What are the names of special institutions that help people find employment? Types of employment and employment of the population. Job Search Options

The economy of the Russian Federation is increasingly taking on a market character, which also has an impact on the social sphere. In the harsh conditions of a planned economy, it was not possible for specific forms of labor relations to develop. Market reforms corrected this situation, allowing for the emergence of new forms and types of employment. Thanks to this, the employment market has become more optimized. The public sector is quite popular among the population. Private, although it occupies a certain niche in the market, is not to the extent that it suppresses the public one. This material will describe the concept and types of employment.

What is included in the concept of employment?

Many definitions describe the concept of “rational employment”. Species are completely different definitions. But in a broad sense, the essence lies in a set of specific activities that are of a different nature. These are activities related to organization, finance and law. All of them are aimed at providing the residents of the state with work.

All types of employment in Russia are only forms of activity permitted by law. This also includes types that are characterized by individual provision. This is, for example, private enterprise or farming. Also, types of employment are forms of activity that can be carried out thanks to an existing license from government agencies or private organizations.

What does the concept of employment mean?

Employment is a human activity, the purpose of which is to satisfy personal needs (mainly material), that is, to generate income. These actions must comply with government regulations. According to Russian legislation, every citizen has the right to dispose of labor resources and creative potential at his own discretion. It is the fulfillment of such requirements that is necessary in order to characterize rational employment. Types of employment, regardless of their characteristics, do not imply any coercive measures. The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the implementation of the right to work should be initiated only by the person himself and carried out by him in a free form.

Employed segments of the population

The concept of employment and employment (their types) cannot be complete without describing the circle of persons who are the subjects of such relations. The subjects of labor relations are citizens who apply for work, as well as employers.

All types of employment are targeted actions in relation to any subject. An employed person is a person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, who works thanks to the conclusion of an agreement establishing an employment relationship. The list of such persons is quite extensive and includes the following categories:

  1. People who perform a specific set of actions that have a paid basis. The employee is paid remuneration for the work done, which he carries out as part of a full-time or short-time working day. This includes both permanent service and temporary, seasonal types of employment.
  2. Persons who have the status of private entrepreneurs and are engaged in commercial activities.
  3. Ancillary workers whose main source of income is the sale of goods in accordance with the conclusion of supply contracts.
  4. Persons who have entered into contracts that have a civil legal basis. They are compiled regarding the performance of work or provision of services. The parties to the agreement may be individual entrepreneurs.
  5. People who have received a position or assignment for which compensation is due.
  6. Persons involved in law enforcement agencies, such as the fire service, internal affairs agencies, and criminal authorities.
  7. People in military or alternative civil service.
  8. Students and students of general education institutions, primary, secondary and higher professional institutions.
  9. Persons who, for certain reasons, cannot carry out their usual work activities. Among such factors are inability to work, completion of advanced training courses, vacation, sick leave, retraining, temporary suspension of the institution, preparation for service in the armed forces, and more.
  10. People who are founders of organizations. An exception to this clause are religious, public and charitable organizations, because there are no property rights in relation to such created structures.

How is employment carried out?

All types of employment in Russia have a common essence, which is the order of successive steps that should ultimately lead to obtaining a job. In a narrower sense, this definition means the assistance of government agencies to its citizens in the form of providing vacancies. This includes not only assistance in finding appropriate work, but also retraining, retraining, and transfer. That is, these are those actions that are aimed at a person realizing his right to free work. But at the same time, the law does not prohibit a person from carrying out actions to find a job on an individual basis. It follows from this that the types of employment for work according to such a classification criterion as the method of implementation are as follows:

  • independent;
  • through government agencies.

This process plays an important role in public and social life as it helps a person to exercise his right to get a job. On the part of employers, this is a plus in terms of selecting qualified workers or the necessary strength. Another advantage of employment is a good efficiency factor, that is, a person makes the most of his working time without wasting time searching for a vacancy.

How is this process carried out with the help of government agencies?

This process can be carried out with the help of special bodies. These mainly include institutions such as employment services. This method of performing this action is called special. Its distinctive feature is that, unlike the independent option, it characterizes only types of official employment.

