Mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration) - does the prefix "mini" really make the procedure safe? Vacuum abortion: the whole truth about mini-abortion

Women decide to have an abortion for various reasons - they believe that they do not have the economic opportunity to raise a child, they are in difficult social conditions, they do not see themselves as a mother, they have medical contraindications for pregnancy, or the fetus develops with pathologies. Whatever the reason, it is always a difficult decision.

There are three methods of abortion that are recommended by WHO: medical, curettage and vacuum aspiration. Vacuum abortion is considered a gentle procedure that causes almost no complications. How is vacuum aspiration done and what are its consequences?

How is a vacuum abortion performed?

Vacuum aspiration, commonly referred to as a mini-abortion, is the World Health Organization's recommended method of induced abortion. Along with medical abortion, it is considered safe, which cannot be said about curettage.

How the procedure goes, you can guess by its name - it is based on the use of vacuum suction. Abortion is performed by a gynecologist in a hospital setting. The woman arrives at the appointed time, sits in the gynecological chair, her legs are fixed on the stands with the help of special fasteners.

Abortion can take place both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia. In the first case, an anesthetic medication is injected into the uterus, in the second, anesthesia is administered to the woman through a dropper, and she falls asleep for several minutes. General anesthesia makes the manipulations completely painless; with local anesthesia, the patient may feel a slight pulling pain.

After the introduction of the anesthetic, the procedure begins. The gynecologist inserts a cannula into the uterus, which is connected to a vacuum pump. For women who have not given birth, the cervix is ​​additionally dilated. When the device is turned on, a negative pressure is created in the uterine cavity, which forms a vacuum. The gynecologist runs a cannula along the walls of the uterus, sucking a fetal egg into the cannula, like into a vacuum cleaner. After the embryo is removed from the uterus, the organ begins to contract intensively, expelling the remnants. The whole procedure lasts no more than 5-7 minutes. What a vacuum abortion looks like can be seen in the diagram below.

Indications and contraindications, complications

Vacuum abortion can be done at the request of a woman if she wants to get rid of the child. In addition, they are referred for an abortion for medical reasons, when pathologies incompatible with life are found in the embryo. In this case, the decision remains with the woman (or her legal representative, if she is incapacitated)

Indications for mini-abortion:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • rubella in the mother;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological disease;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • taking drugs that have a teratogenic effect.

Contraindications for carrying out:

  • genital tract infections;
  • tubal pregnancy;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • less than six months have passed since the previous birth;
  • gestational age is not suitable for vacuum abortion.

The advantage of vacuum aspiration is the low risk of complications. The mucous surface of the uterine walls is practically not injured, microdamages heal quickly. However, after the procedure, the following consequences are possible:

  • spastic pain in the lower abdomen, requiring the use of antispasmodics;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • hormonal disbalance.

Very rarely, pneumoembolism occurs. Due to improper abortion, positive pressure is created in the uterus, and air bubbles enter the bloodstream. This condition is fatal, but thanks to modern pumps, this complication is now almost never encountered.

How long is a mini-abortion possible?

There are strict deadlines for vacuum abortion - up to 5 weeks of gestation, which is equivalent to 21 days from the moment of delay. At such early dates, the fetal egg is not yet firmly attached to the endometrium, which means that a mini-abortion is relatively safe. However, not all women can so quickly decide to get rid of the child and undergo the necessary examination in order to have time to terminate the pregnancy.

In many ways, the procedure depends on the skill of the specialist. According to the WHO, if the gynecologist has received appropriate training, he can perform a mini-abortion up to 12 weeks of gestation, and with a suitable size cannula, up to 15 weeks. However, the operation at such times is highly undesirable and is possible only for medical reasons.

Preparing for a vacuum abortion

Before termination of pregnancy, the gynecologist prescribes preparatory procedures, the purpose of which is to identify contraindications for abortion. The doctor gives direction to the following diagnostic procedures:

  • gynecological examination with a smear on the microflora;
  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • analysis for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;

These manipulations allow, first of all, to determine whether there is a pregnancy and what are its terms. Secondly, if an infection, blood disease or other pathology preventing an abortion is found, the woman will be offered another way to solve the problem, depending on the circumstances.

What happens after the procedure?

