The meaning of female names Olga. What male names will have a happy family life. Relationships and family

Olga is childhood, this is jealousy,
It's snow and music and sadness
This is all pagan antiquity,
All forest, princely Russia.

The name Olga means "holy, great". The name comes from the Old Norse Hælgha (Helga). This is one of the oldest female names.

The word Olga gives the impression of something simple, good, beautiful, majestic, powerful, big and bright. Olga herself, as a rule, is quite stubborn, in eternal problems, the ruler in her environment and a dangerous person in anger, but her devotion is worth a lot. Olga usually suffers from love, love from suffering. In youth, this, as a rule, is a completely different child - light, with a twist, with a madness.

The name is very favorable, usually a woman with the name Olga combines intelligence and beauty, which is the real key to success in life.

Abbreviation of the name: Olenka, Olyunya, Olyusha, Olya, Olyulya, Olyusya, Olyukha, Olgushka

Olga's Angel Day: July 24 - Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, Grand Duchess of Russia, July 17 - Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Olga.

Olga Romanovskaya, singer

Patrons named after Olga

  • Planet - Moon
  • Color – Yellow, bright red
  • Talisman Stone - Amber
  • Plant - Ash, ranunculus
  • Patron - Leopard, owl
  • Lucky day - Monday
  • happy season- Summer
  • Key traits – Will, determination, hard work


Little Olechka means a sweet, kind and friendly child. However, those around her often notice her quick mood swings. As a child, Olya is very vulnerable and touchy. Any minor remark or joke can hurt her and cause tears. Parents and educators should be sympathetic to this feature of the child and control words and emotions when communicating with him.

Olya has been very stubborn since childhood. It is very difficult for her to ask for forgiveness, even if she feels guilty. She would rather fight her conscience than force herself to apologize.

Olenka has many friends, and she is friends with both boys and girls. She is a capable child, therefore she easily gains authority among her peers and becomes an example for them. But as a child, Olya is in no hurry to take on the role of a leader in the team; it is more common for her character to remain in the shadows.


Having matured, Olya becomes a stately girl with a difficult character. This attracts a lot of attention to her person from the opposite sex, but it is very difficult for many suitors to achieve reciprocity. Olya knows how to plan for the future and is in no hurry to exchange her plans for intrigues. The first love interests arise at a fairly early age, but Olya does not attach much importance to them. She is sure that she will connect her fate with only one man who will stand the test of time. Therefore, boyfriends at a young age automatically move into the status of friends.

Olya's studies are in the first place, but she does not forget about leisure either. Prefers to rest in the company of girlfriends and friends, often does not wait for an invitation, but acts as an organizer herself.

Olya likes to daydream, drawing detailed images of desired events in her head. In her case, this is not a waste of time or inaction, but rather a kind of planning for the future, because she confidently translates most of her dreams into reality with the help of diligence and perseverance. For Olya, it is important to learn not to go to extremes and be able to distinguish between appearance and reality, as well as correctly assess your strengths.

Olga Shelest, presenter


Olga is a good mother, wife and hostess. She can be attributed to those women who will gladly devote their whole lives to raising children and creating comfort in the family nest. Even if Olga wants to build a career, she will be able to combine household chores and work.

With age, some of Olga's negative qualities intensify. For example, her stubbornness and pride in tandem make up an explosive mixture that all Olga's relatives and colleagues have to face at least once. She is not one of those women who are ready to easily give in or agree to a compromise. On the one hand, these character traits help to achieve success in business, and on the other hand, this creates difficulties in communication.

At the same time, Olga is a good-natured and sensitive person. She will always lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Her openness and dedication attracts many people, so Olga always has a lot of friends and good acquaintances.

Olga can be described as an ambitious and hardworking nature. This helps her achieve significant success in life: build a career, start her own business. Olga is completely devoted to her beloved work and does not feel envy of more successful colleagues.


Olga is the true embodiment of femininity, charm, temperament and sexuality. The feminine principle is especially pronounced in her, which attracts a large number of fans to her at any age. But at the same time, this is a principled woman who will never deviate from her convictions. Regardless of the situation, she will not allow herself or others to give up slack. She always controls what is happening and will not allow herself to go beyond the limits of decency and morality. Such restraint sometimes prevents her from building a personal life.


Olga is a romantic and amorous person, but she will be devoted to the man with whom she decides to connect her life. Treason is a low and unacceptable act for her, which she is inherently incapable of. By the way, she can forgive her husband for betrayal, despite the fact that it will be a deep wound for her.

Mind (intelligence)

One of Olga's main features is her intellect. The ability to think analytically and think ahead often helps her to achieve real success in life.

The legends that surround the name Olga, which belonged to the ancient Russian princess, tell about her strong character and statesmanship. The past is shrouded in mystery, but the influence of the energy of this name on the fate of its owners is undeniable.

