, decreased energy, lack of vigor after a long rest;
  • inertia, lack of interest in habitual activities;
  • loss of pleasure from joyful events;
  • formal social isolation: refusal to communicate with others, unwillingness to see loved ones;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia, interrupted sleep, nightmares;
  • pathological anxiety to harm the child;
  • cognitive impairment: difficulties with memorizing new material, the inability to recall the necessary information, the inability to concentrate on the task being performed;
  • motor retardation or agitation;
  • change in eating behavior: lack of appetite or excessive need for food;
  • obsessive thoughts about the meaninglessness of existence;

Treatment for postpartum depression

How to deal with postnatal depression? The main interventions for the treatment of postpartum depression are as follows:

  • drug therapy;
  • psychotherapy (individual and group sessions);
  • art therapy;
  • meditation;
  • autogenic training;
  • rebirthing (special breathing technique);
  • hypnosis techniques.

Drug treatment, including antidepressants, tranquilizers and mood stabilizers, is used in extremely rare cases when there is a high risk of suicidal acts. A strict selective approach to the use of pharmacological preparations can be explained by the potential danger to the health of the child of the constituent components that penetrate into breast milk. To date, data on the side effects of drugs used in depression, on their effect on the body of a developing baby, have not been fully studied and not reliably confirmed.

However, in severe depression, it is advisable to focus on drug therapy at the initial stage of treatment. As a rule, the patient is prescribed modern antidepressants from the group of selective serotonin inhibitors. To completely eliminate the symptoms of the disorder, taking drugs for at least three months is required. Treatment begins with the appointment of the minimum effective dose. It should be borne in mind that during the period of treatment with antidepressants, a woman should completely abandon breastfeeding.

The main emphasis in the treatment of postnatal depression is on the combination of psychotherapeutic measures with hypnosis sessions. During psychotherapeutic sessions, the doctor explains to the patient the features of her condition. A psychotherapist helps a woman to find out the wrong attitudes that contribute to a depressive mood. The doctor directs the client to work on the elimination of existing complexes and contributes to the formation of adequate self-esteem.

Through hypnosis, it is possible to neutralize the "hidden" mechanisms of depression, revealing the irrational components of the pathology. Hypnosis is indispensable for women in situations where the patient cannot understand why she was captured by an affective disorder. Immersion in a trance state during hypnosis allows you to make an “excursion” into the past of a person, which makes it possible to establish the true factors that provoked a depressive status.

How to get out of depression? Women suffering from postpartum depression are advised to get enough rest, eat a balanced diet, and exercise regularly. An important aspect in the treatment of depression is the elimination of the situation when every day a lady is occupied exclusively with routine matters. To get rid of the blues, you need to diversify your activities, do not give up hobbies. You should not ignore the healing possibilities of nature: walking in the fresh air, swimming in ponds, staying in the bosom of nature will bring positive feelings of harmony with your own "I" and the world around.

How to deal with the painful signs of depression after childbirth? Of great importance for overcoming postpartum depression is the behavior and attitude of the woman's inner circle. Understanding her "inner world", attention to her experiences, fears, fears help to easily endure the difficulties of the postpartum period. Enough active "doctors" are pets that accept without criticism and sincerely love their mistress.

In the treatment of depression, milotherapy has proven itself well - therapy with the environment. The essence of the technique: the patient's stay in rooms with sufficient natural light, which is decorated in a certain color scheme, excluding the "depressive" palette with a dosed supply of red and orange tones. This technique involves filling rooms with living vegetation, a certain selection of paintings, listening to quiet melodic melodies, watching thematically selected emotionally deep films.

Postpartum depression, which occurs in mild to moderate severity, can be quite quickly and completely cured. In most women who seek help from a psychotherapist, signs of postpartum depression disappear after 5-7 sessions. If the disease is more severe, it is recommended to undergo treatment in inpatient clinics.

Finally, the days of happiness came, the child was born, the whole family triumphs and rejoices. But something is wrong with the young mother. She is tormented by anxiety, depression, her eyes are wet. What would that mean? Postpartum depression is a condition that women experience after having a baby. Whether it is necessary to deal with this problem, how dangerous it is and why it occurs, let's study in more detail.

Some women have to deal with postpartum depression

The mental disorder of a woman begins even before the onset of childbirth. In the last days before the release from the burden, she can no longer control the processes, panics and worries about a serious moment in her life. And the closer the birth of a baby, the stronger the sensations. As soon as this happens, the picture drawn by almost all expectant mothers about the happy moments of motherhood changes a little. The baby constantly cries, requires attention, he may begin colic. There is a lot of trouble: washing, ironing, sleepless nights are simply exhausting, the child needs to be swaddled, fed, bathed, and diapers changed. Thus, persistent fatigue, depressed mood are formed, which leads to nervous disorders, followed by postpartum depression, the symptoms of which can be detected with the “naked” eye.

Of course, everyone is sure that postpartum depression occurs more often in women. But as it turned out, nervous disorders can also affect the strong half of humanity, especially those men who are directly related to the postpartum situation. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms and causes of the pathology to everyone, without exception, who has a long-awaited baby in the house.

What is postpartum depression

This problem is taken lightly by many, but in fact it can lead to serious consequences. But this is not a banal melancholy or whims that will pass without any intervention in a couple of weeks. To accurately understand that there are symptoms of postpartum depression in women, you need to know the following points:

  • excessive anxiety;
  • constant tearfulness;
  • insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • Sudden mood swings.

