What is postoperative swelling. Edema after surgery

Perhaps everyone is familiar with the situation when puffiness occurs on the face. The reasons for this can be both diseases of the internal organs, and a banal excess of water drunk the day before. And almost always there is swelling on the face after surgery. It looks, of course, not aesthetically pleasing, worsens both the mood and the appearance of a person, but, fortunately, getting rid of edema is quite easy.

Reasons for the appearance

Any edema is an accumulation in the tissues of the body of an excessive volume of fluid. By creating increased pressure on the vessels and capillaries, the liquid penetrates through their walls into tissues and muscles, impregnating them, resulting in puffiness.

There are two main causes of edema:

  • accumulation of lymph in the area of ​​tissues affected by the operation;
  • postoperative inflammation.

In the first case, swelling is due to natural causes: surgical intervention in the work of the body always leads to an increased load on the immune system, which seeks to ensure the normalization of the body's work and triggers an increased formation of lymph. Accumulating in the place of tissues damaged during the operation, lymph causes swelling.

In the second case, the cause of edema is an infectious or inflammatory process. An exacerbation of a chronic disease caused by the operation, a cold, non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations in the postoperative period can cause swelling of the face after the operation. Often this is accompanied by hyperemia (redness) and fever.

Although postoperative swelling on the face almost always occurs, it can have a different severity. The degree of swelling depends on the following factors:

  • the general state of the immune system (the stronger the immunity, the weaker the signs of edema will be, and the faster it will subside);
  • individual characteristics of the patient's health (whether there are chronic diseases, a tendency to edema, hypertension, etc.);
  • proper adherence to the recommendations of the doctor, compliance with restrictions and precautions;
  • lifestyle (the presence of bad habits, addiction to alcohol, etc.).

As a rule, edema does not occur immediately after the operation, but on the second or third day, but it will subside, depending on the efforts made, after a few days, less often a week. If the postoperative edema persists in the second week, or fever, chills, and intoxication phenomena are added to it, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. In this case, at least antibiotic therapy is necessary.

If there is no inflammation, swelling on the face after surgery disappears by the second week. If desired, by following a number of simple recommendations of a general nature, the patient can speed up the recovery process.

Effective and simple methods of getting rid of edema include the following:

  • Peace. At least a few days you should not go in for sports and physical exercises, limit mimic loads, have more rest. At this time, it is also worth dosing work at the computer, watching TV programs, reading. During rest and night sleep, it is good to put extra pillows (so that the head is raised).
  • Limit the intake of salty, spicy foods that provoke puffiness and high blood pressure. It is advisable to exclude salt from the diet altogether, at least for two or three days. You also can't drink alcohol.
  • Do not overheat in the sun, take only a warm or contrast shower, categorically refuse to visit the solarium, sauna, work in the garden, in hot air, etc. Do not wash your face with hot water.
  • Reduce the amount of water you drink for a few days. Drink in small portions.

A good way to relieve swelling after surgery on the face will be cold compresses (cool a damp cloth, apply to the face or part of the face). You can do a compress every 3-4 hours.

The listed methods are simple, but effective, but it should be remembered that stress, both physical and psychological, can reduce all efforts to zero. Therefore, after the operation, you should try to protect yourself from any unrest and devote time to the effective restoration of health.

Medical methods of treatment

If the swelling does not go away on its own within a few days, or signs of inflammation join it, you should consult a doctor. In some cases, additional procedures are required: massage, special exercises.

Infectious processes are dealt with with the help of antibiotics (injections, drip administration), in rare cases - hormonal therapy.

But most often, doctors, solving the problem of postoperative swelling of the face and how to eliminate it, resort to the appointment of diuretics. Normalizing the balance of acids and alkalis in the body, such drugs quickly remove excess stagnant fluid from the tissues, helping to relieve swelling.

Diuretic drugs that can be used as decongestants for the face after surgery, there are enough. The main task of the doctor is to choose the one that will not harm the patient, taking into account the diseases and contraindications that he has.

One of the old, proven remedies is Furosemide. It is characterized by strong and fast action. Usually, a single dose at the dosage prescribed by the doctor is enough to relieve swelling. The action of the tablet begins after 20 minutes and lasts up to several hours.

Furosemide is well suited for patients with hypertension, but has a number of contraindications for use (renal failure, hypoglycemia, etc.). A milder effect and a moderate list of contraindications has an analogue of Furosemide - Torasemide.

Spironolactone is well tolerated by patients. It acts in a gentle way, compared to Furosemide, has relatively few contraindications. Spironolactone can be taken even by pregnant women, people with heart disease, kidney pathology.

The list of decongestant diuretic drugs is very extensive, but the choice and prescription of them should be left to the doctor. In order not to provoke complications in the postoperative period, it is impossible to self-medicate.

Folk ways to get rid of swelling of the face

If after the operation there is no temperature and inflammation, you can cope with moderate swelling with the help of folk remedies. Proven for decades, methods of symptomatic treatment are quite effective in reducing edema, improving overall well-being and, importantly, are easy to perform.

To the simplest folk recommendations, how to relieve swelling after surgery on the face is ice. Ice cubes are repeatedly rubbed on the skin of the face during the day. It is good to use decoctions of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect instead of ordinary water (chamomile, plantain, etc.).

A salt water compress quickly relieves swelling due to the fact that salt binds and removes excess fluid from facial tissues. For a compress, moisten a towel in warm salt water (1-2 tablespoons of salt are taken per liter of water), apply to the face, cover with a dry towel on top. Hold for 15-20 minutes, repeat the procedure up to three times, pat the skin dry and apply a moisturizer.

Diuretic teas and herbs can replace taking diuretic pills, but it is wise to drink them only on the advice of a doctor. Tinctures and decoctions of birch buds, lingonberry leaves, horsetail, etc. remove excess water from the body. Tea collection with a decongestant effect can be made from bearberry, rosehip, plantain leaves and nettle. All components are mixed in equal proportions, brewed in a tablespoon in half a liter of water, like tea. Drink no more than 2-3 glasses a day.

Facial masks made from mashed boiled potatoes, parsley gruel, green or black tea lotions (freshly brewed, skin-friendly temperature) have a mild anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect.

When deciding how to remove swelling from the face after surgery, the patient needs to assess his condition and well-being. If the edema is moderate, temperature and pain are not disturbed, alternative methods can be used, otherwise, only a doctor should prescribe drugs, taking into account concomitant pathologies, age, and condition of the patient.


Causes and methods of dealing with postoperative swelling of the face

Swelling of the face is a fairly common phenomenon that brings a lot of inconvenience. This ailment spoils the appearance of a person and causes a lot of discomfort, not to mention possible complications with severe swelling.