Although labor is considered, according to the legislation in the Russian Federation, to be free, strict measures can characterize the implementation of this process with the help of state influence. For example, this may include recruitment, which is carried out in an organized manner, and the direction of persons to objects. This was more popular during the period of active development of the planned economy and is practically absent in this period of time. This was used to make this area more rational and provide human resources to those regions where they are sorely lacking.

Also, special employment refers to the placement of students who have graduated from vocational educational institutions. This is done through the conclusion of appropriate types of agreements with enterprises and institutions, which imply the hiring of young employees.

Another advantage of carrying out this process with the help of government agencies is that they have the right to subject jobs to quotas. This allows special segments of the population to find employment.

What categories of citizens are entitled to preferential jobs?

Some segments of the population have the right to social protection in the form of assistance in realizing the right to work. The list of such people includes the following categories:

  • those who have disabilities;
  • those who have been in prison;
  • those who have not reached eighteen years of age;
  • those who have two years left to work before retirement;
  • migrants and refugees;
  • single mothers and those with many children;
  • parents raising a child with a disability;
  • those who are looking for a job for the first time;
  • those who graduated from specialized educational institutions.

How is this process of employing disabled people carried out?

Types of employment of disabled people are very important in the social sphere, since these people constitute a special category of employed people. Quotas apply to vacancies that can allow people with disabilities to work. These individuals cannot be one hundred percent active in society. It is the search for work that helps disabled people regain their place in society, recover morally and become full-fledged members of society. Thanks to this process, a person can again feel needed and important, and feel that he is benefiting other people.

Quotas are an officially established requirement that applies to all private entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs must allocate a certain proportion of vacancies for people with disabilities. However, the percentage established by law in Russia is quite low.

How is this process carried out for minors?

Types of employment of minors occupy their own niche in the employment market. This process is carried out regarding this category of citizens according to specific rules. In most countries of the world, for persons under eighteen years of age, the possibility of obtaining a job is regulated separately by law.

According to Russian regulations, the opportunity to enter into an agreement with employers appears upon reaching the age of sixteen. But the exception is fifteen-year-old teenagers who have received a secondary school education or are studying under an individual program. They are allowed to perform simple tasks that do not have a negative impact on health and do not interfere with development and functioning. A younger age category can be involved in the work process only as part-time employment. Work should allow the teenager to continue his education. But this age category is allowed to do this only with consent from parents or guardians.

That is, persons who have not reached the age of majority can be involved in any type of work, with the exception of gambling-type establishments and nightclubs. They are prohibited from dealing with cigarettes, alcohol and psychotropic substances. They should not be engaged in work that could potentially harm their health. That is, the transfer of heavy loads is limited to a certain weight.

All types of employment involving minors are accompanied by a medical commission, which must issue its conclusion.

Teenagers cannot be employed at work on holidays and at night. Working beyond the norm is also prohibited for this category. It is not allowed to send them on a business trip.

For such employees, a shortened working week is established. For persons under sixteen years of age, this number is twenty-four hours. For teenagers from sixteen to eighteen years old, this time is thirty-five hours a week.

Minor workers have additional guarantees. That is, an employer cannot voluntarily fire a teenager. This can only be done with the help of the state labor inspectorate.

An employer who hires a minor must understand that he is obliged to provide annual leave. It must be at least one month. And he is entitled to financial compensation.

Remuneration for work done for teenagers is calculated based on hours worked.

How is this process carried out without a work book?

Types of employment without a work book are a very real option in the Russian Federation. This option is within the law. However, a work book is a document that confirms that a person was involved in the work process. It contains complete information about the person, which is necessary for the further implementation of such activities. That is, this is information about education, specialty acquired, dates of employment and name of the organization. The document indicates the position and reasons for dismissal.

The work book confirms the fact of employment. But there are quite possible options when providing this document is not necessary. This is quite possible, but at the same time it requires the execution of another document, which is a civil contract. The second way is to work part-time. That is, one main job is issued in accordance with the work book, and the second - according to a special agreement.

The last option for a device without this document is all types of hired employment. That is, this is labor provided by agreement with an individual. If this is done legally, then an agreement must be drawn up between the employer and the employee. At the same time, the one who pays for the provision of the service must also make contributions to organizations such as the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

But most often, institutions that do not make entries in the work book are thus trying to hide from the law. This is mainly due to concealment of the current financial situation, that is, non-payment of contributions.

