Divination is my guardian angel. Fortune telling Guardian Angel: how to get advice from higher powers

Your Guardian angel with his messages and tips is able to help you in all your endeavors and in all areas of life. The magical power of your guardian angel will allow you to communicate with the angels and receive answers and instructions from them on all your questions. Fortune telling on the cards Doreen Verche - "The magical power of your Guardian Angel", is more like an ordinary conversation between a person and his heavenly patrons. In such a conversation, the angels give advice on how to cope with difficulties and how to act in a given situation. Angel cards do not just open the veil of the future, but help a person understand himself, and also teach him to notice divine messages. Your Guardian angel, is always next to you, protecting you and helping with his advice.

Free online divination "The magical power of the Guardian Angel" will help you find out what your Guardian Angel wants to tell you. Turning to the fortune-telling Guardian Angel, you will receive wise advice, find out what is most important to you and what needs to be done first.

You can also get the advice of the day from the Guardian Angel by using online divination tarot Angels "Tip of the day" .

To start divination The magical power of the Guardian Angel


  • Divination online tarot Angels "Cross of the Road"
  • Divination of the tarot of Angels for free "Angel Wing"
  • Free online divination of Angels "Heart"
  • Divination "Three cards" on the tarot cards of Angels

Fortune telling "Guardian Angel": what is it?

To believe or not in guardian angels is a personal matter and applies exclusively to everyone. But if you want to know what your inner voice advises you to do, refer to the Guardian Angel online divination. Thus, the fortuneteller will receive free advice for any occasion. Every person who wants to get advice from higher powers can guess. The online version is simple: you just need to formulate a question and click on the button. You will get a card with an interpretation - these are recommendations from higher powers.

What will the online fortune-telling "Guardian Angel" tell?

Today, with the advent of the Internet, it is not necessary to be able to read cards to get magical advice. Virtual fortune-telling "Guardian Angel" will help you if your heart is heavy and sad, if you are worried about anxiety and fear. Fortune telling cards are filled with positive, charge you with a good mood, give you peace of mind.

The work of divination is that you can get a hint on how to behave in a difficult life situation. You will also receive a prediction for each day. Note that you can guess daily, there are no restrictions. Fortune telling "Guardian Angel" will help you get advice for the coming day, so it's better to guess in the morning when going on business.

The system itself was created by a clairvoyant and parapsychologist, who are leading experts in the field of psychological counseling. The cards selected by them radiate only positive and soft energy, there are no negative messages here, because guardian angels are messengers of light and goodness. Thus, you can communicate with your angel, get the most truthful, inspiring predictions. The main concept of the action is your desire for self-improvement, self-development. Remember that you will not achieve a solution to a problem if you only look for the answer in the world around you. Look into your soul, and fortune-telling "Guardian Angel" will be an excellent guide on this amazing journey.

How is fortune-telling "Guardian Angel" carried out?

So, you have decided to turn to your angel for advice. To do this, you need to sit comfortably in a chair, imagine a stream of light that is directed at you, formulate a question, asking for help, and say: “My angel, come with me. You are ahead, I am behind you. Then you can do online divination. It is very important to concentrate, tune in to the right wave, relax and not be nervous. In other words, you need to enter a semi-meditative state. This fortune-telling will not require any emotional or energy costs from you. You just need to believe that you will receive an answer, and formulate the question as clearly as possible, which the guardian angel must answer. Well, of course, the fortuneteller must believe in the existence of angels! You can guess every day, especially it is useful for those people who:

  • are at a crossroads;
  • entangled in a difficult situation;
  • experiencing separation from loved ones;
  • trying to start a new life.

This fortune-telling will help you emerge victorious from any situation.

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Every person needs heavenly protection, even those who do not believe in anything. We do not see the one who protects us, who is nearby every minute. The one who makes our life happier, and after all, happiness is an important aspect in it for everyone. How would life develop if we could hear and see them, could we avoid all the troubles? The advice of a guardian angel at the right time and support are possible, you just have to ask for it.