There can also be many reasons for the appearance of edema, among them the most common are allergic reactions, diseases of the throat and mouth, eye infections, etc. Also, edema after surgery is very common on the face, we will talk about it now, consider the causes of its appearance, methods of struggle, contraindications, and so on.

Causes and types of postoperative swelling of the face

Postoperative swelling or swelling of the face occurs immediately after surgery. Their appearance directly depends on the physiological characteristics of each person, because they are all individual.

Thus, for someone after a complex operation, there may be no consequences on the face at all or they will be minimal, and for another person, even the slightest intervention will lead to severe edema.

Of course, in many ways it matters what kind of operation a person underwent. Among the most common are the following:

  • plastic surgery and rhinoplasty;
  • surgical work of a dental nature;
  • eye surgery;
  • cosmetic face cleaning.

It should be understood that, regardless of the operation, edema is a natural reaction of the body to surgery. Every incision, injection, suture, and so on harms the body, even if it was made for medicinal purposes. At the same time, internal tissues suffer, excess fluid accumulates in the subcutaneous layer and the affected organ and blood flow increases, this is what causes swelling, which you really want to remove.

Edema can also be divided into two types:

  • general - this type of edema is most often characterized by diseases or disorders in the work of internal organs, heart, liver, kidneys;
  • local - local edema, tied to a specific affected area or organ, it is this type that refers to postoperative interventions, because in these cases damage is done to the tissues of the body, which leads to swelling.

Surgical interventions and their consequences on the face

As mentioned above, one of the most frequent operations is plastic surgery and rhinoplasty, during which changes in nose deformities are carried out, injuries are corrected and a deviated septum is leveled.

In the case of plastic surgery, swelling is almost inevitable, because in most cases it is the skin and subcutaneous integuments of the face that are affected, incisions are made, etc., which is guaranteed to lead to swelling not only in the affected areas, but also in the adjacent ones. In such situations, plastic surgeons prescribe a special ointment, massages and resort to other improvised methods.

Regarding rhinoplasty, swelling after surgery in most cases affects the nose, namely its outer surface and internal organs. Thus, for some time, not only swelling may appear, but also the mucous membrane swells, the respiratory process becomes more complicated, and even hematomas appear, requiring separate treatment as prescribed by a doctor.

Facial swelling is not uncommon after dental surgery. In these cases, they may not go away for up to two or more weeks, cause psychological and physical discomfort, and therefore a course of physiotherapy or certain drugs is prescribed.

Edema after eye surgery has completely different properties. Such interventions are usually carried out due to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, the development of certain diseases, or in order to stop visual impairment. Eye edema has a local distribution, in which the eyelids and the area around the eyes swell, the reaction rarely spreads further.

The last type of facial swelling occurs after cosmetic procedures, such as mechanical cleaning. In this case, a rather harsh measure of cleansing the pores using a special tool is used, after which the skin needs a long recovery, and edema or swelling may also appear.

It is also worth knowing that swelling on the face appears mainly a few days after the operation. Further, the process begins to subside a little and after 2 weeks it should pass completely, but again, this is individual. Of course, you can use a special ointment, but only with the permission of a doctor.

Help with puffy face

Remember the main rule - in no case should you take hot baths, take a steam bath, sauna, and even wash your face with hot water. Such procedures increase blood circulation and blood will flow more strongly to swollen places.

The best choice would be to take a quick warm shower, and wash your face with cool water only.

Another effective method is the application of cold compresses. In the first few days after the operation, this should be done quite often, up to 6-7 times a day, after that, if shear edema occurs, do these procedures 2-3 times a day. If compresses cannot be applied for some reason, the usual rubbing of the affected areas of the face with ice cubes will do.

Stay in bed if possible, and when you sleep, place your pillow so that your head is slightly elevated. Thus, you minimize the retention of fluid in the facial subcutaneous integuments.

Particular attention should be paid to your diet. The fact is that dishes containing a large amount of salt, smoked meats, spices and acids contribute to the retention of fluid in the body, which will only increase swelling and will not allow you to quickly remove puffiness. It is best to eat more fruits and vegetables. Drinking still costs a lot, but preference is given to only ordinary water, a minimum of tea, no coffee, and even more so refrain from alcohol.

There are also a number of medications, for example, a special ointment for edema or diuretics, but here it is better to consult a specialist or your doctor.

Medical treatment

Depending on the specifics of the operation, the swelling after it is removed by different methods. With especially severe manifestations of swelling, antihistamines are often prescribed.

A special ointment for edema can also be an excellent solution to the problem. Typically, such a remedy is prescribed by a specialist who performed the operation, and the ointment itself most often has an additional anti-inflammatory effect.

The most effective way to relieve swelling is to use hormonal drugs. Such drugs are usually administered by regular and systematic injections. But it should be understood that this method is applicable only with the permission of the doctor and under his close supervision, since the consequences for everyone can be different, and sometimes unpredictable.

Doctors also often prescribe diuretics and special decoctions of similar action in order to increase the outflow of fluid from the body and relieve swelling in this way.

But remember, if the swelling does not go away within two weeks, you should definitely consult a doctor, as this can be a direct signal to an unrelenting inflammatory process after surgery and no ointment will help here.


Edema after facial surgery: causes and degree of swelling

One of the most common post-surgery symptoms is swelling. Edema after facial surgery becomes very noticeable, which leads to a deterioration in the appearance, mood and well-being of the patient.

In case of neglect of edema, further complications are possible, therefore it is better to get rid of such a problem on time and correctly, otherwise serious consequences may occur.

Edema after surgery on the face can appear as a result of even minor surgical intervention. If the integrity of the tissues is broken, in most cases, edema will appear necessarily.

After the operation, in a certain area of ​​​​the face, the accumulation of lymph appears in the place of damaged tissues. Such accumulations, in turn, appear due to the increased work of the immune system, which is trying to ensure the normal functioning and full activity of the body, despite the recent surgical intervention.

Another reason for the appearance of edema on the face after surgery can be an inflammatory process.

The inflammatory process may occur as a result of non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor by the patient, as well as as a result of external factors, for example, a cold or exposure to wind on the face. In such cases, the patient manifests an increased temperature of the skin of the face and redness.

After surgery, swelling on the face almost always appears, only in each patient it has one form or another degree.

The main factors that affect the degree of swelling are:

  • individual characteristic differences of the patient's body;
  • state and functioning of the immune system;
  • adhering to or non-compliance with the recommendations of a doctor;
  • general health;
  • the patient's lifestyle.

