High blood sugar: symptoms, causes, diet. How to treat high blood sugar

Hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar) occurs with various physiological and pathological changes in the body, and in most cases this is associated with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, it is important to notice the first signs of an increase in blood glucose in time and contact a specialist.

All cells of the human body contain sugar (glucose), which is their main source of energy, which is especially important for the normal functioning of red blood cells and nerve cells. In order for the blood glucose level to be within the physiological limits (from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l), it is regulated by the physiological processes of carbohydrate metabolism and the interaction of the nervous and endocrine systems.

With an increase in blood sugar, at first no changes are felt or the patient does not attach importance to them, but at the same time, destructive changes occur in his body. Therefore, in order to maintain health, you need to know what symptoms can appear with an increase in blood glucose levels.

How to find out about high blood sugar?

The main warning signs of high blood sugar are:

    increased urination with an increase in the amount of urine excreted;

    constant strong thirst and dry mouth, including at night;

    fatigue, lethargy and severe weakness;

    nausea, rarely vomiting;

    persistent headaches;

    sudden weight loss;

    there may be a sharp deterioration in vision.

With significant fluctuations in blood glucose levels:

    when falling below 3.1 mmol/l;

    with an increase of more than 30 mmol / l;

    life-threatening conditions may develop, which are manifested by convulsions, respiratory and cardiac disorders. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner if symptoms appear that may indicate hyperglycemia.

Fatigue may indicate an increase in blood sugar

Causes of high blood sugar

Blood glucose levels may change:

    Short-term during physiological processes in the body (increased physical activity, stressful situations), which is associated with an increase in energy metabolism in cells or when eating a large amount of carbohydrates in food;

    Short-term in pathological conditions:

    with an increase in body temperature (viral, bacterial and colds);

    with persistent pain syndrome;

    with burns;

    against the background of the development of an epileptic seizure.

  1. A persistent increase in blood sugar can occur:

    with pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract;

    with liver pathology;

    with inflammatory diseases of the endocrine glands (pancreas, hypothalamus, adrenal glands and pituitary gland);

    with hormonal imbalance due to the development of endocrinopathies and during pregnancy.

Diabetes mellitus is also one of the causes of a persistent and prolonged increase in blood sugar.

Blood sugar can rise due to stress

Symptoms of high blood sugar

Signs of increased blood sugar appear gradually, and loved ones in most cases notice them earlier.

These symptoms include:

    increased appetite (polyphagia) with a constant feeling of hunger and persistent weight loss;

    drowsiness, blurred vision, marked weakness with irritability and sullenness;

    numbness of the hands and feet;

    the occurrence of skin itching, dermatitis, furunculosis;

    slow wound healing;

    frequent, recurrent inflammatory diseases of the female genital area (bacterial and fungal vaginal infections, causeless itching in the vagina and impotence.

Symptoms of Latent Diabetes

Often, an increase in blood sugar occurs without the manifestation of the main symptoms and signs. And patients feel absolutely normal for a long time, but at the same time, a latent form of diabetes (latent diabetes) develops in the body.

This disease is often diagnosed during preventive examinations or when patients present with other complaints - frequent fatigue, decreased vision or slow healing of wounds and the addition of purulent inflammation.

An increase in blood glucose levels significantly reduces immunity, and the body becomes vulnerable to the development of various infections, and damage to small vessels (microangiopathy) causes disturbances in the normal nutrition of tissues and very slow healing of various skin and mucous membrane injuries.

Latent diabetes can be detected by testing carbohydrate tolerance.

The risk groups for diabetes include:

    women suffering from polycystic ovaries;

    people with low levels of potassium in the blood, especially often this disease develops in patients with arterial hypertension, due to the fact that increased pressure contributes to frequent urination and excretion of potassium from the body;

    overweight or obese patients;

    with a hereditary predisposition to the development of diabetes;

    women who had a temporary form of diabetes during pregnancy.

If the increase in blood sugar caused by an increase in glucose tolerance (prediabetes) is detected in time and the necessary measures are taken to eliminate it, the development of the disease can be avoided.

How to eliminate the signs of high blood sugar?

The presence of signs of an increase in blood sugar requires timely examination, determination of the cause and the appointment of high-quality treatment, otherwise irreversible changes in tissues and organs may develop in the patient's body - vascular disease, neuropathy, sluggish infectious processes, skin diseases, sleep disturbances and depressive states.

Therefore, if one or more specific symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a general practitioner, and then an endocrinologist.

This visit will help determine what causes the increase in blood sugar, whether drug therapy, herbal preparations are necessary, or if it is enough to change the diet and lifestyle. In most cases, the right approach to nutrition, the elimination of stressful situations and uniform physical activity make it possible to reduce blood sugar to normal levels.

High blood sugar in diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is manifested by the main clinical symptoms:

    dry mouth and thirst (polydipsia);

    frequent, profuse urination (polyuria), sometimes exceeding three liters of urine per day;

    increased appetite (polyphagia) with progressive weight loss.

Diabetes mellitus or diabetes mellitus is characterized by a long-term persistent increase in blood sugar, and when certain indicators are exceeded, glucose appears in the urine.

Also, this disease is manifested by additional symptoms - increased fatigue, drowsiness, decreased performance, persistent headaches, irritability, various types of sleep disorders, dizziness, itching, a bright blush of the cheeks, night pains in the limbs and cramps of the calf muscles. There may be numbness of the extremities, paresthesia, seizures, nausea, less often vomiting, spastic abdominal pain, an increased tendency to inflammatory diseases of the skin, oral cavity, urinary tract, kidneys, which often transform into a chronic form.

diabetes mellitus in pregnant women

In the body of a woman during pregnancy, hormonal changes occur and this leads to the development of physiological resistance of many tissues to the action of insulin and diabetes mellitus in pregnant women develops.

This pathological condition stands out as a separate form of diabetes mellitus - preeclampsia, which is first diagnosed according to laboratory parameters during pregnancy and, as a rule, proceeds without clinical manifestations.

Therefore, it is especially important to prescribe and monitor blood sugar levels in pregnant women. It is important to remember that with the development of this pathology in the early stages of pregnancy, the risk of the formation of multiple malformations in the fetus (diabetic fetopathy), often incompatible with life, which lead to early miscarriages, may be realized. With a late manifestation of diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman and / or in the absence of normalization of elevated blood glucose levels, organic lesions of the fetal organs may develop - congenital cataracts, heart defects, cerebral palsy.

Diabetes in pregnant women occurs due to hormonal changes in the body

The risk group includes pregnant women:

    with a family predisposition (diabetes mellitus in the next of kin);

    with obesity;

    with arterial hypertension;

    with a history of chronic miscarriage;

    patients whose pregnancy proceeds against the background of polycystic ovaries or mastopathy.

Diabetes mellitus in pregnant women most often develops in the period from the 4th to the 8th month of pregnancy, so women at risk should be examined by an endocrinologist and constantly monitor blood sugar.

Diabetes mellitus in children

In childhood, a severe form of diabetes develops - type 1 diabetes mellitus and the incidence of this pathology is growing from year to year. Therefore, with any manifestations of signs of an increase in blood sugar in a child, it is necessary to consult the baby with a doctor and examine the child. The severity of diagnosis is associated with a long asymptomatic period of diabetes mellitus in childhood and the manifestation of symptoms of the disease is already severe with the development of coma, lesions of the vessels of the eyes, nervous system, mucous membranes of the oral cavity and skin.

All carbohydrates ingested with food are broken down to glucose. Subsequently, it is absorbed under the influence of insulin and provides the body with the necessary energy. In a normal state, the sugar content in the blood ranges from 3.5–5.5 mmol / l. In men, this value can rise to 5.8 mmol / l.

In certain diseases, the pancreas stops producing insulin and glucose levels rise. This condition is called hyperglycemia and can lead to serious consequences.

Causes of high blood sugar

The level of glucose in the blood can fluctuate due to the pathologies of the internal organs and the influence of external factors.

Diabetes mellitus occupies the main place among somatic diseases. Elevated blood sugar is the main symptom of this disease. Another pathology that leads to a constant increase in glucose is obesity. Chronic liver and kidney disease can also cause high blood sugar levels.

Often the predisposing factor is hereditary predisposition. If the patient has relatives with diabetes, he should regularly check the level of glucose in the blood.

High sugar levels may be due to autoimmune diseases. The body begins to accept its own cells as foreign, as a result of which the process of their destruction is launched. First of all, this applies to the glandular tissues that make up the pancreas.

Another common cause of high blood sugar is an acute circulatory disorder. Pathology affects the nutrition of all organs, including those that provide the correct balance of all biochemical parameters.

A temporary increase in glucose levels can be triggered by a violation of the diet (consumption of a large amount of sweets), severe psycho-emotional overstrain, severe pain, taking certain medications (diuretics, glucocorticosteroids, oral contraceptives).

In women, high blood sugar is often diagnosed during pregnancy. During this period, hormones begin to be produced that provoke the release of glucose into the blood. But at the same time, they are antagonists of insulin, and it becomes insufficient for the breakdown of excess carbohydrates. Thus, gestational diabetes develops. Predisposing factors are overweight, genetic predisposition, late pregnancy.

Elevated blood sugar can be observed not only in adults, but also in children. In newborns, in the vast majority of cases, this is due to intravenous administration of large doses of glucose. Especially often elevated blood sugar is observed in premature babies with low body weight. Another reason is the lack of a hormone responsible for the breakdown of proinsulin. In some cases, there is insulin resistance.

In preschool and school-age children, elevated blood sugar is often associated with malnutrition, stress, and chronic infectious diseases. Most often, after eliminating the possible causes, the glucose level returns to normal.

During the period of active growth of the child, endogenous counter-insulin hormones begin to be produced. They provoke a decrease in insulin synthesis, which causes periodic fluctuations in glucose levels.

Diabetes mellitus, which is the main cause of high blood sugar, rarely develops. At the same time, only type I diabetes is diagnosed in children - insulin-dependent.

