What does it mean when lips turn black and blue. Why lips turn blue: causes and symptoms of characteristic pathologies

Probably, every person at least once in his life had to see a passerby with blue lips. In no case should such a phenomenon be ignored, since this indicates significant problems of the human body. In the event that your lips begin to turn blue even a little, be sure to consult a doctor. You should also come to the doctor if there is a rapid heartbeat, blue nails, fever, sweating, severe coughing and problems with normal breathing.

Causes of blue lips

In medical practice, blue lips are called cyanotic. This phenomenon can be caused by a number of factors that you should definitely pay attention to, since this indicates certain malfunctions in the human body.

The main cause of blue lips is considered to be a lack of oxygen in the body (oxygen starvation), which occurs due to cyanosis of the skin. Symptoms of such a disease are clearly purple skin and all mucous membranes (this happens due to the increased content of reduced hemoglobin in the blood). If a patient has cyanosis, then, first of all, this indicates that he has problems with the cardiovascular system.

The second common cause of blue lips is smoking and the constant exposure of the human body to an increased amount of toxic gases.

In some cases, in addition to the presence of blue lips, one can also observe a very pale shade of the skin. In this case, we can say that the patient suffers from iron deficiency anemia. Anemia is the most common cause of blue lips during pregnancy. Iron is one of the most important trace elements that takes part in many processes in our body. In particular, iron is included in a number of components of hemoglobin, which is responsible for the red hue of blood. A lack of hemoglobin can be associated not only with a lack of iron in food, but also with frequent and profuse blood loss (during menstruation, severe injuries and peptic ulcers).

Quite often, the cause of blue lips in children is a serious disease called croup, which is certainly accompanied by a strong cough, impaired normal breathing.

If red lips change their natural color over time, and the patient has a breath holding, rapid pulse, then we can talk about obvious symptoms of problems with the lungs or heart. The patient may have a heart attack, develop bronchitis, or develop asthma. All this indicates oxygen starvation. Sometimes the lips turn blue also due to the formation of a blood clot in the lungs. In this case, you must immediately seek help from a doctor.

Hypothermia is another most common cause of blue lips. This is due to the fact that when frozen, the blood vessels located in the lips narrow, not allowing blood to completely fill them. As a result, most of the blood begins to flow from these vessels to the internal organs: the brain, kidneys and heart, thus maintaining a constant temperature throughout the body. The normal color of the lips and skin occurs only if the blood through the vessels moves constantly at the same speed and in the usual volume. It will be possible to restore their pink color to pale lips after warming the body, as well as a number of measures that will help small blue blood vessels no longer appear through the thin skin of the lips.

Sometimes blue lips occur in people with Raynaud's disease, when the vessels in the extremities burst under the influence of low temperatures or from severe stress. The human body tries to fill the vessels with blood, which ultimately gives the body a blue tint.

Blue lips during pregnancy are a sign that there is not enough iron in the body of the expectant mother. This problem is quite common, so today drugs are already known that can help in resolving it.

What measures should be taken if you have blue lips?

  • Wrap yourself up in a warm blanket or terry towel, which will allow your body to warm up quickly. Blood will begin to circulate faster through the internal organs and rise from them to the limbs and lips.
  • You should drink hot tea. You need to be careful when drinking hot coffee, because the caffeine contained in it causes vasoconstriction.
  • They will quickly warm the body and give it a pink tint of sports (running, aerobics, etc.), which will help oxygen get to all tissues of the body.
  • Set a goal for yourself to quit smoking. Tobacco smoke and nicotine reduce the flow of oxygen to tissues and lead to rapid vasoconstriction.

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Blue lips are a symptom of diseases manifested by a change in the color of the lips to blue. The reason is the blood deprived of a significant dose of oxygen, in which deoxyhemoglobin accumulates.

If you stay in the cold for a long time, freeze, then the question - why does the mouth change color in an adult - does not arise. If there are no visible reasons, you should consult a doctor to help the body.

The medical name for bluish lips is cyanosis. Where the epidermis is thinner, darkening of the blood becomes noticeable. Cyanosis is manifested in diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, anemia.

In children

Newborns often develop acrocyanosis. A bluish tint appears on the palms and feet. This phenomenon is not dangerous - with the progression of the circulatory system, peripheral cyanosis of the lips will pass by itself. Do not worry if the skin around the mouth turns blue, the so-called perioral cyanosis. This sometimes happens when the child is active, very angry, does not stop crying, for example, from colic, when the baby seeks to tighten his legs. The mucous membrane of the mouth, while the tongue is healthy pink.

