How to wrap an ankle with an elastic bandage. How to apply and wrap an elastic bandage around the ankle with a figure-eight fixation: photo and video. Signs of improper dressing

The application of an elastic bandage on the ankle is carried out in case of sprain and rupture of the ligaments, edematous arthritis of the joint, bruises and to prevent the occurrence of injuries in people involved in sports.

The bandage allows you to keep the ankle joint in the correct position and acts as a bandage. Such a medical device has many advantages over other dressings and it is inexpensive. You will learn about the types of elastic bandages, the rules for their selection, application and care below.

When a person falls or suffers dislocations of the limbs, he has a displacement of the bones articulated with the articular mechanism. The ligaments that adjoin this joint try to maintain its integrity, they take the brunt of the blow and thereby stabilize the load. If it was very strong, the ligaments can stretch, tear, or even break completely.

Due to damage to the ligamentous apparatus, the stability of the joint is destabilized, which can lead to the development of swelling and hematomas. In order to prevent the situation from progressing and the condition of the joint from worsening, an elastic bandage is used.

Bandages usually consist of polyester fibers, latex and cotton. Their main function is to fix the joint and ligamentous structures so that they do not get injured further.

A properly made bandage puts pressure on the limb from the outside, which stimulates the lymphatic and blood flow in the damaged area. Due to this, more oxygen and nutrients necessary for normal tissue regeneration enter this area.

Pros and cons of elastic bandages

If you compare elastic bandages with other types of restraint bandages, they are the best in several ways at once:

  1. Multiple use. Compared to gauze bandages, elastic bandages do not lose their shape and properties even after 50 uses.
  2. fixation on the surface. The bandage is quite rigid, so after fixing it on the ankle or other joint, it does not begin to slip or change shape. Elastic bandages do not need to be re-bandaged as often.
  3. Versatility. No matter which joint needs to be bandaged, an elastic bandage is suitable for anyone. Due to its specific structure, it can stretch and contract, adjusting to the anatomy of the bandaged surface and flowing around each tubercle or fossa.
  4. Easy to use. A person does not need to be specially prepared for bandaging. The bandage is very easy to remove and apply.
  5. Money economy. Elastic bandages are inexpensive and are sold in every pharmacy. If you recalculate how much gauze can be used up during the service life of such a bandage, the difference is noticeable.

Yes, elastic bandages have many advantages and, it would seem, what disadvantages can there be? However, they are still there:

  • Blockage of natural blood flow. If the elastic bandage was applied incorrectly or tightened too tightly, the vessels are pinched and the blood cannot move freely through them.
  • It takes skill to properly apply a bandage. Few people manage to make a high-quality dressing the first time, so that the leg is not pinched and the bandage supports the ankle in a quality manner. It will take a little practice before the perfect bandage comes out.
  • The bandage deteriorates if left unattended.

The shortcomings of elastic bandages resolve themselves if the medical device has been properly cared for and the dressing has been technically correct. If everything is done correctly, the ankle will be fixed securely and the bandage will last a long time.

Bandage selection for ankle bandaging

First of all, elastic bandages differ among themselves in length, width and stiffness. According to the last parameter, the following categories of bandages are distinguished:

  1. Inelastic. Disposable bandage, which is used in the presence of sores, cuts and other damage to the skin.
  2. Low stretch. Recommended for those who suffer from varicose veins. Such a bandage is stretched to a maximum of 70% of its original length.
  3. Medium elastic. Well suited if the sprain or swelling is not severe. It is these bandages that are recommended to be used by athletes for the prevention of microtraumas. The bandage can stretch up to 140%.
  4. Highly elastic. Stretch more than 140%. They are used for effective immobilization of the ankle in case of sprains or rupture of the ligamentous apparatus.

The length of the elastic bandage for the ankle is 1.5 - 2 meters. It should be about 10-15 cm wide. In most pharmacies, this bandage width is standard.

There is another classification of elastic retainers:

Fixators of high rigidity (orthoses). These bandages make the ankle almost immobile. They do not look like an ordinary elastic bandage, visually they look more like a rigid frame with laces or belts. To give even greater rigidity, iron plates can be added to the structure.

The advantages of orthoses are that they reduce the mechanical load on the joint, strengthen the muscular and ligamentous apparatus, have an analgesic effect and promote the resolution of edema.

The selection of an ankle bandage is carried out according to several criteria:

  • The degree of damage to the joint and adjacent tissue structures. For shallow injuries, medium elastic and highly elastic bandages are best suited (they need to be applied very carefully).
  • Features of the physiological structure of the bone apparatus and the human leg. Anatomical differences can make the same brace comfortable or uncomfortable for different people. If the patient is uncomfortable wearing an elastic bandage, various trophic disorders can occur, which are fraught with complications.
  • Foot and ankle size. The question is again in the individual features of the structure of these sections of the legs. Some wraps may not be suitable for people with large feet or ankles due to their width or length. Such dimensions may be physiologically normal or acquired as a result of surgical interventions. To make the toe of the elastic bandage comfortable, the bandage must be selected individually.
  • Material. The composition of the fabric that makes up the elastic bandage can be multicomponent. It is important that the patient does not have an allergy to any of the components.
  • The presence of concomitant pathologies of the skin and muscles. If they are present, then you need to select an elastic bandage very carefully. An improperly selected bandage fixator can block air circulation, contribute to sweating in the affected area and the appearance of microtraumas that will lead to the progression of muscle and dermatological diseases.

Ideally, a bandage for bandaging should be selected by an orthopedic surgeon. He will examine the patient, evaluate the clinical picture and select a bandage that suits him individually.

General rules for bandaging

In order for the bandage to be applied with high quality and to help in the prevention and treatment of joint pathologies, the patient must adhere to some rules for the bandaging procedure:

Ankle bandage technique

Ankle bandages are also called figure-of-eight bandages. Bandaging requires an elastic bandage 1-1.5 meters long and 10 to 17 cm wide. They are applied in this way:

  1. The patient is seated or laid down on a hard surface;
  2. The leg is placed on a roller or chair, while the foot should hang down a little;
  3. Wounds and sores (if any) are treated with antiseptic agents, sterile dressings are applied to them;
  4. A roll is taken in one hand, the end of the bandage is taken in the other (most often bandaging is done from left to right);
  5. The end of the bandage is fixed on the ankle, it must be wrapped 2-3 times;
  6. After that, the bandage is thrown over the back of the ankle to the heel, after which it returns to the ankle (there should be a cross-shaped pattern);
  7. The cross is done 3-4 times;
  8. After crossing, the bandage is wrapped around the ankle two more times;
  9. The end of the bandage is fixed with clamps, which visually look like plates with paired hooks on both sides (always come with elastic bandages).

Figure eight bandaging video tutorial:

There is another technique for applying an elastic bandage to the ankle, it is called taping. For this, high rigidity fixators or orthoses with lacing are used.

The peculiarity of the tape is that the bandage has several layers:

  • Rigid bandage;
  • Soft buffer between him and the skin;
  • Overlays for the feet and damaged areas of tissue;
  • Vaseline on the injured part of the ankle.

Such bandages help to distribute the load well and at the same time do not strongly constrain the joint in movement. Tapes are often applied by athletes, they are also effective as bandages for joint injuries.

How to understand that the bandage is applied incorrectly?

There are several signals that the bandage was wrong and should be redone. These are the following signs:

  1. Blueness of the toes, which does not disappear even after moving the toes. Indicates that the bandage is very tight and venous blood flow is disturbed.
  2. The fingers and the foot itself are cold and pale. Symptom of deterioration of arterial blood circulation.
  3. The leg becomes numb and pulsates under the bandage. If such sensations do not pass within half an hour, then the bandage is tightened strongly.
  4. The leg walks and the bandage falls off. Speaks of insufficient immobilization of the ankle. The bandage was tightened badly or the bandaging technique itself was incorrect.

The presence of at least one of the symptoms requires urgent removal of the bandage.

After that, it is recommended to take a supine position, put your foot on a pillow and massage it a little, this will help normalize blood circulation. After that, the ankle can be re-bandaged according to the instructions and do not forget about the force of squeezing the joint with a bandage.

Permissible duration of wearing a bandage

The issue of the duration of wearing elastic bandages should be decided by the attending physician (traumatologist or orthopedist). The period of time directly depends on how severe the damage is and on the characteristics of the recovery period.

When stretching the first degree (accompanied by mild swelling and tolerable pain during exercise), the bandage is worn for 7 days. With grades 2 and 3 (the pain is severe and the swelling is more extensive), you will have to use bandages for about 2 or 3 months. Usually, along with the application of bandages, patients are prescribed the use of therapeutic gels or ointments in parallel.

As for the daily wear of the bandage, it should be removed whenever it is possible to rest and give the legs peace. It is impossible to wear a bandage for more than 12 hours without a break. Ideally, the continuous use of the dressing should be reduced to two hours. It is also forbidden to sleep in an elastic retainer.