With increased blood sugar, the diet should include eggs, lean meat and fish, dairy products, rye bread, vegetables, rice, oatmeal and buckwheat.

Symptoms of high blood sugar

The main symptom of high blood sugar is extreme thirst and hunger. With a high level of glucose, the active work of the kidneys begins, leading to the removal of fluid and, as a result, dehydration of the body. In this case, there is frequent urination and constant thirst.

Hunger develops due to lack of insulin, which converts carbohydrates into glucose. Due to increased appetite, an increase in body weight begins. Therefore, a sharp weight gain can also be a symptom of high blood sugar.

Due to frequent urination, pathogenic microflora begins to multiply in the genital area, resulting in severe itching of the genitals. With the further development of the process, men develop inflammation of the foreskin, and women develop vulvovaginitis.

Itching is noted not only in the genital area. Patients suffering from high blood sugar complain of severe itching of the skin.

When glucose levels are high, the electrolyte balance is disturbed. Due to frequent urination, the necessary trace elements are washed out. This leads to the appearance of cramps in the calf muscles, disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Another characteristic symptom of high blood sugar is the prolonged healing of scratches and minor skin lesions. This is especially dangerous if surgery is needed. In people with high glucose levels, wounds heal for a very long time, the risk of postoperative complications increases, and body recovery is slow.

With elevated sugar levels, general well-being also worsens. Glucose is not absorbed, therefore, the energy necessary for the normal functioning of the body decreases. Patients begin to complain of a breakdown, weakness, drowsiness.

Behavior is also changing. Due to constant poor health and poorly healing wounds, irritability appears. Severe skin itching is provoked by insomnia, resulting in a feeling of chronic fatigue.

Consequences of high blood sugar

The main danger with high blood sugar is damage to blood vessels that feed organs and tissues. First of all, the eyes, kidneys and limbs are affected.

When the nutrition of the retina of the eye is disturbed, its detachment begins. In the future, atrophy of the optic nerve develops. In the absence of the necessary treatment, as well as in the case of severe diabetes mellitus, glaucoma is diagnosed. In some cases, complete blindness may develop.

With a high content of sugar in the blood, the vessels of the kidneys are injured, the integrity of their capillaries is violated. Removal of fluid from the body is difficult, swelling appears. In the case of a severe course of the process, not only the waste products of the body, but also the proteins it needs, begin to be excreted in the urine, which can cause kidney failure.

When the vessels of the lower extremities are damaged, tissue nutrition is disturbed, which leads to the development of non-healing ulcers, and later - necrosis and gangrene. In severe cases, to prevent the spread of the pathological process to the entire body, an amputation of the limb is performed.

Therapy for high blood sugar

What to do if the examination revealed a high level of glucose in the blood, only specialists decide. Diabetes is treated by endocrinologists.

Therapy for high sugar is to eliminate the cause of this condition. In most cases, after treatment of concomitant pathologies, the glucose value returns to normal.

If diabetes mellitus has been diagnosed, then with type I insulin injections are prescribed, with type II - oral administration of hypoglycemic drugs.

Of great importance in the correction of blood glucose levels is a special diet. It includes such a concept as a bread unit, which corresponds to 10 g of carbohydrates. There are special tables designed for diabetics. They describe the correspondence of the main products and bread units.

Sweets, sugar, white bread and flour products, certain cereals are excluded from the diet. At the same time, the diet should be balanced and contain the necessary trace elements and fatty acids. Fatty meat and fish, smoked foods, milk, sweet fruits and berries are banned.

It is desirable to eat fractionally, in small portions. There should be 5-6 meals per day. So carbohydrates are better absorbed, which has a positive effect on fluctuations in glucose levels.

With elevated sugar levels, general well-being also worsens. Glucose is not absorbed, therefore, the energy necessary for the normal functioning of the body decreases.

With increased blood sugar, the diet should include eggs, lean meat and fish, dairy products, rye bread, vegetables, rice, oatmeal and buckwheat. From fruits, it is recommended to give preference to green apples, blueberries, cranberries, quinces and lemons. For cooking, it is better to use linseed or rapeseed oil.

There is also a certain number of products containing a minimum amount of carbohydrates. They cannot lower blood sugar levels, but their use practically does not increase glucose levels. First of all, these are seafood - crabs, lobsters and lobsters. Soy cheeses, greens, mushrooms, nuts and legumes are considered low glycemic.

Very often, people with diabetes use sugar substitutes instead of sugar. Many endocrinologists categorically do not recommend doing this. Sweeteners are very high in calories and can cause an increase in glucose levels. It is better to completely replace sugar with permitted fruits.

Prevention of high blood sugar

Glucose levels rise in the presence of predisposing factors and an unhealthy lifestyle. In order to avoid the development of a pathological condition, certain preventive measures must be observed.

In the presence of excess body weight, a low-calorie diet is indicated, since obesity is one of the risk factors for high blood sugar.

Nutrition should be balanced, satisfying the body's need for micronutrients. Fast food, sweets, carbonated drinks are completely excluded. Salt, sugar and animal fats are kept to a minimum. From drinks, it is better to give preference to herbal teas and allowed juices.

A healthy lifestyle is of great importance. It is recommended to completely abandon bad habits. Smoking is often a contributing factor to high blood sugar levels.

Moderate physical activity is required. Swimming, hiking, performing simple exercises improves blood circulation, which improves the nutrition of tissues and organs.

Compliance with these simple rules will help to avoid an increase in blood glucose levels and maintain health for a long time.

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Blood sugar tends to rise and fall, which depends on external and internal factors. The main causes of a sharp increase in sugar are excessive consumption of sugary foods, exposure to severe stressful situations and predisposition. At the first manifestations of a sharp increase in glucose, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist to diagnose or exclude diabetes mellitus. It is diabetes that can give a sharp drop or increase in sugar with negative consequences.

In addition to diabetes, there are reasons that are not related to the functional disruption of the endocrine system - this is a psychological factor, a temporary physical one (increased load). Let us examine in more detail what can provoke a sharp increase and fall in sugar in the body of a healthy person, and why this can be fatal.

Causes of a sharp increase in glucose

The main reasons for a sharp increase in glucose lie in the mismatch between the intake of sugar and the ability of insulin to supply it to cells for further energy production, which is why it is accompanied by such manifestations as weakness and malaise. Blood sugar levels drop for the following reasons:

  • short-term physiological changes in which the body needs sugar more - increased physical activity, psychological overstrain, stress;
  • persistent pain syndrome;
  • viral, infectious diseases, accompanied by fever;
  • burn areas on the body that provoke pain;
  • epileptic seizure, convulsions;
  • a sharp hormonal failure or a persistent hormonal disorder in the body;
  • diseases of the digestive system, violation of the pancreas.

With regard to diabetes, the causes of a sharp change in sugar depend on the inability of insulin to recognize glucose. But a healthy body does this well, so why is there a sharp drop? As mentioned above, the reasons for this lie in the imbalance. That is, after eating a few grams more sweet than the body needs for energy synthesis, a kind of intoxication begins. This condition has specific signs that you can recognize on your own and correct it in the shortest possible time.

Symptoms of high blood glucose

Typical signs of a sharp increase in glucose are focused on the general well-being of the patient, which changes against the background of disruption of the brain and other systems in the body.

  1. External signs: dry mouth, feeling of constant thirst, frequent urge to urinate. All these symptoms indicate an increased need for fluid in the body, which is why the kidneys are disrupted. It is impossible to quench thirst in a pathological condition. Only after it was possible to restore the level of sugar, external manifestations disappear.
  2. Pallor of the skin - anemic syndrome develops due to circulatory disorders. The skin becomes more sensitive, wounds heal poorly, as in diabetes, itching appears, which often leads to skin irritation and the appearance of purulent wounds.
  3. Decreased performance, a sharp appearance of fatigue, lethargy, apathetic mood. These symptoms are related to the action of insulin. With increased glucose, it is lacking and energy production slows down, or even stops altogether.

Late symptoms of high sugar are weight loss due to hypoxia, neurological disorders, decreased activity, disruption of the brain, loss of interest in the outside world, deterioration in concentration and memory.

What to do with a sharp increase in blood glucose

With the manifestation of specific symptoms of an increase in sugar, it is necessary to take a number of measures to restore the normal blood count. It is impossible to allow blood sugar to drop sharply or, on the contrary, increase. To do this, you need to understand the mechanism of action of sugar in the blood. With normal blood sugar levels, insulin is able to perform its function and make glucose extremely useful.

If glucose falls or rises, insulin is unable to perform its function. The first thing to do if sugar drops is to eat something sweet. With a sharp increase in blood glucose, medical assistance is needed, an appeal to an endocrinologist.

With increased glucose, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the internal organs (do an ultrasound examination and histological analysis), a search is made for latent diabetes. If the cause of the pathological condition is not associated with a systemic disease, the patient is given recommendations about nutrition and is allowed to go home. Already at home, you will have to make special teas based on natural herbs that help reduce sugar. Also, the doctor may prescribe some medications in case of recurrence of signs of hyperglycemia.

Changes in glucose levels are often observed in pregnant women, people with increased physical and mental activity. This is a normal response of the body to stressful changes that are not dangerous for humans, but require increased attention, improved nutrition and rest.


High Level Signs

To understand that there has been a jump in sugar concentration, you should know the main characteristic symptoms. The most obvious signs of high glucose include:

  • frequent and profuse urination: polyuria develops against the background of high sugar, the kidneys begin to actively remove fluid from the body;
  • an obsessive feeling of thirst: the amount of fluid drunk per day can exceed 5 liters, it occurs due to the fact that the kidneys actively remove fluid from the body;
  • itching of the skin;
  • discomfort in the groin;
  • prolonged healing of skin lesions;
  • malfunctions of the heart and blood vessels, the appearance of calf cramps - the occurrence of these symptoms is caused by an electrolyte imbalance and leaching of essential trace elements from the body;
  • general deterioration of well-being: drowsiness, lethargy, loss of strength;
  • feeling of hunger and the associated appearance of excess weight (with the second type of diabetes);
  • sudden weight loss (typical for type 1 diabetes);
  • decreased visual acuity, the appearance of fog before the eyes.

