Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children. Algorithm of actions for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children, its purpose and varieties

The sequence of the three most important methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation was formulated by P. Safar (1984) as the ABC rule:

  1. Aire way orep (“open the way for air”) means the need to free the airways from obstacles: sinking of the root of the tongue, accumulation of mucus, blood, vomit and other foreign bodies;
  2. Breath for victim ("breath for the victim") means mechanical ventilation;
  3. Circulation his blood ("circulation of his blood") means an indirect or direct heart massage.

Measures aimed at restoring airway patency are carried out in the following sequence:

  • the victim is placed on a rigid base supine (face up), and if possible - in the Trendelenburg position;
  • unbend the head in the cervical region, bring the lower jaw forward and at the same time open the mouth of the victim (R. Safar's triple technique);
  • release the patient's mouth from various foreign bodies, mucus, vomit, blood clots with a finger wrapped in a handkerchief, suction.

Having ensured the patency of the respiratory tract, immediately proceed to mechanical ventilation. There are several main methods:

  • indirect, manual methods;
  • methods of direct blowing of air exhaled by the resuscitator into the airways of the victim;
  • hardware methods.

The former are mainly of historical importance and are not considered at all in modern guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. At the same time, manual ventilation techniques should not be neglected in difficult situations when it is not possible to provide assistance to the victim in other ways. In particular, it is possible to apply rhythmic compressions (simultaneously with both hands) of the victim's lower chest ribs, synchronized with his exhalation. This technique may be useful during transportation of a patient with severe asthmatic status (the patient lies or half-sitting with his head thrown back, the doctor stands in front or to the side and rhythmically squeezes his chest from the sides during exhalation). Reception is not indicated for fractures of the ribs or severe airway obstruction.

The advantage of methods of direct inflation of the lungs in the victim is that a lot of air (1-1.5 l) is introduced with one breath, with active stretching of the lungs (Hering-Breuer reflex) and the introduction of an air mixture containing an increased amount of carbon dioxide (carbogen) stimulates the patient's respiratory center. Mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-nose, mouth-to-nose and mouth methods are used; the latter method is usually used in the resuscitation of young children.

The rescuer kneels on the side of the victim. Holding his head in an unbent position and holding his nose with two fingers, he tightly covers the mouth of the victim with his lips and makes 2-4 energetic, not fast (within 1-1.5 s) exhalations in a row (the patient's chest should be noticeable). An adult is usually provided with up to 16 respiratory cycles per minute, a child - up to 40 (taking into account age).

Ventilators vary in complexity of design. At the prehospital stage, you can use self-expanding breathing bags of the Ambu type, simple mechanical devices of the Pnevmat type, or interrupters of a constant air flow, for example, using the Eyre method (through a tee - with a finger). In hospitals, complex electromechanical devices are used that provide mechanical ventilation for a long period (weeks, months, years). Short-term forced ventilation is provided through a nasal mask, long-term - through an endotracheal or tracheotomy tube.

Usually, mechanical ventilation is combined with an external, indirect heart massage, achieved with the help of compression - compression of the chest in the transverse direction: from the sternum to the spine. In older children and adults, this is the border between the lower and middle thirds of the sternum; in young children, it is a conditional line passing one transverse finger above the nipples. The frequency of chest compressions in adults is 60-80, in infants - 100-120, in newborns - 120-140 per minute.

In infants, there is one breath for every 3-4 chest compressions; in older children and adults, the ratio is 1:5.

The effectiveness of indirect heart massage is evidenced by a decrease in cyanosis of the lips, auricles and skin, constriction of the pupils and the appearance of a photoreaction, an increase in blood pressure, and the appearance of individual respiratory movements in the patient.

Due to the incorrect position of the resuscitator's hands and with excessive efforts, complications of cardiopulmonary resuscitation are possible: fractures of the ribs and sternum, damage to internal organs. Direct cardiac massage is done with cardiac tamponade, multiple fractures of the ribs.

Specialized cardiopulmonary resuscitation includes more adequate mechanical ventilation, as well as intravenous or intratracheal medication. With intratracheal administration, the dose of drugs in adults should be 2 times, and in infants 5 times higher than with intravenous administration. Intracardiac administration of drugs is currently not practiced.

The condition for the success of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children is the release of the airways, mechanical ventilation and oxygen supply. The most common cause of circulatory arrest in children is hypoxemia. Therefore, during CPR, 100% oxygen is delivered through a mask or endotracheal tube. V. A. Mikhelson et al. (2001) supplemented R. Safar's "ABC" rule with 3 more letters: D (Drag) - drugs, E (ECG) - electrocardiographic control, F (Fibrillation) - defibrillation as a method of treating cardiac arrhythmias. Modern cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children is unthinkable without these components, however, the algorithm for their use depends on the variant of cardiac dysfunction.

With asystole, intravenous or intratracheal administration of the following drugs is used:

  • adrenaline (0.1% solution); 1st dose - 0.01 ml / kg, the next - 0.1 ml / kg (every 3-5 minutes until the effect is obtained). With intratracheal administration, the dose is increased;
  • atropine (with asystole is ineffective) is usually administered after adrenaline and adequate ventilation (0.02 ml / kg 0.1% solution); repeat no more than 2 times in the same dose after 10 minutes;
  • sodium bicarbonate is administered only in conditions of prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and also if it is known that circulatory arrest occurred against the background of decompensated metabolic acidosis. The usual dose is 1 ml of an 8.4% solution. Repeat the introduction of the drug is possible only under the control of CBS;
  • dopamine (dopamine, dopmin) is used after the restoration of cardiac activity against the background of unstable hemodynamics at a dose of 5-20 μg / (kg min), to improve diuresis 1-2 μg / (kg-min) for a long time;
  • lidocaine is administered after the restoration of cardiac activity against the background of postresuscitation ventricular tachyarrhythmia as a bolus at a dose of 1.0-1.5 mg/kg followed by an infusion at a dose of 1-3 mg/kg-h), or 20-50 mcg/(kg-min) .

Defibrillation is carried out against the background of ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia in the absence of a pulse on the carotid or brachial artery. The power of the 1st discharge is 2 J/kg, subsequent - 4 J/kg; the first 3 discharges can be given in a row without being monitored by an ECG monitor. If the device has a different scale (voltmeter), the 1st category in infants should be in the range of 500-700 V, repeated - 2 times more. In adults, respectively, 2 and 4 thousand. V (maximum 7 thousand V). The effectiveness of defibrillation is increased by repeated administration of the entire complex of drug therapy (including a polarizing mixture, and sometimes magnesia sulphate, aminophylline);

For EMD in children with no pulse on the carotid and brachial arteries, the following methods of intensive care are used:

  • adrenaline intravenously, intratracheally (if catheterization is not possible after 3 attempts or within 90 seconds); 1st dose 0.01 mg/kg, subsequent - 0.1 mg/kg. The introduction of the drug is repeated every 3-5 minutes until the effect is obtained (restoration of hemodynamics, pulse), then in the form of infusions at a dose of 0.1-1.0 μg / (kgmin);
  • liquid for replenishment of the central nervous system; it is better to use a 5% solution of albumin or stabizol, you can reopoliglyukin at a dose of 5-7 ml / kg quickly, drip;
  • atropine at a dose of 0.02-0.03 mg/kg; re-introduction is possible after 5-10 minutes;
  • sodium bicarbonate - usually 1 time 1 ml of 8.4% solution intravenously slowly; the effectiveness of its introduction is doubtful;
  • with the ineffectiveness of the listed means of therapy - electrocardiostimulation (external, transesophageal, endocardial) without delay.

If in adults ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation are the main forms of circulatory cessation, then in young children they are extremely rare, so defibrillation is almost never used in them.

In cases where the brain damage is so deep and extensive that it becomes impossible to restore its functions, including stem functions, brain death is diagnosed. The latter is equated to the death of the organism as a whole.

Currently, there are no legal grounds for stopping the started and actively conducted intensive care in children before natural circulatory arrest. Resuscitation does not begin and is not carried out in the presence of a chronic disease and pathology incompatible with life, which is predetermined by a council of doctors, as well as in the presence of objective signs of biological death (cadaveric spots, rigor mortis). In all other cases, cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children should begin with any sudden cardiac arrest and be carried out according to all the rules described above.

The duration of standard resuscitation in the absence of effect should be at least 30 minutes after circulatory arrest.

With successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children, it is possible to restore cardiac, sometimes simultaneously respiratory functions (primary revival) in at least half of the victims, however, in the future, survival in patients is much less common. The reason for this is post-resuscitation illness.

The outcome of resuscitation is largely determined by the conditions of blood supply to the brain in the early postresuscitation period. In the first 15 minutes, the blood flow can exceed the initial one by 2-3 times, after 3-4 hours it falls by 30-50% in combination with an increase in vascular resistance by 4 times. Re-deterioration of cerebral circulation may occur 2-4 days or 2-3 weeks after CPR against the background of almost complete restoration of CNS function - the syndrome of delayed posthypoxic encephalopathy. By the end of the 1st to the beginning of the 2nd day after CPR, there may be a repeated decrease in blood oxygenation associated with non-specific lung damage - respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and the development of shunt-diffusion respiratory failure.

Complications of postresuscitation illness:

  • in the first 2-3 days after CPR - swelling of the brain, lungs, increased bleeding of tissues;
  • 3-5 days after CPR - violation of the functions of parenchymal organs, the development of overt multiple organ failure (MON);
  • in later periods - inflammatory and suppurative processes. In the early postresuscitation period (1-2 weeks) intensive care
  • carried out against the background of disturbed consciousness (somnolence, stupor, coma) IVL. Its main tasks in this period are the stabilization of hemodynamics and the protection of the brain from aggression.

Restoration of the BCP and the rheological properties of blood is carried out by hemodilutants (albumin, protein, dry and native plasma, reopoliglyukin, saline solutions, less often a polarizing mixture with the introduction of insulin at the rate of 1 unit per 2-5 g of dry glucose). Plasma protein concentration should be at least 65 g/l. Improving gas exchange is achieved by restoring the oxygen capacity of the blood (red blood cell transfusion), mechanical ventilation (with an oxygen concentration in the air mixture preferably less than 50%). With reliable restoration of spontaneous respiration and stabilization of hemodynamics, it is possible to carry out HBO, for a course of 5-10 procedures daily, 0.5 ATI (1.5 ATA) and a plateau of 30-40 minutes under the cover of antioxidant therapy (tocopherol, ascorbic acid, etc.). Maintaining blood circulation is provided by small doses of dopamine (1-3 mcg / kg per minute for a long time), carrying out maintenance cardiotrophic therapy (polarizing mixture, panangin). Normalization of microcirculation is ensured by effective pain relief in case of injuries, neurovegetative blockade, administration of antiplatelet agents (Curantyl 2-Zmg/kg, heparin up to 300 U/kg per day) and vasodilators (Cavinton up to 2 ml drip or trental 2-5 mg/kg per day drip, Sermion , eufillin, nicotinic acid, complamin, etc.).

An antihypoxic treatment is carried out (Relanium 0.2-0.5 mg/kg, barbiturates at a saturation dose of up to 15 mg/kg for the 1st day, in subsequent days - up to 5 mg/kg, GHB 70-150 mg/kg after 4-6 hours , enkephalins, opioids) and antioxidant (vitamin E - 50% oil solution at a dose of 20-30 mg / kg strictly intramuscularly daily, for a course of 15-20 injections) therapy. To stabilize the membranes, normalize blood circulation, large doses of prednisolone, metipred (up to 10-30 mg / kg) are prescribed intravenously as a bolus or fractional within 1 day.

Prevention of posthypoxic cerebral edema: cranial hypothermia, administration of diuretics, dexazone (0.5-1.5 mg/kg per day), 5-10% albumin solution.

The VEO, KOS and energy metabolism are being corrected. Detoxification therapy is carried out (infusion therapy, hemosorption, plasmapheresis according to indications) for the prevention of toxic encephalopathy and secondary toxic (autotoxic) organ damage. Intestinal decontamination with aminoglycosides. Timely and effective anticonvulsant and antipyretic therapy in young children prevents the development of post-hypoxic encephalopathy.

Prevention and treatment of bedsores (treatment with camphor oil, curiosin of places with impaired microcirculation), nosocomial infections (asepsis) are necessary.

In the case of a patient's rapid exit from a critical condition (in 1-2 hours), the complex of therapy and its duration should be adjusted depending on the clinical manifestations and the presence of post-resuscitation disease.

Treatment in the late post-resuscitation period

Therapy in the late (subacute) post-resuscitation period is carried out for a long time - months and years. Its main direction is the restoration of brain function. Treatment is carried out in conjunction with neuropathologists.

  • The introduction of drugs that reduce metabolic processes in the brain is reduced.
  • Prescribe drugs that stimulate metabolism: cytochrome C 0.25% (10-50 ml / day 0.25% solution in 4-6 doses, depending on age), actovegin, solcoseryl (0.4-2.0g intravenous drip for 5 % glucose solution for 6 hours), piracetam (10-50 ml / day), cerebrolysin (up to 5-15 ml / day) for older children intravenously during the day. Subsequently, encephabol, acephen, nootropil are prescribed orally for a long time.
  • 2-3 weeks after CPR, a (primary or repeated) course of HBO therapy is indicated.
  • Continue the introduction of antioxidants, antiplatelet agents.
  • Vitamins of group B, C, multivitamins.
  • Antifungal drugs (diflucan, ancotyl, candizol), biologics. Termination of antibiotic therapy as indicated.
  • Membrane stabilizers, physiotherapy, exercise therapy (LFK) and massage according to indications.
  • General strengthening therapy: vitamins, ATP, creatine phosphate, biostimulants, adaptogens for a long time.

The main differences between cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children and adults

Conditions preceding circulatory arrest

Bradycardia in a child with respiratory problems is a sign of circulatory arrest. Newborns, infants, and young children develop bradycardia in response to hypoxia, while older children develop tachycardia first. In newborns and children with a heart rate of less than 60 per minute and signs of low organ perfusion, if there is no improvement after the start of artificial respiration, closed heart massage should be performed.

