Radio wave removal of polyps in the nose. Surgery to remove polyps in the nose with a shaver, laser, radio wave method. How is it done, the use of anesthesia, the consequences. Surgical treatment of polyposis

Benign neoplasms that are round or drop-shaped, painless, which form in the nasal cavity due to the growth of the mucous membrane - this is nasal polyps.

Outwardly, they look like a pea, a drop or a bunch of grapes. Approximately 3-5% of people suffer from the disease, and men are several times more likely than women. The disease manifests itself as characteristic mucous secretions and constant nasal congestion.

The difference between polyposis and rhinitis is that after using vasoconstrictor drugs, breathing is not restored, the patient is forced to continue breathing through the mouth.

Surgery to remove polyps in the nose. Indications

  • for a long time the patient has a stuffy nose or there is no breathing through the nose at all;
  • pronounced deformed (curved) nasal septum;
  • the presence of complications of polyposis (bronchial asthma, atrophic rhinitis);
  • impaired taste and smell, in some cases a complete loss of sensitivity;
  • snoring, nasality, headaches;
  • constant, nasal discharge (unpleasant smell, rarely bloody).

The only effective treatment option for tumors is surgical removal.

How are nasal polyps removed?

Several existing surgical options:

  • polypotomy;
  • removal with a shaver;
  • laser operation;
  • endoscopic removal.

Any of these methods requires some preparation of the patient. To do this, they do x-rays, according to indications, computed tomography, blood tests, and conduct drug preparation.

Removal of polyps in the nose in modern surgical practice is carried out according to an individually selected technique.

Polypotomy ordinary

Such an intervention is too painful and is currently very rarely prescribed by specialists. Nose growths are removed using a special steel loop or Lange hook. It is more often used in cases where there is a need to remove several growths.

used in cases where there is a need to remove several growths.

Surgical intervention technique :

anesthesia is carried out locally (novocaine 1% solution is injected directly into the growth). The loop (through the nostril) captures the polyp by the leg. The doctor narrows the lumen of the loop and cuts off the formation. There are practically no scars after polypotomy.

This procedure is strictly contraindicated when:

  • any diseases in the acute period,
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system and heart,
  • bronchial asthma.

After operation

After the performed polypectomy, the mucosa must be disinfected, and the organ is tamponed with turundas. Tampons are removed after 24 hours, and the mucosa is lubricated with Synthomycin emulsion.

If necessary, the specialist prescribes for the nose. The patient stays in hospital for 5-7 days, and the recovery period takes 2-3 weeks. Source: website

Endoscopic removal of nasal polyps

Endoscopic removal is a technique that allows you to remove modified tissues and, if necessary, correct the nasal septum. After surgery, traumatic scars and scars do not remain in the nose.

Methodology :

Local anesthesia is used during the intervention.
an endoscope with a camera is inserted into the nasal cavity (through the nostril). An image of the nasal cavity is displayed on a computer screen.

Contraindications to the intervention are:

  • chronic or allergic bronchitis and rhinitis,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • in women - menstruation.

Postoperative period

Immediately after the operation, the patient has an unpleasant feeling (slight discomfort), which disappears after 3-6 hours. Relief of nasal breathing occurs after the operation in 24-48 hours, and the sense of smell is restored within a month.

The patient is discharged from the hospital in a day, and after 3 days the person returns to his usual life. In the period after the operation, it is necessary to exclude blowing your nose.

The recovery period of the mucosa lasts up to 14 days. At this time, the doctor prescribes nose drops (Pinosol). It is very important to maintain nasal hygiene in order to reduce the risk of infection.

Removal with a shaver

One of the methods of endoscopic surgery, which with maximum accuracy allows you to get rid of formations and overgrown mucosa. The intervention is performed under local or general anesthesia.

Shaver- a device that crushes growths, then sucks them into a special tip. The device with maximum accuracy removes the build-up to healthy tissue.

Methodology :

The operation to remove polyps is low-traumatic, bleeding occurs in 0.5% of the operated patients, the risk of complications and relapses is minimal. This technique allows you to remove polyps in the sinus cavity, as well as to keep the healthy mucosa intact as much as possible.

Shaver- the only technique using which, the occurrence of repeated growths does not happen. Contraindications: acute viral infections and inflammatory processes.

Postoperative period

The patient stays in the hospital for up to 5 days. All this time, saline washings are carried out (in order to get rid of tissue residues).

In order to prevent the growth of connective tissue, local use of steroid preparations is recommended. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent secondary infection.

Laser removal of nasal polyps

using a laser, a new modern technique. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia.

A specialist inserts laser equipment and an endoscope with a camera into the nasal cavity.

The laser beam directed at the formation heats its cells, and this causes their death. During the operation, the laser coagulates the vessels, which prevents bleeding.

The main advantage: infection of the wound is completely excluded. This technique is the safest among all known, therefore it is used for children and people who suffer from bronchial asthma.

Disadvantages of the procedure: during the operation, the sinuses are not opened, so it is impossible to remove the polypous tissue from them, and this may cause a relapse in the future.


  • pregnancy period,
  • the presence of multiple polyps in the nose,
  • obstructive bronchitis,
  • spring-summer period.

Period after surgery: what to do
After removal, the patient is at home, but for several days he goes to see the doctor. During the week it is recommended to cancel sports, it is forbidden to visit the sauna or bath (these procedures can cause bleeding). Special medications will help prevent relapse.

nasal polyps- These are rounded benign, painless to the touch formations that are the result of an overgrowth of the nasal mucosa. Outwardly, they look like a pea, a mushroom or a bunch of grapes.

According to statistics, nasal polyps are one of the most common complications of chronic rhinitis. Nasal polyposis affects 1-4% of the population. Men are 3-4 times more susceptible to it than women. Anthrochoanal polyps are more common in children, while ethmoid polyps are more common in adults.

The disease is manifested by nasal congestion and mucous secretions. Unlike the common cold, breathing does not improve after the use of vasoconstrictor drops. The person is forced to breathe through the mouth. And as a result, dry air enters the lungs, insufficiently purified from dust and allergens. This causes frequent respiratory illnesses and asthma. As a result, polyposis reduces the life expectancy of a person by 6 years.

nose anatomy

The human nose is a rather complex structure. The part we see is called the external nose. It includes: the frontal process of the maxilla, the lateral cartilage and the greater pterygoid cartilage of the nose. Lateral surfaces - the wings of the nose consist of cartilage and connective tissue, from below they open with nostrils. All this is covered on top with muscles and skin rich in sebaceous glands.

The internal structure of the nasal passages is more complex. The nasal cavity is formed by the nasal septum, which consists of a vertical plate of the ethmoid bone, vomer and cartilage. For many people, this septum is curved. Minor changes are considered a variant of the norm.

The nasal cavity has four walls:

  • lateral
  • internal
  • top
  • lower
The most complex structure has a side wall, on which the upper, middle and lower nasal conchas are located. It is formed by the nasal bones, the maxilla, the lacrimal bone, the ethmoid bone, the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone, the inferior nasal concha (an independent bone) and the vertical plate of the palatine bone.