If these symptoms appear, check your glucose levels. If it turns out to be increased, then you should find out what exactly led to the increase in indicators.

Signs of hypoglycemia

Insufficient glucose content in the body causes neurological, vegetative and metabolic disorders. They usually appear when the level drops to 3 mmol/L. If its concentration drops to 2.3, then the patient will fall into a hypoglycemic coma.

Signs of a drop in glucose levels include:

  • pain in the head;
  • anxiety;
  • hand tremor;
  • sweating;
  • feeling of irritation;
  • constant hunger;
  • nervousness;
  • tachycardia;
  • trembling in the muscles;
  • pulsation in the head and on the periphery;
  • dizziness;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • loss of sensation in some areas;
  • partial loss of motor activity.

Hypoglycemia can develop due to:

  • intense physical activity;
  • taking certain medications (tetracycline antibiotics, vitamin B6, anabolics, sulfonamides, calcium supplements);
  • drinking alcohol.

If hypoglycemia is not recognized in time and the necessary measures are not taken, the patient will fall into a coma. Patients do not have much time; with this pathology, people lose consciousness quickly enough. Brain cells stop receiving energy and neurological disorders begin.

Causes of jumps

There can be several reasons for sudden sugar spikes. The most common of these are:

  • malnutrition;
  • stress;
  • infectious diseases, the progression of which disrupts the work of internal organs;
  • lack of physical activity.

These reasons provoke changes in indicators even in healthy people. It is possible to reveal that a healthy person has jumping blood sugar by accident. Usually, jumps do not cause concern and are almost asymptomatic. But over time, such a person will develop diabetes.

Non-compliance with the diet and the use of a large amount of fast carbohydrates, fats leads to the fact that the pancreas needs to work hard and produce a significant amount of insulin. Over time, the synthesis of the hormone may decrease and the patient's sugar will increase.

With sedentary work and the lack of sports in life, the likelihood of excess weight increases. A significant level of visceral fat reduces the absorption of insulin by cells, so the concentration of glucose may increase.

In stressful situations, the process of insulin production is inhibited in the body. At the same time, glycogen begins to be released from the liver. This in combination leads to an increase in the amount of sugar in the blood.

Under the influence of these factors, diabetes can develop, this will be evidenced by a constant high level of glucose.

Causes of glucose fluctuations in diabetics

In type 1 disease, constant slight fluctuations in glucose levels are normal. The pancreas cannot cope: it does not produce insulin or produces it in small quantities. Diabetics with type 1 diabetes must regularly inject insulin to compensate for diabetes.

In the second type of disease, an increase can be triggered by stress, poor diet, lack of physical activity, and other factors. Why does sugar jump in type 2 diabetes? The decrease is provoked by such reasons:

  • development of persistent pain syndrome;
  • infectious lesions, in which the temperature rises;
  • the appearance of painful burns;
  • convulsions;
  • epilepsy;
  • hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • problems with the digestive system.

These reasons provoke jumps in glucose in both healthy people and diabetics. Patients with diabetes should be aware of the signs of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia in order to detect them in time.

Impending danger

Diabetics need to be aware of the consequences of hyperglycemia. Ignoring the symptoms threatens that the patient may fall into a coma. This is what causes blood sugar spikes in diabetics.

With an increase in glucose values, signs of deterioration and impending coma develop gradually. In patients with an insulin-dependent form of the disease, a ketoacidotic coma may occur, and in diabetics with an insulin-independent form of the disease, a hyperosmolar coma.

The risk of ketoacidotic coma appears when:

  • sugar rises more than 16 mmol / l;
  • more than 50 g/l is excreted in the urine;
  • acetone is found in the urine.

At first, the body compensates for such an increase on its own. But after a while, the patient begins to show signs of hyperglycemia. If timely assistance is not provided to him and the sugar does not drop, then other symptoms will join. An impending ketoacidotic coma is evidenced by:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • stomach ache;
  • the smell of acetone in the mouth;
  • deep breathing;
  • dry skin;
  • eyeballs become soft.

Without help, the diabetic loses consciousness and falls into a coma. Treatment should be aimed at lowering sugar and restoring body functions.

Hyperosmolar coma in people with type 2 diabetes develops within 2 weeks. Glucose levels can rise to 50 mmol / l, it is actively excreted in the urine. Typical symptoms:

  • drowsiness;
  • severe weakness;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • eyeballs sink;
  • breathing is intermittent, shallow and frequent;
  • there is no acetone smell.

Hyperosmolar coma is not preceded by abdominal pain and dyspeptic disorders. But if timely assistance is not provided, renal failure begins.

Coma can also develop against the background of low sugar levels. Therefore, when symptoms of hypoglycemia appear, measures should be taken immediately to increase glucose - for these purposes, you just need to eat sugar or candy. Before a coma in a patient:

  • there is a feeling of severe hunger;
  • behavior becomes inappropriate;
  • euphoria begins;
  • coordination is disturbed;
  • convulsions begin;
  • darkens in the eyes.

To avoid this, you need to know what to do if blood sugar jumps.

Action tactics

If the jumps are not significant and do not threaten a person's life, then the doctor sends the patient for a comprehensive examination to identify the causes of the pathology. In some cases, lifestyle changes and diet can help normalize the condition. By changing the diet, adding physical activity, you can forget about high sugar.

In cases where the patient has the first type of diabetes, insulin is indispensable. It must be administered several times a day. Insulin-dependent people should control their condition in order to avoid the development of complications. They need to learn how to compensate for diabetes. This will prevent spikes in blood glucose levels.

In type 2 disease, treatment tactics are determined after a comprehensive examination. Sugar should be brought back to normal: for this you will have to change your lifestyle. In the advanced form of the disease, insulin injections may also be prescribed. They are necessary in cases where it is not possible to compensate for the condition with diet, exercise and sugar-lowering medications.

You can prevent the appearance of sudden jumps if you completely remove simple carbohydrates from the diet: muffins, sweets, cookies, sugar, honey, sugar-containing juices, jam, soda. These are foods that are prohibited for diabetics. But something from this list must be eaten in cases where sugar has dropped sharply.

But even if you refuse fast carbohydrates, you need to carefully monitor your condition and regularly check your glucose levels. This is the only way to replace the problem in time and prevent further progression of diabetes.

Some women experience spikes in glucose levels during pregnancy and develop gestational diabetes. This condition requires special monitoring by doctors, because women with diabetes always have large children. Diabetes is the cause of preterm labor and many birth injuries.

A pregnant woman is registered with an endocrinologist. To compensate for the condition, the doctor prescribes a diet and physical therapy. If indicated, the endocrinologist may recommend insulin injections.

1.5 months after birth, you should check the sugar level again. Even if the indicators are normal, you can not relax. The appearance of gestational diabetes indicates that a woman has a predisposition to type 2 diabetes. Therefore, checks become mandatory.

If there are jumps in glucose concentration, you should immediately consult an endocrinologist. This means that it is not possible to compensate for diabetes and a change in therapy tactics is required. Fluctuations in indicators can be with insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent forms of the disease. In each case, the tactics of treatment is determined individually.

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Reasons for high sugar levels

Normal blood sugar levels in adolescents and adults range from 3.2 to 5.5 mmol/L. If the blood sugar levels differ from the norm, then this may indicate the development of pathology.

The reasons for the sharp fluctuations in indicators in type 1 or type 2 diabetes are associated with the inability of insulin, the main hormone that lowers sugar content, to recognize glucose. Sometimes an absolutely healthy person can consume more sweets than required. Then there is a process of increasing blood sugar, but the body overcomes it on its own.

However, diabetes is not the only reason for this increase. The main factors in increasing glucose levels are:

  1. Stress and great physical activity. With such rapid physiological changes, the human body needs more glucose.
  2. Wrong diet.
  3. The presence of prolonged pain syndrome.
  4. Viral and infectious diseases that cause an increase in body temperature.
  5. The presence of burns on the human body that provoke pain.
  6. Convulsions and epileptic seizures.
  7. Taking various medications.
  8. Violation of the work and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Persistent or sharp hormonal failure in the body (menopause, menstruation in women).
  10. Diseases associated with disruption of the endocrine system, pancreas and liver.

With a prolonged increase in glucose levels, you definitely need to sound the alarm.

Symptoms of an increase in sugar

When blood sugar rises, some changes occur in the body. So, the main symptom of an increase in this indicator may be a feeling of thirst, dry mouth and frequent need to relieve yourself.

The reasons for the appearance of such signs are associated with an increase in the load on the kidneys, which must remove excess sugar. They begin to take the missing liquid from the tissues, so they constantly want to drink and go to the toilet “in a small way”.

Other symptoms include:

  • Paleness of the skin due to circulatory disorders. At the same time, wounds heal much longer than in a healthy person, sometimes the skin itches and irritations appear on it.
  • Drowsiness, fatigue, irritability. This is due to the fact that the cells of the body do not receive the necessary energy, the source of which is glucose.
  • Feeling of nausea and vomiting. These symptoms are worse between meals.
  • Rapid weight loss and a constant desire to eat. This condition is explained by the fact that with a lack of energy, the body begins to receive it from fat cells and muscle tissues.
  • Visual impairment is associated with disruption of the blood vessels inside the eyeballs. This contributes to the development of the disease over time - diabetic retinopathy, which can lead to vision loss in diabetes.

It can be concluded that all symptoms are associated with a lack of energy. After the sugar level rises, the blood begins to thicken. In turn, it cannot pass normally through small blood vessels. That is why the tissues of all organs lack energy.

With a careless attitude towards oneself, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and the brain, a large loss of body weight, memory impairment and a decrease in interest in the outside world are possible.

