Vitamin F99 (Vitamin F99 ®). Wessel Due F injections: instructions for use F instructions for use

Topical preparations are often used in ophthalmology. Eye drops can have a different look and purpose. So, drugs produce an anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive, moisturizing or antimicrobial effect. Pain relievers are less popular. One of these is the drug "Diklo F" (eye drops). Instructions for using this tool will be described below. From the article you will also learn about the reviews that the medication has.

general description

The medicine "Diklo F" - eye drops. Instructions for use says that they are intended for local use. The composition of the drug includes the active substance. Its amount in 1 milliliter of the drug is 0.1 milligrams.

The composition of the drug also includes additional components: disodium edetate, boric acid, tromethamine, castor oil and water for injection. Eye drops "Diklo F 0.1%" are produced in a volume of 5 milliliters. The solution is placed in a plastic dropper. Instructions for use are included in each pack. Keep the product out of the reach of children. The ambient temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. In this case, it is not at all necessary to place the medicine in the refrigerator. Using cold drops, according to patients, is not very pleasant. After the expiration date, it is unacceptable to use the medicine.

What can replace the drug?

Does "Diklo F" (eye drops) have analogues? Currently, there are many similar drugs with the same active substance. Among them, the drugs Diclogen, Voltaren Ofta, Diklak, Diclofenac and so on are on sale.

If we talk about the method of application, then among the analogues we can distinguish "Albucid", "Vizin", "Tobradex", "Dexamethasone" and so on. All of them may have other indications for use. That is why the analogue of this or that drug must be chosen together with a specialist.


The drug "Diklo F" (eye drops) instructions for use advises using only as prescribed by the doctor. It has the following indications:

  • cataract surgery (the need to inhibit miosis);
  • prevention or treatment of inflammatory processes that resulted from surgery;
  • cystic edema and its prevention;
  • conjunctivitis of non-infectious origin;
  • wound of the eyeball (as a symptomatic therapy).

The drug "Diklo F" has a local anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect.

Information to Consider

Before using the medicine "Diklo F" (eye drops), it is necessary to study the contraindications. Even if the medication is prescribed by an ophthalmologist, you need to read the instructions. If you have one or more contraindications, then never use the described drug. Contact your doctor and tell about your situation.

The drug "Diklo F" is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to diclofenac or any other component that is part of it. It is also not used for certain blood diseases. With extreme caution, the drug is used to treat the elderly and patients with inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract. The medicine is not used while wearing contact lenses. It is also forbidden to use drops during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

"Diklo F", eye drops: instructions for use

Depending on the indications for use, the drug may have a different scheme of application. So, to inhibit miosis and dilate the pupil, you need to start using it two hours before surgery. In this case, four injections of the drug are made into the conjunctival sac with an interval of about thirty minutes.

If it is necessary to prevent cystic edema with Diclo F (eye drops), the instructions for use recommend administering one drop up to four times a day. The duration of use is determined by the doctor depending on the outcome of the operation. If the specialist does not give individual prescriptions, then the drops are used for two weeks.

As an anti-inflammatory or analgesic, the drug is used for one to two weeks, 2-4 times a day.

Reactions to therapy

About the drug "Diklo F" (eye drops), the instructions for use inform that it has adverse reactions. Undesirable effects occur quite rarely with proper use. However, if you encounter them, then you need to contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible to correct therapy.

Immediately after instillation, the drug may cause burning, itching, clouding of the cornea and blurred vision. Less often there is swelling and redness, urticaria. The medicine, if misused and ingested, can cause nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Treatment of adverse reactions is usually not required. They disappear after the drug is discontinued. The only exceptions are severe allergic conditions.

"Diklo F" (eye drops): reviews

Most of the patients who had to use this drug were satisfied with the result. In rare cases, adverse reactions were recorded and a change in treatment was required.

Consumers report that there may be discomfort immediately after installation. The same occurs when ordinary water enters the eye. However, after a few seconds, these symptoms disappear. Some consumers note a chill or, conversely, warmth in the eye area after instillation. This situation is not a side effect and does not require discontinuation of therapy.

When using the drug for prophylactic purposes, it shows positive results. The use before surgery avoids the occurrence of miosis, which can affect the course of the procedure and aggravate the patient's condition.

