Causes of a decrease in the number and average volume of platelets in the blood. What is MPV in a blood test

Platelets are small non-nuclear platelets that are the most important element in the human body. When damage or integrity of blood vessels occurs, these cells are able to eliminate bleeding by forming some kind of blood clots. This is one of the protective functions that prevent a large loss of blood in the body, which can be life-threatening.

Therefore, in modern laboratories, not only the level and quantitative composition of platelets are determined, but also their condition and the average platelet volume MPV. It is very difficult for an ordinary patient to understand what the result of the analysis means, therefore the article is dedicated to those who want to learn how to understand the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of their blood.


Like other blood indicators, platelets have limits that are considered the norm for the proper functioning of the body. So, the norm of platelets is considered to be from 200 to 400 * 10 9 / l, and the average volume of erythrocytes (MPV) can normally vary from 7.5 to 11 fL (femtoliter). The calculation of this indicator is carried out on a hardware analyzer.

It should be noted that during the day the indicator can change by 10%, and the level can also be rebuilt depending on the time of day or season. It is noticed that at night and in spring sometimes the level of platelets decreases markedly.

The average volume of platelets, the norm in women during menstruation, automatically decreases by 20-50%, this is a physiological protective state, therefore, it does not require special measures and treatment.

During pregnancy, this indicator also undergoes some changes, as a rule, the average platelet volume mpv is below normal. However, if the future mother's figure drops to 140 * 10 9 / l, it is necessary to take urgent measures, since there is a high probability of increased bleeding during childbirth.

It happens that the deviations of the indicator from the norm are insignificant, and have physiological reasons, for example:

  • the period after surgery or surgery and the loss of a certain amount of blood;
  • after receiving numerous wounds, injuries and injuries;
  • during heavy menstruation;
  • in small children who have not yet fully formed the hematopoietic system;
  • taking certain types of medications that stimulate the processes of hematopoiesis;
  • sometimes deviations can be associated with heavy physical exertion or a long stay in highlands.

Mean platelet count is above normal

An increased average platelet volume in some cases can be an alarm signal and indicate some pathological processes in the body. A person with such an indicator will have to go through several stages of examination in order to find out what this violation is connected with.

It should be understood that there is a clear inversely proportional relationship between the cellular level and their average volume: if the average volume of platelets in the blood is increased, then the number of these cells is reduced.

The following pathologies can serve as the reasons for the increased volume:

  • diabetes;
  • thrombocytopenia (number of platelets less than 150 * 10 9 / l, accompanied by increased bleeding and problems with stopping bleeding);
  • enlargement of the spleen or hypersplenism (accumulation of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets in the spleen);
  • vascular atherosclerosis (accumulation of cholesterol, fats on the walls of blood vessels, the formation of plaques and narrowing of the lumen of the arteries);
  • increased thyroid hormones or teriotoxicosis (occurs due to disruption of the thyroid gland);
  • erythremia, myeloid leukemia and other blood diseases;
  • a rare May-Hegglin anomaly (inherited, characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets and their insufficient and defective formation in the bone marrow);
  • alcoholism and tobacco smoking.

The average platelet volume is increased, what does this mean? It will not be possible to independently interpret the result obtained, one increased indicator may mean nothing. The specialist must necessarily analyze the rest of the blood parameters and, if necessary, send the patient for additional examination and examination.


When wed. the volume of platelets is decently reduced, this condition is characterized by poor blood clotting, the risk of extensive bleeding increases, and the healing of wounds and damage to tissues and organs worsens.

The reasons for the reduced average volume of platelets in the blood are very diverse, ranging from a genetic factor to the presence of various inflammatory processes and diseases in a person, the main ones are:

  • oncological disease, such as malignant neoplasms and mestases in the bone marrow;
  • leukemia (leukemia);
  • HIV, rubella, measles, severe influenza affect the number and volume of platelets;
  • cirrhosis of the liver or diseases of the spleen (it is these two organs that are responsible for the elimination of old platelets);
  • renal failure or hemodialysis (extrarenal blood purification with a special apparatus "artificial kidney");
  • violation of the thyroid gland or its abnormal functioning entails a change in the formation of platelets;
  • poisoning with heavy metals or bad alcohol.

With a low mean platelet volume, patients usually complain of bleeding and bruising from even minor impacts, as well as poor healing of wounds and abrasions. In addition, a person may often have broken capillaries on the retina and small blood vesicles on the body.

The average platelet volume is lowered in a child for the same reasons as in an adult, so the best option is to consult a doctor at the first suspicion.

When blood cells cannot fully perform their work, this threatens a person with a deterioration in his health and well-being. Have regular blood tests and consult with a specialist.

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The modern level of clinical and laboratory diagnostics allows for a complete study of blood samples, including in terms of platelet growth indicators.

If we talk about pathologies of blood plasma coagulation, then hematological analyzers can easily calculate platelet volume indicators.

How to understand that the average platelet volume is increased and what does this mean, in fact?

Platelet cells and their number

Returning to this topic, it is enough to recall that platelets are responsible for the function of the human circulatory system.

In particular, the viscosity (fluidity) of blood plasma and its natural ability to regenerate through the formation of clots of various densities at the sites of vascular damage depend on them.

Platelets live no more than 8-12 days. The average size of the cells indicates their maturity (immature young ones are characterized by an increased volume, “old” ones are noticeably reduced).

The most informative and quite accessible method of how to calculate the average platelet volume is from a blood smear taken from a finger.

This type of diagnosis allows you to determine the exact composition of the components in the blood, which, in turn, indicates any changes in the body.

In case of confirmation / refutation of previous results, it is necessary to conduct a repeated (control) analysis under the same conditions.

Often, the platelet count is normal, but the occurrence of hematomas on the body can indicate hidden problems.

How is the blood sampling procedure?

Mean platelet count is elevated what does it mean?

