Plastic bandage how to properly apply to the ankle. Foot sprain treatment. Bandage selection for ankle bandaging

For various injuries and diseases of the ankle joint, it may be necessary to apply a fixing bandage to it. In what cases is it used, how to properly bandage the ankle with an elastic bandage?

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    A fixing bandage on the ankle is needed to limit movement in the joint in case of injuries and diseases, as well as for their prevention. It is applied in the following cases:

    • with sprains,
    • with a broken leg
    • when hurt,
    • with subluxations and dislocations,
    • with arthritis, arthrosis,
    • for the prevention of damage to the ankle joint for people engaged in physical labor, spending a lot of time on their feet, athletes.

    If you have a leg injury or joint pain, you should first visit a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and get qualified help. Self-medication can be harmful: the bandage relieves the condition, reduces pain, so you can miss the time, while the pathological process will develop.


    In some cases, the imposition of such a bandage is contraindicated:

    • You can not bandage the joint if there are open wounds, they must first be treated.
    • Do not apply a bandage if there is a deformity of the joint. In this case, you need to contact a traumatologist.
    • It is impossible to bandage the leg immediately after active movements; before bandaging, you need to be at rest for 15-20 minutes, raising the leg at an angle of about 30 degrees. This is necessary to relieve swelling.

    Eight bandage

    The eight-shaped (cruciform) bandage on the ankle joint almost completely limits the movement of the foot. It is applied for dislocations, sprains and torn ligaments. A subspecies of the cruciform bandage is spike-shaped, it differs in that each layer overlaps the previous one by half or a third.

    Due to fixation, the articular bag is fixed in the correct position, further damage to the ligaments is prevented, healing in case of damage improves, and pain decreases. The bandage improves lymph flow and, if properly applied, does not interfere with blood circulation. In addition, the bandage fixes the dressing, for example, cotton wool with a drug.

    It is desirable that the first time it was imposed by a traumatologist and showed how it is done correctly. In this case, an elastic or ordinary bandage with a width of 10-12 cm is used.

    If there is a slight damage to the skin, it must be treated before bandaging the leg. In case of a serious wound and bleeding, seek medical attention.

    elastic bandage

    An elastic bandage has several advantages over a regular bandage:

    • It can be used multiple times.
    • It keeps better on the leg than inelastic.
    • It replaces about 20 rounds of gauze bandage.
    • Applying an elastic bandage to the ankle joint is much easier than a regular bandage, and you can do it at home.

    However, it also has disadvantages.

    • When pulled, the elastic bandage can interfere with blood circulation.
    • An elastic bandage must be looked after, washed and dried properly, otherwise it will quickly become unusable.

    Such a bandage on the ankle joint is used for dislocations, bruises and sprains, as well as for fixing the applied plaster. They begin to bandage the ankle the day after the injury, and if a plaster is fixed with a bandage, then you need to wait for the latter to dry completely.

    The elastic ankle bandage is removed and rewound every day. When the doctor allows, after removing the bandage, you can do physical therapy exercises to develop the joint. It is necessary to bandage the leg at the time when the patient moves. If the doctor has not given special instructions, then the bandage is removed at night. An elastic bandage can fix dressings with therapeutic ointments.

    You need to choose the right bandage. They come in different degrees of stretch and different lengths. For a bandage on the leg, the length of the material should be 1.5-2 m. For fixing bandages, a bandage with medium or high extensibility is used. A material with a low degree of extensibility is used to bandage the legs for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and after operations.

    There are certain rules on how to bandage the ankle with an elastic bandage:

    1. 1. The leg is bandaged from the narrow part to the wider one.
    2. 2. The bandage is not unwound in advance, it is done gradually, and only on the surface of the body. If it is unrolled completely before application, the bandage may be overtightened.
    3. 3. Each superimposed layer should overlap the existing ones, there should be no gaps between them.
    4. 4. The greatest tension should be at the bottom of the leg.
    5. 5. Wrap the bandage from right to left.
    6. 6. The injured limb should be elevated and in a comfortable position so that the patient does not move it during bandaging.
    7. 7. After applying the bandage, the fingers should turn slightly blue, and after the patient begins to move, they should acquire a normal shade. A sign that the bandage will be tightened is pulsation and numbness in the limbs, cyanosis that does not go away after the start of movements. If there are such sensations, then the leg must be immediately unbandaged, lifted, given a light massage, and then re-bandaged.
    8. 8. You need to bandage carefully, avoiding wrinkles.
    9. 9. It is better to bandage the sock, so there is less risk of tightening it too much.
    10. 10. It is advisable to bandage the leg in the morning when there is less swelling.

    How to bandage an ankle?

    The technique of applying the eight-shaped bandage is as follows:

    1. 1. The foot is set at a right angle to the lower leg.
    2. 2. Make three turns around the lower leg above the ankle.
    3. 3. On the back surface of the bandaged joint, they move to the outer part of the foot for the left leg and to the inner one for the right.
    4. 4. Make a circular tour (coil) around the foot.
    5. 5. From the side of the foot, the bandage is led obliquely along the back of the joint to the ankle.
    6. 6. Make a turn around the ankle just below the first.
    7. 7. Such eight-shaped turns are repeated several times.
    8. 8. Finish the application with fixing turns around the ankle. After that, it is fixed with special clamps.

    You can bandage the ankle with an elastic bandage otherwise. In this case, circular turns around the foot are not performed, but the heel is captured:

    1. 1. The foot is placed at a right angle to the lower leg.
    2. 2. They also do several fixing rounds around the lower part of the lower leg.
    3. 3. Move along the back of the joint to the lateral surface of the foot in the same way as the previous method.
    4. 4. The bandage is carried out under the foot and from the opposite side of the foot it is immediately led obliquely along the back of the leg to the ankle, without making a tour around the foot.
    5. 5. Make a turn around the ankle once, then around the heel, leading to the opposite side of the foot.
    6. 6. Lead the bandage to the ankle, then again make an eight-shaped tour around the foot.
    7. 7. These operations are repeated, after which a fixing round is made around the ankle and the bandage is fixed with a clamp.

    The ankle is bandaged in the same way with a gauze bandage, but more will be needed.

At the stage of first aid for a fracture or sprain of the ankle, it is used. After the victim is admitted to the hospital, therapeutic immobilization is applied - a long-term fixation that allows the bones of the lower leg to grow together normally.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct choice of ankle brace. By choosing the wrong fixator, the victim risks his health in the long run: the bones may not grow together correctly, and recovery will last for several more months. For the correct selection of a suitable immobilization agent, you should familiarize yourself with the types and properties of fixators, the rules for their use and selection.

