What foods create an alkaline environment. Complete List of Alkaline Foods

The human body is a rather complex mechanism in which it is necessary to constantly maintain balance. For normal functioning, the acid-base balance in the blood is also important. To provide it, you need to eat a sufficient amount of certain foods that many neglect. You should also pay attention to the quality of products.

Health Benefits of Alkaline Foods

In order to understand the essence of eating alkaline foods, you need to find out how the body works and what this acid-base balance is. Blood supplies nutrients to all internal organs. Depending on what we eat, an environment of one kind or another is established in it. So, if there are too many acidic foods in the diet, then the blood balance outweighs in the direction of increased acidity. And such an environment is very dangerous for the internal organs. Not only is it capable of corroding cells and provoking cancer, it also lacks nutrients (iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, and others). Therefore, the body makes up for the deficit at the expense of its reserves, which are gradually depleted. As a result, with improper unbalanced nutrition, metabolism slows down, a person constantly experiences fatigue, suffers from sleep disorders and is at increased risk of getting sick.

Many people notice these symptoms in themselves and begin to drink more coffee, take pills and be treated for various diseases. While it is necessary to act first of all on the cause, and not on the effect. And eliminating it is very simple - just include alkaline foods in your daily diet. Naturally, diseases that have already arisen must be treated, but one should not forget about preventing their recurrence in the future.

In addition to helping balance your blood, alkaline foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial chemical compounds. By using them daily, you can easily lose weight. Within a couple of weeks, you will begin to feel much better and more alert, which means that you will be able to lead a more active lifestyle. And this is a sure guarantee of good shape and mood.

But you should not switch completely to alkaline foods. Remember that everything is good in moderation. Acidic food is also important for the body. Therefore, it is important to create the right balanced menu for every day, especially since it is not difficult at all. It is enough to add the products listed below to your diet. At the same time, it is best to eat a large portion of fresh vegetable salad for lunch, and supplement with herbs for dinner.

Alkaline foods: dates

List of alkaline foods

Here is a list of alkaline foods and drinks.

  1. Water. The most ordinary clean water is an alkaline product that is available to absolutely everyone. It must be consumed in sufficient quantities (1.5 - 2 liters per day).
  2. Milk serum. True, there is one nuance here. It remains alkaline only for 5 hours from the moment of its preparation. So, you can't buy it in the store. The use of whey can be advised to anyone who is engaged in home-made cottage cheese (by the way, it is also one of the alkaline products). Milk must be used natural country. Fermented milk should be put in a water bath on a small fire and left until the whey separates (about 1 to 2 hours). Next, you need to separate the curd. Whey should be drunk without sugar.
  3. Milk. It can be drunk by everyone to whom whey is not available for various reasons. In addition, natural milk has the richest vitamin and mineral composition.
  4. Bananas. In addition to being an alkaline food, fresh ripe bananas are a real source of joy, as they contain the so-called “feel good hormone” serotonin, as well as many vitamins.
  5. Almond. This is the only type of nut that is alkaline. Also, almonds contain many useful substances, including youth vitamin E.
  6. cereals. All types of cereals are able to alkalize the body even when cooked. But there is one necessary condition - before cooking, they must be soaked in water for 30 minutes.
  7. Dates. They are truly a treasure trove of health. They contain more than a dozen varieties of minerals and salts, even more amino acids and vitamins, as well as many other useful substances. Eating even a small amount of dates every day can protect you from the risk of cancer, protect your teeth from caries and increase the body's resistance. These sweet dried fruits can be a great alternative to candy.
  8. Turnip. In addition to being an alkaline product, it also contains a number of useful substances. So, it is the richest source of vitamin C and glucoraphanin, which is quite rare in foods. The latter is an excellent antitumor agent and prevents diabetes. Turnips are also low in calories, so they are great for anyone looking to lose weight.

And this is not a complete list of useful alkaline foods. They also include: zucchini, raspberries, watermelon, pears, mangoes, all types of cabbage, herbal decoctions, Jerusalem artichoke, celery, carrots, pumpkin, cucumber, beets, spinach, all varieties of greens, except sorrel, raw potato juice, corn, all types of pepper, unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oils (olive, sesame, walnut, linseed, etc.), black grain yeast-free bread.