Bandage Care Rules

Elastic bandages are a reusable medical device. In order for them to serve for a long time and not lose their properties, they need to be properly looked after. Bandage care consists of several important recommendations:

If you neglect the rules of care, the bandage will very quickly turn into a shapeless flap of fabric. It will not keep its shape, and the tightening-bandage property will be lost.


For sprains, torn ligaments and other similar injuries, patients are advised to wear elastic bandages. It is very important that the correct type of bandage is selected depending on the nature of the damage. This is done according to several criteria: elasticity, stiffness and anatomical features of the patient's leg.

Injury to the ankle is bandaged mainly in the eight-way way. Bandaging must be performed correctly, the bandage must not be worn continuously and sleep in it. This is fraught with impaired blood flow, necrotic processes in the tissues and general complications of the clinical picture.

The basis for effective treatment of injuries and inflammation of the ankle joint is the provision of functional rest. This can be achieved by immobilizing (reducing the range of motion) of the joint using an elastic bandage. It is very important to choose and apply it correctly.


Immobilization of the ankle joint is performed in such cases:

  • injury;
  • sprain;
  • ligament rupture;
  • inflammatory process (arthritis) of the ankle with tissue edema;
  • prevention of microtraumas during increased physical activity (in athletes).

In the case of ankle fractures, subluxations or dislocations of the ankle, immobilization is carried out using plaster casts.
Types of bandages, depending on their extensibility and use for various pathologies of the ankle joint:

  • inelastic bandage - used to apply to the skin with wounds, cuts, trophic ulcers. Used once;
  • bandage of low extensibility (an increase in length when stretched by less than 70%) - used for chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities, applied to the entire lower leg;
  • bandage of medium elasticity (stretched by 70-140% of the initial length) - applied to the ankle joint to prevent microtrauma, with minor sprains and swelling;
  • bandage of high elasticity (stretching more than 140%) - effectively immobilizes the ankle in case of sprains and torn ligaments.

Overlay rules

  • the choice of bandage depends on the injury and its extensibility;
  • the length of the bandage for the ankle joint should be at least 1.5 m;
  • Overlay is best done in the morning, when there is less swelling of the joint tissues. If there is a need to apply at another time, then the leg must be placed for 20 minutes on a hill (pillow or roller);
  • the tension of the turns should be uniform, without folds;
  • the first round (turn) is superimposed below the injury by 10-15 cm;
  • tours are superimposed in order from bottom to top, each next turn should overlap the previous one by 1/3, so that there are no gaps in the skin;
  • the folded roll is applied to the skin and then unwound outward, the tension is stronger at the beginning, then with each round it loosens a little;
  • preventive immobilization is carried out only for the period of increased load on the joint;
  • with prolonged therapeutic immobilization of the ankle joint, it is better to periodically remove the bandage to restore blood circulation in the foot in full. After removing the bandage, the leg should be held in an elevated position and lightly massaged.

Overlay technique

An elastic bandage on the ankle joint is applied in several steps:

  • the first few rounds are applied around the lower leg a little above the ankles;
  • then, crosswise, the next round passes to the foot along the front surface of the ankle;
  • a turn around the foot is performed, while the heel is free;
  • on the front surface, the tour is transferred to the lower part of the lower leg, a turn is performed slightly lower than the previous one, already with the capture of the ankles;
  • the procedure with the transition to the foot with the imposition of several rounds and back to the lower leg is repeated several times;
  • the scheme of fixing the ankle joint with an elastic bandage ends with the imposition of a tour around the ankles with its strengthening with special fixators.

The correct imposition of an elastic bandage is characterized by limited mobility in the joint, a decrease in pain and the severity of tissue edema.

Signs of misapplication

  • The appearance of cyanotic staining of the skin of the tips of the toes (cyanosis) indicates tight bandaging and impaired venous outflow. If the bluish color does not disappear when you try to move your fingers, you need to change the bandage, making it a little looser.
  • Pale, cold fingers - due to a very tight bandage, there is no inflow of arterial blood or it is weakened. To prevent the processes of malnutrition of the tissues of the foot, the bandage is reapplied.
  • Insufficient immobilization of the ankle with weak bandaging or the wrong choice of elastic bandage.

Elastic bandages are a reusable product. Proper care of them will prolong their life, it includes washing after 7-10 days in warm water. After washing, the product is hung out to dry, but not twisted, so as not to reduce elasticity. You can store it rolled up, in a dark, dry place, without sunlight.

An elastic bandage on the ankle joint is necessary for various injuries, sprains and dislocations. It is effective in combination with a cold compress (in the first few hours after the injury) and anesthetic ointments.

This medical product has a number of significant advantages over conventional bandages. Despite its ubiquity, few people know how to apply an elastic bandage to the ankle.

The main advantages of an elastic bandage on the ankle joint

  1. Elastic bandages can be used repeatedly and, if it is made in compliance with the rules and regulations, it does not deform even after washing. This practicality will save a certain amount of money.
  2. This product does not deform and does not slip after bandaging. Even the bends of the joints are not an obstacle to reliable fixation.
  3. Since the bandage is universal, it can be used for damage to almost ANY part of the body.
  4. No special skills or abilities are required to apply a fixing bandage to the ankle joint.
  5. This product is quite easy to use and can replace up to 20 simple gauze bandages.

However, there are a number of disadvantages of this type of fixation. Most of them are caused by improper use of an elastic bandage:

  • violation of blood flow with excessive compression;
  • broken bandaging technique;
  • poor care of the bandage contributes to the loss of elasticity.

Also, this type of bandage can fix the tire in case of cracks or fractures of tubular or spongy bones.

Indications for using an ankle bandage

An elastic bandage is applied to the ankle joint not only to immobilize the limb in case of injury. They are also often advised to people as a prevention of venous diseases. Such preventive measures are necessary for those who spend the whole day on their feet, carry weights or actively engage in weightlifting.

It is advisable to bandage the ankle when:

  • inflammatory diseases of the ligaments and articular surfaces (arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis);
  • injuries associated with a violation of the integrity of the joint capsule;
  • stretching of ligaments and muscles;
  • soft tissue injuries.

For all these purposes, it is worth using retainers of medium and high degree of extensibility. It is they who create the correct load on the tissues both at rest and during movement.

Rules for bandaging an elastic bandage on the ankle

There are a few simple rules that help to properly perform joint ligation:

  1. It is better to apply an elastic bandage immediately after waking up or before lunch. After all, immediately after sleep, swelling can rarely appear and there is no stagnation of blood in the veins.
  2. Before applying a bandage, the leg should be raised by 30 0.
  3. It is necessary to bandage the limb from the narrow part to the wide and from the distal to the proximal. At the same time, the greatest tension and pressure should be exactly from below, for example, the lower leg is tightly wrapped around, and closer to the knee joint, the tissue tension weakens.
  4. Wrinkles should not be allowed to appear, because in the process of wearing they can squeeze soft tissues quite strongly.
  5. It is better to roll the fabric cloth over the surface of the leg in a clockwise direction. Thus, the occurrence of folds and kinks in the fabric can be avoided.
  6. If the patient lies and does not move independently, then he does not need additional fixation of the tissues with an elastic bandage.
  7. The bandage should grab 10 cm above the ankle joint and tightly fix the heel immovable.

There is one small secret, the knowledge of which helps to determine whether a tight bandage is applied correctly. After bandaging, the toes should turn slightly pale (sometimes even turn blue), but after a couple of minutes their color and temperature will return to normal. If, after 20-25 minutes after applying the bandage, the patient feels a pulsation in the injured area or the foot becomes numb, then this symbolizes excessively tight bandaging.

  • in the ankle area there is an open wound or a violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • articular surfaces in the ankle are displaced.

After applying the bandage, do not step on the foot or load the injured limb. It is better to provide the patient with bed rest for a couple of days after the injury.

How to bandage your ankle with an elastic bandage

The fixing bandage is applied according to certain rules, so as not to provoke the possible development of complications. To immobilize the ankle joint with an elastic bandage, the bandage itself and special clamps for fixation are required. The most effective and popular among orthopedic traumatologists is the eight-shaped or cruciform bandage on the lower leg.

  • The first tour of the bandage is applied in the lower leg area and a couple of turns are repeated to secure it.
  • Then, through the outer surface of the foot, the canvas passes crosswise to the back side and returns back, as if forming a “figure eight”.
  • The next turn of the canvas is fixed around the lower leg and all rounds are repeated again.
  • Each subsequent turn should overlap the previous one by one third of its width.

This method of bandaging is also perfectly demonstrated in the video:

For a proper bandage on the ankle joint, 1.5 meters of elastic bandage is required.

After fixing the bandage with special clamps, it is necessary to check the compression strength in the manner described above.

The ligaments of the foot are under the influence of large loads due to the movement and weight of a person. That is why they are so often injured, the most common of which is sprains. Regardless of the severity, such injuries must be treated, this will help to avoid complications and reduce the healing process of tissues.

The joint is strengthened by ligaments collected in three groups, each of which ensures the stability of movements within the required limits.