Consumers say that Diclo F is inexpensive and accessible to almost all segments of the population. At the same time, it shows good results in treatment and prevention and can be combined with many medicines. Therefore, it is often prescribed for the treatment of conjunctivitis as a symptomatic remedy.

Doctors remind that the break between applying different medicines to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe organs of vision should be at least half an hour. Otherwise, an unexpected reaction to mixing drugs may occur. Also, ophthalmologists advise to stop wearing contact lenses for the duration of therapy. Some materials may deteriorate under the influence of diclofenac. Opt for regular glasses.

Experts say that during the installation of the medication, you should not touch the mucous membrane of the eye with a pipette. It is recommended to store it after opening for no more than one month.

Let's sum up the article

You learned about a pain reliever that can also reduce inflammation. It has the trade name "Diklo F". Eye drops, the instructions for which are presented to your attention, can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. Some pharmacists require a prescription when selling. Therefore, it is worth taking care of getting it from the doctor in advance. The cost of the drug is affordable. You can buy one pack of drops for about one hundred and fifty rubles. The price may shift slightly in one direction or another. Therefore, check with a specific pharmacy for details. Much depends on the trade margin.

Do not use the medication without a doctor's prescription. Be sure to read the annotation, paying attention to the indications and contraindications. Do not exceed your prescribed dose. With the correct use of the drug, a positive effect is noted immediately. All the best to you, don't worry!

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Eskinor F. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Eskinor F in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Eskinor F in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use of a hormonal contraceptive for emergency postcoital contraception (after intercourse) in women. Composition and side effects of the drug.

Eskinor F It is a synthetic gestagen with a contraceptive effect, pronounced gestagenic and antiestrogenic properties. With the recommended dosing regimen, levonorgestrel (the active substance of the drug Eskinor F inhibits ovulation and fertilization if sexual contact occurred in the pre-ovulatory phase, when the possibility of fertilization is greatest. It can also cause changes in the endometrium that prevent implantation. Increases the viscosity of cervical mucus, which prevents the advancement of spermatozoa The drug is not effective if implantation has already occurred.

It is recommended to start taking Eskinor F as soon as possible (but no later than 72 hours) after sexual intercourse, if no protective contraceptive measures were used. The more time elapsed between sexual intercourse and taking the drug, the lower its effectiveness (95% during the first 24 hours, 85% - from 24 to 48 hours, and 58% - from 48 to 72 hours).


Levonorgestrel + excipients.


When taken orally, levonorgestrel is rapidly and almost completely absorbed. Absolute bioavailability is 100% of the dose taken. After taking 1 tablet of Eskinor F, the maximum concentration of levonorgestrel in serum is reached after 1.6 hours. Levonorgestrel binds to serum albumin and to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). Only 1.5% of the total dose is in free form, and 65% is associated with SHBG. The drug passes into breast milk. Levonorgestrel is hydroxylated in the liver, metabolites are excreted in the form of conjugated glucuronides. Pharmacologically active metabolites of levonorgestrel are unknown. Levonorgestrel is excreted approximately equally by the kidneys and through the intestines exclusively in the form of metabolites.


  • emergency (postcoital) contraception (after unprotected intercourse or unreliability of the contraceptive method used).

Release form

Tablets 0.75 mg and 1.5 mg.

Instructions for use and dosing regimen

The drug is taken orally. Eskinor F can be used at any time of the menstrual cycle. In the case of an irregular menstrual cycle, pregnancy must first be excluded.

After taking emergency contraceptives, local barrier methods (eg, condom, cervical cap) should be used until the next menstrual period. The use of the drug during repeated unprotected intercourse during one menstrual cycle is not recommended due to an increase in the frequency of acyclic spotting / bleeding.

Tablets Eskinor F 1.5 mg

It is necessary to take 1 tablet as soon as possible, but no later than 72 hours, after unprotected intercourse. If vomiting occurs within 3 hours after taking the Eskinor F 1.5 mg tablet, then another 1 tablet of Eskinor F 1.5 mg should be taken.

Tablets Eskinor F 0.75 mg

It is necessary to take 2 tablets and no later than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, while the second tablet should be taken 12 hours (but no later than 16 hours) after taking the first tablet.

