What to feed a ferret at home. How to feed ferrets at home so that they are healthy and active. Nutrition based on dry food

When keeping ferrets at home, feeding them is an important aspect. These animals are predators, so plant foods are completely unsuitable for their digestive system. The best option is to use special feeds that are designed to meet all the needs of the pet. Some owners include foods on the menu that are similar in energy value to those that ferrets consume in their natural habitat.

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    What does an animal eat in nature?

    In nature, animals usually eat meat. The structure of their digestive system and fast metabolism means the use of fast-digesting animal products containing a large amount of protein. In their natural habitat, ferrets feed on small rodents, frogs, birds, and fish. They do not disdain even carrion. Animals live near human habitation and often make their way into poultry houses, stealing eggs and chicks.

    The structure of the mouth apparatus and jaw allows ferrets to break bones and tear the victim's meat into small pieces. They eat wool, feathers and entrails. Animals do not eat root crops, nuts and grass.

    Pet ferret diet

    It is necessary to feed the animal at home with turkey meat or chicken, as well as lean veal. Pork and beef are poorly digested, so they are not offered to the ferret. To diversify the diet, it includes fish. The animal eats herring, cod, mackerel, trout with pleasure.

    In nature, the animal absorbs its prey whole, so hard meat is included in home food, leaving cartilage and bones. You can offer him a chicken head or neck. It is better not to give legs, because they consist of tubular bones that can injure the gastrointestinal tract. Fish oil will benefit the animals.

    Be sure to give the pet vitamins: brewer's yeast, Normit, Roboran, multivitamins for cats, etc., but the dosage must be observed, since beriberi and hypervitaminosis negatively affect the body.

    Properly composed diet is the key to the health and longevity of the pet. Animals have an increased metabolism, so even the smallest mistakes can lead to serious illnesses.

    List of foods that you can feed your ferret:

    Product Scroll
    • Mutton.
    • Quail.
    • Chicken.
    • Turkey.
    • Beef.
    • horsemeat
    • Crustaceans.
    • Shellfish.
    • Trout.
    • Cod.
    • Herring.
    • Mackerel.
    • Flounder
    • Chicken.
    • Quail
    • Liver.
    • Kidneys.
    • Heart.
    • chicken giblets
    • Millet.
    • Buckwheat.
    • Rice.
    • Barley
    Berries and fruits
    • Persimmon.
    • Sweet cherry.
    • Grape.
    • Cherry.
    • Melon.
    • Watermelon.
    • Pear.
    • Strawberry.
    • Apple.
    • Banana
    • Pumpkin.
    • Radish.
    • Bell pepper.
    • Broccoli.
    • Cucumber.
    • Zucchini.
    • Tomatoes
    Dried fruits
    • Prunes.
    • Dried apricots.
    • Dates.
    • Raisin.
    • figs
    • Dill.
    • Scalded nettle.
    • Parsley
    live food
    • Chickens.
    • Worms.
    • Insects.
    Dairy products
    • Kefir.
    • Skim cheese.
    • Ryazhenka.
    • Sour cream

    Feeding with natural food

    An adult needs to be given 400 g of feed daily, young animals - 2 times less. One third of the daily diet should be porridge. It is best if it is a mixture of several varieties. The remaining 2/3 are entirely meat.

    If the pet eats natural food, he should not be offered dry food. It is also forbidden to use vegetable protein instead of animal. The best option is minced meat. To prepare it, mix 1/3 of boiled cereal with 2/3 of minced meat, consisting of meat or offal.

    The porridge is divided into several parts and placed in the freezer. The required amount of food is taken out of there and put in the refrigerator, and in the morning it is offered to the animal. Farshekasha must be warmed up to room temperature.

    Once a day, a pet should be given a quail egg, and chicken is included in the diet three times a week.

    Ferrets are reluctant to eat vegetables; they do not represent a special energy value for animals. Some hard varieties can be life-threatening for the animal: pieces damage tooth enamel, block the esophagus, and even provoke suffocation. Therefore, before serving, they are pre-boiled and finely chopped.

    From time to time, ferrets can be given treats:

    • banana;
    • persimmon;
    • cucumber;

    Dry food

    Dry food contains all the nutrients necessary for the animal in the right amount, which are well balanced. At the same time, special attention is paid to drinking: the pet must have unhindered access to a drinking bowl with fresh water.

    Dry food for ferrets comes in economy, premium and super premium class. The composition of a quality coma should include:

    • 36% animal protein;
    • 22% fat;
    • 5% carbohydrates.

    To assess the quality of the food, you need to examine the coat of the animal: the absence of dandruff and a shiny coat are signs of a well-balanced diet.

    Prohibited Products

    Some products are strictly forbidden to ferrets: muffin or low-quality cheap food contributes to the appearance of a digestive system disorder, and sometimes cause serious intractable diseases.

    Human food is also not always suitable for animals, so it is undesirable to give them food from a common table. Citrus fruits increase the acidity of the stomach, and milk contains lactose, a substance that is not absorbed by the pet's body and can cause diarrhea. Prohibited Products:

    • nuts, onions, garlic;
    • citrus;
    • ice cream;
    • chocolate, sweets, cookies;
    • soups;
    • pork, smoked meats;
    • soy products;
    • grilled meat;
    • pickles;
    • sparkling water;
    • salt.

    Ferrets and some types of fish are contraindicated:

    • saithe;
    • polar cod;
    • pollock;
    • haddock;
    • whiting.

    They contain trimethylamine oxide, a substance that transposes iron, which leads to the development of anemia. This disease is very dangerous for young individuals. It is accompanied by loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, a decrease in hemoglobin levels, and a slowdown in growth.

    Fish species that contain an enzyme that destroys vitamin B1 are prohibited for consumption:

    • sardinella;
    • maurolicus;
    • snipe;
    • sprat;
    • crucian carp;
    • sardine;
    • perch;
    • smelt;
    • burbot;
    • silverfish;
    • tyulka;
    • anchovy;
    • capelin.