One group is located between the tibia, the next forms the deltoid ligament, and the last group includes the peroneal ligaments located along the ankle. This arrangement provides reliable protection against injury by not allowing the bones of the foot to go beyond their boundaries. As long as the loads do not exceed the norm, the ligamentous apparatus successfully copes with its task, but if the joint suddenly changes position and the load becomes too large, stretching occurs.

Damage diagnostics

There are many variants of foot injury, which often have similar symptoms. An accurate diagnosis is necessary for effective treatment, so a medical examination is a must even with minor injuries.

The traumatologist assesses the condition of the joint visually and by palpation, in addition, the patient must tell in detail about the cause of the injury and his feelings. After that, the specialist prescribes an X-ray examination or ultrasound, which will more accurately determine the severity, extent of the injury and the presence of possible complications.

Sprain severity

When sprained, three degrees of severity of injury are distinguished, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms.

Classification of severityDescription

Light damage, consisting in the rupture of individual fibers of the ligament. In the foot, there is a pulling weak pain, swelling is absent or small in size. The patient can move the foot, lameness is noticeable when walking. This condition does not require special treatment, the most important thing is to provide peace to the leg.

A serious injury in which a partial tear of the ligament occurs. The movement of the foot is difficult, there is a strong sharp pain, soft tissues swell. Bruising may appear. The patient loses his ability to work for several days and needs treatment

A very serious injury, involving the rupture of most of the connective fibers. The functions of the foot are disturbed for a long time, there is severe pain that does not subside even with complete immobilization of the leg. There is a large swelling, hematomas, the joint cavity is filled with blood. Requires immediate hospitalization and qualified treatment, otherwise health-threatening complications may occur

Treatment Method

First aid

The first steps in case of an injury are very simple: you need to remove shoes and a sock from a sore leg, and then lay it down so as to give it an elevated and most comfortable position.

This is especially important if bruising is visible under the skin. Next, cold should be applied to the damaged area (ice is best), and the limb should be fixed with the help of improvised means.

Bandaging should not be too tight, so as not to crush the leg and not disrupt blood circulation, as this will only aggravate the patient's condition. The quality of first aid significantly affects the recovery process.

With a slight sprain, no additional action is required, and all the leg needs is rest and cold compresses during the day. If the injury is more complex, the person should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.


After examining and establishing a diagnosis, the traumatologist determines whether surgical intervention is required or conservative treatment can be dispensed with. Usually, the operation is performed with a complete rupture of the connective tissues, which avoids improper fusion of the ligaments and speeds up the process of their recovery. After the operation, the foot is fixed with a plaster cast.

With conservative treatment, edema is first eliminated, the blood collected in the joint cavity is pumped out, and pain is eliminated with the help of drugs.

Ankle sprains - treatment

For this, the patient is given analgesics based on diclofenac.

Joint bracesDescription

An elastic bandage that tightly wraps around the foot and securely fixes the ankle joint. Reduces the degree of stress on the injured area, which contributes to the speedy recovery of the ligament

An orthopedic device in the form of a boot or golf with open toes, shaped according to the anatomical contours. It is fixed on the foot with laces, straps or Velcro fasteners. To ensure maximum fit to the foot, the orthosis is selected according to the size of the foot individually for each patient.

Device for easy fixation of the joint. Soft material that does not cause allergies and provides uniform warming of the joint. It is used to reduce swelling and enhance the effect of therapeutic ointments. Selected by size

After that, treatment is carried out with topical preparations - ointments or gels that increase blood flow, relieve inflammation, and have a warming effect.

The treatment of the injured area with ointments should be performed regularly, following the instructions of the traumatologist. Most of the time, the leg should be positioned so that the ankle is above the level of the heart. It is most convenient to put a pillow or a folded blanket under the shin.

Based on the severity of the injury, the doctor develops exercises for the ankle. Regular warm-ups help the joint recover its functions faster. You can start classes 2-4 days after the injury, slowly bending and unbending the leg, rotating the foot in different directions. If the movements are too painful, the warm-up should be abandoned for 2-3 days, and then try again. All this is desirable to do under the supervision of a specialist.

Treatment at home

With a mild degree of sprain, it can also be treated at home, having previously undergone an examination by a traumatologist.
The main condition for effective treatment is rest and warming ointments. In any pharmacy there is a large assortment of such ointments, so making a choice is not difficult.

Folk recipes, proven by generations, also help well:

The joint should be loaded gradually, starting with simple exercises. Even if the pain is practically not felt, you can’t do it for a long time, it’s better to repeat the exercises after a few hours. See your doctor if possible to make sure healing is going well.

Ankle sprains can be avoided by following these guidelines:

  • when playing sports, choose only the correct technique for performing exercises;
  • before the expected load on the legs, do a mandatory warm-up for the ankle;
  • stretch and strengthen the muscles of the foot regularly;
  • stop exercising as soon as you feel tired;
  • do not wear high heels often and for a long time.


The length of the elastic band. It, as a rule, directly depends on which joint the bandage will be applied to in the future. Depending on the length, the following types of material are distinguished:

  • bandage for wrist joints, the length of which reaches 1-1.5 m;
  • for ankle joints, the length varies between 1.5-2 m.

Other articular surfaces require 2-3 m of elastic bandage. To fix the lower limbs, it is recommended to purchase 5 m of elastic bandage, and for the upper - 4 m.

Tensile elastic bandage. For reliable fixation of the limb after injury, bandages with a medium or high degree of extensibility are used. After surgery on the legs, in order to avoid the development of varicose veins, low-elastic bandages should be used.

An orthosis is a special device that follows the contours of the joint. It is applied to the affected joint.

The appearance of an ankle orthosis is a sock, stockings or boots. The toes should remain open.

You can fix the ankle brace with the help of special fasteners or Velcro. The orthosis is made of cotton fabrics, metal, plastic or wood.

Types of orthoses:

  1. models for prevention. They are necessary in order to prevent damage to the ankle joint.
  2. Medical models. They are used to provide medical care for injuries in the area of ​​a particular joint.
  3. The models are functional. They are used constantly for irreversible changes in the joint.

Degrees of rigidity of orthoses:

  1. Ankle semi-rigid orthosis. It has straps that replace the elastic bandage. In addition to belts, inserts made of metal, plastic, cords can be used.
  2. Ankle soft orthosis. It resembles in appearance a removable fabric bandage.
  3. Rigid orthosis. It has plastic inserts and elastic tires. Such an ankle joint is perfectly fixed.

Indications for wearing an orthosis:

  • arthritis or arthrosis of the joints;
  • sprains or ruptures of ligaments and tendons;
  • recovery after a fracture of the bones of the ankle, lower leg, foot;
  • flat feet, overweight, hallux valgus;
  • partial paralysis of the lower leg and foot;
  • injury prevention for people actively involved in sports.

Benefits of using an orthosis:

  1. High-quality stabilization of the damaged joint.
  2. Decreased mechanical load on the articular surface.
  3. Strengthening muscles and ligaments.
  4. Resorption of edema and their anesthesia.
  5. Expansion of the range of motor activity in the joint.

It is undesirable to use the orthosis for open wounds and injuries. It must be applied only after the fusion of bone fragments. The most important point in acquiring this type of device is its correct choice.

This is connective tissue. Which wraps the joint from all sides and provides stability. They do not allow him to move to the side, fixing him in a certain position.

If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, or wears uncomfortable shoes, has a lot of weight, plays sports, then he can get an ankle sprain.

Causes of injury

There are many reasons that can lead to damage to the ligamentous apparatus:

  • intensive sports;
  • regular use of high-heeled shoes by women;
  • excessive load on the foot in the absence of constant training;
  • traveling on rough roads;
  • running long distances.

Torn ankle ligaments can occur when playing sports (alpine skiing, football, athletics), wearing high-heeled shoes, walking or running on uneven terrain, as well as in situations where the load on the ligaments exceeds the limit allowed for them.

Ligaments can be damaged when the foot is turned outward (peroneal group) or inward (deltoid group, tibial ligament group). Most often, damage to the outer group of ligaments occurs.

The foot of each person consists of 26 bones, which are connected to each other by movable joints. Between the powerful, large calcaneus and the phalanges of the fingers, there is a tarsal and metatarsal complex of tubular bones.

Any part of the limb can be affected by injuries, but the most vulnerable of them, often occurring, is a fracture of the metatarsal bone of the foot, especially the extreme one, corresponding to the fifth toe.

This loss of her integrity can equally affect both men and women. Consider how the trauma depends on the structure, location, what first aid measures need to be taken, and how dangerous this fracture is for a person.

Causes and types

The middle skeletal portion of the human foot contains five metatarsal bones, each of which has a base, a body, and a head that articulates with the phalanx of the toe. Their structure is tubular, with a cavity inside filled with bone marrow. They have the ability to lengthen in the process of growing a child to an adult period. Thus, the size of the leg increases.

A serious violation of the integrity of the metatarsal bones is a fracture. It can be caused by factors:

  • traumatic (impact, falling of a heavy object from above, accident);
  • stress or fatigue damage (the appearance of microcracks as a result of bone pathology, bone tissue degradation and subsequent, regular increased load on the foot).

