Treatment of neurological diseases. Neurological diseases: list, symptoms, causes and treatment features

Prevention of neurological diseases is an important and significant part of a healthy lifestyle. The list of pathologies of the nervous system is quite extensive, but the provoking factors in most cases coincide. Therefore, every person who wants to maintain physical and mental activity for many years needs to know and avoid them.

Today, the prevention of neurological diseases has become even more relevant. A high level of activity, physical and mental fatigue, stress, information overload, an unhealthy lifestyle - all this creates the prerequisites for the development of pathologies of the nervous system.

Causes of neurological diseases

Neurology pays significant attention to the study of the causes of neurological diseases. It is still difficult to identify all the factors leading to their appearance, but the main reasons for their occurrence are still distinguished:

  • Stress, nervous tension, mental overload, constant feeling of emotional discomfort or pressure.
  • Disturbed sleep patterns, chronic sleep deprivation.
  • Lack of normal rest and unloading, chronic overwork, fatigue.
  • Physical inactivity, lack of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle.
  • Improper nutrition, lack of vitamins in the diet.
  • The use of alcohol, drugs.
  • Hereditary predisposition to certain neurological diseases.
  • Older age, at which the likelihood of developing degenerative and some other neurological diseases increases.
  • Transferred severe infectious diseases, brain injuries.

These factors increase the likelihood of developing neurological diseases, so the best prevention is a healthy lifestyle.

Basic prevention of neurological diseases

It is not always possible to avoid factors that provoke the development of neurological diseases, but elementary preventive measures should still be followed.

At a minimum, you need to eat right, avoid alcohol, and even more so - drugs. It is important to maintain at least a minimum level of physical activity, to spend enough time in the fresh air.

People whose work is associated with increased responsibility, nervous tension, stress, increased fatigue, need to devote enough time for physical rest and sleep, as well as be able to relax and relieve stress.

With the appearance of any early signs of neurological diseases, such as poor sleep, fatigue, irritability. Reduced memory and performance, you should contact a neurologist and find effective methods of recovery. Otherwise, the tension will increase, and the following symptoms may already be much more severe.

Where to apply?

The golden rule of any branch of medicine, including neurology, is that prevention is easier than cure. Therefore, by properly organizing your life and work, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of diseases of the nervous system. If, nevertheless, it is impossible to get rid of the provoking factors, it will be useful to visit a neurologist in a timely manner and consult how to avoid problems with the nervous system.

Find a neurologist in Moscow and the site "Your Doctor" will help you make an appointment. Here you can book an appointment with him or call a neurologist at home.

At present, neurology has reached a new level of development thanks to modern research in the field of diseases of the nervous system and developments in the field of minimally invasive interventions on the brain and spinal cord, as well as the creation of high-tech diagnostic methods. All this allows our specialists to make an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible, as well as prescribe the most optimal treatment for a particular patient.

Usually, the specificity of neurological pathology lies in its chronic nature. Such patients have been treated for many years, so it is very important to choose the right clinic where the patient can be offered effective diagnostics and treatment with an individual approach for each specific case.

Modern neurology has absorbed the achievements of minimally invasive neurosurgery, vascular surgery, and endovideosurgical interventions. Our specialists successfully apply in their practice the latest achievements of advanced developments of European and Israeli research centers.

Our clinic deals with the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of neurological diseases, ranging from degenerative diseases of the intervertebral discs to vascular pathology of the brain. Minimally invasive surgical methods for the treatment of epilepsy and parkinsonism, hydrocephalus and all types of cerebrovascular accidents are actively used here. Our doctors also treat autoimmune neurological pathology - multiple sclerosis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.

Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic systems that allow for CT and MRI, electroencephalography, as well as assessing the condition of skeletal muscles and peripheral nerves - electromyography and electroneurography.

We conduct a wide range of vascular studies, including contrast angiography, magnetic resonance angiography, as well as Doppler techniques, in particular, angioscanning and transcranial Doppler of cerebral vessels.

The specialists of our clinic have rich and successful experience in the application of modern methods of treatment of most diseases of the nervous system. Our doctors regularly undergo internships and training in the best foreign medical centers, speak at international conferences.

One of the features of our clinic is the use of minimally invasive surgical methods for the treatment of neurological pathology. Minimally invasive vascular interventions for ischemic strokes are performed here. Such modern methods of treating degenerative brain diseases as deep brain stimulation and radiosurgery are being actively introduced into practice. In the treatment, our doctors use only the most modern protocols for the pharmacological treatment of neurological diseases, such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, neuralgia, polyneuropathy, VVD, migraine and myofascial pain, etc.

