Online daisy fortune telling for love. Fortune telling with chamomile “Loves or dislikes”

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Since time immemorial, we women have always been, are and will be worried about one, most burning and exciting question: “Does he love me?” What do we not do to find out the answer to it!

We go to fortune tellers, pull out pieces of paper at random, on which we first write “yes” and “no.” We begin to communicate more closely with the people around us in order to hear at least a hint that they are interested in us. We constantly go through the moments of meetings in our memory and look for what we can cling to and understand how our object of adoration really treats us. We consult with friends and relatives.

But no matter how you look at it, no matter what we do, no matter what we think up, there always remains some doubt about the final answer chosen, as it seems to us at first.

Falling in love is an unfortunate problem that inevitably appears in the life of absolutely every woman, and often more than once. It always leads to one thing - doubt. Of course, of course, problem is too loud and negative a word for such wonderful feelings, but ignorance of how a man responds to us, how he treats us, what he feels and whether he responds in the same way, unfortunately takes us by surprise and leads to complete confusion.

The solution and answer to the universal question of love was provided to us by our distant ancestors. Resourceful women recognized their main adviser, who is given the final word - a beautiful wild flower - a chamomile, or rather its last plucked petal, which will reveal the truth about how our chosen one treats us! “Loves or does not love…” - in this fortune-telling the main thing is to choose the first flower that you like, and when picking it, say out loud, albeit not loudly, the name of the one whose attitude towards us interests us most.

But what to do when it’s autumn, winter or early spring, the flowers don’t grow, and you need an answer?

Everything is very simple! Now you don’t have to run outside looking for a flower. And don't wait for summer to come! A program called “online fortune telling with Chamomile” has appeared on the Internet, which, like our friend growing in the field, will always come to the rescue and truthfully answer an exciting question!

Once you start the program, you don’t want to leave it, everything there is so bright, cute and pleasing to the eye, which is very important for the mood, and just for us women! Initially, many flowers appear before our eyes against a background of pleasant green color and scattered hearts. All of them have different numbers of petals, just like in real life, you just need to choose the one you like best and guess the name. After the choice is made, the flower appears separately and enlarged on the monitor screen. The arrow, which turns into a hand, tears off one petal at a time, unwinding the daisy. At the same moment, the inscription preceding the lost piece appears and disappears: loves, doesn’t love, spits, kisses, takes you to the registry office, sends you far, cheats, refuses, presses you to your heart, wants, doesn’t want. Only the last leaf on the flower will hold the final and most truthful answer before your eyes! Just don’t forget to say out loud the name of the man you’re wondering about!

Almost every person wants to know what awaits them in the future. And the number of ways to find out is huge. Perhaps the closest and simplest is fortune telling using chamomile. It has been known in Rus' since ancient times. Legends say that chamomile blooms in places where stars have fallen.

In ancient Egypt, this flower was associated with the sun god Ra. Which is not surprising, because chamomile resembles the sun with its petals, which are perfectly associated with roads or people’s life paths.

How to guess correctly

  1. Fortune telling only in sunny weather, when the flowers fully open.
  2. Don't stop choosing at the first flower you come across. Choose the chamomile that appeals to you the most.
  3. The flower is held in the right hand, the petals are torn off with the left.
  4. Out loud or mentally pronounce the necessary words, which depend on the given meaning of fortune telling.
  5. Repeat them until the last petals are torn off; it is he who carries the final meaning.

Fortune telling “Loves or dislikes”

Every girl is familiar with love fortune telling using chamomile. Finding out about the feelings of a loved one is simple; fortune-telling consists of tearing off petals, each of which carries a certain meaning. The last petal gives the exact answer about your lover's feelings for you.

To perform the ritual, follow several steps. Having chosen a suitable flower, look into the sky and make a wish for the person whose feelings you are interested in. As you tear off the petals, say the following words:

  • loves;
  • does not love;
  • kiss;
  • spits;
  • will press you to your heart;
  • he'll go to hell;
  • loves sincerely;
  • doubts;
  • expects reciprocity;
  • mocks.

The last petal will answer the question. Don’t forget that you need to guess on women’s days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, exclusively alone. Otherwise, the answer may turn out to be incorrect.

Other chamomile fortune telling

“Loves or loves” is not the only variation of chamomile fortune telling. Other methods are no less popular.

Which guy loves you?

Think of the names of several guys who like you. Tear off one petal at a time and say names. Whoever gets it will have feelings for you. Instead of fortune telling using one chamomile, you can take several flowers. Make a wish for each guy's name and hide it in a secluded place. The flowers that wilt the most mean that these guys will soon disappear from your life forever.