To achieve a more reliable effect, both tablets should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse (no later than 72 hours later). If vomiting occurs within 3 hours after taking the first or second tablet of Eskinor F 0.75 mg, then another 1 tablet of Eskinor F 0.75 mg should be taken.

Psecondary action

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fatigue;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • acyclic spotting (bleeding);
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • delayed menstruation (no more than 5-7 days). If menstruation does not occur for a longer period, pregnancy must be excluded;
  • allergic reactions: urticaria, rash, itching, swelling of the face.


  • children's age up to 16 years;
  • severe liver failure;
  • pregnancy, including intended;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • rare hereditary diseases, such as lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption (due to the presence of lactose in the preparation);
  • hypersensitivity to levonorgestrel or any other component of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Eskinor F should not be used during pregnancy. If pregnancy occurred while using an emergency method of contraception, then based on the available data, an adverse effect of the drug on the fetus is not expected.

Levonorgestrel passes into breast milk. After taking the drug, breastfeeding should be stopped for 24 hours.

Use in children

Contraindicated in children under 16 years of age.

In adolescents under 16 years of age, the use of Eskinor F is possible only in exceptional cases (including rape) and only after consulting a gynecologist. After emergency contraception, a second consultation with a gynecologist is recommended.

special instructions

Eskinor F should only be used for emergency contraception.

Repeated use of the drug Eskinor F during one menstrual cycle is not recommended.

The medicine should be taken as soon as possible, but no later than 72 hours, after unprotected intercourse. The effectiveness of emergency contraception with delayed use of the drug is significantly reduced.

The drug does not replace the use of permanent methods of contraception.

In most cases, Eskinor F does not affect the nature of the menstrual cycle. However, there may be acyclic spotting and a delay in menstruation for several days. With a delay in menstruation for more than 5-7 days and a change in its nature (scanty or heavy discharge), pregnancy must be excluded. The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, fainting may indicate an ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy.

Emergency contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), for example, with Crohn's disease, the effectiveness of the drug may decrease.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

The effect of the drug Eskinor F on the ability to drive a car and other machines has not been studied. In the event of dizziness, you should refrain from driving vehicles and activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

drug interaction

With the simultaneous administration of drugs inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, the metabolism of levonorgestrel is accelerated.

Amprenavir, lansoprazole, nevirapine, oxcarbazepine, tacrolimus, topiramate, tretinoin, barbiturates (including primidone), phenytoin and carbamazepine, preparations containing St. , griseofulvin.

Eskinor F reduces the effectiveness of hypoglycemic and anticoagulant (coumarin derivatives, phenindione) drugs.

Levonorgestrel increases plasma concentrations of glucocorticosteroids (GCS). Women taking these drugs should consult their doctor for advice.

Preparations containing levonorgestrel may increase the risk of cyclosporine toxicity due to the suppression of its metabolism.

Analogues of the drug Eskinor F

Structural analogues for the active substance:

  • Levonorgestrel;
  • Modell 911;
  • Microlute;
  • Mirena;
  • Norplant;
  • Postinor;
  • Escapelle.

Analogues of the drug for therapeutic effect (contraceptives):

  • Angeletta;
  • Anteovin;
  • Acetomepregenol;
  • Belara;
  • Benatex;
  • Bonade;
  • Gestarella;
  • Gynecoteks;
  • Ginepriston;
  • Delcia;
  • Desmoulins;
  • Jess;
  • Dimia;
  • Evra;
  • Janine;
  • Genale;
  • Genetten;
  • Zoely;
  • Qlaira;
  • Contraceptin T;
  • Lactinet;
  • Lindinet;
  • Logest;
  • Marvelon;
  • Mercilon;
  • Midian;
  • Microgynon;
  • Microlute;
  • minisiston;
  • Mirelle;
  • Mirena;
  • Modell;
  • NovaRing;
  • Novinet;
  • Non-Owlon;
  • Norkolut;
  • Norplant;
  • Ovidon;
  • Oralcon;
  • Postinor;
  • Regulon;
  • Rigevidon;
  • Silest;
  • Silhouette;
  • Sterile;
  • Tri-regol;
  • Trigestrel;
  • Triquilar;
  • Pharmatex;
  • Femiss Messi;
  • Femodene;
  • Chloe;
  • Egestrenol;
  • Exluton;
  • Erika 35;
  • Escapelle;
  • Yarina;
  • Yarina Plus.