Equally important is the rehabilitation after certain neurological diseases. Our neurologists develop an individual rehabilitation plan for each patient, taking into account all factors. This includes both pharmacological and non-pharmacological rehabilitation methods, including exercise therapy, massage, acupuncture and physiotherapy.

A-Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V Y Z All sections Hereditary diseases Emergency conditions Eye diseases Children's diseases Male diseases Venereal diseases Female diseases Skin diseases Infectious diseases Nervous diseases Rheumatic diseases Urological diseases Endocrine diseases Immune diseases Allergic diseases Oncological diseases Diseases of the veins and lymph nodes Hair diseases Diseases of the teeth Blood diseases Diseases of the mammary glands Diseases of the ODS and trauma Respiratory diseases Diseases of the digestive system Heart and vascular diseases Diseases of the large intestine Ear and throat diseases , nose Drug problems Mental disorders Speech disorders Cosmetic problems Aesthetic problems

Nervous diseases - diseases that develop as a result of damage to the brain and spinal cord, as well as peripheral nerve trunks and ganglia. Nervous diseases are the subject of study of a specialized field of medical knowledge - neurology. Since the nervous system is a complex apparatus that connects and regulates all organs and systems of the body, neurology closely interacts with other clinical disciplines, such as cardiology, gastroenterology, gynecology, ophthalmology, endocrinology, orthopedics, traumatology, speech therapy, etc. The main specialist in the field of nervous diseases is a neurologist.

Nervous diseases can be genetically determined (Rossolimo-Steinert-Kurshman myotonia, Friedreich's ataxia, Wilson's disease, Pierre-Marie's ataxia) or acquired. Congenital malformations of the nervous system (microcephaly, basilar impression, Kimerli anomaly, Chiari anomaly, platybasia, congenital hydrocephalus), in addition to hereditary factors, can be caused by unfavorable conditions for intrauterine development of the fetus: hypoxia, radiation, infection (measles, rubella, syphilis, chlamydia, cytomegaly , HIV), toxic effects, the threat of spontaneous abortion, eclampsia, Rh conflict, etc. Infectious or traumatic factors that affect the nervous system immediately after the birth of a child (purulent meningitis, newborn asphyxia, birth trauma, hemolytic disease), often lead to the development of such nervous diseases as cerebral palsy, childhood epilepsy, mental retardation.

Acquired nervous diseases are often associated with infectious lesions of various parts of the nervous system. As a result of infection, meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis, brain abscess, arachnoiditis, disseminated encephalomyelitis, ganglioneuritis and other diseases develop. A separate group consists of nervous diseases of traumatic etiology:

Neurological diseases are various disorders and pathologies of the nervous system, which can be either congenital or acquired. There is an extensive list of diseases associated with CNS and PNS pathologies.

CNS dysfunction can be caused by a number of different causes. Among the factors provoking the development of neurological diseases:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • received injury;
  • violations of the blood supply to the brain;
  • chronic diseases of the internal organs.

Genetic disorders usually appear at an early age. These pathologies include children's tics, epilepsy, speech defects in children, as well as various disorders of sensitivity and motor function.

Pathologies due to nervous exhaustion are often characterized by psychosomatic symptoms. Such disorders include both diseases provoked by organic damage to the central nervous system, and diseases caused by dysfunction of the nervous system (for example, asthenic syndrome, panic attacks, vegetative vascular dystonia).

Traumatic brain injury can cause a number of disorders. Often the development of neurological disorders after an injury or an accident is provoked by a concussion.

A number of neurological disorders develop due to impaired blood supply to the brain. Such disorders are accompanied by migraines, dizziness, disorientation and confusion.

Age-related neurological pathologies

Parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, senile dementia are all neurological disorders that occur in older people.

Such pathologies usually develop in patients older than 60 years. The cause of the disease can be a long-term deviation of blood pressure from the norm, a violation of metabolic processes in the brain, as well as a lack of blood supply to the brain.

Such disorders are associated with the degeneration of neurons in certain areas of the brain, resulting in a number of characteristic symptoms.

As a rule, diseases caused by age-related changes cannot be completely treated, however, a timely visit to a specialist will help stop the progression of the disease and improve the patient's quality of life for many years.

Brain damage

Meningitis and encephalitis of various nature are the most common neurological diseases. A brain disease is characterized by damage to its soft membranes due to the ingress of a pathogen - a virus, bacteria or infection.

No one is immune from such diseases, they are often diagnosed in newborns due to an infectious disease suffered by the mother during the period of bearing a child.

Brain damage is dangerous with a number of complications, including progressive dementia and disability. If it is not treated on time, extensive brain damage can lead to tissue swelling and death of the patient.

