Who are the shadow witches? The power of a witch - where does it come from? How to recognize a witch and why you need it

All about witches

Since ancient times, people have had a subconscious fear of women who possess unusual skills. Now they are called differently: witches, sorceresses, sorceresses. Most of us may not even be aware of the possibility of our proximity to a witch. It is believed that the servants of the Devil play the role of only harbingers of troubles and misfortunes. But first things first.

The word "witch" probably comes from the word "ved" or "veda". The origin of the word suggests that initially female witches (witch doctors) were called witches. They have long been approached for help in difficult life situations, after which they were rewarded or executed (depending on the result of their work). A witch is not always the personification of evil; she can choose the righteous path: help people, give advice, prevent misfortunes. Witches are also credited with the ability to heal, predict the future, bewitch and turn away. Be that as it may, the witch acts as a kind of connecting link between our world and the world of evil spirits, continuing to carry the status of mystery and detachment.

Witch Form

The witch is an ordinary woman. Outwardly, she can look quite attractive and sexy. The witch dresses with taste; black color in clothes, as a rule, predominates. It is believed that the vast majority of witches have green eyes, perhaps gray or brown. It is unlikely that you will meet a witch with blue eyes. Witches have a hard look. They say that this kind of woman tries not to look into the eyes of her interlocutor: in the eyes of a witch you can see your own inverted image. In the image of the witch, notes of aristocracy and bohemianism can be traced. However, there is no single rule regarding the appearance of a female witch: a witch acquires her characteristic appearance at the level of instincts.

Psychological portrait of a witch

In conditions of general rejection and antagonism, witches can well be called outcasts of society. However, such a situation does not bother witches at all; witches do not suffer from nervous disorders or complexes due to a biased attitude towards themselves. Often, women witches, despite their belonging to the world of evil spirits, are paradoxically balanced, cheerful and optimistic. They unshakably believe in themselves and their strengths, and consider a connection with the Devil to be an unnecessary reason for respect.

This state of mind of witches is the result of difficult trials. At the very beginning of her “witch career,” the young servant of the Devil is forced to believe in her chosenness and uniqueness. What follows is a series of rituals that refute everything divine and righteous. This list includes a hostile attitude towards those whom the church has recognized as saints, distortion of the texts of prayers, and destruction of icons.

Obviously, such blasphemous actions corrupt the witch’s inner world, turning the witch’s soul into a cruel and cynical one.

Types of witches

In many cultures, witches are divided into three categories:

  • - natural (innate);
  • - learned (voluntary);
  • - involuntary.

A little more about each type of witches.

A woman who received a witchcraft gift from birth is called a born witch. Even in ancient times, there were a considerable number of reasons for the birth of a witch. For example, a girl conceived (born) on the eve of major church holidays during Lent would certainly have been born a witch. The same applied to babies whose mothers cursed them before birth, as well as to girls in the twelfth, ninth, third generation of illegitimate children.

A born witch from birth was assigned some unusual features: a witch could be incredibly beautiful, but this beauty was considered devilish; It was even rumored that the witches had small ponytails, which they hid from strangers. The identifying signs of this type of witch often coincided with the features of evil spirits, such as crooked eyes, a hump on the back, horns, etc. Sometimes the appearance of a born witch was compared with the appearance of Baba Yaga - a thin, hunched old woman.

They believed that natural-born witches were good witches who were not only able to help in trouble, but also to “undo” an atrocity committed by another witch.

Despite the existence of a sufficient number of reasons for the birth of this type of witches, beliefs said that born servants of the devil are much less common than trained witches. A born witch had one distinctive feature - the witch did not want to learn the craft of witchcraft and believed that nature had already given her everything she needed. However, this confidence of a born witch could play a cruel joke on her: a trained witch, developing her abilities, sometimes surpassed a natural one, who lost her magical power over time. The conclusion follows: a woman witch, who has a gift from nature, needs to develop her abilities so that one day she does not lose them completely.

Trained Witches- women who have witchcraft abilities and strength thanks to training by other witches. These women, on their own initiative, decided to become witches and study from books or from people experienced in this field.

An alternative option for a voluntary witch is to enter into an agreement with evil spirits. The meaning of such an agreement is as follows: the evil spirit puts at the disposal of the young witch several assistants who work for the newly-made witch, however, after death the witch herself becomes at the disposal of the assistants.

There was another scenario for the acquisition of witchcraft powers by a learned witch. The witch had to stand at the crossroads for several nights in a row, calling on Satan, to renounce God, family, sun, sincere feelings and believe only in dark forces.

Outwardly, voluntary witches are quite ordinary women. However, after concluding an agreement with Satan, some changes in their appearance could appear, for example, a wild look, birthmarks on the body, and squint.

There are also witches who received their unusual gift not of their own free will, they were called unwitting witches. The reason for this could have been something accidentally taken from the hands of a dying sorceress. Along with the item, the woman also receives witchcraft abilities.

In ancient times, they believed that a witch, feeling the approach of her own death, tries to find a successor as quickly as possible, but if a suitable candidate was not found, the witch strives to get rid of her abilities in various cunning ways.

The involuntary witch becomes a kind of hostage to her acquired abilities. She is simply forced to use her strength so as not to die from evil spirits.

The only advantage of belonging to the class of involuntary witches is the possibility of salvation and repentance; church ministers absolved the witch of her sins and tried to guide the woman on the right path. Trained and born witches were out of favor with the Christian church and did not deserve forgiveness.