Despite the problematic nature of these signs, the woman continues to fully feel the happiness of motherhood. An important point in determining the disease is its duration. Bad mood, spleen disappear in 2-3 weeks, while postpartum depression, prolonged, expressed in a complex form of neurological pathology. There are times when it can last for months or even years, aggravated and expressed in very severe mental forms. You can not think that a young mother is simply trying to attract attention, although in fact the symptoms are very similar. If you miss the signs, then the disease can become permanent, the signs periodically fade away, transforming into more complex forms.

Important: often postpartum depression in women is hidden, the mother shows others her happy state, while the disease can develop. In these cases, it is necessary to pay more attention to her psychological state, talk to the young mother and provide assistance.

Postpartum depression sometimes has a latent form

Depression after childbirth: symptoms in women

To determine the problem, a visit to the doctor is necessary. Pathology can manifest itself in different ways, but it is precisely the psychological changes in the mood, behavior and character of the mother that are evident. To establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to know how postpartum depression manifests itself. Therefore, it is important to contact an experienced specialist to clarify the problem and obtain adequate treatment. The diagnosis is established after a visual examination, anamnesis, and, if necessary, analysis of tests. On examination, as a rule, the following points are observed and revealed:

  • headaches, dizziness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • panic attacks;
  • anxiety;
  • prolonged depression;
  • sadness, sadness;
  • loss of strength;
  • feeling of loneliness, nobody needs;
  • causeless bouts of remorse;
  • feeling of shame, mental self-flagellation.

When to sound the alarm

The problem is often exacerbated by the woman's reluctance to seek help, refusal to visit a doctor and treatment. Most of the young mothers are sure that the unpleasant symptoms will resolve themselves as soon as the first weeks of motherhood pass. But if the listed signs last more than 2-3 weeks, the process can be delayed and lead to complex forms of the disease. Particular attention should be paid to when postpartum depression begins. In the first months after the birth of a child, the condition can be explained by completely natural causes. But if signs of depression appear after three months and up to 9 months of a baby's life, then it makes sense to sound the alarm. During these periods, a dangerous condition is given out by such symptoms as:

  • depressed mood;
  • excessive irritability;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • panic attacks;
  • tantrums;
  • the desire of a woman to be constantly alone;
  • refusal to communicate.

Danger signs

The symptoms include somatic mental disorder. Women have persistent insomnia, she loses weight. She may be accompanied by obsessive fears and panic attacks, a feeling that she can do an act that would harm the child. This form can develop into a manic-depressive syndrome.

A woman with postpartum depression may suffer from panic attacks.

Depression after childbirth: causes

According to medical statistics from American researchers, nervousness after the birth of a child accompanies up to 15 percent of young mothers. Every second woman suffers from pathology in a complex form. Unfortunately, the trend is getting worse, more and more mothers get this disease, especially in Western countries. Despite the fact that the underlying mass of provoking factors is clearly presented, there are still questions that still cannot be answered unambiguously. The cause of the disorder may be:

  1. Hormonal changes. Immediately after the conception of the baby, serious transformations take place in the mother's body, it works for two. After all, it is no secret to anyone that a woman often cries, is sad, nervous, capricious, this is perestroika. With the advent of the baby, everything returns to normal, which also entails emotional disorders: disappointment, a feeling of emptiness, unpreparedness for the changes that have come.
  2. hereditary indicator. This implies the adoption by a woman of the behavior of her parents, who also found themselves in a stressful situation.
  3. Disruption of the thyroid gland. After the birth of a child, the production of thyroid hormones decreases, which is expressed in fatigue, a sense of loss, moral and physical exhaustion.
  4. Metabolic disorders, pressure drops.
  5. Lactation. Regular pumping of milk, cracks around the nipples, pain due to congestion in the mammary gland cause discomfort and resentment.
  6. Features of the character of the mother. If a woman already had an eccentric, capricious, selfish disposition, then after childbirth, each trait manifests itself in a more pronounced form.
  7. Shape changes. Physiological changes in the volume of the waist, chest, hips for a woman striving for perfection can cause real panic, hysteria.
  8. Financial difficulties. Often situations arise in which a young mother feels unable to provide the child with everything necessary, she is even more afraid of future costs as the baby grows.
  9. Changes in sexual life. Most often, women after childbirth lose their libido, they refuse to have sexual intercourse with their spouse, or even feel annoyed from intimacy.
  10. Other reasons - the cold attitude of loved ones, especially the spouse, lack of support, conflicts, violence, drinking alcohol can also lead to nervous breakdowns.

When does postpartum depression occur?

The problem is not always associated with physical difficulties. Often, very wealthy and successful ladies suffer from it. Another proof of the inconsistency of the theory of physical overwork is the increase in the number of suffering women compared to past centuries. Now you can use the washing machine, diapers, mixtures, but the trend still does not change. In addition, high-quality patronage of a young mother and her child is guaranteed, a number of areas have been created, excellent clinics that provide a lot of necessary services. But do not assume that the problem is only modern. During the reign of Queen Victoria, after the birth of a baby, a mother with “oddities” was sent to a psychiatric clinic with a diagnosis of “postpartum insanity”. But for the sake of justice, it is worth noting that in those days the disease was a rare occurrence.

Important: postpartum depression, the causes of which have so far been fully identified, creates an internal struggle, the woman's psyche is subjected to a serious test. Despite the fast pace of life and the creation of comfortable conditions for caring for a baby, she needs banal human sympathy, warmth and understanding.

The manifestation of postpartum depression in men

The reasons for the development of this type of pathology are similar to those for women, but there are still specific factors that cause nervous disorders in young dads.

