Solitaire "Kyiv Soothsayer" online divination for the future, love and relationships. Comments on divination "Kyiv fortune teller"

Solitaire is a simple card game designed for one person, in which, following certain rules, the participant tries to create his own pattern and structure of symbols. Solitaires are also used in fortune-telling, among them solitaire Kyiv fortune teller.

Some sources claim that this type of single card game originated in the 12th century on the territory of Kievan Rus. But given that the craze for solitaire among the nobles occurred in Europe in the 17th-18th centuries, and at first solitaire did not involve fortune-telling and ordinary playing cards were used for the layout, then it would be more likely that some noble Russian traveler brought solitaire for entertainment to the kings.

After that, the brilliant Slavic people came up with their own kind of divination with special symbolic cards.

The Kyiv soothsayer, in its rules and principles, is very similar to Indian solitaire, only in the Slavic counterpart 20 cards are used, and in the Indian 25; but the method of combining symbols and the order of the layout are the same.

How to do fortune telling: rules

Before starting the game, you should tune in to a prediction: mentally formulate a question that concerns you, indicate the situation you want to tell fortunes about, and think over options for its development. If you can’t structure it, don’t worry, perhaps the situation will clear up in the process of fortune-telling.

While working with solitaire, there should be no one nearby so that the cards are connected only with you. Before forming a symbolic rectangle, shuffle the deck and remove some of the cards onto yourself.

The Kyiv fortune teller unfolds quite simply: the pictures line up in a short row (5 each), starting from the left.

You should have 4 rows. The symbols are then aligned by rotating the cards around an axis. In free divination online, matching values ​​​​are determined automatically. Interpretation is according to the instructions.

Everything is quite simple and transparent, but there are several features:

  • If during fortune-telling some symbol was missed, then at this moment it is not important.
  • Having identified one character, do not seek to move on to the search for the next. Think about the interpretation, try to transfer it to your destiny, compare it with the question being asked. The interpretation is always individual and much broader than presented in the general instructions.
  • If the symbols of one card match with two others in different rows, you should choose the match that you found first.
  • Do not guess more than once a day.
  • Do not ask a question again if the previous answer did not satisfy you.

Remember, fortune-telling is only a way to find out the probability of an event, and in order for it to materialize in the perspective you want, you should make some efforts. Do not use the fortune-telling Kyiv fortune-teller unnecessarily online. You will not spend the necessary time on concentration and searching for symbols, and you will perceive the interpretation narrowly, not fully.

Online fortune-telling can only help in a clear answer to the question being asked (positive or negative). If you want to get a serious prediction, do not be lazy and play solitaire with your own hands.

Interpretation of the matched symbols of solitaire Kyiv fortune teller

Solitaire contains 40 symbols that determine the main paths for the development of events for a fortuneteller.

  1. Sun. Symbolizes a bright, successful life.
  2. Anchor. Shows how stable your position in society.
  3. Rose. Tender feelings, love for you.
  4. Horseshoe. Happiness, incredible luck.
  5. Sunflower. Quiet peaceful life in abundance.
  6. Swan. Good news on a topic of interest.
  7. Moon. Vital news will arrive within a month.
  8. Ring. Explanation, conversation with the chosen one (chosen one).
  9. Key. Symbolizes open roads, success in business.
  10. Beads. Gift, surprise.
  • Mace. Sign of victory and highest achievement.
  • Wreath. Dreams and hopes, perhaps unfulfilled.
  • Diploma. Important news from someone from the environment.
  • Wheel. Changes in life, the cycle of events.
  • Mirror. Meeting new interesting people.
  • Door. Paperwork, a trip to a government agency.
  • Coin purse. Solving financial problems.
  • Cat. Short love adventure, light flirting.
  • Mill. Chatter and gossip behind your back.
  • Mother hen. Family life promises prosperity and quiet happiness.
  • Flag. Promises changes in the working area, new ideas and plans.
  • Boat. A very good sign. Boundless happiness.
  • Poplar. Loneliness will provide an opportunity to rethink life.
  • Sabers. Conflict, hostility.
  • Arrows. The goal you set for yourself will be achieved.
  • Clew. Journey or road leading to a result.
  • Snake. Illness, malaise, possibly addiction.
  • Lock. The chosen path is closed for you, change direction.
  • Wattle. Obstacles that can be overcome.
  • Horn. Sadness at the news.
  • Shards. Broken dishes are a sign of an imminent quarrel, family contention.
  • Bottle, glass. Rest with friends, feast.
  • Bell. Loudly declaring trouble. Black line.
  • Rocker or scales. You should rest, hesitation in choosing.
  • Cross. The meaning of fate - the predestined fate is unchanged.
  • A tube. It is worth taking a break and philosophizing, thinking about everything.
  • Lightning. The right decision will come unexpectedly, with lightning speed.
  • Broken heart. The pain of broken love.
  • Pig. Troubles and troubles due to a loved one.
  • Crap. Some of your rash act will cause shame and remorse.
  • Remember, no matter what value you get, there is always an alternative solution to the issue, the main thing is not to rush, not to worry in vain. Solitaire only warns of possible events, and you can change them.

