Holidays with a 5 week system. Quarters and modules: parents of schoolchildren complained about the new teaching scheme. Disadvantages of studying by trimesters

In our country there is no single schedule mandatory for all educational institutions. The administration or school councils have the right to choose one of the schemes for organizing the school year. This could be, for example:

  • the division of the year into four quarters, which is familiar to many,
  • trimesters, when the year is divided into three parts, separated by a two-week rest;
  • modular schedule, when five weeks of study are followed by a week of rest.

Setting vacation dates is also the prerogative of school management. According to the rules, summer vacations should take at least two months, and short holidays in the middle of the year - a total of at least 30 days, the rest is essentially at the discretion of the educational institution.

However, despite this, the majority of public schools in the regions of Russia adhere to the traditional, decades-tested quarterly teaching scheme, and vacation dates usually closely correspond to the recommendations of regional education authorities. As a result, the vast majority of schoolchildren in the country - from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka - go on vacation at the same time. And this is convenient in many ways. For example, organizers of All-Russian children's Olympiads, creative competitions or sports competitions have the opportunity to “adapt” to the general schedule by holding major events during the holiday weeks.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, vacation dates in most regions of the country will also coincide. The differences are most often of a “cosmetic” nature regarding the inclusion of adjacent weekends in the calculation. So, for example, somewhere the first day of vacation will be Saturday, somewhere - Monday of the next week, while in fact the children will have a rest at the same time.

Academic schedule for 2018/19 in Russian schools

Beginning and end of the school year

The academic year starts on the first of September, on Knowledge Day. This date appears in all official documents regulating the terms of study. However, in 2018, this day falls on Saturday - and this gives rise to some difficulties, because for schools working on a “five-day week” this day is a day off, but for those who practice a six-day work week, it is not. And in some places, “primary” students rest on Saturdays, while older schoolchildren study. What would “First Bell” be without first graders? Therefore, most schools will most likely add two “bonus” days to the holidays, and Monday will be the day of the ceremonial start of classes. Thus, the Moscow Department of Education announced that in the capital’s schools the year will begin on September 3 (although at the end of July it was said that the date of the celebration in honor of Knowledge Day could be chosen by the educational institution itself, but taking into account the opinions of children and parents). Many regions are likely to follow Moscow's example. But, if the date has not yet been officially announced (at the regional, city or school level), just in case, you need to be prepared for the fact that festive (and obligatory to attend) events may be scheduled for the first day.

The training marathon, as usual, will last until the end of May. The children studying in primary school will finish their studies and go on vacation from May 25th. Everyone else can study until the 31st - or finish a little earlier (depending on the curriculum).

For graduates - students in the ninth and eleventh grades - the deadlines for completing their studies will essentially be individual, depending on what days the exams in their chosen subjects are scheduled. Lessons on a schedule that involves sitting at a desk every day stop after the “Last Bell” (which in most schools will be celebrated on May 24).

Dates of autumn holidays – 2018

The first academic quarter will last exactly eight weeks, and the first day of vacation will be October 27. At the same time, it will last a little longer than usual - children will only return to lessons and textbooks on the 6th (Tuesday). After all, November 4, National Unity Day, falls on a Sunday this year, and the next day will be a national holiday. For schoolchildren, it will be “added” to the usual week-long holidays.

Winter holiday dates

Winter holidays will begin quite late, just three days before the holiday - December 29 (Saturday). However, there will be plenty of time to sleep, take a walk and celebrate: the children will rest until the Old New Year. The first school day of the third quarter will be January 14.

Dates of February holidays for first graders

By the end of winter, schoolchildren become tired. This is especially hard for children for whom this is their first school year. Therefore, in February, a week-long vacation is arranged for first-graders. If desired, schools can extend this “benefit” to other “beginning” grades (second to fourth). Pupils of correctional schools are also entitled to rest in February.

The timing of additional holidays in the constituent entities of the federation may differ. Somewhere they are guided by the logic “children’s holidays should coincide with parents’ long weekends” and coincide with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day; somewhere - they try to give the children a rest in the middle of winter and arrange holidays at the beginning of the month. This year, most first-graders will have a rest either from February 4 to 10, or from 16 to 25.

Spring break dates - 2019

Spring break is probably the most long-awaited, because the third quarter preceding it lasts for eleven whole weeks. In the 2018-2019 academic year they will be held in the last week of March.

It should be noted that the end of winter and the beginning of spring is the time of ARVI epidemics, quarantines, etc. And, if the epidemiological situation in the city becomes difficult, holidays may be announced earlier than usual. In some areas, vacation dates for schoolchildren may also shift due to other unforeseen circumstances (for example, spring flooding of rivers).