Fractures can be:

  • open (occurs with damage, rupture of the skin);
  • closed (hidden by strong, without damage integuments);
  • without displacement (the bone remains in the same plane);
  • with a displacement (in addition to violating the integrity, the broken sections move apart, changing their natural position);
  • with the presence of fragments (grinding a broken bone area).

The type of fracture depends on the method of providing medical care and the time of rehabilitation.

At risk of a traumatic fracture are jumpers, runners, ballerinas, lovers of narrow shoes. Stress - people with osteoporosis.


A type of metatarsal injury is a Jones fracture, in which the fifth metatarsal bone is damaged at its base. It is more likely than the other four to be damaged, due to its anatomical location, which contributes to an additional path of injury.

Common causes of sprains are wearing uncomfortable shoes with a high platform or heels, when, due to uneven distribution of the load on the joint, women twist their legs, resulting in ligament injury.

Athletes, football players, gymnasts, hockey players are not immune from such sprains when, without preparation, the joint is subjected to strong physical exertion. There is a partial rupture (stretching) of the ligaments, thereby blocking the bone from possible damage.

The cause of a sprain can be any domestic injury: a fall (jump) from a height, blows to the foot, deformation when the permissible level of load on the leg is exceeded, sudden movements, for example, on icy or uneven mountain surfaces.

Ligaments in a healthy person are quite strong, and sprains do not always occur.

A number of factors and diseases can contribute to their fragility:

  • Congenital, in the presence of a high arch or abnormal structure of the foot;
  • Myasthenia as a result of blockage of nerve conduction muscles.

Ankle ligaments are underdeveloped and weak in:

  • Constant load on the ankle from an early age in athletes;
  • Overweight;
  • Flat feet, violation of the connective tissue from birth;
  • Lower limbs, various in length;

Instability of a joint prone to arthrosis, osteomyelitis, and other inflammatory processes inside.

What are the types of stretching

Ankle braces are elastic, semi-rigid and rigid. They differ in purpose and material used.


These ankle bandages are conventional stretch bandages or ready-made socks made of neoprene, spandex, nylon, elastane or cotton. The latter usually do not have a heel and front, less often they are completely closed.

Other types of fixing bandages, except for socks and soft orthoses, are teips. These are patches that can stretch a little. They are glued to the open skin and additionally fixed with a bandage. Their main purpose is the prevention of injuries, as well as recovery after injuries.

Elastic bandages have a different degree of extensibility, with their help the bandage is applied manually. Used for sprains, dislocations, subluxations, if necessary, fixation to prevent damage.

The most common bandaging method is the figure-of-eight ankle bandage. It is also called cruciform and is one of the most reliable and suitable for this part of the leg.

Semi-rigid and rigid

This group includes orthoses, foot splints, plaster bandages. They are worn on a bare leg or over a thin sock. Semi-rigid orthoses can be equipped with Velcro, fastening straps, inserts made of silicone or soft plastic, leather.

Splints correct foot movements and reliably immobilize only the joint. Practical and easy to use, because despite the strong fixation, they do not create difficulties when moving.

Rigid orthoses are mainly used for fractures and complex dislocations. They provide complete immobility of the ankle joint and are made of plastic, leather, dense fabric and other materials. For the same purpose, plaster bandages are used.

There are three types of trauma, and if at the first stage a person can somehow move on his own, then in the other two situations he simply won’t succeed, and it’s not worth it. Otherwise, you can break the ligaments even more, and even get their final break.

What other causes of injury can be:

  • Unsuccessful fall;
  • A sharp turn during movement, running;
  • Arthrosis, arthritis;
  • flat feet;
  • Tucking the leg on ice or rough terrain;
  • Kick in the leg - for example, during a competition or game. Therefore, for football players or tennis players, this is a common injury. To prevent it from happening, you need to carefully warm up and stretch;
  • Congenital weakness of the ligaments, when subluxation of the foot becomes habitual.

an unfortunate fall as a cause of injury

How to find out that a foot sprain has occurred, and not something else.


  • Edema;
  • Pain when moving, standing up;
  • A hematoma of a saturated color may appear;
  • The leg is in an unnatural everted position (we exclude a fracture).

Stretching on the grounds resembles a bruise, sometimes a dislocation, but unlike a bruise on the leg, it is painful to enter.

Degrees of stretch

There are several degrees of sprains:

    The first degree is characterized by a small tear of the bundle or microscopic fibers. The volume of joint mobility is practically not disturbed, the symptoms are mild, it is possible to palpate the damaged joint. For some time, the victim may start on his leg.

    The second degree is characterized by a greater number of torn fibers in comparison with the first degree. The symptoms of damage are more pronounced, the pain syndrome may resemble the sensations during a fracture of tubular bones, the victim can hardly start on his leg. Ability to work is disturbed for a period of 5-7 days at least.

    The third degree is characterized by the complete separation of several or one ligaments, this is the most severe injury to the ligaments. According to clinical signs, the damage resembles a fracture of the bones of the ankle, and in some cases even exceeds them. The emphasis on the leg is impossible due to the anatomical change in the ratio of the elements of the joint and a strong pain syndrome, the function of the foot is completely impaired.

Ankle sprain symptoms

In some cases, a fracture of the ankle can be mistaken for a sprain of the second or third degree, therefore, in case of any damage to the ankle, it is necessary to contact an orthopedic traumatologist to rule out more serious injuries and provide qualified assistance.

Sprain of the first degree does not reduce the physical activity of a person, the symptoms are mild, and the damage may not immediately disturb. Symptoms and complaints in the patient appear the next day, these are: post-traumatic inflammation, progression of the hematoma, edema.

The person continues to lean on the leg, but when walking is forced to limp due to pain. An increase in local temperature, hemorrhage into the subcutaneous tissue (bruise) may develop.

The pain syndrome appears immediately after the injury and in its severity and intensity can exceed the fracture of tubular bones. Pain of high intensity is observed for about an hour, after which it subsides slightly, but attempts to step on the injured leg lead to the resumption of pain.

In mild stages of the injury, the victim may have difficulty moving independently, but in severe cases, the pain syndrome does not allow this. Edema contributes to the pain syndrome, since its growth leads to increased pressure on the vascular bundles and nerve endings.

Voltaren gel and Diklak, an anesthetic Nurofen, Nise can also be prescribed. On the second day, you can use Troxevasin or Heparin ointment to relieve swelling.

Voltaren gel

Ointment Apizartron perfectly helps after relieving acute symptoms. It warms up and improves the condition of the ligaments.

Since pain and swelling prevent walking, it is necessary to ensure peace, immobilization of the leg and an elevated position of the ankle joint. Ointments and other remedies are used according to the above scheme, after which it is allowed to walk on the 5th day. As additional procedures, physiotherapy, exercise therapy can be prescribed.

Stage 3 is the most painful and difficult. It may require a cast or even surgery. In any case, fixation of the joint is necessary within a month.

Ankle ligament rupture in adults: symptoms and treatment of injury

The normal functioning of the ankle joint is necessary for full motor activity. This joint has a lot of stress while running, jumping and even walking.

Due to the fact that the ligaments of the joint are easily injured and often injured, rupture of the ligaments of the ankle joint is quite common.

Causes and risk factorsInjury symptomsHow to give first aidTreatment methods

Causes of ankle ligament ruptures

Signs that the bandage is wound incorrectly

It is possible to distinguish a sprain from a simple bruise by the clinical picture. The problem will be primarily indicated by pain at the site of injury. In addition, the following symptoms are observed:

  • reduced mobility of the foot;
  • swelling at the site of injury

If the joint is fixed tighter or weaker than necessary, then this will harm the patient.

Sprain symptoms

But in order to begin treatment, it is necessary to make sure that there is indeed an ankle sprain, since many other injuries can resemble signs.

With dislocations of the ankle of the first degree, discomfort and pain are felt while walking. There is swelling, swelling in the ankle joint. Walking is practically unaffected. More serious symptoms are felt by a person with a dislocation of the ankle of the second degree. There is swelling of the outer and forefoot. There is severe pain, walking is too difficult.

In the case of a dislocation of the ankle joint of the third degree, a person cannot stand on his leg, cannot walk, and at the same time feels severe pain. After a while, there is a strong swelling, hemorrhage. The swelling extends to the entire foot.

Stretching is accompanied by a sharp pain in the joint, the patient experiences pain, movements are difficult. A sign of an injured leg is a slight limp when walking.

At the next stage, swelling and subcutaneous hemorrhages appear, in severe cases, an elevated temperature may persist for several days. If you have the first symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help, the doctor will conduct an examination, based on the x-ray data, make a diagnosis.

With a diagnosed sprain, complete immobility of the damaged part of the body should be ensured for the period of treatment. The best solution in this case is the imposition of a fixing bandage.

When sprained, the ankle immediately begins to hurt, and this is the main symptom.

A crunch and even cotton is possible, which leads the victim into confusion.

