Is the stomach hard in pregnant women. What does a hard belly mean during pregnancy? What is dangerous "lower" hypertonicity

Women during the bearing of a child change their attitude towards their body. Firstly, it is subjected to increased loads, so unforeseen disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems may occur. Secondly, any violations can affect the course of pregnancy.

In addition, some conditions that are normal during normal times are perceived as a threat during the gestation period. This also applies to hardening of the abdomen. Why does the stomach get hard during pregnancy? Is it normal?

Causes of petrification of the abdomen

This phenomenon in this period indicates that the tissues of the muscles of the uterus begin to spasm, respectively, the tone of this organ increases. Hypertonicity is a danger to mother and child.

Firstly, in this condition, the uteroplacental blood flow worsens significantly, which leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus (intrauterine hypoxia).

Secondly, the risk of placental abruption or ovum abruption, spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth increases.

Determining the cause of uterine hypertonicity is quite difficult, but there are a number of factors that can be decisive:

  1. Emotional shock or outburst;
  2. Physical overexertion;
  3. Orgasm;
  4. Infections and inflammation that affected the genitourinary system;
  5. Full bladder;
  6. Influenza, viral diseases;
  7. Large fruit;
  8. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, flatulence, dysbacteriosis);
  9. polyhydramnios;
  10. Pathology of the pelvic organs;
  11. Abnormalities in the size of the uterus (too small);
  12. Drinking alcohol, smoking, other bad habits.

A hard belly during pregnancy can be observed after a long stay in one position. For example, a woman lies on her side or back for a long time. Then it is most noticeable in the morning and evening. It is worth noting that after the 20th week, experts do not recommend resting on the stomach, although, in principle, this becomes impossible anyway.

As you can see, not all reasons are dangerous, but if a woman experiences such sensations, it is necessary to tell the observing gynecologist about this. Better to be careful.

Hardening of the lower abdomen in the early stages

The first trimester is the most dangerous, since it is at this time that the greatest number of spontaneous abortions occur. For this reason, it is worth contacting specialists at the slightest malaise and discomfort. In the first trimester, you need to especially take care of yourself, reduce physical activity, but still remain mobile. Correctly alternate work and rest, and avoid unpleasant and stressful situations in every possible way.

When the stomach hardens regularly or stays in this state all the time, tenses up, pain occurs, and there is also bloody discharge from the vagina, you need to call an ambulance.

Why does the stomach harden in the later stages

  • When a woman already clearly feels the movements of the child, he is already large enough, then the stomach tenses more often, which is associated with increased physical activity of the baby. At this time, hardness can occur only on one side.

Do not be afraid, as this baby can put out an arm or leg, turn its back or ass.

However, the threat of uterine hypertonicity accompanies the entire course of pregnancy, so you do not need to discount it. When tension is felt very often, this should serve as a wake-up call.

  • The causes of hardness may be hiding in the banal overeating and malnutrition. A woman after conception should radically revise her diet. Bloating and flatulence can be observed with an unbalanced diet. It is necessary to exclude products that contribute to increased gas formation (cabbage, legumes, black bread, carbonated drinks, etc.). Fractional meals are recommended (small portions, but more meals).
  • Also, a woman should be prepared for such a phenomenon as false contractions. They can occur as early as the second trimester, accompanied by spasms and slight muscle tension. This phenomenon is not dangerous, we can say that it is a workout, it prepares the stomach, pelvic organs, and birth canal for the upcoming birth. False contractions are not intense, regular and disappear on their own.
  • Hard belly from 36 weeks testifies about imminent birth and the appearance of the baby, therefore, at such a late date, it is considered as a variant of the norm.

What to do with petrification?

A hard lower abdomen in a woman during pregnancy does not always indicate a pathology, but it is also impossible to talk about the safety of this phenomenon. When this condition is rarely observed, for example, after a fast walk or excessive overexertion, then most likely you should not worry.

Usually, doctors recommend in such a situation to rest, take a comfortable position, relax as much as possible, then the discomfort will disappear on its own. But in the future it is better to avoid stress, both emotional and physical, to rest more, but to lead a moderately active lifestyle.

In some situations, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance, since this phenomenon, accompanied by the following symptoms, may affect the development of the child or pose a threat to his life:

  1. Hardness does not pass;
  2. There is a pain syndrome;
  3. The pains are localized in the lower abdomen, resemble discomfort during menstruation, radiate to the lower back, coccyx, sacrum, rectum;
  4. Reddish or brownish discharge from the vagina appeared;
  5. There are fainting, constant nausea, ending in vomiting;
  6. Discomfort appears regularly or recurs quite often, pain, tension increase despite rest;
  7. There are false urges to defecate.