Feedback from a gynecologist

In general, the drug Eskinor F is a good and effective contraceptive, but subject to its correct use. Adverse reactions to it rarely develop, but again, subject to the instructions for use. Unfortunately, this rule is not always followed by all women. Especially often young girls come to me with complaints of spotting or even bleeding from the genital tract in the middle of the menstrual cycle. During the questioning, it turns out that the girls took Eskinor-F tablets more than once a month. This was the cause of hormonal disorders. In no case should you be negligent about the use of hormonal contraceptives, which I always warn my patients about.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases that the corresponding drug helps with and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Violation of blood circulation can lead to dangerous consequences and even death. With an increased risk of thrombosis, doctors prescribe anticoagulant drugs, which include Wessel Due F. The therapeutic effect after the course of treatment persists for a long time. To maintain the desired rheological properties of blood, it is recommended to undergo therapy twice a year.

The composition of the drug

The main active ingredient of the drug is sulodexide. This natural compound is obtained by extracting the intestines of a pig, in particular its mucous membrane. The substance consists of two fractions - heparinoid and dermatan sulfate. In terms of quantitative ratio, the first prevails (80%).

Brief mechanism of blood clotting:

  • Tissue damage leads to an acceleration of the transfer of platelets to the site of injury. At this stage, prothrombin is activated.
  • There is an increased release of biological substances, vasospasm and the conversion of protein into thrombin.
  • The blood protein is transformed into an insoluble form, which is a clot to clog the wound.

Wessel Due F affects several mechanisms involved in blood coagulation. The drug inactivates thrombin (one of the main backs of thrombus formation), reduces the level of fibrinogen, inhibits factor Xa, and increases the amount of plasminogen activator. Breaking the chain of transformations, the remedy prevents blood clotting.

Sulodexide also had an angioprotective effect - it restores the structure of blood vessels, reduces their permeability. The rheological properties of the blood can be normalized due to the ability of the drug to reduce the amount of triglycerides.

The general pharmacological effects of Wessel Due F are as follows:

  • Antithrombotic.
  • Hypolipidemic.
  • Anticoagulant.
  • Angioprotective.
  • Profibrinolytic.

An additional useful property of the drug is its high affinity for vascular tissue. There, the concentration of sulodexide is several times higher than in other places.

Release form

The drug is available in oral and injectable forms. The dosage of the active substance in 1 capsule is 250 LE. One ampoule contains 600 LE of sulodexide. Here, the medicinal solution is enclosed in dark glass, as it should be protected from direct sunlight.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for violations of the structure of blood vessels and an increased risk of thrombosis. Instructions for use assumes the following indications for Wessel Due F:

  • Angiopathy of macro- and microsize of various origins (diabetes mellitus, pathology of the kidneys or eyes, disorders in the heart and brain, diabetic foot).
  • Phlebopathy.
  • Encephalopathy caused by abnormal blood circulation due to atherosclerosis, endocrine diseases or arterial hypertension.
  • Dementia of vascular origin.
  • antiphospholipid syndrome.
  • Disturbances of cerebral microcirculation during the period of exacerbation of pathologies or recovery after treatment.
  • thrombophilic diseases.
  • Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.

Indications are given for adult patients. Experience in children is limited. Up to 12 years of age, the medicine is not prescribed. From 12 to 18 years of age, its use is allowed for the treatment of glomerulonephritis and diabetic nephropathy. During the course of therapy, hemocoagulation parameters should be periodically monitored.

Video: Wessel Due F and Chimes - should they be taken in preparation for IVF?


Systemic the influence of Wessel Due F on the clotting process can be dangerous. You can not carry out treatment with the drug in the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • Decreased coagulant properties of blood.
  • Hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary component of the drug.

The drug does not affect the functioning of the nervous system and is not contraindicated for drivers.

Mode of application

The ampoule solution must be administered parenterally (in/in or/m). With the intravenous method, dilution of the medicinal fluid in saline (150-200 ml) will be required. A single dose is 1 ampoule, which is equal to 600 LE of sulodexide. The standard course of treatment is 15-20 days. After this period, the patient is transferred to the oral form of Wessel Due F or another drug in tablets.