Schedule of school holidays in Moscow in the 2018-2019 academic year with a modular training schedule (5+1)

A modular training schedule (often called trimester), when the academic year is divided into six almost equal academic periods, is one of those accepted in Russia. However, in the regions it is used quite rarely - the vast majority of schools operating according to the “five weeks in school, one week on vacation” scheme are located in Moscow.

In the capital, in recent years, the timing of holidays for schools has been strictly determined at the city level - by order, which is issued annually by the Department of Education. However, this year the situation in schools working according to the “5+1” scheme will be somewhat different: at first one schedule was published, then changes were made to it, giving schools some freedom in choosing the timing.

Initial schedule

The total duration of holidays under a modular system of education is usually longer than under a quarter-long system - and the Department decided to reduce their length from a full week (and in fact, taking into account adjacent weekends - nine days) to five days. It was assumed that the “saved” days would allow the school year to be completed a little earlier.

In accordance with the order issued on February 7, 2018, the holidays were supposed to start on Wednesday and last until Sunday, and only on New Year’s Day children could rest longer.

The proposed vacation schedule looked like this:

  • October - from 10 to 14;
  • November - from 21 to 25;
  • New Year's - from December 30 to January 8;
  • February - from 20 to 25;
  • April - from 10 to 14.

However, this idea was very unkindly received by both parents (such a scheme is very inconvenient for organizing children's or family holidays), and psychologists and teachers, who considered this time insufficient for rest and recovery. The public was indignant, wrote petitions and appeals, complained to the mayor and demanded that officials reconsider this decision. The department listened to the clearly expressed opinion of Muscovites - and on March 31, 2018, it introduced changes to the order.

New edition

Now the document does not establish the exact duration of the holidays with a modular training schedule, but only establishes a kind of framework - the holidays should begin no earlier and end no later than the specified dates. Please note that neither the exact nor the minimum duration of school “vacation” is indicated in the document.

Thus, the duration of the rest and the exact days of its beginning and end may vary, and all this is determined by the order of the school. The administration can “give” children the opportunity to relax “to the maximum” - a week plus two weekends, but is not obliged to do this.

In accordance with the document, the decision to hold a shortened five-day holiday from Wednesday (as initially recommended) is quite acceptable. And many educational institutions in the capital have published just such a schedule on their websites. Parents who are dissatisfied with this can now address their complaints to the school management, and children can only console themselves with the thought that they will receive a few free days in May as compensation.

Holiday schedule in Moscow schools operating according to a traditional schedule

The schedule initially approved for the 18/19 year for such schools has not changed. In general, it corresponds to the schedule according to which children in the regions will have holidays, except that the winter holidays will be a little shorter.

How to find out your child’s exact vacation schedule

If you need to accurately and in advance plan, for example, a vacation in another country, and the school cannot be called tolerant of absences, it is better to clarify in advance which vacation dates appear in the school order.

  1. Ask your child's class teacher. If the teacher says that he is not aware, ask the administration to clarify. You can also independently contact the school secretary or the head teacher responsible for the educational process. In any case, parents have the right to know what schedule their children will have to study on - and school representatives are obliged to answer this question.
  2. Search the school website. By law, all important information related to the organization of the educational process must be in the public domain. Although, of course, it is sometimes not easy to find what you need among the mass of documents. You can search in sections dedicated to the educational process or class schedule; Sometimes this data is placed on ad pages.
  3. In an electronic diary. There may also be a section with advertisements. And if you can’t find it, you can use the “workaround”. The fact is that the dates of classes for each subject in the system are often entered automatically, for the entire academic year at once, and the holiday dates in the markings turn out to be “empty”. And by scrolling forward in the magazine, you can “figure out” the graph.
  1. The word “vacation” comes from the name of the star - now it is called Sirius, and in Ancient Rome it bore the name Vacation (which means “little dog”). This brightest star, part of the constellation Canis Major, was visible in the sky during the hottest weeks - and the Roman Senate declared this time a time of rest. This period, lasting from July 22 to August 23, was called “dies caniculares,” which literally translated as “dog days.”
  2. The word “holiday” has “twin brothers” in some European languages, referring to the particularly hot summer period (from mid-July to late August), when the heat forces people to stop work and go on vacation. So, in Spanish it is canicula, in French it is la canicule.
  3. The famous Czech teacher Jan Amos Komensky can be considered the inventor of school holidays. It was he who, back in the 17th century, came up with and “tested” the basic principles of organizing education, which are still adhered to today - the division of students into classes, the principle of “one lesson - one subject”, breaks at the end of each hour of classes and the division of the school year into “quarters” ”, interspersed with vacations.
  4. In the Russian Empire, the summer vacation time for officials, judges, students and their teachers was called “vacations” (from the Latin word vacatio - liberation). At the same time, members of the Governing Senate rested the longest - from mid-June to early September; in educational institutions, summer vacations usually lasted a month and a half. In addition, they also took a two-week break from classes at Christmas. The children spent the rest of the time at their desks.
  5. In recent years, the tradition of letting children go on vacation for the whole summer has been constantly criticized: it is proposed that the long summer holidays be either shifted in time or shortened. For example, scientists at the Moscow City Pedagogical University propose switching to a “bimester” education system, which involves two months of summer vacation from July to August, five study periods of 7 weeks each and two-week vacations between them - in this case, the total duration of rest will remain unchanged, but Children will have more opportunities to regain their health during the school year.

