Frost in January. Infectious morbidity in the Russian Federation

Infectious morbidity in the Russian Federation

January 2016

In January 2016 compared to the same period in 2015 in the Russian Federation, the most significant decrease in incidence was registered for the following nosological forms: hepatitis A - by 26.8%, acute hepatitis C - by 20.5%, acute hepatitis B - by 15.2%, incidence of measles - by 5.5 times, meningococcal infection - by 20.0%, generalized forms of meningococcal infection - by 25.8%, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome - by 2.2 times, pseudotuberculosis - by 26 .6%, syphilis, newly diagnosed - by 19.0%, gonococcal infection - by 24.0%.

The number of appeals to medical organizations regarding bites, saliva, and scratching by animals has practically not changed.

Over the past period, 22 cases of trichinosis, 20 cases of mumps, 18 cases of malaria, 15 cases of newly diagnosed brucellosis, 8 cases of rubella, 8 cases of acute hepatitis E, 6 cases of measles, 4 cases of tularemia, 3 cases of leptospirosis were registered.

In January 2016, no cases of vaccine-associated acute paralytic poliomyelitis, rabies, diphtheria, tick-borne viral encephalitis, epidemic typhus, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, tick-borne typhus, Brill's disease, Q fever, anthrax, West Nile fever, typhoid fever.

Compared to the same period in 2015, there is an increase in the incidence of enterovirus infections - by 1.6 times, of which enteroviral meningitis - by 1.8 times, whooping cough - by 2.5 times, chickenpox - by 10.6%, tick-borne borreliosis - by 1.6 times, pediculosis - by 13.4%, influenza - by 9.2 times, disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - by 13.9%, acute infections of the upper respiratory tract of multiple and unspecified localization - by 33.2%, community-acquired pneumonia - by 26.1%, trichinosis - by 3.7 times.

The incidence of salmonella infections in January 2016 decreased by 4.8% and amounted to 1.43 per 100 thousand of the population against 1.50 in the same period in 2015. High incidence rates (from 2.39 to 6.48 per 100 thousand population) are registered in the Belgorod, Kaliningrad, Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Magadan regions, the republics of Mordovia, Khakassia, Sakha (Yakutia), the Udmurt Republic, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Khabarovsk, Primorsky Territories.

In January 2016, compared to the same period in 2015, there was a decrease in the incidence of infections controlled by means of specific immunoprophylaxis (measles, diphtheria).

The incidence of measles in January 2016 compared with the same period in 2015 decreased by 5.5 times and amounted to 0.01 per 100 thousand population (2015 - 0.02). 6 cases of measles were registered in 5 subjects of the Russian Federation. Cases of measles were registered in the city of Moscow (1), the Republic of Tatarstan (1), Stavropol Territory (2), Khanty-Mansi Autonomous (1), Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous (1) districts.

In January 2016, 8 cases of rubella were registered, including in children under 17 years of age and in children under 14 years of age, no cases of the disease were detected (in 2015 - 4 cases, there were no diseases among children). Cases of rubella were registered in Yaroslavl (4), Oryol (1), Tyumen (1) regions, in Moscow (1), St. Petersburg (1).

The incidence of whooping cough in January 2016 increased by 2.5 times and amounted to 0.74 per 100 thousand of the population against 0.29 in the same period in 2015. In January 2016, 1,081 cases of whooping cough were registered, including 1,048 cases in children under 17 years of age (in 2015, 426 and 411 cases, respectively). High incidence rates are noted in the Yaroslavl region (13.05 per 100 thousand population), in St. Petersburg (2.56), the Republic of Tatarstan (2.42), the Republic of Ingushetia (1.96), the Astrakhan region (1 .28), Moscow (1.06).

The incidence of chickenpox in January 2016 increased by 10.6% and amounted to 84.10 per 100 thousand population compared to the same period in 2015 (76.02 per 100 thousand population, respectively). The highest incidence was registered in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (240.75), Magadan Region (235.92), Jewish Autonomous Region (183.61), Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (170.07), Murmansk Region (167.43), Republic of Altai (163.63), Samara (139.08), Novosibirsk (143.45), Kursk (138.80) regions.

In January 2016, 15 cases of brucellosis were registered for the first time, including 1 case in children under 17 years of age and 1 case in children under 14 years of age (in 2014 - 22, 2 and 1, respectively). Cases of brucellosis have been registered in the Stavropol Territory (7), the Republic of Dagestan (5), the Tomsk Region (1), the Republics of Kalmykia (1), Tatarstan (1).

In January 2016, 20 cases of mumps were registered, including 8 cases in children under 17, compared to the same period in 2015 (12 and 5, respectively). Cases of the disease were registered in the Republic of Ingushetia (7), Moscow (7), St. Petersburg (1), Tomsk Region (1), Krasnodar (1), Altai (1) Territories, Republics of Mordovia (1), Tatarstan (one).