Features of the manifestation of symptoms in diabetes mellitus

If treatment is not started in time or the disease is allowed to take its course, ketoacidotic coma appears in type 1 diabetes mellitus, and hyperosmolar coma appears in type 2 diabetes.

The rapid rise in blood sugar in type 1 diabetics causes the following symptoms:

  1. the value of the glucose level may increase up to 16 mmol / l;
  2. the presence of acetone in the urine with its specific odor;
  3. weakness and sleepiness;
  4. thirst and excretion of a large volume of urine;
  5. abdominal pain and disruption of the digestive tract;
  6. shortness of breath, even with minor physical exertion;
  7. skin is very dry;
  8. in the worst cases - loss of reason, and then a coma.

In type 2 diabetics, hypermolar coma develops slowly over 1-2 weeks. The main symptoms in which sugar can increase and critical sugar levels are reached are:

  1. sugar content is very high - up to 50-55 mmol / l;
  2. dehydration of the body, the patient fails to quench his thirst, he often visits the restroom;
  3. violation of the digestive processes causes nausea and vomiting;
  4. weakness, irritability, drowsiness;
  5. dry skin, sunken eyes;
  6. in severe cases - the development of renal failure, loss of reason and the onset of coma.

If the worst happened, that is, a coma occurred, the patient needs urgent hospitalization and resuscitation.

Steps to take when lowering blood sugar

After discovering a glucose value that is outside the normal range, it is necessary to determine why the indicator could rise and reach a critical blood sugar level.

If there are no obvious reasons, and there is nothing to worry about, you just need to follow preventive measures to avoid getting diabetes. First of all, special nutrition helps to reduce sugar.

Its main rules are:

  • food should be balanced with complex carbohydrates, fats and proteins;
  • it is necessary to abandon easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • meals should be 5-6 times a day, but in small portions;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • for normal digestion, take low-fat dairy products;
  • accustom yourself to drink more fluids;
  • give up bad habits - smoking and alcohol;
  • eat less bread, pastries and sweets.

An active lifestyle can help keep your sugar levels in check. Even if there is no time for classes in the gym, you need to organize walking for at least half an hour a day. You can not load yourself with back-breaking work, the right combination of rest and physical activity will help prevent the development of diabetes.

Overweight and obese people should try to get rid of extra pounds, since they are at risk of developing diabetes.


Causes and symptoms of diet with high sugar

Diagnostics Folk remedies

How to lower sugar Complications with high sugar

The condition in which blood sugar rises is called hyperglycemia. Normal glucose levels should be 3.3-5.5 mmol / l, depending on the method of determination.

The level of sugar is an important biological constant (indicators of the internal environment of the body that form the normal physiological processes occurring in systems, organs), which can change for many reasons, leading to symptoms of high sugar.

Causes of high blood sugar

Symptoms of high blood sugar

The main symptoms of hyperglycemia are:

  • Frequent, painful urination;
  • Itching of the skin, in the inguinal region;
  • Polydipsia (constant thirst); Dryness in the mouth;
  • General weakness, excessive fatigue, drowsiness;
  • Decrease or increase in body weight;
  • Nocturia (urinating at night)
  • Polyuria (increased urine output);
  • Decreased vision; The smell of acetone from the mouth.
  • Frequent infectious diseases;
  • Long healing wounds;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • Frequent vaginal infections, in some cases impotence in men;

All these symptoms indicate changes in glucose levels, the diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory tests. For example, acute hyperglycemia is more pronounced than its chronic form.

Mechanism of development of symptoms

To understand why a particular symptom appears, you need to know the mechanisms of its development:

  • Polydipsia (constant thirst) is formed due to the fact that sugar attracts water, while there is an increased excretion of fluid from the body. To make up for losses, the body "requests" more and more fluid from the outside;
  • Frequent urination is due to the fact that a water molecule binds to a glucose molecule, which leads to an increase in the excretion of fluid from the body using the filtering apparatus of the kidneys;
  • Weight loss is most often observed in type 1 diabetes due to the fact that the pancreas cannot produce its own insulin, while glucose is not able to get inside the cells and tissues. The body experiences constant energy starvation. In type 2, an increase in body weight is observed, while against the background of obesity, glucose cannot bind to tissues, since the receptors that bind them do not function correctly;
  • Pain in the head, drowsiness, weakness are associated with starvation of the brain, since glucose is the main source of energy for the central nervous system (CNS);
  • Poor wound healing is also associated with high glucose levels, since sugar is a favorable nutrient medium for the propagation of conditionally pathogenic microflora (bacteria, viruses). For the full performance of leukocytes, glucose is also needed, which is not enough. Therefore, protective blood cells cannot destroy pathogens;
  • The smell of acetone appears due to the oxidation of lipids (fats), an increase in the level of ketone bodies in the blood.


With hyperglycemia, the patient should undergo a glucose tolerance test to establish a more accurate diagnosis. The test is carried out with the participation of glucose in its pure form (75 gr.). In the morning on an empty stomach, a person donates blood to the level of sugar, then drinks a glucose solution, after 2 hours the blood is donated again.

In order for the result to be reliable, the following rules must be observed:

  • On the eve of the test, physical exercises, heavy physical activity should be excluded;
  • The last meal should be no more than 10 hours before the study;
  • Before taking the test, you must adhere to the usual diet;
  • Before taking the test, you need to get a good night's sleep;
  • It is advisable to avoid stress, emotional overstrain;
  • Do not worry about the analysis, you should calm down;
  • After taking the glucose solution, it is advisable not to walk.

The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is made if on an empty stomach sugar is above 7.0 mmol / l, and after taking the solution after 2 hours - 11.1 mmol / l and above.

Additionally, a test for glycated hemoglobin is carried out, a pathology is considered if the indicator is above 6%. In addition, a test is carried out for the level of amylin, which inhibits the rapid release of insulin into the blood after eating (for people with diabetes, the indicator will be low), incretins (stimulators of insulin production), glucagon (stimulates sugar production).

How to lower blood sugar

To achieve a steady decrease in sugar, you need to know the reason that led to its increase. In secondary diabetes, one of three methods can be applied:

  1. Remove neoplasm;
  2. Stop taking drugs that increase sugar;
  3. Treat thyrotoxicosis and other diseases.

If it is impossible to eliminate the cause that caused the increase in glucose, or type 1 or type 2 diabetes was formed primarily, compensatory therapy is prescribed. For these purposes, use the introduction of insulin (type 1 diabetes) or hypoglycemic tablets (type 2 diabetes). If a person has gestational diabetes mellitus, then it is possible to achieve a decrease in hyperglycemia only with the help of one diet.

Diet with high sugar

With hyperglycemia, special attention should be paid to your diet, special diets have been developed, the main purpose of which is to reduce the consumption of simple (fast) carbohydrates.

If a person is overweight, the food should be low-calorie, include all the nutrients, vitamins. Every day a person should consume fats, carbohydrates, proteins. Carbohydrates should be slowly broken down and beneficial. A sign of a beneficial type of carbohydrate is its low position on the glycemic index (GI) table.

You need to eat in small portions up to 6 times a day, the breaks between meals should be no more than 3 hours. The number of calories consumed will depend on physiological indicators (weight, gender) and on the physical activity of a person.

Foods that lower blood sugar:

  • Buckwheat - contains a large amount of minerals (iron, rutin), vitamins (B6), vegetable protein. Buckwheat porridge contains a small amount of carbohydrates, due to this, not only sugar is normalized, but also the patient's weight. Vegetable protein is quickly absorbed and leaves a feeling of satiety for a long time. Substances included in buckwheat remove toxins, reduce "bad" cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels, liver;
  • Buckwheat flour with curdled milk is a reliable method to reduce sugar to normal levels. For cooking, you need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of buckwheat flour (grind the groats in a coffee grinder) pour 200 ml of yogurt or kefir. Leave the mixture overnight, you need to consume on an empty stomach one hour before meals for 7 days;
  • Citrus and sour fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit) normalize blood glucose levels;
  • Vegetables (Jerusalem artichoke), herbs, spices (onion, garlic, spinach). Berries (chokeberry blueberries, lingonberries). Legumes (lentils, beans).

Folk remedies for high sugar

You can also lower the level of sugar with the help of folk methods:

  • In the spring, collect swollen lilac buds, pour 2 tbsp. spoons of kidneys 2 mugs of hot water. You need to defend for 6 hours, you can in a thermos. Filter, then consume the infusion throughout the day;
  • 40 gr. partitions from the walnut shell pour ½ liter of water. Put on a slow fire for 60 minutes, cool, filter. Consume 1 tbsp. spoon each time before the main meal;
  • Grate fresh horseradish root, mix with sour milk or yogurt in a ratio of 1:10. Consume 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture before meals three times a day;
  • Take 1 mug of oats and pour 6 mugs of boiled hot water, put on a slow fire for 60 minutes. Cool, filter and drink whenever you want and in any quantity. Keep the drink in a cool place;
  • Grind 10 bay leaves, put in a thermos and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist throughout the day, filter, consume warm ¼ cup before the main meal, no more than 4 times a day.


Why do sugar spikes happen?

The main symptom with a sharp jump in glucose is provoked by its deviation from the norm and the ability of insulin to deliver glucose to the cells for subsequent energy produced by it. This leads to feelings of weakness and fatigue of the body.

The reasons for the drop in blood glucose levels are as follows:

  • changes that manifested themselves for a short period of time at the physiological level (psychological, stressful state);
  • viruses and infections that contribute to an increase in temperature;
  • convulsive states and seizures of an epileptic nature;
  • during a sudden failure of the hormonal background or in violation of the work of hormones.

If we consider diabetes mellitus in a sick person, then sudden shifts in sugar are directly dependent on the fact that insulin cannot recognize glucose. Insulin in a healthy person is able to recognize it, then why is there a rapid decrease? This factor depends on the imbalance. If a person ate sweets, more than expected, he becomes intoxicated. You can recognize it and adjust it yourself.