The favorite time of the year for schoolchildren is summer - this is the longest vacation period, when you can take a break from classes and not think about lessons. The rest of the time, children also have the opportunity to take a short break from school: in the fall, winter and spring there are rest periods after the end of each quarter.

School holidays during the 2018-2019 school year will also be no exception, and children will be able to take breaks from their studies, although not all schools will take them at the same time.

General provisions

Periods free from school must be provided to all students at the same time. Their duration is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the school Charter. The calendar schedule for the academic year must be developed and approved by the educational institution.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation does not set exact dates for children's holidays in all educational institutions, but is only limited to recommendations on the timing of rest periods for Russian students, taking into account their training in quarters or trimesters. There are also schools and gymnasiums that provide children with additional vacation periods, and for first-graders, in addition to general ones, a 7-day vacation in February is mandatory.

During the school year, the total number of rest days is at least 30 (for first-graders - 35), and in the summer - at least 56 calendar days. The mandatory start date is September 1.

Vacation schedule for schools and gymnasiums for 2018-2019

When studying at school in quarters, the recommended rest periods in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are 7 calendar days in the fall, 2 weeks in the winter and 1 week in the spring. Two additional days, at the discretion of the administration of the educational institution, can be added to the autumn or winter holidays, taking into account public holidays (November 4 and New Year).

This means that the holiday schedule for 2018-2019. may include the following vacation dates:

  • autumn - from October 27 to November 5, 2018;
  • winter - from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019;
  • spring - from March 23 to March 31, 2019
  1. Summer holidays begin for junior school students on May 23-25, and for high school students (except for 9th and 11th grades) - from June 1st. Graduates will complete the educational process in accordance with the exam schedule, taking place from the end of May to the end of June.
  2. National Unity Day in 2018 falls on a Sunday, so the autumn holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year will most likely begin on October 29 and end on November 5, amounting to 8 days, and taking into account the weekends (October 27 and 28) - 9-10 days. During this time, schoolchildren will be able to have a good rest, visit museums and theaters, go to the cinema and spend time with parents and friends.
  3. The 2019 New Year holidays begin for schoolchildren after December 25, 2018 and continue until January 9, 2019. All-Russian New Year holidays occur at this time, so the children will be able to spend them with their families. Family vacations can be spent at ski resorts and on trips to interesting places in Russia. Throughout the country at this time there are many fun activities for children that the whole family can attend.
  4. The spring holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year will begin on March 23, and schoolchildren will begin their studies on April 1, 2019. The third quarter is the longest, and after it rest is especially needed. The end of the school year is coming up, and you should be well rested to complete it without problems. If the weather permits, this time should be devoted to walks and games in the fresh air. Vacations will also allow you to improve your knowledge in those subjects that require additional preparation.

Many Russian schools, with the consent of parent committees, have switched to trimester education, which involves dividing the school period into 3 parts. This entails a change in the rest time of schoolchildren compared to students in quarters.

Vacations under the modular system are calculated according to the following scheme: training - 5-6 weeks, then rest - 7 days. Children take the following breaks from their studies:

  • in the fall of 2018, these days fall on October 7-13 and November 18-24;
  • in winter - from December 29, 2018 to January 8, 2019 and February 18-24;
  • in the spring of 2019 - April 8-14.

Additional holidays for first-graders

Additional holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 will be held from February 25 to March 3. They were introduced in order to help young schoolchildren better adapt to school and spend the longest quarter of the school period. The same additional vacation period is recommended for students in correctional educational institutions. In some schools, holidays in February are arranged for all primary school students from 1 to 4.

Where to find information about holidays

The vacation schedule in schools in various Russian regions may undergo minor changes during the school period due to the postponement of holidays and decisions of the local school administration. Only in Moscow does the Department of Education establish a unified educational schedule for students using the traditional and modular system.

