How to set yourself up for weight loss psychologically. How to force yourself to lose weight. The Right Motivation


What girl does not dream of a beautiful figure? But with each passing year, it becomes more and more difficult to lose excess, and motivation to lose weight in the daily rhythm of life is completely absent. But this is the main guarantee of success in obtaining the desired forms.

A few holidays, vacations and going back to diet and training in the gym is almost impossible. But by setting a clearly formulated goal, you will have the opportunity to achieve the main thing - performance.

Let's figure it out how to mentally prepare for weight loss and, of course, how to turn the desired into the obvious.

Sports lifestyle

Initially, you must realize that any diet will not give a significant result if proper nutrition is not combined with physical activity. Moreover, when the sport takes a worthy niche in your life, you will be able to maintain the achieved parameters. For the lazy, it is better to sign up for a fitness or gym, where you can work out with an individual trainer. Those who can regularly exercise on their own at home can choose any available training program. For example, purchase a pair of fitness bands that increase the load during exercise. Such a device is not expensive at all, but the effect will be much higher than with conventional exercises.

Training should be fun. To do this, you can choose a beautiful tracksuit and even if it emphasizes not yet ideal forms, you will feel confident. Firstly, branded suits have increased elasticity and wear-resistant material that is subject to frequent washing, and secondly, it is resistant to odors.

Remember, you must have a goal! Therefore, when visiting a gym, fitness club or swimming pool, you must determine your personal motivation to lose weight.

Ask yourself a specific question: “What results do I expect from training?” Answers with fuzzy wording will not work. If you want to stimulate the growth of muscle mass, this means that your plans are to develop biceps and create elastic cubes on the press. But, if you lose weight, then indicate the number of kilograms you need to lose.

There is no need to exaggerate your capabilities, because. this can be the opposite of demotivation for sports. Not having achieved the intended result, you will certainly get a portion of disappointment and stop physical activity. Realistically evaluate your capabilities and, based on this, determine the optimal figure.

How to set yourself up for weight loss psychologically?

Motivation for weight loss is a precious resource that comes from habit. Very often we have to do what we do not like, but we realize that it is right. If you do not stop and continue to work in this direction, then over time the unusual becomes familiar. And what was the most uncomfortable before, from this you begin to get the most pleasure in the future.

Beginners training from scratch or those who decide to continue the path of improvement after a break, you need to decide which sport is more to your liking.

For some, monotonous exercises in the gym may seem boring, but if you resort to the services of a trainer, he will definitely dilute the sessions with new exercises. If the gym does not attract you, visit a fitness club, Pilates, yoga, a swimming pool, especially since a trial lesson in many establishments is free. Try everything and make a conscious stop.

It is not bad to combine physical activity with pleasant sensations of relaxation - this is a kind of bonus for the work done. Many people visit infrared or Finnish saunas after an active load. Remember that all services must be provided by one establishment.

Become a fan of a healthy lifestyle, and mental attitude towards weight loss help to support a like-minded person. Involve a friend, mother, or daughter in class.

And do not forget that the laziest will need a strict instructor who controls the correct execution of each movement. If you are not able to become demanding of yourself - shift this task onto someone else's shoulders.

The key to successful training: 3 basic rules

Formulate a decision

Any physical activity can not only bring the body into good shape, but also improve many vital systems of the body. Regular exercise helps to strengthen muscle mass, meaning not only the biceps, but also the heart, pressure normalizes over time, and the level of bad cholesterol in the blood decreases.

Training helps to strengthen bone tissue and interosseous joints. Over time, you will feel relief from symptoms such as obsessive lower back or back pain. Loads help in the prevention of diseases of the spine.

During physical activities, stress is reduced, it becomes possible to relax for those whose work is associated with mental stress. The release of endorphins in the body during exercise improves mood. Thus, a feeling of self-love is formed, and, accordingly, an increase in self-esteem.

Excess weight is always accompanied by many diseases. Over time, becoming chronic. It is sports activities that are the prevention of such serious diseases as diabetes mellitus or disorders in the work of the heart.

Information from the medical report should be a powerful motivating factor to continue training.

Define and visualize the goal

One decision to lose weight will not be enough. It is important to determine a personal goal from sports activities.

Such a wording of the answer as “to become slimmer” is not effective. Outline the motivation with more precise parameters, for example, the desired waist, hips, etc. Specify for yourself the weight you want to achieve, for example, lose 7 kilograms.