For a friend

To understand your relationship with your best friend and find out her true thoughts, you need to collect twelve daisies and put them in water. Wait a short amount of time and count the drowned flowers:

  1. one says how much your friend values ​​and values ​​you, she is confident in the duration of your friendship;
    two flowers speak of a good friend, the only drawback may be a love of gossip and revealing other people's secrets;
  2. three - temporary relationships, when a more interesting person appears on the horizon, the attention of a friend
  3. will switch instantly;
  4. four - it is driven by self-interest, friendship is viewed for the sake of one’s own interests;
  5. five flowers say that only fear keeps you together, that if you are separated you will do a lot of dirty tricks;
  6. six - your friendship complements you, one loves to talk, the other to listen;
  7. seven - she is driven by envy;
  8. eight - talk about the unreliability of a person who is capable of betraying at any moment;
  9. nine colors characterize the friend’s hypocrisy;
  10. ten speak of her indifference;
  11. eleven - your friend likes to manipulate and command you, your independence can lead to a serious quarrel;
  12. twelve - you are complete strangers to each other, and your friendship is only a social indicator.

On Ivan Kupala

More complex fortune telling was also practiced among the people. On Ivan Kupala, unmarried girls lit a traditional fire and wove chamomile wreaths. When it got dark, the girls threw wreaths into the fire. Whose wreath burns first will find her husband the fastest.

Another fortune telling was done using the river. The girls wove wreaths, often not one, but several, to ensure the result. The finished wreaths were floated down the river and the condition was observed. If the wreath floated to the opposite shore, the girl could count on a quick wedding. The drowned wreath spoke of the insincerity of the lover’s feelings or the presence of another “sweetheart.” And if the wreath unravels and doesn’t float, you’ll have to sit unmarried for another year.

Fortune telling with chamomile at home is not only suitable for love relationships. According to this principle, many girls choose places to relax, resolve doubts about troubling issues, or guess about friendships. Whatever option you choose, do not forget to formulate the question clearly and clearly, the answer to which should be yes or no.

Don't get carried away with fortune telling. Only the first ritual will give the correct answer, and subsequent ones can lead to a completely different, incorrect one.

Chamomile fortune telling is based on the theory of probability. Most representatives of the fair sex have repeatedly noted that a flower can really reveal the truth to the question posed. People solve many problems in life this way. On a subconscious level, the answer comes to mind.

Do not shift all responsibility to fortune telling. Do not forget about common sense and the dictates of your heart. Fortune telling will be a good adviser, but listening to inner feelings is much more important.

No one can resist fortune-telling with a daisy when they see a beautiful clearing with delicate, white flowers.

Love fortune telling with daisies appeared a long time ago. But even in our time, girls actively use this method to find out if their loved one has feelings. Chamomile will tell you what awaits your relationship in the near future, and whether love lives in your betrothed’s heart.

Fortune telling with chamomile was popular back in the days of Kievan Rus. Then, to find out the answer to the question, they took a flower in their right hand and tore off the petals with their left. At the same time, it was important to say: “will come true”, “will not come true”, “yes” and “no”. On which petal the series will stop is the answer.

They guessed not only for love. For example, if you collect a bouquet of daisies and see what it looks like in the morning, you can learn a lot. You need to choose one chamomile with your eyes closed in the morning. If the chosen flower has not withered, then the next year will be better than the last. If the edges are dry, there will be difficulties.

But what should those who live in the city and see daisies only on store shelves do? And if it’s winter, where can you get daisies for fortune telling? Let flowers continue to decorate nature, because nowadays you can tell fortunes virtually - without leaving your apartment and without picking flowers from the fields. You can tear off virtual petals and guess for free online!

Online fortune telling with chamomile - what is it?

Since childhood, we remember how adults taught us to tell fortunes using a daisy. At the same time, it was necessary to say: “Loves - loves not, kisses, presses to your heart...” - remember? The number of chamomile petals is always variable, so only chance could decide where the little count would end. Fortune telling with a chamomile in the 21st century is a virtual version of this “ritual”. You just need to choose any petal you like, but without repeating the counters.

What can you learn from the “Chamomile” fortune telling?

If you have met a person for whom you feel a feeling similar to love, but are not completely sure that your feelings are mutual, use the old method, adapted to our time, and tell your fortune with a virtual daisy! Thus, you can find out whether your chosen one loves you or not, whether you should hope for sympathy, mutual feelings and building a joint future. With the help of this virtual, comic fortune-telling, you will cheer yourself up, recharge yourself with positivity and, perhaps, lift the veil of secrecy. Guessing virtually is very easy!

How is online fortune telling done using chamomile?

To tell fortunes using a virtual daisy, you need:

  1. Clearly formulate a specific question.
  2. Imagine an image of the person you are going to guess about.
  3. Choose any chamomile petal.
  4. Get an answer to the question that has been bothering you for so long.

There is no doubt about the veracity of this fortune telling. Its effectiveness has been tested by our great-grandmothers. Treat this type of fortune telling as a game. We assure you that you will get a great mood that will accompany you for a long time!

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Chamomile is the simplest and cutest fortune telling known to all girls. Each of us has at least once tried to find out how this or that person treats her in this way.

With the help of this fortune telling, you can get answers to many questions. In general, the history of the mystical properties of this flower is very interesting. Fortune telling by chamomile “loves, loves not” has been known since ancient times. Today, chamomile is considered a symbol of lovers.

