Valerian root tincture. Valerian - benefits and harms to the body


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    When the nerves start to get naughty

    Valerian has long been known to many and is often used to calm nerves. But the usual Valerian tablets, as for me, practically do not help. Then the tablets of the Bulgarian Valerian became a discovery for me. In composition, they differ from others, each tablet contains 30 ml of dry valerian extract. Valerian is always with me... Valerian has long been known to many and is often used to calm nerves. But the usual Valerian tablets, as for me, practically do not help. Then the tablets of the Bulgarian Valerian became a discovery for me. In composition, they differ from others, each tablet contains 30 ml of dry valerian extract. Valerian is always with me, it serves as an excellent assistant in a stressful situation. True, if you go too far with a one-time reception, you become inhibited, but otherwise I become calm and balanced, so to speak, harmless.
    Valerian Bulgarian can be bought in almost any pharmacy. The last time I paid 40 hryvnia for 30 tablets. I can advise Valerian to calm the nerves, since it is an almost harmless drug.

    Tatiana do not drink valerian bulgarian - divorce

    I often drink sedatives - stressful work. I started like many probably - with valerian. I can not say that it helps a lot - it depends on the dose. 1-2 tablets do not help, but 4-5 pieces will help to calm down and fall asleep. It's about balance, because when you drink more... I often drink sedatives - stressful work. I started like many probably - with valerian. I can not say that it helps a lot - it depends on the dose. 1-2 tablets do not help, but 4-5 pieces will help to calm down and fall asleep. Balance is important here, because when you drink more than you need, drowsiness rolls in, and when you drink less, it does not help. And everyone has their own dosage. For example, I have a borderline - 4 tablets at a time soothe, but at the same time my head is already a little dull. In general, valerian is not my drug, because I need a clear head. And here in the pharmacy they told me so convincingly that the Bulgarian valerian is completely different - very good and helps well and there is no drowsiness. I asked for two instructions - to compare. It is no different, the extract is the same, the roots of the plant are the same, the only difference is that in yellow tablets there are 20 mg of valerian, and in orange Bulgarian 30 mg. but since you still drink 3-4-5 tablets, then what's the difference 5 yellow or 4 Bulgarian - still swallow a lot. But the pharmacist so wooed me this fashionable valerian that I agreed, although it is much more expensive.
    Don't trust strangers! Trust your feelings! The same valerian that Bulgarian that Chukchi - equally weak. In the instructions, Bulgarian should be taken 1-2 tablets. I thought that maybe she really was so strong for some reason - three times stronger than usual, although in the depths of my soul I strongly doubted. But I started with 1 tablet 3 times a day. Zero effect. The next day I drank 2 tablets 3 times a day - zero effect. By evening, I was already furious because I was so stupidly led to the "advice of specialists." On the third day, I took 3 tablets. By evening, fatigue and some kind of apathy had piled up. Dropped this crap. The same nonsense that from any other valerian - 2 tablets are few, and 3 are many. Also lies in the instructions

    Advantages known and natural

    Flaws in small doses it does not work, but in slightly larger doses it makes you sleepy
    if Bulgarian - then more expensive than usual with the same shortcomings


    I met Valerian tablets, so to speak, about a year ago. Last spring, I experienced, one might say, nervous stress. After that, I began to be very worried about high blood pressure, which I experienced very difficult. My hands began to go numb, there was such a feeling of a strong surge of heat. There were also sleep disturbances. Slept very much at night... I met Valerian tablets, so to speak, about a year ago. Last spring, I experienced, one might say, nervous stress. After that, I began to be very worried about high blood pressure, which I experienced very difficult. My hands began to go numb, there was such a feeling of a strong surge of heat. There were also sleep disturbances. I slept very badly at night, waking up several times during the night.
    I realized that I definitely need to drink some sedatives because I would not have coped with these experiences on my own.
    After consulting with the doctor, I bought regular Valerian herbal tablets. Such tablets are produced by many manufacturers.
    I bought these.

    The package contains 30 tablets, 10 in a blister, respectively, 10 tablets in 1 blister. The drug is absolutely not expensive, but quite effective.
    I took 2 tablets 3 times a day for the first week. The second week, the dosage was slightly reduced. Saw 1 tablet 3 times a day
    And in the end it became much easier for me. I slept very well at night, stopped waking up several times a night.
    And my blood pressure returned to normal. True, when they say that all our diseases are from nerves.
    Such a drug as Valerian really helps to calm down, not to be nervous, to improve sleep. This is what I have experienced.

