Complex commands for a German Shepherd puppy. Training and education of a German Shepherd puppy at home

4. Raising and training a German shepherd

The education of a German Shepherd should begin from the first weeks of her life. Love and patience will allow you to grow a devoted and reliable friend..

The nature of the dog and the beginning of training

The choice of training system depends not only on your desires, but also on the nature of the shepherd dog.

Some representatives of this breed are universal, and they can be trained for any job: guard, security, search, etc. But in practice, it often happens that the nature of the shepherd dog makes it suitable for only one job. We have already given tests for puppies above, which will determine their suitability for a particular type of training.

You need to start training very early, while the puppy is small and easy to learn. Many basic commands are mastered in the process of feeding the baby and walking with him.

Age periods in the life of a German Shepherd

The process of training a shepherd dog is pulling up a dog to a certain intellectual level, above which psychophysiological restrictions will not allow it to rise. But even within the available limits, the German Shepherd shows excellent results of education and training.

A dog training strategy should be based on knowledge of the key periods of its life. This position is formed on the basis of the experience of raising and training German Shepherds. If the puppy is taken away from the mother too early, then he will stop perceiving other dogs as his relatives and will conflict with them, as he himself will get used to people too much and will stop feeling like a dog himself. And vice versa - puppies that have been in the kennel for too long have difficulty getting used to people and cannot adapt to life next to them.

In each period of his life, a German Shepherd puppy requires a certain approach in education and training.

The socialization of a shepherd dog is her psychological adaptation, getting used to the environment where she will have to exist. The owner must help the dog in this process.

The German Shepherd breed was bred specifically for life next to a person, so the period of socialization, which falls on the age of 6 to 10 weeks, is critical for her. In this not too long time, the puppy develops the skills of behavior in the society of relatives and people. You should give your pet maximum attention by making the socialization program varied.

At the age of 2 to 5 months, puppies require maximum attention.

In such a short time, the puppy should learn as much as possible about the world around him, so you can’t limit his perception only to the walls of the apartment. Otherwise, your pet may develop distrust, viciousness, lack of communication skills and aggressiveness or cowardice.

To raise a smart and confident shepherd dog, you need to develop your puppy's natural desire for independent decision-making by setting interesting tasks for him and gradually complicating them.

Encouragement even for trying to do what you want from him will bring joy to your pet. German Shepherds are very sensitive to the mood of the owner.

Let us consider in detail what happens to a puppy at each stage of its growing up.

¦ Neonatal period

The first 2 weeks of a puppy's life needs are physiological: he needs warmth, food and sleep.

The baby can only shake his head and crawl in a circle, getting to the mother's body, which is a source of heat and food. The puppy has a sucking instinct, and when he eats, he makes rhythmic movements with his front paws near the nipple of the bitch, while simultaneously pushing off with his hind legs. Thus, the baby, as it were, massages the nipple, which contributes to the production of milk. These reflex movements are called a milky step, and subsequently, on the basis of this reflex, the puppy gives a paw to the owner, demonstrating his humility and friendliness. The puppy's biotonus, that is, its vitality, is determined by how quickly it finds the mother's nipple, with what force it holds on to it and how quickly it sucks. The baby's sense of smell also depends on its biotonus. Only puppies with good life potential are allowed for breeding.

A grown puppy gives a paw in memory of the milk step reflex

Puppies begin to see on the 10-12th day after birth, and gradually their need for bodily contact with their mother weakens.

The first 2 weeks it is also necessary to monitor how the puppy gains weight. Very often, babies, larger at birth, later begin to lag behind their counterparts.

¦ Transitional period

The third week of life for German Shepherd puppies is characterized by the awakening of hearing and improvement in vision. At first, the baby reacts to noise only by twitching, since this function of the body is not yet fully manifested. At this age, the puppy is in contact only with the mother, and not with his brothers and sisters. By the end of the week, the baby can already stand and walk, and he can begin to give mushy food.

¦ The period of imprinting

This period starts when the puppy is 4 weeks old and goes up to 7 weeks. At this time, the baby is aware of himself as a dog and learns to be one, besides, he begins to comprehend the surrounding reality. The puppy's information flow at this time is so powerful that cynologists call this period the explosion stage.

At this age, puppies begin to play with their mother and with each other, learn to bite, observe discipline, males are aware of their gender. In the litter, a leader stands out and a hierarchy is established.

The existing relationships with other puppies will later become the basis for relationships with adult dogs, and then the basis of relationships in the system man - dog - group of dogs.

During this period, you can start teaching the baby, as his reflexes are formed, and the sensitivity is already quite high.

Adaptation to the environment is a brief period of learning in the critical or hypersensitivity phase of the puppy.

The period of imprinting is the time of adaptation of the puppy. He learns to follow his mother, adapts to her, developing a conditioned reflex, which is subsequently transferred to a person. If you do not pay enough attention to the baby at this time, then he will not be able to adequately adapt and this will negatively affect his future relationship with the surrounding reality.

Since the puppy's adaptation occurs through the senses, it is very important that the baby is in close contact with people and that the person becomes a fellow species for him. Your pet needs to see, smell and feel people, to be in contact with them for as long as his sociability allows.

The number of people a puppy will come into contact with should not be limited to you, its owner, and members of your family.

The German Shepherd will have to constantly be in human society throughout its life, therefore, during the imprinting period, it must communicate with a large number of people in order to properly adapt.

The puppy is not afraid of a person until the 8th week of life, for him every contact brings joy. If at this time to limit such contacts, then later strangers may begin to cause fear in your pet and a desire to hide.

During this period, the puppy lays the foundation for successful training - the pleasure of contact with a person. It is at this age that you need to teach your baby to a nickname.

The period of socialization

At the age of 8 weeks, it is best to take the puppy from the mother, since from this moment the socialization period begins, lasting from 4 to 8 weeks. At this time, the baby is curious and friendly, so the formation of contact with the new owner is quite easy. Your pet with inexhaustible energy will explore a new habitat. This applies not only to your apartment, but also to the territory in which you will walk it.

During the socialization period, the puppy has a very high degree of learning, so it is important to start training him immediately after you bring him into your home. Since the baby already knows his nickname, start teaching him the commands “Place!”, “Walk!”, “Come to me!”. At first, your pet may not succeed, but be patient, and the result will be noticeable quickly enough.

Before the puppy reaches the age of 8 weeks, you cannot start teaching the commands “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Fu!” and “No!”, as such a rush can lead to nervous overload in your pet, which can cause illness.

German Shepherd puppies are especially vulnerable from the 8th to the 11th week of life, so treat them very kindly and patiently, take care of them from stress. If your pet needs a hernia removed, then postpone this painful process to a later date.

Try to ease the puppy's vaccination period and make the visit to the veterinarian less stressful.

During the period of socialization of the puppy, the testes descend into the scrotum from the abdominal cavity. Sometimes only one testicle can go down, which is not a sign of infertility, however, such males are not allowed for breeding work, since this defect is often inherited. Also, quite often, tumors begin to develop in undescended testicles.

It should be noted that you must educate your pet not only with affection, you need to become the leader of the pack in the eyes of the puppy. The kid must understand and accept the primacy of a person over himself, which will help him learn how to behave correctly and harmoniously integrate into the human environment.

