Green radish is a method of healing from Uzbekistan. Green (Margelan) radish: useful properties and contraindications

Probably, there is no such person who would not eat black radish at least once in his life. Its closest relative - green radish - is not familiar to everyone. Black radish is widely used in alternative medicine recipes, and green radish, being less bitter in taste, softer and juicier, is added to a wide variety of salads. It complements the other ingredients perfectly. Most people did not even think about how useful this unsightly vegetable is, containing a huge amount of vitamins and other valuable substances.

Green radish: calorie content and chemical composition

The homeland of the green radish is considered sunny Uzbekistan. The root crop came to central Russia from the coastal lands of the Mediterranean Sea. The cultivation of this agricultural crop was carried out by the Greeks and Romans. The inhabitants of Egypt grew green radish, because before others they guessed about the medicinal properties of an unpretentious plant. The green root crop was very popular in Russia, although it was not considered a gourmet dish. A root crop is suitable for food, having an oblong or rounded shape. It is covered with a thin green skin. Under the skin is juicy white pulp, which has a greenish tint.

Without careful consideration, it is noticeable what differences green radish has compared to black radish: skin color and pulp structure. But the most significant difference is the taste of the root crop: almost green not bitter.

The product is rightfully considered dietary, since its calorie content is in the region of 30 kcal per 100g. Due to the low nutritional value, the root crop is included in the diet of people who adhere to a strict diet.

The chemical composition of the vegetable is as follows:

  • Proteins-3 g.
  • Fats-0.3 g.
  • Carbohydrates-6.7 g.
  • Vitamin C.
  • A nicotinic acid.
  • Thiamine.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Amino acids.
  • Essential oils.
  • Macro- and microelements.

Beneficial features

What is useful green radish? This green root crop has a lot of useful properties, among which are:

  • The increased content of retinol in fruits has a beneficial effect on visual function, so the vegetable is indicated for patients with poor eyesight.
  • Eating this product launches the mechanism for processing nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract, so radish is recommended for people who have problems with appetite. In addition, it stabilizes metabolic processes.
  • The presence of potassium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium in the composition of this plant of the cabbage family makes it useful in immunodeficiency states, as well as in hypertension.
  • As you know, the human nervous system is in dire need of B vitamins, which are contained in sufficient quantities in green radish.
  • For hematopoiesis, a sufficient content of iron in the plasma is important, and this vegetable is just rich in this element.
  • Calcium, which is contained in radish, has a positive effect on the condition of tooth enamel.
  • The powerful bactericidal action of this cabbage plant makes radish useful in infectious diseases. The fruits of the plant are used to treat the lungs and bronchi.
  • Radish perfectly helps to adjust the stool and get rid of intestinal obstruction.
  • The rich chemical composition of the plant allows you to normalize the level of glucose in the blood, which allows you to classify the product as a prophylactic for diabetes and atherosclerosis.
  • Green radish is also a wonderful choleretic agent, useful for pathologies of the biliary tract and liver.
  • The constant intake of this root vegetable reduces the level of cholesterol, and also allows you to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals.
  • There will be benefits from eating a vegetable and with dysbacteriosis.
  • Good results with androgenetic alopecia are obtained by using green radish juice. Rubbing the juice into the scalp allows you to strengthen the bulbs, as well as activate hair growth.
  • Grated radish is a folk remedy for the treatment of sciatica and gout.
  • If a person suffers from stomatitis or gingivitis, he can dissolve the juice of this vegetable in water and use it for rinsing. The solution will remove inflammation and slightly reduce the soreness of the mucosa.
  • Grated radish can be applied to a bruise or burn. The pulp of the vegetable has an anesthetic and disinfectant property.
  • The gruel from the root crop is used for cosmetic purposes: it whitens and nourishes problem skin.

Green radish for weight loss: the benefits of the product

As already noted, the vegetable has a low calorie content, which is why nutritionists so often recommend it for corrections weight. The substances contained in the radish pulp break down starch and relieve hunger for a long time.

It is allowed to arrange fasting days, including in the menu salads from radish, where else you can add celery, cucumber, apple or sweet pepper. Such nutrition even once a week will bring undoubted health benefits: an additional portion of vitamins will enter the body, cholesterol will decrease, toxins will be released and, of course, extra pounds will go away.