After adequate oxygenation and ventilation, epinephrine is the drug of choice.

Blood pressure should be measured with a properly sized cuff, and invasive blood pressure measurement is indicated only when the child is extremely severe.

Since the blood pressure indicator depends on age, it is easy to remember the lower limit of the norm as follows: less than 1 month - 60 mm Hg. Art.; 1 month - 1 year - 70 mm Hg. Art.; more than 1 year - 70 + 2 x age in years. It is important to note that children are able to maintain pressure for a long time due to powerful compensatory mechanisms (increased heart rate and peripheral vascular resistance). However, hypotension is followed very quickly by cardiac and respiratory arrest. Therefore, even before the onset of hypotension, all efforts should be directed to the treatment of shock (manifestations of which are an increase in heart rate, cold extremities, capillary refill for more than 2 s, weak peripheral pulse).

Equipment and environment

Equipment size, drug dosage, and CPR parameters depend on age and body weight. When choosing doses, the age of the child should be rounded down, for example, at the age of 2 years, the dose for the age of 2 years is prescribed.

In newborns and children, heat transfer is increased due to the larger body surface relative to body weight and a small amount of subcutaneous fat. The ambient temperature during and after cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be constant, ranging from 36.5°C in neonates to 35°C in children. At a basal body temperature below 35 ° C, CPR becomes problematic (in contrast to the beneficial effect of hypothermia in the post-resuscitation period).


Children have structural features of the upper respiratory tract. The size of the tongue relative to the oral cavity is disproportionately large. The larynx is located higher and more inclined forward. The epiglottis is long. The narrowest part of the trachea is located below the vocal cords at the level of the cricoid cartilage, which makes it possible to use uncuffed tubes. The straight blade of the laryngoscope allows better visualization of the glottis, since the larynx is located more ventrally and the epiglottis is very mobile.

Rhythm disturbances

With asystole, atropine and artificial pacing are not used.

VF and VT with unstable hemodynamics occurs in 15-20% of cases of circulatory arrest. Vasopressin is not prescribed. When using cardioversion, the shock force should be 2-4 J/kg for a monophasic defibrillator. It is recommended to start at 2 J/kg and increase as needed to a maximum of 4 J/kg on the third shock.

Statistics show that cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children allows at least 1% of patients or victims of accidents to return to normal life.

Breathing and the normal functioning of the heart are functions that, when stopped, life leaves our body within a few minutes. First, a person falls into a state of clinical death, soon followed by biological death. The cessation of breathing and heartbeat strongly affects the tissues of the brain.

Metabolic processes in the brain tissues are so intense that the lack of oxygen is detrimental to them.

At the stage of clinical death of a person, it is quite possible to save if you correctly and promptly begin to provide first aid. A set of methods aimed at restoring breathing and heart function is called cardiopulmonary resuscitation. There is a clear algorithm for conducting such rescue operations, which should be applied right at the scene. One of the latest and most comprehensive guidelines for dealing with respiratory and cardiac arrest is a guide issued by the American Heart Association in 2015.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children is not much different from similar activities for adults, but there are nuances that you should be aware of. Cardiac and respiratory arrests are common in newborns.

A bit of physiology

After the breathing or heartbeat stops, oxygen stops flowing into the tissues of our body, which causes their death. The more complex the tissue is, the more intensively metabolic processes take place in it, the more detrimental it is to oxygen starvation.

The brain tissue suffers the most, a few minutes after the oxygen supply is cut off, irreversible structural changes begin in them, which lead to biological death.

The cessation of breathing leads to a violation of the energy metabolism of neurons and ends with cerebral edema. Nerve cells begin to die about five minutes after this, it is during this period that assistance should be provided to the victim.

It should be noted that clinical death in children very rarely occurs due to problems with the work of the heart, much more often it occurs due to respiratory arrest. This important difference determines the characteristics of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children. In children, cardiac arrest is usually the final stage of irreversible changes in the body and is caused by the extinction of its physiological functions.

First aid algorithm

The first aid algorithm for stopping the work of the heart and breathing in children is not much different from similar activities for adults. Resuscitation of children also consists of three stages, which were first clearly formulated by the Austrian physician Pierre Safari in 1984. After this moment, the rules for first aid have been repeatedly supplemented, there are basic recommendations issued in 2010, there are later ones prepared in 2015 by the American Heart Association. The 2015 guide is considered the most complete and detailed.

Techniques for helping in such situations are often referred to as the "ABC rule". Here are the main steps to follow in accordance with this rule:

  1. Air way open. It is necessary to free the victim's airway from obstructions that can prevent air from entering the lungs (this paragraph translates as "open the way for air"). Vomit, foreign bodies, or a sunken root of the tongue can act as an obstacle.
  2. Breath for the victim. This item means that the victim needs to do artificial respiration (in translation: "breathing for the victim").
  3. Circulation his blood. The last item is a heart massage (“circulation of his blood”).

When resuscitating children, special attention should be paid to the first two points (A and B), since primary cardiac arrest is quite rare in them.

Signs of clinical death

You should be aware of the signs of clinical death, in which cardiopulmonary resuscitation is usually performed. In addition to stopping the heart and breathing, it is also dilated pupils, as well as loss of consciousness and areflexia.

The cessation of the heart can be detected very easily by checking the victim's pulse. It is best to do this on the carotid arteries. The presence or absence of breathing can be determined visually, or by placing a palm on the victim's chest.

After the cessation of blood circulation, loss of consciousness occurs within fifteen seconds. To verify this, turn to the victim, shake his shoulder.

Carrying out first aid

Resuscitation should begin with clearing the airways. For this, the child needs to be laid on its side. With a finger wrapped in a handkerchief or napkin, you need to clean the mouth and throat. The foreign body can be removed by tapping the victim on the back.

Another way is the Heimlich maneuver. It is necessary to clasp the body of the victim with your hands under the costal arch and sharply squeeze the lower part of the chest.

After clearing the airways, start artificial ventilation. To do this, it is necessary to push the lower jaw of the victim and open his mouth.

The most common method of artificial lung ventilation is the mouth-to-mouth method. It is possible to blow air into the victim's nose, but it is much more difficult to clean it than the oral cavity.

Then you need to close the victim's nose and inhale air into his mouth. The frequency of artificial breaths should correspond to physiological norms: for newborns it is about 40 breaths per minute, and for children aged five years - 24-25 breaths. You can put a napkin or handkerchief on the victim's mouth. Artificial ventilation of the lungs contributes to the inclusion of one's own respiratory center.

The last type of manipulation that is performed during cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an indirect heart massage. Heart failure is more often the cause of clinical death in adults, it is less common in children. But in any case, during the provision of assistance, you must ensure at least a minimum blood circulation.

Before starting this procedure, lay the victim on a hard surface. His legs should be slightly raised (about 60 degrees).

Then you should begin to strongly and vigorously squeeze the chest of the victim in the sternum. The point of effort in infants is right in the middle of the sternum, in older children it is slightly below the center. When massaging newborns, the point should be pressed with the tips of the fingers (two or three), in children from one to eight years old with the palm of one hand, in older ones - simultaneously with two palms.

It is clear that it is extremely difficult for one person to do both processes simultaneously. Before starting resuscitation, you need to call someone for help. In this case, everyone takes on one of the above tasks.

Try to time the time that the child has been unconscious. This information is then useful to doctors.

Previously, it was believed that 4-5 chest compressions should be done per breath. However, now experts believe that this is not enough. If you are resuscitating alone, then you are unlikely to be able to provide the necessary frequency of breaths and compressions.

In the event of the appearance of a pulse and independent respiratory movements of the victim, resuscitation should be stopped.

Features of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children

Whoever saves one life saves the whole world

Mishnah Sanhedrin

Features of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children of different ages, recommended by the European Council for Resuscitation, were published in November 2005 in three foreign journals: Resuscitation, Circulation and Pediatrics.

The sequence of resuscitation in children is broadly similar to that in adults, but when conducting life support in children (ABC), points A and B are emphasized. this is the end of the process of gradual extinction of the physiological functions of the body, initiated, as a rule, by respiratory failure. Primary cardiac arrest is very rare, with ventricular fibrillation and tachycardia being the cause in less than 15% of cases. Many children have a relatively long "pre-stop" phase, which determines the need for early diagnosis of this phase.

Pediatric resuscitation consists of two stages, which are presented in the form of algorithmic schemes (Fig. 1, 2).

Restoration of airway patency (AP) in patients with loss of consciousness is aimed at reducing obstruction, a common cause of which is retraction of the tongue. If the tone of the muscles of the lower jaw is sufficient, then tilting the head will cause the lower jaw to move forward and open the airways (Fig. 3).

In the absence of sufficient tone, the tilting of the head must be combined with the forward thrust of the lower jaw (Fig. 4).

However, in infants, there are features of performing these manipulations:

  • do not tilt the head of the child excessively;
  • do not squeeze the soft tissues of the chin, as this may cause airway obstruction.

After the airways are released, it is necessary to check how effectively the patient is breathing: you need to look closely, listen, observe the movements of his chest and abdomen. Often, airway management and maintenance is sufficient for the patient to subsequently breathe efficiently.

The peculiarity of artificial lung ventilation in young children is determined by the fact that the small diameter of the child's respiratory tract provides a large resistance to the flow of inhaled air. To minimize airway pressure buildup and prevent gastric overdistension, breaths should be slow and the respiratory rate determined by age (Table 1).

Sufficient volume of each breath is the volume that provides adequate movement of the chest.

Make sure of the adequacy of breathing, the presence of cough, movements, pulse. If signs of circulation are present, continue breathing support; if there is no circulation, begin chest compressions.

In children under one year of age, the person providing assistance tightly and tightly captures the nose and mouth of the child with his mouth (Fig. 5)

in older children, the resuscitator first pinches the patient's nose with two fingers and covers his mouth with his mouth (Fig. 6).

In pediatric practice, cardiac arrest is usually secondary to airway obstruction, which is most often caused by a foreign body, infection, or allergic process leading to airway edema. Differential diagnosis between airway obstruction caused by a foreign body and infection is very important. Against the background of an infection, the steps to remove the foreign body are dangerous, as they can lead to an unnecessary delay in the transport and treatment of the patient. In patients without cyanosis, with adequate ventilation, coughing should be stimulated, it is not advisable to use artificial respiration.

The technique for eliminating airway obstruction caused by a foreign body depends on the age of the child. Blind finger cleaning of the upper airways in children is not recommended, as at this point the foreign body can be pushed deeper. If the foreign body is visible, it can be removed using a Kelly forceps or Mejil forceps. Pressure on the abdomen is not recommended for children under one year old, since there is a risk of damage to the abdominal organs, especially the liver. A child at this age can be helped by holding him on the arm in the position of the "rider" with his head lowered below the body (Fig. 7).

The child's head is supported by a hand around the lower jaw and chest. On the back between the shoulder blades, four blows are quickly applied with the proximal part of the palm. Then the child is laid on his back so that the victim's head is lower than the body during the entire reception and four chest compressions are performed. If the child is too large to be placed on the forearm, it is placed on the thigh with the head lower than the torso. After cleaning the airways and restoring their free patency in the absence of spontaneous breathing, artificial ventilation of the lungs is started. In older children or adults with obstruction of the airways by a foreign body, it is recommended to use the Heimlich maneuver - a series of subdiaphragmatic pressures (Fig. 8).

Emergency cricothyrotomy is one of the options for maintaining airway patency in patients who fail to intubate the trachea.

As soon as the airways are freed and two test breathing movements are performed, it is necessary to establish whether the child had only respiratory arrest or cardiac arrest at the same time - determine the pulse on large arteries.

In children under one year old, the pulse is measured on the brachial artery (Fig. 9)

Since the short and wide neck of the baby makes it difficult to quickly find the carotid artery.

In older children, as in adults, the pulse is measured on the carotid artery (Fig. 10).

When the child has a pulse, but there is no effective ventilation, only artificial respiration is performed. The absence of a pulse is an indication for cardiopulmonary bypass using a closed heart massage. Closed heart massage should never be performed without artificial ventilation.

The recommended chest compression area for newborns and infants is a finger's width below the intersection of the nipple line and sternum. In children under one year old, two methods of performing closed heart massage are used:

- the location of two or three fingers on the chest (Fig. 11);

- covering the chest of the child with the formation of a rigid surface of four fingers on the back and using the thumbs to perform compressions.

The compression amplitude is approximately 1/3-1/2 of the anteroposterior size of the child's chest (Table 2).

If the child's thumb and three fingers do not create adequate compression, then to conduct a closed heart massage, you need to use the proximal part of the palmar surface of the hand of one or two hands (Fig. 12).

The speed of compressions and their ratio to breathing depends on the age of the child (see Table 2).

Mechanical chest compressions have been extensively used in adults but not in children due to the very high incidence of complications.

Precordial impact should never be used in pediatric practice. In older children and adults, it is considered an optional appointment when the patient has no pulse and the defibrillator cannot be used quickly.

Read other articles on helping children in various situations

Algorithm of actions for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children, its purpose and varieties

Restoring the normal functioning of the circulatory system, maintaining air exchange in the lungs is the primary goal of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Timely resuscitation measures allow avoiding the death of neurons in the brain and myocardium until blood circulation is restored and breathing becomes independent. Cardiac arrest in a child due to a cardiac cause is extremely rare.

For infants and newborns, the following causes of cardiac arrest are distinguished: suffocation, SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome, when an autopsy cannot establish the cause of termination of life, pneumonia, bronchospasm, drowning, sepsis, neurological diseases. In children after twelve months, death occurs most often due to various injuries, strangulation due to illness or a foreign body entering the respiratory tract, burns, gunshot wounds, and drowning.

Purpose of CPR in children

Doctors divide little patients into three groups. The algorithm for resuscitation is different for them.