You can drink 2 tablets of a drug such as No-shpa, lie down and call an ambulance.

Prevention of hypertonicity of the muscles of the uterus

It is easier to prevent the development of complications than to treat them later. This will be especially relevant during the gestation period. Doctors insist on prophylaxis even before the onset of pregnancy.

As you know, at the stage of planning a child, you need to undergo a thorough examination and cure existing diseases in order to reduce the risk of exacerbation and the negative impact on the child in the future.

You should also stop drinking alcohol and smoking a few months before the expected date of conception. Women who are actively involved in sports should gradually reduce their usual physical activity. To relieve yourself of stress and worries, it is recommended to do yoga or learn simple relaxation techniques.

Pregnancy is a special and exciting period in a woman's life, when any changes and previously unknown sensations cause anxiety about the well-being and health of the baby living in the tummy. As a rule, pregnant women are disturbed by a feeling of heaviness, discomfort in the lower abdomen, as well as a feeling that the stomach becomes stony and becomes hard. Why does the stomach stiffen during pregnancy, is this the norm or evidence of pathology? What to do with frequent hardening of the abdomen during pregnancy?

The feeling that the stomach periodically stiffens during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon that expectant mothers face at different stages of bearing a child. The woman experiences discomfort and discomfort. The causes of this condition may be the following processes occurring in the body of a woman:

Stones the stomach with hypertonicity of the uterus

A hard, like a stone, stomach for a short period of time is a sign of muscular hypertonicity of the uterus. An increase in the tone of the uterus in pregnant women is considered a symptom of the threat of miscarriage and requires medical attention. The uterus is a muscular organ, consisting entirely of smooth muscles, has the ability to contract. Uterine contraction is an important function that is necessary for normal delivery. If the uterus is in a normal tone, the woman does not feel any pain or discomfort, the pregnancy proceeds without complications. In the event that a pregnant woman often has a stony stomach, this indicates an excessive tone of the muscles of the uterus - hypertonicity of the uterus. The greatest danger is the increased tone of the uterus in the first trimester, when a pregnant woman can feel a pulling pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In the later stages, the tension of the uterus can already be not only felt physically, but also seen: the stomach becomes stony and changes its shape. This phenomenon lasts for several minutes, periodically occurring up to 4 times within an hour. A hard and stone abdomen in the lower abdomen requires additional examinations to rule out possible complications resulting from uterine hypertonicity and start treatment on time.

The main causes of uterine hypertonicity are:

  • insufficient production of the hormone progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • conflict between the Rh factor of the blood of the mother and the fetus;
  • tension, stress, physical overwork;
  • chemical poisoning, exposure to viral diseases.

The stomach turns to stone during pregnancy due to training contractions

Another reason for the feeling of a stone belly is training contractions, which are the main harbingers of childbirth. As a rule, the stomach stiffens and pulls, starting from the 34th week of pregnancy, accompanied by cramping pain. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the uterus, coming into muscle tone, is actively preparing for labor, and the fetus gradually descends into the pelvic floor. In medicine, training contractions are called "Braxton Hicks contractions." As future mothers note, the lower abdomen stiffens during pregnancy for only a few minutes, and then relaxation occurs. The fact that training bouts have begun, the pregnant woman must notify the gynecologist.

Stomach in pregnancy due to bladder pressure

The tension of the muscles of the uterus with the pressure on it of a full bladder is a protective reaction of the body. This is how the space for the fetus located in its cavity is preserved from the pressure of the overflowing walls of the bladder. After urination, the abdomen becomes soft again.

The stomach turns to stone during pregnancy due to excessive physical activity

Tension and petrification of the abdomen may be the result of excessive physical exertion, which tone the muscles of the uterus. The last trimester of pregnancy is not the time for active sports in the gym. A pregnant woman should reduce physical activity and have more rest, walk in the fresh air. Long walks, overwork can also cause uterine hypertonicity. Often women complain that during pregnancy, when walking, the stomach becomes stony.

The stomach becomes stony during pregnancy due to inflammation in the body

A stone belly during pregnancy can be associated with pathological processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. These include:

  1. Chronic inflammation of the pelvic organs: colpitis, adnexitis, tumors of the genital organs.
  2. Inflammation of an infectious nature in the urinary tract.
  3. Endocrine disorders, chronic diseases.