After vacuum aspiration, the gynecologist suggests that the woman come to her senses and rest for 1-2 hours. Abortion is done in a hospital, so the patient is simply accompanied by a medical worker to move to the ward. If the manipulations were performed under general anesthesia, then she will need more time to recover.

The gynecologist necessarily instructs the woman how she should behave, and talks about the reaction of the body over the coming weeks. The first 2-3 days, cramping pains are possible, which are eliminated with antispasmodic medications.

In the first days after suction, it will bleed a little, the bleeding will stop for 2-3 days. Due to hormonal fluctuations, brown discharge may appear again on the 4-5th day. Don't worry, this is normal. If the bleeding does not stop, and the pain is too strong, the woman needs to urgently contact the gynecologist.

After vacuum suction, it is necessary to undergo a follow-up ultrasound after 2 weeks. Sometimes aspiration is performed poorly, and after a mini-abortion, elements of the fetal egg remain in the uterus. If they are not removed, this will lead to purulent inflammation of the uterine cavity and severe complications.

What to do if the control ultrasound examination showed the presence of remnants of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity? In this case, the patient is prescribed either repeated aspiration or curettage with a curette. Curettage is a more traumatic type of abortion, which often leads to complications, but in this situation it is a necessity.

After a mini-abortion, the body recovers very quickly. This is due to the fact that the hormonal changes characteristic of gestation have not yet had time to occur in the body.

Intimate life and contraception after a mini-abortion

One of the most common questions that women ask a gynecologist after an abortion concerns intimate life. The first 3 weeks after performing vacuum aspiration, sexual intercourse should be abstained. First of all, this is necessary so that the microtraumas caused by the cannula have time to heal.

At first, even with a regular partner, you should use condoms. Barrier contraception is necessary to avoid infection in the genitals. If in a normal state the body independently copes with conditionally pathogenic microflora, then after abortive procedures, any bacterial or fungal infection can cause serious inflammation.

When can I plan my next pregnancy? Gynecologists advise doing this no earlier than six months after vacuum aspiration. This period is enough for the body - genitals and hormonal levels - to recover after gynecological intervention.

Possible consequences

Many women are worried about whether they can get pregnant after a vacuum abortion. This method is considered sparing, unlike curettage, the number of cases that led to infertility is extremely small.

Severe consequences in the form of infection or inflammation that caused infertility occur if a woman neglected the advice of a gynecologist on how to behave in the period after a vacuum abortion. Reproductive health depends on how well the rules of intimate hygiene and contraception are followed.

At such a short time, a woman does not have time to develop an emotional attachment to her unborn child. She does not feel like a mother, so abortion rarely leads to psychological problems, especially if the abortion is done at the request of the woman herself. The situation is different if the couple tried to conceive a child for a long time, the news of the pregnancy was joyful, but due to abnormal deviations, the gynecologist sent for an interruption. Women who have undergone aspiration for medical reasons often experience post-abortion depression, which must be treated by a psychotherapist.

Disappointing medical statistics indicate that every fifth pregnancy ends in an abortion. For abortion, women choose the safest methods. But if the desired result is still not achieved, then one has to resort to surgical intervention. Today's article will tell you about how long a vacuum abortion is done. You will learn about the nuances of this manipulation and you can read the reviews.

Vacuum termination of pregnancy

This technique is widely used in all medical institutions. Along with medical abortion, it is recognized as less traumatic and relatively safe. However, there is a risk that parts of the fetal egg will remain in the uterine cavity.

Vacuum termination of pregnancy is performed only within the walls of the hospital. Before this, the patient needs to undergo an examination and pass some tests. Manipulation is carried out using a special device - vacuum suction.

Timing of the procedure

If you are offered a vacuum termination of pregnancy, the gestational age is short. It is impossible to say with accuracy until which week the procedure is carried out. Many clinics set their own restrictions. Information differs in different sources. Some states that a mini-abortion is allowed up to 5 weeks of pregnancy. Others talk about eight weeks. Experienced specialists are able to manipulate up to 12 weeks. There is evidence that with the presence of a cannula of the appropriate size, vacuum termination of pregnancy can be done up to 15 weeks.