  1. Sudden circulatory arrest in a child. Clinical death during the entire period of resuscitation. Three main outcomes:
  • CPR ended with a positive outcome. At the same time, it is impossible to predict what the patient's condition will be after the clinical death he has suffered, how much the functioning of the body will be restored. There is a development of the so-called postresuscitation disease.
  • The patient does not have the possibility of spontaneous mental activity, the death of brain cells occurs.
  • Resuscitation does not bring a positive result, doctors ascertain the death of the patient.
  1. The prognosis is unfavorable during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children with severe trauma, in a state of shock, and complications of a purulent-septic nature.
  2. Resuscitation of a patient with oncology, anomalies in the development of internal organs, severe injuries, if possible, is carefully planned. Immediately proceed to resuscitation in the absence of a pulse, breathing. Initially, it is necessary to understand whether the child is conscious. This can be done by shouting or lightly shaking, while avoiding sudden movements of the patient's head.

Indications for resuscitation - sudden circulatory arrest

Primary resuscitation

CPR in a child includes three stages, which are also called ABC - Air, Breath, Circulation:

  • Air way open. The airway needs to be cleared. Vomiting, retraction of the tongue, foreign body may be an obstruction in breathing.
  • Breath for the victim. Carrying out measures for artificial respiration.
  • Circulation his blood. Closed heart massage.

When performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation of a newborn baby, the first two points are most important. Primary cardiac arrest in young patients is uncommon.

Ensuring the child's airway

The first stage is considered the most important in the CPR process in children. The algorithm of actions is the following.

The patient is placed on his back, neck, head and chest are in the same plane. If there is no trauma to the skull, it is necessary to throw back the head. If the victim has an injured head or upper cervical region, it is necessary to push the lower jaw forward. In case of loss of blood, it is recommended to raise the legs. Violation of the free flow of air through the respiratory tract in an infant may be aggravated by excessive bending of the neck.

The reason for the ineffectiveness of measures for pulmonary ventilation may be the incorrect position of the child's head relative to the body.

If there are foreign objects in the oral cavity that make breathing difficult, they must be removed. If possible, tracheal intubation is performed, an airway is inserted. If it is impossible to intubate the patient, mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-nose and mouth-to-mouth breathing is performed.

Algorithm of actions for ventilation of the lungs "mouth to mouth"

Solving the problem of tilting the patient's head is one of the primary tasks of CPR.

Airway obstruction leads to cardiac arrest in the patient. This phenomenon causes allergies, inflammatory infectious diseases, foreign objects in the mouth, throat or trachea, vomit, blood clots, mucus, sunken tongue of the child.

Algorithm of actions during ventilation

Optimal for the implementation of artificial ventilation of the lungs will be the use of an air duct or a face mask. If it is not possible to use these methods, an alternative course of action is to actively blow air into the nose and mouth of the patient.

To prevent the stomach from stretching, it is necessary to ensure that there is no excursion of the peritoneum. Only the volume of the chest should decrease in the intervals between exhalation and inhalation when carrying out measures to restore breathing.

When carrying out the procedure of artificial ventilation of the lungs, the following actions are carried out. The patient is placed on a hard, flat surface. The head is slightly thrown back. Observe the child's breathing for five seconds. In the absence of breathing, take two breaths lasting one and a half to two seconds. After that, stand for a few seconds to release air.

When resuscitating a child, inhale air very carefully. Careless actions can provoke a rupture of lung tissue. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation of the newborn and infant is carried out using the cheeks for blowing air. After the second inhalation of air and its exit from the lungs, a heartbeat is probed.

Air is blown into the lungs of a child eight to twelve times per minute with an interval of five to six seconds, provided that the heart is functioning. If the heartbeat is not established, they proceed to indirect heart massage, other life-saving actions.

It is necessary to carefully check for the presence of foreign objects in the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. This kind of obstruction will prevent air from entering the lungs.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • the victim is placed on the arm bent at the elbow, the baby's torso is above the level of the head, which is held with both hands by the lower jaw.
  • after the patient is laid in the correct position, five gentle strokes are made between the patient's shoulder blades. The blows must have a directed action from the shoulder blades to the head.

If the child cannot be placed in the correct position on the forearm, then the thigh and the leg bent at the knee of the person involved in resuscitation of the child are used as a support.

Closed heart massage and chest compressions

Closed massage of the heart muscle is used to normalize hemodynamics. It is not carried out without the use of IVL. Due to the increase in intrathoracic pressure, blood is ejected from the lungs into the circulatory system. The maximum air pressure in the lungs of a child falls on the lower third of the chest.

The first compression should be a trial, it is carried out to determine the elasticity and resistance of the chest. The chest is squeezed during a heart massage by 1/3 of its size. Chest compression is performed differently for different age groups of patients. It is carried out due to pressure on the base of the palms.

Features of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children

Features of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children are that it is necessary to use the fingers or one palm for compression due to the small size of the patients and the fragile physique.

  • Infants are pressed on the chest only with their thumbs.
  • For children from 12 months to eight years old, massage is performed with one hand.
  • For patients older than eight years, both palms are placed on the chest. like adults, but measure the force of pressure with the size of the body. The elbows of the hands during the massage of the heart remain in a straightened state.

There are some differences in CPR that is cardiac in nature in patients over 18 years of age and CPR resulting from strangulation in children with cardiopulmonary insufficiency, so resuscitators are advised to use a special pediatric algorithm.

Compression-ventilation ratio

If only one physician is involved in resuscitation, he should deliver two breaths of air into the patient's lungs for every thirty compressions. If two resuscitators are working at the same time - compression 15 times for every 2 air injections. When using a special tube for IVL, a non-stop heart massage is performed. The frequency of ventilation in this case is from eight to twelve beats per minute.

A blow to the heart or a precordial blow in children is not used - the chest can be seriously affected.

The frequency of compressions is from one hundred to one hundred and twenty beats per minute. If the massage is performed on a child under 1 month old, then you should start with sixty beats per minute.

Remember that the child's life is in your hands.

CPR should not be stopped for more than five seconds. 60 seconds after the start of resuscitation, the doctor should check the patient's pulse. After that, the heartbeat is checked every two to three minutes at the moment the massage is stopped for 5 seconds. The state of the pupils of the reanimated indicates his condition. The appearance of a reaction to light indicates that the brain is recovering. Persistent dilation of the pupils is an unfavorable symptom. If it is necessary to intubate the patient, do not stop resuscitation for more than 30 seconds.

CPR in children

Guidelines for resuscitation published by the European Resuscitation Council

Section 6. Resuscitation in children



The European Resuscitation Council (ERC) has previously issued a Guide to Pediatric Resuscitation (PLS) in 1994, 1998 and 2000. The latest edition was created on the basis of the final recommendations of the International Scientific Consensus, published by the American Heart Association in collaboration with the International Conciliation Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR); it included separate recommendations on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiac care, published in the "Guidelines 2000" in August 2000. Following the same principle in 2004-2005. The final conclusions and practical recommendations of the Consensus Meeting were first published simultaneously in all leading European publications on this topic in November 2005. The Working Group of the Pediatrics Section (PLS) of the European Council for Resuscitation reviewed this document and relevant scientific publications and recommended that changes be made to the pediatric section of the Guidelines. These changes are presented in this edition.

Changes made to this manual

The changes were made in response to new evidence-based scientific evidence, as well as the need to simplify practices as much as possible, which facilitates learning and maintaining these techniques. As in previous editions, there is a lack of evidence from direct pediatric practice, and some conclusions are drawn from animal simulations and extrapolation of adult outcomes. The emphasis in this guide is on simplification, based on the fact that many children do not receive any resuscitation care for fear of harm. This fear is supported by the notion that resuscitation techniques in children are different from those used in adult practice. Based on this, many studies have clarified the possibility of using the same methods of resuscitation in adults and children. On-scene resuscitation by bystanders greatly increases survival, and it has been clearly shown in simulations in young animals that chest compressions or ventilations alone can be much more beneficial than doing nothing at all. Thus, survival can be increased by teaching bystanders how to use resuscitation techniques, even if they are not familiar with resuscitation in children. Of course, there are differences in the treatment of predominantly cardiac in origin in adults, and asphyxial in children, acute pulmonary heart failure, therefore, a separate pediatric algorithm is recommended for use in professional practice.

Compression-ventilation ratio

ILCOR recommends different compression-ventilation ratios depending on the number of caregivers. For non-professionals trained in only one technique, a ratio of 30 compressions to 2 ventilatory exhalations, that is, the use of adult resuscitation algorithms, is suitable. Professional rescuers, two or more in a group, should use a different ratio - (15:2), as the most rational for children, obtained as a result of experiments with animals and dummies. Professional physicians should be familiar with the peculiarities of resuscitation techniques for children. A ratio of 15:2 has been found to be optimal in animal, mannequin and mathematical model studies using various ratios ranging from 5:1 to 15:2; the results did not deduce an optimal compression-ventilation ratio, but indicated that a 5:1 ratio was the least suitable for use. Because it has not been shown that different resuscitation techniques are needed for children over and under 8 years of age, the ratio of 15:2 was chosen as the most logical for professional rescue teams. For non-professional rescuers, regardless of the number of participants in the care, it is recommended to adhere to a ratio of 30: 2, which is especially important if the rescuer is alone and it is difficult for him to switch from compression to ventilation.

Dependence on the age of the child

The use of various resuscitation techniques for children over and under 8 years of age, as recommended by previous guidelines, has been recognized as inappropriate, and restrictions on the use of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) have also been removed. The reason for the different tactics of resuscitation in adults and children is etiological; adults are characterized by primary cardiac arrest, while in children it is usually secondary. A sign of the need to switch to resuscitation tactics used in adults is the onset of puberty, which is the most logical indicator of the end of the physiological period of childhood. This approach facilitates recognition, since the age at the start of resuscitation is often unknown. At the same time, it is obvious that there is no need to formally determine the signs of puberty, if the rescuer sees a child in front of him, he needs to use the pediatric resuscitation technique. If the tactics of child resuscitation are applied in early adolescence, this will not bring harm to health, since studies have proven the commonality of the etiology of pulmonary heart failure in childhood and early adolescence. Childhood should be considered the age from one year to the period of puberty; age up to 1 year should be considered infantile, and at this age the physiology is significantly different.

chest compression technique

Simplified recommendations for choosing the area on the chest for the application of compression force for different ages. It is recognized that it is advisable to use the same anatomical landmarks for infants (children under one year old) as for older children. The reason for this is that following previous guidelines sometimes resulted in compression in the upper abdomen. The technique for performing compression in infants remains the same - using two fingers if there is only one rescuer; and using the thumbs of both hands with a chest grip if there are two or more rescuers, but for older children there is no distinction between one-handed and two-handed techniques. In all cases it is necessary to achieve a sufficient depth of compression with minimal interruptions.

Automated external defibrillators

Publication data since the 2000 Guidelines have reported safe and successful use of AEDs in children under 8 years of age. Moreover, recent data show that AEDs accurately detect arrhythmias in children, and there is very little chance of mistimed or incorrect shock delivery. Therefore, AED is now recommended for all children older than 1 year of age. But any device that suggests the possibility of using it for arrhythmias in children must undergo appropriate testing. Many manufacturers today equip the devices with pediatric electrodes and programs that involve adjusting the discharge in the range of 50-75 J. Such devices are recommended for use in children from 1 to 8 years old. In the absence of a device equipped with such a system or the possibility of manual adjustment, an unmodified adult model can be used in children over one year old. For children under 1 year of age, the use of AEDs is questionable as there is not enough evidence either for or against such use.

Manual (non-automatic) defibrillators

The 2005 Consensus Conference recommended prompt defibrillation for children with ventricular fibrillation (VF) or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT). Adult life resuscitation (ALS) tactics involve delivering a single shock with immediate resumption of CPR without pulse detection and return to rhythm (see Section 3). When using a monophasic shock, it is recommended to use the first shock of a higher power than previously recommended - 360, and not 200J. (See Section 3). The ideal shock rate for children is not known, but animal models and a small amount of pediatric data show that more than 4 J/kg-1 delivers a good defibrillation effect with few side effects. Bipolar discharges are at least more effective and less disruptive to the myocardium. To simplify the technique of the procedure and in accordance with recommendations for adult patients, we recommend the use of a single defibrillating shock (mono- or biphasic) in children with a dose not exceeding 4 J/kg.

Algorithm of actions in case of airway obstruction by a foreign body

The algorithm of actions for airway obstruction by a foreign body in children (FBAO) was simplified as much as possible and as close as possible to the algorithm used in adult patients. The changes made are discussed in detail at the end of this section.

6a Basic life support in children.


Rescuers trained in basic adult resuscitation and unfamiliar with pediatric resuscitation techniques can use the adult resuscitation technique, with the difference that it is necessary to deliver at the beginning of 5 rescue breaths before starting CPR (see Figure 6.1)
Rice. 6.1 Algorithm for basic resuscitation in pediatrics. All healthcare professionals should know this UNRESPONSIVE? - Check for consciousness (reacting or not?) Shout for help - Call for help Open airway - clear the airways NOT BREATHING NORMALLY? - Check breathing (adequate or not?) 5 rescue breaths - 5 rescue breaths STILL UNRESPONSIVE? (no signs of a circulation) 15 chest compressions 15 chest compressions 2 rescue breaths After 1 minute call resuscitation team then continue CPR resuscitation The sequence of actions recommended for professionals in pediatric resuscitation: 1 Ensure the safety of the child and others

    Gently shake your child and ask out loud, "Are you all right?"

    Don't rub your baby if you suspect a neck injury

3a If the child responds with speech or movement

    Leave the child in the position in which you found him (so as not to aggravate the damage)

    Re-evaluate his condition periodically

3b If the child does not respond, then

    loudly call for help;

    open his airway by tilting his head back and raising his chin as follows:

    • first, without changing the position of the child, put your hand on his forehead and tilt his head back;

      at the same time put your finger in the chin fossa and lift the jaw. Do not press on the soft tissues below the chin, as this may block the airways;

      if opening the airway fails, use the jaw extraction method. Taking the corners of the lower jaw with two fingers of both hands, lift it;

      both techniques are facilitated if the child is carefully placed on his back.

If a neck injury is suspected, open the airway by retraction of the mandible alone. If this is not enough, very gradually, in dosed movements, tilt your head back until the airways open.

