Near vision test. Farsightedness - is it a plus or a minus? Causes of farsightedness. Age-related farsightedness Sharply began to see poorly up close what to do

22-08-2011, 06:44


During the American Civil War, Dr. Herman Snellen developed a chart to test vision from a distance of twenty feet (6 m). To this day, tables designed according to the model decorate the walls in the offices of ophthalmologists and school nurses.

In the nineteenth century, vision experts determined that we should be able to see letters a little less than 1.25 cm high from twenty feet (6 m) away. Those who can see letters of this size are believed to have perfect vision - i.e. 20/20.

Since that time a lot of water has flowed. The world has changed dramatically. There was a scientific and technological revolution, polio was defeated, a man went to the moon, computers and cell phones appeared.

But despite the latest laser eye surgery technologies, multi-colored contact lenses, despite the ever-increasing vision demands of the Internet, daily eye care is essentially the same as Dr. Snellen's table, created almost one hundred and fifty years ago. .

We measure the strength of our clear vision muscles by measuring how well we can see tiny letters at close range.

Fifteen-year-olds with normal vision can see small letters from three or four inches. With age, however, these forces begin to decrease. As a result of the natural aging process, around the age of thirty, we lose half of our power of clear vision and are able to focus at a distance of four to eight inches (10 to 20 centimeters). Over the next ten years, we again lose half our strength, and our focus slips to sixteen inches (40 cm). The next time we lose half of our clear vision is usually between the ages of forty and forty-five. During this period, the focus increases to thirty-two inches (80 cm), and suddenly our arms are too short to allow us to read. Although many of the patients I saw claimed that the problem was more in their hands than their eyes, they all preferred to get reading glasses rather than undergo arm lengthening surgery.

However, not only elderly people need to increase the strength of the visual muscles. Sometimes I meet young people and even children who need to increase this strength significantly in order to read or study without getting tired. To get an immediate idea of ​​the power of your own vision, cover one eye with your hand and move close to the near vision chart so that you can see the letters on line 40. Now close the other eye and repeat the process. If you wear reading glasses, wear them during the check. After you have done the clear vision exercises for two weeks, repeat the test in the same way and note if there are any changes.


Those who have objects blur before the eyes during the first few seconds when they look up from a book or from a computer, they have difficulty with the flexibility of the muscles of clear vision. If your hobbies or work requires you to frequently change the focus of your eyes and the outlines of objects do not become sharp immediately, then you have probably already lost many hours waiting for your vision to become clear again. For example, a student who takes longer than others to look away from the blackboard and focus on their notebook will take longer to complete the task written on the blackboard.


As I've said before, it's not enough to be able to name half a dozen letters on a table while checking. You should be able to keep your vision clear for a while, even if you can read the 20/10 line. Those with stamina issues find it difficult to maintain clear vision when reading or driving. They usually see objects indistinctly, their eyes become inflamed, and they even have headaches when they have to look closely at something for a long time. The ease with which you can perform the exercises described in the second half of this chapter will give you an idea of ​​both the flexibility and endurance of your vision.

In I told a story about Bill and how his eyesight deteriorated due to long Internet use. This was an example of how 20/20 vision is a good starting position, but it is only a starting position. Having 20/20 vision does not guarantee that objects will be clear when we take our eyes off a book or computer monitor, or that we won't suffer from headaches or stomach discomfort while reading. Having 20/20 vision does not guarantee that we can see traffic signs well at night, or see as well as other people.

The most that 20/20 vision can guarantee is that we can, at a distance from a nineteenth-century chart, keep our eyes in focus long enough to read six or eight letters.

« So why should we settle for 20/20 vision? - you ask.

My answer is, of course: And really, why

Why settle for sore eyes or headaches while working on a computer? Why settle for the extra effort that subtly wears us out when we read and makes us feel like a squeezed lemon at the end of the day? Why settle for the tension with which we try to make out road signs when we move in the evening in traffic? Shouldn't this Old Testament vision chart have been buried long before the end of the twentieth century? In short, why should we accept that our vision does not match the Internet era?