Those who agree to work under such conditions most often face problems such as lack of vacation, sick leave and maternity pay. And you can’t be one hundred percent sure of the stability of such work.

An important point is that the contract, which is concluded instead of being recorded in the work book, is of a civil nature, and not of a labor nature. The parties to it are the customer and the contractor. There are several types of such agreements:

  • author's;
  • agent;
  • for contract work.

All of the above types have common features. For example, they must be in duplicate, specify the details of the parties, deadlines for completion and the amount of remuneration.

What types of employment are there?

Types of employment in the Russian Federation are represented by four main categories. The most common job is one that has a permanent basis. It is she who brings a stable income. It is preferred because this type provides certain social guarantees. A person is protected, both socially and legally. In the event of job loss or unemployment, such a person may qualify for benefits. A certain percentage of the salary goes to the Pension Fund, which provides financial support in old age. Another advantage of this type of employment is the possibility of obtaining a loan.

The second type is part-time work. Most often this is a part-time job that brings in a small income. Such employment is common among students.

The third type is work under a contract. The amount stated in it is fixed and no deductions are made from it. In this case, taxes must be paid independently.

Types of employment do not necessarily provide financial compensation. An example of this is volunteering. Although it does not provide any financial benefits, its advantage is the acquisition of useful skills and connections.

At the moment, several more types of employment can be distinguished. These include freelancing and remote work via the Internet. Professionals in many industries can provide their services to employers from all over the world.

General employment and employment issues have been resolved:

Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment”;

Government Decree “On the procedure for registering unemployed citizens”

Regulations on the organization of work to promote employment in conditions of mass layoffs;

Regulations on public works.

Employment- this is the activity of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal or social needs and, as a rule, bringing them earnings or income. Such activities must not be contrary to the law.

The following categories of citizens are recognized as employed:

1) persons working under an employment contract, including those temporarily absent from work for valid reasons (due to disability, vacation, suspension of production, etc.).

As well as persons who have other paid work or service, including temporary and seasonal workers. Except for persons participating in public works.

2) Full-time students of educational institutions of all types, as well as those undergoing training in the direction of the employment service;

3) Persons undergoing military service, as well as service in internal affairs bodies;

4) Persons performing work under civil contracts;

5) Persons engaged in individual entrepreneurial activities;

6) Elected, appointed or confirmed to a paid position;

7) Members of production cooperatives;

8) Persons employed in auxiliary trades;

9) Those who are founders or participants of organizations, with the exception of public, religious organizations, foundations, and associations of legal entities.

Employment- This:

1) in a broad sense – a set of measures (economic, organizational, financial, legal, medical) to ensure employment of the working population;

2) in a narrow sense - the process of searching for suitable work by unemployed citizens, with the help of state or non-state intermediaries, as well as the process of selecting workers by employers.

Forms of employment

2) contacting an intermediary.

State policy in the field of employment

1. Development of labor resources, protection of the national labor market.

2. Providing social protection in the field of employment.

3. Prevention of mass and reduction of long-term unemployment.

Legal status of the unemployed

Unemployed are considered able-bodied citizens who do not have earnings and are registered with employment authorities in order to find a suitable job; as well as those who are looking for work and are ready to start it.

The unemployed also include:

Working age from 16 years to retirement age,

Persons who have not been granted an old-age pension or long-service pension,

Persons not sentenced to imprisonment or correctional labor,

Group 3 disabled people, if the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person contains a recommendation for work,

Persons who have provided reliable information and documents about the lack of earnings, income and work.

Registration of the unemployed is carried out at the employment authorities at the place of residence.

  • Employment problems

  • Employment as a law school

  • Youth employment; disabled people

  • - Labor disputes

  • Concept employment

    • Concept employment differs in broad and narrow meanings.

    • Employment is a system of organizational, economic and legal measures aimed at ensuring employment of the population. In the broad sense, employment unites all forms of labor activity that do not contradict the law, including self-employment, including self-employment, entrepreneurship, and farming.

    • In the narrow sense of employment understand such forms of labor activity that are established with the assistance of state bodies or non-governmental organizations on the basis of licensing.