    I suffer from insomnia during the full moon, I'm already exhausted. I don’t sleep until two or three in the morning, and in the morning I can’t wake up. My sleep schedule is off and I don't feel well. Moreover, I have a small child and my daughter does not want to wait for my mother to sleep. A doctor friend advised me to do valerian baths. Need... I suffer from insomnia during the full moon, I'm already exhausted. I don’t sleep until two or three in the morning, and in the morning I can’t wake up. My sleep schedule is off and I don't feel well. Moreover, I have a small child and my daughter does not want to wait for my mother to sleep. A doctor friend advised me to do valerian baths. You need 10 drops for a full bath. Somewhere after the second time, I began to fall asleep earlier, and after 4 days I began to feel like a person at all.

The valerian plant has been used since ancient times as a remedy. Grass is harvested in autumn. At this time, it contains the maximum amount of beneficial substances of a sedative effect. used earlier in gastric diseases, in order to prevent infections. Nowadays, it is used as a mild sedative with a hypnotic effect. The drug is very popular, and therefore is available in many. The release form is different: drops, tablets, dried and crushed rhizomes.

The most popular and sought-after type of medicine is valerian tablets. The tool has an antispasmodic, sedative effect. In addition, it facilitates the process of falling asleep. The advance is slow but steady. Valerian in tablets promotes the expansion of coronary vessels, improves the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, and has a slight choleretic property. With prolonged use, a hypotensive result is observed.

Nowadays, stressful conditions often arise, which are not always possible to overcome on our own. The consequences of nervous disorders are very deplorable. Therefore, valerian is necessary not only in the first-aid kit, but also in a handbag, in a man's purse. Moreover, you can’t immediately start stuffing yourself with “strong” drugs. Valerian is the right choice in difficult situations.

Each tablet contains a complex of biologically active substances: polysaccharides, essential oils, alkaloids, organic acids, resins, glycosides, valepotriates. Once in the body, these components affect the brain, after which the heartbeat becomes less frequent, the blood vessels dilate.

Modern drug manufacturers have developed a new product - Valerian P tablets. Thanks to the latest cryoprocessing technology, the drug can be placed under the tongue. The tablet dissolves, and its active substances penetrate the body faster. Thus, the therapeutic effect occurs earlier. Therapy is carried out in a course of two weeks.

Valerian tablets: dosage

The medicine "Valerian" is prescribed as a sedative for people suffering from insomnia and increased excitability of the nervous system. It is allowed to use the drug in combination with other medicines for renal and hysterical and depressive conditions, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, migraines. Valerian tablets are used three times a day in the amount of one or two at a time.

Valerian. Contraindications to prescribing medication

You should refuse to take valerian or use the remedy very carefully for people whose activities are related to driving, with work that requires utmost attention, as well as a quick response to the situation.

with other drugs

Valerian in tablets enhances the action of antispasmodic, hypnotic and sedative drugs.

Side effects

While taking valerian extract, side effects are possible:

allergic manifestations,

depressed state,


Decreased ability to perform complex work.

With prolonged use, constipation is observed.

This medicine is considered a harmless, weak remedy, but do not be so mistaken. This drug should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. The correct dosage and the exact implementation of the doctor's prescriptions will give a good therapeutic result.

Valerian officinalis is a medicinal plant that is characterized by calming properties. The tablets contain a dry extract of a plant that has analgesic and sedative effects.

Despite the beneficial properties, valerian tablets can be harmed, as they have contraindications.

The benefits of valerian tablets: when to take?

Valerian extract in tablets is a good adjuvant for the treatment and elimination of symptoms of a variety of diseases.

Among them:

· insomnia;

Nervous exhaustion;

The initial form of hypertension;

violation of the production of gastric juice;

some mental illnesses at an early stage;

intestinal colic;

stomach cramps.

With sleep disorders, valerian does not relieve insomnia as quickly as sleeping pills. But regular intake of tablets for several days facilitates the process of falling asleep, improves the characteristics of different phases of sleep.

The product is characterized by a very mild sedative effect. The effect of the reception is observed gradual. With chronic insomnia, the result is noticeable only after 4 weeks.

With anxiety and anxiety, tablets help lower blood pressure and pulse rate. The psychological pressure decreases, the patient becomes calm and balanced. Tablets are advisable to use to eliminate the symptoms of mild anxiety.

The benefits of valerian tablets: medicinal action

The main property of valerian is a sedative effect. Medicines based on valerian reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, reduce spasms of smooth muscles, help with fright, migraine, epilepsy, and mental disorders. Tablets are characterized by hypnotic action. Valerian tablets help restore emotional balance and reduce feelings of anxiety.

