Time of making birch brooms. When are birch brooms for a bath harvested and how are they made? Oak broom: when to collect

The Russian bath is famous all over the world for its unique healing properties and this glory would not be so without the use of unique bath brooms when taking procedures. The article will discuss how to properly prepare brooms for a bath: timing, knitting methods, drying nuances and types of trees used.

Optimal time frame for harvesting branches

Speaking from the point of view of the attendant, then brooms are knitted in the summer due to the beginning of flowering of the necessary plants and the abundant growth of herbs. The maximum efficiency of a broom will be only when its foliage is fresh, juicy and exudes a pleasant persistent smell, while releasing various substances useful to the human body.

The right choice of time for knitting a bath broom is very important:

  • if you cut the branches early, then when steaming it will become slippery, and the leaves will break off from it;
  • it is also impossible to be late in this process, because by autumn the foliage will begin to lose its strength.

If the optimal time to start knitting is observed, then the service life of the broom will be long, and the foliage will not crumble during operation. Sometimes bath attendants, speaking about when to prepare bath brooms, advise starting this process at least 2 weeks after Trinity, since the early holiday (in early June) takes place at a time when young foliage has not yet gained its strength.

It is also important to take into account the climatic features of the region where the bath broom is harvested.

When to cut birch and oak branches

If we are talking about how to knit brooms for a birch bath, then there is an unambiguous period of time on the 11th-30th of the day, when there are no earrings on the trees yet.

But at the same time, it is imperative to take into account the general condition of the foliage:

  • in order for a birch broom for a bath to be good, the outer part of the leaf should not be rough, but on the contrary, tenderness and velvety should be felt to the touch;
  • when you try to pull the sheet, only a small part of it should come off, and not the entire plate as a whole.

If we talk about the timing of the preparation of oak brooms for a bath, then they fall on the second half of July or the beginning of August. The leaf by that time should not only get stronger, but also acquire a rich green color in comparison with the young color that is inherent in it at the beginning of summer.

If you do not wait the right time, then early knitting will lead to a decrease in the strength of the oak broom. But you can't be late! The deadline for preparing oak brooms for a bath is the time when the first acorns appear.

Rules for knitting bath brooms

In addition to the timing of the preparation of bath brooms, there are a number of other rules that you should know about in advance in order to get a strong, durable and most effective bath broom.

You can cut the branches only in the dry period, since high humidity will lead to their damage during the drying process. The leaves, when the moisture begins to leave, will darken, curl and fly around. If it rains in the region during the period of harvesting branches for a broom, then it is worth cutting it a little later.

Usually, when bath brooms are knitted, they go for suitable branches away from city streets to ecologically clean areas. Branches are pruned before lunch, when the morning dew has already dried. It is worth picking up branches of 2 years of age that grow lowest to the ground (not to be confused with processes at the roots).

You can cut them off with a sharp pruner. The length should be about 60 centimeters. By observing these conditions, you can get a high-quality, reliable and efficient broom for several procedures.

Why is summer the best time to collect birch bath brooms (or oak brooms)? Everything is quite simple. The leaves by this time not only have time to grow, but also contain the optimal amount of essential oil glands. The branches are elastic, which provides maximum pleasure from whipping them over the steamed human body.

Often, brooms are tied using sheaf technology, assembling a structure from prepared branches in advance. A bunch of branches is folded in such a way that they are divided into internal and external, which protect them. From above, the structure is covered with hay and, in the form of a sheaf, lies in a dry barn for storage. Branches are taken out exclusively for a bunch of a small broom for each trip to the bath.

If the branches are already prepared, then they should be tied, having previously laid them out on burlap. A set of branches from already withered branches is fastened. The thickness of the bundle can vary depending on the tastes of the bath visitor, but at the same time, the broom should be from 40 to 80 centimeters in length so that it is quite easy to use.