Over the past period of 2016, an increase in the incidence of enterovirus infections (EVI) by 1.6 times was registered, including enteroviral meningitis (EVM) - by 1.8 times. 172 cases of EVI were registered, of which 55 people fell ill with EVM (in 2015 - 109 and 31, respectively). The incidence rate of EVI for January 2016 was 0.12 per 100 thousand of the population, EVM - 0.04. The highest incidence of EVI is in the Murmansk region (1.69 per 100 thousand population), the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (1.68), Tomsk (1.03), Nizhny Novgorod (0.58) regions.

The incidence of hepatitis A decreased by 26.8% and amounted to 0.33 per 100 thousand of the population against 0.46 in January 2015. Cases of acute hepatitis A were registered in 64 regions of the Russian Federation. High incidence rates were noted in the Jewish Autonomous Region (1.18 per 100 thousand population), Krasnoyarsk (0.98), Zabaikalsky (0.92) Territories, Novgorod (0.97), Irkutsk (0.91) regions.

In January 2016, 8 cases of acute hepatitis E were registered in 7 subjects of the Russian Federation (6 cases in January 2015, respectively).

In January 2016, 26.1% more community-acquired pneumonia was registered than last year. The incidence rate was 44.25 per 100,000 population compared to 35.09 in 2015. The highest incidence rates (from 75.02 to 134.20 per 100 thousand population) were registered in the republics of Mordovia, Adygea, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Sverdlovsk, Arkhangelsk, Volgograd regions.

In January 2016, compared to 2015, the incidence of newly diagnosed active forms of tuberculosis decreased by 2.3%. The incidence rate per 100 thousand population was 3.24 against 3.31 in 2015.

Over the past period of 2016, 22 cases of trichinosis were registered in the Russian Federation in 5 subjects (in 2015 - 4, respectively). Cases of trichinosis were registered in Tula (10), Kursk (7), Khabarovsk (3), Altai (1) regions, St. Petersburg (1).

In January 2016, 3 cases of leptospirosis were registered in the Russian Federation. Cases of leptospirosis were registered in Samara (1), Smolensk (1) regions, Krasnodar region (1).

In January 2016, 18 cases of newly diagnosed malaria were registered (2015 - 4), 19 cases of dengue fever.

Details Category: Archive

Rod - family day

2 sat

(08 :32

Mon 11

Mon 18

Mon 25

Lada - day of calm

3 sun

12 t

19 Tue

26 Tue

Lelya - day of love

Mon 4

13 Wed

20 wed

27 wed

Perun - amulets day

5 watts

14 th

21 th

28 thu

Makosh - the day of fate

6 wed

15 pt

22 pt

29 pt

Veles - money day

7 thu

16 Sat

23 sat

30 Sat

Yasn (Share, Yarilo, Dazhdbog) - day of change

1 pt

8 pt

17 sun

) 2:27

24 sun

About 4:46

31 sun

Mara - day of feelings

9 Sat

Iago, the Magus - the day of sorcery

10 sun

About 4:31

2016 is ruled by YARILO, the ruler of space - ROD, Goddess YASN rules in January, that is, everything that you lay down in January will be a creative base for the whole year.

Once the YEAR of YARILA, it means that this year “... you need to raise your gold-bearing virtues,” the myth says, “twice according to your strength, and then abundance will be revealed to you in everything.” This means that in all your desires, dreams, in all your aspirations, at last, a very capacious, very dense process will begin.

What will the favorite of all the gods YARILO require from us?

  • contact;
  • lack of conflict and the ability to turn possible "wars" of an emotional or business nature in one's favor in order to remain with maximum positive results with minimal losses;
  • financial success;
  • expanding your business;
  • swiftness and acceleration;
  • voluptuous, sensual, intimate love;
  • wives - to become desirable for their husbands, so that they love and desire only them.

This year should be lived in JOY. As soon as we become gray and dull, closed-dense, YARILO will be angry with us, and YARILO's anger is a war, YARILO will run amok, that is, there will be some scandals, troubles against you, and therefore despondency is prohibited . Protect yourselves from blasphemy and discontent.

YARILO was pleased with everything. He was attractive to everyone he met. And you must learn this in order to correspond to the energy of YARILA that has come to us. Despondency is prohibited. “There will be war for despondency. For dissatisfaction - poverty ”- this is how the myth says. As soon as you fall into a state of discontent, poverty will come to you, that is, events will come where you will lose money, which is also prohibited. This year you need to be a little higher than yourself, your usual capabilities, YOU NEED TO LOOK ABOVE YOUR PREVIOUS GUIDELINES! If you, a person, continue to react to life with your usual habits, reactions, do not expect anything good in the coming year, because. EVIL will come for you. Ardent - because angry at you for the fact that you are gray, boring and dimly live.

Overall a good year. Very good for those who fulfill only these three indicators:

  • twice according to their strength;
  • create joy and avoid discouragement, do not fall into discontent;
  • and do everything to the maximum to enjoy any person: calmness from someone, wisdom from someone, advice from someone, just a smile from someone, but pleasure - from everyone.