Set up for weight loss goal visualization will help. Make a wish board, reinforce your desire in a beautiful way and think about how you would like the end result to look like. Are you lonely and dreaming of a prince? So add a handsome man next to you on the wish board. To many this will seem ridiculous, but on a subconscious level, visual motivation is very effective.

Confidence in your strength

It is this stage that is the most difficult for those who have tried to lose weight more than once, but all attempts have been in vain.

It is necessary to realize that anyone can achieve changes in their body, but only through hard work on themselves.

Get rid of the accumulated negativity “I won’t succeed”, “I’m not that strong”, etc. This blocking system works more than motivation. Moreover, getting rid of it is more difficult than getting rid of excess weight. For each “I can’t”, you should have a clear answer “I will succeed”, “I will achieve what I want”. At the moment of surging negativity, remember the pleasant moments in your life when you were praised or you achieved any results, no matter in what area. A positive life experience will help to resist the surging negativity.

Psychology of weight loss

It is sometimes very difficult to regain former forms. The protracted holidays make it impossible to tune in to the right rhythm of life. Making a wish board by sticking a photo of a girl with model parameters on it is not enough.

How to set yourself up for weight loss? Each organism is a unique system of vital activity, therefore the approach must be individual. Psychologists have identified several methods that describe the main algorithms for implementing their plans.

Cognitive Therapy by Judith Beck

This therapeutic method is based on planning and full control of your steps. The author of the methodology, Judith Beck, recommends making lists on paper and describing goals.

  • Future plans. Initially, you will need to make a list of actions that cannot be performed in this moment. It will be possible to fulfill these points only after losing weight, for example, buying a little black dress or getting pregnant. This paper should always be in sight - put it in the hallway near the keys or in your purse. Before each meal, you need to read the "wish list" - this will subdue the appetite, and the portion eaten will become smaller.
  • Execution time. It is recommended to decide not only on the goal, but also to limit it to the time frame for execution. For example, it might sound like “lose 3 kg in 1 month” or “lose 5 cm in the waist before your birthday.”
  • Ways to achieve. A detailed description of how you plan to achieve the results. To do this, designate the number of trips to training per week or per month, determine the level of calories allowed for daily consumption.
  • Plan and achieve. You should not choose many goals, it will be enough to identify one or two of the most basic ones. Then you can raise the bar of desires. Get a notebook and divide it into two parts. One will be called "Plans", the other "Results". Weekly write down in the column "results" all the successes achieved.

Methodology of Dr. Kovalkov

Russian nutritionist Alexei Kovalkov, who developed a stressful weight loss technique, claims that his method of losing weight is suitable both for those who have forgotten how to take care of themselves, and for fashionistas with magnificent forms.

  • First of all, it is recommended to come to an appointment with a nutritionist and be examined. An experienced specialist will be able to explain in an accessible way the consequences of excess weight, which negatively affects the vital systems of the body. And also the doctor will describe the diet that is right for you.
  • The main motivation is the realization that losing weight is necessary not only for gaining beauty, but also for personal health, which is probably shaken by extra pounds.

Weight loss motivation appears only when you know for sure that you will receive a prize. To achieve it, you need to develop a good habit!

Fried potatoes with a juicy patty, a huge hamburger or cheeseburger with soda, or a high-calorie dessert in the form of a cake, a piece of cake with cream filling, or homemade pies, pancakes, pizza ...

All this is incredibly tasty and pleasantly pleasing to the eye.

But from such food, and even against the background of a sedentary lifestyle, especially among office workers, we gradually gain weight.

At first, clothes become a little narrow, then you have to update your wardrobe a couple of sizes larger. In a couple of years - the next global update of the wardrobe, and we are already wearing 50 - 54 clothing sizes, or even more.

At the same time, we notice the second and third chin, we observe how the fat on the arms sags, the legs become loose - cellulite. And the stomach began to bulge further than the chest, like a pregnant woman, who is about to give birth ...

And at this time, not only on TV, but also in the store and even in our own office, we see very slender girls who are practically not overweight. The most annoying thing is that your colleague, with whom you have worked for more than one year, is at least five sizes slimmer than you, and she is also several years older.

Realizing all this, you start to hate yourself quietly. And the worst thing is going to clothing stores, when, having picked up a blouse you like, the seller notices with a smile that, unfortunately, there are no sizes for you.

