Is Femoston worth taking? Femoston - a drug for hormone replacement therapy

Estrovel. Medicine based on active ingredients: cimicifuga extract, soybean extract, wild yam extract, nettle leaf extract, vitamin E, folic acid, L-phenylalanine. Due to this composition, the drug helps to alleviate the imbalance of hormones in the female body, reduce headaches, tension in muscle tissue, improve metabolism in bone tissues, and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.
For the prevention and treatment of menopause, it is recommended to take 1 tablet 1-2 times a day. Consume with food. Reception should be continued for at least two months to get an effective result.

Klimadinon. Medicine based on active ingredients: liquid extract of cimicifuga and mint oil. Has estrogen-like properties. It has a sedative effect on the female body.
It is recommended to take 1 tablet 2 times a day (or 30 drops 2 times a day if you are using a different form of the drug). The duration of the course can only be determined by the attending physician, but for a positive result, the medicine must be consumed for at least 2 weeks.

Feminal. Dietary supplement based on active ingredients: red clover extract, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide. The drug helps to compensate for the lack of estrogen in the female body during menopause, which significantly reduces the symptoms of menopause.
It is recommended to take 1 tablet 1 time per day with a sufficient amount of liquid. You need to use dietary supplements for at least 1 month, but if necessary, the attending physician can increase the duration of therapy or prescribe another course.
If the patient has been diagnosed with an allergy to red clover extract, Feminal is contraindicated.

Femiwell. A medicine based on active ingredients: soy proteins, soy extract, red clover extract and vitamin E. Thanks to this composition, the drug improves the general condition of a woman during menopause, relieves irritability, high blood pressure, sweating and swelling.
It is recommended to take 1 tablet of the drug 1 time per day. The duration of therapy is at least 1 month. The attending physician, if necessary, may increase the dosage or duration of treatment.

Qi-Klim. Medicine based on the active component of dried cimicifuga extract. It has estrogen-like properties, helps to cope with the main symptoms of menopause. It has a sedative effect.
It is recommended to take the drug Qi-Klim 1 tablet 2 times a day. Do not chew, drink plenty of liquid. It is best to consume at the same time every day. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.
If the patient has been diagnosed with epilepsy, abnormal liver function, trauma or brain disease, Qi-Klim should be taken with caution. In rare cases, tablets can cause allergic reactions.

Remens. Medicine based on active ingredients: extract of cimicifuga racemose, pilocarpus, Canadian sanguinaria extract, surukuku snake venom, cuttlefish gland secretion. A homeopathic remedy that helps relieve the symptoms of menopause, relieve irritability, vegetative signs of menopause, and depression.
It is recommended to take 1 tablet (10 drops) of the drug 3 times a day. To obtain a positive result, it is necessary to use Remens medicine for up to 6 months. If you need to repeat the treatment, you can do this only after a month break.
In very rare cases, Remens may cause increased salivation. If you have other side effects, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Lephem. Medicine based on the active component of soy isoflavones. These substances are natural analogues of the female hormone estrogen, the amount of which decreases significantly during menopause. Thanks to this drug, irritability decreases, the number of hot flashes decreases, and sleep improves.
It is recommended to take the drug 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. It is best to take Lefem at the same time every day. Take with food with plenty of liquid. The duration of treatment is 6-12 months.
If you are intolerant to soy, soybean oil or groundnuts, do not take this drug. In some cases, the use of the drug causes allergies and vaginal discharge (may even be bloody).

There are women who have to fight for the happiness of motherhood. After several months of futile attempts to get pregnant, they seek medical help. The doctor conducts an examination and prescribes a set of procedures, in the first place is hormonal therapy. Currently, Femoston 2/10 is widely used. He is able to create favorable conditions for the fertilization of the egg and provide significant assistance to the female body in preparation for parenthood.

What is Femoston 2/10 and how does it work when planning a pregnancy

The release form is a blister with 28 convex coated tablets. Half of them have a pinkish tint, the other half - yellowish. The main active ingredient of the pink tablet is two milligrams of estradiol. And in addition to this hormone, yellowish tablets contain another ten milligrams of dydrogesterone. The often prescribed dosage of the drug 2/10 means that it contains two milligrams of estradiol and ten milligrams of dydrogesterone. The tool is available in two dosages - 1/10 and 1/5.

However, the hormonal drug that is prescribed to patients who want to have a baby is not indicated according to the instructions for women planning a pregnancy. Nonsense?

The main active ingredients of this remedy are two female sex hormones. Their action is aimed at normalizing the hormonal background during the onset of menopause, at relieving the symptoms of menopause. Estradiol is able to make up for the lack of estrogen, and dydrogesterone causes the endometrium to secrete. The drug was originally developed to help women who have menopause.

Gynecologists have changed the prescription of estrogen pills. They are trying with this drug to solve the problem of women who cannot get pregnant on their own. Often the cause of this is the thinning of the endometrium and the lack of estrogen. The hormone dydrogesterone contributes to the thickening of the endometrium, an increase in the volume of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. This is a very favorable environment for the attachment of a fertilized egg.