The recipe for a light salad with green radish for those who want to lose weight:

  • Grind one root crop on a grater, then lower the gruel into cold water for 10 minutes.
  • Next, pour the grated vegetable with half a glass of hot water and put on a small fire until the dish becomes soft.
  • Then the radish is cooled, honey and allspice are added to it.

Green radish for diabetes

The root crop of this vegetable is very rich in such a vitamin as choline, which is disposed of along with bile. It plays an important role in metabolic processes. In diabetes, its importance increases, since it is a direct participant in the regulation of blood sugar levels. In a diabetic, the concentration of choline decreases very rapidly, so it is necessary to seek its restoration.

For diabetes, the following recipe using green radish is useful:

  • I mix 2.5 kg of grated root crop with 0.5 liters of vodka, then insist for a month in a glass container. The container must be under the lid and stand in a dark room.
  • After straining the finished tincture, take 20-40 ml three times a day. As soon as the medicine is over, take a two-week break and repeat the treatment course.

Green radish: harm and contraindications

Even taking into account all the useful properties of this crop, the vegetable still has a number contraindications. There are not so many negative sides, but they should not be forgotten. So, the root crop should not be present in the diet of people with a diseased liver.

It is worth abandoning the radish and those who have been diagnosed with erosive bulbitis or gastritis. Any inflammation in the large and small intestines (peptic ulcer, enterocolitis) are also a contraindication to the use of this plant. With caution, eat the product with increased gas formation.

If there is any doubt about whether to eat the pulp green radish, you should conduct an experiment: eat a small piece of vegetable and follow the behavior of the body. If everything is normal, you can enjoy delicious and fortified dishes made from radish.

During pregnancy, despite all the benefits of a natural product, it is extremely important to consume it in large quantities. do not recommend. This is due to the fact that the vegetable is literally stuffed with essential oils that can cause hypertonicity uterus, and this is fraught with premature birth.

If a woman before pregnancy is accustomed to treating a cough using radish, now instead of it it is better to use various oils such as mint or eucalyptus. The disadvantage of this plant is its sharp repulsive aroma. More precisely, not the aroma of the vegetable itself, but the smell after eating it, which is formed during gas formation. In this regard, in order not to become a hostage to sudden flatulence, it is better not to eat radish before going outside.

What is the norm for vegetable consumption?

An adult can easily eat about 200 g of this vegetable per day. For clarity, the weight of a small root crop is approximately 100–150 g. For neutralization a sharp-tasting vegetable can be consumed with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Also improve You can taste it by adding a spoonful of honey or fruit juice. It is undesirable to give green radish to children under three years old. To raise immunity, older children can be given up to two tablespoons of the product per day.

How to choose a vegetable, storage conditions

Going to the market or to the store for a radish, you need to learn how to determine which vegetable is of high quality and which is not. A good root crop, both black and green radish, should have an elastic tail. The vegetable itself should not be soft.

You should not buy root crops where there are cracks and other visible defects. Their presence may indicate putrefactive processes in the pulp. If a vegetable is bought in order to get juice, it is better to choose a large root crop. Too small root crops, most likely, were plucked unripe. A good vegetable always has light flesh.

It is allowed to store vegetables in a box on the balcony, if the temperature is positive outside.

Over the centuries of existence, green radish has received additional names: Margelan radish, Chinese, lobo or loba. However, this culture does not come from China at all, but from sunny Uzbekistan. It differs in taste from - it is less bitter, and in terms of the content of nutrients it is approximately on the same level with it.

Green radish tubers

The composition of the root crop includes B vitamins, vitamin A, nicotinic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, sodium, iron, sulfur, fatty amino acids, glucosides, essential oils, fiber and other useful substances. A vegetable is 90% water. The leaves of the root crop are rich in vitamins no less. They contain amino acids, carotene, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sulfur, essential oils, ascorbic acid. In 100 g of green radish - 35 kcal, 1.9 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat and 6.5 g of carbohydrates.