Signs such are possible with a fracture of the bone.

Depending on the degree of stretching, there is:

  • Swelling of soft tissues;
  • Hematoma, redness in places of stretching or rupture;
  • Burning on palpation at the attachment site of one of the ligaments;
  • Sharp, throbbing pain when turning the joint to the sides, stepping on the foot, and even leaving it alone;
  • An increase in skin temperature at the site of injury.

With a complete rupture of the ligaments, the joint swells strongly and simply begins to hang out, while the strength of collagen elastic fibers is lost.

In fact, stretching is a small gap. Depending on the degree of injury to the ligaments, it can be complete or partial. Accordingly, the symptoms are pronounced brightly or slightly.

  1. It hurts moderately and lameness is insignificant when individual fibers are torn, but the integrity of the ligaments is maintained.
  2. The pain is more pronounced, the soft tissues are swollen and movement is difficult when the ligament is torn, or several at once.
  3. The pain is burning and unbearable, blood has accumulated under the skin, a hematoma has appeared (cyanosis of the skin), independent movement of the leg is impossible with a transverse and complete rupture of the ligaments. Pathological signs are noted during the movement of the foot.

It should be understood that it is impossible to visually give a complete assessment of the degree of damage.

An x-ray or MRI is performed if a ligament rupture is suspected to rule out a bone fracture.

What hurts and how?

Ligaments are not equipped with many nerve endings, so even with a strong sprain, pain can manifest itself in different ways. With swelling of the tissue and the appearance of a bruise, the pain may be insignificant.

Gradually increases with a break, for example, in the local part of the ankle.

Immediately after the injury, there can only be an unpleasant sensation, the symptoms intensify by night, in the morning they are fully manifested.

With an increase in swelling and limited mobility, pain on palpation, the impossibility of stepping on the leg at the site of tissue rupture, a small hole (swelling) can be felt.

The symptomatology depends entirely on the severity of the tear.

The condition is painful with a strong sprain. All signs are clearly expressed, the pain is excruciating up to dizziness and loss of consciousness.

If left untreated, the ligaments can become completely “loose” and the joint unstable for a long time, even after a rehabilitation period.


The main measures in the diagnosis are stretching of the muscle fibers of the ankle - palpation and visual examination. To assess the condition of the ligaments and muscles, the traumatologist may prescribe an X-ray examination. If there is a discrepancy between the symptoms of the problem and the results of the X-ray, the patient is recommended to do an MRI and artography. Thanks to MRI, the doctor assesses how damaged the ligaments and cartilage are.

Should know! X-ray examination is carried out in several projections, and the diagnosis is made based on the angle of the talus.

General treatment tactics

In most cases, the problem is treated at home. Rarely, patients need surgery. How to treat an ankle sprain depends on the severity of the injury and the results of the x-ray.

  1. At the first degree of damage, bed rest is necessary, fixing the damaged area for 24 hours, taking painkillers and recovery procedures.
  2. In the second degree of stretching, the patient is put on a fixator on the injured leg, provide peace and prescribe physiotherapy.
  3. In case of severe injuries, a fixing bandage is applied to the injured leg, the patient is prescribed injections with painkillers, physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy procedures.

How long does a joint heal? It also depends on the degree of damage and the timeliness of therapeutic procedures.

Medical treatment

The main way to deal with the problem is treatment with ointments. In case of ankle sprain, therapy is carried out with gels containing:

  1. Menthol. The component provides the same effect as a cold compress. In addition, in the pharmacy you can buy a cooling ointment designed to relieve pain symptoms in case of ankle injuries.
  2. Anti-inflammatory components that help reduce the symptoms of the problem - Voltaren, Ibuprofen.

To remove a hematoma from swollen tissues will allow drugs such as:

  • Heparin ointment;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Troxerutin.

On the third day after the injury, instead of cooling compounds, warming ointments are used for ankle sprains:

  • Finaogon;
  • Apizartron;
  • Dolobene;
  • Viprosal.

Should know! Treatment with warming ointments is prohibited for children under 12 years of age.

With dislocations, accompanied by a strong pain syndrome, general painkillers are prescribed - Sedalgin, Analgin, Nimesil. The drugs are taken orally or administered intramuscularly as injections.

What to do with stretching, the doctor decides. It can supplement medical treatment with physiotherapy procedures or therapeutic exercises. Sometimes patients are credited with massage to accelerate the healing of damaged tissues and improve blood supply to neighboring areas. Without proper treatment, the recovery process after an injury will take much longer.

Physiotherapy procedures

Rehabilitation activities include:

  1. Ultrasound. The procedure allows you to normalize the outflow of lymph in the damaged area. After ultrasound, the ointments are better absorbed into the tissues.
  2. UHF. The procedure is designed to reduce inflammation of the ligaments.
  3. Paraffin treatment. The main effects of the procedure are restorative and analgesic. It can be used both in the first hours after stretching, and in a later period.
  4. Magnetotherapy. The procedure accelerates the absorption of drugs, reduces swelling of stretched tissues, and reduces the pain symptom.
  5. Electrophoresis with the use of nonsteroidal drugs and novocaine.

Gymnastic exercises

It is necessary to find out about the time of the exercises from the attending physician, since active movements are prohibited in the first days after the injury. Also, exercises are not recommended in cases where swelling of damaged tissues and pain symptoms do not go away.

Treatment at home with the help of gymnastics includes:

  • picking up small objects with toes;
  • rolling with the foot of the bottle;
  • extension and flexion of the toes;
  • rotation of the foot with the fixator installed;
  • jumping rope;
  • running on small pebbles;
  • walking on the lateral surfaces of the foot (external or internal);
  • tiptoe walking (performed daily).

Should know! What to do with stretching in one case or another is determined by a specialist in physiotherapy exercises.

Folk recipes

People who have no time to wait until all the “sores” heal should be aware that with the correct use of the medicine and the timely start of treatment, the damaged joint can be quickly restored.

Usually, with good treatment, the period of complete healing of the ankle joint lasts about two weeks. But in order for the treatment not to be delayed later, it is necessary to provide first aid in a timely manner when spraining the ankle ligaments:

  • First of all, something cold must be applied to the stretching site, usually pieces of ice.
  • If this is not possible, then apply a rag soaked in water (hold for about 30 minutes);
  • Prevent the patient from moving, since with a strong stretching the consequences can be much more deplorable,
  • Put the patient on the floor or on the ground and ensure peace until the doctor arrives. If you have experience in such situations, then you can put a splint on the affected area with bandages.
  • After that, it is better to raise your leg a little, for this a blanket folded several times is suitable.
  • If severe damage and pain, then the patient should be given painkillers.

After receiving a severe injury, when the doctor performs surgery, recovery lasts about a month, during which you will have to use various analgesic ointments with anti-inflammatory effects, which help the ligaments to return to normal faster.

If the damage is not so great, then the following simple rules should be applied:

  • Applying a cold compress daily 5 times for three days;
  • Places of injury should be treated with anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal agents (ointments) such as Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, etc.;
  • The leg must be kept in one position, to ensure stable fixation, the leg is wrapped with an elastic bandage, it is desirable that the limb is higher than the head - this way healing occurs faster.

Important! The first 2-3 days the affected area is cooled to prevent the spread of edema and hyperemia, then warm compresses are applied to dissolve the hematomas.

It is possible to be treated at home with an ankle sprain, both with medication and with the use of folk remedies.

A small bruise should not be confused with a strong sprain, or even a tear of the ligament. With strong stretching, you can not use all the products that include alcohol formulations. You can also start stretching your leg only after a few weeks at rest, otherwise you can only do harm.

How the treatment will go usually depends on the timely visit to the hospital and the complex of prescribed treatment, although, no matter how hard you try, severe damage will heal for about three weeks.

With a complete rupture of the ligaments, you will have to go through surgery with the removal of blood clots, followed by stitching the ligament and applying a plaster splint.

But it is worth remembering that with this type of injury, if unnatural pallor is found on the skin of the foot, persistent coldness of the limb, you must immediately contact the nearest medical center - this shows that the blood flow through the vessels of the leg does not move.

Having received qualified assistance from a traumatologist or surgeon, the victim continues the treatment of ankle sprain at home.

How to fix the foot

Within 7 days, the injured ankle needs fixation and complete unloading. Fixatives - a bandage or teip (an elastic patch held by a bandage) - should not be left for more than 2-3 hours. They should not be too tight, otherwise the vessels adjacent to the injured tissues will be compressed and the cyanosis will increase.

Taping the ankle joint with a sprain should be performed correctly as follows:

  • The patient is laid down; feet at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • The instep of the foot is lubricated with petroleum jelly and 2 depreciation pads are applied to it, covering the entire damaged area with them;
  • 3-4 strips of teip are wrapped around the lower leg. The strips must be overlapped;
  • Of the 3 subsequent strips, a “stirrup” is formed that overlaps the lower bandage;
  • Close the "stirrup", making 7-8 turns from top to bottom towards the foot. The strips are overlapped;
  • The foot is wrapped with 2-3 strips of teip and, having fixed it on the instep, is taken across the foot to the sole and brought under the heel;
  • The tape is circled around the heel and fixed in that part of the ankle where the instep was started to be fixed. The strip is cut off;
  • The heel is fixed by applying a new strip of tape across the foot and passing it through the sole;

A more affordable and versatile means of fixation is an elastic bandage - indispensable in the case when the treatment of an injury is accompanied by the application of plaster.