Calcification of the abdomen during pregnancy and symptoms for which you need to seek help

Every woman carrying a baby should carefully listen to all the signals of the body. If the pregnancy proceeds safely, without complications, sometimes the stomach turns to stone, you should not sound the alarm and panic. It is enough to report this temporary phenomenon to the gynecologist, who, after conducting the necessary additional examinations and tests, will assess the condition of the pregnant woman and give the necessary recommendations. If the pregnancy is difficult, the stomach constantly hardens and delivers a lot of anxiety and anxiety to the expectant mother, accompanied by a number of symptoms, then a visit to the doctor should be immediate, since the running process can adversely affect the condition of the mother and fetus. These warning signs include:

  • the stomach becomes stone more often 4 times within an hour;
  • with tension in the abdomen, cramping pain is felt, radiating to the lower part of the spine;
  • the appearance of bloody, brownish, pinkish or watery discharge from the perineum;
  • the absence or rare movement of the fetus in the womb.

Why is the feeling of a stone belly dangerous in pregnant women?

A stone belly during pregnancy can lead to such undesirable consequences as:

  • miscarriage, miscarriage with placental abruption;
  • premature birth;
  • fetal hypoxia - forced oxygen starvation, which threatens to delay the development of the baby.

The stomach turns to stone at different stages of pregnancy

The belly of a pregnant woman can harden like a stone at almost any stage of pregnancy. How to understand what is the norm, and what symptoms signal a dangerous condition?

The stomach turns to stone at an early stage

The first trimester of pregnancy brings a huge number of changes and new unexplored sensations into a woman's life. Early toxicosis, anxiety, hormonal changes in the body can lead to nervous tension, and therefore to increased uterine tone. If the feeling of firmness of the abdomen is permanent and is accompanied by pulling, cramping pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, you should consult a gynecologist. If the abdomen is periodically petrified, you should not worry, but it is necessary to inform your doctor about it.

Stomach in the second trimester

The second trimester is considered to be the most calm and favorable in terms of bearing a baby. The abdomen is actively growing and rapidly increasing in volume. Normally, the tummy in the 2nd trimester should be soft and not cause discomfort to the pregnant woman.
If the stomach stiffens from the 27th to the 30th week of pregnancy, and spotting appears, this indicates the threat of its interruption. The pregnant woman must be urgently taken to the hospital to save the life of the baby.

Stomach in the 3rd trimester

At 33-35 weeks of gestation, the abdomen becomes stony due to the hypertonicity of the uterus, in connection with its preparation for childbirth. In addition, the baby has grown significantly by this time and there is no longer enough space for him in the uterus, which reacts to the pressure of its walls with hypertonicity. The petrification of the abdomen is especially felt when urging to the toilet, with an overflowing bladder. As soon as the pregnant woman visits the toilet, the tone of the uterus will return to normal.

The stomach turns to stone at 36-37 pregnancy, especially at night, which means that the woman's body is tuned in to labor. From this moment, the pregnant woman should be prepared for the fact that contractions can begin at any moment and she will have to go to the hospital.

If the stomach turns to stone at 38 weeks of pregnancy and viscous discharge appears, this is a signal of premature birth. The closer the day of meeting with the baby, the more intense and more often the tension of the uterus occurs.

The stomach turns to stone at 39 and 40 weeks of pregnancy - the expectant mother should not worry, childbirth is very soon. A hard, like a stone, stomach, before the birth itself is a normal physiological phenomenon, the uterus is ready for delivery.

The stomach turns to stone - what to do?

Periodic petrification of the abdomen, which is not accompanied by the threat of interruption associated with an increase in uterine tone, can be quickly removed by adopting a relaxing posture. You need to calm down and lie down. The uterus should quickly return to normal. Great help to cope with the tension of the uterine muscles is breathing exercises, which will not only relieve muscle tone, but also saturate the body with oxygen, which is so necessary for the normal development of the baby in the womb. If the uterus becomes tense during a walk, sit on a bench and breathe deeply, relaxing the whole body. To eliminate discomfort, you can take sedatives or antispasmodics - tincture of motherwort, valerian, no-shpu. With hypertonicity, doctors recommend reducing any load that brings the uterus into tone. It is necessary to give up active physical activity and sex for a while. And a particularly important recommendation for all expectant mothers is to avoid nervous and stressful situations as much as possible, to worry and worry less, to radiate positive and good mood, which is transmitted to your baby.