Video - Femoston when planning pregnancy

Indications for use at the planning stage

Before prescribing Femoston, the specialist must determine the thickness of the woman's endometrium for the current period. This is done using an ultrasound procedure. If, at the end of the first phase of the menstrual cycle, this indicator is equal to seven millimeters, then everything leads to a failure of ovulation. Pregnancy in this situation does not occur. As an indication for taking the drug, gynecologists regard the thinned endometrium.

Scheme of reception at the planning stage

Why takeReception scheme
To treat a hypoestrogenic condition (or thin uterine lining)Drink pills start from the very first day of the menstrual cycle. Drink one tablet for four weeks. Reception interruption is not allowed. Stopping therapy at half a pack will lead to a powerful hormonal failure and blood discharge. In this case, the chances of getting pregnant will be scanty
To enhance the luteal phase of the cycleTake one tablet per day. After two weeks of admission, Duphaston is added to Femoston. The regimen for taking Duphaston is slightly different: it is taken twice a day for the next two weeks. The combination of these drugs can positively affect the size of the endometrium

If a woman accidentally forgot to take a pill, then it must be taken immediately after the discovery of the pass, provided that twelve hours have not passed since the usual intake. If the patient found the pass too late, then you should not drink two tablets at once. You need to continue taking the medicine at the usual pace. A double dose of the drug can cause bleeding.

In the vast majority of cases, Femoston is well tolerated. However, on the network you can also find negative reviews about the drug associated with side effects from taking it. They can appear individually, it is possible the appearance of several actions at once.

Side effects:

  • discharge from the uterus with bloody mucus;
  • exacerbation of candidiasis;
  • breast augmentation;
  • the appearance of pain in the pelvic area and chest;
  • nausea and gag reflexes;
  • abdominal pain, bloating and flatulence;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • skin rashes, urticaria, pruritus;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • a significant increase in blood pressure;
  • decreased libido;
  • frequent mood swings, the appearance of irritability and nervousness;
  • depressive states;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle.

There may be noticeable weight jumps that do not depend on appetite. At the same time, body weight both increases and decreases. In rare cases, visual impairment, rejection of contact lenses is possible.

Contraindications and dangers when planning

Not all doctors support the practice of prescribing Femoston to stimulate conception. And that's why:

Femoston also has many contraindications. You can not take the drug for women with malignant tumors, the growth and condition of which depends on the concentration of the hormone estrogen and progesterone. The occurrence of periodic bleeding of an unknown nature and endometrial hypoplasia are also reasons to stop taking the drug.

It is dangerous to start therapy with Femoston in patients with acute liver dysfunction and porphyrin disease, with venous thromboembolism, as well as with a predisposition to heart attack.

What about pregnancy?

As soon as a woman taking Femoston 2/10 at the planning stage finds out about her pregnancy, it is necessary to immediately stop taking the pills. After that, you need to contact a gynecologist, register and pass mandatory tests. Laboratory studies of the blood test and smear will give the specialist a complete picture of the level of hormones in the woman's blood.

Femoston (Germany) - a calendar package with 28 tablets, of which 14 orange tablets contain 2 mg of estradiol, and 14 yellow tablets contain 2 mg of estradiol and 10 mg of digidogesterone. The drug compensates for the deficiency of sex hormones in a woman's body, relieves menopausal symptoms during natural menopause, after surgical removal of the ovaries. Also, the drug is used for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

The drug affects lipid metabolism to a much greater extent than other drugs for HRT, normalizes lipid metabolism, significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Femoston does not affect carbohydrate metabolism. Even with prolonged therapy, the drug does not cause thrombosis or thromboembolic disorders. Causes an adequate secretory phase of the endometrium. It improves the quality of life of patients by reducing the number of complaints and objectively detectable menopausal symptoms. Femoston is the base drug for HRT in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system. What are the latest recommendations from the International Menopause Society regarding hormone therapy?

The International Menopause Society (IMS) was the first organization to highlight the importance of age in hormone therapy risk profiling in its statement on hormone therapy in February 2004 (document updated February 2007). In addition, IMS experts once again pointed out the positive effect of hormone therapy in the treatment of estrogen deficiency conditions and the need to prescribe it to all patients who need it.

After discussing the results of the WHI (Women's Health Initiative) and MWS (Million Women Study), conclusions and recommendations were made by the Executive Committee of the International Menopause Society (first discussion - December 2003, revision - February, October 2004, February 2007):

1. Continue the previously accepted global practice of hormone replacement therapy.

2. It is not justified to reduce the duration of hormone therapy with its effectiveness.

3. Termination of hormone replacement therapy may contribute to an increase in the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

4. The question of the duration and / or termination of hormone replacement therapy is decided individually.

5. Hormone replacement therapy provides a reduction in the incidence of colorectal cancer and fractures, but is associated with a small increase in the risk of breast cancer, deep vein thrombosis and thromboembolism.

6. Metabolic disorders, tumors, cardiovascular diseases are typical for all women at the end of reproductive age, and not only for those receiving hormone replacement therapy.

7. It is useful to combine hormone replacement therapy with other drugs (statins, anticoagulants, etc.).

8. At the risk of thrombosis, the parenteral route of administration is preferable.

9. Unified approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy are impossible: different formulations and regimens contribute to different tissue and metabolic effects.

