Conspiracy for twisted candles. What are the love spells for two twisted candles. Variants of love spells with candles

Fire is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. In both European and Eastern esotericism, he is one of the four great elements. On the one hand, fire is capable of destroying everything in its path, but on the other hand, it also warms, and illuminates, and helps to create. In addition, fire has a strong energy, and this determines the fact of its use in many magical rituals.

Strengthening a love spell with the help of the elements of fire

In love rituals, lit candles are often used, which allow you to enhance the magical effect aimed at attracting love into your life. Performing a ritual by candlelight on your own, you call to your aid the mighty element of fire, which can greatly increase the power of spoken magic words. But it must be remembered that fire is an element as powerful as it is dangerous, so the ceremony must be performed very carefully and carefully. If possible, it is advisable to consult a professional.

Ceremonies with red candles

You can make a love spell on candles yourself in the following way. Take two red candles and scratch the name of your chosen one on one of them, and your name on the other.

Light the candles and say the following spell on them nine times:

“Candles burn with bright fire, we will be connected forever. Candles burn, flare up, our souls are poured with love. Like this candle with a candle, you will be with me forever.

While saying these words, burn the candles with each other's flame so that the wax softens as much as possible. When you finish speaking, quickly extinguish the candles and press them together as hard as you can. The stronger the candles stick together, the better. In the coming days, you will feel that the chosen one has begun to show a clear interest in you. Carefully store magic candles - this is the talisman of your love, and if someday it seems to you that the effect of the love spell has weakened, and your loved one has cooled towards you, then take these candles and pour them over with fire again.

Another love spell on a red candle is carried out only on men's days. On a full moon night, you should strip naked and take a lit wax candle in your hand.

Several times slowly you need to carry the candle along your entire body, constantly repeating:

“As a candle lights up with fire, so the soul (name of the chosen one) is illuminated with love. How beautiful I am, tell him, tie his heart to me, so that he sighs from anguish, wants to hug me as soon as possible.

Thanks to the magic of fire, the candle receives a powerful charge of energy information about you, your body, soul and your passion. Under any pretext, make sure that after the ceremony, the chosen one takes this cinder in his hands at least for a moment, or quietly throw it in a pocket of clothes, on a desktop, bedroom or other place where he will be close enough and long enough next to your loved one.

Rites with church candles

A love spell with church candles is considered very strong. They must first be purchased in the temple, and if you are a believer, then you need to pray near one of the icons and seek help from the Almighty in resolving love breakdowns. The rite consists in the fact that two church candles are neatly intertwined. Then they talk.

The candle spell sounds like this:

“Church candles are closely intertwined, so I, the Servant of God (proper name) with the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) are forever connected. Church candles are forever retinue and our destinies are forever merged.

After that, twisted candles should be set on fire at the same time with a match from a new box and say the following words:

“The candles are lit, they flare up with a bright fire, so our love flares up with you, old grievances are forgotten, and our hearts are inflamed with passion.”

After that, the candles must be extinguished with your fingers and stored in a secret place, while you cannot unwind the candles, otherwise the connection with your loved one will be destroyed. A love spell on candles using 40 church candles is considered very strong. They must be purchased in the temple and before being used in the ceremony, the well-known prayer “Our Father” should be read for each candle. On the same day in the evening, you can proceed directly to the performance of the ceremony. Candles must be placed in a separate room and lit.

“As church candles burn day after day, so the feelings of the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) flare up for me, the servant of God (proper name). Amen!".

After that, the candles must all be extinguished at the same time and left. Such actions are repeated for 40 days, but only each time with one candle. Such a magical attribute is placed on a saucer, and after pronouncing the magic words, the candle should burn out. Thus, wax from 40 candles will be collected on a saucer within 40 days. The wax cake should be wrapped in a clean sheet of paper and buried next to a young tree. Soon, mutual feelings will arise between you and the chosen one.

Love spell on candles belongs to the group of fire love spells that act quickly. In a bewitched object, love feelings awaken suddenly, he lights up with passion for another person and absolutely cannot manage it and control his actions. This state can last about three years, depending on the power of the energy message. And if during this time true love and affection for each other arose, then the relationship can last for a lifetime, and the consequences will pass by. Otherwise, feelings decline and people disperse. Re-attracting the love of a person using fire magic is not recommended.

With a loved one, or you have constant failures in love, then the following conspiracy will help you. Love spell on two church candles simple but very effective. He has repeatedly helped people achieve happy and long relationships.

In order to conduct this, we need two candles that need to be purchased in the church, for this sacrament they should preferably be red, but if the temple where you want to purchase them does not have the right color, then you can use yellow wax .

So, let's start performing the sacrament

When it starts to get dark outside, stand in front of the mirror and light both candles, and then say this conspiracy:

« I don’t light a candle, but I light your soul (name of a loved one). I conjure you with strong love, like molding wax. Amen!»

Then look at yourself in the mirror, and moving your hands over the flame, say these words:

« As this candle burns, so let your heart burn, from love for me (your name). I turn your love to myself, I light it with a church candle. I seal this word with a wax seal, I conjure you with a church candle!».

When you're done holding love spell for two candles, extinguish them, and hide them in a safe place. The magical ritual will take effect in seven days, after which you can start a relationship with your loved one. It should be understood that this sacrament is not sinful, it is not, and since it is church objects that are used, there will be no consequences and negative from it.

Spell with twisted candles

It appeared a very long time ago, it was still used by our great-grandmothers and one proof of this, but even today it has not lost its effectiveness, and if it is carried out in accordance with all the rules, you can get mutual signs of sympathy from your loved one.

In any temple, you need to purchase two candles, if you gave more money than they are worth, you don’t need to take the change. We twist them together, turn them over, and put them in the central candlestick

« Abara! Abara! Abara! I don’t pray to the Lord, but to you a church demon, and I don’t burn candles, but I strongly knit myself with (the name of my beloved) so that we can live together, give birth to children, and love each other! Not for a day, not for a year, but for the whole century!».

After you have finished reading this plot, love spell on two church candles we don't finish. Next, we need to go back to the temple and collect some holy water, then put it under our bed for 10 days, and after this time, give your chosen one a drink.