VSD and migraine

Another common neurological disorder is vegetovascular dystonia or VVD. This pathology is associated with disruption of the vegetative system - one of the departments of the peripheral nervous system. The disease is characterized by a chronic course with periodic attacks, during which the patient notes a change in blood pressure, dizziness, disorientation and pain in the heart. you can, if you turn to a specialist in a timely manner, therefore, having discovered the first symptoms, you should not postpone a visit to the clinic.

Migraine also occupies one of the leading positions in the list of neurological disorders. This disease is characterized by bouts of excruciating headache, which is very difficult to get rid of. Migraine requires a special approach to treatment, drugs that relieve pain can only be prescribed by a neurologist.

When to see a doctor?

Disorders of the central nervous system and PNS may accompany the following neurological symptoms:

  • numbness of the limbs;
  • trembling (tremor) of the fingers;
  • sudden pain in various parts of the body for no apparent reason;
  • panic attacks;
  • dizziness;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • paralysis and paresis;
  • hallucinations;
  • the appearance of spots in the field of vision;
  • violation of the activity of any muscle group, including facial muscles;
  • disorientation;
  • weakening of memory and attention;
  • chronic fatigue.

All these symptoms can indicate a serious disorder, so if they appear, you should consult a neurologist.

After analyzing the patient's complaints, the doctor will conduct an initial examination and refer him for additional examinations. Depending on the symptoms, the patient may be shown an MRI examination of the head (for pain, impaired consciousness, hallucinations), dopplerography (for dizziness, migraine), an assessment of the conduction of impulses by nerve endings (for paresis, sudden pain and paralysis). What additional examinations need to be carried out is decided by the doctor individually for each patient.

Having found alarming symptoms, you should not self-medicate. This can cause irreparable harm to the body.

How to stay healthy?

The main cause of acquired neurological diseases is the disruption of the nervous system. If we are not talking about organic pathologies, most often disorders appear due to nervous exhaustion, stress, bad habits and lack of nutrients.

For the health of the nervous system, you need to remember and adhere to just a few rules:

  • eat in a balanced way;
  • fully rest;
  • do sport;
  • often walk in nature;
  • do not smoke or abuse alcohol.

Life in a big city contributes to the accumulation of fatigue, which is not easy to get rid of. Everyone who wants to be healthy should make it a rule to follow the daily routine. You should go to bed at the same time every day, while ensuring yourself a good night's sleep, lasting at least eight hours.

Get rid of stress by doing sports, walking in the fresh air and relaxing bath. Each person should devote at least one hour a day to their own nervous system. At this time, you need to relax, spend time with your own hobbies that bring positive emotions.

Neurological diseases can appear due to incompletely cured chronic diseases, as well as infectious diseases. Only timely treatment and strict implementation of all doctor's recommendations will help to avoid this.

It should be remembered that disorders of the nervous system do not go away on their own. Without timely treatment, the problem will worsen and can develop into a serious pathology.

Neurology- a separate niche of medicine that deals with the study, diagnosis and treatment of a combination of neurological changes of a pathological nature and the nervous system itself as a whole.

To neurological diseases include various deviations of the central and peripheral nervous systems. This encompasses the spinal cord and brain, with a relation to them of the peripheral ganglions, endings and plexuses that pass through the spinal canal.

Neurology and neurological diseases of the head

A separate area of ​​neuroscience is brain diseases. It is the main object of research and observation in this area. His duties include ensuring the correct functioning of memory, speech, intelligence and emotionality of a person.

This section includes a lot of diseases that have been experienced by mankind, and even studied.

The most common and main diseases of this type include:

  • Headache;
  • dizziness;
  • Migraine;
  • Insomnia;
  • Sleep disorder.

There are also "severe" neurological ailments, studies of some have not yet led to the conclusion of a cure or other treatments:

  • Epilepsy;
  • Stroke;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Cerebral palsy;

As a result of such diseases, permanent deviations can form, which will progress with a person’s age and, at the same time, the person’s condition will worsen. This can lead up to losses all vital functions and possibilities.

Ask your doctor about your situation

Types of neurological diseases of the head

Headache, migraine

In fact, a very popular phenomenon among mankind. There are probably few people who have never had a headache. It is not even considered a disease. But, there are people for whom headaches are quite a frequent visitor.

If we take statistics, then every sixth a person suffers from constant headaches. If the headache does not subside within three days, it is recommended to consult a neurologist without fail.


Loss of spatial orientation. A person has a feeling that he is spinning or objects are spinning around. Sometimes it leads to nausea. Often, like headaches, such defects are not taken seriously.

