Double and single eyelid. Fashion faces in south korea. Jisoo from Lovelyz

Hi all. I will dedicate this post to plastic surgery in South Korea, I will also write about the ideals of beauty among local residents and what young girls and guys go to for the sake of the ideal, in their opinion, face.

Koreans are very sensitive to beauty, they evaluate it in detail, and not, as we are used to, in the big picture. Those. if we see a pretty girl or a man, then we no longer focus on, for example, the shape of the nostrils, the size of the eyes, the width of the wrist, etc. Koreans have a different worldview on this matter. By the way, many Europeans have such an opinion that all Asians like European appearance and they want to be just like them. Let me tell you a secret, it's not. More often they like girls of Caucasian appearance or mestizos. For many Europeans, the ideal of beauty is Angelina Jolie. Therefore, for example, our compatriots increase their lips, get rid of their cheeks, cutting out Bish's lumps, dream of expressive cheekbones, etc. In Korea, her face is considered "wrong".

To understand exactly what Asian beauty ideals are, I will try to write in more detail about each part of the face. I will also write the approximate cost of a particular operation and share interesting videos on this topic. So, let's start in order!

1. Face oval

V-line surgery (resection of jaw angles with narrowing of the chin)

So, why is the face of Angelina Jolie, from the point of view of the Koreans, is considered "wrong"? Angelina Jolie has a large and square face, which is a very unattractive face shape for Koreans. They spend a lot of money on face contouring surgery to achieve a chiseled oval face.

The procedure itself looks like this (schematic drawing):

We see that at first the chin line is cut off (intraoral incision). The chin is “divided” into three parts, the middle is removed, the other two parts are connected to each other, creating a pointed chin, instead of a square one. Then the corners are cut along the line of the new chin. In this way, a new, ideal, according to Asians, oval face is created.

Price: This operation is really expensive. It costs approximately 200,000 to 400,000 rubles.

Healing period:

2. Cheekbones

Narrowing of the cheekbones. Before and after surgery

Also, Asians do not like protruding cheekbones, which Europeans, on the contrary, adore so much. The narrowing of the cheekbones creates the illusion of a narrower and more feminine face. Protruding cheekbones, in their opinion, create a masculine look.

Procedure cost: Approximately from 130.000 to 300.000 rubles.

Healing period: It will take about a month for complete healing, so that the puffiness subsides, it is recommended to eat pumpkin soup. The first two weeks you need to eat liquid food, and rinse your mouth after each meal so as not to pick up an infection. The final result can be seen in six months.

3. Volume of the face

Before and after fat transfer. Pictured is a famous Singaporean blogger - Bong Qiu Qiu

Asians have flat faces. They have rather big complexes in this regard, so for them there is such a type of operation as fat transplantation (by stem cells). They want a round, voluminous forehead and cheeks. By introducing fat, you can get rid of hollow cheeks due to bulging cheekbones (if they are not very large), soften the contour of the chin a little, get rid of minor swelling under the eyes, and also lose weight in the abdomen and hips (the surgeons need to get this fat from somewhere; )) Also, a more radical method is used for forehead volume. An implant is inserted into the forehead, making an incision in the scalp and it is already inserted under the skin.

Results of work before and after fat transplantation

There is also a method of introducing implants for the back of the head. So that the crown, well, the shape of the head itself is voluminous.

Here are the results:

Price: Full face fat grafting costs approximately 60,000 to 80,000 rubles.

Healing period: For about a month, it is recommended to wear soft hats to protect the forehead.

4. Eyes

Asians have small and narrow eyes. They all dream of big and wide eyes. Nowadays, there are many operations to change the shape of the eyes. Koreans no longer refer to blepharoplasty as plastic surgery. there are no age restrictions. Parents encourage their children when they study well, give them money for an operation to create a double eyelid.

There is also eye lengthening surgery, canthoplasty (changing the shape of the eye), ptosis correction (eliminating the effect of sleepy eyes), many Korean actresses resort to this operation to make their eyes look bigger and more expressive.

Also, Koreans are obsessed with the so-called "bags" under the eyes, which Koreans affectionately call "love band" or "aegyo sal". Please do not confuse them with bags under the eyes from lack of sleep ^^

Koreans believe that such bags under the eyes look younger and shorten the face a little. In order not to go under the knife, they create them with makeup or special tapes, which can also be used to create a double eyelid.