How to apply an elastic bandage on the ankle:

  • Moving in a circle, form the beginning of the bandage slightly above the ankle;
  • Covering the heel with a bandage, they grab the foot twice;
  • Next, the bandage is moved with cross-shaped movements: from the foot to the lower leg and again to the foot;
  • Once again, returning to the shin, they cover the ankle several times and fix the bandage.

A dislocation or subluxation usually requires reduction. It directly depends on the severity. If the leg is just twisted and the ligaments are intact, the doctor recommends an elastic bandage that is worn for about two weeks. If necessary, physiotherapy may be prescribed.

If the ligaments are partially torn, a plaster splint is applied to the ankle. Physiotherapy and exercise are recommended.

Rehabilitation reaches three weeks. With a complete rupture, the patient is hospitalized.

A plaster bandage is applied, which after two weeks is modified into a removable one. Treatment is carried out for two months.

After treatment, it is desirable to engage in physiotherapy exercises, which will strengthen weak ligaments.

To prevent dislocation, subluxation, an elastic bandage is wound around the ankle, which will keep the ankle joints immobile, which will significantly reduce the risk of repeated dislocations, subluxations.

After the treatment period should be accompanied by light training. This can be walking on toes, light running, etc. The main thing to remember is that the degree of tension should be minimal, gradually increasing.

The ankle joint is one of the most vulnerable joints in the human body. It has a rather complex structure, because it combines the bones of the lower leg with the talus. The joint is reinforced with several ligaments. Around it there are numerous nerve fibers and blood vessels that provide its nutrition and innervation.

The ankle takes an active part in the movement of a person. In addition, it performs a supporting function. There are heavy loads on the joint, so situations when the ankle joint swells and hurts are far from uncommon.

Ankle sprain (ankle joint) is a fairly common occurrence. Most often it happens in winter, on ice, when the load increases, and it is very easy to fall and hurt your leg. This is typical for all articular ligaments, but especially for the ligaments of the foot and ankle.

A sprain occurs when the foot is twisted, when the ankle joint is outward and the heel moves back.


The main task of the ankle is to provide full mobility and smooth operation of the foot. To accomplish this, the connection performs the following functions:

  1. Flexion and extension of the ankle.
  2. Provides tightness, mobility and movement of a person.
  3. Produces synovial fluid.
  4. Allows the foot to rotate.
  5. It dampens the force of impact when the foot touches the ground.
  6. Helps to maintain balance on an unstable surface, due to the possibility of displacement in the plane.

Causes of stretching

Where does the disconnect come from? The abundance of ankle injuries is due to the structure and functions assigned to it. One of the groups of ligaments is located along the ankle. It is the most flexible, and therefore more at risk of injury than others.

The main causes of damage to the ankle joint are:

  • Large load on the legs;
  • Weightlifting sports;
  • Careless tucking of the sole;
  • flat feet;
  • Excess weight;
  • Wrong shoes: uncomfortable last, high heel, inappropriate size;

Symptoms of an ankle sprain

In order not to confuse a sprain with a bruise, it should be remembered that with a bruise of soft tissues there is no sharp pain in the joints. Sprains are characterized by:

  1. Decreased limb mobility.
  2. Swelling.
  3. Severe pain in the ankle area.
  4. Redness of the skin.
  5. Elevated temperature.
  6. Hematoma.
  7. Possible difficulty walking.
  • One of the effective ways is considered to be chopped onion into gruel, to which a tablespoon of salt is added. Such a compress is applied to the damaged area and bandaged. Onion relieves inflammation, and salt reduces swelling.
  • Some are helped by honey, which is mixed with vinegar, others are treated with raw mashed potatoes, everything is individual here.
  • There are milk compresses and vodka compresses in the practice of folk remedies. Lotions should be kept no more than 20 minutes, and a compress no longer than 2 hours.

In any case, all this is individual and is not a panacea. Pain in any case will be felt when walking for about two weeks, even with intensive treatment.

You should not be treated on your own without a doctor's examination, if there is a rupture of the ligaments, then lotions can only make things worse.

honey for sprains

Bodyaga in the form of a powder also helps to relieve swelling. It is diluted as indicated on the package and rubbed into the leg.

So, here the basic rules were considered on how to treat an ankle sprain, both with medicinal methods and folk remedies, but it is better to prevent the disease.

1) Immobilization of the ankle joint to avoid further damage.

This is the first thing to do when spraining ligaments. The patient is recommended to walk with a cane, to reduce the load on the sore leg.

2) Cooling, applying a cold compress for 25-30 minutes, as it warms up, apply new ice.

So, up to 72 hours, until the complete narrowing of the blood vessels, the disappearance (reduction) of swelling. You do not need to apply ice directly to the skin, it is better to wrap it in a rag or fill a plastic bottle with cold water.

3) Applying a tight bandage, wrapping an elastic bandage around the joint, starting from the toes, moving to the middle of the calves.

Raising the leg up to drain blood from the injured area.

4) The drug method is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of stretching, relieve inflammation.

These are non-steroidal drugs such as Paracetamol, Analgin, Ibuprofen.

Also ointments and creams for pain relief, healing of cracks, removal of signs of hematomas.

If conventional antispasmodics do not help, then the doctor will prescribe stronger prescription drugs, for example, Ketoprofen ointment applied to the affected area and applying a tight bandage on top).

5) Surgical treatment by performing an operation when diagnosing tears or torn ligaments.

In the event that medications are not able to prevent further instability of the joint or ligamentous apparatus.

The surgeon may prescribe an arthroscopy method by inserting a thin tube into the joint, equipped with a video camera to determine the degree of ruptures, the presence of bone fragments to remove them along with accumulated blood clots.

In order to restore a torn ligament or replace it with another, suturing, it is possible to carry out reconstruction by suturing the ligaments.

With a complete rupture of the imposition of a plaster cast.

When treating, if the degree of injury is minor.

Perhaps home treatment of the ankle with ointments to reduce pain, rubbing the lesions with Nurofen, Nise, Troxevasin, Voltaren, Apizatron, heparin composition - to relieve swelling, bodyaga, Troxerutin, Troxevasin - to eliminate hematomas.

To accelerate the processes of regeneration, improve blood microcirculation, relieve inflammation, rubbing in the ointment of Bom Bengue, Diclofenac will help.

For elimination of pain and cooling of places of damage - Deep Relief.

Regardless of the degree and type of sprain, the joint must be fixed with an elastic bandage to reduce or completely eliminate the load on it for the entire rehabilitation period.

If the first two days after the injury, ointments are applied to cool the joint, then you need to replace it with warming compresses using Finalgon, Apizartron, Viprosal, Dolobene.

In the treatment of sprains, physiotherapy, magnetotherapy, exercise therapy, UHF up to 12 sessions of 15-20 minutes are useful.

The less signs of injury, the faster the healing process will be. The ankle joint heals with sprain up to 6-7 weeks, with a low degree of severity - up to 3 months.

Exercises require regular performance:

  • Walking with an attack first on the outer part of the foot, then on the inside;
  • Raising on toes, lowering on heels, standing on the crossbar (edge ​​of the step);
  • Circular movements of the toes clockwise, then counterclockwise, sitting on a chair;
  • For quick healing and increased metabolism in soft tissues, a special foot massage is effective.

The prognosis is generally favorable and all joint functions are restored, except for cases when the sprain has led to serious pathological changes in the joint, its functions are impaired. A long rehabilitation period is required under the supervision of the attending physician.

After surgery: how to use the elastic material?

If you had an operation to treat varicose veins, then the bandage is applied immediately (on the operating table). In this case, the product can be removed only after a few days.

Be sure to wear compression stockings after giving up bandages. Such products become an alternative to tight bandaging.

They are easy to use and easy to put on. Compression tights or stockings practically do not differ from ordinary ones.

The same cannot be said for an elastic bandage.

How to treat an ankle sprain with folk remedies

With the permission of the doctor, it is useful to supplement the treatment of ankle sprain at home with natural remedies.

The best of them - various lotions and compresses - will help to quickly cope with swelling during ankle sprains and relieve pain:

  • Significantly alleviate pain and inflammation with the help of a compress diluted up to 50% dimexide: when spraining the ankle ligaments, it is placed for 15-20 days for an hour;

With the permission of the doctor, it is useful to supplement the treatment of ankle sprain at home with natural remedies.

