Is it possible to completely cure intercostal neuralgia. Intercostal neuralgia: symptoms and treatment What to do if neuralgia

The appearance of paroxysmal or persistent pain, which is called neuralgia, is associated with painful changes in the nerve fibers, due to which the receptors themselves, which transmit impulses that cause neurological pain, also suffer.

How to treat neuralgia in the initial stage

Painful changes in the nerve fibers can appear for various reasons:

  • trauma;
  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • atherosclerosis.

Burning, paroxysmal or chronic pain can appear in nerve fibers located throughout the body. Depending on the site of the lesion, neuritis is distinguished:

  • intercostal (gives in the heart, chest, under the shoulder blade);
  • shoulder joint;
  • postherpes;
  • lumbar;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal (sensory nerve of the face or trigeminal neuritis), sciatic, ulnar, occipital nerve;
  • femoral;
  • pterygopalatine node (pain affects the temples, neck, sometimes passes to the hands);
  • foot neuroma (Morton's disease).

How to cure neuralgia as soon as its symptoms appeared? The first is the correct diagnosis, because under the guise of this disease, problems with the heart or blood vessels can be hidden, so it is important to be examined by a doctor for other diseases with similar symptoms. The main problem of the disease is severe pain that can disable, and the goal of getting rid of a disease such as neuralgia is the treatment of pain with anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics. At the initial stage, they can help:

  • anti-inflammatory ointments with fir oil;
  • acupuncture for local pain relief;
  • warm compresses.

How to treat neuralgia in the acute stage

Medical treatment alone during an exacerbation may not give the desired results. The complexity of such a syndrome as neuralgia is a treatment that should be comprehensive, long-term and combined. The very first cure for neuralgia is painkillers: ointments, tablets, compresses, injections. In combination with anesthesia, doctors prescribe medications:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (Indomethacin);
  • anticonvulsants (Carbamazepine, Baclofen, Phenytoin);
  • muscle relaxants (Clonazepam, Sirdalud, Mydocalm).

Pain reliever for neuralgia

More often, analgesics are used to relieve the first signs of the disease. As painkillers for neuralgia, it is not recommended to use Ortofen, Diclofenac. The best effect on the source of pain have drugs with ibuprofen, nimesulide. A common method of pain relief is the fentanyl patch. Lyrica relieves muscle spasm well, more often it will be used in the treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. Effective at the initial stage of such an analgesic as Pentalgin.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for neuralgia

The most effective neuralgia pills are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which not only relieve pain, but also relieve inflammation. These tablets include Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Sulindac, Ketorolac. All these drugs are irritating to the kidneys and gastric mucosa, so their intake should only be prescribed by a doctor after examination.

Ointment for neuralgia

To suppress unpleasant symptoms, an ointment for neuralgia will help, the action of which is:

  • tissue warming and relaxation;
  • improvement of local blood circulation;
  • increase the elasticity of diseased ligaments;
  • activation of local metabolic processes.

The composition of ointments includes anti-inflammatory and analgesic components. Effective ointments based on bee, snake venom. Popular ointments that are used to relieve pain and inflammation are Viprosal, Finalgon, Apizartron, Myoton. The main effect is achieved by heating the tissues, improving blood circulation and dilating blood vessels. Before using products with such a composition, you need to read the instructions. Such ointments, for example, cannot be used during pregnancy, lactation.

Injections for neuralgia

What to do with neuralgia, if you can not use ointments, tablets, or they simply do not help? Effective drugs for neuralgia, which are used for injection. With severe symptoms, analgesic injections are best of all to help restore mobility and normality to the patient. Use injections of Spazgan, Baralgin, Trigan. It is important to remember that an injection for pain relief of an inflamed nerve should only be done by a doctor who knows the human anatomy well.

Massage for neuralgia

For the period of subsiding acute pain, it is effective to do acupressure, general or cupping massage to relieve tension in the muscles. So, massage for intercostal neuralgia, together with acupuncture, will help improve lymph flow, relieve muscle tension between the ribs, prevent muscle hypotrophy and promote rapid recovery, restoration of mobility. Massage is effective in combination with physiotherapy - physiotherapy exercises, which are performed under the guidance of a doctor, will help to cope with pain.

Treatment of neuralgia with folk remedies

How to get rid of neuralgia if you have contraindications for drug treatment? It is possible to treat neuralgia at home using homemade recipes. In home treatment, recipes for rubbing based on natural ingredients will help you:

  1. Homemade tincture based on fir cones, dandelions, needles - from the listed plant materials, alcohol tinctures are obtained that have an anti-inflammatory effect. For a glass of spruce cones or dandelions, take 0.5 liters of vodka, let the mixture brew. Apply as a rubbing in small amounts before bedtime.
  2. Warm compress with beeswax. The wax is softened in a steam bath, a warm wax cake is applied to the sore spot, bandaged with a bandage. The compress can be left overnight.
  3. Ointment from dried lilac buds based on pork fat. Grind dry kidneys into powder and mix with pork fat in a ratio of 1:4. The resulting fat mixture can be used 2 times a day to relieve pain.

Intercostal neuralgia refers to pathological processes that occur when compression, inflammation or irritation of the nerves located between the ribs. The disease becomes the cause of a strong and painful pain syndrome. It is often disguised as a clinical picture of a pathology that affects one of the organs of the abdominal cavity or spinal column. Signs of intercostal neuralgia are also similar to the symptoms of cardiovascular disease.

People turn to cardiologists or start taking drugs on their own to stop heart attacks. Before starting to treat intercostal neuralgia, the doctor will conduct a complete examination of the patient and give the necessary recommendations.

Where does treatment begin?

Self-treatment of intercostal neuralgia will not be productive, as it often develops with a combination of several provoking factors. Pathology is characterized by the spread of painful sensations along the entire length of the nerve, even when inhaling and exhaling.

A neurologist will not confuse the clinic of intercostal neuralgia with symptoms of other diseases due to its pronounced severity. And a person far from medicine may suspect gastritis, peptic ulcer or angina pectoris. There is also a downside to self-diagnosis: under the signs of inflammation of the intercostal nerves, renal colic or a heart attack is often hidden.

The doctor is determined with a therapeutic regimen only after laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. After decoding the received values ​​are assigned:

  • symptomatic medicines;
  • etiotropic drugs;
  • physiotherapy procedures.