Guardian angels in our lives

The guardian angel imperceptibly observes his wards, giving them chances, various opportunities. Every day they lead us away from temptations, unknown twists of fate. To believe or not to believe is everyone's business, but one way or another, they give us their signs. The main thing is to read them in time. We do not pay attention to the little things in everyday life. They communicate with us through such things as: splashing with mud, losing something, breaking. Even the drop of a pen at the moment of signing documents is important, but do we notice it? Most often not, but it’s worth believing for a minute and everything immediately falls into place.

During their existence on earth, people found the opportunity to turn to guardian angels, prayers and amulets appeared. We learned to ask questions through fortune-telling, to contact and ask for advice in a particular matter. Especially for such cases, they even came up with ways to call their guardian angel and how to make it easier and faster. True fortune-telling with their help is now available to absolutely everyone. You can turn to professionals or do it yourself, at home and for free.

How to ask the right question?

You can communicate with the guardian angel daily, but you should not repeat the same thing several times. To learn something, ask or seek advice in a particular area, a hint from an angel will not keep you waiting.

Before contact, you can not swear or scold someone. During "communication" it is necessary to maintain a good mood and a kind, positive message to the world. It is advisable to read a prayer before embarking on this action, in which to ask for forgiveness for all your sins. In the process, observe all the norms of etiquette and subordination, because communication will be with heavenly messengers.

This fortune-telling of the Angels is suitable for daily use before a road, a deal, or in the morning as a layout for the day. You will need tarot cards and 12 red candles and one brown one.

Arrange 12 candles in a semicircle, spread the entire deck in the center in the same way, starting from the left side. Place a brown candle inside. When laying out, repeat these words:

“My guardian angel, be with me, open the door for me in front of you. Indicate what awaits me today if: ... (question).

After that, mentally asking the guardian angel to guide you, slowly and intently move your hand over the cards. One of them should give you the answer. It happens like this: you will feel a craving for it, a tingling or burning sensation in the palm of your hand. Perhaps something will happen: a spoon will fall, a branch will knock on the window, or something else that can be regarded as a sign. After selection, you can see the value of the card.

How to get an angel's answer with playing cards

The ritual for every day is suitable for everyone. You will need a regular, new deck of cards. First of all, you should make contact with your guardian angel. Take a comfortable position, concentrate, and closing your eyes, mentally imagine it. Be sure to say hello and invite to communicate, help you with advice. Then shuffle the deck, focusing on the problem.

The layout on the cards "Angel Prediction"

In the process of fortune-telling, you do not need to ask any questions, but simply ask for advice:

“My guardian angel, be with me today! Tell me what awaits me in the near future?

Lay out the entire deck on the fortune-telling table, pictures down, 9 pieces each, in 4 rows. Calculate your birthday. For example, you were born on 12/29/1989. It will be necessary to add all the numbers together and get the exact solution: 2 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 \u003d 41. Count 41: after the deck has ended at 36, start again from the first until you reach to the number you want. The card symbolizing the desired number will be the carrier of information that will show you the answer.


6 - you get a road or a trip:

♠ - far is not always good;

♣ - confused, unnecessary;

♦ – boring, unproductive;

- with adventures, perhaps love.

7 - some kind of meeting, date:

♠ - unpleasant, overly emotional;

♣ - at work, responsible;

♦ – superfluous;

- with loved ones, relatives.

8 - conversation:

♠ - unpleasant, nervous;

♣ - productive;

♦ – confusing, long;

- clarifying the relationship, love.

9 - love date, acquaintance:

♠ - do not come to him;

♣ - a person with serious intentions;

♦ - wasted time, but you can go so as not to offend a person;

- pleasant, interesting, exciting.

10 - your interests for the near future:

♠ - be afraid to do something, start;

♣ - it is worth focusing on yourself;

♦ - favorable time for new ideas;

Jack - chores:

♠ - empty, heavy;

♣ - with obstacles, confused;

♦ — the best outcome;

- about love, about relationships.

