What does it mean to be transgender. Transvestites, transgenders and transsexuals: who are these people? What does transgender mean?

Transgenderism is the manifestation in a person of a discrepancy between gender (psychological) and actual (physiological) sexes. Physical identity is determined by primary sexual characteristics.

The concept of "transgender"

What does this word mean? This is a general definition for people whose behavioral patterns of self-expression do not correspond to their genetic type. Gender is the sex with which the subject associates himself. A person’s gender depends on his inner sense of himself as a man or a woman. At the same time, personal identity is manifested in behavior, hairstyle, clothing, voice and gestures. However, discrepancy between appearance and behavior of gender does not always mean that a person is transgender. What does this statement mean? Some people experiment with their appearance, creating rather shocking images using clothes of the opposite sex, but this behavior does not at all change their perception of their physiological identity. The generally accepted abbreviation for the definition of “transgender” is “trans.” Each representative of the following specified groups - transsexuals, transvestites, crossdressers, travesties and others - can be classified as a transgender. What does this mean for public opinion in most cases? These are people with non-traditional orientation. However, sexual orientation and gender identity are not interchangeable concepts. Like regular people, transgender people can be gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual or straight.

The concept of "admirer"

An admirer is an individual who feels a strong attraction to representatives of transgender orientation over a long period. Most often, such cravings arise from sexual desire. Admiralty affects not only transgender people, but also genetic men and women.

The influence of transgenderism and admiration on personality

Trans people who feel psychologically assigned to the opposite gender often feel dissatisfied with their physiological identity and want to change it. To do this, they try to visually transform, at least temporarily, by changing clothes, or to permanently change their gender through surgery and related treatment.

Admirers feel a certain dissatisfaction from sexual and emotional relationships with ordinary partners who do not have transgender inclinations. Psychological discomfort in this case is not associated with physiological disorders.

Admirals and transgender people, in the understanding of most of society, are mental deviations. However, such individuals are not classified as people with mental disorders. The disease is diagnosed only if the psychological state becomes the cause of disability and mental suffering. Most often, such individuals suffer due to rejection by society, open or disguised discrimination, or open attacks from individual citizens. As a result, transgender people are significantly more susceptible to depression and anxiety than ordinary people.

There are still few countries in which non-binary gender is recognized in one way or another.:

  • Germany in 2013 became the first European country to not indicate gender on the birth certificate for intersex newborns. However, there is no opportunity to freely choose a gender marker.
  • IN India The Supreme Court officially recognized the “third gender” in 2014. At the same time, it automatically applies to hijras, while other transgender people who do not consider themselves to be part of this group can choose their gender themselves.
  • IN Nepal The ability to officially indicate your gender as other than male or female appeared in 2007. At the same time, the first passport with the gender marker “O” (English other) was issued only in 2015 to trans activist Monica Shahi.
  • New Zealand introduced the gender marker "X" in 2012, originally intended for trans people in the process of transition. Also, gender may not be indicated on birth certificates if it cannot be clearly determined.
At least Bangladesh, Pakistan, Denmark and Malta can be added to this list. Recently, precedents for the official recognition of people of non-binary gender have also occurred in France and the United States. In addition, initiatives to develop legislation for non-binary people have been announced in Scotland and Canada.

Let us give some more examples of some countries that are interesting for certain features of the legal situation of trans people in them.

  • IN Great Britain In 2004, the Gender Recognition Act was passed. It is interesting because it was the first law in the world that allowed gender recognition without mandatory medical interventions (surgery or hormone therapy). However, recognition had to be obtained through a specialized expert commission, and the process was quite long with an unguaranteed result. Therefore, as legislation was reformed in other countries, the UK lost its leadership position. Now, however, there is a tendency to revise this law.
  • IN Austria in 2006, the Constitutional Court ruled it illegal to require divorce for married transgender people seeking legal gender recognition. Austrian law was changed in accordance with this decision, even though same-sex marriage is not recognized in Austria. A similar thing happened in 2008 in Germany .
  • Iran– a country in which the number of operations performed to change sexual characteristics is one of the largest in the world. This happens because homosexual relations are punishable by death here. However, if, after this, you have a relationship with a man, this situation is perceived as normal. As a result, many gay men transition not for reasons of their gender identity, but because for them it is a matter of life and death.
  • In 2010 France became the first country to exclude transsexuality from psychiatric diseases in its national medical classification. However, this did not make the life of transgender French people much easier, since there was no clearly defined procedure for legal gender recognition, and as a rule, surgical sterilization continued to be required for it. Only recently a bill for such a procedure was developed and is now being considered by parliament.
  • IN Sweden The government recently decided to pay compensation to transgender people for forced sterilization. It was repealed in 2013, and was previously a mandatory requirement for legal gender recognition, so many trans people were forced to undergo it. This is the first such decision in the world at the legislative level, while in many countries transgender people still have to pay for surgical operations themselves, which not all of them need.

We haven't mentioned a few countries with the most advanced transgender laws in this list because they deserve a more in-depth look.