Video on how to use makeup to create the effect of bags under the eyes:

Price: changing the shape of the eyes costs about 30,000 rubles; creation of a double century from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles; bags under the eyes cost about 60,000 rubles and ptosis correction from about 60,000 to 90,000 rubles.

Healing period: About 2-3 weeks.

5. Nose

The noses of Koreans are often flat and wide. They like elongated and upturned, with a pointed tip, noses. An implant is inserted into their nose, or, in order not to go under the knife, they are injected with fillers into the bridge of the nose, creating a high back of the nose.

They also remove the hump to make the nose look sweeter and more feminine:

Price: the cost of rhinoplasty is approximately from 60,000 to 250,000 rubles, depending on the wishes and condition of the patient's nose.

Healing period: About a month, the final result can be seen somewhere in six months.

6. Lips

Koreans consider beautiful slightly plump, but not inflatable lips. Many Korean women, on the contrary, reduce the volume of their lips to look younger and prettier. They also learned how to reduce the volume of the lips with the help of competent makeup.

As for the body, here the preferences of Koreans are slightly different from European ones. In South Korea, they love thinness, they are not fans of sexy hips and big breasts. But recently, Korean women still increase their breasts, because. It is known that Asian women often have smaller breasts than European women. But quite often, the made breast looks too unnatural on the thin body of Korean women. Also, they are considered beautiful tall and long legs, this applies not only to girls, but also to young people too. Koreans hate tanning, so they whiten their skin in every way possible.

But still, you should not take everything written seriously, because. the most important thing is how you think you are. Love yourself and don't ruin your health. Bye bye ^^

Many Europeans do not even think about how kind nature turned out to be to them, endowing them with the ability to open their eyes wide, opening their eyelashes, their own look. Double eyelid: what is it? This is what in many ways distinguishes the eyes of Europeans from the eyes of Asians. Is there a need for a crease between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid, and if someone thinks that one cannot do without it, then how to do it?

The structure of the upper eyelids of Europeans is such that they have a natural fold, which is explained by the peculiarity of their muscles. This fold is inherent in almost 100% of the inhabitants of Europe, while in the representatives of the Mongoloid race it is very rare - in about 30% of people. Thus, the second eyelid is even, due to which it looks hanging over the ciliary arch. Because of this, it seems that the eyes are tearful, there is some swelling above them, which happens, for example, with.

One of the signs of the Mongoloid race is the narrowed incision of the eyes, and many nationalities belong to it - the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Kirghiz, Tatars, Eskimos and many more eastern and northern peoples. They also have the so-called single eyelid - which does not have this fold.

Often their representatives have epicanthus - a fold on the skin of the eyelids, which is clearly visible in the inner corners of the "mirrors of the soul", and which is a congenital phenomenon. Scientists have not yet been able to determine the exact reasons why Asians do not have a double eyelid, but Europeans do. The most common theory today is that such a structure of the muscles of the eyelids was given to them by nature to protect them from winds, colds, and sands.

Eastern dream

Asian women are considered by many to be very beautiful girls, and this is quite fair, deservedly so.

Double eyelid allows you to make the look more expressive

Nevertheless, they themselves often want to be like European women, including considering that a European eye shape, a double eyelid is almost the standard of beauty that they strive for.

At present, among Eastern women, the idea of ​​​​obtaining a double eyelid by artificial means is very common. This has nothing to do with it, since it cannot be violated for this reason anyway. For some of them, this is another fashion trend, while some really believe that, having received the treasured crease between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid, they will significantly change their appearance for the better.

This makes sense, because thanks to the double century:

  • the eyes take on a more round shape, due to which they expand, seem wide open;
  • wide-open eyes give the face a youthfulness, a touch of naivety and even innocence;
  • it is believed that double eyelids make the eyes look "fresh", while the overhanging eyelid "weights" the gaze, making it tired, as if tearful.

Not many Asian girls openly admit that they want to be like Europeans. Most of them explain their desire to have a double eyelid by the fact that with it their face becomes sweeter, softer, more expressive.

How to make a double eyelid?

With the same desire that European women want to get rid of facial wrinkles, Asian women want to have a crease between the eyebrow and upper eyelid. To do this, they resort to a variety of methods, ranging from cosmetic devices to surgical intervention.

The crease between the eyebrow and upper eyelid makes the eyes appear rounder.

Justified by this all the same Eastern dream. We often see beautiful representatives of the Mongoloid race on the covers of magazines, TV screens, and do not even realize that nature did not give many of them a double eyelid. But none of them will pose for a photo or video camera until a crease appears between her eyebrow and upper eyelid, allowing her eyes to become rounder and wide open.