Basics of effective weight loss

For effective weight loss, you must follow a few basic principles.

Firstly, reducing the caloric content and volume of food intake.

Secondly, the exclusion from the diet of fatty foods.

Thirdly, the periodic use of fasting days.

Fourth, an active lifestyle or increased physical activity.

Fifth, the motivation to lose weight and setting a weight loss goal, that is, why do you need it.

You can read about the individual elements of effective weight loss on our website, but in brief I will talk about each of the principles of effective weight loss.

Understanding the principles of losing weight will allow us not only to set ourselves up for weight loss and discourage the desire to eat, but actually begin to gradually lose weight.

Decreased calorie and food intake

Our body can be conditionally compared with the family budget: everything that comes in is spent, everything that has not been spent is accumulated. If more is spent than is received, there is a deficit.

It’s the same with nutrition: if you consume more calories than our body needs, all the excess is reflected in the form of fatty layers on our cheeks, arms, stomach and legs. That is, we are getting fat. If the calorie content of food decreases, then we begin to gradually lose weight. Calorie intake can be reduced in two ways.

The first is the transition to less high-calorie foods. For example, if we were eating fried potatoes with fried chicken, then switching to boiled potatoes and boiled chicken breast will allow us to slightly reduce calories.

The second is a decrease in the amount of food taken. For example, a serving of the same fried potatoes can be halved, and a piece of chicken eaten can be “halved”.

In order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you actually consume.

At the same time, reducing the calorie content of your diet, do not forget that a sharp reduction in calories will have the opposite effect. Your body will perceive a calorie deficit as a need to store what is actually ingested. And instead of losing weight, you will continue to gain it.

That is, if you want to start losing weight, for the first time, a month and a half, you need to reduce the calorie content of food by only 10-15% of the usual calorie content. After a couple of months, you can still reduce the number of daily calories consumed, continuing the gradual decrease to the required norm.

Exclusion from the diet of fatty foods

First of all, we are talking about food that does not benefit the human body. For example, excess oil or too much mayonnaise in a salad will not only not benefit a healthy person, but will also harm a person trying to lose weight.

The same goes for butter creams in cakes and pastries, or margarine used for baking.

As soon as you reduce the use of fried foods, fatty foods, and fast food in your diet, which is made with margarine or cooking oils, you will begin to gradually lose weight.

At the same time, do not forget that you cannot completely exclude fat from your diet.

Fat is not only the main supplier of energy to the body, but also actively participates in the formation of all tissues of the body, including the formation of the musculoskeletal system, and is involved in metabolism. In addition, fat is involved in the process of thermoregulation of the body, preventing it from overcooling or overheating. You can read more about why the body needs fats, the benefits and harms of fat by clicking on the link.

Periodic application of fasting days

In fact, a fasting day is a day during which the caloric content of our diet is significantly limited, eating, as a rule, one type or type of food.

Ways to set yourself up for weight loss

You can come up with many ways to set yourself up for weight loss and just as many ways to reduce the desire to eat. Which method suits you personally - choose for yourself. I hope you can choose the best one for you from the list below. Or, perhaps you will apply several options for yourself.

One way to set yourself up for weight loss is to set a weight loss goal.

A little higher, I already wrote about the importance of motivation for losing weight. I'll repeat myself a little more.

In order to start losing weight, there must be a goal. Without a goal, there is no great achievement. Even modern advances such as the airplane, the mobile phone and even the internet were once only a fantasy! People who came up with such things familiar to us once set goals for themselves: to learn how to fly, communicate with each other without wires, be constantly aware of all events, see their relatives located thousands of kilometers away, and visually communicate with them ...

Of course, losing weight is not such a grandiose goal. But, as a rule, for many girls, it becomes unattainable, simply because the girl does not have willpower, or there is no PURPOSE!

What can be the goal for weight loss?

It can also be weight loss to improve health. Agree, when it is difficult for you to walk, carrying your own extra pounds, there is nothing good in it.

Losing weight does not mean starving

Many losing weight women give up the very idea of ​​losing weight for only one reason - they begin to starve.

Of course, if you recklessly begin to limit yourself in nutrition, bringing both yourself and your body to exhaustion with a hunger strike, you will not last that long.