In most cases, the rapid relief of swelling on the face after surgery depends mainly on the efforts of the patient, as well as the exact observance of the recommendations for the rehabilitation period. In the case of a sufficiently long time for the presence of puffiness and the absence of the slightest signs of its reduction, you should immediately consult an experienced doctor.

As a rule, edema begins to appear “in all its glory” on the second or third day after the operation.

Within a few days, with proper care, the swelling will decrease significantly, and by the second week after surgery, the swelling will completely disappear. But, most patients are often interested in the most effective methods for getting rid of swelling after facial surgery.

Postoperative swelling on the face and getting rid of it

You should try to follow some recommendations that will help eliminate postoperative swelling on the face faster.

  1. Limit hot water consumption. Do not wash your face with hot water, and do not take a hot shower or bath with hot water. The best option would be a contrast shower, which will help get rid of the accumulation of fluids in the tissues. As for hot water, it should also be mentioned that you need to give up going to the bath or sauna. Do not spend much time outdoors in sultry and hot weather, as long time in the sun can lead to increased puffiness.
  2. The first 2-3 days after the operation, it is necessary to provide cold compresses for the face or for a specific area. As an alternative, you can use cold cabbage leaves. Apply cold compresses every 3-4 hours.
  3. Rest and rest. After the operation, you should take care of complete rest and good rest for the patient. An important point is the recommendation to keep your head slightly elevated during sleep. You should also avoid stress for a person of a different nature, for example, sitting at a computer for a long time or watching TV, reading a book until late, or using frequent and active facial expressions. It is also necessary for some time to give up training in the gym or fitness club, morning jogging and other physical activities.
  4. Properly formulated diet. First of all, the patient should exclude from eating foods that can affect the increase in swelling. You should not drink too much liquid, and also consume salty foods, especially before bedtime. Salt is generally recommended to be excluded from the diet for a certain time. Also, foods eaten should contain a minimum of sodium. You can not drink alcoholic beverages, which affect the blood circulation process and lead to an increase in edema.
  5. After the operation, stress for the body, both physical and moral, should be avoided. Any stressful situation or physical overwork will contribute to the further development of puffiness.
  6. Needed expert help. If it was not possible to get rid of postoperative edema on the face on your own, then you should consult a doctor. You may need additional massages or special exercises to reduce swelling. Your doctor may also prescribe diuretic drugs to help you get rid of body fluids quickly. In some cases, the specialist prescribes hormonal injections, but you should know that they are not suitable for all patients. Therefore, you should only contact professionals and experienced doctors.

How to remove swelling from the face after surgery quickly and effectively

There are some methods that will quickly get rid of postoperative swelling on the face at home:

  1. It is necessary to wipe the face or a certain area of ​​​​the face with ice cubes. Moreover, ice can be made in advance from tea or chamomile infusion.
  2. You can make a mask for which you need to brew a couple of tablespoons of green tea leaves, insist, strain, cool and wipe your face with tampons or towels.
  3. Raw potatoes or cucumber will quickly help to get rid of postoperative swelling on the face.

It should be remembered that the rapid disappearance of postoperative edema on the face depends mainly on the responsibility of the patient, as well as the individual characteristics of his body.


Ointment for edema on the face: an overview of drugs and features of use

The fluid that accumulates during life in the tissues of the human body contributes to the appearance of puffiness. Edema is a kind of pathology, the cause of which can be various factors. To treat a disease that causes swelling on the face, you need to contact a competent specialist who will make the correct diagnosis and advise on the choice of therapy. To eliminate a cosmetic defect and give the skin a fresh and healthy look, you need to use ointments from swelling on the face.

Causes of edema

Medical practice shows that swelling on the face appears due to the following reasons:

  • certain diseases, such as kidney and urinary tract diseases, diabetes mellitus, heart and vascular diseases, weight gain;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • age-related changes occurring in the human body;
  • general dryness of the entire skin;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • change in the water-salt balance of the body;
  • accumulated fatigue;
  • severe allergic reactions to food, drugs or cosmetics;
  • the presence of bad habits and their abuse.

The above factors affect the functioning of internal organs and contribute to puffiness of the face and specific puffiness around the eyes.

After waking up, swelling of the eyelids often indicates the accumulation of excess fluid due to excessive drinking at night or eating too salty, as well as smoked food for dinner. With existing problems with the kidneys, swelling of the face only increases.

Chronic lack of sleep that builds up over time causes puffy eyes. According to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, an adult should sleep at least 8 hours a day. If this rule is violated, failures of natural rhythms occur, the condition of the person as a whole worsens, and dark swelling of the eyelids appears.

In the summer, swelling of the face can be triggered by very high air temperatures. When it is too hot, a person, as a rule, cannot limit himself to fluid intake, the excess of which accumulates in the tissues.

Swelling on the female face with hormonal changes

Hormonal restructuring of the female body affects the appearance of puffiness:

Some women develop swelling on the face before the onset of menstruation. At this time, the hormonal background changes in the body, which sometimes contributes to swelling. It should be noted that such manifestations are not considered deviations from the norm, and are not found in all women. Such edema does not require special treatment.

There are cases when the face swells in expectant mothers. Hormonal changes in the body cause the accumulation of unnecessary fluid. With severe swelling, pregnant women are advised to visit the antenatal clinic more often, the doctor leading the pregnancy will advise what needs to be changed in their usual lifestyle in order to reduce swelling of the face and body. The use of an ointment against edema may not always be justified; before using them, it is necessary to study the instructions for use and make sure that there are no contraindications in it.

Increased swelling of the face can be observed during menopause. At this time, the female body is subject to significant overloads against the background of hormonal changes, as a result of which excess water accumulates in the tissues, forming swelling of the eyelids, cheekbones, and puffiness of the face.

All of the above conditions may be accompanied by a slight swelling of the face, which does not go beyond the normal range. But, in order to determine what kind of treatment the body needs, when it should be started, it is important, without delay, to consult a doctor.

Indications for the use of drugs

Ointments for swelling on the face can eliminate several unpleasant consequences that arise due to the accumulation of excess water in the body. The positive properties of these drugs include:

  • the fight directly with the puffiness of the face itself;
  • restoration of the normal level of water-salt balance of the body;
  • renewal and regeneration of the upper cellular layer of the dermis;
  • improvement of blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • nutrition of the skin of the face with valuable substances;
  • cooling and moisturizing the skin;
  • improving the functioning of the body's immune system;
  • anesthesia.

Taking into account the above features of the action of ointments against edema, we can conclude that these drugs help improve the health of the skin of the face at the cellular level.

The use of ointments to combat unhealthy puffiness of the face is approved by many experts. But before you start fighting cosmetic facial defects, it is important to exclude dangerous diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. After all, swelling on the face can be a consequence of the presence of these diseases.