Branch preparation looks like this:

  1. The branches are cleaned from knots and leaves in the place where the intended handle will be located. Its length should be about a third of the entire broom.
  2. Thick branches are laid inside the knitting, and with thin ones I cover such a frame from the outside, bending them a little inward. All knitting should take on a flat shape.
  3. It is important to ensure that when folding the foliage is directed in one direction and in the end the bundle should resemble a fan.

By correctly completing all the steps, you can get a broom of sufficient density and density. It will be pleasant for the body and will last at least 2-3 trips to the bath.

The handle is processed by wrapping the stripped part of the branches with twine. The entire area is wound without knots and foliage, and at the end, the remains of branches or material are carefully trimmed. Thus, a neat handle is obtained, which will not lead to the formation of corns in the process of whipping a bath visitor. The handle of 15 centimeters is considered optimal in length, in which there is no winding under the very leaves, which allows you to make the broom more voluminous. It lies comfortably in the hand and does not slip out of the hand when clapping.

Many experts, speaking about how to prepare brooms for a bath, recommend adding mint stalks, thyme, chamomile or young shoots of black currant between the branches. This will give the product a great aroma and enhance the healing effect of the procedures.

Sometimes, looking through the photos from the bath, you can see that branches of coniferous trees have been added to the broom. It should be said right away that they can only be inserted inside, since the needles can damage the skin when whipped.

The weight of the broom is selected according to one's own feelings, but, naturally, it should have such a mass that it is easy to hold it during the procedures.

How to dry branches for bath brooms

The formation of drafts in the place of drying of the branches is also unacceptable. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the broom branches should be dried in a dark, dry and cool place. The bundles can be either hung or laid out.

Uniform drying can be ensured by periodically turning the bundles. If the broom has been dried correctly, then the foliage will turn green with a matte tint on it, and the aroma of balsamic oil will also form, which intensifies when steaming.

In the Russian outback, you can often find the option of drying a bath broom in a fresh sheaf of absolutely dry hay. Brooms are stacked in such a sheaf in several layers around. A layer of fragrant hay is laid between the layers. The advantage of this drying method lies in the preservation of the shape of the product and all its basic qualities: smell, color, etc.

If the broom was overexposed during drying, then it should not be thrown away, but you just need to steam it longer and add it to the stove before starting the procedures. A couple of branches will reach the necessary conditions. After the procedures, do not leave fallen leaves on the stove.

In modern bath complexes, it is possible to carry out procedures using non-standard brooms, which were previously frozen and placed in vacuum packaging. Such a non-standard way of harvesting brooms came from Finland.

Similar to freezing vegetables, a broom does not lose its useful qualities and aroma, which allows, when steaming, to bring it to an optimal operational state even from a frozen state.

What not to do when preparing bath brooms

If we are talking about how to properly prepare brooms for a bath, then it is worth pointing out the main mistakes of novice bath attendants, which lead to the rapid fall of foliage and the transformation of a broom into an ordinary bunch of branches.

The most common mistakes:

  1. Harvesting was carried out at the wrong time: if too early, then the leaves did not have time to get stronger, and if it was too late, then they had already lost their strength.
  2. Drying was carried out in open places under the influence of direct sunlight.
  3. Wet branches were used, or they were washed before linking, which is absolutely impossible to do. Dust from a broom can be washed off only after drying and always with boiling water when visiting the bath for the first time.


The article describes in detail how and what kind of brooms you need to prepare for visiting the bath. If you follow all the recommendations presented, then the products will serve quite effectively for 2-3 procedures and will have the most positive effect on the body of bath visitors.

When to prepare brooms for a bath?

Preparation of brooms for a bath according to ancient custom takes place on Trinity Day, which happens on the 50th day after Easter. Every year this great Christian holiday is celebrated on different calendar days.

Folk wisdom says that you need to cut brooms for a bath in the period - two weeks after the Trinity. At this time, it is time for flowering. Grass time. Therefore, it's time to prepare brooms. The leaves in the juice, already strengthened, give off aroma.

