Veterinary drug Kantaren: composition, dosage, instructions. Kantaren for cats - instructions for use Restrictions, side effects

on the use of KANTARENA
(Manufacturer LLC "AlexAnn", Moscow region)

1. Kantaren is a complex homeopathic medicine containing Berberis as active ingredients; Cantharis; Hepar sulfuris; Cuprum arsenicosum and as excipients sodium chloride and water for injection (injection solution) or sugar grains, calcium stearate (tablets).
2. Kantaren is produced in the form of a sterile solution for injection, packaged in 10 and 100 ml glass bottles, as well as in tablets - 50 tablets in polymer jars for medicines.
Store Kantaren in a dry, dark place and out of the reach of children at a temperature of 0°C to 25°C.
The shelf life of Kantaren, subject to storage conditions, is 3 years from the date of manufacture (solution for injection), 5 years (tablets). It is forbidden to use Kantaren after the expiration date of its expiration date.

3. Kantarene has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic effects.
4. According to the degree of impact on the body, the drug belongs to low-hazard substances (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), does not have a local irritating and sensitizing effect.

5. Cantaren is used to treat cystitis, urological syndrome and urolithiasis.
6. Kantaren solution for injection is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. In acute cases - 1-3 times a day until the condition stabilizes. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days. In subacute and chronic course of the disease - 1 time per day for 3-4 weeks. If necessary, the course is repeated. A single dose of the drug per animal is:

Horses 10.0-15.0 ml
foals 2.0-2.5 ml
dogs of large and medium breeds 2.0-4.0 ml
small breed dogs, cats, puppies, kittens 0.5-2.0 ml
ferrets, ferrets - 0.5 ml
rodents 0.2-0.3 ml

7. Kantaren tablets are prescribed orally
with a severe course of the disease 2-3 times a day, with a disease of mild and moderate severity - 1-2 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is set by the doctor, but not more than 1 month. A single dose of the drug per animal is:

Large breed dogs 3 tablets
medium breed dogs 2 tablets
small breed dogs, cats, puppies, kittens 1 tablet
ferrets, ferrets ½ - 1 tablet
rodents ¼ - ½ tablet

8. Kantaren does not cause side effects and complications when used in accordance with this manual.
9. The use of Cantaren does not exclude the use of other drugs.
10. Animal products during and after the application of Kantaren are used without restrictions.


11. When working with Kantaren, you should follow the general safety rules provided for when working with medicines.
12. It is forbidden to use bottles from Kantaren for food purposes.

The manual was developed by AlexAnn LLC.
Manufacturing organization: AlexAnn LLC, 141700, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Mytishchi district, Dolgoprudny, st. Vinogradnaya, d. 9R

Director General of LLC "AlexAnn" V.N. Davydenkov

There are people who consider any homeopathic remedy to be a "dummy". They do not believe in the effectiveness of such drugs and call them placebos. But there are also cat owners who are cautious about the choice of drugs. "Chemistry" scares them, and the only correct solution seems to be the selection of a homeopathic remedy. One such medicine for animals is Kantaren.

Description of the drug Cantaren

Cantaren is a homeopathic medicinal product used in veterinary medicine in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. It was developed by the Russian pharmacological organization "AlexAnn". The drug has no international non-proprietary name.

AlexAnn LLC produces homeopathic medicines for animals with any disease

At the beginning of the 21st century, the AlexAnn organization became part of the Helvet group of companies, which has been developing and manufacturing veterinary drugs since 1995. Currently, there are 18 homeopathic preparations for animals in the Helveta catalog. Kantaren, like other drugs developed by AlexAnn, can be branded by any of these companies.

In what forms is Kantaren produced?

Kantaren is available in 3 dosage forms:

  • tablets;
  • injection;
  • soaking solution.

Often, when it is not possible to give injections to a cat, owners are advised to drink their pet with an injection solution. I asked the veterinarian if one form could be replaced with another. He said that actually it is possible, but Cantarin has a different composition in these forms. And we are talking not only about active substances, but mainly about auxiliary ones.


