Zinerit tablets instructions for ultrasonic scanner. Zenerite. Instructions for use Zinerit from acne

The drug for external use "Zinerit" is recognized by doctors as one of the most effective in the fight against inflammation on the face. A drug with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial and comedolytic action is intended for the treatment of acne.

The modern and highly effective drug Zinerit copes well with skin lesions and is used in complex therapy.

The composition of Zinerit: erythromycin - 1.2 g, zinc acetate dihydrate - 360 mg. The concentration of zinc in the finished lotion is 1.2%, and erythromycin is 4%.

The main active ingredient of the cream for acne and pimples is erythromycin. It is an antibiotic of natural origin, mild and non-toxic. Erythromycin kills the causative agent of acne, the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes, which multiplies in the pores. A small amount of erythromycin can enter the systemic circulation, and then be excreted from the body.

The active substance of Zinerit is also zinc acetate dihydrate, which acts exclusively externally. Zinc has an astringent and drying effect, relieves inflammation and, due to its connection with Erythromycin, inflammatory processes are much faster.

A complex medication reduces the production of sebum, which clogs our skin. Consequently, oily skin and the possibility of acne are reduced. Since Zinerit significantly reduces the formation of comedones, which are accumulations of sebum, there is simply no substrate left on the epidermis for the formation of new acne and blackheads.

Release form of the drug:

1. Powder for the preparation of a solution for external use 2. The applied solvent is colorless, transparent. 3. Applicator for self-prepared, according to the instructions, solution.

Composition and form of release

The Dutch manufacturer produces Zineryt for acne in the form of a finely crystalline white powder. It is packaged in 30.0 ml plastic bottles. The cardboard box contains the same primary packaging with liquid solvent. Attached to it are instructions for use and an applicator for convenient dosing and application of the drug.

To form the active composition of Zinerit, the manufacturer used erythromycin and zinc acetate. The ingredients complement each other well, mutually reinforcing the therapeutic activity. The auxiliary composition is represented by the following components:

  • diisopropyl sebacate;
  • ethyl alcohol.

Ethanol also has medicinal properties - drying, aseptic, disinfectant. Auxiliary ingredients contribute to the rapid penetration of erythromycin into inflammatory foci, its uniform distribution.

The finished solution is not stored for a long time, so the powder and solvent are packed separately.

Zineryt does not apply to hormonal agents. Its therapeutic activity is based on the presence in the composition of erythromycin from the clinical and pharmacological group of macrolides. It is an antibiotic with a powerful therapeutic effect, so the drug should be used with caution.

Pharmacological properties

The high anti-acne effectiveness of Zinerit for acne is explained by the complex action of zinc acetate and erythromycin. The activity of the latter is aimed at suppressing the replication of microorganisms (bacteriostatic action) that cause acne.

Immediately after applying the solution, the antibiotic binds to the cells of epidermal streptococcus and propionibacteria. The result is the breakage of microbial RNA chains. Pathogens lose their ability to reproduce and quickly die.

At the same time, binding of zinc acetate to epithelial cells is observed. It adsorbs microorganisms, tissue decay products, and sebaceous secretions on its surface. After washing, all these impurities are naturally removed from the pores. The Zineryt ingredient also reduces sebum production, eliminating the causes of acne.

Zinerit is a powerful tool that provides a complex effect. The following pharmacological properties are also characteristic of the drug:

  • dissolution of the contents of comedones (black dots) with subsequent evacuation to the surface of the skin;
  • relief of inflammatory processes;
  • reducing the severity of itching and other uncomfortable sensations;
  • drying of small pimples;
  • elimination of irritation of the epidermis, its redness.

Zinc acetate stimulates accelerated exfoliation of the upper damaged layer of the epidermis. On the places freed from keratinized scales, young healthy cells begin to intensively form. The skin looks much healthier and hydrated.

Stimulation of epidermal cell renewal helps to improve the appearance of the skin

Indications for use

The main indication for Zinerit therapy is acne of any severity. This is the name of the disease of the sebaceous glands, which is characterized by blockage and inflammation of the hair follicles. The drug is used in a variety of clinical manifestations of acne.

