Why do you dream about losing weight in a dream according to the dream book? Why do you dream about mom? Who lost weight in your dream

I want to interpret every dream that I managed to clearly remember. There are many dream books that reveal the meaning of what they saw. Seeing your mother in a dream also probably means something. Let's consider how the most popular dream books interpret dreams about mother. So, why do you dream about mom?

Mom - Miller's dream book

In general, seeing parents in a good mood means, according to Miller’s dream book, favorable relationships in one’s own family and changes for the better. If a young girl sees her mother in a dream, and even more so has a heartfelt conversation with her, this means that she herself will have good mutual understanding in the family, loyalty and devotion on the part of her husband.

Seeing a mother who actually died means it’s time to prepare for trouble. This dream should make you think: perhaps this is a warning about difficult times in life. Miller's dream book interprets the dream in exactly this way in relation to any of the parents. Seeing a mother crying means that there may be some risks to human health.

Vanga's dream book - what does mom dream about?

Mom is in a dream in her usual state at your home, then expect changes for the better in business, business, any of your work. If you have a calm conversation with your mother in a dream, then the dream means that you will receive good news about something you have been looking for answers to for a long time.

If a woman sees her mother in a dream, it symbolizes a prosperous marriage and a happy family life. A mother rocking you to sleep with a lullaby is a possible sign of your inattention to your own family.

Hearing your mother’s call in a dream means loneliness; you will be left alone, without the support of friends; can also mean the wrong path in your affairs. Maternal tears in a dream are always a sign of misfortune: beware of illnesses and troubles in life. Sadness and melancholy are foreshadowed by a dream in which you see someone else’s mother dead.

Mom in a dream - interpretation according to Freud

Why do you dream about mother according to Freud?

If a young man or man sees his mother in a dream, it means that he is very dependent on her. It may also be associated with sexual complexes. For example, seeing a mother having sex with another man in a dream speaks of a pronounced Oedipus complex.

Behind all this there may be an attraction to the mother, as well as failures in his personal life. Often, men who are too dependent on their mother try to find a wife or girl who is similar to their own mother. But this usually ends in failure and disappointment.

Seeing your mother in her usual state means that you are not paying her due attention. But if a girl sees her mother in a dream, perhaps she has a rival in her personal life - it’s worth taking a closer look at her man.

Seeing mom in a dream - Longo's dream book

Mom is the closest and most loving person to you, so Longo’s dream book interprets a dream about a mother in a good way: this means well-being and happiness. If you see your mother with clear outlines, as if in reality, then you will probably meet her soon.

If she is no longer alive, then it is necessary to visit the mother’s grave. A mother in illness symbolizes conflicts, troubles at work, in family life; Perhaps more mature people are judging you for something. If your mother is cooking in a dream, then it’s time for you to go to the stove - wait for guests.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - Why Mom Dreams

Hasse's dream book interprets the dream about mother differently. Seeing a deceased mother means living many years of your own life. A conversation with your mother in a dream means that you are about to learn news about your ill-wishers; perhaps they have bad intentions towards you.

A mother on the verge of death in a dream foretells sadness and anxiety in your life. A nursing mother suggests that there will be a favorable outcome in matters that you have been thinking about for a long time.

Family dream book - mother

Like many other dream books, the family dream book interprets a mother in a dream as a favorable marriage for a girl. Such a dream means that your affairs will be resolved in a positive way. Talking to your mother in a dream means receiving good news in life. If she calls you, then you are probably very lonely.

What does it mean to see mom in a dream according to women's dream book

The women's dream book advises you to pay very close attention to every word said by your mother in a dream. Perhaps in her words you will find answers to your questions or advice on how to solve certain life problems. If your mother is cheerful and joyful in a dream, then everything will be fine in your life. If she is sad, then you also expect the arrival of sadness, difficulties and problems in reality.

If you see a dead mother calling you, holding out her hand, under no circumstances should you follow her. This means that illness and death may await you too. If your mother dies in a dream, then in reality you are tormented by your conscience. Giving gifts to your mother in a dream means obvious indecision: you don’t know what to do best, you are at a crossroads.

Why do you dream about a guy’s mother?

It is not possible to clearly interpret such a dream. A guy’s mother in a dream can mean both a rival and an ally. It all depends on the other details of your dream.

For example, if you quarreled with a guy and then saw his mother in a dream, get ready for reconciliation. Quarreling with a guy's mother in a dream means being among unpleasant people who will treat you negatively.