The main positive property of tablets is associated with an effect on the central nervous system. The plant has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Promotes the expansion of blood capillaries, eliminates spasms of venous capillaries. After administration, the pressure decreases, so the medicine is often used for tachycardia and hypertension. A remedy is prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The plant is able to have a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. Often used for uterine spasms and menopausal disorders. Reduces symptoms of menopause in women. Highly effective for hot flashes and excessive sweating. No less effective medicine for asthma and pneumonia.

Valerian tablets have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. After taking it, the appetite improves and the secretion of the stomach and pancreas increases. Cramps decrease with bloating. It acts as an excellent choleretic agent for diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

The benefits of valerian tablets during pregnancy

Valerian is a useful plant that can be used by pregnant women. You can not use only valerian tincture, as it is prepared with alcohol. You can take pills at any stage of pregnancy without any concerns. Tablets do not have a negative effect on the fetus in the womb of a woman. But even this safe drug must be used correctly.

Valerian tablets have various effects on the body. Reception is indicated for pregnant women, as they have an antispasmodic and sedative effect. Pills for the purpose of cure are almost never prescribed to pregnant women separately. They are prescribed only in combination with other sedatives. Most often, the remedy is indicated in the first trimester of pregnancy with the threat of disruption of the bearing of the baby. Also appointed in the later stages with gestosis. Valerian can calm the uterus and eliminate tone, which is dangerous at 16-18 weeks.

The tablets are sedative. But the action is not immediately noticed. But the effect is observed for a long period of time. If you take the remedy in a course, then the remedy has a healing effect. This is due to the fact that the active ingredient can accumulate in the body.

The benefits of valerian tablets: the correct use of the remedy

It is possible to benefit from the remedy only if it is taken correctly. Store tablets only in a cool and dark place. The duration of therapy and dosage depend on the patient's condition, the desired result.

Usually, the following treatment regimen should be followed:

children under 12 years of age give one tablet three times a day;

For adults, take one tablet up to 5 times a day.

It is possible to use the medicine regardless of the use of food. Take each tablet with a sufficient amount of liquid. Usually the course of therapy is from 14 to 28 days. After that, the patient is examined by a specialist and his condition is assessed. Only the doctor can decide whether to prolong the course or end the treatment.

Taking medication pills can increase the use of sedatives, even at low doses. Therefore, at the time of treatment with valerian tablets, it is necessary to refuse to take other drugs. When visiting any doctor, be sure to inform him about taking valerian.

Harm of valerian tablets and side effects

Tablets can be attributed to the group of homeopathic remedies. They have a natural composition and for this reason are safe. Only with the wrong reception and non-compliance with the recommendations, third-party reactions can be provoked.

Despite the availability and free sale, valerian tablets can be harmed. If you do not follow the indicated dosage and duration of the drug, then a lot of unpleasant consequences can occur. Negative effects are observed only with an overdose.

These include:


Loss of working capacity

· weakness;

· nausea;

· allergic reaction;

Depressed state



At the time of taking the drug, the patient's reaction slows down.

The list of contraindications for taking pills is not so long:

· pregnancy;

children under 3 years old;

Personal intolerance to the component in the composition;

period of lactation.

It is forbidden to take pills if the patient has enterocolitis. If you do not listen to the recommendations, then the harm from valerian tablets can be significant.

Taking the drug in large dosages, a person may experience psychological problems, for example, frequent mood swings. It can be depressive-suppressed, or it can be neuro-excited. Therefore, before taking the pills, you should get the advice of a doctor.

Valerian is a natural sedative that has earned great popularity due to its low price and sustainable effect. Instructions for the use of valerian tablets will help you correctly approach the drug to achieve the desired result, depending on the type of psycho-emotional disorders.

Valerian is a perennial herbaceous plant, characterized by a high content of essential oils, alkaloids, organic acids, tannins and unique substances - valepotriates (valerine), borneol and isovaleric acid. In pharmacology, the roots and rhizomes of the plant are more often used, which contain particularly high concentrations of nutrients.

The plant is actively used in folk and official medicine - decoctions, teas, water and alcohol infusions are made from crushed dried herbs and roots. The form of release of valerian in tablets is very popular.

Valerian tablets

Valerian tablets are small, flat and coated. The package contains 50 tablets. The benefits and harms of tablets for the most part coincide with other valerian-based drugs and largely depend on the accuracy of following the instructions.

