Feng Shui entrance doors. Feng Shui of the room and front door

The front door is the first thing we see when entering a room. With the art of Feng Shui, the front door is given great importance, since more energy flows into the house through it. The “correct” Feng Shui door can attract good luck and prosperity to the owners.

There are several basic rules for how the door should be located in the house.

  1. The front door should not be located opposite the window. If the door "looks" at the window, then positive energy flows will not linger in your house for long. The location of the door opposite another door is unfavorable, especially if this door leads to a toilet or bathroom. In order to eliminate the negative impact and keep the positive chi energy in the house, it is recommended to block the space between the front door and the window / interior door. Such a partition can be a screen or a light curtain.
  2. Residents of apartment buildings It is worth paying attention to how the door is located from the outside. An unfavorable Feng Shui location of the door is next to the stairs and opposite the elevator. In order to eliminate the negative impact, you can repaint the outer part in red. This neutralizes negative energy flows.
  3. To protect yourself from negative influences unexpected guests coming to the house, it is recommended to hang a mirror in front of the front door, then all the negativity will return to your ill-wishers.
  4. You can not hang a mirror next to the front door, on the door itself and on the same wall with the door - this will create an obstacle to the flow of positive energy into the house.
  5. The Feng Shui front door of the house should be well lit., since it is through it that a large flow of energies passes into the house.
  6. Troubleshoot doors. It shouldn't creak or wobble. Any malfunctions can lead to an unstable financial situation of the owners.
  7. By following these feng shui door placement rules, you can protect your home from negative energy flows and attract good luck and prosperity. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    12.07.2014 09:25

    There are a number of plants that affect the energy of the house. According to Feng Shui, all indoor flowers are divided into ...

    All things in the house carry energy, which can be both positive and negative. Specialists...

feng shui front door

We get into a house or apartment through front door, the size of which also matters: too large causes difficulties with finances, too small - conflicts and quarrels. To prevent dissipation of energy, the front door should not be located opposite the stairs leading to another floor, and so that the door does not interfere with qi, it should open inward.

The influence of the front door on the room opposite which it is located is very noticeable:

✓ if it is a kitchen, tenants will not know how to eat;

✓ if this is a bedroom, then fatigue and drowsiness will become constant companions of the household;

✓ if this is a living room with a TV or home theater, then time will be wasted;

✓ if it is a toilet, then it will not be possible to get out of poverty; if it is an office or a library, then everyone will be diligent.

To mitigate or eliminate the problems associated with the front door, bells, “wind music” hanging above it, amulets strung on a coin thread help. They dissipate energy and convert negative sha energy into qi. To slow down the movement of qi, a red stripe around the door (you can circle all potentially dangerous doors) or a red rug under your feet is suitable.

Situations are considered unfavorable when:

✓ in the passage room, the doors are on the same axis and there is no obstacle between them, since the qi energy turns into sha during a rapid rectilinear movement. In this case, it is necessary either to close the doors, or to separate them with a screen, or to resort to red, circling the doors with it;

✓ opposite doors differ from each other in width (it’s good when they are the same), then a narrower door must be visually expanded by hanging a mirror, a picture and placing a pot with a houseplant;

✓ the number of doors (including cabinets) leading into the hallway exceeds the number of residents. They will be haunted by conflicts, quarrels, illnesses, losses. To resolve the situation, you need to use the methods described above that Feng Shui offers.

In addition to the entrance, there are other doors in the apartment or house, which can be located and opened in different ways.

1. If two opposite doors swing open towards each other, then they will require repair faster. In addition, they provoke conflict situations in the house. A technique that can correct the situation is applying red spots to the area above the handles or to the ends of the doors.

2. Two opposite doors in the kitchen is also a negative factor leading to the breakup of the family. It will be eliminated by a red stripe on the floor or ceiling, which will act as a partition separating dangerous objects from each other.

