How to calculate the geometric mean. Geometric mean in statistics

In the calculation of the average value is lost.

Average meaning set of numbers is equal to the sum of the numbers S divided by the number of these numbers. That is, it turns out that average meaning equals: 19/4 = 4.75.


If you need to find the geometric mean for just two numbers, then you will not need an engineering calculator: you can extract the second degree root (square root) of any number using the most common calculator.

Useful advice

Unlike the arithmetic mean, the geometric mean is not so strongly influenced by large deviations and fluctuations between individual values ​​in the studied set of indicators.


  • Online calculator that calculates the geometric mean
  • geometric mean formula

Average value is one of the characteristics of a set of numbers. Represents a number that cannot be outside the range defined by the largest and smallest values ​​in this set of numbers. Average arithmetic value - the most commonly used variety of averages.


Add all the numbers in the set and divide them by the number of terms to get the arithmetic mean. Depending on the specific conditions of the calculation, it is sometimes easier to divide each of the numbers by the number of values ​​in the set and sum the result.

Use, for example, included in the Windows operating system, if it is not possible to calculate the arithmetic mean in the mind. You can open it using the program launcher dialog. To do this, press the "hot keys" WIN + R or click the "Start" button and select the "Run" command from the main menu. Then type calc in the input field and press Enter or click the OK button. The same can be done through the main menu - open it, go to the "All Programs" section and in the "Standard" section and select the "Calculator" line.

Enter all the numbers in the set in succession by pressing the Plus key after each of them (except the last one) or by clicking the corresponding button in the calculator interface. You can also enter numbers both from the keyboard and by clicking the corresponding interface buttons.

Press the slash key or click this in the calculator interface after entering the last set value and print the number of numbers in the sequence. Then press the equal sign and the calculator will calculate and display the arithmetic mean.

You can use the spreadsheet editor Microsoft Excel for the same purpose. In this case, start the editor and enter all the values ​​of the sequence of numbers into adjacent cells. If after entering each number you press Enter or the down or right arrow key, the editor itself will move the input focus to the adjacent cell.

Click the cell next to the last number entered if you don't want to just see the arithmetic mean. Expand the Greek sigma (Σ) dropdown of the Editing commands on the Home tab. Select the line " Average” and the editor will insert the desired formula for calculating the arithmetic mean in the selected cell. Press the Enter key and the value will be calculated.

The arithmetic mean is one of the measures of central tendency, widely used in mathematics and statistical calculations. Finding the arithmetic average of several values ​​​​is very simple, but each task has its own nuances, which are simply necessary to know in order to perform correct calculations.

What is the arithmetic mean

The arithmetic mean determines the average value for the entire original array of numbers. In other words, from a certain set of numbers, a value common to all elements is selected, the mathematical comparison of which with all elements is approximately equal. The arithmetic mean is used primarily in the preparation of financial and statistical reports or for calculating the results of similar experiments.

How to find the arithmetic mean

The search for the arithmetic mean for an array of numbers should begin with determining the algebraic sum of these values. For example, if the array contains the numbers 23, 43, 10, 74 and 34, then their algebraic sum will be 184. When writing, the arithmetic mean is denoted by the letter μ (mu) or x (x with a bar). Next, the algebraic sum should be divided by the number of numbers in the array. In this example, there were five numbers, so the arithmetic mean will be 184/5 and will be 36.8.

Features of working with negative numbers

If there are negative numbers in the array, then the arithmetic mean is found using a similar algorithm. There is a difference only when calculating in the programming environment, or if there are additional conditions in the task. In these cases, finding the arithmetic mean of numbers with different signs comes down to three steps:

1. Finding the common arithmetic mean by the standard method;
2. Finding the arithmetic mean of negative numbers.
3. Calculation of the arithmetic mean of positive numbers.

The responses of each of the actions are written separated by commas.

Natural and decimal fractions

If the array of numbers is represented by decimal fractions, the solution occurs according to the method of calculating the arithmetic mean of integers, but the result is reduced according to the requirements of the task for the accuracy of the answer.

When working with natural fractions, they should be reduced to a common denominator, which is multiplied by the number of numbers in the array. The numerator of the answer will be the sum of the reduced numerators of the original fractional elements.

Engineering calculator.


Keep in mind that in the general case, the geometric mean of numbers is found by multiplying these numbers and extracting from them the root of the degree that corresponds to the number of numbers. For example, if you need to find the geometric mean of five numbers, then you will need to extract the root of the degree from the product.