The second stage of therapy lasts 30-40 days. Capsules are taken between meals, 1 piece twice a day. In pathologies of the chronic course, courses are recommended to be repeated at least 2 times a year. Each time the patient retakes the necessary tests, the results of which adjust the dose of the drug. Exceeding the amount of sulodexide prescribed by the doctor leads to bleeding of varying severity.

Side effects

During treatment, dangerous adverse reactions do not appear. The official instructions allow the following side effects:

  • Digestive system - nausea, discomfort in the epigastric region, vomiting.
  • Skin - burning, hematoma, urticaria, pain (normally injections are not painful).
  • The immune response is an allergy in the form of a rash.
  • Others - anemia, dizziness.

If the prescribed dose of sulodexide is exceeded, the likelihood of developing and the severity of the course of adverse reactions increases. At the same time, the response of the body to the administration of the drug is individual for each patient.

Cheaper analogues of Wessel Due F

The high efficacy of the drug, the natural composition and the low likelihood of adverse reactions explain the price of Wessel Due F, which is not available to every patient. This tool has no analogues in composition and is considered the best anticoagulant. However, high-quality treatment is carried out with cheap medicines.

Replacement of the drug with an analogue should only be done by a doctor, no self-medication in the case of anti-clotting agents is allowed. Below are cheap analogues of Wessel Due F and their average price in pharmacies.

Video: Angioflux - indications for use

Most anticoagulant drugs come in several dosages. The price of the medicine depends on the concentration of the active substance.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug in any dosage form contraindicated for pregnant women in the 1st trimester. Wessel Due F Capsules may be prescribed by a doctor after this period, with a careful assessment of the potential benefits and possible risks of treatment. There are positive reviews of the use of the drug in patients with diabetes, as well as in order to prevent late toxicosis and vascular complications. There are no data on the possibility of use in lactating women, so the drug is not prescribed during breastfeeding.

Softgel capsule contains 250 LU of the active substance .

Additional components are: silicon dioxide (colloidal form), sodium lauryl sarcosinate, triglycerides.

The shell consists of titanium dioxide, gelatin, red Fe oxide, sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium ethyl parahydroxybenzoate and .

1 ampoule with a clear solution contains 600 LE of the active ingredient sulodexide. Water and sodium chloride act as auxiliary components.

Release form

Capsules and solution.

Red, gelatinous, oval-shaped soft capsules contain a white-gray suspension inside (an additional pink-cream shade is possible).

In a pack of cardboard there are 2 blisters (25 capsules each).

Transparent solution with a yellow or light yellow tint in 2 ml ampoules.

In a pack of cardboard 1 or 2 blister packs (5 ampoules each).

pharmachologic effect

Direct anticoagulant. The active ingredient is the natural component Sulodexide, isolated and extracted from the mucous membrane of the small intestine of a pig.

The active ingredient consists of two glycosaminoglycans: dermatan sulfate and heparin-like fraction.

The drug has the following effects:

  • angioprotective;
  • anticoagulant;
  • profibrinolytic;
  • antithrombotic.

Anticoagulant effect manifested due to the affinity of heparin in cofactor-2, under the action of which the thrombus is inactivated.

Antithrombotic effect an increase in the secretion and synthesis of prostacyclin, suppression of the active factor X, and a decrease in the fibrinogen level in the blood are provided.

Profibrinolytic effect is achieved by a decrease in the level of tissue plasminogen activator inhibitor and an increase in the index of the activator itself in the blood.

Angioprotective effect is associated with the restoration of an adequate density of the negative electric charge of the pores in the vascular basement membranes. Additionally, the effect is provided by the restoration of the integrity of vascular endothelial cells (functional and structural integrity).

Wessel Due F reduces the level triglycerides , normalizing the rheological parameters of the blood. The active ingredient is able to stimulate lipoprotease (a specific lipolytic enzyme), which hydrolyzes triglycerides, which are part of the "bad" one.

At diabetic nephropathy the active substance Sulodexide reduces the production of extracellular matrix by suppressing the proliferation of mesangium cells; reduces the thickness of the basement membrane.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug is metabolized in the renal system and in the liver. The active substance does not undergo desulfation, unlike low molecular weight forms and unfractionated heparin.

Desulfation suppresses antithrombotic activity and significantly accelerates the process of elimination from the body.