Lady - friend, lover, possibly mother:

♠ - unpleasant, help that will do more harm;

♣ - you can not trust secrets to a woman older than herself;

♦ - care from a woman will help;

- friend's love

The king is a man in life:

♠ - run without looking back;

♣ - selfish intentions of a more mature man;

♦ - whims of a young man;

- sincere confession.

Ace - home, family hearth:

♠ - tip up - official duties, party; tip down - unpleasant, discouraging news;

♣ - many issues in a career, but all are solved at the workplace;

♦ - take care of papers.

- Devote yourself to your home and family.

Fortune-telling "Question-Answer"

If you are interested in something specific, do this alignment:

  • Mentally connecting with your angel.
  • Write down your question concisely.
  • Count the letters.
  • Count the number you need in the deck. If it is more than 36, then repeat the count in a circle.
  • Interpretation of the result.

Spades - The guardian angel tells you that an obstacle course awaits you, the task will be difficult and almost impossible. Don't waste your energy on this, he advises.

Cross - your guardian angel recommends changing direction and looking the other way. Perhaps it will be better to return to this in a couple of months.

Tambourines - the result will come, but will it satisfy you, the angel asks? In order not to waste time and nerves, it is better to weigh the pros and cons, then make a decision. Hint: seek help from loved ones.

Worms - the one who takes care of you is simply confident in the positive outcome of the case, but with one condition: purity of heart and good intentions. A true attitude to the matter will also give a positive outcome.

During this fortune-telling, you can ask three questions in a row, but no more. Fortune telling on tarot cards or simple ones with the help of guardian angels will definitely tell you, give advice and help you make a decision. But if suddenly the answer is sad or inconclusive, there is no need to fall into despair, let alone repeat the actions again and again. This is just fortune-telling, the mirror of your destiny is yourself.

Concentrate on what interests you at the moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of divination.

Are you ready?
Then click the "Continue divination" button!

Modern methods of divination on the cards of Angels have come down to us thanks to the cultural heritage of our ancestors and the beliefs of the Belarusians of antiquity, who knew how to look into the secrets of Nature and understood the meaning of the events taking place in life.

Angels have always been considered our protectors and educators, guiding us on the path of knowing ourselves and the nature of the Universe. The mention of them goes back to the beliefs and myths of antiquity. As in the literature of Ancient Greece, the culture of Japan, Armenia and many other peoples. Everywhere in the ancient chronicles, a special spirit is mentioned, assigned to a person from birth to death; accompanying and protecting a person; protecting it from the intrigues of evil demons seeking to harm both our body and soul. In the works of Christian theologians that have come down to us, there are also references to countless incorporeal beings that were created before the Universe appeared. The main task of our guardians, according to theologians, is to help people and selflessly serve the Creator.

Thanks to the system of online divination on the cards of Angels, which has come down to us from time immemorial, we are given the opportunity to feel their presence, to find out what they wanted to tell us all our lives. Get answers to exciting questions from the subtle world. Such a meeting with your spiritual guardian can be the beginning of your close relationship with the angels and the subtle world. It will help you learn to receive help from the invisible world and avoid emotional conflicts.

Angel cards will answer you the most difficult questions of life, open a way out of the most confusing situation. The beings you come into contact with will be very happy to help you. Let the Angels come into your life.

Layout options

Three-card spread will allow you to find out the opinion of the Angels on a specific situation that concerns you. It will allow you to carefully consider the source of your problems and suggest solutions. The angels will predict the likely course of events for you and will be able to tell you what actions you need to take in order to achieve the desired result.

Layout "Heart" designed to find out the reasons for the current situation. Keepers will warn you about obstacles on the way and how to overcome them. You will learn about events that will take place in the near future and the current state of affairs. You will find out which energies dominate and rule your life during this period.

Angel Wing Spread talk about your life path and purpose. The spiritual guardian will indicate the source of the problems and the subconscious causes of the current situation. The cards will tell you which angel you need to contact, and who can help resolve the situation. How will this life cycle end?