10. The results of population studies are needed for general guidance. They should not be extended to individual patients.
What are the recommendations of the International Menopause Society Expert Working Group regarding estrogen doses in HRT preparations?

Recommendations from the International Menopause Society Expert Working Group (February 16–17, 2004) regarding estrogen doses: estrogen dose
should be as low as possible and at the same time stop menopausal symptoms. Recommended starting doses are:

0.5–1 mg 17 β-estradiol;

0.3–0.45 mg of conjugated equine estrogens;

25–37.5 mcg transdermal estradiol (patch);

0.5 µg estradiol gel.

After 8-12 weeks from the start of treatment, the symptoms should be reassessed and, if necessary, the doses may be revised. In about 10% of cases, higher doses may be required. At the same time, doses should be reviewed from time to time and reduced where possible.
What components are used for combined hormone replacement therapy?

As the estrogenic components of HRT, "natural" estrogens are recommended for use. Natural estrogens are drugs that are identical in chemical structure to estradiol synthesized in the body of women. Currently, 17 β-estradiol and estradiol valerate are most often used for oral forms in the clinical practice of European countries.

The progestogen component of HRT is prescribed to protect the endometrium and prevent the development of endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer. With cyclic administration, gestagens should be prescribed for at least 10-14 days monthly. The main requirement for the progestogen component is its metabolic neutrality, since it is necessary that it does not reduce the cardioprotective effect of estrogens (dydrogesterone).

So, for example, dydrogesterone, which is part of Femoston, is devoid of androgenic effects and reliably protects the endometrium.

What are the contraindications for hormone replacement therapy?

Recently, the number of contraindications for HRT has decreased, and contraindications, previously considered absolute, have become relative. This is due to the fact that during a certain period, contraindications to the use of hormonal contraceptives were automatically transferred to HRT. The main differences between these 2 groups of drugs are in the types of estrogen used, as well as in the doses and types of progestogens. Combined oral contraceptives use synthetic estrogen - ethinyl estradiol, which is not used for HRT. As part of HRT, progesterone derivatives are more often used, and in oral contraceptives, nortestosterone derivatives are used.

Absolute contraindications for HRT are:

Bleeding from the genital tract of unknown origin;

Breast and endometrial cancer;

Acute hepatitis;

Acute deep vein thrombosis;

Untreated tumors of the genital organs and mammary glands;

Allergy to HRT ingredients;

Cutaneous porphyria.

Contraindications to some sex hormones should be highlighted separately:

1) for estrogens:

Breast cancer ER+ (history);

Endometrial cancer (history);

severe liver dysfunction;


2) for gestagens:


Relative contraindications for HRT:

uterine fibroids, endometriosis;


Venous thrombosis or embolism (history);

Familial hypertriglyceridemia;



Ovarian cancer (history).

Endometriosis: estrogen monotherapy is contraindicated, but combined estrogen-progestin therapy with an adequate dose of active progestogen is possible.

Uterine fibroids: combination therapy is indicated for small uterine fibroids and asymptomatic course. Women should be under special supervision; Ultrasound is recommended every 3 months. According to the data available to date, the response of fibroids to HRT, as well as to progestogen monotherapy, largely depends on the predominance of A- or B-progesterone receptors in myomatous nodes. It has been established that, depending on this, growth, regression or neutral reaction of nodes can be observed. The clinical picture and the size of the nodes on ultrasound testify to the reaction of myomatous nodes to HRT of a particular patient.
What examination should be carried out before the appointment of HRT?

Mandatory before the appointment of HRT for each woman are:

Collection of anamnesis (clarification of heredity factors, the nature of past somatic, oncological diseases, thromboembolism, diseases of the liver, blood vessels, reactions to combined oral contraceptives, etc.);

Gynecological examination with oncocytology;

Ultrasound of the genital organs with a mandatory assessment of the thickness and structure of the endometrium;

Mammography or ultrasound of the mammary glands.

Evaluation of ultrasound data on the thickness of the endometrium in postmenopause:

Endometrial thickness up to 4 mm - HRT is not contraindicated;

Endometrial thickness from 4 to 8 mm - endometrial biopsy, as well as the appointment of gestagens for 12-14 days and repeated ultrasound on the 5th day of a menstrual-like reaction;

The thickness of the endometrium is more than 8 mm - hysteroscopy or diagnostic curettage of the endometrium with a histological examination of the material is indicated.

According to indications, additional examinations are carried out:

Biochemical blood test (lipid spectrum, glucose);


Somatic examination, determination of the main hemodynamic parameters (BP, pulse);

Hormonal examination: FSH, LH, estradiol, TSH, T3, T4;

Consultation of specialists: neuropathologist, cardiologist, therapist, urologist, endocrinologist;

The onset of menopause is associated for women with big problems. There are many drugs that make it easier to survive the period, but doubts remain about their effectiveness. It is useful to get acquainted with the opinion of doctors before resorting to taking a certain remedy. Especially often lately they talk about Femoston. What is special about it?