No special preparation is required for a blood test. As a rule, for the blood sampling procedure, blood is taken from the capillaries of the fingers (often the ring finger), less often - from a vein 5 ml (in children - up to 2 ml of blood). Before inserting the needle, the skin is treated with an antiseptic.

Drinking water is allowed as usual. If possible, you will have to postpone taking medications or coordinate this issue with your doctor in advance.

Venous blood sampling makes it possible to decipher information about the patient's condition as accurately as possible, however, for primary diagnosis, a general blood test is also sufficient.

The material taken for the study for platelets is processed almost immediately, so the automatic analyzers issue the finished result within 1-2 days.

Mean volume and elevated platelets

Abnormal changes in the blood, in which the average platelet volume is increased, and simply an increased level of platelets are not the same thing.

The usefulness of the platelet population is said if the average platelet volume of each individual is analyzed. An increase in the number of platelet cells in 1 liter of blood without deciphering their qualitative characteristics indicates the development of thrombocytosis.

As a rule, the average volume of platelets is increased if there are more immature forms of cells in the blood composition.

The fact is that mature cells occupy a much smaller volume in a limited volume of blood than immature ones. The higher the deviation from the norm, the more defective platelet cells are considered. This result is determined by performing an MPV analysis.

What is the mean platelet volume MPV?

The well-known Mean Platelet Volume (abbreviated as MPV) is measured to determine platelet activity, the level of highly active biological substances, as well as the tendency of cells to adhere and their ability to mutate before aggregation.

The average platelet volume is normally considered to be in the range of 7-11 fl (femtoliters).

The relative width of the distribution of platelets by volume is increased, what does this mean?

Normal Index Values

  1. The average platelet volume is normal in a child up to 1 month old - 100 -400x109 / l
  2. The average platelet volume is normal in children under 1 year old - 150–350x109 / l.
  3. The average platelet volume is normal in women during pregnancy - 150-380x109 / l. It is no less dangerous when the average platelet volume is below normal and equal to 140x109 / l. This is fraught with bleeding and loss of the fetus.
  4. The platelet rate for men and women of any age is 150-400x109 / l.

The indicators vary depending on the level of equipment of the laboratory and the quality of the study. For a detailed interpretation of the results, it is best to consult a general practitioner.

Pathological changes in the indices and what affects them?

Mean platelet volume increased

In the process of examining blood samples, hematological analyzers give the result in the form of histograms, where data on the distribution of platelets by volume are represented by thrombometric curves.

Thus, the predominant presence of young populations of platelets in the blood shifts the histogram to the right, while immature and “old” cells shift to the left in the figure.

If the average platelet volume is reduced or increased, this is a sure symptom of hidden diseases of the circulatory system. Identification of pathological conditions can be the first step towards timely diagnosis and speedy recovery.

The degree of decrease / increase in this indicator can be regarded as one of the criteria for analyzing the dynamics of the development of the pathological process and, accordingly, the effectiveness of therapeutic measures in the future.

Why is an increase in the average platelet volume dangerous for life?

The average volume of platelets in the blood is increased, and this significantly increases the risk of blood clots. For the patient, this is fraught with heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary thromboembolism.

Primarily at risk are patients suffering from arterial hypertension and diabetes.

If the average platelet volume is above normal, the patient is prescribed drugs that reduce blood viscosity.

The average platelet volume is increased: what does this mean and how to normalize the blood?

Regular delivery of the necessary blood tests allows for timely diagnosis, which reveals the presence of a particular disease. One of the main indicators is the average platelet volume.

It is calculated with special equipment.

The result shows the level of blood clotting. In case of deviations, additional tests are prescribed, based on which the disease can be diagnosed.

Platelet norm

Platelets carry out the protective function of the body. They promote timely blood clotting. When a wound, ulcer or injury occurs on the human body, platelets form a blood clot, which helps stop bleeding. Thus, they prevent a large loss of blood and contribute to the speedy healing of tissues. Despite this, platelets are the smallest elements of the circulatory system.

Their appearance may vary in size and shape. In addition, the degree of cell maturity may also vary. Almost 80% of the total cell volume is made up of mature platelets. The rest are considered young or very old.

As the cells mature, they decrease in size. The life of each platelet has an average duration of 8 to 11 days. The process of full maturation occurs in 8 days. The norm of platelet volume is 200-400 thousand units per 1 μl of blood.

But even in a healthy person, slight deviations from the norm can be observed. If you carry out diagnostics during the year, you will notice that the indicators vary in one direction or another by about 10%.

As a rule, a person learns about the presence of abnormalities in the volume of platelets by chance. Treatment will be much more effective if the disease is detected as early as possible.

There are a number of symptoms, the presence of which may indicate abnormalities. If they are found, it is necessary to visit a general practitioner who will send for a blood test.

Both an increase and a decrease in platelet volume are considered pathological conditions. A disease in which the number of platelets is increased is called thrombocytosis. In this case, the symptoms may be:

  • Frequent migraines;
  • high hemoglobin;
  • Formation of blood clots in veins and arteries;
  • Cyanosis of the mucous surfaces of the body;
  • Numbness of the limbs;
  • Jumps in blood pressure;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia;

Platelets carry out the function of blood clotting. An increase in their volume provokes stagnation that interferes with normal blood circulation, if there is a risk of a blood clot.

With this pathology, a person begins to have problems with the vascular system. To normalize the condition, it is necessary to thin the blood, which is achieved by taking special drugs. Thrombocytosis most often occurs in the elderly, but does not depend on gender.

Main reasons

The presence of thrombocytosis may indicate nascent or progressive diseases. First of all, pathology can be provoked by the presence of malignant tumors in the body, the presence of such ailments as hepatitis, tuberculosis, arthritis, liver failure, Kawasaki syndrome, etc.