The healing properties of the vegetable are confirmed by legends and chronicles. Apollo compared green radish with gold and believed that for the value of this product one should pay exactly as many gold coins as the vegetable weighs. Scientists Pliny and Galen recommended the use of green radish infusion to get rid of hemoptysis, kidney and digestive system diseases. And what is the green radish struggling with today? In folk medicine, this vegetable continues to be used to normalize the digestive system. Thanks to fiber, radish juice neutralizes constipation, normalizes the secretion of ventricular juice and increases appetite. It is especially recommended to eat vegetables for people with a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work.

Stones in the bile ducts and kidneys are another problem that green radish copes with. It is included in the main diet to lower cholesterol and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. A well-known antiviral agent can also be prepared from a green vegetable. It is used in a similar way to treat pneumonia, colds, bronchitis, gargling sore throats and mouths, and a decoction of the leaves to fight influenza. After a protracted illness, green radish continues to be eaten. It helps to restore metabolic processes in the body, to overcome the breakdown.

In diabetes and anemia, it is useful to include a vegetable in the diet. It helps to normalize blood sugar levels, contains a small amount of calories, and replenishes iron deficiency. The warming properties of radish are used to treat joint pain, rheumatism and gout. Bruises, burns and swelling go away after a complex of compresses from vegetable gruel and crushed leaves, and extensive hematomas resolve faster if grated radish with honey is applied to them.

Among the fairer sex, green radish is popular. Due to the low calorie content (only 35 kcal per 100 g), this vegetable is a basic component of low-calorie dishes. To have a slim figure - prepare light radish salads that saturate the body with vitamins, suppress hunger and break down starchy substances.

Chopped radish for salad

Green radish goes well with avocado, sweet pepper, apple, cucumbers, tomatoes, as well as celery, herbs (cilantro, parsley, dill). These components can be combined with each other at your discretion. The use of such salads helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body, bad cholesterol and reduces weight. And in order to feel the maximum effect, the salad is seasoned with natural yogurt, vegetable oil, a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. It is not forbidden to add balsamic or apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper.

In cosmetology, green radish is part of therapeutic face masks. Soothe irritated skin and eliminate dryness will help the composition of the gruel of one fruit of the Margelan radish, 1 tsp. vegetable oil and 0.5 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. To restore shine to the skin, relieve fatigue and remove bags under the eyes, a recipe from grated radish, sage decoction and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed aloe juice is capable. After 20 minutes after application, wash off the mask.

In addition to a large list of indications for admission, green radish also has contraindications that must be taken into account. Margelan radish is contraindicated during pregnancy due to the content of essential oils in it. These substances are slowly excreted from the body, can lead to uterine tone and miscarriage. Therefore, if you want to treat a cold during pregnancy with folk remedies, pay attention to calamus, pine, mint, fir or rose oil.

green radish

Although green radish is not as spicy as black radish, it is not worth using it for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. This applies to patients with gastritis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis, colitis, kidney and liver problems, with the exception of cholelithiasis. With heart disease and high blood pressure, you should be careful with eating radish. The alkaloids included in its composition accelerate the heart rate.

This is especially true for patients who suffer from arrhythmia, angina, coronary heart disease, cardiosclerosis. The internal intake of radish juice and pulp is contraindicated by doctors for gout, due to the content of purine bases in the vegetable, which contribute to the accumulation of urea in the joints.

Compared to black radish, the green vegetable has less bitterness, and after eating it, there is no sharp smell from the mouth. Due to these characteristics, low content of calories and nutrients, green radish is included in dietary and nutritious salads, snacks and second courses. In order to preserve the taste and vitamin composition of the vegetable as much as possible, it is eaten fresh, since when using heat treatment, it loses not only its taste, but also its useful qualities.

Salad of radish and carrots

For the first version of the salad, grate fresh radish and carrots on a coarse grater, chop the greens. As a dressing, we recommend low-fat sour cream or yogurt, add salt and pepper to taste. Eat the salad immediately after preparation, as after 2-4 hours it will lose its attractive appearance. To prepare a nutritious salad with meat, grate two green radishes, boil 0.5 kg of chicken breast and disassemble it into fibers. In a separate pan, fry four small onions (we recommend using shallots) until golden brown. Mix all the ingredients and season the salad with low-calorie mayonnaise or low-fat sour cream, add a pinch of salt.