Not long ago, about a “creature” called« transgender“absolutely nothing was known. We have heard a lot about transvestites who supposedly come from Thailand. No one even suspected that there are people who feel out of place in their body, but are in no hurry to do it, do not become transvestites and do not shout to the whole world that they are not like everyone else. In the 21st century, the situation has changed radically - transgender people are no longer ashamed of their position and openly talk about their identity, which has created confusion in the minds of others. Today we decided to tell you about the most famous transgender people, and at the same time explain who is who.

  • Transgenders and transsexuals - these are two different definitions denoting the same mental state of a person. Such people suffer from a mental disorder of their gender identity. It seems to them that they were not born in their body and are trying with all their might to change their gender identity, more often resorting to surgery. Transvestites They also characterize behavioral characteristics that result in wearing clothes characteristic of the opposite sex, behavior and manners.

    CONCHITA WURST (transvestite)

    This bearded woman became, causing widespread public dissonance. Some admired the bold image, others refused to understand such jokes from the show jumping organizers and even created the group “No Finish Wurst at Eurovision!” - the alter ego of Tom Neuwirth, who in such a strange way wanted to draw public attention to the problem of otherness, xenophobia, discrimination and tolerance. Thomas himself says that he and Conchita are two completely different people living their own lives. When he appears as Conchita, he works for the public, and when he lives as Thomas, he is an incredibly lazy young man. With the help of Conchita, a guy can separate his personal and creative life, without fear of being recognized on the street in his male guise.

    CAITLYN JENNER (transgender)

    ANDREA PEZIC (transgender)

    IAN HARVEY (transsexual)

    This popular comedian was born in a female body and with the name Janet. As a child, Ian realized that a man lived inside him and did not interfere with his inner self. But Ian decided to change his gender only at the age of 32, having previously only dressed up in women’s dresses. After the dramatic changes, the guy did not hesitate to tell the whole world about his action and repeatedly joked about himself in his own speeches. Yang is a member of the LGBT community and tries to instill tolerance towards transgender people.

    ALEXIS ARQUETTE (transsexual)

    This transgender belongs to the famous acting dynasty of the Arquettes. The actress's real name is Robert, but he gained popularity precisely in his female guise. Alexis's roles are often minor, but very bright and memorable, while critics generally admire the acting talent of this interesting and unpredictable actress. At the age of 38, Robert changed his gender and became known as Alexis. In his film collection you can see such famous films as “Pulp Fiction”, “Bride of Chucky”, “Three”, “The Wedding Singer”, “Children of the Corn 5: Fields of Terror”, “She’s All That”, “Aerobatics”, “Ride”, “Kings of Dogtown”, “Blended” and others. Currently, Alexis is realizing herself as an animator, creating custom cartoons.

    LAVERNA COX (transgender)

    The Orange Is the New Black star was born in a male body and was named Roderick. But since childhood, Roderick felt like a girl, so he came to school in dresses and makeup, irritating teachers and provoking classmates. Tired of feeling like a “black sheep” and a “punching bag,” eleven-year-old Roderick tried to commit suicide, but this suicide attempt was unsuccessful. With grief in half, the poor guy graduated from school, left his native Alabama and settled in New York. Years later, Roderick decided to have sex reassignment surgery and became a woman, but does not disclose the details of the radical transformation in an interview. Interestingly, Laverne became the first transsexual actress whose work was highly praised by critics and nominated for an Emmy Award. Currently, the girl is not ashamed of her body, willingly poses naked for popular magazines, flaunts herself on the red carpet in chic outfits from famous couturiers and brings the principles of tolerance to the masses.


    What is Transgender (Trans)

    Transgender or in slang Trance is a person with a gender identity that is inconsistent with their sex. Gender is the internal meaning of which gender a person belongs to, based on social and cultural definitions of masculine and feminine. Floor, in turn, is characterized by differences in chromosomes, hormones and the presence of external and internal genital organs.

    In simple words, transgender or trans is a person who feels that he belongs to a different gender. An example would be a man who feels like a woman. He likes all female activities and hobbies and is absolutely not interested in typical male activities. Thus, the man in this example feels locked in an alien body that does not correspond to his character and personality.

    Transgender, transsexual and homosexual - what is the difference.

    The first thing you need to understand is the differences between gender identity and sexual orientation. The fact is that transgenderism does not necessarily imply sexual attraction, in this case to a representative of the same sex. Among transgender people, in percentage terms, there is almost the same ratio of sexual orientations as among cisgender people ( typical people). Although among transgender people there is a tendency towards bisexuality quite often. This is due to the fact that transgender people have broader views regarding the binary system of sexual orientation.

    As a result, taking into account the above, we can summarize the issue of homosexuality of transgender people. That is, if a person is transgender, this does not automatically make him homosexual. Go ahead.

    Transsexual is a person who feels that he belongs to the opposite sex, which makes him transgender. The difference is that a transsexual is a transgender person who has begun to physically change his body through surgery and the use of hormonal drugs. As a well-known example, we can cite the directors of the cult blockbuster “The Matrix,” namely the Wachowski brothers, who are now the Wachowski sisters.

    Transgender and legal aspects.

    In most modern civilized countries, transgender people have absolutely the same rights as other people, including the right to change their appearance, gender and relevant documents.

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