    To start free online divination, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about who you are guessing at. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

    Divination online for free Kyiv fortune teller. An excellent example of a layout in which the answers to many questions are considered. This is an old divination, which was very popular at the end of the 19th century. I would like to note the excellent interpretation of the meanings of the cards. We will give several options for conducting this fortune-telling, today we present to your attention the first part of this fortune-telling.

    Divination technique online for free

    To carry out this fortune-telling, we need to use a small card deck consisting of 32 cards (sixes are removed from a regular deck of 36 cards). The deck of cards must be asymmetrical, i.e. all cards must have a direct and inverted meaning, as a result of this fortune-telling, we get an interpretation through not 32 cards, but 64 cards, which significantly expands the format of the results obtained. As usual, before laying out the cards, it is necessary to carefully shuffle, after which, move part of the deck with your left hand towards you. Next, you need to count 6 cards and take out 7 with the words - In a hurry, then take out 9 with the words - Surprise, then 11 - Expects, 13 - Worries, 15 - Prevents, 17 - Remains and you can proceed to the interpretation of the dropped cards. You can conduct this fortune-telling on our website for free, for this, click on the deck of cards located below, do not forget that you need to carefully tune in to conducting fortune-telling and keep the specified deck for as long as you feel necessary, the result of fortune-telling largely depends on you Your attitude and confidence that the cards will tell you the truth.

    The ancient solitaire game "Kyiv Soothsayer" is one of the most interesting online divination of our time.

    To start fortune-telling on the solitaire Kyiv Solitaire, you need to shuffle the cards - pictures and mentally ask a question that worries you or just think about the future.

    Then the cards are laid out in 4 rows, and the matching symbols will become the answer to the questions, the prediction of the future. Each card can be rotated to get more matches.

    For fortune telling, click the “Guess” button, to rotate the picture, click on it with the mouse.

