The best remedy for a hangover (folk and pharmacy). What helps with a hangover (folk remedies). Hangover cures: a detailed list of effective remedies and pills

Do you know what is the best hangover cure? If you do not know, then we will present it in the materials of this article.

general information

Before telling you about which folk can be used, a few words should be said about alcohol.

Alcohol has always existed. They drank it, cooked with it, disinfected wounds, used it as an anesthetic, etc. By the way, in ancient times it was dangerous to use such a drink. After all, alcohol contained a large number of bacteria. In this regard, lovers of such drinks were very often exposed to infections, which often led to death.

As for today, today there is a huge variety of alcohol, the only drawback of which is a hangover. Many people believe that this is a kind of retribution for a well-spent evening or night. However, not everyone is happy with the state that accompanies him in the morning and lasts at least a day.

Of course, in order not to experience a hangover, it is best not to drink at all. However, in our country there are a lot of holidays that cannot be missed by most people.

Ever since people first started drinking alcohol, they have suffered the consequences every time. To minimize them, lovers of fun find more and more new ways.

Few people know, but each country has its own best hangover remedy. Some of them may seem strange to you, and some of them are quite effective.

ancient roman remedies

Today, you can easily buy a hangover cure at a pharmacy. However, ancient Rome did not have modern pharmaceuticals. In this regard, people then struggled with a painful condition with their unusual methods.

It is no secret to anyone that the Romans, like the Greeks, were very fond of wine. In order not to feel a hangover, they often diluted it with water. But, despite this, some people still went too far, for which they paid in the morning.

A Roman remedy for a hangover is unlikely to be used by a modern person. After all, for this they took snake heads, crushed them and rubbed them on their foreheads. Also, a fairly common method was frying a small bird and eating it as a whole.

It should be noted that none of these methods of dealing with a hangover has received scientific confirmation of its effectiveness.

European way

The best hangover remedy in Europe is eating offal and offal from cows and pigs. Soup made from such ingredients is considered an effective cure for ailments that arose after drinking.

Experts consider this choice of Europeans appropriate. This is because organ meats are very nutritious and also contain high levels of protein and fatty acids.

By the way, soups are generally highly valued when, in addition to being warm and tasty, such dishes provide the human body with the salt and liquid it needs.

Japanese remedy

The best cure for a hangover in Japan is to avoid drinking hard liquor. However, everyone knows that the inhabitants of this country have an unearthly love for sake. And such a drink can easily lead to a hangover. To get rid of it, the Japanese developed an excellent, in their opinion, remedy called umeboshi. These are specially processed apricots. They are first marinated and then dried.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of umeboshi against a hangover has not been proven by experts. However, this fact does not prevent the Japanese from using this product after a fun evening.

In addition to dried apricots, another effective hangover cure is popular in the East. These are shellfish or dishes consisting of seafood. As you know, such ingredients contain a lot of minerals and salt. Eating such dishes during a hangover, a person restores the body's water balance and replenishes the supply of minerals.


A quick remedy for a hangover in America is often prepared on their own. After all, they use a special cocktail called “Prairie Oyster” as it. Such a drink will quickly put you on your feet, instantly eliminating the effects of the previous evening. You may need the following ingredients for this:

  • raw chicken eggs (with whole yolk) - 2 pcs.;
  • Worcestershire sauce - optional
  • any alcoholic drink - a little;
  • Tabasco sauce - optional;
  • table vinegar - a few drops;
  • coarsely ground black pepper and salt - optional.

How to cook?

The best hangover cure Americans use is ready in minutes. To do this, take a tall glass beaker, and then break raw eggs into it so that the yolk remains intact. Next, sauces and a little alcohol are poured into it, and salt and pepper are also added. The resulting cocktail is drunk in a couple of large sips.

In theory, after such a drink, a person should feel alert and ready for a new day. And indeed it is. After all, the protein that is contained in eggs, well eliminates a hangover. However, after such a cocktail, it is recommended to drink a full glass of water. This will help you fight dehydration.