This year, in no case should you build relationships with stupid people, because, in the myth, it says that YARILO does not like fools very much. A fool is one who does nothing, but only says what he wants. Therefore, you should not stop at anything, but should try very hard for yourself. YARILO called fools headless, and if headless, then you don’t need a head, and ... a head off your shoulders. Like this? Such people will simply be squeezed out of teams, processes, and events.

Energy has no mercy, just like electricity: when handled carefully and correctly, it is merciful, but when handled incorrectly ... this is when you insert two knitting needles into an outlet ... Why does this energy need to think about you, for you? It's just energy.

If you want to get along with planetary energy this year, you must combine with it - you must always know how to coexist with it.

ROD single-handedly manages the space until January 9th. LAW OF KIND - maintaining the light of life and the constant union of forces to achieve a good goal. Its main function is the birth of a new space and a new life, new opportunities in the future.

The great and wise ROD, pouring into us the colossal divine energy of creation, shakes our intellect through magnetic vibrations, and we ... We simply become like the animal kingdom, and therefore the Bible says about such people: "... human cattle and human forest" and it says , by the way, in a negative context. You can't turn into human cattle. You can't turn into a human forest. We are not trees! If we are the descendants of the Gods, then we should be in a bright space, there should be no evil around you. Therefore, create your life as SVARGA - do a clear, bright, constantly growing, creative life. Each of us must be puzzled very wisely by what each of us has written down in your mission. And, it is your mission that will start to arrange problems for you, so that you go where there are none. Each of us is taken away by the Mission from the evil. ROD always reveals Krivda, sticking it out of the hidden, so that a person can see if he has gone astray, if he is being deceived.

The goddess YASN, the ruler of January, will clarify everything, will demand heroic strength and many feats from all. Remember that this year will be given to those who will take on twice, or even thrice as much! The heroic power of YASNI, together with the creative energy of KIND and SVAROGA, will help increase our strength for creation.

If we can talk about Rod as the original clot of the divine nature, about the clot of the Soul, then Svarog means mental experience, mental purity and karmic possibilities. SVAROG is a SPIRIT. And the human spirit must be pure, otherwise it will not be able to translate the original wisdom into our destiny, it will not be able to convey that amazing divine information that will lead to the well-being bequeathed to us by the GODS.

Since Svarog is the forge of heaven, "forge the iron while it's hot", do not put things off indefinitely, grab onto situations that can lead you to wealth and happiness. And having grasped, do not let the iron cool down, do not let go of what fate has given you.

Svarog perceives the collective image of all your thoughts: it also matters what you think about, what you dream about, who you are angry with - he will firmly forge such a dome of heaven over you. SVAROG - the deity is not emotional, not compassionate. Svarog evaluates any of your vibrations as an appropriate request. What you think about, that will be created; what is created is what you will receive; what you get, you will live ... how you live, you will think about it. By living this period of the year incorrectly, we can spoil the twelve subsequent cycles of life.

So 2 to 10 January a nine-day Slavic week will take place. It captures program days, so follow their recommendations as accurately as possible.

January 24 - the first full moon after the winter solstice. At 14:12 GENERAL is replaced by SVAROG --- the direct demiurge of our Universe. But SVAROG is a luminous deity and comes at noon, which means that the material material energy of creation will be maximum. We just have to use it correctly.

Take more seriously the information of the calendar, so that later it would not be "excruciatingly painful" to experience YARILA's yar.


This month, use the "TRIGLAVA" candle as much as possible to illuminate yourself, the "PEACEKEEPER" herbal candle, the "HEALING GIFT", "GO TO THE LIGHT", "KHOIRS", "GUARDS" disks; fees: “ENERGY OF SUCCESS. ACCELERATOR OF BENEFITS”, “LIGHT OF THE BOYARINS” - ​​a collection for men and “LOVE-DOVE” - a collection for women, “HEALTH BODY - HEALTHY BUSINESS”, “THE GRASS. SPELLS OF THE BIRD GAMAYUN", "ZHIVITSA ZHIVEYA", "Wizard", "PRINCE'S CARE", "33 DIAMONDS", "LOVE POTION".

Try to take water infused with idols. Get yourself at least that idol that will help you solve the most difficult problems.

The biological, psychological and energy energies of a person change due to the increasing flow of energy from outer space, but not every person can perceive it, which is sometimes expressed by the inadequacy of his behavior. Baths using brooms of evergreens will help to cope with this, and for steam, you need to make a decoction of spruce branches, carefully straining it.

Since YARILO will rule the next year, you need to make every day joyful. The coming dark days tempt with suffering. Do you want to live healthy? Gotta invest! Yes, and the candle "TRIGLAVA", and herbal candle, and collections of herbs, and disks, and incense cost money. If you want to win, buy at least a lottery ticket. To achieve well-being, start at least doing something.