    • 1.Work on a permanent basis (full-time). First of all, it should be noted that this type of employment is distinguished by its reliability, and this applies not only to social protection, but also to work itself in general.

    • 2. Work under a contract

    • When working under a contract, the employer does not make any deductions from your earnings - its amount is specified in advance in the contract that was drawn up when you were hired, and you ultimately receive a set amount without deductions.

    • 3. Part-time work (part-time employment) This is a seasonal part-time job. It is considered low-paid and can be used as a part-time job. Most often, waiters, maids or agricultural workers find themselves in this status.

    • 4. Volunteering

    • Many people believe that volunteering cannot be called work, because it does not provide for receiving wages - this is the so-called work on a voluntary basis. However, there are cases when an immigrant joined a volunteer organization, met people, gained useful experience, after which he got a job in a large company and worked there until retirement, ensuring a comfortable existence for himself.

    • -The main problem of employment The point is that most applicants simply don’t get to the point of real communication with the person who makes the hiring decision.

    • -Lack of higher education among graduates - we can’t live without it now.

    • -Overabundance of certain specialties

      In accordance with Art. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, labor is free, and forced labor is prohibited. Every citizen has the right to freely use his ability to work, choose his type of activity and profession. In order to realize the right of citizens to work, the state is making efforts to find them employment, the legal regulation of which is designed to ensure employment of the population in our country.

    • General issues of employment and employment are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991. “On employment in the Russian Federation.”

    • The concepts of “employment” and “employment” are inextricably linked as a goal and a means of achieving it, and each of them is considered in two semantic meanings: broad and narrow.

    • Employment in a broad sense, this is the activity of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, and which, as a rule, brings them earnings and other labor income.

    • In a narrow sense employment is a labor activity that brings regular earnings and other income for any reason, the period of which is included in the length of service that gives the right to state social insurance (providing benefits, pensions and benefits for working citizens).

    Full employment

    • Full employment- this is the provision by society of the entire able-bodied population of the opportunity to engage in socially useful work, on the basis of which individual (within the family) and collective (with the participation of firms, companies and the state) reproduction of the labor force and satisfaction of the entire set of needs is carried out.

    • Rational employment- employment that takes place in society, taking into account the expediency of redistribution and use of labor resources, from the gender, age and educational structure. This type of employment is not always effective, since it is carried out with the aim of improving the gender and age structure of employment and attracting the working population of certain backward regions to work.

    • Effective employment- this is employment that is carried out in accordance with the requirements of an intensive type of reproduction, criteria of economic feasibility and social performance, and is aimed at reducing manual, non-prestigious and heavy and physical labor.

    • Citizens who:

    • a) are able to work

    • b) have no job or income

    • c) registered with the employment service

    • d) ready to start work.

    • Citizens cannot be recognized as unemployed:

    • - those under 16 years of age, as well as citizens who have been granted a pension;

    • - refused two options for suitable work within 10 days from the date of contacting the employment service.

    • A citizen cannot be offered the same job twice.

    • The main sign of a suitable job is its compliance with the employee’s professional suitability, taking into account the level of professional training, previous work, health status, and transport accessibility of the workplace.

    • The right of citizens to employment, i.e. the right to choose a place of work can be exercised either by direct contact with employers or through the free mediation of the employment service.

    • It is in the second sense that the right to employment acquires the character of a subjective right, constituting the legal status of the unemployed. Registration of the unemployed is carried out at the employment service authorities at the place of permanent residence upon presentation of a passport and work book.

    • As for the responsibilities of the unemployed, they mainly boil down to regular re-registration with the employment service (at least twice a month) and the inadmissibility of refusing offers of suitable work. Therefore, the payment of unemployment benefits is made dependent on the fulfillment of these basic responsibilities.