    The specifics of feeding during pregnancy and molting

    Expecting offspring or molting, the body of the ferret is especially vulnerable. At this time, it is necessary to carefully approach the preparation of the pet's diet. For pregnant females, the portion size is reduced by 20%, but the nutritional value of the products should be increased. They do this by increasing the amount of protein foods and reducing the volume of cereals.

    Bone meal, vitamins, brewer's yeast must be added to food. Pregnant females should not be overfed. After childbirth, cottage cheese is added to the diet, which improves lactation.

    Ferrets molt 2 times a year - in spring and autumn. At this time, you need to take care of vitaminization. For these animals, there are special vitamins 8 in 1, due to the use of which the molting period is significantly reduced and the negative consequences for the fur are reduced.

Exotic pet lovers who are just about to get this little predator often wonder what to feed a ferret? It is known that in the natural habitat the diet of the animal is diverse. It is almost impossible to recreate it at home. What kind of food can you offer your pet so as not to harm his health?

What do ferrets eat in the wild?

Live food is the healthiest option for any predator

Ferrets are predators, so they get their livelihood by hunting other animals, birds and catching fish. Hunting occurs mainly at night, as the animal sleeps during the day. However, if the ferret is very hungry, it can go out in search of food even during daylight hours.

The most common prey is:

  • Small rodents (voles, ground squirrels, moles);
  • Reptiles and amphibians (frogs, lizards);
  • Little birds and eggs;
  • Insects and worms;
  • Fruit and fish. They occupy a tiny part in the diet of wild ferrets. Their digestive organs are not adapted for the digestion of plant foods, therefore, to obtain all the necessary substances, ferrets need only the remains of plant fibers in the stomachs of herbivorous animals that they feed on.

There are cases when, in the wild, ferrets feed on carrion. This happens if the predator for some reason cannot hunt or remains hungry for a long time.

How to feed a ferret at home

The main rule when compiling a ferret's diet is not to give him anything from your table.

Nutrition is a fundamental issue, since we are talking about the life and health of the animal. Improper nutrition causes significant harm to the body of the ferret, causes serious illness and can cause premature death. Unlike other domestic animals such as cats or dogs, ferrets are completely unadapted to human food.

By nature, these animals are predators, so their metabolism is fast. In four hours, the entire contents of the stomach are completely digested, although predators absorb their prey entirely, along with bones, entrails and wool.

List of the most useful products

It is very important that during the day with food the ferret receives all the necessary vitamins, amino acids and minerals. The most useful foods suitable for a predator diet are:

  • Meat;

Meat should be given every day with every meal. Poultry meat contains taurine, necessary for the health of the animal, which cannot be obtained from other sources.

  • Cereals;

Groats are added to the ferret's diet in the form of highly boiled porridge. Fiber, which is part of the porridge, has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility.

The share of plant foods should not exceed 15-30% of the total mass.

  • "Live Food"

Some owners of ferrets consider this type of feeding pets unacceptable. However, all veterinarians and experienced breeders agree that it is useful for the body of a predator to “hunt” live food in the form of small rodents or insects from time to time.

Ready feed

Owners prefer to treat ferrets with kitten food

Specialty feeds come in the form of canned food or a dry product. Despite the fact that it is easy to find ready-made food specifically for ferrets on the shelves of pet stores today, experienced breeders recommend treating predators with premium or super premium kitten food.

The fact is that ready-made food for ferrets can hardly be attributed to the economy class. In terms of their benefits, they are in many ways inferior to premium kitten food.

If you prefer to give your ferret dry food, then the animal should always have fresh, cool water freely available.

If you have made a choice in their favor, you should completely abandon supplementary feeding in any form. It is impossible, for example, to feed an animal with dry food in the morning, and in the evening offer him minced meat. The finished product for feeding is not in vain called “balanced” - mixing it with other food, you level the entire balance of nutrients.

The following types of feed are most popular with ferret owners:

  • Nutro Choice Kitten;
  • Eagle Pack Kitten;
  • Acana Kitten;
  • James Kitten.

Cooking natural food

Farshekasha is an obligatory dish in the diet of a ferret

Natural food is homemade food, which should contain 70% meat products and 30% cereals. The most popular dish for everyday natural feeding of ferrets among the owners of these predators has become "farshekasha".

The recipe for this dish is very simple:

From 4-5 types of cereals, porridge is boiled in water, without adding salt, spices, etc. The cereal should boil as much as possible, the consistency should become similar to dough. Ready porridge is mixed with minced meat products. In addition to the meat itself, be sure to add skin, offal and offal to the minced meat.

"Farshekash" is convenient to cook in large volumes, divide into portions and store frozen. Defrost the porridge in the refrigerator as needed. Before feeding the ferret, "farshekasha" is heated to room temperature.


You can also give 1-2 strawberries as a treat.

Perhaps every owner seeks to pamper his pet with a treat from time to time. The treat helps to establish contact between a person and an animal, and also acts as the main tool for training a pet.

When choosing a treat for a ferret, it is important not to harm his health. Cured and dried meat products are ideal for a predator.

As a treat, it is also allowed to offer the animal:

  • Boiled chicken or raw quail egg;
  • a piece of fruit;
  • Cornflakes;
  • Purchased treats for ferrets or cats.

The composition of the purchased should not include sugar, sweeteners, preservatives, legumes and nuts.

You can combine business with pleasure by using special vitamin pastes as a treat. But remember that vitamins can only be added to the ferret's diet if it is on home food, since the composition of the finished feed already contains a balance of necessary substances.

Vitamins and Supplements

As already indicated, vitamins and supplements should be included in the ferret's diet only if the animal is on home food. An overdose of any vitamin or trace element can be harmful to your pet's health..