Fixation for an ankle fracture (ankle and foot)

In traumatology of ankle fractures, it is used: plaster, bandage, orthosis and elastic bandage. Long-term fixation is applied after ankle surgery. Existing methods of immobilization of a limb for a long time are determined by the severity of the fracture and additional injuries - sprain or dislocation.


Plaster fixation is used as a postoperative immobilizer, as a means for conservative treatment of a fracture.

There are two types of plaster casts: langet and circular. In traumatology, the first type is used in all cases, except for deep burns and frostbite of the skin of the lower leg. Circular dressings are not used for damage to the main vessels and for massive bleeding.

How is splint plaster applied?

The length of the future fixator is determined by the healthy leg. Gypsum material is immersed in warm water, it must be completely saturated with it. The material is immersed until the last air bubble comes out. Squeeze out, unfold and let it smooth out on weight or a flat surface. Then the splint is laid out on the ankle and given the shape of a limb. Having given relief to the material, the doctor begins to fix the plaster with gauze.

How is a circular bandage applied?

The first few stages are repeated: the plaster is lowered into the water, squeezed out and placed on the ankle fracture. After that, the bandage is fixed with a gauze bandage. The first few rounds are done on the foot, then the transition is made to the ankle itself. Having reached the upper edge, the process is repeated: several more layers of gauze bandage are applied from the foot.

The advantage of gypsum is a strong fixation.

Flaws :

  • big weight;
  • restriction of movements: muscles, ligaments and tendons of the ankle weaken;
  • inability to control the injured area;
  • discomfort for the victim: the area covered with plaster sweats and is not amenable to hygiene.


Bandage- This is an elastic bandage with ties and fasteners that allow you to adjust the degree of fixation of the ankle. The bandage is mainly used after surgery and during rehabilitation to correct the condition of the lower leg, ankle and ankle. The ankle brace is also used to prevent injuries and complications from sprains. They wear it in training.

Bandage functions:

According to the degree of fixation, ankle bandages after a fracture are divided into three categories:

Benefits of a bandage:

  • mobile, does not cause discomfort, unlike gypsum;
  • has fasteners that allow you to independently adjust the fixation force;
  • the toes and 2/3 of the shin are left open to maintain local hygiene around the injury site.

Things to remember before wearing a brace and while using it:

  1. The retainer should follow the relief of your lower leg. It is unacceptable that he fits too tightly - this will upset the blood circulation in the ankle (the limb will swell and become numb).
  2. The bandage can be worn on bare skin or socks.
  3. Can be combined with orthopedic shoes. Read more about what shoes to wear after an ankle fracture.


The orthosis is a rigid metal frame that follows the contours of the joint and is adjustable with hinges. This is the same gypsum, only with additional comfort and greater functionality. Attachments and hinges of the orthosis have flexion and extension systems: the retainer imitates a joint. The brace is more commonly used during early and late rehabilitation, but is not used during the acute phase of an ankle fracture.

Gypsum can also be replaced with an orthosis. The latter has an advantage over a plaster splint: the orthosis can be removed and the area of ​​damage can be examined.

Benefits of an orthosis:

  1. removal of pain syndrome;
  2. elimination of edema;
  3. stabilization and unloading of the ankle joint;
  4. convenient to use: adjusters change the fit, locking force and height.

Things to remember before and during orthosis use:

  1. To prevent compression of the ankle, every 45-60 minutes you need to remove the retainer for 5 minutes. Under ideal conditions, every half an hour.
  2. The time of wearing the bandage should not exceed 6 hours (during the rehabilitation period).

Elastic bandage

This means of fixation is used during the rehabilitation period and is not used in the postoperative period. An elastic bandage is more often prescribed for rehabilitation when broken bones have consolidated.

The elastic bandage is designed for:

Things to remember before and while using an elastic bandage:

  1. apply a fixative in the morning after waking up - this will relieve the morning swelling of the ankle;
  2. before going to bed, remove the bandage, put the limb on a pillow or soft roller;
  3. fasten the end of the bandage with a paper clip - so the fixation will be longer and stronger.

How to apply an elastic bandage:

  1. First round on the foot: make 3-4 complete rotations around the foot and gradually move towards the ankle joint. Stop in the middle of the leg.
  2. Each round must cover the previous one by 1/3.
  3. Do not overtighten the bandage - fixation should not cause discomfort.
  4. There should be no uneven places throughout the bandage: try to tighten the bandage evenly and equally on all parts of the foot, ankle and ankle.

Features of fixation in sprains

Ankle braces for sprains: brace and elastic bandage. Torn ligaments in the joint do not require rigid immobilization: an orthosis is used in cases where a dislocation has been added to the sprain. Plaster splints on the ankle after a fracture are also not used, which completely limit movement in the joint.

The main treatment for sprains (as opposed to a fracture) is using an elastic band. When spraining ligaments, it has advantages over rigid fixators:

  • suitable for any joint;
  • easy to put on and take off;
  • there is a possibility of multiple use;
  • can be combined with external remedies: ointments, creams and gels.

For grade 2 sprains (preserving the integrity of the ligament, but limiting active movement of the ankle), bandages of medium fixation are used.

For a grade 3 sprain (ligament tear), a rigid fixation bandage or orthosis is used. When the Achilles tendon ruptures, a plaster splint is applied to the lower limb.

The time of wearing the retainer is also different. In case of a fracture (after removal of the cast), the bandage must be worn for an average of 1 to 3 months throughout the restoration of the limb. When stretching - 1-3 weeks.

How to choose an ankle immobilizer

When choosing a bandage and orthosis, the:

  1. Age and whole affected. For older people, the bandage is chosen softer.
  2. The state of the cardiovascular system. It is taken into account when choosing the strength of fixation so that edema does not develop.
  3. Ankle circumference, ankle circumference.
  4. Distance from heel to ankle and ankle.
  5. For athletes, a movable and lightweight bandage is chosen that does not restrict movement.
  6. Individual preferences: material color, color of additional fasteners.

Examples of manufacturers of bandages and orthoses

Fosta F. Representative of a bandage of soft fixation. The material does not cause allergies and skin irritation.

Ttoman AS-ST. Representative of the group of bandages of medium fixation. On the front part in the ankle joint has lacing - you can adjust the fixation force. The bandage in the structure has a mesh - this regulates the exchange of heat, preventing the skin from overheating and becoming contaminated.