Despite this, many medical institutions adhere to the 8-week period. It is up to this period that there is still no strong connection between the fetal egg and the wall of the uterus. And this means that the result of manipulation in almost all cases will be successful.

Indications and contraindications

To make a vacuum termination of pregnancy, the consent of the woman is required. This is the main indication for abortion. Also, manipulation is sometimes prescribed by a specialist without the initiative of the patient. The indications are as follows:

  • anomalies in the development of the fetal egg, incompatible with life;
  • the inability of a woman to give birth for health reasons;
  • frozen pregnancy or anembryony;
  • viral diseases transferred during a dangerous period (rubella, toxoplasmosis).

Doctors say that there are contraindications to manipulation. They can be absolute or temporary. The latter include infections of the genital tract, bleeding disorders, fever and colds. After the elimination of these pathologies, it is quite acceptable to perform an operation, if time permits.

Complete contraindications for vacuum abortion include abnormalities in the development of the uterus (the presence of adhesions and septa), ectopic pregnancy, recent childbirth, uterine tumors, and long gestation periods. In these situations, other methods are chosen to eliminate the fetal egg.

Preparing for an abortion

Vacuum termination of pregnancy requires some preparation. Every gynecologist will tell you about this. Reviews of physicians suggest that ultrasound diagnostics is mandatory before the procedure. It allows you to set the exact gestational age. Also, a woman gives smears from the vagina to study the microflora and to detect an infectious process.

In addition to the described preparation, the patient should take a blood test. The study reveals the level of platelets, the presence of antibodies to hepatitis, HIV and other diseases.

During the operation

Women say that vacuum termination of pregnancy passes rather quickly. Reviews report that the manipulation lasts only 5-7 minutes. The patient is positioned on both for examination. After that, the doctor injects the cervix with anesthetics and antispasmodics.

If a woman has not given birth, then the gynecologist will need to first expand the cervical canal with tools. Patients who have given birth do not need this. When everything is ready, the cannula is inserted into the uterine cavity. Using his own strength, the doctor pulls the suction handle. At this time, negative pressure is created in the cavity of the reproductive organ. The fertilized egg is detached from the wall of the uterus and sucked into the manipulator.

reviews of women

Patients say that a mini-abortion is much easier to tolerate than surgical curettage. The manipulation does not require the use of general anesthesia. Also, the injured area of ​​the mucous membrane remains small. After vacuum interruption, there are rarely any complications with the neck. Whereas curettage can lead to damage to the cervical canal. After that, problems may arise with the subsequent bearing of the child and natural childbirth.

Allocations after vacuum termination of pregnancy, according to women, are not so plentiful and painful. They are, in fact, regular menstruation. A damaged mucosa. The recovery time from this operation is short. Under the supervision of doctors, the patient must remain for one or two hours. After that, the woman can return to her former affairs.

Doctors must prescribe medications after a vacuum abortion. These are broad spectrum antibiotics. They will help prevent the development of a bacterial infection and complications. Also, women are recommended drugs that cause uterine contractions and painkillers. All of them are selected individually. Some women mistakenly believe that they can do without the use of drugs. With such a negligent attitude towards one's health, complications often arise in the form of infections, inflammatory processes, delays in the mucous membrane in the uterine cavity.

Doctors say that after the vacuum aspiration, the patient should return for an additional examination in two weeks. This is necessary to confirm a complete abortion. If parts of the membranes are found in the uterine cavity, then curettage is prescribed.


Vacuum is a safe manipulation. Its effect depends on the timing of the operation. The sooner you contact a gynecologist, the more chances that everything will go smoothly. If you want to terminate a pregnancy, then never use grandmother's recipes. They can lead to very unpleasant consequences in the future. All the best!

Vacuum abortion (or vacuum aspiration) is a minimally traumatic method of abortion. It can be used early up to the 12th week.

Compared with other methods, with such an intervention, the likelihood of complications is lower, but they are still possible.

What it is?

The mini-abortion procedure consists in removing the contents of the uterus using an electric vacuum pump. The device creates in the cavity negative pressure zone, resulting in exfoliation of the fetal egg and its suction.

For the implementation of the operation, metal dilators are mainly not used, due to which the cervix is ​​not injured.