      In the “Main Directions of State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation”, approved by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation No., which are officially in force to this day, the provision of guarantees in the field of labor and youth employment is described in more detail. It includes ensuring conditions for achieving economic independence and realizing the right of young people to work. The following measures and means are indicated:

    • - taking into account the specifics of the youth workforce in the implementation of state youth policy, including the interests of the least protected groups of youth when determining measures of social support during periods of temporary unemployment;

    • - the use of economic incentives, including tax benefits, that increase the interest of enterprises in providing services for employment and hiring of young people, vocational training, advanced training and retraining of young workers;

    • - establishing quotas for hiring young people from socially disadvantaged categories and establishing the responsibility of employers in case of failure to fulfill quota obligations;

    • - implementation of measures to facilitate the transition from study to work, including through the creation of specialized employment services, vocational guidance, training and retraining, and the organization of public works.

    A disabled person has the right to:

    • A disabled person has the right to:

    • - employment without a probationary period (if assigned to work by MSEC);

    • - part-time or working week (set at the request of the disabled person);

    • - refusal to work at night and overtime;

    • - provision of annual leave at a time convenient for him;

    • - basic leave with a minimum duration of 30 (for disabled people of groups I and II) and 26 calendar days (for disabled people of group III);

    • - unpaid leave lasting 60 (for disabled people of groups I and II) and 30 calendar days (for disabled people of group III);

    • - termination of a fixed-term employment contract (if the health condition of a disabled person begins to interfere with the performance of work duties).

    • Every disabled person must have documents confirming his status, namely:

    • - certificate of assignment of a disability group;

    • - individual rehabilitation program.

    • A disabled person must present these documents to the employer upon employment, since they are the basis for providing appropriate benefits to a newly hired employee. In this case, the disabled person is obliged to periodically confirm the disability group assigned to him. Moreover, this requirement does not apply to persons to whom a disability group has been assigned without specifying the period for re-examination. Depending on the degree of dysfunction of the body's functions, confirmation of disability occurs every 1-3 years through appropriate medical examinations (the result is confirmed by a certificate from the MSEC).

    • A profession is a type of work activity that requires certain training and is usually a source of livelihood. In modern society, a profession is understood as a person’s occupation that:

    • requires special training and education

    • practiced by a person regularly

    • serves as a source of livelihood

    • Work and everything connected with it takes up, on average, about half of a person’s life. Finding yourself in the world of professions means getting the opportunity to earn a decent living, feel needed by people, reveal your abilities to the fullest, and earn honor and respect. There is a direct correlation between how satisfied people are in their profession and how happy they perceive their lives to be. On the one hand, choosing a profession is always a look into the future.

    • Labor disputes are conflict situations that arise between employees and employers.

    • Labor disputes in an organization can arise at any stage of the labor relationship:

    • when signing an employment contract,

    • upon termination of the employment relationship and in the process of work itself.

    • Reasons for labor disputes:

    • unlawful actions and abuse of power by the manager in relation to his employees,

    • non-compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    • The result is a violation of the rights of employed citizens.

    • When paying wages, the employer is obliged to notify each employee in writing about the components of the wages due to him for the relevant period, the amounts and grounds for deductions made, as well as the total amount of money to be paid.

    • The form of the pay slip is approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees in the manner established by Article 372 of this Code for the adoption of local regulations.

    • Wages are paid to the employee, as a rule, at the place where he performs the work or transferred to the bank account specified by the employee under the conditions determined by the collective agreement or employment contract.

    • The place and timing of payment of wages in non-monetary form are determined by a collective agreement or employment contract.

    • Wages are paid directly to the employee, except in cases where another method of payment is provided for by federal law or an employment contract.

    • Wages are paid at least every half month on the day established by the internal labor regulations, collective agreement, or employment contract.

    • For certain categories of employees, federal law may establish other terms for payment of wages.

    • If the payment day coincides with a weekend or non-working holiday, wages are paid on the eve of this day.

    • Payment for vacation is made no later than three days before it starts.