This is where it comes into play as well. The love spell itself is very strong, and after your loved one takes a sip of water, he will immediately begin to experience love feelings for you, and you will only have to accept them.

If you prefer Black Magic, then the following magical rite will suit you.

it love spell on two black twisted candles. As its name implies, first we need black materials, and a photo of the person you want to bewitch. I will say right away, if you do not know, then you do not need to resort to her help.

As in the previous influence, we twist them together and light them, after that we set them on the picture, and we read this plot:

« Get up, unquenchable passion, unquenchable passion, throw yourself at him and strike him, not a girl enchantress will lift him from an illness, she will not take him away from my chest. The word is strong, like a white - combustible stone. Amen!».

Once you've finished reading, put them away and throw them away from your home. On this, the ritual for two black twisted candles ends, it will begin to act in a few days, it depends on how strong the energy of the one you are bewitching. That depends on a lot of things and the exact timing cannot be initially named, but on average it is 1-2 years.

The following rite belongs to White magic, it can be performed at any time of the day, and in any place. The main thing is that no one could disturb you and distract you from the event.

In order to fulfill white spell with candles, we need a bible, and three yellow wax church items. If you are not sure what you can do, it is better to consult a specialist.

At any time of the day, we light them, and for several minutes we think about your loved one. Then we take the Bible and read aloud the prayer “Our Father”, the main thing is to pronounce it loudly and clearly.

After you have finished reading, do not extinguish them, but let them burn out until about the middle. Then we take them to the church, and throw them into the cinder box. At this time, we ask the Lord for help to help you start a relationship with the person you need. We return home and continue our work. will take effect soon and you just have to wait.

Ritual for two church candles

A love spell for 2 candles is very simple, and it will require a minimum set of necessary items, namely a couple of candles purchased in the church, and knowledge of any prayer that speaks of love.

For the ceremony, you need to prepare, namely, on the day when you want to spend this, give up household chores, meetings with friends, and other things. This day should be completely devoted to rest. When you feel that you are ready to start, sit down at the table and light them, try to transfer your energy to the person on whom the magical rite is being performed, and then read the prayer.

When you finish reading it, return to rest, and do not be distracted by anything. On this day, you need to avoid stress, and not be nervous. After a few days have passed since you spent spell for 2 candles, your loved one will begin to take the first steps, and show signs of sympathy, which will soon help start a happy relationship.

The most effective love spell on candles

A strong love spell on candles refers to White Magic, and it will not entail any negative consequences. It is carried out quite simply and quickly, but remember that this ceremony cannot be performed just like that, or in order to harm the bewitched person.

To begin with, we need a white candle, it will symbolize the purity of your intentions. After that, you need to wait until the moon goes into a growing phase. Only in this phase will it fully manifest itself and reveal the feelings of your chosen one completely.

The sacrament is performed as follows

We cover the table with a red cloth, and put in the center a photograph of the person on whom the love spell is being made, and set a white candle on top of the picture. Then we light it, and pronounce these words:

« Forces of love, I call you! Pour into the heart (name of the beloved) with a stream of Light, may I become sweet and loved by her from now on. May, by the will of the Lord, my Angel and fate, our love merge into one. To the Heavenly Office, to the Angels and the Lord, I send my request, may everything I dream of happen for me (name) and my beloved (name). Amen!».

After you finish reading this plot, take a photo, but do not put out the fire. Write your names on the back of the picture and circle them in a heart. Then we cut off all the corners of the photo, and burn them on a flame. On this, a strong love spell on candles is over, you can throw the candle away, or keep it for yourself. The effect will begin to appear immediately after you have completed the execution.

With the best to you!

One of my acquaintances accidentally discovered twisted church candles on a shelf with things in his girlfriend's chest of drawers. Candles burnt by one 8–7. The wicks are also twisted. Melted from below (the base is fused and rounded). To the question "What is it?" the girl replied that she was doing this so that they burned longer and for beauty. She says she likes it.

The first mention of the use of such candles in the Western occult tradition is related, oddly enough, to ancient Chaldea. The very fact of this is more than indicative, since the eso-exoteric teachings of antiquity that have come down to us from those corners of the globe give preference to various types of oil lamps, fat lamps, etc., when performing various mystical rites. In studying the materials obtained, in a number of rituals and practices, archaeologists traced the presence of rough similarities of modern candles and, in particular, twisted candles, which played a significant role in the so-called personal magical practice of an applied nature. In the East, such candles have been known for I don’t know how many millennia - at least you can find them everywhere in almost all temples of the Buddhist and Hindu traditions throughout China, Tibet and India. As for Japan, I don't know. The use of straight and twisted candles refers to special ritual religious rites, and is also practiced in individual meditations and performing rituals of an occult nature within the framework of local magical and near-magic currents.

In medieval European occult science, the full name of twisted candles is "candellos nativum turbulentum" - literally - "candles that generate swirls" (St. Vasily Valentin "Desmodium canus renium") or more briefly and more commonly - "candellos ormunctus" or simply "ormunctus" . Accordingly, in the Russian version, it looks like “ormunctus” or “ormunctus” candles (E.Ya.Zheleznov A.M.Kisyarsky “Rituals in modern Higher Magic”. - Moscow. - Horizont. - 1992 (from myself - a book, of course, crazy, - one name is worth something, - but something is interesting there)).

In itself, the subject of using and creating such candles is very interesting. They are actually a universal tool with which a practicing adept can attract and ... inject energy of the type and type he needs for his own purposes. For example, a significant proportion of their use relates to the creation of all kinds of amulets and talismans. They are used a little less in divinatory magic. However, in my opinion, potentially the widest opportunities for these candles are in the field of medicine and related areas.