Between the nasal septum and the nasal conchas is a space called the common nasal passage. In the lateral sections of the nose there are three nasal passages, each of which corresponds to the nasal concha. The opening of the nasolacrimal canal opens in the lower nasal passage.

Also, the lumens of the paranasal sinuses open into the nasal cavity. These are small "pockets" in the bones of the skull that contain air.

  • The maxillary sinus is located in the upper jaw
  • The frontal sinus is located in the frontal bone
  • Ethmoid labyrinth in the ethmoid bone
  • Sphenoid sinus in the main (sphenoid) bone
This whole complex system performs a number of vital functions.
  1. Prevents hypothermia. Warms cold air before it enters the lungs.
  2. Humidifies and filters the air from dust, allergens and microorganisms. Detains these particles on the hairs and mucous membranes, neutralizes and prevents them from entering the respiratory tract.
  3. Participates in the formation of voice, playing the role of a resonator.
  4. Provides odor discrimination.
But all these functions of the nose would not be possible without a special mucous membrane that lines the nasal cavity. From above, it is covered with pseudostratified epithelium. Below is a loose connective tissue, under it is a layer of glands and perichondria (the top layer of cartilage).

On the surface there are goblet and ciliated cells with numerous cilia, as well as short and long intercalated epitheliocytes, which are responsible for renewing mucosal cells.

The protective function of the inner lining of the nose is provided by ciliated cells of the ciliated epithelium. Each of them has 250-300 cilia a few microns long. Cilia retain the smallest particles of substances that are contained in the air. With oscillatory movements, the cilia sends these substances to the nasopharynx.

The protective factor is mucus, which is produced in the nose by mucous glands and goblet cells. It prevents the nasal cavity from drying out, and foreign particles also stick to it. Then this contaminated mucus is pushed out by the movement of the cilia and a natural cleansing of the respiratory tract occurs.

Causes of nasal polyps

During infectious diseases, microorganisms multiply on the mucosa. This process leads to the exfoliation of the upper layer of mucosal cells. At this time, we feel a burning sensation in the nose, congestion, voice changes. Mucus flows from the nose, which is the result of increased work of the mucous glands and exudate, a liquid that forms during inflammation. With proper treatment and normal immunity, recovery occurs in 7-10 days. The mucosa is restored and again able to perform its functions.

If the disease is not treated, then it can drag on and become chronic. A prolonged inflammatory process undermines local immunity and the strength of the mucous membrane. But she tries to fulfill her functions by increasing the area. As a result, it begins to grow intensively and thicken due to the growth of connective tissue. It often occurs in the paranasal sinuses. At a certain point, hyperplastic (overgrown) mucosa exits the sinus opening into the nasal cavity - this is commonly called a polyp.

The cause of the appearance of polyps can be:

  • frequent colds and infectious diseases, accompanied by a runny nose
  • chronic sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis)
  • allergic rhinitis caused by inhalation of household and library dust, plant pollen, fungal spores, animal hair, particles of household chemicals, chromium compounds
  • a severe curvature of the nasal septum, causing respiratory failure and mucosal overgrowth
  • hereditary tendency to form polyps
  • pathological reaction of the immune system
A number of diseases can affect the occurrence of polyps: asthma, cystic fibrosis, aspirin intolerance, nasal mastocytosis, Young's syndrome.

According to the place of origin, polyps are divided into:

  • Anthrochoanal - often arise from the mucosa of the maxillary sinus. Settled on one side. More common in children.
  • Ethmoidal- develop from the mucosa lining the ethmoid labyrinth. Occur on both sides of the nasal septum. Affect adults.
From the size of the polyp and the changes it causes, there are three stages of polyps:
  • First stage - polyps cover only a small part of the nasal space
  • The second stage - the connective tissue grows so much that it covers a significant part of the lumen of the nasal cavity.
  • The third stage - polyps completely block the respiratory passage.

Symptoms of nasal polyps

A nasal polyp is a rounded formation from a few millimeters to 3-4 centimeters. It is painless, insensitive to touch, and moves easily.

With nasal polyposis, the following symptoms occur:

  • Prolonged difficulty in nasal breathing, feeling of nasal congestion. This is due to the fact that the overgrown mucosa partially or completely blocks the lumen of the nasal passage.

  • Runny nose, mucous or mucopurulent discharge. These are signs of secondary infection and intense work of the mucous glands.

  • sneezing with polyps in the nose, it occurs due to the fact that the outgrowth of the mucous membrane touches the cilia, and they perceive it as a foreign object. And sneezing is a defensive reaction that allows you to get rid of it.

  • Olfactory disorders, up to a complete loss of sensitivity to odors. With the growth of connective tissue, the work of receptor cells that perceive odors is disrupted in the polyp.

  • Headache is a consequence of compression of the overgrown tissue of nerve endings. The lack of oxygen caused by polyps causes oxygen starvation of the brain. Often pain is associated with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

  • Voice disturbances, nasality. The nose is the organ that takes part in the formation of the voice. With polyposis, the passage of air is disturbed and this causes the person to speak “into the nose”.

Treatment of nasal polyps

Treatment of polyps depends on the stage of the disease and the cause that caused the growth of the nasal mucosa. In the event that the size of the polyps is insignificant, the doctor prescribes medication.

With allergic rhinitis, which is one of the causes of the disease, a number of allergy tests are performed. This is necessary in order to determine what exactly causes allergies. After that, it is necessary to avoid contact with this substance and undergo a course of treatment with antiallergic drugs (Loratadine, Cetirizine).

If the cause is chronic inflammation of the sinuses, then these diseases are treated with antibiotics (Macropen, Ceftriaxone).

In the event that polyps are caused by aspirin intolerance, it is necessary to exclude from the menu all foods rich in salicylates (strawberries, gooseberries, cherries, currants), some food additives and dyes. Also stop taking all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that contain acetylsalicylic acid.

Treatment with topical steroids (Beclomethasone, Mometasone, Fluticasone) helps to reduce the size of nasal polyps, relieve inflammation and swelling of the mucosa. They give a good therapeutic effect, but have a significant drawback. Treatment requires long-term use of large doses of steroids, and this can cause serious side effects.
For treatment, mast cell membrane stabilizers - cromoglycates (Ketotifen, Cromoglycate sodium) are used, which can stop the release of histamine in the body. This substance causes manifestations of allergies, swelling of the mucous membranes and increased activity of the respiratory tract.

In recent years, immunotherapy has become widespread. To restore the functions of the immune system, immunocorrective preparations of bacterial origin are used (Ribomunil, Polycomponent vaccine VP-4). They contain bacterial antigens and nonspecific immunomodulators in the form of lipopolysaccharides. These funds cause the production of special antibodies in the body, which increase immunity.

In the event that the patient turned to the doctor at a late stage or when drug treatment did not work, an operation to remove polyps may be prescribed.