Start gradually, little by little, limit yourself in the amount of food - make a slightly smaller portion, a little less fat and calorie content of food. Instead of two cakes for tea, it is better to eat only one, and give up cookies for a couple of days.

The absence of a constant feeling of hunger is the best friend for a losing weight woman.

Do not starve, and then it will be easier for you to lose weight.

Calorie balance

One way to reduce or completely discourage the desire to eat "all sorts of nasty things" is to count the calories of the food you eat and the daily calorie consumption.

In order to start losing weight, the calorie expenditure must be greater than the income.

For example, you work in an office, and your average daily calorie consumption is about 1500 - 1700 calories. Every day, having eaten, you get about 1600 calories. Suppose, in addition to the usual food, you were offered a piece of cake or a cake, the calorie content of which (one piece) would be approximately 250 calories.

In order to use up these extra calories, and they are not deposited on your waist, you need to walk about 5 kilometers on foot.

That is, you need to choose: either you eat this cake and then you will “work out” these five kilometers, or you will refuse the offered cake.

The choice is yours.

Losing weight alone is boring

Are your family members or a close friend or co-worker with whom you have developed a friendship also overweight?

Invite them to lose weight together!

It is quite possible to arrange a "competition" on the topic "who will lose weight faster."

Come up with a joint menu for weight loss, joint active - sports activities.

Supporting each other in difficult times will be a huge help for losing weight.

It’s also a good idea to sign up for a weight loss group, if there are any in your city. Although, if you are registered on social networks, you can subscribe to a group on a social network, or simply create your own. I think you will have both subscribers and associates.

Diary for weight loss

An ordinary notebook in which you need to write down the main input data: weight, size, goal of achieving weight.

Once a week, get on the scale, check your weight and write it down in a diary. When you see positive results, losing weight becomes more fun.

Regarding the size of the clothes. Even if you don't have the money to buy a new dress or blouse, go shopping. Take a size down from what you are wearing and try it on. Happened?! Excellent! So you have excellent results.

If it didn’t work out, don’t be discouraged either, come back in a month and try again. Only, preferably, to another store or to another seller, otherwise you will be considered abnormal ...

See pictures of fat people

Not a very pleasant way of motivation, but the most effective.

Look on the Internet for photos of fat and very fat people. You need to watch at least 15 minutes, especially at a time when you are on the verge of a breakdown and ready to quit this weight loss.

Imagine yourself in the place of that obese woman in the photo. It's disgusting.

If you don't want to, then accustom yourself to proper nutrition.

As an epilogue

You must understand that until you actually go to lose weight, no one can help you. After all, it is your body, your health and your life!

Being overweight is a common problem in today's society. Sytin's attitude to lose weight is the first step towards solving this problem, whatever the reasons.

Completeness can contribute to:

  • diseases of the endocrine system
  • disturbed metabolism
  • the habit of eating a lot of fatty and sweet
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • mental disorders

Food and emotional disorders

What to do if extra pounds appear when you seize a bad mood or depression? On a subconscious level, a person, feeling emotional discomfort, seizes the mood with the food that his mother prepared for him in childhood. There is an association with inner peace and security, as in childhood.

Certain foods, such as chocolate, can cause a feeling of contentment. In any case, it is commonly believed in society, although this has not been scientifically proven. And yet, chocolate is called an antidepressant, with it you can also get unnecessary fat layers.

Lack of sleep leads to fatigue, sluggish mood, unreasonable aggression. And, instead of getting enough sleep, you seize your mood with buns. For a short time, the illusion appears that the internal state is returning to normal.

Under adverse life circumstances, you experience an emotional hunger that you want to quickly satisfy. The only way to do this is to eat something delicious. But the feeling of contentment quickly passes, there is a dependence on food. Such meals, like a drug, balance the emotional background, but not for long. This vicious circle does not solve the problem, but only exacerbates it. And diets will not help here, rather, they will harm your physical health. Therefore, if excess weight is caused by psycho-emotional disorders, then you need to “treat” your thinking.

Sytin's moods - why can they be trusted?

The methods of psychological attitude were developed by the Soviet scientist Georgy Sytin. The psychotherapist has 50 years of experience. They are a new direction in medicine, called SOEVUS - verbal-figurative, emotional-volitional control of the state.

Georgy Nikolaevich was awarded a gold medal for "Scientific Services", a silver medal "Honorary Professor", he has a diploma named after. Yu. A. Gagarin for the training of cosmonauts, and also has the order “Science. Education. Culture.