4 While securing the airway, listen and feel the baby's breathing by bringing your head close to him and following the movement of his chest.

    See if your chest is moving.

    Listen to see if the child is breathing.

    Try to feel his breath on your cheek.

Evaluate visually, aurally and tactilely for 10 seconds to assess the state of breathing

5a If the child is breathing normally

    Place the child in a stable side position (see below)

    Keep checking for breath

5b If the child is not breathing, or his breathing is agonal (rare and irregular)

    carefully remove anything that interferes with breathing;

    give five initial rescue breaths;

    during their conduct, watch for the possible appearance of coughing or gagging. This will determine your next steps, which are described below.

Resuscitation breathing for a child older than 1 year is performed as shown in Fig. 6.2.

    Do a head tilt and chin up.

    Pinch the soft tissues of the nose with the thumb and forefinger of the hand lying on the forehead of the child.

    Open his mouth slightly, keeping his chin up.

    Inhale and, clasping the child's mouth with your lips, make sure the contact is tight.

    Exhale uniformly into the respiratory tract for 1-1.5 seconds, watching the response movement of the chest.

    Leaving the baby's head in the tilted position, follow the lowering of his chest as you exhale.

    Inhale again and repeat everything in the same sequence up to 5 times. Monitor the effectiveness with a sufficient amount of movement of the child's chest - as with normal breathing.

Rice. 6.2 Mouth-to-mouth ventilation in a child older than one year.

Resuscitation breathing in an infant is carried out, as shown in Fig. 6.3.

    Make sure your head is in a neutral position and your chin is up.

    Inhale and cover the baby's mouth and nasal passages with your lips, make sure the contact is tight. If the child is large enough and it is not possible to cover the mouth and nasal passages at the same time, only mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose breathing can be used (while closing the child's lips).

    Exhale evenly into the airways for 1-1.5 seconds, tracking the subsequent movement of his chest.

    Leaving the child's head in the tilted position, evaluate the movement of his chest during exhalation.

    Take another breath and repeat the ventilation in the same sequence up to 5 times.

Rice. 6.3 Ventilation mouth-to-mouth and nose in a child up to a year.

If the required breathing efficiency is not achieved, airway obstruction is possible.

    Open the child's mouth and remove anything that might interfere with his breathing. Don't do blind cleansing.

    Make sure that the head is thrown back and the chin is raised, while there is no overextension of the head.

    If tilting the head back and raising the jaw does not open the airway, try moving the jaw around its corners.

    Perform five ventilatory breath attempts. If they are ineffective, move on to chest compressions.

    If you are a professional, determine the pulse, but do not spend more than 10 seconds on it.

If the child is older than 1 year, check for carotid pulsation. If it is an infant, take the pulse at the radial artery above the elbow.

7a If within 10 seconds you can unambiguously determine the signs of the presence of blood circulation

    Continue rescue breathing for as long as necessary until the child has adequate spontaneous breathing.

    Turn the child on its side (into the recovery position) if still unconscious

    Constantly re-evaluate the child's condition

7b If there are no signs of circulation, or the pulse is not detected, or it is too sluggish and less often than 60 beats / min, -1 weak filling, or not determined confidently

    start chest compressions

    combine chest compressions with ventilatory breathing.

Chest compression is performed as follows: pressure is applied to the lower third of the sternum. To avoid compression of the upper abdomen, locate the xiphoid process at the point of convergence of the lower ribs. The pressure point is located on the tire of one finger above it; compression should be deep enough - about a third of the thickness of the chest. Start pressing at a rate of about 100/min-1. After 15 compressions, tilt the child's head back, raise the chin, and take 2 effective breaths. Continue compressions and breathing at a ratio of 15:2, and if you are alone at 30:2, especially if at a compression rate of 100/min, the actual number of shocks produced will be less due to breath breaks. The optimal compression technique for infants and children is slightly different. In infants, conduction is performed by pressure on the sternum with the tips of two fingers. (Fig. 6.4). If there are two or more rescuers, the girth technique is used. Place your thumbs on the lower third of the sternum (as above), pointing the fingertips towards the baby's head. Grasp the child's chest with the fingers of both hands so that the fingertips support his back. Press your thumbs on the sternum to about a third of the thickness of the chest.

Rice. 6.4 Chest compression in a child under one year old. To perform chest compressions on a child older than one year, place the base of the palm of your hand on the lower third of the child's sternum. (Fig. 6.5 and 6.6). Raise your fingers so that there is no pressure on the baby's ribs. Stand vertically above the child's chest and, with your arms extended, compress the lower third of the sternum to a depth of approximately one third of the thickness of the chest. In adult children or with a small mass of the rescuer, this is easier to do by interlacing the fingers.

Rice. 6.5 Chest compression in a child under one year old.

Rice. 6.6 Chest compression in a child under one year old.

8 Continue resuscitation until

    The child retains signs of life (spontaneous breathing, pulse, movement)

    Until qualified help arrives

    Until complete exhaustion sets in

When to call for help

If the child is unconscious, call for help as soon as possible.

    If two people are involved in resuscitation, then one starts resuscitation, while the second goes to call for help.

    If there is only one rescuer, it is necessary to carry out resuscitation within one minute before going to call for help. To reduce interruptions in compression, you can take an infant or small child with you when calling for help.

    Only in one case can you immediately leave for help without resuscitation for a minute - if someone saw that the child suddenly lost consciousness, and there was only one rescuer. In this case, acute heart failure is most likely arrhythmogenic, and the child needs urgent defibrillation. If you are alone, go for help immediately.

restorative position

An unconscious child with an airway that is still open and spontaneously breathing should be placed in the recovery position. There are several variants of such provisions, each has its supporters. It is important to follow the following principles:

    The position of the child should be as close as possible to the position on the side in order to ensure the drainage of fluid from the oral cavity.

    The position must be stable. The baby should be placed under the back of a small pillow or rolled up blanket.

    Avoid any pressure on the chest so as not to choke your breath.

    It must be possible to safely roll onto the back and back to the side, as there is always the possibility of spinal injury.

    Airway access must be maintained.

    You can apply the position used in adults.

    Low heart pressure in the elderly what to do

    Heart rate is normal in children

To do this, you need to be able to diagnose terminal conditions, know the method of resuscitation, perform all the necessary manipulations in a strict sequence, up to automatism.

In 2010, at the international association AHA (American Heart Association), after long discussions, new rules for conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation were issued.

The changes primarily affected the sequence of resuscitation. Instead of the previously performed ABC (airway, breathing, compressions), CAB (cardiac massage, airway patency, artificial respiration) is now recommended.

Now consider urgent measures in the event of clinical death.

Clinical death can be diagnosed by the following signs:

there is no breathing, there is no blood circulation (the pulse on the carotid artery is not determined), dilation of the pupils is noted (there is no reaction to light), consciousness is not determined, reflexes are absent.

If clinical death is diagnosed:

  • Record the time when clinical death occurred and the time when resuscitation began;
  • Sound the alarm, call the resuscitation team for help (one person is not able to provide resuscitation with high quality);
  • Resuscitation should begin immediately, without wasting time on auscultation, measuring blood pressure and finding out the causes of the terminal condition.

CPR sequence:

1. Resuscitation begins with an indirect heart massage, regardless of age. This is especially true if one person is resuscitating. Immediately recommend 30 compressions in a row before the start of artificial ventilation.

If resuscitation is carried out by people without special training, then only heart massage is done without artificial respiration attempts. If resuscitation is carried out by a team of resuscitators, then closed heart massage is done simultaneously with artificial respiration, avoiding pauses (without stops).

Chest compressions should be fast and hard, in children under one year old by 2 cm, 1-7 years old by 3 cm, over 10 years old by 4 cm, in adults by 5 cm. The frequency of compressions in adults and children is up to 100 times per minute.

In infants under one year old, heart massage is performed with two fingers (index and ring), from 1 to 8 years old with one palm, for older children with two palms. The place of compression is the lower third of the sternum.

2. Restoration of airway patency (airways).

It is necessary to clear the airways of mucus, push the lower jaw forward and upward, slightly tilt the head back (in case of an injury to the cervical region, this is contraindicated), a roller is placed under the neck.

3. Restoration of breathing (breathing).

At the pre-hospital stage, mechanical ventilation is carried out by the “mouth-to-mouth and nose” method - in children under 1 year old, “mouth-to-mouth” method - in children over 1 year old.

The ratio of respiratory rate to the frequency of shocks:

  • If one rescuer conducts resuscitation, then the ratio is 2:30;
  • If several rescuers carry out resuscitation, then a breath is taken every 6-8 seconds, without interrupting the heart massage.

The introduction of an air duct or a laryngeal mask greatly facilitates IVL.

At the stage of medical care for mechanical ventilation, a manual breathing apparatus (Ambu bag) or an anesthetic apparatus is used.

Tracheal intubation should be with a smooth transition, breathe with a mask, and then intubate. Intubation is performed through the mouth (orotracheal method), or through the nose (nasotracheal method). Which method to give preference depends on the disease and damage to the facial skull.

Medicines are administered against the background of ongoing closed heart massage and mechanical ventilation.

The route of administration is desirable - intravenous, if not possible - endotracheal or intraosseous.

With endotracheal administration, the dose of the drug is increased by 2-3 times, the drug is diluted in saline to 5 ml and injected into the endotracheal tube through a thin catheter.

Intraosseously, the needle is inserted into the tibia in its anterior surface. A mandrel spinal needle or a bone marrow needle may be used.

Intracardiac administration in children is not currently recommended due to possible complications (hemipericardium, pneumothorax).

In clinical death, the following drugs are used:

  • Adrenaline hydrotartate 0.1% solution at a dose of 0.01 ml / kg (0.01 mg / kg). The drug can be administered every 3 minutes. In practice, dilute 1 ml of adrenaline with saline

9 ml (results in a total volume of 10 ml). From the resulting dilution, 0.1 ml/kg is administered. If there is no effect after double administration, the dose is increased ten times

(0.1 mg/kg).

  • Previously, 0.1% solution of atropine sulfate 0.01 ml/kg (0.01 mg/kg) was administered. Now it is not recommended for asystole and electromech. dissociation due to the lack of a therapeutic effect.
  • The introduction of sodium bicarbonate used to be mandatory, now only according to indications (with hyperkalemia or severe metabolic acidosis).

    The dose of the drug is 1 mmol/kg of body weight.

  • Calcium supplements are not recommended. They are prescribed only when cardiac arrest is caused by an overdose of calcium antagonists, with hypocalcemia or hyperkalemia. Dose of CaCl 2 - 20 mg/kg
  • I would like to note that in adults, defibrillation is a priority and should begin simultaneously with closed heart massage.

    In children, ventricular fibrillation occurs in about 15% of all cases of circulatory arrest and is therefore less commonly used. But if fibrillation is diagnosed, then it should be carried out as soon as possible.

    There are mechanical, medical, electrical defibrillation.

    • Mechanical defibrillation includes a precordial blow (a punch to the sternum). Now in pediatric practice is not used.
    • Medical defibrillation consists in the use of antiarrhythmic drugs - verapamil 0.1-0.3 mg / kg (no more than 5 mg once), lidocaine (at a dose of 1 mg / kg).
    • Electrical defibrillation is the most effective method and an essential component of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

    (2J/kg - 4J/kg - 4J/kg). If there is no effect, then against the background of ongoing resuscitation, a second series of discharges can be carried out again starting from 2 J / kg.

    During defibrillation, you need to disconnect the child from the diagnostic equipment and the respirator. Electrodes are placed - one to the right of the sternum below the collarbone, the other to the left and below the left nipple. There must be a saline solution or cream between the skin and the electrodes.

    Resuscitation is stopped only after the appearance of signs of biological death.

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is not started if:

    • More than 25 minutes have passed since cardiac arrest;
    • The patient is in the terminal stage of an incurable disease;
    • The patient received a full complex of intensive treatment, and against this background, cardiac arrest occurred;
    • Biological death was declared.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be carried out under the control of electrocardiography. It is a classic diagnostic method for such conditions.

    Single cardiac complexes, large or small wave fibrillation or isolines may be observed on the electrocardiograph tape or monitor.

    It happens that normal electrical activity of the heart is recorded in the absence of cardiac output. This type of circulatory arrest is called electromechanical dissociation (it happens with cardiac tamponade, tension pneumothorax, cardiogenic shock, etc.).

    In accordance with the data of electrocardiography, you can more accurately provide the necessary assistance.

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children

    The words "children" and "resuscitation" should not occur in the same context. It is too painful and bitter to read in the news feed that, through the fault of parents or by a fatal accident, children die, end up in intensive care units with severe injuries and injuries.

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children

    Statistics show that every year the number of children who die in early childhood is steadily increasing. But if there was a person nearby at the right time who knows how to provide first aid and who knows the features of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children ... In a situation where the life of children hangs in the balance, there should not be “if only”. We, adults, have no right to assumptions and doubts. Each of us is obliged to master the technique of conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation, to have a clear algorithm of actions in our head in case the case suddenly forces us to be in the same place, at the same time ... After all, the most important thing depends on the correct, well-coordinated actions before the arrival of an ambulance - The life of a little man.

    1 What is cardiopulmonary resuscitation?

    This is a set of measures that should be carried out by any person in any place before the arrival of an ambulance, if children have symptoms that indicate respiratory and / or circulatory arrest. Further, we will focus on basic resuscitation measures that do not require specialized equipment or medical training.

    2 Causes leading to life-threatening conditions in children

    Help with airway obstruction

    Respiratory and circulatory arrest is most common among children in the neonatal period, as well as in children under the age of two years. Parents and others need to be extremely attentive to children of this age category. Often the causes of the development of a life-threatening condition can be a sudden blockage of the respiratory organs by a foreign body, and in newborns - by mucus, the contents of the stomach. Often there is a syndrome of sudden death, congenital malformations and anomalies, drowning, suffocation, injuries, infections and respiratory diseases.

    There are differences in the mechanism of development of circulatory and respiratory arrest in children. They are as follows: if in an adult, circulatory disorders are more often associated directly with problems of the cardiac plan (heart attacks, myocarditis, angina pectoris), then in children this relationship is almost not traced. In children, progressive respiratory failure comes to the fore without damage to the heart, and then circulatory failure develops.