If a guy’s mother dies in a dream, then unpleasant news, problems at work, and illness await in life. Seeing how you live together with your boyfriend’s mother also promises troubles that you can solve, but you will have to spend a lot of time on this. When a guy’s mother praises you in a dream, expect good news and also gifts.

Dream Interpretation – pregnant mother or that mother gave birth

If you see your mother pregnant or giving birth to another child, it means a lack of motherly love towards you. Under such a dream lies unconscious jealousy towards your mother: you do not want to share her love for you with anyone else.

A pregnant mother in a dream also portends profit, new knowledge that should bring benefits to your life. Also, a dream about a mother giving birth can relate directly to the mother: perhaps it means that your mother is full of strength and energy to change her life. Maybe we should listen and help her with this?!

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend's mother?

The dream book interprets a dream about an ex-boyfriend's mother as having complexes regarding one's appearance. You don't feel attractive or feminine. Also, your ex-boyfriend’s mother can symbolize your truce with him and a possible reunion.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend's mother in a dream means sadness and longing for your past relationship. There may also be news from afar that you have not been expecting for a long time.

A crying, drunk mother in a dream - why?

Most dream books interpret mother's tears as a warning about illnesses and various misfortunes.

But such a strange dream about how your mother is drunk... If your mother is actually alive, but appeared drunk in the dream, perhaps there are problems in her personal life, for example with her husband, or she has started an affair with a new person.

If the deceased mother appeared drunk in a dream, then the dreamer himself has problems in life. The mother is trying to reason with her child, to warn about the consequences of his incorrect behavior or bad habits.

In any case, the mother in your dream always means something. Mother and child are so close that even in a dream she tries to protect the child or, on the contrary, make her happy. Many stages of every person's life are unconsciously associated with how their mother raised them. If you dreamed about your mother, do not ignore the dream under any circumstances, but listen to it and think about it.

Dreaming of fullness is a sign of well-being. In contrast to this are dreams about thinness, and they symbolize, as you might guess, poverty and decline. But what dreams of losing weight mean is a controversial issue. On the one hand, this is a symbol of the loss of something, but there is another point of view that says that losing weight in a dream means getting rid of excess and unnecessary things. Let's arm ourselves with dream books and dwell on this in more detail.

What does Miller's dream book say?

In a dream, did you decide to lose extra pounds? The dream prophesies losses and damages. And if a woman you know or a relative who is already very thin is on a diet, such a dream promises you enrichment at the expense of others’ losses.

In your night visions, did you have to lose weight according to the doctor’s recommendations? Well, the time has come to pay for those forbidden joys that you allowed yourself.

Go on a diet or the hour of reckoning has struck!

If you dreamed that you needed to lose weight due to illness, you have somehow annoyed your manager and it is quite possible that you will have to look for a new job.

Your motto in a dream: “Lose weight to be beautiful!”? You have been pursuing your goal for a long time and persistently, and now the time has come to realize it, the Lunar Dream Book pleases.

To see that you have lost a lot of weight because you have neither food nor money - you spent too much money on nonsense in reality, now you have no money not only in a dream, but also in reality.

Being a nutritionist is a sign of profit and prosperity

You dream that you are a nutritionist and a very thin person comes to your appointment asking for help to regain lost kilograms - the interpretation of such a dream is as follows: you helped a colleague cope with his work, and now he is indebted to you.

To see that your friend who has lost weight thanks you for your help and advice in matters of nutrition means that you will receive a gift from the person you like, promises Miss Hasse’s dream book.

A relative who has lost weight comes to see you, a nutritionist, and demands a refund because, in his opinion, this is not your merit? An offensive dream, but fortunately it promises unexpected income, the Eastern Dream Book is encouraging.

A dream in which you helped a stranger lose weight promises huge profits and he generously thanked you for it.

Diet food as a symbol of life changes

If you dream that while losing weight, you break off your diet and start eating everything - you were not completely honest with your loved one, this threatens you with separation.

Seeing that you are buying diet food in order to lose extra pounds is a sign that in reality it would not hurt you to reconsider your diet, suggests Tsvetkov’s dream book.

If you dreamed that your husband or close friend was doing therapeutic fasting in order to lose weight and drinking only water - if you do not get rid of bad habits, they can play a cruel joke on you.

Thinness is like a disease - take care of your health

I dreamed of a very thin friend suffering from anorexia - take care of your nerves, they are known to recover very slowly.

If you dream that your mother or father has lost a lot of weight because of worries about you and now looks like “walking skeletons” - your heart is under threat, take care of it, advises the Women’s Dream Book.