The reason for the deviation of platelets from the norm can be inflammatory or infectious diseases. Often, thrombocytosis develops against the background of diabetes mellitus. In some cases, the average platelet count increases when exposed to drugs. These include some sympathomimetics, corticosteroid, and antibacterial drugs. Also, the cause may be a hereditary factor in the occurrence of the disease.

The number of platelets in a child

After birth, a general blood test is taken from each child, with the help of which indicators such as the number of leukocytes, platelets are calculated, the Rh factor and other data are determined. An increase in the average volume of platelets in the body of a child indicates the development of thrombocytosis. It can be primary, clonal or secondary.

The disease is characterized by the growth of areas of the bone marrow, the growth of platelets is out of control. This may pose a health hazard. In some cases taken, an increase in indicators in children is considered a variant of the norm.

In tender childhood, the work of the circulatory system is not fully coordinated. Therefore, there are deviations. If they are present, supervision by specialists is necessary. Sometimes the increase in platelets can disappear with time, and in other cases it results in a serious illness.

Thrombocytosis in an adult

After detecting an increased number of platelets in an adult, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination to make an accurate diagnosis. In addition to a blood test, you need to pass urine, consult a urologist and gynecologist, visit an ultrasound room, do a colonoscopy and consult a hematologist.

It is necessary to calculate all the possible risks, because it is not known which organ was affected by the deviation in the volume of platelets. The initial stages of thrombocytosis do not require medical intervention. They can be treated with folk methods, lifestyle changes and the rejection of bad habits. In more serious cases, a course of drug therapy is necessary. It is prescribed depending on concomitant diseases.

Treatment Methods

With a slight increase in platelet count, you should not immediately resort to medical methods of treatment. In this case, an alternative solution may be a change in lifestyle, switching to proper nutrition or eating foods that can thin the blood. These include ginger, tomatoes, blueberries, cranberries, grapes, green tea, etc. In this case, the habit of drinking at least two liters of clean water daily will also be appropriate. Eating foods such as mangoes, pomegranates, bananas or legumes should be avoided.

As a special purpose medicine for the treatment of the disease, drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid are used. Medications are also prescribed that can reduce the ability of the blood to clot rapidly.

This reduces the risk of blood clots, and the blood begins to circulate freely through the circulatory system.

For the successful treatment of diseases provoked by an increase in the average platelet volume, the best option is to take preventive measures. It is necessary to control the volume of platelets in the body, regardless of age, gender and other factors. A healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits and regular examination of all organs is the best solution to prevent the consequences that a deviation in platelet count from the norm can lead to.

What is the average platelet count and if it is elevated what does it mean

The average platelet volume is increased, what does this mean? What are these blood elements? The task of platelets is to be activated when blood vessels are damaged. This phenomenon can be explained from a physiological point of view, when a person has been in high altitude conditions or worked long and hard. But pathologies also become the causes of an increased level of this substance. Then the person has a risk of thrombosis, heart attack, since platelets are responsible for clotting. Their excess does not bode well.

Flat bodies under a microscope look like plates. If a blood vessel is damaged, they immediately rush to repair it. Together with the endothelium (squamous cells), these plates stop bleeding, forming a blood clot. In large vessels, this process is somewhat different. In our body there is a complex system (hemostasis). It maintains the blood in a liquid state, but if the integrity of the vessels is violated, it quickly stops it (macrocirculatory mechanism).

What factors influence deviations from the norm?

Platelet levels may decrease or increase. Their norm varies from 200 to 400 * 109 / l. This indicator depends on the state of human health. It is influenced by the time of year and the weather. For example, in the spring, the platelet count drops. They also decrease slightly at night in all people, and during menstruation in women they reach 100 - 200 * 109 / l. But such a picture is physiologically conditioned and does not require medical intervention.

The average platelet volume is also lower in pregnant women, which is considered normal. But it is worth paying close attention to the health of the woman in labor if the level of flat cells is below 140 * 109 / l. Possible bleeding during childbirth.

The following conditions affect platelet volume:

  1. Liver diseases.
  2. Violations of the process of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow.

The average volume of squamous cells is determined by doing a blood test. With the help of special equipment, doctors have learned to determine not only the level of these elements, but also the size of each platelet. They perform the functions of maintaining the optimal viscosity of the main body fluid. Their no less important task is to control the integrity of blood vessels.

If the indicators are increased, this indicates deviations in health that are no less serious than otherwise. But the processes, when the average volume is high and the overall level is higher, are different states. An overestimation of the coefficient indicates the presence of thrombocytosis, which determines the quantitative indicators of squamous cells. The average data tells about their type. According to this level, the weightiness of the values ​​responsible for coagulability is judged. Doctors say that mature cells of flat bodies are small, immature cells fill the blood more and more. These are qualitative values ​​that just determine the average value of flat cells. If this characteristic is increased, then there are more immature elements, which indicates their inferiority.

The results regarding the number of platelets shown in a blood test are indicated by laboratory assistants in several Latin letters. So the abbreviation of the average platelet volume is mpv and normally has a value of 7 to 11 femtoliters (Fl, Fl).

The process of determining the level of platelets on a hematology analyzer is much more efficient and accurate than the old methods of counting flat bodies on glass. MPV - the average volume of these elements is presented as a histogram. Young cells are on the right, old cells are on the left. The size of each of the elements allows you to judge the activity of platelets. Older cells are smaller and not as dynamic as younger ones. Increased MPV values ​​indicate:

  • possible anemia, the result of which was bleeding;
  • a hereditary disease in which squamous cells with defects are synthesized (Bernard-Soulier macrocytic thrombodystrophy);
  • tendency to bleed.

These items are downgraded if:

  1. The patient is pregnant.
  2. The human body is iron deficient.
  3. There are inflammatory processes.
  4. There is a tumor.
  5. A heart attack starts.
  6. Diagnosed with thyroid disease.
  7. There are kidney diseases.
  8. Impaired blood clotting.
  9. Increased cholesterol.