If intercostal neuralgia was provoked by strangulated spinal nerves, then only treatment of the underlying disease can eliminate the pathology:

  • thoracic or cervical osteochondrosis;
  • formed herniated intervertebral discs.
  • manual therapy;
  • physiotherapy.

With advanced or rapidly developing pathologies, the patient is prepared for spinal traction or surgical correction.

When intercostal neuralgia occurs as a result of the penetration of viruses (shingles), you can not do without antiviral drugs, immunomodulators. To increase the body's resistance against infectious agents, the neurologist prescribes immunostimulants, including those of plant origin, as well as vitamin complexes with mineral compounds. The high therapeutic efficacy of sedative and sedative drugs in the treatment of the disease has been proven.

Treatment at home

Despite the similarity of the pain syndrome, intercostal neuralgia is rarely associated with damage to the bone and joint tissue, therefore, in the treatment of the disease, it is not advisable to use ointments with hot red pepper, especially apply them to the cardiac areas. It is necessary to treat intercostal neuralgia at home in compliance with certain rules:

  • in the early days, bed rest should be observed to prevent the development of edema in places of pinched nerves;
  • the use of an orthopedic mattress will speed up recovery, and in its absence, it is necessary to lie on a hard surface;
  • a semi-rigid corset will help relieve pain, which protects a person from sudden movements, and also relieves back muscles. Orthopedic product should be selected individually in pharmacies or specialized stores;
  • at the initial stage of intercostal neuralgia, patients are advised to use heating. Heat should only be dry and light. For the procedure, a heating pad or a linen bag with coarse salt is suitable;
  • at home, to relieve painful spasm, you need to apply any anti-inflammatory ointment to areas located near the spine and wrap yourself in a warm scarf.

Chiropractors advise for the treatment and prevention of intercostal neuralgia to purchase a fairly simple device - Kuznetsov's applicator. In order not to waste money, before visiting a pharmacy, you should stock up on information. On the surface of the applicator there are many protrusions of varying degrees of sharpness. People with sensitive skin should ask the pharmacist for the most painless device. During the procedure, blood circulation improves, muscle tone decreases.

A semi-rigid orthopedic corset should be used throughout the treatment of intercostal neuralgia

Medical therapy

When drawing up a treatment regimen for intercostal neuralgia, the doctor, like the patient, prefers pharmacological preparations for oral administration. But in the case of a severe course of the disease, only medications for parenteral administration can affect its cause and reduce the severity of the pain syndrome. Daily and single dosages, as well as the duration of the course of treatment, depend on the general health of the person, the presence of a history of diseases.

When choosing drugs, there are serious difficulties. The fact is that in the vast majority of cases, the elderly and the elderly suffer from the painful symptoms of intercostal neuralgia. Due to age-related changes, they are often diagnosed with chronic pathologies of the kidneys and liver, which seriously affects the bioavailability of drugs. Therefore, when prescribing tablets and solutions, the doctor takes into account many factors, and in the process of therapy evaluates the intermediate results according to the parameters of the examination.

Painkillers and antispasmodics

To reduce the severity of sharp pain, both painkillers and antispasmodics are used. The latter act on smooth muscle muscles, eliminating the increased tone. Medicines have a prolonged action, which allows them to be used to prevent pain and spasms.

The following tablets and solutions for intramuscular administration showed the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of intercostal neuralgia:

  • Spazmalgon;
  • Analgin;
  • Baralgin (Bral, Baralgetas);
  • Spazgan.

In some cases, a combination of antispasmodics and painkillers is used. They enhance the pharmacological action of each other and allow you to quickly stop the pain. Some of them have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. This is especially true for intercostal neuralgia, accompanied by a strong inflammatory process and elevated body temperature. Almost all antispasmodics and painkillers can cause side effects, so you can not independently increase single or daily dosages.

Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs

NSAIDs are always used in the treatment of intercostal neuralgia due to the combination of therapeutic effects - anti-inflammatory and analgesic. But taking medications often causes ulceration and other damage to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the use of NSAIDs should be carried out under the supervision of a neurologist and a gastroenterologist. To prevent damage to the digestive system, along with anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs, it is recommended to take proton pump inhibitors - Omeprazole, Ultop, Losek, Pariet.

What drugs are most effective in the treatment of intercostal neuralgia:

  • Ketoprofen;
  • Nimesulide;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Celebrex;
  • Diclofenac.

Despite the high efficiency in eliminating pain, the latter drug should be used with caution and only under medical supervision. Otherwise, after the treatment of the underlying disease, the patient will need therapy for the digestive system. Movalis has a milder effect - it does not irritate the gastric mucosa, and relieves pain and spasms faster than other anti-inflammatory drugs.

Muscle relaxants

With severe pain, patients are prescribed muscle relaxants in tablets or solutions for intramuscular injection. The drugs have a local anesthetic effect, inhibit the passage of a nerve impulse in the neurons responsible for movement. Due to this, a complete blocking of poly- and monosynaptic reflexes occurs. The most commonly used muscle relaxants are:

  • Sirdalud;
  • Baclofen;
  • Mydocalm;
  • Tizanidin.

Also, blood circulation in peripheral vessels increases as a result of their expansion, spasms and pains are eliminated. In patients, motor activity increases significantly and the amplitude of rotation increases. In the case of complicated intercostal neuralgia of the chest, neuropathologists prescribe drugs to relieve muscle spasm. The composition of Mydocalm includes lidocaine, which helps to eliminate soreness and swelling at the injection site of the solution.

B vitamins

To accelerate the recovery of nerve tissues in the treatment of intercostal neuralgia, B vitamins are used. They help restore damaged structures, improve impulse conduction. In the treatment of the disease, such tablets and solutions have proven themselves well:

  • Neuromultivit;
  • Neurobion;
  • Milgamma.

Products for external use

It is possible to treat intercostal neuralgia at home with the help of drugs for external use. They contribute to the outflow of venous blood from the spinal muscles, which are in increased tone. After applying products with a warming and blood circulation enhancing effect, patients experience an improvement in their general condition and an increase in motor activity. Neurologists recommend using such drugs only after the swelling has been removed, that is, three days after the start of treatment. Before that, you can use cooling gels or cosmetic oils.

What means are most effective for intercostal neuralgia:

  • mustard plasters;
  • pepper plaster;
  • Nanoplast;
  • Voltaren patch;
  • Ketonal patch.