Main cast

Pharmacies offer a wide selection of ointments that help relieve swelling on the face. And these are not always expensive drugs. A good remedy for edema can be found at a very reasonable price. But in order for the ointment to be sufficiently effective and at the same time safe for health, you need to carefully study the composition of the active ingredients.

Among them should be:

  • healing substance heparin;
  • the drug troxerutin;
  • essential tea tree extract;
  • horse chestnut;
  • mouse turn or needle;
  • essential oils of menthol.

All of these substances do not have to be present in the composition of the ointment. But their presence will make the tool more effective.

Medical practice shows that an ointment for hemorrhoids is a fairly effective remedy that can fight swelling on the face. This is explained by the presence of active ingredients in the composition of the ointment, which are able to provide effective face lifting. Such ointments are inexpensive compared to well-hyped branded creams for edema.

Despite the quickly achieved result, ointments should be used with extreme caution. It is recommended to start with small doses in order to ensure the individual tolerance of the components of the drug.

There is an opinion that ointments for hemorrhoids cannot be used in the fight against swelling on the face, despite their high efficiency. After all, the skin around the eyes is particularly sensitive and thin, and drugs that are not made to treat it can cause damage to the dermis, as well as provoke internal bleeding. In this connection, when deciding to deal with swelling on the face using such means, it is more important not to overdo it and not apply them too often.

Properties of heparin ointment against edema

One of the remedies for edema on the face that has been tested for decades is the well-known heparin ointment. This drug is able to have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. In cosmetology, the use of heparin ointment is quite wide: it is used for edema, as a remedy for bruises and severe hematomas.

Heparin ointment consists of the following active substances:

  • heparin - this component has an effect on reducing blood clotting and dissolving existing blood clots;
  • anesthesin - an anesthetic;
  • bezilnicotinate - reduces the formation of blood clots and promotes active absorption of heparin.

The presence of these components has a powerful anti-edematous effect. And also the ointment is widely used as an anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and vasodilator.

If you intend to start using heparin ointment against edema, you need to remember some contraindications. The tool is prohibited for use:

  • with hemophilia;
  • with a low platelet count in the blood;
  • during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • in the presence of purulent open wounds;
  • with individual intolerance to the substances that make up the ointment.

The above contraindications do not suggest using the remedy for people at risk. If, after applying the product, redness appears on the skin of the face, the use of the ointment should be urgently stopped.

For the treatment of edema on the face, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to problem areas of the face. Use the remedy for 2-3 weeks. Then you need to take a short break.

Overview of drugs for edema

Cosmetologists say that it is not always necessary to use drugs to treat swelling on the face. An excellent result can be achieved using a moisturizing cream for the skin around the eyes, to which it is advised to add a few drops of healing vitamin E.

If you want to use drugs, you should pay attention to the following ointments:

Lyoton gel - the composition of the product includes valuable heparin. The gel promotes rapid resorption of hematomas on the face and actively fights edema. After applying the remedy, the blood begins to circulate more actively through the vessels, there is an outflow of excess water from the tissues. Puffiness of the face subsides, the skin is gradually smoothed.

The use of Indovazin ointment, based on indomethacin and troxerutin, which is useful for blood vessels, gives a good result. Edema quickly passes after several applications of the ointment on problem areas of the face. A significant drawback is the gel structure of the ointment, which leaves behind noticeable marks on the skin.

A proven remedy for years is Troxevasin. This gel-based ointment not only helps to quickly eliminate puffiness, but also helps to accelerate tissue regeneration.

Plant-based preparations have excellent properties. Good recommendations have an ointment, which includes an extract

Arnica mountain. The extract from this plant has long been used with success in cosmetology due to its antibacterial, wound healing and decongestant properties.

The effect of the drugs will be enhanced if the ointment is applied with light, unhurried circular movements. Efficiency increases due to the penetration of the components of the drug into the deepest layers of the skin. A good therapeutic effect will be noticeable after a few days of regular application of the product.

Preventive measures

To get rid of unhealthy puffiness on the face, a number of preventive actions should be taken. These include:

  • Do not overeat and thereby contribute to the set of extra pounds.
  • Try to reduce your daily salt intake.
  • Try to drink a large amount of liquid before 18:00.
  • Do special massage exercises that contribute to the outflow of lymph and excess water from the tissues.
  • Use a contrast shower for the body and face.

The constant implementation of these measures will help prevent the appearance of swelling of the face or visually reduce them.

While watching the video, you will learn about swelling on the face.

If symptoms of swelling appear, and their causes are not clear, it is important not to treat yourself, but to seek advice and help from a competent specialist. Only then the disease will be detected in time and swelling on the face will be eliminated.

After surgery, swelling of the legs often occurs, which is expressed in insufficient removal of excess fluid from the tissues of the body. Due to the violation of the integrity of blood vessels, capillaries and veins, which occurs during the operation, the fluids in the body circulate at a less active pace, their stagnation is often formed in the form of edema. Swelling after leg surgery requires a quick response, because with prolonged stagnation of fluids, a secondary infection can join, which causes a longer healing time and can cause inflammation in the tissues.

The appearance of edema on the leg during the rehabilitation period after surgery should be considered a normal reaction of the body, and for the fastest recovery it is necessary to support the body, stimulate the immune system and prevent the development of secondary pathology. However, many doctors recommend taking preventive measures that will minimize the manifestations of edema after surgery and stabilize the patient's condition sooner.

Most often, this manifestation occurs during an operation to remove varicose veins on the legs, but if the affected area was large enough, then the recovery period is also lengthened. With a small area of ​​damage, the degree of violation of the integrity of the veins and blood vessels is small, which makes it possible to carry out the rehabilitation period more quickly and bring the full recovery and elimination of edema closer. Swelling of the legs after surgery is accompanied by certain external changes in the tissues of the legs, which allows you to diagnose this condition in a timely manner and speed up the healing process.

The most characteristic manifestations of swelling after the operation should be considered:

  • tissue swelling in the area that has been affected by surgery; during the operation, swelling of the leg is accompanied by an increase in the size of the limb - this is a consequence of a violation of the integrity of the vessels, and the movement of fluid in the body is disturbed;
  • a change in the shape of the limb due to the fact that after the operation the lymphatic vessels are damaged. Lymph and blood in this case disrupts its movement, which leads to the accumulation of these fluids and the formation of edema;
  • when you press the skin in the area of ​​​​edema, a shallow hole remains on it for some time - this factor also indicates swelling of this part of the body;
  • a decrease in the degree of sensitivity in the area of ​​​​edema - this is especially noticeable in relation to the thermoregulation of the skin.