The active ingredient is absorbed in the lumen of the small intestine. 90% of the active substance is absorbed by the vascular endothelium. 4 hours after admission, Sulodexide is excreted from the body through the renal system.

Indications for use

  • deep veins, phlebopathy;
  • pathology of the blood circulation of the brain (acute period and recovery period);
  • angiopathy with a high risk of thrombosis (after);
  • vascular genesis;
  • dyscirculatory form, caused by diabetes mellitus, total,;
  • microangiopathy (retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy);
  • occlusive lesions of peripherally located arteries (against the background of diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis);
  • antiphospholipid syndrome, thrombolytic conditions (can be prescribed after low molecular weight heparin or together with Acetylsalicylic acid);
  • macroangiopathic changes in patients diagnosed (encephalopathy, diabetic foot syndrome,);
  • therapy induced by heparin.


  • diseases accompanied by low blood clotting;
  • , I trimester;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis .

Side effects

  • skin rashes;
  • epigastric pain;
  • vomit;
  • the formation of a hematoma after the introduction of the solution;
  • pain in the injection area;
  • nausea;
  • burning at the injection site.

Vessel Due, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

In the first 15-20 days, the drug is administered parenterally. Intravenous and intramuscular injections are allowed. Intravenous administration can be drip or bolus.

Scheme: 2 ml (600 LU - 1 ml) of the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in a physiological solution with a volume of 200 ml. Upon completion of injection therapy, they switch to taking the drug in capsule form for 30-40 days. Twice a day, 1 capsule. The preferred time is between meals.

It is recommended to take 2 courses annually. The instruction for Vessel Due F contains an indication of the possibility of changing the above treatment regimen, taking into account individual characteristics, tolerance, and other concomitant diseases.


In large doses, the drug can also provoke bleeding, which requires discontinuation of the drug and post-syndromic therapy.


Significant interactions are not described. Simultaneous therapy with antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants is not allowed (according to the mechanism: direct and indirect).

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

The drug requires compliance with certain conditions: temperature regime - up to 30 degrees; away from sunlight.

Best before date

Ampoules and capsules can be stored for 5 years without loss of effectiveness.

special instructions

Treatment requires mandatory monitoring of all analysis indicators (antithrombin-2, APTT, clotting time, bleeding time).

The drug is able to increase the APTT compared with the original almost one and a half times. The drug does not affect the ability to drive a car.

Analogues Wessel Due F

Level 4 ATC matches: not found in the relevant literature.

Despite the development of the medical field, there are problems and diseases that remain difficult to cure, and in some cases even impossible. Thus, infertility, which affects more than 30% of all women in the world, can be considered as such a pathology. Causes of infertility there can be a large number: from the influence of external factors to heredity. However, this does not mean that the problem cannot be solved, since injections with Gonal-F have a high effect in this matter.

pharmacological effect

Such a drug as "Gonal-F" is a human recombinant FSH that improves the formation and development of follicles. This drug is created by doctors from hamster ovary cells using genetic engineering.

The main task of injections of this drug is a gonadotropic effect, which consists in ovarian stimulation and development of follicles. during application other methods of fertilization.

It must also be said that this remedy does not stimulate the ovaries too much, which does not lead to inflammatory processes and the appearance of oncology.

Form of manufacture and composition

The main active ingredient of this drug is alpha-follitropin in the amount of 5 μg per injection with a solution.

Also located are additional components, namely:

  • Sodium dihydrate;
  • Sucrose;
  • Polysorbate;
  • Monohydrate;
  • Phosphoric acid;
  • Sodium hydroxide.

The drug consists of an injection with a solvent and a dry drug, 1 ml of water with an injection is used as a solvent. The drug belongs to the group of gonadotropins.

Main indications for use

Application medicinal product can only be prescribed by a gynecologist or a fertility specialist after passing certain tests and tests.

As a rule, the main indications for the use of this remedy are:

  • Activation of the development and growth of follicles in women with hyperovulation during the use of other reproductive technologies. Most often, this is the transfer of a zygote into the fallopian tube, the transfer of a gamete into the fallopian tube, or fertilization;
  • Anovulation, which is experienced by patients who have not shown sensitivity to clomiphene citrate;
  • Activation of spermatogenesis in men with hereditary or acquired hypogonadism;
  • Activation of follicle growth in people with impaired hormonal levels.