Indications for surgical removal of polyps are:

  1. frequent asthma attacks
  2. complete nasal congestion
  3. bloody or foul-smelling discharge from the nose
  4. severe deviated nasal septum
  5. inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
  6. smell and taste disorders
Preparing for the operation necessarily begins with a complete examination of the patient. This is necessary in order to determine the state of health and identify possible contraindications. You need to tell your doctor:
  1. What medications the person is taking (such as anti-inflammatory birth control)
  2. About the presence of chronic diseases
  3. About problems with the cardiovascular system
  4. About cases of allergy to medicines and other substances
To determine the structural features of the nose, diagnose inflammation in the sinuses, detect a curvature of the nasal septum, X-rays or computed tomography are performed.

Be sure to do blood tests: general, biochemical, clotting.

Medical preparation for surgery:

  • Ketotifen is prescribed 10 days before the procedure to eliminate allergies.
  • 3 days before surgery, a daily administration of Dexamethasone solution is prescribed to prevent inflammation, allergic reactions and edema
  • On the eve of the operation, sleeping pills and a cleansing enema are usually prescribed.
  • A few hours before the operation, a 2% solution of Clemastine (an anti-allergic and sedative drug) is administered.
  • An hour before the procedure, an injection of diphenhydramine (intramuscularly 3-5 ml of a 1% solution) and atropine sulfate (subcutaneously 1 ml of a 0.1% solution) is given, they have an analgesic and sedative effect.

How to remove nasal polyps. Operation types

Conventional polypotomy

Polypotomy is an operation that allows you to get rid of polyps using a cutting loop or a Lange hook. Its advantage is that in one procedure you can get rid of numerous polyps.

On the day of surgery, you must refrain from eating. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. 2 ml of 1% novocaine solution is injected into the area of ​​the polyp. A loop is inserted through the nostril and the polyp is captured with it. Gradually, the lumen of the loop is narrowed around the stem of the polyp and cut off. The Lange hook is used when it is necessary to remove a polyp that has arisen from the ethmoid labyrinth. The duration of the procedure is from 45 minutes to an hour.

During the operation, the patient sits in a chair and holds a kidney-shaped coxa. His head is covered with a sterile sheet. After the operation, the mucosal surface is disinfected. If necessary, the nose is plugged. Turundas soaked in vaseline are inserted into the nose and secured with a sling-like bandage. This procedure leaves no scars and bleeding is usually very minor.

After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for several days. Tampons are removed the next day and smeared with synthomycin ointment. As prescribed by the doctor, the patient goes to wash the nose. After 5-7 days, the doctor discharges the patient home. The full recovery period takes 10 to 20 days.

Contraindications to this procedure are: an acute period of colds, blood clotting disorders, heart problems. In bronchial asthma, a simple polypotomy can cause status asthmaticus. Therefore, it is advisable for such patients to choose another method for removing polyps.

A significant disadvantage of this intervention is that the polyp re-grows in 70% of cases. And the patient may need a second operation after 6-12 months.

Endoscopic surgery

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. An endoscope with a camera is inserted through the nostril into the nasal cavity. The image is displayed on the computer screen. This allows you to accurately determine the size and number of polyps and eliminate them without affecting the important structures of the nose. With the help of endoscopic equipment, all altered tissues are removed and the structures of the nose are corrected. With this method of treatment, there are no traumatic scars and scars.

After the operation, there is a feeling of discomfort, which passes quite quickly. The patient feels a significant relief of breathing. For 2-3 days, bloody or mucous (not purulent) discharge is possible. After a day, the patient is discharged home, and after 3 days he can go to work.

In the postoperative period, Pinosol oil drops are prescribed 3 times a day for a period of 5 days. Then spray Nasonex.

Contraindications: exacerbation of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis, flowering period of plants, if they are the cause of allergic rhinitis. In women, the operation is planned in such a way that it does not coincide with menstruation.

Removal with a shaver

One of the types of endoscopic surgery, when the doctor sees everything that happens on the monitor screen and is in complete control of the situation. The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia.

A shaver or microdebrider removes polyps to healthy tissue as accurately as possible. He, as it were, crushes neoplasms and sucks them up. The operation is less traumatic and allows you to preserve the healthy mucosa as much as possible. The risk of bleeding is minimal. If necessary, the doctor can correct all anatomical defects of the nose and remove polyps inside the sinuses. This is the only method after which there are practically no repeated polyps.

After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for 3-5 days. During this period, rinsing with saline is prescribed to remove residual tissue, antibiotics to prevent secondary infections. Topical steroid preparations are prescribed to prevent the re-growth of connective tissue.

Contraindications to the procedure: acute inflammatory processes, colds, the risk of allergies.

Removal of polyps with a laser

This procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis, that is, it is not necessary to go to the hospital. On this day, it is better not to eat. The patient is injected into the polyp area with an anesthetic drug. An endoscope with a camera and laser equipment are inserted into the nasal cavity. Using a laser beam, the doctor heats the cells that make up the polyp, and they evaporate. During the operation, the laser seals the vessels, and bleeding does not occur. Also, with this procedure, the possibility of infection is completely excluded. This is the least traumatic procedure, it is suitable for people with asthma and children.

After the operation, the patient should come to see a doctor for several days to control the condition of the mucosa. It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages, go to the bathhouse and play sports. This may cause bleeding. Special aerosols are often prescribed to prevent the recurrence of polyps.

A contraindication to the procedure is pregnancy, obstructive bronchitis, flowering period of plants, multiple nasal polyps. A significant disadvantage is that during this operation the sinuses are not opened and the polyposis tissue in them is not removed.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is the effectiveness of the treatment of polyps with folk remedies?

The treatment of polyps with folk remedies has been used quite widely and has been around for hundreds of years. But official medicine does not recognize the effectiveness of the use of herbs. Doctors warn that allergic reactions are often the cause of nasal polyposis. And many traditional medicine recipes are based on products such as honey, propolis, essential oils of various plants. They can increase the manifestations of allergies and worsen the situation.
At the same time, traditional medicine has not yet fully studied the problem of the occurrence of polyps and cannot guarantee that polyps will not reappear after treatment with medicines or surgery.

Treatment of polyps with folk remedies eliminates the very cause of the disease. Natural components act on the body in a complex way. They help restore the normal functioning of the nasal mucosa and reduce the size of polyps.

However, if the connective tissue has grown strongly, and the polyp has reached a large size, then with the help of natural remedies it will not be possible to get rid of it. In this case, the tumor needs to be removed. And after the operation, folk remedies are used to prevent recurrent polyps.

Treatment of nasal polyps with folk remedies

Nasal drops
  1. Recipe from a series
    The stem and flowers of fresh succession are crushed. Then pour boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. strings in 200 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes over medium heat. The resulting broth is cooled and filtered. Using a pipette, 2-3 drops are instilled into each nasal passage, 2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 20 days.

  2. Anise Drops
    It is necessary to take 15-20 g of dry anise and grind it. Pour the grass with 100 ml of alcohol and let it brew for 8 days in the refrigerator. Shake the tincture thoroughly before use. Then dilute with boiled water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:3. The resulting composition must be instilled 3 times a day, 10 drops in each nostril. The course continues for 15 days. If the polyps have not gone away, take a break for 2 days and continue treatment.