Do not lag behind them and ordinary girls who are not divas of show business or podium. Many of them are sure that, having a double eyelid, they will not only look more attractive, but also inspire more confidence in others. Moreover, some girls believe that even when looking for a job, it will come in handy - employers are more supportive of its owners.

In what ways do they manage to achieve the appearance of the desired fold? None of them will help in this case to get the desired effect.

Non-surgical methods

In order not to expose themselves, many Asian beauties choose less drastic methods to improve their appearance.

Today the most popular of them are:

  1. Special stickers.

Currently, they are in great demand, so it is not a problem to purchase them. Adhesive-based strips are applied to the part of the eyelid where the crease should be, and then the skin is pulled up so that it forms. But the effect of such stickers does not last long - literally until the first wash. In addition, the strip may be visible to others. To avoid this, you can mask it using eye shadow.

  1. Special glue.

This is a more reliable remedy - it dries quickly and lasts for several days. Using a thin brush, the agent is evenly applied to the line where the fold should be, dividing the eyelid into two parts. Then, using a special brush with two teeth, the skin is pulled back and fixed in this position. Glue can also be purchased today without any difficulty, but you only need to use a special compound designed for this purpose. It does not cause allergies, redness of the skin of the eyelids, it is absolutely safe for it, being made from biological components.

Regardless of which remedy is chosen, it should be applied to clean skin - thoroughly washed, including makeup.

Surgical methods

There are three main operational methods used to form a double eyelid.

No cut

Double eyelid - a fold that allows the eye to open

The operation is performed under local anesthesia with sedation, and it lasts only half an hour. The rehabilitation period is 3-4 days, while the patient does not usually need to be in the hospital. The stitches are removed after 2 days. By means of a surgical thread, the skin is fixed to the muscle of the eyelid. This occurs through microscopic holes that are not incisions.

With the help of this thread, a fold is formed between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid. The disadvantage of this method is that over time, the threads loosen, which can cause the eyelid to return to its natural position. But in modern plastic surgery, specialists are trying to select the methods of performing the operation in such a way that the effect lasts as long as possible.

With a partial cut

To make the so-called second eyelid in a person, with this method of correction, medium-sized incisions are made through which part of the muscle and skin tissues is removed, due to which a wrinkle is formed. Before manipulation, the doctor must determine where it will pass, what height and shape it will have. The advantages of this technique is that the incisions are made small, due to which there are practically no seams, puffiness. The latter may appear in the first 1-2 weeks after the procedure, but after this time they recede. The operation takes about half an hour under local anesthesia. The patient does not need to stay in the hospital after the manipulation, and the stitches are removed after 4-5 days. The main advantage of the method is that in most cases the double eyelid does not disappear with time.

Full cut

This is a universal method of correction, due to which part of the muscle, fat, skin tissues is removed, due to which the eyes become more expressive. The disadvantage of the method is the risk of unwanted seams, which can be noticeable. But the effect, as a rule, remains for life. The duration of the operation is half an hour, it is performed under local anesthesia. The sutures are removed about a week after surgery. After the operation, there may be swelling for some time (approximately 1-2 weeks). Hospitalization after the manipulation is not required.

Should I change my appearance?

Representatives of all nationalities are beautiful in their own way, because each of them has its own “zest” in appearance. If a person does not have a double eyelid, this does not mean at all that he does not have external attractiveness, and this phenomenon does not cause either. But this is a personal matter for everyone - to correct his appearance with the help of non-surgical and surgical techniques or not.

These 6 female idols don't have the coveted "double eyelids" but their unique natural eyes are even more stunning.

Double eyelids are one of the most sought after qualities among K-Pop idols. Many have surgery to achieve this look. But some idols show off their natural beauty and Dispatch selected several idols who have become famous for their particular look. Despite not having double eyelids, these female idols still stand out and shine on stage with their unique eye shape.

1. Seulgi from Red Velvet

Known for her natural mono eyelid, fans even discussed her eyes in a post titled “No Double Eyelid Appeal Seulgi.” Many advised her never to have eyelid surgery.

2. Yeongjong from Cosmic Girls

The newest member , , known for her almond-shaped eyes. They match perfectly with her innocent looks and sweet personality.

3. Lovelyz Jisoo

from known for having large eyes despite having mono eyelids, giving her a unique and innocent look.