What is the point of creating such a spiral candle? First of all, let's consider the principle of "action" of an ordinary candle, especially since I think that it's not a secret for anyone here that straight candles are an inapplicable attribute of almost all at least "self-respecting" adherents in their work. So, a burning straight candle creates an ascending energy flow around itself, and to a large extent it also functions as a filter that actually “burns” and discards some negative energy formations (which in most cases leads either to their complete or partial destruction or destruction), which turn out to be plunged into an ascending power current of energy. Naturally, in this example, we were talking about church candles (in relation to the destruction of negative entities), because church candles, being “processed” properly (i.e., illuminated), contribute to the expulsion of “undesirable” elements from their burning places . Therefore, they are often used to “clean up” an old apartment before moving it in, or in cases where it or its inhabitants were negatively affected by the rites of the so-called black magic. Accordingly, if we abstract from the Christian tradition using candles of a certain charge, it becomes obvious that a properly made candle, processed and “charged” accordingly, is able to influence certain types of energies that turn out to be “consonant” with the energy emanation of the candle and in particular - either to carry out their attraction, or vice versa - to repel and destroy them. Accordingly, it becomes obvious that the wax candle itself, not being “charged” (processed) appropriately at the energy level, is in principle neutral in its nature of action, just as the wax from which the candle is made is, in principle, neutral, which, however, easily "absorbs" the energy coloring necessary for the practicing adept to perform the rite. Or it can simply be mixed with some occasional ingredients that are able to provide some special "color" or kind of energy potential of the candle that is planned to be used.

Now consider the option when the candle is not straight, but twisted. What happens to the energy flow in this case? The answer is obvious - a certain spiral-shaped energy flow is created, resembling a funnel in appearance, which, accordingly ... sucks. And what exactly can she suck? Accordingly, the answer is also obvious - it can suck in a certain type of energy, in accordance with the requirements that the adept put into the energy "design" of the candle, as well as various kinds of energy formations, entities that are in our world, or manifested in it by the will or rite of the adept . A kind, a kind of energy trap, a power tube that sucks in the quality of energy needed by the adept in the right quantities again. At the same time, depending on the design (curl) of the candle, it can work both for “input” and “output”. In the second case, the “walls” of the spiral have a “charge” that is different to some extent from the type of energy that is attracted, in the second case, the “walls” of the spiral have a charge identical to the type of ejected energy involved (it is used when, for example, it is necessary to quickly discharge a certain dangerous artifact or to clear a certain object from the energy essence “living” in it, by “sucking it out”). Accordingly, if in the second case we have an influx of energy through a funnel formed in the upper part of the candle spiral (i.e., the energy flow moves towards the burning flame), then in the first case, the energy flow occurs in a classical way, i.e. from the base candles to the burning flame in a spiral.

In general terms, the IMHO mechanism is clear. Again, technical details are not included in the writing of this letter. Let me just say that the design of the spiral itself also plays an important role. First of all, the very material from which the candle is made is important - as a rule, it is wax, energetically colored in a special way with the help of auxiliary ingredients or without the help of them. However, it can also be something exotic, such as various types of fats and, in particular, the fat of unbaptized babies so beloved by Satanists (by the way, it is completely incomprehensible that such an ardent love for this ... ingredient, which, in principle, does not carry any "semantic" load, unlike, say, the blood, brain, heart and liver of the same babies).

The second important point is the twist of the spiral itself. It can be respectively right-handed and left-handed, depending on what the adept wants to do - to attract or vice versa "throw out" energy, female or male "model".

The third point is the design of the spiral (by the word spiral, I again understand the so-called straight spiral, and not the cone-shaped one, because the latter, although it is used in rituals, but its use is so specific (like the nature of rituals), which, in my opinion, does not even make sense to mention it here, because at the everyday level of practice there is absolutely no need for it). So, here we have four main important factors - the thickness of the candle, the distance between the sections of the spiral, the overall height of the spiral and the diameter of the spiral. If we draw analogies with the wave theory used in physics, it becomes obvious that the thickness of the candle used can be correlated with the intensity (strength) of a certain radiation, the distance between the sections of the candle - with the amplitude of oscillations, the height of the spiral formation (can reach up to two meters or more , and maybe quite small, depending on what kind of operation is being carried out) - with the total potential of the generated energy flow, the width of the ring - with the volume and density of the energy flow that the structure is able to pass through itself, as well as withstand tension. The last factor is very important, because in cases where the width of the ring is calculated incorrectly, the entire structure may be destroyed due to its inability to contain the high power energy flow passing through it. As if it were a heating pipe bursting from excessive pressure or something like that. Accordingly, with regard to the distance between sections of the spiral, the situation is in principle quite simple - if the distance is equal to the thickness of the candle used, - we are talking about a normal amplitude. If the distance between the sections is equal to half the thickness of the candle, then we will talk about antiphase. In some cases, adepts even prefer not to make any distance between the links of the spiral at all, as a result of which some kind of pillar-like twisted formation is obtained, hollow inside. This method justifies itself in some cases, but it is practically ineffective for fine experiments, since it creates a huge amount of noise and is unable to provide the individual field parameters necessary for the experiment. As for the constituent elements (ingredients) that can be included in candles, I can only say that this is a whole science that takes into account a lot of circumstances about what, when, where, at what time of the year to call, use and what is generally planned do using ormunctus. I will limit myself to the remark that in some cases multi-link spiral candles are created, one of the links of which (of a certain length, for example, 10 centimeters) smoothly passes into another (or others, since there are also curly ormunctus, in those cases , when the creation of mixed energy flows is required), and this is different - into a third. This is usually done in cases where the rite is "long-playing" and requires the support of those specific forces that only become active or fade away with time. Therefore, it is very important for an adept to know when and for how long he can count on support or vice versa - on the neutrality of one or another energy substance that he may encounter during the experiment.

Accordingly, such spiral candles are created using some kind of pedal lathe with a revolving long round (and sometimes multifaceted, in cases where experience requires it, or when the appearance of the structure must exactly correspond to the parameters of some figure drawn by the adept in the course of experiment, for its improved spatial orientation) with a bar, on which a softened candle with already set and embedded energy properties is slowly wound (as in childhood). As a rule, some sort of a mobile stand is used in the manufacture, which ensures the uniformity of the winding of the mass and the equality of the distance between the links of the spiral.

That's basically all about ... "technical device". One way or another, it seems quite obvious that for all its merits, this tool is quite cumbersome to use and extremely difficult to create, because when it is designed, you have to take into account a huge number of counting factors, each mistake in which can lead to blurred or simply negative test results.

