The mammary glands are swollen and sore. Breast cyst. The main causes of swelling of the mammary glands

The female body from time to time can present its mistresses with not the most pleasant surprises. Sometimes it happens that the chest begins to swell. Sometimes this feeling becomes unbearable, it even hurts to touch. Why the breast swells - this question can be answered with accuracy by a special "female" doctor - a mammologist.

As a rule, breast swelling is associated with hormonal changes. This can be caused by a variety of factors.

  • Puberty. Girls often experience swelling of the nipples during puberty. Sometimes it hurts to touch them. And even wearing too tight clothes brings discomfort. In this case, you should not worry, as soon as the body completes its restructuring, all discomfort will go away.
  • One of the most common culprits for breast swelling in women is “critical days”. Why do breasts swell before menstruation? This is again due to hormonal changes in the body. Painful sensations and heaviness in the chest appear about a week before menstruation. As a rule, with its beginning, all this passes completely. If the pain and swelling do not go away, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be one of the signs of mastopathy, and in some cases more serious diseases of the mammary glands.
  • The failure of the hormonal background and the swelling of the breast that accompanies it can occur due to general overwork, constant stress, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Another reason why the chest hurts and swells may be underwear. An improperly selected bra can not only cause discomfort, but also become the culprit of breast diseases. So all the fair sex, doctors recommend choosing underwear carefully.
  • Excessive addiction to salty, fatty and spicy foods can also cause breast swelling. Since this food contributes to fluid retention in the body. This causes the breasts to swell and hurt.
  • Breast swelling can be a side effect of taking hormonal medications, including birth control. In this case, it is better to temporarily stop taking them and consult a doctor who will prescribe another medicine.
  • Any changes at the hormonal level, including pregnancy and abortion, also lead to breast swelling. In the case of pregnancy, this usually occurs at 2-3 weeks.
  • If the breast is swollen and some seals are felt during palpation, then this may be an unkind symptom of breast cancer. You need to go to the mammologist immediately!

In general, the breast is a very delicate and demanding part of the female body. Therefore, it is best to tell the doctor about any discomfort in the chest. And wait for that moment. When they become unbearable, don't. Remember that the earlier a disease is detected, the easier it is to cure.

A few days before the onset of menstruation, the female breast attracts attention with some swelling, mild “pulling” pains.

Why do breasts swell and hurt? Should this be regarded as a pathology or is it all about female physiology?

There is no definite answer to this question, since there are several reasons for this breast condition.

Every woman who has reached a certain age periodically encounters such a phenomenon as swelling of the mammary glands. This condition creates sometimes tangible discomfort because:

  • the breast sometimes increases to two sizes;
  • becomes dense to the touch;
  • acquires increased sensitivity, painfully reacting to a light touch;
  • gives a pulling pain even with minimal physical exertion;
  • at the same time, the nipples are engorged, on which transparent and translucent discharges can be seen;
  • there is a general deterioration in the condition, accompanied by pain in the head and lower abdomen.

This is directly related to the time of maturation of the egg and the preparation of the body for its fertilization. Hormones are released that trigger processes that set up the female body for the possible birth of a child and breastfeeding. Normally, the mammary glands can “fill up” a few days before menstruation.

The hormonal background of a woman is changing. It is different in the periods before and after ovulation. In the first half of the cycle, under the influence of the hormones estrone, estradiol and estriol, the milk ducts expand, and in the second, the processes of formation of cells responsible for the production of mammary gland secretion are activated.

All this leads to breast swelling, but persistent pain in this case is not the norm. It can occur due to hormonal imbalance, which often gives rise to the formation of diffuse mastopathy.

Physiological causes

The most common cause of the painful condition of the female breast, due to physiology, is a change in the hormonal background during pregnancy and during the period of extinction of the childbearing function.


The onset of a “happy state” of a woman is usually associated with the cessation of menstruation.

But swelling of the mammary glands, sometimes much earlier than the delay, reports the birth of a new life in the body of the expectant mother.

From the first days of pregnancy, the body begins to actively rebuild and prepare for bearing a child and subsequent breastfeeding.

This is natural, because people are mammals. Under the influence of hormones, the breast not only increases in size, but also changes the color of the pigment in the nipple-areolar zone. The nipples may darken and become covered with barely noticeable nodules.

In the seventh month of pregnancy, from time to time there may be a feeling of short-term tension in the mammary glands, accompanied by the release of a clear or white liquid - colostrum. To avoid situations with getting your bra wet, you can use special napkins.

The hormone progesterone contributes to the growth of glandular tissue, due to which the breast greatly increases in volume and discomfort and soreness appear. Unpleasant symptoms can be minimized by choosing specially underwear (bra) for pregnant women.