  3. Horsetail decoction for the nose
    To prepare a decoction, you need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry chopped horsetail and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Cover and let it brew for half an hour, then strain. The decoction must be alternately drawn in each nostril 10 times a day. A new portion is prepared daily.

  4. Drops from St. John's wort and celandine
    Take powder from dry St. John's wort and mix with butter in a ratio of 1:4. Steam the mixture for 7-10 minutes. Add celandine juice to the resulting mass, at the rate of 1 drop of juice per 1 teaspoon of a mixture of St. John's wort and oil. Dip 2 drops 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-15 days.
Ointments for the nose
  1. Ointment from propolis
    To prepare this medicine, you need to take 15 gr. homemade propolis, 10 gr. vaseline and 25 gr. butter. Thoroughly mix the components until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then cotton swabs are soaked with this ointment and placed in both nostrils. The procedure must be done overnight. The course of treatment lasts 20-30 days. The ointment must be stored in the refrigerator.

  2. The simplest ointment
    Take fresh, but thickened honey. Dip a cotton swab in it and anoint problem areas in the nose. Do the procedure 3 times a day for 20-30 days. Usually, before the end of the course, the polyps resolve.

  3. Ointment mix of oils
    You can make a mixture of: rosemary oil - 20%, St. John's wort oil - 20%, sea buckthorn oil - 40%, propolis tincture - 15%, honey -5%. Cotton flagella are impregnated with this composition and polyps are lubricated. The procedure must be done 5 times a day. The course lasts 10-15 days.
Nasal inhalations
  1. propolis inhalation
    Take a piece of solid propolis and put it in a metal bowl. Heat over medium heat until smoke with a characteristic odor appears. Remove the dishes from the fire and inhale the propolis smoke with your nose. Be careful! The procedure can lead to internal burns of the respiratory tract.

  2. Chamomile and celandine inhalation
    You need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped chamomile and celandine. Pour boiling water over and put on a small fire. After the broth boils, remove from heat and carefully inhale the steam. The procedure is preferably done 2 times a day for 10-15 days. Then take a break for 5 days and repeat the treatment for another 10 days.
The use of celandine for the treatment of nasal polyps

Celandine is one of the most popular plants, which is used both in folk and traditional medicine. Celandine contains alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, organic acids, vitamins A, C, essential oils. This plant has antifungal, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties, relieves swelling and heals wounds.

Due to its medicinal qualities, celandine is effectively used to combat nasal polyps. For medical purposes, the stem, roots and flowers of celandine are used. This medicinal plant is harvested during the flowering period. The root is cleaned from the ground and stored in a dark, cool place. The grass is dried and stored in paper bags.

Celandine is a poisonous plant. It is necessary to strictly follow the recipes and dosage when using any medicine from this plant.

  1. Drops from celandine
    To prepare drops, you need to take a fresh root and flowers of celandine. Rinse them thoroughly with running water. Then grind in a blender or meat grinder. Squeeze the resulting mass through gauze, decanting the juice into a clean glass container. Then let it brew for 5 days in a dark, cool place. After that, the drops are ready for use. Using a pipette, instill 2-3 drops daily into each nostril, 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 10 days.
    Juice from a freshly picked stem is also used as drops. Bury 1-2 drops of pure juice, 2 times a day, for 10-15 days. Then you need to take a break for 10 days. Repeat the course 3-5 times.

  2. Infusion of celandine
    Take 1 tsp. chopped dry celandine, place in an enameled container and pour 200 ml. steep boil. Cover with a lid and let it brew for half an hour. Strain the resulting infusion through cheesecloth. Soak cotton swabs with the product and alternately insert into each nasal passage for 15 minutes 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months. Then you need to take a break for 1 month and repeat the course.
    An infusion of celandine is also used to wash the sinuses. This method is most effective in the treatment of polyps in the nose. The infusion is poured alternately into each nostril and spit. The procedure must be done 2-3 times a day for 15 days.

How to treat nasal polyps in a child?

Polyposis is considered an adult disease, but can also develop in children. Usually in teenagers over 10 years old. Most often, antrochoanal polyps develop from the mucosa of the maxillary sinuses. The main causes of their occurrence in childhood are frequent prolonged runny noses and allergic reactions to dust particles, animal hair or fungal spores. Treatment of polyps in a child is associated with the causes that cause inflammation.

It is necessary to conduct allergy tests to establish what exactly causes irritation of the mucosa. If the patient's contact with this allergen is eliminated, then there is a chance that the polyps will stop growing and begin to decrease.
After it turns out which products are allergic, you can proceed to the treatment of polyps in a child with folk methods.

The safest procedures for the baby are salt washings. Salt solution can be purchased at a pharmacy or you can make your own. This will require a liter of boiled water and two teaspoons of sea or ordinary salt. Rinse the nose with a warm composition 4-5 times a day using a 5 ml syringe.

Salt and iodine. The composition disinfects, dries and kills the infection in the nose. To prepare it, dissolve an incomplete teaspoon of salt in 300 ml of warm water and add 3 drops of iodine. Inhale the solution alternately, then one, then the other nostrils.

Small polyps in children are treated with medications:

  • antibiotics (Augmentin, Azimed)
  • antiallergic drugs (Cetrin)
  • mast cell membrane stabilizers (ketotifen)
  • steroid drugs (beclomethasone)
In order to stop the growth of polyps, it is necessary to raise immunity. This can be done by hardening and taking vitamins, immunomodulatory drugs and special bacterial antigens (vaccines).

But if the polyps are already large enough, then surgery is required. Signs that a child needs to have polyps removed are:

  • nasal congestion for several weeks
  • smell disorders
  • headache
  • profuse mucopurulent discharge
  • hoarseness
A laser is suitable for removing single polyps in a child. This procedure is the least traumatic and does not require a long stay in the hospital.

How are nasal polyps removed?

In the event that there are indications for surgical removal of polyps in the nose and the doctor insists on surgery, the patient can choose the method of removal.
  1. Loop removal. In the ENT departments of hospitals, you will be offered a polypectomy (surgery to remove a polyp) with a cutting loop. Most often, it is performed under local anesthesia through the nostril.

  2. Endoscopic removal of polyps. An endoscope is a device that allows the surgeon to see what is happening inside the nose on a monitor screen. The device that directly removes polyps is called a shaver. It crushes the polyp tissue and removes it from the nose. Through natural openings, the shaver penetrates into the paranasal sinuses and removes polyps there. Thus, it is possible to completely get rid of the altered tissue and prevent the recurrence of the disease.

  3. Removal of polyps with a laser. The laser beam evaporates moisture from the fabric. Formations "dry" significantly decrease in size and then are easily removed. This is the most bloodless method that does not cause complications.

What to do after removal of polyps?

After removal of polyps, it is necessary to take antibiotics and steroid drugs that prevent inflammation and complications.

Oil drops should be instilled into the nose: Pinosol or sea buckthorn oil. This will speed up the healing. They are used 3-5 days 3-4 times a day.

Salt sprays are used to flush germs and allergens from the mucous membrane. They can be used for a long time; they are a prophylactic against SARS.