Well, if you want the quality of your vision to meet the requirements of the twenty-first century, then it's time to work on the flexibility of your eye muscles.

But before we begin, let me give you a word of caution. As with any exercise, testing your eye muscles can cause pain and discomfort at first. Your eyes may burn with tension. You may feel a slight headache. Even your stomach can resist exercise because it is controlled by the same nervous system that controls the focus of your eyes. But if you do not give up and continue to exercise for seven minutes a day (three and a half minutes for each eye), the pain and discomfort will gradually go away, and you will stop experiencing them not only during the exercise, but also during the rest time of day too.

Accuracy. Strength. Flexibility. Endurance. Here are the qualities your eyes will acquire as a result eye fitness.

Well. Enough has already been said. Let's get started. Even if you decide to leaf through the entire book first and start later, I still recommend that you try the Clear Vision I exercise right away - just to get an idea of ​​how your eye muscles work. Or if you prefer not to get up, then try the Clear Vision III exercise - just don't strain yourself too much.

As you go through the exercises in this book, do not read the entire exercise at once. Before reading the description of the next step of the exercise, complete the previous one. It is better to do the exercise than just read about it. So you don't get confused, and you will succeed.

A set of exercises "Clear Vision"

Clear vision 1

I offer you three tables for visual clarity training: a table with large letters for distance vision training and two tables (A and B) with small letters for near vision training. Cut them out of the book or make copies.

If you don't need glasses, that's great! You don't need them for these exercises. If you've been prescribed glasses to wear at all times, wear them when exercising. If you have low prescription glasses and your doctor has told you that you can wear them whenever you want, and you prefer to do without them, then try the exercise without glasses as well.

And if you prefer to wear them, then perform the exercise also in them.

Do the exercise in the following order:

1. Tape the Distance Vision Chart to a well-lit wall.

2. Move away from the table at a distance so that you can clearly see all the letters - about six to ten feet (1.8 m to 3 m).

3. Hold the Near Vision Chart in your right hand.

4. Close your left eye with your left palm. Do not press it against the eye, but bend it so that both eyes remain open.

5. Bring chart A close to your eye so that you can read the letters comfortably - about six to ten inches (15 cm to 25 cm). If you are over forty years old, then you will probably have to start at sixteen inches (40 cm).

6. In this position (with your left eye closed with your palm, standing at such a distance from the distance vision chart that you can read it freely, and with Chart A close to your eyes so that you can read it comfortably) read the first three letters on the table for checking distance vision: E, F, T.

7. Move your eyes to the table for checking near vision and read the following three letters: Z, A, C.

9. Having finished reading the tables with your right eye (and having spent three and a half minutes on this), take the nearest table in your left hand, and close your right eye with your palm, again without pressing it, but so that it remains open under the palm of your hand.

10. Read the tables with your left eye, three letters at a time, just as you read them with your right eye: E, F, T - far table, Z, A, C - near table, etc.

During the exercise "Clear vision I" you will notice that at first, when looking from one table to another, it will take you a few seconds to focus on them. Every time you look into the distance, you relax your eye muscles and tense them when you look at something up close. The faster you can refocus your eyes, the more flexible your eye muscles become. The longer you can do the exercise without feeling tired, the greater the endurance of your eye muscles. When working with tables, you keep them at a comfortable distance for yourself in order to get used to tensing and relaxing your eye muscles without straining your eyes. At least in the beginning, work with this exercise for no more than seven minutes a day - three and a half minutes with each eye. Gradually move away from the large table, and bring the small one closer to your eyes. Once you can perform this exercise without discomfort, you are ready to move on to the Clear Vision II exercise.

Clear Vision 2

The purpose of the exercise "Clear vision I" was to learn to quickly and without tension move the focus of vision to different distances. This skill will also help you maintain focus when reading, driving a car, or when you need to see the details of an object. By doing the Clear Vision AND exercise, you will further expand the range of clarity and increase the power and accuracy of vision.