Trives T-8691. High strength fabric. Has lacing and additional fasteners.

Otto Bock 50. Represents a group of rigid bands. Inside there is a pneumatic chamber. With its help, internal pressure and fixation are regulated. Among the fastening elements is a set of fasteners. They allow you to control the level of tension and adapt the relief of the bandage to the parameters of the ankle.

Fosta FS 2952. Bandage on the ankle after a fracture. It has angle adjusters. The design of American manufacturers consists of plastic, cotton and elastane. Used for patients in bed rest.

How to choose an elastic bandage

  1. Give preference to a cotton bandage. It stretches better. Cotton also interacts better with the skin: the fabric absorbs sweat and moisture, does not irritate the skin and regulates heat transfer.
  2. Give preference to a bandage 12 cm wide. It is more convenient to bandage, does not slip and fits comfortably on the ankle.
  3. For an ankle fracture, a bandage length of 5 meters is suitable.

Useful video

The video shows a soft neoprene bandage.


  1. In traumatology of ankle fractures, gypsum is most often used. But as a fixing method, it is deprecated. Now it has many disadvantages in comparison with the new generation of fixators: a lot of weight, complete limitation of movements in the joint, the impossibility of hygiene under the splint.
  2. Gypsum in the postoperative period can be replaced with an orthosis or a rigid fixation bandage. Advantages: easy to put on and take off, hygiene and comfort are maintained in the area of ​​injury, not heavy and do not restrict movement.
  3. An elastic bandage is used as an auxiliary method during the rehabilitation period after an ankle fracture. It is not used as a means of primary fixation after a fracture. Elastic bandage is the most suitable solution for the treatment of sprains.
  4. When choosing a fixator, the dimensions of the lower limb, weight and age, and the presence of diseases in the victim are taken into account.

In case of injuries and inflammation of the ankle joint, a traditional elastic bandage for the ankle comes to the rescue. It is used to keep the joint in a normal position, to prevent extensive swelling. It is necessary to fix the injured leg for the whole day.

The bandage can be removed for massage, gymnastic exercises aimed at developing a healing joint. After exercise therapy, it is recommended to wrap a warming compress under an elastic bandage or lubricate the leg with anti-inflammatory gels and creams.

Who should use elastic bandages

Leg sprain

Ankle immobilization with an elastic bandage is required:

  • if the ligaments are stretched or torn;
  • in inflammatory processes accompanied by edema;
  • for the prevention of increased physical activity.

It will be necessary to immobilize the ankle with a severe bruise, it is easy to get it at home or in training. With such bruises, microcracks form on the cartilaginous surface. They are usually not visible on x-rays, so a tight bandage is immediately applied to the affected leg. It is important to properly bandage the ankle with a figure eight in order to get a reliable fixation that will not slip in movements.

For more severe injuries, with dislocations and, plaster casts are used for immobilization.

Series of elastic bandages differ not only in size, but also in purpose.

For example, athletes need injury prevention, and children with cerebral palsy need maximum support to keep their muscles in good shape.

Applying elastic bandages to a child is much more difficult than for an adult, especially if he screams in pain and actively moves. Children's products are produced in the form of a sock, it is put on quickly and almost painlessly.

Types of bandages

Medium elastic ankle bandage

The pharmacological industry produces several types of elastic bandages that differ in width and length. The main indicator of the quality and properties of the bandage is its ability to stretch.

By extensibility, elastic bandages are:

  • low stretch;
  • medium elasticity (example in the photo);
  • high elasticity.

From a bandage of low extensibility, bandages are made on the lower leg for chronic venous insufficiency. A bandage of medium elasticity is needed for preventive purposes or to fix the ankle with small sprains with edema. The bandage of high elasticity is designed for complete immobilization of the ankle in case of serious ligament injuries - sprains, ruptures (it is easier to wind it).

When choosing a bandage, check its elasticity, it should correspond to the degree of damage, take the tape of the desired length. Especially for the ankle joints, long tapes of 1.5-2 meters are produced. This length of the elastic bandage for the ankle is designed for a person of average build. This is quite enough to tightly bandage the entire ankle in compliance with the rules for applying a fixing bandage.

Elastic bandages are produced by different companies, the most popular are the products of firms:

  • Grozz;
  • "Maxwarp";
  • pharmaceuticals.

Their products are affordable, and most importantly, they meet the requirements of different categories of users: from infants with movement problems to long-distance runners who need to prevent foot injuries when running on rough terrain.

These firms produce children's products with comfortable Velcro or laces that are easy to tie and wind, they do not interfere with the baby's movement.

Rules for imposing a fixing bandage

Step by step application of an elastic bandage

The main requirement is to fix the elastic bands in the morning or after a long day's rest. So at the site of injury there will be no edema or it will be minimal.

You need to bandage from the narrow part of the leg to the wide one. The bandage should lie flat, without twists and folds. The ankle should be bandaged with a figure eight.

Important : unwind the roll on the skin, outward. This prevents squeezing of injured tissues.

Each new layer should overlap the previous one by a third. So between the layers there will be no gaps, the layer will be uniform. At the same time, the lower section requires the greatest tension, that is, the ankle itself needs to be bandaged somewhat tighter, denser.

This is especially important when you need to bandage an ankle sprain.

Climbing up the lower leg, the tension of the tape should be gradually reduced so as not to compress the blood vessels. Ankle bandaging should not cause complications of varicose veins. To fix the elastic bandage on the ankle joint, special fasteners, which are sold in the kit, will help.

It is important that the bandage covers the affected area of ​​the lower leg 15 cm above and below, possibly with a heel grip if the nature of the injury so requires. Therefore, the ankle is fixed from the phalanges of the fingers to the middle of the lower leg, so that a kind of “golf” is obtained. It is necessary to wear a bandage only during active movements.

At the time of rest, the bandage should be removed, while gently rubbing the affected joint in the direction from the foot to the knee. This will be the correct fixation of the elastic bandage on the ankle joint.

How to determine if the ankle is bandaged correctly? There is a practical observation: immediately after applying the bandage, the toes turn slightly blue. With active movements, the color is quickly restored to the physiological norm. If within half an hour after applying the elastic bandage, discomfort, pulsation, numbness, tingling appear in the leg, then the bandage must be removed, it was too tight. In this case, you should bandage the lower leg and restore blood circulation in the damaged joint.

Bandaging with an elastic band is shown in the video, where you can learn how to properly bandage the ankle joint, make the “eight”, grab the heel with the bandage.