Village and city witches

There are also leaders of the city and the countryside. The differences in their activities were especially noticeable until the twentieth century. And the differences between city and countryside in those days were felt much more strongly than today. Contact with nature left its own special imprint, which is difficult to compare with urban specifics.

In the village, the witch was always surrounded by an abundance of a wide variety of animals: pigs, chickens, goats, cows, ducks, etc. Companies of wanderers and travelers often visited the countryside, who only contributed to the development of witchcraft.

Even in ancient times, village residents believed that witches were “fans” of fresh milk. For a witch, milk is a source of strength and health. Even approaching old age is ready to retreat for a while if the servant of the Devil regularly feasts on this healthy and tasty product.

The village witch, as a rule, lives in a hut on the outskirts, away from other houses. The housekeeper does not run any farm on her own, except for a few chickens or geese. The witch, of course, likes poultry meat, but someone else’s meat tastes better. This explains the sorceress’s habit of periodically stealing animals from her neighbors.

The villagers, of course, guess about the true appearance of their neighbor, however, they try not to get into conflict with the servant of dark forces. The witch is not only capable of stealing living creatures, she is quite capable of causing bad weather or, best of all, some kind of illness.

Village residents can only protect their home, family and living creatures from the local sorceress. Basically, people put a knife under the doormat on the doorstep of the house, and sprinkle poppy seeds around the buildings where livestock live (another witch’s delicacy).

On St. George's Day, the owners of village houses decorate the entrance doors with a wooden cross coated with resin. The combination of the image of the cross and the smell of resin, which is unpleasant for the witch, is a reliable amulet for the family against the spell of the devil’s servant.

It is not so easy for a witch to take possession of the soul of a local resident. Therefore, the main goal of the sorceress is to bind some parishioner. Here the witch “turns on” all her charm: she can be a young, attractive woman or an old woman (depending on the circumstances). The village witch uses various magic spells and potions. The parishioner doesn’t even have time to look back when he finds himself in the spiritual slavery of the rogue, and his soul goes straight to hell.

The situation with city witches is in many ways similar to the village servants of dark forces. A witch can easily “disguise” herself as, for example, a rich dowager of Balzac’s age or appear as a young servant, a seductive courtesan, or a decrepit old woman.

Such a variety of images guarantees the witch a rich “harvest.” She takes advantage of human weaknesses, such as an incredible desire for money, the attraction of male representatives to vicious women, envy, etc. Thus, the city witch “has all the trump cards in her hands.”

Recognizing a servant of dark forces

A witch can be recognized if you look closely at her. Distinctive external signs of the sorceress: squint, birthmarks, something inexplicably unpleasant in her attractive, at first glance, appearance. A witch can be given away by her speech - fast, poorly distinguishable speech, incomprehensible, crumpled words. The witch has such speech for a reason. As a rule, the witch's obscure chatter irritates the interlocutor. And the negative energy that comes from him at this moment is irreplaceable food for a witch. She seems to blossom, and the people around the witch begin to feel tired and restless.

Witches, for the most part, are very fond of handicrafts. Therefore, in the image of a representative of dark forces, various accessories are an integral attribute - personal amulets for the sorceress.

The witch is the owner of an unusual character. She can easily fall into thoughtfulness, suddenly forget about the conversation and run away without explaining anything.

In life, witches are usually lonely, they have no family and often practically no friends, they even often live on the outskirts (as is the case with the village witch). Witches are sometimes very expressive and emotional; they don’t like it when people approach them from behind or stealthily touch them. If you joke with a witch, you can seriously pay for it.

The witch's house is often full of various paraphernalia: flasks, bottles, various utensils, herbs, cones, etc. All this, as a rule, creates chaos. Only the witch herself can find anything specific in this arsenal.

At their core, witches are introverts. They love silence and solitude. Most often, women witches occupy leadership positions, because they do not tolerate patronage over themselves.

The procedure for recognizing a servant of the Devil in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, the inquisitor had to have the status of a skilled and powerful psychoanalyst in order to accurately recognize a witch, since he had to work with the unconscious world of a woman. Obviously, a female witch will never voluntarily admit her connection with the dark world. Perhaps because she doesn’t know about it herself yet. The carefully prepared ritual of the medieval inquisitor was aimed at releasing the necessary information and further reading it. In pre-Freudian times, the best way to discover a woman's secret side was through torture. With the help of professionally organized torture, a woman, losing control of the unconscious, became an “open book” for the inquisitor. What if the woman is innocent? The Inquisitor rarely made mistakes. As a rule, a woman was really connected with the Devil, and very often she herself knew about it.

Modern society, fortunately for the female witch, has excluded the use of such harsh methods of unraveling the witch's secret.

The attitude of the Catholic Church towards witches

The attitude of the Catholic Church towards the servants of dark forces can be called intolerant. In countries under the patronage of the Pope, it was traditionally believed that the night from April 30 to May 1 was the time of the annual witch festival, which was even given the name Walpurgis Night. According to legends, on this night the witches gathered on Mount Brocken to meet the Devil. In addition to the witches, other evil spirits are present at the meeting, who dance on the mountain, burn bonfires, make love and sacrifice babies to their master.

For the Catholic religion, all these actions were simply unthinkable; this became the reason for the mass persecution of women who were suspected of having connections with a demon. The basis for accusing a female suspect was very often an anonymous denunciation. The suspect was detained without explanation, promptly tried and severely punished. The unfortunate woman was burned alive at the stake, believing that the fire would cleanse her of all dirt. The first time such a sentence was recorded was in 1275 in France.

