Why do boys dream about twins? Seeing twins in a dream. Big dream book Why do you dream about Gemini?

Gemini girls in a dream often foreshadow good luck, prosperity, and success in business. The dream book even promises the end of domestic conflicts. However, sometimes the plot warns of difficult choices. To interpret what he is dreaming about, you need to take into account all the details.

Self-confidence and a great chance

Did you dream about newborn twin girls? The anxieties and sadness that have weighed on you for a long time will soon go away, and you will gain confidence that you are right.

Also, seeing newborn babies in a dream means: you will be lucky, fate will give you an excellent chance, taking advantage of which you will radically change your life for the better.

Why do you dream of holding newborn twins in your arms? Soon you will find a successful solution for some situation, and those around you will appreciate your organizational skills.

With persistence, you will overcome difficulties.

Did you dream about giving birth to them? The dream book states: you will soon learn some news that will make you very happy.

Giving birth to twins in a dream is often interpreted in two ways. If the dreamer is doing well, his luck and well-being will increase. However, if there is discord in the family or business, troubles will increase.

If the twins did not arouse sympathy, difficulties may soon begin that will affect the financial sphere. But thanks to your determination and perseverance, you will cope.

Twins, a boy and a girl, indicate the strength of spirit and strength of character of the sleeper. It is important not to deviate from your principles - then he will overcome any difficulties and achieve success.

Family happiness, well-being

Seeing twins, a boy and a girl, means: the dreamer’s finances will increase significantly.

A dream about a boy and a girl promises, according to the dream book, a peaceful, cloudless family life and the support of a significant other.

A vision of twin girls promises lonely people a quick wedding for great love. For married people, it portends harmony and mutual understanding.

Why do you dream that they are babies? The dream book suggests: the family life of the sleeping person will be happy.

What were they like?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what they were like:

  • babies - harmony in relationships with loved ones;
  • children - successful progress of affairs;
  • adults - fleeting flirting awaits you;
  • sick - serious difficulties lie ahead;
  • Siamese - good luck ahead, as well as a lot of joy.

Also, Gemini women, who were observed walking in a dream, promise a quick end to protracted domestic conflicts.

Miller's Dream Book: pleasant chores ahead

Seeing twin girls is an omen of confidence in business. If a woman dreams of giving birth to twins, it means that she will have pleasant troubles ahead of her.

There is a difficult choice ahead, find out information about someone

Why do you dream about twin children? In reality, the dreamer faces a difficult choice. It takes a lot of effort to find the right solution.

Twin children in your dream foretell, according to the dream book, good luck in your new endeavors. You can carry out any project, even a risky one, the main thing is persistence and hard work.

The dream book about twins in many cases is associated with the theme of children and family, therefore the interpretation of this meaning is based on the person’s personal experiences, on the sphere of his family relationships. However, often such a dream can be associated with a career or field of activity. Modern dream books invite us to consider this meaning in more detail.


  • If you dreamed of a twin brother or sister or there are many other unfamiliar doubles around you, perhaps you will have more children, and it is possible that they will look exactly like you.


  • For villagers or summer residents, such a dream book promises a large harvest of grains and vegetables, as well as high productivity of domestic animals.
  • For city residents, such a sign speaks of a good combination of circumstances and career success.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • Why do you dream of twins - the imminent birth of children in your family or a relative’s family.

Dream book for the whole family

  • Seeing twins in a dream is a good sign; you will find peace and tranquility, and you will be confident in your further actions.
  • Looking at twin babies means there will be harmony and prosperity in your family, it is possible that your financial situation will improve and your income will double.
  • Gemini men or your twin brother - expect good news from afar.
  • A twin who does not exist in reality - your parents will surprise you, perhaps an old family secret or secret will be revealed.
  • Seeing your dead brother or double (unreal) means good health, prosperity and longevity.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Identical children - you will have a new addition to your family.
  • Giving birth to twins is a great joy, a possible family celebration.

Psychoanalytic dream book

  • You saw twins in a dream - you desire spiritual union with someone, you are overcome by creation, as well as the desire to try on good and evil.
  • Siamese twins have exactly the same meaning.

