consequences of pneumonia. How to eliminate residual effects after pneumonia: expert advice

The infectious-inflammatory process in the lungs does not go away quickly. The occurrence of residual effects is associated with a violation of gas exchange in the affected tissue. Sometimes feeling unwell does not go away for a very long time - the residual effects after pneumonia affect various functions and can lead to undesirable consequences.

Pneumonia is characterized by the accumulation of a certain secret in the alveoli of the lung. Formed adhesions:

  • block gas exchange;
  • narrow the lumen of the alveoli;
  • disrupt breathing.

The main function of the lungs is to enrich the circulating blood with oxygen. This process takes place in the alveoli. If the lung tissue is affected by the disease, then the alveoli suffer. These spherical formations have a large number of small blood vessels. With the development of pneumonia, respiratory function is impaired.

As medical practice shows, residual pneumonia is the toxic effect of pathogenic microorganisms on the lungs.

Important! If there are chronic ailments, then they become aggravated. The body's defenses weaken, and reduced immunity is a favorable factor for the attachment of various secondary infections.

The main reasons for the appearance of residual phenomena are:

  • poor functioning of the immune system and decreased immunity;
  • the presence of a chronic inflammatory process;
  • strong virus attack.

With immunodeficiency after pneumonia, many diseases of the throat, bronchi, and nose often develop. The patient has cough, runny nose, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis. If, after pneumonia, a person is attacked by influenza, then the disease proceeds in a more complicated form.

A weakened body is unable to cope with attacking foreign viruses. Very often, diseases of the bronchi and lungs are caused by a pathogen such as pneumococcus. Infection with this pathogenic microbe occurs by air, so it is quite difficult to protect yourself from the addition of a secondary infection. As medical practice shows, the main residual effect after pneumonia on the lungs is bronchitis. It is usually accompanied by a persistent cough.


How do you know that pneumonia is cured when a cough is present? An x-ray of the lungs is required. Sometimes there are residual effects after pneumonia on x-rays - small blackouts on the lung tissue are clearly visible on the film. After the transferred inflammation of the lungs on the lung tissue are observed:

  • scarring;
  • adhesions;
  • development of bacteremia;
  • endocarditis;
  • pleurisy.

The microbes present in the bloodstream disrupt the blood circulation in the lung structures. To eliminate the residual change after a previous pneumonia, additional treatment and spa rehabilitation will be required.

The lungs and heart are in close contact, so pneumonia often affects the functioning of the heart organ. Its functions are disturbed, the infection migrates through the bloodstream and causes an inflammatory focus in the heart. endocarditis develops. The disease is associated with damage to the heart membrane and circulatory disorders.

Pleurisy is a change in the structures of the lung that requires immediate treatment. The lungs are enveloped by the pleura. The inflammatory process in a paired organ often passes to this tissue. Adhesions and scars develop, limitation of motor activity, accumulation of excess fluid in the slit-like space. Residual effects are manifested in the onset of shortness of breath and cyanosis. Under load, fatigue is possible, and general weakness is often observed.

Treatment Methods

If there is residual pneumonia, the treatment regimen is prescribed by the attending physician. In no case should you self-medicate. This can lead to a dangerous complication.

The nature of the complication depends on how to treat residual pneumonia. Pulmonary pathology requires a detailed examination and delivery of all necessary tests. The development of pulmonary insufficiency can be fatal, so therapy should be started and continued until complete recovery.

Initially, you should definitely give up bad habits. In no case should you smoke after suffering an inflammatory process in the lungs. It is very important to quit smoking. Such a measure will help restore respiratory function and normalize gas exchange in the paired organ.

Basically, the treatment of residual manifestations is reduced to taking antibiotics. Medications are prescribed by the doctor depending on the nature of the complication and the results of the studies. In case of severe respiratory failure, the air flow may be blocked. In severe cases, the patient is connected to artificial ventilation of the organ. The use of antibiotics and thoracentesis helps to reduce pressure on the walls of the organ. The inflammatory process is reduced. Prescribing an antibiotic helps to treat residual inflammation of the lungs without complications.