Obviously, in such a process, absolutely innocent women often suffered. The reason for anonymous denunciations could be banal envy, hatred, self-interest. The church ministers did not bother themselves with detailed investigations. Sometimes a dozen innocent women who were simply the envy of someone were beautiful, successful, and happy were burned at the stake.

This arbitrariness continued even in relatively enlightened times and lasted a total of about three hundred years (from the 15th to the 18th century). During this period, dozens of innocent souls were brutally murdered. No one will ever know the number of true witches among them.

Orthodox Church and witches

The attitude of the Orthodox Church towards women witches was completely different. The church ministers paid practically no attention to the witches. However, it cannot be argued that witches could do arbitrary acts. The so-called lay people dealt with cases involving harm through magic. These representatives included the most religious, pious and fair citizens, who made the final verdict.

The punishment was a fine. The witch was obliged to pay in money for the killed cattle. This, of course, is not a very pleasant punishment, but in comparison with being burned alive it is nonsense. The history of the Orthodox Church does not know any cases of physical violence as punishment for witches.


There is still no single point of view about the nature of the Sabbath, as well as about its reality. Some modern scientists believe that the mass executions of witches, which were so popular in Europe in the Middle Ages, are only the fruit of sick imagination and excessive gullibility. And some do not question the reality of the recognition of witches. Reality most likely lies between two points of view, gravitating towards the first. All evidence should be given due consideration and its reality checked. In addition, the existence of witches at the present time should also not raise doubts among most people.

It can be said with certainty that the Sabbath originated from pagan times. The word "sabbath" refers to a gathering of witches, which most often took place once a week and was associated with the Jewish Sabbath (sabbat).

The process of performing rituals during a sabbath could vary greatly depending on the location. Most of it included a ceremony with lighting fires and prayers to the Devil, in which they swore allegiance to him.

The religion described the Sabbaths in some detail in its books. In them, the witches sought the Devil to pay homage, and each time this happened differently. Sometimes, as if asking for something, they knelt down. Sometimes, in prayers, they touched the Devil with their hands, crossing them behind their backs and turning their backs. Turning to him, they bowed their heads and fixed their gaze on the ground. And they did many other things that are unusual for ordinary people... And then there were initiation rites for new sectarians and their presentation to the Master, who could perform the baptismal ceremony. Afterwards, the witches feasted, danced around the fire and held orgies. Rituals could also be performed that were a parody of Catholic ones. This description of the Sabbath by religion slightly reflected reality, but far from fully.

It is known in occult circles that all the actions of an individual will never give the same results as if this ritual were performed by a whole group. However, this is not a simple community, but a group of people who have common thoughts, sympathize with each other and are united by a common faith and emotional connection. In addition, all members of the coven must have excellent abilities in the field of magic and the desire to realize them without excessive fanaticism.

Each of the coven groups that engages in witchcraft with a sexual slant has its own special rituals, to which novices are not initiated. They join a group with their own characteristics, and, unwittingly, can cause destruction in the work of the entire coven. The importance of this is that the newcomer may turn out to be a skeptic or an "uninvited guest"

What aspects of life will be affected by your coven needs to be decided by the whole group. You can engage in “matters of the heart,” communicating with the souls of the departed, influencing people, etc. The most common specialization is creating a cult of deities. In this case, what occurs primarily is the spiritual self-expression of a person, and not the practice of using magic.

Obviously, an important advantage of magical teachings in comparison with religion is independence in choice. You yourself are able to choose whether to do this or not and which path to choose. While the coven consists of a group of people united by common goals aimed at understanding the unknown.

Witch's Tools

Witchcraft is the craft of a woman witch. This means that the witch, like any other artisan, had a whole arsenal of tools necessary for witchcraft. Although the nature of the witches' activities varied, some of the tools were traditional. Any witch could borrow some useful thing from her friend.

The first in the series of witch's tools is undoubtedly the broom, on which the witch made night flights.

The material from which the broom was made was of great importance: the broom itself was made from oak branches, and the stick was made from hazel. The rods were tied up using birch branches. Why this particular choice? These three trees were believed to have special magical powers. Birch is a symbol of purity, oak is the king of the forest, and walnut is a symbol of wisdom.

The next most important tool of the witch was the cauldron. It has the status of an unofficial symbol of witches. The cauldron's ability to transform its entire contents into food or potion made it an integral element of witches' kitchens. The tripod (cauldron mount) is a symbol of the triple nature of the Moon goddess. All four elements (water, air, fire and earth) were somehow associated with this witch's tool. The cauldron was filled with water, which the fire brought to a boil, then earthly herbs were thrown into the cauldron, and steam rose above it during the cooking process.

The third attribute of a female witch is a magic mirror (flat or ball-shaped). If the witch did not have this tool, it could be replaced with a black bowl of water. It was with the help of this attribute that the witch predicted the future. Peering deep into the mirror, the servant of dark forces could see the past, the future and what was happening several miles away from her.

However, whatever this magic ball was, first it had to be “consecrated.” For this, the witch kept the instrument under the light of the full moon. Having used the magic ball, the witch wrapped it in black cloth or placed it in a tightly closed box. Under no circumstances should the attribute have direct contact with the sun.

Some witches really liked the appearance of the ball, illuminated by a candle flame. They considered this environment ideal for work. The magic ball at first became a little cloudy, and then the witch woman gradually began to discern certain images in it. Gradually, the images took on the shape of objects, the sorceress saw what she wanted. Sometimes the ball provided confusing information that still needed to be deciphered, and sometimes it clearly showed the faces of people and events.