Working on the Clear Vision II exercise, follow the same ten-step procedure as in Clear Vision I, with a few exceptions, namely: in step 2, move away from the large chart until you can barely recognize the letters. For example, if in the Clear Vision I exercise you could easily see the letters while standing ten feet away from the table, now stand twelve feet away from it. As you begin to see better, continue to move away from the table until you can read the letters at a distance of twenty feet (6 m).

Similarly, in step 5: instead of holding the small table in your hands so close that you can comfortably read it, now move it a few centimeters closer to your eyes, that is, so far that you have to make an effort to read the letters. Work until you can read the chart at a distance of about four inches (10 cm) from your eyes. If you're over forty, you probably won't be able to read the chart at four inches. You may have to train at a distance of six (15 cm), or ten inches (25 cm), or even sixteen inches (40 cm). You yourself will have to determine the desired distance. Just make sure you hold the chart so close to your eyes that you can barely make out the letters. As you practice, you will expand your range of clear vision.

When you can stand ten feet from the distance vision chart and see all the letters clearly, your visual acuity will be 20/20. If you can back away from it a little more - thirteen feet (3.9 meters) and still see the letters, your vision will be approximately 20/15. And finally, if you can clearly see the letters on the chart at twenty feet, that means your visual acuity has doubled compared to those nineteenth century myopic scientists, so your vision is 20/10 - you can see from twenty feet what they could only see from ten.

Clear Vision III

Exercise "Clear Vision III" designed to further increase the precision, strength, flexibility and endurance of your eyes within arm's reach. It can be easily performed while sitting at your desk.

Use Chart "B" to determine the clarity of near vision. If you have reading glasses, practice with them. If table B is too small for you to see the letters on it even with glasses, then use table A.

Follow the steps below.

1. Cover one eye with the palm of your hand.

2. Bring table B close to the other eye so that it is convenient for you to read the letters.

3. Blink softly and see if you can bring the table closer to you a little more, but so that you can still maintain focus.

4. Then move the table away from you so far that you can still read the letters comfortably - if possible at arm's length.

5. Blink softly and see if you can move the table away from you a little more, but so that you can still maintain focus.

7. After completing the exercise with one eye, close it with your palm and repeat the entire procedure with the other eye for another three minutes.

8. Finally, within one minute, with both eyes open, move the table either further or closer to the eyes.

Once you have finished the Clear Vision I exercise, you can alternate the exercises by doing the Clear Vision II exercise one day and the Clear Vision III exercise the next, spending seven minutes each.

Exercise Schedule

I'll talk more about your schedule in Chapter 10, but if you want to get started now, work on the exercises for seven minutes a day, at the same time. In this case, you will already be on your way to better exercise of your vision even before you finish reading this book.

Article from the book:

This is due to the fact that with age, the biological lens of the eye () thickens and loses its elasticity - while the ability to objects at different distances decreases.

In addition, young people with farsightedness (hypermetropia) can also complain that “I can’t see well up close”. This is due to the fact that they already have a so-called "plus" - a violation in which a person sees better in the distance than in the near (unlike).

The solution to the problem of poor near vision for both young and old people is near glasses. In this case, if the vision is not 100%, then you may need two pairs of glasses (for distance and near), bifocal or progressive glasses (combining the properties of lenses for distance and near).

The solution to the problem of poor near vision for both young and old people is near glasses.

Self-selection of points is not recommended, because. this can lead to the development of visual discomfort, fatigue, etc. This should be done only by a specialist (ophthalmologist or optometrist) - he takes into account the difference in diopters between the eyes, the interpupillary distance and other characteristics of the patient.

In addition, measures such as good lighting, reception, for the eyes play a supporting role.

Therefore, if you have a complaint of reduced near vision, we recommend that you contact an ophthalmologist at a medical institution or an optician - he will write a prescription for glasses that are right for you and advise additional ways to improve vision.