But experience shows that you need to break the branches when the foliage is ready, because it happens that the Trinity falls at the very beginning of June. The climatic conditions of the area play an important role in the timing of harvesting.

Birch - 2-3 decade of June, until the appearance of earrings on birch trees.
When to harvest birch brooms can be determined by the birch leaf. The upper side of the leaf should not be rough, the leaf should be tender, velvety. When the leaf on the birch has already grown strong enough, so that it does not fly off all when you pull it, but only part of it

Oak - July, occasionally the very beginning of August. Oak brooms are harvested as soon as the leaf has grown stronger, throwing off its young greenness. The earlier the oak broom is harvested, the more tender the foliage and, accordingly, the less strength. Acorns on an oak tree are a sure sign of too late picking.

When and how to cut branches?

Their quality and shedding of foliage, softness of branches and aroma depend on the time of preparation of brooms. An early plucked broom will be slippery during steaming and the foliage is fragile. A properly prepared broom lasts a long time and, as the bathers say, "holds the leaf."

Branches should be cut in dry weather. Moistened by rain or dew, the leaves deteriorate when dried, darken, fly around and curl. Therefore, if the weather is rainy on Trinity, they do it a few days later.

Raw materials for brooms must be cut in environmentally friendly places, remote from large highways. Brooms are broken in the first half of the day, after the dew has disappeared. Such brooms will last as long as possible. The best are considered to be biennial branches that grow closer to the ground. Branches are cut with pruners 50-60 cm long.

The collection of bath brooms at the beginning of summer is fully justified, because the leaves of the trees have already become large, but they still have enough essential oil glands, which are numerous not only in the leaves, but also on young shoots. Large young shoots are very elastic, so it is pleasant to whip the body in the steam room with such a broom.

How to knit brooms for a bath.

Some do not tie the broom in advance, but make a kind of sheaf from the cut branches. The upper branches protect those inside. And on top of it all wrapped in hay. This sheaf is placed in the barn. I went to the bathhouse - pulled out the required number of branches from the sheaf and tied a broom.

If you decide to stock up on brooms, then their knitting should take place in a certain sequence. Cut branches need to be decomposed for a couple of days, laying burlap under them. From dried branches, you can knit a broom.

Broom knitting techniques:
1 - laying branches, 2 - applying a cord, 3 - wrapping a handle, 4 - tightening,
5 - knot tying, 6 - tightening the knot, 7 - trimming, 8 - storage of finished brooms.

The sizes of bath brooms are different, someone likes big brooms, someone likes small ones, but in any case, the length of the broom should be from 40 to 80 cm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use it.

First, you need to clean the branches from knots and leaves in the place where the broom handle will be, about a third of the entire length, collect them together, giving the broom a flattened shape. Lay thicker branches inside - they will serve as a frame. Around this frame, thinner branches are laid with a bend inward.
The branches must be folded so that the leaves, when folded, look in one direction and the branches lie like a fan. Then, when using a broom, it will "hug" you. So it turns out a dense, thick regular birch broom. So you can steam 2-3 baths.

Next, we make a handle: the collected branches should be wrapped with twine in the place of the handle, squeezing them with your left hand. Carefully cut off the end of the broom handle and wrap it with a strip of cloth so that you don’t get calluses on your hands in the steam room.

It is best to leave a fairly long handle (about 15 cm) at the broom and tightly tie it in several rows, closer to the foliage, not along the entire length, as many do, but leaving the end of the handle free. So it turns out it is expanded, radiant.

It is a pleasure to hold such a broom in your hand. He seemed to have grown together with the palm. Does not slip out at the most vigorous movements.

When preparing brooms, we highly recommend putting sprigs of fragrant herbs into them - chamomile, mint, thyme. You can add sprigs of black currant - the smell is awesome! If the composition of the broom includes spruce, pine, nettle, alder, then prickly or burning branches should be placed inside the broom so that there are no “stings”.