It is impossible to imagine a witch's arsenal without a knife, which was not intended for cutting roots. The blade of the dagger was engraved with magical symbols. It was usually given to a novice witch at the moment of initiation.

Witch's Favorites

Witches have long had their own so-called patron spirits. Some were content with one, others had two, three, four, and sometimes five at their disposal. The patron spirit could turn into a toad, cat, mouse or other living creature. The witches looked after their “pets”: they fed them, gave them milk, and sometimes treated them to a drop of blood.

One of the most famous English preachers, Gifford, considered witch spirits to be gifts from Satan. They were a kind of gift from the Devil after the conclusion of the contract. The witch's favorites are the lowest creatures that miraculously fit into everyday life. During the witch trials, witches often admitted that they cherished not only black cats, frogs and toads, but also, surprisingly, bumblebees and hedgehogs as their patron spirits.

Regardless of the guise acquired, the spirits carried out the minor instructions of the sorceress. The patron spirits of witches are sometimes compared to modern personal secretaries who reminded the woman of important events and the location of the upcoming Sabbath. There were cases when a witch arrived at the Sabbath riding her favorite (or several).

How to become a witch?

In ancient times, there were several ways to become a witch:

1. By blood relationship. In this case, magical power could pass to the daughter from her mother or grandmother.

2. Obsession. A woman could be possessed by the devil, an evil spirit, the soul of a sinner that was not inveterate or did not have time to receive remission of sins. The woman herself could agree to the infusion of the spirit, or the process could take place without her consent.

3. Cohabitation with the devil could also cause a woman to turn into a witch.

4. By making a deal with the devil for your own benefit.

5. A witch could transfer her power to any woman before death if she had no blood heirs.

6. Many peoples had beliefs that girls could become witches if their parents violated human rules during her childhood. For example, illegitimate children.

How to become a witch in real life

So, you have decided to become a witch. What should you do first? How to find a coven? On the path to witchcraft, you can encounter a number of obstacles. First on your list should be training. You can do this yourself with the help of a variety of literature or seek the help of a mentor. Before moving on to practice, you need to perfectly master many ancient sciences: astrology, the history of magic and many others. After this you are ready for the next step.

A woman becomes a full-fledged witch after a special initiation ceremony, which can be performed by the head of the coven or the student herself. The initiation ceremony is best performed during the full moon. It is necessary to prepare well before performing the initiation rite: cleanse the body (wash with special herbs) and soul (meditate). Create a magic circle from salt with four lit candles, each of which should be in the direction of one of the cardinal directions. You can also light incense. An absolutely naked future witch, with her arms crossed on her chest, enters the circle as if at midnight, reciting a magical text. Next, a sacrifice is made as a gift to the Great God, Goddess and spirits. At the end of the ritual, you must sincerely pray and, having extinguished the light, leave the magic circle.

The newly-made witch will immediately feel internal changes after the ceremony. The world around her will become completely different for her. Everything has its price, and the decision to become a witch must be made consciously. There is no more valuable sacrifice than the person himself, and a woman who becomes a witch will never be able to return to ordinary life. First of all, this concerns relationships with the opposite sex. Men, feeling the predatory power of a woman, will never be able to be close to her and will run away one after another. Therefore, for the most part, witches live and die alone. This is how they pay for all the secret knowledge they have acquired.

The initiation rite does not end the education of a witch. The next stage of witch improvement is the Book of Shadows. This is a personal magical diary containing all the knowledge and observations that a witch can comprehend throughout her life. A witch’s self-education occurs through a huge number of books read and regular practice in honing her abilities. Self-discovery is an integral part of the life of any witch, as is communication with other witches. In the process of such communication, knowledge and experience are adopted. It is also necessary to unquestioningly observe witch ethics. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that you need to spend a lot of time and effort to comprehend the witchcraft, and all this in complete solitude. In addition, you will have to come to terms with the misunderstanding and condemnation of others, and sometimes even open aggression.

Charms against witches

Who would benefit from amulets against witches? It would not hurt to protect a bride, a successful businessman, children, a beauty, or, indeed, any happy person from the unkind gaze of a witch.

The most powerful amulets against servants of evil spirits are amulets made with one’s own hands. Therefore, you should not buy ready-made talismans and amulets - they are ineffective in this matter.

The amulets have varying degrees of protection. What protected you from a novice witch is unlikely to be suitable for protection from the spell of an experienced witch. Sometimes, in order to build a strong amulet, difficult manipulations are required.

1. A candle stub will protect the bride from a witch’s gaze at a wedding. The wax from which the candle is made can protect the young one from damage. The same method of protection from a witch is also acceptable for a beekeeper. Place an old candle in the omshanik and your bees will be safe.

2. Children will be protected by bags filled with sand ash, grain or salt. A good option in this case could be malachite jewelry (cross, earrings, etc.). Sapphire will protect adults from the witch.

3. If you are the happy owner of a cow or horse, before taking the cattle outside, draw a mark on the animal with natural tar. In the room where livestock live, hang a pebble with a hole in the middle.

4. Mix dill grain and salt in equal proportions. Place the mixture in a matchbox and do not part with it.

5. St. John's wort also has protective properties. Attach a twig to your headdress - it will protect you from the witch and relieve you from headaches. Cornflower has similar properties.

In France, peasants, concerned about the safety of their crops and livestock, planted wild rose bushes in their yard. They believed that the scent of a rose would certainly protect their home from evil spirits. The Germans in this case replaced the rose with thyme. In Ukraine, they limited themselves to adding burdock leaves to their homes.