In platelet analysis, another feature is used that determines the quality of blood plates - their width. And it testifies to their volume (pdw). If deviations are observed here, this indicates:

  1. Inflammation in tissues or organs.
  2. anemia.
  3. Helminths that settled in the intestines.
  4. The presence of malignant tumors.

If the average values ​​of platelets are borderline with the norm, or slightly exceed these characteristics, complex diseases are not necessarily in the body. When a similar picture is observed in a child, most likely the hematopoiesis is defective, due to which immature squamous cells are released. In adults, the above condition is observed after:

  1. complex operations.
  2. Injuries
  3. Internal bleeding.
  4. Abundant menstruation in women.
  5. Taking drugs to activate blood formation.

In these cases, squamous cells from the bone marrow are released into the blood in high quantities to compensate for the loss of the main fluid. In the process, a large number of immature flat cells come out.

But there are also pathologies that are characterized by a hung or reduced platelet count. If the tests reveal a large or small value of these bodies, further diagnostics should be performed. There may be diseases such as:

  1. Thrombocytopenia, when important blood elements are destroyed too quickly.
  2. Enlargement of the spleen and a simultaneous increase in the number of cells in the bone marrow.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Atherosclerosis.
  5. Deviations in the work of the thyroid gland.
  6. Leukemia.
  7. May-Hegglin disease.

Deviations from the norm of platelets are detected in alcoholics or smokers.

It is known that if the level of flat bodies is high, their average volume decreases. And vice versa. This pattern does not work when the patient is diagnosed with diseases:

  • thrombocytosis;
  • trauma;
  • deviations in the work of the bone marrow.

When the patient receives the results of the tests on hand, their decoding is possible only by specialists. Even if the patient is sure that the information he owns allows him to make a diagnosis on his own, it is better to consult with your doctor, contact a professional hematologist. He will analyze all indicators and characteristics and compare even those values ​​that in most cases do not affect each other. If in doubt, it is advisable to re-examine. And only after it the patient is given a final diagnosis and advised on what therapy should be carried out.

In medicine, there is the concept of the average volume of red blood cells. With its help, doctors determine the size of red cells. This indicator is very different from the usual level of red blood cells, which is determined using a microscope. It gives a more complete and accurate picture of the state of the blood and the body as a whole. But the results of such a characterization will become incorrect if the majority of red blood cells are of an altered shape.

The average value of red blood cells reveals the type of anemia:

  1. Microcytic.
  2. Normocytic (after bleeding).
  3. Macrocytic (with a lack of B vitamins, especially B9 and B12).
  4. Microcytic (iron deficiency).

The mean erythrocyte volume mcv gives a measure of the size of the red blood cells. This indicator is expressed in femtoliters or µm3 (cubic micrometers). Such substances play a huge role in many processes. If the quantitative indicator of the volume of erythrocytes changes, this indicates inflammatory processes, or allergies, or a deficiency of essential substances.

What does another equally important characteristic of erythrocytes indicate?

The average content of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte indicates its level in one of these cells. This value is revealed as follows. Concentrated hemoglobin is divided by the number of red cells in the same amount of blood. It is characterized by laboratory assistants as mchc. It is more accurate than the color indicator and correlates with cell volume. In another way it is called - mch. Depending on the deviations of this kind of norm, doctors determine anemia:

  1. Normochromic (when the order of destruction of red blood cells is much faster than the formation of new elements).
  2. Hyperchromic (decrease in the number of red blood cells).
  3. Hypochromic (color index less than 0.8).

The concentration of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte indicates the saturation of this substance in the cell. If its production is disturbed in the body, deviations from the norm indicate pathology.

The indicator, which is called msns, is derived as a result of a blood test on a specialized hematological apparatus. It is defined as the average hemoglobin in red blood cells. Analyze it according to a special formula. It contains a characteristic of hemoglobin in the blood and a part of its total volume, which is made up of red cells. It gives a clear understanding of what type of anemia the patient has.

The peculiarity is that MCHC does not detect the absolute hemoglobin in erythrocytes and does not depend on their volume. It shows its level in the total mass of red cells and reflects saturation.

This value is normal if, as a result of the analysis, the indicator varies from 320 to 360 g / l (for an adult organism). In children - 280-380 g / l.

If the measurement is carried out in g / dl, then other numbers are considered the norm:

  1. From 32 to 36 - in adults.
  2. From 28 to 38 - in children.

You should not completely correlate your results with the above values, since in some laboratories slightly different characteristics are taken as the norm. In any case, only a hematologist will help evaluate the results.

Who should get tested for MCHC?

The processes of hemoglobin production in the body can be disturbed. If it is established that such a phenomenon takes place, it is important to understand why the synthesis of this substance deviates from normal values.

An increase in this level often does not indicate pathology, experienced doctors testify, since a significant increase in this indicator is impossible. Most likely the analysis was carried out incorrectly. A strong increase in hemoglobin will lead to the destruction of red blood cells.

But there is an exception if the patient is sick with congenital spherocytosis. To determine this pathology, the doctor will conduct a huge number of blood tests. Otherwise, the increase in MCHC speaks of:

  1. Improper blood sampling and storage.
  2. Incorrect interpretation of the level of substances in the collected material.

If the MCHC is low, this indicates that the red blood cells are not saturated with hemoglobin. Ailments in which such a picture is observed:

  • anemia (lack of iron as a result of malnutrition or improper absorption of this element);
  • heredity, when mutations occur in genetics;
  • states when some amino acids are replaced in hemoglobin chains.

There are forms of iron deficiency, when the size of red blood cells is disproportionately large and at the same time high hemoglobin, which saturates them excessively. MCHC is a rather difficult indicator of blood, and since only a doctor makes an accurate diagnosis based on the results of the tests, it often turns out that its elevated or decreased values ​​do not always indicate pathologies.