  1. First of all, the problem is caused by changes in family life. A man feels unnecessary to his beloved wife because of her complete concern for the child.
  2. Financial question. With the advent of the baby, the cost of the family budget increases dramatically. For this reason, dad has to work harder, look for additional ways to earn money.
  3. Sexual relations. The first months of a baby's life are associated with constant care, and not only during the daytime, but also at night. It is clear that a tired mother is not able to give her husband as much attention as before delivery. This is where most of the conflicts come from.

The bulk of young dads cope with the problem 2-3 months after the appearance of their beloved child. They are able to adapt to the situation, and visiting work, communicating with friends makes a positive contribution. A man can be distracted, briefly forget about domestic problems and give rest to his emotions.

Men are also prone to postpartum depression.

What to do to prevent depression after childbirth

Given the fact that the mental disorders of a young mother can lead to disastrous consequences, you need to take care of your health in advance. Otherwise, there is a risk of being disappointed not only in the happiness of motherhood, but also in life, without knowing its charms.

  1. Prevent the development of depression. To begin with, you need to check with your parents whether such a problem accompanied them after your birth. If the answer is yes, see a doctor for appropriate treatment. An experienced specialist will study all the factors that contribute to the manifestation of depressive moods, and undertake therapy that eliminates the risks.
  2. Prepare in advance for motherhood, purchase the necessary things so that you don’t get upset because of the lack of one or another item.
  3. It will not be superfluous to warn relatives and friends about the necessary help. Let them also prepare for a happy event with its positive consequences, which includes: walks, grocery shopping, laundry, ironing baby clothes, bathing a baby, shopping, etc.

How to treat postpartum depression

The problem requires high-quality treatment, as dangerous consequences are possible. Both the mother and the newborn can be affected. A young mother may simply refuse to care for her own child or perform her duties poorly. But the main point in the first days of a baby's life is to establish contact with the mother, as they say "skin to skin." He must feel her warmth, care, recognize by smell, which ensures his peace, and hence normal psychological and physiological development.

Important: with improper care, the baby develops mental problems, inflammatory processes, which in the future can turn into serious pathologies.

For a qualitative treatment of the disease, an examination, a study of tests to determine the state of the hormonal background, is required. Therapy depends on the depth of the problem. As treatment, sedatives, sedatives, antidepressants, drugs with the inclusion of serotonin are prescribed. Also, attention is paid to balancing hormones in the body, for which drugs are prescribed with minimal side effects. Nursing mothers are prescribed medicines without contraindications based on natural ingredients.

Additionally, if necessary, the doctor can prescribe psychotherapy that sets the thinking of the young mother to a positive “motive”.

Postpartum depression may cause mothers to inappropriately care for their baby

How to deal with symptoms at home

An important factor in influencing the mood of a newly-made mother is stability and harmony in the family. Having noticed the first signs of postpartum depression, treatment should be combined with home-based methods.

  1. Support of loved ones. Often, excessive emotionality or capriciousness of a woman is perceived with irritation, negativity, and this is a big mistake. Both a young mother and her baby need care, sympathy, moral and physical help.
  2. You should not inspire a woman that she has “fallen apart”, “you need to pull yourself together”, etc. Only comforting, kind words, understanding of the situation will help her feel your participation. But not only words, but also elementary help with the housework will allow a woman to rest for 1-2 hours and restore her strength.

Behavior of a new mother

It is equally important for mothers to know how to deal with postpartum depression.

  1. For starters, visit a doctor. Do not delay the problem until the development of serious mental disorders.
  2. Be sure to share your feelings with a loved one, because not everyone can understand what exactly your mood swings, tearfulness, fatigue are.
  3. Arrange with your spouse about the allocation of a day off for you. Choose a day of the week, go to a cafe, a pool, take a walk in the park. The main thing is to change the situation and devote a few hours to your beloved.
  4. Sexual contact. It is clear that in the first 4-5 weeks of sexual life after childbirth is out of the question. It takes time to heal wounds and recuperate. But as soon as a certain period passes, do not deny yourself the pleasure. It is sex that will help get out of depression, as the body will again begin to receive the necessary hormones and elements that uplift the mood, strengthen the immune system, etc.
  5. Get a baby monitor. Constantly worrying about what's with the baby while you're in the kitchen or in the bathroom can lead to a breakdown. And thanks to an inexpensive and convenient attribute, you do not have to run every 2 minutes to the baby's bedroom and make sure that everything is in order with him.
  6. Don't spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Now there is an opportunity to purchase semi-finished products, and if possible, order dishes from cafes and restaurants. Involve your spouse or loved ones in the work, the young mother should rest more often.
  7. Go to sleep at every opportunity. The cause of birth depression can be a banal lack of sleep - a mandatory moment after the birth of a child.
  8. Walk outdoors more often. Postpartum depression, according to young mothers, goes away if you walk with a stroller every day. Meeting with "colleagues" fortunately, greenery, movement will bring positive and add vigor.

For sustainable mental health, a young mother will need the support of a young father

Go out for a walk with the whole family, let the young father take care of the baby. An idyllic picture will indicate that everything is in order in your life, the main thing is not to succumb to despondency and create a positive mood for yourself and your loved ones. By following simple rules and following the doctor's recommendations, the problem with the psychological state will be solved, which will allow you to fully experience the happiness of motherhood.

Symptoms of postpartum depression disrupt the habitual lifestyle of a young mother. Her hands drop, her mood decreases, she is indifferent to the world around her and often to the baby. It is necessary to fight depression that has arisen after childbirth from its very first manifestations.