    Interpretation of symbols of solitaire Kyiv fortune teller

    1. MACE. The mace could only be used by a warrior who possessed unprecedented strength. You can boldly set the highest goals for yourself. You are waiting for the successful completion of all the work begun. This is a sign of victory, triumph, success, joy and happiness. Highest achievement.
    2. BEADS. Beads have always been identified with the concept of "gift", and a gift is always a surprise. A pleasant surprise awaits you ahead. Something joyful and pleasant can happen to you.
    3. WREATH. Hopes and dreams. This is a good sign. It symbolizes hope, renewal, the opening of new paths. But he can also warn of empty fantasies that will only lead to a loss of time, although who knows, if you really want to, then dreams come true.
    4. HORN. You hear alarming bugle sounds. Not very good news awaits you. The news will cause you anxiety and sadness.
    5. THE POT IS BROKEN. The familiar expression "beat the pots"? So there's going to be a fight. Tension in relationships with loved ones or a loved one. Relationship breakup is possible. Be extremely careful in your statements. And maybe everything will work out.
    6. LITERATURE. Looking for a race? Honors are on the way. What's this? - an important letter, news or an answer to your question. Soon you will receive the necessary information from someone on your question.
    7. BOTTLE WITH GLASS. It's time to relax. Ahead of you is waiting for a pleasant pastime with your friends or loved ones. But don't get carried away too much. Drinking can backfire if you don't control yourself.
    8. DOOR. Another door opens. Soon you will travel to the state house. Perhaps you want to change jobs, or arrange an inheritance. Maybe you're in trouble with the law? Or you are just waiting for paperwork.
    9. CASTLE. There is a closed path in front of you. Whatever question you ask, this sign indicates the impossibility of achieving the goal. You should choose a different course of action. And then it will be opened to the one who knocks.
    10. MIRROR.“I look at you like in a mirror ...” A familiar phrase? This sign speaks of an imminent acquaintance with a person who may become very close to you. It is also likely to meet new friends and interesting people.
    11. SNAKE. What sneaks up on us imperceptibly, like a snake? ... Of course, a disease. Deterioration of health. You should rest and take some preventive measures, such as strengthening the immune system.
    12. Tangle. What pointed the way to Ivan Tsarevich? That's right, a ball. So there is a road ahead. The appearance of this sign indicates the upcoming journey, which is somehow connected with your question.
    13. KEY. There is no such lock to which it is impossible to pick up the key. Here is the path open for you. The question posed will be successfully resolved, since there are no obstacles in your way.
    14. WHEEL. The wheel of fate turned again, bringing new changes to life. Ahead will follow events that will cause significant changes in your life.
    15. BELL. You hear the sound of a bell. Get ready for trouble. An unlucky card, portending failures, disasters, the collapse of plans and hopes. But do not be discouraged - the black stripe is always followed by the white one.
    16. RING. The ring binds us to our loved ones. When they declare their love to us, they give us a ring. So, there is an explanation ahead. You will have a conversation with your loved one, and pleasant or not - depending on the other cards that have fallen out. It is hoped that they are positive.
    17. ROCKER. In fact, the yoke resembles scales, and scales are vibrations, doubts. The situation is not clear to you and it will be so for some time. Perhaps the obstacles will not be overcome due to lack of physical or spiritual strength.
    18. CAT. Love adventure will light up your life. This card does not say anything else - adventure and love await you ahead. Just don't overdo it. "March Cat" is not the best title.
    19. PURSE WITH COINS. Luck smiled on you unexpectedly. Money, wealth float to your hands. A sign of a happy and rich life. Change for the better and solving material problems.
    20. CROSS. Cross, fate, fate, something that cannot be avoided, but can be accepted and understood. “For all the will of God” - this is how this sign can be characterized. You cannot change anything, events are already a foregone conclusion.
    21. SWAN. Good news is brought to you by this graceful bird. You can count on the fulfillment of your plans and the receipt of very good news on your subject.
    22. MOON. The moon or month brings something important into your life. You should be informed of your question within the next month.
    23. MILL."Old mill, everything will be milled." Empty talk, gossip.
    24. LIGHTNING. What can be faster than lightning, and is lightning predictable? Here is a lightning-fast solution awaiting you. Events are coming when you must make decisions very quickly and not yawn. Get ready!
    25. HOT Isn't it true that a woman doing housework resembles a hen in a nest? You have a hen - family life. This sign predicts you a happy family life, full of prosperity and prosperity.
    26. WATCH. Wattle is a kind of fence, an obstacle that will have to be overcome. You are ready? Your plans will run into obstacles. Most likely, they will not come true. Everything will depend on your determination.
    27. HORSESHOE. The horseshoe has long been considered a talisman for good luck. You have found your horseshoe. A very happy period in life awaits you. All your desires and hopes will become real. You will only have to fully enjoy your success.
    28. SUNFLOWER. Let's remember what a sunflower looks like. That's right - this is a small sun. So, ahead - a quiet life and prosperity. This is a very good sign. He speaks of a cloudless and calm life, full of prosperity and prosperity. Success and successful solution of all issues awaits you.
    29. PIG. They put a pig on you, unexpected trouble awaits you. Future events can bring you trouble and grief. But everything passes, and this will pass.
    30. HEART BROKEN. What can break a heart? - only broken love. Events are coming when a loved one will make you suffer greatly. A high probability of a break, or at least a big quarrel. Consider if this can be avoided.
    31. ROSE. Who will be indifferent to this beautiful flower? The rose is love itself. Love, love and more love. This sign says nothing more. You will meet a person who will make you forget about everything in the world.
    32. SABER. As they say, relationships are “like knives” or hostile relationships. You can quarrel with your friends or your loved one. Moreover, the quarrel can be very serious. But is it worth spoiling the nerves for yourself and others, maybe it's better to find a compromise?
    33. SUN. The sun is the source of life on earth. So ahead - good luck, sunny life. This is the happiest card ever. Good luck is on the way. You will achieve everything you aspired to, all your desires will come true.
    34. ARROWS. The arrow, as a rule, always reaches its target. You can safely count on success in your business. Achieving the goal is 100 percent real ... Cast aside all doubts and move forward to the intended goal.
    35. POPLAR. A proud poplar is loneliness. You may not find associates in your business. In the near future, you will have to rely only on your own strength. Fate will make you feel physically or mentally alone for a while. But it's moments like these that make us stronger.
    36. PIPE. Light a pipe (mentally, of course) and think. Upcoming events will cause you a philosophical mood. This sign will make you think about the current state of affairs and draw the right conclusion. And remember, it's your choice.
    37. FLAG. The flag has loomed, this is a fresh streak of ideas, introducing something new in the work. In the near future there will be significant changes in your professional activities.
    38. CHAT The boat predicts boundless happiness. The boat of life will lead you on a happy path. This is a very auspicious sign! Fulfillment of all desires, prosperity, spiritual and material wealth, happy love. Happiness will remain your companion for a very long time.
    39. DAMN.“Damn it!” - we say, getting into an unpleasant adventure, or taking a rash step. You got the hell out. In the future, you will do something that will make you blush for a very long time. This sign says that you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation, perhaps not of your own free will.
    40. ANCHOR. The anchor will keep your ship stable. Your state of affairs is quite favorable. You stand firmly on your feet and are confident in your abilities. This sign portends the favorable development and prosperity of all your affairs.