After the birth of a child, during lactation, pain increases with feeding. The chest becomes firm, almost hard to the touch, and hot. This is due to the processes of producing women's milk and its accumulation in the mammary glands. It is important that the mother applies the baby to the breast at a stable frequency and expresses the milk left after feeding. Violation of these simple rules can cause a serious disease - mastitis.

Breast changes during pregnancy

The lactation period is a very important time when it is necessary to pay attention not only to maternal responsibilities, but also to one's own health. After each feeding, it is important to take a few minutes to examine the breast:

  • after decanting the remaining milk, probe the mammary glands for the presence of hardening areas;
  • check for localized redness of the skin, as well as individual hot and especially painful areas.

If at least one of these signs is detected, you should see a doctor.

Women's breasts during pregnancy and lactation require special care and attention. Therefore, a future mother, especially a primipara, needs to visit a mammologist who can assess the condition of the mammary glands and identify pathology at an early stage if there are signs indicating this, as well as give advice on breast care and hygiene.

The most unpleasant sensations from breast swelling are in the first three months of pregnancy, and then up to 7-10 days after the birth of the child. This is a normal phenomenon, it is provided by nature and should not be a cause for fear and concern. In time, everything will fall into place.

Age changes

With age, a woman's body undergoes significant metamorphosis. These processes also affect the mammary glands. The glandular tissue of the breast, which prevails at a young age, is replaced with fibrous and fatty tissue over time.

At the end of the childbearing period, menopause occurs. This is accompanied by serious changes in the hormonal background, which are directly related to the gradual extinction of ovarian activity and a steady decrease in the production of estradiol, as well as an increase in cholesterol levels.

Ptosis - age-related changes in the breast

Painful sensations in the chest may increase if a woman:

  • consumes too much liquid;
  • loves and frequently indulges in caffeinated drinks;
  • wears a bra that is smaller than required;
  • is fond of salty foods, forgetting that salt interferes with the normal outflow of lymph and blood.

You can eliminate these causes of discomfort by choosing the right underwear and reviewing your diet. In the case when there are metabolic disorders, and the fluid is poorly excreted from the body, let us take diuretics or herbal decoctions agreed with the doctor.

Not every woman can boast of magnificent breasts. can slightly increase the breast without surgery.

Pregnancy and elevated testosterone levels are a topic.

Some women dream of breast enlargement, while others want to reduce it. You can read information about the types of breast plastic surgery.

Diseases caused by swelling of the mammary glands

Swelling of the female mammary glands can be caused not only by physiological causes, but also by pathological processes in the body caused by diseases.

One of these diseases is mastopathy, in which there is an excessive growth of connective tissue, the ductal epithelium of the mammary gland. And all this against the background of hormonal imbalance.


  1. fibrous
  2. diffuse
  3. focal
  4. cystic form of this pathology.

A characteristic manifestation of the disease is the swelling of the mammary glands in the first half of the menstrual cycle, immediately after menstruation.

Another reason for breast engorgement is the development of an oncological process, this condition is accompanied by the appearance of neoplasms that cannot always be detected by palpation. They are usually detected by ultrasound or x-ray mammography. The appearance of neoplasms is not associated with age and can be observed both in young women and in those who have entered the menopause.

In order to identify the pathology in time and be able to solve the problem, it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the mammary glands:

  • Periodically, independently probe the chest and armpits for the presence of seals, and if found, immediately consult a doctor, even if the seals are painless. This is important, because the insidiousness of oncological neoplasms lies in the fact that in the early stages they, as a rule, do not show pain.
  • When swelling of the mammary glands, control the state of health and analyze the possible physiological causes of this phenomenon. If the condition cannot be explained by physiology, and the soreness of the chest is so great that it is seriously disturbing, this is a signal of trouble that cannot be ignored.

Monthly engorgement of the mammary glands, accompanied by severe pain, which is stopped only by painkillers, are the first signs of problems in the body, especially if there is also discharge from the nipples.

The female body is so arranged that, unfortunately, it is impossible to completely avoid swelling of the mammary glands and the sensations associated with it. The reasons are in genetics. Periodic "pouring", due to physiology, is not a disease. Another thing is pathology.

In order to distinguish one from the other, it is necessary to constantly monitor your women's health, and even in the absence of real reasons for concern, at least once every 2 years (and after 40 years, once a year) visit a mammologist, undergo an examination prescribed by him, and follow the recommendations .

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Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about why the glands in women are engorged. We will touch on the topic of the physiological nature of this process, we will tell you when swelling of the mammary glands is a cause for concern.