Dream book of the 21st century

This dream book about twins has the most complete interpretation of meanings. However, such a dream should be examined carefully here, since the symbol is quite contradictory.

  • Handsome boys - Gemini - confidence, good solutions to various matters, success in work.
  • Twin girls - surprise, possible difficult choice, hesitation, indecision.
  • If you dream of a birth, you should reconsider your attitude to business; you need to make the right choice to start new things and implement your ideas.
  • Taking someone in your arms means harmony between relatives, a strong family, friendship. For unmarried girls or single guys - marriage for love.


  • You have a twin (double) - internal hesitation, split personality, difficult making the right decision.
  • Newborns mean a long happy life.


  • Siamese is a very good sign, success in all matters.
  • For unmarried men - many children in the future.
  • For women - you will find your companion.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Your problem has two sides, try to make the right choice for subsequent successful resolution of matters.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

  • Seeing pregnancy and knowing that a woman is carrying twins is a good acquisition.
  • For a woman to see herself pregnant with twins - to wait for her offspring, a family celebration associated with children.


  • Giving birth or seeing childbirth is unexpected and even stunning news.
  • To see in your home - pay attention to your loved ones.
  • You have a twin - it’s time to take a closer look at yourself, change your attitude.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • It is very important what gender you see twins. If girls, then this promises a difficult choice, indecision in business. If boys - confusion of events, but a good result of your work.

Women's dream book

  • Identical children mean peace, prosperity and harmony in the family.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Gemini, twins - If you dreamed of twins, this promises you confidence in business.

In addition, twins are an omen of peace and harmony in the family.

See also: why do you dream about an older brother, why do you dream about a younger sister, why do you dream about twins.

Family dream book

Why do Geminis dream in modern times:

Gemini - If you dreamed of twins or twins, this means that advancement in business and harmony in family relationships awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about Gemini:

Gemini - If you dreamed of twins, this means that you will wait for your own offspring.

Seeing that you have twins is a big family celebration.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do Geminis dream, how to understand the dream:

Gemini, twins - If you dreamed of twins, success in business awaits you, your professionalism has reached its apogee, complete mutual understanding with your spouse.

If a person in a creative profession dreams of twins, he will experience job satisfaction.

If a woman dreams of twins, she is expecting the imminent arrival of pleasant guests.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream and why do you see Gemini in a dream:

Gemini - If you dreamed of twins, this will bring you a feeling of self-confidence, strengthening your position in society and in the family. If you dreamed of someone else's twins, then for unmarried people this foreshadows a marriage for love, and for those who are already married - a large family.

If you see that twins are your children, you will soon have a big family celebration.

If a girl dreams of twins, this foretells that she will soon become a mother.

Symbolic dream book

If you dream about Gemini, what is it for:

Twins, twins - Creative dyad, two creative principles (or antagonists - the creative principle and the destructive principle; cf. the Melanesian myth about the twin brothers To Kabinana and To Korvuvu - the first correlates with everything useful, the second with everything poorly done). Also, twins are a variant of androgyne; in this regard, the idea of ​​heterosexual twins is especially characteristic, which symbolize the unification of two creative principles - male and female (for example, Osiris and Isis in the mythology of the Egyptians or the god Yama and his twin sister with the same name among the ancient Indians).

As a rule, twins have not only an “ordinary” father, but also a divine father (at least in mythology); the image of their mother is sacralized and becomes a symbol of otherworldly forces involved in the birth of twins.

"Sacralized" twins are associated with fertility; hence the idea of ​​double fruits as a symbol of abundance.

Many legends about the origin of ancient cities are associated with twins - for example, the legend about the emergence of Rome (twin brothers Romulus and Remus).

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do Geminis dream according to the dream book:

Gemini - in reality a harmonious psychological state; successful resolution of a problem situation. The crying of newborn Gemini is the end of disagreements.

Twins. When this symbol appears in a dream, it could mean that you do not understand that you cannot meet all your demands because you simply do not have the ability to do so.