Most women consider postpartum depression a minor disorder and do not seek medical attention. Only a few recognize this as a disease and seek specialized help. This article will discuss the treatment of depression after childbirth at home and drug therapy.

Treatment and care at home

In the initial stages of the disease, it is not necessary to resort to the help of psychiatrists. Banal and well-known methods of treatment will help to cope with postpartum blues, but their effectiveness has been proven in practice by millions of women.

All a young mother needs to do is take a break from the daily routine and pay enough attention to both herself and her baby. Here are some ways to get rid of negative thoughts:

  • Free moments of rest can be devoted to your favorite business: cross-stitching, cutting and sewing, playing musical instruments. It can be anything - everything that brought and brings pleasure.
  • It is better to plan the day so that there is more time for sleep. In the first months, it is necessary to sleep not only at night, but also during the day with the baby.
  • As a home treatment, daily games with the baby are recommended. It cheers up a young mother, charges her with positive thoughts. During such games, emotional contact is established, the woman begins to understand her importance and necessity, understands that the child needs her.
  • If possible, it is necessary to unload the day from household chores. Order food at a restaurant today, and ask your mom or sister to help clean up tomorrow. Communication with relatives is an additional way to treat depression after childbirth.
  • To raise vitality, it is recommended to drink a course of complex vitamin preparations, which the body so needs after childbirth.
  • Your favorite music will help you relax and unwind. Rocking your baby to your favorite song or a simple hand dance with your newborn is a good way to treat depression by distracting yourself from oppressive thoughts.
  • Daily walks and chatting with friends, at least on the phone, is another way to cope with the postpartum blues.

Medical treatment for postpartum depression

Specialized medical care is necessary for a protracted course of the disease and severe symptoms, when no methods help anymore. At first it is better to address to the psychologist or the psychotherapist. He will help to cope with anxiety and fears, listen to the patient, give her some necessary advice.

Only a psychiatrist can prescribe medication after a thorough clinical examination of the patient. During the conversation, the features of the course of postpartum depression, the severity of the disease are established. Based on this, a treatment plan is drawn up.

Important! Drug therapy can be carried out both in the hospital and at home. Patients who pose a danger to others or with a threat of suicide in the near future are subject to compulsory treatment in a hospital.

Treatment is complex, includes individual or group psychotherapy and prescription of antidepressants. In the course of psychotherapy, internal problems and complexes are solved, attitudes are built for the future, and life situations are analyzed.

Antidepressants for nursing mothers after childbirth as a treatment are used in exceptional cases. They easily pass through all barriers, are found in breast milk, so drug treatment is not compatible with breastfeeding. However, with the appearance of productive mental symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, obsessions, suicidal thoughts) or a severe clinical picture, antidepressants are simply necessary.

Useful video: Affordable treatments for postpartum depression

Fighting the development of postpartum depression

Depression in varying degrees of severity is detected in many young mothers after childbirth. The point is not only in hormonal changes, but also in the influence of society: family troubles, misunderstanding of relatives and close people, life's troubles. All this leaves an imprint on the mental state of a woman.

It is necessary to fight the development of symptoms of depression, because both the woman and the newborn, who needs attention, care and affection from the mother, suffer from it. The establishment of emotional contact between mother and child occurs in the first months of life. A woman should pay as much attention to the baby as possible, there is no place for depression.

Without treatment, depression can take a protracted course, which is dangerous for the development of mental illness, aggravation of existing symptoms.

“I don’t want to and I can’t do anything, I just cry and run to smoke. Even the cry of a child annoys me, ”some women who have recently given birth describe their condition in approximately the same way. Severe postpartum depression, and these are precisely its signs, according to statistical indicators, occurs in 12% of new parents.

The situation is also complicated by the fact that the environment, and the mother herself on maternity leave, do not always consider such a phenomenon to be a serious illness. And yet, depressive moods after childbirth are a pathology, and if left to chance, it often leads to serious consequences for both mothers and children.

At the end of the third trimester, many women begin to worry about themselves and, above all, the child. Anxiety arises due to a certain loss of control over the situation, not always pleasant emotions and sensations. Anxiety grows even more when mommy realizes that she cannot live up to the image of the “perfect mother”.

Most likely, many have an idealized idea of ​​​​mother on maternity leave: a rosy-cheeked toddler, a newly-made mother sparkling with happiness and the proud head of the family nearby. Imagine what happens to the psychological state of a woman in the first month after childbirth, when a newborn baby makes serious adjustments to her life.

What is postpartum depression in new mothers? Despite the ambiguous attitude to such a phenomenon in society, in medicine it is considered a rather serious illness - a form of depressive disorder that develops during the first months of the mother's interaction with the newborn.

Depression is inherent in about 12% of mothers who have given birth, but only 2-4% receive qualified support after the diagnosis is established.

In fact, experts say that mild episodes of postnatal depression occur in almost half of women on maternity leave.

It is necessary to separate depression from the usual blues, despondency that occurs in the first month after the birth process. A moping woman sometimes describes her feelings in the same words (“I cry”, “I can’t sleep”, etc.), but at the same time she is happy from the appearance of a child in her life.

Sadness and melancholy usually pass in a month or two, in addition, these conditions do not require any specific help. What are its characteristic differences?