4. MAMAMOO's Moonbyul

I have a very slight double eyelid crease, but it's not very noticeable. However, she does nothing to increase her natural crease and prefers to leave things as they are.

5. Dahyun from TWICE

Another idol whose mono eyelids are loved by fans. She gets a lot of support from her readers and is advised never to have double eyelid surgery.

She has always been a beauty icon in K-Pop due to her exceptional style and features, her eyes being one of them. Her unique, cat-like eye shape is one of her most striking features. One day on fun prank day, sent a picture of her having double eyelids and claimed to have had surgery, but later said it was a prank. Fans saw that she kept her natural mono eyelids.

International Women's Day is coming soon. Although this holiday is not celebrated in Korea, beautiful girls there, as well as all over the world, are very much loved. Do you know which women in South Korea are considered beautiful? If not yet, this post is for you!

It is worth starting with the fact that beauty plays a very important role for the representatives of South Korea, probably even more important than for Europeans and Americans. They are sure that a woman's success, her chances of a good marriage and a well-paid job directly depend on how she looks.

Another reason for such an obsession with beauty is the desire to be the best in everything. It is competition that pushes them to achieve high results, in everything, both in work and in appearance. They always try to "fit". Therefore, many parents even encourage the desire of children to get plastic surgery on themselves, they do not want their children to look less beautiful than those around them.

By the way, for a native of South Korea, it’s not at all a shock that when applying for a job, an employer can clarify, for example, weight and height and ask if the girl thinks she should lose weight. Or to clarify whether the girl is going to do plastic surgery, for example, of the nose. It is difficult to imagine a similar situation in any other country in the world.

Modern beauty standards are very different even from those that were 50 years ago. Previously, naturalness and naturalness were in fashion. Now, as plastic surgery is gaining popularity in the country, being natural is not at all fashionable. Look at this picture:

(Miss Korea 1960 Song Mihicha and Miss Korea 2012 Lee Song Hye)

Let's look at a few criteria, according to which a Korean woman in our time will be considered a beauty.


The eyes should be large and naive. Most Asian women do not have eyelid folds from birth, the presence of a fold makes the average Korean woman much more attractive in the eyes of others. According to statistics, about 80% of the Korean population under the age of 35 had double eyelid surgery.

Korean women have a very simple attitude towards plastic surgery, sometimes even frivolous. For them, this is, for example, a good graduation gift for a child. But there are also quite conservative women who cannot decide on a double eyelid surgery. For these, they came up with special double-sided stickers, for example, such as. They help to hide the extra part of the eyelid and make it double. Sometimes it's not a sticker, but liquid eyelid glue.

Eyebrows should be straight and bright. This shape of the eyebrows makes the face more naive and sweet. Most Korean women don't have prominent eyebrows, which is why sometimes they don't get plucked. Just comb and color.

Eyelashes should be long. Although Asian women naturally have rather poor eyelash growth, as well as eyebrows, Korean women put a lot of effort into making their eyelashes look fluffy. Starting from a variety of care products (to accelerate growth) and ending with false eyelashes that sit on glue.

The double-ended brow pencil allows you to accurately shape your brows and make them as natural as possible.

Strongly paint the eyes of the representatives of South Korea is not accepted. This is considered bad manners. All kinds of nude makeup are in fashion, so that cosmetics are not visible, but only the effect produced by it is noticeable.

Korean women love delicate eye makeup and mostly use pastel shades. ideal for creating a delicate make-up in peach tones

face shape

Most Asians are born with a round face with wide cheekbones. Accordingly, oval faces with a narrow chin are considered attractive. You can often see how Korean women pose for photographers, supporting their faces with their hands. So they want to emphasize their graceful chin (usually made artificially).

Relatively recently, a procedure has appeared, the so-called V-Line surgery. This is an operation to change the shape of the chin, giving it a V-shape. She is very popular among Korean female idols. This gives the face fragility and childish defenselessness. This kind of surgery is very painful. Moreover, after the operation, the jaws must be fixed in a closed position for six weeks. And it may take 5-6 months for the swelling to subside. But the danger and physical pain is considered by Koreans as not such a big price to pay for being pleased with themselves.

An all-in-one contouring palette that volumizes the face and highlights desired areas

Illuminating make-up base can also be used as a highlighter

Cream-base with the effect of "photoshop" slightly brightens the skin, makes its tone uniform and visually makes it smoother


Korean women's hair should not be naturally black. And they don't have to be short either. Hair of any shade is popular, from brown, which helps Korean women look softer, to unimaginably bright colors (a tribute to the fashion imposed by idols). Definitely long.