  • Moisten a bandage or gauze in vodka, apply to the injury site. Top cover with cellophane film and cotton wool (you can use a woolen cloth). Leave for 6-8 hours. Similarly, compresses are made from warm milk. Already on the second day, the swelling subsides;
  • Pass 2 onion heads through a meat grinder, mix the gruel with 1 tbsp. salt. Put a layer of gauze on the ankle, on top - a mixture, and cover with gauze. You can mix onion gruel with a mixture of two grated potatoes, cabbage leaves and sugar;
  • It is possible to significantly alleviate pain and inflammation with the help of a compress from dimexide diluted up to 50%: when the ankle ligaments are sprained, it is placed for 15-20 days for an hour;
  • An excellent effect is given by a combination of 50 ml of a diluted drug with 30 ml of water and a 2% solution of novocaine with the addition of 1 ampoule of a hydrocortisone solution. Withstand the compress for 40 minutes.

Most often, various ointments are used to relieve pain and swelling, which warm and relieve inflammation.

Indications for use

The basis for effective treatment of injuries and inflammation of the ankle joint is the provision of functional rest. This can be achieved by immobilizing (reducing the range of motion) of the joint using an elastic bandage. It is very important to choose and apply it correctly.


Immobilization of the ankle joint is performed in such cases:

  • injury;
  • sprain;
  • ligament rupture;
  • inflammatory process (arthritis) of the ankle with tissue edema;
  • prevention of microtraumas during increased physical activity (in athletes).

In the case of ankle fractures, subluxations or dislocation of the ankle, immobilization is carried out using plaster casts. Types of bandages, depending on their extensibility and use for various pathologies of the ankle joint:

  • inelastic bandage - used to apply to the skin with wounds, cuts, trophic ulcers. Used once;
  • bandage of low extensibility (an increase in length when stretched by less than 70%) - used for chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities, applied to the entire lower leg;
  • bandage of medium elasticity (stretched by 70-140% of the initial length) - applied to the ankle joint to prevent microtrauma, with minor sprains and swelling;
  • bandage of high elasticity (stretching more than 140%) - effectively immobilizes the ankle in case of sprains and torn ligaments.

Overlay rules

  • the choice of bandage depends on the injury and its extensibility;
  • the length of the bandage for the ankle joint should be at least 1.5 m;
  • Overlay is best done in the morning, when there is less swelling of the joint tissues. If there is a need to apply at another time, then the leg must be placed for 20 minutes on a hill (pillow or roller);
  • the tension of the turns should be uniform, without folds;
  • the first round (turn) is superimposed below the injury by 10-15 cm;
  • tours are superimposed in order from bottom to top, each next turn should overlap the previous one by 1/3, so that there are no gaps in the skin;
  • the folded roll is applied to the skin and then unwound outward, the tension is stronger at the beginning, then with each round it loosens a little;
  • preventive immobilization is carried out only for the period of increased load on the joint;
  • with prolonged therapeutic immobilization of the ankle joint, it is better to periodically remove the bandage to restore blood circulation in the foot in full. After removing the bandage, the leg should be held in an elevated position and lightly massaged.
pros Minuses
This type of dressing helps with torn ligaments of the articulation.

When choosing a bandage for the ankle part of the leg, the material of the product, dimensions, rigidity, and design are taken into account. Its type also depends on the degree and type of injury, the presence of an inflammatory or destructive process. A properly selected bandage fixes the ankle joint well and at the same time does not hinder movement.

For minor injuries and for preventive purposes, a neoprene bandage can be used. It well reduces swelling and pain, retains heat, improves blood circulation.

Attention! Neoprene can cause skin allergies, in which case it is better to stay on a cotton bandage with elastic fibers.

When buying a compression sock or stocking, be sure to check if the model has a dimensional grid so that the chosen option is not too narrow or loose.

Athletes and people subjected to high physical exertion are ideally suited for an orthopedic ankle bandage with silicone inserts.

Bandages in orthopedics, especially for injuries of moderate and high severity, should be selected by an orthopedic traumatologist.

Overlay rules

Ankle bandage is used in such situations:

  • with bruises, dislocations and subluxations, sprains, complete or partial rupture of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus;
  • during inflammation of the ankle with the formation of swelling;
  • for the prevention of injuries during active physical training and sports.
  • It is necessary to bandage the ankle in the morning or after a long rest in the supine position.
  • You need to start bandaging from the ankle and up to the knee.
  • It is important to wrap carefully, slowly, to avoid large overlaps and folds.
  • Unroll the bandage correctly outward, directly onto the damaged area. So it will be possible to prevent squeezing of muscles and blood vessels.
  • Each new layer lies on the previous one in 1/3 overlap, the skin between the layers should not be visible.
  • At the very bottom, a tight bandage is formed when stretched, bandaging the limb above, the tension is gradually weakened.
  • The bandage is recommended to be applied 150 mm above and below the damaged area, so the fixation is carried out at the bottom to the toes, and at the top - up to ½ of the lower leg.
  • The bandage must be applied with active movements of the victim, but at rest it is better to release the joint.
  • It is contraindicated to tightly tie the product. If the limb begins to go numb, it is necessary to remove the bandage and re-bandage the joint, but not so much.

An ankle bandage is the most effective way to restore an injured joint. The use of a bandage is justified in the following cases:

  • injury to the ligamentous apparatus;
  • muscle injury;
  • fractures, fractures of bones;
  • dislocations in the joint area.

Any injury can occur as a result of bruises, direct blows, falls, twisting of the legs, wearing high-heeled shoes. Most often, the human ligamentous apparatus suffers.

The splint helps to keep the limb in the correct position. Indications for using the tutor:

  • inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • paralysis, etc.
Multiple use, as the material does not deteriorate after the first use If the bandage is applied incorrectly, blood circulation is disturbed.
Securely fixes the limb for a long time Incorrectly fixing dressings can lead to negative consequences and worsening of the condition.
Easy to take off and put on It is necessary to take care of the material, wash it in a timely manner so that the bandage does not deteriorate
Can be fixed both on the ankle and other joints To properly carry out elastic bandaging, you must have special knowledge and skills.
Provides secure fixation and does not require frequent re-dressing If you tie the wrong knot, it can put pressure on the foot and cause unpleasant symptoms.

This type of dressing helps with torn ligaments of the articulation.

In the process of choosing bandages, you must follow some rules. So, in this case, it is important to pay attention to the length of the product. Basically, the parameters depend on the size of the area on which the material will subsequently be wound.

The standard length of elastic bandages is determined by their purpose:

  1. for the ankle - from 1.5 to 2 meters;
  2. for the wrist joint - from 1 to 1.5 meters.

And on other large joints, a bandage is wound, the length of which is from 2 to 3 meters. To fix the upper limbs in case of damage to the ligaments, you need to purchase a four-meter bandage, such as an elastic bandage on the elbow, and a five-meter bandage for the lower ones.

Extensibility is another important factor to keep in mind when choosing an elastic bandage. In order for the fixation to be of high quality when stretching the ligaments, bandages with medium or high extensibility should be used.

And after surgery on the lower extremities, in order to prevent the occurrence of varicose veins, it is necessary to use a material that has a low degree of elasticity.

First aid for trauma

There are 4 first aid steps to follow after an ankle sprain:

  1. Place an object under the ankle so that the leg is in an elevated position (about 20 degrees relative to the floor plane). This action will reduce swelling at the site of injury.
  2. Apply a cold compress to the affected leg. Ice is kept for no more than 30 minutes.
  3. Apply a fixing bandage. For ankle sprains, use elastic bandages or improvised material. The bandage is applied in the form of a figure eight around the foot and lower leg.

Important! Do not overtighten the fixing bandage. This can impede circulation.

  1. Take drugs with analgesic effect - Analgin, Ketonal.

Dislocation of the ankle joint, even a minor one, can turn into a serious problem if the patient is not provided with primary medical care in a timely and correct manner.

To reduce pain, it is necessary to immobilize the injured leg, apply ice to the injury site, if necessary, take an anesthetic, apply a fixing bandage from an elastic bandage, go to the emergency room.

Dislocation of the ankle of the first degree is treated according to the following scheme:

  1. Apply cold to the damaged area. This procedure will reduce swelling and reduce pain.
  2. Fix the joint with a tight bandage. For bandaging, you can use improvised means - a wide bandage, scarf, etc. Proper bandaging is an important part of the treatment. It is necessary that the foot is fixed at a 90° angle, and the bandage is not too tight.
  3. Minimize stress on the injured leg.
  4. After the acute pain subsides, you can do a warm salt bath for the legs, a light massage, an iodine mesh, apply pain-relieving warming ointments or gels.

In case of ankle dislocation of the second and third degree, the injured joint must be put in place no later than two hours after the injury. This must be done by an experienced specialist using local anesthesia. A plaster splint (2nd degree) or a plaster bandage (3rd degree) is applied to the injured leg. In addition, physical therapy and physiotherapy are prescribed.

You can bandage the injured leg at the first degree of dislocation on your own, using an elastic bandage. It is important to apply a fixing bandage correctly. Before applying the bandage, you need to use a protective tape so as not to get irritated from the bandage glue.