Mature and elderly people should pay special attention to their vision, since with age the content in the body of the substances lutein and zeaxanthin, which are necessary for eye health and visual acuity, decreases. These substances are not produced in the intestines, so their content must be regularly replenished. With complaints of a progressive decrease in vision, people after 45 years of age must follow a diet. In addition to zeaxanthin and lutein, the diet should include vitamin C, tocopherol, selenium and zinc, which nourish, repair and protect eye tissues. In addition to following a diet, to prevent the development of age-related changes in the retina, it is necessary to take multivitamins. For example, the vitamin-mineral complex of European quality "Okuwait Lutein Forte" with lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from the negative effects of sunlight, vitamins C, E, zinc and selenium. It has been proven that such a composition prevents the development of age-related changes in the retina of the eye, and allows even the elderly to enjoy sharp vision.

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A person's vision can deteriorate not only at a distance, but also near. Moreover, this condition happens not only from age-related changes or farsightedness. There are diseases that negatively affect the ability to see well at close range. Some of them can lead to complete loss of vision.

Diagnosis of impaired vision at close range helps to detect diseases at an early stage of development. Preventive eye examinations should be the norm for every adult. This will reduce the risk of premature blindness.

Causes of poor vision at close distances

Vision may deteriorate due to age-related changes in the tissues of the eye. In such cases, presbyopia is diagnosed.

If a person's ability to see at close range worsens and at the same time improves when looking far away, then this means that he develops hypermetropia (farsightedness).

The cause of age-related decrease in vision at close distances is the thickening of the lens. It loses elasticity, which disrupts the process of accommodation. As the body ages, the muscles that hold the lens gradually weaken. And when the areas of the brain located in the back of the head send nerve signals to these muscles, they cannot change the shape of the lens. Therefore, a person sees nearby objects blurry.

Vision may deteriorate with other pathologies. Often they lead to pronounced changes in the tissues of the eye, causing vision to deteriorate far and near. Sometimes a person notices a rapid decrease in the clarity of objects around him and the ability to see can be restored only through urgent surgery. Find out about the operation for farsightedness by.

What diseases provoke the symptom

Violation of visual function may occur due to other diseases not associated with eye damage. However, they affect the nutrition of tissues, their change, which is why, along with other pathological processes, a person loses his sight, sometimes very quickly.

Diagnosis of eye diseases should be timely. Unfortunately, patients come to the doctor already when the disease is running. Restoring the ability to see in such a case can be very difficult.


Another name for this disease is farsightedness. There are 3 degrees of the disease:

  • (up to 2 diopters);
  • medium (up to 5 diopters);
  • (more than 5 diopters).

With farsightedness up to 2 diopters, a person does not notice a deterioration in vision either far or near. With an average degree of hypermetropia, the ability to see at close range deteriorates significantly. A high degree of farsightedness is associated with permanently poor vision.

Sometimes with hypermetropia, the patient may complain of:

  • the appearance of fog in the visual field;
  • asthenopia (sharp eye fatigue);
  • violation of binocular vision;
  • amblyopia (decreased vision that cannot be corrected with glasses);
  • strabismus.

Children are usually born farsighted. As the body grows, their eyeball gradually changes, which is why vision gradually becomes emmetropic, that is, normal. As a rule, emmetropia is achieved before the age of 6 years. About the features of the treatment of moderate hyperopia in children are described in.

Children may not notice that they have trouble seeing. Therefore, periodic ophthalmological examinations are very important for them.

Retinal detachment

This is a serious disease that requires immediate surgical intervention. When this occurs, the separation of the retina from the vascular.

If you do not see a doctor in time, then retinal detachment will lead to blindness.

Delay in medical assistance in case of retinal rupture threatens with irreversible blindness.

There are such types of delamination:

  • primary (associated with the presence of a retinal tear);
  • traumatic;
  • secondary (develops as a result of a tumor and an inflammatory disease.

The risk of rupture increases with:

  • myopia;
  • transferred surgical interventions;
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • injuries.

The main symptoms of detachment:

  • decrease in visual acuity (moreover, a person sees equally poorly far and near);
  • narrowing of the visual field;
  • the appearance of moving points before the eyes;
  • the appearance of a veil before the eyes;
  • deformation of the objects under consideration.

The purpose of the operation is to restore the fit of the retina to the vascular.