Symptoms of high blood sugar are:

  • External indicators - the mucous membrane of the mouth dries up, there is a regular desire to drink, often you want to go to the toilet, the volume of outgoing urine increases. These symptoms indicate an increased need for fluid, so there is a violation of the kidneys. If the condition is pathological, then thirst will not be quenched. This can be done by restoring the glucose level.
  • The skin is pale - this is due to a violation of the circulatory system. The skin becomes sensitive, wound healing takes a long time, skin itching appears, irritating it.
  • The ability to act decreases, fatigue appears, the state is lethargic and sleepy. This is due to the fact that glucose does not enter the cells, but is located in the blood. Therefore, the body does not receive the necessary energy.
  • A state of nausea that worsens between meals.
  • Unexplained vomiting is possible.
  • The body weight is rapidly decreasing. With a lack of insulin, energy is not produced. Then the body takes strength from muscle tissues and fat cells. A person constantly wants to eat.
  • Sometimes reduced vision, headaches.
  • For a long period of time, wounds and cuts are healed.

These symptoms are associated with the action of inulin. If glucose is elevated, then it is not enough, so energy is produced slowly or stops being produced altogether.

If blood sugar has increased, then nervous system disorders, weight loss, activity are noted as late symptoms, brain function is disrupted, attention to others is lost, memory deteriorates.

What actions should be taken with high sugar

The first thing to do when you find high sugar is to go on a therapeutic diet. The diet is aimed at reducing the amount of sugar in the blood. It decreases after the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates with food has decreased in the diet.

Rules for the consumption of food aimed at reducing sugar:

  • Patients who are overweight should reduce the calories of food consumed.
  • Therapeutic nutrition is aimed at eating a diet balanced with fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Eat foods with slow digestibility of carbohydrates.
  • Portions should be small, eat an average of 6 times a day.
  • Calories in quantity should not exceed energy expenditure.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep the body imbalanced.
  • It is necessary to give up alcoholic beverages, bakery products.

Diabetes progresses slowly. Type 1 disease will appear months after recovery from a viral infection. This type of diabetes mellitus is often observed in children who previously constantly suffered viral infections. In this case, increased glucose in the urine and blood is rather difficult to manifest, acetone is also observed in the urine and a precoma and coma develops. If a person was given timely assistance, and the doctor prescribed the necessary dose of insulin, then diabetes mellitus will continue to proceed without complications throughout life.

Imperceptible onset in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Its development falls on the age of a person after 45 years. The first symptoms of this type are all kinds of infections, ulcers, fungus, skin diseases, infections of the genitourinary system. With diabetes, metabolism is disturbed, then the immune system suffers. People who have reached the age of 45 and older take a blood test for sugar. Often in the blood and urine, the presence of glucose in excess of the norm is detected. With diabetes of this type, symptoms may not be expressed. A person may not notice them - this is a sufficient intake in the liquid, significant volumes during urination. Even when the patient is in good health, it is necessary to diagnose diabetes mellitus. As a result of not treating diabetes, everything ends in a diabetic coma. It can also be severe complications of other organs and tissues of the body.

Rapid increase in blood sugar in diabetes

If time is not corrected and measures are taken, increased glucose contributes to the appearance of a diabetic coma. Coma develops slowly. In type 1 patients, this is a ketoacidotic coma, and in type 2, it is hyperosmolar.

Symptoms in type 1

The course of ketoacidotic coma is observed in the contained increased sugar of 15-16 mmol / l, its release immediately with urine on average 50 g / l, acetone appears in the urine, metabolic acidosis develops. In the initial stages of type 1, the body compensates for these disorders, then the following symptoms appear: weakness in the body, sleepiness, thirst, accompanied by a large intake of fluid, a significant amount of urine is excreted. Without helping a person in time, vomiting may open, he is sick, he swears, pains in the abdomen are felt, acetone is felt when exhaling, deep breathing becomes (thus, excess carbon dioxide leaves and acidity decreases). The skin is dry, there is a large loss of fluid along with sugar. Then the patient has a loss of reason and coma.

Type 2 symptoms

In type 2 diabetes, a delayed development of hyperosmolar coma occurs, over 7-14 days. In the blood, sugar jumps, reaching a dangerous level - 50-55 mmol / l and above and exits with urine. Since a large amount of it is released, dehydration of the body occurs, which is a continuation of the coma. A person is constantly thirsty, he consumes a lot of liquid and therefore repeatedly visits the bathroom. Then there are symptoms such as weakness in the body, lethargy, want to sleep. Vomiting and nausea, and pain in the abdomen do not occur. Obvious signs of type 2 dehydration in diabetes mellitus are very noticeable - the skin is dry to the touch, facial features are pointed, eyes are sunken, the patient breathes often, acetone is not felt. If you do not provide medical assistance, an acute form of renal failure develops, this leads to loss of reason and coma.

With the onset of a coma, urgent hospitalization and resuscitation are necessary.

Diabetes is a disease that requires constant monitoring. Therefore, people who have this disease monitor their glucose levels with a glucometer.

If nothing is done at the initial manifestations of diabetes mellitus and the hormone is not introduced into the body, then blood sugar jumps and can rapidly reach 21 units. For people with diabetes, this indicator is dangerous, you should immediately seek help from doctors, they will eliminate the factor that caused the disturbances in the body.

How to bring blood sugar back to normal

If sugar has increased by more than 21 units, the help of medical workers is needed, and it is also necessary to review the food consumed. Perhaps a sharp jump in sugar is associated precisely with the use of unhealthy foods. In addition, it is necessary to lower glucose at elevated rates. You can lower your glucose to normal with a low-carbohydrate diet. If a person with diabetes has a jump in glucose, another diet will not help him.

What should be done when an indicator of 21 units is dangerous to the patient? After examining and receiving the results of the tests, the doctor will prescribe medications and a diet that will lower the glucose to normal. If you follow a low-carbohydrate diet, then the patient's condition with diabetes will improve, regardless of the complications observed in the patient. The condition returns to normal after 3 days from the moment of changing the diet. This helps to reduce glucose to a low level and prevents other diseases that accompany diabetes from developing.

Why does sugar rise?

Increases occur during pregnancy, stress, psychological experiences, various concomitant diseases. When the glucose level reaches 21 units, this is a signal to increase attention to well-being. Sugar often rises sharply, with violations in the process of processing carbohydrates.

The reasons for the increase in sugar to 21 units are as follows:

  • improper diet (sugar levels always increase after eating food due to its active processing);
  • no physical activity (exercise favorably affects glucose);
  • emotional state (during stress, indicators may change);
  • changes in the hormonal background (during menstruation and menopause, in a woman's body, the level of glucose rises).

Also, sugar increases with various health disorders (with an affected organ).

  1. Disorders of the endocrine system, when disturbances occur in the hormone produced, entail diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma.
  2. Diseases in the pancreas (various tumors, pancreatitis), contribute to a decrease in insulin production, and metabolic disorders occur.
  3. The use of medications causes an increase in glucose.
  4. Liver disease, it has a supply of glucose, during failures there is an increase in sugar. Further, diseases - cirrhosis, all kinds of tumor formations, hepatitis.

All that needs to be done by the patient, with increased sugar, is to eliminate the causes that violate the state of the body.

What to do when glucose has increased

When sugar has risen, the blood formula is restored, based on the measures that need to be taken. It is impossible to allow a decrease or vice versa jumps in sugar. It is necessary to know how its action occurs in the circulatory system. When it is contained in the norm, then insulin fulfills its purpose, and glucose becomes usable. During a rapid decrease and increase in glucose, insulin does not perform its proper function. First of all, when it falls, they eat sweets, and when it rises, you should seek help from doctors. When the presence of symptoms is in the amount of 2 or 3, you should seek the advice of a therapist, and then go to an endocrinologist.

If the glucose indicator is too high, the internal organs are examined (this is an ultrasound examination, histological analysis), looking for the presence of diabetes. When the ailment is not associated with pathology, then a conversation is held with a person on the topic of diet and sent home for treatment. At home, it will be necessary to brew teas, the basis of which is natural herbs that help lower sugar. Perhaps, and the appointment of medications, with the repeated manifestation of hyperglycemia. Distortions in the norm of glucose can be observed in women in position, people who have mental and physical activity.


Photo: Permissible blood sugar level

The normal level of glucose in the blood is considered to be an indicator from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l. Moreover, this standard is the same for adults and children and does not depend on gender. The indicator is not stable, it can change during the day depending on the emotional state, physical activity or after eating.

Glucose analysis is done on an empty stomach. You can donate blood for research in the laboratory or use a portable home glucometer. In the event that the result of the analysis shows an excess of the permissible glucose level, but there are no characteristic symptoms of diabetes, the analysis will have to be done several more times. This will help catch the disease at an early stage of development, when all processes are still reversible, and prevent the development of a serious pathology.

To confirm a pre-diabetic condition or exclude this diagnosis, it is recommended to pass a special tolerance test. This type of study is especially necessary for patients over 45 years of age. It will help detect impaired glucose uptake by the body's cells and changes such as increased fasting blood sugar levels. The test is carried out as follows:

  • First, the patient must donate blood for sugar, in the morning (on an empty stomach).
  • Then drink 200 ml of water in which pure glucose (75 g) is dissolved.
  • Retest should be done after 2 hours.

To make the result of the study more accurate, the patient is recommended to fulfill several important conditions:

  1. The last meal should be no earlier than 10 hours before blood sampling for analysis.
  2. On the eve of the study, it is necessary to exclude physical activity and sports.
  3. It is necessary to avoid stress factors, not to be nervous and not to worry.
  4. Before donating blood, you should not change your usual diet.
  5. After taking the glucose solution, it is best to sit at home for 2 hours in a calm atmosphere, and exclude physical activity.

If the fasting sugar level is less than 7 mmol / l, and after taking the glucose solution it rises to 7.8 - 11.1 mol / l - this will indicate a violation of glucose tolerance.