During the Second World War, George received severe injuries and disability, the first group. The words of the doctors: “They don’t live long with such injuries” did not encourage the young man. Georgy Sytin is one of those people who put himself on his own feet, where medicine has done nothing. He applied his first psychological attitude to himself: “I am an absolutely healthy and strong person with willpower. I am able to control my body. The pain recedes from every cell of my body. The young man managed to overcome the disease and decided to devote his life to helping people. With his SOEVUS method, Georgy Sytin helped more than 80,000 people to get rid of diseases and invented 20,000 attitudes, including the attitude to lose weight.

How to work with attitude

This method is not hypnosis and does not "program" the work of the psyche. You have to say the right words at the right pace. Thus, your brain receives a signal about the task you have set. In your inner world, a certain mood is created that rejects the desire to eat too much.

When going on a diet, the main thing is to mentally set yourself up. You are preparing the brain for the fact that changes will soon take place in the body, and you will not break the diet, and the body will easily cope with the task.

Setting yourself up for weight loss, do not expect instant results, continue to work patiently. It will take time for you to control the amount of food you eat. It will happen naturally and effortlessly. You don't have to force yourself.

The moods should be regularly listened to or read aloud. It is necessary to choose for yourself such an attitude that you will feel with every cell of your body. The words are pronounced clearly, the meaning should be close to your inner state. The tone of voice should be persuasive. When listening to the recording, use your imagination as much as possible, try to mentally imagine the images.

If you are skeptical about psychological attitudes, then do not expect a result. Irony is not allowed. After all, even before any operation, rehabilitation specialists prepare the body and spirit of the patient. With weight loss it is similar: we set up our brain so that it will control the body. Sytin's weight loss method will give you an impetus, and you will no longer say to yourself: "tomorrow I will go on a diet", "tomorrow I will start running, but today ...".

Healing moods will not do a miracle, they help develop willpower, activate your personality. You will have an irresistible desire to change your lifestyle. Thanks to the moods, a new idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthemselves is formed. Your brain begins to accept these changes over time.

Set up for weight loss

  • I have a strong will, I'm not afraid of anything, I can do everything. I can control the amount of food I eat. I control myself not to eat anything extra. I know how much I should eat in order to lead an energetic and healthy lifestyle.
  • Now I am setting myself up for a beautiful and slender figure. My new slim figure will be preserved in 10, 20, 50, 100 years. I tune my body to the fact that it will always be slim, strong, young, beautiful. My body unconditionally listens to me. He cannot disobey me, because I have willpower and will only do what I want and nothing else. My belly will be hollow and my body toned. And it will always be so, because I know how to control my desires, my body is completely subordinate to my will.
  • I feel a force pouring into me - a life-giving force. It transforms my body, it becomes elastic, slender, beautiful. It has no place for fat and extra pounds. It is so beautiful and slender that I am ready to admire it myself. The colossal energy that I let into every cell of my body made me unusually beautiful, slim, flexible. I am so graceful that my gait is light. I don't feel heaviness in my body at all.

Choose your mood and start working. Keep in mind that breakfast is a must. It should consist of carbohydrates - sources of energy. Ignoring breakfast, you will want to eat in the afternoon. And this is not desirable. Do not starve yourself during the day, eat small snacks more often, but in small quantities.

Physical exercise is also essential. Running helps a lot here. You also need to run properly. Choose a rhythm for yourself and run in this rhythm for 15-40 minutes. Increase your running time gradually. If it’s hard to run, then let it be very fast walking, the main thing is not to change the pace. While you're running, listen to the recording of weight loss moods.

If you only knew how many of my girlfriends started to lose weight and could not last a day on a diet. They begin to lose weight in the morning, and in the evening, like hungry locusts, they empty the entire refrigerator!

I go to my friend in the evening, and she gnaws cutlets mixed with sweets and pushes it all into the stomach with an appetizing soup! Well, what is it ... well, how? But what about the vow - "everything, since Monday I'm on a diet!"

And all these breakdowns for one reason only - the wrong psychological attitude. As with any responsible business, you need to prepare for dietary nutrition: choose the right time, diet, and much more. It is difficult to tune in to losing weight, but believe me, everyone can do it!

I have said many times that I do not welcome diets, with the exception of only one - water. That is, you need to withstand without food for 48 hours and drink only water.