Often, pneumonia develops cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the organ. in such a case, it is required to stabilize gas exchange in the lung tissue and stabilize breathing. For these purposes, drugs are prescribed that eliminate the inflammatory process and improve biological reactions in the body.

Advice! If pain is felt in the chest, soreness in the throat, shortness of breath, complex therapy is required.

When residual pneumonia is present, treatment is limited to the use of several methods. In complex treatment are used:

  • vibration massage of the sternum;
  • oxygen therapy;
  • assisted ventilation of the lungs;
  • for liquefaction of sputum;
  • inflation of the rubber chamber;

The above measures help to stabilize the condition and normalize the respiratory function. After carrying out all the necessary procedures, the residual symptoms after pneumonia cease to disturb the person. Pass cough, shortness of breath, respiratory failure.

Spa treatment

A huge role in the rehabilitation period is played by treatment in a specialized sanatorium under the control of pulmonologists. The sanatorium helps to remove the residual phenomenon after pneumonia for a full course of stay on a ticket. Spa treatment includes:

  • procedures using pulsed current;
  • electrical stimulation of the diaphragm;
  • mercury-quartz baths;
  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • speleotherapy.

Sanatoriums for patients who have had pneumonia are located on ecologically clean coasts or in forest areas. Treatment in them is aimed at eliminating pathology and adhesions, improving lymph circulation and blood circulation. Modern sanatorium-resort institutions are equipped with all the necessary equipment to eliminate the residual effects of pneumonia.

Strengthening immunity

An increase in the action of the body's defenses contributes to the fact that residual pneumonia in adults passes without a trace. Necessary:

  • daily walk moderate walks in the fresh air;
  • gradually increase physical activity;
  • regularly engage in physical therapy;
  • Enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals.

Important! After the process of treating pneumonia is completed, it is required to adhere to the above methods to strengthen immunity. It is necessary to take vitamin complexes, as well as to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and protein foods daily.

The correct daily regimen, the rejection of bad habits, daily walks and a healthy diet contribute to the elimination of residual manifestations of pneumonia. Strong immunity will restore health and help to forget about the disease.

A scar on the lung is a phenomenon that occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of the tissues of the organ. Damage is detected during x-ray examination. The danger of a scar is based on the risk of developing concomitant factors.

The scars that form on the lungs, in medical terminology, are called pulmonary fibrosis, or pneumofibrosis. Scarring of the respiratory organ occurs as a result of the growth of connective tissue. It is formed in the process of healing of inflammatory foci in order to fill the voids that have arisen during inflammation. In the lungs, fusion of the alveoli occurs. The natural function of the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is disturbed. The work of the respiratory system worsens as a result of the accumulation of exudate in the cavities of the alveoli.

In places of scar formation, tissues lose their elasticity. Therefore, the body cannot fully function. The more growths, the more difficult it is for the lungs to perform their function. Hence the direct connection of the need for timely treatment of diseases of the respiratory system with similar consequences.

Pulmonary scars vary in size and location. Given the examination data, the doctor can determine how often a person has had diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis, measles, whooping cough), and determine the degree of damage to the lung tissue.

The larger the area of ​​scarring (overgrowth of connective tissue), the stronger the symptoms appear, and the more dangerous the person's condition. There are three degrees of scarring - fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis of lung tissues.

The doctor notices abnormalities in the work of the lungs during listening, but you can see the scar on the x-ray.

Symptoms and Causes

Patients with scarring of the lung tissue are concerned about shortness of breath and impaired respiratory function. This symptom is especially pronounced after exercise. During auscultation, dry hoarseness is observed. A person feels chest pain, weakness, dizziness. The patient often coughs, the cough is dry or with little sputum. Due to oxygen starvation and oxygenation of the blood, the skin becomes pale, and in the nasolabial fold it acquires a blue tint. Heart failure develops. The person feels a rapid heartbeat. The fingers of the upper limbs may be modified.

There are cases of congenital fibrosis that occur for unknown reasons and are not amenable to therapy.

