View full version. Cleaning the uterus after childbirth: the main consequences for a woman Curettage after cesarean

Many women who have given birth to a child are faced with the need to clean the uterus. However, not all types of this procedure are painful. In addition, there are folk methods for cleaning the uterus after childbirth.

In what cases is it necessary to clean the uterus after childbirth?

The most important organ responsible for the successful course of pregnancy and the birth of a child is the uterus. It is on her that the greatest burden is placed during the course of these processes.

After childbirth, the uterus begins to clear itself of the membranes that surround the fetus throughout the pregnancy. This is called the birth of the afterbirth. The placenta, which includes the umbilical cord and the membrane of the fetus, must come out completely. If this does not happen, immediately after the birth process, the obstetrician-gynecologist can perform a manual cleaning of the uterus to get out the unexpired remains. Complete cleansing of the uterus occurs in 7-8 weeks and is a process similar to menstruation.

Before discharge from the hospital, each woman is checked with an ultrasound machine for the presence of blood clots in the uterus and, if they are found, a cleaning is prescribed. A woman should never give up on her.

Timely control of postpartum cleansing of the uterus is important and can prevent the development of complications:

  • all residues in the uterus can begin to decompose, creating favorable conditions for the development of bacteria;
  • the clot can adhere to the uterus, causing the development of endometriosis.

A uterine cleansing scheduled for a new mother is likely to delay discharge from the hospital by a few days. Carrying out the procedure in the next three days after childbirth makes it less painful, because the cervix has not yet had time to fully contract and it will not have to be expanded.

If at the maternity hospital the newly-made mother was not checked for the presence of clots in the uterus, then it is worth contacting the clinic at the place of residence or a paid clinic

If you were not checked for clots with an ultrasound machine at the maternity hospital, contact your local polyclinic or paid clinic to check your uterus.

How to clean the uterus after childbirth

Cleaning the uterus after childbirth is usually carried out according to the indications of ultrasound within 3-5 days after childbirth:

  1. Before the procedure, the woman is given general or local anesthesia.
  2. Then the patient's external genitalia and inner thigh are treated with iodine or another antiseptic, and the vagina and cervix with ethanol.
  3. Using dilators of different sizes, the cervix is ​​opened and the uterus itself is cleansed.

The whole operation lasts no more than 25 minutes. After the cleaning, a repeated ultrasound of the uterus is prescribed to control its complete cleansing.

Depending on the type of instruments used, cleaning the uterus is divided into several types:

  • vacuum cleaning;
  • manual (mechanical) cleaning;
  • washing (lavage).

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus

Vacuum cleaning - cleansing the uterus from blood clots or placenta residues using a special apparatus - a vacuum pump. This effective method avoids injury to the cervix and walls of the uterus.

The procedure is most often performed under local anesthesia, so that the woman does not experience pain. During the operation, the patient can feel only unpleasant feelings of curettage. Before cleaning, the obstetrician-gynecologist examines the woman's birth canal, then treats them with antiseptics. Further, with the help of special dilators, the cervix is ​​gradually opened and the organ itself is cleansed.

The principle of operation of a vacuum pump is similar to that of an ordinary vacuum cleaner. With the help of this device, negative pressure is created in the uterus, which allows excess elements to come out.

The procedure lasts from twenty minutes to half an hour and is carried out only in a medical institution by experienced personnel.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus is a gentle method of cleaning

Cleansing the uterus using a vacuum pump is the most painless method of cleaning for a woman who has just given birth.

Manual (mechanical) cleaning of the uterus

If a small number of blood clots are found in the uterus after childbirth, the doctor may try to get rid of them without surgery by pressing his hands on the patient's stomach. In other situations, manual (mechanical) cleaning of the uterus is prescribed.

The process of manual cleaning of the uterus is performed using a special obstetric instrument - a curette.