    3 How to understand that a violation of blood circulation has occurred?

    Checking a child's pulse

    If there is a suspicion that something is wrong with the baby, you need to call him, ask simple questions “what is your name?”, “Is everything all right?” if you have a child 3-5 years old and older. If the patient does not respond, or is completely unconscious, it is necessary to immediately check whether he is breathing, whether he has a pulse, a heartbeat. A violation of blood circulation will indicate:

    • lack of consciousness
    • violation / lack of breathing,
    • pulse on large arteries is not determined,
    • heartbeats are not audible,
    • pupils are dilated,
    • reflexes are absent.

    Checking for breath

    The time during which it is necessary to determine what happened to the child should not exceed 5-10 seconds, after which it is necessary to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children, call an ambulance. If you do not know how to determine the pulse, do not waste time on this. First of all, make sure that consciousness is preserved? Lean over him, call, ask a question, if he does not answer - pinch, squeeze his arm, leg.

    If the child does not react to your actions, he is unconscious. You can make sure that there is no breathing by leaning your cheek and ear as close as possible to his face, if you do not feel the victim’s breathing on your cheek, and also see that his chest does not rise from respiratory movements, this indicates a lack of breathing. You can't delay! It is necessary to move on to resuscitation techniques in children!

    4 ABC or CAB?

    Ensuring airway patency

    Until 2010, there was a single standard for the provision of resuscitation care, which had the following abbreviation: ABC. It got its name from the first letters of the English alphabet. Namely:

    • A - air (air) - ensuring the patency of the respiratory tract;
    • B - breathe for victim - ventilation of the lungs and access to oxygen;
    • C - circulation of blood - compression of the chest and normalization of blood circulation.

    After 2010, the European Resuscitation Council changed the recommendations, according to which chest compressions (point C), and not A, come first in resuscitation. The abbreviation changed from “ABC” to “CBA”. But these changes have had an effect in the adult population, in which the cause of critical situations is mostly heart disease. Among the child population, as mentioned above, respiratory disorders prevail over cardiac pathology, therefore, among children, the ABC algorithm is still guided, which primarily ensures airway patency and respiratory support.

    5 Resuscitation

    If the child is unconscious, there is no breathing or there are signs of its violation, it is necessary to make sure that the airways are passable and take 5 mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose breaths. If a baby under 1 year old is in critical condition, you should not take too strong artificial breaths into his airways, given the small capacity of small lungs. After 5 breaths into the patient's airways, the vital signs should be checked again: respiration, pulse. If they are absent, it is necessary to start an indirect heart massage. To date, the ratio of the number of chest compressions and the number of breaths is 15 to 2 in children (in adults 30 to 2).

    6 How to create airway patency?

    The head must be in such a position that the airway is clear.

    If a small patient is unconscious, then often the tongue sinks into his airways, or in the supine position, the back of the head contributes to the flexion of the cervical spine, and the airways will be closed. In both cases, artificial respiration will not bring any positive results - the air will rest against the barriers and will not be able to get into the lungs. What should be done to avoid this?

    1. It is necessary to straighten the head in the cervical region. Simply put, tilt your head back. Too much tilting should be avoided, as this may move the larynx forward. The extension should be smooth, the neck should be slightly extended. If there is a suspicion that the patient has an injury to the spine in the cervical region, do not tilt back!
    2. Open the victim's mouth, trying to bring the lower jaw forward and towards you. Inspect the oral cavity, remove excess saliva or vomit, foreign body, if any.
    3. The criterion of correctness, which ensures the patency of the airways, is the following such position of the child, in which his shoulder and the external auditory meatus are located on one straight line.

    If, after the above actions, breathing is restored, you feel the movements of the chest, abdomen, the flow of air from the child's mouth, and a heartbeat, pulse is heard, then other methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children should not be performed. It is necessary to turn the victim into a position on his side, in which his upper leg will be bent at the knee joint and extended forward, while the head, shoulders and body are located on the side.

    This position is also called "safe", because. it prevents reverse obturation of the airways with mucus, vomit, stabilizes the spine, and provides good access to monitor the child's condition. After the little patient is placed in a safe position, his breathing is preserved and his pulse is felt, heart contractions are restored, it is necessary to monitor the child and wait for the ambulance to arrive. But not in all cases.

    After fulfilling criterion "A", breathing is restored. If this does not happen, there is no breathing and cardiac activity, artificial ventilation and chest compressions should be carried out immediately. First, 5 breaths are performed in a row, the duration of each breath is approximately 1.0-.1.5 seconds. In children older than 1 year, mouth-to-mouth breaths are performed, in children under one year old - mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-mouth and nose, mouth-to-nose. If after 5 artificial breaths there are still no signs of life, then proceed to an indirect heart massage in a ratio of 15: 2

    7 Features of chest compressions in children

    chest compressions for children

    In cardiac arrest in children, indirect massage can be very effective and “start” the heart again. But only if it is carried out correctly, taking into account the age characteristics of small patients. When conducting an indirect heart massage in children, the following features should be remembered:

    1. Recommended frequency of chest compressions in children per minute.
    2. The depth of pressure on the chest for children under 8 years old is about 4 cm, over 8 years old - about 5 cm. The pressure should be strong and fast enough. Do not be afraid to make deep pressure. Since too superficial compressions will not lead to a positive result.
    3. In children in the first year of life, pressure is performed with two fingers, in older children - with the base of the palm of one hand or both hands.
    4. Hands are located on the border of the middle and lower thirds of the sternum.

    Primary cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children

    With the development of terminal conditions, timely and correct conduct of primary cardiopulmonary resuscitation allows, in some cases, to save the lives of children and return the victims to normal life. Mastering the elements of emergency diagnosis of terminal conditions, solid knowledge of the methodology of primary cardiopulmonary resuscitation, extremely clear, “automatic” execution of all manipulations in the right rhythm and strict sequence are an indispensable condition for success.

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques are constantly being improved. This publication presents the rules of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children, based on the latest recommendations of domestic scientists (Tsybulkin E.K., 2000; Malyshev V.D. et al., 2000) and the Emergency Committee of the American Association of Cardiology, published in JAMA (1992).

    The main signs of clinical death:

    lack of breathing, heartbeat and consciousness;

    the disappearance of the pulse in the carotid and other arteries;

    pale or gray-earthy skin color;

    pupils are wide, without reaction to light.

    Immediate measures for clinical death:

    resuscitation of a child with signs of circulatory and respiratory arrest should be started immediately, from the first seconds of ascertaining this condition, extremely quickly and vigorously, in strict sequence, without wasting time on finding out the causes of its onset, auscultation and measurement of blood pressure;

    fix the time of onset of clinical death and the start of resuscitation;

    sound an alarm, call assistants and an intensive care team;

    if possible, find out how many minutes have passed since the expected moment of development of clinical death.

    If it is known for sure that this period is more than 10 minutes, or the victim has early signs of biological death (symptoms of "cat's eye" - after pressing on the eyeball, the pupil takes and retains a spindle-shaped horizontal shape and "melting ice" - clouding of the pupil), then the need for cardiopulmonary resuscitation is questionable.

    Resuscitation will be effective only when it is properly organized and life-sustaining activities are performed in the classical sequence. The main provisions of primary cardiopulmonary resuscitation are proposed by the American Association of Cardiology in the form of the "ABC Rules" according to R. Safar:

    The first step of A(Airways) is to restore airway patency.

    The second step B (Breath) is the restoration of breathing.

    The third step C (Circulation) is the restoration of blood circulation.

    The sequence of resuscitation measures:

    1. Lay the patient on his back on a hard surface (table, floor, asphalt).

    2. Mechanically clear the oral cavity and pharynx from mucus and vomit.

    3. Slightly tilt your head back, straightening the airways (contraindicated if you suspect a cervical injury), put a soft roller made of a towel or sheet under your neck.

    Fracture of the cervical vertebrae should be suspected in patients with head trauma or other injuries above the collarbones, accompanied by loss of consciousness, or in patients whose spine has been subjected to unexpected overload associated with diving, falling, or an automobile accident.

    4. Push the lower jaw forward and upward (the chin should be in the most elevated position), which prevents the tongue from sticking to the back of the throat and facilitates air access.

    Start mechanical ventilation by mouth-to-mouth expiratory methods - in children over 1 year old, "mouth-to-nose" - in children under 1 year old (Fig. 1).

    IVL technique. When breathing “from mouth to mouth and nose”, it is necessary with the left hand, placed under the patient’s neck, to pull up his head and then, after a preliminary deep breath, tightly clasp the child’s nose and mouth with his lips (without pinching it) and with some effort blow in air (the initial part of his tidal volume) (Fig. 1). For hygienic purposes, the patient's face (mouth, nose) can first be covered with a gauze or handkerchief. As soon as the chest rises, the air is stopped. After that, take your mouth away from the child's face, giving him the opportunity to passively exhale. The ratio of the duration of inhalation and exhalation is 1:2. The procedure is repeated with a frequency equal to the age-related respiratory rate of the resuscitated person: in children of the first years of life - 20 per 1 min, in adolescents - 15 per 1 min

    When breathing "from mouth to mouth", the resuscitator wraps his lips around the patient's mouth, and pinches his nose with his right hand. Otherwise, the execution technique is the same (Fig. 1). With both methods, there is a risk of partial entry of the blown air into the stomach, its swelling, regurgitation of gastric contents into the oropharynx and aspiration.

    The introduction of an 8-shaped air duct or an adjacent mouth-to-nasal mask greatly facilitates mechanical ventilation. They are connected to manual breathing apparatus (Ambu bag). When using manual breathing apparatus, the resuscitator presses the mask tightly with his left hand: the nose with the thumb, and the chin with the index fingers, while (with the rest of the fingers) pulling the patient's chin up and back, which achieves closing the mouth under the mask. The bag is squeezed with the right hand until an excursion of the chest occurs. This serves as a signal to stop the pressure to ensure expiration.

    After the first air insufflations have been carried out, in the absence of a pulse on the carotid or femoral arteries, the resuscitator, along with the continuation of mechanical ventilation, should proceed to an indirect heart massage.

    The technique of indirect heart massage (Fig. 2, table 1). The patient lies on his back, on a hard surface. The resuscitator, having chosen the position of the hands corresponding to the age of the child, performs rhythmic pressure with age frequency on the chest, commensurate the force of pressure with the elasticity of the chest. Heart massage is carried out until the heart rhythm and pulse on the peripheral arteries are fully restored.

    The method of conducting indirect heart massage in children

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children: features and algorithm of actions

    The algorithm for conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children includes five stages. At the first, preparatory measures are performed, At the second, the patency of the airways is checked. At the third stage, artificial ventilation of the lungs is performed. The fourth stage is an indirect heart massage. Fifth - in the correct drug therapy.

    Algorithm for conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children: preparation and mechanical ventilation

    In preparation for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children, the presence of consciousness, spontaneous breathing, and a pulse on the carotid artery are checked. Also, the preparatory stage includes identifying the presence of neck and skull injuries.

    The next step in the algorithm for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children is to check the airway.

    To do this, the child's mouth is opened, the upper respiratory tract is cleaned of foreign bodies, mucus, vomit, the head is thrown back, and the chin is raised.

    If an injury to the cervical spine is suspected, the cervical spine is fixed before starting assistance.

    During cardiopulmonary resuscitation, children are given artificial lung ventilation (ALV).

    In children up to a year. The mouth is wrapped around the mouth and nose of the child and the lips are pressed tightly against the skin of his face. Slowly, for 1-1.5 seconds, evenly inhale air until the visible expansion of the chest. A feature of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children at this age is that the tidal volume should not exceed the volume of the cheeks.

    In children older than one year. The child's nose is pinched, his lips are wrapped around his lips, while throwing back his head and raising his chin. Slowly exhale air into the patient's mouth.

    In case of damage to the oral cavity, mechanical ventilation is carried out using the “mouth-to-nose” method.

    Respiratory rate: up to a year: per minute, from 1 to 7 years per minute, over 8 years per minute (normal respiratory rate and blood pressure indicators depending on age are presented in the table).

    Age norms of pulse rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate in children

    Respiratory rate, per minute

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children: cardiac massage and drug administration

    The child is placed on his back. Children under 1 year old are pressed on the sternum with 1-2 fingers. The thumbs are placed on the front surface of the baby's chest so that their ends converge at a point located 1 cm below the line mentally drawn through the left nipple. The remaining fingers should be under the back of the child.

    For children over 1 year old, heart massage is performed with the base of one hand or both hands (at an older age), standing on the side.

    Subcutaneous, intradermal and intramuscular injections for babies are done in the same way as for adults. But this way of administering medicines is not very effective - they begin to act in 10-20 minutes, and sometimes there is simply no such time. The fact is that any disease in children develops at lightning speed. The simplest and safest thing is to put a microclyster in a sick baby; the drug is diluted with warm (37-40 ° C) 0.9% sodium chloride solution (3.0-5.0 ml) with the addition of 70% ethyl alcohol (0.5-1.0 ml). 1.0-10.0 ml of the drug is injected through the rectum.

    Features of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children are the dosage of the drugs used.

    Adrenaline (epinephrine): 0.1 ml/kg or 0.01 mg/kg. 1.0 ml of the drug is diluted in 10.0 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution; 1 ml of this solution contains 0.1 mg of the drug. If it is impossible to make a quick calculation according to the weight of the patient, adrenaline is used at 1 ml per year of life in breeding (0.1% - 0.1 ml / year of pure adrenaline).

    Atropine: 0.01 mg/kg (0.1 ml/kg). 1.0 ml of 0.1% atropine is diluted in 10.0 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution, with this dilution, the drug can be administered in 1 ml per year of life. The introduction can be repeated every 3-5 minutes until a total dose of 0.04 mg/kg is reached.

    Sodium bicarbonate: 4% solution - 2 ml / kg.