If the puppy behaves incorrectly, then he will have to be punished. As such a measure, the following technique is very effective: you should take your pet by the skin on the scruff of the neck and press the baby to the floor. Also a good punishment is the imitation of a bite in the face. You need to take the puppy by the neck with one hand, and with the other grab his muzzle from above and squeeze it tightly for 1-2 seconds, accompanying with the “Fu!” command. These punishments imitate the behavior of the leader of the dog pack, therefore they are more effective than beating, which instills cowardice rather than obedience in the shepherd dog.

At this age, the puppy must communicate with peers and learn smooth and calm behavior with them. Without such communication, your pet may grow up aggressive and cowardly and even cause you many problems in the future.

¦ The period of determining the hierarchy

Between the ages of 13 and 16 weeks, a matured puppy checks who is in charge in his new family.

At an earlier age, a hierarchy was already established among littermates, now your pet will determine its rank in your family. He will start to snarl, growl and bite you during games, so get ready for scratches on your hands.

This period is very important, as the formation of the German Shepherd as a family dog ​​takes place. She must understand that you are her master - the leader in the family, alpha in the terminology of cynologists. And whatever the hierarchy in your family, the shepherd in any case should become an omega, that is, all family members should be higher in rank.

Leadership is determined only among shepherd dogs of the same age. Older dogs and humans automatically rank higher.

German Shepherds are intelligent dogs with self-respect, so your pet may try to achieve leadership or equality in a relationship with you. This cannot be allowed. You need to be firm in your upbringing so that there are no problems in the future when the puppy turns into a large, strong dog.

If your pet tries to run to something that interests him, you should not let him. If the baby snaps, pat him on the back and say "Fu!". Teach him to give toys and bones unquestioningly, without grinning or growling.

At this age, the puppy is not yet developed, primitive, he will meet you at the door, but he can easily get carried away with something while walking. Psychological contact with your pet will develop later.

¦ The period of ordering relationships

By the age of 5 months, the German Shepherd puppy should clearly understand that you have absolute dominance over him. After that, he will faithfully look into your eyes.

Over the next month, your pet should finally master the commands “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!”, “Come!”, As it's time to complicate the training and begin to conduct regular classes.

During this period, males increase their sexual activity, which manifests itself in jumping on the owner’s leg, on other puppies while walking, etc. Do not punish your pet for this, try to distract him with a game, otherwise you can extinguish the sexual instinct. A delicate attitude to the puppy during this period is especially important if you are going to use it in breeding.

When a German Shepherd puppy turns 6 months old, you should choose a training system for him.

¦ Adolescence

From 6 months to puberty, a German Shepherd puppy tries to assert itself and shows increased independence. Your pet will begin to show disobedience in cases where it used to be happy to obey. Do not allow him to behave in such a way that it does not turn into a habit of self-will.

Try not to create situations when it becomes necessary to punish the puppy: if you are not sure of his reaction to your commands, then do not let your pet off the leash during the walk. In the future, your puppy will become a large and strong dog, which must obey you unconditionally and be completely controllable. Self-esteem develops in a German Shepherd only when it is shown by the owner, raising his dog.

With the onset of puberty, this difficult period ends. In females, stabilization occurs at about 7–8 months, by the time of the first estrus. The male at this time will begin to mark his territory. His behavior will be uneven: your dog will show puppy habits for some time, forgetting that he is already an adult.

The instinct of protection and protection manifests itself precisely at this time, and the final formation of character takes place in the male: if he proves himself to be a leader, he will remain so to the end.

In adolescence, the German Shepherd puppy finally forms the character and type of behavior

During this period, you will have to be as strict as possible with your pet in order to finally fix in his mind that you are the leader. Never let a German Shepherd win in an attempt to defend his rights. Also, do not allow the dog to dominate any member of your family.

The period of fear

Between the ages of 6 and 11 months, the German Shepherd shows nervousness and fearfulness for several weeks. The dog begins to be afraid of familiar and unfamiliar people, various objects frighten her.

At this time, you should be calm and try to instill it in your pet. Every time the shepherd shows fear, give her the command “Stop!”, Then go to the object or person that scared her, touch it, showing that there is no danger. Call the dog so that it can sniff the source of fear and make sure it is completely safe.

The period of fear does not last very long, but it requires the owner of the German Shepherd to treat the dog as carefully as possible.

¦ Transitional age

The final formation of the dog as a full-fledged representative of the German Shepherd breed occurs in the period from 1 to 4 years. At this time, there is a development of innate signs of behavior: protective and guarding instincts.

The aggressiveness and uncontrollability of the male after the first mating is the reason for contacting an experienced German shepherd trainer.

A new attempt to establish dominance is often made by males after the first mating. The dog may begin to fight with his friends in the dog playground, trying to find out which of them is stronger and capable of being a leader.

You don't have to panic: be firm with your pet, but don't be cruel, stay kind. Regular training will help correct the situation and reduce the aggressiveness of the German Shepherd.

Teaching basic commands

German Shepherd training begins from the first days of her stay in your home. As a rule, a puppy born from good sires receives a nickname from the breeder and by the time the owner changes, he already responds to it. Getting used to the nickname in a puppy occurs in 3-4 days.

From the age of 2 months, you can start practicing with your pet the simplest commands that will not require much effort from him.

By 6 months, the puppy should perform the following commands: “Come!”, “Place!”, “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!”, “Next!”, “Voice!”, “Silence!”, "Aport!", "Fu!".

¦ The command "Place!"

One of the first and easiest commands to learn is “Place!”. Your pet should hear her as soon as you bring him home and put him in the place allotted for him. Pat your hand on the bedding and say “Place! Place!". In order for the command to be better fixed, put the marrow bone on the bed, give the command and push the puppy to the bed.

Remember that you can not punish the baby in his place and disturb the puppy when he is resting there, as this is his personal territory.

¦ The command "Give me a paw!"

German Shepherd puppies learn this command very easily, it is based on the instinctive infantile movement - the milky step. A week is the maximum amount of time it will take your pet to learn to give a paw. Repeat this command in an affectionate tone, rewarding it with a treat.

¦ Teams "Voice!" and "Shut up!"

Learning these commands is quite simple, although they are not basic. When your pet barks something intensively, praise him and say: “Well done! Voice!".

To teach your puppy the “Shut up!” command, hold his mouth with your hands and give the command in a stern voice, and then reward him with treats and praise.

¦ The command "Walk!"

The simplest command that is mastered casually. As soon as you unfasten the leash on the street and say “Walk!”, the puppy will perfectly understand you. But you need to pronounce the command before you release the baby, so that the reaction is fixed not to the release, but to the voice command.

¦ The command "Come to me!"

This command is very well remembered by the puppy during feeding. The kid is very sensitive to the sound of his bowl, he can hear it even in a dream, wake up and come running.

Call him and knock the bowl. At first, the command should be pronounced along with the nickname, after a while it will be possible to get by only with a command pronounced in an affectionate tone. During walks, you can also act with treats: call your pet by holding out something tasty in the palm of your hand. If the puppy does not obey, your tone of voice should become stricter. As soon as the baby comes, give him a treat and praise.

Exercise during one walk can be repeated no more than 4-5 times.

Team "Come to me!" is one of the most important, so work it out with your puppy to perfection.

