"Baytril": instructions for use for chickens. Baytril veterinary drug, instructions for use How long can a dog be injected with baytril

on the use of Baytril 5% solution for injection in diseases of bacterial and mycoplasmal etiology in
calves, pigs and dogs
(Manufacturer FGU "ARRIAH",
Vladimir, md. Yurievets, Vladimir region)


1. Baytril 5% (Baytril 5%) injection.
Synonyms: Enroxil, Enroflon.

2. The drug as an active ingredient in 1 ml contains 50 mg of enrofloxacin and auxiliary components: potassium oxide hydrate, n-butanol, water for injection.

3. The drug is a sterile transparent solution of light yellow color.

4. Baytril 5% solution for injection is produced packaged in 100 ml in brown glass bottles packed in cardboard boxes.

Each vial and cardboard box is labeled with the manufacturer, its address and trademark, the name and purpose of the drug, the name and content of the active substance, the amount of the drug in the vial, method of application, batch number, date of manufacture, expiration date, storage conditions, designation TU, inscriptions "For animals", "Sterile" and provide instructions for use.

Store Baytril 5% solution for injection with precaution (list B) in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 5 to 25 ° C.

The shelf life of the drug, subject to storage conditions, is 3 years from the date of manufacture, after opening the bottle - 28 days.


5. Enrofloxacin, which is part of the drug, belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones, has a wide spectrum of antibacterial and antimycoplasmal action, inhibits the growth and development of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli, Haemophilus, Pasteurella, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Clostridium , Bordetella, Campylobacter, Corynebacterium, Pseudomonas, Proteus, and Mycoplasma spp.
The mechanism of action of enrofloxacin is to inhibit the activity of the enzyme gyrase, which affects the replication of the DNA helix in the nucleus of a bacterial cell.
When administered parenterally, enroflocosacin is well and rapidly absorbed from the injection site and penetrates into all organs and tissues of the body. The maximum concentration of enrofloxacin in the blood is reached after 20-40 minutes, the therapeutic concentration is maintained for 24 hours after the administration of the drug; It is excreted from the body mainly unchanged, and is partially metabolized into ciprofloxacin and excreted in the urine and faeces.

6. Baytril 5% solution for injections, according to the degree of impact on the body, belongs to moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses it is well tolerated by animals, does not have embryotoxic, teratogenic and hepatotoxic effects.


7. Baytril 5% solution for injection is used for calves, pigs and dogs with a therapeutic purpose for infections of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, septicemia, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, streptococcosis, bacterial and enzootic pneumonia, atrophic rhinitis, mastitis-metritis syndrome -agalactia and other diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to fluoroquinolones, as well as with mixed infections and secondary infections with viral diseases.

8. The drug is administered once a day to calves and dogs subcutaneously, to pigs - intramuscularly in the following doses:
calves and pigs - 1 ml per 20 kg of animal weight (2.5 mg of enrofloxacin per 1 kg of body weight) for 3-5 days; pigs with mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome - within 1-2 days;
.dogs - 1 ml per 10 kg of animal weight (5 mg of enrofloxacin per 1 kg of body weight) for 5 days, for chronic and severe diseases - up to 10 days.
Due to the possible pain reaction, the drug should not be administered in one place to large animals in a volume exceeding 5 ml, and to small animals in a volume exceeding 2.5 ml.
If there is no improvement in the clinical condition after using the drug for 3-5 days, it is recommended to re-test the sensitivity of microorganisms isolated from a sick animal to fluoroquinolones or replace Baytril with another antibacterial drug.

9. When using Baytril 5% solution for injection in accordance with this instruction, side effects and complications, as a rule, are not observed. In some animals, after the use of the drug, a short-term violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract is possible.

10. The drug should not be used in animals with significant disorders in the development of cartilaginous tissue, as well as with lesions of the nervous system, accompanied by convulsions; puppies in the first year of life, until the end of their growth period, females during pregnancy, as well as when microorganisms resistant to fluoroquinolones are isolated from a sick animal.
Simultaneous use of Baytril with chloramphenicol, macrolides, tetracyclines, theophylline and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is not allowed.

11. Slaughter of animals for meat is allowed 14 days after the last use of the drug.

12. The meat of animals forcedly slaughtered before the expiration of the established period may be used for feeding fur-bearing animals or for the production of meat and bone meal.


13. When working with the drug, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medicinal products for animals.

14. Baytril 5% solution for injection should not be used after the expiration date.

15. Baytril 5% injection should be kept out of the reach of children.

Baytril is a drug that is widely used in veterinary practice for the treatment of diseases in poultry and domesticated poultry.