January 1, 2, 3 (before noon) - the SILVER kingdom (ANAHATA chakra);

January 3 (afternoon), January 5 - the GOLDEN kingdom (VISHUDHA chakra), strengthened on January 3 from 17:45 to 20:08;

January 11, 12, 13 (before noon) - the EMERALD kingdom (AJNA chakra), enhanced from 20:46 to 22:59 and from 2:11 to 4:33;

January 13 (after noon), January 14, 15 - the GOLDEN kingdom (VISHUDHA chakra), strengthened on January 15 from 18:04 to 20:21;

January 18, 19, 20 (before noon) - the BRONZE kingdom (MANIPURA chakra), strengthened on January 18 from 9:40 to 10:30 and from 14:50 to 15:42;

January 20 (after noon), January 21, 22 - the TIN kingdom (SVADHISTANA chakra), strengthened on January 21 from 10:52 to 11:48;

January 23, 24, 25 (before noon) - the kingdom of COPPER (chakra MULADHARA);

January 25 (afternoon), January 26, 27 - the TIN kingdom (SVADHISTANA chakra), strengthened on January 27 from 10:51 to 11:45 and from 13:39 to 14:32;

January 28, 29, 30 - the BRONZE kingdom (MANIPURA chakra), strengthened on January 29 from 9:27 to 10:19 and from 15:04 to 15:56;

During this period, the Program days of the ROD for 2016 come to an end (see on the website). The last two program days are January 6 and January 7, so November and December 2016 will be more festive than in the past year.

On January 7, at the end of the Program Days, we receive guards according to our deeds, according to our thoughts, according to the number of these thoughts and deeds. Next year, the guards will be changed or strengthened if we do not deserve a change in life.

The eighth day of the Slavic week (January 9) is ruled by the goddess MARA - the Witch Goddess. On this day, accumulated karmic debts - unresolved problems, promises given in a hurry, deeds that a person does without hesitation, stupid thoughts and fantasies - having reached a certain maximum, pour out onto a person. Any of us can be put in front of a karmic lesson when we have to decide something significant, face apparent injustice. Do not rush to blame someone, thereby worsening your fate. Just think carefully and understand why and for what you are subjected to these divine punishments and do everything RIGHT.

January 10the most extreme day of the week and one of the extreme days of the year is the day of the ancient GOD IAGO, the God of causes, and the ninth day of the Slavic week. This day was considered the day of the ancient Magi. No wonder the energies of this day are determined in such a union.

First, it is a magical, miraculous day. MAKE A WONDER! But be careful what you say, especially when you speak in your hearts or in a hurry: everything can be fulfilled, because the space hears everything and has the miraculous Volkhov energy. If a person strove for creativity and improvement of his life, then this day will bring creative energy. If you sprayed black emotions in all directions, then this force will be activated.

Secondly, all the reasons hidden by you or someone else can manifest themselves in some way. For example, a situation that has been carefully planned for a long time does not develop, just because some hidden reasons interfere. It is on this day that all hidden causes can be discovered.

January 9 and 10- one of the most critical days of the year. Stock up on strong protective power today. Read mantras, prayers, spells in the morning. Use any arsenal of reinforcing, protective methods - everything that can protect against the shadow world. In addition, health problems are possible due to the gigantic influx of energy. KEEP GUARDS WITH YOU!

This year, the nine-day Slavic week takes place during the waning moon. ALIVE gives us another chance to straighten and revive what is still subject to revival and correction. During this week, you can remove all unnecessary and add the desired qualities for yourself.

On the growing moon, the body tries to assimilate food as much as possible and store as much as possible in reserve, and we significantly gain weight. Therefore, the most favorable time is coming to give your body beauty and harmony. For greater effectiveness, we recommend the following plot for weight loss:

I go out into the open field,

I sit down on a green meadow.

In that meadow there are mighty potions,

And in them the power is visible-invisible.

I take three mighty potions:

one for young healthy blood,

the other is for peace and contemplation,

and the third - for prowess and strength.

My word is strong

on the strength and prowess of the young.

May it be so.

3 January the next, but already short-term meeting of VELES with LELEY will take place, which means that the space from 17:45 to 20:08 will be filled with attractive, charming, love-enriching, love-contact energy. Once again a good time for money practices!

All of January from 20:50 to 4:36 is a favorable time for the development of superpowers! At this time, it is possible to open subtle channels, knowing the hidden, secret and concealed, when a person clearly and distinctly begins to understand the strategies of the right methods. This is the time of insights, which must be written down and carried out.

FROM January 9 ROD meets with SVAROG and the space begins to be filled with creative energy. Together, they will control the temporary space until January 24. The HIGHEST give us an amazing opportunity for a fairly long period to use additional creative material energy at the same time.

The deity SVAROG is the direct demiurge of the Universe. If Rod created all life, then SVAROG controls this universal scale, where we are .

This year, the meeting of ROD and SVAROGA at dawn means that you will be able to see much earlier what goals require urgent and quick decisions, which is significant for you at this time. Be sure to observe the situations that happen to you, the information that comes to you. Control everything that concerns you: what kind of people you meet, what kind of people are good to you, and what kind of evil, what they tell you, and also what kind of world surrounds you: creative or "vampire", what possible options are offered to you, in what kind of situation you are in. All this will give you an idea of ​​the quality of your life.