There are so many ways to protect yourself from the spell of a witch.

Death of a Witch

They believed that for her service to evil spirits, the witch experienced terrible torment, dying. The soul of a witch cannot leave the body until she transfers her gift. At the moment of death, a terrible storm rises above the witch or a large black dog appears out of nowhere, which accompanies the witch’s body until the funeral.

It was believed that the witch would not die until the ceiling of the witch's house was dismantled or she was covered with calf skin. After death, a witch can visit her home for a long time to prevent this from happening during the funeral, the woman’s body was laid face down or the coffin was nailed with an aspen stake.


Don't think that things are different in the modern world. The expanses of hell still exist, but the world today is much more susceptible to sin than the world of past times.

There is certainly a difference. Lately it has become very fashionable to simply consider oneself a witch. Girls (women) pretend to be witches, without having the necessary knowledge and without going through the tests assigned to a true witch. Playing the role of a witch, many try to earn a living through deception and quackery. It turns out that in the modern world, so-called witchcraft is a business.

The advantage of such “witches” is that they are relatively harmless, unlike the true servants of the Devil, who would rather drink water in their mouths than call themselves witches. For us mortals, it's probably better. So that there are only such “dreamers” who would only remind us of the heroes of children's fairy tales.

There are periods in history when witches were treated differently: at one time they were feared, and at another, on the contrary, they were persecuted and killed. Women who know magic are more viewed as assistants to people who solve various problems.

Is it possible for an ordinary person to become a witch?

In most cases, a witch receives magical abilities at birth, so they do not have to perform initiation rituals. For those who are not on their list, there is an alternative option - to develop their abilities. For this purpose, there are various conspiracies and rituals that you can learn on your own, but it is better to do everything together with an experienced magician teacher. Raising a witch is a long process that requires intensive training and regular training.

What does a witch look like?

You can identify a woman who has magical abilities externally, since she literally attracts the eye with her powerful energy. A real witch has eyes of different colors and in most cases they are green and brown. Her gaze is piercing and you can feel it even when you are in a crowd. The witch will definitely have a large mole or birthmark on her body, which is called the mark of Satan. Women with magical abilities retain their youth for many years.

There are signs of a witch in their behavior, so they are characterized by a slight, seasoned look. The sorceress feels superior to others, so she is always confident and calm. She is an introvert, so she acts aloof. The sorceress often pronounces prophetic words and a special energy is felt next to her, which is often repulsive.

Witch Power

The abilities of sorceresses can be limitless. Powers depend on age, and the older the witch, the stronger she is. Since ancient times, people have believed that they fly on broomsticks, but modern witches do not do this. It is believed that a woman with magical powers can turn into animals. Witches can control the weather, send curses and help get rid of them. They communicate with the other world and perform various rituals to attract love, wealth, and so on.

How do you become a witch?

The most powerful are witches who received a gift from birth. Abilities are passed down through the female line, so if a mother or grandmother has magical powers, then the probability that her daughter will have it is almost 100%. A hereditary witch will have powers accumulated over a generation. At first, magic will manifest itself rarely, but every year the powers will grow. Older relatives will talk about magic and pass on their knowledge to the younger generation.

Another option for becoming a witch is to receive a gift by inheritance from another witch at the time of her death. This can happen by mutual consent, for which a “confession” is held, or the sorceress can dump her own power on a random person. You can gain magical powers through a ritual - initiation into a witch. Self-learning witchcraft is a long process.

How to become a witch - training

To learn the witchcraft, it is recommended to find a teacher who can pass on the knowledge. It is necessary to start reading the relevant literature and study the properties of numerous herbs. The path of every witch includes the development of their own abilities; it is so important to learn self-control, since without managing emotions and feelings it will not be possible to achieve results. It is equally important to work on improving your intuition.

The instructions, which concern how to become a witch in real life, include the need to learn how to correctly interpret dreams, carry out fortune telling in different ways, and a prerequisite is an understanding of the Tarot. It is recommended to spend a lot of time in nature, since both white and black magicians can draw strength from it. Those who practice magic are advised to get themselves a pet who will be an assistant.

How to become a white witch?

There are many rituals that help to unlock powers and attract magical energy. It is important to take them absolutely seriously and constantly work on developing your capabilities. There are rituals for becoming a good witch that relate to Wiccan magic tied to nature. They help to recharge with energy, which will help develop abilities. You need to take a bath to cleanse yourself of negativity.

Prepare four wax candles, incense and salt. Before starting the action, you need to completely undress, which will symbolize purity and readiness to accept power. In the ritual regarding how to become a witch, it is important to protect yourself from dark forces, for which, using salt, draw a circle around yourself. Light a candle on each side of the world. Stand in the center of the circle, placing your palms on your chest, and ask the Goddess for permission to begin the ritual. After this, raise your hands up and say conspiracy No. 1 loudly.

During this, you should imagine how a ball of energy has formed in the chest area, which must be driven throughout the body through the legs, arms, head, spine, returning to the chest area. After this, say plot number 2. Then bow to all four sides, whispering conspiracy No. 3 three times. Conclude the ritual with a bow in honor of gratitude to the Goddess for the opportunity to cling to her retinue.

How to become a black witch?

For those who are closer to dark forces, a ritual that attracts black magic is suitable. They spend it on the full moon, since the energy of the satellite will contribute to the implementation of the plan. For those who are interested in how to become a real witch, there is a powerful cemetery ritual. A lot of negative energy is concentrated in such places. It is believed that if a sorceress performed an initiation in a cemetery, her powers will be doubled.