The drug is effective for the treatment and prevention of mycosis and bacterial infection. The composition of the product includes the active ingredient enrofloxacin. Baytril is effective against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.

The drug is a light yellow solution that is used orally. Baytril is classified as a moderately hazardous substance. With strict adherence to the dosage, it is well tolerated by animals and birds.

Indications for use

The drug is used to prevent the growth and development of Staphylococcus, Mycoplasma, Pseudomonas, Proteus bacteria; Escherichia, Salmonella, Pasteurella; corynebacteria; campylobacter.

Baytril is a drug that is widely used in veterinary practice for the treatment of diseases in poultry and domesticated poultry.

The drug is effective for treatment and prevention of mycosis and bacterial infection. The composition of the product includes the active ingredient enrofloxacin. Baytril is effective against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.

The drug is light yellow solution which is used orally. Baytril is classified as a moderately hazardous substance. With strict adherence to the dosage indicated in the instructions, it is well tolerated by animals and birds.

The drug is used to prevent the growth and development of Staphylococcus, Mycoplasma, Pseudomonas, Proteus bacteria; Escherichia, Salmonella, Pasteurella; corynebacteria; campylobacter.

The drug can be given to treat:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Diseases of the digestive system;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • skin diseases;
  • Osteomyelitis


Mode of application

The drug is actively used for the treatment salmonellosis in poultry. The tool can be given to chickens, chickens, turkeys.

The drug is used for chickens and turkeys under the age of five weeks at the rate of 0.5 g of the drug per liter of water. Baytril should not be used to feed laying hens.

The drug is used for the treatment of pigeons and parrots. The dose of the drug is calculated based on the weight of the pigeon. The course of treatment is five days. Drinking water should be changed daily.

In addition, the drug has been successfully used for the treatment of necrotic, mycoplasmosis, and a number of infectious diseases in chickens.

For the treatment of life-threatening diseases, the bird should only consume drug solution within three days, in the treatment of salmolosis, the duration of treatment is five days. If necessary, the course of treatment with the drug can be repeated after two to three days.

For treatment, the parrot is placed in a cage and drunk with a solution of the drug for five days. Drinking, according to the instructions, can be replaced by injections into the brachial vein in large parrots - Amazons, Grays, Macaws.


With the wrong dosage of Baytril in a bird it is possible:

the drug is forbidden to be used as part of complex therapy with antibiotics: tetracycline, levomycetin, theophylline, and also used after vaccination;

can be used for treatment of streptococci is possible only as a last resort;


In case of an overdose of Baytril in a bird it is possible:

  • a short violation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • it is forbidden to use as part of complex therapy with antibiotics: tetracycline, chloramphenicol, theophylline, and also use after vaccination;
  • use for treatment of streptococci is possible only as a last resort;

Baytril can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy at an affordable price.

Special instructions: poultry meat is allowed to be eaten 11 days after using the drug

Baytril is a broad spectrum antibiotic for dogs.

It is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract and diseases such as:

  • colibacillosis,
  • streptococcosis,
  • salmonellosis and other infections that are quite sensitive to fluoroquinolones.

The injection solution contains enrofloxacin as an active substance. It belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity against various microorganisms. The drug quickly penetrates into all tissues and organs, is absorbed into the blood. Its maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 2 hours, and the therapeutic concentration is maintained for 24 hours.

Instructions for using Baytril for dogs

Baytril is given as a subcutaneous injection once a day for 3 to 10 days. The dose is calculated based on the fact that per 1 kg. the weight of the animal needs 0.2 ml. medicines. The drug should not be given to puppies under 12 months old, lactating and pregnant bitches, dogs with significant cartilage development disorders.

It is prohibited for lesions of the nervous system, which. It should not be given simultaneously with tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, theophylline and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as dogs that have been found to be resistant to fluoroquinolones.

Of the side effects, a short-term violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract is possible. It is better not to inject it into the same place because of a possible pain reaction.


Baytril is produced in bottles of 100 ml. one bottle costs about 280 rubles.

Baytril Reviews for Dogs

Review #1

We were prescribed Baytril to treat inflammation in the cervical spine due to an infection, but I really feel sorry for my dog. After each injection, he scratches the place where I injected, and so, he squeals. He must be in a lot of pain. Already to get the dog out from under the bed. As soon as he sees the syringe, he immediately hides. Therefore, every time I began to prick in a new place at the withers, so that at least it would not hurt so much. But he still doesn't like it. Sometimes he lies, and then he jumps up as if he was bitten by a wasp.