The severity of edema depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the quality of the immune system. With a good indicator of the healing of injured tissues, the elimination of fluid stagnation in the legs during the operation occurs quickly, and rehabilitation measures can further reduce this recovery period.

In addition to the characteristic manifestations of tissue edema that occurs after surgery, there are a number of reasons that can provoke fluid retention in this area. These should include:

  • the occurrence of thrombosis, which causes the accumulation of blood moving through the blood vessels and veins and encountering an obstacle in its path in the form of a blood clot (blood clot). This condition is quite dangerous for human health and life, therefore, its timely diagnosis is the number one task in the event of edema;
  • features of the actions of the surgeon who performed the surgical intervention. With insufficient practical experience in him, the use of low-quality drugs, there is a possibility of developing a pathological reaction of tissues in the form of its edema.

The listed manifestations and causes of tissue swelling after surgical intervention explain the appearance of this manifestation, allowing timely identification of the initial stage of the current pathology.

Causes of edema after arthroplasty

Endoprosthesis replacement allows to eliminate severe pain of the hip joint, to prevent its final destruction, which may occur due to age-related changes, a significant degree of wear of cartilage tissue. The high effectiveness of this type of joint prosthetics, a lot of positive feedback on this type of impact on the articular system allows us to call arthroplasty one of the most popular methods of restoration today.

However, arthroplasty entails a violation of the integrity of blood vessels and veins, as well as lymphatic vessels and nodes. After knee arthroplasty, when there is a significant impact and damage to a large number of vessels and veins, there is pain in the area where the operation was performed, as well as the appearance of severe swelling. Since any joint is a complex natural compound, in which a large number of bones, cartilage and tendons take part, any intervention in its activity entails changes in the state and functioning of the tissues of the joint and adjacent areas.

Approximately the same picture is observed after hip arthroplasty: swelling of the leg tissues that occurs at the site of impact, an increase in the degree of soreness and sensitivity of the skin and muscles, a change in skin color is caused by a violation of the integrity of blood vessels and veins, lymph nodes and vessels. The process of tissue repair after such an operation should include both rehabilitation procedures that prevent the likelihood of a secondary infection, and stimulation of the immune system, supporting its work at the highest level. This is how the puffiness in the area of ​​the operation will be eliminated most quickly, and the normal sensitivity of the tissues will be restored.

How to quickly remove swelling

Elimination of puffiness, restoration of normal circulation of fluids in the affected area is carried out through the implementation of a complex effect, which should include several types of effects. Usually, the treatment process in this case is compiled by a doctor, and under his control, it is carried out.

The removal of swelling after surgery should be accompanied by supportive therapy, which will provide a more complete recovery of the body, eliminate the risk of inflammation, which will slow down the healing process. In the period after the operation, when there is pronounced swelling in the legs, the following manipulations and procedures will help, which provide faster healing:

  • lymphatic drainage. This is a type of mechanical action, which involves the activation of the process of movement of lymph in the tissues. Lymphatic drainage is performed by a professional massage therapist, who, by his actions, will not harm the patient's health and will ensure that a pronounced positive result is obtained from the impact. For this procedure, soft stroking movements, kneading the lymph nodes are usually used, which prevents the appearance of congestion in them;
  • at the first manifestations of edema, a fixing bandage can be made, which is then changed to supporting underwear. Knitwear with supportive and compressive action allows you to quickly eliminate swelling, prevent the possibility of an increase in the area of ​​damage, improve the process of movement of lymph and blood in the tissues of the lower extremities.

Today, compression underwear is offered in a wide range, which allows you to choose a look that will be aesthetically pleasing and will have a positive effect on the affected limbs;

  • following a diet that will allow you to quickly remove excess fluid from the body will not allow it to re-accumulate;
  • drug treatment is an indispensable component of the successful treatment of edema of any nature. Diuretics will quickly and painlessly remove the accumulated fluid from the tissues, eliminate congestion in the tissues of the lower extremities. The drug effect is prescribed by the attending physician on the basis of the results of the tests that they are assigned to obtain the most detailed picture of health.

It is possible to quickly and without negative consequences get rid of edema after surgical intervention, provided that all the doctor's recommendations are strictly followed, and habits such as smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages are abandoned. If other urgent conditions arise, for example, an inflammatory reaction occurs, a rise in the patient's body temperature and a deterioration in general well-being, then you should first of all consult a doctor, stop taking previously prescribed medications: there is a possibility in this form of an allergic reaction to the treatment being performed .

For the final elimination of edema of a different nature that can form in the tissues of the legs after surgery on them, a certain type of treatment may be required. However, the main goal of any type of therapeutic effect should be considered to be the identification of the root cause of this phenomenon and its elimination: only in this case is it possible to completely eliminate the signs of edema in the legs.

Methods of treatment

Postoperative swelling of the leg is accompanied by external changes in the tissues, which allows timely detection of the current pathology. Treatment methods involve an effective recovery period, which will include stimulating the body's immune system, eliminating existing secondary lesions, providing the body with the necessary substances from incoming food and drugs designed to combat the manifestations of edema.

As noted above, the most effective methods for eliminating edema are the use of compression underwear, nutrition correction, taking diuretics prescribed by the attending physician, and performing lymphatic drainage massage. It is these methods that have proven themselves in eliminating tissue swelling that can occur after surgery on the lower extremities.

Surgery as a treatment can be prescribed if an opening of damaged tissues is required to locally eliminate the focus of inflammation. Such an operation is prescribed for the available indications.


The medicinal effect involves the activation of the movement of fluids in the tissues, which leads to a faster removal of its excess. However, diuretics, which can be prescribed for the appearance of edema after surgery, also have a side effect in the form of excessive tissue dehydration. Therefore, their use should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician, and if any side effects occur, the effect should be adjusted.

A tumor in the hip joint, in which there is stagnation of fluids in the tissues of the joint, requires the use of such means:

The above means provide a quick removal of excess fluid from the tissues, which is especially important when installing an artificial hip and knee joint. The scheme of their reception is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's condition. Edema of the tissues of the legs is also removed by diuretic drugs such as Torsid, Toradiv, Sutril Neo, Trisemid.

Drugs that, when eliminating edema in the legs, prevent inflammatory processes in them, can be prescribed if the patient's body is prone to inflammation and allergic reactions.


When fluid stagnation occurs in the body, a foot massage is prescribed, in the tissues of which there are pathological abnormalities. Such a massage is performed only by a specialist who understands the pattern of blood and lymph movement in the body and will not harm the patient.

Massage should be carried out in a course of several procedures, in this case the most pronounced positive result is noted.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage is an excellent tool for accelerating the movement of fluids in the body, it can be used to reduce the main manifestations of edema in the legs.