The layout of the "Cross of the Way" will most fully tell about your personal life and point out the goals with which you came to Earth. What you are destined to experience and what life lessons you will need to learn. You will receive advice from your guardian and feel the love and presence of teachers walking along the path of life with you.

How to guess

Choose a layout. Mentally turn to your Guardian Angel and ask a question that interests you. Shuffle the cards and start flipping according to your inner hunch.

Sometimes in life there are situations when it is not easy to make a decision. The desire to do the right thing, to make the right choice, pushes us to seek the help of those around us. But sometimes even the advice of relatives and friends cannot dispel doubts. In this case, you can turn to higher powers, or rather, to your Guardian.

Magic messages for every day

The most famous way to make contact with your protector is through angel cards. Their creator is the writer and psychologist Doreen Virtue. She is the author of a unique method of healing with the help of angelic powers, as well as numerous books and trainings. To communicate with the Angels, she developed several types of divination cards. The most famous of them is called "The Magical Message of the Archangel Michael."

There are 44 cards in a deck. Each symbolizes an angel, has its own name and meaning. The author recommends using them in difficult life situations in order to get an answer to an exciting question or find out the state of affairs at the current time.

Doreen Verche's cards not only give advice on how to behave in a given situation and what decision to make, but also indicate which angel to contact to solve your problem.

Unlike Tarot cards or other divination cards, Archangel Michael cards do not predict the future, but give advice and guide a person in the right direction. In addition, Doreen Verche's cards indicate the missing qualities of character to achieve your goals.

Interpreting these cards is easy - just look at the image and the name of the symbol and read the interpretation in the book that comes with the cards.

Another main difference from other cards is that there are no symbols with a negative meaning in the deck. The alignment with the cards of the Archangel Michael will not indicate illness, will not predict future troubles, and will not warn of impending danger. The purpose of these cards is to show the right path and give advice.

Videos divination

Card interpretation

Cards "Magic message" Unusual both externally and in interpretation. If in Tarot each card has a specific name (“Empress”, “Jester”, etc.), then the names of these cards are phrases that contain advice.

  • "Love Angels Help You"- this card indicates that you are under the protection of higher powers. Your problems are being resolved.
  • "Go Forward Without Fear"- do not doubt your abilities, everything will work out in the best way for you.
  • "Favorable Outcome"- in the end, everything will turn out well.
  • "God takes care of everything"- despite God's help, do not forget to make efforts to achieve your plan.
  • "Be mindful of yourself"- trust your heart.
  • "Rest assured"- if you want to realize your plans, believe in yourself and your own strengths, do not deviate from your principles and ideas.
  • "Your home is protected by angels"- you are guarded by the Guardian Angel, contact him in difficult times.
  • "Believe and trust"- listen to your own intuition, it will tell you the right decision.
  • "Eternal love"- a favorable period begins in personal life.
  • "Internal guidance is to be trusted"- be guided by your inner instinct, follow the dictates of your heart.
  • "Time to end the problem"- the period has come when you are able to complete what you started and pass all the tests.
  • “You have the power to change the situation you have created”- angels will help you in solving the problem.
  • "You and your loved ones are safe" Your family is not in danger.
  • "You are on the right track"- This card confirms the correctness of your intentions and desires.
  • "Trust your feelings" Only your heart will tell you what to do in this situation.
  • "Angels are watching over your children"- do not worry about your children, they are guarded by higher powers.
  • "Write down thoughts and feelings"- remember your inner feelings and ideas that come to mind. This will help clarify the situation and understand yourself.
  • "Protect Yourself"- you should protect yourself from negative emotions and ill-wishers.
  • "Use your imagination to get answers"- start reading the signs sent to you from above. They may appear to you in the form of repeated numbers, a phrase you accidentally heard on the street, a picture you saw, etc. Get creative.
  • "Explore all options" Think over every step you take before making a decision.
  • "Energy Healing"- do good, and it will return to you threefold.
  • "Prayer will help in any situation"- contact the Angel for help.
  • "Start"- a favorable time for new things and undertakings.
  • "Don't rush to make a decision" Don't rush, take your time.
  • "Innocence"- the person is not guilty of anything.
  • "Pay attention to dreams"- look for the answer to an exciting question.
  • "Step away from the problem"- look at the situation from the other side. Abstract.
  • "Release Fear Now"- Do not be afraid, your angel is watching you.
  • "Under protection and protection"- you are patronized by higher powers.
  • "Positive thinking leads to the same results"- think only about the good.
  • "Lean on God and the Angels"- higher powers will help you, turn to them with a prayer.
  • "Dedicate yourself to the goal"- Begin actively to achieve your goal.
  • "Accept the inner truth and act on it"- understand yourself, do not betray your inner "I".
  • "Spend more time in nature"- walks in the fresh air will help you achieve harmony with yourself and the world around you.
  • "Forgive Yourself"- let go of negative thoughts, get rid of guilt. You haven't done anything wrong.
  • "Ask Archangel Michael to help you"- address this angel with your requests and prayers.
  • "Decide to be happy right now" Your well-being directly depends on your way of thinking. Do not wait for the weather by the sea, do not hesitate with decisions and undertakings. If you want to be happy - be it!
  • "Self-respect" Take care of your loved ones, but don't forget about yourself.
  • "The situation has already been resolved" You needn't worry, it's all over.
  • "Focus on spirituality and health"- it's time to develop the spiritual side of life.
  • "Focus on the pursuit of the goal"- your concentration in practice will help achieve the desired result.
  • "The Purpose of Your Life" You should spend more time on what you want to achieve.
  • "Man is trustworthy"- the one on whom the alignment is made, you can completely trust.
  • "Sense of humor" Don't take everything that happens in life seriously.