Now, in fact, a little about how and why this tool is used in principle. First of all, as mentioned earlier, its goal is to attract (suck in) or vice versa - to extract (eject) a certain type of energy. In this case, in the second case, an enviable constancy of the ongoing process in time is ensured. In the first case, we are talking about a slightly different property of this tool, namely, not only the creation of a sucking energy vortex, but also the creation of an additional compressive effect on the amount of energy that appears in the spiral zone or in the area of ​​the object to which it is directed with the help of this type of candle impact. As if we had some kind of compressing device (a kind of piston), into the lid of which an additional influx of what this piston compresses would constantly be carried out. Naturally, at a certain stage, it would happen that, due to the growth of internal pressure, no inflow of substance from the outside would become possible, and if the compression continued, the substance would begin to be released in the opposite direction. Approximately the same happens in the case of ormunctus candles, in those cases when the adept incorrectly calculated the field potential or any of the structural conditions (as well as in the case of unforeseen processes during the experiment). To illustrate this, it suffices to imagine a slowly burning spiral-shaped candle - the above piston - a burning light at the end of the candle, an energy flow (the influx of substance from a hole in the piston cover) - the energy that is sucked in by the structure. And, accordingly, everything else, with all the consequences. In some cases, a breakthrough of energy to the side is possible - in this case, a sharp ejection of a foggy (or colored, depending on the type of energy used) smoke-like "substance" is visually observed from the side. Naturally, it is not recommended to be near or on the path of such an ejection - serious destruction or even destruction of the elements of the group of subtle bodies of the body is possible. In the case of reaching a critical point, the candle simply starts to blink, the light gradually decreases, and then goes out. In this case, we can talk about the achievement of a static equilibrium point by the system (if this was set by the adept as a goal, although this is extremely rare, because the energy accumulated and attracted in this way is usually directed to something underlying the ormunctus candle) . In this case, of course, it should be borne in mind that achieving static equilibrium is impossible without preliminary isolation of the surface on which such a candle stands. Usually, a stand, a figured candlestick, a tripod or a small silver tripod are used for these purposes. Accordingly, over time, the energy accumulated inside the structure is released back, as well as its sharp release can be achieved by damaging the structure. However, the consequences of this can be, as already mentioned, more than unpleasant.

Usually, the energy that is accumulated due to the created suction funnel (I consider this particular example as the most often used to create this kind of candles) is directed to something, to some object lying at the base of the candle, and in some cases, placed just to the center of the last turn of the helix on the shielded surface (see above). Here we just come to the first main useful property of these candles, namely, to charging and creating all kinds of talismans and amulets. It is known that in many cases it is required not just the presence of some kind of omlet or amulet, in the design of which some correctly selected ingredients were observed, such as stones, metals or other "spices". As a rule, an amulet created in this way is nothing more than a properly (more or less) assembled tool or a delicate sensitive device (or weapon, in some cases) that ... is not activated. As they say, it is necessary to “breathe life into it”, namely, the energy for circulation and interaction with which it was actually created. This is already the task of the adept - first of all, to competently build an amulet, and on the other hand, to use something to charge and activate it, not to mention the restoration of its properties, which may be lost in the course of its life or its treatment, when in the course of some actions, serious damage was inflicted on him, causing his dysfunction or completely provoking his failure. In this regard, armunctus are simply irreplaceable, because they give the adept the opportunity not to hang around the object of influence for a long time, but to leave this object in the “care” of a suitably created and acting armunctus, which will provide the necessary process in the best possible way, while how an adept can be engaged in something else, say, more socially useful. As I said, as a rule, an amulet or another object of influence is placed at the level of the lower (closing, annular) turn of the spiral. At the same time, its fine alignment with respect to the walls of the structure is important. Otherwise, marriage will result. In addition, some experts insist that the object should be placed at some elevation in relation to the closing coil, because, in their opinion, a large amount of so-called side energy ... slag accumulates below, which, in principle, are neutral (being just more dense formations within the framework of a single type of attracted energy), in some cases they can “blur” the experiment. In addition, there is another option for placing the object of influence - it is suspended by thin neutral threads (usually gold, in extreme cases, silver) to the walls of the structure and gradually lowers to the level required by the adept as the candle burns out. Why exactly such amulets are needed, I can’t say for sure, I only know that they are used to influence on the ethereal level. Again, this method provides a stable recharging of the amulet, which, in principle, is not able to be provided by the person acting independently, not to mention the ability to create the necessary (and in some cases even unique) conditions for recharging or influencing.

The second important use of ormunctus is divinatory magic. For these purposes, a specially prepared candle is placed on a crystal ball, which is usually used by clairvoyants for divination, and the primary charging of the ball with the energy flowing through the ormunctus is expected for some time. At the same time, the ball begins to weakly phosphoresce. At the same time, the adept performs the usual procedure of falling into a trance and invoking visions from the place of the required events, described in principle quite widely in the literature. The visions thus obtained are clearer and more vivid than those which are used only by the adept's own powers, without the influx of external energy. In some cases, even sound perception of the events taking place "on the other side" is possible. The only problem here is, again, the adept's experience in making an armunctus of the required potential, capable of working out its resource normally, without causing damage to the body of the influencer and the instruments of influence. Because there were cases when the ball simply split (exploded, scattering into small pieces and injuring everyone around) from the uncontrollable energy that overwhelmed it. Sometimes, however, the matter ends quite "peacefully", just a crystal or a magic ball darkens, as if covered "from the inside" with soot and becoming opaque. Naturally, the "ormunctus" used for these purposes has its own specific composition of preparation. You can, of course, get by with simple ones - church candles, connected in series to each other in a spiral, but the result from this will be weaker.