All preoperative measures for manual cleaning of the uterus are identical to those for vacuum cleaning. The very process of cleansing the organ is carried out using a special obstetric instrument - a curette. Sometimes an obstetric curette can be serrated. The procedure for manual cleaning of the uterus does not last long, usually no more than twenty minutes. During the operation, blood clots are scraped out, after which a new healthy mucous layer grows in the uterus.

Three days after giving birth in the maternity hospital, I had an ultrasound scan, which also revealed the presence of a small amount of blood clots. The obstetrician-gynecologist and part-time uzist began to clean the clots with my hand, the second pressing on my stomach. This manipulation did not last long - about 1–1.5 minutes. It was painful and uncomfortable. Immediately during the procedure, several clots came out. I was left in the hospital for one more day. The next day, the procedure was repeated, after which several blood clots came out again. Then I was again checked for ultrasound, they said that everything was fine, and they let me go home. I managed such a mini-cleansing in the maternity hospital, rejoicing that I did not have to undergo a full-fledged operation.

Video: how the uterus is cleaned by the doctor's hand

Lavage (washing) of the uterus

Lavage (washing) of the uterus is a procedure performed after childbirth to cleanse the body of the uterus from unexpired blood clots or particles of membranes.

A special thin tube is inserted into the uterine cavity, through which an antiseptic solution is injected:

Lavage of the uterus is carried out by two main methods:

  • self washing. A rubber tube is inserted into the genital tract, through which antiseptic preparations are poured into the uterine cavity. The contents of the uterus pour out spontaneously. For the best effect of the procedure, an ice pack may be applied to the abdomen;
  • aspiration method. A silicone tube is attached to the complex for intravenous injection, through which a disinfecting cold liquid is poured into the body of the uterus. Removal of blood clots and fluid is performed using an electric aspirator.

The washing itself goes through the main stages:

  1. The patient's genitals are treated with an antiseptic.
  2. A speculum is inserted into the vagina and the cervix is ​​found.
  3. In order to achieve the best washing effect, a tube is inserted as deeply as possible into the uterine cavity.
  4. A cooled antiseptic solution is injected into the uterine cavity under a slight pressure to make a jet. Such washing lasts no more than 25 minutes.
  5. The pressure of introducing the solution is reduced and the procedure is continued for another 100–120 minutes.

To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to carry out up to 4-5 washing sessions. It all depends on the degree of clogging of the uterus. With a small number of blood clots, one session may be enough.

For lavage, antiseptic preparations are used:

Novocain or Lidocaine is used as an anesthetic. In one washing session, about three liters of fluid is poured into the uterine cavity. The solution of antiseptics must be cooled to 5 ° C, which creates an additional effect of reducing sensitivity. After the procedure, to exclude the development of complications, patients are prescribed an antibiotic.

Consequences of cleaning the uterus

If the doctor has prescribed a cleaning of the uterus, then the procedure is mandatory, because complications will come not because of the cleaning, but because of the refusal to undergo it. After the operation, the endometrium (the inner lining of the body of the uterus) will gradually recover. The uterus will be covered with a new healthy layer of epithelium.

However, the consequences of cleaning the uterus cannot be completely ruled out. In some cases, there may be:

  • uterine bleeding. Such a phenomenon after cleaning occurs infrequently. It usually affects those women who previously had problems with blood clotting;
  • hematometers - retention of liquid blood or blood clots in the genitals. Such a pathology after cleaning is quite rare and occurs due to severe clamping or spasm of the muscles of the cervix or vagina. To avoid hematomas, obstetrician-gynecologists can prescribe Aspirin or No-shpu. These drugs help relieve muscle spasm, providing free cleansing of the female genital organ;
  • endometritis - inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus. It can occur due to the penetration of bacteria and microbes into the wounded surface of the uterus. To exclude the occurrence of endometritis, it is necessary to drink a course of antibiotics.

With proper and delicate cleaning, the risk of negative consequences after the procedure is reduced to zero. Therefore, do not be afraid of the operation and its consequences. Agree to the intervention of doctors.