Elastic bandage care

Varieties of elastic bandages

You need to wash the tapes as needed, 2 times within 10 days. The bandaged leg should be protected from excessive external contamination, if possible, avoid getting medical ointments on fabric products.

Elastic bands can only be washed by hand, using not a surfactant, but ordinary soap. After washing, do not twist the bandages, just wring them out slightly. They should be dried on a horizontal surface in the unfolded form.

Well-dried tapes are ready for reuse. If the need has disappeared, they should be gently rolled into rolls and stored in a place protected from light. Ironing is strictly prohibited.

An elastic bandage on the ankle joint is one of the types of medical supplies that is prescribed to the patient for use (by applying it) for various injuries and damage to the joint.

  1. Elastic bandages can be used repeatedly, and an ordinary gauze bandage can be deformed after the first use.
  2. Elastic bandage after applying to the articular surface is not deformed and does not slip. It tightly fixes the affected joint. An ordinary bandage requires frequent re-dressing, as it periodically slips off the joint.
  3. The bandage is universal because it fits any joint.
  4. Good fixation of the limb for a long time.
  5. The dressing can be easily removed and simply applied (no need for special preparation of the patient).
  6. One bandage made of elastic fibers can replace 20 ordinary gauze bandages, which is quite profitable and rational.

However, despite all the positive aspects of using this type of product, the use of elastic bandages has some disadvantages. Among them are the following:

  1. Violation of blood flow due to improper application of an elastic bandage.
  2. Poor-quality fixation of the limb in case of violation of the bandaging technique.
  3. To apply a bandage, certain skills and abilities of the patient are necessary.
  4. Poor care of the bandage can lead to its premature deterioration.

Most often, an elastic bandage is prescribed in cases of bruises and sprains. The applied plaster splint can be additionally fixed with an elastic bandage. Fixation is performed on the second day after the injury, since on the first day the gypsum must dry qualitatively.

Thanks to the elastic bandage, the plaster cast can be removed daily and thus try to develop movements in the injured joint. However, it should be noted that therapeutic exercises of the joint should be carried out only after consultation with the attending physician. It is not recommended to do this on your own.

Together with the use of an elastic bandage, therapeutic ointments can be applied to the joint and special compresses.

Elastic bandages are indispensable helpers for people involved in various sports, since it is athletes and people who are fond of sports that have a large number of joint injuries.

Description of the properties of bandages

The length of the elastic band. It, as a rule, directly depends on which joint the bandage will be applied to in the future. Depending on the length, the following types of material are distinguished:

  • bandage for wrist joints, the length of which reaches 1-1.5 m;
  • for ankle joints, the length varies between 1.5-2 m.

Other articular surfaces require 2-3 m of elastic bandage. To fix the lower limbs, it is recommended to purchase 5 m of elastic bandage, and for the upper - 4 m.

Tensile elastic bandage. For reliable fixation of the limb after injury, bandages with a medium or high degree of extensibility are used. After surgery on the legs, in order to avoid the development of varicose veins, low-elastic bandages should be used.

Bandage rules:

The technique of imposing a fixing bandage on the ankle

  1. Elastic bandages should be applied in the morning or after resting in a horizontal position with raised limbs (angle of limb elevation - 30°). You need to rest for at least 15 minutes. This is done to avoid swelling of the lower limb.
  2. An elastic bandage is applied from a narrow area of ​​the damaged joint to a wider one. Example: the ankle is the beginning of the bandage, the knee joint is its end.
  3. The bandaging process must be carried out carefully and carefully. No wrinkles are allowed.
  4. The untwisting of the elastic bandage is carried out outward and directly on the skin surface. Thus, overstretching of the bandage and unacceptable tissue compression can be avoided.
  5. Each next turn of the elastic bandage should cover 1/3 of the layer that was before it.
  6. There should be no gaps in the skin between the superimposed layers of bandages.
  7. The greatest tension of the bandage should be observed in the lower section. Gradually rising higher, the tension must be loosened (for example, the ankle joint has more tension, and higher, in the area of ​​the knee joint, the tension weakens).
  8. The bandage is recommended to be applied 15 cm above and below the lesion. The ankle joint must be fixed, starting from the phalanges of the toes and ending with the middle of the lower leg.
  9. An elastic bandage is necessary only with the active movement of the patient. If the person is at rest, the bandage is recommended to be removed. In this case, you should gently massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe affected joint (from the foot to the knee, from the hand to the elbow joint).
  10. To determine if the elastic bandage is applied correctly, it is recommended to use the following advice: after bandaging the phalanges of the fingers should turn slightly blue. When vigorous activity returns, they quickly recover in a physiological shade. It is impossible to wrap elastic bandages tightly, as this can cause blood flow disturbance and swelling.
  11. If 30 minutes after applying the elastic bandage, the leg or arm becomes numb and there is a pulsation under the bandage, then the bandage is pulled very tightly and it must be urgently removed, after which it is recommended to lie on the bed and raise the injured limb on which the bandage was applied, conduct a light massage .

Applying an elastic bandage to the ankle joint

The rules for applying an elastic bandage directly to the ankle joint include the following steps:

  1. The bandage starts above the ankle, while the bandage advances circularly.
  2. Then it is recommended to clasp the heel with a bandage.
  3. Then grab the foot twice with a bandage.
  4. Next, the bandage moves, settling crosswise. It is applied from the foot to the lower leg, then again to the foot. It turns out a visible cross on the front surface of the bandaged joint.
  5. Then the bandage is returned back to the shin. Thus, several ankle girths are made, after which the bandage is fixed.

Bandage care involves following these important recommendations:

  1. The bandage should be washed only when necessary (this is about 2 times in 10 days).
  2. Bandage washing should be strictly manual without any use of surfactants. Wash with normal soap. It is not necessary to unscrew the bandage. Slightly squeezing is enough. Drying of the bandage is carried out on a fabric substrate in the unfolded form.
  3. Elastic bandages should be stored rolled up and away from sunlight. Ironing the material is strictly prohibited.

Orthosis: description, classification and method of use

Orthosis for protecting the injured joint from re-injury

An orthosis is a special device that follows the contours of the joint. It is applied to the affected joint. The appearance of an ankle orthosis is a sock, stockings or boots. The toes should remain open. You can fix the ankle brace with the help of special fasteners or Velcro. The orthosis is made of cotton fabrics, metal, plastic or wood.