For swelling of the mammary glands, the reasons can be quite physiological. There are reasons unrelated to the disease. But there are also very dangerous factors that make the chest rude.

Physiological causes

There are 6 main causes of engorgement:

  • in newborns;
  • puberty (puberty);
  • (beginning of the 2nd phase of the cycle);
  • after conception;
  • postpartum period;
  • climax.

Babies immediately after birth have a lot of maternal hormones, this can lead to breasts - swelling of the nipples. Treatment in this case is not required. Hormones are slowly introduced, the chest returns to normal.

During puberty, female sex hormones begin to be produced in girls and breast engorgement is quite natural. If the girl is 8 years old or a little older

Before menstrual bleeding, the bust is actively preparing for the possible conception and bearing of the fetus. In the middle of the cycle before ovulation, the female hormones (estriol, estradiol and estrone) prepare the lactiferous ducts for a possible "supply" of milk. The ducts are somewhat enlarged. After ovulation, another hormone, progesterone, promotes the growth of the glandular tissues of the gland and the production of a small amount of secretion by them.

This causes some discomfort and swelling.

This phenomenon (pain accompanied by swelling before menstruation) is called cyclic mastodynia and occurs in young and middle-aged women (usually between 30 and 40 years). To the question of whether a bust is always on the eve of menstruation, the answer is simple, but, unfortunately, not unambiguous. This phenomenon worries two-thirds of the female population of the planet. That is, not all, and not always.

How long before menstruation will the glands become rough, you ask. This is a matter of your physiology, usually in 3 weeks. That is, at the beginning of the 2nd phase of the cycle, as we wrote earlier. In some girls, swelling is noticeable 1-3 days before menstruation, throughout menstruation and a couple of days after menstruation. But in this case, we are most likely talking about a hormonal disorder. A visit to a gynecologist is highly recommended.

You cannot determine how the bust behaves during ovulation (the release of the egg from the follicle), because this period is short. It is more correct to talk about the period of ovulation and the processes of swelling of the glands at this time are the norm.

With menopause, the glandular tissue is replaced by a fibrous-fatty component, and a hormonal imbalance is observed in the woman's body. This can cause some discomfort and even palpable pain. In such a situation, the intake of tocopherols, the rejection of coffee, strong tea and chocolate, heat on the bust area alleviate the condition. But during this period, the risk of developing or other diseases is high. Therefore, it is better to consult with a mammologist.

Engorgement not associated with disease

If the bust is uncomfortable not before menstruation, you should think about possible reasons. The main signs of discomfort, not associated with the disease:

  • lack of acute pain;
  • changes in skin color;
  • temperature, ulceration;
  • bust deformation;
  • palpable foreign formations.

Why does this happen if you are healthy? Most often due to:

  • the use of caffeine in large doses;
  • eating in an abundance of salinity (in terms of salt more than 5 grams per day);
  • taking OK (due to the content of female sex hormones);
  • treatment with certain antidepressants;
  • wearing synthetic underwear, a tight bra;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

When you eat a lot of salt, fluid is retained in the body, you are a little rounded, including the bust. Swollen tissues irritate the nerve endings, which are many in this area and cause discomfort. Synthetics can cause allergies. And a tight bra just squeezes the fabric.

Sometimes women mistake lipomastia for engorgement - the deposition of fat in the bust area. Only in this zone, fat deposits do not accumulate, but accompany general obesity. The bust does not hurt, but the fats will not dissolve very soon.

The disease and its symptoms

How to understand that it's time to visit a mammologist? If, in addition to the main symptom - an increase in the volume of the bust and swelling, you note:

  • that the bust is on fire (an increase in local temperature may indicate development);
  • swelling of one breast (one breast swells and “stones” during menstruation, often with the development of mastopathy);
  • the glands are swollen, and the test is negative (meaning pregnancy);
  • there was a deformation of the bust;
  • strands and balls are felt;
  • sores appeared;
  • a secret oozes from the nipple (yellow, white, bloody);
  • pain radiates to the arm, shoulder blade;
  • swollen regional lymph nodes on the side of the lesion.

You should be wary if menstruation has passed, and the bust hurts or pain and swelling are not associated with the cycle, if the chest swells strongly. Such swelling may indicate development.

General information

According to medical statistics, more than half of women constantly or at a certain period of their lives complain of breast swelling. It is usually associated with the menstrual cycle. Women on the eve of menstruation often note that their chest hurts, the mammary glands swell.

With a strong swelling of the breast, women note that their working capacity, sexual activity decreases, and the overall quality of life worsens.