History and distribution

Historians to this day cannot come to a consensus on the origin and meaning of the name Olga, since chronicle sources provide various data on this. The most common is the Old Norse (Varangian) version - from the word "heilagr" (heavenly, sacred), which corresponds to the male name Helgi (in the Old Russian pronunciation Oleg) and its female form Helga (Olga). However, according to The Tale of Bygone Years, the Grand Duchess lived in Pleskov (Pskov), did not belong to a noble family, and bore the Slavic name Volga, the meaning of which corresponds to the concepts of “great” or “sunny”. This variant of this naming is preserved in the Belarusian language. Some chroniclers claim that after the wedding Igor's wife received a new name in honor of his uncle Oleg and that she was a noble Slavic girl from Izborsk, whose name was Prekrasa. You can also meet the statement that she came from the Bulgarian city, which is now called Pliska.

Whichever of these versions is true, there is no doubt that the name of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess was very common in Russia, especially at the end of the 19th century, when interest in ancient Russian history increased. For more than a hundred years, it has consistently been in the top ten most popular, although in recent years it has become less popular for newborn girls. Olgas are also found abroad, especially in the Czech Republic and Germany. No wonder so many celebrities are called that. Among them:

  • writers Olga Kobylyanskaya, Olga Forsh, Olga Larionova, Olga Martynova;
  • poetesses Olga Berggolts, Olga Fokina, Olga Sedakova;
  • dancers Olga Khokhlova (Picasso's wife) and Olga Spesivtseva;
  • actresses Olga Androvskaya, Olga Aroseva, Olga Volkova, Olga Mashnaya, Olga Kabo, Olga Ostroumova, Olga Kurylenko, Olga Drozdova;
  • singers Olga Voronets, Olga Polyakova, Olga Buzova;
  • chess players Olga Rubtsova, Olga Kalinina;
  • gymnasts Olga Korbut, Olga Karaseva, Olga Bicherova.

How to properly name

In all languages, this name sounds the same, with the exception of the Belarusian Volga. The most common abbreviation for it is Olya, although not so long ago the variants of Lelya, Lyalya and even Lucy were very common. Diminutives are Olenka, Olechka, Olyushka, Olyunya, Olyusya, Olchik, Olgusha, Lyunya, Lyulya, Olena, Lena.

In countries using the Latin script, this name is transliterated as Olga.

When applying for a passport, you need to write down OLGA.

When to celebrate angel day

In the traditional Orthodox calendar, Olga's name day is the day of memory of the ruler of Russia, who became Elena in baptism, which falls on July 24. At present, four new martyrs with the name Olga, who are commemorated on March 5 and 14, July 17 and November 23, are also canonized. However, name days these days can only be celebrated by those who were baptized after 2004.

Grand Duchess Olga ruled Russia since 945, after the death of her husband Igor. Chronicles preserved a detailed description of the execution of the Grand Duke by the Drevlyans, who did not want to pay tribute to him. According to the annals, Olga terribly took revenge on them - she buried the ambassadors alive, burned the Drevlyan nobility in a bathhouse, celebrating a feast at the place of her husband's death, drunken and chopped up representatives of a hostile tribe. And finally, having set out on a campaign against Korosten, she appointed a symbolic tribute to the city in the form of birds, which she released back, tying a burning tow to them.

It is difficult to say to what extent these legends correspond to reality. In particular, the description of the last revenge of the princess is almost completely copied from the Danish legend about the conquest of England.

It remains a historical fact that after the death of Igor, the princely squad recognized the supremacy of Olga. She became regent under the three-year-old son Svyatoslav and was the de facto ruler, even when he reached adulthood. The Grand Duchess created graveyards where trade was carried out and tribute was collected, not only in Kyiv, but also in Pskov and Novgorod lands, appointed her representative in each of them - tiuna, determined the size and frequency of tribute. Under her, stone buildings began to be erected in Kyiv.

Svyatoslav was on campaign almost all the time, and Olga is listed in Byzantine documents as the full-fledged ruler (archontissa) of Russia. She visited Constantinople and in 955 was baptized there under the name of Helen. In the description of the life of the princess, it is indicated that this act was caused by the proposal of Konstantin Porphyrogenitus for marriage. In response, she asked the emperor to become her godfather, which ruled out the possibility of marriage between them and prevented Russia from becoming dependent on Byzantium. Her second visit to Constantinople, which took place in 957, the purpose of which was a military alliance, is described in more detail.

Despite the fact that under Olga they began to invite priests to Russia and build churches, Svyatoslav refused to accept Christianity, his children were also pagans. The princess asked her son to rule in Kyiv only a year before her death (969), and the baptism of Russia took place under her grandson Vladimir almost twenty years later.

Childhood and youth

This name is well suited for babies born under the zodiac sign Cancer. Olechka can be called quiet, she loves her mother and grandmother very much. However, under the appearance of an angel, strong emotions can be hidden. The girl does not like to obey, and many of her characteristics would be better suited to a boy - a future warrior. It is characterized by impulsiveness of decisions and actions, doing to defend its own rightness and fight injustice. Parents do not need to show excessive severity to their daughter, which will only develop her categoricalness and tendency to aggression, but they should not spoil her too much either.