Macular degeneration

This is a disease that affects the central area of ​​the retina - the macula. It is essential to ensure full visual function. The age-related cause of macular degeneration is a key cause of blindness among people over 50 years of age.

Macular degeneration leads to decreased visual acuity. A person feels that it becomes difficult for him to read or consider closely spaced objects. He also cannot perform previously habitual actions - for example, drive a car, engage in mental work that requires visual load.

Macular degeneration is a serious reason to consult an ophthalmologist. But it does not cause blindness.

Macular degeneration causes a slow, painless and, unfortunately, irreversible decrease in vision up to blindness. This process is very rare. The earliest symptoms of macular degeneration are:

  • the appearance of spots in the central region of the visual field;
  • a progressive decrease in the clarity of the objects in question;
  • distortion of objects;
  • violation of color perception;
  • a person sees very poorly near with a decrease in the level of illumination.

Treatment of macular degeneration is a rather complex medical problem. Combination antioxidant therapy improves the chances of regaining vision.

retinal tear

Ruptures of the retina in most cases lead to its detachment. They arise under the influence of external factors.

Early symptoms of rupture may not be noticeable to the patient. Damage to the retina can only be detected with an ophthalmological examination.

When sometimes a person feels flashes of bright light, "lightning". They are especially noticeable in a dark room. The appearance of flies in front of the eye is a sign of posterior detachment or hemorrhage in the vitreous body.

The appearance of a slowly increasing dark veil in the visual field indicates the onset of retinal detachment. This is a late symptom of a break. The patient should immediately contact the ophthalmological or surgical department in order to avoid the development of blindness. The most effective way to treat the disease is laser coagulation of the retina.

diabetic retinopathy

It is the most common vascular complication of diabetes. It manifests itself in the defeat of the capillaries of the eye. Retinopathy is the main cause of vision loss in people of working age. There are 3 stages in the development of pathology:

  1. nonproliferative retinopathy. At this time, the patient practically does not complain of poor vision.
  2. preproliferative retinopathy. The patient feels a decrease in near visual acuity as a result of increased capillary permeability.
  3. Proliferative retinopathy develops if the patient does not monitor blood glucose levels. It is characterized by blockage of capillaries, due to which zones of impaired blood supply appear on the retina.

Retinopathy is manifested by a progressive decrease in visual acuity: first near, and then far. Patients may notice the curvature of objects, flashing "flies". Find out about laser correction of farsightedness.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of visual impairment is carried out using the following methods:

Age-related changes in the eyes, if it is hard to see close up

Age-related changes that make people see poorly up close include the following:

  • Presbyopia. Because of it, a person sees poorly at close range. Glasses are required to correct this disorder.
  • Cataract. The disease is caused by progressive clouding of the lens. Vision from this is reduced far and near.

  • Macular degeneration cause of irreversible blindness.
  • Glaucoma. The disease is associated with an increase in pressure inside the eye, which increases the risk of blindness.
  • Vitreous detachment can lead to retinal detachment, due to which a person begins to see poorly.


This video will tell you about poor near vision, its prevention and treatment methods.


  1. Poor vision at close range happens as a reaction to the natural aging of the body () or as a symptom of serious illness.
  2. A healthy lifestyle, rational nutrition, and the fight against smoking will help save your eyes and prevent the development of blindness.
  3. The norm of behavior of a modern person should be annual preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist. So you can diagnose dangerous pathologies of the eye at a very early stage of its development, when a person does not feel any symptoms.
  4. Self-medication of eye diseases is strictly unacceptable, because it can lead to blindness.

Vision correction is carried out after a thorough check of visual acuity by an ophthalmologist. What are the ways to do this today? Can I do an eye test myself?

We will try to answer all these and other questions below in the article.

Why is an eye test necessary?

Vision is checked in the office of an ophthalmologist. Now in many optics salons there is a specialist's office, equipped with modern diagnostic equipment.

Vision testing includes examination of the ability to distinguish details of the image near and at large distances, the field of view (determination of its defects) and the ability to distinguish colors.

How often should visual acuity be checked?