Russian remedy

Russian folk remedy for a hangover is not very difficult to quickly prepare. The main thing is that it should be highly effective. After all, it is no secret to anyone that the inhabitants of our country have a special attitude towards alcoholic beverages.

It was the love of alcohol that forced the Russian people to think about what remedy best saves from a hangover. Some suggest drinking liquid from homemade pickles and marinades. It should be noted that the brine really raises to its feet. After all, it contains a large amount of salt and various spices.

Also very often kvass saves from a hangover. This is a low alcohol drink. Making it at home is easy and simple. For this we need:

  • dry sourdough (available at the store) - 4 large spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 8 large spoons;
  • yeast granulated - 5-6 granules;
  • cold drinking water - 3 liters.

Cooking method

You will not be able to quickly prepare the considered folk remedy for a hangover. This is due to the fact that kvass needs some time to ferment. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare it a day before the planned party. To do this, take a three-liter glass jar and pour dry sourdough and granulated sugar into it. Then the container is filled with cold drinking water and stirred with a large spoon until the sweet product is completely melted.

At the end, several yeast granules are placed in the jar, the neck is covered with multilayer gauze and placed in the sun or just in a warm place. After a day, kvass is filtered and cooled.

A more traditional German hangover remedy is a rollmops with beer. Rollmops is a fillet of salted herring stuffed with various products and rolled into a roll.


In Scotland, it is customary to use a drink called "Highland Fling" as a remedy for a hangover. To prepare it, you may need:

  • buttermilk (the liquid that remains after foaming the oil) - 500 ml;
  • cornmeal - use as desired;
  • iodized salt - to taste.

Cooking process

There is nothing difficult in preparing such a drink. Buttermilk is mixed with cornmeal and then salted to taste. This remedy fights dehydration well and quickly puts a person on his feet. The fat found in buttermilk soothes the stomach, while the lactose raises blood sugar levels.


Despite the fact that the British are very reserved and formal, they are not averse to sometimes sit in a pub and drink plenty of English beer. So what do they do to feel good in the morning? In 2009, Newcastle University experts suggested that a bacon sandwich is the best hangover remedy. This is due to the fact that bacon contains a huge amount of amino acids, and ketchup and bread provide the human body with carbohydrates. In addition, salt, which is a must in such a sandwich, restores electrolyte balance, and fat soothes the stomach.

By the way, ordinary fried eggs have the same properties. However, it will be better if you use it along with fried bacon and a slice of bread.

Hangover: how to treat?

Folk remedies for a hangover were presented above. It should be noted that some of them are especially effective. But if you don’t have time to cook kvass, scrambled eggs, make herring rolls, and so on, then it’s better to turn to traditional medicine. Fortunately, today in pharmacies you can buy any medicines that will quickly put you on your feet, as well as completely eliminate headaches, nausea and other symptoms characteristic of this condition.

So what to buy a hangover remedy in a pharmacy? Consider the list of drugs right now.

  • The drug "No-shpa". This well-known antispasmodic quickly alleviates the patient's condition, and also normalizes the liver.
  • Sorbents. Activated charcoal is an excellent sorbent. It binds toxins and then quickly removes them from the body. Such a drug is usually taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of a person's weight.
  • Medicines "Asparkam" and "Panangin". As practice shows, these drugs effectively relieve the discomfort that arose after drinking a large amount of alcoholic beverages. They can be purchased at any nearest pharmacy. Such funds restore the level of magnesium and potassium in the body, as well as normalize osmotic pressure.
  • Succinic acid tablets. This drug should only be taken if you do not have stomach problems. Succinic acid accelerates metabolic processes, thereby increasing the synthesis of pyruvate. After taking several tablets, the patient's condition improves markedly. By the way, we should not forget that succinic acid, together with fumaric acid, is included in a very popular hangover remedy called "Antipohmelin".
  • The drug "Zorex". If you have a very severe hangover, then we recommend purchasing the Russian drug Zorex. As you know, it contains a substance such as unitiol. It acts as a kind of antidote. This drug is able to bind acetaldehydes and heavy metal ions, and then remove them from the body. However, it should be noted that you need to be careful with such substances, especially if you often suffer from allergic reactions.