The first rule of using medicines is that they cannot be glued to the cardial region of the body. Mustard plasters and pepper plaster are not intended for night applications, as they can provoke severe burns. Essential oils are widely used to repair damage to nerve tissues and restore innervation. They have a powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, reduce the severity of pain and muscle tone.

In the treatment of intercostal neuralgia, the following essential oils are used:

  • cedar;
  • juniper;
  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • eucalyptus;
  • pine.

In its pure form, these natural remedies are not applied to the skin due to the high likelihood of burns or the development of allergic reactions. Essential oils are mixed with basic cosmetic oils - olive, peach, almond, apricot, tea tree.

Pharmacy ointments

Intercostal neuralgia can be quickly cured with balms, creams, gels and ointments, but with the right composition. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal compounds are the most effective. When used externally, such drugs do not have a negative effect on the stomach. Ointments are used to relieve muscle spasm, eliminate pain and swelling.

The greatest anti-inflammatory effect is shown by such drugs in the form of ointments and gels:

  • Ketoprofen;
  • Voltaren;
  • Fastum;
  • Ortofen;
  • Diclofenac.

In the treatment of intercostal neuralgia, ointments with natural ingredients - poisons of snakes and bees are widely used. Before applying such drugs, it is necessary to make sure that the person does not have a sensitization reaction to the constituent ingredients. To enhance the therapeutic effect, manufacturers add organic and inorganic acids, turpentine, menthol, extracts of medicinal plants to ointments. All these substances are also capable of provoking an allergy like urticaria.

Only after making sure that ointments are safe for a person, you can apply the following agents to the intercostal space:

  • Viprosal;
  • Nyatoks;
  • Apizartron.

Many neuropathologists recommend gels and ointments with the active ingredient chondroitin to patients with pathology caused by osteochondrosis. Such funds restore bone, joint and cartilage tissues well after a course of treatment. But in their composition there are no ingredients for the rapid elimination of pain, so it is advisable to use such drugs with antispasmodics.

Intercostal neuralgia will help cure ointments with snake venom

Folk remedies

You can treat intercostal neuralgia at home with the help of warm saline compresses. 30 g of coarse salt is diluted in a glass of boiling water, cooled and a dense cloth is moistened in the solution. The compress is applied to the spine, covered with plastic wrap and a warm blanket. The duration of the procedure is 3 hours, after which the saline solution is washed off the back.

The following folk remedies have a remarkable therapeutic effect:

  • freshly squeezed juices from horseradish roots and black radish, mixed in equal proportions. Such a drug has an anti-inflammatory and warming effect, relieves severe pain;
  • turpentine. Extract from the resin of coniferous trees enhances blood circulation in the tissues, helps to reduce swelling, reduces the tone of muscle fibers;
  • mummy. Alcohol tincture of mummy can be prepared by dissolving 2 g of a sachet of natural remedy in 100 ml of alcohol. Before rubbing into the skin, dilute the mixture with 100 ml of warm water. Traditional healers recommend taking mummy tablets inside in case of intercostal neuralgia in accordance with the attached annotation;
  • alcohol tincture of propolis. The unique composition of this beekeeping product allows it to be used in the treatment of various diseases associated with impaired innervation of nerve impulses. You should rub the pharmacy tincture of propolis into the parts of the body located on the sides of the spinal column 3-4 times during the day.

Decoctions and infusions of plants - lemon balm, St. John's wort, elecampane, oregano, mint - have a sedative, sedative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. You can brew these herbs separately or prepare various medicinal preparations from them.

Warm baths

Neurologists advise taking baths with the addition of healing ingredients after reducing pain. They are indicated to restore motor activity, eliminate circulatory disorders at the site of pinched nerve fibers. The patient during the procedure will need the help of relatives, since it is still difficult for him to get up and get out of the bath. The greatest therapeutic efficacy is observed when such natural remedies are added to warm water:

  • essential oils of thyme, lavender, fir, bergamot, lemon, geranium. The optimal dosage of aromatic additives is 3-4 drops;
  • infusion of elecampane, mint, sage. According to 5 st. tablespoons of dry herbs should be poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Strain and pour into a warm bath;
  • rhizomes and roots of valerian contain biologically active substances that have a complex therapeutic effect on the human body. To prepare a bath, you need 7 tbsp. spoons of crushed dry raw materials pour a liter of boiling water and insist under the lid for an hour. Strain and add to warm water. The procedure with valerian infusion is best done before going to bed.

Only a doctor knows what drugs to treat intercostal neuralgia. This disease is accompanied by such severe pain that they can often be eliminated exclusively by solutions for intramuscular injection. And after alleviating the symptoms, the main task of the neurologist becomes the discovery of the main cause of the pathology. Diagnosing a patient at an early stage helps to start therapy in a timely manner and avoid serious complications.

The most common disease among diseases of the nervous system is intercostal neuralgia. She is able to inflict the most severe and excruciating pain on her patient. This pathology is a consequence of compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves, which leads to pain in the sternum. Many people who have never experienced this disease may confuse attacks of neuralgia with various heart diseases. Today I will tell you about the symptoms, causes and treatment of this disease, because if it is not recognized and treated in a timely manner, the consequences will not be long in coming.

The causes of this disease are both ordinary inflammatory diseases and the intake of certain medications. It often develops in the process of age-related changes, against the background of diabetes mellitus, pathological conditions of the spine and ribs, as well as with a lack of B vitamins. People of any age and gender are susceptible to this disease. Hypothermia, constant stress and nervous strain can also lead to neuralgia, including intercostal.

Main reasons:

  • Chronic and acute diseases of the nervous system;
  • The presence of infectious foci in the body;
  • Long-term use of certain drugs;
  • Injuries of the spine and chest;
  • Neoplasms, hernias and cysts of the spine.

The most common cause of neuralgia is still becoming osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. Running osteochondrosis leads to pathologies of the spine and surrounding nerves and muscles. That's when intercostal neuralgia begins to manifest itself.

Neuralgia intercostal symptoms and treatment at home

Now let's learn about the main symptoms of this neurological disease. The main symptom is a characteristic pain, which is localized in the chest area. The more affected by pinched nerves, the stronger and more extensive the pain will be. It can even radiate to the lumbar region or shoulder blades.

The affected area itself can be edematous, pale, there is a change in the sensitivity of the skin. A distinctive feature of pain in intercostal neuralgia is that it is very strong, permanent. To many, it even seems unbearable. Next, I will tell you how neuralgia manifests itself, and how to treat it at home.