The choice of dressings and vitamin complexes for domesticated predators today is quite extensive. Here are the most popular ones:

  • "Vita Sol";

The composition of this complex vitamin supplement includes 7 vitamins and 4 types of fatty amino acids. The manufacturer recommends using the supplement during periods of growing up, pregnancy and lactation, as well as during the molting of the animal. The method of administration and doses are indicated on the package. The duration of the course is 1 month.

  • "FerretVite";

FerretVite Paste Helps Your Pet Gain Weight and Improve Appetite

This is a special balanced paste, which includes minerals, vitamins and easily digestible fats. Such a product is intended to support ferrets in the postoperative periods, and also helps to recover sick and malnourished animals. The use of pasta increases the appetite and weight gain of the animal, therefore it is not recommended to give treats to overweight pets. The feeding schedule is indicated on the package.

  • Vitamins of groups A, D and E.

Vitamins of these groups are given mainly to females during periods of estrus, pregnancy and lactation, as well as monthly ferrets in order to prevent bone diseases. The dosage should be observed very strictly, adhering to the factory instructions or veterinarian prescriptions.

Features of feeding in certain periods

If you initially feed the ferret correctly during the growth period, a healthy and strong animal will grow out of it.

In the life cycle of ferrets, there are several periods when the animal's body needs special support. To provide the animal with a favorable course of such biological processes as maturation, molting, estrus and pregnancy, special nutritional supplements and vitamin complexes will help.

growth period

During the growth stage, quality nutrition is especially important for ferrets.

During the growth period of the cubs, which have already ceased to be “suckers” and are ready to switch to independent nutrition, it is extremely important to teach them to eat right. Already at the stage of the first feedings, the owner should decide on a feeding strategy: the ferrets' diet will consist of high-quality purchased feeds or homemade minced meat and other permitted "dishes".

It is also important to provide them with daily nutrition of quality meat products. Rabbit meat is the most suitable product in this regard. Minced rabbit meat should be given to babies mixed with cereals and the obligatory addition of cartilage.

Moulting period

Be sure to include fish oil in your ferret's diet when shedding.

During the molting period, animals especially need vitamins and fatty acids. It is recommended to add fish oil to the usual diet. Feeding the animal with capsules is quite difficult, so it is recommended to choose fish oil in liquid form. Adults are given 35 drops per tongue daily.

Pregnancy period

During pregnancy, the female ferret is in a vulnerable state, so the pet's diet during this period should not include any prohibited foods. The classic two-time feeding scheme should be replaced with 3-5 meals a day. Be sure to enter your daily dose of complex vitamin supplements.

What not to feed a ferret

Sausages and convenience foods are harmful to both ferrets and other animals

It is important to pay attention to products that are strictly prohibited, as they cause serious harm to the health of pets.

List of prohibited products:

  • Fatty meat (lamb, pork);
  • Fried and smoked meat;
  • Sausages and semi-finished meat products;
  • Most types of fish, except for those allowed (various types of red fish, mackerel, herring, cod and horse mackerel are allowed);
  • Milk and sour cream;
  • Potato;
  • Citrus;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Nuts;
  • Onion and garlic;
  • Spices, herbs and spices;
  • Acute;
  • Salty;
  • Sweet.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight a categorical ban on food from the general table and food for other animals (except food for kittens).

Consequences of malnutrition

The insidiousness of malnutrition in ferrets lies in the fact that the symptoms of disorders in the body caused by an improper diet can not be noticed immediately, but only after some time, when the animal is already sick.

The first signs of poisoning, diseases and conditions caused by malnutrition are:

  • Stomach upset;
  • Change in feces and urine;
  • Baldness;
  • Lethargy of the animal;
  • Loss of vision (the animal becomes clumsy, can crash into objects).

If you notice any of the symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately. Violation of the diet leads to the development of gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus, enterocolitis and many others.

Unfortunately, many animals whose owners take an irresponsible approach to the issue of nutrition die prematurely. You can save the health, beauty and life of your pet if you follow the rules of healthy eating for domesticated predators.

“We are responsible for those we have tamed” - this is the famous quote from the little prince. Having decided to take a ferret into your house, a predatory animal in its essence, it is necessary to provide him with proper care and nutrition.

The ferret has long ceased to be an exotic animal, and it can increasingly be seen on a leash while walking. But keeping and feeding a ferret is fundamentally different from caring for cats or dogs. Feeding a ferret at home is a very complex and expensive process, for which anyone who wants to have this animal should be ready.

Many people mistakenly believe that ferrets are rodents. In fact, this animal belongs to the weasel family. And this means that the ferret is a real predator, and its diet should not differ from what it used to eat in nature.

In their natural habitat, the ferret feeds mainly on meat. The simple structure of the ferret's digestive organs and fast metabolism means the need for fast-digesting animal protein products. The most favorite food for ferrets in nature are small rodents, birds, frogs, or fish. These predators do not disdain carrion. Ferrets live closer to human habitation, often making their way into poultry houses, where they steal eggs and chicks.

The structure of the jaw and mouth apparatus allows the ferret to tear meat into small pieces and break the bones of the victim. Therefore, there are no leftovers from the meal. The entrails, bones, feathers and wool are used as food. Ferrets do not eat grass, nuts, or root crops in nature, except for what was eaten along with the prey's stomach. But even this small amount of plant food is not digested, but is excreted from the body of the ferret in the form in which it was.

What can you feed a ferret at home

At home, the ferret cannot fully lead a natural lifestyle, so the owner must provide him with the most satisfying predator instinct food. But at home it is quite difficult to provide your pet with the necessary amount of live food. And it will need a lot, because the ferret eats 5-7 times a day, while digesting food in just a few hours.