In fact, it's very hard to explain exact reason dizziness, since there are more than 70 interpretations and all of them with different combinations of other symptoms. For long-term disorders, it is necessary to consult a doctor, because this can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Some of them are called failures brain in the form of tumors or hemorrhages, this is called central vertigo.

Diseases that are accompanied by such a symptom:

  1. Meniere's disease;
  2. a brain tumor;
  3. head injury;
  4. basilar migraine;
  5. vestibular neuritis and others.

Insomnia, sleep disorder

Less common disease . People may suffer from this problem. different ages and it's all about the nerves. In action, this is manifested by sleepwalking or bedwetting. At an older age, sleep disorders are manifested by excessive drowsiness, or, conversely, insomnia.

There are also cases when children's ailments in this area haunt a person all his life. Doctors believe that sleep disorder is partly also of a psychological type. And the reason for this can be mental disorders, neurosis, weakness, apathy.

In addition, such a defect can be symptom with the appearance of schizophrenia, epilepsy, arthritis and other equally serious diseases.


So far is a completely rampant disease . Doctors cannot be fully convinced of the causes that cause the onset of the disease. In this case, the causes are opposed to each other: it has not been proven that it appears due to heredity, although a considerable percentage of epileptics have relatives with the same problem.

Most neurological disorders of the CNS have the same initial symptoms and manifestations:

  1. violation balance;
  2. chronic fatigue;
  3. permanent migraine, dizziness;
  4. coordination failure movement;
  5. painful sensations (head, neck, chest, limbs);
  6. depression;
  7. worsening or memory loss;
  8. long-term sense of anxiety;
  9. fainting.

At the first "alarms" it is recommended to immediately contact specialists. This is due to the fact that some of these diseases can be cured only in the first stages. If the disease is started, it will develop over time, which in some cases can lead to incurability.

Symptoms in subsequent, progressive stages are divided into pathological and focal:

  • Focal manifestations affect a specific area of ​​​​the body.

These manifestations include:

  1. partial hearing loss;
  2. complications in speech;
  3. weakening of vision;
  4. numbness of some parts, mainly limbs or face.

The lesion may become inflamed anywhere, respectively, each place is responsible for certain vital functions of the body. In case of inflammation, they will impair the performance of this function, in the worst cases, disable it altogether;

  • Pathological reflexes also create an idea of ​​the state of the nervous system. They are called by the doctor from certain points of the limbs and are divided into flexion and extensor. Each reaction of a certain part of the body (reflexes of the fingers, grip, compression of the toes and many others) is responsible for the affected areas of the nervous system.

Symptoms in newborns

There are a number of reasons why a newborn is immediately registered with a pediatric neurologist:

  • Weak and vicious cry;
  • Sluggishness when sucking mother's breasts (steaming and other difficult phenomena;
  • Too slow weight gain;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • Frequent tipping heads lying on their side;
  • Trembling of limbs and chin when crying;
  • Small active child's activity;
  • Irregularity at limb activity;
  • If the head is off or surpasses in growth from the whole body;
  • bad dream, increased anxiety;
  • Clubfoot or other unusual posture of the limbs.


Modern neurology has achieved great results regarding the diagnosis of diseases.

To date, several diagnostic methods have been developed:

  • magnetic resonance tomography;
  • x-ray tomography;
  • Diagnosis ultrasound;
  • laboratory diagnostics;
  • functional diagnostics.

Due to this development, diseases can be detected at an early stage, which specifically gives an advantage in the effectiveness of their cure. Such a check can identify any malfunction in the nervous system, which, in turn, will make it clear what the patient is sick with.


Timely treatment- this is already the key to success in recovery in the initial stages of the disease. For the treatment of such diseases, many different health complexes have long been bred. Of these, choose the most suitable for the elimination of the disease. It is in this case that the relationship between treatment and diagnosis is important.

There are some of the most commonly used CNS treatments:

  • Acupuncture- serves as an opponent of the development of diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Psychotherapy + drugs- used for mild illnesses, for example, sleep disorders, or insomnia;
  • Mini-invasive method– intervention of neurosurgeons, as well as the use of stereotactic radiosurgery methods.
  • Pharmacology– the use of modern drugs on a hormonal basis.


Healthy lifestyle is the key to human health. This is the very first rule of prevention treatment.
neurological diseases.

This concept includes:

  1. healthy food,
  2. enough physical activity
  3. sports,
  4. avoidance of alcohol and tobacco,
  5. observance of the daily routine.

The treatment of such problems is delayed for a long period Therefore, it is recommended to protect nerves from an early age.

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