Naturally, you can’t immediately put yourself on the water! A mandatory three-day preparation of the body for water and a three-day withdrawal are required. But now I want to talk about that.

And to ask you, do you think it's easy to stick to a strict diet for 8 days, of which 2 days to drink only water and at the same time cook delicious food for your men? The answer is easy! The most important thing is to properly prepare yourself and choose the right time for the diet. Yes, yes, exactly the appropriate time for the diet, and not "from next Monday" or "from next morning."

Follow the phases of the moon

According to my observations, it is easiest for the body to say goodbye to excess fat on the “waning” moon. I look out the window at the moon: if she is fat and begins to "lose weight" - I begin to lose weight with her.

If she is skinny as a skeleton and is only gaining strength, there can be no talk of any weight loss! You are tired of restraining yourself.

Checked on yourself! Look out the window at the moon and decide which "Monday" to put yourself on a diet.

Weight loss success depends on seasonality

If you decide to lose weight in the fall or winter, then immediately stock up not one kilogram of will, but two, or even three! Those who have pets at home will immediately understand what I'm talking about. Any animal gains weight for the winter, but does not lose it.

We are the same animals, only two-legged! In autumn, the body stores fat and saves it to heat the whole body. Our appetite increases, the need for sweet and high-calorie foods. The general condition is lethargic, drowsy. What kind of weight loss are we talking about? “Enjoying” the diet during this period is tantamount to running against the wind.

Delicious and no calories All about meat and vegetable broths for those who do not want to gain weight from the first courses.

Gotta be motivated

You must have a motivation or a goal for which all this suffering is started. If you suddenly run out of strength in the gym, WHO will help you move on? If there is no strength to endure homogeneous food, WHAT will help not to break loose? There must be a goal for which it is worth working on yourself and moving on! No other way!

If a person does not aspire ANYWHERE, he will come to ANYWHERE. Every effort should be rewarded! Dropped a little - received a reward (goal).

Incentive (motivation) - efforts (visibility of the result) - goal (result)! The only way! Weight loss starts from the head! The brain controls the body, not the other way around!

Set realistic goals

Decide how many pounds you plan to lose. Just be honest, you can't fool yourself. Set realistic goals: one and a half to two kilograms per week.

The goal of 5-10 kg per week is not a goal, but a mockery of the body. Only a smooth weight loss will not undermine health and will allow you to move on.

Gone 1-2 kg, cheers, there is a result! Let's move on! Another week, another minus 1-2 kg. And so step by step to the desired mark, to the goal!

And how are we? I want to lose 15 kg in a week! How to achieve this - I don’t know if it will work out or not - I’m not sure, but I WANT! I sat on a diet for a day or two, nothing came of it, I was exhausted, in the evening I sent everything to the monks and ate to satiety. Everything, well done, managed, get another + 1 kg to weight for efforts! =)

Decide on the type of diet program

In order not to break ahead of time - choose the right diet for you. Do not listen to anyone, but listen only to your inner voice! Preview the types of diets! And choose according to your health (contraindications) and the presence of products in it.

Give preference to foods that you love and can consume for a long time. Do not force yourself, otherwise, instead of a great figure, you will get a nervous breakdown! Favorite foods will be a guarantee that the diet will not fail and you will not quit halfway through.

Get family support

The next step in preparation is to enlist the support of family and friends. Share your diet and weight loss plans and goals with them. Make sure they are ready to help and support you during your diet. This is very important for your psychological state during the diet.

At first, my mother also tormented me with her pity: “Well, I’ve been on a diet for a day and that’s enough, let’s go, I cooked such a delicious soup ...” or “Yes, you quit your diet, let’s go eat a salad, tomorrow you’ll still sit on your diet, she won’t run away anywhere ". And it’s not so sweet, and then loved ones are dripping on the brain!

And now they are used to it. Mom to me: “Are you on a diet again?” I answer: "Yes." Mom: “Everything is clear, I don’t cook for you!” The beauty! No provocation! Let's move on to the goal!

Believe in yourself and in your victory

Feel harmony, think about your improved figure, read positive reviews about thinner beauties. Start with perseverance, surround yourself with only positive results and confidently step towards your goal! If others can, then why are you worse? You can too, the main thing is to believe in yourself and not let doubts lead you astray.

The diet will not continue indefinitely and the strength to overcome it can always be found! Only your perseverance and visibility of the goal!