Zemfira, Chelyabinsk

Review #2

Baytril was prescribed to us for the blockade - they chipped the wound with it. It turned out to be a very irritating drug. After four injections, seals appeared in these places, which resolved longer than the wound healed. Now there are five noticeable scars on the back of the neck. So you need to prick it very carefully and only as a last resort. I heard that there is also an individual intolerance, when everything in a dog swells up after an injection.

From this article you will learn what diseases in animals the antibiotic "Baytril" treats.

If your beloved cat or dog gets sick and you don’t know what to do, contact your veterinarian and he will prescribe Baytril medicine for you. It is an antibiotic for dogs, cats, birds and other pets. Let's see how they can be treated.

"Baytril" - an antibiotic: indications for use

Medicine "Baytril" belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones. In the preparation, the medicinal substance is enrofloxacin. "Baytril" for animals happens:

  • 2.5%, 5% injection and tablet for cats, dogs and other pets
  • Solution 10% for internal use or drinking - for birds

Baytril is produced by Bayer in Germany and the Russian Federation. An open bottle of medicine can be stored for no more than 14 days.

Antibiotic "Baytril"

Active substance enrofloxacin prevents gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria from multiplying in the body of animals. If you inject the drug under the skin of an animal, then the maximum effect occurs after 45 minutes, and the medicine acts for 1 day. If you strictly follow the instructions, the drug is well tolerated by animals. Excreted in urine and faeces.

The drug "Baytril" is prescribed for infections in the lungs, stomach and genitourinary system. These are usually such diseases:

  • Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract
  • Pneumonia
  • Enterocolitis
  • Cystitis
  • Mastitis in females
  • salmonellosis
  • Acute infection in newly born animals
  • Non-healing wounds

"Baytril" effectively treats repeated infections.

Contraindications to the use of "Baytril":

  • Dogs and cats less than 1 year old
  • Pregnant females
  • Lactating females
  • Animals with impaired cartilage development
  • Animals with damage to the nervous system
  • Together with theophylline, levomycetin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

"Baytril": instructions for use and dosage for pigeons

Pigeons can also become ill with viral and infectious diseases. The disease is especially dangerous whirlwind. From it very often comes the death of birds. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to disinfect the dovecote, vaccinate the herd, treat with Baytril and analogues.

Treatment of infectious diseases in pigeons with the antibiotic "Baytril"

It is necessary to treat pigeons if they have an infection very carefully, since there may be a negative reaction to the Baytril drug.

The medicine can be dripped into water or mixed into food, but pigeons feel this and are reluctant to eat or drink, food or water, with medicine. Before treatment, pigeons do not feed them for 1 day. If a sick bird still does not eat food with medicine, it needs to be administered separately with medicine from a pipette or syringe.

In addition to Baytril, glucose and vitamins can be added to the water for pigeons.

To cure pigeons, and not harm them, you need a very small amount of Baytril medicine per dose (1 ml ampoule):

  • Chicks 10-20 days old - 1/20 of the dose
  • Chicks 21-40 days old - 1/10 part
  • Chicks 41-70 days old - 1/5 part
  • Chicks over 70 days old - 1/2 part

"Baytril": instructions for use and dosage for cats

Treatment of infectious diseases in cats with the antibiotic "Baytril"

For the treatment of adult cats, a 2.5% solution of Baytril is used. It is administered to animals intramuscularly at the rate of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of cat weight, 1 time, for 3-5 days. It is impossible to prick the medicine in one place, because the drug is painful, each time you need to go to a different place and preferably an experienced veterinarian.

If there is no improvement during treatment, the veterinarian will change the antibiotic.

"Baytril": instructions for use and dosage for dogs

Treatment of infectious diseases in dogs with the antibiotic "Baytril"

If a dog becomes ill and the veterinarian determines that its illness is caused by such infections:

  • Escherichia or Haemophilus influenzae
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Salmonella
  • Bordetella
  • Clostridia
  • Mycoplasma
  • Campylobacter

Then, injections of 2.5%, 5% or 10% Baytril solution into the muscle are used to treat the dog. The drug is administered once a day, at the rate of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of animal weight. The treatment lasts 5 days, but if the disease is severe, the course of treatment is extended to 10 days.

Baytril can cause severe pain at the injection site, so the injection site must be changed.