It is impossible not to say that ordinary mineral water (alkaline) sometimes quite effectively saves from a severe hangover. Having drunk a few glasses of Borjomi, Arzan or Essentuki early in the morning, you will feel cheerful all day and forget about unpleasant sensations.

Summing up

As you can see, there are an incredible number of different remedies that quickly get rid of a hangover. Using the above methods, you will not only improve your well-being, but also restore lost health.

Drawing conclusions from the foregoing, I would like to note that the main thing after a stormy party with a lot of hard liquor is to restore your water and electrolyte balance. To do this, you need to drink fluids often (including soups, broths, juices, mineral water, etc.), as well as provide the body with a sufficient amount of salts and minerals. To do this, the patient is recommended to eat meat, marinades, seafood, and so on.

It should also be noted that in order to eliminate rumbling in the abdomen, it is necessary to eat fatty foods. It can be a salad dressed with mayonnaise or sour cream, and a fried steak, and red fish, and regular scrambled eggs.

Using these tips, you will forever forget about what a hangover is after a stormy night party.

In order to quickly get out of a hangover, you need to apply a combined drug therapy with the help of drugs that are part of the group of drugs for a hangover, which are divided into different types according to the mechanism of action.

As a rule, a hangover manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms: dry mouth, thirst, headache, tremors and aching limbs, irritability, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, depression. There are several reasons for this state of affairs. First of all, this is intoxication, pathological redistribution of fluid and the formation of ethanol breakdown products in the liver.

Hangover cures for detoxification

This group includes over-the-counter drugs such as Zorex , R-X 1 , Limontar . Zorex, based unitiol and calcium pantothenate, binds and removes toxins, including acetaldehyde, while providing a hepatoprotective effect. The second drug is based on dimercaprol and also has a detoxifying effect (in particular, in relation to the products of ethanol metabolism). The composition of Limontar includes lemon and succinic acid that enhance cell respiration, due to which the time spent on the multi-stage process of alcohol oxidation to water and carbon dioxide is reduced to a minimum. These hangover cures can be used to both cure and prevent hangovers.


At first glance, the drugs of this group of drugs are similar in their action to antitoxic substances. However, they act only at the level of the gastrointestinal tract: they bind by adsorption and remove ethanol metabolism products and other toxic substances from the body, without affecting biochemical reactions, unlike drugs of the first group. The group of adsorbents includes drugs activated carbon and more modern sorbentsEnterosgel, Filtrum-STI, White Coal and others. Adsorbents should be taken in the first 24 hours after alcohol poisoning at intervals of 1-2 hours before meals and other oral medications.


Drinking alcohol disrupts the water-salt balance in the body, so a person feels dry mouth, is very thirsty. The drugs of the following pharmaceutical group will help solve this problem. In the form of an oral solution, hangover medicines with the effect of rehydration and detoxification are used - Regidron , Hydrovit Forte, Citraglucosolan . These combined products contain the necessary set of salts ( potassium chloride, sodium chloride and citrate) in conjunction with dextrose, which normalizes the water-electrolyte balance of the body and eliminates one of the severe symptoms of a hangover syndrome.


In addition to thirst, during a hangover, a person experiences severe headaches and a feeling of general weakness. To relieve these symptoms, nonsteroidal analgesics as a hangover cure. Preferred for pain relief in this case will be NSAIDs in the form of instant tablets - Nurofen ,Aspirin C , Upsarin UPSA and others - the effect of using the remedy in this form comes much faster. With a high degree of effectiveness, these funds do not have a negative impact on water-salt metabolism.

The described group of analgesics can also include combined drugs, for example Alka-prim , which combines acetylsalicylic acid and glycine; Aspirin-S , Alka-Seltzer acetylsalicylic and ascorbic acid. These combination NSAIDs are also available as fast-dissolving effervescent tablets.

Hangover medications with hepatoprotective action

Because essential phospholipids(EPL) are the main natural elements in the structure of the cell membrane and cellular organelles of the liver, then to protect the structural integrity of liver cells from the toxic effects of alcohol, drugs with EPL in the composition are currently most widely used. EPL normalize the metabolism of lipids, proteins and the detoxification function of the liver, restore and preserve the cellular structure of the liver and phospholipid-dependent enzyme systems, and inhibit the formation of connective tissue in the liver.