The course of such a massage ensures the elimination of the most obvious manifestations of tissue swelling, allows you to activate blood circulation and lymph movement.

Compression stockings

Wearing special underwear with a supportive effect allows you to relieve the load from the leg with swelling on it that occurs as a result of surgical intervention. The choice of such underwear today is quite large, which makes it possible to choose such a look that will be aesthetically suitable and at the same time have a therapeutic effect on the affected lower limb.

Restoration of tissues with manifestations of edema can be performed using a laser beam. This variant of exposure has proven itself due to the strong weakening of the walls of the veins, which is typical for varicose veins, with swelling of the tissues of the lower extremities.

The laser produces a gentle and effective effect, which eliminates stagnation sites, activates the processes of movement in the tissues of fluids.


Physiotherapy treatment has also worked well for the manifestation of edema. For example, electrophoresis, especially with the use of lidase, can prevent the addition of inflammation, which facilitates the process of healing edema. The electrophoresis scheme is drawn up by a physiotherapist, taking into account the entire picture of the patient's health.

Along with electrophoresis, acupuncture and magnetic therapy may be recommended.

Folk recipes

The most effective means of eliminating severe swelling in the leg tissue using folk methods include the following:

  • ingestion of a decoction of lingonberry leaves;
  • infusion of nettle, birch leaves are also taken orally 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day;
  • contrasting foot baths with the addition of a decoction of birch leaves mixed with thyme herb to the water.

If swelling of the foot occurs after the operation, then traditional medicine can be used along with drug therapy.


Swelling of the extremities requires dietary adjustment. The exclusion of salt and seasonings from it will reduce the amount of fluid that stagnates in the tissues.

The inclusion of products with increased biological value in the daily menu will eliminate the risk of slowing down the rehabilitation process, will saturate the tissues with the necessary substances and preserve the patient's health. A diet rich in lactic acid products, fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits will make the recovery process fast, will not allow fluid to accumulate in the body, which can lead to the formation of places with swelling.

Exercise therapy for recovery

Certain exercises will activate the movement of fluids and eliminate their stagnation. Walking, jogging, and breathing exercises will help relieve swelling quickly.

Rehabilitation with the help of exercise therapy is considered an effective method of restoring the balance of fluids in the body.


Phlebologists recommend wearing compression underwear for preventive purposes: with increased physical exertion, a hereditary tendency to damage blood vessels and when swelling of the legs is detected, it is precisely such underwear that allows you to stop the pathological process, and when carrying out an adequate therapeutic effect, completely eliminate the main symptoms of the disease.

Swelling of the legs that occurs after surgery can be eliminated by correcting nutrition, maintaining an active lifestyle, and giving up bad habits.

Such a completely normal (upon reaching a certain age) and even a desirable operation, like plastic surgery of the face, should be approached with joy. In the end, unlike the operation to “remove something sick”, plastic surgery removes only excess fat, age and complexes, and after rehabilitation it gives strength, optimism and a good mood. Congratulations to Zhenya, and here are my tips on the topic “edema after plastic surgery” - what to do?

Firstly, it is a mistake to think that "post-plastic edema" can be removed with diuretics. In this case, completely different mechanisms for the occurrence of edema are involved, therefore, an excess withdrawal of potassium from the body is fraught with malfunctions in the heart, which is not necessary at all after a full-fledged operation.

Also, it is advisable to refrain from vegetables, fruits and berries, enhancing urination and fermentation in the intestines (for example, watermelons, cranberry juice, raisins, grapes, berries, cucumbers, etc.)

As a "painkiller" and "blood thinner" drink aspirin (or non-steroidal painkillers), as in this situation, aspirin can cause bleeding

Salt, alcohol, coffee and smoking are prohibited

Set aside the capsules with fish oil and aged garlic for two months in the refrigerator

Everything that will promote general healing and reduce swelling and bruising, and this:

Multivitamin Complex
vitamin C (accelerates tissue healing, strengthens vascular walls, stimulates the production of young collagen)
vitamin K (strengthens the walls of blood vessels)
beta-carotene (or vitamin A)
protein diet

And also, in the rehabilitation period, to remove bruises and swelling after facial plastic surgery, the following substances and preparations are simply necessary:

After plastic surgery, doctors prescribe all the same drugs and substances as with varicose veins. More precisely, this is all that is aimed at improving blood circulation, strengthening blood vessels and capillaries, removing edema and inflammation, as well as improving lymph flow (lymphatic drainage) and venous outflow. Only the use of these substances guarantees a safe and effective course of the post-rehabilitation period.

Diosmin and Hesperidin(natural flavonoids from citrus peels) - improve microcirculation in the veins, reduce blood stasis, strengthen the vascular wall.

Pycnogenol is a unique plant substance derived either from the bark of the French pine tree or from grape seeds. At its core, pycnogenol is an oligomeric proanthocyanide, a substance that is the most powerful antioxidant known in nature. Pycnogenol strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood circulation, and therefore is a priority substance in world medicine for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, as well as for the removal of edema and bruising in the postoperative period.

Escin, found in horse chestnut extract. Escin is able to relieve inflammation in cells without reducing the level of phagocytosis, inhibits the enzyme hyaluronidase and helps to reduce the permeability and fragility of blood vessels and capillaries. Escin normalizes the state of the vascular wall, increases the stability of capillaries, reduces their fragility. Refers to venotonic agents of plant origin, helps to increase the strength and tone of blood vessels.

Rutin - has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, anti-blood clotting and antioxidant effect on edema after plastic surgery. Increases vascular tone, strengthens capillaries and vascular walls. Reduces inflammation in the vascular wall by limiting the adhesion of platelets to its surface.

Ginkgo biloba, butcher's broom and gotu-kola also strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and reduce the level of the inflammatory process.

Let's look at specific drugs.

⇒ In Russia, Venozol, Venarus, Phlebodia or Detralex are usually prescribed.

Venozol (active substances: diosmin (270 mg), horse chestnut extract (50 mg), hesperidin (30 mg), hazel extract (17 mg) and dihydroquercetin (3 mg)), price for 30 tab. about 350 rubles
Venarus (active substances: diosmin (450 mg), hesperidin (50 mg)), price for 30 tab. about 500 rubles
Detralex (active substances: diosmin (450 mg)), price for 30 tab. from 700 rubles
Phlebodia (active substances: diosmin (600 mg)), price for 30 tab. from 800 rub

FutureBiotics, VeinFactors, Varicose Vein Complex, 90 Veggie Caps - $15.65

Unlike Phlebodia, the best on the Russian market, containing only 600 mg of diosmin, in this complex it 1000 mg(together with hesperidin). But, in addition to this, there is also added a wonderful complex of all those substances that I told you about.