On the situation today

The simplest layout for the situation is “Three cards”. This method of divination will help clarify the current problem, identify causes and effects, and also give practical advice on how to get out of a difficult situation.

Stir, mentally ask the Angels about what is bothering you. Try to ask a specific question. After that, take out any three cards from the deck.

  • First map symbolizes what you are asking. It could be a specific person, yourself, or the nature of the situation.
  • Second map talks about what is hidden for your understanding. It reveals the essence of the problem and clarifies it.
  • Third card gives advice and guidance on how you should proceed in your situation.

For love

The Archangel card spread will help you learn how to solve problems in a relationship, as well as give comprehensive information about how your loved one feels towards you.

Shuffle the deck, ask a question and draw any five cards with your left hand. Put the first in the center, the second on top of it, the third - down, the fourth on the left, the fifth on the right. As a result, the cards should lie in the shape of a diamond.

  • First map represents your relationship, as well as the problems that bother you.
  • Second map obstacles that prevent you from achieving what you want.
  • Third card- this is what your other half hides from you.
  • Fourth card gives advice on how to deal with the situation.
  • Fifth card gives information about how your relationship may develop in the future if you heed the advice of your Guardian Angel.

For the future

In the alignment for the future, Angels can help choose the true path and make a decision that will change life for the better.

Shuffle the cards and lay out the first nine cards of the deck in the shape of a cross.. Put the first one in the center of the table. The second above it, the third down, the fourth on the left, the fifth on the right, the sixth on the very top, the seventh next to the fourth, the eighth next to the fifth, and the last under the third. The end result should be a cross.

  • First central map describes you, something that plays a key role in life.
  • Second map- these are your thoughts and.
  • Third card- what you need to do. This is Angel's advice for the future.
  • Fourth card- these are your attachments: family, loved one.
  • Fifth card- something that hinders your achievements.
  • Sixth card- the result of your aspirations and desires.
  • Seventh card- the influence of the people around you.
  • Eighth card indicates what will help you get rid of problems.
  • Ninth card it is the result, the result of your actions and decisions.

You should resort to the help of Doreen Verche cards only in difficult situations when you yourself are not able to make a decision. It is not worth turning to the fortune-telling of Angels for nothing.

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