Kantaren tablets for oral use are packaged in plastic jars with lids. There can be 50 or 100 pieces in one bank. Each bank is packed into a separate cardboard pack together with the annotation. The tablets are shaped like a flat disc and weigh 0.1 g each.

Pill cans can have silhouettes of 2 or 5 animals


Kantaren solution for injections is sold in glass bottles (10 or 100 ml), closed with rubber caps and rolled in metal caps. Each bottle is packed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use. This form of the drug is a clear, colorless liquid.

In zoopharmacies, you can find Kantaren solution in vials of two samples:

  • colorless bottles of 10 and 100 ml with labels depicting animal silhouettes;
  • a clear 10 ml bottle and a brown 100 ml bottle with non-image labels and the name written on a brown stripe.

Solution for injection can be sold in vials of two modifications

Soldering solution

Kantaren oral solution is a clear liquid that may be yellowish in color. The drug is packaged in plastic bottles with screw caps. Packing unit volume - 20 ml.

The bottle of Kantaren drops is equipped with a dropper with a cap, and the container itself is made of flexible plastic

The composition of the medicine

The composition of the tablets:

  • tincture of the bark of the common barberry - 0.06 ml;
  • spanish fly powder - 0.6 µl;
  • lime sulfur liver powder - 0.4 g;
  • copper arsenite - 0.04 µl;
  • molasses - 17.5 g;
  • food supplement E-572 - 1.0 g;
  • sugar grains - up to 100 g.

Solution for injection (1 l) consists of the following components6

  • tincture of the bark of the common barberry - 0.03 ml;
  • spanish fly powder - 0.3 µl;
  • calcareous sulfuric liver - 0.2 mg;
  • arsenic copper - 0.02 µl;
  • preservative E-218 - 0.5 g;
  • sodium chloride - 5.8 g;
  • sodium salt of acetic acid - 2.0 g;
  • hydrochloric acid to pH 5.4;
  • ethyl alcohol 95% - 5.26 g;
  • water for injection up to 1000 ml.

Drinking liquid (1 l) contains the following substances:

  • tincture of the bark of the common barberry - 0.3 ml;
  • copper arsenite - 0.2 µl;
  • calcareous sulfuric liver - 2.0 g;
  • spanish fly powder - 3 µl;
  • glycerol;
  • purified water.

On the packaging of the drug, the components of the composition are indicated in Latin, so many people do not recognize the names of natural ingredients

How to properly store a veterinary drug

  • in closed packaging of the manufacturer;
  • separately from food and feed;
  • in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight;
  • in places inaccessible to children;
  • at a temperature of 0 to 25°C (any form of the drug).

The shelf life of Kantaren in tablets is 5 years from the date of issue, in the form of any of the solutions - 3 years from the date of production, but after the first opening of the bottle - only 3 weeks. After the expiration of the shelf life, the remains of the drug or empty containers must be disposed of according to the general rules.

Indications for use Cantaren

Kantaren is indicated for the following diseases:

  • cystitis, urethritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • nephritis and pyelonephritis;
  • prostatitis, etc.

In addition, Kantaren is used to prevent urolithiasis. If you doubt the diagnosis, contact your veterinarian (he will confirm or refute your guesses).

Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment.

How Kantarin works

Kantaren is a combination medicine, so it has several effects:

  • removes stones from the kidneys;
  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • relieves spasms;
  • promotes tissue repair;
  • has a diuretic effect.

Features of use in cats

Features of the use of Kantaren depend on the indications for use and the form of release. In any case, it is required to draw up a scheme of application and calculate the dosage of the drug. The manufacturer reminds in the instructions that with any scheme, the application schedule should be followed, since skipping the medication can lead to a decrease in its effectiveness.

How to use Kantaren tablets

Tablets must be given orally. You can grind the medicine and add it to the cat's food or suspend it in a small amount of drinking water. If the cat does not resist, then the tablet can be placed on the root of the tongue so that the animal swallows it mechanically. Some cat owners buy a tablet dispenser at the pharmacy (this is a device that works like a syringe).