Olya can study "excellent", but does not always want this. The girl is sociable, although she has few real friends. She is distinguished by touchiness and a tendency to make a tragedy out of nothing, she is critical of her actions and indulges in self-criticism. At the same time, she is ready to the end to defend what she considers fair, and is not afraid to go against everyone. Nature endowed Olya with good health and great stamina, but she is often let down by excessive emotionality and the habit of worrying over trifles. As she ages, she may become overweight and have signs of diabetes.

Mature character

Over the years, Olga becomes more wise and balanced, but still lives in the world of her feelings and emotions, although she is completely devoid of sentimentality and is often ruthless. She is ambitious and stubborn in achieving her goals, very proud and touchy, does not want to forgive other people's mistakes and insults. Her friendliness and courtesy are often seasoned with a kind of humor, in which it is easy to discern irony, including in relation to oneself.

In fairness, a woman with that name is very demanding not only to others. She strictly adheres to the generally accepted principles of behavior, carefully analyzes her failures, spares no time and effort for self-improvement. However, her sociability and correctness are quite compatible with internal aloofness and a critical attitude towards others, and honesty with compromises that correspond to her interests. All this gives reason to talk about a difficult character and emotional instability.

The innermost secret of Olga's personality lies in the fact that deep down she is prone to adventurism, but is forced to hide her impulses.

Love and family

Olga's independence is also manifested in her relationships with men. She can't stand being bossy or trying to change her character, but she won't do that either. As a rule, her marriage is rather late, but prosperous.

Olga will make an ideal hostess, able to make the best use of minimal funds. She responsibly approaches the upbringing of children, looking after sick relatives, and solving family problems. A woman with this name puts the interests of the family above everything else, but does not close herself in the home circle. She loves to go to the theater, to exhibitions, visits sports clubs and tries to involve her family in this. The most harmonious family relationships will be with the compatibility of the names of Olga and her husband.

Profession and career

Olga's ability to work and purposefulness will help her to work in any position. She easily copes with both mental and physical stress, is very responsible and ready to work at least day and night. Scientific and research activities, medicine, technology, law, journalism - these are the most suitable professional areas for a woman with that name. If possible, Olga can take a leadership position, but working under her leadership is quite difficult.

Olga is one of the most common names in Russia, dating back to the tenth century. During this time, the form of the name has not changed at all, only its diminutive meanings have been added.

In various sources, the Old Norse origin of the name Olga most often appears when it sounded like Helga. In translation, Helga means bright, wise, holy. According to the second version, the name Olga originates from the Old Slavic language, where it sounds like Volga, Volkh - which means sunny, significant, great.

As a rule, the fashion for names changes over time, but the name Olga is an exception to the rule. The Slavic peoples love him so much that for many centuries and to this day, parents call their daughters that. The name has taken root not only in Russia, it is widely used in England, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Scandinavia and many other European countries.

And this is not surprising, because history knows so many outstanding and talented women who bear this glorious name. Among them are actresses Olga Ostroumova and Olga Aroseva, chess player Olga Rubtsova, cyclist Olga Zabelinskaya, ballerina Olga Spesivtseva, singer Olga Kormukhina and many others.

Name days and patron saints

In 945, the widow of Prince Igor, Princess Olga (baptized Elena) took over the administration of Kievan Rus - one of the largest and most powerful states of that time. In the same year, Olga went on a pilgrimage, during which she visited many Christian churches and shrines.

In Tsargrad, the princess was baptized with a cross from the life-giving tree of the Lord - Princess Olga became the first ruler in Russia to be baptized. Returning from a pilgrimage, she began to actively introduce Christianity among the pagans, build churches, install Orthodox crosses over the graves of Christians.

Olga died in 969, having bequeathed to be buried according to Christian custom. The princess was canonized and elevated to the rank of saints in the pre-Mongolian period. July 24 is considered the day of memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga.

Olga can choose a name day closer to her date of birth from six dates - that is how many great women entered the history of Orthodoxy as great martyrs. These dates are: February 10, March 6 and 14, July 17 and 24, November 23.

Name characteristic

Olga is always a strong and difficult character, it is pride, ambition and hypocrisy all rolled into one. It successfully combines external activity and internal isolation. Possessing a cold and calculating mind, Olga is completely unromantic, and she is very lacking in imagination and fantasy.

Olga is ambitious, but not too diligent, so she rarely achieves great success in life. At the same time, she may be tormented by envy of more successful people, but she tries to hide her feelings from others and even from herself.

Olga is always smiling, sociable, will always support any company, but at the same time she will not forget for a minute who is the main and who is the subordinate. She is vindictive, never forgives anything and will definitely try to take revenge.