The composition of valerian tablets

The active ingredient of the drug is thick valerian extract. The standard content of the substance in 1 tablet is 20 mg, but depending on the manufacturer, there are dosage options from 10 to 50 mg.

Potato starch, basic magnesium carbonate, gelatin and talc are used as excipients.

For the shell of the tablet, along with the listed components, small amounts of paraffin, beeswax, titanium dioxide, refined sugar, quinole yellow, aerosil and sunflower oil are also used.

Benefits for the human body

Due to the unique combination of a number of substances, valerian is known primarily for its mild hypnotic and sedative effect. Pills have a slight inhibitory effect on the central nervous system and brain cells, slow down the heart rate, relieving nervous excitement and helping to fall asleep (

Other beneficial properties of valerian include:

  • choleretic effect;
  • expansion of the coronary vessels (improves blood flow to the vessels, reduces the load on the heart);
  • increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • mild analgesic effect;
  • regulation of cardiac activity.

Valerian enhances the action of antispasmodic and cardiostimulating drugs, which increases the effectiveness of the treatment of heart diseases, as well as pathologies of other organs characterized by painful spasms.

Indications for use

Valerian tablets are used to treat and prevent the following conditions:

  • increased anxiety;
  • nervous excitement;
  • high blood pressure;
  • stress;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia.

As part of complex therapy, valerian helps to treat disorders such as:

  • pain in the digestive tract;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (urolithiasis, cholecystitis);
  • exacerbation of symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia;
  • mild deviations in the work of the heart and vascular system.

Valerian tablets are usually prescribed for adults and children over 12 years of age. At a younger age, valerian is also used to treat sleep disorders and relieve hyperexcitability, but the concentration of substances in tablets is considered unacceptable and is prescribed in exceptional cases. An aqueous infusion of the roots of the plant or tincture is most often used.

Important! To achieve a stable therapeutic effect, a course use of the drug is necessary. The doctor will prescribe an individual dose of the drug, depending on the age and characteristics of the patient's body.


Valerian tablets are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • depression and other conditions characterized by depression of the central nervous system;
  • mental disorders and serious disorders of the nervous system;
  • low blood pressure;
  • work that requires high concentration.

With caution, the drug is used for:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • work that requires increased concentration;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver failure;
  • driving a car;
  • children under 12 years of age.

In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will select a suitable treatment regimen, or prescribe a different form of valerian release.

Side effects

Harm from valerian tablets is possible when using the drug without a doctor's prescription, in the presence of contraindications and violations of the recommended dose. The following body reactions are possible:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • inhibition of reaction, lethargy;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

It should also be borne in mind that when valerian is combined with other sedatives, the calming effect of drugs is added up, having a high inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. The combination of the drug with alcohol has the same effect.
In case of chronic overdose of the drug, symptoms such as:

  • constant drowsiness, lethargy, a state of indifference;
  • decreased clarity of vision;
  • cramps in the stomach and intestines;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • hand trembling;
  • bradycardia or arrhythmia.

With symptoms of an overdose, it is necessary to stop taking valerian, take absorbent agents (magnesium sulfate, activated charcoal) to reduce the absorption of the drug in the intestines, and in the presence of dyspeptic disorders, perform gastric lavage.

There were no long-term adverse health effects associated with the use of valerian.

Valerian extract

The active substance of valerian tablets is thick valerian extract. The extract is made by pressing powder from the crushed dried roots and rhizomes of the plant. Dry tablets emit a characteristic smell of the roots of the plant, characterized by the presence of borneol isovaleric ester in them.

More than 90% of valerian tablets consists of valerian extract, and the excipients that make up the preparation are necessary to preserve useful substances and facilitate administration: the sweet shell of the tablet hides the bitter taste of the plant.

Unlike liquid valerian extract, dry valerian takes longer to digest and causes an effect as the substance accumulates in the body, so valerian tablets are more suitable for the treatment of chronic disorders than for relieving symptoms and preventing stress.

However, due to the fact that a single dose does not cause a strong decrease in concentration, the drug is often used to relieve anxiety and prevent possible stressful conditions (before serious transactions, during exams, before moving, etc.).

Treatment with the drug is carried out in mandatory courses from 14 to 30 days and can be repeated after a break of at least 10 days. The doctor will tell you how to take the drug correctly, depending on individual indications.

How to take valerian tablets: the subtleties of taking

What does the drug help? For a long time, valerian has been known to mankind as a good sedative that effectively fights problems such as nervousness, groundless fear, irritability, insomnia and other neurological troubles.