The entire home diet for ferrets can be divided into three types - dry food, live food and mincemeat. Ferret food should be varied, include vitamins. A properly formulated ferret diet should include 2/3 animal protein and 1/3 fat. The menu includes very little fiber or carbohydrates, which are necessary for the body of the ferret to receive the necessary vitamins.

The necessary amount of vitamins and a balanced complex of minerals can be obtained by a ferret from special premium dry food. But if the owner chooses natural food for his pet, then a consultation with a veterinarian will be mandatory. The specialist will make the right menu, based on the characteristics of the body of the ferret and the capabilities of its owner.

There are several main types of products suitable for a ferret's home diet:

  • meat;
  • offal and offal;
  • cereals in the form of well-boiled porridges.

In a small amount:

  • boiled eggs, preferably quail;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • fish;
  • dairy products;
  • fats.

The basis of the diet is natural food

For a domestic ferret, a live mouse or chick will seem like a real delicacy, and he will not refuse the mouse or chick offered by the owner. At home, such food can be not only live, it is also possible to freeze such food immediately after killing. In the form of feeding for ferrets, flour worms or cockroaches are suitable.

But if it is not possible to regularly feed the ferret with live food, then other natural meat products can be eaten. For a ferret, poultry meat is best - chicken, turkey, duck meat. Poultry meat contains a very important amino acid for it - taurine, which is responsible for the good functioning of the heart, liver and active brain activity. In addition to poultry meat, ferrets can be given veal or lamb, but infrequently. It can also be offal - heart, liver, kidneys, etc. It is preferable to give all meat products in their natural raw form. Fish is included in the diet little by little, solely to obtain the elements necessary for the body of the ferret.

The most common natural food for ferrets kept at home is the so-called farshekashi. Such minced meats include a mixture of all the components necessary for the animal, but their preparation takes a certain time from the owner.

Farshekash No1

  • 1 kg of poultry necks;
  • 0.5 kg of avian ventricles;
  • 200 g boiled cereals (buckwheat or oatmeal).

Meat products are ground into minced meat and mixed with porridge. The finished product is divided into portions equal to one meal of the animal and frozen. Before use, minced meat is thawed and mixed with vitamin supplements.

Farshekash No2

(only suitable for adults)

  • poultry meat with bones and cartilage - 400 g;
  • veal - 150 g;
  • fish - 150 g;
  • offal (liver, heart) - up to 100 g;
  • cottage cheese - 60 g;
  • bird fat - 20 g;
  • vitamins.

The meat is boiled until half cooked, separated from the bones, leaving the cartilage and skin. Porridge is cooked for about half an hour until cooked. The fish is cut into pieces with bones and tripe. Everything is mixed with the addition of vitamins and eggs. The resulting mixture is crushed in a meat grinder and frozen.

There are no specific serving sizes required for feeding a ferret. It is known that the female consumes half as much food as the male. And the male at one time can eat from 200 to 400 g of food. The only condition is that the ferret must be fed to satiety.

Dry food and treats

Sometimes the owner does not always have the opportunity to prepare or purchase natural feed. Then you can immediately accustom the ferret to a special dry food. Dry food for cats or dogs is not suitable for a ferret, because it contains many plant components that it cannot digest. Regular feeding of a ferret with non-specialized feeds for other animals can lead not only to health problems, but also to death.

The best choice of ready-made ferret food is premium dry food that does not include protein components and synthetic fats. If it is not possible to purchase special foods for ferrets, occasionally quality foods for kittens or pregnant cats can be used. If for some reason the food is replaced, then you need to observe the animal, how its body reacts to the new food.

When feeding an animal with dry food, it is necessary to ensure constant access to clean filtered water. Lack of water can lead to dehydration, the animal becomes lethargic and inactive.

Like other pets, the ferret does not refuse treats. In the process of taming or training, small amounts of raisins, pieces of bananas, melons, oatmeal cookies, pieces of hard cheese can be given as a reward. Pet stores also sell special treats for ferrets. But the preference for any type of food or treat in a ferret can only be determined by trial and error, since each animal can have completely different taste preferences.

Vitamins and Supplements

As with any other animal, vitamins are necessary for proper growth and development of the ferret. Vitamins in the conditions of natural feeding of the animal are mixed into food. These can be vitamins A, E, D in drops, or fish oil, or regular yeast tablets.

Vitaminization of the animal is carried out with a cycle of one month after a month. Be very careful with fish oil. Do not give it to ferrets under the age of 4 weeks.

Veterinary pharmacies sell special biotin supplements that are also very useful for ferrets. As for the dosages and duration of fortification courses, it is best to consult with a veterinarian or a pharmacy pharmacist who will help you understand the instructions for vitamins or supplements. Do not forget that an excess amount of vitamins can harm the animal's body.

Plant foods and forbidden foods in the ferret's diet

Given the carnivorous nature of the ferret and its physiological structure of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to limit the intake of plant foods to 10% of the total diet. The fact is that during the experiments, during which the protein components of animal origin in the menu were replaced by components of plant origin, the occurrence of pathological disorders in the body of ferrets was observed. For example, defects in the fur coat appeared, digestion was disturbed, sexual desire and the ability to reproduce offspring decreased.

Vegetable proteins are not rich enough in amino acids to fully provide the body of the ferret with the necessary components.

When organizing a balanced and healthy feeding regimen for a ferret at home, you need to remember that there are a number of products that can cause irreparable harm to the health of the animal. In the fretka menu should be excluded:

  • dry food for cats, dogs or rodents;
  • sweets in the form of sweets and confectionery;
  • pork can be introduced into the diet only in rare cases and only in boiled form;
  • sour milk;
    raw fish (you can eat only after freezing to avoid infection with worms).

Feeding during pregnancy and shedding

While waiting for offspring or molting, the body of the ferret is especially vulnerable. During such periods, special care must be taken in compiling the diet of the animal. For pregnant females, a 20% reduction in food intake is recommended. But at the same time, the nutritional value of food should be increased significantly. This can be done by increasing the amount of natural animal protein in food and reducing the volume of cereals, or even completely abandoning them.