3. Two doors in the bedroom, especially if they are constantly open, cause a state of discomfort, increased fatigue. Drapery on one of them will save the family from negative consequences.

4. It is not good when the doors of two bedrooms open into the corridor, especially if they open in different directions, which causes a unidirectional flow of energy. Hollow both doors should open inside the premises.

5. It matters where the toilet door opens. In order to prevent the loss of wealth, it should open only inward. If it opens outwards and is visible from the front door with a distance of 3 m between them, then a mirror should be hung on the toilet door; if the distance is less than 3 m, then the mirror should be replaced by a picture depicting a landscape, but not trees with fallen leaves.

6. Pay attention to the material from which the doors are made. Wood and metal are preferred. If the door is glass, then it should not be transparent. Therefore, hang a curtain or purchase opaque glass. In addition, the pattern on the door and sash should be symmetrical to maintain harmony between yin and yang.

Good day, dear reader!

In this article, you will find out what the door of your house, apartment, entrance should be.

East and North are the most favorable directions for the front door

Entrance doors

Let's talk about front doors. Our home begins with the front door and how it looks is of no small importance. Look at your doors as if you were seeing them for the first time and appreciate them. Your door speaks about your relationship with the outside world, and how you feel about life.

First of all, you need to carefully examine all the objects surrounding the door. Maybe it's directed at a door, a corner of a neighboring house, or a corner of a roof. Maybe the path is like an arrow piercing the door of your house. There are no trifles in Feng Shui of the front door. After all, it is through the doors that the beneficial energy of Qi enters our homes.

What should the door look like according to the Feng Shui teachings of the front door? Considering that in a multi-storey building there are two, or even three. The first and main, let's say, is the entrance door, through which luck should come to you. The second is a common door on the floor and then the front door to the apartment.

The most important rule, no matter what the wealth in the family. The door must be clean. If you live in a high-rise building and you have a beautiful door to the apartment, but the entrance door, let's say, is not in the best condition. What is there to say. How lady luck find you.

Doors should be clean, freshly painted (preferably in shades of red), secure (with working locks and handles), and well lit.

Why red shades are preferable, because the orientation in parts of the world brings energies that are not entirely favorable for the inhabitants of the home. After all, not all entrance doors are oriented to the north and east.

All other directions bring all sorts of troubles, and so, in order to protect yourself from them, it is better that the doors are red and well lit.

It is desirable that there are plants in special flowerpots on both sides, but it is not necessary to overload the doors with plants, so as not to create a congestion for incoming energy. After all, it is through the doors that energies enter your home.

It is important that the house number is clearly visible and it is also important that the person who comes to you can easily get to you, since now there are combination locks in all entrances, you need an intercom so that you can open the doors to your visitors.

From the point of view of the metaphysical teachings of Feng Shui, what energy will enter your home depends on the front door.

If initially you fill the house with negative energy, then you will have to work hard to correct the situation.

The front door is the main door in the house, and if it is strong, solid and looks good, then the owner of such a house will prosper, and everyone who lives in this house will not feel financial difficulties.

Chi energy enters the house when the doors are opened and the flow is activated by people entering. In China, the entrance doors were called the “mouth of the house”, through which both positive and negative energy enters the house.

In order for the door to fulfill its functions of protecting households, I’m not afraid to repeat it, it must be strong, reliable, outwardly attractive, so that “lady luck” finds it and does not bypass it.

The main door should not be in line with the windows - this is a very unfortunate layout, since the favorable qi energy that has entered the house will not linger in the house, but will immediately go out the window.

If there is a toilet opposite the front door, this is also not a good option. In Feng Shui there are means of correction, but they only soften the situation, but do not remove it completely. In this case, you can use screens and wind chimes.

The energy located next to the front door is very badly affected by objects such as hospitals, cemeteries, churches. In places where these structures are located, yin energy dominates. As a result, there is an imbalance of yin and yang energies.