Folk ways to clean the uterus after childbirth

You can speed up the recovery of the female genital organ with the help of herbs that help stabilize the hormonal background and contractions of the uterus. The action of such herbs stimulates muscle tone and improves immunity.

Drinks that help cleanse the uterus include:

  • nettle infusion. Nettle is very popular as a folk remedy because of its availability. To prepare the infusion, pour 5 tablespoons of dry nettle into 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew until cool. You can drink liquid half a glass up to 3-4 times a day. Nettle promotes uterine contractions, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect;

    Nettle extract has an anti-inflammatory effect

  • infusion of young birch leaves. It must be prepared from young May birch leaves. The tool has an antiseptic effect, and also helps to increase the tone of the uterus. To prepare the infusion, pour 3 tablespoons of crushed leaves into 600 ml of boiling water and let it brew for about three hours. The chilled drink must be filtered and taken 200 ml 3 times a day. You can start using such a tool only two weeks after childbirth;
  • infusion from a shepherd's bag. It promotes uterine contractions after childbirth, stimulates blood circulation and has an invigorating effect. It is necessary to pour 30 grams of grass into 600 ml of boiling water and let it brew until cool. After the drink, strain and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day;
  • viburnum juice. For the preparation of the product, you must use only fresh berries. Juice should be drunk immediately after preparation, without leaving the next time. To increase the tone of the uterus, you need to drink 3-4 tablespoons of fresh viburnum juice per day.

In addition to herbs, the tone of the uterus and the removal of clots contribute to:

  • moderate physical activity;
  • frequent emptying of the bladder.

How to avoid cleaning the uterus after childbirth

When I was in the hospital, I was advised to go to the toilet frequently to urinate and to do reasonable exercise to stimulate the removal of clots. To activate uterine contraction, an oxytocin drip was placed. After discharge, he was prescribed to drink a course of pepper water extract (highlander pepper herb), which increases the tone of the uterus, stimulating its contractions. I took orally 30 drops 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of admission was 5-7 days.

The release of blood clots after childbirth is normal and even necessary. However, if there are few clots or, according to the results of an ultrasound scan, a woman has seen stagnation of blood clots, certain actions can be performed that contribute to the release of excess blood and help in some cases to avoid cleaning the uterus:

  • apply cold or ice to the stomach;
  • breastfeed your baby more often and longer. This promotes the production of the hormone oxytocin, which leads to uterine contractions;
  • actively move, perform acceptable physical exercises that are allowed for new mothers;
  • lie on your stomach;
  • empty your bladder more often.

After a caesarean section, there may also be problems with the removal of blood clots from the uterus, since:

  • physical activity is contraindicated;
  • breast milk may come slowly.

Therefore, young mothers who have undergone CS are prescribed injections or oxytocin droppers even in the maternity hospital.


My husband asked a question in the "Diseases of the cervix and external genitalia" section, but did not receive an answer. Here is the link

Perhaps not according to the rules, he asked the question, in the wrong section. Therefore, I myself ask the question in this section (I don’t know exactly which section my problem belongs to).

I am 27 years old, height 157 cm, weight 51 kg. First child. She gave birth to a boy on January 23rd. They did an emergency caesarean. The birth began in the maternity hospital, I was there for 5 days, because the term had already come, that is, the gestation period was 40 weeks + 5 days. At about 16:00, the waters broke, then it seemed like the usual course of childbirth, from 18:00 to 23:00 there were contractions, but the cervix almost did not open, so they did a cesarean.
Discoordination of labor activity - such a diagnosis was.
They said the cervix had collapsed. They did an ultrasound in the maternity hospital, it showed that not everything came out of the uterus, but not fatally. They said that you can take a tincture of water pepper and candles with belladonna. They let me go home.
After 2 days, I came to the gynecologist's appointment, clarified about the tincture and suppositories (there was no water pepper tincture in the city), the gynecologist said that there was no tincture - and no need, you can use belladonna candles, which I did for about a week. Bloody discharge from the vagina was observed from candles with belladonna, after a week she stopped using candles, because there was a burning sensation during urination.
On February 14, an ultrasound scan was performed at the antenatal clinic, which showed that the uterus was enlarged, but there was nothing in it. The gynecologist prescribed Noshpa and Oxytocin injections, once a day, first noshpa, 10 minutes later oxytocin. The first 3 days were done 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening (I misunderstood the doctor), after that, an examination by a gynecologist, he said that it visually became better. Then another 5 days injections 1 time per day. Then an ultrasound, which showed that there were no changes.
The gynecologist wanted to send him to the hospital for a cleaning, but after consulting with someone, he prescribed a choice: suppositories with indomethacin 10 pcs, 1 pc for the night, or wobenzin (I wrote it down as we understood wobenzym). Take 2 weeks, then for examination, if it does not help, then they will be sent to the hospital for cleaning.
I am breastfeeding, in the instructions for suppositories it is written that they cannot be used during lactation. Wobenzym, as we understand, it is not at all clear that no one needs this.