When the puppy enters a period of independence, he may not respond to your command. Sit down or clap your hands to get his attention. If these actions leave the baby indifferent, turn around and pretend to leave. When your pet runs up to you, you should praise him.

Every time the puppy performs a command, you should praise him, even if he did not obey for a long time. The irritation you show can confuse him.

If the puppy cannot master this command for a long time, then you will have to use a long leash with which you will pull the baby towards you so that he understands what you are trying to achieve from him. You may need to apply punishment. Shake your pet by the scruff of the neck, then release and let him walk around a bit, and then repeat the command again. Achieve unquestioning performance from the puppy.

With further training, the command “Come to me!” must be combined with a gesture: the right hand goes down to the thigh with the palm down without clap. Then make the command more difficult when training on the street: your pet should go around you from the back, from right to left, and sit at your left leg. To do this, take a treat in your right hand and beckon the puppy, making sure that he does what you need, and immediately give the command “Sit!”.

You will need the last complication when your pet is going through a general training course.

¦ The command "Sit!"

You can teach this command to your puppy while you are preparing food for him. A baby waiting for feeding can get in your way by spinning under your feet, so teaching him to sit will make your life easier. Once your pet has learned to wait for food while sitting, you can give the command in other places.

Another way is to learn with treats. Take a piece in your right hand, lift it a little higher than the puppy's muzzle so that he has to throw back his head, and, pressing on his croup, sit him down, saying the command. Don't let the puppy jump. As soon as the baby sits down, give him a treat.

When the puppy learns to execute this command, being next to you, you need to complicate it. Sit your pet down, step back without letting go of the leash, and command "Sit!". Then do the same again, but after releasing the leash. Move even further away so that the puppy sits alone. This is a very good way to develop endurance in a German Shepherd.


Practicing the command "Sit!": a - with the help of treats,b - with the use of physical impact

¦ Team "Next!"

Get your pet used to the collar and leash first. The puppy will easily get used to the collar and even love it if you put this thing on the baby before letting him go for a walk. Then comes the turn of the leash. So that the puppy does not feel dislike for him from the very first days, you must first attach the leash to the collar and let the baby run freely, only then show that his freedom will now be periodically limited.

To practice the command, sit your pet near your left leg so that his shoulder is at the level of your knee, then start moving with an energetic step, while giving the command "Near!". The puppy should not relax and be distracted. If he tries to step aside, then with a jerk of the leash, return him to his place, repeating in a strict tone “Next!”.

You can practice this command only when your pet is 6 months old. Use a short leash and don't let your dog pull on it: he should walk beside you, not drag you along.

When you stop, the puppy should immediately sit next to your leg and get as close to it as possible. If he sits far or incorrectly, then train by moving along the fence. This will help you get the correct behavior from the shepherd without coercion.

Training should not last more than 10 minutes so that the puppy does not get tired.

Praise him more often, the baby should enjoy classes with you. Do not expect immediate results from the puppy, do not overwork him, vary the duration of classes depending on the weather and the well-being of the baby.

If during the movement your pet runs ahead, then you need to turn sharply in his direction and expose your knee, which the puppy will hit with his shoulder or head. Thus, he quickly realizes that you need to go the way you need, and not him.


Practicing the command "Next!": a - the correct position of the dog instop time, b - wrong

Having worked out the command "Next!" with a leash, you can make it more difficult by changing the speed of the movement, making turns and stopping. Next, you will need to work out the same command with the puppy, but without a leash. At first, often repeat the command “Near!” and adjust your pet's movement by holding his collar. If the shepherd dog does not follow the command correctly and is distracted, take it on a leash and repeat how to walk on this command.

When the command "Next!" will be finally fixed, work out the command "Sit!" with physical impact. Call the puppy with the command "Come to me!" and when he comes to your left leg, take him by the collar, not restricting the movement of his head, but not allowing him to jump, and command "Sit!", pressing his hand on his croup.

The execution of this command should be encouraged with stroking and treats so that your pet does not have a fixed reaction to the physical impact. When the puppy learns to sit down on command, add a gesture to the exercise: raise your right arm bent at the elbow, pointing your palm towards the puppy. The exercise should be repeated 4-5 times every day.

¦ The command "Lie down!"

At home, you can work out this command with a puppy with the help of treats. Seat the baby on command, then bring the food to his nose and, lowering your hand lower and lower, repeat "Lie down, lie down!". As soon as your pet lies down, hold it in this state for a few seconds, continuing to repeat the command, and then release and give a treat.

The puppy must be taught to this command from both sitting and standing positions. When working out the command on the street, pass the leash of the baby under the left leg and press on his withers while pulling on the leash. As soon as the puppy gets into the right position, you should immediately reward him. This training can only be done when your pet is 3 months old.

The command "Lie down!" after fixing, it can be supplemented with a gesture: the right hand is raised with the palm down to shoulder level and lowered to the thigh.

¦ Teams "Fu!", "No!", "Spit!"

These 3 commands are interconnected. The first is worked out in case of any manifestation of disobedience or misbehavior by the puppy.

Team "No!" is mastered simultaneously with weaning the baby to pick up food on the street. As a rule, this command is worked out with the help of a slight pain effect. Lay out pieces of food along the path of your journey with the puppy, and when he touches them, pull him by the leash, commanding “No!”, And whip him on the back with a twig. If your pet is used to not picking up anything from the ground when he walks next to you, but running on his own still violates the prohibition, then use a long leash to remind the kid of the team.

The command "Spit!" you can not work out, since it is non-standard and almost similar to the “Fu!” command, with the only difference being that it is used in a situation related to the refusal of food given by strangers.

While reinforcing this command, ask someone you know to give the puppy food. Despite the fact that you give the command "Spit!" or “Fu!”, the kid will still grab the handout. At this time, the person should click the puppy on the nose or pinch with the same hand. The offended dog will immediately throw a handout and will be indignant. At this point, you should praise him.

¦ The command "Stop!"

This command is one of the most important. It is necessary to work it out so that you can control your shepherd dog from a distance. The dog should walk without a leash only when this command is fully worked out and you are sure of the clarity of its execution.

Always before you cross the road, call the shepherd and take her on a leash. Wait for a while, giving the command "Stand!" and pulled on the leash. Only after that start moving.

Soon enough, the Shepherd will get used to snuggle up next to your left foot on its own before crossing the road.

This team has been practiced since 3 months from a sitting or lying position. Take one step forward while pulling the puppy forward and up on the leash, say "Stop!" and stop. If you are practicing the command from a prone position, then, while saying the command, simultaneously push the baby with your hand under the stomach so that he gets up. Your pet should fix in the mind the desired position of the body when the command “Stand!”.

To practice controlling a shepherd dog from a distance, use a quiet deserted place where the dog will not be distracted by anything. Attach a long leash to the puppy's collar and, when he pulls it on, pull the leash towards you, commanding "Stop!" demanding, harsh tone. If the baby stops even for a second, immediately praise him and give him a treat.

Repeat the exercise after a few minutes. This command is easily acquired by the puppy if the training is accompanied by encouragement. In addition to the command, you can teach the baby to the following gesture: the right arm, slightly bent at the elbow, rises to the shoulder and falls to the hip.

German Shepherds respond well to a ringing voice. Whistling is a good signal for a dog during training.