Types of orthoses:

  1. models for prevention. They are necessary in order to prevent damage to the ankle joint.
  2. Medical models. They are used to provide medical care for injuries in the area of ​​a particular joint.
  3. The models are functional. They are used constantly for irreversible changes in the joint.

Degrees of rigidity of orthoses:

  1. Ankle semi-rigid orthosis. It has straps that replace the elastic bandage. In addition to belts, inserts made of metal, plastic, cords can be used.
  2. Ankle soft orthosis. It resembles in appearance a removable fabric bandage.
  3. Rigid orthosis. It has plastic inserts and elastic tires. Such an ankle joint is perfectly fixed.

Indications for wearing an orthosis:

  • arthritis or arthrosis of the joints;
  • sprains or ruptures of ligaments and tendons;
  • recovery after a fracture of the bones of the ankle, lower leg, foot;
  • flat feet, overweight, hallux valgus;
  • partial paralysis of the lower leg and foot;
  • injury prevention for people actively involved in sports.

Benefits of using an orthosis:

  1. High-quality stabilization of the damaged joint.
  2. Decreased mechanical load on the articular surface.
  3. Strengthening muscles and ligaments.
  4. Resorption of edema and their anesthesia.
  5. Expansion of the range of motor activity in the joint.

It is undesirable to use the orthosis for open wounds and injuries. It must be applied only after the fusion of bone fragments. The most important point in acquiring this type of device is its correct choice.

The use of bandages

An ankle bandage is the most effective way to restore an injured joint. The use of a bandage is justified in the following cases:

  • injury to the ligamentous apparatus;
  • muscle injury;
  • fractures, fractures of bones;
  • dislocations in the joint area.

After a ligament injury, a hematoma appears

Any injury can occur as a result of bruises, direct blows, falls, twisting of the legs, wearing high-heeled shoes. Most often, the human ligamentous apparatus suffers.

The bandage on the ankle joint is a kind of elastic belt that has special belts and fasteners. An ankle bandage can be worn not only in case of joint injury, but also during pregnancy to support the lumbar spine and after surgery.

The bandage on the ankle joint has the following positive properties:

  • contributes to the rapid fusion of ligaments;
  • restores the muscular apparatus;
  • fixes the damaged joint;
  • has a compression effect;
  • eliminates numerous edema;
  • normalizes the production of synovial fluid;
  • eliminates the possibility of hemorrhage;
  • significantly warms the joint.

The bandage is made of rib inserts (then it is rigid), elastic fibers, anti-allergic coating that warms the joint. It is necessary to select a bandage in accordance with the size of the foot, otherwise it can cause inconvenience and rub the foot heavily.

Many people think about the cost of a bandage. The range of bandages is quite extensive. There are budget options for this orthopedic device. But it is better to purchase a bandage at an average price. The cost depends on the region of residence and the elements used in the bandage.

Tutor and features of its application

The splint helps to keep the limb in the correct position. Indications for using the tutor:

  • inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • paralysis, etc.

This orthopedic product is put on a special cotton stocking. Further, it is recommended to give the damaged limb the correct position, after which carefully and carefully put on the splint. There are fastening elements on the tutor. The splint should not exert any pressure on the protrusions of the bones. The device is put on a limb at night or during daytime sleep. Walking in it is strictly prohibited. From the inside, the splint can be treated with a damp soapy cloth. It is necessary to exclude the ingress of water on the metal, as it will be damaged. It is necessary to wear the splint daily, while combining it with special exercises that the orthopedist develops. Adjustment of splint clasps is carried out exclusively by a doctor.

You can wash the splint, but you need to dry it away from heating objects. To wash it, you need a special bag.

The advantage of using a splint is the possibility of fixing the damaged elements of the limb in the position necessary for this.

Tutor completely immobilizes the injured joint

In order to prevent the occurrence of injuries, sprains and dislocations of the ankle joint, it is recommended to strengthen it, the following are ideal methods:

  • walking on logs;
  • walking on pebbles;
  • walking barefoot on grass or water.

The best way is recognized as walking on a log. In this case, the log used should not be thin. It must be on the ground. It is necessary to move on it barefoot or in sports sneakers.

It has been established that, trying to maintain balance on a log, a person will strain the muscles of the ankle joint, and this, in turn, helps to strengthen them.

Sometimes when playing sports, you can get a sprain. To prevent this from happening under heavy loads, you can bandage before training ankle joint. How to do this procedure correctly?


If possible, it is better to buy

special elastic cover for the ankle. In appearance, it resembles a regular sock, only without fingers and is made of an elastic bandage. It is very convenient and practical. But if you have not found such a cover, then learn


bandage the ankle so that during training you do not have to stop and re-bandage it.

To do this, take an elastic bandage. They are sold in

and have different lengths. Do not buy too long, one and a half meters will be just right. Start bandaging from the base of your fingers. Each subsequent layer of bandage should overlap the previous one by 2-3 cm. Gradually rotate the bandage until the entire joint is secured. Secure the end of the bandage with special staples that are included in the kit.

If you still got an ankle sprain, then you need to bandage your leg in the morning. A regular bandage may also work here. Immediately getting out of bed, bandage your ankle with it. Cut the end of the bandage, fix

Keep in mind that you are bandaging for the whole day, so the bandage should not pinch your leg too much, as

will not be able to enter the fingers. If you saw

turning blue

them, then immediately remove the bandage and bandage a little looser. the evening before

be sure to remove the bandage so that the leg


Try to keep the stretched leg as high as possible, then the outflow

from the joint will not allow swelling to develop. You can also rub Troxevasin gel into the sore ankle once a day.

During treatment, massage your ankle every day before going to bed. To do this, with both hands, rub the ankle with stroking movements from the bottom up. Then grab the foot so that the thumbs are on the sole, and the rest are on the instep. Gently massage your foot with the big


arms. Swipe pats on

Keep bandaging the ankle until the pain is completely gone. And in the future, carry out strengthening procedures for the ankle: walk barefoot on sand, water, a round log, do contrast baths, do exercises for the foot. And be sure to wear comfortable shoes.


  • how to tie with an elastic bandage

In order to feel good, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Sports help a lot with this. At the same time, you can independently choose the appropriate game: football, volleyball, basketball, etc. Unfortunately, the risk of injury

ankle immediately increases several times. At the same time, there are cases when you can earn a dislocation just walking down the street. Now, however, there are several ways that will quickly get rid of pain in the legs.


cure ankle

No need to rush to the doctor. All procedures can be done at home. Everything you need, for sure, can be found in each


Once you have earned a sprain, you need to relieve swelling and pain. To do this, with an interval of 4 hours, apply ice to


exactly 15 minutes. In order not to damage the skin, it is necessary to wrap the ice container with a cloth. Try to keep the injured leg as high as possible so that there is not a lot of blood flow. It will also be useful to rub Troxevasin gel once a day.