First of all, good reviews from doctors speak about the effectiveness of the product. There are also reservations regarding the use of the drug. It is wiser to learn the recommendations of the doctors themselves in the first person.

Reviews about Femoston

Irina Britanchuk (gynecologist, experience 11 years)

Femoston is well known to gynecologists and those employed in related fields. For example, endocrinologists, whose consultation during menopause is no less useful. There are many indications for the use of the drug. With regard specifically to menopause, during it, estrogen deficiency becomes the main reason for taking it. I had to prescribe pills more than once. The basis for starting the application is the absence of menstruation for six months.

On my own behalf, I will say that the remedy allows in practice to cope with various menopausal manifestations. With its help, it is possible to eliminate hot flashes and irritability. I have no serious complaints about the product.

Maxim Demidov (gynecologist, experience 6 years)

The medicine Femoston is often prescribed to women during menopause. A small dosage is prescribed, it is enough for a good effect. It contains dydrogesterone and estrodiol. Thanks to them, they not only reduce the intensity of the manifestations of menopause, but also prolong the period of youth. Femoston makes it possible to prevent the development of age-related changes.

Practice shows: the effect of taking pills is noticeable after 3 days. Almost immediately, insomnia, hot flashes and dizziness disappear in women who enter menopause. Of the minuses, I will name the presence of the danger of gaining weight, but this happens infrequently. I consider the tool as effective and relatively safe.

Yuri Kalugin (orthopedist, experience 8 years)

I don't have much in common with gynecology. Nevertheless, I know about Femoston. It is great for preventing osteoporosis. This is rarely paid attention to, concentrating on the symptoms characteristic of menopause. But during menopause, the risk of osteoporosis increases. And in the absence of symptoms of osteoporosis for preventive purposes, the medicine must be taken.

Olga Rodyukova (endocrinologist, experience 14 years)

Femoston refers to hormonal drugs prescribed for women with menopause. I know it is usually prescribed by gynecologists during menopause. A more correct option would be to prescribe before the onset of menopause. Then it will be possible to provide conditions that prevent bone loss.

Due to the hormonal action, it is advisable not to delay the start of taking the drug. The earlier the pills are prescribed, the better. The effectiveness of the components can be maximized. In the review, I note that the remedy is suitable for use by all women suffering from estrogen deficiency.

Ekaterina Shevyakova (gynecologist, experience 9 years)

A two-component medicine, the main purpose is to reduce the negative manifestations of menopause. The pills are really effective in eliminating the symptoms. Referring to the use of Femoston, according to the assurances of doctors and manufacturers, should be in order to eliminate the following negative phenomena: decreased libido, irritability, increased sweating, weight gain. The description also indicates such an action as slowing down the formation of wrinkles, which becomes a beneficial effect during menopause. I warn you that taking any hormonal medications is necessary under the constant supervision of a doctor.


With menopause, Femoston is effective, which is confirmed by doctors in every possible way. But the medicine is hormonal, it must be taken with the participation of a doctor in the process. Otherwise, there is a danger of causing serious harm to health, completely incomparable with the positive effects.

Femoston 1/10: instructions for use

The drug Femoston 1/10 belongs to the group of antimenopausal drugs and is prescribed to women during menopause.

Composition and form of release

The drug Femoston 1/10 is available in the form of film-coated tablets of two types.

The composition of 1 white tablet includes 1 mg of Estradiol, the composition of 2 tablets includes 1 mg of Estradiol and 10 mg of Dydrogesterone.

1 gray tablet contains 2 mg of Estradiol, 2 tablets contain 10 mg of Dydrogesterone. In addition, the composition of the drug includes a number of excipients, including lactose monohydrate.

Tablets are packed in a blister of 28 pieces, in a cardboard box with detailed instructions attached.

Indications for use

Femoston 1/10 tablets are prescribed to women for the treatment and prevention of the following conditions:

  • hormonal disorders during menopause caused by age or previous surgical interventions on the organs of the reproductive system;
  • osteoporosis due to menopausal hormonal changes.


The drug has a number of contraindications, so before starting treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor and read the attached instructions. Femoden tablets should not be taken orally if one or more of the following conditions are present:

  • pregnancy - established or suspected;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • suspected breast cancer or a diagnosed oncological neoplasm;
  • estrogen-dependent malignant neoplasms - identified or suspected;
  • pathological growth of endometrial tissue;
  • bleeding from the vagina of unknown etiology;
  • venous thromboembolism, including deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism;
  • liver disease, accompanied by impaired organ function;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • porphyria.

Relative contraindications to taking the drug are:

  • endometriosis of the uterus;
  • diabetes;
  • cases of breast cancer in the female lineage;
  • migraine;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • epilepsy;
  • kidney failure;
  • otosclerosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cholelithiasis.

Method of application and dosage

The drug Femiston 1/10 is taken 1 tablet 1 time per day strictly at the same time of day. The drug can be taken regardless of food, drinking plenty of water.

In the first half of the menstrual cycle (with a cycle of 28 days) take 1 white tablet, the remaining 14 days of the cycle take 1 gray tablet.

Women who have not had a period for more than 1 year due to hormonal disorders can start treatment with the drug on any day.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Femoston is contraindicated for use during pregnancy. If a woman suspects pregnancy, then it is necessary to check with a gynecologist.