Photo: ultrasound

In the case when the analysis on an empty stomach shows from 6.1 to 7.0 mmol / l, and after taking a sweet solution - less than 7.8 mmol / l, they speak of signs of impaired fasting sugar levels. To clarify the diagnosis, the patient will be offered to donate blood for the presence of enzymes and do an ultrasound of the pancreas.

It should be borne in mind that blood glucose levels can increase as a result of severe stress, severe infectious diseases or certain conditions (for example, pregnancy) and subsequently return to their previous, normal values ​​rather quickly. Of course, this condition cannot be called normal, rather it is prediabetes, but the patient should not panic. If violations are detected at an early stage, then with all the recommendations of the attending physician and the adjustment of lifestyle and nutrition, the blood sugar level can be stabilized.

Causes of high blood sugar

The main causes that provoke the development of hyperglycemia are as follows:

In diabetes mellitus, there is a persistent increase in blood sugar levels, which is long-term and negatively affects the state of internal organs and systems. But besides this disease, there are many pathological conditions leading to hyperglycemia. Here are the most common ones:

  • long-term use of certain medications (hormones and their analogues, beta blockers, etc.);
  • pancreatitis (inflammatory process in the pancreas);
  • a malignant process in the pancreas (cancer);
  • hyperthyroidism (increased activity of the thyroid gland);
  • tumor processes in the pituitary gland;
  • severe physical and mental trauma.

As you know, the norm of blood sugar for men and women is the same. But the reasons why this condition develops may differ in different sexes.

Photo: High blood sugar in women

Women are more impressionable natures, they are more prone to unrest and stress. In addition, the representatives of the weaker sex love sweets and confectionery, which are a source of "light" carbohydrates. Once in the body, they instantly increase blood sugar levels, and excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates leads to metabolic disorders.

Women are much more likely than men to gain weight and obesity, especially during menopause. In addition, the hormonal background is of great importance, which undergoes significant changes during pregnancy, or due to endocrine diseases. Blood glucose levels can be affected by premenstrual syndrome (PMS), gastrointestinal pathologies, thyroid disorders, liver pathologies, inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, adrenal glands and pituitary gland. Deviations from the norm upwards are more often observed in women after 40 years. Therefore, it is so important to regularly monitor blood glucose levels in order to prevent the development of serious diseases and related complications.

Photo: Increased blood sugar in men

A high blood sugar level in the stronger sex is associated with a violation of the pancreas and does not depend on fluctuations in the hormonal background, as in women. An important role is played by lifestyle and the presence of bad habits. Hyperglycemia often develops against the background of an unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, alcohol abuse, the predominance of fatty and spicy foods in the diet.

Often, the provoking factors that cause an increase in blood sugar in men are chronic stress, heavy physical exertion, uncontrolled intake of certain medications. Other causes of hyperglycemia include acromegaly (which is characterized by an excess of growth hormone), inflammatory and infectious diseases.

The development of pathology can cause Cushing's syndrome (enlargement of the adrenal glands and pituitary gland), diseases of the liver, pancreas, or serious pathologies of the digestive tract. High sugar levels in men can lead to potency, as in this state the blood thickens and circulates poorly throughout the body. It is believed that male-type obesity is another factor that provokes hyperglycemia, since excess fat is deposited mainly in the abdomen and puts additional pressure on the internal organs, pancreas and liver.


With high blood sugar, patients notice the following changes in well-being:

The causes of a short-term increase in blood sugar can be seizures, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, burns, severe pain, or conditions in acute and myocardial infarction.

However, the development of diabetes mellitus is not always accompanied by characteristic manifestations. In such cases, the patient can feel completely healthy for a long time, while a latent form of diabetes develops in his body.

Latent (hidden) diabetes is often detected during a preventive examination. Patients may complain of reduced vision, apathy and fatigue, inflammation and slow healing of lesions, which is associated with damage to small vessels and malnutrition of tissues. The specific carbohydrate tolerance test described above allows the identification of the latent form.

If you notice several of the above signs, you should donate blood for analysis as soon as possible, since such symptoms indicate an increase in blood sugar levels. After laboratory tests, the doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and explain to the patient what to do if high blood sugar is accompanied by a deterioration in general well-being.

To understand what this or that symptom is connected with, it is necessary to find out the mechanism of their development.

So, strong thirst and dry mouth are explained by the ability of glucose to attract water to itself. High sugar levels provoke increased urination, sweating and cause dehydration. To make up for the loss of fluid, a person is forced to drink more fluid. In addition, glucose binds water molecules, which leads to an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, arterial hypertension is considered a characteristic sign of hyperglycemia.

Weight loss is observed in type 1 diabetes, when the body is unable to produce insulin on its own or synthesizes it in insufficient quantities. As a result, glucose cannot enter the cells, so they suffer from energy starvation. This condition leads to lack of appetite and weight loss.

Photo: a quick set of extra pounds

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by the opposite situation, and a rapid set of extra pounds. In this case, the pancreas produces insulin in sufficient volume, but the tissue receptors that are responsible for its absorption do not work properly. Glucose penetrates the cells, but in a small amount, which is not able to provide optimal breakdown of fats. This leads to lipid metabolism disorders and obesity.

Headaches, fatigue, weakness are direct consequences of starvation of the brain, for which glucose is the main source of energy. The body has to adapt to a different way of obtaining energy, which is the oxidation of lipids (fats). But this leads to an increase in the level of ketone bodies in the blood and the appearance of the smell of acetone in the exhaled air.

A decrease in the ability of tissues to heal and regenerate is also associated with energy hunger and a weakened immune system. And an increased level of glucose in the blood becomes a favorable breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms and contributes to the development of infections and purulent processes.

What to do and how to deal with hyperglycemia?

Photo: increased physical activity

If after the examination it turns out that a persistent increase in blood sugar threatens the development of diabetes, the doctor will begin therapy with a set of measures aimed at lowering glucose levels and maintaining this value within the normal range. Early treatment can help prevent the development of diabetes. The patient should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and follow all prescriptions. Therapy for hyperglycemia comes down to lifestyle adjustments that include:

  • adherence to a certain diet;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • measures for weight loss in obesity;
  • regular monitoring of blood sugar levels with a home glucometer.

The basis of diet therapy is a low-carbohydrate diet, consisting mainly of protein, cereals and vegetables, and the exclusion from the diet of foods that increase blood sugar.


Photo: diet for hyperglycemia

The optimal variant of the diet for hyperglycemia will be individually developed by a nutritionist who will take into account the age and weight of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases and the nature of professional activity that affects the energy consumption of the body.

First of all, foods that increase blood sugar and contain easily digestible carbohydrates are excluded from the diet. These include:

"Light" carbohydrates are instantly absorbed in the body and dramatically increase blood glucose levels. Specialists will select a diet with a reduced calorie content and help you create a menu for every day, which should become the basis of proper nutrition.

What foods can be included in the diet?

Photo: vegetables

With almost no restrictions, you can eat greens, vegetables (cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes). They contain useful fiber, and carbohydrates from vegetables are absorbed much more slowly and are not able to dramatically increase sugar levels. The use of vegetables such as potatoes, beets and carrots should be agreed with your doctor. It is useful to use salads seasoned with vegetable oil.

The diet should include fermented milk products, dietary lean meat (chicken, rabbit) and fish, butter, eggs, acidic varieties of fruits and berries. You can drink freshly squeezed fruit juices sweetened with xylitol.

From bakery products, preference should be given to whole grain or protein-bran bread. You can gradually consume both white (slightly dried) and rye bread. Cereals and cereals from them will bring additional benefits: wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley. But it is undesirable to include semolina and rice porridge in the menu.

It is necessary to minimize the consumption of sweets and confectionery, but experts allow natural honey in a small amount (no more than 1 teaspoon twice a day). It is better not to fry food, but to steam, boil or bake.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a multivitamin complex. In addition, phytotherapy and the use of herbal teas will help reduce blood sugar levels. Especially useful tea from the leaves of lilac, sage, blueberries, hibiscus.

Photo: Physical exercise

Daily physical activity will not only keep you in good shape, but also help fight hyperglycemia. A specially designed set of exercises is a good prevention of type 2 diabetes, as it helps to improve metabolism and better absorption of glucose. As a regular exercise, long walks, swimming, cycling, aerobics and aqua aerobics, tennis, golf, volleyball and other sports are perfect.

The most effective and affordable option is morning jogging at a moderate pace and walking. Refuse to travel by public transport or in a private car, try to walk to work, and take the stairs to your floor not in an elevator. This will help not only to lose extra pounds, but also serve as a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Every day, at least 40 - 60 minutes should be given to physical activity, this will bring undoubted benefits to your body and help maintain sugar levels within normal limits.

Watch the video: Normalize blood sugar with breathing


Normal sugar level

The norm of blood glucose for people of any age ranges from 3.3 mmol / l to 5.5 mmol / l. If the level is from 5.5 to 6 mmol / l, then we are talking about prediabetes. If the glucose content is 6.1 mmol / l and above, then the diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" is made.

How is the examination carried out?

Diagnosis is carried out by express method or in the laboratory using special equipment. In the first method, blood is taken on an empty stomach using a glucometer from a finger. In this case, the result is less accurate and is considered preliminary. This device is good to use at home for constant monitoring of sugar. If a deviation from the normal value is detected, the analysis is repeated in the laboratory. Blood is usually drawn from a vein. The diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" is made if, after a double blood donation on different days, the result shows an excess of the norm. About 90% of all registered patients suffer from type 2 diabetes.