Preparing for an abortion

Before the operation, the woman must undergo consultation and examination to confirm the fact of pregnancy and determine its timing. Preliminary analyzes include:

Based on the results of the tests performed, the characteristics of the body and the presence (absence) of contraindications to vacuum aspiration are revealed.

When can a vacuum abortion not be performed?

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy- with it, the development of the embryo occurs outside the uterine cavity, which poses a threat to the life of a woman.
  2. The presence of an acute form infectious pathology. Aspiration in this case can cause infection on the genitals and provoke an inflammatory process.
    In these cases, medical treatment of the disease is preliminarily carried out.
  3. Low blood clotting– sometimes it is possible to carry out the operation on an individual basis.
  4. Mini-abortion is not prescribed after childbirth(within 6 months).

How do they do it?

Video about how a vacuum abortion is done, what the fetus feels and not only ...

The operation is carried out on an outpatient basis. It lasts no more 5 minutes.

The entrance to the vagina and its inner walls are pre-treated with an antiseptic solution.

For the procedure in general no neck extension required unless the woman has given birth. With the narrowness of the vagina, the uterine cervix is ​​enlarged with the help of special preparations and metal dilators to allow the introduction of abortion instruments.

A solid tube (cannula) is inserted into the cavity, after which the necessary pressure (0.5 atmospheres) is created in the inner part. The operating gynecologist carefully guides the cannula along all the walls so that the hole touches the mucous membrane. As a result exfoliation of the fetal egg occurs, which is then drawn through the tube into a separate container.

Due to the removal of uterine tissue, a spasm of its walls occurs, which stops after the tube is removed. There may be some discomfort in the form of nausea, weakness, excessive sweating.

How much does a vacuum abortion cost? Prices for such a procedure generally start from 2.5 thousand rubles and can reach up to 6-7 thousand depending on the clinic, region, features of the operation.

Postoperative period

What is the danger?

At any time, artificial termination of pregnancy causes great harm to the body of a woman regardless of the methods used. Vacuum mini abortion minimizes the consequences, but does not exclude them.

  1. Most often found incomplete abortion. With it, the fetal egg is not removed, i.e. the pregnancy is not terminated. There may also be cases of its incomplete removal.
    In this case, tissue remnants can cause infection, sepsis and infectious-toxic shock.
  2. Possible pain in the lower abdomen, similar to menstruation. They are the result of uterine contractions. In such cases, antispasmodics are prescribed.
  3. Violation of the monthly cycle- mainly due to ovarian dysfunction. Often leads to infertility.
  4. Hormonal disorders - from the moment of conception, hormones begin to be synthesized in the body to maintain it and prepare for bearing the fetus. Artificial termination of pregnancy provokes a hormonal crisis.
  5. Bleeding- develops in case of damage to large vessels. If it is impossible to stop it, the uterus is removed.
  6. Pneumoembolism- one of the most formidable complications. It is a blockage of the lumen of large vessels by an air clot and develops as a result of a medical error, when instead of negative pressure, positive pressure is created, leading to air entering the vessel. This state ends in death.
    Fortunately, it is very rare. Thanks to the use of new generation vacuum aspirators, air supply to the uterine cavity is not possible.
  7. Perforation of the uterus and damage to adjacent organs- happens in the process of probing the uterine cavity with a probe.

Exercise vacuum is known to almost every person. It is very often done by women in order to get a beautiful waist, remove a slightly protruding tummy, pump up and strengthen the abdominal muscles. But when a woman is preparing to become a mother, then she has a completely logical question: can you do a vacuum exercise during pregnancy to keep yourself in shape?

Those who are just starting to put their body in order, on the recommendation of many fitness instructors, begin to do the vacuum exercise. This does not mean that it is not suitable for those people who play sports for a long time or do certain exercises to keep fit. Many may think that for a beautiful waist, you only need to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Actually it is not. The fat layer will remain in place, and the size of the abdomen and, accordingly, the waist will increase even more. First of all, you need to get rid of the layer of fat in the abdomen. It is for this purpose that they came up with a special technique - vacuum. Such exercises can be done even by thin people who have skin problems in the form of sagging. But if you are expecting a baby, then you should first find out whether you can do the vacuum exercise during pregnancy or not.