The main thing in the procedure for giving the medicine is the calmness of the cat (the animal must be immobilized). Among my techniques for subduing a cat are a clothespin at the withers, a tight vest, etc. And recently I discovered a new technique for myself. My Honda sits still for 10-15 minutes if I see a bowl of my favorite pâté in front of me.

In order for a cat to swallow a pill, you need to open its mouth and put the medicine close to the throat.

The frequency of use of tablets

If the tablets are used to treat an existing disease, then a single dose of tablets should be given 2-3 times a day, the course of treatment is up to 12 days (depending on the complexity of the disease). If we are talking about the prevention of urolithiasis, as well as to prevent relapses, the medicine should be used daily in the morning and evening for 21 days.

Dosage of tablets

Regardless of the disease and body weight of cats, Kantaren is used 1 tablet at a time. If the veterinarian considers it necessary, the dosage can be increased, but it is highly not recommended to do this on your own.

Application of the solution for injection

The solution for injection is injected under the skin or into the muscle. An inexperienced owner can learn how to give subcutaneous injections. To enter the solution painlessly and safely for the cat, you need to follow the sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare the syringe without removing the cap.
  2. Bend back the edge of the notch that is on the bottle (so that a section of the rubber stopper appears). Wipe the stopper of the vial with a swab dipped in alcohol.

    Before inserting the needle into the vial, the cork must be treated with an aseptic solution.

  3. Remove the cap from the syringe and insert the needle into the vial (through the rubber stopper). Turn the vial upright and draw liquid into the syringe.

    To draw a solution into the syringe, it is not necessary to completely remove the protective aluminum ring

  4. Release all air bubbles from the syringe.

    When all the air is released from the syringe, a drop of solution will appear on the tip of the needle

  5. Fix the cat, make a fold between the back of the head and the shoulder blades of the cat with the index and thumb fingers.
  6. Insert the needle to a depth of 1-1.5 cm and press the plunger of the syringe.

    The needle must be inserted perpendicular to the skin fold

  7. When all the solution has been injected, remove the needle and pet the cat so that it does not get nervous.

Scheme of drug use

The duration of the course of application of Kantaren depends on the purpose:

  • prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system - 1 time per day for 2 weeks (the course is repeated every 6 months);
  • treatment of chronic diseases - 1 time in 2-3 days;
  • therapy for acute diseases - 2 times a day for 10 days.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the application, the course of treatment can be extended by a veterinarian up to 30 days.

Table: single dose solution

How to give a solution for drinking

The solution for oral administration is used in the same way as injections. You can bury the medicine directly into the mouth of the animal or add the solution to food. A single dosage of the drug is 1 drop per 1 kg of the cat's weight.

I had to treat my older cat with drops. At first I tried to put the medicine into the food bowl, but the cat would not eat it. Then I bought a special cat treat in the form of flakes and dripped a solution on them, but the cat turned away from the “yummy” too. It turned out that the animal smells a foreign smell, so no tasty food will “convince” it. The dropper-dropper supplied with such bottles was not invented in vain. The easiest way to get a cat to take the medicine is to drop the solution into the mouth (close to the throat). Even if the cat is uncomfortable and starts to spit, the liquid will still get into the esophagus with saliva.

For convenience, some owners pour the right amount of solution into a syringe (in such cases, you need to be more careful about the dosage, since part of the solution will remain on the walls of the syringe)

Possible side effects and contraindications

When using Kantaren in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, side effects are not observed. Cats with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug may develop allergy symptoms. In such cases, the use of the drug is canceled, and the cat is prescribed antihistamines.

The only contraindication to the use of the drug is intolerance to the components of the drug.

Can Kantaren be used in pregnant cats and kittens?

Pregnant and lactating cats, as well as kittens, Kantaren can be used according to the general rules. The main thing is to comply with the dosage, the difficulty may arise when dosing the medicine for kittens with low weight. Therefore, in such cases, you need to consult a veterinarian.

Interaction of Cantaren with other drugs

Homeopathic remedy Kantaren can be used in conjunction with other drugs. Most often, homeopathic remedies are used together with antibiotics and symptomatic therapy drugs.