Intercostal neuralgia - symptoms

The first signs of neuralgia are, of course, pain in the chest. The pain can be either on one side of the sternum or bilaterally. The pain is so strong and sharp that it seems to the patient as if it permeates the entire body. In this case, there is a burning sensation, numbness and tingling of the skin. During a deep breath, the pain increases significantly. The main thing is not to confuse neuralgia with acute diseases of other organs. For example, symptoms may resemble renal colic or a heart attack.

What should be done if these symptoms are present? Immediately call a doctor at home, and if the pain has intensified on the left side, then it is better to call an ambulance. After the ECG is done, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis (exclude heart disease).

Which doctor treats intercostal neuralgia - a neurologist. Of course, you can seek help from a therapist, but only a narrow specialist in nervous diseases can make a more accurate diagnosis.

How to treat intercostal neuralgia

In this section of the article, we will look at how to treat and how to treat this disease. The treatment is complex, and consists in taking painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic drugs. Warming ointments and gels with a distracting effect are also used. Well proven from neuralgia acupressure.

Basic treatment:

Pain relief - includes taking analgesics for 3-5 days. With very strong and excruciating pains, the doctor can make a special blockade (introduction of novocaine or lidocaine into the lesion site);

Treatment of the inflammatory process - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for these purposes. It can be both tablets and injections. Usually, the doctor first prescribes injections in the first 3 days, and for further treatment - also a remedy, but already in tablets. Voltaren, nimesulide, diclofenac, movalis and so on - these are all anti-inflammatory drugs;

Removal of muscle spasms - midokalm, baclofen or baclosan (take 1 tablet 3 times a day for no more than 7 days);

Vitamin therapy - for such diseases, doctors always prescribe B vitamins (kombilipen, milgamma).

Today, in pharmacies you can buy special patches. They are able to relieve pain for 12 hours, reduce swelling and fight inflammation. They are attached to the lesion for 12 hours, then removed and take a 12-hour break. It is very convenient to use various therapeutic ointments and creams at home. I will write about this form of drugs in more detail a little lower, in another section of the article.

Magnetic therapy has a good effect. If you have an ALMAG device, be sure to use it for home treatment. A course of 5-7 procedures will be enough to relieve pain and inflammation. Read the instructions for using the device at home

How to treat intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy

Unfortunately, women during pregnancy can also develop this disease. How intercostal neuralgia manifests itself in pregnant women - the symptoms are standard. What medications will treat neuralgia in pregnant women directly depends on the severity of the situation.

Very often it is possible to cure with sparing methods, which consist in taking vitamins, massage and rubbing ointments. Do not self-medicate, only a specialist can prescribe therapy.

There are a huge number of special types of exercises for neuralgia for pregnant women, which help restore blood flow in the spine and joints, relieve pain and improve well-being.

How to treat intercostal neuralgia at home

Any form of intercostal neuralgia can be treated at home. It is enough to take the medicines prescribed by the doctor and observe bed rest. Most often, various ointments and gels, taking pills are used for home treatment. The most acute phase of the disease lasts no more than 5 days - it is during this period that it is important not to burden the body and follow the recommendations of a specialist.

Ointments for intercostal neuralgia

Ointments and gels for neuralgia are used externally. A good effect of the treatment will be when you rub them 2-3 times a day. They are able to quickly cure the disease, as they penetrate deep into the tissues well, delivering the necessary substance to the affected area. The question arises, which ointment is best to spread so that the disease passes quickly. It is very difficult to answer this question, which ointments help better, and which are the most effective and best. All this is individual.

On a note! For a better therapeutic effect, use ointments for neuralgia (fastum gel, bystromgel, dolobene and others) together with an ointment that improves vascular blood supply. For example, capillary. It is enough to mix them in equal proportions and apply to the sore spot. The recovery period will be significantly reduced.

In addition to ointments and gels, you can use dry heat and various warming tinctures and solutions. You can make them yourself, or you can buy them in pharmacies. Liquid validol and menovazin have an excellent analgesic effect.

Remember! Do not take a hot bath or steam in the bath during illness. Water procedures can increase swelling and worsen well-being.

Massage for intercostal neuralgia

It is very useful to do massage for neuralgia (especially acupressure) and therapeutic exercises. The main goal of such procedures is to relieve pain, relax the affected muscles. Massage can be done both on the chest and on the back. The main condition is that they first do stroking and warming up the muscles, and only then they begin to knead the affected area.

During the massage, you should not overdo it, this applies to kneading the most painful place. It is advisable to conduct massage sessions with a specialist so as not to harm. For example, you can ask a neurologist for a referral for a massage (usually done in a day hospital), or call a paid massage therapist to your home.

Intercostal neuralgia - treatment with folk remedies

After reading various reviews about the treatment of folk remedies, I have identified several recipes that really help. Here are the main ones:

Vaseline-turpentine mixture. Mix 2 parts vaseline and 1 part turpentine. With this mixture, rub the sore spot with massage movements, then wrap yourself in warmth and lie down for a bit;

Iodine tincture with glycerin. Mix equal proportions of pure glycerin and pharmacy tincture of iodine in dark glassware, shake thoroughly. Important - this mixture is not rubbed, but applied to the sore spot with a cotton swab overnight every other day. Repeat the procedure 15 times;

Juice from horseradish or black radish (freshly squeezed). It must be rubbed into the affected area several times a day.

Traditional medicine has been used for thousands of years. She can offer us more than 100 ways to get rid of various diseases. It is advisable to use it in addition to the main treatment. After all, there are situations when the disease can progress if you do not start treating it correctly.

Dear readers, today you have learned what intercostal neuralgia is and how official and traditional medicine treats it. Take care of yourself, do not allow yourself the appearance of this disease.

Intercostal neuralgia(synonym - " thoracic sciatica) is a neurological pathology resulting from damage or compression of the intercostal nerves, manifested in the form of pain.

The pain experienced by patients with intercostal neuralgia is one of the most severe. On a scale, it ranks third, on a par with acute kidney pain.

Intercostal neuralgia is often confused with other diseases, especially if the pain occurs on the left (imitates the pathology of the heart, stomach). Often even experienced doctors are misled.

Anatomical features

The thoracic vertebra consists of an anterior massive part (body) and a posterior one, an arc from which processes extend. At the junction of the body with the arch there are notches of the vertebra - upper and lower. When the lower notches of the overlying vertebra are compared with the upper ones below, an intervertebral foramen is formed. Through it, the spinal nerves exit the spinal canal.