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in newborns and children

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a specific algorithm of actions to restore or temporarily replace lost or significantly impaired heart and respiratory function. By restoring the activity of the heart and lungs, the resuscitator ensures the maximum possible preservation of the brain of the victim in order to avoid social death (complete loss of vitality of the cerebral cortex). Therefore, a mortal term is possible - cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation. Primary cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children is performed directly at the scene by anyone who knows the elements of CPR techniques.

    Despite cardiopulmonary resuscitation, mortality in circulatory arrest in newborns and children remains at the level of%. With isolated respiratory arrest, the mortality rate is 25%.

    About % of children requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation are under one year of age; Most of them are under 6 months of age. About 6% of newborns require cardiopulmonary resuscitation after birth; especially if the weight of the newborn is less than 1500 g.

    It is necessary to create a system for assessing the outcomes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children. An example is the modified Pittsburgh Outcome Categories Scale, which is based on an assessment of the general condition and function of the central nervous system.

    Carrying out cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children

    The sequence of the three most important methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation was formulated by P. Safar (1984) as the ABC rule:

    1. Aire way orep (“open the way for air”) means the need to free the airways from obstacles: sinking of the root of the tongue, accumulation of mucus, blood, vomit and other foreign bodies;
    2. Breath for victim ("breath for the victim") means mechanical ventilation;
    3. Circulation his blood ("circulation of his blood") means an indirect or direct heart massage.

    Measures aimed at restoring airway patency are carried out in the following sequence:

    • the victim is placed on a rigid base supine (face up), and if possible - in the Trendelenburg position;
    • unbend the head in the cervical region, bring the lower jaw forward and at the same time open the mouth of the victim (R. Safar's triple technique);
    • release the patient's mouth from various foreign bodies, mucus, vomit, blood clots with a finger wrapped in a handkerchief, suction.

    Having ensured the patency of the respiratory tract, immediately proceed to mechanical ventilation. There are several main methods:

    • indirect, manual methods;
    • methods of direct blowing of air exhaled by the resuscitator into the airways of the victim;
    • hardware methods.

    The former are mainly of historical importance and are not considered at all in modern guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. At the same time, manual ventilation techniques should not be neglected in difficult situations when it is not possible to provide assistance to the victim in other ways. In particular, it is possible to apply rhythmic compressions (simultaneously with both hands) of the victim's lower chest ribs, synchronized with his exhalation. This technique may be useful during transportation of a patient with severe asthmatic status (the patient lies or half-sitting with his head thrown back, the doctor stands in front or to the side and rhythmically squeezes his chest from the sides during exhalation). Reception is not indicated for fractures of the ribs or severe airway obstruction.

    The advantage of methods of direct inflation of the lungs in the victim is that a lot of air (1-1.5 l) is introduced with one breath, with active stretching of the lungs (Hering-Breuer reflex) and the introduction of an air mixture containing an increased amount of carbon dioxide (carbogen) stimulates the patient's respiratory center. Mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-nose, mouth-to-nose and mouth methods are used; the latter method is usually used in the resuscitation of young children.

    The rescuer kneels on the side of the victim. Holding his head in an unbent position and holding his nose with two fingers, he tightly covers the mouth of the victim with his lips and makes 2-4 energetic, not fast (within 1-1.5 s) exhalations in a row (the patient's chest should be noticeable). An adult is usually provided with up to 16 respiratory cycles per minute, a child - up to 40 (taking into account age).

    Ventilators vary in complexity of design. At the prehospital stage, you can use self-expanding breathing bags of the Ambu type, simple mechanical devices of the Pnevmat type, or interrupters of a constant air flow, for example, using the Eyre method (through a tee - with a finger). In hospitals, complex electromechanical devices are used that provide mechanical ventilation for a long period (weeks, months, years). Short-term forced ventilation is provided through a nasal mask, long-term - through an endotracheal or tracheotomy tube.

    Usually, mechanical ventilation is combined with an external, indirect heart massage, achieved with the help of compression - compression of the chest in the transverse direction: from the sternum to the spine. In older children and adults, this is the border between the lower and middle thirds of the sternum; in young children, it is a conditional line passing one transverse finger above the nipples. The frequency of chest compressions in adults is 60-80, in infants, in newborns per minute.

    In infants, there is one breath for every 3-4 chest compressions; in older children and adults, the ratio is 1:5.

    The effectiveness of indirect heart massage is evidenced by a decrease in cyanosis of the lips, auricles and skin, constriction of the pupils and the appearance of a photoreaction, an increase in blood pressure, and the appearance of individual respiratory movements in the patient.

    Due to the incorrect position of the resuscitator's hands and with excessive efforts, complications of cardiopulmonary resuscitation are possible: fractures of the ribs and sternum, damage to internal organs. Direct cardiac massage is done with cardiac tamponade, multiple fractures of the ribs.

    Specialized cardiopulmonary resuscitation includes more adequate mechanical ventilation, as well as intravenous or intratracheal medication. With intratracheal administration, the dose of drugs in adults should be 2 times, and in infants 5 times higher than with intravenous administration. Intracardiac administration of drugs is currently not practiced.

    The condition for the success of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children is the release of the airways, mechanical ventilation and oxygen supply. The most common cause of circulatory arrest in children is hypoxemia. Therefore, during CPR, 100% oxygen is delivered through a mask or endotracheal tube. V. A. Mikhelson et al. (2001) supplemented R. Safar's "ABC" rule with 3 more letters: D (Drag) - drugs, E (ECG) - electrocardiographic control, F (Fibrillation) - defibrillation as a method of treating cardiac arrhythmias. Modern cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children is unthinkable without these components, however, the algorithm for their use depends on the variant of cardiac dysfunction.

    With asystole, intravenous or intratracheal administration of the following drugs is used:

    • adrenaline (0.1% solution); 1st dose - 0.01 ml / kg, the next - 0.1 ml / kg (every 3-5 minutes until the effect is obtained). With intratracheal administration, the dose is increased;
    • atropine (with asystole is ineffective) is usually administered after adrenaline and adequate ventilation (0.02 ml / kg 0.1% solution); repeat no more than 2 times in the same dose after 10 minutes;
    • sodium bicarbonate is administered only in conditions of prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and also if it is known that circulatory arrest occurred against the background of decompensated metabolic acidosis. The usual dose is 1 ml of an 8.4% solution. Repeat the introduction of the drug is possible only under the control of CBS;
    • dopamine (dopamine, dopmin) is used after the restoration of cardiac activity against the background of unstable hemodynamics at a dose of 5-20 μg / (kg min), to improve diuresis 1-2 μg / (kg-min) for a long time;
    • lidocaine is administered after the restoration of cardiac activity against the background of postresuscitation ventricular tachyarrhythmia as a bolus at a dose of 1.0-1.5 mg/kg, followed by an infusion at a dose of 1-3 mg/kg-h), or µg/(kg-min).

    Defibrillation is carried out against the background of ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia in the absence of a pulse on the carotid or brachial artery. The power of the 1st discharge is 2 J/kg, subsequent - 4 J/kg; the first 3 discharges can be given in a row without being monitored by an ECG monitor. If the device has a different scale (voltmeter), the 1st category in infants should be within V, repeated - 2 times more. In adults, respectively, 2 and 4 thousand. V (maximum 7 thousand V). The effectiveness of defibrillation is increased by repeated administration of the entire complex of drug therapy (including a polarizing mixture, and sometimes magnesia sulphate, aminophylline);

    For EMD in children with no pulse on the carotid and brachial arteries, the following methods of intensive care are used:

    • adrenaline intravenously, intratracheally (if catheterization is not possible after 3 attempts or within 90 seconds); 1st dose 0.01 mg/kg, subsequent - 0.1 mg/kg. The introduction of the drug is repeated every 3-5 minutes until the effect is obtained (restoration of hemodynamics, pulse), then in the form of infusions at a dose of 0.1-1.0 μg / (kgmin);
    • liquid for replenishment of the central nervous system; it is better to use a 5% solution of albumin or stabizol, you can reopoliglyukin at a dose of 5-7 ml / kg quickly, drip;
    • atropine at a dose of 0.02-0.03 mg/kg; re-introduction is possible after 5-10 minutes;
    • sodium bicarbonate - usually 1 time 1 ml of 8.4% solution intravenously slowly; the effectiveness of its introduction is doubtful;
    • with the ineffectiveness of the listed means of therapy - electrocardiostimulation (external, transesophageal, endocardial) without delay.

    If in adults ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation are the main forms of circulatory cessation, then in young children they are extremely rare, so defibrillation is almost never used in them.

    In cases where the brain damage is so deep and extensive that it becomes impossible to restore its functions, including stem functions, brain death is diagnosed. The latter is equated to the death of the organism as a whole.

    Currently, there are no legal grounds for stopping the started and actively conducted intensive care in children before natural circulatory arrest. Resuscitation does not begin and is not carried out in the presence of a chronic disease and pathology incompatible with life, which is predetermined by a council of doctors, as well as in the presence of objective signs of biological death (cadaveric spots, rigor mortis). In all other cases, cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children should begin with any sudden cardiac arrest and be carried out according to all the rules described above.

    The duration of standard resuscitation in the absence of effect should be at least 30 minutes after circulatory arrest.

    With successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children, it is possible to restore cardiac, sometimes simultaneously respiratory functions (primary revival) in at least half of the victims, however, in the future, survival in patients is much less common. The reason for this is post-resuscitation illness.

    The outcome of resuscitation is largely determined by the conditions of blood supply to the brain in the early postresuscitation period. In the first 15 minutes, the blood flow can exceed the initial one by 2-3 times, after 3-4 hours it falls by % in combination with an increase in vascular resistance by 4 times. Re-deterioration of cerebral circulation may occur 2-4 days or 2-3 weeks after CPR against the background of almost complete restoration of CNS function - the syndrome of delayed posthypoxic encephalopathy. By the end of the 1st to the beginning of the 2nd day after CPR, there may be a repeated decrease in blood oxygenation associated with non-specific lung damage - respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and the development of shunt-diffusion respiratory failure.

    Complications of postresuscitation illness:

    • in the first 2-3 days after CPR - swelling of the brain, lungs, increased bleeding of tissues;
    • 3-5 days after CPR - violation of the functions of parenchymal organs, the development of overt multiple organ failure (MON);
    • in later periods - inflammatory and suppurative processes. In the early postresuscitation period (1-2 weeks) intensive care
    • carried out against the background of disturbed consciousness (somnolence, stupor, coma) IVL. Its main tasks in this period are the stabilization of hemodynamics and the protection of the brain from aggression.

    Restoration of the BCP and the rheological properties of blood is carried out by hemodilutants (albumin, protein, dry and native plasma, reopoliglyukin, saline solutions, less often a polarizing mixture with the introduction of insulin at the rate of 1 unit per 2-5 g of dry glucose). Plasma protein concentration should be at least 65 g/l. Improving gas exchange is achieved by restoring the oxygen capacity of the blood (red blood cell transfusion), mechanical ventilation (with an oxygen concentration in the air mixture preferably less than 50%). With reliable restoration of spontaneous respiration and stabilization of hemodynamics, it is possible to carry out HBO, for a course of 5-10 procedures daily, 0.5 ATI (1.5 ATA) and platomin under the cover of antioxidant therapy (tocopherol, ascorbic acid, etc.). Maintaining blood circulation is provided by small doses of dopamine (1-3 mcg / kg per minute for a long time), carrying out maintenance cardiotrophic therapy (polarizing mixture, panangin). Normalization of microcirculation is ensured by effective pain relief in case of injuries, neurovegetative blockade, administration of antiplatelet agents (Curantyl 2-Zmg/kg, heparin up to 300 U/kg per day) and vasodilators (Cavinton up to 2 ml drip or trental 2-5 mg/kg per day drip, Sermion , eufillin, nicotinic acid, complamin, etc.).

    Antihypoxic therapy is carried out (Relanium 0.2-0.5 mg / kg, barbiturates at a saturation dose of up to 15 mg / kg for the 1st day, in the subsequent - up to 5 mg / kg, GHB mg / kg after 4-6 hours, enkephalins, opioids ) and antioxidant (vitamin E - 50% oil solution in dozemg / kg strictly intramuscularly daily, for a course of injections) therapy. To stabilize the membranes, normalize blood circulation, large doses of prednisolone, metipred (domg / kg) are prescribed intravenously as a bolus or fractional within 1 day.

    Prevention of posthypoxic cerebral edema: cranial hypothermia, administration of diuretics, dexazone (0.5-1.5 mg/kg per day), 5-10% albumin solution.

    The VEO, KOS and energy metabolism are being corrected. Detoxification therapy is carried out (infusion therapy, hemosorption, plasmapheresis according to indications) for the prevention of toxic encephalopathy and secondary toxic (autotoxic) organ damage. Intestinal decontamination with aminoglycosides. Timely and effective anticonvulsant and antipyretic therapy in young children prevents the development of post-hypoxic encephalopathy.

    Prevention and treatment of bedsores (treatment with camphor oil, curiosin of places with impaired microcirculation), nosocomial infections (asepsis) are necessary.

    In the case of a patient's rapid exit from a critical condition (in 1-2 hours), the complex of therapy and its duration should be adjusted depending on the clinical manifestations and the presence of post-resuscitation disease.

    Treatment in the late post-resuscitation period

    Therapy in the late (subacute) post-resuscitation period is carried out for a long time - months and years. Its main direction is the restoration of brain function. Treatment is carried out in conjunction with neuropathologists.

    • The introduction of drugs that reduce metabolic processes in the brain is reduced.
    • Prescribe drugs that stimulate metabolism: cytochrome C 0.25% (10-50 ml / day 0.25% solution in 4-6 doses, depending on age), actovegin, solcoseryl (0.4-2.0g intravenous drip for 5 % glucose solution for 6 hours), piracetam (10-50 ml / day), cerebrolysin (up to 5-15 ml / day) for older children intravenously during the day. Subsequently, encephabol, acephen, nootropil are prescribed orally for a long time.
    • 2-3 weeks after CPR, a (primary or repeated) course of HBO therapy is indicated.
    • Continue the introduction of antioxidants, antiplatelet agents.
    • Vitamins of group B, C, multivitamins.
    • Antifungal drugs (diflucan, ancotyl, candizol), biologics. Termination of antibiotic therapy as indicated.
    • Membrane stabilizers, physiotherapy, exercise therapy (LFK) and massage according to indications.
    • General strengthening therapy: vitamins, ATP, creatine phosphate, biostimulants, adaptogens for a long time.