What can replace Kantaren

The manufacturer claims that Cantaren has no analogues. Sometimes instead of this drug, drugs are used with the same indications for use:

  • KotErvin (Veda, Moscow region);
  • Healthy kidneys (Veda, Moscow region);
  • Canephron N (Bionorica SE, Germany);
  • Cantharis compositum (Heel, Germany).

Canephron and Cantharis compositum are intended for the treatment of humans, but they are also often used in veterinary medicine. Before use, be sure to consult a veterinarian, since it is not so easy for a cat to choose the dosage of a “human” medicine for a cat.

Photo gallery: analogues of Cantaren

KotErvin - the most popular analogue of Cantaren, but these drugs are often prescribed together (for greater effectiveness)
Healthy Kidneys is not so much a homeopath as a herbal remedy, but it is often used to treat diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.
Kanefron is a popular diuretic for humans, but it is sometimes replaced by Kantaren
Cantharis is a human medicine, but its composition is close to that of Cantarene

Comparative table: KotErvin, Kanefron, Kantharis compositum

NameActive ingredientsAction takenFormulationContraindicationsPrice
CatErwinAqueous extraction of components of plant originStone-removing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesicDrops for oral useAllergy to the components of the solutionFrom 140 rubles per package (3 bottles of 10 ml)
Extracts of vegetable raw materialsTablets for oral useFrom 60 rubles per package (50 tablets)
Powder of herbs and leaves of medicinal plantsTablets, drageeUlcers of the gastrointestinal tract, allergy to lactose and sucrose, intolerance to componentsFrom 400 rubles per pack (60 dragees)
Herbal tinctures and powders, mineralsInjectionNot identifiedFrom 200 rubles for 5 ml

Dogs can contract a variety of diseases, some of which are serious. Diseases of the urinary system are characterized by a severe nature of the course, causing the appearance of symptoms that seriously impair the well-being of animals. That is why it is so important to start treatment here in a timely manner. Its effectiveness largely depends on the correct choice of the drug.

Veterinarians most often prescribe to dogs with such problems agent Kantaren.

Its main advantage is a wide range of applications. It simultaneously has an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antispasmodic effect. In relation to the diseases under consideration, the drug alleviates the condition of animals by normalizing the process of formation of uric acid. But you need to use this tool correctly, so the owner must definitely read the instructions for the drug before treatment.

Description of the drug

Kantarene contains several active ingredients- arsenic copper, barberry, liver, Spanish fly. Since it belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies, the listed substances are contained in it in very small quantities. Therefore, there is no reason to worry about the possible harm from arsenic copper.

Cantarin is characterized by the same feature that all homeopathic preparations- it has no clear pharmacological action. Experts have very limited information on this subject. The drug effectively eliminates inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system, removes the symptoms of cystitis and urethritis, and prevents the development of urolithiasis.

Release form

In pharmacies, it is offered in two pharmacological forms: tablets and solution.

  • Tablets weighing 0.1 g are sold in plastic bottles equipped with a screw cap. One package contains 50 small, round white capsules.
  • The solution is available for sale in bottles of different volumes - 10 and 100 ml. Each container is closed with a rubber stopper, and on top with an aluminum cap.

Before using the medicine, the metal cap must be unscrewed completely, and the rubber one only needs to be pierced.

The composition of the drug

Cantaren is one of the available medicines. You can buy it at any pharmacy. The therapeutic effect is provided by its components - arsenic copper, spanish fly, sulfuric liver, barberry. Each of these substances has a therapeutic effect on the urinary organs strictly in a certain direction:

  • Arsenic copper. It has a disinfecting effect on the inner surface of the affected organs, has an antispasmodic effect.
  • Spanish fly. Its presence in the composition of the drug is associated with a relaxing effect. It allows less painless removal of stones from the organs of the genitourinary system, and also reduces pain.
  • Sulfur liver. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, has a pronounced antibacterial effect. Thanks to this component, the activity of microbes is suppressed, due to which the inflammatory process occurs. Sulfuric liver also avoids tissue degeneration, which can be caused by the bacteria contained in it.
  • Barberry. It contains many useful substances, thanks to which spasms and pains, which are the main symptoms of urolithiasis, are eliminated.