    I present to your attention a great tool for predicting fate -

    Solitaire is laid out in five cards in four rows, there are 20 cards in a deck. Each card is rotated until the pattern matches. This solitaire can be played out for the near future or for a specific question.

    Attention! At the end of the article is a link to download solitaire for printing!

    Symbol meaning!


    The mace could only be used by a warrior who possessed unprecedented strength. You can boldly set the highest goals for yourself. You are waiting for the successful completion of all the work begun. This is a sign of victory, triumph, success, joy and happiness. Highest achievement.

    Beads have always been identified with the concept of a gift. A gift is always a surprise. A pleasant surprise awaits you ahead. Something joyful and pleasant can happen to you.

    Hopes and dreams. This is a good sign. It symbolizes hope, renewal, the opening of new paths. But he can also warn of empty fantasies that will only lead to a loss of time, although who knows, if you really want to, dreams come true.

    You hear alarming bugle sounds. Not very good news awaits you. The news will cause you anxiety and sadness.

    The familiar expression "beat the pots"? So there's going to be a fight. Tension in relationships with loved ones and loved ones. Relationship breakup is possible. Be extremely careful in your statements. And maybe everything will work out.

    Looking for a race? Honors are on the way. What's this? - important letter, news or answer to your question. Soon you will receive the necessary information from someone on your question.

    It's time to relax. Ahead of you is waiting for a pleasant pastime with your friends or relatives. But don't get carried away too much. Binge

    Another door opens. Soon you will have a trip to the government house. Perhaps you want to change jobs, or arrange an inheritance. Maybe you're in trouble with the law? Or you are just waiting for paperwork.