This could also be a sign that you are in a difficult situation and are hoping that it will resolve itself, but you should know that this is not possible and if you do not take matters into your own hands, no one will do it for you. If you continue postponing them indefinitely would be another problem.

Why do you dream of twins - Freud's Dream Book

If you dream of twins, it means that you will soon be able to solve a very difficult problem for you, which you have been struggling with for a long time. Thanks to the fact that you suddenly figured out how to solve it, and, in addition, it will be a very simple way out, you will finally get rid of it and you can sleep peacefully.

When you dream of baby twins, it is a sign that your hopes for a particular problem may not be fulfilled because you will not be able to handle it as easily as you had planned.

When this symbol appears in a dream, the explanation largely depends on your individual situation.

Why do twin boys dream - Miller's Dream Book

If a person dreams of twin boys, it may be a sign that he feels an unconscious fear of dealing with women and is afraid to be around them. Perhaps the basis of this fear is some bad experiences such as childhood, but if a person does nothing, it can make it difficult for people to establish normal relationships.

The birth of twin boys to a woman in a dream can indicate some part of her personality that she has never known before or for some reason does not accept.

If you dream of two twins, it means that sooner or later your life will be affected by changes that are very important for your future, but you do not know what they may be about.

Why do girls dream about twins - Vanga’s Dream Book

When you dream of twin girls, it could mean that you will soon meet a person with whom you once had a friendship, but you have not had contact with for a long time. While it will probably be nice to meet you, you will be amazed at how much time and experience has changed in him. You will find it difficult to find the person who was in it before and it will not be a pleasant experience for you because you will realize that you have lost the person forever.

But if you dream of giving birth to twin girls, it means that there will be some kind of trouble in your life, and although you will try very hard to change it in your interests and make a lot of effort, you will not succeed. You will have to say that you have failed.

Why do twin children dream - Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about twin children? If this theme appears in a dream, regardless of the context in which it occurs and what additional information accompanies it, it most likely means that you will soon receive very important news, but it is unknown what area of ​​your life it may affect.

This symbol could also be a sign from your subconscious that you are wasting your time and valuable energy to achieve your dreams that you know deep down in your mind are doomed to fail and despite all the efforts you make, you never you will not achieve success in their life.

Why dream about giving birth to twins - Hasse's Dream Interpretation

When you dream of giving birth to twins in a dream and the dream does not have any additional details, this is a positive sign that for some reason you will be able to successfully complete something very important to you.

If you have a dream about conjoined twins, it means that you are acting incorrectly in some way, and you will soon be convinced of this because someone will criticize you harshly.

When you dream of twin brothers, this is a warning to you that someone in your immediate circle is secretly acting against you because you want to harm yourself

Dreaming about your twin sister - the dream indicates some bad memories that you would like to forget, but you cannot because sometimes they come to the surface of your subconscious.

Why do twin babies dream - Loff's Dream Book

When you dream of twin babies that you are holding them in your arms, this is a sign that you will soon realize that someone is deceiving you, and this means that you are free from other people's influence, or you will realize that someone is acting on Your flaw.

When you dream of the birth of twin boys, the dream predicts a rise or other financial gain.

A dream about twins, a boy and a girl, is a warning sign for some vague danger that you may face in the near future.

Why do you dream about the birth of twins - Longo's Dream Interpretation

If you dream of the birth of twins in your home, this is a warning that you are or will soon be under the influence of someone whose actions may damage your psyche, because when he is with you, he will emphasize you, suppress you or be to warm you up in order to act on some absurd idea.

Often you can see twins in a dream on the eve of a fateful decision or choice. This means that you are in dilemma, confused and unsure of yourself. Gemini, whom you have not seen and do not know, is a warning about future difficulties and disappointments.

Also, twins in the dream world means that you are in no hurry and are lazy to complete a burdensome and unpleasant task. And this is not the first time you have acted this way. It’s a shame, because this business won’t keep you busy for long. And if you can handle it, you will receive invaluable experience and good compensation.

Birth of twins

Why do you dream about being pregnant with twins? The dream is philosophical and symbolizes the dialectics of the universe, in which the forces of evil and good are present. The dreamer is guided by principles that allow him to live in harmony with himself and the world around him.