The drug should not be taken during breastfeeding, as the active ingredients of the tablets can be excreted in milk and enter the child's body. If therapy is necessary, lactation should be interrupted and the child should be transferred to artificial feeding with milk formula.

Side effects

Against the background of taking Femoston tablets in patients with increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, the following side effects may develop:

  • on the part of the reproductive system - engorgement and soreness of the mammary glands, copious discharge of blood from the vagina, not associated with menstruation, the formation and progression of cervical erosion, dysmenorrhea, enlargement of the mammary glands, changes in libido;
  • from the digestive tract - pain in the stomach, nausea, stagnation of bile and inflammation of the gallbladder, disruption of the liver, vomiting, stool disorders;
  • from the nervous system - headaches, migraine, irritability, asthenia, chorea, insomnia;
  • on the part of the cardiovascular system - ischemia of the heart muscle, the development of myocardial infarction, venous thromboembolism;
  • on the part of the hematopoietic organs - hemolytic anemia;
  • allergic reactions - urticaria, skin itching, rash, erythema nodosum, in rare cases, the development of angioedema.

With the development of one or more side effects with menopause, you should consult a doctor to decide whether to stop therapy.


With a deliberate increase in the dose indicated in the instructions or prolonged uncontrolled use of the drug, the patient develops signs of an overdose, which are clinically manifested by an increase in the side effects described above, severe drowsiness, dizziness.

With the development of signs of an overdose, treatment with the drug is immediately stopped, the woman's stomach is washed and, if necessary, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

Interaction with other drugs

With the simultaneous appointment of the drug Femoston with barbiturates, Rifampicin, Carbamazepine, Phenytoin, the therapeutic effect of Femoston may be weakened.

St. John's wort extract can stimulate the exchange of estrogens and progestogens.

special instructions

While taking the drug, women should periodically undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist and mammologist. If painful seals appear in the mammary gland, discharge from the nipple when pressed, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Against the background of drug therapy, you should periodically take a blood test for coagulability. At the risk of developing thromboembolism, a combination of Femoston therapy with anticoagulants is possible.

If severe headaches or migraine attacks occur during treatment with the drug, you should stop taking the tablets and immediately seek medical advice.

At the initial stage of drug therapy in a woman, breakthrough uterine bleeding that is not associated with menstruation is possible. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to adjust the dose. If, despite dose adjustment, bleeding continues, then drug therapy is stopped until the cause of this condition is determined.

The drug does not affect the functioning of the central nervous system and the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Analogues of tablets Femoston 1/10

Analogues of the drug Femoston 1/10 are:

  • Duphaston tablets;
  • midianna tablets;
  • Utrozhestan capsules;
  • Visanne tablets;
  • Bilara tablets.

It is not recommended to replace the prescribed drug with one of these analogues without consulting a doctor. The composition of these tablets includes a different amount of hormones and not all of them can be used by women during menopause.

Vacation and storage conditions

The drug Femoston 1/10 is dispensed from pharmacies by prescription. Keep the tablets out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. The shelf life of the drug is indicated on the package and is 3 years from the date of manufacture. Do not use tablets after the expiration date.

Femoston 1/10 price

In Moscow pharmacies, the cost of Femoston 1/10 is on average 900 rubles.

Femoston - instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Femoston is a combination drug used for hormone replacement therapy. The active substances are estradiol and dydrogesterone. As auxiliary preparations are used: colloidal silicon dioxide, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, corn starch.

Estradiol is identical in its biological and chemical properties to the natural human sex hormone. With the help of estradiol in the body of a woman, the estrogen deficiency that occurs due to menopause is replenished, while simultaneously providing therapy for the psycho-emotional and autonomic symptoms of menopause: dizziness, "tide", increased sweating, sleep disturbance, involutional processes of the skin, increased nervous excitability. Estradiol helps maintain the tone and elasticity of the urinary tract. Also, estradiol is a prophylactic against osteoporosis and fractures, contributes to the preservation of bone tissue.

Dydrogesterone is a progestogenic drug that ensures the onset of the secretion phase in the inner mucous layer of the uterus, thus reducing the risk of hyperplasia and the development of carcinogenesis. Dydrogesterone does not have androgenic, estrogenic, glucocorticosteroid or anabolic activity.

The combination of estradiol and dydrogesterone in Femoston gives a low-dose regimen of hormone replacement therapy.

According to the feedback received as a result of research, Femoston helps to prevent bone loss in the period after menopause caused by estrogen deficiency.

Estradiol after oral administration is easily absorbed. The drug is metabolized in the liver, forming estrone and estrone sulfate. It is excreted mainly in the urine.

Dydrogesterone is easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Completely metabolized. The main metabolite of dydrogesterone is 20-dihydrodydrogesterone. Complete elimination of the drug occurs after 72 hours.

Instructions for use Femoston and dosage

Femoston is taken one tablet, once a day, regardless of the meal.

Femoston 1/10 - in the first part of the 28-day cycle, consisting of 14 days, white tablets containing 1 mg of estradiol are taken. In the second half of the cycle, gray tablets containing 10 mg of dydrogesterone and 1 mg of estradiol are taken.