In Asia, pilaf or thick lagman is often served as a snack with a plate of chopped radish. This helps to balance the taste of fatty foods.

In addition to salads, the vegetable is used as a side dish, which is well digested. Steam the vegetable, combining it with celery, turnips, pre-cut all the ingredients into circles. After cooking, season the resulting dish with olive oil, add chopped basil and garlic for taste. Green radish goes well alone with soy sauce or olive oil. It is enough to grate it on a coarse grater or cut into slices using a vegetable cutter and add dressing.

And for those who want to pamper themselves, we offer a hearty breakfast option. Take a loaf of white (black) bread, make toast or fry the slices in a dry frying pan. Spread crispy bread with butter, put a piece of cheese and top with gruel of radish, previously grated and seasoned with sour cream. If desired, a sandwich can be decorated with herbs, a slice of cucumber, tomato or pepper.

The root crop has the most delicate mild taste. But, despite this, the beneficial properties and contraindications of green radish are not known to everyone. Who can use it and how? Let's open a new page of knowledge for ourselves.

The root contains many vitamins that are responsible for the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, support growth, vision and tissue structure. When used, stress resistance increases and immunity is strengthened.

It has a low calorie content, so it is suitable for diet food. 100 grams of the product contains only 35 kcal.

Green radish - useful and medicinal properties

If appetite decreases, then include radish in the diet - it helps to form a digestive enzyme. With moderate use, the performance of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal and constipation is prevented.

The beneficial properties of green radish are undeniable, and it is suitable for consumption and topical application not only for men and women, but also for children.

For women

The pulp of the vegetable is low in calories, therefore, it corresponds to dietary nutrition. Due to the content of nicotinic acid, it takes an active part in the metabolic process of the body. Helps make skin smooth and hair and nails shiny.

If you set a goal to lose weight, then be sure to enter this vegetable in the menu. Radish helps to activate metabolism and saturates the body with vitamins.

For men

Vegetable increases testosterone levels and treats prostatitis. To do this, the root crop must be consumed regularly. Helps strengthen the heart and cleanses blood vessels, liver and kidneys, and freshens breath.

Juice helps to cope with baldness and hair loss, as it nourishes and strengthens the hair follicles. Treats gout and sciatica.

During pregnancy and children

Even a small use of the root crop helps to get rid of constipation and prevent their occurrence, but you can not use it in large quantities. Helps warm up when cold. It has a good diuretic effect.

The sharper the smell and taste of the radish, the more antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties the root vegetable has.

Indications for the use of vegetables

The root crop is useful for many ailments:

  • with dysbacteriosis;
  • with visual impairment;
  • useful for high blood pressure and reduced immunity;
  • with whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Thanks to the bactericidal action in complex therapy, it helps to overcome the disease;
  • with baldness;
  • in the treatment of joint diseases and gout;
  • with diabetes;
  • with a cold;
  • with burns, bruises and swelling;
  • with diabetes mellitus, loss of strength and diseases of the oral cavity.

Traditional medicine recipes with green radish

Traditional medicine intensively uses the root crop in the treatment of various diseases.

For cough and sore throat

You will need green radish and liquid honey.


  1. Cut off the top of the root crop and make a recess. Remove pulp.
  2. Pour honey into the hole that appears. Put the cut off top back in place. Leave for seven hours. During this time, juice is formed.
  3. Treat the disease with the resulting juice, using a small spoonful (3 times a day).

For bruises and burns

Grate the radish. Apply to damaged areas. Hold for half an hour. It is recommended to repeat the procedure a couple of times a day.

With edema

It will take 550 g of a root crop, a liter of water and one teaspoon of salt.


  1. Place the radish in the meat grinder. Grind. To fill with water. Pour salt.
  2. Boil eight minutes. Cool. Use instead of water.

For gout

It will take 120 ml of root juice, 120 ml of vodka and 50 g of salt.


  1. Grate the radish and squeeze out the juice. Pour in vodka and mix with salt. Mix well. The crystals should completely dissolve.
  2. Take cotton. Dip in the resulting solution. Apply to the sore spot. Hold for half an hour.

For diabetes

It will take 2900 g of radish, 550 ml of vodka.