A woman who wants to understand how to become a black witch should come to a cemetery, stand under the moonlight, light a candle in front of her and spread her arms to the sides. Feeling a surge of energy, it is necessary to say a conspiracy to attract the spirit, which will indicate that the initiation has been completed. From this day on, he will become an assistant who can be contacted during various rituals.

How to become a witch without rituals at home?

People who know magic say that a witch can pass on her gift to another person before her death, therefore, if you want to become a witch at home, you need to find an experienced mentor who will pass on not only knowledge, but also the gift. First, there will be a study of theory, knowledge of magical paraphernalia, various rituals and spells. The mentor will teach you how to discover your strengths and manage them correctly. At the moment of the death of the old witch, the student must take her hand and then her powers will pass to her.

How to become a witch in real life - ritual

There is an opinion that all people have magical powers that are given from birth. To open them, you can perform a ritual for which you prepare a sharp knife, a black scarf, 13 green and red candles, a white poultry feather, a tuft of black cat fur, a tooth of any animal and 13 yellow coins. Choose a place for the ritual, focusing on your own feelings, for example, it could be an abandoned house or an attic. It is important that there are no people or animals larger than a mouse nearby.

To become a powerful witch, arrange your candles with green ones on the left side and red ones on the right. Light them, let your hair down, wrap your head in a scarf, and undress. After this, say conspiracy No. 1, which you need to learn. After this, remove the scarf and lay it in front of you. Using a knife, cut a section of hair from the left side of your head. Place the hair on a scarf, add a feather, a tuft of wool and a tooth. For each coin, say plot No. 2 and put them in a scarf. Make a bag out of it and bury it under a birch or aspen tree. This will be a place of power in the future.

How to become a witch - spell

There is an ancient ritual that helps to attract magical powers. For it to work, it is recommended to adhere to strict fasting for three days. You need to start the ritual in clean clothes and a room where no one will disturb you. In the selected room you need to light a lamp and leave it for 40 days. When the allotted time has passed, go into the room at midnight and cast a spell to become a witch. Immediately after this you should go to bed without talking to anyone.

Spells of ancient witches. Conduct and consequences.

The ancient spells of hereditary witches are considered one of the most powerful in magic. Their spells always had a special text, often incomprehensible. In many cases, witches used words in Latin in their speech, since their power is several times stronger than others.

Using the power of magic words, the witch was able to almost instantly influence her enemy. She could send curses not only on him, but also on his entire family, so the spells cast by the witch were considered very dangerous.

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Who is a witch and how to become one

Since ancient times, people with witchcraft abilities have been feared and respected at the same time. Previously, it was believed that witches were single women leading a solitary and solitary lifestyle. Most often, they settled on the outskirts of villages or in deep forests, where they could perform witchcraft without attracting the attention of others. They collected various berries, roots, herbs, plants and performed magical acts.

Witches' magic could be either black or white. In the old days, not only evil witches were called witches, but also herbalists, healers and herbalists who practiced only white magic. Most of the spell words used by such women have survived to this day.

How to become a witch? People are most often born witches - a girl who is given magical abilities from the moment of birth may not even perform special rituals and read spell words in order to feel the witchcraft power in herself.

In addition, a magical gift can be inherited from a witch. It is known that a dying witch must transfer her witchcraft power. Typically, witches anticipate their demise 2-3 days in advance, and during this time they can prepare to pass on the legacy. But if there is no such opportunity, she understands that the evil spirits will not let her go, but will begin to harass her. Therefore, during agony, witches often throw off their power on any random person. Having received witchcraft power without knowledge, a person may not be able to cope with it and for him it will turn into real torment.

However, magical power can also be obtained by mutual agreement - this method is called “confession of a witch.” Depending on the witch's well-being, confession can last several nights. The witch begins her monologue at midnight and ends speaking as soon as the first roosters crow, and continues the next night. The successor does not have the right to write down all the information received, so she has to remember everything. To facilitate the process, the elder witch in ancient times passed on knowledge in the form of a story, which is why people used to say “the confession of a witch.”

Another way to become a witch is to teach yourself witchcraft. Magicians believe that every girl, woman, if she wants, can become a witch. To do this, she needs to learn the rules of magic, believe in herself, and most importantly, perform a special witchcraft ritual and read the real words of the spell of powerful witches.

Before starting any practice, study the theory

How to perform the initiation ceremony

According to experienced sorcerers, witch magic spells should always be cast during the full moon, alone in a spacious room. Moreover, in the old days, a girl who wanted to gain witchcraft powers had to go to the river during the full moon, turn around 3 times clockwise and lie down on the sand. Then, in this position, extend your legs and arms and place large stones prepared in advance next to them. Such stones should lie on the chest, heart and forehead. It was in this position that a certain spell had to be read.

After the charming words, the girl had to turn over on her left side and rise to her feet. She threw stones into the river, saying spells over each one. After the ritual, the girl became a witch.

Over time, everything has changed and now you don’t need to go to the water and cast a spell. Modern women and girls who dream of becoming witches can perform the ritual in the room, having prepared for this in advance.