If blueness is noticed on the lips, tongue and nails, consult a doctor.

If the baby's lips turn blue, analyze the following points:

  • whether the child is losing weight, is his development normal;
  • whether there are symptoms such as difficulty breathing, coughing - this is how asthma can manifest itself;
  • Are there any heart murmurs?
  • whether there is increased fatigue, lethargy and drowsiness, whether the baby is active.

Blue lips can occur with congenital heart disease. Arterial blood combines with venous blood that is not enriched with oxygen, blood circulation is disturbed. In the absence of symptoms at birth, after 2-3 months, shortness of breath attacks may appear, the nasolabial triangle acquires a bluish color, convulsions appear. Treatment occurs by surgery at 3-6 years.

A childhood croup disease can also cause cyanosis. Signs - stenosis of the larynx, inflammation of the respiratory tract. The temperature rises, dry cough torments, especially in the morning and evening, wheezing is heard. With a strong narrowing of the pharynx, salivation increases, the upper lip turns blue, and asthma attacks are disturbed.

Children with cyanosis are observed by a pediatrician. After identifying the reasons, he will refer the child to a specialized specialist.

In adults

Blue lips in an adult are not necessarily due to illness. Take into account the following factors:

  • long-term stay in places with insufficient oxygen content (metro, airplanes, closed vehicles);
  • hypothermia;
  • being at high altitude;
  • operations under general anesthesia;
  • strong physical activity;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • pregnancy (with iron deficiency).

Health problems that cause blue lips:

  1. Violation of the respiratory system. Signs of pathology - dry or wet cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain. May indicate the presence of a pulmonary thrombus, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, pneumothorax.
  2. Violation of the cardiovascular system. Cyanosis can occur when the blood supply to small blood vessels is poor. Often the cause is heart failure - the body does not provide full access of blood to the organs. Other diseases - high blood pressure, rhythm disturbance, myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy can cause a change in lip color.
  3. Severe poisoning of the body, in which enzymes in the tissues are blocked.
  4. Shock condition with large blood loss (trauma, menstruation in women), anaphylactic shock, septic shock, fluid loss. Symptoms of the disease state - dizziness, weakness, rapid pulse, pale skin with blue.
  5. Reynaud's disease is a rupture of small vessels in stressful situations, exposure to low temperatures, overvoltage.

If turned blue and, this may indicate inflammation or neoplasms of the skin. Changes inside the vessels lead to a failure of the blood microcirculation system. It can turn blue due to a blow or a bite.

Bluish lips can become due to herpes, treatment with oxolin ointment. Herpes is a viral disease characterized by blisters on the skin and mucous membranes. It is transmitted mainly by contact, including through kissing. When treating a rash with oxolin, a side effect often occurs - blueness of the skin. It is harmless and does not require therapy.

In women, lips of this color can be the cause of an unsuccessful tattoo by a non-professional master. We will correct the deficiency - you need to contact a specialist, he will correct the situation in several procedures.

How to get rid of cyanosis of the lips

If symptoms of cyanosis are present, the patient is given oxygen therapy. Only a doctor can find the cause of blueing - it is advisable to be examined by a cardiologist, pulmonologist and endocrinologist. It is necessary to pass the prescribed tests, to identify the cause of the disease.

If the cause of blue lips is impaired blood circulation, you can apply treatment with folk remedies that give positive feedback. It's easy to make them at home:

  • Mask of aloe juice and honey. The ingredients are diluted in equal proportions and applied to the blue area. Suitable for adults and children.
  • Horse chestnut tincture. The fruits are infused in cool water for half a day. Boil the infusion. Drink 12 days 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Folk remedies cannot be the only treatment! Seeing a doctor for cyanosis is mandatory.

First aid

If the mouth turns blue sharply, there is shortness of breath, dizziness, rapid pulse, vomiting, call an ambulance. It is necessary to ensure the flow of oxygen, loosen the collar of the clothes, seat in a comfortable position.

If the patient is cold, you need to warm the body, cover it with a blanket, rub the limbs. Hot drinks will also help raise your body temperature. The exception will be strong coffee, caffeine constricts blood vessels.

Warm up will help physical activity, jumping, running. The vascular tone will increase, blood circulation will be restored, and the tissues will be provided with oxygen in the required volumes.