However, in my opinion, the most important area of ​​​​use of twisted candles is occult medicine and, in particular, the targeted effect on the affected organs by placing burning ormunctus on them and their more specific application - creating an additional flow of energy to certain energy centers of the human body, referred to in Eastern tradition of chakras. For these purposes, the adept plunges into meditation in a lying or sitting position, and the assistants place spiral candles, carefully prepared in their composition, on the necessary parts of the body. The technique here is filigree, the manufacturer is required to have exact knowledge of everything and everything about the energy center itself, the type of energy attracted, not to mention the adept himself, since candles are made individually. Accordingly, a mistake is fraught with disruption of nervous activity, mental disorders or the work of a number of organs, not to mention the possibility of simply physical destruction of the area of ​​influence. So, for example, a case is often cited about how a monk who practiced this type of exercise in Tibet, who incorrectly balanced his own energy flow due to an error in making a candle (taking into account the position and phase of the moon, time of year, time of day, the relationship of all this to the date of birth of the candidate etc.) just ... the head exploded - there was an explosive fracture of the occipital bone with the release of brain matter. Accordingly, the outcome, of course, was fatal, as well as then they probably washed the premises for a long time. But the fact itself is indicative not only because you can’t joke with such things, but also because a few moments after the destruction of the monk’s skull, a wide variety of flowers began to fall out of nowhere on the people in the room (his associates) and a delicate floral aroma appeared, accompanied by a feeling of freshness. As they say (in an evil language), - the person himself provided a burial with all the accessories due.

After some time, this acquaintance broke up with her. He says that he suffered greatly from maral sadism and provocations from this “girlfriend”. "Girlfriend" strongly convinced him in words and in bed of great love for him. In fact, she systematically provoked suspicions in him, a feeling of impasse (incomprehensible problems), anger, jealousy.

It all depends on how familiar she is with the technique. Usually, the use of armunctus candles, even just in a room in which someone is just (it is not necessary to put them on energetically active areas of the human body), especially if practically no factors of a scientific approach to this matter are taken into account when creating candles, leads to deformations of a person's personality due to the occurrence of an energy imbalance in the places of his permanent residence, which cannot but affect him. In addition, again, the presence of some negative entities in the room is possible, which use the created conditions to achieve their own goals, aimed primarily at destroying a person’s personality and deforming it.

Constant tension (the skin in these places is a little sore) in the solar plexus, and also a little above and below;

Sleep disturbance at 3-4 a.m. caused by strange sensations in this area (says that the soul turns over from side to side);

Low physical tone;

Lack of sexual desire;

Painful perception (many manifestations of life cut with pain in the solar plexus)

Being (even if at the very least short) in a room in which there are even unlit armunctus creates a kind of connection with them in a person. In addition, the energy current (but to a much lesser extent) is present even when the candles are not lit. Therefore, being associated with such candles by the simple effect of “sometimes” presence next to them, a person begins to give them energy from almost all active areas of his body (the solar plexus is the most indicative for determining the effect of energy outflow), as if created by these candles. the funnel just sucked it out, as it actually does.

Actually, this does not play a special role - any person can start using such tools, another thing is how qualified he will do it.

Who is this weird girl?

Yes, anyone, - maybe she acts for good, maybe for evil, - maybe just out of teenage dope, - anything is possible, as they say, I repeat again - these candles are just a tool that is created and used by the person himself, who has for these purpose of specialized knowledge. Otherwise, the result will be neutral at best, and at worst - with all the consequences.

Why these candles and provocations?

See above. On the one hand, her provocations could have been the result of the beginning of the partial destruction of a group of her subtle bodies, on the other hand, it is possible that she used conscious methods of pressure on this person in order to cause him to have an appropriate energy flow, which would then be fixed with armunctus candles and used her at her own discretion, in particular - for the purpose of a psycho-sexual nature, since for these purposes these candles are also used with great success. Or some energy beings that penetrated her collapsing energy body “advised” her to do so. In other words, there are a lot of options.

What could her goals be?

How can I get my friend back? Please, help…

In principle, there is nothing complicated about this - just go through the standard procedure of a contrast shower or, - communion in a church. The latter, for obvious reasons, is much more effective. Or use a different method of cleaning thin bodies from negative layers.

A love spell on twisted candles has been used for a long time and is still popular today. Such a magical rite, the easiest to perform, is especially in demand among girls who want to find happiness in unrequited love, but it is also applicable in family relationships between spouses.

The power of candles for a love spell

Church wax candles have strong energy power and, if the magic ritual is correctly performed in a love spell on two twisted candles, they can intertwine two human destinies.

For a love spell on two twisted candles, no special practical skills and conditions are important, it can be performed by any person who wants to bewitch, including those who have never been close to magic and have not done witchcraft rituals.

As a result of a love spell on two twisted candles, the object of the love spell experiences positive emotions under the influence of his mind and soul.

Ritual events with burning candles occupied a significant place among the rituals performed by magicians due to the magical properties of the element of fire. Passing from its solid state to liquid under the influence of heat, wax from a church candle transfers energy force, regardless of distance and time. A candle melting into wax is charged with positive energy, calling on higher powers to help in resolving love issues.

Conditions for ceremonies with candles

For love spells on two twisted candles, wax material is used, where there is a wick so that it can be set on fire from a match. The most effective candles - workers for magical love spells are those that are bought immediately before the ritual is performed. Candles sprinkled with holy water lose their power to be used for magical purposes. Many professional magicians make attributes for a love spell on two twisted candles from the remaining cinders that have accumulated the power of fire.

A lit church candle is capable of influencing the biological body of a person like the mighty power of blood and grave earth.

Among the basic rules for performing a love spell, where two twisted candles are used:

  • a ban on the use of black and funeral candles containing negative energy,
  • obligatory conduct of a magical ritual not earlier than late in the evening, the most suitable option is at midnight,
  • meaningfulness and intentionality of actions, lack of thoughtlessness,
  • lighting ritual candles is carried out only from a burning match,
  • they don't talk about the ceremony.

You can perform a magic love spell using two candles both indoors and outdoors.

Rite for the harmony of relationships

A love spell for two twisted candles for harmonious relationships refers to home rituals and is easy to perform. Such a ritual works immediately for the love of two objects, that is, it is of a binary nature. It does not have great power to attract an object; rather, we can say that such a rite aims to improve the existing relationship of two partners to each other.

To perform a love spell to create harmony in a relationship, you will need a pair of wax candles, which should be twisted together, reading the conspiracy words while weaving:

"Like two candles twined together, and we will be twined together."