Assign local funds based on steroids. They do not cause systemic side effects. The drugs are designed to prevent the re-growth of polyps. They have anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. The most effective remedy is Nasonex spray.

You need to be attentive to your health. If you do not take action, the polyps can grow large, lead to sinusitis, otitis media, deviated septum, and even cancer. If on examination by a doctor, a diagnosis of "polyps" was made, do not despair. Modern traditional and folk medicine offer many treatment options for this problem.

Sakania Luiza Ruslanovna

Reading time: 5 minutes


Nasal polyps are benign formations that do not pose a danger to human life. However, such growths can interfere with breathing and cause discomfort. Polyps appear most often in men after an exacerbation of chronic rhinitis. This disease in adults has an ethmoid subspecies, and in children it has an antrochoanal subspecies. It is possible to distinguish the disease from other diseases by characteristic signs - the absence of normal breathing, dryness in the nose and crusts. Nasal congestion does not go away even after the use of nasal drops, so the person begins to breathe more often through the mouth. Because of this, lung diseases, such as asthma, are often added to rhinitis. Removal of polyps from the nose is not an emergency operation, so some do not know whether to treat the disease.

Polypous rhinosinusitis can appear for various reasons. It is impossible to establish them exactly, but there is a whole list of problems that affect the development of tumors in the sinuses:

  • frequent allergic reactions to dust, household chemicals, plants, animal hair and the appearance of a runny nose, dry cough and sneezing against this background;
  • chronic diseases and infections of the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis, sinusitis or rhinitis;
  • pregnancy, menopause or hormonal failure;
  • old injuries after blows or a fracture of the nose, for example, a curvature of the septum, due to which mucosal overgrowth occurs;
  • cysts on the mucous membranes;
  • musoviscidosis or predisposition to disorders in the mucous membrane;
  • intolerance to certain drugs based on aspirin.

The disease can be divided into several stages

The first is characterized by the appearance of a small polyp that covers only a small part of the nasal passage.

The second degree of the disease is due to the growth of the growth on most of the nasal cavity. At this time, the patient feels constant nasal congestion and a slight burning sensation.

In the third stage of rhinosinusitis, a benign formation increases so much that the nasal passage is completely closed.

How the disease develops

The cause of rhinosinusitis does not affect the development of the disease in any way - it happens the same way every time. The mucous membrane in the nasal cavity is constantly in an increased mode of activity, as it has a protective function. Thanks to the good work of the paranasal sinuses, the body manages to quickly cope with an allergic reaction, an inflammatory process, or simple dust. With this disease, the following happens: the nasal mucosa is no longer able to work in the prescribed mode, but the body needs it. He begins to restore the resources of the mucous membranes by increasing their size. Growth occurs unevenly, gradually small nodules form in the nasal passages. Initially, the cyst in the sinus of the nose is small and does not interfere with human life. After a while, the formation begins to increase in size and hang down into the nasal bands, interfering with the normal passage of air.

After the full formation of the polyp, it has a rounded or elongated shape and resembles a mushroom, pea or grape. The color of the neoplasm is pink-red, but often has a whitish tint due to poor circulation. The development of polyps, as a rule, ends after reaching stage 3. It is not able to negatively affect the work of other organs and seriously harm a person, but it brings great discomfort.

Signs of illness

The main symptoms of nasal polyps are constant congestion and copious mucus secretion. These signs do not disappear after the use of special drops and can persist for a long time. Over time, breathing becomes more and more difficult, in some cases, a short-term loss of respiratory function of one nostril is possible. In addition, during the diagnosis, the patient is diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • sinusitis, that is, the presence of an inflammatory process in the sinuses;
  • rhinitis or persistent allergic rhinitis that does not go away for a long time;
  • partial or complete loss of smell, which appears due to a decrease in areas on the mucous membrane, which are responsible for the difference in odors;
  • frequent headaches often appear against the background of poor nasal breathing, this is due to a mild form of hypoxia.

How to identify the disease

It is almost impossible to see the growths in the nose on your own, only if they are not large. An otolaryngologist or surgeon during an examination with the help of special devices will easily notice changes in the mucous membranes. The main thing is to exclude a malignant neoplasm. The following diagnostic procedures may be prescribed to confirm the diagnosis.

  1. CT scan. It helps to accurately determine the location of the growths, this information makes it possible to remove polyps in the sinuses more efficiently.
  2. Biopsy or examination of a small piece of soft tissue. A necessary procedure in order to accurately study the collected material and exclude dangerous diseases.
  3. Serological study. This procedure is required to exclude syphilis, leprosy or tuberculosis and other diseases in which seals appear on the mucous membranes.

Diagnosis is difficult in babies who cannot talk about discomfort. Be sure to visit a specialist if you find the following symptoms. First of all, you need to pay attention to how the child breathes. With polyps, he increasingly begins to breathe through his mouth. An important symptom is a constant runny nose that appears without a reason. Often a small patient can show his displeasure by rubbing his nose with his hand or being capricious. In addition, the child sometimes loses his appetite and the temperature rises to 37 degrees.

Polyp treatment

After passing the diagnosis and identifying the exact cause of impaired breathing, therapy should be started immediately. The early stage of the disease can be cured with medication, but the neglected disease is eliminated only surgically. During treatment, goals such as:

  • identifying the cause of changes in the mucous membranes;
  • reduction of the polyp with medication and restoration of nasal breathing;
  • removal of the neoplasm, if this could not be done with the help of drugs;
  • prevention of the appearance of new tumors in the nasal cavity.

Each technique has pros and cons. To figure out which procedure is better, the table will help.

Treatment methodAdvantagesFlaws
medicalSecurity and AvailabilityLack of effect or its short duration (polyps are not removed, but only stop growing), side effects
Surgical removal with a loopAvailability (conducted in each hospital)Soreness, need for general anesthesia, high risk of recurrence of polyps and complications
laser therapyThe speed of the procedure, the absence of severe pain (local anesthesia is used) and bleeding, a short recovery timeSometimes repeated removal is required, a large list of contraindications
Endoscopic polypectomyIt is possible to remove absolutely all growths, painlessness, long-term result (up to 5-7 years)Performed under general anesthesia

How to treat nasal polyps quickly and without pain?

To achieve the greatest result, complex therapy should be carried out. It consists in conservative treatment and surgical excision of the growth. The use of only one method does not give a 100% guarantee that the disease will not return after a while.

Conservative treatment

In most cases, when nasal polyps are detected, steroids are prescribed for admission. In addition to them, other medicines can be prescribed, for example, antibiotics and antiseptics, as well as drugs to increase immunity. How to remove nasal polyps without surgery:

  1. Beclomethasone. The drug is an anti-allergic agent that also relieves the inflammatory process. The components of the drug can adversely affect the immune system and adrenal glands, so beclomethasone should not be used for children under the age of 12 years. Long-term use of the drug causes a fungal disease of the nasal cavity against the background of reduced immunity. It is recommended to use together with an antimicrobial agent.
  2. Momentazol is more effective, but also adversely affects the function of the adrenal glands, so constant monitoring by a specialist is necessary. This drug quickly removes the inflammatory process, relieves itching and swollen mucous membranes, and also helps to reduce fluid in the paranasal sinuses.
  3. Fluticasone is a synthetic corticosteroid in the form of an intranasal spray approved for the treatment of children from 4 years of age. Treatment should be carried out as directed by a doctor, as the list of side effects is impressive: bleeding, dry mucous membranes, headache and unpleasant aftertaste.