Anatomy of the intercostal nerves:

  • Nerve bundles exit from the anterior part of the thoracic spinal cord, performing a motor function, and from the posterior part, a sensitive one.
  • Then, inside the spinal canal, the anterior and posterior bundles unite to form the thoracic nerves of the spinal cord. In total, there are 12 pairs of nerves in the thoracic region, corresponding to the number of segments of the spinal cord.
  • The spinal nerve exits the spinal canal through the intervertebral foramen.
  • Outside the spine, the thoracic nerve divides into two bundles: anterior and posterior. The back goes to the muscles of the back. The anterior bundle, in fact, is the intercostal nerve. The first intercostal nerve runs along the edge of the rib. All the rest are in the thickness of the intercostal muscles that fill the gaps between the ribs.
Irritation or pressure at any of these levels can lead to intercostal neuralgia.

Types of nerve fibers that make up the intercostal nerve:

  • motor- innervate the intercostal muscles, the diaphragm, provide respiratory movements;
  • sensitive- provide skin and other types of sensitivity;
  • vegetative- control the functions of blood vessels, sweat glands, etc.
Intercostal nerves partially pass to the walls of the abdomen.

Causes of intercostal neuralgia

The main cause of pain associated with intercostal neuralgia is compression of the thoracic spinal nerves at the point of exit from the spinal canal.

Causes of intercostal neuralgia:

Cause Description
Sharp awkward movements. With a sharp movement, a short-term compression of the intercostal nerve can occur. This leads to pain.
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. A degenerative disease characterized by destruction of the intervertebral discs.

Factors leading to the development of neuralgia:

  • Reducing the height of the intervertebral discs. As a result of their destruction, subsidence of the spinal column occurs. The vertebrae approach each other, the diameter of the intervertebral foramens decreases, and the spinal nerves passing through them are compressed.
  • The development of the inflammatory process. It often captures the exit of the nerve from the spinal canal. Biologically active substances, leukocytes and antibodies accumulate in the inflammatory focus, causing irritation of the nerve.
  • Pathological changes in the vertebrae. Bone outgrowths form on the bodies of the vertebrae - osteophytes. They compress the nerves passing through the intervertebral foramen.
Injuries Types of injuries leading to intercostal neuralgia:
  • back and chest injuries;
  • rib fractures;
  • vertebral fractures, especially compression, when the vertebra seems to be flattened in height.
During an injury, nerve irritation occurs. In the remote period, pain may be due to the retraction of the nerve into the scar or compression of the callus.
Infectious diseases Infections that most often lead to the development of intercostal neuralgia:
  • common colds, especially flu;
  • shingles (herpesvirus infection).
Pathogenic microorganisms, once in the human body, release toxins that can spread through the bloodstream. They can cause damage to the intercostal and other nerves.
hypothermia Cold causes irritation of the intercostal nerves, leading to attacks of intercostal neuralgia.
Increased physical activity With excessive physical strain, microtrauma of the intercostal muscles occurs.
Radiculopathy (radicular syndrome) Radiculopathy - compression of the spinal root. In this case, irritation and pain syndrome extend to the intercostal nerve.
Herniated disc A disease characterized by protrusion of the intervertebral disc beyond the vertebrae. The prolapsed part of the disc compresses the nerve emerging from the intervertebral foramen. In the thoracic spine, spinal hernias are rare, since the vertebrae are connected to the ribs and take part in the formation of the chest, they are securely fixed.
Tumors of the spine, spinal cord, surrounding tissues Tumors in the area where the nerves pass through the spinal foramina, reaching a sufficiently large size, cause their compression.
Spondylolisthesis It is rare in the thoracic spine. It is characterized by slipping of the overlying vertebra from the underlying forward. As a result, both the spinal cord and the nerves extending from it are compressed.
Congenital malformations of the vertebrae and ribs
  • wedge-shaped vertebrae: the right part of the vertebra is lower than the left or vice versa, resulting in a distortion of the spine, compression of one or more spinal nerves;
  • absence or doubling of a rib: in this case, the spine takes on an incorrect configuration;
  • spondylolysis: the body and the vertebral arch are located separately, they are not connected, as a result of which the body gradually shifts forward, the shape of the intervertebral foramen is disturbed.
lead poisoning Lead is toxic to nerve tissue.
Alcohol abuse Ethyl alcohol has a toxic effect on the nervous tissue.
Osteoporosis A disease characterized by rarefaction, destruction of bone tissue. This leads to a decrease in the height of the vertebrae, their deformations, and increased fragility.
Hormonal disorders
  • menopause: hormonal changes in menopause lead to the destruction of bone tissue, osteoporosis;
  • diabetes: the disease leads to a violation of blood circulation in small vessels, the supply of oxygen to the bones.
  • With a lack of vitamins of group B, metabolic processes in the nervous tissue are disturbed.
  • During rickets, – hypovitaminosisD, - there is a deformation of the bones, which can subsequently lead to compression of the nerves.
Scoliosis and severe posture disorders With a significant curvature of the spinal column, conditions arise for compression of the intervertebral nerves.
Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondylitis) Chronic disease of the intervertebral joints, leading to deformities of the spinal column.
Vertebral hemangioma A rare condition when a benign vascular tumor, a hemangioma, is located in the thickness of the vertebral body. It makes the vertebrae more fragile and prone to injury.

Signs of intercostal neuralgia

Symptom (group of symptoms) Explanation
Pain in the area of ​​the affected nerve Leading symptom of intercostal neuralgia. The pain is very intense and takes the third position in the generally accepted scale (severe pain). May be comparable to hepatic or renal colic.