The state of the respiratory organ depends on the size and number of scars. Small scars after pneumonia do not pose a significant threat to human health. Large ones are dangerous for humans, capable of causing irreversible processes, up to cirrhosis of the lungs.

Features of the appearance after pneumonia

Pneumonia or pneumonia is a dangerous infectious disease of viral or bacterial or fungal etiology. According to statistics from the American National Institutes of Health, 450 million people suffer from pneumonia every year, of which 7 million die.

In most cases, pneumonia ends in recovery with the formation of a scar. One of the common questions asked by pulmonologists is how dangerous is a scar on the lung after pneumonia.

With a long course of the disease, the alveolar tissues become inflamed - erosion and suppuration occur. In the absence of timely treatment, the focus of inflammation spreads rapidly and bilateral pneumonia is diagnosed. During the recovery period, the state of the respiratory organ normalizes. Previously damaged areas of tissue heal, but the alveoli cannot recover. The body replaces the "missing elements" with connective tissue - scars develop after pneumonia. The larger the area of ​​the lesion (the number of foci of inflammation), the more damage may remain in the end. Such formations are not inclined to resolve on their own.

A scar that has arisen after pneumonia of a small size, although visible on an x-ray, does not pose a danger to humans. Scars on the lungs after pneumonia of a large size bring significant problems, attracting concomitant symptoms of impaired respiratory function.

Treatment Methods

In the treatment of pulmonary scars, an integrated therapeutic approach is being built. It must be understood that it is possible to eliminate the problem only in the early stages of formations. In other cases, the essence of treatment is to maintain normal human life.

In the diagnosis of fibrosis, 2 types of treatment are used - conservative and surgical. Conservative treatment consists of several components:

  1. Medical treatment. It involves taking cytostatics, glucocorticosteroids and antifibrotic drugs.
  2. oxygen therapy. The patient is given a special procedure for forced inhalation of oxygen.
  3. Physical activities. They help to normalize the process of breathing and other vital processes of the body. This includes gymnastics, swimming, walking, running. Actual loads are selected by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's condition.
  4. Alternative methods of treatment consist in the independent manufacture of medicines and the use of herbal remedies.

Radical treatment involves surgery to remove the damaged area. Indications for this procedure are hypoxia during physical exertion, a decrease in lung volume to a value below vital, severe respiratory failure.


To prevent the formation of scars on the respiratory organ, you must follow the recommendations:

  • elimination of precipitating factors. The patient must be protected from sources of irritation of the lung tissue. Change of profession, disease prevention, getting rid of bad habits;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • when working in contaminated conditions, use special protective equipment;
  • timely treat infectious diseases;
  • lead an active lifestyle, is in the fresh air;
  • take medications that cause scarring with caution.

Compliance with the rules will help reduce the risk of the likelihood of a fibrous scar, and improve the general condition of the body.

A scar formed in the lung can be absolutely harmless or carry a clear threat to human life. In order not to endanger when such a phenomenon is detected, a person needs to undergo a complete clinical examination.

After serious respiratory diseases, scars can remain on the tissues, which pose some danger. How to remove a scar on the lung, what is it and is it necessary in this case to be regularly observed by a specialist and follow all medical recommendations?

Scars on the lungs after pneumonia are formed quite often. In medical practice, they are called pulmonary fibrosis. Scarring occurs as a result of the growth of connective tissue. This process begins after the occurrence of foci of inflammation in order to fill the voids, restore the lung.

At the site of the scar, the alveoli are fused together, as a result of which the respiratory function is impaired. Over time, the alveoli can fill with esudate, which is a serious violation.

Scarring can be caused by:

Pneumonia, whooping cough;


Intensive smoking;

Fungal infection of the lungs;

autoimmune disorders;

Protracted allergic processes.

Sometimes scars are also formed against the background of the development of bronchitis, accompanied by a strong cough. Inhalation of toxic fumes, prolonged exposure to dusty, gassed rooms can lead to such a pathology. Some infections cause scarring. Once in the lungs, microorganisms begin to multiply, as a result of which irreversible changes occur.