And the last rule: A broom should not be made heavy, it should be light, comfortable for the hand. The handle should not be too thin or thick. Here you need a measure - then you "work" with them.

How to dry brooms?

There are many ways to dry brooms, but there is a prerequisite that applies to everything: it must be dried in the shade. In the sun, the leaves curl, as well as their rapid burnout. From the sun's rays, everything that is fragrant, volatile, is carried into the air. Leaves lose color, aroma and fly around. After the first steaming, such a broom will leave all the leaves in the basin.

Drying brooms in a strong draft is also not recommended. The place for drying, ideally, should be dark, cool, dry. Brooms are dried by hanging or folding. Brooms should be turned over every day so that the branches dry evenly.

Drying a broom, in which it is hung under a canopy on an ordinary rope or on poles so that direct sunlight does not fall, is the simplest. At first, they are tied loosely, so long as they do not crumble.

Best of all, when brooms take the form of a fan, and not a broom. To do this, after 6-7 days, as soon as they begin to rustle, they are tightly tied and tightly laid, pressing against each other, as a result of which they gradually flatten, taking the shape of a fan and then put away for storage, turning over from time to time.

A properly dried broom always has matte green leaves, and the broom itself should smell like balsamic oil. This smell sharply intensifies after steaming the broom.

For residents of villages and villages, a method of drying brooms in a haystack is available. To do this, the hay from which the stack was folded must be fresh and dry. Brooms are placed in a stack in layers in a circle, the leaves of the broom are directed to the middle of the stack, alternating them with layers of fragrant hay. With such drying, the broom perfectly retains its shape, color, aroma and maximum useful properties.

It happens that the brooms dry out. Do not be upset and do not reject it, the adjustment of the broom is possible. Such a broom should be steamed for a longer time, and then put on the heater. From the steam coming from the stones, the broom will quickly return to normal. After this procedure, be sure to remove fallen leaves from the stones.

How to store a broom.

Having prepared brooms, in the future the main thing is to save them correctly, skillfully and carefully. Brooms should be stored in the shade, in a dry and well-ventilated cool room (it can be an attic, a barn, a garage). Otherwise, the leaf becomes discolored, turns yellow, loses freshness, aroma.

It is very useful to store brooms in hay: this way they absorb even more useful substances and become even more fragrant. And in the city they can be stored in paper or plastic bags, as well as in vacuum packaging.

Frozen brooms.

Today, in many baths they offer to use not ordinary brooms, but special ones - freshly frozen brooms in vacuum packaging. When harvesting, the branches are subjected to shock freezing according to the same principle as vegetables. Thus, the broom retains all useful substances and odors.

The idea of ​​such a bath broom from the freezer was borrowed from the Finns. Whether to adopt this Finnish invention - sauna brooms - into your bathing life or use homemade brooms, it's up to you.

Errors in the preparation of brooms.

When a broom "goes bald" after repeated use, this can still be understood. But it also happens that at the first use, all the leaves instantly fly around, one has only to steam it. This can only mean one thing: some link in the "technological chain" of making a broom was broken.

So which are the most common mistakes we commit by making brooms?

  • We can make a mistake in time and prepare branches for a broom too early, when the leaves are not yet strong, or too late, when they are no longer so tightly attached to the branches. The best period for harvesting branches is until mid-summer. In June, the leaf is already quite dense and holds tight. And from about mid-July, all deciduous trees begin to prepare for autumn, so that already at this time the leaf becomes weak, and the broom collected during this period will turn out to be “liquid”.
  • The second mistake is also very common. In an effort to dry the brooms as quickly as possible, some hang them out in the sun. Brooms, of course, dry out instantly, but from this all the leaves on them are twisted into tubes and one has only to pour boiling water over such a broom, as all the leaves instantly separate from the branches and remain floating in the basin. In fact, brooms should not be dried in the sun in any case. The broom should gradually dry itself, constantly being in the shade.
  • Exactly the same unpleasant qualities are received by the broom that was prepared immediately after the rain. Also, you should not wait for the leaves to be washed by rain from dust, nor wash them yourself at home in the bathroom. And if you are so worried about what kind of dust settles on your future broom, then wait until the steam room and scald the broom with boiling water there, all the dust will be washed off in one moment.

