Embryo implantation: the main symptoms and sensations after the attachment of the fetal egg. Embryo implantation: the main symptoms and sensations after the attachment of the fetal egg How do embryos behave after transfer

It's hot now, even without socks))) My summer attempt to become a mother of the smartest, happiest, kindest, most beautiful, most beloved babies in the world!

Yesterday I had my 2 babies transferred. 2 excellent students for five days. True, I don’t quite understand the term “excellent blastocysts”. But I understand, excellent students, so well done!))))))

And now the waiting... the long "pursuit of happiness" waiting...

1 DPP (16.08.2014)

Woke up very early in the morning. There were no 7 more ... I cooked breakfast, tidied up the kitchen and lay down. I keep thinking how time would pass faster, but on the other hand, why rush it?! Waiting is also a precious time in our precious life... Besides, it's a great time to practice patience.

I did a test today ... there was not a trace left of the hCG injection, exactly like in the previous protocol, but then there were 3 days and the ghost line became 3 DPP, today 1 DPP for five days, everything works out that way. So let this stripe pick up color again

About the sensations ... There are none))) well ... maybe just a little puffed up, but this is because of my own stupidity ... And yet, I passed Estradiol yesterday, on the day of replanting - 1115, and control d-dimer and rmfk. And in a month he will speak to her for an appointment until once a month I should appear with her, and then as needed. I know my guine will cancel her tailcoat anyway at 14dpo, but my aunt hematologist told me not to listen to her! . In general, all the news. Tomorrow I’m going again for the control of progic and estradiol, at the same time I’ll look at hcg again and hand over the dimer with rmfk. Such is my share ...

11 DPP!!!(26.08.2014)

I passed the tests!))) HCG has grown. 169.92 now. Great))) God forbid, everything will be fine! 2 days ago I saw an empty test in a dream, I was so scared, and then the next night I had a dream again, as if I would have passed hCG, and there 170)))) Wow)))

Now until Friday))) It will be 14 dpo already, and I'm going to see Gina. Today I went to the hematologist again, showed tests, she said everything was normal, in a month I should look at her again. Do not cancel Frax. Feelings ... There are none, my chest was not felt at all in the morning, by lunchtime I began to ache. You can't follow her

I feel completely pregnant! Complete person! Damn, this is indescribable. And scary and joyful, but I believe everything will be fine this time!

12 DPP!!! (27.08.2014)

Today, in general, is X day))))) But, everything became known in advance, so now we just look at the dynamics. On August 29, it will be 14 dpo, so I’m thinking of taking hcg again in the morning.

It feels like ... Everything is the same, everything is the same ... Only now I noticed that I wake up in the morning, I don’t feel my chest at all, but by the evening, and by dinnertime, even when I came home, I changed clothes and I feel like it hurts on the sides. By the evening it gets heavier, but in the morning everything is back to normal)))

Then, for no reason at all, I began to worry a lot about the ultrasound! After all, I told myself not to look back, this time everything is different! But there was a terrible fear that what happened last time could happen again! I already ran and did a test, and the truth is, there is such a bright stripe! It’s so nice to watch her)))) I myself was already in shock from such my mood! I decided that it was just a change of mood, because it is typical for pregnant women!)))) I will not think about the bad!

When I'm at work, I noticed that I don't think about it at all ... Rather, it would be September 1st))) it will not be up to thoughts at all))))

Otherwise everything is fine

13 DPP!!! (28.08.2014)

Today is just flying by. 2 good news received. Two girls have a positive result after IVF! We were together with 1 of them at the puncture and transfer)) In general, there are only 4 of us who are familiar with positive hCG for 1 and the same period))) It makes me so happy! Of the 4 of us, I am the most impatient)))) Tomorrow, once again, I will watch the dynamics. I'll probably go to the gin tomorrow or I'll put it off until Monday ... we'll see ...

14 DPP!!! (29.08.2014)

Yesterday I was terribly nervous, so scared for my bead, but still fell asleep at night right away! My husband is like silk today, he doesn’t even allow me to go down the stairs, he sends everything on the elevator. In the morning, I passed the hCG early and prog again. And then there was a long meeting at work. But, of course, I could not stand it and called the clinic to find out the result. I crossed my fingers so that I almost broke them ... What was my surprise when they told me that my hCG was 769.63. I was shocked! 3 days ago was 169.92! But this is great news! The prog has also increased slightly, now it is 146.9.

Then, sitting at the meeting again, I look at my missed one from the clinic ... I ran out of the office with shaking hands, called them back, asking why they called, I'm such and such. And they say that they don’t know that maybe I signed up where, I say no, I just passed the analysis ... “Let's ...”, I say, “let's check the results of the tests, maybe you told me the wrong thing before?” No, the same figures repeat again ... I am in a pleasant shock! Still...