If you turn blue during pregnancy, an urgent consultation with a gynecologist is necessary - anemia is likely, self-medication is contraindicated.

Prevention of the appearance

In the presence of chronic diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, blood diseases, it is necessary to undergo regular preventive examinations. Adhere to the right lifestyle - take walks in the fresh air more often, give the body moderate physical activity, eat right. If you smoke, try to get rid of this habit, as well as from drinking alcohol.

Blue lips should not be ignored. Timely seeking medical help and properly selected treatment will return good health and a vibrant, healthy complexion.

Lips can be considered an indicator of the health of the body, but a change in their color should not always be associated with the manifestation of certain health problems. For example, the blueness of the skin is often associated with a banal outflow of blood under the influence of low temperature. Such a reaction is a protective mechanism that allows you to provide vital organs with blood in the required amount.

Hypothermia of the human body is a common process, not only in winter. Bathing in cold water in summer also affects the color of the skin. With a long stay in an unheated pond, one can observe blueness not only of the lips, but also of the limbs (arms and legs).

This state of the human body does not have any special consequences for health in general. But in order to avoid the development of complications, in the form of colds, you should not overcool too much.

The reasons

Lack of oxygen or hypoxemia

Most often, the problem of turning blue of the epidermis occurs when there is an insufficient level of oxygen in the body (oxygen starvation or hypoxemia). Hypoxemia is characterized by a change in the color of the skin and lips, staining them in a violet-blue color. The reasons for the development of oxygen starvation can be:

  1. complete or partial absence of oxygen in the air (the presence of unhealthy habits - smoking, entails a decrease in oxygen circulation in the alveoli of the lungs);
  2. overlapping of the airways with a foreign body (with fainting, a possible cause of overlap is the retraction of the tongue);
  3. a long stay of the patient in a motionless, lying state, leads to stagnation of air in the lungs, the formation of non-exhausting sputum, bacterial damage to the lungs, requires mandatory sanitation with a bronchoscope;
  4. carrying out operational and planned surgical interventions carried out with the use of anesthesia. This clause has a number of possible sub-clauses. The development of hypoxemia during general anesthesia may be associated with:
  • violation of the integrity of the lung (collapse), that is, a condition when the space around the lung is filled with air;
  • the ingress of foreign particles (blood clots, fat cells - thromboembolism or fat embolism) and a number of other reasons.

blue lips with asthma

You can often hear the question, why do the lips turn blue with asthma?

This disease, in itself, suggests that the patient is experiencing a lack of oxygen due to difficulty breathing, which is associated with inflammation of the trachea and bronchi, periods or bouts of bronchospasm. Just at such moments, due to insufficient oxygen supply to the lungs, general muscle tension and abundant blood flow, not only the violet-blue color of the lips appears, but the neck and face change their color.

lack of iron in the blood

The next possible cause of blue lips may be the presence of certain pathologies. A human disease characterized by a lack of iron, and therefore a violation of the production of red blood cells (hemoglobin), which are responsible for the color of the epidermis, is called anemia or iron deficiency anemia.

In addition to the main symptoms of this disease, such as: weakness, fatigue, increased brittleness and dullness of the hair, there are quite noticeable changes in pigmentation (discoloration) of the mucous membranes, nails, and a pale blue tint of the lips.

Iron deficiency anemia does not develop on its own, the causes of the development of this disease can be various injuries associated with large blood loss, hidden internal bleeding (with exacerbation of gastric ulcer), heavy menstrual flow or poor nutrition.

Diagnosis of this disease, especially at the initial stage, is difficult, due to the practical absence of a clinical picture. The surest way to determine the presence or absence of iron deficiency anemia is an elementary blood test. Treatment is carried out on the basis of the identified cause with the appointment of iron-containing drugs and an appropriate diet (iron-rich foods - apples, pomegranate, shadberry, beef and others).

Croup in children

In this case, the cyanosis of the lips in a child is also associated with difficulty breathing. In medical practice, two types of croup are considered - epiglottitis or laryngotracheitis. Both of these forms of the disease are characterized by tightness of the larynx, severe cough, fever and require prompt hospitalization.

The cause of the development of epiglottitis is a stick called Pfeiffer. The culprit of the manifestation of laryngotracheitis, in recent times, are considered to be the causative agents of acute infections associated with viral diseases.