Bath brooms now, as before, are given special attention. It is simply impossible to imagine a bath without them, since it will no longer be her, but something else. In fact, bathers lose their emotional and therapeutic effect, so you need to know when to prepare brooms for a bath and how to do it.

But, only the correct preparation of brooms for a bath, when all the conditions are met, can be beneficial - to help improve your health and get real pleasure from the procedures. Otherwise, you will simply “whip” yourself with wooden branches, and even damage your skin. This is not just a bath tool, it can be called a complex structure, the foundation of which is laid at the stage when you need to prepare brooms for a bath.

The deadline for preparing bath brooms is very important and should not be missed. Only then can you get that one from them.

During the period when brooms are prepared for the bath, almost all parts of the plant - leaves, buds, thin branches - begin to fill with useful medicinal substances.

In addition, they get:

  • durable;
  • elastic;
  • soft,

and the leaves on the branches will hold on as tightly as possible. Such a “tool” will be able to withstand more than one steam room, which is also important.

What is a broom

Their range and price are quite diverse, everyone can choose exactly which one he likes best. At the same time, one can take into account the opinion of "bath experts", who claim that each of them has its own healing properties..

The most common are considered from:

  • birch;
  • oak;
  • eucalyptus;
  • lindens.

Less commonly used:

  • nettle;
  • fir;
  • cedar;
  • juniper;
  • from wormwood;
  • cherry shoots;
  • mountain ash;
  • ashen;
  • aspen;
  • from cherry.

Also recently, combined options have gained popularity, when a few aromatic or medicinal plants are added to the main components:

  • linden;
  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • fireweed;
  • hyssop;
  • lemon balm;
  • nettle;
  • tansy;
  • chamomile;
  • currant;
  • raspberries.

When they are steamed in the bath, aromas of coniferous forests, garden and meadow plants appear.

Advice: put burning and thorny branches inside, except when burning poultices are needed in the course of treatment.

Harvesting - general knowledge

The most optimal time when it is better to harvest brooms for a bath is considered to be the time of flowering of the herbage. The leaf during this period becomes tender, soft and fragrant, and also already stronger.

Start harvesting on the 49th day after the Easter holiday - on the Trinity, which usually falls at the beginning of summer. The best time is the first half of the day after dew in dry weather. Finish on "Ilyin's Day", August 2, because according to popular beliefs, after this day they no longer have healing power, except for eucalyptus and oak.

Tip: make sure that the leaf holds well, there are no resin and thorns on the branches.

When it is necessary to prepare brooms for a bath, also consider the following factor, do not use growing raw materials:

  • next to the road;
  • near industrial enterprises;
  • close to high voltage lines.


  1. Take care of the plants, cut off with your own hands not all branches in a row, but which are necessary.
  2. Choose young plants that are about 2-3 years old, their branches bend well.
  3. The birch growing near the water, which is called "weeping" is especially valued:
    • the best to take branches near the ground;
    • shoots should be thin, flexible, straight, hanging and long;
    • the leaf should be velvety, not rough.
  4. Cut side shoots using pruners for convenience.
  5. Do not transport brooms in bags or other containers. It is better to tie them with a rope and put them open.
  6. As the folk instruction says, upon arrival they must be immediately untied so that they do not clog, otherwise they will not become elastic and loose.
  7. You can start knitting only after 2-3 days after drying them in the utility room, where they should be closed from direct sunlight.
  8. Sort branches by length before tying.
  9. Remove about a third of the butt of each branch from the leaves, then the broom will disintegrate less and will last for 2-3 steam rooms.


Most often oak, which is not accidental.