As a rule, swelling is felt in both mammary glands. The dull, aching pain is disturbing, but sometimes it becomes intense, it can intensify to such an extent that it is difficult for a woman to raise her hands and move them. After the end of the critical days, swelling and pain disappear.

It rarely happens that swelling of the breast is noted after menstruation. In this case, pregnancy can be suspected, since sensitivity in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands is one of its indirect signs. In addition to breast swelling, there may be a delay in menstruation, morning sickness, increased vaginal discharge, emotional swings, changes in taste.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the swelling of the mammary gland is accompanied by discharge from the nipples, if the pain intensifies, causes significant discomfort. These symptoms may indicate a serious illness.


Thus, the main cause of that periodic breast swelling is premenstrual syndrome. But the answer to the question of why the breast swells, sometimes there are other reasons.

In addition, the appearance of cyclic pain, breast swelling is often observed in women with mastopathy.

Hormonal disorders, and the associated swelling of the breast, can be observed with chronic fatigue, severe stress, and irregular sexual activity. Very often, such problems are observed after an abortion or several abortions.

Pain and swelling of the breast can also be explained by non-hormonal causes. Sometimes after surgical interventions, injuries, a woman notes that her breasts are swollen. Partial swelling of one breast may indicate the development of a cyst, fibroadenoma, or even a malignant tumor. In such cases, there is no cyclical appearance of swelling.

Breast swelling can be observed with an imbalance of fatty acids in the tissues of the breast. This leads to an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary gland to hormones.

Sometimes breast swelling is a side effect of the use of certain medications - antidepressants, preparations of female sex hormones, etc.

The reason for the manifestation of this unpleasant symptom in some may be the wrong selection of a bra, which leads to a violation of blood microcirculation in the mammary glands.

If swelling of the breast occurs, it is necessary to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist to exclude inflammatory processes, neoplasms in the mammary gland.

Every girl or woman has noticed that somewhere in the middle of the menstrual cycles, the mammary glands become slightly larger in volume, the breasts enlarge and hurt, discomfort and discomfort arise. Is this normal or should I go to the doctor?

Swelling at different cycle times

Often women complain that their breasts are full and sore during the period when ovulation occurs. The explanation for this is hormonal changes in the body, as a result of which fertilization of the egg is possible.

The dominant hormones - estrogen and prolactin, in the first half of the cycle, (approximately 12 - 14 days), affect the reproductive system and mammary glands. Under the influence of these hormones, the maturation and release of the egg occurs. Under such action of hormones, the breasts swell.

The chest is swollen, and the nipples hurt in the middle of the cycle, possible causes:

  1. Hormone failure. It occurs as a result of experienced stress, abortion, menopause, inappropriate contraceptives.
  2. Incorrect proportions between hormones 1 and 2 halves: a large amount of estrogen and prolactin, and a small amount of progesterone.
  3. Pregnancy. Swelling of the mammary glands occurs as a result of changes in the hormonal background of the expectant mother.
  4. Nipple injury, even minor, can provoke inflammation and pain.
  5. The presence of benign and malignant tumors.

Also, wearing small-sized underwear can cause ailments and chest discomfort.

Changes during pregnancy

Almost immediately after fertilization, changes in the mammary glands begin. This is due to the restructuring of hormones in the body of the expectant mother. Pregnancy is one of the reasons why the mammary glands swell and hurt. It is also noted that the color of the nipple itself and the areola changes, they become darker. During this period, the nipples increase, the chest becomes heavier, small tubercles appear on the areolas.

As a rule, breast growth occurs in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy and closer to childbirth. During these periods, the expectant mother notices that her breasts are swollen and the nipples are changing. The nipples become bulging, nodules begin to appear on the surface.

During such periods, the veins on the mammary gland itself become more noticeable, this is caused by an increase in blood circulation. Closer to the seventh month, discharge from the nipple may begin, do not be afraid - this is colostrum. Its appearance or absence is not a pathology.

lactation period

If the mammary gland has enlarged and hurts, the reason for this may be the lactation period. At the beginning of breastfeeding, the breast swells, it is filled with milk. When the mammary gland produces more milk than the baby can eat, and pumping is poor and milk remains in the breast, milk stasis and lactostasis may develop. Such troubles can occur immediately after the birth of a child or in the first month.

The cure for this disease will be the baby himself, who will dissolve the breast and proper pumping after each feeding. One mammary gland may also increase, which may be caused by milk stagnation. It is worth noting the fact that if the baby is not properly attached to the breast, the nipples can swell and crack, this will also lead to pain and discomfort.