Zineryt effectively eliminates almost all types of acne:

  • subcutaneous acne;
  • pustular and papular acne;
  • comedones;
  • nodal formations;
  • cystic cavities.

In the effective treatment of acne, a phased and integrated approach plays an important role. Zinerit with a combined composition fully complies with this requirement. It simultaneously eliminates both the symptoms and the causes of the development of the disease. The drug helps in a short time to get rid of acne localized on the back, upper chest.

With the help of Zineryt, the skin of the face is cleansed - the forehead, temples, chin, wings of the nose. Even with severe acne, after using the solution, no traces remain on the dermis. It recovers without the formation of scars, spots or scars.

The unique composition of the product allows you to get rid of acne and acne without the formation of scars.

In the pharmacy, Zinerit is sold in two different bottles., and one of them contains a lotion, and the second - a special powder. To prepare a product for use, you first need to figure out how to mix Zineryt.

It is necessary to prepare a homogeneous mixture from two different components, however, it is not necessary to mix the entire volume at once.

When buying a drug, you must carry out the following steps before using it:

  1. There are always two bottles (A, B) in the package, as well as a special container with an applicator ©.
  2. You have to pour the contents of vial A into the second vial B, then close the lid and shake well.
  3. After that, you need to remove the applicator from the package.
  4. Carefully push the applicator into the neck of the bottle B and screw the cap on tightly (the second bottle A can be completely discarded).

When acne on the face is not severe, then it will be enough for you to use half of the drug.

And if you mix everything at once, then after temporary use, your acne will disappear, and half of the bottle of the product will remain and deteriorate, because its shelf life is significantly reduced.

You can store individual components for up to three years, therefore, if it is necessary to repeat the procedure, they can be used again, significantly saving on the purchase of another package of funds.

Before using Zeneryt, it is important to remember that when mixing these two components, the resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed to get a homogeneous mass.

The prepared preparation is applied with a special applicator, which is always included in the kit.

The user should also be aware that before using Zenerit, it is important to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face.

Before such a procedure, it is necessary to wash off all cosmetics, if any.

Zineryt should be applied to clean skin twice a day.: in the morning, before cosmetic procedures, and also in the evening (immediately after your face is completely cleansed of cosmetics).


An absolute contraindication to therapy is individual intolerance to the active or auxiliary ingredients. Zinerit is not used and with previously identified hypersensitivity to macrolide antibiotics. Its use is prohibited for people prone to developing allergies to zinc-containing drugs.

Pimples quite often form not only on oily, but also on dry, prone to irritation skin. In such cases, it is advisable to choose ointments to eliminate blackheads and blackheads. As part of Zenerite, there are two aggressive chemicals at once, which greatly dry the skin. These are zinc acetate and ethyl alcohol.

A detailed review of an effective remedy for acne Erythromycin ointment.

The benefits of the drug

Due to its special composition, Zinerit has a huge number of significant advantages:

  1. The drug can be used in combination with other local means (simultaneously or sequentially).
  2. The product has a colorless texture which does not form a greasy film on the skin.
  3. Zenerite without much concern can be used both during pregnancy and lactation. And this is due primarily to the fact that the antibiotic that is part of the product practically does not enter the body.
  4. Responds well to various cosmetics(Over the product, you can easily apply the usual makeup).
  5. Shelf life already prepared lotion is 5 weeks.
  6. An overdose of the drug is unlikely.
  7. No interactions found with other drugs.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for the use of Zinerit, it should be used in consultation with the doctor. The dermatologist will calculate the doses, determine the optimal duration of the therapeutic course.

He will definitely take into account the form of acne, the density of rashes, the severity of other symptoms. Before starting treatment, the contents of two vials are mixed, shaken until the powder is completely dissolved.

Before using the drug, you need to consult a dermatologist. And then use the dilution of Zinerit in the following way:

  • wash off pollution with warm water and soap or any cosmetic cream, dry;
  • by pressure, the required amount of the product is removed from the vial and distributed in a thin layer;
  • leave until completely dry.

After mixing the contents of the two bottles, a clear, slightly viscous lotion is obtained. The best time to use it is morning and evening. It is during these hours that the regenerative processes in cells proceed most intensively. The duration of treatment varies significantly depending on the severity of acne symptoms.