Signs of High Glucose

Basically, the symptoms of diabetes in most patients are similar, although they may differ depending on the age and duration of the disease. As a rule, the first signs of high blood sugar are as follows:

  1. Dry mouth is one of the classic manifestations of diabetes.
  2. Polydipsia and polyuria. Intense thirst and the excretion of a large volume of urine are the most typical symptoms of high blood sugar. Thirst is the body's signal to replenish lost water in order to avoid dehydration. The kidneys, in turn, filter out excess glucose, excreting more urine.
  3. Fatigue and weakness. Sugar does not reach the cells, lingering in the blood, so muscle tissue lacks energy to be active.
  4. Poor healing of scratches, wounds, abrasions, cuts. It is important to avoid skin lesions, as they are prone to infection, which creates additional problems.
  5. Increase or decrease in body weight.
  6. The characteristic signs of diabetes are skin diseases and genital infections that cause itching. It can be furunculosis, candidiasis, colpitis, inflammation of the urinary tract and urethra.
  7. The smell of acetone from the body. This manifestation is typical for a very high level of sugar. This is a signal of diabetic ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition.

Later, the patient develops the following symptoms of high sugar:

  • Maculopathy and diabetic retinopathy are eye diseases characterized by visual impairment. Retinopathy, which affects the vessels of the eyes, is the main cause of blindness in adults with diabetes.
  • Bleeding gums, loose teeth.
  • Decreased sensitivity in the extremities: tingling, numbness, goosebumps, changes in pain and temperature sensitivity in the hands and feet.
  • Digestive problems: diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, fecal incontinence, difficulty swallowing.
  • Swelling of the extremities as a result of retention and accumulation of fluid in the body. Such signs are more often manifested when diabetes is combined with arterial hypertension.
  • The manifestations of high sugar include chronic renal failure, protein in the urine and other disorders of the kidneys.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Erectile dysfunction, frequent urinary tract infections.
  • Decreased intelligence and memory.

Why does blood glucose rise?

The reasons for the increase in sugar are different. The most common of these is type 1 or type 2 diabetes. In addition, there are a few more:

  • stressful situations;
  • the presence in the diet of foods with fast, that is, easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • severe infectious diseases.

Nutrition with high sugar

Diet with high blood glucose is an important component of treatment. It is necessary to observe the main principles of nutrition:

  • eat regularly, in small portions, 5-6 times a day, at the same hours;
  • drink at least 1-2 liters of fluid per day;
  • products must include all substances necessary for life;
  • need food rich in fiber;
  • vegetables should be eaten daily;
  • avoid salty foods;
  • give up alcoholic beverages.

You should eat foods that do not increase blood glucose levels and are non-caloric. Among them:

  • lean dietary meat;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy products;
  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  • Rye bread;
  • eggs (no more than two per day);
  • peas, beans;
  • vegetables: eggplant, red and green peppers, radishes, cabbage, radishes, onions, herbs, garlic, celery, cucumbers, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, green peas;
  • fruits and berries: apples, pears, blueberries, cranberries, mountain ash, cranberries, quince, lemons.

Preference should be given to vegetable fats, sugar should be replaced with honey and sweeteners. Food is best steamed, baked, stewed and boiled.

Foods that cannot be eaten

In case of high blood sugar, you need to abandon foods such as:

  • flour, rich and confectionery products: cakes, pastries, sweets, ice cream, pies, jam, sweet carbonated drinks, pasta, sugar;
  • fatty meat and fish, sausages, smoked meats, lard, canned food;
  • dairy products: fatty cheese, cream, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sweet fruits and dried fruits: figs, grapes, raisins.


Doctors do not consider diabetes mellitus a sentence, despite the fact that it is an incurable disease. If you detect early signs of high blood sugar, you can immediately begin to correct your condition and learn to live with it. This will avoid or significantly delay the development of severe complications and consequences such as blindness, gangrene, amputation of the lower extremities, and nephropathy.

Table for diabetics

What are the signs of high blood sugar in a woman? Read on and find out now!

The term hyperglycemia refers to an increase in blood sugar levels. Depending on the severity, the stages of hyperglycemia are distinguished:

  • light - the glucose content does not exceed 8 mmol / l;
  • medium - up to 11 mmol / l;
  • heavy - more than 11 mmol / l.

With a significant increase in sugar levels, a diabetic coma develops (the critical glucose level is individual for each patient). The condition differs from the usual coma by the warmth of the skin, the softness of the eyeballs (with light pressure), the smell of acetone from the mouth and low pressure. Body temperature is within normal limits. The longest sugar coma lasted more than 40 years.

In many patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, coma may be the first clear manifestation of the disease (the debut of diabetes mellitus).

Such serious consequences make it important to know why blood sugar rises and how to deal with it. Let's get started.

Symptoms and signs of high blood sugar in a woman

Among the first manifestations, increased thirst is noted. This is due to the fact that an increase in blood glucose leads to the need to remove it along with urine. In parallel, electrolytes are washed out of the body, which leads to increased fatigue, dry mouth, headaches and itching.

A person's visual acuity decreases, appetite decreases and body weight decreases. Hands and feet become cold even in hot weather, their sensitivity decreases.

There are problems with normal digestion: frequent constipation or diarrhea, nausea or discomfort in the abdomen.

An elevated blood sugar condition causes the release of ketone bodies into the urine and disruption of carbohydrate metabolism. The mechanism of development of the pathological condition: a high content of glucose leads to the need for its breakdown by glycogen, which is produced by the liver. The tissues do not receive enough energy, so you have to break down fats with the formation of ketone bodies. When they enter the blood, the normal acid balance fails.

Often recurrent and difficult to treat thrush in women can indicate high blood sugar.

Symptoms of high blood sugar in men

The symptoms of high blood sugar in men are similar to those in women. Severe cases are accompanied by impaired consciousness, loss of orientation in space and dehydration.

Particular attention should be paid to poor healing of wounds and bruises. In this case, the man becomes susceptible to fungal and infectious infections. Signs of high blood sugar in men also include a weakening of sexual desire, up to impotence.

Etiology of hyperglycemia

The reasons for the increase in blood sugar in women are identical to men, the main one being diabetes mellitus (DM). In fact, hyperglycemia is the main manifestation of this disease.

In the absence of a diagnosed diabetes in a patient, sugar jumps indicate a manifestation of the disease or a high risk of its development.

  • The islets of Largenhans of the pancreas atrophy and cease to secrete insulin. Which leads to a lifelong need for insulin injections;
  • the amount of insulin is normal, however, the tissues do not perceive its effects (insulin resistance develops). Insulin resistance is often noted in obese patients.

The elevation of DM to the status of a significant medical and social problem is due to its large-scale spread among people. The number of sick patients doubles every decade. According to statistics for 2016, about 415 million people have diabetes. The danger is that most of them do not know about their diagnosis.

The possibility of introducing artificial insulin has significantly extended the life of patients with type 1 diabetes.

Causes of High Blood Sugar Other Than Diabetes

Other causes of high blood sugar levels in men and women include:

  • malnutrition;
  • emotional stress;
  • chronic pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • conditions after heart attacks and strokes;
  • adrenal tumors;
  • increased serum levels of thyroid hormones;
  • diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary system;
  • the influence of drugs.

Excess consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates can provoke a spike in sugar that is not associated with diabetes. An example of an eating disorder is bulimia. A person cannot control the amount of portions and consumes an excess amount of calories daily. At the same time, the body does not have time to synthesize a sufficient amount of insulin and break down carbohydrates.

Inadequate intake of vitamin B7 with food. It is part of the enzymes that regulate metabolism. Without B7, the normal synthesis of glucokinase, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism, is impossible.

Stressful situations caused by a stroke or heart attack provoke attacks of hyperglycemia. It has been experimentally proven that the post-stress reaction of increasing sugar increases the risk of death.

Stress can provoke inflammatory diseases due to the activation of insulin antagonist hormones. These substances inhibit the work of insulin.

Elevated glucose is one of the side effects of anticancer drugs such as Rituximab ® .

Based on this, the diagnosis of DM is made with the unambiguous exclusion of the above causes of hyperglycemia. To make a final diagnosis in a patient, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • the level of glucose in the blood on an empty stomach consistently exceeds normal age indicators;
  • the patient has symptoms of diabetes mellitus (family history should also be taken into account - diabetes in close relatives);
  • the results of the glucose tolerance test confirm the excess of more than 11 mmol / l;
  • glycohemoglobin above 5.9-6.5%;
  • sugar is detected not only in the blood, but also in the urine;
  • ketone bodies are found in the urine.

What should you do if your blood sugar is high?

Currently, there is no definitive cure for SD. Maintenance therapy is limited to alleviating symptoms, as well as preventing the development of decompensation and complications. The basic principles of therapy are:

  • normalization of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • prevention of complications of diabetes and their treatment if necessary;
  • weight loss of the patient;
  • maintaining optimal blood sugar levels;
  • learning the basics of blood sugar control at home.

The mechanism for compensating carbohydrate metabolism is achieved in 2 ways: by administering insulin by injection (patients with type 2 diabetes are prescribed sugar-lowering pills)

and diet therapy aimed at a uniform intake of an equal amount of carbohydrates.

Self-control training is a fundamental point of treatment. The patient must imagine what his diagnosis means, how to measure sugar on his own and what threatens his deviations from the norm. The closest relatives of the patient should also be aware of the methods of helping with hyper- or hypoglycemia.

Diet selection

Diet therapy is an essential part of the treatment of diabetes. Her role in treatment is assigned 50%, 20% falls on insulin injections, the remaining percentages are distributed between the correct daily routine and physical activity.

Excess consumption of simple carbohydrates overloads the pancreas, which ultimately leads to the realization of a hereditary predisposition to diabetes.

When type 2 diabetes is present, diet may be the main treatment. Neglect of the diet leads to hyper- or hypoglycemia, which can result in coma or death.

The menu is selected for each person individually, taking into account his physical activity. Weight loss is a prerequisite for the development of diabetes, which is also facilitated by diet therapy.

Modern principles of diet therapy for people with diabetes suggest the selection of dishes, taking into account the psychological aspect. Meals should bring pleasure to a person and not cause him to feel inferior.

The doctor must instruct the person how he can freely navigate the nutritional value of foods and replace one dish with another.

The emphasis is on alcohol. This is one of the prohibited foods that can provoke an increase in glucose due to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism.