Pain duration:

  • constant;
  • in the form of seizures.
The nature of the pain:
  • dull;
  • aching;
  • burning;
  • penetrating.
Most often, the pain occurs on one side, spreads along the affected nerve, as it encircles half of the chest.
Increased pain during movement and physical activity Factors that can provoke an increase and the occurrence of pain in intercostal neuralgia:
A drug* Description Mode of application**
Analgin (syn.: Metamizole Sodium, Baralgin, Spazdolzin). One of the most common drugs used for pain of various origins. It has analgesic, to a lesser extent - anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. Release form:
  • tablets of 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 (for children) and 0.5 g.
  • solution for injections 1 - 2 ml 25% - 50%.
Application for neuralgia:
In tablets:
  • Adults: 0.25 - 0.5 g 2 - 3 times a day.
  • Children: 5 - 10 mg per kilogram of body weight per day.
In injections:
  • Adults: 1 - 2 ml of 25% - 50% solution 2 - 3 times a day.
  • Children: 0.1 - 0.2 ml of a 50% solution for every 10 kg of body weight.
Tempalgin Combined drug. Includes Analgin and Tempidin (light tranquilizer). Adults take 1 tablet for pain.
Baralgin (synonyms: Bral, Spazgan, Spazmalgon, Spazmalgin) It is a combination drug with a pronounced analgesic effect.
  • analgin- analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • pitofenone hydrochloride- a means of blocking nerve impulses in the autonomic nervous system;
  • fenpiverinium bromide- a means of blocking nerve impulses in the autonomic nervous system.
Release form:
  • in tablets;
  • in ampoules for injection.
Application (adults):
  • in tablets: take 1 tablet for pain 1-3 times a day;
  • in injections: inject the solution intramuscularly or intravenously (slowly!) for pain.
Ketorolac (syn.: Ketalgin, Ketorol) Strong pain reliever. The strongest among non-hormonal and narcotic drugs. Release form:
  • tablets of 0.01 g;
  • solution in ampoules of 3% - 1 ml.
Intravenously and intramuscularly, Ketorol is prescribed at a dosage of 0.01 - 0.03 g every 6 - 8 hours. The maximum daily dose is 0.09 g.
Ortofen (syn.: Diclofenac, Voltaren, Clofenac, Ultrafen, Etifenac) It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Release forms:
  • tablets 0.015 (for children) and 0.025 (for adults) g;
  • solution for injection 75 mg - 3 ml.
*Hereinafter, when describing medicinal products: the information is for informational purposes only. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-administration of drugs can lead to negative consequences.
**Here and below in the description of drugs. Source: Mashkovsky M.D., “Medicines - edition 15, revised. and add. ”, Moscow, LLC Publishing House“ New Wave ”, 2005

What ointments are used in the treatment of intercostal neuralgia?

Name of the ointment Description Mode of application
Voltaren (Ortofen) Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug Diclofenac in the form of an ointment. It is applied directly to the place where the pain is localized. Apply 3-4 times a day, 2-3 grams of ointment to the sore spot.
Ketonal cream and Ketonal gel Pain reliever Ketorol in the form of a gel and cream. It is applied directly to the place where the pain is localized. Apply a small amount of cream or gel 2 times a day to the affected area. Rub well into the skin. The course of treatment should be continued for no more than 7 days.
Apizartron German-made ointment based on bee venom.
  • irritates the nerve endings of the skin;
  • enhances blood flow;
  • accelerates the excretion of biologically active substances that support the inflammatory process;
  • eliminates pain.
  • squeeze 3-5 cm of ointment onto the finger;
  • apply a layer of ointment 1 mm thick on the sore spot;
  • leave for 2-3 minutes, then cleanse the skin.
At the site of application of the ointment, redness, a feeling of warmth should occur.
Apizartron is used 2-3 times a day.
Viprosal B Combined ointment. Compound:
  • viper venom - irritates the nerve endings on the skin, thereby eliminating pain;
  • turpentine ointment - warming effect;
  • camphor - like viper venom, has an irritating effect on the skin nerve endings.
Rub the ointment 1-2 times a day on the sore spot. The course of treatment is continued depending on the doctor's prescriptions.
Ointment Menovazin Compound:
  • 2.5 g of menthol: irritates the nerve endings of the skin, dilates the subcutaneous vessels, enhances the analgesic effect, creates a feeling of coolness;
  • 1 g benzocaine: is a local anesthetic, eliminates pain;
  • 1 g procaine: is a local anesthetic, relieves pain.
Menovazin is applied to a sore spot and carefully rubbed into the skin 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.
Turpentine ointment effects:
  • local irritation of the nerve endings of the skin;
  • anesthesia;
  • destruction of pathogens (turpentine is an antiseptic).
Rub into the skin at the site of pain localization 1-2 times a day.
Finalgon An ointment made up of 2-butoxyethyl alcohol and vanillanonamide.
  • warming due to the expansion of blood vessels;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetic.
The drug is available in tubes, the kit includes a special applicator.
It is necessary to squeeze 0.5 cm of ointment onto the applicator, apply to the sore spot and rub thoroughly. Wrap in woolen cloth. Finalgon has an effect 20-30 minutes after application.

Vitamin preparations that are prescribed for intercostal neuralgia

When a nerve is compressed, its nutrition and functioning are disturbed. Therefore, with intercostal neuralgia, vitamin preparations are prescribed that help improve metabolic processes in the nervous tissue.
Name of the drug Description Application methods
VitaminB1 (Thiamin) One of the most important vitamins for nervous tissue. Takes part in metabolic processes, protects nerve cells from free radicals. The drug is available in ampoules of 1 and 2 ml as a solution of 2.5% and 5%.
Administer one ampoule intramuscularly every other day.
Calcium pantothenate Substance belonging to the group of vitamins. Participates in education mediators- compounds that ensure the transmission of impulses between nerve cells. Release form:
  • in tablets of 0.1 g;
  • solution in 10% ampoules - 2, 5 and 10 ml;
  • solution in ampoules 25% - 2 ml.
In the form of tablets:
  • adults: 0.1 - 0.2 g 2 to 4 times a day;
  • children 1 - 3 years old at 0.005 - 0.01 g;
  • children 3 - 14 years old 0.1 - 0.2 g per reception.
In the form of injections:
  • adults: 1 - 2 ml of a 20% solution or 2 - 4 ml of a 10% solution 1 or 2 times a day;
  • children under 3 years old: 0.5 - 1.0 ml of a 10% solution 1 or 2 times a day;
  • children 3 - 14 years old: 1 - 2 ml of a 10% solution 1 or 2 times a day.
Vitamin B6 (Thiamin) Thiamine is one of the most important vitamins for the functioning of the nervous system. He takes part in the exchange of amino acids, the synthesis of certain mediators (substances that ensure the transmission of a nerve impulse between individual nerve cells). Release form: 1.0%, 2.5% and 5% solution in 1 ml and 2 ml ampoules.
Mode of application:
  • adults: 0.05 - 0.1 g per day every other day;
  • children: 0.02 g per day every other day.
    Usually, the introduction of vitamin B6 is alternated with the introduction of vitamin B1 - every other day.
Pentovit Complex vitamin preparation.
  • vitamin B1 ( thiamine chloride);
  • vitamin B6 ( pyridoxine hydrochloride);
  • nicotinamide;
  • vitamin B12