The first positive effects appear after 2-3 weeks from the start of treatment. If they are absent even after a month, you should inform the dermatologist about this. He will adjust the dosing regimen or replace Zinerit with a drug with a different active ingredient.

The solution is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin using a soft applicator.


Not a single case of overdose with Zinerit in dermatological and cosmetological practice has been noted. A pathological condition is impossible even with prolonged use of the lotion in high doses.

Side effects

The metabolism of Zenerite components occurs directly in the skin, so they do not penetrate into the bloodstream. The likelihood of developing systemic adverse reactions is completely excluded. On the part of the skin, local negative effects are possible.

An allergic reaction is indicated by swelling, redness, irritation, rash, itching, soreness. It is necessary to wash off the lotion and be sure to seek medical help.

special instructions

Zineryt is especially effective in the initial stages of the development of acne. The lotion should be applied to the skin at the first symptoms - burning, redness of the skin. This will prevent the formation of pronounced and painful rashes. Also, the use of the drug is advisable when the means without antibiotics in the composition are ineffective.

To avoid recurrence of acne, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene during therapy. Before applying the drug, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap. The applicator should be treated with antiseptics after each use.

The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the implementation of hygiene procedures.

If an alcohol solution of Zineryt gets into the eyes, they should be thoroughly rinsed with water. It should be borne in mind that, like all antibiotics, erythromycin provokes addiction. This leads to a gradual decrease in therapeutic efficacy. If long-term use of Zineryt is required, then it is necessary to take breaks in treatment.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The ingredients of Zinerit are not characterized by teratogenic and mutagenic effects. They were not found in clinical trials. Therefore, it is absolutely safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women.


The use of Zinerit is practiced in pediatrics. The dermatologist carefully calculates the dosage taking into account the age of the child. In most cases, in children, antibiotic therapy lasts about a month.

Terms and conditions of storage

The shelf life of the anti-acne agent is 36 months. It should be stored at room temperature, protected from direct sunlight. The access of young children to Zenerite should be limited. If the color or smell of the lotion changes, it is prohibited to use it for therapy. The shelf life of the finished solution should not exceed 5 weeks.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

When buying Zinerit in a pharmacy, you do not need to show the pharmacist a prescription from a dermatologist.

drug interaction

In clinical practice, there have been no cases of interaction between the ingredients of Zinerit and the components of local remedies. Doctors recommend maintaining a 30-minute interval between applications of drugs for the treatment of acne.

"Zinerit" side effect

"Zinerit" side effect
The use of the drug "Zinerit" can provoke the development of local allergic reactions. May be observed: Dryness of the skin Burning in the area of ​​application of the solution Redness Irritation of the skin Itching

To eliminate these side effects, antihistamines are used for symptomatic therapy.

Most often, the manifestation of an allergic reaction is slightly pronounced, therefore, they do not require the abolition of the course of treatment.


There are no drugs with an identical composition on the pharmacological market. In case of intolerance to the ingredients, Zenerit analogues are included in the treatment regimens. The use of Baziron, Skinoren, Stop-Acne, Ugrisept, Klindovit is practiced in acne therapy. The cheapest analogue is the antibacterial lotion Zerkalin.

One of the most affordable means with a similar effect


As they say, how many people - so many opinions, and this says even more eloquently that you still need to try Zinerit, what if this remedy is yours?

If you want to know my opinion- this external remedy is one of the best in the treatment of acne, and I have tried a lot of things =) . Do not forget about other components of a successful acne treatment: diet, not squeezing acne and not touching your face, etc. Read the site, I have described everything in more than detail.

Hope it was helpful. See you! Roman Berezhnoy.

On the vastness of YouTube, I found a fairly high-quality review of a cosmetologist about Zenerite, in principle, the same as what I was talking about, but it will still be useful to see:

Choosing a remedy for acne

In the pharmacy assortment there are many drugs to eliminate the signs and causes of acne. They are available in various dosage forms. These are creams, ointments, applicator pencils, solutions, emulsions, suspensions, lotions. In the prescription and production departments of pharmacies, special “talkers” are prepared with sulfur and salicylic acid.