This exercise is several techniques, collected in one, which must be performed in a certain way. Vacuum exercise is done in fitness, yoga, body flex. Also, the exercise can be performed at home. But you can not do the vacuum exercise during pregnancy. The essence of such training of the abdominal muscles is that the stomach is drawn in as much as possible and held in the most tense state for about 30 seconds, subject to the correct breathing technique.

The result from regular exercise will not be long in coming. In addition, it can be used to strengthen the transverse muscles of the press, which are responsible for the plane of the abdomen. In a few weeks, he will not stick out like at the beginning of classes. Through regular exercise, you can remove visceral fat. Vacuum exercise is an excellent prevention of prolapse of the abdominal organs. It still significantly improves metabolic processes, digestion. The intestines begin to work more actively and, most importantly, correctly. The waist is gradually formed, the press becomes flat, the posture improves. If the vacuum exercise is performed correctly, absolutely all organs begin to receive more oxygen, which has a positive effect on their work. You can do this before conception and after childbirth. Vacuum exercise during pregnancy is not worth doing.

Proper exercise in the supine position

Not every person can do this exercise correctly, especially if he is new to this issue. It is advisable to train in front of a mirror so that you can monitor the correct execution of all necessary actions. When the body adapts and you can easily do a lying vacuum, you can change your position and do the exercise on your knees.

So, a step-by-step instruction for the correct, effective implementation of a vacuum in a prone position.

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Hands should be along the body. If uncomfortable, spread them a little apart.
  2. The back must be straight.
  3. Try to relax as much as possible and begin to slowly exhale all the air.
  4. When there is no more air left, draw in the abdominal muscles as much as possible and stop breathing.
  5. Imagine that you need to touch your spine with your navel.
  6. Hold this position for about 20 seconds, then inhale a little air, hold the muscles for another 20 seconds.
  7. Now you can begin to breathe and restore your breath.

Such training causes strong tension in the abdomen, so you can not do the vacuum exercise during pregnancy.

Performing the exercise in a sitting position

Performing the exercise while sitting is much more difficult. In this case, in addition to the abdominal muscles, the back muscles also begin to work. First of all, you need to sit down on a fairly hard surface. You can also make a vacuum on a fitball.

  1. Rest with all your strength with your palms on your knees.
  2. Legs should be placed at an angle of 90 degrees.
  3. Make sure your feet are completely touching the floor.
  4. Exhale all the air and pull the navel to the spine as much as possible.
  5. Hold the muscles in tension for at least 30 seconds.
  6. Exhale and immediately repeat the exercise. So three times.
  7. If during a workout even a slight dizziness appears, then you can no longer hold your breath. It is also possible to shorten the holding time of the voltage.

Standing workout

The best results can be achieved if you do the vacuum while standing. There are two different options for doing the exercise. The person can stand straight with arms down, feet shoulder-width apart. You can also lean on something or tilt the entire body slightly forward. Bodybuilders often train in the last position. Then follow the instructions.

  1. Get into your chosen position.
  2. Exhale completely all the air through your mouth.
  3. Relax your lips so they don't puff out.
  4. Draw in the stomach as much as possible after there is no air left in the lungs.
  5. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds. With each new workout, increase the time to a minute.

This option is very difficult. The load goes to almost all muscle groups, so in no case do such an exercise vacuum during pregnancy.

Gymnastics for the abdominal muscles: safe or not

Gymnastics of this type is very useful, especially for women, but only if they are not going to become mothers. It is better to make a vacuum after childbirth, because it is he who allows you to get back in shape, strengthen your abs, make your waist smaller and lose weight. The only condition is that you need to do the exercise regularly, otherwise there will be no effect.

Vacuum exercise: contraindications

The main contraindications include the following:

  • You can not do the vacuum exercise during pregnancy.
  • In the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system or lungs.
  • If there is a duodenal ulcer, stomach.
  • During critical days, especially if they are accompanied by painful sensations.

You should not perform the vacuum exercise during pregnancy, because you will not achieve a positive result, but only harm yourself and the baby. Due to strong tension, uterine hypertonicity may occur, which will lead to spontaneous abortion.