  1. Grind the radish, you can use a blender, grater or meat grinder. Fill with vodka.
  2. Transfer to a bank. Insist. It will take a month and a half. Strain.
  3. Drink 25 ml four times a day.

Application in cosmetology

A good effect can be achieved with the help of masks.


It will take 3 tbsp. spoons of radish, 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of olive oil.


  1. Grate the root crop. Pour in sour cream and add honey. Mix.
  2. Lubricate the face with oil. Apply the resulting slurry. Hold for seven minutes.
  3. If there are no discomfort, apply another layer. Hold for eight minutes. Wash away.


It will take 4 tbsp. spoons of radish, 2 tbsp. spoons of green tea, 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice.


  1. Chop up the root. Take the required amount. Pour in tea. Add aloe. Mix.
  2. Cleanse the face. Apply the resulting slurry. The procedure is carried out in a supine position. After a quarter of an hour, wash off the gruel.

From freckles

For oily skin

It will take 3 tbsp. spoons of radish, green tea and 3 yolks.


  1. Whisk the yolks. Grind the radish, place the required amount of pulp into the whipped mass. Stir.
  2. Apply the mixture to your face. Hold for half an hour.
  3. Soak cotton wool in green tea and remove the mass from the face.

For oily hair

It will take 50 ml of radish juice, 2 tbsp. spoons of nettle, a liter of water.


  1. To boil water. Pour nettle. Insist. Strain. Mix with radish juice. Pour on the head and rub into the roots.
  2. Put on a hat. Tie a towel over the top.
  3. Hold for half an hour, then rinse.
  4. Repeat month. A week - a maximum of two times.

The use of vegetables for weight loss

Diets using radish do not yet exist. After all, the root crop should not be consumed in large quantities. Excessive consumption causes irritation of the stomach and intestines. But dishes with a root crop can be safely replaced with other dishes. The easiest way to cook vegetable salads with the addition of radish, lemon, apples, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage and any greens.

To get enough during the day, you can eat a salad with quail eggs and radish, boiled veal and chicken. A delicious vegetable soup with the addition of a root vegetable is obtained. Ideal to cook stew with radish for dinner.

The root crop will serve as a good side dish for lean meat. The main thing is not to combine radish with mayonnaise and high-fat sour cream. The best dressing for dishes with root vegetables for weight loss is olive oil. You can also use vegetable.

The benefits of radish for weight loss are undeniable, only in everything you need to observe the measure. Excessive consumption will immediately harm your health.

Green radish juice - benefits and harms

Since ancient times, root juice has been used for appetite. It helps to improve the circulation of bile in the gallbladder, and also removes excess fluid from the body. Promotes the proper functioning of the intestines, restores and strengthens hair, normalizes and regulates the digestive system. If consumed with honey, it is ideal for coughs, viral infections, bronchitis.

Drinking large amounts of juice is contraindicated. May lead to unwanted reactions of the body. Negatively affect the work of the heart and the activity of the digestive system. Excessive use causes inflammation of the intestines, miscarriage during pregnancy and allergic reactions.

Contraindications for use

Despite the advantages, the root crop has contraindications.

Among them:

  • gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis and other diseases of the stomach;
  • bowel disease;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

Cannot be used with:

  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • heart diseases.

A stale root crop can be harmful to health. It is not recommended to store radish for a long time.

Green radish is a root crop that is not often found on supermarket shelves and is rarely grown in vegetable gardens. But this vegetable is a real pantry of useful substances and its inclusion in the diet can significantly improve a person’s condition or support it. You just need to learn how to use it correctly so as not to harm the health of your own body when eating a plain-looking greenish vegetable.

green radish

This representative of the sowing variety has several other names. For example, some call it Margelan, while others know it as lobo. The root crop acquires a green color due to the specifics of cultivation. Such a color can only be that part that protrudes above the ground and, accordingly, is illuminated by the sun. The part of the vegetable that is in the ground remains white. Green radish grows very quickly - planting material is sown in the middle of summer and after a month it is possible to dig up root crops of suitable size.

Attention! Green radish should be removed from the garden in time. Otherwise, it may lose its juiciness and become hollow.

Radish is stored in the same way as some other garden crops, for example, carrots. Taste quality does not change. This root crop does not have a pronounced sharpness and sharpness, so you can add it to any salads.