It is no longer a secret for anyone that birch has long been used in folk medicine and in modern medicine as a remedy:

  • diuretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • tonic for colds, as well as during surgical operations;
  • disinfectant.

You can meet birch in the vastness of our country almost everywhere, we have more than 100 species of it. Bathers love it because of the small and soft leaves that easily slide over the body during the procedure and can be used by everyone without restriction.


May is the best time to prepare brooms for a birch bath, at the moment when young leaves appear on the branches. By Trinity, the shoots will already have collected the right amount of juice and the foliage that has appeared will reach the required size.

If you miss the moment when preparing brooms for the bath, they will no longer give the expected healing effect, and the leaves from them will quickly crumble.


The branches of a birch are flexible and long, therefore they require certain knowledge and skills for use in a steam room. Sometimes, to facilitate use, it is “reinforced” with several oak branches that are placed inside. Now the "tool" will not be so flexible, but this will not affect the efficiency in any way.


It has anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic properties. A broom made from oak branches is more durable than a birch broom, and heavier, which allows it to produce more steam. Recommended for people with skin problems such as urticaria or eczema, as well as for those who suffer from excessive sweating of the feet and hands.

Do you have high blood pressure and don't know what to do? Use an oak broom in a steam room, of course, before that you should consult a doctor.


You need to know when to prepare oak brooms for a bath in order to fully benefit from their use. The best option is from June to September.

At the same time, when preparing oak brooms for a bath, its weight and volume should be taken into account, so select the branches in such a way that they are easy to use. Remember, due to their characteristics, they are much more difficult to use, especially after steaming.

Tip: if you want more humidity in the steam room and thick steam, take an oak broom with its broad-leaved branches.


The most Russian bath broom is made of linden.

The wood of this tree was also used in ancient times:

  • for the construction of a bath room;
  • benches, shelves, tubs were also made from it;
  • made mats, washcloths.

The aroma of a linden broom in a bath resembles the smell of an apiary, where fresh honey and propolis are.

Healing properties of linden
  • Allows you to deal with respiratory diseases, for example, chronic cough, sore throat, etc. are treated with tea;
  • General tonic and sedative;
  • Linden blossom cleanses the skin of acne, various rashes, and can remove freckles;
  • Linden decoction, honey and tea are used to strengthen brittle hair and whiten the skin.

Early spring is the period when it is the best time to prepare linden bath brooms. At this time, the flowering of the plant begins.


The end of summer - the beginning of autumn, the period when it is already possible to prepare a broom for a bath from eucalyptus. In this case, use only the twig-like type of plant. It helps with diseases of the respiratory system, neuralgia and joint pain, heals wounds well and reduces pain.

Two or three applications are enough. In addition, it is difficult to find anything better for natural inhalation.

Tip: When using, reinforce the eucalyptus broom with oak branches to make it easier to apply.


In the form of brooms, you can use the shoots and branches of shrubs or bunches of various medicinal herbs. For example, nettle, cherry, mint are suitable for this. Wormwood, currant and others. Prefabricated brooms are also made with their excessive flexibility, like that of eucalyptus or birch.

They are in no way inferior in their healing characteristics to the same type of options.

When making a choice, remember that the use of a broom depends on its flexibility and shape:

  1. Oak massive brooms pump more steam. Move them carefully so as not to burn the body.
  2. Soft and long - require more sweeping and strong movements.
  3. When using a broom on your own, you get not only a therapeutic effect, but also physical activity. Together, this will improve blood circulation, metabolic processes in the body and make it possible to lose weight.


Harvesting brooms is an important step in preparing for bathing procedures. Each tree at some point becomes a storehouse of healing properties, so this moment should not be missed. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

For many, a visit to the bathhouse is a whole ritual to cleanse the body. And of course, it is impossible to imagine a bathhouse without a good broom. It can be purchased, already in the bath itself, or in the market.