Physicians' opinions on immunomodulatory drugs are divided, but long studies over the past 10 years speak of their effectiveness. They not only help to quickly suppress the acute form of most diseases, but also restore the body. Often these drugs are used in conjunction with surgical treatment.

Surgical removal of benign formations

Taking medication does not always bring the desired result, in addition, prolonged use of steroid sprays negatively affects the functioning of many internal organs. Most patients opt for a faster treatment - a method of surgical intervention. How are nasal polyps removed?

  • laser ray;
  • endoscopic nasal polypectomy;
  • Lange loop.

Surgery for nasal polyps is a mandatory measure if the patient constantly feels stuffy, breathing difficulties, snoring, loss of taste or smell, dryness and crusts may also bother him. Before the procedure, you should undergo a complete examination, which will help identify contraindications. You need to tell the specialist about the medications you take, the presence of chronic diseases and allergies to medications. Before you get rid of nasal polyps, you should definitely do an x-ray or tomography to determine the exact structure. It is necessary to pass OAZ, biochemistry and analysis for coagulability.

laser removal

This is a modern and almost painless method of getting rid of polyps in the nasal cavity. The whole procedure takes from 7 to 20 minutes, depending on the number and size of growths. During the session, the patient is given local anesthesia, which allows the removal of tumors without pain. A special device that emits laser beams causes coagulation of proteins in the tissues of the growth. Then the polyp dies off without damaging the healthy areas of the mucosa. After removal, there are no wounds, so there is no risk of infection and bleeding. Polyps in the nose after surgery are sometimes removed again after 1-2 weeks.

Endoscopic polypectomy

The second method is endoscopic polypectomy, which is performed more and more frequently. The reason for this popularity is the ability to get the device into the most inaccessible places of the sinuses. The only negative that scares most people is the operation under general anesthesia. Removal is carried out by a rhinoscopic shaver - a device with a miniature camera and nozzles. The dimensions of the cutting nozzles are selected individually, based on the location and size of the build-up. After the procedure, small wounds remain, and there is also a slight blood loss. The main advantage of this method is the ability to get rid of polyps for a long time. After such an intervention, a relapse may occur no earlier than after 5-7 years. Rehabilitation after removal of polyps in the nose is several days, during which there is no severe discomfort.

Surgical removal with loops

The most proven method is surgical removal with loops. However, the disadvantages of this method outweigh the advantages. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 60 minutes. After the procedure, polyps may begin to grow again, as the doctor removes only the visible parts of the growth. The advantages of treating polypotomy with a loop is accessibility, since this method is used in almost all public hospitals and does not require a highly qualified doctor. For some time after surgery, the patient experiences slight pain, and bleeding is also possible.

Complications after removal of polyps in the nose may develop if the doctor's recommendations are not followed. The most common is the addition of a bacterial infection. To avoid it, it is enough to treat the cavity with antiseptic solutions. In addition, the patient is concerned about bleeding, headaches and lack of smell. As a rule, it passes within 5-7 days after the operation.

The choice of the most appropriate method depends on the desires and capabilities of the person, as well as on the recommendations of the doctor. The most successful treatment is achieved after taking certain drugs and laser or endoscopic removal of polyps.

Disease prevention

Both during treatment and after it, preventive measures should be observed. It is necessary to maintain the desired humidity of the nasal cavity and stay less in rooms with dry air. If a burning sensation or itching is felt during breathing, it is recommended to lubricate the nasal mucosa with petroleum jelly, almond or peach oil. Washing with sea salt, chamomile, or a solution of salt and iodine will help get rid of mucus in the nose. To relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process, it is possible to do inhalations with various herbs: calendula, chamomile or sage.

Most doctors strongly recommend that you stop smoking and visiting places with tobacco and fire smoke or dust during therapy. When working with chemicals and household chemicals, it is necessary to use a gauze bandage or a respirator. Flowering plants should also be avoided, as pollen or the aroma of flowers can provoke a relapse.

Removing polyps and taking steroids is not the way to solve the problem. There is no exact treatment for nasal growths, but there are no other ways to get rid of polyps. That is why none of the doctors gives a guarantee that the growths will not reappear after a while. It is possible to reduce the risk of the disease by regularly visiting a specialist and observing preventive measures.

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Nasal polyps are a problem that affects approximately 4% of all inhabitants of the planet. Pathological proliferation of mucous tissues in the nasal cavities leads to the appearance of these benign formations, which may resemble peas, mushrooms or grapes in shape. As a result, the affected person feels gradually increasing nasal congestion, which, over time, gives him more and more inconvenience. When the disease reaches the last, most advanced stage, the patient can no longer breathe through his nose. In addition to the elementary inconvenience, the presence of polyps in the nasal cavities can cause a whole range of respiratory diseases in chronic and acute forms.

Why do nasal polyps appear, why are they dangerous

Nasal polyps are hypertrophied, overgrown mucous tissue that takes the form of clustered multiple tumors. The reasons for the appearance are polyetiological in nature. Their appearance can be facilitated by the anatomical features of the structure of the nasal cavities, for example, the curvature of the nasal septum or too narrow nasal passages, chronic inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes (pharyngitis, ethmoiditis, sinusitis). Allergic people with diagnosed hay fever, asthmatic bronchitis, and allergic rhinitis are susceptible to the development of polyps. Another factor that contributes to the formation of polyps is cystic fibrosis.

Against the background of chronic inflammation of the mucosa, the tissue tries to fight the destructive process in order to weaken or compensate for the pathological phenomenon. Compensatory function is carried out by increasing the area of ​​the mucous membrane, which takes the form of polyps. The good quality of formations is explained by the fact that pathological changes do not affect the structure and functions of the cells themselves, and do not cause their degeneration.

In men, this disease is determined approximately 4 times more often than in women.

The development of nasal polyps goes through three stages: at first, the polyps are of small size, and the affected person does not even feel their presence. Further, gradually, they occupy more volume of the nasal cavities, which makes it more difficult for the patient to breathe. The feeling of nasal congestion increases every day. The third stage is considered the most neglected, when a person cannot breathe normally through his nose at all, and congestion does not go away after the use of medications.

In a normal state, the air enters the body through the nose, warmed up, moistened and cleaned of small foreign particles. Constant mouth breathing, when the air is not heated to the desired temperature, contributes to the development of certain diseases:

  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pharyngitis, and some others.

Such a pathology of the respiratory tract can even shorten the life of the affected person, as it exposes him to a constant risk of various diseases in acute and chronic forms.

Diagnosis and treatment of polyps

Unpleasant symptoms that the patient himself can pay attention to are the first thing the doctor pays attention to when the patient first comes to see him. Depending on the stage of development of polyps, their manifestations may differ. At the very beginning of the disease, the patient may not feel nasal congestion, and have no problems with nasal breathing, but his voice becomes noticeable nasal.