The first step towards a healthy lifestyle that everyone can take is the transition to a balanced alkaline diet. Of course, this is not the only thing that needs to be done in order to gain harmony, lightness, health and good mood, but this is where you should start. Proper nutrition is simple and affordable for everyone.

The basic principle of the alkaline diet is based on limiting the amount of foods in the diet that "acidify" the body, and saturating it with substances that contribute to the creation of an alkaline environment. The main products for an alkaline diet are fruits and vegetables with an almost complete absence of meat and flour products. With all its advantages, this type of nutrition also has disadvantages, the comments of nutritionists are very ambiguous.

Products that create an alkaline environment

One of the most important causes of most of our diseases, including excess weight, is an increase in acidity in the body. In order for the body to function normally, the acid-base balance must be kept within certain limits. If the acid content in the blood is higher than required by the norm, the activity of enzymes decreases. As a result, metabolism slows down, food is processed much more slowly, and a person is faced with the problem of overweight, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and many other unpleasant symptoms.

The body, seeking to reduce acidity, retains water, thereby slowing down metabolic processes even more. Substances stored by the body enter the blood: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron. Thanks to them, the body is alkalized. But even this does not benefit us: we are faced with rapid fatigue, decreased mental activity, and insomnia. After all, they accumulated in our body for certain purposes. For example, calcium is “pulled out” from bone tissue, which leads to various ailments. But all this can be avoided.

Why does the body “acidify”, you ask? It's all about the wrong food we eat. There are foods that lead to an increase in the acidity of the body. Unfortunately, most often we eat them - meat, fish, chicken, flour products, cereals, sweets. The fact that we eat incompatible foods at the same time, in particular, proteins with carbohydrates, is not very useful for the body. Also, oxidizing agents include preservatives and all kinds of food additives.

To correct the situation, on the contrary, products useful for the alkaline environment help - all kinds of salads from raw vegetables, herbs, herbal infusions, seaweed. All that helps to bring the acid-base balance of the body to normal levels.

Alkaline Diet Food List (with table)

The alkaline diet is simple enough for daily use. It is based on the division of products into two groups: those that contribute to the alkalization of the body, and those that cause it to become acidic. At the same time, acidic foods predominate in our diet, which harms the functioning of the body. It has been proven that even if you reduce your consumption of acidic foods by up to 20% by replacing the rest with alkaline ones, you will immediately see a positive result.

The table "Foods for an alkaline diet" will help you determine which foods acidify the body and which alkalize:

Products Oxidation alkalization

Fresh and dried fruits, fruit juices

Apricot fresh - 000
Dried apricot - 0000
Orange - 000
Watermelon - 000
Avocado - 000
banana ripe 00
banana green 00 -
Grape - 00
Grape juice natural - 00
Grape juice sweetened 000 -
Cherry - 00
Grapefruit - 0000
Pear - 000
Melon - 000
Raisin - 00
Dried figs - 0000
Cranberry - 0
Lime - 0000
Lemon - 0000
Mango - 0000
Papaya - 0000
Peach - 000
Pickled plum 00 -
Plum (compote) 00 -
dried plum - 000
Currant - 000
Natural lemon juice - 000
Sweetened lemon juice 000 -
Natural orange juice - 000
Sweetened orange juice 000 -
Dates - 00
Fruits (almost all) - 000
Fruit boiled with sugar 0-000 -
Prunes - 000
Sweet cherry 000
Berries (various) - 00-0000
apple fresh - 00
dried apple - 00

Vegetables, herbs, legumes

Eggplant - 000
Basil - 00
Fresh beans - 000
dried beans 0 -
Baked beans 000 -
Broccoli - 000
Peas dry 00 -
Green pea - 00
Potato with skin - 000
cilantro - 00
Watercress - 000
lettuce - 0000
Onion - 00
Carrot - 0000
vegetable juices - 000
fresh cucumber - 0000
Dandelion (green) - 000
Parsnip - 000
Bulgarian pepper - 000
Parsley - 000
Tomato - 0000
Radish - 000
Celery - 0000
Beet - 0000
Asparagus - 000
Pumpkin - 000
Dill - 000
Beans - 000
Garlic - 0000
Cauliflower - 000
Spinach - 000