In what cases is it assigned

The basis for the appointment of the drug in question is the presence in dogs of inflammatory and degenerative processes in the kidneys and urinary tract. Most often, this remedy is used to treat cystitis, which is found more often than other ailments.

This disease is characterized by inflammation of the bladder, as well as a number of other symptoms:

  • The appearance of blood or pus in the last portions of urine.
  • A sharp increase in body temperature.
  • Appearance of ammonia smell in urine.
  • The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, and each act is accompanied by painful sensations.

Among other diseases for the treatment of which Kantaren can be prescribed, urolithiasis should be distinguished. With this disease, multiple or single calculi occur in the bladder, hepatic parenchyma, and pelvis. In animals with this diagnosis, appetite worsens, lethargy appears, difficulties with urination occur, which is why they begin to whine. Against the background of all this, the animal has a significant decrease in the amount of urine excreted.

Apply Kantaren (instructions for use for dogs contains a complete list of indications) can also be used to treat pyelonephritis, a pathological condition that is accompanied by inflammation of the renal pelvis. The main cause of the disease is infection or mechanical irritation. In most animals, pyelonephritis is accompanied by painful frequent urination, depression of the general condition, pain in the lumbar region, and fever. Also, the remedy under consideration can be used for medicinal purposes and for diseases such as glomerulonephritis, nephrosis, urethritis and others.

Cantaren tablets: instructions for use

For each clinical case, the drug is prescribed in a certain dosage. If you follow the general scheme given in the instructions, then the tablets are given to a sick animal two to three times a day, and with a mild severity of the disease, the frequency of administration is reduced to one or two times.

When determining a single dosage for dogs, it is necessary to take into account their size:

  • For small animals - one tablet.
  • For medium-sized dogs - two tablets.
  • For large animals - three tablets.

Sometimes it is more effective to give the animal not tablets, but to administer the medicine in the form of a solution intramuscularly or subcutaneously. In the acute form of the disease, the drug is prescribed up to 3 times a day for a course of up to 7 days. If the disease has developed to a chronic form, then it is advisable to use Kantaren once a day for 4 weeks.

From the instructions it follows that a single dosage for injection should be:

  • For large and medium animals - 2-4 ml.
  • For puppies - from 0.5 to 2 ml.

We must not forget that a safe and effective dosage, as well as the correct regimen for taking the drug, can only be selected by the attending veterinarian.

Use in castrated animals

Owners who do not want to get offspring from a dog often resort to sterilization. And often it causes them unreasonable fears about the possible appearance of urolithiasis. However, there is no reason to worry about this. Castration of a dog can not affect the formation of kidney stones.

Practice shows that most often this happens due to the slow metabolism in castrated animals. Because of this, many dogs develop obesity. This leads to an increase in the salt content in the urine, which becomes one of the main risk factors for the appearance of urolithiasis.

Kantaren is one of the drugs that can help prevent kidney stones in castrated animals. To do this, it is given to the animal in the form of courses 2 times a year. One course involves taking the drug for two weeks with a dosage of two tablets once a day.

Those owners who consider injections to be a more effective method of treatment should adhere to the following scheme: during the first week, the drug is injected 2 times a day, and for the next week - only once a day.

If the drug was prescribed to an animal in which urolithiasis has already developed, then as part of the treatment of this disease, the dog is transferred to a special diet, additionally prescribing the above courses 2 times a year.

Contraindications and side effects

The main advantage of many homeopathic preparations is high safety. Therefore, Cantarin should not cause concern among the owners. It can be given to all animals, provided that they do not have an individual intolerance to the drug. Often, veterinarians prescribe Kantaren even for older dogs, puppies and pregnant women.

Depending on the form of release and the volume of packaging, the cost of the drug may vary.

Cases of allergic reactions as a result of the use of the drug have not yet been noticed.

Storage conditions and price

In accordance with the requirements of the instructions for the preparation Kantaren for dogs, it is necessary to store it, regardless of the form, in a dry and dark place. It must be kept at room temperature. The shelf life of the solution is 3 years, and the tablets - 5 years. After vial leakage, the medicine retains its medicinal properties for 21 days.