⇒ DiosVein Diosmin Complex - a mix of diosmin and hesperidin, and micronized(for better absorption)
⇒ Venocin - titrated horse chestnut extract containing 20% aescin! (Studies in patients have shown cures for hematomas as early as 2% escin in the gel.)
⇒ Centellin - A titrated gotu kola extract containing 8% gotu kola triterpenes.
⇒ plus a whole mix of citrus bioflavonoids and needle extract
⇒ Well, the well-known Bioperine complex to improve the nutritional bioavailability of all of the above benefits

For a good anti-edema effect and strengthening of fragile vascular walls, it is good to drink pure rutin. For example, from Solgar:

Solgar, Rutin, 500 mg, 250 Tablets - $23.08

and pycnogenol:

Healthy Origins, Pycnogenol, 100 mg, 60 Veggie Caps - $33.95

Decongestant cosmetics

Cosmetics for the rehabilitation period should also contain all the same substances as our capsules. Those. these are extracts aimed at removing edema, improving blood circulation, strengthening blood vessels and small capillaries, as well as reducing the inflammatory process in tissues.

Along with my favorite and “penny” Troxerutin ointment (the active substance is a derivative of rutin), I recommend these formulations, which are very well composed and contain exactly the substances that we need (moreover, in a titrated concentration, unlike Russian incomprehensible and elusive manufacturer ...):

Planetary Herbals, Horse Chestnut Cream, 4 oz (113.4 g) - $9.95(horse chestnut cream with a VERY high, titrated 20% concentration of escin, plus other extracts aimed at strengthening blood vessels and improving blood circulation)

Derma E, Anti-Aging Pycnogenol Soothing Eye Gel, 1/2 oz (14 g) - $15.60

(also, a formulation with pycnogenol, escin, arnica, ginkgo biloba and other extracts aimed at relieving swelling and inflammation, as well as strengthening blood vessels)

Natural Care, Ultra Vein-Gard Cream, 2.25 oz (64 g) - $14.60(homeopathic cream for edema removal with a very rich composition)

Plus, cosmetic ice helps with swelling very well for the first time after surgery! How easy it is to prepare, I told in the post.

Plus, physical therapy!

I already wrote this “just in case”, because, of course, a competent doctor will always prescribe physiotherapy after plastic surgery. Specific appointments will depend on the practice and equipment available in each particular clinic.

And by the way!

And by the way, I advise all these preparations and cosmetics to everyone who is tormented by edema and fragility of blood vessels on the face! It is much more useful (in principle, for everyone) than drinking fluid-removing drugs at night! In any case, the condition of both the skin and the body will only improve with the course intake of rutin, escin, diosmin and other plant joys.

One of the most common post-surgery symptoms is swelling. Edema after facial surgery becomes very noticeable, which leads to a deterioration in the appearance, mood and well-being of the patient.

In case of neglect of edema, further complications are possible, therefore it is better to get rid of such a problem on time and correctly, otherwise serious consequences may occur.

Edema after surgery on the face may appear as a result of even a minor surgical intervention. If the integrity of the tissues is broken, in most cases, edema will appear necessarily.


After the operation, in a certain area of ​​​​the face, the accumulation of lymph appears in the place of damaged tissues. Such accumulations, in turn, appear due to the increased work of the immune system, which is trying to ensure the normal functioning and full activity of the body, despite the recent surgical intervention.

Another reason for the appearance of edema on the face after surgery can be an inflammatory process.

The inflammatory process may occur as a result of non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor by the patient, as well as as a result of external factors, for example, a cold or exposure to wind on the face. In such cases, the patient manifests an increased temperature of the skin of the face and redness.

After surgery, swelling on the face almost always appears, only in each patient it has one form or another degree.

The main factors that affect the degree of swelling are:

  • individual characteristic differences of the patient's body;
  • state and functioning of the immune system;
  • adhering to or non-compliance with the recommendations of a doctor;
  • general health;
  • the patient's lifestyle.

In most cases, the rapid relief of swelling on the face after surgery depends mainly on the efforts of the patient, as well as the exact observance of the recommendations for the rehabilitation period. In the case of a sufficiently long time for the presence of puffiness and the absence of the slightest signs of its reduction, you should immediately consult an experienced doctor.

As a rule, edema begins to appear “in all its glory” on the second or third day after the operation.

Within a few days, with proper care, the swelling will decrease significantly, and by the second week after surgery, the swelling will completely disappear. But, most patients are often interested in the most effective methods for getting rid of swelling after facial surgery.

Postoperative swelling on the face and getting rid of it

You should try to follow some recommendations that will help eliminate postoperative swelling on the face faster.

  1. Limit hot water consumption. Do not wash your face with hot water, and do not take a hot shower or bath with hot water. The best option would be a contrast shower, which will help get rid of the accumulation of fluids in the tissues. As for hot water, it should also be mentioned that you need to give up going to the bath or sauna. Do not spend much time outdoors in sultry and hot weather, as long time in the sun can lead to increased puffiness.
  2. The first 2-3 days after the operation, it is necessary provide cold compresses to the face or to a specific area. As an alternative, you can use cold cabbage leaves. Apply cold compresses every 3-4 hours.
  3. Rest and rest. After the operation, you should take care of complete rest and good rest for the patient. An important point is the recommendation to keep your head slightly elevated during sleep. You should also avoid stress for a person of a different nature, for example, sitting at a computer for a long time or watching TV, reading a book until late, or using frequent and active facial expressions. It is also necessary for some time to give up training in the gym or fitness club, morning jogging and other physical activities.
  4. Properly formulated diet. First of all, the patient should exclude from eating foods that can affect the increase in swelling. You should not drink too much liquid, and also consume salty foods, especially before bedtime. Salt is generally recommended to be excluded from the diet for a certain time. Also, foods eaten should contain a minimum of sodium. You can not drink alcoholic beverages, which affect the blood circulation process and lead to an increase in edema.
  5. After the operation, you should avoid stress for the body as physical as well as moral ones. Any stressful situation or physical overwork will contribute to the further development of puffiness.
  6. Needed expert help. If it was not possible to get rid of postoperative edema on the face on your own, then you should consult a doctor. You may need additional massages or special exercises to reduce swelling. Your doctor may also prescribe diuretic drugs to help you get rid of body fluids quickly. In some cases, the specialist prescribes hormonal injections, but you should know that they are not suitable for all patients. Therefore, you should only contact professionals and experienced doctors.