    • Financial liability in the full amount of damage caused is assigned to the employee in the following cases:

    • 1) when, in accordance with this Code or other federal laws, the employee is held financially liable in full for damage caused to the employer during the performance of the employee’s job duties;

    • 2) shortage of valuables entrusted to him on the basis of a special written agreement or received by him under a one-time document;

    • 3) intentional infliction of damage;

    • 4) causing damage while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other toxic substances;

    • 5) damage caused as a result of the employee’s criminal actions established by a court verdict;

    • 6) damage caused as a result of an administrative violation, if established by the relevant government body;

    • 7) disclosure of information constituting a secret protected by law (state, official, commercial or other), in cases provided for by federal laws

      The grounds for termination of an employment contract are: 1) agreement of the parties (Article 78 of this Code); 2) expiration of the employment contract (Article 79 of this Code), except for cases where the employment relationship actually continues and neither party has demanded its termination; 3) termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employee (Article 80 of this Code); 4) termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer (Articles 71 and 81 of this Code); 5) transfer of an employee, at his request or with his consent, to work for another employer or transfer to an elective job (position); 6) the employee’s refusal to continue working in connection with a change in the owner of the organization’s property, a change in the jurisdiction (subordination) of the organization or its reorganization (Article 75 of this Code); 7) the employee’s refusal to continue working due to a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties (part four of Article 74 of this Code);

    Employment is understood as the activity of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs, which does not contradict the law and, as a rule, brings them earnings, labor income (Article 1 of the Law).

    The following citizens are considered employed:

    those working under an employment contract, as well as those who have other paid work (service);

    registered as individual entrepreneurs;

    those employed in auxiliary industries and selling products under contracts;

    performing work under civil contracts, as well as members of production cooperatives and artels;

    elected, appointed or confirmed to a paid position;

    undergoing military and other types of service (alternative and law enforcement);

    undergoing full-time training in educational institutions;

    temporarily absent from work for various reasons;

    who are founders (participants) of organizations, with the exception of founders (participants) who do not have property rights in relation to these organizations (public, religious, etc.).

    Unemployed citizens include:

    disabled minors;


    able-bodied citizens.

    The last category of the population unites both people who are capable of working, but do not want to work, and citizens who previously worked and were released from organizations or who have completed training and are looking for work - the unemployed. It is towards the unemployed that the state policy is mainly aimed at promoting their employment.

    Determining the legal status of the unemployed means establishing the circle of persons belonging to this category of citizens, their rights and obligations, as well as guarantees of compliance with these rights.

    In accordance with Art. 3 of the Employment Law, citizens are recognized as unemployed who:

    a) able to work;

    b) do not have a job or income;

    c) registered with employment service agencies in order to find suitable work;

    d) looking for a job;

    d) are ready to start it.

    These five signs form the concept of “unemployed” and the absence of at least one of them makes it impossible to recognize a citizen as unemployed.

    The working capacity of citizens is determined by their age and state of health. From the point of view of age, citizens who have not reached the age of 16 years cannot be recognized as unemployed, as well as those who have been assigned an old-age labor pension, including early, or an old-age or long-service pension under state pension provision (clause 3 of Art. 3 of the Law).

    To make a decision to recognize a disabled person as unemployed, he must, along with other documents, submit an individual rehabilitation program, based on which employment service agencies will find him a job.

    The lack of work and income means that the citizen does not belong to any of the categories of employed.

    Registration at employment service institutions is carried out on the basis of the Procedure for registering unemployed citizens in the following sequence:

    initial registration of unemployed citizens;

    registration of unemployed citizens in order to find suitable work;

    registration of citizens as unemployed;

    re-registration of unemployed citizens.

    Primary registration is carried out without citizens presenting any documents in order to record the total number of unemployed in order to obtain the necessary information about work needs.

    To register in order to find a suitable job, citizens submit documents: passport; work book or other documents about work experience; documents on professional qualifications; documents on earnings for the last three months at the last place of work; disabled people - an additional individual rehabilitation program, on the basis of which employment service institutions must offer the applicant two options for suitable work within 10 days from the date of registration. If it is impossible to provide a suitable job due to the citizen’s lack of the necessary professional qualifications, he may be offered to undergo vocational training or retraining, as well as improve his qualifications as directed by employment service agencies.

    If at this stage a suitable job is not found for the citizen, then no later than the 11th day from the date of registration in order to find a suitable job, the citizen is registered as unemployed. If registration is refused, a citizen has the right to re-apply in a month. In this case, the reasons for the refusal must be communicated to him in writing.

    Re-registration of unemployed citizens is carried out within the time limits established by employment service institutions. Deregistration is carried out in the following cases:

    recognition of a citizen as employed;

    failure to appear within the deadlines established by employment service agencies for an offer of suitable work or for re-registration;

    moving to another area;

    identifying abuses by citizens;

    conviction to punishment in the form of imprisonment;

    assignment of an old-age or long-service pension.