To protect the occupants living behind these doors, painting them red and making sure that the lighting is more than adequate, such precautions will align the yang energy, which will help even out the yin-yang balance.

To achieve a harmonious flow of life, the front door should not be cluttered with any cabinets, boxes and other rubbish, and the doors should not rest against the wall.

And besides, if the staircase from the door goes to the basement and rises up, this is bad Feng Shui. All these options will cause interference in the lives of the inhabitants of such apartments.

As you understood from the previous example, bright light carries yang energy, and it will compensate for the negative aspects of yin energy.

It is important that there are no “menacing arrows” opposite the front door in the form of an acute corner of the roof or corner of the house, as well as a road directed directly to the house (most often this can be found at the wrong intersection). To determine all this, you need to go outside and very carefully study the surrounding objects.

In addition, a lonely tree standing right in front of the door will bring you a lot of trouble. This fact brings loneliness and the absence of children, but if there are a lot of trees, then this will not follow.

There is nothing to do against the “poisoned arrows” then - this will lead to a whole bunch of difficulties, namely, to illnesses, to quarrels, to failures and financial losses.

The presence of a sharp turn in the road or the edge of the overpass, looking at the house, also affects.

If it is not possible to eliminate these threatening objects, then Feng Shui comes in with its chips.

Of course, this is a lot of work, but it is necessary, and if you do everything necessary to protect yourself from the harmful effects of Sha energy, then life will adequately reward you.

Entrance doors to the apartment

Your home begins with a door, and what kind of door you have will be judged on you as a person. The door is the link between you and the world you live in, so the door must be special.

First, it must be clean. Secondly, it must be attractive. Also, the door should be well lit, the apartment number should be clearly visible.

It is important that visitors who come to you can get through to you. The bell or intercom must be accessible and clearly visible. Locks and handles on doors must be in good working order.

It is advisable to choose the color of the door in accordance with the side of the world to which it goes. All objects located around the front door must be harmonized by the elements.

feng shui doors

How to correctly determine the compass direction of the door?

You need to stand with your back to the door, in front of you will be that part of the world to which your door is oriented.

Each compass direction affects the doors and carries a certain energy influence.

A door oriented to the northwest is good for the owner of the family, the main man of the house. This direction contributes to the development of leadership qualities in the owner of the house, contributing to a respectful and trusting attitude towards him.

A door facing north brings a measured lifestyle to the people living in the house. But there is a big minus in this direction, it causes excessive calmness, turning into apathy, and the further, the worse. As a result, alienation occurs for all family members. If you want to solve the problem, hang a small crystal in the hallway and paint the doors ocher yellow or brown.

Entrance doors facing northeast bring a big change - this is suitable for young couples who are engaged in self-education. External forces will strongly influence and lead to permanent changes.

Doors oriented to the east are also favorable for young people who want to start their careers and succeed as individuals. This is the direction of businessmen and merchants.

Those who wish to improve their financial situation will approach the southeast direction of the door. You will achieve the result gradually, and there will be prosperity and peace in the family.

The door, looking south, orients the owner of the house to an active life position and moves him towards the desire for fame and recognition. But you need to be careful, otherwise a very tense situation can be created, which will lead to quarrels in the family. To do this, you need to bring in the element of water to moderate the fire.

The door facing the southwest is considered the most favorable for the mother of the family. This direction promotes harmonious family relationships, with the only drawback, the role of the mother will become threateningly dominant. To harmonize relationships, you need to add a tree element.

The door facing west is good for families with small children. This direction gives impetus to the creative development of children. Also, the direction promotes sensual and romantic relationships, which can lead to excessive spending. The addition of the earth element will bring stability.

Compass door directionauspicious colorsUnfavorable colors (taboo)
Black, blue, red.
Door facing northWhite, black, blue.Yellow, brown, green.
Red, brown, yellow.White, green.
Door facing eastBlue, black, green.White.
Blue, black, green.White.
door facing southGreen, red.Black blue.
Red, brown, yellow.White, green.
Door facing westWhite, silver, golden.Black, blue, red.