A person learns the skill of keeping a food diary, where he indicates the frequency and amount of food consumed, and also fixes the level of glucose after self-measurement. The usefulness of the diary is the ability to identify episodic causes of sugar spikes. This allows you to make adjustments to the selected meal plan or insulin dosage.

Does honey raise blood sugar levels?

Honey contains simple sugars - fructose and glucose. 3-5 minutes after consumption, simple sugars are already circulating in the human bloodstream. Therefore, the use of this product can lead to a state of hyperglycemia.

In addition, the possibility of adding syrups or feeding the bees with sugar is not ruled out, which significantly increases the content of simple carbohydrates in honey.

Important: with an increased level of sugar in the blood, honey is categorically contraindicated.

The use of honey in diabetes is advisable if it is necessary to stop hypoglycemia against the background of:

  • skipping meals;
  • excessive physical fatigue;
  • large doses of insulin.

It is honey that belongs to products with fast action and will alleviate a person’s condition when sugar drops. The amount of the product is no more than 2 tablespoons. After use, control measurements of the indicator in the blood are made.

Medical therapy

Antidiabetic drugs are prescribed exclusively for type 2 diabetes. They can be divided into 2 main groups:

  • sulfanilamide, the mechanism of action is based on the activation of the process of insulin production in humans and the suppression of glucagon activity. In parallel with this, the sensitivity of cells to the action of insulin increases by increasing the efficiency of its receptor action. Drugs are selected when diet therapy has not led to symptom relief. At the initial stage, the minimum dosages are prescribed, after which they are corrected under the control of laboratory tests;
  • biguanides, which increase the process of glucose consumption by muscles. The medicine also reduces appetite, which leads to weight loss. Therefore, this group of drugs is prescribed in the presence of overweight in humans.

A decrease in the effectiveness of drug therapy is not ruled out. This is due to the weakening of the pancreas, which ultimately leads to the need for insulin injections.

Insulin injections

For people with diabetes, injections are a vital component of treatment. Indications for appointment:

  • type 1 diabetes;
  • hyperglycemic or diabetic coma;
  • gestational diabetes;
  • ineffectiveness of the chosen methods of treatment for type 2 diabetes;
  • uncontrolled weight loss in diabetes;
  • development of complications against the background of type 2 diabetes.

During the selection of the dosage of insulin, the patient must be in the hospital of the clinic. This is necessary for the rapid relief of conditions of hyper- or glycemia. The optimal dosage is considered to be at which the level of sugar during the day is minimal. That can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing complications of diabetes.

Injections are carried out using a syringe, syringe pen or pump dispenser. On the territory of the Russian Federation, preference is given to syringe pens. Their advantages: convenience and ease of use, the absence of pronounced discomfort.

In Europe and the United States, dosing pumps are common that mimic the natural production of insulin. In this case, the introduction of the hormone is carried out automatically in portions throughout the day. Among the shortcomings, the need to fix the pump on the body and the constant presence of the needle in the body are distinguished.


In summary, it should be emphasized:

  • elevated blood sugar significantly increases the likelihood of developing complications of diabetes;
  • people with diabetes and their relatives should have a clear idea of ​​how to treat high blood sugar in order to compensate for its excess in time;
  • among the reasons for the increase in the indicator are: diabetes, stress, malnutrition, diseases of the adrenal glands, pathologies of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, taking medications;
  • compliance with all doctor's recommendations and timely health monitoring can delay the onset of complications of diabetes or completely eliminate them.
  • More

The article describes the symptoms and treatment of high and low blood sugar.

how it makes him more active and hardy, increases his strength. However, it is necessary to monitor the level of glucose, since its fluctuations can lead to undesirable, and sometimes very serious, consequences.

The norm of glucose in the blood

blood glucose level

Glucose for the human body is considered to be sugar dissolved in the blood, with the help of which the correct carbohydrate metabolism is determined. Glucose enters the blood from the liver and intestines. In order for human cells to absorb glucose, the hormone insulin is needed. It is produced by the pancreas. If there is little insulin in the blood, type 1 diabetes occurs, if insulin is weak, then type 2 diabetes (90% of cases).

The level of glucose in the blood should be kept within the normal range. If a person's glucose level is disturbed in the direction of increasing (hyperglycemia) or decreasing (hypoglycemia), then this leads to the development of serious complications. For example, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) causes diabetic neuropathy, which is nerve damage. There are pains in the legs, a burning sensation, "goosebumps", numbness. In severe cases, trophic ulcers, gangrene of the limb may occur.

blood sugar levels

Elevated blood sugar

increase in blood sugar

In a person on an empty stomach, the minimum amount of sugar in the blood is determined. After eating, food is digested and nutrients enter the bloodstream. Therefore, after eating, the amount of sugar in the blood rises. Such an increase in sugar is small and does not last long. This occurs provided that the functions of the pancreas are not impaired, carbohydrate metabolism is correct and additional insulin is released, which lowers blood sugar.

If there is not enough insulin (type 1 diabetes) or if it is weak (type 2 diabetes), then blood sugar rises for a long time after eating. It affects the kidneys, the nervous system, vision, a heart attack or stroke can occur.
The causes of high blood sugar can be not only diabetes, but also:

  • nervous stress
  • infectious diseases
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland
  • prolonged use of drugs, etc.

Signs and symptoms of high blood sugar

symptoms of hyperglycemia

The main sign of high blood sugar is thirst, which is strong, which is accompanied by dry mouth. With increased sugar, nerves are affected and this condition is called neuropathy by doctors. There are pains in the legs, weakness, burning sensation, "goosebumps", numbness. In severe cases, trophic ulcers, gangrene of the extremities may occur.

Low blood sugar

Most people experience an increase in blood glucose. However, a common serious disease is a decrease in blood sugar - it is below 4 mmol / l. In diabetes, a sharp drop in blood sugar is dangerous, which can cause serious consequences. Low blood sugar is more common in obese people who are obese and have an unhealthy diet. For such people, it is necessary to establish a proper lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Signs and symptoms of low blood sugar

symptoms of hypoglycemia

The main symptoms of low blood sugar are:

  • headache
  • constant fatigue
  • anxiety
  • hunger
  • increased heart rate (tachycardia)
  • blurred vision
  • sweating

With a sharp decrease in sugar, a person may lose consciousness or experience such inappropriate behavior that is characteristic of alcohol or drug intoxication. If insulin is used, then a decrease in sugar can occur at night (nocturnal hypoglycemia), which is accompanied by sleep disturbance and heavy sweating. If blood sugar falls below 30 mg/dL, coma, convulsions, and death may result.

How to determine the exact level of glucose in the blood?

You can donate blood for blood sugar in the hospital in the morning on an empty stomach from a finger (capillary blood).

blood sampling for analysis

For the reliability of the blood test for glucose, the method of oral glucose tolerance test is carried out. This method consists in the fact that the patient is offered to drink glucose dissolved in water (75 g) and after 2 hours they take blood for analysis.

glycemic curves during GTT

It is advisable to carry out these two tests one after another after 5-10 minutes: first, take blood from a finger on an empty stomach, and then drink glucose and measure the sugar level again.
Recently, an important analysis is glycated hemoglobin, which shows the% glucose in relation to erythrocytes - blood cells. With the help of this analysis, it is possible to determine the amount of sugar in the blood over the past 2-3 months.

table of HbA1c results correspondence with average blood sugar value

At home, a glucometer is used. Sterile lancets and special test strips are attached to the glucometer: a lancet is needed to pierce the skin on the fingertip and transfer a drop of blood to the test strip. We put the test strip into the device (glucometer) and determine the level of sugar in the blood.


How to prepare for a blood sugar test?

blood analysis

For a blood test for sugar, you need to remember the following rules:

  • Firstly, if we donate blood for analysis in the morning, do not eat in the evening and in the morning before the test; secondly, you can drink any liquid
  • If we take blood for glycated hemoglobin, it does not need to be taken on an empty stomach
  • When using a glucometer at home, blood can be taken for analysis three hours after eating

How to normalize blood glucose levels

choosing the right food

First of all, you need to establish the cause of the increase or decrease in blood sugar, for which you need to consult a doctor who will approach each patient individually.
Some forms of diabetes do not require special treatment to normalize blood sugar, it is enough to establish a special diet: give up sweets (jam, sweets, pastries), potatoes, pasta, eat more unsweetened fresh vegetables and fruits, eat fish, seafood, nuts, soy and legumes, Jerusalem artichoke.
Plant foods should also be included in the diet: onions, garlic, beets, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

diet to normalize blood sugar

You can also normalize blood sugar with the help of medicinal herbs, for example, blueberry leaves or berries, bean pods.
In addition to nutrition, you can use other methods to normalize blood glucose levels, for example:

  • walks in the open air
  • cold and hot shower
  • small physical activity, exercise
  • regular sleep - at least 8 hours a day

Medications are also used to normalize blood glucose levels, including insulin.

Treatment for low blood sugar

If you have low blood sugar, you need to consult a doctor about the therapeutic dose of insulin. When blood sugar drops:

  • the patient should use glucose tablets

  • proper nutrition should be established: it is necessary to eat foods with a low glycemic content (seafood, vegetables, dairy products, whole grain bread, etc.)

GI indicators in products
  • you need to eat at regular intervals 4-5 times a day, so as not to cause hypoglycemia.

Video: symptoms and treatment of low blood sugar

Treatment for high blood sugar

For a patient with high blood sugar:

  • establish a low-carbohydrate diet: consume per day in small portions no more than 120 gr. carbohydrates, in severe cases of diabetes - 60-80 gr. Exclude from the diet all foods containing sugar and eat 4-5 times a day

low carb foods
  • with such a low-carb diet, more often check the blood for sugar content
  • if the patient has constipation with high blood pressure and cramps in the muscles of the legs, it is necessary to take a multivitamin complex with vitamin C and magnesium
  • blueberry tea

    Video: lowering blood sugar with folk remedies

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