January 9- this is an adviser day when you can understand what is important and what is superficial, what is essential to change and what to strive for, and what to get rid of, because it already interferes.

SVAROG perceives a collective image of all your thoughts, as mentioned above. It also matters what you think about, what you dream about, who you are angry with - such a dome of heaven will be firmly forged over it by SVAROG. SVAROG evaluates any vibration emanating from you as an appropriate request. By living this period of the year incorrectly, we can spoil the twelve subsequent cycles of life. In this time period, colossal energy has been accumulated, an amazing charge of moving forward towards the realization of the goal.

January 9- protective day. The atmosphere in society is quite conflicting, and these days are “remembered” by emotionally negative clichés, thereby our consciousness begins to produce its constant behavior. And this is during the period of maximum receipt of creative energy!

9, 10, 11 January– program days of the month , when we voluntarily or involuntarily program our destiny. It must be taken into account that fights are possible these days: financial, psychological, emotional, social. Try to be very careful and not get involved in serious conflicts.

11, 12, 13 January can be very effective attraction ritual(love, money, etc.), as a result of which your personal magnetism will actively begin to work. The ritual refers to sacred magic involving fire, clothing should be minimal. Since we will not be able to kindle fires in the apartment, we will use household candles with a large burning flame, but it is better to do this practice after the winter break with TRIGLAVS.

On the same days you can also spend ancient merchant practice of money love spell(monetary damage is simultaneously removed) or a ritual of combining the mental energy of a person with the energy of money.

All these rituals are in our archive of the Slavic calendar section.

Time spending: 11 January 18:29 – 8:53;

12 January 16:22 – 19:47;

13 January 10:14 – 16:24.

January 15 there will be another short meeting between VELES and LELEYA. By combined efforts, from 18:04 to 20:21 they will give a person blessings, love, wealth, but only those who know will increase them. Again a good time for monetary practices.

6 to 13January aging period . During this period, it is necessary to help the born new cells to get rid of the old ones. In winter, these are only methods of decoctions of herbs. You yourself will be able to pick up suitable ready-made herbal preparations (see under the heading "Education" - Chakras-Kingdoms).

2, 3, 9, 10 January.

FROM 2 January10 eachJanuary- the phase of the waning moon, and for those who do not control their emotions, their psyche, their affairs, do not invest in the peace of the family, lihomanias come to that.

And therefore:

- turn on the “GUARDS” disc more often, pay special attention to the part of the disc in which “COURT OF GOD” sounds;

– communicate with CRES more often, take it and rub it with your fingers so that the fingers become hot, because this is how we strike a spark and kindle CRES;

– cleanse yourself more often with the “TRIGLAVA” candle;

- more often accept the fees "CLEANER FROM WORDS", "SAFETY".

The energy of the last three weeks will be the same, because they are led by ROD and ASH (young MAKOSH, Goddess of young destiny). The incoming creative energy will be of crucial importance, and the Vedic concept of the laws of KIND implies 9 stages of creation and repetition. A person with each of his successful actions programs his future destiny for a nine-fold repetition of all blessings. But the same can be said for bad action. .

In any case, there must be clarity. These weeks are like developers: CLEAR - what must be done and what must not be done is clearly shown. And if you don't, she will show you a hundred times even worse options of WHAT TO DO, WHERE TO DO, WHERE TO DO. So she protects our destinies so that they do not fall apart. We all create darkness, allowing ourselves not to do the right thing.

The fulfillment of your desires will be accelerated if you say them on the most favorable days for dawn magic:11, 14, 16, 17 January.

From 10Januaryby 17January- new moon phase- a strong programming period. Recommendations: be sure to speak your apartment for the GROWTH of your achievements and for GOOD. If you don’t do this, something that happened to be in your area will crawl into your life, something that your energy will accidentally attract at the moment. While the smoke from the burning "ARCHEI" settles, looking at the light of dawn (at the Sun), or, if the day is cloudy and dark, at an abundant candle - speak to what you need. To become more attractive and to make your desires come true faster, be sure to take the "LOVE POTION" collection.

The energy of the week is similar to the previous one (see above).

January 24 -the first full moon after the days of the winter solstice and ROD passes the rod of government to SVAROGU. This means that from this day the code of requirements of SVAROGA begins to operate untilFebruary 22. The reign of SVAROGA is interesting in that everything created during this time can be immortalized not only for 12 days, not only for 12 weeks, not only for 12 months, but also for 12 years.

It is this period that opens the magic of repetition of those situations that we would like to program for the next 12 months of the year. Therefore, the beginning period must be lived, as carefully as possible, thinking through each life offered. situation.

By living this period of the year incorrectly, we can spoil the twelve subsequent cycles of life.

In this time period, colossal energy has been accumulated, an amazing charge of moving forward towards the realization of the goal.

21 and 22January- waves of activity of human relations, all kinds of connections, undertakings, information, the peak of these waves falls on January 21 from 10:52 to 11:48.

To speed up the fulfillment of your desires, use the most favorable days for dawn magic: 20, 21, 24 January.