There are cases when fibrosis is congenital and cannot be treated. How dangerous is this pathology? Experts assure that small single scars do not pose a serious threat to human health. If there are a lot of scars and they are large, it seriously complicates breathing and in certain cases can lead to cirrhosis.

Doctors distinguish 3 stages of the development of pathology - fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis of the lung. The more serious the disease, the easier it is to diagnose, but the more difficult it is to cure. The main symptoms of scarring include the appearance of:

Characteristic wheezing;

Pain in the chest;

Weakness, dizziness;

Rapid heartbeat.

If the scarring area is large enough, breathing becomes difficult, the supply of oxygen to the blood becomes limited, which is accompanied by the appearance of a pale skin tone, a blue nasolabial triangle. Sputum production in fibrosis is negligible.

Preliminary diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis can already be based on the results of listening. But the doctor makes the final verdict after receiving an x-ray. It shows how many scars have formed, how large the area of ​​​​the lesion is. The choice of subsequent treatment depends on these factors.

Only after collecting anamnesis and examining the images, the doctor can recommend a specific therapy. In the early stages of fibrosis, conservative treatment is effective. It is represented by the following assignments:

Drug therapy with the use of glucocorticosteroids and antifibrotic drugs;

Oxygen therapy (the patient is offered to breathe air enriched with oxygen);

Increased physical activity.

Physical activity is selected by the doctor depending on the degree of development of the pathology. With the formation of scars on the lungs, many types of spores are strictly prohibited. With the development of fibrosis, it is very useful to perform breathing exercises, walk a lot.

In some cases, traditional medicine helps. It is useful to breathe over a decoction of birch buds, chamomile. The use of inhalations with licorice root is effective. It is important to follow all the recommendations of specialists and prevent too hot air from entering the upper respiratory tract. It should be understood that all these procedures are aimed only at developing the lungs, improving respiratory function, and relieving unpleasant symptoms. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to smooth out the scar or somehow remove it in a conservative way.

When there are many scars and they are quite extensive, the respiratory function is very difficult, conservative therapy is not effective. In such situations, the doctor may suggest surgery. During the surgical intervention, the scar on the lung is excised.

In order not to encounter such problems, it is necessary to remember about preventive measures. These include:

Elimination of provoking factors (use of respiratory protection, change of profession);

Rejection of bad habits;

Caution when using certain drugs;

Timely treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases;

Leading an active lifestyle.

Unfortunately, many people delay a visit to the doctor when the first signs of pneumonia, bronchitis occur. They self-medicate, which is absolutely unacceptable. The longer the active phase of the disease proceeds, the larger the area of ​​​​inflammation and the larger, deeper the scar will be.

If fibrosis is detected, it is necessary not only to undergo a full course of treatment with a pulmonologist, but also to undergo regular follow-up afterwards to make sure that everything is in order with the scar. Taking care of your health will help you avoid serious problems in the future.

Scars after pneumonia need observation. They pose a certain danger, but you should not worry ahead of time. Subject to all medical recommendations, you can reduce the risk of complications to a minimum.

Inflammation of the scar on the lung after pneumonia, symptoms, treatment

Asked by: Ekaterina

Gender Female

Age: 47

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, my mother suffered from severe pneumonia, she was in pulmonology for a month, a scar remained on her lung. After discharge, everything was fine, they said to blow a balloon to dissolve the scar. After about a month, she sweated on the street, the temperature immediately rose to 37-37.5, pains appeared in the lung. They called the doctor, he said that most likely the scar had caught a cold, he prescribed avelox, nothing changed, then he prescribed tsifipim, there was no improvement, they decided to go to the hospital, this is in another city, the doctor listened, said that he did not hear anything with his ear, they did a CT scan, on it there is nothing, even a scar is not visible, a small scar remains, there is no inflammation in the scar area. They put me in the hospital and prescribed: Revomax IV drip. And tsifipim intravenously, they have already done 7 droppers and 7 injections, there are no changes, the lung hurts, it pulls. Either stronger or less. The temperature is 37, it does not rise higher, once every few days it drops after a dropper to 36.6-36.8, but not for long, then again 37. While my mother was lying for the first time with pneumonia, all the necessary studies were carried out: blood, urine, bronchoscopy, CT, Ro. In addition to focal pneumonia with the presence of infiltrate, sinusitis was found, and a puncture was made. Can you please tell me if inflammation of the scar can give such a clinic? Why is there such a temperature on the background of antibiotics? And why is inflammation not visible on CT if it is? And if not, what could it be? What is the prognosis and how to deal with this scar in general? Perhaps some physical procedures etc? Thanks a lot in advance!