Side effects in dogs from Baytril:

  • drug allergy
  • Lots of saliva flowing
  • loose stool

"Baytril": instructions for use and dosage for chickens

Treatment of infectious diseases in chickens with the antibiotic "Baytril"

If the following types of infections are detected in chickens and turkeys:

  • Salmonella
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Clostridia
  • Streptococcus
  • Hemophilus
  • pasteurella
  • Bordetella
  • Escherichia
  • Pseudomonas
  • Coryne and campylobacter
  • Mycoplasma
  • Protea

Then, for broiler chickens and turkeys up to the third week of life, a 10% Baytril solution is used. The preparation (5 ml) is dropped into water (10 l). When the chickens grow up, the same drug is calculated from the ratio: 10 mg of the drug solution is taken per 1 kg of bird weight. The course of treatment is 3-5 days, give water with the medicine dissolved in it 1 time per day.

A 10% solution of "Baytril" is sold in bottles of various packaging, up to 1 liter.

Contraindications to the use of Baytril solution:

  • Do not give to laying hens as the medicine will seep into the eggs

Note. Birds treated with Baytril should not be slaughtered for meat for 11 days, after the set time has passed, meat can be eaten. If there are many birds, and it had to be slaughtered earlier than recommended by the veterinarian, on an industrial scale, meat and bones can be made into flour for animals or fed to predatory animals in the zoo.

"Baytril": instructions for use and dosage for birds, parrots

Treatment of infectious diseases in parrots with the antibiotic "Baytril"

"Baytril" destroys bacteria, some instantly, others prevent reproduction, but if the disease is very severe, the drug may not help.

"Baytril" is a strong medicine, and has side effects: during treatment with it, and for several weeks after treatment, loose stools can be observed in birds. To restore bowel function, the doctor prescribes probiotics to the bird.

For the treatment of infectious diseases, birds are soldered with an aqueous solution of medicine, and only it is given during the day, and so for 3 days.

The solution is made as follows: 0.5 ml of 10% Baytril is mixed with 1 liter of water.

"Baytril": instructions for use and dosage for quail

Treatment of infectious diseases in quails with the antibiotic "Baytril"

Quails do not tolerate summer heat well, and if they do not have enough water, they are easily susceptible to infections. If an infection has already been detected, so that the birds do not die, they are given an aqueous solution of Baytril. It is prepared from a 10% Baytril solution (1 ml) diluted in 1 liter of water.

Within 5-12 days (depending on the condition of the birds), only this aqueous solution is poured into the drinking bowls for the birds, clean water is not given.

"Baytril": instructions for use and dosage for rabbits

Treatment of infectious diseases in rabbits with the antibiotic "Baytril"

Rabbits have a weak immune system and are often prone to infectious diseases, so antibiotics are often used for them.

"Baytril" cures an infectious disease myxomatosis(signs - purulent conjunctivitis, tumors of the head, genital organs), which rabbits often suffer from.
Rabbits are injected through the oral opening with drinking 10% Baytril, 2 times a day, 1 ml per 10 kg of body weight, for 7 days.

It can also be used to treat rabbits and injections of 5% Baytril solution. Injections are made subcutaneously at 0.2 ml of the drug per 1 kg of body weight, 1 time per day for 3-10 days.

In addition to the Baytril treatment, it is also necessary to treat the affected areas with brilliant green or iodine.

Note. After treatment, you can not immediately slaughter rabbits, and eat such meat, but you need to wait 2 weeks, by which time the medicine will be completely removed from the body of animals.

"Baytril": analogues

An analogue of "Baytril" - "Baykoks"

The drug "Baytril" has such analogues:

  • "Ditrim"
  • "Calcium borgluconate"
  • "Tromexin"
  • "Amprolium"
  • "Metronidazole"
  • Baycox
  • "Trisulfon"
  • "Tsiprolet"
  • "Ciprofloxacin"
  • "Enroxil"
  • "Enrofloxacin"
  • "Enrofloks"
  • Enrosept
  • "Enromag"
  • Enroflon
  • "Kvinokol"

In all of them, the active ingredient is enrofloxacin. "Baytril" and analogues are well tolerated by the animal's body.

The only drawback of drugs is the painful condition of the injection site..

"Baytril": reviews

According to multiple reviews of people facing the problem, "Baytril" effectively treats infectious diseases in animals

Alla. Previously, when I bought little chickens, I was always very worried, and asked myself the question of how many of them would live to adulthood. Now I'm not worried, because there are a lot of funds, and in the first place, I think, is Baitril.
Now I pour 2 liters of water into a container for small chickens, ducklings, geese and turkeys, dilute 1 ml of 10% medicine in it, and they drink all day. The next day - new water with the drug, and so on for 5 days.
1 week after the Baytril treatment, I give the bird vitamins Chiktonik according to the instructions, the treatment also lasts 1 week. After such treatment, all the chicks remain alive, and moreover, they grow rapidly.