Visual acuity should be checked regularly. If there are no problems with vision, then depending on age, it is recommended to check vision after certain periods:

  • after birth;
  • about 6 months;
  • at 3 years old;
  • before school and at school every year;
  • every 2 years from age 19 to 64;
  • every year after age 65.

Visual acuity is checked for the following purposes:

  • to check if vision correction is required;
  • to monitor possible eye diseases (for example, retinal detachment in diabetes);
  • with eye injuries;
  • to obtain a driver's license or admission to certain professions.

What is eye visometry read.

How to prepare a patient for a visual acuity test?

No special preparation is required for the vision test. But there are still some recommendations:

  • If you use glasses or contact lenses, please bring them with you.
  • Take your prescription for glasses or contact lenses with you.
  • Some medications can affect vision, so tell your doctor about any medications you take.
  • Try to explain to the optometrist what your vision problems are, what symptoms of discomfort you experience and in what situations.

Tables and tests

Table Orlova

This table is intended for children and consists of lines with pictures, the size of which decreases from line to line from top to bottom. On the left is the distance D (in meters) from which a child with normal vision should see them (50 meters for the top row; 2.5 meters for the bottom row). On the right is the value V - this is the visual acuity when recognizing pictures from a distance of 5 meters (0.1 if the eye sees only the top row; 2.0 - if the bottom row is visible). Normal vision (1.0) - when the child sees the tenth line with each eye from a distance of 5 meters.

To check your vision according to the Orlova table at home, hang a sheet with a printed test on the wall at the level of the child’s eyes, turn on the general lighting in the room, move 5 meters away from the test, cover one of the child’s eyes with a sheet of paper and ask him to read the lines that he sees . Do the same procedure with the second eye of the child, compare the results.

If a child from 5 meters does not recognize the signs of the top row, he is brought closer to the table and every 0.5 meters they are asked until he correctly names the signs of the top row.

At the same time, make sure that the child does not tilt his head and does not squint.

Golovin's table is a standard set of optotypes for determining the contrast of human vision. It consists of a combination of four different rings with a gap equal in width and height. The table contains two columns: on the left - “D=” (the distance in meters from which a person with good eyesight sees this sign), on the right - “V=” (visual acuity, if this row of signs is read from 5 meters). The V values ​​given in the right column of the table correspond to the visual acuity examined from a distance of 5 meters. Normal vision -1.0. The essence of the test is to test the ability to distinguish gaps in the rings from a distance.

To check your vision according to the Golovin table at home, hang a sheet with a printed test on the wall at eye level, turn on the general lighting in the room, move 5 meters away from the test, close one eye with your palm and read the lines that you see. Do the same procedure with the second eye. Compare the results.

This test is designed to detect astigmatism. In a normal state, the cornea and lens of a healthy eye have a smooth spherical surface. With astigmatism, their shape is broken. Instead of a normal image, a person with astigmatism sees a distorted image, in which some lines are clear, others are blurry. Astigmatism is a common cause of poor vision and often accompanies nearsightedness and farsightedness. Corrected, as a rule, glasses, contact lenses or surgery.

In the figure, all lines are the same color and the same width. The Siemens star makes it possible to observe how visual acuity is constantly changing, and these changes are partly subject to control.

If the clarity of vision is normal, then, before reaching the center, the rays blur and begin to overlap with each other. In a short area, they can merge with the background. As we move further towards the center, the rays again become clearly visible. The image turns into its negative. The black beam is replaced by a white background, and the white background is replaced by a black beam. In the course of the rays, such an inversion can occur several times. People with good eyesight can see this effect if they hold the image very close to their eyes. At a great distance from the picture, the rays for them will merge into a solid gray mass.

To check your vision using the Siemens star at home, turn on the general lighting in the room, close one eye and look at the lines. Do the same procedure with the second eye.

This test will help determine if your vision is nearsighted (-), farsighted (+) or emmetropia (i.e. normal).

To check your vision for this test, turn on the general lighting in the room, cover one eye with your palm and read the letters on both sides of the table. Do the same procedure with the second eye.