We read about the "cleansing", it can be dangerous to health and simply painful (they say that some people discourage all desire to give birth to more children). I understand that it is often necessary, but do I need it? Maybe some other medication is needed?
Going to the hospital is very problematic, especially if for a long time, because I'm afraid for breastfeeding (after cesarean there was very little milk, now I'm afraid to lose it).
They write that during a cesarean they clean everything up, that is, if I have something left there, was the cesarean operation poorly performed?

Here are the results of the ultrasound of the uterus from February 14th.
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Childbirth is a complex process for the body. A woman experiences a lot of stress, which can lead to complications. What discharge from the uterus is normal, and what should be feared? What symptoms should cause concern and referral to the hospital?

Blood clots in the uterus after childbirth

During pregnancy and childbirth, the uterus is subjected to the greatest test and stress. It is with the help of this organ that the child matures, the process of his birth, after which she pushes out the placenta (the membrane of the fetus, the umbilical cord, which connected the baby with the mother and the placenta). But despite the fact that most of the remnants (lochia) are released immediately after the completion of the birth process, a part still remains in the uterus. Therefore, if a clot has left the uterus after childbirth, then do not panic. The remainder of the placenta comes out gradually. The process can take up to six to eight weeks.

The discharge of lochia is similar to clots after childbirth in the uterus. The first days they are quite plentiful and have a bright scarlet color. Over time, they become lighter. As a result, lochia stand out almost transparent color.

Several periods of increased discharge can be noted:

  • Lactation. At this moment, there is an active contraction of the muscles of the reproductive organ, which contributes to its purification from unnecessary elements.
  • On rising abruptly from bed. It may even cause nagging pain.

The allocation of lochia is reduced gradually over several months. The most intensive process is the first week, then gradually becomes less and less noticeable. As a rule, after two months, the reproductive organ stops secreting clots after childbirth in the uterus, which indicates that a complete cleansing has occurred.

The process of cleansing the uterine cavity may be accompanied by pulling painful sensations that gradually disappear. The reason for this is the contraction of the reproductive organ. The pain will stop when the uterus returns to its original size and shape.

This is normal for a woman. During the period when lochia is especially abundant, the woman in labor is under the supervision of a doctor and medical personnel.

Woman's behavior

The first few days after the long-awaited process of childbirth, the discharge is especially plentiful. At this time, you need to carefully monitor hygiene and use special medical pads. After the discharge becomes moderate, you can switch to the use of regular pads, and then daily ones. Remember to change your hygiene products regularly.

Discharging from maternity hospital

Before sending a woman in labor home, an ultrasound examination is performed. It examines the uterine cavity for the presence of large lochia. If you have not had an ultrasound examination, then contact the clinic at the place of registration or residence. The procedure can protect you from complications.

If any deviations are found, the statement is postponed to a later date. There should be no clots left in the uterus at all. Otherwise, a woman may be prescribed a procedure such as cleaning after childbirth. If clots are found in the first two or three days after the long-awaited moment, when the walls of the uterus have not yet contracted, then the procedure for cleansing the genital organ will be less unpleasant, because you will not have to expand the walls.