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Hello Ekaterina!
Temperatures up to 37.5 often occur after inflammation as a need for recovery. In this case, against the background of several sources of inflammation (sinusitis, pneumonia), it can persist for several weeks. It should also be borne in mind that while in a hospital, various microorganisms also enter our body. It could also be the temperature.
The main reasons for prescribing antibiotics are a temperature above 38, not associated with a viral infection, purulent sputum or other purulent discharge, or signs of pneumonia on x-ray. Prescribing antibiotics too early or in such quantity causes the liver to maintain a higher temperature in order to expel unnecessary antibiotics and dead microbes.
Also, subfibrillation may be associated with insufficient water intake, the development of arthralgia against the background of avelox and levofloxacin.
Temperature up to 37.9 is normal after inflammation, post-infectious asthenia exists and is not a reason for additional antibiotics.
It is possible that it was your assertiveness on the doctors that led to such results. Sometimes it is easier to prescribe a treatment than to explain its uselessness.
It is clear, I hope that I have insufficient information about your mother. For example, there is absolutely no blood data that was obtained during the puncture of the maxillary sinus, what is happening in the sputum and how it all changed within 2 weeks. But on the basis of the data stated by you it is more than data for after an inflammatory asthenia.

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Many are interested in pulmonary fibrosis - what is it? When the skin is damaged, scar tissue forms. It can be a scar, a cut, a burn, or a mild dermatological disease. If the middle layer of the skin is damaged, then blood clots begin to form on it, which protect the exposed tissue from the ingress of harmful microorganisms or infections. After that, the cells begin to regenerate.

Features of the disease

Fibrous change is the replacement of lung tissue with connective tissue. When fibrous tissues form in the lungs, serious malfunctions in the respiratory system begin to occur. After some time, the entire respiratory system ceases to fully function. Thanks to modern methods of treatment, many complications can be avoided. You should know that scars on the lungs after pneumonia remain in everyone. But it is better to visit a doctor in order to find out the exact cause of the scar.

How dangerous is scarring?

Fibrosis is a very dangerous disease that progresses rapidly and turns into complex forms of development. At the first appearance of symptoms of the disease, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, otherwise serious complications may appear, which will quickly lead to the death of the patient. Pulmonary fibrosis is not a cancerous disease, but it is still very detrimental to overall health and affects life expectancy. The scar on the lung tends to grow, so over time it becomes more difficult for a person to breathe. With the help of a medical or surgical method of treatment, it is impossible to permanently eliminate scars. There is only one way out - improving the quality of life of the patient at the expense of medicines.

Doctor's opinion

Fibrosis is the formation of scars on the lungs. Experts say that if you strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations, then fibrosis does not greatly affect life expectancy. Much depends on the stage and form of the disease. At the initial stages of the development of pathology, the treatment of a scar on the lung is much easier and more effective. At the subsequent stages of the disease, treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Varieties of scars

There are several types of fibrotic disease. Namely:

  1. This is the most dangerous type of disease, since when this pathology occurs, it is impossible to determine the factor that provoked the onset of the disease.
  2. With an interstitial scar on the lung, you can easily diagnose the cause that caused the disease.

Thanks to the timely study of the pathology, recovery occurs much faster. Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor regularly and undergo a medical examination.

Signs of fibrosis

There are a number of signs that occur at an early stage in the development of the disease. Among the main ones are:

  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain;
  • coughing;
  • wheezing in the chest;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • fast fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • poor appetite;
  • the occurrence of edema;
  • hypertension.