How to remove swelling from the face after surgery quickly and effectively

There are some methods that will quickly get rid of postoperative swelling on the face at home:

  1. It is necessary to wipe the face or a certain area of ​​​​the face with ice cubes. Moreover, ice can be made in advance from tea or chamomile infusion.
  2. You can make a mask for which you need to brew a couple of tablespoons of green tea leaves, insist, strain, cool and wipe your face with tampons or towels.
  3. Raw potatoes or cucumber will quickly help to get rid of postoperative swelling on the face.

It should be remembered that the rapid disappearance of postoperative edema on the face depends mainly on the responsibility of the patient, as well as the individual characteristics of his body.

This is a common occurrence after surgery on any part of the body. Puffiness is formed due to the accumulation of a large amount of lymph in damaged tissues. This process is a response of the immune system, which tries to ensure the normal functioning of the human body, even despite the recent surgery. Let us consider in the article in more detail the causes of puffiness, methods of removing edema and methods of treatment.

Why does swelling appear?

After damage to soft tissues, edema almost always appears, but it can have a different severity. The following factors influence the degree of swelling after surgery:

  • the patient's lifestyle;
  • individual characteristics of the organism;
  • health status;
  • whether the patient adheres to all the recommendations of the doctor;
  • the state of the patient's lymphatic and immune systems.

In most cases, the reduction of swelling on the face after surgery directly depends on what efforts the patient makes after surgery to restore health during the rehabilitation period. Compliance with all the prescriptions of the doctor will improve the state of health in the shortest possible time. Self-medication in this situation is not recommended, it can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Types of edema

Edema is conditionally divided into several types:

  • local or local, which are formed in certain parts of the body;
  • general circulation, which are formed in different places at the same time due to disturbances in the work of internal organs.

Why, after the operation, edema appears near the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, only a qualified doctor will tell you.


How long the arm or leg swells after surgery depends on the scale and complexity of the surgical intervention. In order to minimize the risk of an inflammatory reaction, patients in the postoperative period should be under constant medical supervision.

According to medical statistics, swelling after removing the bandage remains for another 14-21 days. After the operation, it is important to be constantly monitored until the wound heals not only by the attending physician, but also by a nephrologist.

What is dangerous edema

Even after the smallest operation, swelling may form, but it does not pose any danger to the patient's health. According to medical statistics, a leg or arm can swell after surgery as early as 24-48 hours after surgery, and after the same period of time, the symptoms disappear without leaving any traces.

Do not panic if:

  • the swelling is small;
  • only that part of the body where the operation was previously performed swelled;
  • that injured limb swelled, on which a large load was applied.

You need to sound the alarm if, simultaneously with the appearance of edema after surgery, there are malfunctions in the liver, kidneys and heart. In this situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.


During the period of surgical intervention, the patient's body is under heavy stress, so swelling may be accompanied by thrombosis, stagnation of blood and interstitial fluid. Let us consider in more detail the types of complications.

Thrombosis after surgery occurs mainly in elderly patients. This pathology is dangerous because it has no visible symptoms, so it is quite difficult to diagnose it at the first stage of development. In severe cases, pulmonary embolism may occur. The disease can be detected only with the help of an ultrasound.

Stagnation of blood and interstitial fluid is evidenced by swelling of the neck, limbs and the area around the eyes, which can appear both after surgery and as an independent pathology. If the patient had problems with the heart or kidneys, then after surgery, the existing diseases may worsen.

Basic principles of postoperative edema therapy

Effective elimination of puffiness directly depends on strict adherence to the principles of treatment. Symptomatic therapy includes the following activities:

  • reducing the amount of water consumed;
  • reduced intake of foods high in salt;
  • control of daily diuresis;
  • taking diuretics to remove excess fluid in the body;
  • monitoring the level of electrolytes in the blood, and especially potassium.

After the operation, qualified doctors will advise. Of course, you need to limit the intake of a warm bath or shower. Instead, it is allowed to take a contrast shower or rinse certain areas of the body with cool water. This will rid the tissues of the accumulation of fluid.

It is mandatory to rest and rest after the operation. The head during sleep should be raised with pillows. During the rehabilitation period, you need to give up long TV viewing and reading books so as not to overstrain the body.

During the healing of edema after surgery, it is not recommended to consume alcoholic beverages, salty and fried foods, spicy dishes. You should give up coffee and carbonated drinks, as they increase puffiness, retaining water in the body.

Reduce the pain that accompanies swelling

To reduce pain, which in most cases can accompany pathology, doctors recommend applying cold compresses or an ice pack. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, after which inflammation and swelling decrease. In some cases, you can use cool compresses based on herbal decoctions, such as St. John's wort or plantain. Such procedures will not only reduce swelling, but also significantly speed up the healing process of postoperative wounds. The use of the above methods in rehabilitation therapy is possible only after agreement with the attending physician. Otherwise, an allergic reaction may occur, which will only aggravate the patient's condition.

It is quite possible to reduce puffiness with the help of various medications that are used only as directed by a doctor. An excellent option would be the use of ointments and gels, the main action of which is aimed at accelerating the outflow of lymph and minimizing hematoma. Anti-inflammatory drugs, decongestant compresses, as well as external preparations with medicinal leech extract can be prescribed.

How to remove puffiness with the help of folk remedies

After surgery, severe swelling can be removed not only with the help of drug therapy, but also thanks to traditional medicine. The main purpose of using hand-made decoctions is to remove excess fluid that accumulates in soft tissues. The following recipes can be considered effective methods:

  1. To remove puffiness from the lower extremities, an infusion of chamomile or St. John's wort is used. Olive oil can be rubbed into soft tissues or vinegar-based compresses can be applied. Also, valerian infusion will help relieve inflammation, which is used to rub the affected areas of the skin.
  2. Swelling after facial surgery at home can be removed by rubbing the skin with ice cubes from chamomile or tea. You can reduce postoperative swelling by applying raw potatoes and cucumber to inflamed areas.
  3. You can also use an infusion based on knotweed. The dry mixture of grass is poured with boiling water. The decoction is infused for several hours, after which it is taken orally several times a day.
  4. A fairly popular remedy is aloe juice, which quickly and effectively relieves inflammation and pain. Cut aloe leaves are applied to the affected area and kept for 2-3 hours.

Remove puffiness after surgery from the face

To get rid of postoperative swelling that has arisen on the face, you should lightly massage the affected areas with ice cubes from chamomile tea. An excellent option would be to use raw potato and cucumber masks. Wiping the face with a decoction of green tea leaves will not only remove puffiness, but also quickly tone the skin.

In fact, in most cases, edema after surgery does not pose a danger to human health, but still it is worth getting rid of them faster. Before using traditional medicine, you should consult with your doctor. This will avoid the occurrence of an allergic reaction or deterioration in general health.

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