Chamomile has long been credited with the properties of a witch. She was compared to the sun. Perhaps because of its appearance, or perhaps because of its powerful strength.

So, what does fortune telling with chamomile?

  1. The first thing to do is find a suitable flower. To do this, you need to carefully consider all the available options and choose the flower that your heart tells you. So, this method of fortune telling has come to us from ancient times.
  2. The chamomile was held in the right hand, and its petals were picked off with the fingers of the left.
  3. If you are telling fortunes about a loved one, you should say the following words out loud or mentally as you tear off each petal: “loves”, “does not love”, “kisses”, “spits”, “presses to the heart”, “sends to hell”, “loves sincerely” ", "doubts", "expects reciprocity", "scoffs".
  4. And repeat this until all the petals are torn off. If you tear off the last petal on the word “loves,” it means that the one you are fortune-telling for has loving feelings for you, otherwise, he is indifferent to you.

In the same way, you can guess not only about love. Many girls use the magical daisy flower to choose, for example, where to go on vacation, whether or not to accept a lover’s proposal, etc. In any case, be sure to formulate your question correctly.

This fortune telling is based on the theory of probability. Many representatives of the fair sex have made sure more than once that the flower, indeed, “tells the truth.” So, it is quite possible that the chamomile will give the correct answer. After all, this is how people decide many things in their lives. The subconscious will give you the correct answer.

Of course, in the winter season or for those who live in a big city, it is quite difficult to find chamomile. Now, for such cases, programmers have developed an alternative option - online fortune telling. This method can be found on many sites. Whether you contact him or not is up to you.

Just don’t take chamomile fortune telling very seriously. After all, only you must make the final decision, and it will be better if you are guided by the dictates of your heart and common sense. And sometimes you can tell fortunes for the soul.

Since childhood, everyone knows about the method of fortune telling with chamomile. Loves or doesn't love? Loves or doesn't love? In the article we will talk about how to carry out a similar fortune-telling on a cold winter evening, using a sheet of paper and a pen.

We have already looked at some methods earlier. Chamomile is a love fortune-telling for a specific person, so you must know who you are fortune-telling for. First, let's make some preparations for fortune telling daisies. Take a pen and paper. Count the number of letters in your lover's name. For example, Roma - 4 letters, Irina - 5 letters. Whether to take a full or short name depends on how you call him (her) yourself, although some people mistakenly believe that you only need to take the full name. Draw a daisy on a piece of paper with the same number of petals as you counted the letters. And don’t forget about the flower’s stem.

If you did everything correctly, then you should get an image like the one in the picture, only with the same number of petals on the daisy. Now you can start fortune telling.

How to tell fortunes with a chamomile

Starting from the first petal to the left of the stem, begin to write out your lover's name, one letter per petal. Then enter your name in the same way. If yours is longer than the narrowed one, then it will not fit completely. In this case, you need to write only the part that fits into the daisy. For example, if your name is Elena, and his is Ivan, then you only write off Elen.

Now let’s pay attention only to those daisy petals on paper that contain one vowel and one consonant. For example, P and E. Count their number. All other petals, which contain one letter, a pair of vowels or a pair of consonants, are not considered by us.

The resulting number provides food for thought and interpretation. Let's take a closer look at what it means.

Interpretation of fortune telling on paper Chamomile

The number determines how close you are, how much you have in common, and whether you are suitable for each other. Do you have a bright future ahead of you or will your relationship go downhill soon?

There were no such petals in Chamomile

This is a bad sign. It looks like you have nothing in common at all! The most you can expect is friendly relations. In fact, in many ways you do not understand and do not feel each other.

There was only one such petal

There is every chance of a successful relationship. But these are just chances, since your love is not entirely mutual. For one of you, the relationship is more important than the other. And this first one must make every effort to preserve love. Otherwise, soon the second one will cool down and the relationship will decline. If the first one can melt the ice in the second one, then such a relationship will last a long time and will bring a lot of happiness and love for everyone.

Two petals

This is not a good sign. Your love now may be flowing in a favorable way and may resemble a fairy tale. The world may not seem as it really is. Your loved one will seem like the only one with whom you are ready to spend the rest of your days. But this will not be the case, far from it. After some time, the passion will subside and, taking off your rose-colored glasses, you will see everything as it is and take a fresh look at the relationship. Having realized the current state of affairs, you may be horrified at how different everything is from your ideas! Can you accept your loved one for who he is? Take a closer look at your partner right now!

Three petals

Perhaps the path to your happiness will be long and thorny, with many obstacles and potholes. But this path leads to a truly happy relationship. Often this kind of soy ends in a wedding. Only together, holding hands in moments of joy and sorrow, can we reach the end. Hold on to your loved one, don’t let go, maybe he is your true love!

Four or more petals

Well, congratulations. You are the ideal couple who are created for this relationship. You will always find a common language and common interests. You will be happy to go on an adventure. And at the end, a cozy family nest awaits you!

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