Korean women spend a lot of energy and spare no expense on good hair care.

Regarding the shape, tight curls are not in fashion, young Korean women are worried that such a hairstyle will make them look like their grandmothers. They wear either straight hair or soft curls.

A body shaping warming gel combined with exercise to help visibly reduce volume, improve skin quality and prevent stretch marks.

Gel for working out problem areas starts active fat burning, eliminates puffiness and fights cellulite

Lifting cream for the care of the décolleté area provides a pronounced anti-gravity effect, improves skin elasticity and prevents the appearance of pigmentation

Thermal mask for the abdominal area normalizes lymph outflow, fights puffiness and stimulates the process of fat burning in the problem area

Try to go through these six points and try to understand how beautiful you are by Korean standards?

And finally, we present to your attention an unusual project “100 Years of Beauty” (“100 Years of Beauty”). This is an illustration of what Korean women have looked like over the past century. Look at the change in hairstyles and makeup, they clearly demonstrate the trends and fashion trends over the past century. Pay attention to how countries began to develop differently after the division in 1945, how brightly South Korea went forward.

Double eyelid plastic surgery in Korea without scars with a guarantee from the Opera PS clinic. Upper eyelid surgery is safe and does not affect vision in any way.

The Mongoloid structure of the century and, in principle, the oriental type is a common phenomenon. Many seek to change this type of appearance to European ideals of beauty, primarily through plastic surgery on the eyes. Also, for these purposes, they resort to transforming the outlines of the profile, chin, and volume of the lips. But the main focus is the eyes, namely the upper eyelid with a double fold.

According to statistics, residents of Asian countries are in the lead in terms of the frequency of requests for such plastic surgeries. But people of European appearance also apply to the Opera PS clinic for similar medical care. With a congenital impending eyelid, which often occurs regardless of the origin of a person, eye plastic surgery can work wonders. This feature sometimes causes not only aesthetic, but also physiological discomfort. Excess skin leads to a limited viewing angle, an increase in eye strain. This problem is not only faced by the elderly, it is a common congenital feature.

An interesting fact: how they treat operations on the upper eyelids in Korea

In the Land of Morning Calm, correcting the cut of the eyes is very simple - this is one of the most popular plastic surgeries. They begin to fulfill it almost from the school bench - a good proportion of high school students receive such a subscription as a gift from their parents as an encouragement for academic success. In South Korea, the popularity of this procedure, both among indigenous people and among foreigners, can compete with a similar trend in the United States, where replacing teeth with veneers by the 18th birthday is commonplace.

It is possible to correct the upper eyelid in a Western manner from adolescence, this is a safe procedure. The skill of the professionals of the Opera Plastic Surgery clinic has been proving in practice for many years: a clear open look, like that of Western celebrities from the cover, is not only beautiful, but also simple and does not hurt.

Practical advantages of Europeanization of the century: to whom, why and for what it is done

The correction of the shape of the upper eyelids is most often resorted to for aesthetic purposes. The look after the procedure becomes open, friendly, the eyes visually increase. The face is visually rejuvenated, acquiring/preserving the charm of youth. The operation eliminates the sleepy, heavy gaze syndrome - after blepharoplasty, the face ceases to appear swollen and arrogant, as is often the case with an impending eyelid.

Reasons for seeking plastic surgery on the eyes:

  • congenital excess of skin and fat in the eyelids, heredity (this feature is typical not only for eastern peoples and residents of the far north, but also for Europeans);
  • features of physiology (for example, characteristic of the Asian type, including the inhabitants of Korea, the "eastern" eyelid with excess epithelium in the inner corner of the eye - the epicanthus).

In both cases, the operation to create a double fold in the Opera Plastic Surgery clinic is possible in several ways. The strategy is chosen by the surgeon in accordance with the patient's health status, eyelid structure, age, skin quality and elasticity. Also, the choice of technique is influenced by the complexity of each specific case, the eyelash growth line, the presence or absence of eye asymmetry and the desired effect.

Varieties of eye plastic surgery in Opera PS

In our clinic, 3 types of surgery are practiced to form a double eyelid fold: with an incision, without an incision (suture method) and the author's technique 3N sangapuri.