  1. Postnatal depressive disorder usually occurs within a few months after the birth of a newborn, but its signs can appear up to a year after birth.
  2. The symptoms of postnatal depression not only last significantly longer (from 5-6 months to a year or more), but also differ in the severity of all manifestations and the inability to do anything. The symptoms are very similar to those of other types of depressive disorders.
  3. The spleen usually disappears completely in a month (a little more), while postnatal depression often becomes chronic. Such a “disguise” arises from the woman’s non-recognition of this condition and unwillingness to ask for help (mother has to play the socially approved role of a happy and caring parent). A fifth of women with depression do not notice an improvement even after 2-3 years!
  4. Psychologists believe that postnatal depression causes a mother to rethink the role of her own parents in raising children. Such identification becomes the reason for the activation of various problems and conflicts that were not worked out in childhood.

In addition to the above features, postnatal depression is characterized by a woman's categorical refusal of medical or psychological assistance and the inability to cope with the problem on her own. The reason for this is the feeling of guilt - "I can not take care of the child, so I'm a bad mother."

The situation is constantly deteriorating, and it “falls” to everyone: the child, the husband, the rest of the household, and other relatives who do not understand the reasons for the low mood and reproach the newly-made mother for insufficient attention to the baby and maternal responsibilities.

Forms of postpartum depression

Postnatal depressive disorder can occur in various forms, each of which differs in special signs, their severity and duration. Let's consider them in more detail.

neurotic depression

This type of postnatal depressive state usually occurs in mothers who had certain neurotic disorders before giving birth. Since the birth process is a stressful situation, there is an exacerbation of existing disorders.

In this case, the woman is observed:

  • irritability, anger and aggressiveness;
  • hostile attitude towards close people;
  • constant panic;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • insomnia and other sleep disorders;
  • sexual problems;
  • fear for one's health, especially acute at night.

In addition, it is common for a mother to experience her own lack of independence. Her self-esteem drops sharply, as a result of which she begins to emotionally depend on the people around her.

postpartum psychosis

This type of postnatal depressive disorder has its own characteristics. So, for mothers in this state, a feeling of guilt, lethargy, loss of orientation in certain situations, and inability to recognize relatives are characteristic.

In particularly severe cases, a woman may develop obsessive thoughts after childbirth that relate to the idea of ​​suicide or the desire to harm her own newborn child.

Postpartum psychosis is quite rare in new mothers - in four out of a thousand women in labor. Its symptoms appear in the first month after the birth of the baby - within 10-14 days.

It is impossible to say exactly how long it will last, because sometimes its prerequisite is a manic-depressive psychosis in the mother.

This is the most common form of postnatal depression. However, it is rather difficult to define it, since it “masquerades” as a variety of problems that are associated with the care and upbringing of children.

Protracted postpartum depression develops gradually, and it begins with the usual blues, which continues after returning home. Women are constantly tired, but relatives attribute this condition to the birth process.

Distinctive signs are constant irritation and tearfulness. But it is extremely unpleasant for mother to hear children's tears, and she blames herself for this and for insufficient care. Guilt also arises because caring for a child does not bring happiness to a woman.

A protracted course of postnatal depressive is most often observed in two types of mothers:

  1. Women with hysterical manifestations or with obsessive fears of doing something wrong, especially if it concerns a child.
  2. Individuals who were deprived of maternal tenderness and affection in childhood.

How long the depression will last is impossible to determine. Usually the time interval does not exceed 10 months or a year. However, in especially severe cases, the process of closing in itself can last 2-3 years.

General signs

As can be seen, different types of postnatal depression have distinctive characteristics. However, experts identify several symptoms that occur in all varieties of such a psychological condition. Among them:

Somewhat less often, in mothers, the above features can be combined with suicidal thoughts or with a desire to harm the child. Such thoughts often arise simultaneously with the unwillingness to approach the newborn at all.

A woman's well-being especially worsens in the time interval from three to 10 months after the birth of a baby. When the child turns the third month of life, the mother actively progresses irritability and anxiety.

Many specialists associate the occurrence of postnatal depressive disorder in a newly-made parent with changes occurring at the psycho-emotional, social, and physiological levels.

Despite the fact that there is still no clearly proven connection between the depressive mood in mothers and the hormonal background, this factor is not discounted. The assumption has the right to exist, since the level of certain hormones changes in women in position.

During the bearing of a child, the amount of female sex hormones increases by almost 10 times, and after delivery, a significant decrease in such indicators is observed - almost to the level at which they were before conception.

In addition to hormonal changes, the mother is “threatened” with colossal changes in all aspects of life with a newborn child. The psychology of women who have given birth is changing, changes are also taking place in social status. Such "transformations" seriously increase the risk of postnatal depression.

In addition, experts identify several factors that can provoke the development of symptoms of a depressive state in mothers who have given birth:

  1. hereditary predisposition. These words mean the features of the nervous system that a woman adopts from her own parents. More specifically, a mother with a weak nervous system inherited from the older generation tends to react more sharply to various stressful situations, and there are a lot of them after the baby is born. In addition, the birth process itself is one continuous stress.
  2. Physiological changes. In addition to jumps in female sex hormones, the mother has a change in the volume of thyroid secretions. As a result of this decrease, fatigue sets in, the mother has to do everything through “I can’t”, and this can end up in depression. After the end of pregnancy, metabolism, blood volume and even blood pressure change, all this affects the psychological health of the mother.
  3. Fear of not meeting the "title" of the mother. Some anxious personalities strive to become a kind of "super mom" who manages to take care of the child, enjoy life, be a good wife and friend, and look good. In reality, it is impossible for a mother to approach such an ideal, as a result of which her self-esteem decreases, a feeling of helplessness appears. And that's not far from depression.
  4. Lack of free time. The natural desire of any mother is to restore moral and physical strength after childbirth. However, almost immediately she has to perform household chores, take care of the baby. These chores are often combined with the process of uterine contraction, recovery after suturing the perineum or sutures from a caesarean section. Such time pressure often ends in depression.
  5. Problems with breastfeeding. The process of becoming lactation brings mother not only pleasant emotions, but also a variety of difficulties. For example, the weaker sex after childbirth often expresses milk, feeds the baby at night (because of this, it is difficult to fall asleep). The lactation period is often accompanied by soreness during feeding. In addition, there is a temporary decrease in the volume of milk, repeated after a few months. We must not forget - the stagnation of milk secretion.
  6. The selfishness of a woman. An unexpected factor, however, the fair sex does not always like to share the attention of others, even with their own children. Postpartum depression of selfish origin is especially characteristic of young and primiparous mothers. After giving birth, the mother has to rebuild the usual way of life for the needs of the baby, and she also needs to enter into “competition” for the attention of her husband. In addition, some mothers are not able to take responsibility for the child.
  7. Shape changes. Some mothers begin to almost panic when they notice changes in appearance that are the result of pregnancy and the birth process. Gained pounds, stretch marks or sagging breasts - all this, coupled with low self-esteem, leads to real depression.
  8. Lack of finance. It is not always possible for a mother to provide a child with a decent infancy. Because of this, a woman begins to consider herself a bad mother, which again causes a depressive state, which is aggravated by other prerequisites (psychological characteristics, low self-esteem).
  9. Problems with a partner. The process of labor activity often leads to further difficulties with sexual life. First, there are various physical limitations. Secondly, fatigue, accompanied by reduced libido. Thirdly, sometimes women even have an extremely negative attitude towards sex in the first few months after childbirth.
  10. Unfavorable atmosphere. This cause consists of several factors leading to postnatal depression. Among them may be the indifference of the husband, rejection from his relatives, the spouse's addiction to alcohol (he likes to smoke and drink with the child), the absence of any support.

In some situations, postpartum depression occurs after a spontaneous abortion or after the birth of a dead baby.

Consequences for children and spouse

What threatens postpartum depression in a mother for a child? First of all, a depressed woman is simply not able to fully fulfill her maternal responsibilities. Sometimes mommy refuses to even breastfeed her baby, because she does not feel love for him. What are the consequences?

  • The development and weight gain of the baby is slowed down. The child does not sleep well, worries, in the future he may experience a variety of mental disorders (for example, a predisposition to depressive states).
  • Due to the lack of skin-to-skin interaction, a variety of processes associated with emotional development suffer in a child. Subsequently, the baby may develop speech disorders (for example, logoneuroses), problems with concentration, etc.
  • Children raised by mothers in a state of depression rarely show positive emotions, interest in contact with objects and loved ones. It is curious, but such a child tends to worry less when separated from his mother (other children have a sharply negative attitude towards such a development of events).

How does the stronger sex react to female postpartum depression? Men, of course, are unhappy with this behavior of the spouse. Some of them generally take a serious mental disorder as a kind of whim, and therefore refer to women's problems, respectively.

The stronger sex, of course, seeks to restore the former sex life, which usually cannot be achieved. It is no secret that among all the global changes in family life associated with the birth of a child, men strive, first of all, to maintain stability in the matter of intimate relationships.

In some situations, men also experience postnatal depression. Some of the reasons for its appearance in a certain way are in contact with developmental factors in women.

The stronger sex falls into a depressive "trap" because of the feeling of uselessness to the spouse, lack of finances, lack of sex, etc.

It is much easier to prevent the development of postnatal depression than to fight it later. Moreover, it is not known how long (days, weeks, months) the symptoms of this psychological disorder will pass.

So, postpartum depression is able to “go sideways” to both the mother herself, the child, and other household members. And do not think that this state will certainly not affect me. That is why it is not necessary to let this problem go by itself.

If a woman does not want to switch off from a full-fledged life for half a terrible year, it is necessary to act even before the time when she is on maternity leave. What to do?

Once again, we repeat the common rule: it is easier to prevent a disease than to try to get rid of it later. Postnatal depression is also a disease, so you don't have to wait for it to go away on its own. The help of a specialist is extremely important in such a situation.

If your condition after childbirth is expressed by the words “I’m crying, I can’t stop, no one understands me,” it’s time to help yourself and your child. Expert advice will help get rid of postnatal depression.