Physiotherapy for intercostal neuralgia

Procedure name Mechanism of action in intercostal neuralgia Application
Laser (quantum) therapy The impact of a laser beam on the affected area.
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • increase in protective reactions of tissues;
  • improved regeneration;
  • vasodilatation, improvement of blood flow, acceleration of the excretion of substances involved in the inflammatory reaction.
The impact of the laser beam is exerted at the points where the nerves emerge from the intervertebral foramina: from the back, to the right and left of the spinal column.
The duration of the procedure is up to 10 minutes. The general course consists of 10 - 15 procedures.
Electrophoresis with drugs Electrophoresis is a method of physiotherapy that involves the introduction of drugs into the human body through the skin using a weak electric current.
With intercostal neuralgia, electrophoresis is done with analgin (pain reliever), novocaine (anesthetic).
Two electrodes are applied to the skin in the affected area: positive and negative. Between the electrodes and the skin is placed a pad of tissue moistened with a solution of the medicinal substance.
The device is adjusted in such a way that the patient feels a slight tingling sensation on the skin. The session lasts about 5 minutes. The total number of sessions is 10.
UHF therapy UHF therapy is the impact on the human body by an electric field of ultrahigh frequency.
Therapeutic effects in neuralgia:
  • increased blood and lymph flow;
  • reduction of tissue edema caused by the inflammatory process;
  • expansion of capillaries, small arteries;
  • reducing the impact on tissues of toxic substances and pathogens.
During the procedure, plates are placed on the patient's body that generate ultra-high frequency electric currents. In this case, the patient should lie on a wooden couch or bed.
The device is adjusted in such a way that the patient feels warm in the area of ​​​​the plates. The session lasts from 5 to 10 minutes. The total duration of the course is 10-15 sessions.
Darsonval Electric currents Darsonval, which are applied in physical therapy, have four characteristics: high frequency, high voltage, small force, fast decay.
Therapeutic effects in intercostal neuralgia:
  • local irritation (during the procedure, tingling, redness of the skin is noted);
  • activation of defense mechanisms;
  • increased blood flow in small vessels.
The working part of the apparatus for darsonvalization is a glass tube. Electric discharges are created in it, and it is she who is used to massage the affected area with intercostal neuralgia. Sparks jump between the tube and the skin, as a result of which a tingling sensation is felt, a characteristic crackle is heard.
The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes. The total number of sessions is 10.

Is massage effective for intercostal neuralgia?

Medical massage is effective in intercostal neuralgia, so it is almost always included in the overall treatment program.

Effects of massage in intercostal neuralgia
  • improvement of blood flow in capillaries and small arteries;
  • increased metabolic processes in tissues, accelerated elimination of toxins and substances involved in the development of the inflammatory process;
  • heating of the skin and tissues located under it;
  • improvement of blood supply and activation of regenerative processes in muscles;
  • analgesic effect;
  • improving the function of the nervous tissue, improving the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • general calming effect.
What areas of the body are massaged for intercostal neuralgia?
  • on the back;
  • on the chest (front).
What conditions must be met?
  • before the first session, the massage therapist should clarify with the patient on which side and at what level the pain occurs;
  • massage should be started on the opposite, healthy side, and then move on to the sick one;
  • with bilateral intercostal neuralgia, massage begins from the place where the pain is the weakest;
  • the actions of the massage therapist must be careful, it is necessary to avoid rough exposure.
How is the massage performed? First, the patient lies on his stomach on a massage table, a special pillow is placed under the chest. Do a back massage. Then he rolls over on his back, doing a chest massage.
What is the session duration? The first massage session is held for 15 minutes. During subsequent sessions, the time is increased.
What is the total duration of the course? 10 sessions.

Acupuncture for intercostal neuralgia

Acupuncture (acupuncture) is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine that practices the introduction of thin metal needles into specific points on the body.

Effects of acupuncture:

  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • calming;
  • increase in protective mechanisms;
  • increased blood flow and metabolism in the focus area.
In modern clinics, acupuncture belongs to a separate area of ​​medicine - reflexology. Many hospitals have rooms where acupuncture is practiced. This method is often used as part of a comprehensive treatment program for intercostal neuralgia.

Manual therapy for intercostal neuralgia

In most cases, intercostal neuralgia is associated with compression of the nerve exiting through the intervertebral foramen. Thus, this pathological condition is within the competence of the manual therapist.

Effects that a chiropractor seeks to achieve in a patient with intercostal neuralgia:

  • elimination of nerve compression and pain;
  • posture normalization;
  • improvement of the overall function of the musculoskeletal system.

Osteopathy for intercostal neuralgia

Osteopathy is a branch of medicine that involves the impact on the root cause. The osteopathic doctor, with the help of light movements, pressure, etc., tries to eliminate factors that caused compression of the nerve in the intervertebral foramen:
  • deformations of bone structures(joints between vertebrae, ribs);
  • excessive tension of the intercostal muscles, back muscles;
  • violation of the outflow of blood, lymph;
  • pathological tension of the ligaments.

Osteopathy is somewhat reminiscent of massage and manual therapy, but the effect is lighter, more accurate.

Therapeutic exercise for intercostal neuralgia

With intercostal neuralgia, it is necessary to limit any physical activity. As the attacks subside, the patient begins to engage in physiotherapy exercises under the supervision of a specialist.
Swimming is beneficial for patients with intercostal neuralgia.

How to treat severe neuralgia?

If, despite treatment, severe pain persists with intercostal neuralgia, then treatment is carried out in a hospital, stronger drugs are prescribed:
  • blockade- chipping of the nerve area with anesthetic solutions (novocaine, etc.);
  • tranquilizers- medicines that eliminate anxiety and excessive nervous tension caused by constant pain;
  • sedatives means of various groups.
Indications for surgical treatment of intercostal neuralgia:
  • herniated disc;
  • pronounced osteochondrosis, accompanied by significant changes in the spinal column;
  • various spinal tumors, spinal cord, surrounding tissues;
  • other diseases of the spine requiring surgical treatment.

How to treat intercostal neuralgia at home?