Never let your pet out alone, even if the weather is inclement and the puppy asks at an inopportune time. Your dog may get lost or, perhaps with good intentions, be taken away by strangers.

¦ Team "Aport!"

You can teach this command when the puppy starts playing with toys. First play with your pet, then take the toy and throw it in front of him, commanding: “Fetch!”. As soon as the baby takes it, say: "Come to me!". Praise the puppy that has run up and at the command “Give!” gently pick up the toy without hurting your baby and give him a treat. Repeat the exercise immediately. The same training can be done outside, in a quiet place where no one will distract your pet.

¦ Typical mistakes when teaching a German Shepherd basic commands

Practicing with the puppy the commands “Sit!”, “Stand!” and “Lie!”, many owners make the same mistakes:

The command is given after physical impact;

Strong jerk of the leash and rough pressure;

The command is given from the same posture and under the same circumstances;

The command and gesture are missing;

Too long workouts.

When teaching the command "Aport!" the following errors are typical:

The puppy keeps the toy in its mouth for too long;

The toy is taken away with pain;

The treat is shown to the puppy before he runs up;

Team "Aport!" incorrectly replaced by the command "Give!";

The puppy is allowed to play with a special object for fetching.

¦ General remarks

You can not train a German Shepherd puppy when he is hungry or has just eaten. In the first case, he will be inattentive, and he will perceive the treats simply as food, and not as a reward. In the second case, the baby will be lethargic.

As a treat for your pet, you can use crackers, cheese, pieces of raw or boiled meat, occasionally boiled liver.

You need to start teaching the puppy commands with the help of treats, and from the age of 3 months you should switch to the method of mechanical action, since the reflex developed with the help of treats is less stable than that obtained with the help of the hand.

In the future, it is necessary to combine these methods, adding a delicacy to the mechanical effects when necessary.

To consolidate each of the teams requires at least 12 repetitions using a variety of situations. Naturally, a puppy cannot be subjected to such a large load in one day.

When training your pet, you must strike a balance between rigor and encouragement. Excessive severity is harmful in training, but if you spoil a puppy, then you will have to turn to an experienced trainer to correct your dog's behavior.

Special training

The German Shepherd is primarily a service dog, suitable for a variety of jobs. In the conditions of special kennels, dogs of this breed are trained for protective guard, search, sentry, guard, gas exploration services, and they also bring up guides for the blind, rescuers and sled dogs.

Currently, German Shepherds are successfully used even in special forces to combat terrorism. Dogs become living mines, participate in rescue operations, neutralize terrorists on their own. Shepherd dogs are trained both to work together with people and to act independently in difficult situations. There are training methods that allow you to land a dog on the roof of a house seized by criminals, in which it can work unaccompanied for more than 3 hours.

A well-trained German Shepherd has stamina and self-respect.

Training systems have been improved over time and brought to uniform international standards. The national system OKD - ZKS, which is guided by Russian trainers, is ahead of foreign standards in terms of variety and degree of complexity of exercises. For a long time, shepherd dogs that did not pass the norms of this system were not allowed to breed.

In our time, Russia has entered the International Cynological Federation, so breeding work with dogs is carried out according to the standards of this organization. Only shepherd dogs that have successfully passed tests under the Stutzhund program are allowed for breeding.

Schtutzhund (SchH) is a training and testing system to identify the protective qualities of the German Shepherd, as well as the level of its physical, mental and mental data.

This training system appeared in Germany about 80 years ago as a method of preparing shepherd dogs for military service. Nowadays, it is a kind of sports in which the dog can demonstrate its natural data and discipline, as well as improve work skills.

Fartenhund (FH) is a German Shepherd training technique that reveals its trace qualities.

The tracking system of training is aimed primarily at developing the search qualities of the German Shepherd.

During the competition, the temperament of the German Shepherd and its suitability for breeding are determined. The rules of these competitions are formed in such a way that not only the degree of training of the dog is checked, but also its natural and hereditary data: exterior, strength, sharpness of smell, courage, contact, poise, ability to track work.

In the process of testing, all the shortcomings and advantages of the German Shepherd become visible.

SchH and FH dog competition rules

¦ General provisions

According to international rules, there are 3 stages of testing dogs for each of the systems. According to the rules, German Shepherds from 15 months old are allowed to the I stage of testing, to II - from 18 months and to III - from 21 months.

Competitions are held in compliance with a strict sequence of tests for each stage. You can start the competition with any of the systems. When participating in a competition, a German Shepherd can be tested for any one level of training.

The test for each of the systems contains three sections of exercises. The maximum score for the exercise in each of the sections is 100 points, therefore, the dog can score a maximum of 300 points for the test in each of the systems.

If the shepherd dog scored less than 70 points for the exercises of any section, then the overall rating will be “unsatisfactory”. The scores correspond to the following number of points scored:

? "satisfactory" - 210-239 points;

? "good" - 240-269 points;

? "very good" - 270-287 points;

? "excellent" - 288-300 points.

When it is necessary to determine the superiority of one of the shepherd dogs who scored the same number of points in the competition, then the scores for each of the disciplines are compared, adhering to a strict sequence:

SchH system - defensive skills, discipline, work on the trail;

FH system - tracking, obedience, defensive skills.

¦ Rules of Conduct for the Conductor at Competitions

The German Shepherd handler does not have the right to change the order of tests and disciplines provided for by the rules. Exceptions are allowed only in case of increased duration of the competition (2 days).

Each exercise the German Shepherd must begin and end with the main stance: the dog sits at the handler's leg. All exercises from the section of protective skills the shepherd must finish with the command "Lie down!".

A shepherd dog is removed from the test if she arbitrarily leaves the range during any of the exercises.

The dog must wear the same regular collar throughout the entire competition. It is forbidden to use a strict collar for testing a shepherd dog. While the dog is performing the exercise, the handler has no right to encourage it. Brief praise is allowed only at the end of the exercise.

In addition, it is impossible to help the dog during the tests either by physical influence, or by giving characteristic sound signals or noticeable signs, or by words of encouragement. For such behavior of the handler, the dog will receive a deduction.

Defense Dog Trial (SchH)

¦ Work on the trail

? I stage. Laying the trail, the guide starts moving, according to the scheme, from the starting point, where he must stand for about a minute, without shuffling his feet and without trampling. The laying of the track must be carried out in a normal pace without any movements that increase the smell of the track. The track must be 600 m long and 2 corners.

Items left on the trail should not exceed the size of a regular wallet and have a color that contrasts with the color of the soil. Food is not used as a leftover item. 50 m before the first turn, the 1st object is left, the 2nd - at the end of the track.

Standard track laying patterns for testing the 1st stage

30 minutes after laying the trail, the handler puts a search harness on the dog and starts it on the trail. If the shepherd did not immediately take the trail, then a restart is possible, and points are not deducted. The third attempt is not given to the dog.

When the shepherd clearly takes the trail, pulling the leash to its full length (10 m), the handler has the right to follow her. He cannot give commands to the dog during the track, the handler is only allowed to encourage it. You need to work out the trace on the step at a uniform pace.

The judge will interrupt the work on the track and will not count the exercise if the shepherd dog begins to deviate from the track by more than 10 m or the handler prevents such a deviation by pulling on the leash.

Before the start of the exercise, the judge must know how the dog will indicate the object found. Marking can be done by stopping, landing or stacking. After the shepherd finds the object, the handler must raise it high to show the judge.