These over-the-counter medications include Essentiale Forte- H , Rezalut Pro, Essliver Forte . Note that the last drug, in addition to EFL, also contains B vitamins, which play an important role in restoring the body after drinking hard liquor.

The intake of these funds increases the effectiveness of the prevention of alcohol intoxication, and is also used to alleviate the acute period of a hangover, relieving heaviness and pain in the liver.

Vitamins and minerals - additional remedies for a hangover

To alleviate a hangover, you can not do without vitamin and mineral complexes. Instant effervescent vitamin-mineral complexes with a high content of vitamins of groups C and AT. These include trade names such as Berocca Plus , Celascon Vitamin C , Supradin and others.

Folk remedies for a hangover

Folk remedies for a hangover(treatment at home)

What helps with a hangover from traditional medicine recipes? First of all, such proven products as sauerkraut juice, cucumber pickle, sour cabbage soup, kefir, buttermilk, tomato and orange juice, mint tea. In general, drinking plenty of any liquid brings relief, therefore, waking up the next morning after a holiday with a headache, during the day try to drink as much mineral water, cranberry juice, rosehip broth, tea with lemon as possible.

As an ambulance for a hangover syndrome, stimulating drinks can also be used with caution - strong black tea with sugar, coffee, Coca-Cola. However, at the first signs of an even greater deterioration in well-being, you should abandon such funds - they are unacceptable for your body.

Another popular cure for a hangover is drinking a small amount of alcohol. However, in order not to go into a binge, it is worth taking non-alcoholic beer as such a remedy.

You can also use the following recipe. In a beaten raw egg, add a few drops of table vinegar, a little ketchup and a pinch of salt, mix everything and drink in one gulp. Another option: add 1 tablespoon of vinegar, a little salt and pepper to a beaten raw egg, mix everything and drink in one gulp.

Another recipe: add 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of honey and an ice cube to 70 g of vodka, mix and drink in small sips.

A decoction of velvet helps to quickly cleanse the body of toxins. Take 6-8 flowers, fill them with a liter of boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. Drain part of the broth, leaving 0.8 liters, and boil the flowers for another 6 minutes. Strain the broth, cool and take 1 glass up to 3 times a day.

hangover treatment can be carried out using the following tool. Add 2 tablespoons of castor oil to 1 cup of hot milk, cool slightly and drink slowly.

What to do with a hangover, in addition to drinking healing drinks and decoctions? For example, cleanse the intestines with an enema or go to the bath, which also helps to quickly remove the harmful waste products of the half-life of alcohol from the body. True, the last recommendation is acceptable only for those who have a healthy and hardy heart, otherwise going to the bathhouse can turn into an even greater deterioration in well-being.

How to avoid a hangover?

We know that the best treatment is prevention. How not to get sick with a hangover if you are planning a feast with a heavy intake of alcohol? There are several options for properly preparing the body for the holiday:

2 days before the feast, eat foods rich in iodine (seaweed, seafood, feijoa);

The next morning, before the feast, take choleretic drugs (you can take 2 tablespoons of rosehip syrup or a glass of choleretic collection No. 2 - a mixture of crushed immortelle flowers, peppermint leaves, yarrow herb and coriander fruits sold in pharmacies);

The day before the feast, take an aspirin tablet;

12 hours and 4 hours before the feast, drink vitamin B6 in any form.

Directly during the feast, always drink drinks in increasing strength. Beer after wine or vodka will inevitably turn into morning suffering. Don't forget about a hearty snack. On the festive table, boiled potatoes, pickles or sandwiches with cheese and lemon will come in handy.

Now you know, how to avoid hangover, and what to do if it still developed. The recipes of traditional and traditional medicine listed above in most cases help to quickly cope with poor health. However, if, despite all efforts, the condition does not return to normal, do not hesitate to call an ambulance - sometimes only specialists can prevent severe liver damage, the development of a hypertensive crisis, or even a stroke.