The exact school holiday calendar for the 2018-2019 school year can be found out in the most appropriate way:

  1. Go to the official information portal of the educational institution, where there is a calendar schedule for the academic year.
  2. The child’s electronic diary should also contain information about rest periods in the information section for parents or in the news and announcements section.
  3. The class teacher is obliged to provide such information to parents, since the curriculum is drawn up in the summer and the vacation schedule is approved in advance.
  4. Information about rest periods during the academic year can be obtained from the secretary by calling the reception office of the educational institution.

Having all the necessary information, parents can plan their upcoming holiday with their child in advance.


For better organization of children's studies, recreation and leisure time, school holidays are provided. The Ministry of Education annually approves a tentative schedule for their holding. The management of educational institutions sets its training schedule for 2017-2018, taking into account the adopted system of acquiring knowledge.

Holidays in quarters

The most popular method of school education is dividing the year into 4 quarters. After the end of each, the schedule provides for rest. The following factors are taken into account:

  • Summer holidays for primary classes begin on May 24. According to the schedule, the rest of the schoolchildren will graduate on May 31, 2019, for graduates - after passing the exams.
  • The national holiday Day of National Unity falls on Sunday, so the duration of rest in the fall is increased.
  • Winter holidays for schoolchildren coincide with New Year's holidays for parents.

Students will have additional respite time due to official holidays - February 23, March 8-9, 04/30-02/05, 05/09. With such a school education system in 2017-2018, according to the calendar, children’s autumn holidays will be 8 days, winter holidays will be 13, and spring holidays at school will last 9 days. The following preliminary schedule of training and rest is provided:


Study time

Schoolchildren's holidays



System 5/1 (Modular)

The management of some educational institutions organizes the school process according to the principles of a modular system. The schedule in this case provides for classes for 5-6 weeks and 7 days of rest. At the same time, autumn and winter holidays are held twice. The approximate schedule for 2017-2018 will look like this:

Study period

School break

1 autumn

2 autumn

New Year's



Vacation schedule by trimester

Regions of Russia, educational institutions in Moscow and individual cities independently choose their study concept. One of the options that the director of a school or gymnasium can organize with the support of the parent committee is the education of children according to the trimester system. The academic year is divided into three parts, each of which includes two modules. The school holiday schedule for 2017-2018 in this case may be as follows:

Period of study

Children's holidays

1st trimester

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

2nd trimester

New Year's

3rd trimester


Vacations for first grades

In the second half of the school year, first-graders find it difficult to cope with school loads. The schedule provides for an additional rest period for them. According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, taking into account the public holiday of February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day, The first classes can still rest from February 18 to 25.

Additional holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year

It is difficult to create a unified school schedule for how children will study and relax in 2017-2018. Deviations from recommended dates are possible.

It is important that changes made to the schedule do not increase the duration of absence from the educational process by more than 14 days.

In this case, it will be difficult to catch up with the program. An additional rest period may be due to the following factors:

  • quarantine due to illness;
  • low temperatures in winter;
  • natural disasters;
  • floods in spring;
  • squally winds;
  • building safety issues;
  • utility accidents.
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In principle, school holidays are already an established value. The number of days has not changed for a long time. Summer holidays are three months. Autumn and spring - one week each. During the winter holidays, schoolchildren rest for two weeks.

The Ministry of Education names the approximate dates of the holidays, and the school administration finally approves them, according to the given time frame.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation does not set exact dates for children's holidays in all educational institutions, but is only limited to recommendations on the timing of rest periods for Russian students, taking into account their training in quarters or trimesters. There are also schools and gymnasiums that provide children with additional vacation periods, and for first-graders, in addition to general ones, a 7-day vacation in February is mandatory.

Vacation schedule for the 2018-2019 academic year

When studying at school in quarters, the recommended rest periods in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are 7 calendar days in the fall, 2 weeks in the winter and 1 week in the spring. Two additional days, at the discretion of the administration of the educational institution, can be added to the autumn or winter holidays, taking into account public holidays (November 4 and New Year).

This means that the holiday schedule for 2018-2019. may include the following vacation dates:

  • autumn - from October 27 to November 5, 2018;
  • winter - from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019;
  • spring - from March 23 to March 31, 2019

Summer holidays begin for junior school students on May 23-25, and for high school students (except for 9th and 11th grades) - from June 1st. Graduates will complete the educational process in accordance with the exam schedule, taking place from the end of May to the end of June.