Therefore, it is better to entrust the choice of a quality drug for acne to a dermatologist. First, he will prescribe bacteriological studies of the sebaceous secretion to identify the species of pathogenic bacteria. And then he will choose a remedy to which pathogenic microorganisms have not developed resistance.

Zenerite or Skinoren

The active substance of Skinoren is azelaic acid. It normalizes disturbed keratinization processes in the follicles of the sebaceous glands. After applying the cream, there is a decrease in the content of free fatty acids in skin lipids, a decrease in its fat content. Zenerite also exhibits similar activity due to the presence of a zinc salt in it.

Azelaic acid, like erythromycin, inhibits acne pathogens. But its action is much softer, sparing. Therefore, Skinoren is safer, often becoming the drug of first choice in the treatment of acne.

Baziron or Zinerit

The therapeutic effects of Baziron-AS are determined by its main ingredient - benzoyl peroxide. It exhibits antimicrobial activity against bacteria that infect skin pores. The gel has a keratolytic effect, improves tissue oxygenation, and inhibits sebum production.

Benzoyl peroxide is also less aggressive than erythromycin and zinc acetate. Dermatologists always prescribe Baziron to patients with acne first. And only when it is ineffective, Zinerit is included in the treatment regimens.

Baziron is usually the first choice for acne treatment.

Additional benefit

In addition to the main activity, the drug has other additional effects. The main useful properties of the tool are as follows:

  1. The main component is an antibiotic, which is why the skin is effectively antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. It quickly and effectively destroys the main causative agent of acne - Propionibacterium acnes bacteria.
  2. Zenerite quickly reduces absolutely all inflammatory processes, and its special inflammatory effect contributes to the skin dries quickly from acne, so that they no longer spread (do not get carried away with the application, as you can greatly dry the skin);
  3. When applied, the product completely occupies the pores, gradually multiplying in them;
  4. The product helps to significantly reduce oily skin, and also reduces the production of sebum, which can effectively stop the further appearance of acne.

Last update of the description by the manufacturer 14.09.2011

Filterable List

Active substance:


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

3D images

Composition and form of release

The composition of the drug before mixing the contents of the vials and after preparing the solution

Active substances (in the first vial)
Nominal amount, mg/30 ml Quantity including 3.35%* Quantity including 5%**
Erythromycin 100% (Ph.Eur.) 1200 1240 1302
Zinc acetate dihydrate, micronized (Ph.Eur.) 360 372 389,4
Auxiliary components (in the second bottle)
Nominal amount, g/30 ml
Diisopropyl sebacate (monograph) 7.81 (8.36 ml)
Ethanol (Ph.Eur.) 17.1 (21.6 ml)
1 ml of the prepared preparation has the following composition:
Erythromycin 100% 40 mg
Zinc acetate dihydrate, micronized 12 mg
Diisopropyl sebacate 0.25 g
ethanol 0.55 g

* the amount of active ingredients, erythromycin and zinc acetate dihydrate, is increased by 3.35% in order to compensate for their concentrations in the preparation of the finished product, the nominal volume of which increases when the active ingredients are mixed with a solvent (each 1000 mg of powder is equivalent to 0.79 ml).

** An additional increase in the amount of active ingredients, erythromycin and zinc acetate dihydrate, by 5% is associated with the preservation of the declared concentrations of the finished product during storage.

in a vial, complete with a solvent in a 30 ml vial and an applicator; in a box 1 set.

Description of the dosage form

The prepared solution is a colorless transparent liquid.


Erythromycin-zinc complex.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- antimicrobial, comedonolytic, anti-inflammatory.

Erythromycin blocks protein synthesis of microbial cells, causing a bacteriostatic effect. Zinc stabilizes cell membranes, has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, and reduces the production of sebum.


Erythromycin acts bacteriostatically on microorganisms that cause acne: Propionibacterium acne and Streptococcus epidermidis. Zinc reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, has an astringent effect.


The complex connection of the components of the drug ensures good penetration into the skin of active substances. Zinc mainly binds to the follicular epithelium and is not resorbed into the systemic circulation. A small part of erythromycin undergoes systemic distribution and is subsequently excreted from the body.

Indications for Zinerit ®

Acne (treatment).


Hypersensitivity to erythromycin, other macrolides and zinc.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It has now been established that it is possible to use the drug during periods of pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) according to indications in recommended doses.