It is necessary to conduct additional research and identify other indicators associated with certain diseases.

Only in this case, the doctor will have a complete picture, and he will prescribe adequate treatment.

The average platelet volume is reduced - what does this mean?

When the average platelet volume is lowered, the blood partially loses its ability to clot. Platelets are the elements that ensure blood clotting.

With their reduced level or defective volume in the blood, a clot cannot quickly form, due to which even slight bleeding may not stop for a long time.

What determines the average size of platelets and is it possible to influence this parameter?

What does the decrease in volume mean?

Platelets are a first aid for the body. When a microtrauma appears in the bloodstream, the bodies rush to the site of damage and, sticking together into a clot, clog the hole.

The average platelet volume is considered a secondary indicator, less important than the number of platelets per unit volume of blood.

Doctors began to calculate the average volume of platelets in the blood with the advent of devices that test blood.

Modern hematological testers are able to determine from 4 to 24 blood parameters without human intervention, giving the result in the form of numbers and abbreviations consisting of Latin letters.

The average volume of platelet cells in the study form is designated MPV (mean platelet volume).

In addition, analyzers can display results in the form of graphs. As the average volume decreases, the graph shifts to the left.

With a lack of platelet cells or a decrease in their activity, a person may develop hemorrhagic diathesis. A reduced number of platelets is called thrombocytopenia.

The problem may be acquired or hereditary. A decrease in the number of platelets in the blood may be associated with a lack of hematopoiesis, increased destruction of platelets, sequestration, that is, the exclusion of elements from the bloodstream and their storage in organs and tissues, and increased consumption of platelet cells.

The following causes a decrease in the average platelet volume:

  • viral hepatitis;
  • adenoviruses;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • taking certain antibiotics;
  • radiation;
  • blood cancer, including metastases to the bone marrow;
  • anemia.

Diseases that can lower MPV:

  • Werlhof's disease;
  • Bernard-Soulier disease;
  • May-Hegglin anomaly;
  • acute or chronic posthemorrhagic anemia.

Knowing the average volume of platelets allows you to detect malfunctions in the work of the hematopoietic organs.

Platelets live in the blood for 10 or more days - they are formed in the bone marrow and enter the blood in the form of structureless bodies of a large volume.

The older the platelet, the smaller its size becomes. Thus, the more reduced the size of platelets, the more old cells in the blood and fewer young ones.

Normally, the average platelet volume should be in the range from 180 to 400x109 / l.

In women, the level of platelets in the blood fluctuates more than in men, and depends on the phase of the cycle or on the duration of pregnancy.

During menstrual bleeding, the volume of platelet elements is almost halved. In pregnant women, the number of platelets in the blood is also reduced.

If the expectant mother's MPV falls below 140x109l, then urgent measures must be taken, since in this case massive labor bleeding may occur.

Causes of a decrease in men and women

The figure of the average platelet volume is lowered - what can this mean? If there are a lot of reasons for increasing the volume of platelets, including such dangerous diseases as diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis of the liver and oncological diseases of the bone marrow, then there are much fewer reasons for reducing this indicator.

It was said above that the main reason for the decrease in the volume of platelet elements in women is pregnancy and menstrual bleeding. The main cause of volume loss in men is Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome.

The disease is a rare hereditary pathology associated with the X chromosome. The disease can appear only in boys.

Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is recessive, that is, it manifests itself if the mother of the child is the carrier of the chromosomal defect, and the woman herself will be outwardly healthy.

The probability of the disease in the son of such a woman is 50%. Girls in whose families boys with SVR were born need to consult a geneticist.

Clinically, the disease is manifested by increased bleeding, for example, a newborn may develop bloody diarrhea.

A number of blood parameters change:

  • the average platelet size decreases;
  • the number of lymphocytes decreases below the standard, which leads to weakened immunity.

Children with SIRS suffer from respiratory infections and rarely survive to adulthood, as they are at increased risk of developing leukemia and lymphoma.

What does modern medicine offer for the treatment of SVR? Surgical removal of the spleen helps to reduce bleeding and raise the reduced average volume of these elements to normal, since platelet elements are destroyed in this organ.

The most effective treatment for Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is a bone marrow transplant.

In men with SVR in a pronounced form, three clinical symptoms occur simultaneously:

  • skin disorders, expressed in eczema, itching and skin rash;
  • increased bleeding due to a decrease in the volume and number of platelets;
  • immune disorders.

The average volume of platelet elements is reduced in all patients with SVR. The remaining two symptoms may not develop - in such cases they speak of a mild form of the disease.

Impaired immunity manifests itself as anemia caused by antibodies to one's own blood cells, including platelets.

The condition when antibodies destroy the body's own platelets is called idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.

It is necessary to distinguish between the number of platelets and their average volume. A low level of platelets in the blood leads to numerous hemorrhages in the retina, under the skin, in the tissue.

A decrease in the average volume is not necessarily accompanied by hemorrhages, it indicates that the hematopoietic organs, for some reason, began to produce fewer platelet cells.

If before that the level of platelets was increased, then the decrease in the average volume does not indicate pathology, but, on the contrary, about the normalization of the condition.

Average volume normalization

Diseases are not always the cause of a decrease in the average volume of erythrocyte bodies. Provoke a decrease can be taking certain medications or a course of chemotherapy.

You can change the parameters in the direction of decreasing the volume:

  • Aspirin;
  • Analgin;
  • Biseptol;
  • Levomycetin and some other medicines.

The effect of the drug on blood parameters is always indicated in the instructions for the drug.

If the analysis showed that platelets are low, then you do not need to draw independent conclusions and look for non-existent diseases in yourself.

Only a specialist, a gemologist or a therapist, should decipher a blood test. The doctor takes into account not only the average volume, but also a number of other blood parameters, since in some cases they are able to compensate for each other.