Entrance door color

Depending on the compass direction and the color of the door is very important.

If you need to enhance the influence of the direction, then the door in the southwest direction should be painted red to emphasize stability, if family harmony is important to you, then the color should be yellow or brown.

Situations change and accordingly the doors can be repainted according to need, given the spawning cycle.

Doors facing west and northwest should be metallic in color, namely white, silver, and gold. Brown and yellow colors can be used for support. You can not use black, blue and red.

The north facing door needs to be painted white, black and blue. Do not use yellow, brown and green.

If the door faces southwest and northeast, yellow and brown are the most suitable, additional colors are orange and red. You can not use white and green.

For east and southeast directions, blue, black and green are used. Avoid white.

The door facing south should be painted green or red. You can not paint the doors in black and blue, to a lesser extent in brown and yellow.

Drawing on the door

Compass door directiondoor colorDrawing on the door
Door facing northwest
Door facing north
Door facing northeast
Door facing east
Door facing southeast
door facing south
Door facing southwest
Door facing west

The shape of the pattern on the doors according to the five elements:

ElementDirectionElement drawing
MetalWest, northwest
EarthNortheast, southwest
Woodsoutheast, east

Strengthen the north-facing door with water symbols, and add a metal symbol for support and strength.

The front door, facing southeast and east, should be reinforced with tree symbols for development and growth, and add a water symbol for renewal and purification.

The door facing south must be reinforced with symbols of fire, for the vivacity and liveliness of the inhabitants of the house. Additionally, tree symbols can be used.

If the door faces the northeast and southwest, then the symbol of the earth will give stability. For added stability, add a fire symbol.

A door facing the northwest and west, then the symbols of metal will give it strength and strength. The additional symbol here is earth.

By virtue of what functions the door performs, it should by no means be glass. It must be solid and solid. Naturally, the front door should be the largest in the house. In height, it should be higher than the largest member of the family, only in this case it will be comfortable.

From the point of view of Feng Shui masters, the door should open inside the house, if this is not the case, then you can change the hinges and do the opposite.

If the door is framed on both sides of the window, then the windows should be curtained and it is desirable that potted flowers stand on the window sills.

The best option is when the door is hung from the nearest wall of the house, thus increasing the space of the hallway. If this is done the other way around, then the person who enters finds himself for a moment in a confined space, which is not very pleasant.

The front door should not be installed opposite the "back door", if the situation is all the same, the qi energy will sweep through the house in a whirlwind and leave it. To reanimate the situation, you need to put mirrors and all kinds of decorative fences and screens in the way.

If it is not possible to erect objects that impede the movement of qi, then you can simply hang curtains on the back door and not necessarily heavy ones, the main thing is that it has an attractive appearance.

When you walk into someone's house and a corner of a closet appears in your way, or just a corner, it doesn't make a very good impression. It would be great to beat this place with a plant or a decorative screen.

Doors of a private house

There is only one front door in a private house. The same rules apply to her.

First, it must be clean.

Secondly, it must be reliable, with serviceable locks and handles.

Thirdly, she must be attractive, otherwise lady luck is unlikely to drop in on you.

The advantage of one front door is that the Qi energy will immediately enter your home.

I think it will not be superfluous if I repeat that, regarding the front door to a private house, the house number should be clearly visible.

The path should not crash into the door with an arrow, if nothing can be changed immediately, then you can put flowerpots with plants along the edges of the path, they will soften the blow of harmful energy.

Doors should be well lit. Intercoms and bells must be clearly visible and accessible.

Sincerely, Stolbunets Lydia

Let's see what kind of view opens from the entrance to your apartment - this is very important. In the hallway, energy accumulates and then goes on its way around the apartment.