    Government House

    There is a closed path in front of you. Whatever question you ask, this sign indicates the impossibility of achieving the goal. You should choose a different course of action. And then it will be opened to the one who knocks.

    “I look at you like in a mirror ...” A familiar phrase? This sign indicates an imminent acquaintance with a person who may become very close to you. It is also likely to meet new friends and interesting people.

    What sneaks up on us imperceptibly, like a snake? ... Of course, a disease. Deterioration of health. You should rest and take some preventive measures, such as strengthening the immune system.

    What pointed the way to Ivan Tsarevich? That's right - a ball. So there is a road ahead. The appearance of this sign indicates the upcoming journey, which is somehow connected with your question.

    There is no such lock to which it is impossible to pick up the key. Here is an open path for you. The question posed will be successfully resolved, since there are no obstacles in your way.

    The wheel of fate turned again, bringing new changes in life. Ahead will follow events that will cause significant changes in your life.

    You hear the sound of a bell. Get ready for trouble. An unlucky card, portending failures, disasters, the collapse of plans and hopes. But do not be discouraged, the black stripe is always followed by the white one.

    The ring binds us to our loved ones. When they declare their love to us, they give us a ring. So there is an explanation ahead. You will have a conversation with your loved one, and pleasant or not - depending on the other cards that have fallen out. It is hoped that they are positive.

    In fact, the yoke resembles scales, and scales are vibrations, doubts. The situation is not clear to you and it will be so for some time. Perhaps the obstacles will not be overcome due to lack of physical or spiritual strength.

    Love adventure will light up your life. This card does not say anything else - adventure and love await you ahead. Just don't overdo it. "March Cat" is not the best title.

    Luck smiled on you unexpectedly. Money, wealth float to your hands. A sign of a happy and rich life. Change for the better and solving material problems.

    Cross, fate, fate, something that cannot be avoided, but can be accepted and understood. “For all the will of God” - this is how this sign can be characterized. You cannot change anything, events are already a foregone conclusion.

    This graceful bird brings you good news. You can count on the fulfillment of your plans and the receipt of very good news on your issue.

    The moon or month brings something important into your life. You should be informed about your question within the next month.

    “The old mill, everything will be milled” .... Empty talk, gossip.

    What can be faster than lightning, and is lightning predictable? Here is a lightning-fast solution awaiting you. Events are coming when you must make decisions very quickly and not yawn. Get ready!

    Isn't it true that a woman doing housework resembles a hen in a nest? You have a hen - family life. This sign predicts you a happy family life, full of prosperity and prosperity.


    The wattle fence is a kind of fence, an obstacle that will have to be overcome. You are ready? Your plans will run into obstacles. Most likely, they will not come true. Everything will depend on your determination.

    The horseshoe has long been considered a talisman for good luck. You have found your horseshoe. A very happy period in life awaits you. All your wishes and hopes will become real. You will only have to fully enjoy your success.

    Let's remember what a sunflower looks like. That's right - this is a small sun. And that means a calm life and prosperity ahead. This is a very good sign. He speaks of a cloudless and calm life, full of prosperity and prosperity. Success and successful solution of all issues awaits you

    They put a pig on you, unexpected trouble awaits you. Future events can bring you trouble and grief. But everything passes, and this will pass.

    What can break a heart is only broken love. Events are coming when a loved one will make you suffer greatly. A high probability of a break, or at least a big quarrel. Consider if this can be avoided.

    Who will be indifferent to this beautiful flower? The rose is love itself. Love, love and more love. This sign says nothing more. You will meet a person who will make you forget about everything in the world.

    As they say, relationships are like knives or hostile relationships. You can quarrel with your friends or your loved one. Moreover, the quarrel can be very serious. Is it worth it to spoil the nerves for yourself and others, can you find a compromise?

    The sun is the source of life on earth. So ahead of luck, sunny life. This is the happiest card ever. Good luck is on the way. You will achieve everything you aspired to, all your desires will come true.