Don't drink too much and you'll be fine!

Hangover treatment. Medicines, ways.

Alcohol, as all sane people say, is evil. And it is difficult to argue with this, because it has long been proven that alcoholic beverages affect the human body in the most negative way. However, despite this, almost no event, no matter what subject it may be, is complete without alcohol. Whether it is the anniversary of a distant relative, a corporate party or the christening of a newly born baby. Yes, and during a regular meeting with friends or in the evening after a hard day's work, it is far from always possible to do without a couple of bottles of strong drink.

hangover syndrome

Drinking alcohol is really very relaxing and makes you forget about all the problems. Moreover, if you drank relatively little, then such a rest may well pass for you without serious consequences. But if your soul had too much alcohol, and a very different one, then, most likely, you are guaranteed a sad morning. In such cases, we wake up with a terrible headache, heaviness in the whole body, nausea and begin to think: did we need yesterday's relaxation?

Such a state is the notorious hangover, about which jokes are composed and joked in cheerful companies. At such moments, as many drinkers say, one does not want to live. A person is looking for all possible ways to remove this terrible hangover syndrome. Some, knowing the characteristics of their body, buy special pills in advance. However, most people prefer home methods. Indeed, it is folk remedies that can help get rid of many ailments: a hangover, headache, nausea, and much more.

These are not just methods invented by one person. For many years, people have tried to find a remedy that will relieve them of the discomfort after drinking alcohol. And everyone found what suits him. Therefore, in fact, there are so many folk recipes to alleviate the hangover syndrome.

The method of treating a hangover with folk remedies

If your morning after a stormy fun is overshadowed by a hangover, then use the recommendations that many people have already tried before you. Choose one or more of the options provided. A set of activities that is suitable for your body will be your salvation for all occasions. So, how does traditional medicine advise getting rid of a hangover?

cucumber pickle for hangover
  1. Try to drink as much liquid as possible, because under the influence of alcohol your body is dehydrated. Drinks containing vitamin C have a positive effect on restoring the balance of substances in the body.

    It can be fruit drink or rosehip broth. You can simply dissolve a small amount of lemon juice in water, preferably mineral water. The most popular liquid for a hangover is cucumber pickle. The use of such a tool is fully justified, because it normalizes the water-salt balance.

    In addition, sour-milk products, such as kefir or fermented baked milk, help well. The constant flow of fluid into the body will improve your blood circulation, which will contribute to the rapid removal of toxic substances.

  2. Fruit juice from apples, orange or pomegranates can also alleviate your condition. These drinks contain a large amount of fructose. It will help to quickly neutralize alcohol in the body. Honey has the same properties. Therefore, a few spoons of this sweet remedy will definitely not be superfluous for you.
  3. When drinking alcohol, ethyl alcohol indicates a huge irritant effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. That is why frequent symptoms of a hangover are nausea, vomiting, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn. A cup of broth will help restore the normal functioning of the digestive system. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to stand at the stove and cook chicken meat. You can simply dissolve a cube in hot water, which is probably among home seasonings.
  4. Strong coffee or tea with lemon will improve blood circulation and help you regain your strength. In this case, the drink must be necessarily sweet. However, if you feel that your condition from such a liquid is deteriorating, then it is better to immediately abandon it. This means that this method of treating a hangover syndrome is not suitable for your body.
  5. Break one egg into a mug, add a couple of drops of vinegar, a little salt and pepper. Mix all this thoroughly and drink in one gulp. Instead of pepper, you can use a small amount of ketchup or tomato juice. This method helps a lot of people.
  6. You can add a little castor oil to hot milk. After the drink has cooled down a bit, it should also be drunk in one gulp.
  7. Sauerkraut or a mug of bread kvass the morning after the holiday will help restore the balance of minerals in the body and, accordingly, alleviate your condition.
  8. Some people with a hangover experience a runny nose. In this case, to facilitate breathing, it is necessary to clear the sinuses. To do this, you can use special drops sold in every pharmacy. You can drip aloe juice into your nose, rinse with saline, or breathe over the vapors of boiling water in which you previously dissolved a little salt.
  9. Most drinkers will tell you that the best hangover cure is drinking alcohol early in the morning. At the same time, someone is limited to a glass of beer, and someone begins to lean on stronger drinks, which ends with the same story in the morning. When you get drunk, you can instantly feel relief. This is because alcohol is an excellent analgesic.