In pharmacies, one package containing 50 Kantaren tablets can be bought for 200 rubles. The cost of a solution with a volume of 10 ml is 300 r. For a volumetric bottle of 100 ml, you will have to pay 1000 rubles.

Kantaren (Kantaren) is a completely homeopathic remedy of Russian production. This drug is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the kidneys, organs of the urinary system. Shown to all animals without restrictions: pregnant, lactating, age, puppies, etc.


The medicine consists of 100% natural, natural ingredients that gently and beneficially affect the animal's body: Berberis, Hepar sulfuris, Cuprum arsenicosum, Cantharis.

Kantaren relieves spasms, eliminates pain and inflammation, blocks the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms; accelerates healing, removes small stones from the body, prevents their new formation, improves blood supply to organs, increases the protective functions of the body.

The drug is produced in the form of a solution for injection -10 ml or 100 ml.

In tablets - 50 tablets from white to light yellow.

Indications for use

Kantaren is prescribed for inflammatory processes of the urinary tract and kidneys: cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis (UCD), nephritis, the presence of kidney stones, etc. With the breed tendency of animals, after castration, for the purpose of prevention.

If we compare dogs and cats, then diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular, KSD, are more common in cats. Dogs are brought in already with pronounced symptoms of the disease or are accidentally discovered when taking blood for analysis.

This is explained simply - in cats, the urethra is much narrower than in dogs, so even the smallest uralitis can lead to its blockage and clinical signs of the disease immediately appear. Dogs can accumulate more than a dozen stones, but the owner may not even be aware of the severity of the disease. Kidney stones in dogs are extremely rare, mostly in the bladder.

Therefore, timely prevention of the animal is so important - regular blood tests and the use of Kantaren. Pets at risk:

  1. Predisposed by breed: Schnauzers, Yorkies, Dalmatians, Pekingese, Dachshunds, English Bulldogs.
  2. Dogs with chronic urinary diseases: due to the constant inflammatory process in the bladder, the acidity of the environment changes, which leads to the formation of stones of different sizes. The first signs of an infectious process: restless behavior of the animal, frequent urge to urinate, the animal urinates in short portions, often with an admixture of blood or pus.
  3. Dogs that are on the wrong diet: oversaturated with proteins, insufficient intake of clean water - all this leads to an increase in the concentration of mineral salts in the urine and the formation of KSD.
  4. Castrated animals - a hormonal failure occurs, the metabolism slows down, which often leads to an increase in the animal's weight, up to obesity and, as a result, the formation of stones.


It is necessary to consult with a specialist! Only a veterinarian can prescribe the correct treatment; when treating with Kantaren for dogs, carefully read the instructions for use and storage.


Route of administration: subcutaneously (s / c) or intramuscularly (i / m). In acute course 2-3 r / d, within 5-7 days. In subacute course, for the prevention of 1 r / d, for 14 days.

Large, medium breeds of dogs are prescribed Kantaren 2.0 - 4.0 ml; small breeds, puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches 0.5 - 2.0 ml.


The drug in tablets is prescribed orally, depending on the severity of the disease, from 1 to 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days for acute course and 4-5 weeks for subacute and for prevention.
Large breeds are prescribed 3 tablets, medium - 2 tablets, small breed dogs, puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches 1 tablet.

Features of use in castrated dogs

Castrated dogs are at risk, so Kantaren is used for prophylaxis twice a year, for two weeks. The dosage depends on the weight of the animal. For the prevention and chronic course of the disease, a tablet form is sufficient.

In the acute course of the disease, an injection form is used, the dosage is prescribed by a veterinarian. Despite the fact that Kantaren is a homeopathic remedy, it should be used in the acute form of the disease strictly according to the doctor's instructions.


Contraindicated in animals prone to allergic reactions, with individual intolerance to the drug. No side effects were found. Compatible with other medicines.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, dark place, at a temperature of 0 - -30. Shelf life - 3 years. Avoid contact with children. Check the integrity of the package.