If you experience frequent sensations of a stone stomach, you should undergo a medical examination to determine the extent of the problem. The doctor may prescribe an ultrasound diagnosis, which will allow you to find out the cause of the increased tone of the uterus. After diagnosing and identifying the cause of the stone abdomen, the doctor will prescribe medication in the hospital or on an outpatient basis with the appointment of corrective measures: bed rest, sexual rest, reduction in physical activity, elimination of stressful situations, overwork.

As a treatment for hypertension, medications such as:

  • antispasmodics - drugs that relieve muscle spasms;
  • sedatives that normalize the general condition of the pregnant woman;
  • preparations with a high content of magnesium.

Uterine hypertonicity can be avoided if, as a preventive measure, a pregnant woman, even before conception, undergoes all medical examinations to identify chronic inflammatory processes in the body, as well as learn the correct breathing technique, which effectively normalizes the psychological state of a woman and helps in the fight against stress.

A tight, elastic and slightly soft belly is natural during pregnancy. Starting from 20, and sometimes from 35 or 36 weeks, it can harden a little, which is also a variant of the norm if this does not happen so often and painlessly. If the walls of the abdominal cavity become stony, the woman feels discomfort in the lower back when walking, in a sitting position or lying down, and additional symptoms appear, and one cannot do without the help of doctors.

Causes of abdominal hardness in early and late pregnancy

During pregnancy, this often happens due to uterine hypertonicity. A similar symptom indicates violations in the female body that cannot be ignored.

Increased uterine tone is a spontaneous contraction of the genital organs, often occurring at 35-36 weeks of gestation, that is, about a month before childbirth. Much less often this phenomenon is observed in women a few weeks after conception.

The reasons for the increased tone of the uterus can be:

  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • malfunctions of the immune system;
  • somatic diseases;
  • previous surgeries, such as abortion;
  • maternal anxiety and depression.

With an increase in uterine tone, a woman may be disturbed not only by a hard stomach, but also by a feeling of tension in the lower back. Also often there are pains and itching in the pubic area and the sensations that the expectant mother experienced during menstruation.

In addition to uterine hypertonicity, there are many other reasons why the stomach can become stone. This is possible during false contractions, which are often observed in women after the 16th week of pregnancy, when wearing tight clothing, physical overexertion, etc.

Physiological causes

If the stomach becomes stony during pregnancy, then various physiological causes, for example, excessive physical exertion, can be provoking factors. During pregnancy, a woman needs to protect herself from sports and other activities that require significant physical effort. The fact is that the load on the body causes not only discomfort in the abdomen, but also unforeseen complications, for example, spontaneous abortion.

Other physiological reasons:

  • rare change in body position (sitting or lying down);
  • bladder overflow;
  • overwork;
  • binge eating;
  • protective reaction of the body to adverse factors.

As a rule, if the lower abdomen has become tense due to the reasons mentioned, then no treatment is required. It is enough for a woman not to strain the body, and sometimes just to relax in order to eliminate an unpleasant symptom.

Pathological factors

It is a completely different matter if pathological changes in the body affect a hard stomach during pregnancy. In this case, a visit to a specialist is required to diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment.

Pathological reasons why the stomach tenses and stiffens:

  • infections of the organs of the reproductive and urinary system (chlamydia, urethritis, trichomoniasis);
  • benign tumors in the genital organs (polyp, myoma);
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system (colpitis, salpingo-oophoritis);
  • uterine malformations (retroflexia, uterine hypoplasia);
  • gastrointestinal diseases (constipation, colitis);
  • complications of pregnancy (polyhydramnios, fetoplacental insufficiency);
  • hormonal disorders associated mainly with a lack of the hormone progesterone.

Why is the sensation of a stone belly dangerous in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters?

The danger of the condition depends on the reasons that caused it. For example, increased uterine tone in the early stages (up to 10-16 weeks) often leads to the threat of abortion and fetal death, in the second trimester it causes miscarriage or premature birth.

Closer to the expected date of birth, at about 35-36 weeks, uterine hypertonicity is not always dangerous. The fact is that by this moment the baby grows significantly, and there is no longer enough space for him in the hollow organ. In this regard, the uterus reacts to the pressure of its walls with an increased tone.