Cereal products

Amaranth - 0
White rice 00 -
Buckwheat 00 -
Wild rice - 0
Quinoa - 0
Starch 00 -
Hominy and corn flakes 00 -
white flour 00 -
brown rice 0 -
Corn 00 -
Oat groats - 000
Spelled 0 -
Millet - 0
Rye 00 -
Bread black 0 -
White bread 00 -
Sprouted wheat bread 0 -
Barley grits 00 -
Barley 0 -


Kefir, curdled milk - 0
Goat cheese - 0
Goat milk - 0
Whole milk - 0
Cream, butter 00 -
Soy cheese, soy milk - 00
Whey milk - 000
Hard cheese 00 -
Soft cheese 0 -
Cottage cheese - 000

Nuts, vegetable oils

Peanut 000 -
Walnuts 000 -
peanuts 00 -
Almond - 00
Cashew nuts 00 -
Corn oil 0 -
Linseed oil, flaxseed - 00
Pecan 00 -
Rapeseed oil, olive oil - 00
sunflower seeds, sunflower oil 0 -
pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed oil 0 -
Eggs (whole) 000 -
Eggs (protein) 0000 -

Meat and meat products

Boiled lamb 00 -
Lamb stew 0 -
Bacon is greasy 0 -
Bacon skinny 00 -
Lean fresh ham 00 -
Beef 0 -
Game 0000 -
Turkey 00 -
Chicken 00 -
beef liver 000 -
Lean pork 00 -
pork fat - 0
chickens 000 -


Fish (various) 0000 -
mussels 000 -
crayfish 0000 -
Halibut 000 -
oysters 0000 -

Sweets, sugar, sweeteners

White sugar, brown sugar 00 -
Cocoa 000 -
processed honey 0 -
Syrup 0 -
Sweeteners 000 -
fresh honey - 0
raw sugar - 0
Chocolate 000 -


Alcoholic, low alcohol drinks, beer 0000 -
Green tea - 00
Ginger tea - 00
Coffee 00 -
lemon water - 000
Sweet carbonated drinks 0000 -
Herbal tea - 000
Black tea 0 -

As can be seen from the table, the alkaline diet involves the use of products of predominantly plant origin. The list of products for an alkaline diet is quite wide, and a person adhering to this way of eating will not experience hunger. Such a diet can be followed for quite a long time, on average up to 4 weeks. It is during this period that the human body gets used to a new diet, and the acid-base balance returns to normal. But before proceeding directly to the diet, you will have to go through a simple preparation.

Within three days, gradually reduce the amount of meat products in your diet. Eat more vegetables. Alkaline foods are best eaten raw or steamed. Immediately before the start of the diet, it is recommended to spend a fasting day: only vegetables should be present in your diet.

After seven o'clock in the evening, it is better to completely refuse to eat. If you experience a strong feeling of hunger, limit yourself to a glass of vegetable juice or half a glass of kefir. Replace foods on an alkaline diet such as sweets and desserts with honey, maple syrup, and molasses. Eliminate tea and coffee from your diet. It is best to drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices, herbal teas, plain water.

Disadvantages of an alkaline diet

The nutrition scheme proposed by the creators of the alkaline diet has significant drawbacks from the point of view of medicine. First of all, it is completely unbalanced in composition - the basis of the diet in it is only vegetables and fruits, but there are practically no sources of proteins and polyunsaturated fatty acids in it.

Therefore, already a few days after its onset, it is possible that malaise, weakness, increased fatigue will appear, and the longer the diet is followed, the more these symptoms will manifest.

In addition, changing the acidity of food without consulting a doctor is strongly not recommended for people who have any problems with the digestive system, heart, kidneys and excretory system. Independent use of an alkaline diet in this case can provoke unpredictable consequences.

An alkaline diet can lead to a large number of side effects, so it should be used only after consulting a specialist. Doctors do not recommend resorting to such a method of weight loss on their own, since the harm done to health in this case may be too significant.