How long can an abortion be done without harm to health and at what time is it better to do it? Absolutely without a trace artificial termination of pregnancy does not pass. Is it possible to terminate a pregnancy at 29-30 weeks, i.e. in the last months of pregnancy? But for information on how long it is possible to terminate a pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor. In some cases, there may be individual nuances. The main advantage of medical termination of pregnancy is the absence of traumatic surgical intervention.

Termination of pregnancy: how long can a medical abortion be done? How dangerous is medical abortion in a first pregnancy? Can a pregnancy be terminated after 12 weeks? Is it possible to take any means for terminating a pregnancy on my own?
There is no absolutely safe abortion, any method of abortion can lead to complications in the form of bleeding, an inflammatory process, and in the future become a reason for not carrying a desired pregnancy. Therefore, the decision to have an abortion should be well thought out and weighed from all sides by the couple who decide to take this serious step. If circumstances still force you to terminate the pregnancy, then the most gentle method is medical abortion. Especially if this is the first pregnancy.

Many women are interested in the question, how long does it take to get an abortion?

Whatever scientific terms are used to replace simple words when describing the process of abortion - abortion is the killing of an unborn child. In our country, abortion is legally justified only in cases of rape, the death of the father of the child during pregnancy, deprivation of parental rights, a threat to the life of the mother and pathology of the fetus.

Abortion can be performed up to 22 weeks of pregnancy.

Starting from the eighth week of gestation, the child's nervous system begins to form. On the sixteenth, the baby makes the first more or less conscious movement - he begins to respond to sounds.

A late abortion is called premature birth.

Termination of pregnancy before 12 weeks is called early abortion and this procedure is performed at the request of the woman.

Up to 6 weeks pregnant you can have a medical abortion (with the help of pills).

Termination of pregnancy at a later date, more than 6 weeks, can only be performed by surgical intervention (the so-called curettage).

If the gestational age exceeds 12 weeks, an abortion can be performed only if there are serious medical (for example, the presence of intrauterine pathology of the fetus, decompensated maternal diseases - epilepsy, diabetes mellitus) or social indications (rape, death of a husband, imprisonment).

Remember, how long does it take to get an abortion, all women should, because long-term termination of pregnancy is very dangerous to perform.

Recently, more and more often, termination of pregnancy (abortion) is performed by medication.

Wherein medical abortion terms has limited.

You can perform this manipulation up to 49 days (up to 6 weeks of pregnancy), if you count from the first day of the last menstruation.

It was during this period that the fetal egg is still weakly attached to the uterine cavity, so taking certain drugs contributes to increased uterine contractility and rejection of the fetal egg.

If done on time medical abortion, do not tighten terms, this has some advantages for the woman:

  • no mechanical damage to the uterus
  • no need for anesthesia
  • the introduction of infection into the uterine cavity is excluded.

For young girls who plan to have children in the future, medical abortion is the method of choice.

Yes, and it is much easier to psychologically endure an abortion with the help of a drug than to agree to a surgical abortion.

If you have already decided on an abortion, do not delay the medical terms, because the slightest delay can reduce the effectiveness of this method to zero.

Contact a specialist doctor in time, take care of your women's health!

What problems can arise with medical abortion?

First, the pregnancy may not be interrupted. In this case, it is no longer possible to save it for medical reasons. A mini-abortion is done. Secondly, there can be very heavy bleeding. In this case, too, sometimes you have to resort to surgery. Thirdly, it can be very painful, it can make you feel sick, your blood pressure may rise.

The undoubted advantage of this method is the absence of surgical intervention, and therefore, the possibility of injury to the uterus and infection.

Mini-abortion or Vacuum abortion (for up to 5-7 weeks i.e. within 6-14 weeks after the last menstruation)

Mini abortion - vacuum aspiration, termination of pregnancy at an early stage. This surgical abortion is performed at an early stage of pregnancy (termination of pregnancy before 5-7 weeks).

The operation is done under anesthesia. In medical centers, anesthesia is used, which does not leave consequences in the form of a prolonged headache, nausea, etc. That is, for you it will look like this: lay down on a chair, put a catheter in a vein, fell asleep, woke up not pregnant anymore. During the operation to terminate the pregnancy, the doctor inserts a special tube connected to the device into the uterus. After turning on the device, a negative pressure is created in the tube, due to which the fetal egg is removed from the uterus.