Be sure to add brewer's yeast, vitamins, bone meal to food. During pregnancy, overfeeding is strictly prohibited. In case of excess weight, vitamins are not added in the form of food, but special vitamin injections are made.

Before childbirth and during them, it is worth taking care of a sufficient amount of water. And after the successful birth of offspring, add cottage cheese to the diet, which improves lactation, and maximize the nutritional value of food.

The molting of the ferret takes place twice a year - in autumn and spring. At this time, in addition to a full-fledged balanced diet, you need to take care of fortification. For ferrets, in this case, there are special vitamins 8 in 1. Their use significantly reduces the time of molting and reduces the negative effects on the fur of the animal during this period.

Ferrets are rather capricious and demanding animals. The slightest mistake in their diet can lead to irreversible consequences. If the owner pays maximum attention to organizing the right menu for his ferret, then the animal will delight him for many years. Otherwise, maybe it's better to have a kitten?

» we learned what conditions you need to create for your pet in the house. In this article, we will touch on a very important aspect of care and maintenance - the feeding of ferrets.

Do not rush to conclusions regarding the feeding of this beautiful animal. Remember that feeding ferrets is a key factor in their health and quality of life. It is deficiencies in the diet that often become the causes of various diseases that significantly reduce the life expectancy of animals.

Despite the fact that the ferret has been domesticated and is essentially a pet, it is not a cat or a dog. Many ferret owners try to feed their pets cat or dog food. This cannot be done! Look at least at the body structure of a ferret, does it look like a dog or a cat, and its behavior, because in what activity it is, any dog ​​or cat will envy such briskness and energy. But this temperament and high mobility of the ferret directly affect its metabolism and metabolism, the features of the flow of bio-chemical processes in its body. A ferret is a different animal, with its own characteristics and needs, so it also needs a different food, taking into account precisely its nutritional needs.

Look at the teeth of a ferret - these are the teeth of a predator, designed to tear off pieces of meat and crush bones. In nature, ferrets prey on rodents and birds, and may also eat some insects.

Ferret feeding can be organized in three different ways.

    First way as close to natural conditions as possible. In this case, the ferret should be given whole carcasses of mice, chickens, cockroaches or mealworms. For a number of reasons, this type of feeding is not suitable for all owners, and not everyone is ready to clean up uneaten food leftovers and tidy up the ferret's meal.

    Second way, this is feeding the ferret food personally prepared by you at home. A balanced diet for a domestic ferret should include various types of meat (turkey, beef, chicken, duck), offal (beef or chicken heart, liver, kidneys, stomachs), animal and vegetable fat, fish (trout, mackerel, horse mackerel, cod or flounder), cartilage, vitamin and mineral supplements and a very small amount of vegetables and cereals. Porridges can be different, this is rice, and buckwheat, and millet with oatmeal, and cottage cheese and eggs are also acceptable in the diet. In addition to cottage cheese, other dairy products, especially milk, should not be given. lactose is poorly digested and causes vomiting and diarrhea in ferrets.

Do not give fatty, smoked or fried foods, sweets, nuts, chocolate, flour, bakery and confectionery products. The ferret is not adapted to the digestion of such food, it provokes obesity, diabetes, allergic reactions, indigestion and intestinal disorders and other health problems.

Can't give fruit
Vegetables and vegetables that are high in coarse fiber, such as carrots that are too difficult to digest, can cause intestinal obstruction or choking in a ferret. The same effect and from nuts, a ferret can choke on them, or get intestinal obstruction.

Do not give ferrets products that have a sticky, sweet and viscous consistency.
Remember that ferrets need highly digestible proteins, which are found in chicken, turkey, duck, quail, sea fish, eggs, as well as beef and lamb. Plant-based protein, such as soy, is much more difficult for ferrets to digest.

    Finally third way Ferret feeding is the use of prepared ferret foods. As ferrets become more and more popular, commercial pet food manufacturers have included food designed specifically for ferrets in their line of foods. The use of ready-made foods ensures that your pet receives all the necessary nutrients in the optimal amount. This feeding option is especially suitable for beginners who have recently acquired a ferret, and are not yet ready to independently compose a fully balanced diet from individual products.

The most important is to choose super-premium food from conscientious producers with a good reputation and a long production practice. Economy class feeds contain chemicals, preservatives, dyes and poor quality meat, often in the form of food residues. Do not save on the health of your pet, if you have acquired an animal, now bear responsibility for it and feed it well.

The German company Bosh produces ready-made professional super-premium pet food. The food line also includes Totally Ferret food for domestic ferrets. These feeds take into account the peculiarities of the digestive system of ferrets.

Totally Ferret food for ferrets takes into account the needs of ferrets in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and trace elements. The right balance of nutrients in a ferret's diet is essential to its well-being and good health. In the "Food Selection" section, you will receive a recommended food option specifically for your ferret.

Bosh food is available throughout Russia, on our "Map", you will find the nearest pet store to you, where you can buy the food you need.

Eating dry food is also good for maintaining healthy teeth, hard food pellets can clean off plaque and tartar, thereby improving the condition of the ferret's tooth enamel and extending the life of the teeth.

How often to feed a ferret?

How many times per day to feed ferrets is another question that needs to be answered correctly.

Watch the ferret, how actively he moves, imagine how much energy he spends while doing this, it is not surprising that he often chews something. Of course, he is not a glutton, just the metabolism in his body passes so quickly that he needs to constantly replenish his energy costs.