The score for the exercise (highest - 100 points) is the sum of the points for working out the trace (max. 78) and the points for detecting objects (max. 11 + 11).

? II stage. The track laying scheme is more complicated: it must have 3 angles, the last of which is 45 °. The length of the track is 1000 m. 20 minutes after laying the track, its first straight segment is crossed by a distracting (foreign) track. The dog handler leaves 2 objects on the track: the 1st on the second straight section, the 2nd at the end of the track.

Standard track laying patterns for stage II testing

The dog starts on the trail 45 minutes after laying it. If the shepherd dog has ideally worked out the track to an acute angle, then it can get a “satisfactory” rating. A dog will be disqualified from the competition if it moves more than 10 meters away from the distracting trail.

The remaining rules for the behavior of the dog and the handler and the evaluation of the results are similar to the rules of the first stage.

? III stage. The degree of difficulty of the exercise increases: a 1500 m long trail is laid by another person, not a guide.

There must be 5 angles in the trace layout, the last of which is 45°. 45 minutes after laying the track, its first straight section is crossed by a distracting (foreign) track. Items are left by the tracker: 1st and 2nd on the 2nd and 4th straights, and 3rd at the end of the track.

Standard track layouts for Stage III testing

The shepherd starts the exercise an hour after laying the trail. The rest of the rules coincide with the rules of I and II steps.

The score for this exercise (highest - 100 points) is the sum of the points for working out the track (max. 76) and the points for detecting objects (max. 24 = 8 + 8 + 8).

¦ Obedience

Each exercise in this section should begin with the drill (main) stance of the handler and the shepherd dog sitting at his leg, and end in the same way.

The temperament with which the dog will perform the exercises is of great importance in assessing the results. Even with an impeccable, but sluggish performance, the shepherd dog will not receive the maximum rating.

The sequence of exercises provided for by the rules must be followed exactly when performed. Between exercises there must be pauses indicated in the rules. If the handler pronounces the dog's name with a certain (encouraging, encouraging, reproachful, etc.) intonation, then the judge evaluates this as an additional command.

? I stage.

1. Leading on a leash. During the execution of this exercise, the handler can only use the “Near!” command.

The handler gives the command, and the dog fastened to the collar, which is next to the handler in the combat position, begins to move with enthusiasm with him.

For about 40 m, the guide walks without stopping at a normal pace, then turns around and walks back the first half of the distance at the same pace, the second half slowly. Then, changing the pace of movement from normal to running, he makes turns to the right, to the left and around over his left shoulder.

The shepherd must always be to the left of the guide, not deviating to the side, not lagging behind and not running ahead. The shoulder of the dog must be at the level of the handler's knee.

Dog tearing off the leash is removed from the test

Having finished the movement at a different pace, the handler stops in the combat position. The shepherd should quickly sit down without any action on his part. At the end of the exercise, the guide must pass through a group of at least 4 walking people, stopping among them for a while. The dog should immediately sit down without any further command.

The conductor can use the command during the exercise only when he changes the pace of movement.

The maximum score is 10 points.

2. Leading on a leash and checking the reaction to the shot. The same command is used as in the previous exercise.

Having passed through a group of people, the handler on the move unfastens the leash of the shepherd dog and hangs it over his left shoulder. Then he returns to the group, stopping briefly in the center of it. The dog should sit up on its own at this point.

After leaving the group, the handler takes a combat stance and repeats the previous exercise, but the shepherd dog must move next to him without a leash.

At the time of the passage of the acting pair through the group, a shot is fired twice at a distance of 25 m from the dog. She should remain calm and not react in any way. Any manifestations of fear by a shepherd dog are a reason for removing her from further participation in the competition. If the dog shows aggressiveness but does not disobey the handler, he will be able to continue the exercise, but the mark will be reduced.

The maximum score is 20 points.

3. Landing from motion. The conductor uses the "Sit!" command.

The off-leash dog moves alongside the handler, who is walking at a normal pace in a straight line. After walking 10 m, he must give a command 1 time, continuing to move and not turning around. The shepherd should immediately sit down and remain motionless. The handler stops and turns to the dog when he has gone another 20 m.

Most of the boys all over the world dream of such a puppy, and among serious service dogs, it is representatives of this breed that are most often found. But, what do the happy owners of such an unusual pet need to know, and how to train him so that his abilities are fully revealed?

Initially, they were shepherd dogs, which means they lived side by side with humans and performed various jobs, including grazing and guarding livestock. Naturally, this affected their abilities. The dogs had to show intelligence, ingenuity, they could make decisions on their own, because the lives of both the dogs themselves and their wards depended on it.

Subsequently, the abilities of these outstanding dogs were noticed by German zoologists, and it was they who took up the breeding work. The result exceeded all expectations, resulting in the smartest, hardiest dogs that can do a variety of jobs. And, despite the difficulties of the breed that arose during the Second World War, it was able not only to avoid extinction, but also gained worldwide popularity.

Here is such an unusual dog appears in the house. Naturally, he needs education, training and social adaptation. Do not think that the dog's natural abilities are enough to become the smartest and most obedient creature - the owner must also make an effort.

Raising a German Shepherd Puppy

So, cute toddler stepped over the threshold of the house, where should I start? First of all, it is worth showing patience - it is recommended to give the puppy a couple of days to adapt and get used to the new conditions. Germans quickly get used to the house, family members and other pets.

In most cases, they are not stressed, and in a few days they are already ready for learning new rules and learning. The basic rules apply to the training of almost all puppies:

  • There can be only one person in the family who will be engaged in training, it is desirable that he has a calm temperament and patience.
  • The owner should immediately accustom the puppy to him, giving him maximum attention.
  • The initial stage of education is accustoming to the diet. The baby should get used to eating at the right time and only from his own cup.
  • For learning, it is better to use a game form, without corporal punishment, with mandatory encouragement - verbal and with the use of treats.
  • It is advisable to have a special diary in which a detailed schedule of classes will be painted.

Each age period requires a special approach.

Raising a 1-2 month old puppy

There is an opinion among novice dog breeders that it is necessary to train a pet when it grows up, that is, at 7-8 months of age. However, experts recommend not to delay and engage in the upbringing and training of your four-legged friend from the first moments he is in the house.

Even such a small baby is able to learn commands, of course, so far the simplest of them:

Raising and training a 2-4 month old puppy

During this period, training continues, the puppy learns other basic commands: sit, come to me, lie down, etc. Moreover, what has already been learned requires consolidation and further repetition.

You can begin to teach a grown pet to overcome obstacles, for example, steps. Initially, a 3-4-month-old baby walks the stairs with the owner, and after that he does it on his own.

You can already visit the training ground with your pet, although it is worth considering that high jumps are not recommended for the puppy’s fragile joints. But you can offer him to move along the boom, gradually increasing its length.

How to raise and train a puppy from 4 months to six months

Starting from 4 months, training can be complicated by alternating different teams. For example, move away from the pet for 5-8 steps, give the command "sit". If the pet seeks to approach the owner, then the puppy is seated back and away, repeating the above algorithm.

Learning new commands, as well as repeating old material, should take place in a quiet place that is familiar to the pet. The time and distance between the departure of the owner and the issuance of the command are recommended to be gradually increased. From this age, you can offer your pet to take special barriers, but their height should be small.