To find the geometric mean of two numbers, use the basic rule. Find their product, and then extract the square root from it, since the numbers are two, which corresponds to the degree of the root. For example, in order to find the geometric mean of the numbers 16 and 4, find their product 16 4=64. From the resulting number, extract the square root √64=8. This will be the desired value. Please note that the arithmetic mean of these two numbers is greater than and equal to 10. If the root is not taken completely, round the result to the desired order.

To find the geometric mean of more than two numbers, also use the basic rule. To do this, find the product of all the numbers for which you want to find the geometric mean. From the resulting product, extract the root of the degree equal to the number of numbers. For example, to find the geometric mean of the numbers 2, 4, and 64, find their product. 2 4 64=512. Since you need to find the result of the geometric mean of three numbers, extract the root of the third degree from the product. It is difficult to do this verbally, so use an engineering calculator. To do this, it has a button "x ^ y". Dial the number 512, press the "x^y" button, then dial the number 3 and press the "1/x" button, to find the value 1/3, press the "=" button. We get the result of raising 512 to the power of 1/3, which corresponds to the root of the third degree. Get 512^1/3=8. This is the geometric mean of the numbers 2.4 and 64.

Using an engineering calculator, you can find the geometric mean in another way. Find the log button on your keyboard. After that, take the logarithm for each of the numbers, find their sum and divide it by the number of numbers. From the resulting number, take the antilogarithm. This will be the geometric mean of the numbers. For example, in order to find the geometric mean of the same numbers 2, 4 and 64, make a set of operations on the calculator. Type the number 2, then press the log button, press the "+" button, type the number 4 and press log and "+" again, type 64, press log and "=". The result will be a number equal to the sum of the decimal logarithms of the numbers 2, 4 and 64. Divide the resulting number by 3, since this is the number of numbers by which the geometric mean is sought. From the result, take the antilogarithm by toggling the register key and use the same log key. The result is the number 8, this is the desired geometric mean.

Average values ​​in statistics play an important role, because they allow one to obtain a generalizing characteristic of the analyzed phenomenon. The most common average is, of course, . It occurs when the aggregating indicator is formed using the sum of the elements. For example, the mass of several apples, the total revenue for each day of sales, etc. But this is not always the case. Sometimes an aggregate indicator is formed not as a result of summation, but as a result of other mathematical operations.

Consider the following example. Monthly inflation is the change in the price level of one month compared to the previous one. If inflation rates are known for each month, then how to get the annual value? From a statistical point of view, this is a chain index, so the correct answer is: by multiplying monthly inflation rates. That is, the total inflation rate is not a sum, but a product. And how now to find out the average inflation for the month, if there is an annual value? No, do not divide by 12, but take the root of the 12th degree (the degree depends on the number of factors). In the general case, the geometric mean is calculated by the formula:

That is, it is the root of the product of the original data, where the degree is determined by the number of factors. For example, the geometric mean of two numbers is the square root of their product

of three numbers - the cube root of the product


If each original number is replaced by their geometric mean, then the product will give the same result.

To better understand what the geometric mean is and how it differs from the arithmetic mean, consider the following figure. There is a right triangle inscribed in a circle.

The median is omitted from the right angle a(to the middle of the hypotenuse). Also from the right angle the height is omitted b, which is at the point P divides the hypotenuse into two parts m and n. Because the hypotenuse is the diameter of the circumscribed circle, and the median is the radius, it is obvious that the length of the median a is the arithmetic mean of m and n.

Calculate what the height is b. Due to the similarity of triangles ABP and BCP fair equality

That is, the height of a right triangle is the geometric mean of the segments into which it divides the hypotenuse. Such a clear difference.

In MS Excel, the geometric mean can be found using the CPGEOM function.

Everything is very simple: call the function, specify the range and you're done.

In practice, this indicator is not used as often as the arithmetic mean, but still occurs. For example, there is such human development index, which compares the standard of living in different countries. It is calculated as the geometric mean of several indexes.

There are other averages as well. About them another time.

Unlike the arithmetic mean, the geometric mean measures how much a variable has changed over time. The geometric mean is the root of the nth power of the product of n values ​​(in Excel, the function = CVGEOM is used):

G = (X 1 * X 2 * ... * X n) 1/n

A similar parameter - the geometric mean of the rate of return - is determined by the formula:

G \u003d [(1 + R 1) * (1 + R 2) * ... * (1 + R n)] 1 / n - 1,

where R i is the rate of return for the i-th period of time.