Femoston 2/10 - in the first part of the 28-day cycle, consisting of 14 days, pink tablets containing 2 mg of estradiol are taken. In the second half of the cycle, yellow tablets containing 10 mg of dydrogesterone and 2 mg of estradiol are taken.

For patients whose menstrual cycles have not stopped, it is recommended to start using Femoston on the first day of the cycle. For patients who have had more than one year since the last menstruation, Femoston can be started at any time.

Indications for the use of Femoston

Like its analogues, Femoston is used as a hormone replacement therapy for disorders caused by natural menopause or menopause that occurred as a result of surgery. And also as a prevention of postmenstrual osteoporosis.

Contraindications to the use of Femoston

  • suspected or diagnosed breast cancer;
  • suspected or diagnosed malignant estrogen-dependent neoplasms;
  • suspected or confirmed pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • porphyria;
  • liver disease;
  • intolerance to the components of Femoston.

Caution must be exercised in persons receiving hormone replacement therapy in the presence of the following conditions: arterial hypertension, endometriosis, uterine leiomyoma, thrombosis and the risk of their development, diabetes mellitus, benign liver tumor, cholelithiasis, migraine, systemic lupus erythematosus, renal failure, epilepsy, otosclerosis .

special instructions

If there are signs of a deterioration in liver function, migraine-like attacks, a pronounced rise in blood pressure, pregnancy, Femoston should be stopped. If the development of thrombosis is observed during therapy with Femoston, the instruction recommends discontinuation of the drug.

According to studies, with long-term use of Femoston analogues from hormone replacement therapy drugs for more than 10 years, there is a slight increase in the diagnosis of breast cancer.

Like its analogues, Femoston is not a contraceptive, if necessary, it is recommended to combine it with non-hormonal contraceptives.

Overdose with Femoston

The reviews received about an overdose of Femoston show that among the possible symptoms may be: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness. For the treatment of an overdose of Femoston, the instructions recommend symptomatic therapy.

drug interaction

When taken simultaneously with drugs-inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, such as: rifampicin, phenytoin, rifabutin, carbamazepine and barbiturates, the effect of Femoston may be weakened.

Natural herbal preparations containing St. John's wort can have a stimulating effect on estrogen metabolism.

Pregnancy and lactation

Side effects of Femoston

From the digestive system are possible: flatulence, abdominal pain, nausea, very rarely - vomiting.

From the reproductive system are possible: breakthrough bleeding, soreness of the mammary glands, pain in the pelvic area; rarely - dysmenorrhea, cervical erosion, changes in secretion, premenstrual-like syndrome.

From the side of the central nervous system: migraines, dizziness, depression, nervousness.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: rarely - venous thromboembolism, extremely rarely - myocardial infarction.

Possible manifestations of dermatological and allergic reactions: rash, itching, urticaria.

According to reviews, Femoston can give side effects in the form of: vaginal candidiasis, changes in body weight, breast carcinoma, peripheral edema, changes in the curvature of the cornea.

Terms and conditions of storage

Femoston should be stored out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Shelf life - 3 years.

How to drink Femoston and its possible side effects

The situation when the production of its own sex hormones is disrupted in a woman's body is quite common. These are, first of all, conditions associated with the onset of menopause or surgical removal of the reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus).

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In this situation, the main goal of therapy is to compensate for the deficiency of one's own estrogen hormone and eliminate the consequences of its shortage for the body. The drug Femoston is included in the list of drugs to combat the manifestations of the above conditions.

Composition and dosage

Femoston in its structure is a combination drug that contains estradiol (estrogenic component) and dydrogesterone (gestagenic component). Depending on the concentration of each of the components, the following dosages are produced by the pharmaceutical industry:

  • Femoston conti 1/5 (contains 1 mg of estradiol and 5 mg of dydrogesterone);
  • Femoston 1/10 (1 mg of estradiol and 10 mg of dydrogesterone);
  • Femoston 2/10 (2 mg of estradiol and 10 mg of dydrogesterone).

Femoston Conti differs from others not only in a lower dosage of the progestogen component, but also in the constancy of the chemical composition in each tablet (monophasic).

In turn, Femoston 1/10 and 2/10 are biphasic drugs. This is manifested in the changing composition of the tablets depending on the phase of the cycle. The first 14 tablets contain only estrogen, the next 14 contain estrogen and progestogen.

There are various forms of release and the number of tablets in the package: 28, 84 or 280.

Mini-instruction for the use of the drug

The main property of Femoston is the regulation of the level of its own sex hormones. Each of the components of the composition performs its role sequentially in a certain phase of the cycle.

In the follicular phase, estradiol promotes active growth of the uterine mucosa and thus reproduces the physiological model of the menstrual cycle. On the 15th day, the tablet taken already includes dydrogesterone, which regulates the activity of estrogen. This is necessary to prevent excessive growth of the endometrium, as well as to reduce the risks of malignant degeneration of the uterine epithelium under the influence of estradiol.