Today, on the Internet, many are looking for an answer to the question of whether baking soda for weight loss works or not. To establish the truth, we must first understand where the idea came from that soda can help get rid of excess weight.

alkaline diet

The basis of the theory of normalization of weight on baking soda is an alkaline diet.

The alkaline diet says that if a person consumes a lot of so-called acidic foods, he "acidifies" his body. An "acidified" body is prone to various diseases, mainly osteoporosis and cancer. And also - a set of excess weight up to obesity.

The theoretical relationship between acidification of the body and overweight is as follows. When there is too much acid in the body, it is stored in body fat, which cannot be reduced, as this can cause the pH to shift towards the acid side. To avoid this, the human body does its best to hide the acid in fat. That is, do not lose weight.

Nice solid theory. Unfortunately, today only a few scientists believe in its veracity. The whole point is that

Food cannot affect blood pH

Indeed, in the course of their metabolism, food leaves behind an acidic or alkaline trace. Therefore, if you measure the pH of urine a few hours after eating, it will be different depending on what was eaten. If the dinner consisted of an acidic product, for example, it was meat, then the urine will have a more acidic reaction than after an alkaline dinner of vegetables.

But only urine. Not blood!

Blood pH is constant and fluctuates within very small limits around the value of 7.4. Any shift in the pH of the blood to the acidic or alkaline side, if it is not eliminated in the shortest possible time, leads to death.

And therefore, the ability of a person to “sour” himself and live on, albeit not very healthy, raises great doubts.

Here, it would seem, it was possible to put an end to both the alkaline diet, as such, and baking soda for weight loss, in particular.

There is evidence that in people with kidney disease and in those who suffer from insulin resistance (and we remember that), food can cause, albeit extremely insignificant, but still a shift in blood pH.

That is, it is too early to completely forget about the alkaline diet. Therefore, it is worth knowing which foods are acidic and which are alkaline.

Table of alkaline and acid foods

List of alkaline foods

Highly alkaline medium alkaline Low alkaline Very low alkaline
Baking soda Apples Almond avocado oil
Chlorella apricots Apple vinegar Banana
red algae Arugula sour apples Beet
Lemons Asparagus artichokes Blueberry
Lentils Broccoli Avocado Brussels sprouts
Lime Cantaloupe bell pepper Celery
Mineral water (alkaline) Carrot Blackberry chives
Nectarine Cashew nuts rice vinegar cilantro
Onion White cabbage Coconut oil
Persimmon Chestnut Cauliflower Cucumber
A pineapple Orange Cherry Currant
Pumpkin seeds cod liver oil
Sea salt Calais Linseed oil
sea ​​kale fresh ginger Chicken eggs
Spirulina Ginseng tea Eggplant
Sweet potato Grapefruit Ginseng
Mandarin herbal teas Grape
Most vegetable juices Almost any green Honey lettuce
Watermelon honeydew honey Leek oats
Most mushrooms Okra
Kiwi Yeast Olive oil
Kohlrabi Papaya Raisin
Mango Peach germinated seeds
Syrup Pear Zucchini
green mustard Marinades (homemade) Strawberry
Olives Potato Sunflower seeds
Parsley Pumpkin sesame paste
Parsnip Quail eggs Turnip
passion fruit Radish Wild rice
Peas rice syrup
Black pepper Swede
Raspberry Sake
Soy sauce
Turnip watercress