Waking up the next day, you can immediately use the above gel. After that, it is necessary to provide the sore leg with rest. If circumstances force you to leave home, try to fix your ankle. This can be done with an elastic bandage or a special

(it is also called teip). There are several bandaging techniques, however

it is in any case better not getting out of bed. Please note that you should not pinch the ankle too tight, because. throughout the day, blood must flow into the vessels. Be sure to remove the bandage at night.

On the fourth day, it is worth remembering the massage of the bruised area. This procedure will increase blood flow to the ligaments. First you need to carefully lubricate the ankle with nutritious


Then apply cream with camphor on your hands. Now you can start rubbing your legs.

In the following days, continue to do massage, which will speed up healing.


If you like it, then you can not stop in the future, because. it will only strengthen your body. The point is that in our

collected a huge number of nerve endings, each of which affects a specific organ (including


Useful advice

If the ankle does not go away for a long time, you can pay attention to thermal procedures. To do this, you must daily immerse the sore leg in warm water for 10-15 minutes. An ideal option would be an extract of horsetail and horse chestnut, or ordinary sea and table salt, dissolved in a proportion of 1 tablespoon per liter of water.

The muscles and joints of the legs are real hard workers. They carry the weight of your body all day and do a great job of it. True, sometimes excessive loads can lead to problems in the legs. Joints are primarily affected: knee and ankle. Ankle injury is the most common domestic injury during the cold season, when roads become icy. To prevent ankle injuries, do simple exercises.

You will need

  • - small round pebbles;
  • - skipping rope;
  • - platform 10-15 cm;
  • - bottle or dumbbell;
  • - buttons.


In summer, go barefoot more often. The best exercise for the ankle is running on sand or small pebbles. To perform this exercise in the cold season, buy a large enough litter box. You can throw out the upper mesh, and pour small rounded river pebbles into the tray. Put the tray in the bathroom in front of the washbasin and twice a day, during the morning and evening toilet, shift on this pebble with bare feet.

Walk on the outside and inside of the foot daily. Make your way to the kitchen on the outside and back on the inside. Give up


slippers. If your floor is too cold at home, wear socks.

Perform circular motions with your feet. Sit on a chair or sofa. Extend your legs and lift them off the floor. Keeping your feet in the air, rotate your feet inward and then outward. Perform 15-20 rotations in each direction. If you feel a slight burning sensation in the joints, then you have received sufficient load.

Stand with your toes on a small platform so that your heels hang freely. Rise on your toes as high as possible, then slowly lower yourself down. To increase the load, you can pick up dumbbells or put a barbell on your shoulders. But work with weights is possible only with an absolutely healthy ankle joint.

Jump over the rope. Jumping rope is an ideal exercise for strengthening the ankle and hands. To fully load the ankles, jump without bending your knees, only due to the work of the ankle joints.

Another great exercise, aimed not only at training the ankle, but also at preventing flat feet in general. Scatter small items on the floor, such as buttons, and pick them up with your toes. Put in a glass or box. Do this from a standing position. This will further improve your sense of balance.

Roll a bottle with your bare foot under the table while sitting.

or dumbbell

In order not to create unnecessary noise, place a piece of soft cloth under the projectile.

From an anatomical point of view

ankle the joint is ideally designed by nature. It is stable, reliable and strong. The ankle habitually takes on the entire weight of your body. But at the same time, traumatology departments in hospitals are constantly overcrowded, and, alas, 20-30% of the total number of injured are injuries of the musculoskeletal system. In order to get back into action as soon as possible, do ankle physiotherapy exercises. These same exercises will help you avoid injury in the future.

You will need

  • - chair;
  • - tennis ball;
  • - a wooden box with low sides;
  • - small rounded pebbles;
  • - large buttons;
  • - platform or step 10-15 cm high.


Lie on your back. Slowly bend and unbend your toes. Then start spreading your feet out to the sides. Gently turn them outward, keeping your heels still. Slightly spread your legs and turn your feet inward. Rest 1-2 minutes and repeat the exercise.

Sit on a chair. Place a roll of a blanket or soft cloth under your knees so that your feet do not reach the floor. On weight, perform slow rotations with your feet clockwise, then counterclockwise. Rest 1-2 minutes and do vertical leg curls. First, raise your fingers as high as possible, and then pull them down, trying to reach the floor. Perform this movement alternately, then simultaneously with both legs.

After restoring movement in the ankle joint, begin to perform exercises for the calf muscle and muscles of the arch of the foot. Raise your feet on your toes, then slowly roll onto your heels. Do these exercises one at a time, then at the same time. Start doing this exercise while sitting on a chair, when the feet and calves get stronger, you can perform it relying on a chair or table, transferring the main body weight to your hands.

Place a tennis ball on the floor and roll it with your foot, trying to massage the arch of the foot first.

Scatter large buttons on the floor and gather them with your toes. At first, do these exercises while sitting. Then try to collect buttons, standing on one leg, and holding the other in weight.

Put together a sturdy wooden box with sides 5-10 cm high. Pour rounded pebbles or unopened pine cones into it. Every day for 5-10 minutes, walk through the contents of the box barefoot.

Very useful for strengthening the ankle joint

on heels, toes, outer and inner sides of the feet. Make this exercise mandatory when moving around the apartment, for example, go to the bathroom on the outside of the foot, and back on the inside.

Stand on the edge of a low platform or step. The heels should hang over the edge. Slowly rise up on your toes as high as you can. Feel the stretch in your ankle ligaments. Slowly lower yourself down, trying to reach your heels to the floor. Do the exercise with insurance. Have a table or chair nearby so that if you lose your balance, you can help yourself with your hands. If your legs are healthy, this exercise can be performed with weights, holding dumbbells in your hands.

In chronic venous insufficiency, the main principle of treatment is compression of the affected limb. This compression can be achieved with an elastic bandage. It is important to apply it correctly.

You will need

  • - elastic bandage;
  • - bandage clips.


