Matsuo monroe teach me to die quotes. Quotes from the book Matsuo Monroe. Teach me how to die memorable quotes from the book "Teach Me to Die" by Japanese writer Matsuo Monroe

I am not eager to listen to statements from the category of "I do not like" from others. If you don't like it, don't let it into your life. Very simple. It doesn't happen right away, of course. The main thing here is to understand what you really do not love. Oddly enough, not everyone succeeds ...

You are strange.

Not strange. I just do what I want. And I say what I want.

It's not easy, probably.

No more difficult than others. They spend time and energy to be like everyone else, and I - to be myself. The costs are the same. Result is different...

The modern world saves a person from the need to think. Our eyes are replaced by education, thoughts - rules, our own opinion - stereotypes, desires - commercials. Everything has already been invented, fixed, laid out in its place ... Do not think, but listen, look and remember. You've already been taken care of. Wash your hair with this shampoo, sleep in these beds, wear these jeans. Yes, of course, you have the right to choose, but what is it for? While you will choose, reflect, analyze, time will pass. Here also do not hammer a head any nonsense. Live comfortably, let your every day be a holiday of unlimited consumption...

Sometimes I feel like I don't exist anymore. I'm just a figment of someone's imagination. A spark of someone else's consciousness. Someone invented me, invented the world in which I live...

Fear of silence, fear of silence. Modern people have their own phobias. Silence must be filled with some sounds. Radio, tape recorder, TV, chatter. All this is not necessary to obtain information. All this is needed to kill the silence. We are noise addicts. Without the injection of sound, we begin to break down. Once upon a time, grandfathers could contemplate the plum blossom in complete silence. Now we have tarnished the honor of an ancient samurai family. Ancestors from House Taira would have branded us with disgrace. They were closer to death. They were closer to the true understanding of life. We do not want this intimacy. She is unpleasant to us, like the thought of having sex with an old woman. We just chat or turn on the radio at full volume. It brings us comfort...

Emptiness is too abstract a concept. Just like friendship, love and death. They cannot be imagined. And it's impossible to understand...

Strange, but no one is interested in truly important things. What is your profession? How much do you get? Where do you go on vacation? What car and when was the last time you changed it? That's all that interests others. Well, plus, “What’s your favorite dish? and “Is there a family? “… Even if I answer all these questions in detail and conscientiously, what will you know about me?

… In the end, I began to think that loneliness is just a disease. Congenital. Kind of like cerebral palsy. Or heart failure. If you were born sick, you will live sick. And not a single luminary of medicine will help you. So it's best to get it right from the start. Otherwise, despair will suck all the strength. I am sick of loneliness. Sick incurably. I easily recognize such people. We have the same symptoms. They do not know how to be ill for a long time and always know what to do in bad weather...

If you remain silent for a long time, people simply stop noticing you. Stop talking and you will become the invisible man. People around us do not notice us, but our reactions to them. It is worth not reacting to their actions or words in any way, you will disappear ...

In any habit there is a bit of selfishness. Parting with a loved one, one has to lose not only him, but also the image of himself that he created. He imagined that you are a cheerful guy, and after a while you begin to consider yourself that way. It is worth breaking up, you again become a grump and a bore. After all, no one found anything funny in you. And you didn't think so either. Without outside support, this image is destroyed. That is why it is often so painful to lose loved ones and friends. They leave a part of you. May not be real. Invented by others. But it was a little brighter to live with this particle ...

The need for each other makes a person show miracles of tolerance. Even love is not always capable of this ...

No one would think of delivering good news at night. With this, they wait until the morning. Another thing is bad news. They do not tolerate delay. The world is funny. Good things are never in a hurry. But with the bad such a rush ...

The life allotted to a person is too short to repeat the same thing twice...

A person must do three things in life - don't kill, don't be killed, and don't go crazy...

Most of all I want to come to you and lie next to you. And know that we have tomorrow...

Kirill Alekseev - writer, psychologist, author of the art stalking technique.