How does valerian affect a person? The drug has a sedative effect on the nervous system, has a slight antispasmodic effect, slightly lowers blood pressure (

Here it must be remembered that the action of valerian is rather cumulative than instantaneous. This, of course, has a huge plus, since the effect on the body is quite mild, without harming health.

How to take the drug correctly

Despite the fact that valerian has a rather mild effect on the human body, only a doctor should make a decision on the need to take a medicine based on it. How often can you drink valerian? Depending on what kind of problem needs to be solved with the help of a valerian-based remedy, the specialist selects the course and frequency of administration individually. But there are also general rules:

  1. Valerian is prescribed for adult patients both as part of complex therapy and as an independent remedy for such disorders of the nervous system as irritability, hysteria, depression, sleep problems, heart palpitations. Method of application - 1 or 2 tablets (reception frequency - up to 3 times a day).
  2. In some cases, doctors prescribe valerian to patients under the age of 12 years. The nuances of taking the drug by children are as follows: age from 3 to 5 years - half a tablet 2r / day, up to 7 years of age - 1 tablet 1-2r / day, from 7 to 12 years - twice a day, 1 tablet, upon reaching 12- years of age - the dosage is equivalent to an adult.
  3. During pregnancy, women undergo hormonal changes in the body, which can cause emotional instability. This can lead to poor sleep or insomnia, which in turn can negatively affect the development of the fetus. In this case, the specialist may prescribe valerian to the expectant mother as a mild sedative.

Expectant mothers are forbidden to take the drug in the first trimester, then, the drug is taken exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, who determines the dosage in each case.

How to drink valerian tablets? The method is the same for all categories of patients:

  • The medicine is taken after a meal. It is recommended to start taking the drug in the 2nd half of the day.
  • The tablets are swallowed whole without chewing.
  • The medicine is washed down with clean drinking water to minimize the risk of aggressive effects of active ingredients on the gastrointestinal tract.

How long can you take valerian tablets? The duration of taking the drug is determined by the doctor and does not exceed 45 days (the maximum period).

And how many days does the usual course of valerian last? In most cases, its duration does not exceed 2-4 weeks.

Many people who take valerian are concerned about the question: “what will happen if you drink it every day?”. Daily medication is correct if such a scheme is prescribed to you by a doctor, and it does not exceed the permissible duration of administration. Valerian has a cumulative effect, so using the drug every day will provide you with the desired result.

But daily intake of the drug after the recommended treatment course has expired can provoke negative consequences. The duration of the use of valerian, exceeding the recommendations, may lead to the development of such side effects as heartburn, insomnia, lethargy, decreased patient performance, increased drowsiness, or, conversely, excessive excitability.

Dosage of valerian tablets

According to the instructions, you can drink no more than 2 tablets at a time. The drug is taken 2 or 3 times a day, always after meals. You should strictly follow the instructions and in no case exceed the daily or single dose. Otherwise, there is a risk of overdose.

The reaction of the body to exceeding the dose indicated in the instructions may be different and it is almost impossible to predict it. . Most often, when taking the drug in doses exceeding the recommendations, there may be lethargy, drowsiness, decreased performance, depression, general weakness, arrhythmia. An overdose may also be accompanied by disorders of the digestive process, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

How quickly and how long does valerian work

When taken correctly, valerian has a rather mild effect on the human body. It is worth knowing how long the drug works. The effect, as a rule, occurs within 15-40 minutes after taking the drug. The exception here is taking valerian for insomnia, when the desired result occurs in 50-60 minutes. Therefore, to eliminate sleep disorders, it is recommended to take the drug at night no earlier than an hour before going to bed.

How long does the medicine last? A single dose has a short or mild character, which persists for several hours. With regular use, active substances accumulate in the body and the effect becomes more stable.

If you are concerned about the question: “in what form is valerian better - in drops or in tablets?”, We hasten to reassure you - the remedy is effective, regardless of the form of production. It is only worth noting that the tincture is absorbed much faster than the tablet form.

Which is better - motherwort or valerian?

If we compare the action of motherwort with valerian in tablets, then it is worth recognizing that motherwort is stronger, which, unlike valerian, allows it to be used to calm people with severe nervous disorders and psychological conditions that take a long time.

Valerian is available in almost every home, because we use it quite often: someone, thanks to valerian tablets, provides himself with a good, sound sleep, and someone relieves anxiety and overexertion. At the same time, few people think that this is also a drug, so its uncontrolled use is unacceptable. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the contraindications, side effects and instructions for using this medication.