Side effects

Local reactions- burning sensation, irritation, dryness of the skin. As a rule, these reactions are mild and do not require discontinuation of the drug and / or symptomatic therapy.


To date, no clinically significant interactions of Zinerit ® with other drugs have been established.

Dosage and administration

Outwardly. Having tilted the bottle with the prepared solution down, with a slight pressure on the applicator, apply a thin layer to the entire affected skin area 2 times a day: in the morning (for women - before applying makeup) and in the evening (after washing). The speed of application of the solution is regulated by the pressure of the applicator on the skin. An approximate single dose is 0.5 ml. After drying, the solution becomes invisible. The course of treatment is 10-12 weeks (improvement is possible after 2 weeks).


Accidental overdose is unlikely due to the nature of the topical application of the drug.

Precautionary measures

Consideration should be given to the possibility of developing cross-resistance to other macrolides, lincomycin, clindamycin. Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth and nose (possible irritation or burns).

Storage conditions of the drug Zinerit ®

At a temperature of 15-25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

From this article you will learn:

  • Does Zineryt help acne?
  • Zinerit from acne - reviews of a practicing dermatologist,
  • Zenerite - price, composition, analogues.

Zineryt is an antibacterial drug used for acne. Produced by the European company "Astellas Pharma" and sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The drug can be used in adults and children over 12 years of age.

Zenerite: composition and form of release

Zinerit instructions for use tells us that the drug contains:

  • antibiotic erythromycin - 1.2 g,
  • zinc acetate - 360 mg,
  • other ingredients: diisopropyl and ethanol (as powder solvents), sebacate.

Erythromycin belongs to the macrolide group of antibiotics. This antibiotic is especially effective against the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes and Streptococcus epidermidis, which cause festering of the hair follicles (i.e. acne). After application, only a very small part of erythromycin enters the systemic circulation.

Zinc reduces the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, and also increases the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to erythromycin. Zinc also has anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effects.

Release form
Applying Zinerit at home is quite simple. The package contains two plastic bottles, one of which has an applicator for applying the drug. The first vial contains a dry mixture of antibiotic and zinc acetate. The second bottle contains 30 ml of solvent solution, which must be added to the dry mixture of the main components before using the drug.

Keep in mind that after mixing the components of the drug, the finished solution can be stored (at a temperature of 15 ° to 25 ° C) and used for no more than 5 weeks. If the course of treatment prescribed to you is longer than this period, then you will need to purchase a second package of the drug.

Zinerit - indications for use

  • used to treat acne,
  • with acne (both in the form of papules and in the form of pustules),
  • with a mixed form of acne (when there are both blackheads and pimples at the same time).

Zenerite - instructions for use

The drug is used 2 times a day: in the morning (required before applying makeup) and in the evening after washing before going to bed. The course of treatment is 10-12 weeks (however, a good result is achieved after 2 weeks of using the drug). The rest of the time is necessary to consolidate the results of therapy.

Zinerit - reviews of dermatologists about the drug are only positive. However, in some patients, microflora resistance to this antibiotic may occur. Therefore, if you did not notice the effect of therapy within 2 weeks of use, then most likely we are talking about the insensitivity of microflora to antibiotics of the macrolide group. In this case, the dermatologist will prescribe you another drug containing an antibiotic of a different group.

Preparation and use of the drug -

The contents of the solvent vial must be completely poured into the dry powder vial. After that, the bottle should be shaken until the powder is completely dissolved in the solvent. After that, the bottle can be closed with a cap with an applicator.

Step-by-step instruction
1) The drug package contains two vials and one applicator.
2) First open the caps of both vials, keeping the cap of vial A containing the powder.
3) The solvent from vial B must be poured into vial A with powder.
4) Close bottle A (with powder and solvent) with a cap.
5) Shake bottle A for 1 minute.
6) Remove the cap from vial A and attach the applicator to the vial.
7) Push the cap that contains the applicator into the full vial and close tightly.
8) Open the bottle cap and check if the applicator is securely fastened.
9) Write the date of mixing the drug on the vial (the prepared solution can be used within 5 weeks).