Yes, it's visibility! Your future slim figure should be a dream! You must constantly imagine and rave about it. Break the brain and make you love the figure and beautiful things more than food!

Get used to feeling healthy and fit

Start gradually introducing less and more calories into your diet. To do this, you need to take only fresh vegetables and fruits, and not frozen ones, as they contain a lot of preservatives. Take non-fatty meats and eat it only in boiled form.

Exclude from the diet bakery products, sweets. Change food priorities gradually, this procedure should be step by step. Start adding “new food” to your diet, more useful.

These changes will eventually become a habit, which has many positive aspects. Namely: they will initially improve your figure, as extra pounds will go away and it will be good for your health, immunity will increase, which will help the body fight viruses and diseases.

Get into the habit of eating more slowly. The longer you chew food, the more you will feel the taste of food and be able to enjoy it, while avoiding overeating. And one more thing - give up, finally, this habit of eating in front of the TV and at the computer!

Take control after the diet

Every time you send a piece of delicious cake into the body, remember the price you paid for the diet. Promise yourself to stick to a healthy diet in the future, refrain from excesses in food and again not violate the law of culinary negligence, that is, do not start overeating, eating junk and fatty foods again.

Diet is not only a discipline of nutrition, but also an internal conflict with oneself. Get started on your weight loss journey today. This will be your first step towards improving your health and appearance.

How to mentally tune in to lose weight psychologically so as not to break loose and discourage the craving for overeating is a topic supported by numerous reviews and tips from the Internet. What people do not advise in pursuit of harmony. The list also includes clothes that are several sizes smaller, and motivational notes on leaflets, and even a prohibition sign on the refrigerator. But the effect of most methods is short-lived. You barely had time to open and try them, but they have already died and do not give the promised effect. In such cases, only one can blame oneself for weakness. Or start anew - with the search for an effective incentive?

Our clinic is visited daily for universal recipes: how to lose weight, find the way that will lead to a stable result. No one wants to see how with great difficulty the lost kilograms return. We make it clear to each client: everything is individual. Only the essence of the approach that we propose is the same. Eat what you want, in reasonable quantities, monitor the caloric content and balance of the diet, look to the future with optimism, live an active life - these are the main components of the Elena Morozova Weight Loss Clinic methodology.

The right mental attitude plays a crucial role in the process of transformation. We cannot perform all actions automatically, without being aware of them and without evaluating them, without experiencing certain emotions. There is a strong connection between our mind and the changes in our body. It expresses itself in several ways:

We try to get away from an unloved and imperfect body, on a subconscious level we are looking for a replacement for it. Most often, we take acceptable options from the media that form the concept of the norm. Unfortunately, this concept is often taken literally, without the right to change, taking into account one's own capabilities, abilities and characteristics of the organism. It is important to realize that the thinness of models from the catwalks is an extreme. You should also pay attention to the weight in which you are comfortable. This will be the figure of your dreams.

Formation and control of eating habits

In childhood, we are taught to eat everything to the last spoon, be sure to take an extra portion, and for obedience, we are rewarded with candy or other sweets. This is how we create a false belief that it is impossible, not necessary, to live and eat differently. After that, we begin to understand that it was the wrong attitudes, laid down from an early time, that became one of the reasons for completeness. But we can no longer cope with the problem on our own - the established way of life does not give. In this case, only psychologists can help. The Elena Morozova Weight Loss Clinic employs specialists who know how to find an approach to the most difficult clients and help them overcome themselves, start thinking in a new way.

Needs for motivation and support

Naturally, we need to be supported, loved and encouraged. Equally important is motivation - the incentive that helps us move forward. Without it, any task will seem impossible. Imagine that you were forced to do monotonous work for a long time. In which case will you be more willing to do it: if you are promised a generous reward or if they promise to increase the load? The choice is obvious.

Without a good incentive, we quickly get tired of the obligations assigned, we begin to look for excuses, we see only flaws - and no advantages. This is reflected in the success of our undertaking. That is why you should start by working on your expectations, way of thinking, habits.