The doctor will determine whether the low volume is a symptom of the disease or a temporary phenomenon that can be explained from the point of view of physiology.

After finding the reasons for the decrease in volume, the patient is prescribed procedures or medication and gives recommendations for correcting the lifestyle.

How to raise the average volume after chemotherapy? The easiest way to do this is through transfusion - the transfusion of blood components, in particular platelet mass.

For the same purpose, drugs Derinat, Sodecor are used. An oncologist may recommend taking vitamins A and C.

Important! Cancer patients should not take vitamins without consulting a doctor.

To normalize the reduced average platelet volume and eliminate the negative consequences of this condition, the following medications are used:

  • Prednisolone is a steroid, the main drug for eliminating hemorrhagic rashes;
  • Curantil - restores immunity;
  • Askorutin - contains vitamin C and vitamin P, eliminates vascular fragility and strengthens capillaries.

From folk remedies use:

  • sesame oil - three times a day, one teaspoon before meals;
  • Japanese Sophora tincture - after eating, 20 - 40 drops;
  • verbena officinalis - a teaspoon of dried raw materials for 20 minutes to insist in 200 ml of boiling water, drink a glass a day.

Ordinary nettle will help to cope with a low level of platelets - 50 grams of dried grass are infused in 300 ml of boiling water and drunk half a glass 2 times a day.

A change in any parameter in the blood, including a decrease in the average platelet volume, is not a disease, but a symptom that speaks of problems that have arisen in any organ.

Reduced average platelet volume is a rather dangerous pathology that threatens the appearance of numerous bleedings, which can result in the death of the patient.

A person who monitors health should from time to time donate blood for a general analysis. If the test reveals deviations, then it is necessary (necessarily together with the doctor) to find the cause of this phenomenon.

Platelets are blood cells that perform several important functions, namely: they urgently clog the wound, nourish and maintain the functionality of blood vessels, transfer certain enzymes, participate in blood restoration and support immunity. - 150-400 thousand pcs / ml, but this indicator may change under the influence of various factors. With a lack of platelets, a disease develops - thrombocytopenia.

and when the score is considered low

There is an indicator of the content of platelets in the blood (150-400 thousand pcs / ml), which is considered the norm, but its value can vary depending on gender, age, pregnancy, and even the time of day. This means that, taking into account the above factors, there will be the following (thousand pcs / ml):

  1. For adults - from 180 to 350.
  2. At the age of up to a year - from 100 to 420.
  3. In pregnant women - from 150 to 380.
  4. With menstruation - from 15 to 380.

Platelets are clearly shown in the video

During the day, the level of platelets can change by 10%, for this reason analysis is recommended to be taken in the morning and on an empty stomach.

The reasons

Decreased platelet levels can be caused by: the reasons:

  1. Herpes virus infection.
  2. A disease of any kind of hepatitis, in which the body becomes inflamed and increases in size.
  3. For colds caused by bacteria and viruses - acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections: laryngitis, tonsillitis, etc.
  4. With mononucleosis, transmitted through physiological fluids, and of a viral nature.
  5. With immunodeficiency.
  6. In autoimmune diseases, when the body fights its own cells, recognizing them as foreign.
  7. In Gaucher's disease, a congenital pathology that adversely affects organs and systems due to a decrease in the activity of glucocerebrolidase.
  8. With cancerous tumors.
  9. Anemia and asphyxia.
  10. Active consumption of platelets during bleeding, hemodialysis.
  11. After the use of funds, (Aspirin, Heparin).
  12. After eating blood-thinning foods (lemon, ginger, garlic, cherries, etc.).

There are other non-infectious causes when the average platelet count is low, such as beriberi, an enlarged spleen, pregnancy, heavy metal or alcohol poisoning. There can be many causes of the disease - this means that the method of treatment is determined after the diagnosis with the identification of the origin of the pathology.


The main method for determining the platelet count is a blood test.

During the diagnosis, the doctor studies the medical history (presence of valves in the heart, oncology, etc.), conducts a survey and visual examination of the patient, after which may prescribe the following diagnostic measures:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. To exclude secondary thrombocytopenia, which may be the result of other serious diseases, a general examination is prescribed.


Regardless of the cause of the drop in platelets, pathology manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  1. Occurrence of intradermal hemorrhages (purple).
  2. In gastrointestinal and nosebleeds.
  3. In the form of hemorrhages in the internal organs.
  4. Abundant menstruation in women.
General symptoms of thrombocytopenia are non-specific, and occur in other diseases (some vascular pathologies, vitamin C deficiency, thrombocytopathy). Thrombocytopenia is recognized when the hemorrhagic syndrome is accompanied by a drop in platelet levels, as indicated by an appropriate blood test.

The severity of the symptoms of the disease depends on the level of decrease in the platelet count (µl):

  1. Subclinical course - 30-50 thousand. In this case, there is a tendency to profuse menstruation, nosebleeds, intradermal hemorrhages with minor injuries.
  2. The average severity is 20-50 thousand. It is characterized by the appearance of a hemorrhagic rash that spontaneously appears on the skin and mucous membranes.
  3. Severe degree - below 20 thousand. It is characterized by severe bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and hemorrhage of internal organs.


Therapeutic depends on the nature and extent of the disease.

So, its mild stage without clinical symptoms or in pregnant women requires only the supervision of a specialist, and passes on its own with a balanced diet or after childbirth. Severe forms require specific treatment, which involves eliminating the cause of the pathology.