Many pathological factors are dangerous at any time, and not so much for the child as for the expectant mother. Possible appearance:

  • severe complications of existing diseases;
  • conditions and diseases associated with pregnancy (early toxicosis, late gestosis, anemia, gestational diabetes mellitus);
  • intrauterine infection.

What to do if the stomach becomes hard?

If the wall of the abdominal cavity is tense, hard, as if made of stone, while the woman has alarming symptoms, then first of all you need to understand the cause of this condition. To do this, you need to undergo a diagnosis - a doctor's examination and ultrasound.

Additionally, you can take blood tests to check the level of sugar and hormones in the blood, as well as a smear for the presence of infection or inflammation of the genital organs.

Depending on the symptoms, the woman will be assigned:

  • drug therapy with antispasmodics, anxiolytics, sympathomimetics, sedative and estrogenic drugs, as well as suppositories, vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • preventive measures - bed rest, diet or special exercises to normalize the psychological state.

In minutes when the stomach begins to harden, but pain is not felt, you can do some manipulations that will help overcome discomfort:

  • sit in a comfortable chair and rest;
  • take a few deep breaths and exhalations, connecting the stomach to the process;
  • while sitting or standing, strain the muscles of the arms, legs and pelvis at the same time, and then relax sharply;
  • lie down with a hard roller or a small pillow under your feet;
  • in a supine position, turn to the other side.

Such simple actions help to calm down, relax and relieve muscle tension. As a rule, after this, the discomfort in the abdominal cavity leaves the woman.

Symptoms that should be alarmed

Hard, like a stone, the belly of a future mother is not always a harbinger of danger. For example, the appearance of such discomfort in the third trimester, a few weeks before the expected birth, may indicate that real contractions begin. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

Particular attention should be paid to the symptoms when the stomach is "petrified" in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 16 weeks. Urgent medical attention is required if the following symptoms are observed:

  • often the stomach becomes stony and as if it “gets up like a stake” (more than 2-3 times within an hour);
  • unnatural discharge appeared (brown, watery or mixed with blood);
  • there is tension in the abdomen;
  • body temperature rises;
  • worried about constant dizziness and migraine;
  • there are compressive, cramping pains in the abdominal cavity;
  • contractions become more frequent, which are combined with discomfort in the lower spine;
  • baby movements in the womb become rare or completely absent.

Is it possible to prevent abdominal tension during pregnancy?

In order not to go to the doctor once again, not to buy expensive medicines, it is enough to prevent the appearance of tension in the abdomen. For this it is recommended:

  • eat properly;
  • do not burden the body both physically and emotionally;
  • organize a normal mode of work and rest;
  • refrain from sexual activity;
  • spend more time outdoors
  • sleep on the left or right side, not on the back;
  • perform any physical exercises only after consultation with the doctor;
  • use relaxation techniques to eliminate possible stresses (auto-training, breathing exercises, meditation);
  • timely treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, to prevent complications.

If you follow such simple preventive measures and do everything that the doctor recommends, then you will not have to worry about your health and the condition of the child. More than 50% of women have a hard stomach during pregnancy, but in many cases, most of them successfully give birth to children.

A hard belly during pregnancy makes the expectant mother worry. We can talk about both the physiological norm and the pathology of pregnancy. It's not worth the hassle to see a doctor. Until then, steps can be taken to relieve symptoms and prevent complications.

Why does the stomach become hard during pregnancy and how does this affect the bearing of the fetus

A hard belly during pregnancy is a symptom of hypertonicity of the myometrium (middle muscle layer) of the uterus.

Most pregnant women experience an unpleasant phenomenon from personal experience, but the symptoms and localization can vary significantly. The reasons lie in the natural physiology of the pregnant woman or pathological manifestations.

Hard stomach during pregnancy: is it worth worrying about?

Any incomprehensible manifestation makes the expectant mother pretty worried. And here, after all, the matter is not limited to just a hardened stomach. The main symptom is accompanied by pain sensations of varying intensity, heaviness in the pubic and groin area, and in the later stages it sharpens, “gathers into a lump” and changes shape.

However, strong worries are unnecessary: ​​this condition is well studied and treated. In addition, stress can exacerbate the problem. So the situation must be approached rationally and consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Of course, additional examination is required:

  • Ultrasound diagnostics to establish the nature of uterine hypertonicity, the state of the placenta and amniotic fluid, fetal development;
  • checking hormonal status, excluding hidden infections;
  • clarification of the characteristics of a woman's lifestyle.