List of acid foods

Very low acid low acid medium acid highly acidic
Amaranth Beans Barley Beef
Black Eyed Peas Mature cheeses Basmani rice Beer
brown rice Vodka bear meat Brazilian nut
Butter Almond oil Casein Bread
Rapeseed oil Balsamic vinegar chestnut oil Brown sugar
Coconut Black tea Chicken Cocoa
Cream Buckwheat Corn cottonseed oil
Curry Chard Cottage cheese Wheat flour
Dried fruits (most) Cow's milk Cranberry Fried foods (potatoes, for example)
figs Moose meat Egg white fruit juices
Fish Starch Fructose Hazelnut
Gelatin Game chickpeas Hop
Sheep cheese Goat milk Green pea Ice cream
Guava Goose pasteurized honey Jelly and jams
Millet Mutton Ketchup Lobster
by-products Lima beans shellfish Malt
Milk Mustard Pasta
Pumpkin seed oil Plum Nutmeg Marinades (industrial)
Rhubarb red beans Bran melted cheese
Spinach safflower oil canned olives Seafood
string beans Manka Most types of legumes Soft drinks
Sunflower oil Sesame oil Palm oil
Venison crayfish Pasta (whole flour) Sugar
Wild duck soy cheese Bakery products Table salt
Zucchini Tapioca Peanut Walnut
Tofu Pecan Vinegar
Tomatoes pistachios Wine
Turkey Pomegranate Sweet yogurt
Vanilla Popcorn
Wheat Pork
White rice Prunes
Soy milk

* The last column of the table of alkaline foods and the first of acidic foods can reasonably be considered a list of neutral foods.
** The table contains the most common foods. Medicinal herbs that are not accepted are excluded.

So we got to the main point.

weight loss with baking soda

If you look at the data presented in the table, you can see that all the most valuable foods are acidic, the exclusion of which from the menu is fraught with health problems.

Losing weight with baking soda makes it possible to kill two birds with one stone:

  • firstly, to restore the normal level of blood pH (if it needs to be restored at all, we recall that the question is still open)
  • secondly, do not give up useful and energetically valuable products.

Recipe with lemon

Why should baking soda and lemon work together for weight loss? Lemon improves the taste of a soda drink. But it does not acidify the body. It only extinguishes the soda, which is necessary.

So here's the recipe.

  1. Squeeze out the juice of a whole lemon.
  2. Add a little soda to it. It is necessary to add little by little until the hiss from extinguishing the soda stops.
  3. Bring the total volume of the solution with water at room temperature to 100-125 ml and drink.

You should drink twice a day. On an empty stomach: in the morning and at bedtime.

If lemon juice seems too sour, lime juice can be substituted in this recipe.

Lose weight with apple cider vinegar and baking soda

The principle is the same - we mix acid with soda.

  1. Combine two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with ¼ teaspoon of baking soda.
  2. Drink on an empty stomach.
  3. Repeat 2-3 times a day.
By the way, you can read in detail about the benefits and harms of apple cider vinegar to the body.

In conclusion, although there is currently no scientific evidence that an alkaline diet or baking soda helps to lose weight, many weight loss people claim that these methods have helped them personally.

So, why don't you try to lose weight with these methods? But since it's hard to call an alkaline diet healthy, it's more correct to lose weight with baking soda recipes that include healthy ingredients such as citrus juice or apple cider vinegar.

So is it possible to lose weight with soda? conclusions

1. The baking soda weight loss method is based on the alkaline nutrition theory, which has no scientific confirmation.

2. Neither soda nor other alkaline foods can help healthy people lose weight. However, they may be helpful for those with kidney problems and/or insulin resistance.

3. Strictly following an alkaline diet is not the best dietary option, as this list of alkaline foods does not include the main beneficial components.

4. When losing weight on soda, be sure to mix it with lemon or vinegar.

Hi all. Ideally, our body should be in an acid-base balance. With a competent approach to your diet, this balance is not at all difficult to maintain. Today we will talk about products containing alkalis. There are many of those. Therefore, I present to your attention a list of alkaline foods, only those that have a good effect on the human body.

Problems: acid-base

When we eat foods with a high acid content, there is a slowdown, health problems, plus extra pounds. However, avoiding acidic foods is only half the battle. The most important thing is to get rid of the problems accumulated during this time.

Our daily diet should consist of 80 percent basic foods (alkaline). And only 20% is allocated to the share of acid.

What is really going on? Statistics is relentless, up to 90% of our body receives acidic foods. But we must clearly understand that this is not a sour-tasting food. This refers to the components that cause an acidic reaction in the body. That's all, white yeast bread, eggs, fats, various flour pastries.

Ideally, our body must neutralize all this acid so that it does not have time to “corrode” the cellular tissue of internal organs. For the neutralization process, we need alkaline products. If we do not replenish the body with such substances, it will take them from our skin, teeth, bones.