Therefore, you should not feed them the same way as cats or dogs only 2-3 times a day. The ferret needs to be provided with constant free access to food throughout the day. He should be able to eat as much as he needs. It has been observed that a ferret may need 7-10 meals per day, but in small portions. The main thing is to constantly wash the water and food bowls and replenish them. Water must be constantly changed to fresh, it must be at room temperature. Water is necessary for the ferret not only to combat dehydration, but also for thermoregulation. Ferrets react very strongly to high temperatures and are prone to heat and sunstroke. Keep an eye on the presence of water in the bowl and constantly refresh it.

Feeding ferrets is a very crucial moment in the proper maintenance of these animals. Be attentive and caring, provide your pet with complete and proper nutrition!

The domestic ferret or, as it is also called, the ferret or furo (from the Latin Mustela putorius furo - a thief or a sly one) is a small squat animal of the weasel family. The body of a domesticated ferret is flexible and elongated, with a long tail, thick fluffy hair and charming beady eyes. Smart and cunning, but incredibly friendly animals as pets have gained popularity all over the world.

The leading countries in breeding these cute pets are Japan, France and America. Furo began to settle in Russia 10-15 years ago. Lovers of small animals will definitely be pleased with his ability to train: the ferret is easy to train to respond to a nickname, walk on a leash, urinate in a tray and even perform some funny tricks.

The ferret does not belong to the rodent family, like hamsters or mice. Moreover, the latter are the food of the ferret. In their behavior and physiology, representatives of this species are much closer to dogs and cats.

Distinctive features of the ferret:

  • Ferret dimensions: body length - 33 - 50 cm, tail length - up to 13 cm, adult weight - from 600 gr. (females) up to 2 kg (males). Males are much larger and longer than females.
  • Appearance: elongated body, very flexible; the head is rounded, with small ears; the eyes are small, round, black; the fur is thick and fluffy, of medium length.
  • Color - varies in many shades: from white to brown and black, mixed colors predominate.
  • Wool has a light musky aroma with an admixture of honey.
  • Sheds in the off-season, tolerates frosts more easily than heat, does not hibernate.
  • It has poor eyesight, but an excellent sense of smell and touch (vibrissae).
  • Able to swim, very nimble, active and mobile animal.
  • Furo can live in large families, are nocturnal.
  • Suffers from fleas, ticks and diseases such as insulinoma, abscess or cyst of the prostate in males, distemper, cataracts, stomach ulcers, aplastic anemia, rickets, influenza, rabies, etc.

Characteristics of the domestic ferret

How long does a domestic ferret live?
From 8 to 12 years old. The maximum life span of a pet is up to 15 years. In many ways, life expectancy depends on the genetic predisposition, nutrition, maintenance and care of the animal.
Does a ferret stink strongly?
In the people, the ferret is mistakenly considered almost smelly skunk. Indeed, the prianal glands of an animal in a stressful situation are capable of emitting an unpleasant pungent odor. But the ferret uses them only in exceptional cases: when all other methods of protection have been tried. In any case, the smell is easy to remove, unlike cat marks, for example. It is possible to surgically remove the anal glands, but this can adversely affect the health of the pet. Ferret feces and urine are almost odorless.
Does the ferret bite?
The sharp teeth and claws of the animal are quite dangerous for humans. Moreover, the furo is very vindictive, and he has a fairly well-developed "wild" perception of the world around him. The pet is especially aggressive at night. Teaching a pet to bite is not difficult. He is just as receptive to education and training as dogs.
What is the price of the animal?
You can buy a pet-class furo at a cost of 1 thousand (from hands) to 5 thousand rubles. When buying an animal from your hands, remember that it may turn out to be sick and die soon. Ferrets from nurseries are more expensive: the breed class is from 8 to 12 thousand rubles, the show class is from 12 to 18 thousand and more.
What to feed a ferret at home?
The ferret is a carnivorous animal. In the wild, it feeds on insects and small animals: frogs, mice, birds. Therefore, at home, a pet needs mixtures of meat products or special prepared foods that can be purchased at pet stores. Some ferrets love natural food: vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, cereals. Sweet, salty, fried and other foods from the human table are very harmful to the animal.
Who is this pet suitable and not suitable for?

A bad choice for the elderly, families with small children (under 7 years old), a person who is constantly on business trips. You should also not keep a ferret in a house where there are burrowing hunting dog breeds (for example, dachshunds). Other "bad neighbors" are birds, reptiles or rodents. Sooner or later, a cunning ferret will find an opportunity to get to your pets and feast on them.

How does the ferret relate to children?
Do not leave a ferret with small children alone. Even a friendly animal can bite a child painfully during the game.

Advantages of keeping a view

  • The small size of the animal allows you to keep it even in a small or communal apartment.
  • The ferret is a very clean animal, it is easy to accustom it to the tray.
  • The animal easily gets along with a group of other pets, both ferrets and dogs or cats.
  • The animal is easy to transport due to its compactness.
  • Despite the nocturnal lifestyle, it adapts to the owner’s daily routine: while you are at work, it will sleep (up to 14 hours a day), and when you come home, it will start playing with you.
  • Ferret fur is less allergenic than cat fur. Unlike cats, the animal is more attached to the owner.
  • Very funny and playful pet, never sits still, loves games.
  • Unlike dogs, it does not require daily walks and physical activity.
  • He gets used to the harness very quickly: literally from the second time.

Difficulties in content

  • The ferret has a smell and is not suitable for people who are sensitive or allergic to animal hair.
  • Indefatigable temperament, activity and stubbornness.
  • They love to dig holes, so they can spoil home flowers in pots.
  • The body of a ferret is absolutely not adapted to food from the human table, it can die from such food.
  • Males mark their territory during sexual activity.
  • Often gets underfoot, suffers from kleptomania, can hide food.
  • He loves order and cleanliness, so he gnaws and spoils the things found.
  • Does not tolerate high temperatures and direct sunlight. May die if left locked in a car without air conditioning.
  • In veterinary medicine, there are few competent specialists in the health of ferrets.
  • Sheds twice a year in the off-season and at 20 weeks pregnant. Lasts from 7 to 20 days.