The doctor will accurately determine the causes of the appearance of a hard abdomen and select the optimal tactics for managing a pregnant woman.

Most often, to normalize the condition, a short bed rest is sufficient, the connection of sedatives and hormonal drugs, antispasmodics, and correction of the daily routine of a pregnant woman.

The stomach turns to stone during pregnancy without pain: physiological causes

Sometimes abdominal tension appears without pain.

A painless course speaks in favor of physiological reasons (which does not at all exclude risks for gestation). Factors leading to a hard belly depend on the gestational age.

In the early stages

In the first trimester, an increase in tone leads to:

  • natural changes in the tissues of the uterus, restructuring of the organ for bearing the fetus;
  • a small uterus, "bicornuate", with a bend;
  • lack of progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries in the first trimester;
  • underdevelopment of the pelvic organs;
  • Rhesus conflict in the blood of the mother and fetus;
  • severe toxicosis, accompanied by frequent vomiting.

In the early stages, an increased uterine tone does not always turn into a hardening of the abdomen, and the pregnant woman learns about the problem at an examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist or ultrasound. The case may end in a miscarriage, so observation in the LCD is necessary from the first weeks of pregnancy.

At a later date

In the second and third semesters, everything is in sight: a hard stomach is a constant companion of uterine hypertonicity. Physiological discomfort leads to:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • large fruit;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • long stay in one position, especially sitting;
  • tight underwear;
  • overfilled bladder;
  • untimely bowel movements, flatulence, dyspeptic disorders.

Starting from the 20th week of gestation, the woman's body prepares for delivery. At this time, "training" bouts of Braxton-Higs are observed. The so-called false labor activity almost does not cause pain, but it leads to hardening of the abdomen.

At any time

Reasons that can have a negative impact throughout the entire period:

  • early pregnancy (before 18 years) or late (after 35 years);
  • stress, fear;
  • unsatisfactory living conditions;
  • sleep/wake disturbances;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • physical overload;
  • sexual arousal, orgasm;
  • drinking alcohol, smoking.

Each person has their own pain threshold. Therefore, the absence of pain during hardening of the abdomen does not always indicate the safety of manifestations for the course of pregnancy and fetal development.

With a relatively harmless origin, muscle tension is short-lived and appears immediately after exposure to the catalyst.

Pathological causes of the appearance of a stone abdomen

When pathological factors are connected, a hard stomach appears for no apparent reason. This happens quite often, and with the progression of the process, pain is connected. In some situations, the uterus is in increased tone most of the time.

Hypertonicity of the uterus is characterized by a variety of manifestations. There is local tension along the back or front wall, overstrain of the lower segment of the organ, a total increase in the tone of the uterine muscles.

The last two options are most often caused by malfunctions in the body and are fraught with serious consequences.

Stony lower abdomen

Starting from the 34th week of pregnancy, a hard belly with localization in the lower part serves as a harbinger of an approaching birth. But if the phenomenon is observed from the 20th week or even earlier, we can assume:

  • exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the pelvic organs (cystitis, colpitis, adnexitis);
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system (the same chlamydia);
  • the woman "has caught a cold";
  • the presence of tumor processes;
  • incorrect position and presentation of the fetus;
  • after 28 weeks - the opening of the cervix and the threat of premature birth.

What is dangerous "lower" hypertonicity

Unlike the walls of the uterus, the placenta does not contract, its anatomical location is disturbed, and the vital organ for the fetus begins to exfoliate much earlier than childbirth. Detachment provokes severe internal bleeding, dangerous to the life of a woman and a child.

The stomach becomes tight and does not go away for a long time

To increase uterine tone and harden the abdomen, one negative factor is enough, although serious situations are accompanied by a combination of living conditions, physiology and somatic features.

The basis of total hypertonicity are:

  • problems with the central nervous system as a result of severe stress or prolonged neuropsychic overload;
  • hormonal disruptions (for example, an increase in testosterone, a sharp release of oxytocin);
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction (hypo- and hyperthyroidism)
  • cardiovascular disorders, circulatory problems;
  • structural changes in the tissues of the uterus (for example, proliferation of endometrial tissues, polyps, fibroids);
  • viral and acute respiratory diseases.

The danger of total hypertonicity

Pressure increases in the uterine cavity, muscle structures are displaced relative to the child's place, compression of the fibers leads to disruptions in placental blood flow. As a result, the fetus experiences nutritional and oxygen starvation, its development slows down.