Then it dawned on me ... I didn’t pay for some expensive manipulation)))) But I was going to do it, of course, then I had something without money, then I forgot, etc.)))) )) Well, nothing, anyway, I'll go there again, so I'll pay)))

Post date: 04.06.2016 18:26


Good afternoon! I decided to post my results. I had an ultrasound at 30 dpo, because injured her leg and was unable to visit the hospital on the appointed day. HCG no longer gave up from the 27th dpo, but nausea appeared during the day, drowsiness increased. Like B.'s signs are available. BUT. The verdict of the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics is sad: the PJ is only 10 mm, only a little has grown. They put anembryony and sent him to sign up to our research institute for cleaning. Of course, I went and signed up. At 30 dpo support was canceled, here is the second day without it. There are no sensations other than nausea, the stomach is soft, without pain. My question is this. Am I doing the right thing by going for cleaning? This is my first pregnancy, I have never had any interventions in the uterus. I'm very afraid that something will be damaged and then the consequences can be the saddest. Is surgical cleaning appropriate for my situation? Maybe you should wait for your period, and then check with an ultrasound, did everything work out? and only then take action. For some reason, my doctor did not suggest either vacuum cleaning or medical abortion. And to the question about waiting, M. answered: well, why do you and I need this, the PJ will grow further, then it will be even worse for cleaning. Tell me what to do? What would be the safest option for me?

Hello dear Anna.
What to do, you need to decide with your doctor.
What do we do in such situations?
1. We cancel the support, and often the woman just menstruates.
2. If not, we send for interruption (medication, or vacuum aspiration, this is up to the woman herself to decide).

With best wishes, Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich, reproductive specialist

Post date: 05.06.2016 18:10


Hello. Tell me please, how long does ovulation occur after an injection of ovitrel? And what should be the feeling at the same time.? Thanks

Post date: 05.06.2016 20:12 Post date: 27.06.2016 18:38


Thanks for answers.
1. In the first protocol in March, the same doctor did not prescribe androgel, but now all of a sudden - all the time. What does it have to do with it without a signature, and then, they say, "oh yes, they completely forgot, there's also this." It feels like a new method is being tested on us.
2. The doctor prescribed blood donation at 13 dpo, but I could not resist and passed 8. In the evening I called the doctor, because I wanted to clarify whether everything was in order, because the blood is very thick, although I prick Clexane. At the same time, she spoke about the result. And the doctor on the phone prescribed an urgent injection of hcg. Tell me, please, is it really impossible to estimate "my" hcg by minus the values ​​of hcg concentration after the injection?

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Much of a woman's knowledge of how pregnancy begins ends at the stage of ovulation and fertilization. Actually, the success or failure of the planning cycle is attributed to the fateful "meeting" of male and female germ cells. However, in the development of a new life in the body of a woman, there is another difficult and important point - embryo implantation. In order to increase the personal literacy of planning ladies, this issue should be given special attention.

A bit of theory

Implementation fertilized egg into the uterus called implantation. The villi of the embryo penetrate the lining of the uterus, which can cause minor bleeding.

In order for implantation to be successful, several conditions must be met at once:

  • lush three-layer endometrium with a high content of substances that nourish the embryo;
  • high amount of progesterone in the body (so that the embryo can develop and menstruation does not begin);
  • normal microflora in the body.

The process of fertilization and development of the fetal egg- not one-time. And each of its stages is important for the onset of a normal pregnancy and the formation of a healthy fetus.

Timing of implantation

After ovulation and the meeting of the egg with the sperm, the fertilized zygote begins to move through the fallopian tubes. Her task is to get into the uterus as quickly as possible in order to gain a foothold in the endometrium specially prepared for this. On the way, the zygote continuously divides and grows. In stage blastocyte implantation and happens.

It is conditionally possible to distinguish middle, late and early implantation.

  • Early. It occurs quite rarely. Usually, implantation is considered early if it occurs 6-7 days after ovulation (or 3dpo - 4dpo when it comes to IVF
  • Average. 7-10 days pass between fertilization and implantation ( embryo implantation after transfer comes around 4-5 days). Doctors say that the introduction of morula takes about 40 hours, after which the body begins to produce the hormone hCG in the blood, it rises basal body temperature. Based on this, the so-called. the embryonic period of development, which lasts until about 8 weeks of gestation.
  • Late. It occurs approximately 10 days after fertilization. This is what always gives women even a slight, but hope for a possible pregnancy - even when you almost do not expect it.

If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, then you need to be examined to identify the cause of infertility.