After pronouncing this conspiracy, a single plexus of two candles is set on fire in front of the icon with the words

“I don’t set fire to a candle, but I set fire to the soul and heart of the servant of God (name) so that it burns for me, the servant of God (name) always.”

Instead of an icon in a ritual for love, a photo of your chosen one can be used. It will be correct if you take a recent image.

Magical rites in which two twisted candles are used are a ritual of white magic, therefore their consequences are not so dangerous either for the object of the love spell or for the one who ordered or performed the rite than those in which they turn to black magical powers, whose the consequences are of a special nature for the object and for the customer (executor).

In this ritual, candles are lit for nine days in a row, without intervals between days. Church candles should burn out to the end, and the next day new material is used. After nine days, the cinders remaining from the used candles are taken to the nearest intersection or thrown into running water.

"This candle conceals the heart of a servant of God (name)."

On a white wax candle lit along with the previous one:

"This candle conceals the heart of God's servant (name)."

Those who did such a ritual feel the results of its action no later than a week from the date of its implementation.

After the said conspiracy words, church candles are intertwined together, a single one is made of them, for which there are conspiracy words:

“Let our souls be one, let our lives be one. May the servant of God (name) look at me and ignite love for me with such power as I for him.

The end of the ritual is similar to the previous one: the candles must burn out completely, the cinders are thrown away.

If you are unable to establish or return a relationship with your loved one, or you have constant failures in love, then the following conspiracy will help you. A love spell for two church candles is simple, but very effective. He has repeatedly helped people achieve happy and long relationships.

In order to carry out this strong love spell, we need two candles that need to be purchased in the church, for this sacrament they should preferably be red, but if the temple where you want to purchase them does not have the right color, then you can use from yellow wax.

So, let's start performing the sacrament

When it starts to get dark outside, stand in front of the mirror and light both candles, and then say this conspiracy:

“I don’t light a candle, but I light your soul (the name of a loved one). I conjure you with strong love, like molding wax. Amen!"

Then look at yourself in the mirror, and moving your hands over the flame, say these words:

“As this candle burns, so let your heart burn, from love for me (your name). I turn your love to myself, I light it with a church candle. I seal this word with a wax seal, I conjure you with a church candle!

When you are done with two candles, put them out and put them in a safe place. The magical ritual will take effect in seven days, after which you can start a relationship with your loved one. It should be understood that this sacrament is not sinful, this is not a deal with the devil, and since it is church objects that are used, there will be no consequences and negative from it.

Spell with twisted candles

A love spell on twisted candles appeared a very long time ago, our great-grandmothers still used it and one story of white magic is proof of this, but even today it has not lost its effectiveness, and if it is carried out in accordance with all the rules, you can get mutual signs of sympathy from your loved one .

In any temple, you need to purchase two candles, if you gave more money than they are worth, you don’t need to take the change. We twist them together, turn them over, and put them in the central candlestick

"Abara! Abara! Abara! I don’t pray to the Lord, but to you a church demon, and I don’t burn candles, but I strongly knit myself with (the name of my beloved) so that we can live together, give birth to children, and love each other! Not for a day, not for a year, but for the whole century!

After you have finished reading this plot, we do not finish the love spell for two church candles. Next, we need to go back to the temple and collect some holy water, then put it under our bed for 10 days, and after this time, give your chosen one a drink.

This is where the white magic of water comes into play. The love spell itself is very strong, and after your loved one takes a sip of water, he will immediately begin to experience love feelings for you, and you will only have to accept them.

If you prefer Black Magic, then the following magical rite will suit you.

This is a love spell for two black twisted candles. As its name implies, first we need black materials, and a photo of the person you want to bewitch. I will say right away, if you do not know how Black Magic works, then you do not need to resort to its help.

As in the previous influence, we twist them together and light them, after that we set them on the picture, and we read this plot:

“Get up an inextinguishable passion, an insatiable passion, throw yourself at him and hit him, not a girl enchantress will lift him from an illness, she won’t take him away from my chest. The word is strong, like a white - combustible stone. Amen!".

Once you've finished reading, put them away and throw them away from your home. On this, the ritual for two black twisted candles ends, it will begin to act in a few days, it depends on how strong the energy of the one you are bewitching. How long the love spell lasts depends on many things and the exact timing cannot be initially named, but on average it is 1-2 years.

The following rite belongs to White magic, it can be performed at any time of the day, and in any place. The main thing is that no one could disturb you and distract you from the event.

In order to perform a white love spell with candles, we need a bible, and three church items made of yellow wax. If you are not sure that you can cast a white love spell on a guy on your own, it is better to contact a specialist.

At any time of the day, we light them, and for several minutes we think about your loved one. Then we take the Bible and read aloud the prayer “Our Father”, the main thing is to pronounce it loudly and clearly.

After you have finished reading, do not extinguish them, but let them burn out until about the middle. Then we take them to the church, and throw them into the cinder box. At this time, we ask the Lord for help to help you start a relationship with the person you need. We return home and continue our work. The love spell with candles will take effect soon and you just have to wait.

Ritual for two church candles

A love spell for 2 candles is very simple, and it will require a minimum set of necessary items, namely a couple of candles purchased in the church, and knowledge of any prayer that speaks of love.

For the ceremony, you need to prepare, namely, on the day when you want to carry out this current love spell, give up household chores, meetings with friends, and other things. This day should be completely devoted to rest. When you feel that you are ready to start, sit down at the table and light them, try to transfer your energy to the person on whom the magical rite is being performed, and then read the prayer.

When you finish reading it, return to rest, and do not be distracted by anything. On this day, you need to avoid stress, and not be nervous. After a few days from the moment you cast a love spell for 2 candles, your loved one will begin to take the first steps and show signs of sympathy that will soon help start a happy relationship.

The most effective love spell on candles

A strong love spell on candles refers to White Magic, and it will not entail any negative consequences. It is carried out quite simply and quickly, but remember that this ceremony cannot be performed just like that, or in order to harm the bewitched person.