Curettage after childbirth

The procedure is an operation that is performed in a hospital. Cleaning after childbirth is sometimes just a necessary procedure. During it, the doctor removes all the remnants of the placenta that remain in the uterus. This avoids pain and inflammation in the future. The process itself is performed under anesthesia, so the woman does not feel pain.

Causes of placenta remnant

If clots remain in the uterus after childbirth, then the possible reasons for this may be:

  • Low activity of the walls of the uterus, which leads to ineffective contractions. The cause of the problem, as a rule, is a decrease in the level of such a female hormone as prolactin. It is he who promotes uterine contractions and the removal of amniotic membranes.
  • The presence of a bend in the isthmus of the uterus. This may be an innate feature of the body. During the period of active secretions, blockage of the passage may occur, which will lead to an inflammatory reaction. The presence of such a feature is established by conducting an ultrasound examination. In its absence, the woman herself will be able to recognize the danger by the main symptom of the bend - a sharp stop in the discharge.

When should you seek medical help?

If blood clots come out, what is it, the doctor will be able to tell for sure. Even after the doctor confirms that all is well and goes home, the woman should pay special attention to her discharge. As soon as some strange symptoms appear, it is not worth delaying a visit to the doctor.

The reason to consult a gynecologist should be:

  • If blood clots in the uterus after childbirth have a bright scarlet color and are accompanied by painful sensations.
  • Very heavy bleeding.
  • If the discharge continues after two months.
  • If lochia smells and is accompanied by itching.
  • An increase in body temperature and the cessation of the release of lochia.
  • If there are pauses in the discharge for several days.

Precautionary measures

Compliance with simple rules will help to avoid the occurrence of complications and pathologies.

  • Observe personal hygiene. Wash your genitals several times a day. This helps to reduce the risk of an inflammatory reaction.
  • Refrain from strenuous exercise, as well as lifting heavy weights.
  • Take good care of your chair. There should be no delays or constipation.
  • Lie on your back once or twice a day. This posture stimulates the lochia to come out.
  • After childbirth, it is recommended to apply ice on the abdomen. This helps to reduce blood loss.

Possible Complications

If you find yourself having alarming symptoms, then you should not delay a visit to the gynecologist. Otherwise, it can lead to complications such as:

  • The development of endometriosis is the process of inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus.
  • The beginning of subinvolution - stop the muscle contractions of the uterus.
  • Clogging of the uterus, which will lead to an inflammatory reaction.
  • The development of the inflammatory process due to the growth of infection.

After the examination, the gynecologist sends the woman for an ultrasound examination in order to determine the exact cause of the pathology, after which, as a rule, she cleans the uterus. In some situations, it is possible to limit yourself to medical treatment. In this case, the woman is prescribed antibiotics. With natural feeding, the doctor selects a drug that is acceptable to use during this period. In any case, it is recommended not to neglect the precautionary measures. So, it is better to feed the baby before taking the drug. The entire period of treatment, give the baby lacto- and bifidobacteria. They will help to avoid problems with the still unformed intestines.


Thus, clots after childbirth in the uterus and their release is a normal physiological process. Knowing the symptoms of complications and inflammation, a woman should not be afraid.

Natural childbirth is a rather difficult and long physiological process that requires a lot of strength and patience from a woman. It can be conditionally divided into several stages: the onset of labor, the birth of a child and the birth of an afterbirth. The appearance of the shell in which the fetus developed is the completion of the birth processes: it depends on its integrity whether cleaning will be carried out after childbirth, or, in medical terms, postpartum curettage.

You should not be afraid and, moreover, refuse this procedure: first of all, specialists will definitely examine the condition of the uterus, and find out the validity of the curettage. In order to more accurately understand the meaning of such an action as cleaning after childbirth, a woman should have at least a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reasons for the need for curettage, as well as the consequences of refusing it.