Males and females differ from each other in size and behavior. Males are 1.5 - 2 times larger, they have thicker fur, larger paws and a wider head. Females are more elegant and graceful. They are also more playful and mobile, but less dependent and attached to the owner.

ferret photo

General conditions of detention

For keeping at home for furo, it is not necessary to purchase a special cage. Most likely, she will not be to the liking of a freedom-loving animal, which would prefer to exist in a large room. It is better if it is still a specially prepared place. For example, a loggia or other spacious room in which, for the safety of the polecat, a net is stretched over the window, wires, house plants, heating devices are removed, there is no access to sockets, gaps are plugged through which the animal can escape or get stuck in them. Remember that the ferret is a burrowing animal and penetrates even the seemingly narrowest cracks. A bathroom, pantry or toilet is not suitable for keeping a pet. If you prefer to purchase a cage, then its area should be at least 1 m 2 and the animal must be released for games for at least 2 to 3 hours a day. On the street, this can also be done, but only with a harness, otherwise the ferret may get lost.

Free space for a domestic ferret must be organized in such a way as to brighten up the content in captivity. All kinds of “attractions” that you can make with your own hands or purchase at a pet store are perfect for this - labyrinths, pipes, hammocks, swings, ladders and dense latex toys (rubber and fur will not work!). In addition, the animal will need a feeder, drinker and tray.

A sleeping place in a cage should be equipped in the form of a box or a wooden or plastic shelter house with soft bedding. Living in a room, the animal itself will find a secluded corner (under a closet or bed, behind an armchair) for sleeping. Animals usually devote almost all daytime to him.

How to get rid of ferret smell?

A ferret can only smell strongly if it is an uncastrated male during the rut. Under other conditions, the smell from the animal is no stronger than from the dog. Some owners even like the musky smell with a hint of honey, but someone would still prefer to get rid of such a scent. To do this, you can use the following rules:

  • Change the bedding in the animal's nest more often and carry out wet cleaning indoors.
  • Try not to abuse bathing, this causes the activation of the sebaceous glands of the ferret.
  • For bathing, use special shampoos for domestic ferrets, which are sold in veterinary pharmacies. These funds are able to destroy the "smell" of the ferret for 5 - 8 days (Frettchen (Bernina), Ferretsheen 8 in 1).

Hygiene procedures

The first is ear cleaning. No more than once a month (less often) it is necessary to remove the brown waxy substance from the ears of the animal. This is done with a cotton swab dipped in Vaseline. Other cleaning products are not recommended, as well as penetrating deep into the animal's ear.

The appearance of black blotches or a black substance in the ears of the animal is a symptom of the appearance of ear mites in the ferret. For treatment, you need to contact a specialist.

Another important procedure is cutting the nails. It is carried out with regularity every 3-4 weeks. It is better to cut the claws of a sleepy animal, otherwise it can get nervous, break out and even bite the owner. Grooming is carried out with special scissors or trimmers for cutting the claws of cats and dogs. Only the curved tip of the claw should be cut so as not to damage the vessel passing inside. This can cause bleeding and pain in the animal. If, nevertheless, the vessel is damaged, to stop the blood, press a cotton swab soaked in iodine to the damaged area.


An optional, but very pleasant procedure for a ferret. He loves to dive and play in the water. It is most convenient to bathe the animal in the bathtub. Water, the temperature of which should not exceed 38 - 40 C °, is poured to a level of 2 - 3 times the growth of the animal. In the middle of the bath, you can install a kind of island (an inverted basin or bucket), for which the pet can cling and rest while swimming.

Wash your pet with specially designed shampoos. It is not critical to use baby soap or herbal shampoos for cats and dogs. Avoid getting water in the eyes and ears of the animal. The ferret is wiped on its own: just wipe it lightly so that water does not pour from the wool, and place it in a box with a pair of clean towels. Your pet will begin to actively somersault until he wipes himself off. Then he will sit down in a convenient place and begin to lick himself, fluffing his fur. Make sure he doesn't do this in a drafty or dusty corner.

litter box training

To facilitate the care and maintenance of a domestic ferret, it is better to accustom it to the tray from the first days of the appearance of a pet in the house. The animal can walk both in a tray, for example, cats, and in its own. The tray can be purchased the most common, with a grate. For faster habituation, it is better to put several trays throughout the room where the animal spends time. In order for the ferret to go “on business”, where it is supposed to, you first need to slightly stain the tray with its feces. In no case do not put the tray where the pet sleeps and eats. There, the ferret will never pee. Ferrets are very clean animals, so the place for the toilet should always be clean and tidy.

For having relieved the need in the right place, be sure to praise your pet. Only a polecat caught at the crime scene can be punished for mistakes. Otherwise, he simply will not understand what he is punished for.

Hair care

Frets, like most cats, take care of their own hair, but during the molting period, which takes place twice a year, you can help the animal. At this time, he experiences severe discomfort and constantly itches. The condition of the pet will be facilitated by regular combing with a special soft brush for cats or by carefully plucking the fur.

To walk

Observing certain rules, it is possible to take the ferret for a walk from 8 to 9 months both in winter and in summer, provided that the pet is healthy and has received all the necessary vaccinations. Walking for a ferret is a great joy. The main thing is to avoid excessive heat, as well as dirt, slush and severe frosts. Although, moderate cold is only useful for ferrets, especially since they love to dig holes in the snow. The best option for exercise is deserted and quiet parks and squares.

For a walk, be sure to purchase a harness with a leash. It is better to start teaching her at home. On a walk, do not let the pet pick up anything from the ground and do not let it “free swim”. Some dogs and crows pose a great danger to the animal. The latter often attack the trochee directly from the air.

After returning from a walk, it is enough to wipe the pet's paws with a damp cloth or rinse them in the shower.