Take a closer look, in the book "Teach Me to Die" no translator is indicated, and there is not even the traditional mark "translation from Japanese" in this case. In addition, in one old review, they definitely noticed that the author's language is extremely rich, it is hardly possible to translate it from concise Japanese. The book also contains many details related to Russia.

Kirill Alekseev - head of the department of emergency psychological assistance in one of the social centers of St. Petersburg. This is the second education and the second profession. An editor by training.

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Watercolors by Indian artist Prashant Prabhu

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25 Memorable Quotes From Japanese Writer Matsuo Monroe's "Teach Me to Die"

1. Most of all I want to come to you and lie next to you. And know that we have tomorrow.

2. We are afraid to sit idle. We are afraid of not being able to do something. As if everything can be done. As if what we have time for someone needs. Vanity is the meaning of our life.

3. The modern world saves a person from the need to think. Our eyes are replaced by education, thoughts - rules, our own opinion - stereotypes, desires - commercials. Everything has already been invented, fixed, laid out in its place ... Do not think, but listen, look and remember. You've already been taken care of. Wash your hair with this shampoo, sleep in these beds, wear these jeans. Yes, of course, you have the right to choose, but what is it for? While you choose, reflect, analyze, time will pass. Here also do not hammer a head any nonsense. Live comfortably, let your every day be a holiday of unlimited consumption.

4. Someone swims across the current. It's not about courage at all. It's about fatigue. Real weariness has produced more heroes than courage.

5. It would never occur to anyone to deliver good news at night. With this, they wait until the morning. Another thing is bad news. They do not tolerate delay. The world is funny. Good things are never in a hurry. But with the bad such a rush ...

6. Others notice not us, but our reactions to them. It is worth not reacting to their actions or words in any way, you will disappear

7. Nothing can happen to you as long as you follow the right path. Trouble only happens when you turn off it. This is an axiom.

8. Strange, but no one is interested in truly important things. What is your profession? How much do you get? Where do you go on vacation? What car and when was the last time you changed it? That's all that interests others. Well, plus "what's your favorite dish?" and “Is there a family?”… Even if I answer all these questions in detail and conscientiously, what will you learn about me? And it would never occur to anyone to ask what I feel when I look at two fireflies flickering in the dark on a summer night. Or when I listen to the wind rustling through the reeds on a foggy autumn morning.

9. Thinking at night is an ignoble occupation. In the morning all bright thoughts will seem nonsense.

10. We live in a world of branded population differentiation. A portfolio from Montblanc will tell you more about you than you could tell about yourself in a two-hour confession. Cufflinks from Cartier show what you have achieved in life better than any words. A Titoni watch, a Montegrapa pen, a Dunhil tie clip means you're all right. So, you have not lived in vain for the last fifteen years. Most people are genuinely happy with this state of affairs. For them, this vicious circle is not a trap. They don't protest. They just go crazy.

11. Worse than a night phone call - only a night call at the door.

12. Alien labyrinths are not the best place for walking.

13. The more fears a person has, the more power people get over him.

14. I also have a lot of things that I don't like. But this is solely my business. I'm not going to talk about it. And I'm not eager to listen to statements from the category of "I do not like" from others. If you don't like it, don't let it into your life. Very simple. It doesn't happen right away, of course. The main thing here is to understand what you really do not love. Oddly enough, not everyone succeeds. And talking is of little use.

15. Loneliness does not push for such actions. Especially the loneliness of a resident of the metropolis. The more people live in one place, the farther they are from each other. Everything is in full accordance with the laws of nature. Molecules repel each other the stronger the body is compressed. But they can't push back at all. You need to connect with others. A constant, clearly felt connection ... It is for the sake of this feeling that a person commits all sorts of idiotic acts. How the molecules get out in such a situation, I do not know. There must be some tricks too.

16. I noticed a long time ago - the more a person gives advice, the less sense from him.

17. I am sick of loneliness. Sick incurably. I easily recognize such people. We have the same symptoms. They do not know how to be ill for a long time and always know what to do in bad weather.