How to lose weight if the psychological mood is not formed

It remains to find the right motivation. This will help you advice from the specialists of our clinic:

  • Be sure to think in perspective. You should not live only for today, when it seems to you that the game is not worth the candle. Look ahead and imagine. For example, imagine what your body will be like in a month. Naturally, the whole month you should eat in moderation, drink more water, increase your level of activity. It is best to visualize a tempting image twice a day - in the morning as soon as you wake up, and before going to bed. So you will live day after day not just like that, but for the sake of a specific goal. Agree, it is much easier to overcome all the difficulties and obstacles on the way to a beautiful figure.
  • Set yourself a task that you can accomplish. Express methods are bad because they promise everything at once. But you shouldn't fall into the trap of quick results. Losing weight in a short time is unrealistic. In addition, each person has his own pace of getting rid of extra pounds. To change it is to harm yourself. Be prudent. Consult with our psychologist and nutritionist before you start working on yourself. This will help you come to an awareness of your own capabilities.
  • Consider: Why do you want to change? The mental attitude to lose weight for you should be based on a long-term goal. Let's take an example. Your friend goes on a diet for her favorite dress. It should fit her for her birthday. But after the birthday, the need for restrictions disappears. It's time for a blissful overeating, a return to the usual way of life. Such motivation is the weakest, because it is good only up to a certain period. These options work much better: I want to lose weight in order to be healthy, so that my children take only a positive example from me.

  • Determine what stereotypes, imposed rules prevented you from becoming slimmer and happier. It helps to make a list of such undesirable factors that work against you. After that, show the resulting list to our specialist so that he knows what to work with.
  • A food diary is one of the most powerful motivators. It spells out your adherence to the established norm, which means your desire for a positive result. Do not be lazy to mark each of your snacks in such a book. This will help you control yourself. And there will be much more reasons to praise yourself.
  • From a well-fed life, we have learned a firm belief that the best reward is edible. It's time to get out of this. Stop treating food as a reward. This is another unhealthy eating habit that you should get rid of immediately. Find other ways to celebrate your own small victories: your favorite book as a gift, a trip to the cinema or theater, a spa.

  • Forget about restrictions. They weaken you, because you begin to subconsciously reach for "harmful" products even more. This is why multiple diets don't work. This is stress for the body and a crushing blow to our habits and desires.

To learn how to set your brain to lose weight, and help yourself lose weight, you need to act. Come visit us for advice from experienced professionals. Our psychologist will find the right motivation, and the nutritionist will create an individual program. It will help you get rid of extra pounds without harm to health - easily and simply.

How to deal with the desire to break

Such a temptation arises if you are offered a strictly regulated diet. There are no prohibitions and strict restrictions in our clinic, but we still understand that the transition to a new menu can be quite difficult. Here are some effective ways to overpower yourself:

  • Visualization does not always help, because it is very difficult to believe in a disembodied image. But you can sign up for a bioimpedance analysis procedure, undergo it with us and get the result - accurate information about body composition. You will also learn what your figure can and should be. Information obtained after visiting specialists is the best motivation. You trust this result more than your own calculations. The same power has a compiled individual program. It is important to convince yourself that all the components of harmony will work only if you try.
  • How to set yourself up to lose weight psychologically and not break loose if friends invite you for dinner? It's not worth giving up. But you also don’t need to succumb to the persuasion of friends who are determined to fatten you up. From the abundance of food on the table, choose only what will not interfere with your desire to become slimmer. For example, grilled vegetables, mineral water instead of sweet soda, lean meat instead of fatty. You should not refuse sweets if it is a sorbet made from natural fruits and berries without added sugar, a tender and low-calorie soufflé or pudding. But do not forget the main rule: a little of everything. If you are persistently asked to try a signature dish, eat a couple of spoons and praise. There will be no harm from this.

Learn more about our weight loss programs:

  • Don't set yourself unattainable goals. If you decide to lose up to 10 kg in two weeks, be prepared for the recognition of a fiasco. Stick to a moderate pace of weight loss. In this case, you do not have to adjust yourself - your body itself will gradually get rid of the accumulated. Be patient, form a balanced diet, and you will not have to think about how to protect yourself from a breakdown.
  • Keep yourself busy and do what you love. This will help you get rid of intrusive thoughts. Knitting, painting, dancing, playing with the kids, or designing a new living room design project are all great options as long as you're really drawn to them and enjoy what you're doing.

  • Don't want to play sports? Don't choose activities that wear you down, like strength training. Swim in the pool, walk more often, sign up for yoga. Soon you will feel that active pastime does not cause you rejection, because it does not tire you, but helps you recharge with positive and get only positive emotions.
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