  1. The doctor will help you deal with the problem. To save yourself from possible troubles, you must follow medical advice. For example, when prescribing medication, all the necessary procedures should be followed. However, it is strictly forbidden to take medicines on your own, even if the women's forum says that "such and such a remedy saved me."
  2. Don't give up on the support of your loved ones. The help of a spouse or mother-in-law is not something shameful, but an important necessity, especially when you cannot get rid of negative thoughts on your own. A husband, mother, grandmother or close friend will help you get out of the emotional "trap". Accept their support before you cross the line.
  3. No need for a new mother to be ashamed of being overweight. Remember that you, at least half the due time, ate for two, so extra pounds are a completely natural phenomenon. Do not go on diets according to the recommendations of "well-wishers". Natural feeding helps to get rid of excess weight, so do not neglect breastfeeding, especially in the first month.
  4. Try to negotiate with your spouse about short-term "holidays". Going to the cafeteria, going to the pool or shopping, walking around your favorite place - all this will distract from the need to constantly be with the child. Believe me, no one will think that you are a terrible mother, leaving the baby to the "arbitrariness of fate."
  5. As we have already noted, the stronger sex pays special attention to the intimate side of married life. Try to talk to your husband about this topic, very calmly and tactfully. If you do not want to make love, give serious arguments. For example, a month or a half is the restoration of the uterus. This argument is better than the words "I don't care about sex right now." By the way, making love is another effective method to escape from postnatal depression.
  6. Try to get away from kitchen chores for a while, since it is much more important for a child to spend more time with mom than to watch her culinary talents. Perhaps the stronger sex in the person of your spouse will take on the responsibility of preparing dinner.
  7. Postpartum depression is often exacerbated by lack of sleep. when mommy has been trying to earn the title of “supermom” for a year or longer. Have you put your child to sleep? Lie down next to each other for at least 10 minutes. Believe that the opinion “no one can replace me” is erroneous. A woman is more likely to get rid of depressive thoughts if she acquires a baby monitor or shifts part of her worries to household members.
  8. Include foods enriched with calcium-containing foods and ascorbic acid in your own diet. These substances help to get rid of a depressive state in some situations as effectively as drugs. This recommendation is another argument in favor of abandoning various food restrictions.
  9. A newly-made mother will get rid of postnatal depression if she does not refuse to communicate with friends and close friends on maternity leave. Talk to other women who have a similar problem. Probably, one of them coped with depressive thoughts and blues. In any case, even emotional support is the floor of a successfully completed business.
  10. Mom will soon cope with the problem if she walks more often with the child. Firstly, it is a change of scenery, and secondly, it is always useful to breathe fresh air and walk some distance. By the way, this will help in a more natural way to lose those extra pounds.

Often, the monotony of actions seriously complicates the course of postnatal depression. Follow these tips through “I can’t”, focusing on the benefits for yourself and the child.

Therapeutic measures

Therapy for postnatal depressive disorder involves observation, examining the woman, collecting information and comparing symptoms.

If the doctor suspects that a hormonal shift is the cause of postpartum depression, he or she may suggest taking a blood test to determine the level of certain hormones.

Experts identify only two effective ways to get rid of a depressive state: taking special medications and psychotherapeutic techniques.

  1. If the condition is caused by a hormonal shift, a drug is prescribed to correct it. Another group of medicines is the latest generation of antidepressants, which maintain the necessary balance of hormones (in particular, serotonin). Some mothers are afraid to take antidepressants for fear of harming the baby or losing breastfeeding. However, a tense and irritated mother is much worse for the baby than medications allowed during feeding.
  2. Mommy will cope with difficulties sooner if she uses the help of a qualified psychotherapist. Moreover, a specialist can offer NLP, psychoanalytic techniques, a hypnotic method to solve the problem. It all depends on how severe postpartum depression a woman has. In addition, psychologists often suggest using the methods of the family or cognitive psychotherapeutic school. These techniques work on deeper problems, youthful or even infantile complexes, which smoothly flow into adulthood and lead to depressive moods.

Postpartum depression is a complex psychophysiological condition, the course of which depends on many factors. Sometimes the spleen passes in a few weeks, in other cases it takes about two to three years.

In many ways, the effectiveness of treatment is associated with the ability of a woman to get used to a new role, the desire to get out of the vicious circle. However, the support of the spouse and the help of close relatives is no less important.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Expecting a baby and the day of birth are very crucial moments in the life of every mom. And finally, a little angel appears, such a long-awaited, beloved! Then the chores around the house begin. However, over time, a woman may feel very tired and apathetic, especially if there is no support nearby, and she has to do all the work on her own. That's when the question arises: "How to cope with postpartum depression and return to normal life?"

  1. How long does postpartum depression normally last?
  2. How depression manifests itself after childbirth and when it happens
  3. Postpartum depression: causes
  4. How to get rid of postpartum depression without a doctor
  5. Postpartum depression in men: is it possible?
  6. What to do if depression after childbirth dragged on
  7. Psychologist's advice on how not to fall into postpartum depression

How long does postpartum depression normally last?

It must be said right away that not all women feel this malaise, for the majority such a condition does not occur at all. Those mothers who are less fortunate, some time after giving birth, begin to feel growing anxiety and tension. Sometimes it happens that such a condition begins even during gestation, and after delivery the condition worsens even more.

Most often, the symptoms of depression do not appear immediately, but several months or weeks after the appearance of the baby in the house. On average, this condition usually accompanies a young mother for about 6 months. This suggests that the woman is suffering from a mild form of depression. If, however, the mother's health does not improve after six months, then we can talk about a protracted form of this condition, which can last more than a year. In this case, a woman is characterized by frequent nervous breakdowns and a depressed mood.

It is difficult to say exactly when postpartum depression begins, since many factors can influence this condition, the main of which are family relationships with her husband, their character and the general atmosphere at home. In addition, the features of everyday life, the absence or presence of help from relatives, relatives, as well as material wealth are important.

How does postpartum depression manifest itself? And when does it happen?

Depressive symptoms after childbirth do not necessarily occur immediately, and even more so they do not always manifest themselves in a complex manner. Sometimes a young mother may experience only one or two symptoms.

Below are the main signs of postpartum depression in women:

  • Reluctance to have sex with her husband or even a complete aversion to sexual intercourse.
  • Various sleep disorders up to insomnia and disturbing awakening for no reason.
  • Constant anxiety, feeling of inexplicable fear, sometimes panic attacks.
  • Bad appetite.
  • Low self-esteem and a sense of shame about their figure. Strong dissatisfaction with one's own appearance, denial of natural attractiveness.
  • The child has ceased to evoke warm feelings, on the contrary, it constantly irritates with its crying.
  • The strongest irritability, which can easily develop into a rage.
  • Crying for no particular reason.
  • Resentment and vulnerability. Sometimes this is accompanied by withdrawal into oneself and unwillingness to communicate with the usual circle of people.
  • Criticality, reaching extreme pessimism and even loss of the meaning of life.
  • Feelings of loneliness, abandonment and dissatisfaction with one's own actions.
  • It suddenly seems to a woman that there is no such person who supports and understands her, the chores of caring for a baby become a burden.
  • The advice of relatives is beginning to be perceived as annoying moralizing, which are more and more annoying. This makes a woman protest all the time even when she feels that she is wrong.