If you don’t recognize your beloved man or woman in a very thin person - take care of your eyesight, it can let you down at the most inopportune moment.

Some nightmares remain in people's memories for a very long period of time and can be truly frightening. Why do you dream about a skinny mother? Is this dream related to the deterioration of the health of a close relative?

What if you dream about your mother being skinny?

If you dream about your mother being skinny, does this mean that something will happen to her in reality? People ask this question quite often, since sleep cannot be called rare. In fact, expert interpreters advise not to take the nightmare literally. In most cases, such dreams only indicate that the sleeper is very worried about the health of a loved one. The dreamer is very worried about something and he cannot find a place for himself.

If in real life the mother is completely healthy, but in a dream she seemed sick and very thin, a deterioration in her health is indeed possible. But don't panic right away. Often such visions come to indicate to a person the need to more carefully monitor their health, visit a doctor on time, and get tested. If you don't do this, you can let yourself down.

The vision has a certain meaning only if the mother in real life is plump or has a normal weight, but in the dream she looked very thin. When a person appears in a dream the same as in reality, this is not surprising.

When a vision comes to a person whose mother is seriously ill in real life, one should not draw hasty conclusions. It is generally accepted that such nightmares predict a deterioration in health, but in fact the opposite is true. The dream foretells a speedy recovery. Seeing your mother thin and quarreling with her in a dream means ruining your relationship with her in reality. Misunderstandings will arise between close people.

Watching your mother go on a diet in a dream means that in real life you will encounter some problems in communicating with a close relative. Most likely, mom is afraid of old age and devotes too much time to herself, her own appearance, and hobbies. The sleeping woman would like help from her. This will cause contradictions to arise. Seeing a thin mother in a dream and wearing a very open, short dress means gossip and gossip will appear. Those around you will be very interested in the details of the personal life of this family.

What does it portend?

Seeing your mother thin and crying in a dream means troubles and adversity. If in a nightmare she ate bread, in real life the family will face financial difficulties. The dreamer himself or someone close to him will lose his job or will be transferred to a lower paid position. For businessmen, such a dream foreshadows complete ruin.

If in a dream the mother looked thin and sad, and also called the sleeping person to her, this means that in reality the person should pay more attention to her. Mom is very worried about the fact that their relationship did not work out very well, the children are cold towards her and rarely visit. If in a dream a woman screamed or swore, in real life the dreamer is very dependent on her opinion. This causes him emotional discomfort. Mom is trying to force something on him, but this state of affairs causes desperate resistance.

Seeing your mother thin and pale in a dream means worrying about her health in reality. If at the time of the vision the woman was sick, very soon her health will improve, she will get better. Seeing your mother sick and crying, calling the sleeping person to her - in real life, pay too little attention to her, rarely visit her, which causes resentment in the relative.

It acts as a symbol of well-being, while excessive thinness can portend losses related to the material and psychological state. However, it is impossible to draw clear conclusions that losing weight in a dream is a negative symbol. For a more detailed interpretation, a detailed study of the symbol and its accompanying details is required; this is the only way to understand what it portends.

In most cases, losing weight in night dreams promises the appearance of money, and in cases it can also foreshadow poverty. At the same time, such a plot may just be adding extra to your worries. In this case, the dream has no meaning, you just need to talk about it and try to realize whether weight gain is really so critical for you.

Losing weight in a general sense means depriving certain benefits or deteriorating health. Felomena's dream book will help you understand the more precise meaning of the symbol; if you do not find the interpretation you need, contact an expert.

Losing weight in a dream is a harbinger of possible financial problems. It is possible that financial difficulties will arise, leading to serious problems and loss of capital. It is necessary to show accuracy and caution in business.


Who lost weight in your dream?

Why do you dream that your friend has lost weight ▼

If you dreamed that you lost weight, you will either receive a surprise from the person you like. The attention provided will cause positive emotions and will force you to look at what is happening from a different perspective. The beginning of a romantic relationship is possible.

Dreaming about a thinner relative▼

Why do you dream about a thinner relative? Such a vision promises enrichment at the expense of the material problems of others. You will profit from someone else's losses and damages. The state obtained in this way will not bring pleasure and will make you think about your actions.

Why do you dream of seeing yourself thinner ▼

Felomena's dream book describes a situation in which you saw yourself losing weight due to lack of livelihood as an indication of excessive spending. Unconsidered expenses have led to the emergence of serious problems that require prompt solutions.

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