Olga always knows what she wants and no one can stop her. She has a difficult and domineering nature, which lies behind a sweet and feminine appearance. Olga rarely loses control of herself, even in anger. She has a peculiar sense of humor - most often with a touch of irony and sarcasm.

Olga does not forgive other people's weaknesses, and she herself always adheres to strict moral rules. She is honest, hardworking, she is not alien to responsiveness and compassion. But hypocrisy is also not alien to her - with people who are beneficial to herself, she will be correct and kind, and with those who depend on her, she can be emphatically cold.

Olga loves to gossip, has a penchant for adventures. He likes to stick his nose into someone else's personal life, but he tries not to spread about his life to anyone. She is not the kind of person who will apologize for being wrong. Innate diplomatic talent and self-control allow her to get along well with others, although Olga is very touchy.

Olga never loses her desire to look and be "no worse than others." Having achieved a certain level of prosperity, she can become lazy, although she remains a person "of her own mind." She avoids conflicts with all her might, although it is difficult for her to hide her arrogance and arrogance. For all her ostentatious openness and sociability, Olga is a very closed person, and it is difficult to guess what is in her soul, as well as to predict her actions.

We can say that Olga lives not at the behest of the heart, but at the behest of the mind. She has to restrain her emotions in public, but she can easily bring them down on the heads of her loved ones. The owner of the name Olga is very difficult to live with such a difficult and controversial character.


Olenka grows up as a fragile and sickly girl, very attached to her mother and grandmother. He studies mediocre at school, tries not to stand out in anything. Quiet at school, she fully corresponds to the saying "devils live in still waters."

She tries to be friends with classmates, but she has few close friends. Olga does not like to command, but she does not give in to training either.

During the period of growing up, Olga is characterized by self-digging, she deeply analyzes and experiences all her actions. During this period, she is especially vulnerable and receptive, she can cry and get very upset at the slightest remark. The strength of a teenager's character can easily turn into fanaticism, since Olga is a victim of very strong emotions that are not noticeable from the outside.

Childhood leaves a big imprint on Olga's later life. If her parents overprotect her, the girl can grow up to be a spoiled and narcissistic woman. And if adults are too harsh with her, Olga will grow up to be a callous, rude and categorical person. If the parents decide to give their girl the name Olga, they should try very hard to find a middle ground and instill in their daughter cordiality, kindness and responsiveness to others.


By nature, Olga is endowed with good health and great endurance. She has good immunity, she is not prone to seasonal infections and epidemics.

In adulthood, she is prone to diabetes and weight gain, so she needs to refrain from fatty and sweet foods. Possible liver disease and problems in gynecology, as well as dermatological diseases.


Nature usually rewards Olga with an attractive appearance, which the woman carefully looks after. Olga is sensual and sexy, but often takes her partner's sexual attraction as a great and tender feeling, so her life is full of disappointments, from which a woman suffers greatly.

He keeps aloof with men, is reluctant to get close. She is prone to strong love feelings and introspection, so her partner will not be very easy with Olga. She always takes a break in relationships very hard, she perceives each new love as the last.

Olga does not really like romance in love, but she really appreciates valuable gifts. To her chosen one, she will not be very demanding, she will forgive and endure a lot of him. In sex, Olga knows how to reach the pinnacle of pleasure, which few are capable of.

Marriage and family, Olga's compatibility with male names

Olga, as a rule, marries late, as she gets used to independence and independence early. In family relationships, she does not strive for leadership, but she will not unquestioningly obey her husband either. A husband should not try to re-educate his wife, as this is a completely useless thing. Olga will demand fidelity from her husband, but the woman will not destroy the family and lose material well-being due to her husband's betrayal.

Olga will make an excellent hostess, economical and accurate. She will become a caring mother to her children, but as soon as they grow up, she will leave them to themselves. Olga is a completely domestic person, so she will be happy to devote all her free time to home and family. Olga will never leave her elderly parents either.

A successful marriage is possible with men named Anatoly, Victor, Vladislav, Leo, Semyon, Stepan, Igor and Oleg. An alliance with Andrei, Denis, Peter, Leonid, Vitaly, Konstantin and Nikolai should be avoided.

Business and career

Olga is an extremely responsible person, which allows her to achieve good results in any business. But she lacks self-confidence and perseverance in her actions, so she rarely reaches the top in her career and business. The main thing for Olga is the financial side of the issue, for decent pay she will perform both mental and physical work equally well.

Olga is not tied to one place of work, she will leave one place without regret for another, more profitable one.

Olga rarely chooses creative professions that require inspiration and rich imagination. Her strengths are analytical mindset and dedication - she can become a good politician, doctor, engineer, hairdresser, lawyer. In the chosen field, she will work diligently and tirelessly.

In the team, Olga can become a “grey eminence”, whom everyone will be a little afraid of and respect. She will do an excellent job in a leadership position, but will secretly encourage flattery and intrigue. Working with Olga in the same team is quite difficult.