National Unity Day in 2018 falls on a Sunday, so the autumn holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year will most likely begin on October 29 and end on November 5, amounting to 8 days, and taking into account the weekends (October 27 and 28) - 9-10 days. During this time, schoolchildren will be able to have a good rest, visit museums and theaters, go to the cinema and spend time with parents and friends.

The 2019 New Year holidays begin for schoolchildren after December 25, 2018 and continue until January 9, 2019. All-Russian New Year holidays occur at this time, so the children will be able to spend them with their families. Family vacations can be spent at ski resorts and on trips to interesting places in Russia. Throughout the country at this time there are many fun activities for children that the whole family can attend.

The spring holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year will begin on March 23, and schoolchildren will begin their studies on April 1, 2019. The third quarter is the longest, and after it rest is especially needed. The end of the school year is coming up, and you should be well rested to complete it without problems. If the weather permits, this time should be devoted to walks and games in the fresh air. Vacations will also allow you to improve your knowledge in those subjects that require additional preparation.

Many Russian schools, with the consent of parent committees, have switched to trimester education, which involves dividing the school period into 3 parts. This entails a change in the rest time of schoolchildren compared to students in quarters.

Vacations under the modular system are calculated according to the following scheme: training - 5-6 weeks, then rest - 7 days. Children take the following breaks from their studies:

  • in the fall of 2018, these days fall on October 7-13 and November 18-24;
  • in winter - from December 29, 2018 to January 8, 2019 and February 18-24;
  • in the spring of 2019 - April 8-14.
  • Summer holidays will last from June 1 to August 31.

Vacations for first grade students

Additional holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 will be held from February 25 to March 3. They were introduced in order to help young schoolchildren better adapt to school and spend the longest quarter of the school period. The same additional vacation period is recommended for students in correctional educational institutions. In some schools, holidays in February are arranged for all primary school students from 1 to 4.

“Letidor” examines whether there are strong differences in teaching between trimesters and quarters, and tries to understand why every year more and more Russian schools abandon the decades-tested system in favor of a newfangled option.

According to the Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”, each school can independently choose the system of organizing education and set the dates of the holidays.

Vacation schedule

If the school conducts training in quarters, then vacations are established for students:

  • 9 days in autumn - the last week of October and the first of November;
  • two weeks for the New Year - the last days of December and 10 days in January;
  • 7 days in spring - usually fall at the end of March;
  • additional holidays for first-graders and students in special classes – 7 days in winter;
  • three summer months.

If the school has chosen a training schedule in trimesters, then 5 weeks of school are followed by 1 week of rest. An exception to the trimester holiday system is the winter holidays. On them, children who study in trimesters rest for 2 weeks.

Advantages of studying by trimester

    Frequent holidays are one of the significant advantages of the trimester education system. Students, especially in elementary school, quickly get tired of an intense schedule. And regular rest allows you to regain strength in time. As a result, children get sick less.

    A trimester is longer than a quarter (lasts 11 weeks with a break for holidays), so more grades are given during it - children have no problems with certification, even if the subject is on the schedule once a week. Everyone manages to answer and get a mark.

Disadvantages of studying by trimesters

  • Holidays in the middle of the trimester cause a feeling of incompleteness, because marks are not made and the rest seems “undeserved”.
  • Parents often have to solve problems with their child’s leisure time during the holidays. Although some camps now make shifts in spring and autumn, adjusting to the trimester schedule, most are “tailored” to the usual system.
  • School holidays do not coincide with holidays in art schools, music schools, art schools. Children don’t have a full rest, don’t feel a break – there seem to be vacations, but additional training is still going on...
  • Many teachers believe that studying with such a vacation schedule is more difficult. Children, returning from vacation, write tests and tests in the first week. While they need at least two weeks after the holidays to “get involved” in the educational process. When they get into the rhythm, it’s time to rest again.

Advantages of studying in quarters

  • The holidays coincide with holidays in music, art and art schools.
  • Parents do not need to worry about children's leisure time during the holidays.
  • Vacations are associated with the end of the quarter. Children get a feeling of completion: all the tests are written, the final grades are in the diary. You don't need to go to school on rest days to make up for failing grades.

Disadvantages of studying in quarters

  • Less study period. A child does not always receive enough grades for certification in a particular subject. And if he was sick for half a quarter, he is guaranteed to have to do extra assignments and stay after classes in order to get the final grade.
  • Children get very tired during a long quarter and, accordingly, get sick more often. The peak incidence of viral diseases among schoolchildren occurs during the longest third spring term.
  • An unequal number of days in quarters makes some quarters longer and more difficult, while others easier and shorter. It is not easy for teachers to distribute the workload so that all children learn the material properly.

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