The best thing


legs in the morning without getting out of bed when they are not yet

If it becomes necessary to apply an elastic bandage in the middle of the day, first take a horizontal position. Put your feet on a small pillow and lie down for 20-30 minutes. Swelling of the legs should be a little


Now you can start bandaging. Bandaging your leg yourself is quite difficult, it will be more convenient if someone helps you.

Take an elastic bandage. Its length should be at least 1.5-2 meters (if you are bandaging a limb

), and the width is not less than 5-7 centimeters. Bend your leg slightly at the knee joint and lift it at an angle of 20-30 degrees above the ground. The ankle joint should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. It is necessary to start applying a bandage from the tips of the toes. The first round should cover the bases of all toes. The next turn is superimposed parallel to the first, overlapping the previous bandage by at least 2/3 or half. The end of the bandage is tightly fixed with the second turn. Then, with three more turns, gently close the heel and bandage the ankle joint.

The bandage is wound on the shin in a spiral from the bottom up. Each new turn of the elastic bandage should overlap the previous one by 2/3 of its width. When applying the bandage, stretch it a little so that you feel a slight pressure. It is necessary to stretch the bandage by about 1/3 of its original length. It is important to try to achieve a feeling of uniform compression. It is impossible to allow one section of the leg to be pulled, and the bandage would fall off the other. The leg should be comfortable.


bandage needed

wind up

also in a spiral (similarly, as on the lower leg). The knee should be in a physiological position, that is, a little

(about 25-30 degrees). The leg is usually bandaged to the middle of the thigh (15-20 centimeters

above the knee

), the end of the bandage is fixed with special clips, which are sold in the kit. It is advisable to use one long elastic bandage, do not bandage the leg with two or three short bandages.

It is very important not to remove the bandage all day long as long as you are in an upright position. You can unbind your leg in the evening before going to bed. After use, the bandage must be washed with powder in warm water and air dried (not on batteries). There is now an excellent compression underwear that is a very good alternative to an elastic bandage. It should also be worn in the morning.

How to bandage an ankle

An elastic bandage is a universal remedy that is used to treat and prevent diseases and damage to the joints. To wind it, you do not need to have a medical education or special practice, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the rules and recommendations of the doctor and follow them clearly. If the technique is followed, the bandage does not slip off the ankle, does not untie and does not interfere with blood circulation in the limb.

Indications for use

Elastic bandage on the ankle is necessary in the following cases:
  1. injuries (bruises and sprains);
  2. arthritis and arthrosis, accompanied by swelling and pain;
  3. high loads associated with sports.

In case of sprain and rupture of the ligaments of the ankle joint, a plaster splint is applied to the patient. In "tandem" with it, an elastic bandage is used. He is tied up on the second day after the incident, when the plaster has dried well. This design allows a person to easily remove the bandage on their own and try to work out the damaged limb.

For arthritis and arthrosis, an elastic bandage for the ankle joint is applied together with ointments or folk remedies for external use. They are smeared under it, so a compress effect is created.

Intense sports are fraught with a potential risk - getting microtrauma of the joint. If you wear an elastic bandage for training, the likelihood of damage will be reduced significantly.

Important! For people who are engaged in sports or physical labor, doctors recommend that you always have an elastic bandage in your first-aid kit.

Advantages and disadvantages of an elastic bandage

Elastic bandage is actively used in the treatment of injuries and inflammation of the ankle

Due to the presence of the following advantages:

  • Reusable. In this it differs from an inelastic bandage, which can be applied once.
  • Reliability. When properly applied, the bandage is tightly fixed on the leg, does not fall off and does not unwind. An ordinary bandage is untied and slips, therefore it requires constant dressings.
  • Ease of use. The bandage is easy to put on and take off, no preliminary preparation is required.
  • Versatility. The elastic bandage is suitable not only for the ankle, but also for other joints.
  • economy. Practice shows that one elastic bandage can replace 20 packs of a regular gauze bandage.

The disadvantages of an elastic bandage appear if a person has not mastered the rules for applying it to the ankle joint and other parts of the body. Mistakes made in the bandaging technique lead to impaired blood circulation in the injured limb, tissue collapse and untying, and its rapid deterioration.

To avoid adverse consequences, when bandaging, it is important to take into account all the recommendations of specialists.

How to choose the right bandage

Doctors distinguish the following rules that must be observed when choosing a bandage:

  1. Length Consideration

Bandages are available in various sizes. The choice depends on which joint needs to be fixed. For the wrist area, options up to one and a half meters are used, for the ankle - from one and a half to two, for the lower extremities - at least five meters.

2. The right choice of elasticity

To fix the ankle joint after the injury, bandages with low and medium elasticity are used. Highly elastic designed for the treatment of varicose veins

Important! Some patients are reluctant to apply an elastic bandage on doctor's orders, fearing that it will harm the skin. Such suspicions are groundless: dressings are made from natural materials, therefore they are absolutely safe.

How to wrap an elastic bandage: general rules

How to properly apply an elastic bandage to the ankle area and other joints:

  • It is best to bandage limbs in the morning, after a night's sleep. If it becomes necessary to do this during the day, the patient must first lie down with the limb raised by 30 degrees for at least a quarter of an hour. Failure to comply with this rule entails the occurrence of puffiness.
  • When bandaging, you need to move from a narrower place to a wide one. For example, you can go from the ankle area up the leg.
  • The bandage should lie as evenly and neatly as possible. Bandage the ankle without folds, gaps between the layers of fabric and other "blots".
  • Bandaging the limb with an elastic bandage, reduce the tension as you move up. The maximum compression should be in the narrowest area, the minimum - in the widest one.
  • Bandage the joint by twisting the bandage outward. Expand it as close to the skin as possible, this will save you from wrinkles and inaccuracies. Each next turn of the bandage should cover the surface of the previous one by a third.
  • The injured joint should be bandaged over a larger area than the injured area. Rewind an additional 10-15 cm up and down from it.
  • Fix the bandage and be sure to check the correctness of its application. This is indicated by a simple test: the fingertips of the injured limb should turn slightly blue. This blueness immediately disappears as soon as the patient makes a couple of movements with his arm or leg. If it did not arise, or it did not disappear from the movement, the bandage was applied incorrectly, it needs to be redone.

Important! It is necessary to bandage the limb with fixing materials only if the patient makes movements with it. If he is going to be at rest or sleep, the bandage must first be removed.

If within half an hour after fixing the ankle or other joint, a person feels numbness in the limb, a clear pulsation is felt under the bandage, the bandage was applied too tight and blocked normal blood circulation. You need to take it off immediately. To normalize the situation, the patient should hold the affected limb in an elevated position for 10-15 minutes.