Due to the rapid normalization of hormonal levels, regular intake of Femoston helps to cope with the following undesirable manifestations of menopause:

  • flushes of heat;
  • sweating and chills;
  • worsening mood, depression;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes, vaginal itching;
  • brittle bones, osteoporosis, etc.

Due to the specificity of the effects on the body, the main indications for taking the drug are:

  • menopause (natural or artificial);
  • prevention of bone tissue destruction if other drugs are not effective or cannot be used.

Another, undoubtedly, positive effect of the drug on the body is the normalization of blood cholesterol levels, an increase in the concentration of high-density lipoproteins and a decrease in low-density lipoproteins. This feature is taken into account by cardiologists when a woman in menopausal age has problems with the lipoprotein composition of the blood.

Femoston and infertility

In addition to clinically proven indications for use, there is a practice of taking the drug in the treatment of infertility caused by hypofunction of the uterine epithelium. The appointment of Femoston when planning pregnancy is based on its ability to cause active growth of the endometrium in the first phase of the cycle. For a stable therapeutic effect, it is recommended to continue therapy for 2-3 months. The onset of pregnancy becomes likely after discontinuation of the drug.

This tactic of treatment has both its supporters and opponents. Negative feedback from doctors and patients is associated, as a rule, with a high risk of side effects and the presence of a number of contraindications. At the same time, the effect of the therapy is controversial.

Contraindications and side effects

The start of treatment with Femoston must be accompanied by a preliminary comprehensive medical examination of the woman. Data are collected on the presence in the anamnesis of a number of diseases, as well as other conditions in which the use of the drug is contraindicated.

The main contraindications include:

  • hormone-dependent neoplasms of the reproductive organs or mammary glands;
  • vaginal bleeding, the cause of which is not clear;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • thrombosis;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • endometriosis, etc.

Often the refusal of Femoston therapy is the occurrence of the following side effects:

  • swelling;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • headache;
  • pain in the mammary glands and pelvic organs;
  • weight change.

Femoston and alcohol

In the instructions for use there is no clear wording that reflects the effect of the drug on the background of alcohol intake. It should be noted that ethyl alcohol inhibits the activity of microsomal liver enzymes (cytochrome P450) that metabolize the drug. As a result, the combined use of Femoston and alcohol can adversely affect the transformation of active substances in the liver and the overall effectiveness of the drug.

Which is better: Femoston, Klimonorm or Angelik?

Klimonorm and Angelik are drugs similar in composition for the correction of menopausal manifestations. Like Femoston, these are combined (estrogen and progestogen) agents.

The main difference between Angeliq is its monophasic nature and the presence of a progestogen component in the form of drospirenone. The main indications for the use of the drug are menopause and the prevention of osteoporosis associated with a lack of own estrogen.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets 28 and 84 pcs. with constant dosage:

  • estradiol 1 mg;
  • drospirenone 2 mg.

Klimonorm differs from previous drugs in the peculiarity of the dosage of the active ingredients. The package contains:

  • 9 tablets of estradiol with a dosage of 2 mg;
  • 12 combined pills (estradiol 2 mg, levonorgestrel 150 mcg).

Thus, one cycle accounts for the intake of 21 tablets once a day and 7 days off. Due to this feature, the drug has been used not only to eliminate the symptoms of menopause, but also to correct the menstrual cycle in women of reproductive age.

Consider whether it is worth taking it: side effects from the use of Duphaston.

After 45 years. However, it can come earlier (35-40 years). Early and standard menopause have the same manifestations: menstrual irregularities, and sometimes the complete absence of menstruation, psycho-emotional disorders in the form of irritability, insomnia, excessive fatigue. With this kind of manifestations, various anticlimacteric agents help to cope. An excellent solution in, including with early menopause, will be the Femoston complex remedy in all its varieties: 1/10, 2/10 and 1⁄5 conti. And with early menopause, Femoston 2/10 gains the most positive feedback. Features of the Femoston line of medicines for all types of menopause are presented below.

Varieties and indications for the use of Femoston

With the onset of menopause, the production of major hormones, in particular estrogens, decreases. HRT comes to the rescue, the essence of which is the artificial introduction of the missing amount of hormones into the body in order to stabilize the hormonal background and relieve the burden on the body. At each stage of menopause, premenopause, menopause and postmenopause, the level of hormones is completely different, as in premature and artificial menopause, so the drugs are also prescribed differently and in different dosages.


Femoston 1/10 is prescribed in the early stages of menopause, when the hormone deficiency is not so great. The main focus of its action is when the woman's body is still reproductive.

1/5 conti

The dosage of the drug 15 conti is prescribed for women who have longer than usual. If unpleasant manifestations have already been stopped, then 1/5 of the conti becomes excellent, cardiovascular diseases.


Femoston 2/10 is the most common representative of the line of drugs due to the effective combination of active substances and their dosage. It contains synthetic hormones that fully simulate the action of natural hormones.

Since the psycho-emotional system suffers first of all with the onset of menopause, the drug eliminates such manifestations as absent-mindedness, sudden mood swings, stress, causeless sadness, irritability, apathy, fatigue, insomnia.