January 18, 19, 20 (before noon) January 18 from 9:40 to 10:30 and from 14:50 to 15:42.

FROM 17 Januaryby 24January- the phase of the growing moon, its second quarter. Our ancestors noticed that it was during this period that some incomprehensible losses occur, some anomalous troubles tumble into life, and therefore they spoke the second quarter about the preservation and safety of their values. Protect yourself and loved ones from the energy of evil citizens by fumigating your clothes and the clothes of your relatives with conspiracies so that nothing bad gets through. And at night, on a quiet sound, you need to put the disc “SPHERE” or “DELIVERY FROM EVIL”. Fumigate the premises more often with herbs for the stability of the nervous system and biological rhythms and take the appropriate fees. For example, the incense "VEDA ZDRAVA", the fees "SAFETY" and "THE GRASS. GAMAYUN BIRD CONSPIRACIES "create the resistance of nerve impulses to stress.

During this period, it is necessary not only to burn incense, but also to moisten the room with a decoction of the “ZHIVA” collection. Without fail, perform as many various wet procedures as possible: scrape, clean, wash so that there is more moisture. Do not forget to drink a lot and rinse yourself with the water of real idols.

January 28, 29, 30 - waves of attraction and well-being, the peaks of which January 29 from 9:27 to 10:19 and from 15:04 to 15:56.

Do any money and attraction practices at this time. You can use the merchant's ingenuity. With reasonable actions, you can release your hidden abilities, which will lead to a new round of well-being. This is the time of successful transactions.

January 26, 27- waves of activity of human relations, all kinds of connections, undertakings, information, the peak of these waves falls on January 27 from 10:51 to 11:45 and from 13:39 to 14:32.

January 28, 29, 30 the digestive system and intestinal area are active, try not to overeat, and for those who care about body weight, you can fast these days, there is a possibility of food poisoning, especially January 29 from9:27 to 10:19 and from 15:04 to 15:56.

The fulfillment of your desires will be accelerated if you say them on the most favorable days for dawn magic: 26, 27, 28 January.

days from 24Januaryby 1February belong to the full moon. And our ancestors ALWAYS INVITED THE ENERGY OF THE HIGHER SVARGA TO THE HOUSE. This is a time of great deeds, a time to get rich, as merchants used to think, because GOD himself in heaven shows us a gold coin. They did everything so that the house was - a full bowl. It is in the phase of the full moon that all dreams, all desires, all victories, all overcomings are laid - both in health and in real life, in fact. If you do not betray your dreams, desires, if you do not doubt your loved ones, your loved ones, then on the days of the full moon you can make a leap forward, receive GOODIES that will lift you up. Fumigate yourself and your house more often with the incense of "ARCHEA".

Trouble can cling, which will pull you down! Any quarrels on the full moon are dangerous with damage, evil eye, damaging even the essence of a dream, a valuable goal. And during the MARA period, this is doubly dangerous. In conspiracies, use the incense "SURYA", this enhances the vibrations of the voice, increases the vibrational field and creates a prophetic word.

Businessmen, owners and managers, accept the "PRINCE'S CARE" and "ENERGY OF SUCCESS" collections. BENEFITS ACCELERATOR".

Every company knows that paying taxes on time is just as important as paying wages. Tax calendars will remind you when and what tax to pay.

Production calendar- This is an important assistant in the work of an accountant! The information provided in the production calendar will help you avoid errors in payroll, facilitate the calculation of working hours, sick leave or vacation.

The calendar for 2019 will show the holidays, talk about the transfer of weekends and holidays in the current year.

On one page, designed as a calendar with comments, we tried to collect all the basic information that is required in your work every day!

This production calendar has been prepared on the basis of Decree Pof the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 1, 2018 No. 1163 " "

First quarter

Mon 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25
Tue 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26
Wed 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27
Thu 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 7* 14 21 28
Fri 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22* 1 8 15 22 29
Sat 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 2 9 16 23 30
Sun 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31
January February March I sq.
Amount of days
Calendar 31 28 31 90
workers 17 20 20 57
Weekends, holidays 14 8 11 33
Working time (in hours)
40 hours. a week 136 159 159 454
36 hours. a week 122,4 143 143 408,4
24 hours. a week 81,6 95 95 271,6

Second quarter

Mon 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Tue 2 9 16 23 30* 7 14 21 28 4 11* 18 25
Wed 3 10 17 24 1 8* 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Thu 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
Fri 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Sat 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
Sun 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
April May June II quarter. 1st p/g
Amount of days
Calendar 30 31 30 91 181
workers 22 18 19 59 116
Weekends, holidays 8 13 11 32 65
Working time (in hours)
40 hours. a week 175 143 151 469 923
36 hours. a week 157,4 128,6 135,8 421,8 830,2
24 hours. a week 104,6 85,4 90,2 280,2 551,8