With normal vision, the eye sees the letters on both sides the same. If the symbols appear clearer to you on a red background, then there is a good chance that you are nearsighted; if on green - farsightedness. If you find that the results are not normal, contact your ophthalmologist.

Amsler test

The Amsler test is designed to detect pathologies of the central region of the retina. To test, put on glasses or contact lenses (if you usually wear them), turn on the general lighting in the room, cover one eye with the palm of your hand and look at the lines in the table. Focusing on the center point, evaluate the rest of the grid. Do the same procedure with the second eye, compare the results.

During testing, you must be in good health. You can not squint and tilt your head. The picture should be located at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes.

Answer the following questions for yourself: Are all lines straight? Are all squares the same size? Are there gray spots and crooked lines? If all answers are negative, then your macular (central) area of ​​the retina is normal. If you find that the results are not normal, contact your ophthalmologist.

Test for color blindness (color perception)

color blind it is the inability to correctly identify one or more colors. Most often, a person does not see red, green, blue or yellow colors. This pathology is congenital. Tests for will identify this disease.

To test vision for color perception, special polychromatic tables are used, the author of which is E. B. Rabkin. Each table is a large number of colored dots and circles. They are the same in brightness, but not in color. A person with normal vision sees numbers on them, a "color blind" person either sees nothing but dots and circles, or sees the wrong numbers that are shown. There are many different types of this pathology. You can also determine its presence at home using Rabkin's tables.

Color blindness test

What tables are used to check the eyesight of drivers?

To obtain a driver's license, the candidate must have an eye examination by an ophthalmologist. carried out by a doctor using the Sivtsev table. Sometimes, in addition to it, the Golovin table can be applied. The visual acuity of the "best" and "worst" eyes is determined. If it does not meet accepted standards, the future driver needs to solve the problem of vision correction with glasses, contact lenses or surgery.



So, an eye test is a necessary procedure for everyone, which must be repeated periodically. This can be done using the tables mentioned above. They can be downloaded from the Internet and printed to test your vision at home. If problems are found, it is necessary to re-examine in the ophthalmologist's office. Only such results will be reliable, and if eye diseases are detected, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, select the optimal means of vision correction.

Read about hypermetropic astigmatism in children.

Consultant: Tamara Dolinskaya, PhD, ophthalmologist

Presbyopia, or age-related farsightedness, is not a disease, but a natural physiological process. Many who have crossed the 40-50-year mark are faced with this: objects, especially close ones, look like they are in a fog, the eyes get very tired when reading, it becomes difficult to distinguish small print.

With age, presbyopia develops in absolutely everyone - both in people who have had one hundred percent vision since childhood, and in those who suffer from myopia, and in those who are farsighted. By the way, for the latter, this process begins earlier than for everyone else.

Presbyopia is a visual impairment associated with a gradual and irreversible change in the ability of the eye to focus an image of an object at close and medium distances.

Methods for correcting presbyopia

  • Non-surgical:

Contact lenses.

  • Surgical:

laser correction,

Implantation of intraocular lenses.

What are your years!

The main reason for the development of age-related farsightedness is the loss of the ability of the lens to accommodate (the ability to adapt to different distances when viewed). “Figuratively speaking, the lens is a liquid in a plastic bag that gradually hardens,” explains our expert. “As a result of this process, the nucleus of the lens becomes denser, it becomes less elastic and loses its ability to focus objects.” That is why a person cannot see clearly at close range.

Stock up on patience

Despite various non-surgical methods of correction, age-related farsightedness will progress until the age of 60-65. So, the degree of presbyopia will change. As a rule, it increases by 1 diopter in 10 years. Therefore, you will need to periodically visit an ophthalmologist and change glasses or contact lenses to stronger ones.


Despite the rapid development of ophthalmology and the emergence of new methods, glasses remain the most popular way to correct presbyopia. They are worn by about 90% of people. People who have always had good eyesight begin to see poorly up close with age. They are recommended presbyopic glasses for work at short distances. As a rule, at 40-50 years old lenses of optical power + 1D are required, at 50-60 years old ... + 2D, at 60-70 years old ... + 3D.