In some cases, this remedy in the form of injections is also prescribed during the presence of similar diseases that relate to the elimination of menopause and infections, the prevention of oncology, and hormonal disorders. However, only a gynecologist can do this, and related techniques, duration of treatment and dosage may differ significantly.

There are also some contraindications for use, which indicate that the course of treatment with drug "Gonal-F" simply not possible as it can lead to associated problems and worsening of symptoms.

The doctor is obliged to preliminarily (before injections) stipulate this point, and the patient to tell if he is subject to such contraindications:

  • Tumors of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland;
  • Hypersensitivity and intolerance to alpha-follitropin, which is in the preparation;
  • genital carcinoma;
  • Discharge and bleeding from the vagina;
  • Change in the size of the ovaries.

It is also forbidden to use injections of the drug if during treatment it turned out that the person is suffering from testicular insufficiency, fibroid tumors, ovarian failure.

In these cases, you need to abandon this medication, change the method of treatment or find an alternative to injections, but only with the assistance of a specialist.

Side effect

Injections using Gonal-F are quite efficient and new, however, even during their use it will not be possible to avoid the side effects that almost all patients are exposed to.

As a rule, this is expressed in wounds at the injection site, compaction of the ovaries. It looks like a wound, bruise or swelling, which can burn and hurt when touched.

Most often, women undergo moderate ovarian hyperstimulation, this is a rather risky manifestation, since it can completely harm the entire fertilization technology. Although after injections the drug in severe form, hyperstimulation is noted quite rarely, therefore, after the first injections, the manifestations disappear after a couple of days.

Quite rare side effects are thromboembolic complications, they depend on the activation of the ovaries.

Any side effects can be divided into: common, very common, rare, single and not common. But you need to talk about everything to the doctor in order to change the method of treatment or complete therapeutic therapy with Gonal-F injections.

The general list of side effects from injections with this medicine:

drug interaction

While taking Gonal-F, you need to be most careful when you simultaneously use those drugs that induce an imbalance in the pituitary gland and stimulate ovulation. Since you may encounter the need to increase dosage drug intake and increased follicular response.

Regarding other drugs, antibiotics, alcoholic beverages, no contraindications have yet been identified to date, but before starting treatment with Gonal-F injections, it is advisable to clarify this issue with the treating specialist.

"Gonal-F": Dosage and overdose

The use of the drug "Gonal-F" must be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor with the help of nurses in compliance with all instructions, the drug can be used independently only if the general rules are followed.

Syringe pens can be of different sizes:

  • 1.5 ml, which include 66 micrograms of alpha follitropin (900 IU);
  • 0.75 ml with 33 mcg alpha follitropin (450 IU);
  • 0.5 ml, which contains 22 mcg of alpha follitropin (300 IU).

Regarding the dosage of "Gonal-F" pen syringe, patients with anovulation are required to take a course of daily injections, starting in the first week of the monthly cycle. As a rule, treatment is started with 75-100 IU FSH daily, after which the dosage may increase, but with a break of 14 days with the permission of the doctor.

Regarding growth and follicle stimulation, then injections with the drug "Gonal-F" are also required to be made every day from the second day of the monthly cycle in the form of 150-200 IU. Most importantly, injections should not exceed 400 IU and the course of treatment should last approximately 10 days.

Patients with anovulation can start a course of treatment with Gonal-F at any time, when using a course of therapy with this drug, they are administered 75 IU daily for 14 days, however, if necessary dose may be increased, as well as increased the course of treatment.

During the treatment of men with the problem of hypogonadism, injections are performed three times a day, 150 IU. As a rule, the course of therapy lasts about 18 months.

So far, no cases of overdose have been observed, but a symptom of ovarian hyperstimulation may appear in severe form, this should be reported to the doctor immediately.

How to prick correctly "Gonal-F": instructions for use

It is necessary to use the drug "Gonal-F" clearly according to the dosage prescribed by the doctor, after consultation with the nurse or during the presence of a doctor.

It is not recommended to skip Gonal-F injections, while increasing the dosage is allowed only after consulting a doctor. If you do it yourself, you may experience a deterioration in well-being or ovarian hyperstimulation.

Injection dosages will depend on the specific problem, but most often it is one daily injection of Gonal-F in the amount of 75-100 IU. This happens during the monthly cycle.