Thus, the signs of a depressive state after childbirth can be very different, the main thing is to notice and eliminate them in time. Otherwise, this will lead to the fact that a woman may begin to have problems in communicating with people around her, in severe cases, to thoughts of suicide. First of all, this concerns misunderstandings with her husband, there are even cases when such a condition of a young mother led to divorces. In addition, there is a threat of disruption of ties with relatives.

Postpartum depression: causes that affect it

There are quite a few factors that can contribute to the onset of depressive symptoms. As a rule, this disease mainly affects two categories of women. The first is those women in labor who were already registered with a specialist on the issue of psychological depression caused by other circumstances. The second category of women suffers from a similar illness because of problems with their own mother, with whom she could have had serious conflicts in childhood. However, according to statistics, usually girls who have a baby at a very early age, before the age of 18, usually suffer from depression after childbirth. Let's try to highlight the main reasons for the development of this condition in women:

  • Lack of moral and physical support from the spouse, inferiority of family relations.
  • Difficult financial situation, material trouble.
  • A sharp change in hormonal levels after childbirth, which can be perceived by the body as severe stress.
  • Changes in intimate life. Temporary abstinence due to the physiological characteristics of a woman can adversely affect her morale.
  • Serious conflict situations, strong feelings about any negative changes in life.
  • Temporary disability can be very difficult for a woman to experience, because in this state she sometimes begins to feel helpless and unnecessary.
  • The birth of a child with various pathologies or developmental disabilities.
  • Forced separation from a newly born baby.

In all these cases, postpartum depression should be treated. Otherwise, the condition of a woman can be significantly aggravated.

How to get rid of postpartum depression? Without a doctor

Usually this disease gradually goes away by itself, however, this can be significantly accelerated. The main thing is to know how. Many books have been written about how to deal with postpartum depression. However, it is not necessary to read them all.

In order to get rid of the manifestations of the disease, there are several simple but effective methods:

  1. The main thing a mother should focus on is her baby. You need to understand that he is helpless without her participation, and that this is the greatest happiness that fate could give. After realizing this fact, many ordinary things will seem like a trifle, it will become easier to perceive reality.
  2. To get out of depression as soon as possible, a young mother needs to get enough sleep. So the body will not receive additional stress, and recovery will be faster.
  3. It is very good if a woman in this difficult period for her finds relaxing activities that she will like. For example, it could be yoga, massage, meditation, or just simply taking a warm bath.
  4. It is also important not to refuse the help of relatives and friends. Let the husband take over some of the household chores.

To understand how to overcome depression after childbirth on your own, you must first find out the causes of this condition, and only then proceed to treatment.

Postpartum depression in men

Is this possible and why? Yes. Sometimes it is not only the mother who has to deal with depression after childbirth, but also the newly-made father. After all, often the inner mental state of a woman is transmitted to her husband. Most often, the following reasons contribute to the development of this condition in the stronger sex.

For example, a man simply turns out to be not ready for the changes that have taken place in his life. Perhaps reality and expectations are very different. Indeed, with the birth of a baby, responsibilities and roles within the family change greatly, and this is always stressful for both spouses.

Jealousy is another reason why a husband gets depressed. The fact is that a woman after the birth of a child can no longer pay as much attention to her husband as before. And now she spends most of her time on the baby, while the husband may feel unnecessary and superfluous because of this.

To make postpartum depression easier for a woman and a man, it is important to know what a husband should do in this situation. The husband during this period should behave in such a way that the wife feels his support all the time. It is important to share the responsibilities of caring for the child and jointly monitor the household. Then the young mother will not feel too tired, and the risk of conflict situations will decrease. If a woman does not want intimacy at this moment, the husband should not be too persistent. Perhaps a woman needs some time to adapt to a new condition.

Depression after childbirth dragged on

It happens that the period of childbirth has long been left behind, and the symptoms of depression still do not go away. And no matter what the young mother does, she cannot avoid these unpleasant sensations. In this case, the symptoms of depression can accompany a woman for more than one year, becoming chronic, and turning into a real illness. It is especially dangerous because it can lead to suicidal attempts or abandonment of your own child. The reasons for this may be serious personal problems or difficulties in the family.

This condition is already considered a deep form of depression, and requires medical examination and treatment. You won't be able to handle it on your own. The support of relatives, close friends and husband is especially important during this period.

Effective tips on how not to fall into postpartum depression

  1. Despite the fact that a woman has become a mother, she should not forget about her own needs. Be sure to devote at least an hour a day to yourself personally. For example, meet your beloved friend, go shopping, get a manicure, etc.
  2. Sharing household and child care responsibilities with a husband or close relative.
  3. A young mother should also carefully monitor her appearance. A pleasant reflection in the mirror will cheer you up!
  4. Walking in the fresh air is another important “medicine”.
  5. Proper diet and sleep.

If you feel that you are unable to get rid of the symptoms, then you need to contact a psychologist, undergo a rehabilitation course.

Thus, it is not difficult to overcome postpartum depression, the main thing is to know the main causes of its occurrence and effective methods for getting out of it.

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