But the majority of those who like to take a good steam, with a high-quality broom, make them themselves. As the saying goes, if you want something done right, do it yourself. Preparation of brooms for a bath requires certain knowledge and approach. This will be discussed now.

It is known that a bath broom is not made from the branches of one tree. For this case, they use different trees, oak, linden, as well as herbs, nettle, for example. Can be combined. This is the tree or plant from which the brooms for the bath will be harvested. The terms for each are separate.

Since ancient times, bath brooms began to be prepared, with the advent of the Trinity holiday.

Trinity falls out differently each year. You can find out about her arrival by looking at the calendar of church holidays. In 2016, Trinity was on June 19, and in 2017, even earlier, on June 4.

The next fourteen days after Trinity are best suited for collecting blanks. These days, trees and various plants have already accumulated enough fresh juice, and gained new strength.

Each broom, depending on what it is made of, gives a different effect.

Linden broom, it is better to harvest from the beginning of July to August. Together with linden branches, willow, mountain ash, and alder are added to the broom. Best of all, cut branches from trees that are away from the prom. zones. It is very good to use a linden broom for those who often have a headache or problems with sweating.

Nettle broom has healing properties. Often such a broom is used by those who have joint pain, salt deposits, or problems with the skin and muscles. They start harvesting nettles when they bloom. This time comes in July. Nettle bath broom, disposable. If you prepare such brooms, especially for treatment, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a nettle broom is used once, and stock up on grass in large quantities.

In order for the nettle not to burn, the broom is first poured with boiling water, and then dipped in cold water. So alternating, do several times. And to use a nettle broom, it is better immediately after getting out of boiling water.

Also, like linden, oak broom is used for skin problems. Especially good, when using an oak broom, is that the skin restores color, fat balance, and undergoes a very good cleansing.

Oak broom, harvested in late summer or early autumn. You can use it 2-3 times if you make the blanks correctly.

It has long been believed that, in order for the leaves from the oak broom not to crumble, the branches must be taken from the tree, under which the burdock grows.

Harvesting oak brooms for a bath video can still be viewed.

When the preparation of birch brooms for a bath begins, the timing of the collection is also important. And they begin after the Trinity, and continue until Ilyin's day "August 2nd". And it is better to take material from birch trees that grow closer to moisture. It is good to stock up on branches of a young birch until the buds are envious on it. Choose branches, you need the youngest, and the most flexible. No more than fifty centimeters.

When assembling a broom, you need to pay attention to:

  • Leaves should lie in the same direction.
  • About thirty branches should be in one broom.
  • The branches are tightened tightly and tightly, preferably with a rope made of natural fabrics.
  • For greater density, the broom is tightened at several points.

Birch broom is useful for muscle pain and skin problems. It is often used by people involved in sports. The use of a birch broom by smokers and people who have problems with the lungs is practiced.

Procurement of brooms for birch and oak baths consists not only in the correct collection of raw materials, but also in proper knitting and storage. Often, they arrange so that the upper branches hide the middle ones under them. Everything is stored under hay, or any fabric of natural origin. In the form of a warehouse, either a warm balcony or a barn is used.

Drying bath brooms is also a very responsible process. The first thing to remember is no direct sunlight. Dry outside but in the shade. Otherwise, the leaves will simply curl, wither, lose their appearance, and all their healing qualities. If, nevertheless, the broom was dried under the sun, and it still had a more or less decent appearance, then after steaming, all the leaves would still fall off. It makes no sense to store such a broom, therefore, initially, in order not to spoil the raw materials, you need to dry the bath broom correctly.

Best of all, bath brooms are dried on the veranda, or they stretch a rope under the trees and dry there. The place is chosen without drafts, as they do not have a beneficial effect on raw materials. When the brooms are completely dry, they are put together very closely and sent to the pantry. Thus, the broom takes on a flattened shape, which, in the process of a guy in a bath, creates a certain effect.

How hard the broom will be depends on the degree of steaming. In order to do this correctly, hot water is needed, but not boiling water. If you need a hard broom, then you can lower it into the water for only twenty minutes. A soft broom is obtained after a fifty-minute steaming. Then the broom is dried over the stove.