To prevent this from happening, you need to adjust your diet. Review the amount of acidic foods you eat. The author suggests eating no more than 50 grams of acid-producing foods per day. Among them, meat of any kind, fish, offal, sausages. Vegetables - peas, beans, cabbage, asparagus. Very "sour" products include all products made from flour, sugar, semolina. Including fatty broth, solid fat, refined oils, chocolate, coffee, alcoholic beverages.

What to do?

Although I am still quite young, but sometimes it seems that there is no strength at all, so colds and all sorts of sores have tortured me. I wake up in the morning with a feeling of fatigue, then the whole day tends to sleep. These symptoms are often characterized by an imbalance of acid and alkali in the body.

First, I changed my diet. I refused fried, fatty, added a lot of fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, dried fruits to my menu. Moreover, the ratio of greens, meat on a plate should be three to one. I advise all meat-eaters to urgently fall in love with vegetables, and be sure to add carrots to your diet. Of course, the reasons why you need to eat a lot of carrots are countless. But within the framework of this article, we will praise it for its alkaline properties. Thanks to which, the vegetable perfectly corrects the balance, purifying the blood, I would say “revitalizing”.

To overcome fatigue, I suggest that you always stick to a diet aimed at maintaining the acid-base balance in the body. Make your menu so that it contains 80 percent of the products containing alkali, and only 20 percent of the acid-forming components.

It will be very good if you enrich your diet with juicy fruits. Exclude only currants, plums, cranberries and blueberries. 20 percent is protein, starch, sugar, fat, oil. These are all acid-forming elements. As for the set of products, everything is simple here. Eat meat, cheese, meat products, sugar, cream, butter, refined vegetable. Avoid alcoholic drinks.

List of alkaline foods

Products that form alkalis, whatever one may say - all fruits and vegetables, pasteurized milk, yogurts. They contain a sufficient amount of mineral salts needed by the body. Potato is considered a good alkaline element. Hooray! But to keep the declared properties, cook it for a couple.

They say there is no third. More as given. There is a group of products with a balance of acid and alkali. These are walnuts, rye bread, whole grains, unrefined cereals, germinated wheat grains, high-quality vegetable oils.

Attention, dear readers. It is important. I draw your attention to mixed products. What's this? It turns out that the same products are acidic for one organism and alkaline for another. It all depends on the state of the "concrete" organism. These include dairy products, unripe green fruits, lemons, melons, apricots, tomatoes and sorrel, juices squeezed from sour fruits. The same group includes currants, gooseberries, oranges, pineapples, kiwi.

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A person can feel young and healthy only when all conditions are created in his body for the proper flow of exchange and recovery processes and metabolism. The main indicator of these conditions is the level of acid-base balance. The number 7 on the scale means the optimal level of pH balance. Anything below 7 is acidic, anything above is alkaline. To keep the body in good shape, experts strongly recommend sticking to an alkaline diet.

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    The Benefits of Alkaline Foods

    The main advantages and beneficial properties of alkaline products include the following:

    • removal of toxins and toxins;
    • enrichment of the body with vitamins and important trace elements;
    • creation of optimal conditions for cell development;
    • fast absorption by the body;
    • help in the fight against various diseases of internal organs;
    • fast and correct weight loss;
    • improving the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

    Foods containing protein - diet for weight loss and muscle gain

    Nutrition Features

    The accumulated toxins and slags in the body have an acidic effect on it. To normalize the pH of the diet, it is worth including alkaline foods.

    Alkaline foods contain:

    • calcium;
    • copper;
    • magnesium;
    • iron;
    • potassium;
    • sodium;
    • manganese.

    An organism that does not receive alkalizing products becomes the owner of:

    • carbon dioxide;
    • sulfur;
    • phosphorus;
    • chlorine;
    • iodine.