Cantaren for dogs - the price varies depending on the region of sale and the form of release. The average price for Kantaren tablet form 50 tab. - 190 rubles; solution for injection - for 10 ml. 290 rubles, a bottle of 100 ml - 1110 rubles.


Chronic diseases of the urogenital tract in felines are the most frequently diagnosed pathology in veterinary practice. For example, every fourth cat between the ages of two and seven suffers from urolithiasis (UCD). The causes of functional disorders in the work of the genitourinary tract have a very different etiology and character.

Unfortunately, in the early stages of the development of pathology, the clinical symptoms are mild, so the owners of fluffy purrs turn to veterinarians during the period of exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system. For treatment, normalization of the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary tract, veterinary specialists, in combination with the main therapy, prescribe Kantaren, a combined homeopathic preparation, to fluffy patients.

Cantarin: description, properties

Kantaren is a complex veterinary drug of directed action used in veterinary practice for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary tract in pets. Produced in tablets (50 pieces in polymer jars), in the form of a sterile transparent injection solution in glass bottles of 10, 100 ml, in ampoules of 2.5 ml.

Kantaren for cats is effective in the treatment of acute, chronic diseases of the urinary system. Pharmacological preparation is absolutely safe for animals. Belongs to the group of homeopathic medicinal pharmacological agents. Widely used in traditional veterinary medicine.

The composition of the drug:

  1. Berberis D4 (Berberis vulgaris, common barberry).
  2. Cuprum arsenicosum D12 (arsenic copper).
  3. Cantharis D6, D15 (cantharidin, spanish fly).
  4. Hepar sulfuris D6 (sulphurous liver).

Auxiliary components: sodium chloride, water for injection, calcium stearate (tablets). Kantarene contains alkaloids (berebrine, berberubine, iatroricin, palmitin, berbamine, ricin), tannins, extracts of medicinal plants, and other natural ingredients that, even before the development of the pharmacological industry, were used to treat animal pathologies and diseases of the genitourinary system.

The common barberry contains berberine, which is especially effective in diseases of the genitourinary system. Relieves acute inflammation, irritation, improves the trophism of the tissues of the kidneys, ureters. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effects. Berberine normalizes the conductivity of uric acid through the membranes of hepatocytes (cell structures of the liver).

Arsenic copper has a negative effect on the pyogenic pathogenic flora, has an antispasmodic effect, relieves pain during urination, and normalizes the condition of the cat during spasms of the genital organs.

Ash shpanka (Spanish fly), containing cantharidin, relieves spasms, eliminates pain, especially cutting, burning pains, promotes rapid, painless removal of salt crystals, stones from the body of animals, improves the filtration properties of the kidneys. Cantharidin - an inhibitor of myosin phosphorylation, relaxes the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, organs of the reproductive system.

Sulfuric liver contains calcium polysulfide in high concentration, which is especially effective against streptostaphylococci, gram-positive bacteria. This substance relieves inflammation, accelerates regenerative processes in the tissues of internal organs.

Due to the unique biochemical composition, Cantaren has a pronounced analgesic, antispasmodic, saluretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect, normalizes blood circulation in the organs of the genitourinary tract of animals.

Veterinary drug stops inflammation, destructive processes in the kidneys, urinary tract. The active components in the composition of the pharmacological agent kill pathogenic bacterial microflora, relieve pain, spasms, normalize, restore kidney function, the digestive tract, have a beneficial effect on the liver, activate immune-protective mechanisms.

When cats are treated with Cantaren, stones (urinary conglomerates) are removed from the body of pets, metabolism and regenerative processes in the kidneys are normalized. In addition, the use of a veterinary drug for prophylactic purposes prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder of furry pets.

All active components of the veterinary drug are absolutely low-toxic for animals, therefore, in the process of treating diseases of the genitourinary system in cats with Cantaren, side effects are rarely noted. The drug, subject to the indicated dosage, does not provoke the appearance of local, general allergic reactions.