For example, suppose the initial investment is $100,000. By the end of the first year, it drops to $50,000, and by the end of the second year, it recovers to the original $100,000. The rate of return on this investment over a two-year period is equal to 0, since the initial and final amount of funds are equal to each other. However, the arithmetic mean of annual rates of return is = (-0.5 + 1) / 2 = 0.25 or 25%, since the rate of return in the first year R 1 = (50,000 - 100,000) / 100,000 = -0.5 , and in the second R 2 = (100,000 - 50,000) / 50,000 = 1. At the same time, the geometric mean of the rate of return for two years is: G = [(1-0.5) * (1+1 )] 1/2 - 1 = S - 1 = 1 - 1 = 0. Thus, the geometric mean more accurately reflects the change (more precisely, the absence of change) in investment over a two-year period than the arithmetic mean.

Interesting Facts. First, the geometric mean will always be less than the arithmetic mean of the same numbers. Except for the case when all the taken numbers are equal to each other. Secondly, having considered the properties of a right triangle, one can understand why the mean is called geometric. The height of a right triangle dropped onto the hypotenuse is the average proportional between the projections of the legs onto the hypotenuse, and each leg is the average proportional between the hypotenuse and its projection onto the hypotenuse. This gives a geometric way of constructing the geometric mean of two (lengths) segments: you need to build a circle on the sum of these two segments as a diameter, then the height, restored from the point of their connection to the intersection with the circle, will give the desired value:

Rice. four.

The second important property of numerical data is their variation, which characterizes the degree of data dispersion. Two different samples can differ both in mean values ​​and in variations.

There are five estimates of data variation:

interquartile range,


standard deviation,

the coefficient of variation.

The range is the difference between the largest and smallest elements of the sample:

Range \u003d X Max - X Min

The range of a sample containing the average annual returns of 15 very high-risk mutual funds can be calculated using an ordered array: Range = 18.5 - (-6.1) = 24.6. This means that the difference between the highest and lowest average annual returns for very high risk funds is 24.6%.

The range measures the overall spread of the data. Although the sample range is a very simple estimate of the total spread of the data, its weakness is that it does not take into account exactly how the data is distributed between the minimum and maximum elements. The B scale shows that if the sample contains at least one extreme value, the sample range is a very inaccurate estimate of the spread of the data.

Geometric mean applied in those cases where the individual values ​​of the attribute are relative values ​​of the dynamics, built in the form of chain values, as a ratio to the previous level of each level in the series of dynamics, i.e. characterizes the average growth factor.

The mode and median are very often calculated in statistical problems and they are additional characteristics of the population and are used in mathematical statistics to analyze the type of distribution series, which can be normal, asymmetric, symmetric, etc.

As well as the median, the values ​​of the attribute are calculated, dividing the population into four equal parts - quartels, into five parts - quintels, into ten equal parts - decels, into one hundred equal parts - percentels. The use of the distribution of the considered characteristics in statistics in the analysis of variational series allows a deeper and more detailed characterization of the population under study.

The topic of arithmetic and geometric mean is included in the mathematics program for grades 6-7. Since the paragraph is quite simple to understand, it is quickly passed, and by the end of the school year, students forget it. But knowledge in basic statistics is needed to pass the exam, as well as for international SAT exams. And for everyday life, developed analytical thinking never hurts.

How to calculate the arithmetic and geometric mean of numbers

Suppose there is a series of numbers: 11, 4, and 3. The arithmetic mean is the sum of all numbers divided by the number of given numbers. That is, in the case of numbers 11, 4, 3, the answer will be 6. How is 6 obtained?

Solution: (11 + 4 + 3) / 3 = 6

The denominator must contain a number equal to the number of numbers whose average is to be found. The sum is divisible by 3, since there are three terms.

Now we need to deal with the geometric mean. Let's say there is a series of numbers: 4, 2 and 8.

The geometric mean is the product of all given numbers, which is under the root with a degree equal to the number of given numbers. That is, in the case of numbers 4, 2 and 8, the answer is 4. Here's how it happened:

Solution: ∛(4 × 2 × 8) = 4

In both options, whole answers were obtained, since special numbers were taken as an example. This is not always the case. In most cases, the answer has to be rounded or left at the root. For example, for the numbers 11, 7, and 20, the arithmetic mean is ≈ 12.67, and the geometric mean is ∛1540. And for the numbers 6 and 5, the answers, respectively, will be 5.5 and √30.

Can it happen that the arithmetic mean becomes equal to the geometric mean?

Of course it can. But only in two cases. If there is a series of numbers consisting only of either ones or zeros. It is also noteworthy that the answer does not depend on their number.

Proof with units: (1 + 1 + 1) / 3 = 3 / 3 = 1 (arithmetic mean).

∛(1 × 1 × 1) = ∛1 = 1 (geometric mean).

Proof with zeros: (0 + 0) / 2=0 (arithmetic mean).

√(0 × 0) = 0 (geometric mean).

There is no other option and there cannot be.

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