Scraping - cleaning help to the body

It must be said that the well-known expression: “Man is a social animal” finds confirmation in all manifestations of human life, from the moment of conception to death. The process of childbirth is no exception: in the wild, the birth of any animal is governed by the principles of natural selection, and only human children are born under the supervision of medical specialists. It is thanks to the institution of obstetrics that many women maintain their health, the possibility of re-conception, and sometimes even their lives (not to mention the health and life of their child) - and therefore one should trust the professionalism of people who are called to protect the life and health of their patients. Believe me: without proper reason, cleaning the uterus after childbirth is not carried out - especially with such a level of medical diagnostics as it is today.

The fact is that the integrity of the placenta can be violated for some reason: the exfoliation of the amniotic membranes and placenta from the tissues of the uterus may be incomplete - particles of the baby placenta can remain on the walls of the uterus or in its cavity, causing many diseases.

Subinvolution of the uterus occurring after childbirth

First of all, the pieces of tissue (or blood clots) that linger in the uterus undergo decay, becoming an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and viruses - and this can already lead to necrosis of surrounding tissues and blood poisoning, not to mention inflammatory processes of varying severity.

In addition, even microscopic particles of the afterbirth, being in the uterine cavity, are perceived by the body as alien - and therefore the body seeks to get rid of them, spending its (already depleted) protective resources. As a result, the recovery postpartum period is delayed, which increases the possibility of infection of the genital organs, and the return of a woman to her normal rhythm of life is postponed indefinitely.

In order to avoid such postpartum complications, vacuum or manual (scraping) cleaning is carried out after childbirth.

If you allow yourself a figurative comparison, then the work of a gynecologist, in this case, can be compared with the services of a cleaning company. Any hostess is able to maintain order in the house, but sometimes it is difficult to cope with the consequences of especially violent parties or visiting too “liberated” guests alone. Then professionals come to the aid of cleaning, who will quickly and efficiently restore perfect order and sterile cleanliness: there will be no trace of food leftovers, crumbs in the cracks, dirty shoe prints, which means that the threat of “invasion” of cockroaches and microorganisms harmful to health will disappear. .

The process of postpartum cleansing and its consequences

It should be noted that in the case of a caesarean section, curettage is carried out much more often, and in some clinics it is considered a mandatory procedure. This order is due to the fact that labor activity during cesarean section is smoothed out (or completely absent) - and therefore the natural separation of the placenta does not occur. Of course, in the uterine cavity, after removing the child from it, there are multiple remnants of the fetal membranes - and they pose a threat to the health of the woman.

What is the best gift to give to a friend or relative for discharge from the hospital?

As for natural childbirth, the statement is popular in the obstetric environment: the average woman gives birth twice in one visit to the maternity hospital (and multiple pregnancy has nothing to do with it). In fact, the exit of the placenta is comparable to the birth of another child - the mechanism of the process is the same.

However, if the birth lasted a long enough time, then the woman may simply not have the strength for the final attempts - which means that the intensity of uterine contractions may not be enough to fully separate the fetal membranes of the placenta from the uterine tissue. Too strong attachment of the tissues of the fetal egg to the walls of the uterus can also complicate the situation. In both cases, the doctor taking delivery has to separate the placenta manually: the result of such an intervention may be pieces of fetal tissue, as well as blood clots remaining in the uterus.

To exclude the possibility of incomplete cleansing of the uterus from foreign residues, a woman is examined in a gynecological chair using mirrors, and an ultrasound of the uterus is also done - and if a pathology is detected, curettage or vacuum cleaning of its inner layer is prescribed.

A planned cleaning operation lasts about 20 minutes and is carried out using local or general anesthesia, in compliance with all surgical standards, including the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.

Specialists, with the help of obstetric devices, dilate the cervix, and then scrape out the functional layer of the uterine surface with a special curette. The peculiarity of this tissue (endometrium) is in the ability to regenerate: a new uterine mucosa is formed from the lower layers of the endometrium, which does not have the slightest damage - and the functionality of the uterus is restored.