Witch initiation ritual

Before conducting the initiation ceremony, the future witch should undergo a strict fast for 3 days and put on clean clothes. You should not drink alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating drugs. You should choose a clean room where no one will enter and interfere with performing the ritual and casting spells. You need to light a lamp in this room and leave it for 40 days. After these days, you must enter the room at midnight and say the following words of the witches:

“I am a slave performer. I am a faithful servant of the Divine. I conjure in your name of God, the morning star you created. Your will is worshiped by 40 spirits of evil and all the forces of existing good. Among them there is a prince and a king from the dark valley. He sits on a high throne of eternity, with 7 gold rings on his fingers, and a golden crown on his head. The keys of darkness hang on the prince’s chest; they burn with a fiery flame. Under the prince’s feet lies a strong book, Satan himself guards it. It is sealed with 7 locks and locked with keys throughout the Lord's week.

I come close to the prince, bow low and take the book from under his feet and take the keys off him in your name. Slowly I go around the entire abode of the spirits of evil, I unlock the strong doors, I dedicate myself to a witch with Your Theurgy. I (my name) know the holy devilish trinity, and I read their names in the book.

God Almighty, who created the world out of nothing, grant me to know his wisdom through the selected keys of Solomon. You, who gave everyone eternal life through your death, give your blessing for healing. Let me (your name) know the secret hidden from the human mind, the birth of a miracle and the death of oblivion. You were fed for good purposes. I want to use your valuable gift. O spirits and half-spirits, Angels and Andragines, Tetragrammaton, Turner. Appear to me now. I will draw a hexagram with coal, and a pentogram with fire. Reveal Theurgy, Tetragrammaton begin, act. The mighty power of the kingdom stand under my left foot, the forgotten power of the sacraments stand under my right hand. I will pass unshakably between the high columns holding the temple. May the shine of wisdom not disappear. May my spell be completely fulfilled. With the light of the night star, fear is legion. And I will be filled with secret power like a container. Hallelujah".

After the ceremony, the woman must go to bed and at the same time she cannot communicate with anyone or look back.

Are there good witches?

Some girls wonder if there are good witches and how to become one? When you pronounce the word “witch,” many people immediately picture in their minds the image of an evil and terrible witch practicing black magic. However, this is a misconception; not all witches practice dark magic. To become a good witch, you need a lot of strength and patience. Firstly, you need to cast a certain spell, but in this case you need to turn not to the dark forces as described above, but to the light ones.

The choice of tradition is very important for subsequent practice

Secondly, you will have to spend a lot of time studying special magical literature, and what kind of future witch will be told by her intuition and heart. You should also learn the magical abilities of various medicinal plants, etc. In addition, there are a large number of practices, such as meditation, hypnosis, etc. You must constantly try to develop extrasensory abilities, the ability to concentrate on something and control your emotions.
And most importantly, you need to believe in yourself and your own strengths, since the white witch is called upon to help others.

Things to remember

Many girls want to change just because they want to learn how to use witchcraft spells. But before you try to become a real witch, you need to know that practicing magic is very serious, and in some cases even dangerous. After becoming a witch, you will need to carefully monitor your actions and words, since the careless word of a real witch can influence the destinies of many people.

In general, the idea of ​​free choice in this case is quite conditional. We do not know what difficult trials and psychological stress a person had to go through in order to come to the conclusion that it was necessary to take such a path. In fact, those who are forced to become witches by fate become witches. It can be firmly stated that in the end, people always become witches under duress. It’s just that sometimes there is an illusion that a person made this choice voluntarily.
Then everything goes simply: training, initiation, various kinds of initiations that can awaken and develop considerable parapsychological abilities. Ultimately, the same forces that pressured a particular woman into becoming a witch also find ways to manifest themselves through her. And at the same time, there are often women who were already born witches, although they themselves do not even suspect it. Why are witches born?
Why are witches born?
As a rule, the birth of a witch is an event pre-programmed in the karma of the family (for example, the father of the future witch was cursed by someone). In our lives, a curse based on canonical biblical texts is often used. A person subjected to such a curse, as a rule, dies at a fairly early age, without having time to grow old. Next, the curse program develops, based on karmic pressure on its descendants. It is precisely this effect of canonical curses that is not at all accidental: the ancient Jews, who developed biblical texts, considered themselves the chosen people and based their policy, and therefore mysticism, on demands for genocide against foreigners. Therefore, mainly people belonging to other tribes were cursed.
The main condition was the complete destruction of the entire family of the person who was cursed.
After a curse is cast, a witch is born into a family. Her duty is, in particular, the destruction of her own family. Sometimes a witch is born after a curse, and sometimes a child already born by that time becomes a witch, but the essence of the process does not change. In all cases it is the result of a curse being imposed. At its core, a curse is a sacrifice, and the person who bears it exists in this world precisely as a messenger of the forces to which he was sacrificed. Therefore, it should be recognized that the witch's gift is almost always a forced ability.
A person who has received such a gift remains at peace for some time. As a rule, its first manifestations occur during puberty, and after some time the initiation of the dormant gift into action occurs. How it's done? If you study the history of black magic and, in particular, read the descriptions of the Sabbaths committed by Satanists in the distant past, you will notice that the same ritual is always encountered, which is the climax of the Sabbath - the ritual rape of a virgin.
Today, when the classic covens have remained only in legends, initiation occurs spontaneously. In other words, almost all women who showed the gift of a witch were at one time raped. It is after this act that dark abilities begin to awaken. And, curiously, women who do not have such an innate gift are very rarely subjected to violence. This is easy to explain: they are not as sexy and do not cause (on a subconscious level) such strong and poorly controlled sexual arousal in those they meet. It is the procedure of violence that is the forced initiation that forces the witch’s gift to awaken. What is a witch's gift?