Do you remember how qi should move in order for well-being to settle in the house? Smoothly and unhurriedly, without encountering obstacles in its path. And the view that opens from the threshold just determines the nature of the flow of energy in your home. Unfortunately, many apartment layout options create very unfortunate conditions for the movement of qi. Poor planning options. How to fix the situation:

1. If the hallway is small and there is a wall right in front of the front door, when entering the house, the qi will inevitably bump into this barrier and feel stuck in the small space of the hallway, unable to move on.

This situation will also be projected onto the circumstances of your life: something will always interfere with the achievement of your goals. This lack of planning can be corrected very easily. Hang on the wall opposite the front door something catchy, noticeable, such as a picture of a landscape or a beautiful carpet.

It is desirable that the picture corresponds to the direction in which the hallway is located. If the entrance hall is in the north, east or southeast, the ideal solution is the image of water expanses, for the southwest, west, northwest and northeast - mountains, for the south - red flowers.

The same recommendations apply to the carpet: choose its color and shape in accordance with the direction of the hallway. In addition, in the south, east and southeast, opposite the front door, instead of a picture and a carpet, you can hang a plant (artificial is best, since not all living plants tolerate a lack of light well). In a word, be guided by the characteristics of the elements, your own taste and intuition.

2. The next unsuccessful planning option is when a toilet immediately comes into view at the entrance to the house. The toilet is a source of destructive stagnant energy.

The same, only to a lesser extent, applies to the bathroom. Both of these rooms are associated with the element of Water, symbolizing money and emotions. This arrangement of the bathroom and toilet indicates that your funds or emotions are “leaking” from the house.

Regardless of where the toilet and bathroom are located in the house, always keep the doors to these rooms closed, and if they are in the hallway and conspicuous from the threshold of the apartment, they must be well disguised.

If the toilet (bathroom) is located on the side of the entrance to the apartment, hang a large mirror on its door, and if it is opposite the front door, then in front of the entrance to the toilet you need to place some noticeable object so that it distracts attention to itself - a floor ceramic vase, a small round table with a bouquet of flowers, a stand with indoor plants, wind chimes, bamboo flutes, a decorative pendant. Only aquariums and fountains are not suitable for this purpose: such powerful attributes of Water opposite the front door contribute to the "leakage" of money from the house.

3. The layout is not very successful, when a view of the bedroom opens from the threshold of the apartment: most likely, you will constantly feel tired, deprived of energy, you will want to lie down all the time. There is only one way out - to constantly keep the door to the bedroom closed.

4. An unfavorable situation is when there is a window or a door to the room directly opposite the entrance to the apartment. In this case, the energy entering the house will dissipate too quickly. And this is contrary to our plans.

How to keep qi in the house in this case? It is necessary to place a symbolic obstacle between the entrance to the apartment and the window / door to the room - wind chimes, bamboo flutes, a plant, a pendant.

If you prefer the latter option, then choose a pendant that has a rounded or pagoda shape - such pendants symbolize prosperity. "Aggressive" pendants with sharp edges should not be hung in the house. Keep in mind that all of the above is true not only for the front door, but also for all other doors and windows in the house.

Two doors, two windows, a window and a door, located directly opposite each other, do not allow qi to linger in the house, so there must be a symbolic obstacle between them.

5. I combined the following types of unsuccessful planning, since they are associated with stairs and only apply to those who live in a two-story apartment or country house:

  • Often the stairs to the second floor are located opposite the front door. In this case, the flow of qi is too rapid, and if no measures are taken, good luck will not linger in the house for a long time.

    Place some large or flashy object on the way to the stairs - a decorative vase, a stand with houseplants - or hang wind chimes, bamboo flutes, a pendant between the door and the stairs.