Bandage overlay scheme:

Dislocation, subluxation is often accompanied by a click, while the foot visually has a displaced position. Dislocation, subluxation of the ankle joint occurs inward, outward, backward or forward.

When providing first aid, you must remember that you can’t pull or try to rotate anything, you can only make it worse. Sprain is often confused with a dislocation, a fracture, so instead of helping, you can only do harm.

So what needs to be done:

  • Remove shoes, socks, to prevent the spread of even more swelling. Examine the integrity of the skin. The fracture is almost always visible immediately;
  • It is necessary to fix the ankle joint with any improvised means: a bandage, a scarf, clothes. The dressing is done crosswise, capturing the heel and upper leg. You can put branches or a board for better fixation. Fixation is carried out at a right angle to the lower leg;
  • With severe pain, blue or, on the contrary, very light-looking skin of the limb, it is necessary to urgently deliver it to a medical center, a hidden fracture is possible;
  • Apply ice to the swelling site. It will not only relieve pain, but also reduce swelling, stop the spread of bruising;
  • If there is an anesthetic, you can give the patient;
  • Call an ambulance or help walk, carry the patient in your arms. With a large weight of the patient, it is not desirable that he stand on his leg, since a rupture or even greater displacement of the ligaments is possible.

If there is no doctor nearby, or help will not appear soon, just provide peace to the leg. You can lift it higher and hold the cold. Ice should not be applied to a bare leg, it is better to do it through a cloth.

In case of violation of the skin, do not forget to treat them with an antiseptic. For better fixation, an elastic bandage is needed, the doctor can even apply a splint.

If, nevertheless, an ankle sprain is established, the treatment to be performed is as follows.

It is necessary to seek medical help from a traumatologist, surgeon or orthopedist.

Seeking medical help from an orthopedist

A traumatologist and an orthopedist treat this injury in a conservative way, and in case of rupture of ligaments and complications, surgical intervention has to be applied.

Step-by-step instruction

The further outcome of treatment and restoration of the degree of joint mobility directly depends on the correct and timely provision of first aid even before the ambulance arrives.

A number of activities immediately after injury require immediate implementation.

What should you do if you find yourself in an unpleasant situation or want to help the victim?

1) Remove shoes and socks, fully freeing the affected area.

2) Place a multi-layered tissue under the joint, completely eliminate the movement of the leg, lifting it above the level of the heart and fixing it.

3) In the first two hours, apply ice to the sore joint, or a towel moistened with cold water. Change the bandage as it warms up.

4) Bandage the wound tightly with a bandage, while avoiding whitened fingers.

5) Take or give the patient pain medication. Call an ambulance, leaving the situation without the control of doctors and treatment is dangerous. As a result, the ankle can become completely unstable and inactive.

Treatment will be prescribed taking into account the indications of ultrasound, X-ray and severe symptoms. The therapy is aimed at eliminating pain, bruising, swelling, restoring the motor functions of the joint.

The course of treatment and rehabilitation is long. Only a doctor will be able to choose the best treatment option, prescribe painkillers, anti-inflammatory, firming agents, as well as ointments and gels for topical use.


Ankle fixation bandages are used to speed up rehabilitation after injuries. The main indication is dislocations and sprains. They are needed to prevent damage and are often used by athletes or people engaged in physical labor.

On a note! Always keep 1-2 elastic bandages in the first aid kit in case of a sprain or dislocation, especially if you are an elderly person or lead an active lifestyle.

In case of a fracture of the ankle joint during the recovery period, rigid fixators are prescribed in the form of orthoses or plaster casts. It is possible to switch to an elastic material in the later stages of rehabilitation, when the bones have already grown together, and development of the damaged limb is required.

A bandage on the ankle is not applied if the displacement of the joint or a bone fracture is noticeable to the naked eye, there is an open wound, a trophic ulcer or suppuration. The limb is also not fixed on its own with a diabetic foot.

In the presence of wounds and ulcers, it is necessary to decontaminate the skin and apply a simple sterile bandage. In case of fracture, dislocation, use cold and immobilize the limb. Then the person should be taken to the emergency room as soon as possible.

Elastic bandage on the ankle is necessary in the following cases:
  1. injuries (bruises and sprains);
  2. arthritis and arthrosis, accompanied by swelling and pain;
  3. high loads associated with sports.

In case of sprain and rupture of the ligaments of the ankle joint, a plaster splint is applied to the patient. In "tandem" with it, an elastic bandage is used. He is tied up on the second day after the incident, when the plaster has dried well. This design allows a person to easily remove the bandage on their own and try to work out the damaged limb.

For arthritis and arthrosis, an elastic bandage for the ankle joint is applied together with ointments or folk remedies for external use. They are smeared under it, so a compress effect is created.

Intense sports are fraught with a potential risk - getting microtrauma of the joint. If you wear an elastic bandage for training, the likelihood of damage will be reduced significantly.

Important! For people who are engaged in sports or physical labor, doctors recommend that you always have an elastic bandage in your first-aid kit.

The use of a fixing bandage is indicated for various injuries of the limbs. Most often, the method is resorted to in case of sprains. Such damage can be obtained by twisting the foot. The condition is alleviated if the limb is fixed with an elastic bandage and the leg is left without physical exertion for several days.

Taking more serious measures requires breaking the ligaments. In this case, the limb is immobilized with plaster for a period of about 10 days. Then the fixative is removed and resorted to applying a figure-of-eight elastic bandage for another couple of weeks.

In what cases should an elastic bandage be applied to the ankle joint? It is not recommended to resort to the procedure if there is an open wound at the site of injury or bleeding is observed.

In such situations, the tissues are covered with a sterile bandage. If a joint is displaced, an ice pack is applied to the injured area.

Then the limb is provided with complete rest until the doctor determines the nature of the problem.

There are also relative contraindications for the use of an elastic bandage. We are talking about skin diseases, individual problems with blood circulation and the likelihood of blood clots. In an emergency, a bandage can still be applied to such people. But only for a short time, until the extreme need for its use disappears.

Prevention of dislocation of the ankle

Preventive measures are important for people who have suffered an ankle injury once. Each dislocation almost doubles the likelihood of getting a second one, as damaged ligaments become weakened and less elastic.

  1. Sandals and sandals with open heels do not provide support for the foot, which can cause a dislocation. Avoid wearing high heels and platform shoes. In such shoes, the ankle is not particularly protected, since the stability of the foot is low. Shoes with ankle support will protect you from ankle injury.
  2. Stretching the calf muscles reduces joint mobility, which leads to bone rotation and dislocations. Strong muscles of the lower extremities are the natural support for the body. Simple exercises (lifting from heels to toes) will strengthen and stretch the calf muscles.
  • Wearing comfortable, stable shoes;
  • Active lifestyle;
  • Weight loss;
  • When playing sports, it is obligatory to warm up the muscles and wear fixing bandages on problem areas.

Ankle bandages: prices and reviews in the medi expert online store

The ankle joint is very important for movement. It helps the foot to flex, allowing for a slight lateral rotation. In the event of a bruised joint or sprain, a sharp pain appears that interferes with walking. In this case, an orthopedic bandage (caliper) is required for elastic fixation of the joint and pressure.

The difference between an ankle brace and an orthosis

A soft bandage stabilizes the joint, that is, limiting its mobility (within the physiological norm), while a rigid orthosis completely deprives it of any movement. Therefore, an orthosis is more often used for fractures and injuries, being an alternative to gypsum, and a bandage is used in the recovery period.

In what cases will an ankle brace be effective?

  • for the prevention of injuries of the ankle joint during sports,
  • in rehabilitation after injuries,
  • with bruises and dislocations of the ankle joint, sprains,
  • with inflammatory diseases that affect the joint itself and ligaments (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.).

Which ankle brace to choose?

When choosing a product, first of all, you should focus on the recommendations of your doctor. Next, determine what effect you need from using the bandage: a thin elastic bandage has a decongestant and local massage effect, while a tighter compression bandage with silicone inserts stabilizes the ankle joint and protects pain zones.

With high physical activity and sports, it is recommended to use bandages with additional straps that improve the fixation of the product on the leg during movement.

Thin ankle brace

elastic ankle support (compression class 2) perfectly relieves swelling, stimulates blood circulation in the vessels of the lower leg and foot, and the massaging effect helps to relieve pain. The special "breathable" material does not allow the feet to sweat, while the product is easy to put on and evenly fits the foot thanks to the elastic knit.

It can be worn daily with any, even model, shoes. On request, the elastic ankle support can be made in the form of mediven® 550 stockings.

megan92 () 2 weeks ago

Tell me, who is struggling with pain in the joints? My knees hurt terribly ((I drink painkillers, but I understand that I am struggling with the effect, and not with the cause ...

Daria () 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my sore joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And for a long time I forgot about the "incurable" joints. So it goes

megan92 () 13 days ago

Daria () 12 days ago

megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to professor's article.

Sonya 10 days ago

Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

Sonya, what country do you live in? .. They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their margins brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

Editorial response 10 days ago

Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not sold through the pharmacy network in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently, you can only order Official site. Be healthy!

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