In addition, symptoms of the appearance of polyps in the nose can be such conditions:

  • increased fatigue;
  • headache;
  • sleep and olfactory disturbances;
  • sensation of a foreign body;
  • when the polyps reach large sizes, an unpleasant aftertaste may be felt in the mouth;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • increased secretion of mucus from the nose.

The growing connective tissue can put pressure on the auditory tube, causing the patient to hear worse, and he may develop otitis media.

If nasal polyps are formed in infancy, the child develops a malocclusion and sucking movements are disturbed, he is not able to swallow the food bolus normally, so malnutrition and malnutrition are observed in such children.

The attending physician directs the patient to endoscopy and rhinoscopy to determine the cause of nasal breathing difficulty. To assess the extent of damage to polyps, a computed tomography may be prescribed.

In addition, the patient will need to pass a general blood test and a bacterial swab from the nasal cavities. If the formation of polyps occurs against the background of allergic reactions, the patient is assigned an allergy test.

Treatment of nasal polyps can occur in two ways:

  • conservative therapy;
  • surgical removal.

Conservative treatment includes drug therapy, physiological procedures (washing of cavities, special gymnastics), diet.

Surgical intervention does not require a full-fledged operation, tissue incisions or crushing of bone structures. Removal is done:

  • using an endoscope and a shaver;
  • laser.

Technology of laser removal of nasal polyps

The impact on the mucous tissue with a laser occurs in the form of a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure, which is characterized by low trauma for healthy tissues located close to the affected ones. Through the introduction of an endoscope with a camera and special optics or a camera, a nozzle producing a laser beam penetrates into the nasal cavities. The laser destroys the leg of the neoplasm, after which the cut-off tissue is removed, and the wound is subjected to coagulation. The operation is performed with minimal blood loss.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

The implementation of laser removal of polyps in the nose is prescribed in cases where the patient is concerned about such symptoms and pathologies:

  • complete violation of nasal breathing;
  • chronic sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • snoring and impaired sense of smell;
  • severe bronchial asthma, which is accompanied by nasal congestion;
  • mucopurulent discharge from the nose.

It is advisable to prescribe this method of getting rid of polyps if a single polyp is found.

Laser removal of polyps in the nose also has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • exacerbation of any infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma or allergic rhinitis;
  • acute forms of obstructive bronchitis or hay fever;
  • colds, fever, hypertension.

Any exacerbations must first be transferred to a state of remission, after which an operation can be performed.

Advantages and disadvantages of the laser removal method

A study of the statistics of the results of the procedure suggests that, compared with a traditional surgical operation, laser intervention:

  • does not require general anesthesia;
  • can be carried out not only in a hospital, but also in an outpatient clinic;
  • has a low degree of trauma;
  • carried out quickly;
  • occurs with a minimal likelihood of bleeding, due to the simultaneous coagulation of damaged tissues.

The main disadvantages of the operation are that effective laser removal is possible only if the neoplasms are small and single. It should also be noted that the procedure does not affect the causes of the disease, but only helps to cope with their consequences, so the probability of recurrence is about 50%.

How is the removal of nasal polyps with a laser

On the eve of the operation, the patient should not take food and liquids 6 hours before it starts, and dinner should be light in the evening.

Taking any medication before the procedure must be agreed with the doctor who will carry it out.

Before starting the removal, the surgeon cleans the nasal passages from pus and mucus, after which he injects local anesthesia into the operated person.

When the anesthesia has worked, the doctor inserts a laser light guide into the nasal cavity - a device that produces radiation. In 30-60 seconds, the neoplasm is heated by a laser beam to 100 degrees, its cells lose moisture and are destroyed, thanks to which the doctor can cut off the polyp at the base. With a special medical tweezers, the doctor removes the cut-off polyp. The laser beam also produces tissue coagulation.

The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes. Even though anesthesia is used, it can cause some discomfort and pain to the patient.

After completing the removal manipulations, the doctor checks their effectiveness using an endoscope. If necessary, laser exposure is repeated after 7 days.

Postoperative period: rehabilitation and recovery of the patient

Laser removal is a sparing method of surgical intervention, however, after it, it is still necessary to follow some rules that contribute to the rapid and safe healing of the wound. In the first few days after the procedure, the patient should not blow his nose or otherwise clear his nose, and it is also forbidden to eat hot food. During this period, it is undesirable to lift weights, as this can cause bleeding.

In addition, you should avoid being in the sun, as well as staying in dirty and dusty rooms. At home, it is necessary to do wet cleaning twice a day, using a gauze mask, in addition, the home must be periodically ventilated.

Allergy sufferers are shown a diet. As a restorative therapy, the doctor may prescribe some drugs - hormonal sprays, antihistamines, which can be taken 3-4 days after the intervention.

Postoperative recovery lasts approximately 14-20 days.

Laser exposure to polyps that have grown in the nasal cavity is an operation that minimally injures the mucous tissues in the nose. In the process, the doctor uses a laser beam that literally cuts off the polyp from its base, and at the same time cauterizes the wound to prevent bleeding or pathogens from entering there. At the same time, healthy, closely located tissues are practically not affected.

Once the patient is diagnosed with nasal polyposis, the main method of easing nasal breathing and reducing symptoms, today are only surgical methods in combination with further medical treatment.

The formation of polyps is based on the release of histamine and other inflammatory mediators, which, destroying and causing swelling of the epithelium, begin the formation of a polyp, after which the glandular tissue of the mucous membrane changes.

When a person with polyposis has a disorder of smell, the absence of nasal breathing, which greatly reduces the quality of life, exacerbations and attacks of bronchial asthma become more frequent, snoring and headaches appear - this is an indication for surgical removal of nasal polyps.

Operations today are performed in various ways, and such methods are still used that are quite painful and traumatic - these are polypotomy and removal of the polyp loop. These methods are accompanied by bleeding and a long postoperative recovery period, moreover, the disadvantage of their use is that only polyps located in the nasal cavity can be removed in this way, and as a rule, almost all polyps originate in the paranasal sinuses.

With the inaccessibility of polypous tissue in the sinuses after such methods of removal, neoplasms form again very quickly in the next 1-2 years. Therefore, the most modern, progressive technology is endoscopic surgery using a shaver.

Endoscopic removal of polyps

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery or Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is an innovative technique based on the use of modern endoscopic equipment. This allows otolaryngologists to perform surgical manipulations with a minimal risk of complications and a lower degree of injury. When carrying out such a removal, benign neoplasms are completely removed, which reduces the risk of recurrence by 50%, and healthy tissues are not subjected to unnecessary trauma.

When choosing a method and a surgeon, what should you pay attention to? Choose Endoscopic FESS operation, that is, so that the use of a shaver or microdebrider occurs under navigation control - this is the most modern and effective method, since without a navigator, it is quite difficult to clean all the chambers of the lattice labyrinth. If this is not done, after 3-6 months the "mycelium" of the polypous tissue can again grow new polyps, since the remaining polypous tissue, like the mycelium, creates the conditions for the formation of new polyps. And the patient enters the pipeline of new operations and financial expenses. It is also very important that the doctor performing endoscopic surgery perform such operations regularly and have extensive experience with this equipment.