Subjective and objective signs

Both in the natural and in the artificial cycle, women are very excited and want to quickly open the veil of secrecy - is there a pregnancy or not? They start collecting symptoms and sensations, trying to find in their well-being some kind of relationship with reality. Experts took as a basis a simple classification, according to which all signs can be divided into subjective and objective.


  • pulls the stomach;
  • discharge;
  • mood changes, emotional lability;
  • tingling in the uterus after ovulation;
  • feeling tired, etc.

Girls may even point out that after IVF, the stomach hurts like before menstruation. In this case, while there is no clear certainty, such pain may indicate both the onset of pregnancy due to successful implantation, and the approaching end of the cycle - and the beginning of a new one.


  • the basal temperature rises after the transfer (after a slight retraction in the natural cycle);
  • body temperature after transfer can also increase from 37 to 37.9 degrees;
  • detection of hCG hormone in urine and blood.

In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between the levels of pain, the abundance and saturation of secretions, an increase in body temperature. Sometimes what passes for implantation of the ovum signs are symptoms of some other disease. If you are in doubt whether your feeling 5 dpo signs fetal implantation or not, it is better to consult a doctor.

Embryo development by days after IVF

If everything is more or less clear with the natural cycle, then the question on what day does the implantation of the embryo occur in a successful protocol remains open. We bring to your attention a table by day:

0 DPP - transfer ( cryotransfer)

1DPP- the blastocyte comes out of the shell

2DPP- attachment of blastocytes to the wall of the uterus

3DPP- implantation begins

4DPP- Implantation of the morula into the uterus continues

5DPP- end of implantation

6DPP- the placenta begins to produce hCG

7DPP- an active increase in the level of hCG

8DPP- HCG continues to rise

9DPP-10 DPP- HCG levels reach the minimum of pregnancy tests

About Day 11 ( 11-12 DPP) after the transfer, it is possible to draw conclusions about whether it was successful IVF.

We trust nature

Women re-read tons of literature, trying to find the very ones 5 dpo feeling or 6 dpo sensations, which would indicate implantation and, accordingly, the onset of pregnancy. Actually, to worry about whether it worked out or not, expectant mothers begin to 3 DPO.

This question equally excites girls who have undergone IVF. supposed embryo implantation after IVF They try to catch by minimal changes in the body and well-being. The Internet is full of requests, like " 5 dpo three days», « 4 dpp five days ", « 7 dpo five days with which women look for positive stories.

A bitter disappointment is the absence of even a hint of a second strip on Day 8 or period after embryo transfer. But in fact, the answer to the question of whether why the embryo does not take root, may be an objective situation of natural selection. The unviable fetus was rejected, giving way to healthy offspring.

In fairness, it should be noted that if such rejection is repeated constantly, then this is an occasion for a full medical examination. The reason for the failure of a long-awaited pregnancy may be male infertility.

Implantation is a critical point, because a blastocyte is perceived by a woman's body as a foreign object, due to the presence of male genes in the cell. The speedy and successful introduction into the endometrium and the onset of a normal healthy pregnancy depend on how well the defense mechanisms of this cell work.

Development of embryos in the uterus after transfer: what determines the outcome?

In the IVF protocol, with prolonged cultivation and the absence of a natural exit from the shell, auxiliary hatching may be recommended.

How do embryos behave after transfer?

The presence of "breakdowns" in the genetic material can cause the death of the zygote - (stage of embryo development) - by day - this is the third day after fertilization (the second day of cultivation, since the first day is considered to be zero). Until that time, development occurs by inertia - "on the maternal reserves" of the egg. On day 3-4, your own genome is included in the work.

The death of the embryo and a stop in the division of blastomeres - a block in development - most often occurs at this stage, but it also happens later - after the transfer, and depends on:

  • formed genome;
  • the success of switching development processes from "maternal reserves" to their own genetic material;
  • the timeliness of such a switch;
  • duration of cultivation.

The media used, even the best and most expensive ones, are not the mother organism. Long-term cultivation is good, but not in all cases. Doctors are constantly faced with a dilemma: in the early days of development, it is difficult, and prolonged cultivation can cause development to stop.

Therefore, each individual case is always carefully considered, and then a decision is made on the timing of “cultivation in an incubator”. The number of resulting embryos, the history of previous attempts and the need for (PGD) are taken into account. This study can be carried out starting from the fourth day of development. Before this period, it is technically difficult to separate the blastomere for research.

A poor-quality genome and cultivation in media are not all causes of embryo death, but they come to the fore at the initial stages of development. There are still problems associated with the quality and ability to implant. Development of embryos after transfer in the early stages, the process is delicate, multifaceted and not fully understood, since it is very difficult to find material for study. Research is still ongoing in this direction.

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