In addition, the occurrence of lactostasis should not be allowed due to the fact that excellent conditions are created for the progression and development of microbes. These factors can cause inflammation of the mammary glands and lead to mastitis.

Possible pathologies

Pathologies include diseases such as tumors, inflammation, dyshormonal changes, injuries, developmental disorders.

Congenital malformations

Painful sensations can cause congenital malformations:

  1. Polythelia - the presence of an "extra" nipple.
  2. Polymastitis - the presence of additional glands, which are often located in the armpits.
  3. Atelia is the absence of nipples.
  4. Amastia is the absence of the mammary gland on one or both sides.



  • bruises, as a result of which the chest swells and hurts;
  • burns;
  • infection and suppuration.

Breast diseases

Diseases that cause pain:

  • hypomastia - underdeveloped breasts;
  • mastopathy - a seal in the chest, as a result of which the mammary glands swell and hurt;
  • calf - inflammation of the nipple;
  • hyperthelia - hypertrophy of one or two nipples;
  • galactorrhea - spontaneous secretion of milk;
  • tuberculosis and syphilis of the chest;
  • actinomycosis - a disease caused by fungi;
  • echinococcosis - the appearance of a rounded cyst on the chest;
  • benign and malignant tumors.

These diseases can also be the reasons why the mammary glands swell.

Additional factors

Why are my breasts swollen and sore?

The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Adolescence. Swelling and pain manifests itself when the breast is just beginning to grow.
  2. Wrong linen can be the reason why the breast is poured. This is due to insufficient blood circulation in the chest area and causes it to swell.
  3. Hormonal imbalance can cause various diseases. Hormonal contraceptives can cause the breasts to swell and hurt.
  4. Pain may result from received injury.
  5. It starts to hurt and the breasts increase in volume before menses.
  6. Excess weight, from which excessive male hormones appear - androgens. These cells have the ability to accumulate in fatty tissues and increase the risk of developing tumors in the mammary glands.

All of the above affects the body and leads to breast enlargement in women.

How to relieve symptoms at home

With some pain, hormonal drugs help. Thanks to them, many women experience a decrease in pain. Medicines help, for example, with mastopathy. These drugs have a different composition, so it is worth choosing hormonal components individually in order to avoid symptoms when the mammary glands swell and hurt.

With mastopathy, they use mild antitumor, sedative, cleansing and immuno-restoring tinctures, herbs, vitamins, and therapeutic nutrition. Salt and herbal compresses based on akionite, celandine and hemlock help.

Also, changes in the diet can reduce pain when the mammary glands are swollen, although this has not been scientifically proven, but relief is noted. Eliminating caffeine-containing drinks (tea, coffee, energy drinks, sodas) from the diet reduces pain.

  1. It is undesirable to consume a lot of salt.
  2. Minimize the amount of fat consumed.
  3. Provide the body with vitamins by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  4. Introduce foods rich in fiber, phosphorus, iodine into the diet.

With premenstrual syndrome, when the breasts have enlarged and hurt, evening primrose oil will help. It relieves inflammation from the tissues of the mammary glands and makes them less sensitive during the cycle.

On the basis of such herbs as: peony, red root, licorice, a tincture is made. It has a positive effect on the entire female body, and especially on diseases of the mammary glands.

If your chest is swollen, they will help you:

  • agrimony;
  • immortelle;
  • cinquefoil;
  • sagebrush;
  • cabbage;
  • Birch;
  • burdock;
  • elder.

Properly prepared decoctions and tinctures will relieve pain.

Diagnosis and need for treatment

To check the breasts, it is necessary to do a mammogram, especially if the mammary glands are swollen and sore. A mammogram is a chest x-ray that can determine if there are any changes in the mammary glands, as well as their size, prevalence and nature.

With the help of such a study, it is possible to detect breast cancer and eliminate the problem, even at the beginning of its appearance. This procedure lasts only 5-10 minutes, but if the breast is filled, this will be accompanied by slight discomfort.

Medicine does not stand still, and a mammograph with a stereotaxic attachment for biopsy was invented. The method consists in the fact that several tissue samples are taken with a needle from different places of tumor seals.

This procedure provides:

  • accurate results of the study, as in a surgical biopsy;
  • no use of general anesthesia;
  • efficiency, work safety;
  • maximum access to the mammary glands.

All of the above in the article gives answers to the questions: why the breast has increased, what are the common causes of chest pain. If any seals, hardenings were noticed, you do not need to self-medicate, you should immediately go to the doctor. Timely diagnosis and properly selected treatment will help to successfully cope even with serious diseases.


What to do with pain in the mammary gland, you will learn from our video.

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