Talismans for Olga

  • The patron planet is the Moon.
  • The patronizing zodiac sign is Cancer. Olga is recommended to call girls born under this sign, then she will be maximally endowed with natural talents and good luck in life.
  • A good time of the year is summer, a good day of the week is Sunday.
  • Lucky colors are yellow and red.
  • Totem animal - an owl and a leopard. The owl is a symbol of wisdom and longevity, as well as loneliness and nostalgia. People who are patronized by an owl are prescribed the gift of clairvoyance and prophecy. The leopard symbolizes courage, speed of reaction and cruelty.
  • Totem plant - ash and buttercup. Ash symbolizes prosperity, mental clarity and health. Buttercup will help relieve stress and bring peace of mind, help you become kinder and more tolerant.
  • Talisman stone - amber. This amazingly beautiful yellow stone has been used since ancient times as a talisman against the evil eye and damage, it enhances intuition and gives vitality. Modern medicine widely uses amber to treat headache, toothache and muscle pain, it helps to normalize blood pressure and improves blood circulation.

Horoscope for Olga

Aries- a temperamental and unbalanced woman with irrepressible energy, with which she is able to infect others. Olga-Aries is able to enthusiastically grab onto several things at once, but not one of them can be completed. Her straightforwardness can attract and repel at the same time, she is trying with all her might to become a leader. Olga can achieve harmony in relationships with a Sagittarius man - their life together will never be boring.

Taurus- emotional, kind and insecure nature, in great need of support from loved ones. She perfectly understands when they are trying to deceive or mislead her, and she will always answer sincerity in the same way. She is completely alien to snobbery and selfishness, next to her everything is good and calm. Olga-Taurus can make happy a man of the same zodiac sign with her - this is an extremely successful union that can exist in harmony for many years. Their love will only intensify with the accumulation of a common bank account.

Twins- an impressionable and incredulous woman who loves to be in the spotlight. She is always ready for change, easily changes her lifestyle and work. It is as if two people live in it, two opposites. She is kind, sensitive, sentimental, but at the same time envious, boastful and jealous. The Leo man will be able to understand her complex soul - in this union the heart and mind, deep sensuality and reality merge.

Crayfish- a romantic, sentimental and bright personality, skillfully manipulating people. She is smart and charming, striving for emotional comfort with all her might. She forgets nothing - neither good nor bad. Olga-Rak does not like quarrels very much, avoids all kinds of conflicts, and will never take out "dirty linen in public." Love for her is the most important thing in life, and she is firmly convinced that sooner or later she will find her ideal. A Pisces man will become a good husband for Olga-Cancer - peace and tranquility will reign in their marriage. Spouses will float on the will of their fantasies and do not require anything from each other.

a lion- an imperious and wayward woman, but absolutely not deceitful and not corruptible. She does not tolerate hypocrisy and duplicity, she always tells the truth in her eyes, so her circle of friends is very limited. But she appreciates the opinions of others, tries to avoid conflicts. She is loved not for something, but for the fact that she is who she is. The Gemini man will be able to make Olga-Leo happy - this union will be based on mutual attraction and common interests.

Virgo- gives the impression of a prim and inaccessible queen, but in fact she is a very insecure woman who does not know how to open up to people. In her soul, she is tender and sensitive, and these qualities will become the key to her family well-being. At work, Olga-Deva is valued as a responsible and diligent worker, and at home she is an excellent hostess and a loving mother. Olga-Virgo can create a strong marriage union with a Taurus man - she is insured against African passions and violent showdowns, but she is reliably protected from betrayal and insincerity in relationships.

Scales- a tactful and patient woman, silent and not conflict. She is completely self-sufficient, she will not impose her opinion and society on others. She is always friendly to others, but does not like to be frank. A husband for Olga-Libra is the most important thing in life, but she takes motherhood quite calmly. The Sagittarius man will be able to comprehend happiness in full with this amazing woman - together they will be able to achieve stunning results and conquer more than one peak.

Scorpion- a dual personality, which combines snobbery and justice, sincerity and envy, sincerity and impatience. She is smart and hardworking, but quarrelsomeness in the team does not allow her to reach career heights. Life for Olga-Scorpio is a series of suffering and disappointments, without which she is simply bored to live. And even if everything is fine in her life, she will find a way to create a problem for herself out of nothing. The Capricorn man can share her sometimes fictional suffering and misfortune - they are both purposeful and stubborn, and they see through each other.

Sagittarius- an open, fickle woman, always ready for adventure. Diplomacy is completely alien to her, as well as a sense of self-preservation. But she knows how to remain faithful under any circumstances, she will never betray and will rush to the rescue at the first call. Olga Sagittarius will be happily married to a Cancer man - this is the best combination for home and family. Cancer will help the pragmatic Sagittarius get rid of the feeling of an ongoing race, add calmness and self-confidence.