To apply the drug, you need to tilt the vial with the applicator down. The force of pressure regulates the speed at which the solution is applied to the skin. The solution is colorless and therefore it will not be noticeable after drying. The drug is intended for external use only (for application to the skin).

Zenerite: price

Zineryt for acne - the price of the drug starts from 650 rubles per pack.

Zinerit: reviews of a dermatologist

This is a worthy and highly effective drug. However, in our opinion, its use is justified for acne, and not for acne. To understand this, you need to understand the nature of acne and pimples, because acne and pimples are not the same thing. Acne is a plug in the pores of the skin, consisting of the secret of the sebaceous glands and desquamated epithelial cells.

Acne appears either as white bumps on the surface of the skin (Figure 4) or as black dots in the pores of the skin (Figure 5). With acne, there is no inflammation in the tissues. Pimples are formed from blackheads, at the moment when bacteria begin to actively multiply in the closed space of the hair follicle, causing inflammation (Fig. 6).

Zenerite: analogues

the drug has no direct analogues. The closest in composition is Eriderm (made in the USA), containing a solution of erythromycin, but not containing zinc (site). There is also a Benzamycin acne gel that contains a combination of erythromycin and benzoyl peroxide.

Often asked to compare the effectiveness of Zinerit with other drugs –

  • Zenerite or what is better -
    Baziron contains a highly effective acne treatment ingredient called benzoyl peroxide. It is optimal to start acne treatment with benzoyl peroxide, and only if the effect of the latter is insufficient, to connect antibiotics (for example, Zinerite).
  • Which is better or Zinerit -
    Skinoren belongs to a group of drugs based on azelaic acid, which is slightly less effective than benzoyl peroxide, but at the same time causes significantly less skin irritation. Those. azelaic acid is an alternative to benzoyl peroxide, and it is best to start therapy with one of these drugs. Antibiotic-containing Zineryt - again best used only in case of insufficient effect of benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid.

Side effects -

In some cases, there may be slight redness, dryness and peeling of the skin, tingling or burning at the site of use of the drug. These effects are normal and do not require discontinuation of the drug.

Contraindications for use -

Do not use Zinerit if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to erythromycin or other macrolide antibiotics, as well as to zinc or other components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation -

The use of the drug during breastfeeding and pregnancy is possible if the recommended application dosages are observed (no more than 0.5 ml per 1 application). The safety of the drug is due to the fact that erythromycin is practically not absorbed into the blood and only a small dose of the drug enters the systemic circulation. Studies have not revealed a negative effect of the drug on the fetus.

Summary -

  • Application for acne
    the drug can be successfully used to treat acne. However, if you are only starting treatment for them for the first time, it is best to start treatment not with antibiotics, but with drugs based on benzoyl peroxide. It is benzoyl peroxide that is the gold standard of basic acne therapy.
  • The use of Zineryt for acne
    as we said above: we do not see the point in this drug if you have acne, not acne. This is due to the fact that antibiotics are needed to stop inflammation. And acne develops as a result of an increase in the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, and is a “fat plug” in the pores of the skin in the complete absence of inflammation in the tissues.
  • Keep in mind that if you have previously used antibiotics of the macrolide group, as well as lincosamides (such as - or Clindamycin), and the bacteria that cause acne turned out to be insensitive to these antibiotics, then it is better to prescribe not Zinerit, but another drug.

We hope that our article on the topic: Does Zineryt help with acne - turned out to be useful to you!

Dosage form:  

powder for solution for external use, complete with solvent and applicator


The packaging of the drug consists of two vials, one of which contains active substances in the form of a powder, and the other contains auxiliary components in the form of a solution. Before mixing, the contents of the vials have the following composition:

Active substances (in the first vial)

Nominal amount (mg/30 ml)

* Quantity including 3.35%

** Quantity including 5%

Erythromycin 100% (Ph .Eur .)

Zinc acetate dihydrate, micronized (Ph .Eur .)

Auxiliary components (in the second bottle)

Nominal amount (g/30 ml)

Diisopropyl sebacate (monograph)

7.81 (8.36 ml)

Ethanol (Ph .Eur .)