Neuralgia is a disease that is often accompanied by very severe pain, it is treated for a long time and with great difficulty. Therefore, it is worth visiting a neurologist in any case. It is necessary to understand the causes and understand how serious the disease is.

Can be used at home(After consulting with your doctor!):

  • anti-inflammatory and warming ointments;
  • folk remedies(see below);
  • home physiotherapy devices: Darsonval, devices for magnetotherapy;
  • call a masseur to the house;
  • independently use various massagers.

Alternative methods of treatment of intercostal neuralgia

Method Description
Wearing a wool shawl Wrap a sore spot with a woolen shawl, walk like this throughout the day.
  • warming;
  • increased blood flow;
  • reduction of pain sensations.
Compress of ginger, turmeric, pepper Ingredients:
  • hot chili pepper - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • dried ginger root powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • turmeric powder - 1 teaspoon.
Cooking method:
  • mix all components with a small amount of warm water until a homogeneous slurry is obtained;
  • smear a piece of fabric with the resulting composition;
  • apply to a sore spot, wrap with a bandage;
  • wear as long as possible until it starts to burn badly.
  • warming up;
  • increased blood flow;
  • reduction of pain, acceleration of metabolism and removal of toxic products, inflammatory agents from the focus.
Tincture of aloe, celandine, red pepper Ingredients:
  • one red bitter pepper of medium size;
  • crushed aloe leaf of medium size;
  • 1 tablespoon of crushed celandine leaves;
  • 0.5 l of vodka.
  • Cooking:
  • pour the ingredients with vodka;
  • insist for 10 days in a dark place;
  • later store in the refrigerator.
Rub into the sore spot 2-3 times a day until the symptoms stop bothering.
Tincture of calendula and meadowsweet Ingredients:
  • 30 g dried and chopped meadowsweet root, or 20 g fresh flowers;
  • 5 g of calendula flowers;
  • 0.2 l of vodka.
  • pour vegetable raw materials with 200 ml of vodka;
  • place for 30 minutes a container with tincture in hot, but not boiling water;
  • then pull out, leave for another 2 hours in a dark place;
  • filter through cheesecloth.
Rub the sore spot 2-3 times a day.
Warming up with a boiled egg Hard boil an egg, remove the shell. Cut in half, cool slightly. Attach both halves with slices to the sore spot, walk like this until they cool down. This method must be used carefully so as not to get burned.
hot tub
  • Take a hot bath for 15 minutes.
  • Then rub the sore spot with an ointment composed of one part of ammonia and two parts of unrefined vegetable oil.

How is intercostal neuralgia treated during pregnancy?

The treatment regimen for intercostal neuralgia in pregnant women is not much different from the standard one.


  • most painkillers injections and pills are contraindicated during pregnancy;
  • mainly ointments are used, only as directed by a doctor;
  • vitamin therapy is carried out;
  • it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis in order to clearly distinguish intercostal neuralgia from other diseases;
  • self-medication is unacceptable, as it can harm both the woman herself and the child.

Intercostal neuralgia is a disease with painful symptoms. In men, discomfort often occurs in the region of the lower ribs on the left side, in women it is mainly localized in the region of the heart muscle. Intense pain syndrome develops with irritation or pinching of the intercostal nerves.

Shooting, burning, tissue numbness, difficulty with anesthesia, pain in the sternum and upper abdomen worsen the quality of life. It is important to know how the symptoms differ in intercostal neuralgia and angina pectoris, what mistakes people make when treating neuropain at home.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

Soreness in the area between two or more ribs appears under the influence of various factors. Damage to an important nerve is often associated with pathologies not only of the spine, but also of other parts of the body.

The main causes of intercostal neuralgia:

  • heavy physical activity;
  • hypothermia, drafts;
  • toxic damage to the nervous tissue in case of poisoning with alcohol, carbon monoxide;
  • the consequences of herpes zoster;
  • frequent stress, severe depression;
  • damage to the intercostal nerve during long-term course treatment of dangerous pathologies, such as tuberculosis.
  • lifting weights, especially in jerks, with the wrong position of the back;
  • compression of the intercostal nerve on the background of osteochondrosis complicated by hernia and spinal tumors.

Characteristic signs of intercostal neuralgia:

  • the main symptom is severe, acute pain of a paroxysmal nature between the ribs;
  • increased discomfort in the chest, upper abdomen, heart area with deep inspiration, sneezing, loud talking, coughing, yawning;
  • against the background of soreness, cerebral complications appear: burning, partial loss of sensitivity, or pronounced numbness of adjacent areas;
  • increased sweating against the background of acute pain;
  • involuntary twitching and muscle contraction;
  • with severe damage to sensitive areas, the pain syndrome manifests itself along the intercostal nerves;
  • the skin over the epicenter of pain turns red or turns pale, the innervation of the problem area is disturbed.

On the page, read about how to choose a medical corset for the back and spine and about the benefits of the product.

Folk remedies and recipes

All homemade ointments, rubbing, compresses can be used after discussing the effects of drugs and the benefits of traditional medicines with a neurologist. It is important to follow this rule, especially when rubbing warming compounds.

Effective means:

  • a mixture of equal parts of iodine and glycerin. Apply a home remedy shortly before bedtime to the back, but do not treat the spine area. It is not necessary to rub the mixture. Put on cotton underwear from above;
  • a compress for pain relief from steamed burdock or fresh leaves. Keep natural raw materials on the painful area and back for 20-30 minutes;
  • a compress of flax seeds, pre-soaked in boiling water for 5 minutes;
  • heating the painful area with salt, to which essential oils of fir, chamomile, cedar, rosemary are added. Fill the bag with loose product, apply to the sore spot. Hold until the salt has cooled.

It is impossible to apply warming compositions to eliminate pain in case of intercostal neuralgia on the region of the heart and spine. Exposure to heat is allowed only after the diagnosis is established: damage to the nerve roots is often similar to the symptoms of other neurological diseases, damage to the bone and cartilage structures of the spine.

At home, intercostal neuralgia can be treated only with the advice of a doctor. In severe pathology, excruciating pain, the first stage of treatment is often carried out in a hospital, then the patient takes medication at home. It is necessary to avoid the action of factors that provoke damage to the intercostal nerves, to prevent compression and destruction of the vertebral structures. It's important to know: patients diagnosed with osteochondrosis are at risk.

Learn more traditional medicine recipes and other effective methods of treating intercostal neuralgia from the following video:

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