Life expectancy with pulmonary fibrosis is approximately 3-5 years. It all depends on how advanced the disease is.

Causes of the disease

After studying the etiology of pulmonary fibrosis, it can be concluded that a scar on the lung can appear in absolutely every person. But there are factors that significantly increase the risk of this pathology. These include:

  1. Constant contact with dust. Inorganic and organic dust can provoke a severe allergic reaction, which often leads to pulmonary fibrosis.
  2. With improperly selected treatment, various drugs can provoke the appearance of a strong allergic reaction. For this reason, drug-induced fibrosis appears.
  3. As medical practice shows, fibrosis is most often diagnosed in smokers. Smoking harms the general state of health and disrupts the full functioning of important systems of the human body. Smoking destroys lung tissue.

Experts concluded that this disease is not fully understood. In addition to external factors, there are also internal ones, which most often provoke the appearance of scars in the respiratory organs, namely:

  • development of rheumatism;
  • arthritis;
  • scleroderma.

These diseases destroy tissues, including the lungs. For this reason, fibrosis develops. An infectious or inflammatory process in the body, advanced pneumonia or tuberculosis, often cause pulmonary fibrosis. You should be aware that the disease can appear in both adults and children. Given that the children's body is much more vulnerable to various diseases, you should especially carefully monitor the health of babies.

Main types

Many are interested in pulmonary fibrosis - what is it? But not everyone knows that this is a lung disease. Among the most common types of fibrosis are: focal and diffuse type. When focal fibrosis occurs, only part of the organ is affected. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, there may be no symptoms. Most often, signs of pathology appear after a few months. For this reason, doctors recommend regularly undergoing a medical examination and taking the necessary tests - this is the best prevention for any disease. This is especially true for those people in the family who had similar diseases. In the process of diffuse lung damage, the disease develops rapidly and affects all functions of the respiratory organs.

Treatment of pathology

How to treat scars on the lungs? Unfortunately, fibrous deformity cannot be completely cured. First of all, it is important to slow down the development of the disease. In frequent cases, the doctor prescribes a cytostatic. This will help slow down the process of destruction of connective tissue and cell division. Antibiotics are great for reducing inflammation, while vitamins help boost the immune system and improve overall health. In addition, drugs are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at improving metabolism. In the process of complex treatment of a scar on the lung after tuberculosis, it is important to carry out breathing exercises. The duration of the course of treatment and the dosage of drugs is determined strictly by the attending physician. It is forbidden to self-medicate, as this will lead to the death of the patient. Doctors do not recommend the use of alternative methods of treatment, as this will only worsen the general state of health. Only after passing a complete medical examination, the specialist prescribes drugs that are suitable for the patient.

Preventive measures

To reduce the risk of pulmonary fibrosis, doctors recommend:

  • avoid nervous tension;
  • eat properly;
  • perform breathing exercises;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • use personal protective equipment when working in hazardous conditions;
  • periodically monitor the condition of the respiratory system.

You should eat more vegetables and fruits. This will positively affect the protective function of the body. Preparations that contain calcium in their composition are prescribed by doctors in order to prevent osteoporosis.

Experts concluded that hookah smoking negatively affects the functioning of the human respiratory system. It is for this reason that smoking of not only tobacco, but also hookah products should be excluded. Substances contained in tobacco often provoke the development of cancerous and neoplastic diseases, which causes pulmonary fibrosis. You should walk more in the fresh air, play sports, eat right and visit the doctor regularly - this is the best prevention of pulmonary fibrosis.

Therapist's Conclusion

A scar on the lung after surgery is diagnosed by a doctor using x-rays. In frequent cases, treatment is carried out by medication. But first you need to find out the true cause of the scar. Since some types of fibrosis disease can develop in a latent form, doctors recommend visiting a doctor at least 2 times a year. If you have any health problems, it is important to immediately consult a therapist. It is forbidden to engage in self-medication, as this will harm health more.

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