  • If the stairs to the second floor are located on the side of the front door, the ideal solution is to install a partition, for example, a clothes hanger: it will create a barrier that slows down the flow of qi.
  • Extremely unfavorable spiral staircases. They look spectacular and, of course, decorate the interior, but they create destructive energy. If your house has a spiral staircase, if possible, replace it with a regular, straight one.
  • Do not disregard the space under the stairs. As a rule, people put unattractive items there - old newspapers, buckets, rags, mops, brooms.

    In no case should this place (like any other) look like a dump, otherwise there will be a stagnation of energy, which slows down the pace of life, causes lethargy, apathy.

    If you want to use this space for household needs, which is quite rational, make your storage closed. Install a spacious built-in wardrobe under the stairs - such a pantry, especially if it is kept in order, will not offend the aesthetic sense of refined qi.

    Also, under the stairs, you can put a tall indoor plant that tolerates a lack of light, such as ficus or monstera.

All other hallway layouts are favorable from an energy point of view. The most successful option is when the living room is visible from the threshold.

In this case, you will have a comfortable feeling of transition from the hustle and bustle of the outside world to the quiet haven of your home. Good is the location opposite the entrance of the office or nursery. With this layout, your family members will succeed in work and study.

The kitchen opposite the front door is also a good option, but in this case, an increased appetite and, as a result, the risk of getting fat can become a “side effect”.

It is considered unfavorable according to Feng Shui, when the door does not open inside the house, but outside - this deprives you of the opportunity to consolidate your success, since the flows will rush outward all the time, and any of your achievements will be short-lived.


  • so that the front door leads to the hall or hallway. Here, beneficial qi accumulates and subsequently is evenly distributed throughout the house. If unfavorable energy enters the house, the hallway absorbs and dissipates it to some extent.
  • so that from the threshold of the front door you can see the living room, dining room or common room.


  • so that the front door is located opposite the back door - because of this, a powerful flow of qi is formed, as if through and through the whole house. To avoid the negative impact on Feng Shui at home, you can install all sorts of barriers to the movement of energy - mirrors, screens, decorative grilles, plants or curtains.
  • if the front door opens to a staircase going upstairs. In this situation, the qi flow becomes sharp and overly mobile. To slow it down, you can use bells or ornamental plants.
  • if from the threshold of the front door you run into a wall located just 2 meters from you. The view of a close wall blocks the progress of bodily qi and more powerful energy flows in space. This can cause indecision, lack of initiative, dullness of perception and slow reactions. The situation will be corrected by a mirror placed on the opposite wall from the entrance, or plants, photographs and images of wildlife.
  • if an inward-opening door obscures the view of the interior at that moment. Every time the person who enters finds himself in a closed space, and this subconsciously affects his psyche - depression, a feeling of hopelessness and alienation, loss of contact with others may occur.
  • if visible from the threshold, the kitchen or bathroom. Their proximity to the front door adversely affects the well-being of the family, especially the kitchen. In traditional beliefs, the wealth that food symbolizes will be easily lost. In order to remedy the situation to some extent, keep the doors to these rooms always closed.

feng shui front door design

The best option for a residential building, according to Feng Shui experts, is a single-leaf wooden door. It is strong enough to create an obstacle for negative energies rushing to the house with an unfavorable location of any external objects. Your well-being is thus protected at a basic level.

A double door is good only for a large mansion, because for an ordinary house, and even more so for a city apartment, it is disproportionately large. This upsets the balance and destabilizes the incoming ones. Problems caused by yin and yang imbalance can range from constant ailments to complete failure in all important areas of your life.

A revolving door is an unacceptable Feng Shui solution for a home. We most often meet this design of doors in hotels, restaurants, casinos and similar establishments. They are placed in order to accelerate the movement of qi and thereby stimulate cash flow and customer flows. The front door of the described design gives the impression that the house swallows those who enter it every time. In your affairs, this can provoke failures that follow the rapid and uncontrolled development of the situation.