    However, this way of treating toxic substances in your body will become even more. The consequences can be the most dire. Therefore, if you can’t stand the pain, then it’s better to drink a couple of sips of beer, but no more.

A hangover is a complex symptom complex that occurs the day after heavy drinking and is characterized by headache, nausea, and weakness. Its appearance is due to the influence of alcohol breakdown products on vital organ systems.

Of course, it's better to prevent a hangover: drink plenty of fluids, limit your alcohol intake, provide yourself with a quality snack, don't mix different types of alcohol.

Specialized medicines

Hangover pills can be divided into two groups: branded remedies and ordinary drugs that can be used for this purpose. At the moment, there are many official medicines on the market that promise to rid a person of a hangover in the blink of an eye. Hangover pills contain various combinations of substances that have a detoxifying, analgesic and tonic effect. Some of them can be drunk with alcohol, while others are worth drinking in the morning after heavy use.


This is a complex drug that reduces intoxication and has a hepatoprotective effect. It contains unithiol and pantothenic acid. Unithiol binds to acetaldehyde and forms non-toxic complexes. Pantothenic acid is involved in carbon and fat metabolism, and by stimulating the formation of corticosterone, it accelerates regeneration processes.

Pharmacies sell packs of 2 or 5 capsules (250 mg unithiol and 10 mg pantothenic acid), and there are also dissolvable tablets of 10 per box (150 mg and 7 mg). You should take one tablet in the morning and the second during the day. If the state of health is too bad, then the dosage can be increased (up to 1 g of unitiol per day). In effervescent tablets "Zorex. Morning" additionally contains succinic acid, which is an antioxidant and adaptogen. It protects liver cells and promotes the rapid elimination of toxins.

With the individual characteristics of the body, an allergic reaction may occur when taking the drug: skin itching, rash over the entire surface of the body, excessive dryness of the mucous membranes. It should not be used for liver diseases, renal failure and intolerance to individual components. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor.

This is the most famous anti-hangover drug, which includes acetylsalicylic acid, sodium bicarbonate and citric acid. Unlike the previous drug, Alka-Seltzer is used not only to relieve the symptoms of a hangover, but also for pain syndromes of various origins (myalgia, menstrual pain, migraine, toothache, cranialgia), rheumatoid arthritis, fever, as a prevention of thrombosis and thromboembolism. Aspirin
has analgesic, antipyretic and antiaggregatory effects due to the inactivation of the cyclooxygenase enzyme. Baking soda reduces its harmful effect on the gastric mucosa and neutralizes hydrochloric acid. This helps to cope with the resulting dyspeptic disorders (heartburn, unpleasant taste in the mouth).

This drug is better taken as a hangover prevention than to eliminate the effects of alcohol. Because it is more of a symptomatic treatment than an effect on the main causes of hangover.

Alka-Seltzer has more contraindications than the previous drug: diseases of the gastrointestinal mucosa, portal hypertension, venous congestion, and with increased sensitivity to aspirin, an attack of "aspirin asthma" may occur.

The tablet must be dissolved in 200 ml of water and drunk in the morning. During the day, you can repeat the reception, depending on how you feel. For an adult, the maximum daily dose is 8 tablets.


This is a hangover cure. It consists of two packets, the contents of which must be dissolved in a glass of water in the morning and drunk. It is taken once a day after meals.

It contains glucose, glycine, sodium formate and low molecular weight medical polyvidone.

Sodium formate inactivates acetaldehyde. It reacts with it and forms conjugates that are built into the Krebs cycle and participate in the natural metabolic processes of the body. Glucose contributes to the active work of the central nervous system. Glycine is a sedative and mild antidepressant. It normalizes sleep, eliminates excessive stimulation of the central nervous system and the feeling of anxiety that can occur with a hangover. Medical polyvidone binds free toxins in the lumen of the small intestine and removes them from the body without being absorbed into the blood.