When using Gonal-F injections on your own, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  • Wash your hands;
  • Prepare the required attributes: an injection with liquids, an ampoule with the drug "Gonal-F", cotton wool with alcohol, an injection needle;
  • Open the ampoule with the drug "Gonal-F" and water;
  • Mix water and powder with a needle;
  • Shake the resulting solution thoroughly;
  • Release the air from the syringe;
  • Inject the prepared remedy into the abdomen or thigh as directed by the physician.

Storing a pre-filled pen

When you have made the preparation "Gonal-F" for injections at the same time from several ampoules in a large dosage, then the finished pen can be stored even after several injections. The syringe can last no more than 30 days with temperatures up to 19 degrees.

Place of storage of the medicinal product"Gonal-F" must be protected from contact with other liquids and sunlight.

Last injection

When you have already performed several injections with Gonal-F from one pen, there may not be enough solution for the last injection. Determining this is quite simple, since the syringe pen will tell you how much of the drug is not enough for the injection.

In this case, you can do this:

  • Throw away the remaining syringe with the drug, make a new pen;
  • Inject the remaining volume of the drug into the vein, then mix the new composition and add the missing amount.

special instructions

Use the medicine under the supervision of a doctor with experience in the treatment of infertility. The first injection with this tool is made by an experienced specialist. Self-administration is possible only if the patient has the opportunity consult with a specialist, motivated and well trained.

Before starting treatment, an infertile couple should be examined to exclude hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, hyperprolactinemia, and hypothalamic-pituitary neoplasms. Evaluation of the patency of the fallopian tubes is also required.

During porphyria, in close relatives, including, treatment must take place under close monitoring of the patient's condition, in the event of the first symptoms of the disease or deterioration of health treatment can be completed.

The use of the drug requires a constant assessment of the condition of the ovaries using ultrasound, and also include the determination of estradiol in the blood plasma.

Treatment of women and men should be carried out using the minimum effective dosages.

The symptom of ovarian hyperstimulation (OHSS) must be distinguished from uncomplicated ovarian enlargement. A significant increase in vascular and ovarian permeability, elevated levels of sex hormones can cause accumulation of fluid in the pericardial, pleural or abdominal cavities, this is typical for clinical signs of OHSS.

During a severe form of OHSS, there is abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness, a strong increase in the size of the ovaries, shortness of breath, weight gain, oliguria, vomiting, nausea, hemoconcentration, diarrhea, electrolyte imbalance, hypovolemia, ascites, hydrothorax, hemoperitonium, acute respiratory distress syndrome, pleural effusion.

Rarely, OHSS causes pulmonary embolism, ovarian torsion, myocardial infarction, or ischemic stroke. Polycystic ovaries and elevated plasma levels of estradiol are risk factors for OHSS.

With careful monitoring of treatment and clear dosing compliance, as well as multiple pregnancy, the risk of OHSS is minimized.

In women, repeated courses of treatment can cause malignant and benign tumors of the reproductive organs, including the ovary.

Since pregnancy increases the likelihood of thromboembolic disorders, patients who have recently had or have had a thromboembolic disease should weigh the benefits of treatment with the likely risk.

In the blood serum of men, a high level of follicle-stimulating hormone may indicate primary testicular insufficiency. The use of "Gonal-F" in this case is not effective.

To assess the response to stimulation, spermogram monitoring is recommended after 5-7 months of treatment.

Before using the medicine, the doctor must be informed about all the allergic reactions of the patient and the drugs used before the start of therapy.

"Gonal-F" does not affect a person's ability to control mechanisms and vehicles.

Price "Gonal-F"

The cost of the drug "Gonal-F" may vary, so with a dosage of 75 IU for a syringe pen, you will need to pay approximately 3-7 thousand rubles.

The price of one ampoule about 1200 rubles, and for a syringe pen of 900 IU you will have to pay about 17 thousand rubles.

The price of Gonal-F injections differs taking into account the required dosage, the completeness of the set and the amount of active ingredients.


There are a number of Gonal-F analogues that can be purchased at pharmacies, as a rule, their price is less, and the indications and pharmacological action are common.

You can use them only after the permission of the doctor to change the drug, as well as receiving a prescription for the purchase of this drug. In this case, the course will be started anew, with further development of treatment and the necessary examination.

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