Before the operation, the muscles of the cervix are stretched with metal dilators until the opening is wide enough to allow the abortion instruments to pass into the uterus. The doctor attaches a special syringe to the tube (it is inserted into the uterus) and the intrauterine child is sucked out.

In fact, during a vacuum abortion, the doctor opens the cervix with metal dilators or kelp (thin sticks that are inserted hours before the procedure itself); inserts a tube into the uterus and attaches it to the pump. The pump grinds the baby's body into pieces and sucks them out of the uterus. If the fetus could not be completely removed, a subsequent curettage is performed. In this case, the doctor may use a curette (rounded knife) to scrape parts of the baby's body out of the uterus.

Immediately after the abortion, there may be slight pain in the lower abdomen associated with uterine contractions, then for several days you will have a small discharge similar to menstruation. Sometimes a doctor prescribes antibiotics after an abortion. Physical inconvenience is minimal, but in this case much depends on the skill of the doctor. So choose a doctor you trust. This method is more reliable in terms of the chances that the pregnancy will definitely terminate. Cases where pregnancy continued to develop after a mini-abortion are extremely rare. Ultrasound is used to increase reliability during abortion. But, since there is interference, there is also the possibility of injury. If the smear before the abortion was bad, and the treatment was not carried out or was insufficient, infection is possible.

Despite the fact that a mini-abortion is performed earlier than an ordinary abortion, a mini-abortion is a means of killing a conceived child - a human life.

The physical, moral and emotional consequences of a mini-abortion are no less complex and dangerous than the complications of a surgical abortion. From the very moment of conception, there is a living, little man inside you, with its own individual set of DNA. With an already defined eye color, hair color and gender of your child. Don't be fooled by the words that you have a bunch of cells inside you. It is not true.

Medical abortion (6 to 12 weeks or 13 to 24 weeks after last period).

This surgical abortion is performed during the second trimester of pregnancy. Up to 12 weeks, you can have a routine or surgical abortion. It feels like it will be the same as a mini-abortion, but instead of a tube, a special instrument is inserted into the uterus, with which the fetal egg is removed. Here, the same rule applies very clearly - the longer the period, the more difficult the operation, the more complications there may be.

As the developing baby doubles in size between the 11th and 12th weeks of pregnancy, its body is too large to be crushed by the suction and pass through the tube. In this case, the cervix should be opened wider than in the 1st trimester abortion. Therefore, kelp is introduced a day or two before the abortion itself. After the cervix is ​​opened, the doctor removes parts of the baby's body with forceps. In order to easily remove the skull of a child, it is first ground with tongs.

Only these three methods of termination of pregnancy are permissible and are not considered in our country as "criminal abortion", with the exception of termination of pregnancy on the testimony of a doctor at a later date.

Late term abortion

After 12 weeks, optional abortions are prohibited in our country. They do it only for medical and social reasons: a court decision to restrict parental rights, pregnancy as a result of rape; the death of a husband during a woman's pregnancy. They terminate the pregnancy in the later stages, either artificially inducing childbirth, or making a small caesarean section. That is, there will be childbirth, but there will be no child. So, you understand, it is better not to bring it to this.

This medical abortion is performed:

From 20 weeks after the last menstrual cycle. The procedure for terminating a pregnancy in the later stages takes 3 days. During the first two days, the cervix is ​​dilated and the woman is given anti-spasmodic drugs. On the third day, the woman takes a medication that induces childbirth. After labor has begun, the doctor will do an ultrasound to locate the baby's legs. Grasping the legs with forceps, the doctor pulls the child out, leaving only the head inside. In this case, parts of the child's body can come off the body itself and stretch through the vaginal canal. The rest of the body is pinched and pulled outward. The baby's head is pinched and crushed in order to pass through the vaginal canal. The placenta and the remaining parts are sucked out of the uterus.

Previously, salt abortion or salt pouring was used, but this method was not effective enough, like Homeopathy (efficiency no more than 20%), Acupuncture (up to 40% effect with a slight delay and depends on the qualifications of the specialist), Magnetic induction ("magnetic cap" with in the absence of contraindications, it is effective in 50% of cases with a delay of no more than 3-5 days)

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