Quick Help

The most effective method of eliminating the lack of oxygen is aerotherapy or oxygen inhalation. But with iron deficiency forms of anemia, such assistance will not be effective.


For any person, taking care of their health should be a priority, the first place. Due attention and control over the state of your body is a big step towards the timely detection and treatment of possible diseases.

It should be remembered that not a single change, whether it is a change in the color of the lips, the appearance of age spots, the presence of a large number of papillomas, does not happen in the human body just like that. There are reasons for all this. And the lack of a timely response to these manifestations can adversely affect the future state of health.

Timely preventive maintenance and appeal to a competent professional will help preserve youth and beauty for many years. And even such a seemingly trifle as a change in the color of your lips can say a lot about the state of health, nutritional value and the presence of any ailment.

And of course, all these observations should not concern only an individual. As responsible for their children, parents, first of all, should monitor their health and take care of it.

Sometimes we notice that some of the surrounding lips have a blue or purple hue. The blue tint of the lips can indicate serious problems in the functioning of the body and the alarm signal cannot be ignored. If you notice that the shade of the lips turns blue, then you should undergo a medical examination.. Blue lips can be accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, blue legs, irregular heartbeat, sweating, severe coughing, and difficulty breathing.

Doctors call blue lips cyanotic. The main cause of blue lips is considered to be lack of oxygen in the body or oxygen starvation, which occurs due to cyanosis of the skin. Symptoms of oxygen starvation are the characteristic purple color of the skin and all mucous membranes, which is caused by an increase in the content of reduced hemoglobin in the blood.

First of all, in patients with cyanosis, problems with the cardiovascular system are suspected and referred for verification to a cardiologist. Another common cause of blue lips is a bad habit - smoking. The body is adversely affected by toxic substances inhaled with tobacco smoke, of which there are about 4000.

In addition to blue lips, a person may have pallor skin. In this case, it is likely that a person suffers from iron deficiency anemia. Anemia is the most common cause of blue lips in a pregnant woman. Iron is the most important trace element that takes part in many processes in our body. Iron is found in hemoglobin, which turns blood red. A low hemoglobin level can be observed not only with insufficient intake of iron from food, but with heavy blood loss, for example, during menstruation in women or severe injuries and peptic ulcers.

Quite often, the cause of blue lips in children is a serious condition called croup., which is certainly accompanied by a strong cough, violations of normal breathing.

If red lips change their natural color over time, and the patient has a breath holding, rapid pulse, then we can talk about obvious symptoms of problems with the lungs or heart. The patient may have a heart attack, develop bronchitis, or develop asthma. All this indicates oxygen starvation. Sometimes the lips turn blue also due to the formation of a blood clot in the lungs. In this case, you must immediately seek help from a doctor.

Also, blue lips can often be observed with hypothermia. At low temperatures, the blood vessels located in the lips narrow, which does not allow blood to fill them completely. As a result, most of the blood begins to flow from these vessels to the internal organs: the brain, heart and kidneys, which helps maintain a constant temperature throughout the body. The natural pink color of the lips and skin occurs only if the blood moves through the vessels constantly at the same speed and in the usual volume. It will be possible to restore their pink color to pale lips after warming the body, as well as a number of measures that will help small blue blood vessels no longer appear through the thin skin of the lips.

Sometimes blue lips occur in people with Raynaud's disease, when the vessels in the extremities burst under the influence of low temperatures or from severe stress. The human body tries to fill the vessels with blood, which ultimately gives the body a blue tint.

Blue lips during pregnancy are a sign that there is not enough iron in the body of the expectant mother. This problem is quite common, so today drugs are already known that can help in resolving it.

When blue lips appear, it is recommended to restore blood circulation as soon as possible. For this, first of all, it is necessary warm the body. You can quickly warm up if you wrap yourself in a warm blanket. Hot tea helps to warm up, but not too strong, since caffeine, on the contrary, can cause vasoconstriction. It is also recommended to give up bad habits.

Before using the drugs listed on the site, consult your doctor.

Lips can be called an indicator of health. A change in their color may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body and the appearance of various diseases.

The lips are folds of muscles. On the one hand they are covered with skin, and on the other - with a mucous membrane. Inside, they are covered with vessels that are translucent under the skin and give the lips a red color. A change in color indicates a lack of saturation of the vessels with oxygen. Blueness of the skin is called cyanosis.