Valerian is a Mediterranean medicinal plant whose soothing properties have been known for centuries. Over time, its use has spread throughout Europe and today it is highly popular among other sedatives, despite the many existing analogues, such as Valocordin, Central-B, Nervanorm, etc. and other commercial names for valerian, for example, Valdispert, Valerian forte and Dormiplant-valerian.

Instructions for use of valerian

Valerian is the most popular and relatively safe drug with a moderate sedative effect. According to pharmacological actions, this effect is explained by the presence in its composition of essential oil based on isovaleric acid and borneol; it appears 30 minutes after the application of the drug and persists for a relatively long time.

Release form and composition of valerian

The effect obtained is due to the expansion of the coronary vessels, which are expanded by the components that make up the drug. And also they actively influence the growth of secretion of the gastrointestinal tract and have a moderate choleretic effect. However, if treated with valerian for a long time, the tablets can provoke hypotension, so you need to know the features of this drug and take it according to the instructions, after consulting with a doctor.

Valerian is available in the form of a liquid tincture and tablets. The main component of the drug is an extract of thick valerian. And also the medicine contains starch, gelatin, magnesium carbonate; sugar, croscarmellose sodium, essential oils, chatinin and calcium stearate.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

As well as valerian tablets are prescribed to relieve spasms of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system of the body.


It is contraindicated to take valerian in the following cases:

It is also contraindicated to take valerian while driving vehicles and when working with mechanisms that are potentially dangerous and require concentration. Especially dangerous take this medicine with alcohol. And also during the period of treatment with the drug, it is recommended to refrain from excessive consumption of strong tea, coffee and energy drinks, since they can block the expected effect of this medication.

Dosage and method of application

The officially established daily dose of valerian is no more than 200 mg.

Given that one tablet of valerian extract contains 20 mg of active ingredient, the dose of tablets per day is 10 g. In this case, the dosage of one dose, as well as the number of doses of the drug per day set on an individual basis.

The duration of taking this drug is also set individually for each patient. Experts say that the period of use of valerian tablets is 10 - 30 days. If it is necessary to extend the course of treatment, it is required to follow the doctor's prescriptions, since only a specialist be able to determine the feasibility prolongation of taking this drug.

Valerian intake during lactation and pregnancy

The dose of the drug during pregnancy and lactation depends on the period of bearing the baby. After the first trimester, it is forbidden to take pills, and for pregnant women who are at a later date (for example, in the second and third trimesters), the drug is allowed under the strict supervision of doctors.

Valerian during pregnancy it is prescribed as a relatively safe sedative, because abrupt changes in the hormonal background that provoke a state of increased emotional instability are undesirable for the expectant mother and baby.

When breastfeeding, valerian can also be taken only after the approval of this drug by a doctor and the appointment of a suitable dosage, which should be strictly adhered to, since the medicine easily passes into breast milk, which can cause sleep disturbance and an allergic reaction in the baby.

Overdose and consequences

In case of an overdose of valerian, weakness, drowsiness, a decrease in active work, lethargy and other side symptoms, as well as symptoms of depression in the central nervous system, are possible.

In severe overdose, arrhythmia and bradycardia may occur. As a rule, such symptoms begin to appear when taking significantly larger doses of the drug (exceeding the usual dose by 20 times or more). However, exact data on how many tablets are capable of causing such phenomena has not been established, since it depends on the characteristics of the organism.

lethal dosage the drug has not been identified by pharmacists, but the risk of death is not excluded, since much depends on the amount of overdose and the state of human health.

If the symptoms associated with an overdose began to bother the patient and his condition worsened, it is necessary to immediately stop the drug, drink activated charcoal and magnesium sulfate, which will prevent intestinal absorption of substances and cause a laxative effect.

There is no specific antidote for valerian.

Side effects

Despite the fact that valerian is used according to the recommended scheme and prescribed by a doctor, the possibility of side effects is quite high, so you should pay attention to conditions such as :

If any of the listed side conditions bothers the patient, it is urgent to stop taking the pills and consult a doctor. Do not forget that there is a risk of an allergic reaction in almost every person after using valerian, even if this phenomenon has not been noted before.

Interaction with other drugs

Valerian in tablets, by its properties, is able to enhance the effect of hypnotics, sedatives, as well as the effect of antispasmodics. Therefore, before using this drug, it is necessary to tell your doctor about all the medicines that the patient used before treatment or if he used valerian along with other medicines.

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