    The main differences between cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children and adults

    Conditions preceding circulatory arrest

    Bradycardia in a child with respiratory problems is a sign of circulatory arrest. Newborns, infants, and young children develop bradycardia in response to hypoxia, while older children develop tachycardia first. In newborns and children with a heart rate of less than 60 per minute and signs of low organ perfusion, if there is no improvement after the start of artificial respiration, closed heart massage should be performed.

    After adequate oxygenation and ventilation, epinephrine is the drug of choice.

    Blood pressure should be measured with a properly sized cuff, and invasive blood pressure measurement is indicated only when the child is extremely severe.

    Since the blood pressure indicator depends on age, it is easy to remember the lower limit of the norm as follows: less than 1 month - 60 mm Hg. Art.; 1 month - 1 year - 70 mm Hg. Art.; more than 1 year - 70 + 2 x age in years. It is important to note that children are able to maintain pressure for a long time due to powerful compensatory mechanisms (increased heart rate and peripheral vascular resistance). However, hypotension is followed very quickly by cardiac and respiratory arrest. Therefore, even before the onset of hypotension, all efforts should be directed to the treatment of shock (manifestations of which are an increase in heart rate, cold extremities, capillary refill for more than 2 s, weak peripheral pulse).

    Equipment and environment

    Equipment size, drug dosage, and CPR parameters depend on age and body weight. When choosing doses, the age of the child should be rounded down, for example, at the age of 2 years, the dose for the age of 2 years is prescribed.

    In newborns and children, heat transfer is increased due to the larger body surface relative to body weight and a small amount of subcutaneous fat. The ambient temperature during and after cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be constant, ranging from 36.5°C in neonates to 35°C in children. At a basal body temperature below 35 ° C, CPR becomes problematic (in contrast to the beneficial effect of hypothermia in the post-resuscitation period).


    Children have structural features of the upper respiratory tract. The size of the tongue relative to the oral cavity is disproportionately large. The larynx is located higher and more inclined forward. The epiglottis is long. The narrowest part of the trachea is located below the vocal cords at the level of the cricoid cartilage, which makes it possible to use uncuffed tubes. The straight blade of the laryngoscope allows better visualization of the glottis, since the larynx is located more ventrally and the epiglottis is very mobile.

    Rhythm disturbances

    With asystole, atropine and artificial pacing are not used.

    VF and VT with unstable hemodynamics occurs in % of cases of circulatory arrest. Vasopressin is not prescribed. When using cardioversion, the shock force should be 2-4 J/kg for a monophasic defibrillator. It is recommended to start at 2 J/kg and increase as needed to a maximum of 4 J/kg on the third shock.

    Statistics show that cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children allows at least 1% of patients or victims of accidents to return to normal life.

    Medical Expert Editor

    Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

    Education: Kyiv National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - "Medicine"

    Algorithm of actions for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children, its purpose and varieties

    Restoring the normal functioning of the circulatory system, maintaining air exchange in the lungs is the primary goal of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Timely resuscitation measures allow avoiding the death of neurons in the brain and myocardium until blood circulation is restored and breathing becomes independent. Cardiac arrest in a child due to a cardiac cause is extremely rare.

    For infants and newborns, the following causes of cardiac arrest are distinguished: suffocation, SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome, when an autopsy cannot establish the cause of termination of life, pneumonia, bronchospasm, drowning, sepsis, neurological diseases. In children after twelve months, death occurs most often due to various injuries, strangulation due to illness or a foreign body entering the respiratory tract, burns, gunshot wounds, and drowning.

    Purpose of CPR in children

    Doctors divide little patients into three groups. The algorithm for resuscitation is different for them.

    1. Sudden circulatory arrest in a child. Clinical death during the entire period of resuscitation. Three main outcomes:
    • CPR ended with a positive outcome. At the same time, it is impossible to predict what the patient's condition will be after the clinical death he has suffered, how much the functioning of the body will be restored. There is a development of the so-called postresuscitation disease.
    • The patient does not have the possibility of spontaneous mental activity, the death of brain cells occurs.
    • Resuscitation does not bring a positive result, doctors ascertain the death of the patient.
    1. The prognosis is unfavorable during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children with severe trauma, in a state of shock, and complications of a purulent-septic nature.
    2. Resuscitation of a patient with oncology, anomalies in the development of internal organs, severe injuries, if possible, is carefully planned. Immediately proceed to resuscitation in the absence of a pulse, breathing. Initially, it is necessary to understand whether the child is conscious. This can be done by shouting or lightly shaking, while avoiding sudden movements of the patient's head.

    Primary resuscitation

    CPR in a child includes three stages, which are also called ABC - Air, Breath, Circulation:

    • Air way open. The airway needs to be cleared. Vomiting, retraction of the tongue, foreign body may be an obstruction in breathing.
    • Breath for the victim. Carrying out measures for artificial respiration.
    • Circulation his blood. Closed heart massage.

    When performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation of a newborn baby, the first two points are most important. Primary cardiac arrest in young patients is uncommon.

    Ensuring the child's airway

    The first stage is considered the most important in the CPR process in children. The algorithm of actions is the following.

    The patient is placed on his back, neck, head and chest are in the same plane. If there is no trauma to the skull, it is necessary to throw back the head. If the victim has an injured head or upper cervical region, it is necessary to push the lower jaw forward. In case of loss of blood, it is recommended to raise the legs. Violation of the free flow of air through the respiratory tract in an infant may be aggravated by excessive bending of the neck.

    The reason for the ineffectiveness of measures for pulmonary ventilation may be the incorrect position of the child's head relative to the body.

    If there are foreign objects in the oral cavity that make breathing difficult, they must be removed. If possible, tracheal intubation is performed, an airway is inserted. If it is impossible to intubate the patient, mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-nose and mouth-to-mouth breathing is performed.

    Solving the problem of tilting the patient's head is one of the primary tasks of CPR.

    Airway obstruction leads to cardiac arrest in the patient. This phenomenon causes allergies, inflammatory infectious diseases, foreign objects in the mouth, throat or trachea, vomit, blood clots, mucus, sunken tongue of the child.

    Algorithm of actions during ventilation

    Optimal for the implementation of artificial ventilation of the lungs will be the use of an air duct or a face mask. If it is not possible to use these methods, an alternative course of action is to actively blow air into the nose and mouth of the patient.

    To prevent the stomach from stretching, it is necessary to ensure that there is no excursion of the peritoneum. Only the volume of the chest should decrease in the intervals between exhalation and inhalation when carrying out measures to restore breathing.

    When carrying out the procedure of artificial ventilation of the lungs, the following actions are carried out. The patient is placed on a hard, flat surface. The head is slightly thrown back. Observe the child's breathing for five seconds. In the absence of breathing, take two breaths lasting one and a half to two seconds. After that, stand for a few seconds to release air.

    When resuscitating a child, inhale air very carefully. Careless actions can provoke a rupture of lung tissue. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation of the newborn and infant is carried out using the cheeks for blowing air. After the second inhalation of air and its exit from the lungs, a heartbeat is probed.

    Air is blown into the lungs of a child eight to twelve times per minute with an interval of five to six seconds, provided that the heart is functioning. If the heartbeat is not established, they proceed to indirect heart massage, other life-saving actions.

    It is necessary to carefully check for the presence of foreign objects in the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. This kind of obstruction will prevent air from entering the lungs.

    The sequence of actions is as follows:

    • the victim is placed on the arm bent at the elbow, the baby's torso is above the level of the head, which is held with both hands by the lower jaw.
    • after the patient is laid in the correct position, five gentle strokes are made between the patient's shoulder blades. The blows must have a directed action from the shoulder blades to the head.

    If the child cannot be placed in the correct position on the forearm, then the thigh and the leg bent at the knee of the person involved in resuscitation of the child are used as a support.

    Closed heart massage and chest compressions

    Closed massage of the heart muscle is used to normalize hemodynamics. It is not carried out without the use of IVL. Due to the increase in intrathoracic pressure, blood is ejected from the lungs into the circulatory system. The maximum air pressure in the lungs of a child falls on the lower third of the chest.

    The first compression should be a trial, it is carried out to determine the elasticity and resistance of the chest. The chest is squeezed during a heart massage by 1/3 of its size. Chest compression is performed differently for different age groups of patients. It is carried out due to pressure on the base of the palms.

    Features of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children

    Features of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children are that it is necessary to use the fingers or one palm for compression due to the small size of the patients and the fragile physique.

    • Infants are pressed on the chest only with their thumbs.
    • For children from 12 months to eight years old, massage is performed with one hand.
    • For patients older than eight years, both palms are placed on the chest. like adults, but measure the force of pressure with the size of the body. The elbows of the hands during the massage of the heart remain in a straightened state.

    There are some differences in CPR that is cardiac in nature in patients over 18 years of age and CPR resulting from strangulation in children with cardiopulmonary insufficiency, so resuscitators are advised to use a special pediatric algorithm.

    Compression-ventilation ratio

    If only one physician is involved in resuscitation, he should deliver two breaths of air into the patient's lungs for every thirty compressions. If two resuscitators are working at the same time - compression 15 times for every 2 air injections. When using a special tube for IVL, a non-stop heart massage is performed. The frequency of ventilation in this case is from eight to twelve beats per minute.

    A blow to the heart or a precordial blow in children is not used - the chest can be seriously affected.

    The frequency of compressions is from one hundred to one hundred and twenty beats per minute. If the massage is performed on a child under 1 month old, then you should start with sixty beats per minute.

    CPR should not be stopped for more than five seconds. 60 seconds after the start of resuscitation, the doctor should check the patient's pulse. After that, the heartbeat is checked every two to three minutes at the moment the massage is stopped for 5 seconds. The state of the pupils of the reanimated indicates his condition. The appearance of a reaction to light indicates that the brain is recovering. Persistent dilation of the pupils is an unfavorable symptom. If it is necessary to intubate the patient, do not stop resuscitation for more than 30 seconds.

    Infrequently, but there are such cases: a person was walking down the street, evenly, confidently, and suddenly he fell, stopped breathing, turned blue. In such cases, people around usually call an ambulance and wait a long time. Five minutes later, the arrival of specialists is no longer necessary - the person has died. And extremely rarely there is a person nearby who knows the algorithm for conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation and is able to apply his actions in practice.

    Causes of cardiac arrest

    In principle, any disease can cause cardiac arrest. Therefore, listing all those hundreds of diseases that are known to specialists is pointless and there is no need. However, the most common causes of cardiac arrest are:

    • heart diseases;
    • trauma;
    • drowning;
    • electric shocks;
    • intoxication;
    • infections;
    • respiratory arrest in case of aspiration (inhalation) of a foreign body - this cause most often occurs in children.

    However, regardless of the cause, the algorithm of actions for cardiopulmonary resuscitation always remains the same.

    Movies very often show the attempts of heroes to resuscitate a dying person. Usually it looks like this - a positive character runs up to a motionless victim, falls on his knees next to him and begins to intensely press on his chest. With all his artistry, he shows the drama of the moment: he jumps over a person, trembles, cries or screams. If the case occurs in the hospital, the doctors always report that "he is leaving, we are losing him." If, according to the scriptwriter's plan, the victim should live, he will survive. However, such a person has no chance of salvation in real life, since the "resuscitator" did everything wrong.

    In 1984, the Austrian anesthesiologist Peter Safar proposed the ABC system. This complex formed the basis of modern recommendations for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and for more than 30 years, this rule has been used by all doctors without exception. In 2015, the American Heart Association released an updated guide for practitioners, which covers all the nuances of the algorithm in detail.

    ABC algorithm- this is a sequence of actions that give the victim the maximum chance for survival. Its essence lies in its very name:

    • airway- respiratory tract: detection of their blockage and its elimination in order to ensure the patency of the larynx, trachea, bronchi;
    • breathing- breathing: carrying out artificial respiration according to a special technique with a certain frequency;
    • Circulation- ensuring blood circulation during cardiac arrest by its external (indirect massage).

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation according to the ABC algorithm can be performed by any person, even without a medical education. This is the basic knowledge that everyone should have.

    How is cardiopulmonary resuscitation performed in adults and adolescents

    First of all, you should ensure the safety of the victim, not forgetting about yourself. If you remove a person from a car that has been in an accident, immediately pull him away from it. If a fire is raging nearby, do the same. Move the victim to any nearest safe place and proceed to the next step.

    Now we need to make sure that the person really needs CPR. To do this, ask him "What is your name?" It is this question that will best attract the attention of the victim if he is conscious, even clouded.

    If he does not answer, shake him up: lightly pinch his cheek, pat him on the shoulder. Do not move the victim unnecessarily, as you cannot be sure of the absence of injuries if you find him already unconscious.

    In the absence of consciousness, check for the presence or absence of breathing. To do this, put your ear to the mouth of the victim. Here the rule “See. Hear. Touch":

    • you see chest movements;
    • you hear the sound of exhaled air;
    • you feel the movement of air with your cheek.

    In movies, this is often done by putting the ear to the chest. This method is relatively effective only if the patient's chest is completely exposed. Even one layer of clothing will distort the sound and you will not understand anything.

    Simultaneously with the breath check, you can check for the presence of a pulse. Don't look for it on your wrist: the best way to detect a pulse is by palpation of the carotid artery. To do this, place your index and ring fingers on the top of the "Adam's apple" and move them towards the back of the neck until the fingers rest against the muscle that runs from top to bottom. If there is no pulsation, then cardiac activity has stopped and it is necessary to start saving lives.

    Attention! You have 10 seconds to check for pulse and breathing!

    The next step is to make sure that there are no foreign bodies in the victim's mouth. In no case look for them by touch: a person may have convulsions and your fingers will simply be bitten off, or you may accidentally tear off an artificial tooth crown or bridge, which will fall into the airways and cause asphyxia. You can remove only those foreign bodies that are visible from the outside and are close to the lips.