Some people first dip the brooms in cold water for about twenty minutes, and immediately dip them in hot water.

A very important point. You can use water for fragrant steam, in which the broom was steamed. Also, this water is used as a rinse for the body and hair.

It happens that the broom is too dry. Then it is better to wrap it up, or just cover it, with a rather damp towel, or leave it overnight in cool water.

The very first rule for storing bath brooms is low humidity and low temperature.

It can be any room in the form of a barn, garage, or balcony. You need to hide raw materials from high temperatures, otherwise the leaves will deteriorate.

Many store brooms, adhering to Finnish technology. It includes a sharp freeze, and at the same time the broom must be hermetically sealed.

In bathing science, a Russian person cannot have trifles. Moreover, if we are talking about a bath broom made of birch branches, then it simply does not turn out to be a trifle to call it a trifle. It is important to know when to harvest birch brooms for a bath in 2019 so that the brooms are of the best quality.
It is difficult to imagine a full-fledged trip to the bathhouse without a broom. It should be not only beautiful in appearance, but also strong. It is for this reason that birch branches must be collected from the tree in their special season, when they have a lot of juice and strength. Also useful in summer.

  • How to understand that the time has come
  • How to properly tie a broom

How to understand that the time has come

So, many experienced banniks say that the best date to prepare birch brooms for a bath in 2019 is the date after Peter's Day. That is, you can collect branches for brooms somewhere after July 10th.
But in the old days in Russia it was believed that the best brooms are harvested from those birches that are in bloom. That is, there should be earrings on the birch. It was then that the branches were cut off to collect them into strong brooms for the bath. That is, they did the harvesting somewhere in early June.

In the modern world, when harvesting bath birch brooms, you need to pay attention to the climate. So, it is difficult to single out the universal time when it is difficult to single out birch brooms for a bath in 2019. But it is definitely considered in modern bathing art that branches with earrings are not suitable for harvesting brooms. Perhaps they were suitable for royal baths, but today everything has changed. So, it is best to harvest branches on a broom in mid-July: this will be the most optimal solution.

About the correct preparation of brooms

When you have chosen the date when to harvest birch brooms for a bath in 2019, you need to collect twigs. After that, you need to properly dry them and collect them in brooms, which are really.

What is important to know when harvesting birch twigs for bath brooms:

It is best to collect those branches that are closer to the ground;
Harvesting should be carried out exclusively in warm and dry weather;
The branches that are closest to the ground are the youngest. It is they who are needed for the preparation of strong brooms;
If the foliage is wet, then when the product is dried, it will become dark and curl, which is very bad for the quality of the broom;
Wet branches collected in a broom can quickly fly around;
If it is wrong to collect branches for a broom, then a birch bath broom will lose most of its useful properties;
It is also important to choose the right birch from which you will take twigs. The ideal option is the one when the branches from a young tree are collected. In general, it is ideal if the tree has not yet bloomed even once, and its leaves are tender and silky.
The birch itself should be beautiful and even, it should not have growths: after all, trees, like people, are susceptible to various diseases. In a diseased tree, foliage and twigs will also be weak and will not bring the maximum benefit that every person expects from going to a Russian bath.

No need to collect branches from birch trees that grow next to the roads. They absorb dirt from cars. So, it is best to go for blanks in the forest or a clean grove. Ideally, if the birch will grow near a stream or river.

To feel the tree and its strength, you need to pick one leaf. Next, you will need the bottom of the sheet: it should not be rough (otherwise, the broom will be rough and hard when used). A suitable leaf is velvety and smooth.

How to properly tie a broom

In this case, words will be superfluous, and especially for you, we have found a step-by-step photo. A correctly assembled broom is half the success, and the other half is to choose the right period when to harvest birch brooms for a bath in 2019, as well as choose the right tree for collecting material.
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