Victoria. With the drug "Baytril" are familiar, probably, all poultry houses. The medicine has a good effect on infections, you just need to make sure that the chicks drink only water with the drug for 5 days, they should not be given ordinary water without medicine.
It is very important to give the chicks medicine according to the instructions from the first days of life, then they survive almost 100%. My friends and I tried to treat chickens with Baytril analogs, but Baytril still works better.

So, we got acquainted with the antibiotic for animals "Baytril".

Video: Stomatitis in rabbits. How to treat? What to do?


Baytril(Baytril) a new generation antibiotic of the fluoroquinalone group for injections. The main active ingredient is enrofloxacin. Produced in vials of 100 ml with a 2.5% content of the active substance (25 mgenrofloxacin per 1 ml), as well as with a 5% content of enrofloxacin (50 mg per 1 ml) and 10% content (100 mg per 1 ml). Baytril has been shown to be highly effective against most Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. As auxiliary components: potassium oxide hydrate, butyl alcohol 30 mg, sterile water for injection. The drug is widely used in veterinary medicine.


Baytril is prescribed to domestic and farm animals, including birds, for diseases of a bacterial nature of the broncho-pulmonary system, gastrointestinal tract (GIT), genitourinary system, as well as streptococcosis, salmonellosis, colibacillosis, septicemia and other diseases caused by bacterial agents sensitive to enrofloxacin.

Doses and method of application of baytril

The dosage of the drug depends on the type of animal and its weight.

Cats and dogs are administered Baytril 2.5% intramuscularly or subcutaneously at the rate of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of body weight (5 mg kg) once a day for a course of 3-10 days. It is recommended to inject no more than 2.5 ml into one place because of the pain of the injection, especially when administered subcutaneously. Larger animals are given several injections. Improvement usually occurs after 3-5 days, if this does not happen, it is recommended to make a bacteriogram for the sensitivity of the pathogen to enrofloxacin and fluoroquinolones in general. Due to the wide spectrum of action and high efficiency, Baytril has gained popularity in veterinary medicine. If there is no effect, it should be changed to another drug of the fluoroquinolone group.
Large dogs, cattle and pigs are injected baytril 5%, calves and dogs - subcutaneously, sows - intramuscularly. The dose is chosen at the rate of 1 ml per 20 kg of animal weight (2.5 mg/kg) once a day for a course of treatment of 3-5 days. With mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome, sows are given injections up to 2 days, dogs - 1 ml per 10 kg of body weight once a day for 5 days. The course of treatment can be extended up to 10 days in the treatment of chronic and severe diseases. Improvement occurs within 3-5 days, if there is no effect, a sensitivity test is performed and the drug is changed.
Baytril 10% appoint calves subcutaneously and pigs - intramuscularly at the rate of 2.5 ml per 100 kg of animal weight. For calves, the recommended course of treatment is 5 days, for pigs - 3 days, when treating mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome in sows, Baytril 10% is injected for 2 days. If there is no effect within 3-5 days, it is recommended to conduct an antibiogram for sensitivity and replace the drug. Because of the pain reaction, it is recommended to administer no more than 5 ml in one place to calves, 2.5 ml to pigs.

Pharmacological properties

The main active ingredient - enrofloxacin, belongs to the group of antibacterial drugs of the fluoroquinolone group, has a wide spectrum of action, antibacterial and antimycoplasmal effect, suppresses most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The mechanism of action of enrofloxacin is to inhibit the activity of the enzyme gyrase, which affects cell replication in the DNA helix of the nucleus of the bacterial pathogen. When administered parenterally, Baytril is well absorbed and penetrates into all organs and tissues of the animal body in a short time. The maximum concentration is reached within 20-40 minutes after injection, the therapeutic concentration is maintained for 24 hours after injection. Baytril in recommended doses is well tolerated by sick animals, does not have teratogenic, hepatotoxic and embryotoxic effects. Enrofloxacin is excreted in the urine, usually unchanged. The drug is partially metabolized to ciprofloxacin and excreted in faeces and urine.

Side effects

Side effects are practically not observed, in rare cases, Baytril causes a disorder in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. There may also be redness in the injection area, which disappears after a short time.


Contraindications include individual hypersensitivity to quinolones and directly to enrofloxacin. The drug is not prescribed for pregnant females and during lactation, as well as for violations in the cartilage tissue, nervous system with convulsions, as well as in the presence of microorganisms resistant to fluoroquinolones as pathogens. The appointment of Baytril with levomycetin, tetracyclines, macrolides, theophylline and a non-steroidal group of anti-inflammatory drugs is contraindicated.
Hypersensitivity to quinolones may occur.

Storage conditions

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