If the dog is destined for a service, watchdog or security career, then training will need to be approached more seriously. If the puppy is wary of strangers, stops walking at their sight, starts to growl and bark, then this behavior should be encouraged.

It is strictly forbidden to allow a pet to take treats from other people's hands, to warn all household members and guests at home - you can’t treat a dog! It is necessary to develop the natural protective qualities of the dog. It is impossible for strangers to play with a puppy, stroke it. When guests come to the house, you need to seat the dog next to you.

Raising and training a shepherd dog from six months

From six months, the learning processes do not stop, but now the training is focused on increasing physical activity. Gradually, you can increase the height of the barrier, and by 10-11 months it can reach 115-120 cm. In dogs, this period is associated with adolescence - puppies become naughty, strive for self-assertion.

Such manifestations should not be encouraged, one should not succumb and yield. Puppies can behave like this until their reproductive system is established. By 8 months, shepherd dogs begin to show guarding instincts. The male demonstrates his leadership qualities and is able to become a real leader of the pack.

Basics of the educational process

The German Shepherd, as well as representatives of other breed groups, should be trained from a set of basic skills. It is necessary to start training with daily classes, the duration of which should not exceed 15 minutes. The environment should be calm and familiar to the pet: the less external stimuli, the better.

The owner should not forget about the obligatory encouragement in the form of praise, affection and goodies. But the dog should receive them only for the successful completion of tasks. It is important to follow the sequence, you can proceed to the next command only if the dog was able to learn the previous one.

It is required to offer the dog a new command correctly, otherwise, he will either not understand what is required of him, or he will not be able to fix it properly:

  • . It is necessary to show your pet a treat, but do not give it away until he “barks”. At this time, you should moderately loudly and clearly pronounce “voice!” After the tidbit comes as a reward ha completed task.
  • . Even a 2-month-old baby can perform such a task. You should call your pet to you and say “sit!” in a calm tone, holding a treat on your outstretched hand just behind the dog’s head. As soon as the puppy obeys the command, you can say "good" to him.
  • . This command follows the previous exercise once the dog has mastered the "sit!" task. The dog sits down at the feet of the owner, a treat is handed to it, the hand with food is lowered down and at the same time the command “down!” is given. When a pet lies down to get a treat, it must be held so that it does not get up and give him a coveted piece. Later, the task becomes more complicated - the dog must learn to perform the “lie down” command from a standing position.
  • Walk. The simplest of skills that a shepherd learns very quickly during walking. You need to unfasten the leash, going outside with the dog, tell the dog “walk!”, But this must be done before the puppy rushes to run.
  • . An important basic skill that teaches the dog to walk alongside the owner while moving. And even if something distracted him, the team helps to return the dog to the right position. Initially, the training process takes place using a short leash so that the owner can correct the behavior of the pet. After the leash is lengthened, and when the command is learned, it is fixed already without using this accessory.
  • . A team that is very difficult to do without. Initially, the puppy is attracted using affectionate intonation and treats so that the baby associates the team exclusively with pleasant moments. During walks, the owner must periodically call the puppy, using the command, not forgetting about rewards. If the puppy shows disobedience, then the owner may pretend to run away. Moreover, you should not punish the puppy or finish walking. In addition, you should not use punishment at first if the pet refused to leave, otherwise the next time he may ignore the command.
  • . To master this command, you should choose the most suitable period - the dog must be interested in toys. When going for a walk, you need to take a pet toy with you, take it in your hand and throw it, loudly and clearly commanding “fetch!”. As soon as the puppy got to her and took her in the teeth, it is recommended to give the following command - “come to me!”. If the dog obeyed, ran up, then it is necessary to praise the dog, carefully pick up the object from the mouth and treat the baby. To consolidate the material, it is advisable to repeat the command 3 times without interruption, but no more. Otherwise, the dog will lose interest in the task.
  • . This command is essential for any watchdog or guard dog, but quite difficult to master. It does not require certain actions from the dog, but only brings the animal into a state of alertness. Experts warn that it is quite difficult to properly feed her dog without experience in training. In training, you will need an assistant who will portray an attacker and provoke the dog into action. You should not encourage barking under a fence or a door - more often this behavior turns into a bad useless habit.

This is the main set of commands, but the owners of German Shepherds most often are not limited to this set. And, indeed, why not unleash the full potential of your smart four-legged comrade? But in this case, it is best to seek the help of professional cynologists who are familiar with the specifics of this breed.

You can purchase a subscription to a certain course - the Germans can do almost everything, or you can agree to individual lessons. Of course, the second option is more expensive (one lesson can cost from 500 to 1500 rubles), but the result can be obtained faster. In addition, the cynologist will share the secrets of how to deal with such a smart dog, what principles to use in training, and what absolutely cannot be done.

The German Shepherd is a model of obedience, endurance and extraordinary devotion. But all of the above can be achieved only if the pet is given due attention, the dog will receive the necessary physical and mental stress. Only by giving can you get results.

Few representatives of the canine family show the same grace and majesty as German Shepherds. In addition to being one of the most loyal dog breeds, they are also known as dogs that generally enjoy being trained. Since German Shepherds have all these traits, being extremely intelligent, athletic and helpful, they are versatile and easy to train animals.


German Shepherd puppy training

    Training a German Shepherd puppy should begin when he is 8 weeks old. Although any German Shepherd is easy to train, it is a strong and powerful animal. So if you start working with a puppy, then you will have the opportunity to form his character and personality in advance, develop your relationship.

    • If it so happens that you have an older dog, then adults can also be effectively trained.
    • German Shepherds can be very protective of their families, so it's worth interacting with your puppy from an early age to get him used to interacting with a wide variety of people and animals.
  1. Begin to carefully treat your puppy's paws, ears, tail, etc. for further visits to the vet and for future care. He will become a large dog, and you need to prepare him while he is small for nail clipping, ear cleaning, temperature measurements and other procedures. These procedures are difficult to perform if your subject is an adult German Shepherd.

    Start training your puppy with basic commands. You need to teach them to sit, stand up and learn the command "to the foot!" in addition to home training. Your puppy will not understand your commands instantly. Be patient with your dog if he doesn't do exactly what you told him to do right away.

    Use treats and praise to reinforce teams. German Shepherds love to learn and will be highly motivated if rewarded with treats.

    Prevent food aggression. Stroke the puppy while he is eating until he is no longer stiff and stops eating because of it. If the puppy froze in place, stopped eating or growled, then you will have to immediately deal with this manifestation of aggression.

    • Teach your puppy that people who put food in the bowl while he is eating are not a threat. Start with a few large bites (or what you usually feed your dog) in a bowl, and add food so that the puppy associates people near the food bowl with something good.
  2. Deal with aggression by removing the food bowl and replacing it with hand feeding. The puppy will have to earn every bite of food by following the command "sit" or any other. In this case, there will be no bowl to guard.