Important: operations associated with the creation of a double fold (the essence of all three techniques mentioned above) are often confused with age-related upper blepharoplasty, the purpose of which is to tighten the skin hanging over the eyes due to time. These procedures have a different focus, differ in the technique of execution and, accordingly, the results. Our consultants will tell you more about the differences between these aesthetic operations and indications for them on an individual basis.

Methods for creating a double eyelid in Opera:

  1. No cut. A gentle type of Europeanization of the eyelids, during which the surgeon applies several miniature sutures along the muscle, simulating the natural curve of the skin. A universal technique that has no age restrictions. The procedure is most effective for patients with thin skin, as in this case it is possible to achieve a long-term result.
  2. With a cut. The classic method of eye plastic surgery, which allows you to increase the orbit of the eye, eliminate excess adipose tissue, skin, and form a beautiful natural fold. The incisions are made under a natural curve, the sutures are cosmetic - traces of the operation are invisible.
  3. The author's technique from the surgeons of the Opera PS clinic, called 3N sangapuri. The operating method has no analogues in Korea and other countries, this is a unique development of our professionals. Does not leave marks, does not cause pain to the patient during the operation, the result pleases for many years.

With the correction of the impending eyelid in the Opera PS clinic, as an adjacent procedure, additional lateral canthoplasty and epicanthoplasty (correction of the outer and inner corners of the eye) are performed - our doctors will open your gaze vertically and increase the horizontal section of the eyes. Nothing is impossible for us.

About eye plastic surgery in Opera PS: why we

What sets us apart from other clinics is the author's unique operating technique that has no analogues: 3N technology: noscar, noloose, nopain.

Our specialists with many years of practice perform aesthetic procedures on the eyes painlessly, leaving no scars, severe bruising and swelling, with 100% preservation of the double fold on the eyelids. This is possible due to minimal minimally invasive holes instead of full-fledged incisions and the filigree work of doctors on the connection of muscle fibers.

We are proud of the eminent composition of our team of surgeons from South Korea, a multi-level individual anesthesia system, selected by our specialists for each patient personally, and author's developments in the field of plastic surgery. We have aces in the industry with many years of experience in eyelid shaping. After eye surgery, we guarantee a natural result, a smooth double eyelid without scars, which meets all the canons of beauty.

Details about surgery and recovery

In the Opera PS clinic, correcting the shape of the eyelids is simple, safe and affordable.

Useful facts about diagnosis, surgery and rehabilitation after surgery:

  1. Diagnostics in the clinic is free. This includes basic blood and urine tests, a personal consultation with your surgeon, and an ECG.
  2. The duration of eye surgery at the Opera PS clinic is about one hour, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the chosen technique.
  3. Types of anesthesia - sleeping pills and local anesthesia.
  4. The sutures are removed, depending on the method, starting from the 3rd day after the operation (individually).
  5. The average rehabilitation period is 3-4 days, after which you can freely lead a normal life.
  6. After plastic surgery on the eyes, the doctor needs to appear twice - for a routine examination.

During the rehabilitation period, your main task is to provide peace to the operated areas. Try not to cry, squint, scratch or rub your eyes. You can apply makeup no earlier than a day after removing the stitches (you will have to wait with decorative cosmetics after eye plastic surgery for about a week in general).

It is recommended to sleep only on your back, on 2-3 pillows, and also to stop smoking and drinking alcohol for at least a month - so healing will be faster. Cold compresses and medicated ointments will help speed up recovery. The surgeon will tell you the details - he will select medications and an individual supportive course of procedures.

The cost of Europeanizing centuries in Opera PS

The cost of eyelid correction at the Opera Plastic Surgery clinic is $1,000 or more. The price depends on the method of performing the operation and, accordingly, its complexity, on the structure of the patient's eyes, and the initial condition of the skin. Also, the cost of the procedure is affected by the fact whether similar operations were performed on the eyelids before - that is, whether the surgical intervention will be a primary operation for your eyelids or a second one.

What is included in the price of the service:

  • personal consultations of the surgeon;
  • examinations and analyses;
  • course of anesthesia during and after surgery;
  • postoperative procedures and care.

Please note: if you need additional examinations and procedures after or before eyelid surgery, an observation in a hospital or a series of consultations with doctors, you can stay at a hotel located near our clinic. The cost of living in it is 50 dollars per day and above.

We are ready to answer all your questions about the correction of the eastern eyelid and related services available at our clinic in Korea.

Our consultants will calculate the individual cost of the operation for you and help you evaluate the advantages of each method of double eyelid surgery, please contact us.

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