Indications for use

Veterinarians prescribe Kantaren to cats for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The veterinary drug is used to treat:

  • acute, chronic urethritis;
  • pyelonephritis, pyelitis;
  • urolithiasis (ICD);
  • chronic cystitis; vaginitis;
  • cystopyelitis;
  • tenesmus of the bladder;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • renal colic;
  • urological syndrome;
  • bacterial infections of the urinary tract.

Kantaren is prescribed for cats with destructive-degenerative processes in the kidneys, urethra, bladder, which are accompanied by hematuria, oliguria, dysuria. The drug quickly relieves pain, spasms of smooth muscles of various etiologies during urination, helps to eliminate the symptoms of bacterial, viral infections in the organs of the genitourinary system. In addition, Kantaren improves the tone of the intestines, uterus, ureters.

Homeopathic preparation normalizes protein metabolism in the body of cats. Therefore, a homeopathic medicine is prescribed to animals for violations of protein-carbohydrate, water-salt metabolism, which leads to the development of acute, chronic diseases of the genitourinary system in animals. In terms of analgesic effect, Kantaren is in no way inferior to the popular antispasmodics used, such as .....

Advice! Veterinary experts recommend that Kantaren be included in the "first aid kit" of pets without fail. With the manifestation of the characteristic clinical symptoms of KSD, other ailments of the urinary system, using the drug, you can provide emergency assistance to the cat before the arrival of the veterinarian.

The injectable form of Cantaren is recommended for use in exacerbations, diagnosing acute forms of diseases of the genitourinary system in cats. For example, if blood, bloody clots are noticeable in the urine of a cat, when a strong pain syndrome appears during urination.

A veterinary homeopathic preparation can be used in combination with other drugs during etiotropic, pathogenetic, symptomatic therapy. It should also be noted that if Kantaren is prescribed to cats, the use of antibacterial drugs (antibiotics), which do not have the best effect on the body of our pets, can be excluded.


Kantaren, dosage, frequency of administration, duration of the treatment course should be established by the veterinarian individually, taking into account the form, stage, nature of the pathologies, the intensity of the course of pathological processes, and only after a comprehensive diagnosis. When prescribing a homeopathic remedy for treatment, for prophylactic purposes, the veterinarian must also take into account the age, individual, breed characteristics of fluffy patients, and anamnesis data.

Dosage: 1 ml/kg of body weight of animals with injection of the drug s/c. For one injection - from 0.5 to 1.5 ml of solution, two to three times a day. The duration of treatment therapy is from five to 12 days. When injecting, the dosage of the injected solution is calculated only on an individual basis, therefore we do not recommend self-medication so as not to harm your beloved pet.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to give cats Kantaren tablets. Kittens are prescribed one tablet once or twice a day for two to three weeks. For medicinal purposes, in case of acute relapse, exacerbation of infections - two tablets twice a day. The course of therapy is from ten days to one month.

Limitations, side effects

Given the non-toxicity of the drug, Kantaren rarely provokes side effects. Allergic reactions, a decrease in efficiency in the treatment of warm-blooded animals are noted in case of individual intolerance, hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug, and especially if the dosage and storage conditions of the veterinary preparation are not observed.

Important! The solution for injection of Kantaren is strictly forbidden to use in case of turbidity, violation of the integrity of the package, discoloration, the presence of flakes, third-party impurities, after the expiration date. From the moment of release, the effectiveness of the drug has been maintained for three years.

Possible side effects in cats include salivation, drowsiness, and a slight decrease in physical activity. As a rule, such symptoms disappear spontaneously, a few hours after administration, administration of an injection solution.

The components of this drug, as already noted, do not accumulate in the body of animals and are completely eliminated after 22-26 hours. For the prevention and effective treatment of pathologies, diseases of the genitourinary system in cats, in order to avoid relapses, it is very important not only to establish the root cause, but also to prescribe the drug in the correct dosage. Therefore, before using any medication, we strongly recommend that you consult with a veterinarian.

Kantaren in veterinary practice is also prescribed for the treatment, prevention of pathologies of the urinary system of various nature and etiology, not only in cats, but also in dogs, rodents, horses, pigs, sheep, goats, cows.

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