Capricorn- gives the impression of a cold and arrogant woman, prefers to stay apart. In fact, this is a deeply experiencing nature, not ready to openly express their feelings. For all her stamina and vitality, Olga-Capricorn is prone to bouts of pessimism, since it is important for her to receive approval from relatives and friends. Her beloved man must respect her right to personal space and not restrict her freedom. Olga-Capricorn and the Taurus man have a high degree of compatibility - they have very similar outlooks on life and many common interests.

Aquarius- sympathetic, kind and sensitive nature, living in his fictional world. Her susceptibility and sentimentality are often used for selfish purposes, but she does not know how to learn from her mistakes. Many consider Olga Aquarius a little crazy, but she is sure that the world around her has gone crazy. The absurd is her element. The Libra man will be able to understand and accept the complex essence of Olga-Aquarius, since they both value freedom and friendship, jealously guard their feelings, and they have a rare idyll in bed.

Fish- a timid and insecure woman who tries to live by the rules. She is extremely impressionable and does not know how to stand up for herself, so even a small nuisance can unsettle her for a long time. She is always ready to selflessly help others, and for the sake of a loved one she is ready to give literally everything. A good emotional and sensual connection can be established between Olga-Pisces and a Cancer man - they are simply made for each other, especially in an intimate way.

There are several versions about the origin of the beautiful female name Olga. The first option says that the name was formed from the Old Norse Helga and means “holy”, “bright”, “clear”, “wise”, “sacred”, “fatal”. According to the second version, it originates from the Old Slavic language, comes from the names Volga, Volkh and acquires the meaning of “sunny”, “good”, “significant”, “great”. Currently considered one of the most common in Russia.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  • Ruler Planet: Moon
  • Talisman Stone: Amber
  • Yellow color
  • Wood: ash
  • plant: ranunculus
  • Animal: leopard
  • Favorable day: Monday

Character traits

Little Olya is serious and thoughtful beyond her years. She is not too disposed towards school, has average knowledge, but tries to study diligently. He communicates with his peers calmly, without conflicts. The teachers are pleased with her behavior and never complain to her parents.

An adult representative named after Olga combines external activity and internal isolation. She has a cold and calculating mind. But she, as a rule, lacks imagination and inspiration. The reason for this is that she is always guided only by logic. Negatively refers to weakness, sentimentality and violent expression of their feelings.

The secret of the name Olga lies in a strong and difficult character, hard work, willpower and intelligence. Positive qualities are prudence, responsiveness and honesty. He considers his and his family's reputation important. Spends a lot of time on self-education and self-improvement. If he sets himself any goal, he always stubbornly achieves the intended result. To do this, she needs to remain independent.

Olga is a supporter of strict moral standards. She is feminine, constantly monitors her appearance and wardrobe. Does not tolerate various advice and teachings. Tends to introspection. Inflicted grievances are going through a long time, but will not flaunt it.

Olga's negative character traits are resentment, arrogance, irascibility and vindictiveness. The girl loves to gossip, loves adventures. In communication with people beneficial to her, she shows courtesy, correctness and hypocrisy. In relation to addicts, he behaves rudely and arrogantly. Sometimes evil and vindictive, but never loses self-control. A woman with this name is not the kind of person who, admitting she was wrong, will apologize.

Interests and hobbies

Olya is a versatile person. She loves family trips to the cinema, theater and exhibitions. Interested in culinary arts. Often visits the pool and gym.

Profession and business

In her professional activities, Olga shows great ability to work. Can work in any direction. She equally copes with both physical and intellectual labor. In the team, he can occupy the unofficial positions of the leader and the “gray eminence”. Enjoys the respect and authority of the leadership. He achieves great heights in science, medicine, industrial and creative professions. Olga can be a political and public figure, leader, journalist, screenwriter and translator. She copes well with the conclusion of various kinds of contracts, she is able to become a good loan officer. If, as a result of the analysis, he finds a benefit in his business, then he is ready to work for days.


Olga is in good health. She does not succumb to fatigue and disease. It has good immunity, is not prone to seasonal infections and epidemics. Weak points are the nervous system, pancreas, liver and genitals.

Sex and love

Olga is endowed with attractive external data, she was created for vivid passionate experiences. Always in love with her partners, often unable to distinguish sexual attraction from a great tender feeling. The representative named Olga is very sexy. She is dissatisfied with her intimate life. In dealing with men, he tries to behave like a highly moral person. With all the fans and suitors, he draws an analogy with his first love. The result of this behavior is that she, as a rule, marries late.

Family and marriage

In family relationships, Olga is a faithful wife and an excellent hostess. In marriage, she does not try to occupy a dominant place, but it remains important for her to maintain a spiritual connection with her husband throughout her life. In the house of a woman is always order, warm, comfortable and cozy. She treats her parents and children with love and care.

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Olga.

What does the name Olga mean?

The name Olga means - saint (Scand.)