To begin with, we need a white candle, it will symbolize the purity of your intentions. After that, you need to wait until the moon goes into a growing phase. Only in this phase, lunar magic will fully manifest itself and reveal the feelings of your chosen one completely.

The sacrament is performed as follows

We cover the table with a red cloth, and put in the center a photograph of the person on whom the love spell is being made, and set a white candle on top of the picture. Then we light it, and pronounce these words:

“Forces of love, I call you! Pour into the heart (name of the beloved) with a stream of Light, may I become sweet and loved by her from now on. May, by the will of the Lord, my Angel and fate, our love merge into one. To the Heavenly Office, to the Angels and the Lord, I send my request, may everything I dream of happen for me (name) and my beloved (name). Amen!".

After you finish reading this plot, take a photo, but do not put out the fire. Write your names on the back of the picture and circle them in a heart. Then we cut off all the corners of the photo, and burn them on a flame. On this, a strong love spell on candles is over, you can throw the candle away, or keep it for yourself. The effect will begin to appear immediately after you have completed the execution.

Reviews of people who did a love spell on church candles are mostly positive. Many people who turned to these rituals now live with their beloved in happiness and joy.

If you have any questions, you can always contact me through the "contact the magician" form, and I will definitely help you.

A love spell on church candles A conspiracy or a love spell on two twisted church candles is a rather simple sacrament to perform, in order to cast a love spell with candles, it is only important to learn the plot by heart.

Candlelight spell to attract a loved one

A candlelight love spell is one of the most popular ways to evoke feelings in a chosen one with the help of love magic. Twisted church candles are most often used. Let's talk about the rules and methods of such a magical rite.

What candles are suitable for the ceremony?

Why is a candlelight spell so powerful? The fact is that the wax from which candles are made is an excellent conductor of energy. And fire is a powerful element that enhances the magical effect of the rite several times.

It is important to use the “correct” candles for the ceremony:

  • They must be made of wax. Paraffin and other candles are not suitable
  • Buy candles at the church shop. The best time is Friday afternoon
  • Great if you manage to find red candles - they have the most powerful energy

It is better to buy candles with a margin.

Love spell rules

There are some more rules that must be followed in order for the rite to work accurately:

  1. The spell is done at night. The best time is after midnight
  2. All other light sources in the room must be turned off.
  3. Nobody should interfere with you. Make sure that no household members or pets enter the room during the ritual
  4. The room must be perfectly clean. Clutter creates interference, prevents the "correct" energy from circulating
  5. You must sincerely and unconditionally believe that the love spell will work. Doubt prevents love magic from manifesting its power
  6. No one should know about your intention to perform the ceremony. Keep your activities private
  7. Your intentions must be good - do not try to bewitch a person out of resentment, revenge or anger. Negative emotions will certainly create unpleasant consequences for the soul of the chosen one and yours.
  8. Do a love spell on the growing moon or on the new moon. At this time, lunar energy is directed to creation.

Follow all these rules strictly, and then the result will not be long in coming.

When does the spell not work?

A love spell on twisted candles has sufficient power. But in some cases, it does not help to bewitch a loved one. What reasons can interfere with the action of love magic:

  • Someone has already bewitched your chosen one. In such cases, you first need to do a rite of passage. Please note that you must know exactly who put the spell on a man before you.
  • The man already has feelings for someone else. If this is real and strong love, magic will be powerless.
  • The bewitched person has a very strong positive energy. She can become a serious barrier through which no love spell can penetrate.

In other cases, the love spell should work.

Love spell for two candles

This is the most popular way to bewitch the chosen one. Making a spell is quite simple. You will need:

  • Two wax church candles. Preferably white or whatever color you like
  • Pink plain tablecloth. It must be new, purchased specifically for a love spell.
  • Foil. You can buy regular food foil
  • Stands for candles. It is best if they are also new and made of metal.
  • Safety pin. Also new

Prepare everything you need, wait until midnight on the night of the growing moon and get ready to cast a love spell. Lay the tablecloth on the table and use red crayon to draw a heart in its center.

Place two candles in a stand in the center of the heart and light them.

Clearly pronounce the words of the love spell:

You do not need to extinguish the candles - wait until they burn out naturally. Gather the melted wax and carefully place it on the foil while it is still liquid. Wait until it completely hardens and use a pin to scratch out the names: yours and the one you need to bewitch.

After the ceremony, hide all used items in a secluded place. Make sure no one accidentally discovers the cache. The spell will take effect within three days.

Strong love spell on two twisted candles

About this love spell for two twisted church candles, those who did it leave good reviews. It is believed that this is one of the most powerful rites of love magic.

You will need two wax church candles purchased from the church. Take each of the candles in turn in your hands and say the words of a love spell:

After that, the candles need to be lit, wait until the wax softens a little and becomes plastic. Then twist the candles together. These are preparatory manipulations before the ritual itself.

For forty days at the same time, you must light twisted candles and mentally imagine the image of the person you are trying to bewitch. Try to do it quickly so that the wax is enough for the entire period.

After forty days, only cinders will remain from the candles, and the love spell will be considered completed and will take effect.

Keep in mind that this love spell is very powerful - it will bind the chosen one to you forever. If you are not ready for such a long relationship, it is better to use other methods.

Watch a video about a love spell on twisted candles:

The most "white" love spell

If you are afraid of the negative consequences that may come for you and your chosen one as a result of a love spell, abandon the traditional methods of love magic.

Ordinary female tricks will help to “bewitch” a man:

  • Always look good: clean hair, neat manicure, eyelashes made up, eyebrows plucked, at least
  • Do not get hung up on the chosen one: fill your life with interesting events, people, hobbies
  • Do not impose, let the man take the initiative
  • He needs to see that other men like you too - surround yourself with fans

If you become a bright, interesting person, with a lot of things to do and hobbies, then a man will certainly pay attention to you. And if not, someone else will appear, and a love spell will not be required.

A love spell on church candles that will help strengthen relationships

A love spell on church candles is a fairly strong magical effect. When using church rituals in magic, you should be as careful as possible. If a person has no protection and a weak energy field, you can achieve the opposite result, and bring trouble on yourself.