17.1 (21.6 ml)

1 ml of the prepared preparation has the following composition:

Erythromycin 100% - 40 mg

Zinc acetate dihydrate, micronized - 12 mg

Diisopropyl sebacat - 0.25 g

Ethanol - 0.55 g

* the amount of active ingredients, erythromycin and zinc acetate dihydrate, is increased by 3.35% in order to compensate for their concentrations in the preparation of the finished product, the nominal volume of which increases when the active ingredients are mixed with a solvent (each 1000 mg of powder is equivalent to 0.79 ml).

** An additional increase in the amount of active ingredients, erythromycin and zinc acetate dihydrate, by 5% is associated with the preservation of the declared concentrations of the finished product during storage.


Colorless transparent liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:Rash acne remedy treatment ATX:  

D.10.A.F.52 Erythromycin in combination with other drugs


Zenerite is an erythromycin-zinc complex.

It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and comedonolytic effects.

Erythromycin acts bacteriostatically on the microorganisms that cause acne: Propionibacterium acne and Streptococcus epidermidis. Zinc reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, has an astringent effect.


The complex connection of the components of the drug ensures good penetration into the skin of active substances. Zinc mainly binds to the follicular epithelium and is not resorbed into the systemic circulation. A small part of erythromycin undergoes systemic distribution and is subsequently excreted from the body.

Indications: Acne treatment. Contraindications:
  • Hypersensitivity to erythromycin and other macrolides;
  • hypersensitivity to zinc.
Pregnancy and lactation:

It has now been established that it is possible to use the drug during periods of pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) according to indications in recommended doses.

Dosage and administration:

Outwardly. Using the supplied applicator, Zinerit is applied in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin 2 times a day: in the morning (before applying makeup) and in the evening (after washing). The drug should be applied by tilting the vial with the prepared solution down, with light pressure. The speed of application of the solution is regulated by the pressure of the applicator on the skin. An approximate single dose is 0.5 ml. After drying, the solution becomes invisible.

Course duration - 10-12 weeks. In some cases, clinical improvement is possible after 2 weeks.

Instructions for the preparation of the drug Zinerit.

  1. The package contains 2 vials and a soft surface applicator, remove the caps from both vials. Do not throw away the cap from the powder vial.
  2. Pour the solution (B) into the powder vial (A) and screw on the cap. The empty vial B can be discarded.
  3. Shake the contents of the vial thoroughly for one minute immediately.
  4. Remove the cap from the vial.
  5. Take the applicator out of the package.
  6. Push the applicator into the neck and screw on the cap.

The prepared solution can be stored for 5 weeks after preparation at a temperature of 15-20°C. The expiration date should be written on the vial.

Side effects:

Local reactions: sometimes there may be a burning sensation, irritation, dryness of the skin at the site of application of the drug (as a rule, these phenomena are mild and do not require discontinuation of the drug and / or symptomatic therapy).


Accidental overdose is unlikely due to the nature of the topical application of the drug.

Zenerite is the most popular modern medical remedy for acne.

Despite the high cost, the drug continues to confidently occupy a leading position among antibacterial agents used in the treatment.

It requires special preparation before use and competent application, only in this case a positive result of therapy can be expected.


The remedy is available in the form set containing 2 bottles - with powder and solvent liquid. Also included is an applicator.

The composition of the drug in the powdered state is based on erythromycin and zinc. The solvent is based on diisopropyl and ethanol.


The drug produced in the Netherlands, has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect, allows you to cleanse the skin of dead cells.

  • The main component of the powder is an antibiotic erythromycin, has a bacteriostatic effect.
  • Zinc contributes to the stabilization of cell membranes, has astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effects. It also allows you to control the production of sebaceous glands.

The complex of active substances ensures rapid and deep penetration of the therapeutic agent into the skin.

Zinc is mainly aimed at binding to the epithelium, while not entering the bloodstream. Antibiotic only a small part is subjected to systemic distribution, after which it is completely excreted from the body.

Indications for use

The main focus of the drug is the treatment of acne, which manifests itself both in the form of pustules and in the form of papules.

It is also prescribed in the treatment of acne, and is effective for hyperpigmentation.

Application restrictions

Among the contraindications, only the individual immunity of the body to one or more components of the composition was revealed.

Possible negative effects

In most patients, the lotion does not cause any negative reactions.