    Citizens applying for unemployed status must look for work. Evidence that a citizen is looking for work is his appearance at the invitation of an employment service agency to get acquainted with the proposed job.

    Finally, the unemployed citizen must be ready to start work. This means that at the time of registration there should be no obstacles to the citizen being able to start work as soon as it is found for him. If such obstacles are irremovable, then recognition as unemployed is impossible.

    A citizen recognized as unemployed acquires specific rights and responsibilities that allow him to realize that special interest that is associated with the need to change the status of unemployed to the status of employed. These rights and obligations can be divided into two groups - those that are common to all unemployed people, and those that are established only for certain categories of unemployed people.

    The main common right for all unemployed people is the right to receive state assistance in finding work and finding employment. To provide such assistance to the unemployed, employment service institutions form vacancy banks based on data provided to them by employers. Other rights of the unemployed include:

    the right to receive free information from employment service agencies (Clause 5, Article 15 of the Employment Law);

    the right to free vocational guidance (clause 2 of article 9 of the Employment Law);

    the right to vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of employment service institutions (clause 2 of article 9);

    the right to assistance in organizing your own business;

    the right to appeal decisions, actions and inactions of employment service institutions and their officials to a higher employment institution, as well as to the court in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 11 of the Employment Law);

    the right to social support, including unemployment benefits, stipends during the period of professional training, advanced training, retraining in the direction of employment service agencies, payment for periods of temporary disability (Chapter 6 of the Employment Law);

    the right to compensation for material costs associated with being sent to work (training) in another locality at the suggestion of employment service institutions (clause 2 of article 12 of the Employment Law, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2005 N 633);

    the right to free medical care and medical examination upon hiring and referral to training (Clause 2 of Article 12 of the Employment Law);

    the right to participate in paid public works (clause 2 of article 12 of the Employment Law);

    the right to re-apply to an employment service agency one month after receiving a refusal to recognize as unemployed (Clause 4, Article 3 of the Employment Law);

    the right to an invitation to employment service institutions no more than once every two weeks, with the exception of cases where such an invitation is associated with an offer of suitable work or with an offer to participate in special employment promotion programs (clause 10 of the Procedure for registering unemployed citizens).

    Along with the rights, the legislation also establishes a number of general responsibilities of the unemployed, which, as a rule, relate to certain procedural issues. These include:

    the obligation to submit a number of documents when registering as unemployed (clause 14 of the Procedure for registering unemployed citizens, hereinafter referred to as the Procedure);

    the obligation to appear for re-registration within the time limits established by the employment service agency (clause 19 of the Procedure);

    the obligation to present the necessary documents when undergoing re-registration (clause 20 of the Procedure);

    the obligation to actively promote one’s employment, comply with the procedure and conditions for registration and re-registration, inform the employment service agency about one’s actions to independently search for work, including applying for a temporary job (clause 21 of the Procedure);

    the obligation to notify the employment service institution about employment;

    the obligation to appear for negotiations with the employer in the direction of the employment service establishment.

    Employment should be understood as a system of organizational, economic, and legal measures aimed at ensuring employment of the population. We can talk about employment in a broad and narrow sense. In the first case, we are talking about part of an active employment policy that ensures the creation of conditions for the development of all forms of employment and the involvement of citizens in it. In the second case, one should limit oneself only to those special measures that are carried out to assist citizens in finding work, mainly in the form of concluding an employment contract.

    Employment is carried out by various entities. First of all, these can be employers - they have the right to hire citizens who apply to them. In some cases, employers are required to take measures to proactively place employees who are subject to dismissal from the organization.

    In this case, employment occurs without the participation of intermediaries.

    Both government agencies and non-governmental organizations can act as intermediaries in employment.

    The state body is the Federal Service for Labor and Employment and its territorial bodies. Non-state mediation can be provided by any legal entity, while activities related to employment abroad are carried out on the basis of a license.

    These bodies provide employment assistance services to both unemployed and employed citizens who want to change their place of work or form of employment. At the same time, government agencies provide services free of charge, while non-government agencies, as a rule, provide services for a fee.