The meaning of the name Olga - character and fate

A woman named Olga is ambitious, striving to achieve heights in her chosen business, but she does not always succeed. Only Olga with patronymics Olegovna, Nikolaevna, Eduardovna, Igorevna, Dmitrievna, Anatolyevna, born in autumn or winter, achieve what they want. For the rest, dreams and plans often remain unfulfilled. Olga is faithful to her friends, has many friends. Friendship puts above material wealth and is ready to make sacrifices for the sake of friends. She was a ringleader in the company, she likes to tell funny stories. She is equal with men, treats them as friends. In the house, Olga is the leader, the sovereign mistress. A woman named Olga knows how to properly organize work, distribute responsibilities between households. If she is not too lucky with her husband, she is energetically engaged in raising children, gives them all the warmth of her soul and boundless love. However, most often Olga is loved by her husband, although she herself sometimes gets bored with it, she wants to escape from such monotony, to feel her attractiveness, the ability to charm other men, to win. However, she is smart, does not allow herself to go too far with strangers, knows how to stop in time, and, moreover, values ​​her family. A woman named Olga is a good housewife, she loves and knows how to cook, she is clean, but everyone participates in maintaining order in the house: the spouse is charged with the duty to do the general cleaning, the children - to make sure that there is bread in the house, etc. What Olga fails to achieve in the professional field (to become at least a small leader), she successfully embodies it in relations with her family. But he does it unobtrusively, without noise and shouts. They, in turn, simply adore her. And such a woman knows how to be grateful. She rarely has two children, more often - one son, for whom mother is the best friend for life. For her, prosperity in the house and the opportunity not to deny herself and her family anything are very important. She loves to receive guests, does not know how to visit with cheap gifts.

The meaning of the name Olga for sex

Olga was created for bright passions, her first sexual adventures amaze with their storminess. Jealous, subtly feels pretense. The most temperamental are "summer" women, they are more interested in bed than work, but they are less happy than others in intimate life. "Winter" Olga is more calm; without denying herself sexual pleasures, she still puts care for her family and children in the first place. "Spring" Olga is feminine, charming, if she wants, she will easily captivate any man, but she chooses her life partner very carefully. All women named Olga in relation to men are owners, but they themselves strive to get out of their custody, do not tolerate jealousy.

The nature and fate of the name Olga, taking into account the patronymic

First name Olga and patronymic ....

Olga Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna charming, cheerful, knows how to impress. Somewhat lazy, imposing. She loves comfort and prosperity, but she can do little for this herself. Somewhat envious of more successful friends, she dreams of living a carefree and comfortable life. Amenable to influence, capable of unseemly deeds in addition to their will. For the sake of a career, she can sacrifice her principles, act dishonorably with those who have done a lot for her development, whom she recently idolized. She is prone to self-criticism, she experiences her bad deeds for a long time, but she understands perfectly well that she cannot achieve anything in another way. He knows the price of his charm, he can win over anyone. Very pleasant in communication, sociable. Married: goes out without difficulty and for a man who passionately loves her. Her family is strong, friendly, her warmth is enough for everyone. Olga will never be able to establish friendly relations with her mother-in-law, because no mother will forgive her son such selfless love for an outside woman. However, Olga manages not to quarrel with anyone and not pay attention to the hostility of her husband's parents towards her. She loves variety, enjoys attending celebrations with friends, loves to arrange friendly parties in her house. Monotony and routine are not for her, she will always find a way to have fun or relax. The spouse should remember this and support her in her desire to be in constant communication with people, otherwise this woman can solve the issue of spiritual loneliness in a different way - to get carried away by a man younger than herself in order to again feel a surge of youth and spiritual strength. She has children of different sexes.

First name Olga and patronymic ....

Olga Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna feminine and attractive, looks after her appearance, has good taste. She has many friends, there are true friends. Very amorous, in his youth often fond of. She is flattered by the increased attention of men. It can even become arrogant, overly confident in its charms. Painfully endures unrequited love, cannot forget it for a long time. After an unsuccessful love, she tries to find a man who looks like her previous lover. However, Olga has a passionate nature, so she does not stay alone for a long time. And happy will be the one on whom she is. will stop her choice, because Olga is a good housewife, a wonderful, loving mother and wife. Her growing sons have a great influence on her, their opinion is not at all indifferent to her. Olga can sacrifice her happiness for the sake of her children and live with her unloved husband, endure humiliation and disrespect from him. However, she never loses her self-esteem, and for an outsider's eye, the troubles in her family are not visible. He just tries not to pay attention to the antics of his spouse and lives his own isolated life.

First name Olga and patronymic ....