Of course, an increased tone in itself will not lead to deformities and a severe lag in the development of a newborn. But miscarriages and premature births in case of a serious problem are real.

What to do

If the petrification of the abdomen occurs occasionally, for example, "trampled" at the stove, overzealous with work or walks, this phenomenon is not dangerous. Here, the recommendations of obstetrician-gynecologists come down to elementary peace and good rest.

Enough to lie down and relax. The recommended position is on the back with a small roll under the legs. The effect will be enhanced by calm, melodic music, the sounds of nature. Normally, after 10-15 minutes, the discomfort goes away. But it is better to extend the rest to 1-1.5 hours, but in the future you will have to be more careful.

When medical supervision is required

Moreover, medical care is needed as quickly as possible, so the family should dial the emergency number. Alarm bells:

  • tension in the abdomen does not go away for at least an hour;
  • There is a pain syndrome, and it is growing. Pain radiates to the lumbosacral region, rectum and perineum;
  • aching sensations in the lower abdomen, brownish or bloody vaginal discharge (even if slight);
  • weakness, nausea, vomiting, increase or decrease in body temperature;
  • cramping manifestations: single or at regular intervals;
  • urge to defecate.

What to do before the doctor arrives

First you need to calm down, then breathe slowly. If the condition allows, do the sleepy cat exercise:

  • Get on all fours.
  • Raise your head and gently bend your lower back literally 10-15 cm.
  • In this position, linger for 4-8 seconds (breathing is even and calm, moderately deep).

After that, you need to take a reclining position on your back and relax your facial and neck muscles, lower back.

With the threat of gestation, stationary observation is offered. You should not be afraid of this: modern methods of treatment are safe for the fetus and the woman herself. But the refusal of hospitalization can lead to a miscarriage or a pathological course of pregnancy.


The appearance of a hard abdomen during pregnancy can and should be prevented. It is desirable that the pregnancy was not only desired, but also planned.

In this case, you can undergo a preliminary medical examination, including:

It is desirable that the father of the unborn child is also examined, because almost half of the problems during pregnancy are caused by men.

Most likely, you will have to revise the diet, enriching it with the necessary nutrients and vitamins. To give up bad habits is a priori, and the usual routine should be diversified with elements of a healthy lifestyle.

Breathing exercises

It is necessary for a pregnant woman to master the correct breathing. It will help not only to remove the hardening of the abdomen, but will facilitate the course of childbirth, reduce pain. Here are two very effective exercises:

  1. Chest breathing. It is well known to women, because it is an innate way of breathing of the beautiful half. And yet, for pregnancy, it should be corrected. So, hands on the sides under the ribs. Take a deep breath through your nose and generously fill your chest with air. Gradually exhale gently.
  2. Diaphragmatic breathing. The right palm is on the stomach, the left one is under the chest (for left-handers, vice versa). A quick and sharp breath is taken through the nose so that the diaphragm descends, protruding involuntarily the stomach. Exhale calmly through your mouth or nose. Break 1-2 seconds and repeat the cycle.

Well relieves tension in the abdomen breathing like a dog. To do this, you need to open your mouth, stick out your tongue and breathe, as our four-legged friends do in the heat.


Swimming during pregnancy is a fashion trend. And not by accident. In water, absolutely all muscle groups relax, the work of all body systems normalizes, and the emotional background stabilizes.

Well, it’s better to forget about sports records for 9 months. During pregnancy, will relieve hardening of the abdomen and will benefit from calm swimming, preferably in small groups.


These are not acrobatic rings and parallel bars, not triple somersaults and somersaults. There are special complexes developed by sports doctors in collaboration with obstetricians:

  • for each trimester;
  • taking into account the general physical preparation of the woman and the course of pregnancy.

You can do it in groups at antenatal clinics or at home. In the second case, it is recommended to discuss the gymnastic complex with a doctor, since there are restrictions on physical activity for expectant mothers.

A pregnant woman watches with interest the changes in her body, rejoices at her growing tummy and every second feels unity with her baby. But preparing for motherhood brings a lot of worries. Some of them are far-fetched, but a hard belly during pregnancy is not from this series.

Even a slight hypertonicity of the uterus, albeit physiological, is a reason for checking in the antenatal clinic. Only after eliminating the threat of miscarriage and pathologies of pregnancy, you can connect home prevention.

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