Witch's Gift
First of all, it is an obsession. The body of a woman destined to be a witch is possessed by a foreign entity. Sometimes it can be the soul of a dead person, sometimes a demon. The creature that has taken up residence to some extent controls her consciousness. The nature of these creatures and their origin are still a mystery. However, the presence of such powers often helps to acquire paranormal or supernatural abilities. In particular, this can be clairvoyance, and sometimes such possibilities that would seem unreal to us.
In addition, witches receive additional, non-personal entities. The existence of such forces is well known to magicians who have experience traveling to the afterlife. During such travels, a corridor opens into the ground, which leads to the kingdom of the dead. It is there, in this passage, that you can find something resembling small animals. These are the forces that, when withdrawn from there, give the witch additional paranormal abilities. In the modern magical tradition, they are usually called allies. They can be introduced from outside at different times and awaken as a result of initiation. Once awakened, such forces can become extremely formidable. This is exactly what we call the influence of black magic, which shapes the predestined events that we call destiny. The influence of secret forces programs almost all the troubles that are destined to happen over time.
Manifestations of the power of witches are completely inaccessible to our consciousness. What we can recognize (in particular, diseases) is only the tip of the iceberg. The power of magic goes much deeper. It goes beyond human understanding. The changes that occur to a person during the birth of a witch's gift also affect his blood. As a result of the presence of creatures from the afterlife, the bioenergetic content of the blood changes. At the field level, it becomes like the blood of a dead man and ceases to protect the body from the influence of pathogenic microbes - on the contrary, it cooperates with them. At the same time, the influence of dead energy also extends to those who have the misfortune of living in the same room with a witch.
The gift of witchcraft is always created and manifested by force. Apparently, this is why the Prophet Mohammed at one time introduced the death penalty for rape. Such “fun” is expensive, and the forces awakened to life in this way eventually reach not only the lustful person, but also the people around him.

Seeing a witch - new acquaintances will drag you into an unsafe adventure, which, at best, will end in financial losses.

Being a witch means a scandal awaits you because of your frankness.

To escape from a witch - they will tell you false lies, which will greatly affect your relationships with others.

You are surrounded on all sides by witches - there are ill-wishers around you who seek to destroy your life's work.

Imagine that water, preferably holy water, is pouring on the witch. The witch, as in a fairy tale, melts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Witch

For some people, a witch: a symbol of evil.

The writers of fairy tales for children tried to give this coloring to this image, without bothering to familiarize themselves with the history of the cruel persecution of witches by the medieval Christian church.

These witches were mostly harmless herbalists, midwives and healers.

Their oppression arose from the dominant tendency in Christianity to separate God from nature and to worship a heavenly deity who did not set foot on earth.

Interpretation of dreams from

A witch is a person who is able to communicate with the souls of the dead and with the forces of evil in order to achieve certain goals. As a rule, witches have supernatural abilities, for example: they can predict the future, influence people (kill or heal), influence a person’s fate, move objects with the power of their gaze, read people’s thoughts, etc. It is worth noting that not only women, but also representatives of the stronger sex can practice witchcraft.

The modern word "witch" comes from the common Indo-European root "wikk". From this root such modern words as know, know, wisdom were formed. And one more, Gothic option - to turn, change. Thus, we can conclude that a witch is a person who has deep knowledge and wisdom, with the ability change , for example, the fate of a person.

How do you become a witch?

There are two options:

First option. Not by choice. Such a person is helped by some evil spirit (demon or demon), sometimes it even inhabits the person. Usually such people notice that they have some kind of supernatural abilities and feel like unusual mortals. It happens that a curse thrown in anger from such a person comes true. A person who is helped by a certain dark entity must independently reveal his potential, but this happens extremely rarely. You may ask, why would a demon or demon enter a person’s body and help him? Everything is very simple. The demon needs base needs, which he can realize only by being in the human body. Often, if the chosen person does not suit the demon, he kills him and goes to look for another body. If a witch gives birth to a child, the demon often inhabits the newborn. And this continues from generation to generation, but only as long as the demon is satisfied with everything. By draining the energy from each generation, a primitive demon can rise to the rank of demon. But about demons and demons - in the following articles.

Second option. You can become a witch of your own free will. Of course, only a few can become a witch and subjugate dark forces. The easiest option is to become a receiver. To do this, you need to come to a dying witch, who will only transfer her knowledge and skills at her own request; this ritual is called “Confession of a Witch.” But if the demon doesn’t like the successor, nothing will come of it. The final decision is always up to the dark force. You can also try to summon the demon yourself and obey him, however, this option is almost ineffective. Dark forces will not help everyone.

Do witches go to church?

The answer is yes. And don’t even think that upon seeing a crucifix or an icon, the witch begins to scream in an inhuman voice and bang her head on the floor, this only happens in third-rate horror films. The witch spends a lot of energy, and it can be replenished where people are as relaxed as possible. A church service is an ideal place to sign up for energy.


Any witch is helped by some dark entity, a Demon or Demon. Both the witch and the evil spirit benefit from this union. A witch (mortal human) gains supernatural and psychic abilities. An evil spirit (demon or demon) – receives base needs and energy replenishment. With each new witch, the demon becomes stronger and stronger. For example, if 1000 years ago it was a weak evil spirit of a deceased sinner who was at the lowest level, now, after he has subdued more than one generation of witches, he can be a strong demon who subjugates hundreds of other evil spirits. .

A witch is a union (sometimes voluntary and sometimes not) between a person and a dark force. It is impossible to become a witch without the support of the forces of evil.

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