For people born in the spring months, such dreams promise stunning news or a large family banquet.

According to the Ukrainian dream book, dreams about twins are a direct indication of upcoming events in the near future. So get ready to welcome two new members into the family.

Esotericists are sure that such a dream is seen by those who are on the verge of the birth of a wonderful idea and a brilliant discovery. By bringing these plans to life, the dreamer will be financially secure for the rest of his life.

Dreams are also interpreted depending on who dreams them:

Twin children

Babies are a symbol of happiness, financial independence and longevity. Moreover, they will also live safely and comfortably immediate family and the dreamer himself.

Vanga, explaining why twins dream, also pointed to the unusual luck of the sleeper. She predicted a unique chance that would change fate for the better.

Another soothsayer named Akulina talked about a dream in which she had to breastfeed twins. Those who observe such a picture should do as many good deeds as possible. After all, after time, all his actions will be appreciated, and he will receive twice as much energy and strength.

Why do you dream about twin girls?

Often, twin girls portend changes in family life. But they also symbolize experience and internal doubts.

The interpretation depends on various storylines:

Birth of twin girls

The birth of twin girls is considered a very good sign. If childbirth was easy in a dream, then this means that a successful period will come in life, which will be filled with wonderful events. But if it was not easy to give birth to girls, then your happiness may be overshadowed by sad events.

If, according to the plot of the dream, after the birth of the girls you immediately take them in your arms, this means that you will find a successful solution to all your problems. If little girls do not evoke sympathy, then this indicates that in reality difficulties will soon begin that affect the material sphere.

Little girls sleeping peacefully in their crib foreshadow family time at home. At such moments all problems step back and people enjoy each other's company. After such dreams comes awareness of the value of family.

But if twin girls are capricious, this indicates that family relationships may soon deteriorate. Therefore, it is important to make efforts to restore harmony and understand each other.

Babies holding hands tightly symbolize the strength of family ties. And grown-up crying girls foreshadow family conflicts.

Twins girl and boy

When twins, a girl and a boy, were born in a dream, this indicates that you are afraid in real life of making a mistake and making the wrong decision. If in your night dreams during the birth of children you experienced a lot of positive emotions, this means that you will discover new opportunities in yourself that will help you achieve success in life.

If in a dream you see twins who have already matured, this symbolizes that you are a strong person. Such dreams focus on the fact that you will succeed in life if you do not deviate from your principles. You will become a successful person, even if a huge number of difficulties await you along the way.

Dreamed about Siamese twins

Siamese twins are a good sign. This symbolizes that fortune is with you, and at the moment you can take on any business. For people who are single, the dream foreshadows a happy family, and for a couple, the birth of a child. Dreams with Siamese twins characterize a person as persistent and purposeful.

Dreaming of adult twins

Such a dream is a harbinger of important events in the dreamer’s life. If there are no negative emotions in your dreams, then this event will be very pleasant.

Adults, regardless of whether they are women or men, always symbolize a certain duality. It is difficult for a person in such a state to make the right decision. If you see your twin, who does not exist, then this portends obstacles and difficulties on the way to your goal. The dream may foretell grief and disappointment, which will soon enter the life of the sleeper.

But such dreams are favorable for older people. Dreams increase mental comfort, the strength to live appears, and the mood rises. After all, a positive mood allows you to successfully resist various diseases that are typical for older people.

Gemini guys - such a dream means that in reality you have difficulties making responsible decisions. Reconsider your life values. This will help you believe in yourself and gain confidence that you will make the right choice.

If a twin brother appears in a dream, but is not in the real world, this portends a surprise from relatives. If, this means that the dreamer will have a happy and long life. If in the story you had to talk to your dead brother, then in reality you will have to complete a not very pleasant task. For which you will have to spend a lot of effort, energy, and after which you will definitely need to rest.

Gemini women

Such a dream foreshadows good luck, which will accompany you in all areas of life and peace in the family. If you dream of a twin sister, this means that the dreamer will receive news from afar, which he has been waiting for a very long time.

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