An unpleasant surprise!

Perhaps the most unlucky were those who suffered from axial farsightedness since childhood. Surprisingly, a person may not be aware of his illness - in youth, the ability of the lens to accommodate is perfectly developed, and no inconvenience arises. Surprises begin after 40 years, when presbyopia enhances congenital farsightedness. Such people will eventually need sufficiently strong glasses - for reading and for distance. After all, it is in this case that the clarity of the image is violated when viewing closely located objects, and those that are in the distance.

Difficult situation

There is an opinion that myopic people are in the most advantageous position - supposedly with the onset of farsightedness, myopia disappears. This is not true. In people with slight myopia (-1.0 ... -1.5 D), the moment when reading glasses becomes a necessity is simply slightly delayed.

Patients with myopia -3.0 ... -5.0 D may not need presbyopic glasses at all - for reading they only need to take off their own, for distance.

But those suffering from high myopia may find themselves in a rather difficult situation: they need to have two pairs of glasses - for work and for constant wear. If this option does not suit you, it is advised to use a model with bifocal lenses, which have two optical zones with correction for far and near distances. However, such glasses have significant drawbacks: due to the fact that the zones are separated by a border, they are not very attractive, and the eyes in such glasses are not very comfortable. They can not work at the computer, because bifocal lenses do not provide clear vision at an intermediate distance.

progressive technologies

The solution to the problem is glasses with progressive lenses. Modern technologies make it possible to make them according to an individual calculation, which makes it possible for a person to clearly see objects at any distance. Such glasses have a more aesthetic design, provide high visual comfort, they do not have an image jump when looking from far to near.

When using glasses with progressive lenses, a person's vision approaches one hundred percent. However, it must be taken into account that wearing them requires adaptation, and they are not suitable for constant work at a computer. To do this, it is better to use special office glasses with a wide working area.

Have a contact

Contact lenses are also widely used to correct presbyopia. They are produced using monovision technology - one eye is corrected for near work, and the other for distance work, as a result of which a person sees clearly at different distances. A great option for those who for some reason do not want to wear glasses. However, lenses also have their drawbacks. Many cannot get used to a "foreign" object in the eyes, individual intolerance, the risk of infection are not ruled out. And, for example, it is generally not recommended to wear them during a cold.

Stimulus - reaction

To correct farsightedness, hardware techniques are used - ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation, vacuum massage. However, they are focused only on strengthening the muscular apparatus, so they do not give a lasting effect.

Radical measures

Currently, surgical methods for the correction of presbyopia are widely used.

Laser thermokeratoplasty (LTK). The technology is based on the use of radio waves that change the shape of the cornea and improve visual acuity in mild presbyopia. But the adaptive capabilities of the lens still continue to decline, and over time, LTC turns out to be ineffective.

Laser keratomileusis ( LASIK). Its essence is simple: the eye with the best visual acuity is determined by the leader, the shape of its cornea is changed using an excimer laser for distance vision. The cornea of ​​the second eye deforms for near vision. As a result, a person sees clearly with both eyes. However, this method also has a drawback - the instability of the result.

Implantation of an intraocular lens. This method of surgical correction of presbyopia is now widely used and in certain cases is the only possible one. Removing the lens that has lost its function and replacing it with an artificial multifocal lens provides high visual results and a stable refractive effect. And given that many middle-aged and elderly people have lost the accommodation of the lens, such an operation is the only way to restore good vision.

Solve the problem of

Of course, any operation requires serious preparation, thorough research and competent rehabilitation. Both for laser correction and for implantation of an artificial lens, there are indications that are individual for each person. For example, with cataracts, laser correction of presbyopia is completely useless. The best option in this case is the implantation of a multifocal lens. It effectively compensates for any refractive errors, including relieving a person of problems associated with age-related farsightedness.

Presbyopia is an inevitable condition, but the moment of vision deterioration can be pushed back. It is enough just to visit an ophthalmologist once a year and follow his recommendations, and also not to sit at the computer for hours, to alternate work that requires eye strain with rest.

Text: Galina Denisenya

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