Only in rare cases are there side effects such as:

  • dryness, peeling of the skin;
  • slight redness;
  • irritation;
  • tingling, burning sensation in the area of ​​​​application of the drug.

According to experts, such reactions are, in principle, considered the norm and are not the reason why the drug must be discontinued or symptomatic therapy prescribed.

Use by pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of the drug is allowed if the maximum allowable dosage is observed (no more than 0.5 ml of lotion per application).

It is important to note that the antibiotic substance in the blood is practically not absorbed. According to clinical studies, a small dose of a substance that enters the bloodstream does not adversely affect the development of the fetus, so the drug is safe during pregnancy.

Also, the active ingredients are not transferred to the baby with breast milk, therefore, the drug can also be used during lactation.

Instructions for use

Before using Zenerite, it must be properly prepared.

  1. Remove caps from two vials.
  2. Completely pour the solvent bottle into the bottle containing the powder.
  3. Tightly close the bottle containing the mixture - solvent + powder.
  4. Shake well to completely dissolve the powder.
  5. Remove the cap from the bottle, attach the included applicator in its place.
  6. The applicator contains a cap that must be pushed into the vial.
  7. Open the cap, make sure the applicator is firmly fixed.

It is important to note that the prepared treatment solution can only be used within 5 weeks. It is recommended to sign the vial, indicate the date when the remedy began to be used, so as not to subsequently treat damaged skin with an expired preparation.

Applying the product is quite simple. The bottle with the solution is tilted, through the applicator the agent is dosed onto the skin. The medicine is colorless, so after drying it will not be noticeable on the skin.

It is unacceptable to get Zenerite inside! The drug is intended for external use only.

used twice a day , in the morning and evening. Girls with problem skin should definitely apply a remedy before applying makeup, as well as after removing makeup in the evening.

The optimal duration of treatment is up to 2 months. However, according to the reviews of patients and dermatologists, a positive result is noticeable after a couple of weeks of constant use of the lotion. But experts assure that in order to permanently strengthen the effect obtained, it is recommended to conduct a full course of therapy.

If after 2 weeks of using Zinerit no positive therapeutic effect is observed, the dermatologist decides to replace the drug with a similar remedy.

How much does Zineryt cost?

How much does Zinerit cost for acne in a pharmacy (for a 30 ml lotion):

  • 628 rubles (on average in St. Petersburg);
  • 657 rubles (average cost in Moscow).

The drug is sold without a prescription from a doctor.


Alena, 24 years old, St. Petersburg:

My teenage brother bought a lotion on the recommendation of a dermatologist to treat multiple on his face. I also decided to try it, as problems began to appear on my forehead. It turned out that my brother and I had a joint ritual for cleansing the skin in the morning and evening.

The first changes became noticeable after a couple of weeks. A month later, my brother's skin condition improved a lot, and after 1.5 months, acne completely disappeared. My skin was clear in exactly 3 weeks. Excellent result, the drug deserves the money spent on its purchase.

Kristina, 29 years old, Nizhny Novgorod:

According to reviews, the remedy actually has a positive therapeutic effect in the treatment of acne.

Despite all the advantages of Zineryt, it is recommended to consult a specialist before buying it.

Video review


The best similar drugs include:

Approximate cost:

  • lotion - 530 rubles (200 ml);
  • gel - 610 rubles (120 ml);
  • ointment - 860 rubles (40 gr).

Comparing which is better Baziron or Zinerit, it is worth paying attention to the treatment regimen. The original requires the purchase of one set, the approximate cost of which is 650 rubles. The analogue is a complex treatment, the full course of which will cost approximately in 2000 rubles .

Approximate price in Moscow pharmacies - within 1400 rubles per tube 30 gr.

Compared to the original, the analogue has a higher cost, the therapy lasts longer. Also, according to experts, Zinerit has a more powerful composition that most effectively fights skin problems.

Acne treatment with Zinerite is recommended under the supervision of a specialist. Despite the fact that the drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription, it is undesirable to use it in self-medication. The fact is that the basis of the composition is a powerful antibiotic that has an active effect on the structure of the skin. Improper preparation of the solution can adversely affect delicate skin and cause adverse reactions.


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