Hormonal surges send false signals to the pituitary gland, which is responsible for thermoregulation, as a result of which a woman can be tormented by hot flashes up to 30 times a day, and chills come to replace them. Violation of the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system makes itself felt by pain in the genital organs, their dryness, and a decrease in libido. Calcium is in short supply during this period, due to which the bone tissues become thinner and pains and cramps are felt in the limbs, pulling pains in the lower back, osteochondrosis may develop. The skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles form. The cardiovascular system suffers no less than others, letting you know about yourself with headaches and heart pains, jumps in blood pressure, and dizziness. Femoston with menopause helps to cope with all these symptoms.

Experts also note such a beneficial effect of Femoston at a dosage of 2/10, such as endometrial thickening. With early menopause, it helps to induce ovulation and increase the chance of pregnancy.

Composition and mechanism of action of the drug

Femoston is a combined hormonal agent of two-phase action. Its main active substances are micronized 17beta-estradiol and dydrogesterone. The action of the first is alternative to the hormone estradiol, the second - to progesterone.

The estrogen component replenishes the supply of estrogens in the female body, which allows you to restore the balance of the psycho-emotional system and stop the autonomic manifestations of menopause. In the postmenopausal phase, the substance prevents the deterioration of bone mass.

The gestagenic substance - dydrogesterone ensures the natural course of secretion in the endometrium, thereby eliminating the risk of developing neoplasms in it and preventing the development of a number of hormone-dependent diseases.

In combination, these substances help to effectively eliminate the symptoms of menopause, stabilize metabolism, lower cholesterol levels, prevent possible diseases and tumors of various kinds, and even rejuvenate the body to some extent, both inside and out.

Experts note that estradiol, entering the body, is easily absorbed and metabolized mainly in the liver. Excreted with urine.

Dydrogesterone is also rapidly absorbed, completely metabolized and excreted in the urine after 72 hours.

Excipients are corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, hypromellose, magnesium stearate.

Forms of release and methods of application of Femoston

As already noted, there is a line of this medication from such funds: Femoston 1/10, Femoston 2/10 and Femoston 1⁄5 conti. The first number means the amount in mg of estradiol in 1 tablet, the second - didrogesterone. Tablets have a shell of a certain color for each type of medicine. They are round and convex on both sides.

How to take the drug and its correct dosage can only be determined by a specialist, having previously carried out a complete diagnosis and excluded all contraindications.

The instruction prescribes to take Femoston according to the following system:

  • The dosage of Femoston is 1/10. Enough once a day, 1 tablet at the same time orally. It does not depend on food intake. The first 14 days are used white tablets, from the 15th to the 28th day - gray.
  • 1⁄5 conti. 1 time per day at the same time, regardless of the meal. If the medication was missed, then it must be consumed no later than 12 hours. It is not recommended to drink an additional pill, as this can provoke.
  • Femoston 2/10 take one piece a day at a certain time. The first 14 days, pink tablets are used, from the 15th day - light yellow.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

Since this medicine is hormonal, it has a wide range of contraindications, which include:

  • Individual intolerance to any component.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Breast cancer or suspicion of it.
  • Estrogen-dependent neoplasms or suspicions of such.
  • endometrial hyperplasia.
  • Vaginal or uterine bleeding of unknown origin.
  • All types of liver diseases.
  • Kidney disease, renal and adrenal insufficiency.
  • Porfiry.
  • Thromboembolism of the veins, suspicions of it.
  • Arterial thromboembolism.

With caution, this medication should be taken by diabetics, people with cardiovascular diseases.

Before using it, you need to undergo extensive diagnostics, take into account the risk of developing hereditary diseases, lifestyle.

This remedy can cause numerous side effects. For example, breakthrough bleeding, pain in the pelvis and mammary glands, as well as their increase, erosive changes in the cervix, changes in the quality of sexual life, such as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence; headache, dizziness, chorea, thromboembolism; various kinds of allergic reactions, such as itching, rashes, redness.

While taking the drug, rejection of contact lenses, weight gain, vaginal candidiasis may be detected. If such manifestations are detected, an urgent need to contact a specialist to correct therapy and, if necessary, stop using the medication.

The drug does not affect the concentration of attention and the ability to control mechanisms.

Regarding interaction with other agents and substances, it is noted that inducers of microsomal enzymes in the liver reduce the estrogenic effect of the drug. Some herbal remedies, including herbal teas, collections and tinctures stimulate the exchange of estrogens and progestogens.

Means analogues

There are a huge number of drugs that stop menopausal symptoms. They have a different origin and form of release. Phytohormones, homeopathy, dietary supplements. As for the drugs used in hormone replacement therapy, their groups are determined depending on the hormone, the action of which they model.

In this case, according to the presence of estradiol, analogues are such means as Divina, Klimonorm, Clinorette. And also, about which they have a positive character. But according to the combination of estradiol and dydrogesterone, Femoston does not have analogues.

Opinions of doctors and patients about the drug

The drug Femoston collects quite conflicting reviews of doctors and patients. Someone talks about the effectiveness of only a representative of the line - Femoston 1⁄5 Conti at all stages of the menopause, others are generally opposed to hormone replacement therapy. Reviews on the Internet and the media speak of the effectiveness of all three tools.

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