Third quarter

Mon 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23/30
Tue 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
Wed 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
Thu 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Fri 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
Sat 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
Sun 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
July August September III quarter.
Amount of days
Calendar 31 31 30 92
workers 23 22 21 66
Weekends, holidays 8 9 9 26
Working time (in hours)
40 hours. a week 184 176 168 528
36 hours. a week 165,6 158,4 151,2 475,2
24 hours. a week 110,4 105,6 100,8 316,8

fourth quarter

Mon 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23/30
Tue 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24/31*
Wed 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25
Thu 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26
Fri 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27
Sat 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28
Sun 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29
October november December IV quarter. 2nd p/y 2019 G.
Amount of days
Calendar 31 30 31 92 184 365
workers 23 20 22 65 131 247
Weekends, holidays 8 10 9 27 53 118
Working time (in hours)
40 hours. a week 184 160 175 519 1047 1970
36 hours. a week 165,6 144 157,4 467 942,2 1772,4
24 hours. a week 110,4 96 104,6 311 627,8 1179,6

* Pre-holiday days, on which the duration of work is reduced by one hour.

It has been monitoring the weather in Moscow since 1999. This page talks about weather in Moscow in January 2016. Below you will find information such as, humidity or wind speed in January 2016, weather history in Moscow in january and other data.

For convenience, all information is presented in the form of text descriptions, graphs and tables. So you will see temperature graph and weather table for the city of Moscow in January 2016. Remember that a different city and a different date can be selected in the site menu.

Temperature in Moscow in January 2016 (chart)

Below is graph of average daily and current temperature in Moscow in January 2016 on every day. The graph will help answer the question, What was the temperature in Moscow in January 2016, as well as what were the minimum and maximum temperatures air.

As can be seen from the graph, the air temperature in Moscow ranged from −22°C to +2°C. Moreover, the temperature minimum (−22°C) fell on January 5 at 05:30, and the maximum (+2°C) was recorded on January 28 at 20:30. Lowest temperature value the average per day was −18.6°C and coldest day in january appeared on January 11th. The highest average air temperature equal to +1.75°C, and the warmest day in Moscow in January 2016- January 29.

Humidity in Moscow in January 2016 (chart)

Chart of average daily and current humidity in Moscow in January 2016 for each day is shown below. From the graph, it can be seen What was the humidity in Moscow in January 2016. Also visible minimum and maximum values ​​of relative humidity air.

So, in Moscow in January 2016, relative humidity ranged from 63% to 100%. And the smallest humidity(63%) was on January 1 at 14:30, and highest humidity(100%) - January 27 at 23:30. In addition, we note that lowest humidity value air on average per day was 73.20% and the driest day in January appeared on January 12th. The highest average air humidity is 95.40%, and wettest day in Moscow in January 2016- 28 January.

Wind rose in Moscow in January 2016

(also called wind direction pattern or wind map) is given below. The wind rose shows what winds prevailed in this region. Our wind map shows the prevailing wind directions in Moscow in January 2016.

As can be seen from the wind rose, the main wind direction was south (18%). Besides, prevailing wind directions turned out to be southeastern (18%) and southwestern (14%). The rarest wind in Moscow in January 2016- Eastern (7%).

Wind rose in Moscow in January 2016

Weather diary (table of average daily values) for the city of Moscow in January 2016

The weather table contains data on the average daily air temperature in January 2016, as well as about relative humidity and about wind speed. Data are given for each day of the month of January. In fact, this is what weather diary in Moscow in January 2016

Average daily
-14.75°C 75.25% 1008 5 m/s
-16.29°C 74.29% 1009 4 m/s
-15.25°C 82.13% 994 2 m/s
-17.13°C 79.13% 981 2 m/s
-18.13°C 82.63% 984 3 m/s
-15.57°C 83.00% 987 2 m/s
-12.83°C 87.00% 984 1 m/s
-11.17°C 82.17% 983 4 m/s
-13.2°C 81.60% 978 4 m/s
-15.2°C 78.80% 982 5 m/s
-18.6°C 84.20% 989 2 m/s
-13.6°C 73.20% 980 7 m/s
-4°C 90.00% 960 4 m/s
-6.25°C 84.25% 974 5 m/s
-12°C 84.83% 984 2 m/s
-10°C 85.86% 988 5 m/s
-6.75°C 85.13% 981 5 m/s
-12°C 90.00% 988 2 m/s
-9.5°C 90.00% 983 5 m/s
-9.6°C 87.20% 982 4 m/s
-13°C 87.00% 990 4 m/s
-11.75°C 85.25% 994 4 m/s
-16°C 85.00% 995 3 m/s
-17°C 83.00% 998 3 m/s
-16°C 85.00% 994 2 m/s
-11.5°C 85.25% 992 2 m/s
-6°C 94.67% 984 4 m/s
-0.2°C 95.40% 976 4 m/s
+1.75°CJanuary 29
Average monthly temperature-11.41°C-

Average temperature, Moscow in 2016

To estimate the temperature in Moscow in January 2016 compared to other months of 2016, use the following chart. It shows the temperature graph for January 2016 against the backdrop of temperature spread for the whole of 2016.