    The arrow usually always reaches its target. You can safely count on success in your business. Achieving the goal is 100 percent real ... Cast aside doubts and move forward to the intended goal.

    A proud poplar is loneliness. You may not find associates in your business. In the near future, you will have to rely only on your own strength. Fate for some time will make you feel physical or mental loneliness. But it's moments like these that make us stronger.

    Light a pipe (mentally of course) and think. Upcoming events will cause you a philosophical mood. This sign will make you think about the current state of affairs and draw the right conclusion. And remember, it's your choice.

    The flag has loomed, this is a fresh guard of ideas bringing something new to work. In the near future there will be significant changes in your work.

    The boat predicts boundless happiness. The boat of life will lead you on a happy path. This is a very auspicious sign! Fulfillment of all desires, prosperity, spiritual and material wealth, happy love. Happiness will remain your companion for a very long time.

    “Damn it!” - we say, getting into an unpleasant adventure, or taking a rash step. You got the hell out. In the future, you will do something that will make you blush for a very long time. This sign says that you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation, perhaps not of your own free will.

    The anchor will keep your ship in a stable position. Your state of affairs is quite favorable. You stand firmly on your feet and are confident in your abilities. This sign portends the favorable development and prosperity of all your affairs.

    An exclusive archive of files is presented to your attention, which includes: cards for printing solitaire "Kyiv fortune teller" (size up to 9 × 9 cm), a description of the solitaire and each symbol. Good luck in divination!

    In the closed section of the site you can download all solitaire games:

    Indian cards

    Gothic solitaire

    love solitaire

    The access code is sent by E-mail.

    Get access code:

    Before you is one of the most interesting fortune-telling of recent times - online fortune-telling "old solitaire". Now it is difficult to determine when this fortune-telling solitaire first appeared, time hides its creators from us. Rather, this fortune-telling is a reflection of folk wisdom, because its symbols are close and understandable to every person and come from life situations, and not from the magic of magic or the interpretation of some other fortune-telling.

    So, a happy person has always been said and is said that the sun shines brightly above him, a flower has always been a symbol of lovers, the shine of swords in a person was associated with war, a quarrel. "A penny saves a ruble," a folk saying teaches us, but they say about an idler - "Rough, broke, mill," etc.

    It is this worldly wisdom that formed the basis of the magical divination offered to you, to which popular rumor ascribes the property of reflecting the present and predicting the future. Like it or not - judge for yourself. However, we can say with confidence: playing solitaire is really a very exciting activity. It calms and brightens your leisure time, and unexpected coincidences with certain personal plans and situations will make an inquisitive mind think. Like any other fortune-telling, solitaire requires a connection with your magical subconscious. To do this, you must free your mind from all thoughts except the desire to know the specific present or future.

    how to choose cards
    select design

    So, the rules for playing solitaire. Choose its design and how the cards are laid out. Cards can be laid out either from a deck laid out on the screen, or by pressing a button. Clearly formulate the question that worries you the most at this time and click the "start alignment" button. After that, you will be taken to the solitaire page, where the process of laying out the cards begins. The layout ends after all 20 pieces fall out. Cards fall out from left to right, 4 in each row. As you noticed, half of the four patterns are marked on each solitaire card. If adjacent cards contain halves of the same pattern, then such cards must be combined.

    A little more. If there is a card with the second half of the picture on the last card to the left or top of the last dropped card, then such cards must be combined. To do this, click on the word that appears, indicating the matched picture. If both the left and the top of the last dropped card are cards with the second halves of the picture on the last card, then you will need to choose only one picture that you would like to combine. To do this, click on one of the two words that appear, indicating the matching drawings. You can not rotate on its axis already previously combined cards.

    This solitaire game is almost completely automated, so don't be afraid of some confusing rules. Good luck!

    Try to relax and fully concentrate on your question, do not be distracted by extraneous noise. After that, state your question in your mind as specifically as possible.

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