Features of the magic ritual

A love spell on candles is strong, but it does not guarantee a 100% result if the victim of the ritual is strong-willed. It may have no effect on it or its effect will be minimal.

Only strong magicians with the help of a love spell can fall in love with almost any person. This is achieved due to the strong energy field of the sorcerer.

Initially, the love spell was performed exclusively in the church. Until now, many temple sorcerers and witches perform it exclusively in the church.

A beginner will not be able to do this - he will be surrounded by parishioners and clergy, and, suspecting something is wrong, the novice magician will simply be removed from the church.

A simple love spell on church candles that can be done at home is binary, that is, a woman not only bewitches a man to herself, but also herself to him. This love spell is not strong, but it helps to build relationships in a couple.

For it, you need to take two church candles and twist them into a spiral. They put candles in front of the icons, while reading conspiracies and prayers.

There are a large number of rituals using candles. But they all require strong energy and magical knowledge. Church attributes used in magic can cause trouble later in life. It should be understood that no love spell is white, and you will have to pay for its implementation.

The duration of a love spell is from several days to a month. After a specified period, the ritual must be repeated.

Of great importance in love spells, where church attributes are used, is the purity of the thoughts of the person who makes the ritual. If you decide to bewitch a person out of revenge or in order to carry out selfish intentions, the love spell may not work or you will get the strongest return.

A simple love spell for a man

You need to buy church candles specifically for the ritual. If you have a couple of candles at home that you purchased for other purposes, they will not work. It's not worth picking up. It is best to purchase the smallest candles.

Performing the ritual, it is necessary to get rid of the presence of strangers. Nothing should distract you.

Candles are carefully twisted with each other, saying:

"As two candles are twisted, so we are forever connected"

After that, the candles are lit, pronouncing a conspiracy:

“As a fire ignites, so my love with (Name) flares up, and hearts and feelings inflame”

No need to wait until the candles are completely burned out. Extinguish them carefully with your fingers and store them in a secret place, making sure that they do not separate from each other.

Strong love spell

This spell can only be performed in a good mood. If you had a bad dream at night or someone provoked a surge of negativity in you, it is best to abandon the ritual for a while. It must be done on Wednesday.

You need to go to church and buy 13 candles, but do not take change. For the ritual, you also need a photo of your loved one and a scarf with embroidery.

When evening comes in the middle, you need to put a photo of the victim on a scarf, place candles around. Candles are lit and the prayer of Our Father, Mother of God is read three times - 7 times. Without interrupting the ritual, you need to read the plot:

"God's help, please,

Take the heart and soul of my beloved (Name).

And put love for the Slave (name) into them.

So that we are with him for centuries,

No trouble can quarrel us. Amen!"

After the candles burn out, you need to take a photo, put it in a handkerchief and hide it.

Love spell in the church

Go to church and buy a candle without taking change. It must be placed opposite the icon and lit from other candles. Until the candle burns out, you need to stand near the icon and pronounce the name of your loved one, imagining how good you are together. You should be driven exclusively by positive emotions.

Make sure that no one extinguishes your candle, which is quite possible. After it burned down, read the prayer to the icon near which you are standing.

This ritual is quite simple and effective if you are guided by positive emotions.

Love spell with candles

The duration of this love spell is 40 days. The first thing to do is go to church and buy 40 candles. Arriving home, take each of them in your hands and read the Our Father. Then all the candles are taken in hand and lit, saying:

“As the flame burns more and more day by day, so the feelings of the slave (Name) for me flare up more and more. Amen!"

After reading the plot, the candles are extinguished. At certain times of the day, you must put a candle on a saucer and wait until it burns out. After 40 days, you will have a large amount of wax, which is collected in a handkerchief and buried in the forest under a strong tree.

How fast does the spell work?

Love spells are fast-acting, but not long-lasting. Usually a man is already bewitched on the third day. However, it is worth knowing that most love spells with candles act not only on a man, but also on you, since you associate yourself with each other.

If the love spell did not work, perhaps mistakes were made or your thoughts were not pure. In the latter case, it is better to abandon love spells, where church attributes are used together with the power of fire. Also, do not perform such love spells often enough - this can harm both the novice magician and his victims.

Simple love spells that are performed at home strengthen relationships or help form new ones, if both parties have feelings. The victim can fall in love with the person who made a love spell on him, and when his effect weakens, he will begin to experience real sincere feelings. In some cases, couples break up because they are not suitable for each other.

Love spells in which church candles are used cannot be performed by people who do not have protection or their energy is rather weak. You can face negative consequences if the novice magician decided to bewitch the victim for some personal purpose, and not for feelings.

Higher powers will suspect something was wrong - and will not allow the love spell to come true, or they will punish you. Making any mistakes can also cause the failure of the magical ritual.

Possible consequences:

  • Diseases. They can occur spontaneously and are not treatable.
  • Problems in personal life. The man you bewitched will not pay attention to you, like the rest of the stronger sex, if you are a woman.
  • Financial difficulties. Any area can suffer because of a magical ritual, and often a person is faced with financial problems.
  • Diseases of the nervous system. Meet most often. The person becomes depressed, conflicted and irritable. He is suffering from sleep problems. He may begin to hear the voices of the dead.
  • Appearance. It can deteriorate - acne appears, the skin begins to age rapidly.
  • Lack of interest in everything. Interest in literally everything will be lost - there will be a feeling of irresistible apathy.
  • Bad habits. A person may start using alcohol or drugs.

Negative consequences can appear if a person was guided only by his desires and did not have sincere feelings. Such selfishness will have to be paid for sooner or later.

It can be especially difficult for novice magicians who, with the help of a love spell, are trying to take revenge on a failed lover, and they are overwhelmed with exclusively negative emotions. No matter how bad you feel - a love spell in this case can only aggravate the situation.

Negative consequences can be avoided by women who decide to strengthen relationships and bewitch beloved men who already have feelings for them. This will help harmonize relations or move them to a new level. The most important thing is to wish the man who is being bewitched exceptionally good.

Strong magicians who use church supplies in their rituals have strong protection and are not afraid of the consequences of a love spell or reverse. That is why, if you are far from magic, then it is better to turn to people who will certainly not make mistakes.

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