Fast recovery guarantee

As a rule, cleaning after CS and ordinary childbirth practically does not differ in the method of implementation. The rehabilitation period in both cases is also almost the same - it lasts about 2 weeks (unless, of course, the birth canal was damaged in the case of orthodox childbirth). The first days after the cleaning, the woman should be under strict medical supervision - the doctor monitors the symptoms of the recovery process: body temperature, pulse rate, abdominal pain on palpation - according to these parameters, the specialist can draw the correct conclusion about the patient's condition and her readiness for discharge.

Solving the problem of how to go to the toilet for a woman after childbirth

Medicines prescribed during this period contribute to the speedy recovery and stop the development of inflammatory processes: as a rule, these are no-shpa and antibiotics. Naturally, for this time you should refrain from breastfeeding - and for this you will need to express milk.

An important role in the rehabilitation period after cleansing is played by the observance of certain restrictions: at this time it is recommended to refrain from vaginal sex, swimming in any water bodies (including taking baths), visiting baths and saunas - the risk of pathogens entering the uterus is too high. In addition, at this time, you should avoid lifting weights over 3 kg and limit the intensity of sports, as such actions can provoke bleeding.

After hearing a lot of horror stories about cleaning, I realized one very important thing: the less you know, the calmer you are. Of course, it is clear that cleaning is not the most pleasant option for your main event in life, therefore, women who have experienced these sensations do not intend to keep emotions in themselves and embellish everything significantly when telling a story. And therefore, it is better for pregnant women to refrain from such stories. And so that, even if you have heard something about cleaning, you should not be afraid of this process, because this does not mean that you will need it, you need to find out as much information as possible. And at the same time, do not use the stories of mothers, but medical information, which is based on real facts and is not embellished with emotions.

Absolutely any woman gives birth twice: first the child, and then the placenta, which connected her to the child throughout the pregnancy. Usually mothers do not even pay attention to the birth of the placenta, since a small treasure already lies on their chest. But there are always exceptions to the rules and therefore this does not always happen. There are cases when the placenta is very firmly connected to the uterus and is born partially or does not come out at all. Then doctors are forced to clean the uterus manually. Exactly the same procedure is mandatory after a caesarean section. And before being discharged from the hospital, usually 2-3 days after birth, an ultrasound is done to make sure that there are no placental remains in the uterus and there are no complications. If the uterus was poorly cleaned and the remains of the placenta or blood clots were found in it, then the woman is prescribed a cleaning.

How is cleaning done after childbirth?

In another way, doctors call cleaning scraping. Women who have had an abortion are very familiar with this unpleasant procedure. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the uterus is very carefully scraped out - an operation to mechanically remove the endometrial layer. But don't worry. That the shell will not recover. The germ layers of the endometrium remain on the surface, from which the surface of the uterus will be restored.
Usually cleaning is carried out under general anesthesia in a gynecological chair. In order to kill microbes, the external genitalia should be treated with an iodine solution, and the vagina and cervix with alcohol. Then, using different dilators, the cervix is ​​opened and the remnants of the placenta or blood clots are removed. This operation takes an average of 20 minutes.

How to behave after cleaning?

After the woman is cleaned, she must be under the supervision of doctors. They will make sure that there is a normal temperature, pulse and vaginal discharge are also within the normal range. Also, we must not forget that 2 times a day it is necessary to treat the external genital organs with antiseptics. You should also not lift weights, play sports, take a bath for about 2 weeks after cleaning the uterus. In no case should you have vaginal sex so that the cervix remains open and it is very easy to catch an infection. To prevent inflammation, doctors usually prescribe antibiotics.

Since cleaning is a rather painful procedure, pain in the lower abdomen may occur for some time after it. Such pain can be relieved by taking no-shpy tablets, but only as directed by a doctor. They will also help prevent the occurrence of complications, including hematometers (when the uterus stops contracting and clearing, and the discharge stops). Of course, other complications may arise. But if you follow all the doctor's instructions as correctly as possible, then any

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