Olga Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna very vulnerable and sensitive nature. It is easy to offend her, and Olga forgives insults with difficulty. Stubborn, determined, with a strong will. Selfish, but also self-critical. Makes excessive demands on men. In her personal life, she is not very happy, but she never loses faith in the best. Vain, ambitious. Strives to be no worse than others in everything, this is her driving force. She is prone to high self-esteem, she herself praises her abilities, which gives her weight in the eyes of others. Enjoys success with men, charming, cheerful. Too proud to have casual relationships, but never alone. He prefers to have a permanent partner, but is in no hurry with marriage. She is more friends with men, they are closer to her in character and mindset. She tries to marry a serious, solid person, or even herself makes a young man a man who meets her requirements: she assigns him to a university that she considers the most suitable and prestigious, arranges a good job and only then marries him. However, her merits in the formation of a spouse as a person are rarely appreciated by him. Olga treats her children in a completely different way, she pampers them, protects them from unnecessary stress, does not refuse them anything. But, oddly enough, the children of such Olga grow up unspoiled. She has children of different sexes.

First name Olga and patronymic ....

Olga Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semenovna, Emmanuilovna smart, practical, sociable. He does not tolerate fools, especially among men. Can be snappy and snarky with people she doesn't like. Has a sparkling sense of humor. It combines intelligence with excessive simplicity. She knows how to be tactful, correct, but can be harsh and rude. Knows where, with whom and how to behave. Very fair, somewhat straightforward. Sexy, seductive. It attracts men with a softer character, which annoys her very much. She has a completely different ideal - strong and affectionate, courageous and gentle, kind and hard as a rock. Therefore, she is not very lucky with her husband. Most often, the husband, feeling the superiority of his wife, tries in any way to rise above her, sometimes resorting to unseemly acts: he drinks or cheats, not considering it necessary to hide it. Olga cannot be broken, but she can break loose. In this case, in order to feel like a full-fledged woman, she also gets a lover. Meanwhile, he does not dare to leave his family, he loves children very much. He puts a lot of effort into home improvement, knows how to provide for children, without waiting for her husband to do it. She relies only on herself and is always ready for any vicissitudes of fate. However, the spouse will never leave such Olga - he is very well arranged, has everything he would like, and without much effort on his part. Diverse children are born.

First name Olga and patronymic ....

Olga Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna the strongest in character of all her namesakes. Direct, open, fair. Quick-tempered, in a fit of anger, she can offend a person. Energetic, active, able to organize anyone. It is difficult to care for her, she does not allow everyone to do this. She is able to appreciate only a strong man with an extraordinary mind, only such a man is worthy of her attention and can win her heart. Olga clearly shares sex and love. Never alone, but not always in love with her partner. She marries late, she tries to achieve everything herself first. In choosing a life partner, he is guided only by sober calculation, suppressing emotions. And such a marriage is, as a rule, successful. If Olga marries only for love, then she will soon get divorced. She is a leader in the family, a weak and spineless husband will not withstand her onslaught. Olga suppresses him with her authority, willpower, practicality and determination, determines where he should work, what is better to do. Only a strong-willed man can resist Olga. And she willingly concedes the championship in the family, if she makes sure that he is worth it. Such Olga has children of different sexes, but most often she has one child, whom she provides for everyone.

Numerology Of The Name Olga

The true, sacred for people is the ability to work.


The meaning of the name Olga: The name Olga comes from the Scandinavian name Helga or Elga. It was accepted by the Russian people, became “especially Russian”, took root in the Russian language, somewhat changing its sound form: the letter E at the beginning of the name softened and turned into O.

Commemoration days: 11.01, 10.02, 04.03, 06.09, 19.12.

Personality. Woman in body armor.

Characteristics of the name Olga spelled:

O - mission;

L - the need for affection, love;

b - softness of character, passivity, compliance;

Г - semi-cross, a kind of sacrifice;

A is diligence.

What does the name Olga mean in numerology:

OLGA = 74341 = 19 = 1 (Sun).

The purpose of the life of a person named Olga is determined by the Sun, the planet of higher consciousness, energy, activity.

What does the name Olga mean in astrology:

7-4 (Saturn - Mercury) - a person relies on his own attitudes when communicating with people; good logical thinking, sense of form;

4-3 (Mercury - Mars) - enterprise, but also fussiness, an exaggerated opinion of oneself;

4-1 (Mercury - Sun) - high intelligence, creative talents, self-improvement;

1 (Sun) - the point is deepened: problems with the manifestation of the spirit.

Karmic lessons named after Olga:

2 (Moon) - oscillatory tendencies, lack of self-confidence;

5 (Jupiter) - no trust, a lot of perseverance, stubbornness;

8 (Uranus) - frequent ups and downs. Learning to manage emotions is the main thing for Olga;

9 (Neptune) - you need to learn to use the huge potential.

Characteristics of the name Olga, taking into account the analysis

A penchant for non-traditional sciences, a penetrating mind, high intelligence, a sense of style, form, harmony, often a good fortune. Fields of activity: philosophy, occult disciplines, medicine, architecture, urban planning, design.

Sexuality is average. Olga is a wonderful caring wife, a wonderful mother. The names of men suitable for her, taking into account the meaning of the name: Oleg, Nikolai, German, Leonid, Lavrenty, Andrey, Mikhail.

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