What are the benefits of eating a greenish vegetable

Green radish has a positive effect on digestion

  • Vegetable juice contains substances that affect the activation of the digestive glands. Thanks to this, appetite increases and nutrients are better absorbed.
  • Greenish root crops contain a large amount of fiber, which is a nutrient medium for the intestinal flora. Accordingly, the inclusion of radish in the diet has a beneficial effect on increasing the number of beneficial microorganisms in the digestive tract. The same fiber acts as a stimulant for bowel movement, resulting in normal peristalsis and constipation.
  • B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system. Therefore, green radish, which contains them in large quantities, is recommended to be included in the diet of people of all ages prone to neurological diseases.
  • Green vegetables contain a lot of iron. For those suffering from anemia (anemia), it can be a wonderful nutritional supplement to the main treatment.
  • Phytoncides, the presence of which can be determined by the pungent smell of the root crop, do not give pathogenic microbes a chance to settle in the human body. It is good to use vegetables during the cold season as a prophylactic and vitamin remedy.
  • Potassium and calcium contained in radish support normal heart function, strengthen teeth and bones.
  • Regular consumption of vegetables can positively affect blood cholesterol, which, accordingly, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • The introduction of radish dishes into a special diet intended for patients with diabetes mellitus has a positive effect on their well-being and contributes to the normalization of glucose levels.
  • Green radish is good to use for obesity and the fight against extra pounds - it normalizes metabolism and is endowed with a very low calorie content.

Radish helps fight excess weight

  • This vegetable has proven itself well when used for cosmetic purposes. For example, with regular application of radish gruel on the scalp as a mask, hair follicles are strengthened and their growth is accelerated.
  • From green radish, just like from black, in combination with honey, a wonderful cough remedy is obtained. To prepare it, it is enough to cut off the “cap” from the root crop, cut out a recess and pour it with honey. After 6 hours, you can take the resulting juice in 1 tsp. before meals.

Advice. If this variety of radish is used as an appetite stimulant, it is better to use the part of the root crop that is closer to the tail. In this place, substances accumulate that stimulate the production of digestive juices.

Contraindications to the use of root vegetables

Although green radish has a significant mass of useful properties, some people still do not want to use it. Vegetables should not be included in the diet for the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • acute and chronic inflammation of the intestine;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to limit the use of radish

How to Consume Green Radish to Reap the Benefits

  • In order to preserve the maximum useful substances, the vegetable must be consumed fresh.
  • The root crop can not be peeled from the peel. It is enough to wash it well with a stiff brush.
  • It is not advisable to eat dishes with radish after dinner, and even more so at night. Flatulence may develop.

Undoubtedly, if we compare the benefits of green radish and its possible harm, the former greatly outweighs. And although this is not at all a prominent vegetable, it can be safely attributed to especially desirable products on the table at any time of the year.

Types of radish: video

The body needs vitamins throughout the year. During the summer, this demand is low. But in winter, the body needs support. The use of green radish, taking into account the beneficial properties and contraindications, makes up for the lack of some elements. A unique vegetable benefits everyone. But one should take into account the consumption rate for each category of people and everyone in general.

Of the large variety of varieties, the most tasty and healthy is the Margelan variety of culture. This type of vegetable is juicy and is used for any method of consumption.

The vitamin composition is very diverse, so green radish is considered useful.

Vitamins included in its composition:

  • IN 1 ;
  • IN 2 ;


  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • lipids.


  • beta carotene;
  • cellulose.

Amino acids:

  • aspartic acid;
  • glutamic acid;
  • lysine;
  • valine;
  • leucine;
  • threonine;
  • cystine;
  • glycine and others.

In addition, there are essential oils. Excessive consumption of the root crop causes bloating and flatulence. The composition of Margelan radish is very similar to black radish.

The calorie content of the root crop is low - 32 kcal, for this reason it is actively used as food for people on a diet.

100 g of radish contains:

  • protein - 2.5%;
  • fat - 0.3%;
  • carbohydrates - 2.9%.

The rich mineral composition of the root indicates a high degree of positive effect on the body.

Medicinal properties

That radish is useful, many people know. But not everyone knows how wide the range of influence is.