    To maintain an optimal level of alkalinity in the blood, a person needs to consume 80% alkali and 20% acid per day. Some foods, entering the body and going through all the stages of digestion and metabolism, can leave alkaline and acid waste in the body. They are called alkaline-gene and acid-gene. These include:

    1. 1. Wheat flour, brown rice, and some other cereals in their natural form are mildly acidic. But when ingested or processed, they become more acidic.
    2. 2. All types of cereals, legumes, meat products and eggs are acidic in nature. Vegetables and fruits are alkaline.
    3. 3. All citrus fruits are initially associated with acidic foods. However, when processed in the body, they have an alkaline effect.
    4. 4. Legumes are classified as acidic foods. But sprouted legumes become more alkaline.
    5. 5. Milk is alkaline only when raw. Heated, boiled milk, all dairy products will be acidic.

    List of food items

    alkaline foods

    List of high alkaline foods:

    List of medium alkaline foods:

    List of products containing alkali at a low level:

    List of very low alkaline foods:

    acid products

    All foods can be classified into less and more acidic:

    Product/Acidity High acid medium acid Low acid
    VegetablesSoyaOlives, beansGreen beans and asparagus, tomato
    Fruitfruit juicesPomegranate, prunesPlum, dried fruits, figs
    Berries- Cranberry-
    Meat, dairy, eggs, seafoodBeef, yogurt, processed cheese, milk, seafoodChicken, cottage cheese, chicken protein, pork, squid, vealCheese, cow and goat milk, turkey, goose, lamb, crayfish
    Cereals, seeds, nuts, pastaBrazil nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, pastaBarley, white rice, chickpeas, peas, nutmeg, bran, whole wheat pasta, peanuts, pistachios, ryeBuckwheat, semolina, brown rice, pine nuts
    Greens- - Spinach
    WaterBeer, wine, cocoa, soft drinksSoy milkVodka, black tea
    SweetsJam, jelly, white and brown sugar, ice creampasteurized honey-
    flourWhite bread, wheat flourBakery products-
    OtherVinegar, cottonseed oil, hops, saltMustard, ketchupAlmond oil, balsamic vinegar, starch, vanillin

    Popular Alkaline Foods

    Among all alkaline foods, there are those that alkalize the body much more and faster. These include the following:

    Product Beneficial features
    LemonIt is the most alkaline product. It is indispensable for colds, viral diseases and heartburn. It helps fight not only high acidity, but is also a natural antiseptic.
    Swiss chardIt is indispensable for diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as problems with vision and memory. Swiss chard leaves are rich in fiber, protein, vitamins and mineral salts.
    CucumberIt helps in a short time to normalize the process of digestion and neutralize the acidic environment in the digestive tract. It will also be useful for people suffering from skin rashes.
    RadishImproves intestinal peristalsis, lowers cholesterol and activates metabolic processes. It is a good helper in the fight against skin diseases.
    CeleryAble to slow down the process of aging and withering of the skin, it improves the water-salt balance and normalizes blood sugar levels. The root and leaves of celery contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential oils.
    GarlicIt is an important link in maintaining immunity. It has high antimicrobial properties
    BeetIt has almost all vitamins, including minerals and fiber. Its beneficial properties have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.
    AvocadoDue to the presence of monounsaturated acids in its composition, it strengthens the cardiovascular system and helps to normalize the acid-base balance.
    MelonContains a high acidity index (8.5). It is indispensable for urolithiasis, kidney disease and colds. Eating it before bed will help you forget about insomnia and stress forever.
    BuckwheatJust like beetroot, it helps to cope with problems of the cardiovascular system.
    BananaDue to the high content of pectin and starch in its composition, it is able to quickly improve the functioning of the digestive system.
    BerriesContain a large amount of fiber, which is necessary for bowel function
    BroccoliA variety of cabbage is rich in vitamins and trace elements necessary for the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
    A pineappleIt is rich in vitamins A and C. It helps to defeat sore throats, arthritis, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and accelerates the healing process of wounds. Experts recommend using its juice to strengthen memory.
    GrapeStrengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of cancer. It is useful for the nervous system, as it helps to get rid of stress, negative reactions of the body to external stimuli and normalizes sleep.
    SpinachHelps to cope with diabetes, asthma, anemia and oncology. If you include this product in your diet, you will soon see an improvement in the condition of hair, nails and skin.
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