    • Once the puppy is more confident and behaves appropriately towards the food, you can return the plate or bowl, but continue hand feeding in the presence of the bowl or plate, and do not place the food directly on the plate yet.
    • Make the bowl something insignificant. If a piece of food falls on her, let the puppy pick it up and praise him. Then feed him around the bowl again. There won't always be food in the bowl. Gradually increase the amount of food you toss into the bowl while you are sitting or standing next to your puppy. The puppy will soon realize that your presence next to the bowl means food and nice things, not that he needs to protect the bowl.
    • You can also add fried chicken breast to the bowl if your pup seems to need more reassurance that you are bringing great things to the bowl.
    • If, at any time, you sense danger, STOP. Seek professional coaching immediately to prevent harm to yourself or any family member, especially a child. Guarding property can be a very serious sign of fear aggression, and if you notice this in a puppy, it needs to be dealt with as quickly as possible to avoid escalation.
  3. Use feeding time as training time. You can gradually start asking the puppy to look at you for more food, then sit down and wait for more food, and so on... People control the food and reward the puppy for good behavior.

    Wean your puppy from treats for following commands. Once your puppy has improved on commands, start giving treats less than once so you don't end up with a dog that only listens for food. You will keep praising your dog, just don't offer him a treat every time. If you are working to speed up the response, then add the treat again to shape the behavior until the dog has mastered the skill. Then start using the treat as a reward only for outstanding performance.

    It is not necessary to cause fear in a puppy. Don't yell at the puppy. Learn to recognize the moments when you run out of patience, and stop the training process on a cheerful note. Your dog can sense your frustration through your body language and tone of voice. Try another day when you are both fresh.

    • If you continue to have problems, see a professional trainer.
  4. Enroll your German Shepherd puppy in a basic or puppy training school. Usually, as the puppy learns the first commands, one of the adult family members becomes responsible for training. Later, when the puppy already understands the commands well, other family members can participate in formal training. It is important for a dog to understand that it is not only one specific person in the family that needs to be obeyed.

    • Your puppy should be 8-10 weeks old and start the first grade vaccination series. There are puppy schools designed for puppies who have not yet finished receiving all of their vaccinations. The school has certain requirements for entry and you will most likely need proof (certificate) of vaccinations.

    adult german shepherd training

    1. Start by teaching your dog the basics. German Shepherds are not necessarily any different from other dogs when it comes to training. If your dog does not know such simple commands as sit and leg, then you should start with them.

      • It is important to start training by building trust between you and your dog. Keep training sessions fun and short, with breaks between sessions so your dog can play and drink.
    2. Use food, praise, and toys as motivators. Food is a powerful motivator for most dogs. Other dogs, especially those with a highly developed hunting instinct, also respond well to toys as a reward. In any case, praise in addition to the reward is very important for the dog, as it communicates that he has carried out the commands well.

      • The timing of the reward is extremely important. Your praise and reward should follow at 2-3 second intervals after the behavior you were trying to achieve. If the dog does something else in between the required behavior and the reward, then you are rewarding him for the last action he took. For example, if you want to teach him the “sit” command, praise and treats should go to the dog at the moment when he sits with all his paws on the ground. If you give praise/treat when one paw is up or the dog starts to stand up, then you are rewarding the dog for the most recent action.
      • The treat should be given in small portions and be tasty. Reflect on the three types of treats: low value, medium value, and high value. Keep this in your arsenal to help your dog understand commands. When they first learn a new command, you may need a medium or high value treat to get things moving, and give it for every success. Once they get a better understanding of the command, start to gradually move down to low value treats. You can always go back to a higher value treat anytime you want your dog to perform something extraordinary, and you'll need it to memorize it and repeat it over and over again.
      • Gradually, you will move away from the treat and begin to praise more as the dog's behavior becomes more even. You don't need to raise a dog that will work for food and ignore you the rest of the time. This could escalate into a dangerous situation.
    3. Consider click training. Click training is a training method in which the dog learns to associate the sound of a click with a positive "mark" for the behavior. You start making clicks while the dog is eating the best treat, and so on until he understands that the click sound means "very good." Once this association is established in the dog's mind, you can create or "shape" any behavior by clicking when the dog does what you want. You can click faster than if you praise or treat the dog, so the clicks are an instant reward for the dog, and after the click you can give him a treat. Click training is an incredible way to train dogs, as they learn quickly due to the instantaneous responses to actions.

      Training sessions without a break should not exceed 20 minutes. For small puppies, these sessions can be even shorter (5-10 minutes). Several short training sessions are usually much more effective than one long one, especially for puppies under 6 months of age. Their attention span is very short, puppies get tired; you will exhaust your patience trying to train a tired puppy. Training should be fun and positive in order to get the maximum response from the dog. Between sessions, play with your puppy and help him understand that people are funny and that "classes" don't last all the time.

    Studying dog training

      Collect general information about dog training. Start self-training so you can properly train your puppy while avoiding the most common training mistakes. There are many dog ​​training methods, and some will work better for you and your pet than others. Each dog is as unique as the trainer, so learning the basics of dog behavior and basic training will give you the proper foundation for understanding your pet's training process. None of the methods are "perfect", so your research will help you decide which one to choose. All dog training methods are based only on positive training techniques, as opposed to those that use a balance of positive and negative rewards. You can even try a method and find that you don't get the results you want and choose another one. An experienced coach can help resolve your interference.

      • Read books on training. There are some good books like Don't Yell at the Dog by Karen Prior, or Get Started: Dog Training with Clicks by Karen Prior, The Power of Positive Dog Training by Pat Miller, 25 Stupid Mistakes Dog Owners Make by Jenny Adams, The Art of Raising a Puppy by Monk from the New Skete, How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend by Monk from the New Skete, and Mind Sounds: How to Shape, Train, and Transform Dog Education by Gale A. Clark.
      • Watch a video about training techniques. There are plenty of dog training videos on the internet, just make sure the ones you choose have been filmed by dog ​​training experts.
    1. Learn the unique traits of German Shepherds. Find out what you need before raising a German Shepherd. While there are similarities in how to care for any breed of dog, German Shepherds require more exercise and mental stimulation. Realize that keeping a German Shepherd takes a lot of time and patience.

    2. Chat with German Shepherd owners and trainers. Go to dog shows and watch how trainers and owners interact with their dogs, and watch how German Shepherds respond to stimuli and commands.

      • Visit a trainer and ask for a few sessions. You will learn a lot from watching other people while you don't have a dog.
      • See if you like the way the trainer works with the dog and the person. You and your dog will learn better if your relationship with the trainer is good. For example, in the US, there is an official website for the Association of Professional Trainers, which is a great place to start looking for a trainer for your puppy and you.

Many dog ​​breeders think that if they bought a German Shepherd puppy, then this little dog, by virtue of its breed, must and even is obliged to carry out commands, in their opinion, a German puppy must understand its owner and be able to carry out a standard set of commands and a OKD course at an early age . I want to disappoint you.

A puppy is a small child, but he has a great desire to serve his master, but in any case, in order for a dog to become smart, obedient and trained, it must be taught this. Of course, the German Shepherd has in its genes loyalty, courage, intelligence, the desire to serve, love, and so on. But all this needs to be developed, and this must be done from an early age, because it is in youth that obedience is laid, and then you will train your pet in the right direction: guide, bodyguard, bloodhound, etc.

Team to me

If you decide to start training your puppy, I will give you some advice from my own experience. I will tell you how we taught our shepherds at an early age team Come to me.
At an early age, you should do everything in a playful way, you should not yell or force the puppy, you should arouse interest in the dog. In order for the puppy to come to you, it is enough to call him by his nickname, but you want the dog to come to you on command. Start small.