Causes of cyanosis

  • Hypothermia. The most common and relatively safe reason. When the body cools, blood is sent to the internal organs to warm them. As with some other parts of the body, the blood vessels of the lips constrict and a blue color appears.
  • Strong physical activity.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia. It is accompanied by unnatural pallor of the skin, a feeling of dryness in the mouth and general weakness. Occurs with profuse blood loss or malnutrition, when little iron-containing foods are consumed. The lack of hemoglobin in the blood often occurs in pregnant women.
Photo 1: Many believe that you can increase hemoglobin by eating red vegetables. In fact, foods high in iron include pork and beef liver, rabbit meat, chicken yolk, brewer's yeast, porcini mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, seaweed, lentils, buckwheat. Source: flickr (Andrey Alferov).
  • Oxygen starvation due to circulatory disorders, altitude sickness, decreased gas exchange in the lungs in pathologies and other cases. Lips with hypoxemia acquire a dark blue, almost purple hue. This may cause dizziness, pallor of the skin, difficulty breathing.
  • Reynaud's disease. It is characterized by rupture of small vessels during overstrain and stress.

Why does the lower or upper lip turn blue

If only the lower or only the upper lip has acquired a blue color in a person, this may indicate:

  1. Disorders in the blood microcirculation system due to pathological disorders inside the vessels or in the vascular walls. The reason for such failures often lies in the occurrence of inflammation or swelling inside the skin.
  2. Injury to one of the lips as a result of a blow.
  3. Unsatisfied sucking reflex in an infant. The baby can quickly eat up, but at the same time not have time to satisfy the sucking reflex. Then, instead of the mother's breast or nipple, he begins to suck on the lower lip, from which it turns blue.

Causes of blueness in the corners of the lips

The appearance of blue above the upper lip, in the corners of the lips or other areas of the nasolabial triangle can be caused by such reasons:

  • Problems with the heart or lung system. Blueness around the mouth can be a sign of many diseases associated with a lack of oxygen: asthma, pneumonia, laryngitis, bronchitis. With these diseases, the entire nasolabial triangle turns blue.

Note! A sharp blue of the lips, accompanied by a delay in breathing and an increase in the pulse, may be a sign of a heart attack. In such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Causes of blue area around the mouth in children

In addition to the above, children may have additional causes of blue mouth area:

  • Croup is a dangerous disease that occurs in some children under the age of 4 years. It is accompanied by shortness of breath and a "barking" cough.
  • A long cry or cry of a child. In infants, with prolonged crying, the nasolabial triangle may turn blue.
  • The presence of a foreign object in the airways.

Note! If, in addition to the lips, the child's nails and tongue turn blue, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

What to do when lips turn blue

When bluish lips appear, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Dress warmly, wrap yourself in a blanket. If the cause of cyanosis is hypothermia, then after warming the body, the mouth will quickly acquire a natural color.
  2. Get a general blood test. If a low hemoglobin level is detected, it is necessary to adjust the diet and start taking iron supplements.
  3. Make an ultrasound of the heart and a cardiogram.

Only a doctor can diagnose the cause of blue lips. After the diagnosis, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment, prescribe the necessary drugs. Homeopathic remedies will help speed up the healing process and solve the problem with cyanosis of the lips.

Homeopathic treatment for blue lips

Photo 2: To prevent the appearance of cyanosis, it is necessary to give up bad habits, namely smoking. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, interfering with normal blood flow, as a result of which blue lips are possible. Source: flickr (Photo by Moscow-Live.ru).

Should prescribe homeopathic treatment. When prescribing, many factors are taken into account: from the appearance of the patient to his reactions to certain stimuli. Treatment of diseases depends on the diagnosis and the constitutional type of the patient.

For blue lips, the following homeopathic remedies are often used as an additional or monotherapy:

  1. Adrenalinum (Adrenalinum). It is prescribed for patients whose blue lips are caused by strong emotional reactions, asthma, and pulmonary diseases.
  2. (Cuprum metallicum). It treats diseases that cause spasms and convulsions: epilepsy, asthma, meningitis and others. These diseases lead to difficulty in breathing, causing discoloration of the lips.
  3. Digitalis purpurea (Digitalis purpurea). It is used for all diseases of the cardiovascular system, including those that cause discoloration of the skin.
  4. Acidum hydrocyanicum (Acidum hydrocyanicum). It is prescribed as a medicine for convulsions, epilepsy, tetanus, cholera, shortness of breath, bronchial asthma. Contributes to the normalization of the color of the nasolabial triangle.
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