18. The more we talk about ourselves, the harder it is to be ourselves.

19. In any habit there is a bit of selfishness. Parting with a loved one, one has to lose not only him, but also the image of himself that he created. He imagined that you are a cheerful guy, and after a while you begin to consider yourself that way. It is worth breaking up, you again become a grump and a bore. After all, no one found anything funny in you. And you didn't think so either. Without outside support, this image is destroyed. That is why it is often so painful to lose loved ones and friends. They leave a part of you. May not be real. Invented by others. But with this particle, life was a little brighter.

20. Any idea, if you live with it for too long, gains power over a person. At some point, she begins to control him, and not vice versa.

21. If you walk without any purpose, walk where it is beautiful.

22. Society needs your work. Society needs your hands and your head. From morning to evening you are not your own. You are part of a giant organism, its cell. Your worth is not determined by what kind of person you are. And how much benefit you bring to society.

23. When you are not afraid to live the way you want, there is little that can upset or scare you. The only thing that matters is freedom. Freedom to be yourself.

24. The need for each other makes a person show miracles of tolerance. Even love is not always capable of this.

25. Nothing can happen to you as long as you follow the right path. Trouble starts when you turn off it.

"Our worries are our shields. Brands are the coats of arms on our shields. And they are our true masters. Sometimes I also find pluses in small worries. For example, when you need to forget someone's unusual face."

"The more people live in one place, the farther they are from each other. Everything is in full accordance with the laws of nature. Molecules repel each other more strongly, the more the body is compressed. But they cannot repel at all. We need a connection with others. Constant, a clearly felt connection ... It's for the sake of this feeling that a person does all sorts of idiotic things. How the molecules get out in such a situation, I don’t know. There are also some tricks for sure. Although I don’t think they invite the first counter molecule to their birthday. "

"Fussiness is the alpha and omega of human nature. Selflessly making a perfect world out of an imperfect one is the main task. As if nature is not coping well enough. Then what can be corrected must be absorbed into oneself.
See, listen, touch, smell. Consume. Swallow.
This is called “getting new impressions”. It's called getting information. It's called "getting to know the world". Then the processed impressions are thrown back. In the form of words, cries, gestures. It's impossible to keep them. The usual process of absorption, processing and disposal of residual products. Information is vomited, impressions evaporate from the surface of the skin, memories are excreted in the urine.
The benefit of the cup lies in its emptiness. We know this well. And we strive to get rid of processed products as quickly as possible. To immediately fill yourself up again. We are afraid to sit idle. We are afraid of missing something. As if everything can be done. As if what we have time for someone needs. Vanity is the meaning of our life."

"If you are silent for a long time, people simply stop noticing you. Stop talking - and you will become an invisible person. Those around you do not notice us, but our reactions to them. If you do not react to their actions or words, you will disappear."

"It's strange, but no one is interested in really important things. What do you work for? How much do you get? Where do you go on vacation? What car, and when did you last change it? That's all that interests others. Well, plus "what is your favorite dish? » and "Is there a family? ... Even if I answer all these questions in detail and conscientiously, what will you know about me? And it would never occur to anyone to ask how I feel when I look at two fireflies flickering in the dark on a summer night. Or listening to the wind rustling through the reeds on a foggy autumn morning.
Although, if someone asked me about it, like this, all of a sudden, I would decide that this guy is not all right. Unusual, even desirable, very often makes us slam the sash like an oyster ... We have long turned into mollusks. We can be open only while everything around is calm and familiar. Any deviation from the rules is perceived as a threat to existence itself.
I am a clam. I am lying in cool dark water at a depth of several tens of meters. I am quiet and calm ... Only fluffy algae surround me. I'm used to their lazy swaying. They are accustomed to my immobility. We are comfortable and bored together. Unspeakably boring... When I die, there will be no one around who would undertake to refute it. Because my life is indistinguishable from death."