Treatment of thrombocytopenia is carried out by the following methods:

Folk methods. Include the use of compounds, products and infusions prepared from natural ingredients, the use of which brings the platelet count back to normal:

  • Sophora japonica tincture. It is prepared from flower buds by infusion in 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5 for 14 days. Take the remedy after a meal in the amount of 20-40 drops, mixing it with 1 tbsp. l. water. For a child, the dose is reduced by 2 times;
  • Verbena officinalis. Prepared by insisting 1 tsp. raw materials in boiling water. The vessel is wrapped with a towel for 20 minutes. The decoction is taken in tech. months a day, 200 ml;
  • Sesame oil. Use 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. before meals. Children are given oil in 1 tsp. Sesame seed cake is also suitable for treatment in the same dosage;
  • Red beetroot. Rubbed on a grater, sprinkled with sugar and infused overnight. In the morning squeeze the juice and drink on an empty stomach;
  • Infusion of dried nettle. Prepared from 50 g of dry raw materials and 300 ml of boiling water, insist 3 minutes. and take half a glass twice a day.

When the average platelet volume is lowered, the blood partially loses its ability to clot. Platelets are the elements that ensure blood clotting.

With their reduced level or defective volume in the blood, a clot cannot quickly form, due to which even slight bleeding may not stop for a long time.

What determines the average size of platelets and is it possible to influence this parameter?

Platelets are a first aid for the body. When a microtrauma appears in the bloodstream, the bodies rush to the site of damage and, sticking together into a clot, clog the hole.

The average platelet volume is considered a secondary indicator, less important than the number of platelets per unit volume of blood.

Doctors began to calculate the average volume of platelets in the blood with the advent of devices that test blood.

Modern hematological testers are able to determine from 4 to 24 blood parameters without human intervention, giving the result in the form of numbers and abbreviations consisting of Latin letters.

The average volume of platelet cells in the study form is designated MPV (mean platelet volume).

In addition, analyzers can display results in the form of graphs. As the average volume decreases, the graph shifts to the left.

With a lack of platelet cells or a decrease in their activity, a person may develop hemorrhagic diathesis. A reduced number of platelets is called thrombocytopenia.

The problem may be acquired or hereditary. A decrease in the number of platelets in the blood may be associated with a lack of hematopoiesis, increased destruction of platelets, sequestration, that is, the exclusion of elements from the bloodstream and their storage in organs and tissues, and increased consumption of platelet cells.

The following causes a decrease in the average platelet volume:

  • viral hepatitis;
  • adenoviruses;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • taking certain antibiotics;
  • radiation;
  • blood cancer, including metastases to the bone marrow;
  • anemia.

Diseases that can lower MPV:

  • Werlhof's disease;
  • Bernard-Soulier disease;
  • May-Hegglin anomaly;
  • acute or chronic posthemorrhagic anemia.

Knowing the average volume of platelets allows you to detect malfunctions in the work of the hematopoietic organs.

Platelets live in the blood for 10 or more days - they are formed in the bone marrow and enter the blood in the form of structureless bodies of a large volume.

The older the platelet, the smaller its size becomes. Thus, the more reduced the size of platelets, the more old cells in the blood and fewer young ones.

Normally, the average platelet volume should be in the range from 180 to 400x10 9 /l.

In women, the level of platelets in the blood fluctuates more than in men, and depends on the phase of the cycle or on the duration of pregnancy.

During menstrual bleeding, the volume of platelet elements is almost halved. In pregnant women, the number of platelets in the blood is also reduced.

If the expectant mother's MPV falls below 140x10 9 l, then urgent measures must be taken, since in this case massive labor bleeding may occur.

Causes of a decrease in men and women

The figure of the average platelet volume is lowered - what can this mean? If there are a lot of reasons for increasing the volume of platelets, including such dangerous diseases as diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis of the liver and oncological diseases of the bone marrow, then there are much fewer reasons for reducing this indicator.

It was said above that the main reason for the decrease in the volume of platelet elements in women is pregnancy and menstrual bleeding. The main cause of volume loss in men is Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome.

The disease is a rare hereditary pathology associated with the X chromosome. The disease can appear only in boys.

Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is recessive, that is, it manifests itself if the mother of the child is the carrier of the chromosomal defect, and the woman herself will be outwardly healthy.

The probability of the disease in the son of such a woman is 50%. Girls in whose families boys with SVR were born need to consult a geneticist.

Clinically, the disease is manifested by increased bleeding, for example, a newborn may develop bloody diarrhea.

A number of blood parameters change:

  • the average platelet size decreases;
  • the number of lymphocytes decreases below the standard, which leads to weakened immunity.

Children with SIRS suffer from respiratory infections and rarely survive to adulthood, as they are at increased risk of developing leukemia and lymphoma.

What does modern medicine offer for the treatment of SVR? Surgical removal of the spleen helps to reduce bleeding and raise the reduced average volume of these elements to normal, since platelet elements are destroyed in this organ.

The most effective treatment for Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is a bone marrow transplant.

In men with SVR in a pronounced form, three clinical symptoms occur simultaneously:

  • skin disorders, expressed in eczema, itching and skin rash;
  • increased bleeding due to a decrease in the volume and number of platelets;
  • immune disorders.

The average volume of platelet elements is reduced in all patients with SVR. The remaining two symptoms may not develop - in such cases they speak of a mild form of the disease.

Impaired immunity manifests itself as anemia caused by antibodies to one's own blood cells, including platelets.

The condition when antibodies destroy the body's own platelets is called idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.

It is necessary to distinguish between the number of platelets and their average volume. A low level of platelets in the blood leads to numerous hemorrhages in the retina, under the skin, in the tissue.

A decrease in the average volume is not necessarily accompanied by hemorrhages, it indicates that the hematopoietic organs, for some reason, began to produce fewer platelet cells.

If before that the level of platelets was increased, then the decrease in the average volume does not indicate pathology, but, on the contrary, about the normalization of the condition.

Average volume normalization

Diseases are not always the cause of a decrease in the average volume of erythrocyte bodies. Provoke a decrease can be taking certain medications or a course of chemotherapy.

You can change the parameters in the direction of decreasing the volume:

  • Aspirin;
  • Analgin;
  • Biseptol;
  • Levomycetin and some other medicines.