There are 3 ways to remove polyps:

  • endoscopy, instruments - without a shaver it is difficult to clean deep and small cells
  • endoscopy, shaver
  • endoscopy, navigation, shaver — the safest method

If the patient is indicated for surgical treatment, but his bronchial asthma or obstructive bronchitis worsens during the planned operation, as well as during the seasonal period, the operation should be postponed and performed only during the period of remission. Surgery is also contraindicated for:

  • Heart failure, ischemic heart disease
  • Serious diseases of the internal organs
  • Acute infectious diseases
  • Even a slight malaise, a cold, an increase in blood pressure should be a reason for postponing the operation.
  • Exacerbation of allergic reactions and bronchial asthma

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

  • The advantages of endoscopic surgery are that it does not require any incisions, the whole process is carried out through the nose - endonasally.
  • Using endoscopic equipment, the operating surgeon sees what he is doing on the monitor and has access to all inaccessible parts of the sinuses and nasal cavity, which is not possible with conventional surgery.
  • Such precise devices as a debrider or a shaver work with minimal trauma to healthy tissue and mucosa, with millimeter accuracy.
  • Minimal bleeding is also an advantage.
  • This operation is performed in a hospital and takes the patient 3-7 days.
  • Almost 80% of patients are satisfied with the results, because they experience great relief, they leave those symptoms that they had before the removal of polyps with an endoscope.

Disadvantages: Any operation to remove nasal polyps does not eliminate the true cause of their occurrence, therefore, re-pathological growth of polyposis tissue occurs quite often, in 50% of patients. But this usually happens a few years after a successful operation.

How is endoscopic surgery performed?

Endoscopic removal is carried out by means of endovideosurgical visualization with screening of the surgical field on the monitor. In this case, special modern tools are used:

  • A debrider (shaver, microdebrider) is a device that draws polyp tissue into its tip and shaves it at the base.
  • Headlight
  • Endoscope with optics with different angles of inclination
  • Special nasal mirrors

The operation takes place under general anesthesia, its duration and complexity depend on the clinical picture of polyposis and the number of sinuses in which drainage should be improved and fistulas should be opened. Affordable visualization and high accuracy of the shaver allow the most thorough removal of polypous tissue and polyps in all parts of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Therefore, after such a procedure, the remission time increases, relapses are recorded less frequently and after a longer time than after other surgical methods.

By clearing the paranasal sinuses in this way, further postoperative treatment and repeated interventions to remove new formations are simplified and become as effective as possible. How is endoscopic removal of nasal polyps performed with a shaver?

After the introduction of anesthesia, the patient falls asleep after a few minutes. The anesthesiologist places a plastic tube through the mouth into the trachea to allow breathing during the operation. Both heartbeat and respiration are recorded during the operation. Since modern technology allows removal through the nostrils, no incisions are made, endoscopes and lights are used to better view the nasal cavity.

With the help of special bone instruments, as well as suction - a shaver or a debrider, the paranasal sinuses are opened, from which all modified tissues, polyps that block fistulae are removed. If an endoscopic FESS is performed, the surgeon both removes the nasal polyps and can correct the deviated nasal septum and take biopsy tissue and open the sinus fistula. After the operation, special tampons are left in the nasal cavity, they are removed the next day in the morning.

Preoperative preparation

  • Before any surgical intervention, it is very important to conduct a thorough preoperative preparation:

At the consultation, the necessary list of tests that need to be passed to the patient is discussed. Be sure to do a CT scan of the paranasal sinuses, a coagulogram, a general and biochemical blood test. It should also be determined whether the patient needs a preliminary endoscopic examination in order to determine in advance the scope of work and technically difficult areas, this will help the surgeon both reduce time and improve the quality of the operation.

  • 7 days before surgery

If the patient has severe nasal polyposis, prednisolone 40 mg every day is prescribed a week before the planned operation. With active infection in the nasal cavity, anti-inflammatory antimicrobial therapy is prescribed. Also, NSAIDs, aspirin, vitamin E, which affect blood clotting, are excluded for a week.

  • One day before surgery

On the eve of the operation, a light dinner is allowed in the evening, and for 6 hours you can neither drink nor eat, with, you can only rinse your mouth with water.

Postoperative period

After any surgical intervention, it takes time for the nasal mucosa to recover. Since the activity of the ciliated epithelium decreases in the period after the operation, the circulation of mucus in the nasal cavity is disturbed, which increases the risk of penetration and reproduction of various infections, so hygiene of the nasal cavity is very important. The next morning, the patient is removed tampons, while in the nasal cavity there is an accumulation of crusts, blood, fibrin plaque is formed.

At this time, in no case should you blow your nose, take hot food. It is only necessary to carefully remove mucus and crusts from the vestibule of the nose. Usually, nasal breathing returns quickly, and the sense of smell is restored sometimes within a month. Doctors consider that the operation was successful if symptoms such as blockage of the outflow in the nasal cavity are observed - this is a headache, and pain in some parts of the face.

Possible complications after surgery:

  • Infectious complications
  • Bleeding
  • Adhesions and formation of adhesions in the nasal passages
  • Re-growth of new nasal polyps.

Anti-relapse postoperative treatment:

Since any method of removal does not eliminate the causes of tissue growth, therefore, postoperative anti-relapse treatment is suggested. (cm. ). After the operation, already at home, the patient can wash the nose with ready-made pharmaceutical products, such as Physiometer, Aquamaris, Allergol Dr. Thais, Marimer, Physiomer, Quicks, Atrivin-More, Gudvada.

And you should also take antihistamines - Zodak, Erius, Loratadin, Claritin (list of the best modern ones).

After the operation, dosed hormonal aerosols are always prescribed, such as Flixonase, Nazarel, Asmanex, Aldecin, Avamys, Benorin, Nasonex, Baconase, Rinoclenil, Nasobek, Beclomethasone.

Also, allergy sufferers with hay fever should follow a diet, especially during the flowering period of allergenic plants, according to the list of products that cause cross allergies (see table in the article and).

Over the next year, the patient should be seen by an otolaryngologist every 3 months, and allergy sufferers should also be seen by an immunologist-allergist. If nasal polyps are not caused by hay fever, then after surgery and after drug anti-relapse treatment, supplement with homeopathic or.

Removal of polyps with a polyp loop

Special forceps or polyp snare is also a method used in some clinics. The disadvantage of this method is the pain of the operation, since local anesthesia cannot penetrate deep into the sinuses and only those polyps that have fallen out of the sinuses into the nasal cavity can be removed. And most polyps grow from the paranasal sinuses, so this method is not effective and relapses occur quite quickly. It is also a very atraumatic method with significant bleeding.

laser removal

This is a more progressive method, less traumatic than loop removal, practically bloodless. (cm. ). It can be performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, the procedure takes only 20 minutes. But a significant drawback is that only single polyps are removed in this way; with multiple polyposis, this method is not used.

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