How to bandage the ankle area correctly?

The application of an elastic bandage to the ankle occurs only after it has been verified that the ankle

the patient is dry and clean and free from serious damage. The optimal position of the patient is lying on his back.

To properly tie a bandage in the ankle area, follow these recommendations:

  • Start bandaging just above the ankle, wrap the limb in a downward circular motion.
  • It is necessary to wind the elastic bandage on the heel (a couple of turns) and on the foot.
  • Move crosswise: from the lower leg to the foot and back.
  • Attach the bandage to the bandaged person in the ankle area.

Avoid common mistakes. Too tight imposition of an elastic bandage will lead to impaired blood and lymph flow. Outwardly, this will manifest itself in the fact that the fingers will become cold and bluish. If you don't manage to bandage your leg tightly enough, the bandage will fall off the lower limb when you move, and your efforts will be in vain.


Video - Applying a bandage on the ankle joint

Elastic bandage care

To properly fix the limb, it is not enough to master the technique. It is important that the ankle bandage is of high quality. To keep the consumer properties of the elastic bandage as long as possible,

  • Do not wash the bandage too often. The optimal frequency is once every five days.
  • Use regular soap to wash before applying. The use of aggressive chemicals is not allowed.
  • Do not squeeze the fabric too hard: this will cause the bandage to lose its elasticity. A couple of moves are enough.
  • Lay the bandage horizontally on a thin natural cloth to dry.
  • In no case do not iron the elastic material with an iron.

Storage of an elastic bandage should be carried out in a specially designated cabinet or package. Direct ultraviolet rays falling on the fabric deprive it of the necessary consumer properties.

Elastic ankle bandage is a recipe for many troubles. It helps to immobilize the limb in case of injuries and inflammatory processes, eliminates the possibility of injury during intense sports training.

To achieve the desired result, follow the recommendations of specialists on how to care for the dressing accessories and how to properly bandage the ankle.

For the treatment and prevention of various injuries of the ankle joint, a special elastic bandage is used that can securely fix the damaged area to prevent further damage. It is a wide elastic band consisting of a mixture of cotton fabric and polyester fiber.

The elastic bandage is indicated for use in sprains and ruptures of ligaments, bruises. A properly applied bandage can reduce the level of pain, prevent swelling and reduce the load on the damaged joint. Also, an elastic band is used during sports to prevent injury.

In what cases can not be used

Do not resort to elastic compression of the ankle if there are the following contraindications:

  • Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.
  • thrombophilia.
  • Damage to the skin in the area of ​​​​bandaging.

Pros and cons of using

The product has its advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages include:

  1. The possibility of repeated use, as the material tends to not deteriorate for a long time.
  2. Reliable fixation of the injured limb - the product is firmly fixed on the limb and does not require multiple dressings.
  3. Easy and comfortable to put on and take off.
  4. Universal use - the elastic bandage is suitable for all joints.

The medical device also has its disadvantages:

  • Violation of blood circulation and the appearance of discomfort when the bandage is applied incorrectly.
  • The occurrence of complications and negative consequences in case of improper selection of the product and improper fixation.
  • The need for material care is timely washing and cleaning so that the material does not deteriorate.
  • The presence of special bandaging skills.

How to choose

You can buy an elastic bandage at any pharmacy or orthopedic salon. When buying, you can use the advice of a pharmacist or an orthopedist who will help you choose the product.

To fix the ankle, you need a product with a length no more than 3 meters. A product made of high-quality material should not tear, change its width, or deform when stretched.

There are 3 degrees of bandage extensibility. To fix the ankle joint after injury (dislocation or sprain), it is recommended to take a product with a high degree of extensibility - it does not interfere with movement, and the patient can lead a normal life without risking further damage to the ligaments.

If you have varicose veins or are prone to varicose veins, it is recommended to choose an elastic band with a low degree of extensibility. This type fits snugly on the leg, contributes to the normalization of blood flow and squeezing of the veins.

Proper bandaging technique

The limb is bandaged in the morning or after a long rest to avoid swelling. Before the procedure, an ointment or gel can be applied to the injured limb, which will eliminate pain, redness and swelling. After applying the product, you need to wait until it is absorbed.

A fixing bandage on the ankle joint must be applied using the “eight” method - during dressing, the tape should wrap around the limb so that the number 8 is obtained.

The correct technique for bandaging a limb is as follows:

  • The patient is placed on a flat surface, provide him with complete rest and no pressure on the leg. Do not apply an elastic bandage over clothing - this prevents normal tight fixation.
  • You need to start the procedure with the winding of the ankle, and then proceed to the winding of the foot.
  • You need to wrap it from the narrowest part of the foot of the limb to the widest - with the right bandaging technique, the number 8 should visually turn out.
  • Next, you need to return the tape to the lower leg and wrap it around the ankle.
  • Carefully fasten the end of the bandage on the outside of the foot.
  • Make 2 turns through the lifting place and fix the bandage with a knot or a special rivet, which usually comes with the bandage.

Dressing Rules

To prevent the development of complications due to a violation of the technique of the procedure, you should follow the rules for applying a bandage:

  • The damaged area must be wrapped 15 cm above and 15 cm below the damage itself.
  • When wrapping a limb, each subsequent layer of tape should cover the previous layer by 1/3. No skin gaps should be visible on the wrapped area.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the product lies flat, without folds and clips.
  • The bandage should not put much pressure on the skin and interfere with normal blood circulation - if the skin at the site of the bandage turns blue, the limb becomes cold, and the patient experiences discomfort, pain and numbness - these are the first signs that the bandage is applied incorrectly and the limb should be bandaged.
  • Also, the elastic band should not “dangle” on the leg, that is, it should not lie too loose. If a finger passes freely between the leg and the bandage, tighten the product more tightly.
  • At night, the bandage must be removed so that the damaged limb rests from squeezing. The tape must be rolled up.


In order for the product to retain its properties for a long time, it must be washed once a week, and only hand washing using ordinary toilet soap is shown. During cleansing, it is not recommended to rub the bandage strongly, it must be squeezed with gentle gentle movements. After washing, the fabric must not be wrung out, it must be laid out on a flat surface and left to dry. You can put a terry towel or a napkin that absorbs moisture well.

It must be remembered that proper storage of a medical device allows you to keep it in its proper form for a long time. The bandage should be stored in a dry place protected from light, otherwise moisture and sunlight will destroy the fibers of the fabric and the bandage will lose its function.

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