Adverse reactions include the possible occurrence of an allergic reaction in the form of itching.


These hangover pills contain succinic and fumaranic acids, monosodium glutamate, ascorbic acid and glucose. Its mechanism of action is as follows: it slows down the work of alcohol dehydronase and the body copes with intoxication faster and more efficiently. Anitipohmelin also accelerates the processing of acetaldehyde to acetic acid, reduces its harmful effects on hepatocytes. It should be remembered that alcohol is absorbed more slowly and the state of intoxication lasts longer.

This medicine is best taken with alcohol at the rate of 1 tablet per 100 grams of strong drink. And in the morning, to reduce the manifestation of a hangover, you should drink 4-6 tablets and drink plenty of water.

Herbal preparations

This group includes Zenalk, Corrda, Get Up, Security Feel Better. They have a gastro- and hepatoprotective effect, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the toxic effect of alcohol breakdown products. These drugs help to restore the process of obtaining nutrients from food. They are better suited for maintenance therapy and should not be taken as the main drug.

Non-specialized medicines

There are many drugs that perfectly relieve the symptoms of a hangover, but do not belong to this group of drugs:

  • Paracetamol and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They all have a pronounced analgesic effect and are used for pain of various localization. But it must be remembered that in the process of metabolizing paracetamol, the liver is significantly loaded due to the formation of formaldehyde. Citramon is a good remedy for relieving headaches. It contains aspirin, caffeine, citric acid, phenacetin. These components allow you to get rid of pain, help unload the meninges (aspirin separates erythrocyte clots) and help to cheer up. But it's not the best choice for treating a hangover, as it only relieves some of the symptoms;
  • Drugs that relieve negative effects on the nervous system. This group includes mexidol, picamilon, afobazole, glycine, phenazepam. These drugs improve brain metabolism, improve performance, reduce anxiety, and elevate mood by stimulating dopamine production. They also contribute to the rapid removal of under-oxidized metabolic products;
  • Medicines used for detoxification. To improve the excretion of metabolic products, sorbents are widely used: enterasgel, polysorb, activated carbon. These drugs do not allow "harmful" substances that have not had time to be absorbed from the digestive tube into the bloodstream. They absorb them and excrete them unchanged. The dosage depends on the chosen agent: for example, to achieve the effect of activated charcoal, you need to drink at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

Drug therapy for a hangover is best combined with physical methods. First of all, you need to limit your activity. It would be useful to take a contrast shower to cheer up. A bath is well suited for the redistribution of fluid in a dehydrated body. Abundant alkaline drinking helps to get rid of acidosis and restore the acid-base balance of the blood. For this purpose, it is better to drink mineral water with a high content of trace elements: Polyana Kvasova, Borjomi, Essentuki.

After a stormy feast, post-alcohol syndrome can thoroughly unsettle. But there is salvation - you can take a special medicine, and all the symptoms will be removed as if by hand. That's just a wide range of different drugs can be confusing - what to buy, how much to pay, how to take medicines? In this article, we list the most effective hangover pills. We hope this will help you make your choice.

There is a huge variety of hangover cures on the market.

Drugs for post-alcohol syndrome are a combination of various components with antitoxic properties. Painkillers and tonics can also be included in this group of drugs.

The most common are aspirin and citramon. These drugs, of course, can be found in any home first aid kit. But that's where their advantages end. Here are the names of more effective remedies that you should drink if you feel sick, dizzy or have a headache after a feast.

  • DrinkOFF.

This hangover cure is powered by ginger extract, mate tea, ginseng, licorice, eleutherococcus, a complex of vitamins and antioxidants. The active substances accelerate the metabolism in the body after excessive drinking. That is, they help prevent the onset of hangover symptoms, the remedy effectively acts against headaches, and helps to sober up.

  • Zorex.

Zorex must be included in our list, as this is a fairly powerful tool to bring yourself to life after a stormy feast. It contains a strong antitoxic substance - unitiol. It is used even for poisoning with chemical compounds, heavy metals. The main mechanism of action is aimed at accelerating the metabolic transformations of alcohol and the elimination of toxic substances. Also, the components of Zorex capsules have hepatoprotective properties, which is very useful in recovery.