Ferret Dangers

Try to create the safest possible conditions for furo. The danger to the animal is:

  • Washing machine - the pet may get stuck in it, or you may not notice it and turn on the wash.
  • An open toilet bowl - a ferret can drown in it or get poisoned by a chemical cleaning agent.
  • Rubber products (shoe insole, bath mat, etc.) - if swallowed, rubber clogs the stomach of the animal, which leads to death.
  • Drawers - a ferret can easily open them and ruin something valuable.
  • Garbage bin - his ferret will surely turn over and drag the contents throughout the apartment.
  • Heaters and fans are the source of most ferret injuries.
  • Furniture - A domestic ferret will easily squeeze into the inside of a sofa or bed, where it can get stuck or injured.
  • Houseplants - many of them are poisonous to animals, but very attractive for digging the soil.
  • Windows - if they are not covered with a net, your pet will fall out of the window sooner or later.
  • Electrical outlets and cords - the ferret loves to play with them.
  • Cats, dogs and aquarium fish - if the ferret usually manages to make friends with the first and second, then the ferret will either eat the third or drown in the aquarium.


The question of what the domestic ferret eats is extremely important. The condition of the animal's coat and its health in general depends on this. The diet can be based on feeding natural food or using dry food. It is quite difficult to make a balanced menu from natural products, taking into account all the vitamins and other useful substances necessary for the animal. Therefore, if you are an amateur in breeding ferrets, then it is better to opt for drying.

You can purchase special ferret food at the pet store or feed your pet a premium dryer designed for cats. The nutritional needs of these animals are very similar. Preferably, the product contains poultry meat and is intended for kittens under one year old or pregnant cats. Additionally, you can give the ferret treats in the form of special “chews” and “crunchies” from the pet store, as well as fruits and vegetables. Do not forget that the pet always has access to fresh water in unlimited quantities. There is no need for vitamins and other food supplements when drying. The feed contains all the components necessary for the full development.

If you have chosen a natural diet, then the pet’s daily menu will consist of the so-called “farshekashi”, which is meat and offal, cereals and vegetables turned through a meat grinder.

The mixture should include:
  • Meat - beef, veal, chicken, turkey, lamb - can be eaten raw, it is very important not to remove cartilage, veins and skin from the meat.
  • Offal - heart, kidneys, chicken offal, liver.
  • Fish - trout, flounder, herring, horse mackerel, mackerel, cod (grind with head and bones).
  • Cereals - millet, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Eggs - chicken must be boiled, quail eggs can be given raw.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Cheese (only as a treat).
  • Vegetables and fruits - no more than 2% of the total food.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Fish fat.
Prohibited foods for ferrets:
  • Citrus.
  • Nuts.
  • Apples and carrots.
  • Onion and garlic.
  • Sweet and floury.
  • Sausages and smoked products.
  • Salty foods.
  • Fish - haddock, hake, blue whiting, pollock, saithe.
  • All dairy products except cottage cheese, cheese and goat's milk.
  • Dog food.
  • Feed for cats economy class.
  • Any food from the human table.

Many ferret owners are interested not only in the question of how to feed the ferret, but also how many times a day. The famous expert on these animals, the author of many books about ferrets, Kim Schilling writes in his writings that hori are not dogs or cats in order to eat strictly on schedule. He recommends that there should always be food in the animal's bowl. As a rule, animals eat about 7 - 10 times a day, but little by little.

On average, an adult female eats up to 200 grams per day. "farshekashi", male - up to 270 gr. The minimum portion for mature individuals is 160 gr. A pregnant or nursing female needs a portion of food from 200 to 350 grams.

For the harmonious development of a domestic ferret, it is necessary to regularly add mineral and vitamin supplements to natural food. This is especially true when feeding puppies, pregnant or lactating females. The exact dosage of useful additives must be checked with a veterinarian.

Many ferret owners also practice a third way of eating - they give their pets whole carcasses of chickens and mice, cockroaches and mealworms. Thus, they create a kind of illusion of feeding, close to feeding in wildlife.


Carrying cubs by a female domestic ferret and the whole process of breeding the species as a whole is a rather complicated process that, under the guidance of an unprofessional breeder, can end very sadly. Therefore, if you do not plan to breed furo, it is easier and safer to spay the animal. If the female does not mate, she experiences tremendous stress, which leads to the death of the animal. The male, deprived of a girlfriend, begins to mark the territory.

The fur-bearing animal's rut ​​lasts from February - March to September - October. Individuals become sexually mature at 5 to 8 months. Pregnancy lasts 41 - 44 days. The female brings an average of 6-9 puppies. They are born blind, with closed auditory canals, covered with embryonic fluff and without teeth. The weight of a newborn cub is only 10 grams. At 45 - 50 days, the offspring can already be planted from the mother.


Furo is characterized by the following diseases:

  • Flu.
  • A plague of carnivores.
  • Rabies.
  • Aleutian mink disease or viral plasmocytosis is a severe and difficult to diagnose viral infectious disease, is rare, affects the nervous system (incurable, there is no vaccine).

From distemper and rabies, a domestic ferret must be regularly vaccinated, otherwise the animal may die.

History reference

The first mention of the ferret is found in the writings of the Greek satirist Aristophanes. He lived from 448 to 385. BC e. and in his plays he described a certain marten-like animal that was a pet. Another Greek historian, Strabo, described a ferret hunting rabbits that flooded the Balearic Islands. There is also evidence that Genghis Khan himself in the 13th century, while in Afghanistan, used ferrets for hunting.

In Russia, the history of keeping ferrets begins in 1971, when a pair of furo was given to Soviet zoologists, Dmitry and Yulia Ternovsky from the Prague Zoo. As pets, the ferret began to spread only in the mid-90s. In 2002, the first domestic ferret clubs were organized.

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