Weather calendar in Moscow in January in different years

What was temperature in Moscow in January 2016 compared to other years, can be seen in the following graph. On it, zones are painted over in dark color above and below, showing what temperatures have not been observed before. In other words, the white (unshaded) band shows the temperature spread over the past years. The red line displays the current temperature.

History of weather in January in Moscow

The coldest January in Moscow was in 2010. The average temperature was only −14.52°C.

The warmest January in Moscow was in 2007. The average temperature reached -1.64°C.

At the same time, January 2016 (−11.41°C) turned out to be very cold for 1999-2019.

This is also evidenced by the graph of the average monthly temperature in Moscow in January for 1999 - 2019:

Average monthly temperature in January, Moscow

Average monthly temperature in January in Moscow, obtained from various sources.

It has been monitoring the weather in the city of Zima since 2014. This page talks about weather in Winter in January 2016. Below you will find information such as, humidity or wind speed in January 2016, weather history in Winter in January and other data.

For convenience, all information is presented in the form of text descriptions, graphs and tables. So you will see temperature graph and weather table for the city of Zima in January 2016. Remember that a different city and a different date can be selected in the site menu.

Temperature in Winter in January 2016 (chart)

Below is graph of the average daily and current temperature in Zima in January 2016 on every day. The graph will help answer the question, What was the temperature in Zima in January 2016, as well as what were the minimum and maximum temperatures air.

As can be seen from the graph, the air temperature in the city of Zima ranged from −39°C to −11°C. Moreover, the temperature minimum (−39°C) occurred on January 17 at 08:00, and the maximum (−11°C) was recorded on January 1 at 02:00. Lowest temperature value the average per day was −35.8°C and coldest day in january appeared on January 16th. The highest average air temperature equal to −14°C, and the warmest day in Winter in January 2016- 1st of January.

Humidity in Winter in January 2016 (chart)

The graph of the average daily and current humidity in the city of Zima in January 2016 for each day is shown below. From the graph, it can be seen what was the humidity in Zima in January 2016. Also visible minimum and maximum values ​​of relative humidity air.

So, in the city of Zima in January 2016, the relative humidity ranged from 51% to 88%. And the smallest humidity(51%) was January 30 at 14:29, and highest humidity(88%) - January 1 at 20:44. In addition, we note that lowest humidity value air on average per day was 62.00% and the driest day in January appeared on January 24th. The highest average air humidity equal to 85.67%, and the wettest day in Winter in January 2016- 1st of January.

Wind rose in Zima in January 2016

(also called wind direction pattern or wind map) is given below. The wind rose shows what winds prevailed in this region. Our wind map shows the prevailing wind directions in Zima in January 2016.

As can be seen from the wind rose, the main wind direction was northwest (39%). Besides, prevailing wind directions turned out to be southeastern (23%) and western (7%). The rarest wind in the city Winter in January 2016- southern (4%).

Wind rose in Zima in January 2016

Weather diary (table of daily averages) for Zima in January 2016

The weather table contains data on the average daily air temperature in January 2016, as well as about relative humidity and about wind speed. Data are given for each day of the month of January. In fact, this is what weather diary for Winter in January 2016

Average daily
-14°C 85.67% 970 2 m/s
-22.43°C 78.14% 976 1 m/s
-19.14°C 76.14% 980 2 m/s
-18.4°C 80.20% 979 2 m/s
-14.75°C 74.00% 979 4 m/s
-22.75°C 77.50% 988 1 m/s
-27°C 73.75% 980 1 m/s
-26.2°C 69.60% 973 1 m/s
-24°C 63.00% 980 1 m/s
-31.5°C 70.50% 984 2 m/s
-28°C 69.00% 987 2 m/s
-26°C 64.00% 981 2 m/s
-24°C 63.00% 973 1 m/s
-19.75°C 71.25% 969 1 m/s
-31°C 71.00% 970 1 m/s
-35.8°C 66.20% 981 1 m/s
-35.4°C 66.20% 982 1 m/s
-35.5°C 64.25% 974 1 m/s
-27.33°C 67.00% 978 0 m/s
-29.33°C 68.33% 985 1 m/s
-31.33°C 68.00% 994 1 m/s
-26.5°C 69.50% 996 1 m/s
-27.25°C 66.75% 996 3 m/s
-25°C 62.00% 983 1 m/s
-17.67°C 70.33% 982 4 m/s
-15.33°C 63.67% 973 5 m/s
-20.33°C 78.33% 973 2 m/s
-33.33°C 71.00% 981 1 m/s
Maximum average daily temperature-14°C1st of January
Average monthly temperature-25.06°C-

Average temperature, Winter in 2016

To estimate the temperature in Winter in January 2016, compared to the other months of 2016, use the following chart. It shows the temperature graph for January 2016 against the backdrop of temperature spread for the whole of 2016.

Weather calendar in Winter in January in different years

What was temperature in Zima in January 2016 compared to other years, can be seen in the following graph. On it, zones are painted over in dark color above and below, showing what temperatures have not been observed before. In other words, the white (unshaded) band shows the temperature spread over the past years. The red line displays the current temperature.

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