Orientation of the front door to the cardinal points

Door facing northwest

Element Metal

With this arrangement of the door, success is on the side of the father or the older man in the house. Promotes the manifestation of leadership qualities, makes successful promotion possible and ensures a stable position in society, universal respect and honor. Additional stability can be provided by a door whose shape corresponds to the Metal element.

north facing door

Element Water

This position of the door is favorable when the battles for success have already died down, and now you have a need for a calm and measured life - you want, so to speak, to rest peacefully on your laurels. In another situation, lethargy, apathy and a desire to go with the flow may appear, it is highly likely that for family members this will turn into mutual alienation. If such symptoms have already appeared, the situation will change the activation of the opposite element (Earth). To do this, the door is painted in brown, ocher or yellow. In order to enhance the purification of qi when entering your home, use the shape of the door corresponding to the element Water.

Door facing northeast

Earth element

It is good when the Feng Shui of the entire area is favorable. In general, the northeast direction of the door makes the occupants more susceptible to the influence of external forces, which introduces some chaotic and excessive activity into their actions and aspirations. A stabilizing effect will have a door made in accordance with the element Earth - strong, even massive, with square sections.

Door facing east

tree element

Perfect for those who are at the very beginning of the path to success and have enough perseverance and ambition to pass it with dignity. Helps to make a brilliant career, having won the patronage of influential people. This direction is especially favorable for achieving success in the field of commerce and business. The shape of the door in accordance with the Wood element (high, with rectangular or oblong fragments) will favor the growth of wealth and the acquisition of promising acquaintances.

To strengthen the successes achieved, you can add the element of Earth - paint the door in a brownish-ocher or yellow color, or use a door shape that matches this element - with square details or sections. White is unacceptable for door decoration.

door facing southeast

Element Tree

This direction provides a decent opportunity to improve the financial situation. Things will move slowly but surely, and ultimately a stable result will not be long in coming. To be able to always keep up with the times, constantly updating your views and working methods, use the shape of the door in accordance with the element Earth.

To activate the possibility of growth (a quality associated with the Wood element), paint the doors green or any shade of it, or use floral ornaments in the design. The direction is also favorable for long-term projects and long-term cooperation, that is, in those areas where there is a prospect of further growth.

south facing door

Element Fire

The direction is favorable for those who seek to lead an active social life, take a prominent place in society, gain recognition and gain fame and glory. A door made according to the forms inherent in the element of Fire (pointed and triangular) will contribute to good spirits and optimism. The Fire element can create certain problems that can arise from self-indulgence and fleeting desires, as well as from irascibility and excessive irritability. You can moderate the "fiery" characteristics by introducing the Water element into the design of the door, for example, by painting it black or dark blue.

door facing southwest

Earth element

This direction is considered the most favorable for the mother or the eldest woman of the family and brings prosperity and harmony to family affairs. If the management of all affairs is concentrated in the hands of the mother, then her personality can become authoritarian and domineering. In order to prevent or correct feng shui disharmony of this kind, if it has already manifested itself, it is necessary to introduce the Wood element into the design of the doors: use a green color scheme and choose a shape in accordance with this element - high, with rectangular sections.

In general, if the mother of the family is not too domineering and does not have authoritarian inclinations, then the green color in the design of the door is undesirable; preference should be given to yellow and brown colors, as well as their various shades. The shape of the door in this case should correspond to the elements of Fire - have triangular or pointed elements.

West facing door

metal element

The direction provides truly unlimited opportunities for creative growth for young children, so future success is theirs. Children are your most promising investment in this case, so take care of their education, all-round development, etc. The Western direction is also associated with hobbies and romantic feelings, and in this regard, you will have to ensure that they do not become an obstacle to your path to success, or vice versa, so that the zealous conquest of social heights does not deprive you of heartfelt unforgettable moments. Stability will be brought by details related to the Earth element - a crystal or an image of some earthly landscape suspended in the hallway, as well as ceramic objects or plants in ceramic pots placed at the front door. Doors, the shape of which was chosen in accordance with the Metal element, will have a special strength.

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