Useful properties of the root crop for the body:

  • immune support;
  • strengthening bones and teeth;
  • treatment of pathologies of the gallbladder;
  • cleansing of toxins and toxins;
  • excretion of cholesterol;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • elimination of constipation;
  • normalization of the intestines;
  • appetite stimulation;
  • reducing the risk of developing diabetes;
  • help with bronchitis, pneumonia and pneumonia;
  • green radish juice helps with anemia, whooping cough, sciatica, heart arrhythmias;
  • pressure drop;
  • strengthening the heart muscle.

It is used not only for ingestion, but also for preparing a compress to the affected areas.

For men, the benefits of a vegetable are as follows:

  • rejuvenation and energy boost;
  • elimination of toxins;
  • prevention of the inflammatory process;
  • removal of pain;
  • increase in testosterone;
  • treatment of prostatitis;
  • cleansing of blood vessels, kidneys and liver;
  • strengthening the heart;
  • breath freshening;
  • the fight against baldness;
  • treatment of gout and sciatica.

Undoubtedly, the root crop has a positive effect on the male body, regular use of the vegetable will help fight common male diseases.

For women, the vegetable is also useful, its use leads to:

  • saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • improvement of the skin;
  • improve the health of hair and nail structure.

Everyone should experience its effect on themselves, after several applications, an improvement is observed.

Consumption rates

You should not eat root vegetables without measure, as this harms the digestive tract. According to the definitions of nutritionists, the daily dose of radish is 150 g. It does not matter in what dish and form it is cooked. It is contraindicated for children under three years of age. During the first application, give a small part of a teaspoon and carefully monitor the well-being of the child.

In the absence of irritation, increase the daily dose to 2 tablespoons per day.

Green radish in cooking, cooking recipes

The root crop is consumed by many, but it is especially popular among people who monitor their weight. The vegetable retains most of the vitamin composition fresh when cooked. Any thermal cooking reduces the degree of usefulness.

What can be done and what is combined with

A variety of dishes are prepared from radish. Using it for cold soups and salads will help keep the benefits. In addition, it is used for:

  • preparation of winter preparations;
  • fermentation;
  • pickles;
  • canning;
  • stew;
  • side dishes;
  • casseroles;
  • okroshka and much more.

The use of this ingredient depends on the preferences of the household and the imagination of the housewife.

Combine radish with vegetables and other products:

  • fresh or pickled cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper;
  • apples;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • cabbage;
  • sour cream;
  • cheese;
  • poultry meat.

This is not the whole list of products with which green radish is combined. For housewives, recipes are provided that use the root crop. It remains only to choose the appropriate method according to the taste and preferences of the household.

salad preparation


  • small radish;
  • a couple of carrots;
  • bullseye;
  • greens;
  • mayonnaise according to preference.

Grate peeled vegetables, carrots and radishes. Cut the apple into strips, preferably thinner, mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Salt to taste, add chopped greens and season with mayonnaise. The salad is ready to eat.

soup cooking


  • 500 g of ribs;
  • radish;
  • ginger;
  • goji berries;
  • water;
  • green onion.

The ribs, chopped into pieces of 3 cm, are fried over high heat for 5 minutes. Add chopped ginger and the white part of the onion. Fry a little more with the ribs. Add 0.8 l of water, bring to a boil. Add salt and spices, cook for 30 minutes.

Pour out 1 tbsp. a spoonful of goji berries and finely chopped radish. Bring to a boil, turn off. Sprinkle the cooked soup with green onions.

Can pregnant women eat

There are different opinions of experts on this matter. Some recommend its use, some, on the contrary, prohibit green radish.

It is better to eat it in small quantities, this will help reduce swelling. In addition, it is used for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

When breastfeeding, its use should be abandoned, since gas formation negatively affects the child's fragile gastrointestinal tract. The bitter taste of the root crop is transmitted to breast milk, the baby may refuse to breastfeed.

How to use for medicinal purposes, recipes

Treatment with green radish is carried out by many people. It is important to follow the consumption norms and strictly follow the steps of the recipe, then the root crop will save you from some ailments.