    The employment process goes through two stages.

    The first stage is when a citizen contacts an employment service agency. In this case, a legal relationship arises between the citizen applying for assistance in finding a job and the employment agency.

    The content of the legal relationship that arises depends on whether the citizen applying for assistance in finding a job is employed or not. In the latter case, employment service agencies are obliged to offer not only available employment options, but also, if it is impossible to find a job, register the citizen as unemployed, offer him options for vocational training, retraining or advanced training, as well as assign unemployment benefits, etc.

    This stage can be terminated at the initiative of a citizen at any time, however, employment service institutions, as a rule, cannot terminate it on their own initiative. However, the goal of the first stage is achieved only when the citizen is given a referral to work or vocational training.

    In characterizing a proposed job, it is essential that the job be suitable. The concept of suitable work is formulated in Art. 4 of the Employment Law. A job, including a temporary one, that corresponds to:

    professional suitability of the employee, taking into account the level of professional training. The level of professional training is determined by the presence of professional education, the level of qualifications (grade, class, category), as well as work experience in the specialty. Work in any of the professions and specialties available to a citizen is considered suitable, but preference is given to the last job;

    conditions of the last place of work, with the exception of paid public works (amount of earnings, norms and rules on labor protection, working hours, etc.);

    the citizen's health status;

    transport accessibility of the workplace.

    Paid work, including temporary work and public works, is considered suitable for citizens:

    those looking for work for the first time (who have not previously worked) and at the same time do not have a profession (specialty);

    dismissed more than once within one year preceding the start of unemployment, for violation of labor discipline or other guilty actions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    who have ceased individual entrepreneurial activity in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    those seeking to resume work after a long (more than one year) break, as well as those sent by the employment service for training and expelled for guilty actions;

    those who refused to improve (restore) their qualifications in their existing profession (specialty), acquire a related profession or undergo retraining after the end of the first period of payment of unemployment benefits;

    registered with the employment service for more than 18 months, as well as those who have not worked for more than three years;

    who applied to the employment authorities after the end of seasonal work.

    it is associated with a change of residence without the consent of the citizen;

    working conditions do not comply with labor protection rules and regulations;

    the proposed earnings are lower than the average earnings of a citizen calculated over the last three months at the last place of work.

    This provision does not apply to citizens whose average monthly earnings exceeded the subsistence level of the working-age population calculated in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In this case, a job cannot be considered suitable if the salary offered is below the subsistence level.

    The second stage of employment is the conclusion of an employment contract with the employer (or enrollment in studies in the direction of an employment service institution). It should be borne in mind that the direction of establishing an employment service is not mandatory for either the citizen or the employer. Therefore, the second stage of employment takes place only when a citizen sent by an employment service agency actually applied to the organization to which he was sent. With such treatment, a legal relationship arises between a citizen and an employer, which is regulated by labor legislation.

    The legal organization of employment with the participation of the state employment service is characterized by features inherent in the employment of certain categories of citizens. The latter are united by the concept of “citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work.” Their list follows from Art. 5 of the Employment Law and includes:

    disabled people;

    persons released from institutions serving a sentence of imprisonment;

    minors aged 14 to 18 years;

    persons of pre-retirement age (two years before the age that gives the right to receive an old-age labor pension, including an early retirement pension);

    refugees and internally displaced persons;

    citizens discharged from military service and members of their families;

    single and large parents raising minor children and disabled children;

    citizens exposed to radiation as a result of Chernobyl and other radiation accidents and disasters;

    citizens aged 18 to 20 from among graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions looking for work for the first time.

    Additional guarantees have been established for these categories by creating specialized jobs or organizations, establishing quotas for hiring, providing vocational guidance services, as well as through training under special programs and other measures. Among these measures, a special place is occupied by job quotas. A quota represents a minimum number of jobs for citizens who have difficulty finding work, whom the employer is obliged to employ. This quantity can be determined as a percentage of the average number of employees of the organization or in absolute units. Quotas, their validity periods, the range of organizations for which they are established, the range of persons entitled to be hired under these quotas are established upon the proposal of the territorial bodies of the employment service by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, taking into account the situation on the labor market and legal requirements.

    Last update: 02/23/2015

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