"If a person says that he decided to lay hands on himself, then everything is not so bad. Axiom. Words release the monsters that live inside. These creatures cannot stand open spaces. Call him by name - it immediately loses its power. Show to others, it dies.I see no more use in words.
Do you think this is empty talk? Vic frowned.
The right eye squinted more than usual.
- Not. I think you need to talk to someone about this."

"In the morning, all bright thoughts will seem like delirium.
The night me differs from the day me in the same way as the day itself differs from the night.

Matsuo Monroe "Teach Me to Die"

The modern world saves a person from the need to think. Our eyes are replaced by education, thoughts - rules, our own opinion - stereotypes, desires - commercials. Everything has already been thought up, fixed, laid out in its place Do not think, but listen, look and remember. You've already been taken care of. Wash your hair with this shampoo, sleep in these beds, wear these jeans. Yes, of course, you have the right to choose, but what is it for? While you choose, reflect, analyze, time will pass. Here also do not hammer a head any nonsense. Live comfortably, let your every day be a holiday of unlimited consumption.

Someone swims across the current. It's not about courage at all. It's about fatigue. Real weariness has produced more heroes than courage. I'm not going to be a hero. And I don't want to be an apostate. Just too tired to be like everyone else. It is hard work. Many do not notice this. Many are killed by the desire to be like everyone else. It's scary to understand. Not understanding is stupid. Trap.

I am a thirty year old boy. My life is just a game of life. The only thing that worries me is the scenery and costumes in which you have to play. If they are good, then the game turned out. I have lived for thirty years without knowing what it is like to throw a torpedo bomber at the peak, going to the target, or to hold the last line of defense, being chained to a machine gun. All that matters to me is to buy a new expensive toy or to have a good time. Not even trying to really know what I'm worth. I will live a long, quiet, useless life in strange labyrinths and die a stranger to myself. I will die without experiencing anything in this life but lazy boredom. And also the fear of losing this well-fed life.

In any habit there is a bit of selfishness. Parting with a loved one, one has to lose not only him, but also the image of himself that he created. He imagined that you are a cheerful guy, and after a while you begin to consider yourself that way. It is worth breaking up, you again become a grump and a bore. After all, no one found anything funny in you. And you didn't think so either. Without outside support, this image is destroyed. That is why it is often so painful to lose loved ones and friends. They leave a part of you. May not be real. Invented by others. But with this particle, life was a little brighter.

At some point, I realized very clearly that these seconds could be the last in my life. And they may not. But sooner or later, one way or another, they will definitely come. It's unavoidable. I will have to survive them. And if this happens even after a hundred years, they will not become more pleasant and easier. They will also be filled with death terror. And I will also be overwhelmed with the desire to live. I will also scream to myself: “Not now! Please, not now!!! " Nothing will change. If I survive, it will only be a reprieve. And who knows how much death will take from me for her. The price may be prohibitive.
Maybe dying in a burning car on the side of the road is a gift to me.
Maybe it's better for it to end now. And just like that
Realizing this, I stopped twitching like a puppet in the hands of an epileptic. Realizing this, I stopped clinging to my fucking life. Realizing this, I said hello to my death and smiled.
Still, I belong to her completely. Why the hell act like I'm going to live forever?
It turns out that feeling her next to you is not at all so scary. It's much more terrible. But at the same time, you feel a huge relief. You just need to understand that you were doomed even before you were born. And the future is just an illusion born of the lust for life.

Strange, but no one is interested in truly important things. What is your profession? How much do you get? Where do you go on vacation? What car and when was the last time you changed it? That's all that interests others. Well, plus, “What’s your favorite dish? and “Is there a family? » Even if I answer all these questions in detail and conscientiously, what will you learn about me?

Look. Listen. Touch. Smell. Consume. Swallow.
This is called - "to get new impressions", "information", "to know the world". Then the processed impressions are thrown back. In the form of words, gestures. It's impossible to keep them. Information is vomited, impressions evaporate from the surface of the skin, memories are excreted in the urine. The use of a cup lies in its emptiness.

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