    Now attract the attention of others, ask them to call an ambulance, and if you are alone, do it yourself (calling the emergency services is free), and then start cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

    Lay the person on their back on a hard surface - earth, asphalt, table, floor. Tilt his head back, push the lower jaw forward and slightly open the victim's mouth - this will prevent the tongue from falling back and allow effective artificial respiration ( triple Safar maneuver).

    If a neck injury is suspected, or if the person has been found already unconscious, limit yourself to lower jaw protrusion and mouth opening ( double Safar maneuver). Sometimes this is enough for a person to start breathing.

    Attention! The presence of breathing is almost one hundred percent evidence that the human heart is working. If the victim is breathing, he should be turned on his side and left in this position until the arrival of doctors. Observe the casualty, checking for pulse and respiration every minute.

    In the absence of a pulse, start an external cardiac massage. To do this, if you are right-handed, then place the base of your right palm on the lower third of the sternum (2-3 cm below the conditional line passing through the nipples). Put the base of your left palm on it and interlace your fingers, as shown in the figure.

    Hands must be straight! Press with your whole body on the chest of the victim with a frequency of 100-120 clicks per minute. The depth of pressing is 5-6 cm. Do not take long breaks - you can rest for no more than 10 seconds. Let the chest expand completely after pressing, but do not take your hands off it.

    The most effective method of artificial respiration is mouth-to-mouth. To carry it out, after the triple or double Safar maneuver, cover the victim's mouth with your mouth, pinch his nose with the fingers of one hand and exhale vigorously for 1 second. Let the patient breathe.

    The effectiveness of artificial respiration is determined by the movements of the chest, which must rise and fall during inhalation and exhalation. If this is not the case, then the person's airways are clogged. Check the mouth again - you may see a foreign body that can be removed. In any case, do not interrupt cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

    ATTENTION! The American Heart Association recommends that you do not need to administer artificial respiration, as chest compressions provide the body with the minimum amount of air it needs. However, artificial respiration increases the likelihood of a positive effect from CPR by several percent. Therefore, if possible, it should still be carried out, remembering that a person may be sick with an infectious disease such as hepatitis or HIV infection.

    One person is not able to simultaneously press on the chest and carry out artificial respiration, so the actions should be alternated: after every 30 presses, 2 respiratory movements should be performed.

    Stop every two minutes and check for a pulse. If it appears, pressing on the chest should be stopped.

    A detailed algorithm for conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation for adults and adolescents is presented in the video review:

    When to Stop CPR

    Termination of cardiopulmonary resuscitation:

    • with the appearance of spontaneous breathing and pulse;
    • when signs of biological death appear;
    • 30 minutes after the start of resuscitation;
    • if the rescuer is completely exhausted and unable to continue CPR.

    Numerous studies show that carrying out CPR for more than 30 minutes can lead to the appearance of a heart rhythm. However, during this time the cerebral cortex dies and the person is not able to recover. That is why a half-hour interval has been set, during which the victim has a chance of recovery.

    In childhood, asphyxia is a more common cause of clinical death. Therefore, it is especially important for this category of patients to carry out the full range of resuscitation measures - both external heart massage and artificial respiration.

    Note: if an adult is allowed to be left for a very short time in order to call for help, then the child must first carry out CPR for two minutes, and only then can he be absent for a few seconds.

    To carry out chest compressions in a child should be with the same frequency and amplitude as in adults. Depending on his age, you can press with two or one hand. In infants, an effective method is when the baby’s chest is clasped with both palms, placing the thumbs in the middle of the sternum, and the rest are pressed tightly against the sides and back. Pressing is done with the thumbs.

    The ratio of compressions and respiratory movements in children can be either 30:2, or if there are two resuscitators - 15:2. In newborns, the ratio is 3 clicks per breath.

    Cardiac arrest is not as rare as it seems, and timely assistance can give a person a good chance for a future life. Everyone can learn the algorithm of actions in emergency situations. You don't even need to go to medical school to do it. It is enough to watch high-quality training videos on cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a few lessons with an instructor and periodically update your knowledge - and you can become a lifeguard, albeit an unprofessional one. And who knows, maybe someday you will give someone a chance at life.

    Bozbey Gennady Andreevich, emergency doctor

    Doctors of all specialties have to teach others and themselves to perform manipulations related to emergency care and saving the patient's life. This is the very first thing a medical student hears at university. Therefore, special attention is paid to the study of such disciplines as anesthesiology and resuscitation. Ordinary people who are not related to medicine also do not hurt to know the protocol of actions in a life-threatening situation. Who knows when it might come in handy.

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an emergency care procedure aimed at restoring and maintaining the vital activity of the body after the onset of clinical death. It includes several required steps. The SRL algorithm was proposed by Peter Safar, and one of the patient rescue techniques is named after him.

    ethical question

    It's no secret that doctors are constantly faced with the problem of choosing what is best for their patient. And often it is he who becomes a stumbling block for further therapeutic measures. The same goes for CPR. The algorithm is modified depending on the conditions of assistance, the training of the resuscitation team, the age of the patient and his current condition.

    There has been much discussion as to whether children and adolescents should be made aware of the complexity of their condition, given the fact that they do not have the right to make decisions about their own treatment. An issue has been raised about organ donation from victims undergoing CPR. The algorithm of actions in these circumstances should be somewhat modified.

    When is CPR not performed?

    In medical practice, there are cases when resuscitation is not carried out, since it is already meaningless, and the patient's injuries are not compatible with life.

    1. When there are signs of biological death: rigor mortis, cooling, cadaveric spots.
    2. Signs of brain death.
    3. End stages of incurable diseases.
    4. The fourth stage of oncological diseases with metastasis.
    5. If the doctors know for sure that more than twenty-five minutes have passed since the cessation of breathing and circulation.

    Signs of clinical death

    There are primary and secondary features. The main ones include:
    - lack of pulse on large arteries (carotid, femoral, brachial, temporal);
    - lack of breathing;
    - Persistent dilation of the pupils.

    Secondary signs include loss of consciousness, pallor with a bluish tinge, lack of reflexes, voluntary movements and muscle tone, a strange, unnatural position of the body in space.


    Conventionally, the CPR algorithm is divided into three large stages. And each of them, in turn, branches into stages.

    The first stage is carried out immediately and consists in maintaining life at a level of constant oxygenation and airway patency for air. It excludes the use of specialized equipment, and life is supported solely by the efforts of the resuscitation team.

    The second stage is specialized, its purpose is to preserve what non-professional rescuers did and ensure constant blood circulation and oxygen supply. It includes the diagnosis of the work of the heart, the use of a defibrillator, the use of drugs.

    The third stage - is carried out already in the ICU (intensive care unit and intensive care unit). It is aimed at preserving the functions of the brain, their restoration and the return of a person to normal life.


    In 2010, a universal CPR algorithm was developed for the first stage, which consists of several stages.

    • A - Airway - or air traffic. The rescuer examines the external respiratory tract, removes everything that interferes with the normal passage of air: sand, vomit, algae, water. To do this, you need to tilt your head back, move your lower jaw and open your mouth.
    • B - Breathing - breathing. Previously, it was recommended to carry out mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose artificial respiration, but now, due to the increased risk of infection, air enters the victim exclusively through
    • C - Circulation - blood circulation or chest compressions. Ideally, the rhythm of chest compressions should be 120 beats per minute, then the brain will receive a minimum dose of oxygen. Interruption is not recommended, as during the blowing of air, a temporary cessation of blood circulation occurs.
    • D - Drugs - medicines, which are used at the stage of specialized care to improve blood circulation, maintain heart rate or blood rheology.
    • E - electrocardiogram. It is carried out to monitor the work of the heart and check the effectiveness of measures.


    There are some features of CPR for drowning. The algorithm changes somewhat, adjusting to environmental conditions. First of all, the rescuer must take care to eliminate the threat to his own life, and if possible, do not enter the reservoir, but try to bring the victim to the shore.

    If, nevertheless, help is provided in the water, then the rescuer must remember that the drowning person does not control his movements, so you need to swim up from the back. The main thing is to keep a person's head above the water: by the hair, grabbing it under the armpits or throwing it back onto your back.

    The best thing a rescuer can do for a drowning person is to start blowing air right in the water, without waiting for transport to shore. But technically it is available only to a physically strong and prepared person.

    As soon as you have removed the victim from the water, you need to check for a pulse and independent breathing. If there are no signs of life, you need to start immediately. They need to be carried out according to the general rules, since attempts to remove water from the lungs usually lead to the opposite effect and aggravate neurological damage due to oxygen starvation of the brain.

    Another feature is the time span. You should not focus on the usual 25 minutes, since in cold water the processes slow down, and brain damage occurs much more slowly. Especially if the victim is a child.

    You can stop resuscitation only after the restoration of spontaneous breathing and blood circulation, or after the arrival of an ambulance team that can provide professional life support.

    Advanced CPR, the algorithm of which is carried out using medications, includes inhalations of 100% oxygen, pulmonary intubation and mechanical ventilation. In addition, antioxidants are used, fluid infusions to prevent a drop in systemic pressure and repeated diuretics to prevent pulmonary edema, and active warming of the victim so that the blood is evenly distributed throughout the body.

    Respiratory arrest

    The CPR algorithm for respiratory arrest in adults includes all stages of chest compressions. This facilitates the work of rescuers, as the body itself will distribute the incoming oxygen.

    There are two ways without improvised means:

    mouth to mouth;
    - mouth to nose.

    For better air access, it is recommended to tilt the head of the victim, push the lower jaw and free the airways from mucus, vomit and sand. The rescuer should also take care of his health and safety, so it is advisable to carry out this manipulation through a clean handkerchief or gauze, in order to avoid contact with the patient's blood or saliva.

    The rescuer pinches his nose, tightly wraps his lips around the lips of the victim and exhales the air. In this case, you need to watch if the epigastric region is inflated. If the answer is yes, this means that the air enters the stomach, and not the lungs, and there is no sense in such resuscitation. Between exhalations, you need to take breaks of a few seconds.

    During a well-conducted mechanical ventilation, an excursion of the chest is observed.

    Circulatory arrest

    It is logical that the CPR algorithm for asystole will include everything except If the victim is breathing on his own, you should not transfer him to artificial mode. This complicates the work of doctors in the future.

    The cornerstone of proper cardiac massage is the technique of laying on of hands and the coordinated work of the body of the rescuer. Compression is done with the base of the palm, not the wrist, not the fingers. The hands of the resuscitator should be straightened, and compression is carried out due to the tilt of the body. Hands are perpendicular to the sternum, they can be taken in the castle or the palms lie in a cross (in the form of a butterfly). Fingers do not touch the surface of the chest. The algorithm for performing CPR is as follows: for thirty clicks - two breaths, provided that resuscitation is carried out by two people. If the rescuer is alone, then fifteen compressions and one breath are given, since a long break without blood circulation can damage the brain.

    Resuscitation of pregnant women

    CPR of pregnant women also has its own characteristics. The algorithm includes saving not only the mother, but also the child in her womb. A doctor or bystander providing first aid to an expectant mother should remember that there are many factors that worsen the survival prognosis:

    Increased oxygen consumption and its rapid utilization;
    - reduced lung volume due to compression of their pregnant uterus;
    - high probability of aspiration of gastric contents;
    - a decrease in the area for mechanical ventilation, as the mammary glands are enlarged and the diaphragm is raised due to an increase in the abdomen.

    If you are not a doctor, the only thing you can do for a pregnant woman to save her life is to lay her on her left side so that her back is at an angle of about thirty degrees. And move her belly to the left. This will reduce pressure on the lungs and increase airflow. Be sure to start and do not stop until the ambulance arrives or some other help arrives.

    Rescue children

    CPR in children has its own characteristics. The algorithm resembles an adult, but due to physiological characteristics, it is difficult to carry it out, especially for newborns. You can divide the resuscitation of children by age: up to a year and up to eight years. All older people receive the same amount of assistance as adults.

    1. You need to call an ambulance after five unsuccessful resuscitation cycles. If the rescuer has assistants, then it is worth entrusting them immediately. This rule only works if there is one resuscitating person.
    2. Tilt your head back even if you suspect a neck injury, as breathing is a priority.
    3. Start IVL with two breaths of 1 second.
    4. Up to twenty injections should be made per minute.
    5. When blocking the airways with a foreign body, the child is slapped on the back or hit on the chest.
    6. The presence of a pulse can be checked not only on the carotid, but also on the brachial and femoral arteries, because the skin of the child is thinner.
    7. When conducting an indirect heart massage, pressure should be immediately below the nipple line, since the heart is slightly higher than in adults.
    8. Press on the sternum with the base of one palm (if the affected teenager) or two fingers (if it is a baby).
    9. The pressure force is a third of the thickness of the chest (but not more than half).

    General rules

    Absolutely all adults should know how basic CPR is performed. Its algorithms are quite simple to remember and understand. This could save someone's life.

    There are several rules that can make it easier for an untrained person to carry out rescue operations.

    1. After five cycles of CPR, you can leave the victim to call the rescue service, but only on the condition that the person providing assistance is alone.
    2. Determination of signs of clinical death should not take more than 10 seconds.
    3. The first artificial breath should be shallow.
    4. If after the first breath there was no movement of the chest, it is worth throwing back the head of the victim again.

    The remaining recommendations for which the CPR algorithm is carried out have already been presented above. The success of resuscitation and the further quality of life of the victim depend on how quickly the eyewitnesses orient themselves, and how competently they can provide assistance. So don't shy away from the lessons that describe CPR. The algorithm is quite simple, especially if you remember the letter cheat sheet (ABC), as many doctors do.

    Many textbooks say that CPR should be stopped after forty minutes of unsuccessful resuscitation, but in fact only signs of biological death can be a reliable criterion for the absence of life. Remember: while you are pumping the heart, the blood continues to feed the brain, which means that the person is still alive. The main thing is to wait for the arrival of an ambulance or rescuers. Believe me, they will be grateful to you for this hard work.

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