The effect of the drug on blood parameters is always indicated in the instructions for the drug.

If the analysis showed that platelets are low, then you do not need to draw independent conclusions and look for non-existent diseases in yourself.

Only a specialist, a gemologist or a therapist, should decipher a blood test. The doctor takes into account not only the average volume, but also a number of other blood parameters, since in some cases they are able to compensate for each other.

The doctor will determine whether the low volume is a symptom of the disease or a temporary phenomenon that can be explained from the point of view of physiology.

After finding the reasons for the decrease in volume, the patient is prescribed procedures or medication and gives recommendations for correcting the lifestyle.

How to raise the average volume after chemotherapy? The easiest way to do this is through transfusion - the transfusion of blood components, in particular platelet mass.

For the same purpose, drugs Derinat, Sodecor are used. An oncologist may recommend taking vitamins A and C.

Important! Cancer patients should not take vitamins without consulting a doctor.

To normalize the reduced average platelet volume and eliminate the negative consequences of this condition, the following medications are used:

  • Prednisolone is a steroid, the main drug for eliminating hemorrhagic rashes;
  • Curantil - restores immunity;
  • Askorutin - contains vitamin C and vitamin P, eliminates vascular fragility and strengthens capillaries.

From folk remedies use:

  • sesame oil - three times a day, one teaspoon before meals;
  • Japanese Sophora tincture - after eating, 20 - 40 drops;
  • verbena officinalis - a teaspoon of dried raw materials for 20 minutes to insist in 200 ml of boiling water, drink a glass a day.

Ordinary nettle will help to cope with a low level of platelets - 50 grams of dried grass are infused in 300 ml of boiling water and drunk half a glass 2 times a day.

A change in any parameter in the blood, including a decrease in the average platelet volume, is not a disease, but a symptom that speaks of problems that have arisen in any organ.

Reduced average platelet volume is a rather dangerous pathology that threatens the appearance of numerous bleedings, which can result in the death of the patient.

A person who monitors health should from time to time donate blood for a general analysis. If the test reveals deviations, then it is necessary (necessarily together with the doctor) to find the cause of this phenomenon.

MPV (abbreviated from the English mean platelet volume, mean platelet volume) is the designation of the platelet index, which characterizes the degree of platelet maturity in peripheral blood. The measurement is based on the fact that the size of young cells is larger than that of mature and aged ones. There is a relationship between the size of platelets and their functional activity, so the index characterizes the state of the blood coagulation system, which platelets represent.

The determination of MPV in the general blood test is carried out within two hours after the material is taken, since the result may be distorted in a later study.

General blood analysis

The determination of MPV in the general blood test is carried out within two hours after the material is taken, since the result may be distorted in a later study.

A decrease in MPV can mean an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly), the presence of cirrhosis of the liver, hypoproteinemia, kidney disease, and thyroid pathologies.

MPV in a blood test: decoding, norms in women and men

Determination of MPV is important for assessing the hematopoietic function of the body. Using the MPV platelet index in a blood test, you can detect increased platelet aggregation, thrombosis, active blood loss (if large platelets are found in people with iron deficiency anemia). In addition, MPV in the blood test is an additional marker of chronic myeloproliferative diseases (presence of large platelets in peripheral blood).

The MPV norm in adults is the same for women and men and is 6–13 fl. In children up to a year, the MPV norm is 7-7.9 fl, 1-5 years old - 8-8.8 fl. For children over 5 years old, the same values ​​​​are normal as for adults.

An elevated platelet MPV index indicates the presence of large platelets in the patient's peripheral blood. If the MPV in the blood test is low, this means the predominance of small platelets.

When MPV in the blood test is increased and decreased

An increase in MPV may indicate the presence of thrombocytopenia, myeloproliferative diseases, posthemorrhagic anemia, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, infectious and inflammatory diseases, neoplasms, preeclampsia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, impaired platelet formation due to a lack of vitamin B 12 or folic acid in the body, May's anomalies - Hegglin, Bernard-Soulier syndrome. The index also increases after surgical removal of the spleen (splenectomy), in smoking patients with atherosclerotic vascular changes, with alcoholism and taking certain medications, in the elderly.

When the balance between the formation and destruction of platelets is disturbed, there is a tendency to thrombosis or increased bleeding.

What does a decrease in MPV mean?

A decrease in MPV can mean an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly), the presence of cirrhosis of the liver, hypoproteinemia, kidney disease, and thyroid pathologies. The platelet index decreases in aplastic anemia, septic thrombocytopenia, congenital megakaryocytic hypoplasia, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, X-linked thrombocytopenia with platelet microcytosis, thrombocytopenia due to immunological cell destruction, as well as during chemotherapy and during pregnancy. A significant decrease in MPV in the blood of a pregnant woman indicates a threat of miscarriage.

What to do if MPV is above or below normal

Upon receipt of MPV results in a general blood test that are outside the normal range, additional studies are usually prescribed: urinalysis, biochemical blood test, coagulogram, etc.

Treatment depends on the cause of the increase or decrease in MPV. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since uncontrolled medication can aggravate the pathology, up to a threat to life.

In order to prevent the development of diseases that affect the blood coagulation system, it is recommended:

  • regularly undergo preventive examinations;
  • rational use of antiviral and other drugs (some drugs adversely affect the formation of platelets);
  • eat rationally, avoid excessive consumption of animal fats, give preference to easily digestible meats (rabbit, turkey, fish);
  • observe sufficient drinking regimen.
With the help of the MPV platelet index in a blood test, increased platelet aggregation, thrombosis, and active blood loss can be detected.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • discoloration of the skin and / or mucous membranes;
  • causeless formation of hematomas;
  • frequent nose and gum bleeding;
  • frequent increase in blood pressure and the appearance of tachycardia;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • weakness, constant fatigue, deterioration of the general condition for no apparent reason and for a long time, not passing after a good rest.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

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