  • Alka-Seltzer.

If you are looking for something to drink from nausea and "helicopter" in your head, then this effervescent remedy will come in handy. Aspirin is the main ingredient in hangover cures. As a supplement contains citric acid and soda. Aspirin helps with headaches, and excipients ensure rapid absorption of the components and even out the acid-base balance.

  • Alcoclin.

Treatment of a hangover with the drug Alkoklin is carried out at the expense of glutargin and arginine. If you drink glutargin, then the detoxification function of the liver gradually improves, the processes of processing and excretion of alcohol are accelerated. There is also a neuro- and hepatoprotective effect of the components of this drug.

  • Alka-approx.

As part of aspirin for headaches, soda to restore the acid-base balance after drinking and eliminate thirst. The tablets also contain glycine, which should be drunk as a protector of nervous tissue. Among all other medicines, it is best at removing acetaldehyde.

  • Antipohmelin.

It is a biologically active supplement based on organic acids, glucose and vitamin C. Due to its composition, the tablets treat the effects of alcohol consumption. The agent slows down the formation of toxic substances - alcohol processing products, that is, it begins to act already at the stage of metabolic transformations.

  • Limontar.

A mixture of succinic and citric acid activates all metabolic processes at the cellular level. As a result of these two means, it is possible to eliminate from the body all the negative products of the metabolism of the alcoholic product. The poison from alcohol is removed, and immediately there is an improvement.

  • Medichronal.

The main components neutralize hazardous products of alcohol processing without a negative effect on the body. If you drink Medichronal in a timely manner, headaches will stop bothering you, sleep, psycho-emotional state will normalize, and the work of all organs and systems will be activated.

Such drugs are available in the form of tablets, capsules and effervescent powders.

Easy to take

Now consider an important point explaining the rules for taking drugs against a hangover. All drugs for post-alcohol syndrome have a simple method of application.

However, it must be remembered that almost all tablets, including Aspirin or Citramon, should be taken only after meals, since the active substance has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

Here is a list of instructions for taking individual medications:

  • DrinkOFF drink before and after drinking alcohol (1 or 2 pcs.). Or take 4 tablets in the morning after a feast.
  • To achieve the therapeutic effect of Zorex, it is enough to drink 1 capsule at bedtime after drinking alcohol.
  • Alka-Seltzer should be drunk 1-3 pcs. at a time. But it is better to drink according to the scheme - two before bedtime, two in the morning.
  • Alkoklin is prescribed 1-2 g an hour before drinking alcohol, for a good result it is recommended to take another 1 g within half an hour after the last alcoholic drink.
  • Antipokhmelin is better to drink while drinking alcohol.
  • Limontar should be drunk an hour before drinking alcohol and after a feast, as well as in the morning.

Such drug treatment regimens help to get rid of all the signs of the alcohol syndrome, including severe headache, general malaise.

Such drugs have a fairly affordable price.

But this is not worth doing

The spectrum of contraindications is small. All drugs in this group do not have fundamental differences in contraindications. In general, the following circumstances can be distinguished in which it is better not to use anti-hangover drugs:

  • Allergic reaction to the pill.
  • Severe violations of the liver and kidneys.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

For hangover pills containing aspirin, a contraindication may be peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage, as well as hemorrhagic diathesis. So before you decide which pills help, do not forget about their negative impact on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

How much to pay

Hangover pills can be bought at the pharmacy and even at the checkout in supermarkets. Therefore, finding them is not difficult. And the choice of which is better to buy depends on personal preferences. And, of course, an important aspect is how much this or that drug costs. The table shows which hangover and withdrawal remedies are the best and how much you will have to pay for them on average:

Hangover pills are an effective remedy used after a successful feast.

Numerous reviews do not allow doubting the positive result after taking them. Everyone who drank them noted a rapid improvement without negative health effects. Therefore, if you have a headache, thirst, dry mouth, nausea while drinking alcohol, then you should definitely drink one of the listed drugs.

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