For cough and sore throat

First of all, you should understand the nature of the cough, the severely advanced stage of SARS or allergic cough are not treated with folk remedies using radish. If a dry cough is observed, then the following steps should be taken. You will need:

  • large mature radish;
  • honey or sugar.

The top of the root crop is cut off, the core is selected with a spoon. Then it is installed in a container so that the vegetable does not fall, filled with honey. For those with allergies, granulated sugar is used. The wall thickness of the vegetable is 1-1.5 cm. They are closed with a cut impromptu lid from the root crop, left for 24 hours. Babies 1 tbsp. spoon a day, adults 3 times a day for a tablespoon.

For gout

This disease is the result of impaired metabolism. Its restoration will help alleviate the symptoms of the disease. There are 2 ways to use the green healer, some patients choose only one. But to achieve a better result, combine them in an alliance:

  1. Prepared from radish juice. The unpeeled root crop is placed for 30 minutes. in soapy water, then rinse thoroughly in cold water. Squeeze the juice and put it in the refrigerator, take 30 g 3 times within 2 hours. To complete the course, you will need 9-11 kg of root crops.
  2. Gadgets. A twisted or grated root crop is wrapped in a cloth and applied to a sore spot, preferably at night. Or rub the squeezed juice into painful places.

With edema

Use this recipe, you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of grated radish;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 teaspoon a spoonful of salt.

All ingredients are mixed in a container, boiled for 10 minutes. Cool and drink during the day.

For constipation

Initially, for prevention, green radish dishes should be consumed, preferably fresh. There are a lot of recipes, everyone is free to choose according to their taste.

They drink root juice combined with pumpkin juice. Proportion 1:1, honey is added to the mixture. Use 2 times a day for 30 days.

How can be used for cosmetic purposes, recipes

To keep themselves in good shape, housewives prepare various nutrient mixtures with its use.

For hair

A vegetable is used to eliminate fat. Necessary:

  • nettle;
  • boiling water;
  • radish.

Preparing a decoction of nettles, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass is steamed with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Then juice is squeezed from one vegetable. Everything is mixed. Rub the mixture into the hair and scalp 2-3 times during the week. Hold for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

For face

Many housewives use the green helper in preparing face masks. You will need:

  • 2 sheets of plantain;
  • 1 small green radish root;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of white clay.

Grind the vegetable and plantain, add clay. Apply the mask on well-steamed skin of the face, the layer should be thick. Keep on face for 20 minutes. After washing off with warm water.

In addition to masks, lotion is prepared. To do this, squeeze the juice from half of the average root, mixed with 80 ml of mineral water. A few drops of tea tree oil are added to the finished mixture. Lotion wipe the skin of the face 2 times a day.

Benefits for weight loss

For those who are trying to get rid of excess weight, radish provides invaluable assistance. The peculiarity is that the radish reduces appetite, as it helps to restore the necessary balance of minerals in the body. The mineral composition of the root crop allows you to break down fats and helps not to accumulate them in the future. Eliminates the problem of constipation, is a diuretic. With long-term normalized intake of vegetables, toxins and cholesterol are removed from the body. Eating root crops for food will help those who decide to fight overweight and follow a diet.

How to store at home

Those who grow vegetables on the site should decide in advance on the method of preserving a healthy root crop. There are several proven options:

  1. Basement or cellar. Carefully sorted specimens are placed in containers and sprinkled with dry sand. So they are able to maintain their presentation until spring, without losing their vitamin composition.
  2. Fridge. A purchased or grown vegetable is placed in the refrigerator. There it is stored for up to 3-4 months, without losing a presentable appearance and usefulness.
  3. room conditions. The root crop is placed in containers and installed in a cool place.

Choosing one of the methods, green radish is stored for 60-90 days and even more.

Contraindications and harm

The beneficial properties of the root crop do not give the right to use it thoughtlessly. Do not forget that there are contraindications, the consideration of which is mandatory for health:

  • If there are violations in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, then the use of radish for food is undesirable.
  • It is forbidden to use for certain heart diseases.
  • Do not get carried away with inflammatory reactions in the intestines.
  • Peptic ulcers of the stomach or duodenum also suggest the rejection of the vegetable.
  • It is not recommended to use for people who have increased gas formation.
  • Use with caution in pregnant and lactating mothers.

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