Before starting classes:

  • Walk your four-legged friend properly (the dog will be less distracted).
  • Don't forget to pause between commands.
  • Do not repeat the command a huge number of times, the dog hears perfectly, 1 time is enough.
  • Try to train your dog alone
  • Do not rush things, the puppy needs a rest
  • Show patience and restraint
  • Don't punish your dog or use a threatening tone

So. Boil a small piece of meat, cut it into small pieces (or take another treat) Take your four-legged friend and go for a walk. Let the dog run around, relieve himself, and then start doing the following. Call your dog by name, as soon as you see that the dog heard you and went to you, say the command to me, when the dog comes to you, say the command to me again, praise the puppy and give him a treat. Do not skimp on compliments, speak well, well done. Release the puppy with the walk command, then let the puppy run a little and call him again and repeat what we described above. But do not overdo it, and here's another thing, when you are about to go home, call the dog with a command to me, but do not take the dog on a leash, otherwise your pet may have an erroneous opinion that the command to me entails being taken on a leash, And not a single puppy will like it.

Teaching a German Shepherd Puppy the Sit Command

Now let's talk about team sit and lie. The sit command is easy to teach your puppy. Firstly, you should be guided by the recommendations described above, or rather, do not forget to pause, this applies to absolutely all commands. Take all the same treats, and at the moment when you command the puppy to sit, raise the treat over his head, and move your hand slowly from head to tail, thereby forcing the puppy to raise his head for the treat, after which the puppy will begin to tilt his head back. , and at this point the puppy sits down. In some cases it may be necessary to press a little with your other hand on your puppy's croup, then the dog will sit for sure, at these points you re-command Sit, and after doing it, praise the dog. Remember! The scheme will always be like this, your command, the correct execution of the command by the dog, praise and treats.

Teach your puppy to lie down

Sit the puppy near your left leg, hold a treat in your hand, let the dog sniff your fist, thereby showing the puppy's interest in the treat. Next, command Lie down firmly and confidently, and lower your hand to the ground, usually the dog lies down, if the command is completed, give a treat and praise with your voice, you can also rub behind the ear. If the dog did not follow the command, but simply lowered its head, repeat the command and pull the leash down, but not very hard. But! For such execution of the command, you should not praise the dog. It is better to try again without jerking the leash and, if successful, praise the dog. Remember. Strictness is necessary in the process of raising a puppy.

Summing up. A dog needs a leader-leader, this is how this animal world works. Do not forget that severity and physical punishment are not the same thing. You can't hit a dog! You can lose trust at an early age once and for all! Good luck in education.

The German Shepherd is highly intelligent, highly trainable, and has excellent working potential. Representatives of the breed combine not only excellent working parameters, but are also incredibly loyal and devoted friends of man. The Germans are dogs that are vitally important mental and physical activity. For this reason, breeders, and those who are just planning to get a dog of this breed, are interested in the question - how to properly train a German shepherd. In this review, we will give some basic tips that will help you avoid training mistakes and help you raise an obedient, well-mannered German.

German capabilities

The possibilities of German Shepherds, the potential inherent in nature, can be considered unlimited. German Shepherds are an imperishable symbol of fidelity, devotion, endurance and discipline. Among the main qualities of the German Shepherd are:

    well-developed protective qualities. The Germans are ideal guards and defenders, ready to stand up for themselves or protect members of their family in case of a threat;

    have an amazing sense of smell, sight, hearing. These parameters, together with a high working potential, intelligence, and a balanced psyche, make it possible to involve dogs in various services;

    high ability to learn, training. Shepherd dogs are perfectly trainable, they are happy to perform the tasks assigned to them.

German Shepherd Training

To raise a confident puppy, an intelligent and obedient dog, it is necessary to educate and train a German systematically and regularly. Germans are representatives of service dog breeds that require constant attention throughout their lives, a special approach to training, perceive and obey only those who are recognized as authority, the leader of their pack. Therefore, having decided to get a German Shepherd puppy, you should really evaluate your strengths, experience, and capabilities. Not everyone can bring up an adequate controlled German.

Regardless of the breed of the dog, the owner takes full responsibility not only for the life and health of his four-legged friend, but also for everything that can happen through the fault of the dog. If from an early age the foundations of proper behavior are not laid in the dog, socialization and adaptation are not paid attention to, the dog can pose a threat to others. And this is entirely the fault of the owner, who did not pay due attention to education, could not subdue the dog to his will, made mistakes in the process of training.

At what age should a German be brought up and trained?

German Shepherd training requires a professional approach. If you have no experience, we strongly recommend enlisting the help of a professional dog handler. German puppies are by nature quite energetic, cheerful, incredibly inquisitive, active kids show interest in everything that happens, gradually studying the world around them. The educational process should begin immediately after the adaptation period, from the first days of the appearance of the dog in the house. Note that the Germans have a high coefficient of adaptive intelligence, which allows the dog to quickly adapt, adapt to environmental conditions. Shepherd dogs have no less developed instinctive intelligence, which determines the main qualities inherent in the gene pool.

After the puppy gets used to the new family members, remembers his nickname, you can instill the correct behavior in the dog. At a young age, it is easier to coordinate the actions of the dog.

Dogs have certain periods, stages of development, which are suitable for laying the right "foundation" in her upbringing. The period of socialization of the Germans begins at about one and a half months of age. From three months you can start training, teaching the baby elementary commands. Shepherd puppies must be trained confidently, strictly, but gradually. Up to three or three and a half months, the puppy should know the command “Come to me”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, respond well to his nickname.

When raising and teaching a puppy commands, it must be borne in mind that from three to four months, dogs can show excessive emotionality. During this period, you need to treat the dog affectionately, but persistently. From four months to six months, shepherd dogs develop character, the makings of a leader appear. During this period, you need to show authority, firmness of character.

From six months, adolescence begins, which can be compared with the transitional age in adolescents. This is the most crucial moment in a dog's life. There is a formation and laying of basic habits and skills. Until the age of six months, the shepherd must be trained in all the necessary commands, to be aware of what is allowed and what is not. Attempts of disobedience, aggressiveness must be stopped immediately. The authority of the owner must be unshakable, otherwise the dog will quickly come out of obedience.

An equally important stage to which breeders should pay great attention is puberty. Hormonal changes in the body, external factors, irritants are perceived by the dog at a new level. Males may show aggression towards their relatives, refuse to follow commands, and are reluctant to work. It is very important during this period to pay attention to training, the educational process. For each correctly completed task, it is necessary to reward the animal with a treat or affectionate intonation. For misconduct - the dog should be punished, but only without the use of physical violence. Shouts, physical impact during this period will be perceived by a teenager puppy as a decrease in the owner's authority. An abusive attitude can lead to mental disorders. The dog will grow up overly emotional, angry, or cowardly. Which is simply unacceptable for representatives of the breed.


The process of training can rightfully be compared with a real art. It depends on the correct actions of the cynologist and the owner how the dog will grow. laying the foundations of correct behavior should be gradual. German Shepherd training should be enjoyable for both the dog and the owner. Try to diversify your classes, train at different sites, do not forget to praise the dog for good behavior, the right actions. Remember, a German puppy will work if he trusts you completely.

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